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Making Eyelets'.
No. 60,939. * Patented Jan. I, 1867.


Letters Patent No. 60,939, dated Jai/mary l, 1867.


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Be it known that I, LEVI RICHARDS, of Providence, in the county of Providence, and State of -Rhode Island,
have' invented a new and improved Machine for Making Eyelets; and I do hereby declare that the followingis a full, clear, and exact description thereof, which will enable others skilled in the art to make and use the same,

reference being had to the accompanying drawings, forming part of this specification, in which-'
Figure 1 is a side sectional view of my invention, taken in the line :c x, fig. 3. Figure 2, a front view of the same.
_ Figure 3, a plan or top view of the same.

Figure 4, a view of a inished eyelet. Figure 5, a view of a partially completed eyelet. Similar letters of reference indicate like parts. This invention relates to a new and improved machine for making metallic eyelets; and it consists of zr cutter and dies arranged and operated in such a manner that they will 4cut the plate in circular form and swage it into cup or tube shape. The invention also consists of a conveyer or carrier for taking the cup or tube> from the vdies above mentioned and conveying it to a second pair of dies operating in connection with a punch, and in _such a manner that the cup or tube formed by the first pair of dies will be swaged into proper form andi
punched, so as to complete the eyelet '

A represents a base or bed pla-te on which the Working parts of the machine are placed or secured, and> i" VB is a driving-shaft, the bearings of which are in uprights a, on thc base or bed plate A. On this driving-shaft there are two cranks or ecccntrics, to which pitmen C C are attached by metal straps a a. The cranks or eccentrics above named vcoincide with each other in position, and the cuter ends of the pitmen O C1" are con nccted by pivot bolts b b to a head, e, at the inner end of a tube, D, which is allowed to slide freely in bearings

in uprights dal, on the base or bed plate A, the cranks or eccentrics'land- the pitmen giving a reciprocating movement to the tube D The outer end, e, of this tube D, is a circular cutter, its edge being angular or sharp; and said cutter, each time the tube D is shoved forward, works in a circular hole, f, made in an upright plate or bar, E, on the base A, as shown Lclearly in fig. 3, and a hole7 g, smaller indialneter than is made

entirely through the plate or bar E, concentric with j', the hole g being of slightly taper form. Within the tube
D there is fitted a plunger, F, which is allowed to slide freely in D, and is operated by a yoke, G, through which a wrist pin, h, passes, said pin being secured eccentrica-Hy between two wheels or circular heads, z'z', en_ the shaft B. The pin L and the cranks or eccentrics which operate the pitinen O C have such arelativeposition with eachother that the tube D will be forced forward to its fullest extent into the holcf before the plunger F
is moved out of D, and the latter, at the completion of the forward movement cf tube D, moved forward so as to pass entirely through the hole g. By this arrangement it will be seen that if a piece of sheet metal is

placed over the holef the tube D will, as it is moved against the plate and enters f, cut said plate in circular form and press to the inner end of hole f, and the plunger F, in moving forward and ont of tube D, will force the circular piece of metal through the hole y, and Athereby strage it into tube or cup shape, as shown at L, in
iig. 5. This completes the first process of the operation of my machine. H represents what I term a con~ vcyer or carrier, which is simply a metal bar constructed with two jaws, z'z', curved at their ends to form a circular chamber, 2"", to receive the tubes or cups L as they are forced out from the holes g. This convcyer or

carrier is attached to a slide, I, which works between suitable guides jj, and is operated by a lever J, to which motion is given by a cam, K, on the driving-shaft D. The chamber i* is in line -with the hole g at the outer side of the plate or bar E, when the plunger F forces .the tube or cup 1L through the hole g, the chamber receiv ing the tube 0r cup, as shown in iig. 3, the conveyer or carrier, after the plunger F is drawn back, being moved from the plate or bar E back towards a similar plate or bar, L, on the base A, so that the'chamber of the conveyor vor carrier will be brought in line with a hole, 7c, in the plate or bar L, which forms a female die and has its fron-t end made of flaring form, as shown at Z, in fig. 3. M is a slidingrod, which has its bearing in one of the same uprights, del, as the tube D. This rod M is operated by ,a pitmau, m, from a crank on thc

shaft IS, and the rod M has a plunger or punch, N,'attachcd to it, which works loosely in a tube, O, having

its- bearing in the other upright, d. 0n the rear end of the tube O there is fitted a cylindrical socket, P, in which the front end of the rod M works, and a spiral spring, Q, is placed on the socket P, one end of said spring bearing against a flange, u. on the outer end of the socket, and the opposite ond ofthe spring bearing- against the upright d, lin which the tube O has its bearings.m A pin, o, passes transversely through _the socket P _and through an oblong slot,p, in the rod M, as shown yin fig. l. The front end of the rod M is bevelled
> or tapered, as shown at q, to correspond to the flaring ond Lof the hole k, und the plunger or punch N is of

such diameter that it muy yWork through the hole'r.V Ony the outer side of the plate or bar L, andl over the hole k, there is secured a steel plate,`r, having a hole, s, made in' it to admit of the plunger or punch N passing through it. This perforated plate 1" serves as a cutter or shears, and admits of the plunger orpunch cutting 'a smooth round hle through4 the tube or cup z.. When fthe chamber containing the tube or cup L arrivesy oppo
site the hole In, the plunger or punch N is moved forward and forces the tube -orv cup out from the chamber i* into hole k, and cuts a hole through the outer end of 'the tube or cup, and the rod M is then moved Iforward and swages the inner end of the tube or cup in Haring form; the conveyer or carrier H, during this last oper~ ation, moving towards the plateor bar-E, so that the chamber z'gmay -receive another tube or cup from the hole g and convey it to the hole k of the plate or bar L> for the finishing operation last described. _ When this finish ing operation is completed the plunger or punch N and rod M are drawn out from hole c, and the plunger or punch N drawn within the rod M, and the finished eyelet thereby discharged from _the plunger or punch) In this finishing operationthe cyclet is not drawn out in taper form,'as is the case in a greater or less degree with eyelets manufactured with the ordinary maehinesin use, By my machine the eyelets are made with the metal

of nearly an equal thickness throughout theirV entire length, the Haring end of the eyelet being upset in the
daring end Z of the hole k. ' , '

Having thus described my invention, what I claim as new, and desire to secure by Letters Patent, is

1. The combination of the sliding rod M, punch N, tube O, flanged socket P, and spring Q, with the finish
ing die L, substantially as described, as and for the purpose specified.
the female dies and tubes, substantially as and for the purpose specied.
' y


2. The conveyor or carrier H, provided with the chamber lz'*, and arranged to operate in connection with
The -above speei?ation of my inventioh signed by me this 1st day of May, 1866. .'



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