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SOUTH EAST CENTRAL RAILWAY Headquarters Office Personnel De art!ent "ilas ur #C$%& '()**' Dated2, 1(.*3.


No+ P,H-.Rulin/.Pass Rules.01*.0* Estt Rule No. 100/2011 To All concerned

A co 4 of Rail5a4 "oard6s letter No+ E#W%.1*0*.PS,),07.0 dated *8+*3+1*00 #R"E No+ 9*.1*00% is u:lis;ed for infor!ation& /uidance and necessar4 action+ "oard6s letter No+ E#W%1***.PS ),0.8) dated 0(,*',1**0 5as u:lis;ed as Estt Srl No+ ''.1**0+ Encls+, As a:o<e #1 a/es%+ #Hindi <ersion is enclosed%+ #R+ $anes;% Sr+ Personnel Officer #RR% =or C;ief Personnel Officer Sub: - Issue of Privilege Pass/PTO and Post Retire ent !o "li entar# Pass in t$e ne%t #ear&s a''ount. Clause #>i<% of Rule 8 under $eneral Rules Relatin/ To Pri<ile/e Passes.PTOs contained in Sc;edule ?II #Pass on Pri<ile/e Account% of Rail5a4 Ser<ants #Pass% Rules& 0(93& as su:sequentl4 a!ended :4 ACS No+ 80 issued <ide "oard6s letter No+ E#W% 1***.PS ),0.8) dated 01,0,1**0& ro<ides t;at 5;en an e! lo4ee ;as a<ailed all asses due to ;i!.;er in a calendar 4ear& one set of ass and.or one set of PTO !a4 :e issued to ;i!.;er for @ourne4s co!!encin/ in t;e ne>t 4ear onl4 and t;e Pass.PTO !a4 :e de:ited to t;e ne>t 4ear6s Pass Account& and suc; ad<ance issue of Pass.PTO s;ould not e>ceed 3* da4s of t;e current 4ear fro! t;e date of issue+ Si!ilarl4& ite! No+ #i% under Colu!n ' #Ot;er facilities % of Sc;edule ?IA #Post Retire!ent Co! li!entar4 Pass% of t;e said Rules& as su:sequentl4 a!ended :4 ACS No+ 8'& issued <ide "oard6s letter No+ E#W%1***.PS ),0.8) dated 0(,*',1**0& ro<ided t;at a retired Rail5a4 ser<ant !a4 :e issued& on ;is.;er request& one set of Co! li!entar4 Pass 3* da4s in ad<ance of t;e current calendar 4ear fro! t;e date of issue& for @ourne4s co!!encin/ in t;e ne>t 4ear dul4 de:itin/ suc; issue of co! li!entar4 ass in t;e ne>t 4ear6s account+ 1+ It ;as :een re resented :4 t;e Staff side t;at reser<ation in trains :ein/ no5 a<aila:le (* da4s in ad<ance of t;e date of @ourne4& t;e eriod of 3* da4s for issue of ad<ance Pri<ile/e Pass.PTO.Post Retire!ent co! li!entar4 Pass !a4 :e e>tended so t;at reser<ation could :e a lied for 5ell in ad<ance of t;e intended date of @ourne4 as er e>tant ad<ance reser<ation ro<isions+ 8+ T;e !atter ;as :een considered and t;e President is leased to direct t;at clause #>i<% of Rule 8 under $eneral Rules Relatin/ To Pri<ile/e Passes.PTOs as contained in Sc;edule,II #Pass on Pri<ile/e account % and ite! no+ #i% under Colu!n ' #Ot;er facilities% of Sc;edule IA #Post Retire!ent Co! li!entar4 Pass% s;all :e a!ended as er Ad<ance Correction Sli No+ 39 enclosed+ '+ T;is issues 5it; t;e concurrence of t;e =inance Directorate of t;e Binistr4 of Rail5a4s+ Sd., #De:asis BaCu!dar% Doint Director Estt+ #Welfare% Rail5a4 "oard+

()*(N!E !ORRE!TION S+IP No. ,- TO T.E R(I+/(0 SER*(NTS 1P(SS2 R3+ES4 15-, 12N) E)ITION4 15562 0+ Clause #>i<% of Rule 8 under $eneral Rules Relatin/ to Pri<ile/e Passes.PTOs as contained in Sc;edule,II #Pass on Pri<ile/e Account% of Rail5a4 Ser<ants #Pass% Rules& 0(93 #1 nd Edition 0((8% !a4 :e a!ended as under2, E W;en an e! lo4ee ;as a<ailed all asses due to ;i!.;er in a calendar 4ear& one set of Pass and.or one set of PTO !a4 :e issued to ;i!.;er for @ourne4 co!!encin/ in t;e ne>t 4ear onl4 and t;e Pass.PTO !a4 :e de:ited to t;e ne>t 4ear6s ass account+ Suc; Pass.PTO s;ould not :e issued !ore t;an 0** da4s in ad<ance of :e/innin/ of t;e ne>t 4ear+ T;e Pass.PTO s;all :e <alid for ' !ont;s fro! t;e date of issue+F 1+ Ite! No+ #i% Under colu!n ' #Ot;er facilities% of Sc;edule IA #Post Retire!ent Co! li!entar4 Pass% of Rail5a4 Ser<ants #Pass% Rules& 0(93 #1nd Edition 0((8% !a4 :e a!ended as under2, EA retired Rail5a4 Ser<ant !a4 :e issued& on ;is.;er request& one set of Co! li!entar4 Pass not !ore t;an 0** da4s in ad<ance of :e/innin/ of t;e ne>t 4ear& for @ourne4s co!!encin/ in t;e ne>t 4ear dul4 de:itin/ suc; issue of co! li!entar4 ass in t;e ne>t 4ear6s ass account+ T;e <alidit4 of t;e ass s;all :e four !ont;s fro! t;e date of issue+F #Aut;orit4 Rail5a4 "oard6s letter No+ E#W%1*0*.PS),07.0 dated 8,3,1*00%

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