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Reinforcement and Extension

Science, Geography and History

9 Plants
1. Draw a tree and label the parts.


branches leaves roots trunk

2. Use these words to complete the sentences. branches soft a. Plants react to their b. They grow towards c. The roots grow towards d. Some stems are hard and others are e. Hard stems are made of f. Soft stems are usually g. Leaves grow on the stems and the h.

surroundings water . . roots

green wood


in the ground. . . . .

fix the plant to the ground.

ESSENTIAL SCIENCE 3 PHOTOCOPIABLE MATERIAL Richmond Publishing / Santillana Educacin, S. L.

4 Animals
Name Date


The food chain Animals depend on plants for food. Plants can make their own food. Herbivores eat plants in order to grow and get energy. Carnivores eat herbivores. There is a chain from plants, to herbivores that eat plants, to carnivores that eat herbivores. This is called a food chain. The Egyptian Vulture is an example of a carnivore. It is small and lives in Southern Europe, Africa, the Middle East and Spain. It is a scavenger, which means it eats meat from dead animals. It also eats small rodents, amphibians and eggs from other birds. If these eggs are very big, the Egyptian Vulture throws stones at them to break them and eat the inside. Very few animals are capable of using tools like this to get their food.

1. Complete the following food chain with the correct word. human Plants carrot grass c. __________ rabbit oak leaf Carnivores fox b. ____________ blackbird

Herbivores a. __________ cow caterpillar

2. Reorder the letters of the jumbled words. a. The Egyptian Vulture is a T E R A R I V T E B because it has a skeleton. b. The Egyptian Vulture is a R E N I C A V O R because it eats other animals. c. It is also called a E R V N C E S A G because it eats meat from dead animals. d. It is one of the few animals capable of using L O T O S to get its food.

ESSENTIAL SCIENCE 3 PHOTOCOPIABLE MATERIAL Richmond Publishing / Santillana Educacin, S. L.


c. Can a plant live without water? No, it cannot. d. How much water do people need to drink every day? People need to drink at least one litre of water a day. e. How many days can we go without drinking? We can go four days without drinking. f. Can we drink water from the sea? No, we cannot. Why / Why not? Because it has too much salt. g. Can you name two animals which live in water? Open answer. 2. Identify the three states of water. Circle these photos. Blue liquid: a, f. Brown solid: c, e. Green gas: b, d. 3. Match these words with the sentences. a. If we heat liquid water, it becomes water vapour: evaporation. b. If we cool water vapour, it becomes liquid water: condensation. c. If we freeze liquid water, it becomes ice: solidification. d. If we heat ice, it becomes liquid water: melting. 4. Label the water cycle and answer the question. Clockwise from the left: 1, 2, 3, 4. Where can we find water in this illustration? Model answer: clouds, rain, river, sea. 5. Describe the atmospheric phenomena in these two photographs. Model answers: a. It is snowing. b. There is a storm. It is raining. It is windy.

1. Draw a tree and label the parts. Students draw a tree and label the branches, the leaves the roots and the trunk. 2. Use these words to complete the sentences. a. Plants react to their surroundings. b. They grow towards light. c. The roots grow towards water in the ground. d. Some stems are hard and others are soft. e. Hard stems are made of wood. f. Soft stems are usually green. g. Leaves grow on the stems and the branches. h. Roots fix the plant to the ground. 3. Circle the incorrect word in each sentence. Write the correct sentence. a. All plants grow very slowly. Some plants grow very slowly. b. Plants make food from ice, minerals and sunlight. Plants make food from water, minerals and sunlight. c. Plants make food in their trunks. Plants make food in their leaves. d. Plants can move from one place to another. Plants cannot move from one place to another. 4. Identify and circle the three types of plants. Red trees Orange bushes Pink grasses Students circle the three trees red. They circle the two bushes orange. They circle the grass pink. 5. We eat the leaves and roots of some plants. Can you name any? Model answers: Leaves: lettuce, spinach. Roots: carrots, beets. 6. Do you have any plants in your house? Open answer. How do you take care of them? Open answer.

