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There comes a time in a man/womans life that denotes a turning point , this is where fiction meets fact and

science meets spirit , as we all know that truth is stranger than fiction. We all go thru a process of conditoning or programming w hich starts in the womb because the child to be born while in the gestsation per iod is chemically , emotionally and energetically linked to the mother and while in the amniotic fluid the energy is transferred from mother to child. The state of mind of the parents will be transferred to the fetus which is why it is key to be free of stress and exacerbated negative emotional states ( fear,anxiety,sa dness.anger)so when the mother emotional changes so does the baby in the womb th ere are chemicals that are released when the mother is happy and there certain c henicals that are released when the mother is upset and the amniotic fluid chang es according to these states which can and will alter the state of the child to be. The worst thing for any of us to be is chronically stressed this in itself wil l set off a cascade of hormones that will damage the body over time, For instanc e when someone is faced with imminent danger the stress response kicks in fight or flight so the body is peparing an escape or a confrontation during this proce ss the bodies releases adrenaline and cortisol to release sugar(energy) into the bloodsrtream so the muscles can react quicker and stronger the automatic nervou s system which controls the unconcious fucntion like heart beat ,breathing,diges tion & sexual arousal is the primary faculty in the figh or flight response whic h is handles by two diffrent components the sympathetic and parasympathetic nerv ous systems the sympathetic originates in the spinal cord and its main purpose in the fught ot flight response is to activate physiological changes its uses no nepinephrine as its prime agent of change; next we have the parasypathetic (PNS) which originates in the spinal cord and the medulla(brainstem)and works in conce rt with the ANS its function is to iniate the rest and digest response whcih ret urns the body to homeostasis(balance) after the fight/flight response Stress ----> Amygdala---->Hypothalamus---->Pituitary----->Adrenals----->Adrenal Cortex Emotion (activity) (responds) (ACTH) (Adrenaline) (Corti sol) the release of the epineprhine(neurotransmitter)results in the porduction of Cor tisol hormone which increases blood pressure haert rate and supressess the immun e system and the liver is stimulated by the cortisol to release glucose. Now as you can see this fight /flight response is very neccessary in times of im mediate danger, or survival situations but once the event had passed and the bod y is safe then the rest and digest response kicks in thru the PNS which does the direct opposite of the FFR so that digestion can resume and healing can began t o take place as well releasing of tension buitl up in the muscles.Neb er tcher i s great , so now we can began to understand the effects of stress or should i sa y chronic stress has upon the mind body soul complex that erodes the divinity wi thin us all.Let us take a look around us and be witnessess to the madness for a moment, Morning traffic commute puts a strain on more than just the highways and roads it can serve as a stressful situation to many who are already on edge emo tionally which in turn starts the ffr and maintains it thru out the day , this little fla re up in traffic will continue to manifest thru the day because most likely the person will get into work and have deadlines to meet , worries about job securit y , cuttthroat co-coworkes who will do anything to advance and in most cases a j ob or career that they dont fully resonate with on the soul level, dont you see how this pattern becomes perpetual and destructive within itself while the pers on is only making matters worse by attempting to subdue the stress by introducin

g chemical agents into the body such as caffeine , white sugar . white salt junk foods , cigarettes , alcohol, and any and all narcotics. These agents also crea te the same effects of the FFR upoon the body ANS the body can not rest and dige st until the FFR has ended and the blood and returns back to normal operating zo nes , this rarely happens in this western world odf capitalism and hypermaterial ism and you can just look around you and see the damage that has been done to ou rselves and are loved ones , i persoanlly have lost family members to the byprod ucts of chronic stress which turn into conditions such as diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure(strokes) you can see how the average person chooses to handle st ress is determined by the influencing factors and predsiposed conditons genetica lly that will lead the individal down certain paths either beneficail or detrime ntal. The mind body soul complex must be kept in optimum conditon in order for us to become Divine beings on Earth but this is not an easy task due to the precondtio ned ignorance we have been programmed with since birth and the indoctrination of the public fool system which was set up to keep people clumped together as mind less drones limited to a incomplete curriculum that has failed miseralbly in my eyes at least. This is why im making a concious effort to eradicate the ignoran ce that has plagued man for the last 2000 plus years which if viewed on the mund asne level can be attributed to rise of the left brain dominated caucasians and the fallen asleep of the right brain dominant Afrikans, but on a esoteric or met aphysical level we know that this just another step in the cultivation or evolut ionary stage of growth within this current universe we live in that was transmit ted by my Afrikan ancestors thousand sof years before they took place beacise t hey followed the only true laws which are the universal laws that are immutable , they knew that time moved in cycles and not staright lines which the causcasia n is limited to at least so it seems, hence the earth is flat theory .By the tim e The ancient Kemetians (Egyptians) civilization had been almagamated with the g reeks persians and asians the writing was already on the wall literally , they h ad documented and transcribed the future events that were to take place based on their knowledge of the universal laws andf thier connection to the divine thru there initiation and knowledge of self schools lated called mystery schools by t he greeks and romans. The pendulum swings both ways and the more it swings to on e side the more force it will take to swing back to the polar opposite side , the key h ere to balancing the pendulum is to opreate within the laws of MAA(T) this is s omething that the caucasian had and has not yet developed which can be seen in t he way they view nature(Neter) and the way they interact with all other ethnic g roups . I personally have no problem with anyone because i know where my divinit y stems from and that cannot be affected by trivial pursuits of caucasians or a ny other people who choose to follow thier path of detruction . We must be hones t with areselves if we want to create a better world for are children they deser ve better as they represent the pure unadulterated innocent enegry of the divine the potential is limitless when it comes to the divine power to live in peace h armony and happiness which are all interdependant on each other , this is the tr ue goal of life , the quest to become Gods and Goddessess while on earth you don t have to die to recieve a reward of heaven or a punishment of hell, you experei nce it everday because it is an actual state of mind that creates these conditon s and this goes back to the FFR which we covered earlier now you can see how our thoughts and diets(appetites) can eihter create prisons for the soul or palaces for the soul to reside in while here on earth.

