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Better health for individuals Unit 1- What does health mean to individuals Health- health is the state of complete

physical, mental, and social well-being and not

merely the absence of disease or infirmity (defined by World Health Organisation) Infirmity lack of strength Health is often closely associated with our capacity and ability to perform physical activity. When you are healthy, you are likely to feel more energetic, participate in a range of work and recreational activities and be better able to cope with stressors.

Health as absence of disease

Prior to World War 2, health was reviewed as the opposite of illness. If there was no evidence of disease or physical illness, we were naturally healthy. Health was defined as the body operating efficiently like a machine. Any breakdowns in the body system meant then it was not healthy.

Health as a holistic concept

Holistic means focusing on the whole not just the physical components (physical, social, mental, spiritual).

Dimensions of Health Physical Health

The state of the physical body, this includes but is not just: Efficient function of the body organs Level of fitness Nutrition Degree of energy Bodyweight Resistance to disease

Although genetics effect this largely, you lifestyle is the biggest affecter.

Social health
Interactions with other people, as well as social and communication skills. This includes being able to interact with people in an appropriate way. Also having the ability to form and maintain relationships with people.

Spiritual health
Being able to feel a sense of purpose and meaning for your life. Knowing you values, morals and ultimately what you believe will add to create a stable spiritual health. Spiritual health can also relate to our ability to set goals, and to appreciate needs and feelings of others.

Mental health
Refers to our emotional wellbeing. With good mental health usually come a positive outlook and a sense of purpose and control over their life. Factors that affect our mental health Self confidence, self esteem, and the way we see ourselves Sense of connection, belonging to groups Ability to express emotions Ability to think creatively and resolve problems

The Individual
As an individual, we are considered healthy when the four dimensions of health are balanced. Personal health actions that reflect our health knowledge will affect your attitudes, beliefs and behaviours. An individual view of health implies that the individual is primarily responsible for the decisions they make about their own health

Balance between individual and their environment

Our individual health at any time will also be influenced by the external environment in which we live. When we discuss the relationship between health and the environment we refer to the broader environment, not just the physical environment of air, land, water and human impact. Good health is a balance between the individual and environmental factors that affect our health.

Health continuum
Health is the result of a continually changing process. From a personal perspective it may be represented as a continuum, from optimum health or a positive state of well being at one end, to illness or disease at the other end. Judging where we are along the health continuum at any point in time is difficult.

Fluctuating health levels

Our level of health is never static. It fluctuates from minute to minute, day to day, and year to year. It varies from individual to individual and varies over time for the same individual.

Health is a relative state

Health is a relative state, with our health being relative to others and ourselves over time. Example People with disability or chronic disease may describe themselves as healthy, especially on days when their disabilities seem less severe.

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