1. How do we use air? Find four ways in the wordsearch. Across: aeroplane, sailing boat, balloon. Down: tyre. Model answers: Aeroplanes move through the air. Air pushes sailing boats through water. Balloons move through the air. There is air in tyres. 2. Complete the paragraph. Hot air weighs less than cold air. Hot air balloons contain hot air. Therefore, hot air balloons go up. 3. Match the columns. Lower parts of the atmosphere: there is a lot of oxygen. Higher parts of the atmosphere: there is very little oxygen. Outside the atmosphere: there is no oxygen and no life. 4. Draw arrows to illustrate the Suns rays. Label the Sun, the Earth and the atmosphere. Students draw the Suns rays and label the Sun, the Earth and the atmosphere. What are two functions of the atmosphere? It has oxygen that we need to breathe. It filters the Suns rays so we burn less.


1. Find seven words in the wordsearch. Label the parts of the flower. Across: petal, sepal, ovary, stamen. Down: corolla, pollen, calyx.


ESSENTIAL SCIENCE 3 PHOTOCOPIABLE MATERIAL Richmond Publishing / Santillana Educacin, S. L.

4. Find eleven words related to transport in the wordsearch. Then classify them. Across: buses, planes, cars, runways, railways, airports. Down: trains, stations, roads, ports, ships. Transport by land: buses, cars, railways, trains, stations, roads. Transport by air: planes, runways, airports. Transport by sea: ports, ships. Can you add another example to each type? Model answer. Land: lorries. Air: control tower. Sea: sailing boats. 5. Answer these questions. Model answers: a. Which transport is the fastest? Transport by air. b. Which transport is the slowest? Transport by sea. c. Why are airports usually built far from cities? Because planes make a lot of noise. d. Where do planes take off and land? They take off and land on runways.

1. Answer these questions. a. They live in the Arctic. b. An igloo is a house made out of blocks of ice. c. Animal skins are used for clothes. d. Husky dogs are used to pull sleighs over the ice. 2. Circle the correct word. a. In the Arctic it is very cold. b. Eskimos hunt fish. c. Eskimos use animal skins to make clothes. 3. A habitat in a hot climate. Match the columns. Then write about Africa. a. The climate in Africa is hot and dry. (2) b. People in desert areas wear clothes to protect them from the Sun. (4) c. Many Africans live in huts made from wood and trees in villages. (1) d. Water is very precious in Africa because there is very little rainfall. (5) e. People cultivate the land. (3)


1. Classify these jobs. Then add one more example to each category. With model answers. Obtaining natural resources: miners, farmers, fishermen 1 foresters. Transforming resources: factory workers 1 construction workers. Providing services: doctors, bus drivers, bankers 1 teachers. 2. Answer these questions. a. Who makes up the active population? Working people. b. When do most people retire? Most people retire when they are 65. c. What are irrigated crops? Crops which need a lot of water. Two examples: fruit and vegetables. d. What are dry crops? They are the crops which grow mainly with rain water. Two examples: olives and some cereals. 3. What kinds of animal farming breed these animals? cattle farming, poultry farming, equine farming 4. Look at these photographs of factories. What is being made? a. textiles b. biscuits c. cars d. fruit juice 5. Answer these questions. Open answers.


1. True or false? Decide and write T or F. Correct the false sentences. True sentences: c, d. Corrected false sentences: a. Braille helps people who cant see. b. It was invented in 1829. e. You can find words written in Braille on medicine packets. 2. Match the two parts of each sentence. a. A jumper is soft. (2) b. A lemon is sour. (5) c. Ice is cold. (4) d. Boiling water is hot. (1) e. Chocolate is sweet. (3)


1. Which of these activities are good for us? Write good or bad. Good - swimming, drinking milk, eating fruit and vegetables. Bad - eating sweets everyday, sleeping very little, carrying heavy books.


ESSENTIAL SCIENCE 3 PHOTOCOPIABLE MATERIAL Richmond Publishing / Santillana Educacin, S. L.

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