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Getting Started with SalesForce CRM

Email and Workflow Rule Administration


BISP is committed to provide BEST learning material to the beginners and advance learners. In the same series, we have prepared a complete end-to end Hands-on Beginners G ide !or Sales"orce. This doc ment !oc ses on Emails, #or$!low and "iled %pdate administration. &oin o r pro!essional training program and learn !rom e'perts.

Version Date !"# !"# Description Change $nitial Draft Re)iew*# Author Chandra Prakash %harma Amit %harma Pu lish #!th &an '!#( #!th &an '!#(

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*ontents....................................................................................................................... + .................................................................................................................................... + ,anage email administration.......................................................................................... .eliverabilit(................................................................................................................ /rgani0ation-#ide Email 1ddresses.............................................................................2 *ompliance B** Email................................................................................................. 3 Test .eliverabilit( ........................................................................................................ 3 Email to Sales"orce...................................................................................................... 4 .elete 1ttachments Sent as 5in$s................................................................................4 Email "ooters ............................................................................................................... 6 Set %p #or$!low 7 les..................................................................................................... 8 #or$!lows 7 les........................................................................................................... 8 1pproval Processes..................................................................................................... )How to 5a nch the 1pproval Process #i0ard...........................................................).e!erence Between & mp Start #i0ard and Standard 1pproval Process #i0ard ....)2 ). Initial S bmission 1ctions 9 *lic$ on 1dd :ew b tton. It opens in dropdown o! !o r options ............................................................................................................ )6 Tas$, Email 1lert, !ield %pdate, / tbo nd ,essage. select an( one option. ;E' 9 "ield %pdate<........................................................................................................... )6 ................................................................................................................................ )6 2. "inal 7e=ection 1ctions 9 ..................................................................................... )8 Email 1lerts................................................................................................................ +2 Email 1lerts ................................................................................................................... +2 To Get Started %sing Email 1lerts ..............................................................................+2 #or$!low .ail( Email 5imit...................................................................................... +4 Tas$s.......................................................................................................................... +4 "ield %pdates................................................................................................................. +6 / tbo nd ,essages................................................................................................... +8 Settings...................................................................................................................... -> 5eads.......................................................................................................................... -) #eb-to-5ead Set p..................................................................................................... -2 How To Go #eb-to-5ead Set p 9.............................................................................. -2 ................................................................................................................................... -3 ................................................................................................................................... -3 ................................................................................................................................... -4 *ases ......................................................................................................................... -4

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+anage email administration

Deli)era ility
Improve the deliverabilit( o! email (o send !rom Sales"orce, con!ig re (o r organi0ation?s email deliverabilit( settings. ,ounced email : I! (o send Email and that is addressed to an invalid recipient, it is ret rned to the sender. I! a sender sends several email messages that bo nce, the email server might slow or bloc$ the deliver( o! all email !rom that sender. Configure the email deli)era ility settings for your organi-ation : %etup @ Administration @ Email Administration @ Deli)era ility (o can see below. set all the settings and clic$ on Save b tton.

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.rgani-ation/Wide Email Addresses

1n organi0ation-wide email address associates to a single email address to a ser pro!ile. Each ser in the pro!ile can send email sing this address. %sers will share the same displa( name and email address. %etup @ Administration @ Email Addresses @ .rgani-ation/Wide Addresses, clic$ on 1dd b tton . (o can see below.

1!ter that clic$ on 1dd b tton a new page opens on this page, !ill .ispla( :ame, Email 1ddress and select %ser Pro!iles and clic$ on Save b tton.

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Compliance ,CC Email

Set p a compliance B** email to a tomaticall( cop( each o tgoing email to a compliance email address. *hec$ enable, enter the compliance B** email address !or (o r organi0ation, and clic$ Save. %etup @ Administration @ Email Addresses @ Compliance ,CC Email 0 clic$ on this lin$ then write email address given in te't bo'. *hec$ the chec$ bo' and a!ter that clic$ on %a)e b tton.

