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Shelled Eggs (p 206) 1.

Why do land animals such as reptiles, birds, monotremes, spiders and many insects lay eggs surrounded by hard shells? 2. What does the shell of the egg allow and what does it pre ent? !. What do eggs contain? Parental care ". #. 6. %. What do most in ertebrates do? Where do they usually lay their eggs? $eptiles lay their eggs in a specially dug nest or burrow. What does this pro ude? &ow do birds show considerable parental care?

Internal Development (p20') 1. What does internal de elopment ensure the de eloping young ha e? 2. (a) Where do the young de elop in all mammals e(cept monotremes? (b) What do they recei e and from where do they recei e it? (c) &ow are the young born? (d) What is the term for this type of reproduction? !. (a) What happens in some fish, some reptiles and many insects? (b) What is the term for this type of reproduction? ". (a) What do mammals do after birth? (b) What does this pro ide? #. What effect can the lac) of water on land ha e? 6. What effect can increased parental care ha e?

Asexual Reproduction (page 210 *+, -e(tboo)) .se(ual reproduction is reproduction by only one /////////. -here are no ////////// produced and there is no ////////////////. -he new indi iduals are produced in a ////////// of ways, depending on the //////////. 0n most cases ase(ual reproduction results in the production of an immediately ////////////////// new organism from one parent. 0n others, an abundant /////// supply is pro ided for the ///////// of the new organism. 0n suitable conditions ase(ual reproduction is a means by which an organism can rapidly increase its//////////. 0n all cases the offspring are produced by a process of mitosis and are //////////// to their parent. 0n ase(ual reproduction the new offspring are produced by //////////. -hey therefore all contain the same ////////// information as their parent. We use the word //////// to refer to members of a species that are genetically ////////////.

Some examples of asexual reproduction

Binary fission 0n all //////////////// organisms, each time the cell undergoes cell di ision or mitosis, two new indi iduals are produced. Spore formation 1ungi reproduce ase(ually by forming thousands of single2celled /////////. 0f conditions are suitable, each spore will germinate to produce a new /////////. Budding -his is another method of ////////// reproduction. -he parent, by mitosis, forms an //////////// (a bud), which is a smaller ////////// of itself. Vegetative propagation -his is the process by which many flowering plants produce new indi iduals from points on stems or roots called////////. 3rasses, in particular, can spread out to co er large //////// in this way. 3ardeners often //////////// plants by ase(ual methods. -a)ing cuttings, budding, grafting and tissue culture are all ///////////// by which new plants or parts of a plant can be ///////////// from parts of another or the same plant. Regeneration $egeneration is the /////////// of parts of an organism which ha e been remo ed or ///////. -his form of reproduction is used in many //////// propagation techni4ues. 0n animals the power of regeneration /////////. 0n some in ertebrates, such as flatworms, whole new //////////// can be regenerated from /////////. -his is, in fact, an e(ample of ase(ual reproduction, where more than one /////////// results from one parent. 5any .ustralian ///////// ha e e(cellent powers of regeneration, particularly after /////// or drought.

Advantages of asexual reproduction

.se(ual reproduction can be ad antageous when en ironmental conditions are ///////// and those conditions are ///////////// for the organism concerned. 6ince the offspring produced in ase(ual reproduction are //////////// to their parents, these new organisms show no ////////////. -here is little chance of new types ///////////. 0f an organism is successful in its ////////////// it does not matter if there is no ////////////. -his lac) of ariation may, in fact, be /////////. *ne type of organism can remain //////////// and successfully reproduce ase(ually for many //////////////. -he growth of //////// to form the 3reat 7arrier $eef is a good e(ample of this. We also find this an ad antage in horticulture and agriculture since it enables us to be sure of /////////// plants with the ////////////////// we want. &owe er, what happens to these organisms if the en ironment does /////////? 6uppose, for e(ample, a new ////////// or ///////// pest attac)s members of a particular plant species. 0f it reproduces by ase(ual methods only, it is possible that none would //////////. *ffspring produced as a result of ///////// reproduction show ariation. 0f the en ironment changes, there is a chance that /////// of a species which show //////////// will still sur i e. 0t is through ariation that natural //////////// and //////////// can ta)e place. -hrough natural selection many .ustralian species ha e de eloped specific reproducti e ////////////// to the .ustralian en ironment. -his increases their chance of ///////////// and the successful sur i al of the //////////.

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