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Adarsh Institute of Technology & Research Center

Information Technology Department

Second year Engineering: Semester- III
Teaching plan

Teaching scheme: Hrs/week Examination scheme: Marks

Lectures : 4 Theory : 100
Practical’s : 4 Term work : 25
POE : 50

. Brief Syllabus
Section- I Planed Conducted
Date Date
1. Advanced C Programming
1 Array-single and multiple dimension, introduction
and examples on structure and union
2 Examples on 1-D, 2-D array. Introduction to
structure and union with example
3 Pointer-Introduction with some sample examples
4 Pointer to array and pointer to structure
5 File Handling-reading –Introduction
Functions-fputc() ,fgetc(),fputs(),fgets()
6 Reading and writing file with fprintf and fscanf

7 Reading and writing file with fread and fwrite

8 Recursion –concept with example( Tower of Hanoi)

Sequential Representation of Linear

data structures
2 9 Definition ,representation and implementation of
10 Application of stack- infix, infix to postfix
11 Infix to prefix and postfix evolution algorithm
12 Definition ,representation and implementation of
13 Priorities of Queue-Ascending and Descending
14 Circular queues
15 Application of Stack and Queue
16 Program’s guidance
Linked Representation of Linear
Data Structure
3 17 Single link list –representation and operation
18 Double link list –representation and operation
19 Circular link list –representation and operation
20 Stack using the linked list
21 Linear queue using linked list
22 circular queue using linked list
Sorting Techniques
23 Bubble and insertion sort
24 Selection Sort
4 25 Quick Sort
26 Merge Sort
27 Heap Sort
28 Analysis of sorting Techniques( Best , Average and
worst case)
Section- II
Nonlinear Data Structures : (TREES)
29 Trees: concepts and terminology. Data structure for
binary trees
30 Algorithms for tree traversals(preorder,
inorder and postorder)
31 Heaps and AVL tree
32 B and B++ trees
5 33 Operations on B and B++ tree
Non Linear Data Structures
34 Concepts and terminology of graph Representation
of graph using adjacency matrix
35 Representation of graph using adjacency list
36 Graph traversal- Depth First Search
37 Graph traversal- Breath first search
38 shortest path algorithm
39 Applications of Graph
Searching Techniques
40 Linear search, Binary search
6 41 Hashing Techniques
42 types of Hash
43 Collision resolution techniques
44 open and closed hashing
45 Analysis of searching techniques ( Best , Average
and worst case)
Algorithms and its Analysis
46 Data structure, algorithms, Abstract Data Type
47 Representation of
Algorithm (Using Pseudo language)
48 Analysis of algorithms
7 49 Best worst, Average case Analysis, Space and Time
50 Divide and Conquer
51 Greedy Algorithm
52 Dynamic programming

Prepared by: Approved by:

Mr. V.S.Chothe HOD

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