1est Deli)era ility

Sales! sends email !rom 3+ IP addresses. I! (o r organi0ation bloc$s an( o! these IP addresses, sers might not receive all email sent !rom sales! To veri!( (o r organi0ation can receive email !rom each IP address9 Enter (o r b siness email address below. *lic$ Send. Sales! sim ltaneo sl( sends a test email !rom all 3+ IP addresses to the email address (o entered. *hec$ the email acco nt to ma$e s re all 3+ test emails are received. I! less than 3+ test emails were received, contact (o r email administrator. %etup @ Administration @ Email Addresses @ 1est deli)era ility0 #rite Email address on te't bo' and clic$ on Send b tton.

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Email to %ales2orce
Email to Sales"orce allows (o to a tomaticall( log emails (o send !rom third-part( email acco nts as activities on lead and contact records in sales! 1!ter Email to Sales"orce is activated, sers can access the ,( Email to Sales"orce page to view their niA e Email to Sales"orce address and c stomi0e their settings. %etup @ Administration @ Email Addresses @ Email to %ales2orce0 In this page *lic$ on Edit b tton, chec$ed 1ctive or 1dvance sec rit( settings then clic$ on %a)e b tton.

Delete Attachments %ent as 3inks

:eed to stop email recipients downloading attachments sent, !or e'ample, sing mass emailB "ind and delete email attachments sent as lin$s9 %etup @ Administration @ Email Addresses @ Delete Attachments %ent as 3inks,

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Email 2ooters
1dd !ooters to emails sent !rom Sales! *reate de!a lt !ootersCone !or single emails and one !or mass emailsCor create one !or each character encoding ;General %S D #estern E rope, Eorean, etc<. .e!a lt !ooters are sed i! no !ooters match the o tgoing email?s character encoding. %etup @ Administration @ Email Addresses @ Email 2ooters0 *lic$ on :ew

1!ter *lic$ on :ew b tton. /pen new web page on this page, !ill all mandator( !ields then clic$ on %a)e b tton.

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%et 4p Workflow Rules

In sales" #or$!low assigns a new tas$ to a ser, role, or record owner. E'ample, a tomaticall( assigns !ollow- p tas$s to a s pport representative one wee$ a!ter a case is pdated. - Assigning of task : 1ssign a new tas$ to a ser, role, or record owner. - %ending email alerts : Send an email to one or more recipients (o speci!(. - 2ield updates : %pdate the val e o! a !ield on a record. - .ut ound message : Send a sec re, con!ig rable 1PI message ;in F,5 !ormat< to a designated listener.

Workflows Rules
%etup @ Create @ Workflows 5 appro)als @ Workflow Rules step # : *lic$ on #or$!lows 7 les lin$ then open new page, on this page (o can see abo t the wor$!low 7 les.

%tep ' :

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/n this page two options- /ne !or *reate :ew Giew lin$ . clic$ on this lin$ and (o can create new speci!ic view !or (o r organi0ation. Second option is :ew 7 le b tton. *lic$ on :ew 7 les b tton.

%tep ( : Select an( * stom ob=ect, clic$ on /b=ect .ropdown list, then clic$ on 6e7t b tton.

%tep 8 :

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"ill the 7 le :ame, select the Eval ate *riteria and then Select 7 n criteria in drop down option then i! (o select Criteria are met option then (o select !ields. I! (o select 2ormula e)aluate to true in this option (o write !orm la and clic$ on %a)e 5 6e7t b tton. %tep 9 :

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Io can choose an( one Add workflow Action /7 Add 1ime 1rigger # " I! (o clic$ on 1dd wor$!low 1ction then Select an( tas$ in available list. 6ote :/ Io can select m ltiple option.

"ill some !ields, 1ssign To ,S b=ect, %niA e :ame, . e date ;in d e date (o can choose option !or date t(pe<, Stat s, Priorit(. 1!ter then clic$ on Save b tton .

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1!ter that (o can see (o r tas$. Io can Edit or Remo)e this tas$. *lic$ on Done b tton !or completing this steps.

