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Set No.

Code No: 221102

II B.Tech. II-Semester Supplementary Examinations, November-2003.

(Bio-Medical Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks

1.a) How we can demodulate AM wave using square-law detector?

b) Explain the working of costas loop.
c) What is carson’s rule?

2.a) Explain the indirect method of generating narrow band FM wave.

b) Compare the three side band suppression methods.

3.a) Draw a block diagram of a basic filter system SSB transmitter, describe its operation.
b) The output voltage of a transmitter is given by
300(1 + 0.3 sin 5210t) sin 2.14 x 107t. This voltage is fed to a load of 500Ω resistance
– Determine carrier power, modulating frequency, total power output and peak power

4.a) Explain the working FM stereo receiver with the help of block diagram.
b) Derive the expression for figure of merit for FM receiver.

5.a) Explain the detection of DPSK signal.

b) Explain the principle of operation of pulse code modulation.
c) Define quantizing noise.

6.a) Differentiate between TDM and FDM.

b) Differentiate between DM and ADM.

7.a) Define the terms signal to noise ratio, noise temperature and noise figure.
b) Explain the effect of amplification on signal to noise ratio.
c) Calculate the rms noise voltage appearing across a 8KΩ resistor at 30oC temperature
and for an effect noise bandwidth of 10 KHz.

8. Write short notes on:

a) Noise power spectral density
b) Communication media and adapters
c) Tone and volume controls.

Set No.

Code No: 221102

II B.Tech. II-Semester Supplementary Examinations, November-2003.

(Bio-Medical Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks
1.a) Derive the relation between the output power of an AM transmitter and the depth of
b) A 360 W carrier is simultaneously modulated by two audio waves with modulation
percentages of 50 and 60 respectively. What is the total side band power radiated?
c) Write a note on zero crossing detector.

2.a) Explain how pre-emphasis and de-emphasis networks improve the noise performance
of the receiver.
b) Explain the indirect method of generating narrow-band FM wave.

3.a) Explain the function of each block in the AM transmitter with the help of neat
b) The positive RF peaks of an AM voltage wave rise to a maximum value of 12V and
drop to a minimum value of 3V. Determine the modulation index and the un-
modulated carrier amplitude, assuming sinusoidal modulation.

4.a) Compare the performance of AM and FM systems.

b) List the disadvantages of TRF receiver.
c) List the functions of RF amplifier in the receiver.

5.a) When a supermetero dyne receiver is tuned to 555 KHz, its local oscillator provides
the mixer with an input at 1010 KHz. What is the image frequency? The antenna of
this receiver is connected to the mixer via tuned circuit whose loaded Q is 40. What
will be the rejection ratio of the calculated image frequency?
b) What are the advantages and applications of pulse code modulation?

6.a) Explain about Binary m-ary system.

b) Compare the three switching networks.

7.a) Explain the procedure for calculation of noise figure for an amplifier/receiver.
b) Explain the convenient method of representing noise power.

8. Write notes on:

a) Choice of IF.
b) Fading and diversity reception
c) modems and their interfacing
d) Synchronous data transfer technique.

Set No.

Code No: 221102

II B.Tech. II-Semester Supplementary Examinations, November-2003.

(Bio-Medical Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks
1.a) Define amplitude modulation and derive equation for AM wave.
b) Draw the circuit of a ring modulator and explain its working. Show that it generates
DSBSC waves.
c) List the advantages of SSB over standard AM.

2.a) 1A, 1200 KHz carrier is simultaneously modulated with 350Hz, 850Hz and 1.2KHz
audio sine waves. What will be the frequencies present in the output?
b) What are the prime characteristics of the foster seelay detector and compare with ratio

3.a) Write a note on companded single side band.

b) Compare pilot carrier system with independent sideband system.

4.a) Give the benefits of having variable sensitivity and selectivity in the communication
b) Find the value of padder capacitor and oscillator inductor to give padder tracking for
the receiver having tuning range of signals from 450 KHz to 2000 KHz and uses an IF
of 500 KHz. Assume the value of Cs max is equal to 400 PF. Also find the error in
oscillator tracking frequency for a signal frequency of 1 MHz.

5.a) Explain the ASK, FSK and PSK systems.

b) Define and describe pulse position modulation and explain with waveforms how it is
derived from PWM.

6.a) Write about modems and their interfacing.

b) Write about packet switching networks.
c) Write about asynchronous data transfer techniques.

7.a) Discuss the difference between ‘thermal noise’ and ‘shot noise’.
b) Thermal noise from a resistor is measured as 4 x 10-17 W for a given bandwidth and at
a temperature of 18oC. What will the noise power be when the temperature is
changed to (a) 45oC (b) 70oK?

8. Write short notes on:

a) AGC
b) Fading and diversity reception
c) Q-PSK method.

Set No.

Code No: 221102

II B.Tech. II-Semester Supplementary Examinations, November-2003.

(Bio-Medical Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks

1.a) Derive the expression of AM wave for modulation by several sine waves.
b) What are the advantages and disadvantages of standard AM?
c) Why is a narrow-band system is superior to wideband for voice transmission?

2.a) Prove that the balanced modulator produces an output consisting of sidebands only
with the carrier removed.
b) Explain various direct methods of AM demodulation.

3.a) Discuss about receiver measurements.

b) Compare various modified SSB systems.

4.a) Draw and explain the block diagram of communication receiver.

b) State the sampling theorem and Nyquist criteria.

5.a) Explain the modulation and demodulation process in PCM.

b) A single tone modulating signal f(t) = tm cos wmt phase modulates a carrier Ac coswct.
Show that the figure of merit is given by ½ m2f where mf is modulation index for FM.

6.a) Compare the advantages and disadvantages of DM and PCM.

b) Describe the techniques used for parallel transmission and serial transmission.

7.a) Describe the types of external noise and compare with internal noise.
b) The first amplifier stage of a receiver has a 1KΩ input resistance, a gain of 350, an
input signal of 25µv, and an operating temperature of 25oC. For the two cases where
the amplifier is operating at bandwidths of 75 MHz and 2.75 MHz, determine (i) the
rms input noise levels (ii) the audio output levels and (iii) the rms output noise levels.

8. Write notes on:

a) Pre-emphasis and De-emphasis
b) Frequency allocation of radio communication systems
c) Alignment and tracking of radio receivers
d) Noise figure.


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