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Nucor Steel-Utah certifies that all of the melting andmanufacturing processes employed at this facility for products produced occurred in the United States of America. All of the material produced at Nucor Steel-Utah is made from scrap steel and iron procured in the United States of America. Mercury is not used in the production of steel at Nucor Steel-Utah. All of the products produced at Nucor Steel-Utah are weld free and in accordance with the Buy America Act. Reinforcing steel conforms to the latest versions of ASTM A !" #$eformed and %lain Billet-Steel Bars for &oncrete Reinforcement' and(orASTM A)* #+ow-Alloy Steel $eformed and %lain Bars for &oncrete Reinforcement' $epending on the ordered and tested grade.

Rebar Chemical Requirements ASTM A615


7 5 *. * 60 *.!." *.* -" *.* ." *." *." " 80

Element" Ma# $ &ar,on Manganese %hosphorus Sulfur Silicon &ar,on /0uivalent1 Ma2

4 0 *. * -


Tensile Requirements ASTM A615

40 ****#.3 *' .****#-* *' 60 4****# 3*' ****#. 3*' 75 !*****# 4*' )"***#" 3*' 60

80 5!*****# 4* '

Tensile Min1 psi #Mpa' 7ield Strength Min1 psi #Mpa' 7ield Strength Ma21 psi #Mpa'




)6***#".*' El%n&ati%n in '(" Min $

46*** # )"'

8- #!*' 8. #!-'1 8" #! ' 8 #!4' 8) #33'1 86 #3 ' 84 #34'1 8!* #-3'1 8!! #- ' 8!. #.-'1 8!6 #")'

!! !3 !3

4 4 4 6 ) ) ) ) 6

!. !. !. !3 !3 !*

!3 !3 !3 !3 !3 !*

5Tensile Strength on A)* shall not ,e less than !.3" times the actual yield strength

Structural steel conforms to the latest versions of ASTM A- #&ar,on Structural Steel' and(or ASTM A"34 #9igh Strength &ar,on Manganese Steel of Structural :uality' depending on the ordered and tested grade. All structural material meets ASTM testing re0uirements for ASTM A-)* and dimensional tolerances from ASTM A .

A)6 Chemistr* Requirements

Sha,es Pr%+uct Thicknes s, in &1 ma2 ; Mn1 ma2 ; %1 ma2 ; S1 ma2 ; Si1 ; &u1 min ;

To 3/4, All *.3 <. *.*. *.*" *..* ma2 *.3* incl *.3" <. *.*. *.*" *..* ma2 *.3*

Over 3/4 to 1 1/2, inc *.3" *.6*!.3* *.*. *.*" *..* ma2 *.3*

Plate sOver 1 1/2 to 2 1/2, incl *.3 *.6*-!.3* *.*. *.*" *..* ma2 *.3*

Over 2 1/2 to 4, incl *.3) *.6"!.3* *.*. *.*" *..* ma2 *.3* Over 4 *.34 *.6"-!.3* *.*. *.*" *..* ma2 *.3*

To 3/4, incl *.3 <. *.*. *.*" *..* ma2 *.3*

-arsOver Over 1 3/4 to 1/2 to 1 4, 1/2, inc incl *.3) *. **.4* *.*. *.*" *..* ma2 *.3* *.36 *. *-*.4* *.*. *.*" *..* ma2 *.3*

Over 4 *.34 *. *-*.4* *.*. *.*" *..* ma2 *.3*

Mn content of *.6"-!.-"; and Si content of *.!"-*..*; is re0uired for shapes with flange thic=nesses over ->. ?or each reduction of *.*!; ,elow the specified & ma21 an increase of *.* ; Mn a,ove the ma2 will ,e permitted up to !.-";

)33?**! 4(3*(3*!P O B O X 1 0 0 P LY M O UTH , UTAH 8 4 3 3 0 PH O N E 4 3 5 4 5 8 2 3 0 0 FAX 4 3 5 4 5 8 2 3 0 9 W W W . N U C O R BAR . C O M

A)6 Mechanical Requirements

A5./ Chemistr* Requirements

&1 ma2 Mn1 ma2 %1 ma2 S1 ma2 Si1 ma2 &u1 min

7ield1 min1 =si

"* !6 3!

"" !) 3*

A5./ Mechanica l Requirem ents A

/long1 6> /long1 3>

See orientation su,section in A

2 Minimu m tensile for grade "* shapes with flange or leg thic=ness to !."> shall ,e " =si
to their shipment to The @dentified steel shipped iscustomers. composed ofThe results the the heatsof indicated and istesting are represented ,yvalidated the samples,y the o,tained. The :uality Test results indicated are in$epartme nt1 accordance with ASTMindepende A-)* #Standardnt of the Test Methods production and $efinitions for Mechanical(manufact Testing of Steeluring %roducts'. departmen ts and are Nucor Steelreported the UtahAs :ualityon $epartment is&ertified Test independent ofMill Reports the production(man #&MTR' issued to ufacturing our departments and performscustomers. the testing forThe verification andvalidation release ofand material priorissuance of thestandard /N!**3"D!44* E &MTR A!D!44- /1 to which our complies products are delivered.

with the /N!*3*. B @nspectio n &ertificat e C-.!ACory A !"o y re0uirem C"#$% M$!&''(r)#*!+,(&'#!y ents. @tA**(r& -$ M& &)$r should ,e.285 W$*! 21200 Nor!", noted P'y/o(!", U!&" 84330 that the complianc e to the re0uirem ents of /N!*3*. @nspectio n &ertificat )33?**! 4(3*(3*!OBOX100 PLYMOUTH, e C-.!A1 isP UTAH 8 43 3 0 PH O N E4 3 54 ,ased on5 8 2 3 0 0 F A X 4 3 5 4 5 8 2 3 0 9 WWW.NUCORBAR.COM the

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