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Burke/Gonzalez/Simonsen fea Capitalism K LINK DERE Links ~ Fae : 2 Links - GL8T : 9 Linke ~ GLBT nee Links GLBT 5 Links ~ Globalization. 6 Links — Human Rights 7 Links ~ LaW see 8 Links ~ Law. Links ~ Law. Links ~ Law Links ~ Milcary Readiness Links ~ Race Links ~ Race Links ~ Rights/ Freedoms Links ~ Rights/Feeedom.. Links ~ Rights/Freedom.. Links ~ Rights/Freedom.. Links ~ State Links ~ State Links ~ Stae Links ~ Terrorism. IMPACT DEBATE ssn Impacts ~ Extinction. Impacts ~ Extineion Impacts ~ Solvency Impacts ~ Solvency Impacts ~ Wat. Impacts — Environment "No Alt” 29 "No Alc” sn sn 30 AT: “No Alt” 31 Ale Resistance Key. 32 Alt Individual Resistance Key. on 33 Alt— Rejection . 35 AT: PERMUTATIONS 36 AT: Pettus AT: Petit nn SS) Burke/Gonzalez/Simonsen Fapemny Capitalism K / Links — Fiat (_) Theie appeal to policy oriented intellectualism is motivated by capitalist ideology — our alternative perspective should be privileged ‘Marvin Beslowitz, Univ of Cincinnati, Racism and the Denial of Human Rights, 1984, p 129 (5) “TRie fact that the dominant ideology of multicultural education conflicts withthe interests of minorities corresponds tothe class strus- ie inherent in the capitalist mode of production. A recent document Published by the Trilateral Commission defines the clas interests in Figher education by distinguishing between “value-oriented intlloctu- als” and “policy-oriented intellectuals.”! While the value-oriented intel- lectual represents the radical and progressive forces inthe academy, the policy oriented intellectual i rooted in the tradition of those defined ‘by Dusky Lee Smith as the “sunshine boys.”? The policy-oriented intellectuals serve two major functions: 1) during times of crisis, they Tead inthe implementation and ideological justification for accommo- dation to racism and reactionary policies; and 2) they provide the Sdeological palitives for the relief of those whose sensitivities and ‘class interests are offended by the value-oriented intellectual. This function is especially significant in the atea of education, which has a {ation of eonmratim.|£74 Burke/Gonzalez/Simonsen Fase, Capitalism K Links — GLBT Student Name i (_) An isolated focus on sexual liberation movements only hurts their chance of success in the long run ~ sex itself has become commodified, only an attack on the entire capitalist patriarchal structure will solve Linda Gordon, Assoc. Prof. of History @ UMass-Boston, Capitalist Patriarchy and the Case for Socialist Feminism, 1979 p—_ The tendency toward sexual freedom and equality is con- stantly threatened with deflection, even reversal. These weak- nesses are partly due to difficulties within the feminist move- ‘ment itself. A cross-class movement, feminism has had a tend- ency to encourage individual success at the expense of collec- tive strategy. Feminists also, as we have seen, isolated particu- lar reforms as panaceas, sexual liberation being one of them, These two faults are connected. Feminists sometimes wan- dered into utopian experiments, trying to create situations of total equality and freedom by relying on individual wealth, status, and self-confidence. A focus on sexual liberation was understandable because sex seems one of the few areas of human experience still in our own control in an era of totalita- rian control over so much else; and because sex is potentially one of the few sources of intense, natural pleasure remaining in an all-commoditized world. But the isolation of “sexual libera- tion” struggles, while understandable, weakens these very struggles in the long run. Not only does it hold back the de- velopment of understanding of the social and economic influ- ences on sexuality, but it fails to challenge the forces which corrupt human sexual potential—class exploitation and male supremacy. Furthermore, the isolated focus on sexual liberation was seized and manipulated by capitalists in their ever extending search for profits. Sexual pleasure itself, both that produced by individual human beauty and that from caresses, has become commoditized, while the market produces its own, distorted, sexual needs. ‘Thus the story of the breaking away from Victorian sexual repression over the last century has a double aspect: one of liberation and another of the reimposition of new forms of social control over the human capacity for free and inventive sexual expression. Those two aspects correspond, on the one hand, to the collective and individual rebellions of people, primarily women, against their masters, rebellions represented nowhere more forcefully than in the birth control movement; and, on the other hand, to the economic and political needs of the capitalist system. That the former aspect may yet prove victorious is due in part to the fact that the capitalist economy has developed weakening contradictions within itself

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