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Database Name: SECA

Table Name: tblStudents

Description: Student information of each student is found in this table.

Field Name Description Length Data Type

studId Unique student identifier 8 VARCHAR
lastName Last name of the student 32 VARCHAR
firstName First name of the student 32 VARCHAR
middelName Middle name of the student 32 VARCHAR
bDay Birth date of student DATE
yearLevel Year level of the student 8 VARCHAR
sectionId To identify section information of student 8 INT
status To identify whether student enrolled or not 10 VARCHAR
father Father’s name of student 32 VARCHAR
fatherOccu Father’s occupation of the student 32 VARCHAR
mother Mother’s name of the student 32 VARCHAR
motherOccu Mother’s occupation of the student 32 VARCHAR
username Student’s username 32 VARCHAR
password Student’s password 32 VARCHAR
remarks Remarks about the student 500 VARCHAR

Table Name: tblSections

Description: Different sections in the school found in this table

Field Name Description Length Data Type

sectionId Section unique identifier 4 INT
sectionName Name of section 32 VARCHAR
yearLevel Year level on which the section belongs 8 VARCHAR
slotsAvailable Number of students in section

Table Name: tblRooms

Description: Different rooms information in the school found in this table

Field Name Description Length Data Type

roomed Room unique identifier 4 INT
roomName Name of room 32 VARCHAR
description Description of room 250 VARCHAR
Table Name: tblTeachers
Description: Some teacher’s information are found in this table

Field Name Description Length Data Type

teacherId Teacher unique identifier 4 INT
lastName Last name of the teacher 32 VARCHAR
firstName First name of the teacher 32 VARCHAR
middleName Middle name of the teacher 32 VARCHAR
remarks Remarks about the teacher 500 VARCHAR

Table Name: tblSubjects

Description: Student’s subject information are found in this table

Field Name Description Length Data Type

subjId Subject unique identifier 4 INT
subjName Name of subject 32 VARCHAR
timeSlot Time slot of the subject 16 VARCHAR
sectionId To identify section information of the subject 4 INT
teacherId To identify teacher information of the subject 4 INT
roomId To identify room information of the subject 4 INT
yearLevel Year level where the subject belongs 8 VARCHAR

Table Name: tblStudMsgs

Description: Student’s messages are found in this table

Field Name Description Length Data Type

msgId Unique identifier of student’s message 4 INT
studId Student unique identifier 4 INT
subject What the student’s message is all about 32 VARCHAR
msg The contents of student’s message 1000 VARCHAR
sender The sender of the message 64 VARCHAR
dateSent When the message was sent DATE

Table Name: tblUsers

Description: User’s information are found in this table

Field Name Description Length Data Type

userId Unique identifier of the user 4 INT
username Username of the user 32 VARCHAR
password Password of the user 32 VARCHAR
accessLevel User access level 16 VARCHAR
Table Name: tblAdminMsgs
Description: administrator’s messages are found in this table

Field Name Description Length Data Type

msgId Unique identifier of administrator’s message 4 INT
subject What the administrator’s message is all about 32 VARCHAR
msg The contents of administrator’s message 1000 VARCHAR
sender The sender of the message 64 VARCHAR
dateSent When the message was sent DATE

Table Name: tblRegMsgs

Description: registrar’s messages are found in this table

Field Name Description Length Data Type

msgId Unique identifier of registrar’s message 4 INT
subject What the registrar’s message is all about 32 VARCHAR
msg The contents of registrar’s message 1000 VARCHAR
sender The sender of the message 64 VARCHAR
dateSent When the message was sent DATE

Table Name: tblNews

Description: School updates or news are found in this table

Field Name Description Length Data Type

NewsId Unique identifier of news 4 INT
Title Title of the news 32 VARCHAR
Contents Contents of the news 2500 VARCHAR
dateAdded When the news was published DATE
author The author of the news 64 VARCHAR

Table Name: tblSchoolCalendar

Description: Different school activities are fund in this table

Field Name Description Length Data Type

activityId Unique identifier of the school activity 4 INT
date When the school will be held DATE
activity What is the activity 250 VARCHAR

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