6ote :/ #or$!lows 7 les are not activated b( de!a lt, (o have to activate them man all(. *lic$ on activate b tton !or active r les. see below.

1!ter 1ctive this wor$!low see below. *lic$ to Deacti)ate b tton !or deactivate wor$!low.

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Appro)al Processes
1nother b siness logic engine o! Sales"orce is to a tomate approval process. 1pprovals ta$e a tomation one step ! rther, allowing (o to speci!( a seA ence o! steps that are reA ired to approve a record. 1n approval process is an a tomated process (o r organi0ation can se to approve records in Sales"orce. 1n approval process speci!ies the steps necessar( !or a record to be approved and who m st approve it at each step. 1 step can appl( to all records incl ded in the process, or = st records that meet certain administrator-de!ined criteria. 1n approval process also speci!ies the actions to ta$e when a record is approved, re=ected, recalled, or !irst s bmitted !or approval.

How to 3aunch the Appro)al Process Wi-ard

%etup @ Create @ Workflow 5 Appro)als @ Appro)al Processes %tep #: 1!ter *lic$ on 1pproval process lin$ then *hoose the ob=ect !or the new approval process. *lic$ *reate :ew 1pproval Process there are two options %se & mp Start #i0ard and %se Standard #i0ard. Io can choose %se Standard Set p #i0ard !rom the drop-down b tton.

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Deference ,etween &ump %tart Wi-ard and %tandard Appro)al Process Wi-ard
&ump %tart Wi-ard The = mp start wi0ard is se! l !or simple approval processes with a single step ,an( steps are s$ipped. %se the = mp start wi0ard i! (o want to create an approval process A ic$l( b( allowing Sales"orce to a tomaticall( choose some de!a lt options !or (o %tep ': After click &ump Wi-ard : %tandard Appro)al Process Wi-ard Standard 1pproval Process #i0ard s pports m ltiple approval steps or comple' approval processes. 1ll the steps all incl ded. %se it when (o want to !ine t ne the steps in (o r approval process

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Appro)al Process $nformation : Enter a name !or the new approval process. Enter a niA e name, which will be sed to re!er to this approval process in the " 1PI. Enter 1pproval 1ssignment Email Template this !ield not mandator(. %pecify Entry Criteria : Select on in drop down men approval process. *riteria are . "orm la eval ates to tr e. %elect Appro)er : %sing the option select an( one option ;E' 9 1 tomaticall( assign an approver sing standard or c stom hierarch( !ield. 1!ter that clic$ on %a)e b tton.

%tep (:/

Then clic$ on View Appro)al Process Detail Page "

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%tep 8 :

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#" $nitial %u mission Actions : *lic$ on 1dd :ew b tton. It opens in dropdown o! !o r options Tas$, Email 1lert, !ield %pdate, / tbo nd ,essage. select an( one option. ;E' 9 "ield %pdate<.

"ill 1ll ,andator( !ield?s in Identi!ication and select Speci!( :ew Gal e select in pic$list option . Then clic$ on %a)e b tton. '" Appro)al %teps :

Io can give approval setting b( sing 1pproval Steps, there is who can approve. and also add m ltiple 1pproval candidate b( clic$ :ew 1pproval Step. ;E'9 I will 1ssign 1pprover a thorit( give on ,anager.<

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(" 2inal Appro)al Actions :

"inal 1pproval 1ctions- There are two b ttons Add E7iting, and Add 6ew b tton clic$ on Add 6ew b tton, then clic$ on "ield %pdate in dropdown list.

"ill 1ll ,andator( !ield?s in Identi!ication and select Speci!( :ew Gal e select in pic$list option . Then clic$ on %a)e b tton. 8" 2inal Re:ection Actions : !ollow previo s step . 9" Click on Acti)e ,utton : "inish all steps and then clic$ on 1ctive b tton to active this 1pproval Process.