Everywhere you look you see ill health , mental istitutions filled to the brim with patients who have been improperly diagnosed and mistreated , ignorant raci st who hide behind weapons of mass destruction ,impoverished areas in every city ansd state , depression in the minds of many , plight , fear induced zombie sta

te that strip the people of their inherent life force( Ra,CHi, prana) and all th is is by the hand of the those who choose to live out of balance with nature and her gifts.The tipping poinit is right on the cusp and the world will soon bear witness to these iminent changes that are taking place right under the unsuspect ed noses of the masses and the so called elite are very aware of this fact and t his is why they have tried to delay the process for the last 100 years with thie r theosophy ,eugenics,feminism,Drawinism etc but the key here is that they can o nly siphon off the people energy for they are actually low level entities that n eed man and woman to feed into all the extreme negativity fear tactics that have been working up until the last 50 years, now is the time that we band together and denounce thier killer culture and announcethe return of are innate original Afrikan spiritual system that gave the world its first and longest lasting civil ization known to man .I love all because that is my nature , i dont hacve to rea d books to know howe to treat someone who does not appear the smae as me and my people im guided by the divine faculties embedded in my soul mind and body and t his is where the mmost relevant lessons aere to be learned by the partice of ins perience instead of soley basing are lives on the expereince because it leaves t oo much too chance when you rely soley on your physical senses to guide you, now dont get me worng the senses are very valuable and very much needed to navigate thru the matrix or the maya(illusion of seperateness) concrete world of the 3r d dimension. The nefarious ones that are hell bent on destroying the world and the various indigenous cultures are losing a cosmic battle that will not be in t heir favor balance must be maintained and the pendulum is beginning to swing to the other side and will eventually make slight swings from left to right which w ill bring about balance because if the swing is slight then balance is attained with ease as opposed to strong swings that will move much more out of the zone o f balance. We must cultivate are children with the principles of Maat and the Ke metian tree of life which gave birth to the hebrew Qabalah's tree of life , as a people of high spirituality it is up to us tio use are divine faculties to bri ng about the change needed to transcend and move forward along the way we will h ave to walk over broken bones and blood in the streets but fear not beacuse once we internalize the greatness of are innate divinity then we will see the turmoi l and plight dissolve into thin air. This task is a great undertaking for all of us and we must act accordingly to these immmuatble laws so that we can harness that underlying strength of Uranus(revolution/rebeliion) and the oneness and vis onary aspects of Neptune combined with the transformative power of Pluto these are tools at are disposal that dont require a degrree of certification to to gain access to there are to be used as guides legends and keys to a map , thi s is what was never taught to the people once are culture was displaced by the e uropean culture .

Hotep Ashe to all those who are vibrating on this wavelength the time is now for us to turn are backs on this present system of spiritually bebased devoid of rightousn ess,justice peace harmony and love , how much longer can we give in to the tempt ations funneld thru the reptillian and mammalian brains that have usurped the ki ng of the castle better known as the the divine self/soul/spirit this is the par t of us that is unbreakable the undefined the sublime the unseen , the source of all things that came into existence by the will and power of the Neter(God). We live in a ocean of potentials that can be expressed thru mathematical models or equations and there are fundamnetal rules and principles that apply to our exis tence in this present universe we reside in.

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