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Feast of the Holy Family Dec 29, 2013 Year A How often are we challenged?

? Matthews gospel tells us of challenges faced by the Holy Family who were forced to flee, and if we really think about it its not much different today. We all face family challenges in an ever changing world and sometimes instead of facing those challenges we also choose to flee. Close your eyes and imagine a young man and woman with a new baby, the wonder of a new family, resting quietly, planning a new life together as three. Suddenly this life, these plans are turned upside down as they are challenged to flee to save the life of that child, not just once but 3 times! Imagine the panic and the uncertainty that came over them. But why did they flee? Because Joseph had a dream! What faith the father of this family had in God. Could you imagine telling your wife, or maybe your husband, Get up honey, pack your suitcase quick were leaving town! What would you think; especially when you were told that the message to leave came in a dream. I know I would think my wife was off her rocker, shes gone nuts. But Mary didnt question Joseph, they quickly picked up what they could and quietly left town. What an amazing story not only of faith in God but also of faith, and trust in each other. They put their entire lives into the hands of God and prayed to keep their family strong and obedient to that faith. How many of us could do the same? I know that Ive fled in the past for very poor reasons. When I was a kid I fled from a bad guy who wanted to fight, probably was a good thing because I didnt have good fighting skills, but I can also remember fleeing at times because there was someone or something that I didnt want to face. Instead of putting my trust in God and asking God to lead me through the situation, to face the problem head on, I took the easy way out and fled from light into darkness, avoiding what I knew was the right thing. Living in our society is hard because it gives us so many mixed messages about what a family should be. The traditional model of one mother, one father and children is being constantly challenged. Single parent families are on the rise, and our generation has made it easy for a parent to flee. Family units are being challenged by Governments who are passing laws legalizing Euthanasia for the elderly who are terminally ill and now theyre even trying to legalize it for terminally ill children. Abortions are rising; Christians are being slaughtered for their faith in God and Families are being torn apart because theyre different, because of their faith. Some families break up for very legitimate reason, and we need to always pray for them, but in most cases when we say I DO it should be forever, its a work in progress its a full time job for each one involved, its not I DO until I DONT feel like it anymore. Where has the sacredness of our sexuality gone? That bond of intimacy between a man and woman in marriage, that commitment to spend a life together? Nowadays, people go into marriage signing contracts to make it simple to get out. Why?, because marriage and family life is not easy. Sandra and I have been constantly challenged over our 32 plus years, but with God all things are possible. We have gone through medical emergencies, financial problems and even times of unemployment. Some situations became very stressful but with the help of our extended family, and,

when we learned to sit back to pray and trust in God, things always worked out, maybe not as we had planned it but always for the better. The good news is that we are not alone. We are creatures of a God who loves us so much that he gave us a model to follow. He gave us Jesus, Mary and Joseph. Of course people claim they were different because they were chosen, but really in a lot of ways they were just like us. Im sure they had doubts and fears and todays gospel points out three very stressful situations. I cant even imagine running away or leaving my home to save my childs life. When Gabriel appeared to Mary and when the Angel appeared to Joseph they werent handed a book of directions telling them what would happen! There was no A to Z guide on raising a family. These messengers were sent to assure them that their faith and trust in God would be their guide. Together this faith and trust made them strong and helped them through the trials that were thrown at them. What a model for us not only in our immediate families but in our extended church family. In them we find agreement, compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Jesus the Son of God was cared for and protected by his mother and father. Joseph portrayed as the head of the family is approached by the divine messenger and acts. Mary his trusting, loving wife believes and accepts his decision. A few weeks ago I prepared a talk for the confirmation kids about the Saints and how important it was to use these saints as role models in their lives. The same goes for us as families. We need to model ourselves after the Holy Family and imitate their love, their faith and their trust in God who has a plan for the world that includes our families, strong loving families that portray a culture of light and life. Together we are here celebrating the Eucharist as the family of Christ, giving him thanks for the great love he has bestowed on each one of us. Now its up to us to take that love home and celebrate it with our extended families. If our parents and children dont live near, call them, encourage them and remind them of the trials that Jesus, Mary and Joseph went through so many years ago for us. Remind them of the love our God has for each one of us, a love so great that he, who created us, became so small and came to live among us, a love so great that he gave his life for us. When we are confronted because of our position on faith and the family will we be tempted to flee or will we have the courage and strength to oppose the popular position? When that confrontation comes, and it will, think of Joseph and Mary and their struggles. Think of the strength and trust they had in God and in their love for each other, and know that we are not alone. When we are challenged and think about fleeing in the wrong direction, let us pray that the love of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, always guide our paths back toward holiness and may each one of our families be joyful examples to the world of the love shown to us by the Holy Family.

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