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%tep 9 : 1!ter that (o need to set page la(o t in * stom ob=ect ;E'9 &ob applications< *lic$ on * stom ob=ect;&ob 1pplications< @ Select an( "ield;&ob application< @ then clic$ on Edit 3ayout lin$. *lic$ on ,utton lin$ then %u mit for Appro)al b tton (o can drag and drop.

1!ter that clic$ on save b tton and then clic$ on an( =ob application !ield, a!ter that scroll down and (o can see 1pproval Histor(. as below. and *lic$ on %u mit 2or Appro)al b tton !or s bmit this 1pproval process.

1!ter clic$ S bmit !or 1pproval b tton 1pproval Histor( loo$s li$e. see below. There (o can see /verall Stat s is Pending.

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%tep ; : This screen is ,anager?s screen. (o can see below. *lic$ on Appro)e<Re:ect lin$ to ,anage approve or 7e=ect this Process.

1!ter this i! (o want to 1pprove this process clic$ on 1pprove b tton or clic$ 7e=ect b tton !or 7e=ect this process.

%tep = : 1!ter approve process b( ,anager (o can see (o r page?s approve stat s will be changed, see below. Then /verall Stat s is 1pproved.

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In Sales" Gis al #or$!low lets (o easil( b ild and manage !lows, which g ide sers thro gh screens that collect and displa( in!ormation, create and pdate Sales"orce records, and e'ec te logic based on ser inp t. 1dministrators design and b ild !lows sing the "low .esigners simple drag-and-drop ser inter!ace, then activate, manage, and maintain them. %sers can r n an active !low !rom a c stom b tton, tab, lin$, or the !low %75. How to Create 2lows : %etup @ Create @ Workflow 5 Appro)als @ 2lows, Then clic$ on :ew "low, See below.

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6ote : Be!ore (o clic$ on 7 n b tton ma$es s re to set start element. how to set start element, go to an( drag and drop element and simpl( mo se hover on the element show clic$ on green color icon !or set as start element. (o can see below.

*reate !low a!ter that. clic$ on %a)e b tton, give !low name and clic$ on ok b tton.

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1!ter that (o can see 7 n b tton is Enable. *lic$ on 7 n b tton !or this !low.

*lic$ on 7 n b tton, open new web page on this page (o can see !low !ields. 1!ter save this !low (o can Edit, delete ,7 n and open this !low clic$ on related action b tton. (o can see below.

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Email Alerts

Email Alerts
Email alerts are emails generated b( a wor$!low r le or approval process and sent to designated recipients whenever speci!ic b siness actions trigger the wor$!low r le or approval process. , st speci!( an email template !or email alerts.

1o >et %tarted 4sing Email Alerts

%tep @ Creates @ Workflow 5 Appro)al @ Email Alerts 2rom this page you can : *reate a new email alert. Select an e'isting email alert to view details abo t it, create a cloned email alert, or view all the r les sing it. Edit an e'isting email alert. .elete an email alert.

%tep # : *lic$ on 6ew 1emplate b tton.

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). Enter a description. +. Enter a niA e name to re!er to this component in the 1PI. -. choose the ob=ect !or this email alert I! available in dropdown. 2. *hoose an email template. 3. Select Protected *omponent to mar$ the alert as protected i! it is part o! a ,anaged - 7eleased pac$age, I! available. 4. Select who sho ld receive this email alert. .epending on (o r organi0ation settings and the ob=ect (o selected, some options in this list ma( not be available. 6. Select the recipients who sho ld receive this email alert in the 1vailable 7ecipients list and clic$ Add. 8. Enter p to !ive additional email addresses.

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H. Io can change the "rom Email 1ddress, selecting in dropdown list. )>. *lic$ %a)e b tton.

Workflow Daily Email 3imit

The dail( limit !or emails sent !rom wor$!low and approval-related email alerts is )>>> per standard Sales"orce license per organi0ation. The overall organi0ation limit is +>>>>>>. I! the de!a lt wor$!low ser isn?t set, then the warning email is sent to an active s(stem administrator.. #hen the dail( limit is reached, a warning email goes o t to the de!a lt wor$!low ser.

