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Internet Technologies Networking Technologies

CS 2001: Internet Technologies 2009

Internet Technologies Networking Technologies

Networking Technologies Internet Programming

Objectives: To introduce hardware and software concepts underlying the Internet Technology
Prerequisites: CS 1001, CS1002

Internet Technologies Networking Technologies

Recommended Reading:
Panko, Raymond R., Business Data Communication and Networking, Prentice-Hall, 2001 Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Computer Networks, Prentice Hall, 1996

Internet Technologies Networking Technologies

Networking Technologies: Transmission Media Physical Layer Interface Standards and Models Introduction to LAN Networking Protocols and Standards Client-Server Communication Models in LAN Addressing Routing TCP/IP Suite Structure and Operation of the Domain Name System used in TCP/IP Suite

Internet Technologies Networking Technologies

Lesson Objectives
Understand the basic concept of communications Understand the electronic implementation of communications Identify Properties of signals and types of signals

Internet Technologies Networking Technologies

? Basic Requirements for successful communications

Take a pencil and write down the answer Two or more Parties Communication Medium Use of Compatible Standards

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Two or more Parties

Single parity can speak alone It doesnt mean anything other than checking yourself that you can communicate In real communication it means exchange of information between at least two parties We consider it as an unsuccessful communication because there isnt any information exchange exists

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Communication Medium
Lets consider that you are communicating with some one by means of voice. Does it make any sense if you are in a vacuum? Can you explain why?

Communication Medium

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Communication Medium contd.

No it does not!!! Voice does not propagate in vacuum Even you speak it does not make any change in the environment and your voice will not propagate to others ears So that tells us we need some kind of a medium to communicate Remember!!! Not just a medium but a suitable medium

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Use of compatible standards

If you are speaking English and try to speak with some one who speaks his native language (other than English), can it be called a successful communication between two parties?

Compatible Standards

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Use of compatible standards contd.

Even though you satisfy two parties condition and you have a medium to communicate, it cannot be called as a successful communication, because there is no meaning to the other party, no massage passing between them. To make it success you need a common language that both parties can understand


Internet Technologies Networking Technologies

At the end of a successful communication what are we acquiring? Its nothing but exchange of information


Internet Technologies Networking Technologies

? Why we need to exchange informtion

How many of you know about Duishen By: Chinghis Aitmatov ?

? How could you gather information about

Duishen Probably form your friends News Papers Literary Reviews

Internet Technologies Networking Technologies

? Why we need to exchange information


You dont need to (or cant) keep whole universe in you mind, but get its portions whenever you need In a company, it does not need to empower all employees with all information it has. Instead exchange information among them Not only personnels but also among the physical resources which will reduce the cost per information, persons and equipments


Internet Technologies Networking Technologies

Inside a computer how can we represent data?

It is represented in digital form In computer world it has two states to represent data
0 for OFF state 1 for ON state. Here we use only two desecrate values; a binary Digital form


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Data storage technologies

Electronic switches
Life time is power on to power off
Accumulators inside the processor RAM


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Magnetic Storage
More static, even after the computer switched off Method to keep for future use
Hard Disks Floppy Disks Magnetic Tapes


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Optical storage
The word "optical" came with the method it used to store and retrieve data To write and read the data it uses laser beam
Compact Disks (CDs) Digital Video Disks (DVDs)


Internet Technologies Networking Technologies

Sending data from source to destination

Once we store data, it might need to send somewhere On a moveable storage, we can take it anywhere we need
Maths department to UCSC ? UCSC to University of Peradeniya ? UCSC to Tokyo International University ? ? How long will it take to send information

Internet Technologies Networking Technologies

Sending data from source to destination


To avoid this traveling delay we can use very fast transmitting method. Can use signal over a medium to transfer data from one place to another. Use of signals over a medium
Copper Optical Fiber Free space

Internet Technologies Networking Technologies

How can it be done?

Based on the bit pattern it can generate signal pattern Generated signal pattern can be transferred across a medium From the other side it can generate the same bit pattern Before we move to How we can transmit data. Lets study little bit about signals

Internet Technologies Networking Technologies

Introduction to signals
A signal is generated by changing the strength of a particular form of energy with respect to time on a suitable medium Form of energy can be
Electrical Light Electromagnetic

The medium can be

Copper Optical fiber or even free space

Internet Technologies Networking Technologies

There are two types of signals

Analog signals Digital signals


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Analog signal
An analog signal continuously changes, taking on values throughout the range of possible values In the number world real numbers are good example for continuity You may find a number in-between any two numbers Sine wave is a good representation for analog signal

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Digital Signal
Digital signal changes from one state to another almost instantaneously with out stopping inbetween state In the number world integers are good example for discreteness Unlike real numbers, you will not get any number in-between adjacent two integers.