Tas$s are the templates that wor$!low r les se when a tomaticall( assigning tas$s to sers. %tep @ Creates @ Workflow 5 Appro)al @ task , *lic$ on 6ew 1ask b tton.

%tep # : Select ob=ect name and clic$ on 6e7t b tton.

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%tep ' : "ill 1ssign to, s b=ect , d e date, stat s, priorit(, chec$ed :oti!( 1ssignee, protected component then clic$ on %a)e b tton.

1!ter save, (o can Edit, .elete , or clone this Tas$.

2ield 4pdates
"ield pdates allow (o to a tomaticall( change a !ield val e to one that (o speci!(. "ield pdates are actions associated with wor$!low r les and approval processes. %tep @ Creates @ Workflow 5 Appro)al @ 2ield 4pdates0 :ew "iled %pdate.

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%tep # : "ill all !ields, select ob=ect name !iled stat s and clic$ on Save b tton. a!ter saving this page (o can Edit or .elete this page.

.ut ound +essages

/ tbo nd ,essages are S/1P transactions that sales! a tomaticall( sends to e'ternal s(stems when triggered. %tep @ Creates @ Workflow 5 Appro)al @ .ut ound +essages0 clic$ on :ew / tbo nd ,essage.

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%tep # : select /b=ect name and clic$ on 6e7t b tton.

%tep ' : 2ill all !ields and clic$ on sa)e b tton"

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"or chec$ing Giew ,essage deliver( Stat s clic$ on View +essage deli)ery %tatus b tton.

%tep @ Creates @ Workflow 5 Appro)al @ %ettings0 Set .e!a lt ser and clic$ on %a)e b tton. www.bispsol Page -> www.h(periong r .com

Sales"orce is a *7, so!tware compan(, which allows its sers to $eep trac$ o! correspondence, data and sales !or their b siness contacts in ) place. *are! ll( managing leads be!ore the( convert into acco nts, contacts and opport nities can res lt in a more streamlined selling process, with sales reps wor$ing more prod ctivel( and e!!icientl(.

How 1o create 3eads :

1!ter login (o can see some tab there is one tab is 3eads clic$ on this tab a!ter then clic$ on 6ew b tton.

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%tep # :/

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%tep ' :/ 1!ter *lic$ Save b tton (o can see new page on this page clic$ on "ollow lin$ b tton. 5eads can be converted to acco nts. clic$ on Con)ert b tton.

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5eads can be converted to acco nts, contacts, opport nities, and !ollow p tas$s. Io sho ld onl( convert a lead once (o have identi!ied it as A ali!ied. 1!ter this lead has been converted, it can no longer be viewed or edited as a lead, b t can be viewed in lead reports.

We /to/3ead %etup
%sing pre-e'isting pages on (o r compan(?s website, (o can capt re contact and pro!ile in!ormation !rom sers and a tomaticall( generate new leads in sales!, enabling (o to respond in real-time to c stomer reA ests.

How 1o >o We /to/3ead %etup :

*lic$ %etup -@ Customi-e -@ We /to/3ead

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%tep # :/ Select "ields in available list clic$ on add b tton enter 7et rn %75 name then clic$ on >enerate b tton.

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%tep ' :/ Select all code and cop( and paste with in Jhtml@ There is paste all code JKhtml@ a!ter pasting this code, ma$e this code all (o can add an( web page !or advertisement.

1 case is a description o! a c stomers problem, !eedbac$, or A estion. %se cases to trac$ and solve (o r c stomers iss es. Io can A ic$l( create, edit, locate, and view cases !rom the *ases tab. To gather c stomer !eedbac$ !rom (o r compan(s website and c stomer emails. How 1o Create Case :

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%tep # :

1!ter clic$ing on save b tton, (o can ma$e new web page as (o can see below. This is how (o can !ind sol tion !or cases.

%tep ' : *lic$ on %elect lin$

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