Internet Technologies Networking Technologies

Main characteristics of Signals

Amplitude Frequency Phase


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Amplitude can be given as maximum displacement of an oscillation from the equilibrium position The amount of energy carried by a wave is related to the amplitude of the wave A high energy wave is characterized by high amplitude A low energy wave is characterized by low amplitude

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Frequency means how frequent For example if someone asks How frequently are you visiting cinema It explains the number of time that you are visiting cinema (Say per month or per any unit time) In other words, how often something happens We normally explain frequency by how many times something happens per second in computer world


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Frequency contd.
The number of Oscillations per second of a wave is called its frequency The unit for the frequency is Hertz Completing of one cycle in 1 second is equal to 1 Hz and 60 cycles per second equals to 60 Hz



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In electronic signaling, phase is a definition of the position of a point in time on a waveform cycle A complete cycle is defined as 360 degrees of phase Phase can also be an expression of relative displacement between or among waves having the same frequency
Phase Amp-Freq-Phase Another Tool

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Theoretical Basis of Data Communications

Jean Baptiste Fouriers great mathematical discovery proved that a special sum of sine waves, of harmonically related frequencies, which are multiples of some basic frequencies, could be added together to create any wave pattern. Complex waves can be built out of simple waves. A square wave, or a square pulse, can be built by using the right combination of sine waves

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Fourier Analysis
Any reasonably behaved periodic function g(t) with period T can be constructed as the sum of a number of sines and cosines

f=1/T - the fundamental frequency an, bn - the sine and cosine amplitudes of the nth harmonics c - a constant

This decomposition is called the Fourier Series


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Fourier Analysis contd.

The most significant part of the Fourier series is the first few harmonics as they will provide the approximately equivalent answer Accuracy of the answer will be higher and higher when adding more harmonics In the practical world 100% accuracy may not be expected


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Fourier Analysis contd.

The digital signals are composed of many sine and cosine signals. Summing up of these harmonics will build up the original shape of the signal


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Fourier Analysis contd.

By adding first few harmonics of a signal, we can build a square shape wave But to get the original square shape all the harmonics must be included

Adding Harmonics

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Fourier Analysis contd.

With the increasing frequency of the sine and cosine components it can be noted that their amplitude has decreased In other words contribution to the making up the signal is getting insignificant Let's understand it with a real life example in the next page
Amp of High Frequency

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Fourier Analysis contd.

For example 30 mangos are 100 Rupees and you want to buy only 10 mangos then your bill will be 33.3333.Rupees How much are you really going to pay the merchant?


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Fourier Analysis contd.

Probably 33.50 Rupees or 33.25 Rupees. Slightly less amount or slightly more amount... As far as both parties can understand what it really means there wont be a problem of identifying the exact amount Anyway that is the limitation of money When it comes to piece of hardware it also has limitations As far as it can identifies the meaning correctly whether it deviated form the original, slightly positive or slightly negative, it would do the job for us Therefore, the contribution of the high frequency components in making up the original square shape of the digital signal can be considered as insignificant because we do not need 100% accuracy in the receiving signal

Internet Technologies Networking Technologies

Bit Rate and the Bandwidth of a channel

Transmission capabilities to a channel diminish with the power of the Fourier components as they are transmitted When signals are transmitted across a channel their power reduce over the distance As we now know signals can be expressed in Fourier series, if all of them are losing there power in an equal manner, resulting signal can be the same but with less amplitude But this is not the real situation, different Fourier components will diminish or lose their power by different amounts, introducing distortion to the signal

Signal Power


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Bit Rate and the Bandwidth of a channel


Above a certain frequency (fc - cutoff frequency) no Fourier components will pass through the medium Up to a certain frequency level amplitudes that are transmitted, undiminished This frequency level is called cutoff frequency (fc) and above this fc amplitudes will be attenuated very strongly Generally 0-fc frequency range is called the bandwidth of a channel But remember!!! in some cases value of fc will be defined as a physical property of the transmission medium and in the other cases it is intentionally introduced so that the same physical medium can be divided up into a number of independent low bandwidth channels

Cut off Frequency


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Bit rate and the Harmonic Frequencies

If a channel having the bandwidth of 3000Hz is considered, the number of harmonics which can pass through at different bit rates will be as follows If a bit rate which is higher than 19200 is used not even the first harmonic can propagate through the 3000 Hz bandwidth

Bit Rate & Harmonics


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Data Transmission Rate

This is given as the number of bits per second of a digital signal. For example a bit rate can be 2400 bps The term baud is used to specify the number of samples per second of the signal The baud rate and the bit rate not necessarily the same, one signal sample can convey more than one bit, which is based on the signal encoding method In the simplest case, one signal level for one bit, the bit rate and the baud rate are equal Generally, bit/second =bits/sample*band rate (samples/second)


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End of Lesson 1


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