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I Want You To Want Me by hgfan1111 Storylink: Content: hapte! 1 to 8 of 8 chapte!s Source: "an" Summary: #espe!

ate ti$es ca%% fo! &espe!ate $easu!es. 'fte! waiting yea!s to te%% (inny the t!uth) *a!!y is &!i+en to &espe!ation when she &oesn,t be%ie+e hi$. '*u$o!/.o$ance *a!!y/(inny

*Chapter 1*: Chapter 1: I Want

'utho!,s /ote: W!itten fo! $y best f!ien&) 0%%a. Than1s to 2athy) who beta !ea& fo! $e) '%e3 who he%pe& $e get insi&e *a!!y,s hea&) an& #a!on who ga+e $e the $ost inte!esting p%ot twist. I owe you th!ee4 I hope you en5oy the sto!y. *appy !ea&ing) 'n&i. I Want You To Want Me Chapter 1: I Want His Saturday *a!!y watche& as (inny bu66e& about the f%at) wea!ing on%y one shoe an& twisting he! hai! into a $essy 1not behin& he! hea&. *e t!ie& not to s$i%e because he 1new if she caught hi$ she,& p!obab%y hit hi$) but it was funny %oo1ing. 7he b!ee6e& into the %i+ing !oo$ once $o!e an& &!oppe& to he! 1nees) c!aw%ing a%ong the f%oo! an& stic1ing he! botto$ in the ai! as she %oo1e& un&e! a%% the fu!nitu!e. *a!!y,s eyes went wi&e an& his bo&y &efinite%y !espon&e& to the +iew) but he fo!ce& hi$se%f to %oo1 away. 8'nything I can he%p you with98 he as1e& an& tu!ne& a page in his :ui&&itch $aga6ine) p!eten&ing that he ha&n,t notice& he! &ashing about. (inny,s hea& pee1e& o+e! the page he was %oo1ing at an& she b%ew a %ong ten&!i% of hai! out of he! eyes. 8My shoe)8 she huffe&. 8I can,t fin& it an& I,$ going to be %ate.8 *a!!y sighe& an& set his $aga6ine asi&e) acting %i1e it was so$e g!eat feat to hea+e hi$se%f off the sofa an& %oo1 fo! he! $issing shoe. In a way it was) though. ' +e!y %a!ge pa!t of hi$ &i&n,t want he! to e+e! fin& he! shoe because then she cou%&n,t %ea+e hi$ he!e an& go out with;Brian. 'n& she,& stay ho$e with hi$ tonight whe!e they cou%& sha!e the sofa an& watch a fi%$ togethe!. (inny %et out an ina!ticu%ate g!u$b%e an& hobb%e& bac1 &own the ha%%way. 8I can,t i$agine whe!e that got off to.8

*is hea!t ga+e a twinge an& his sto$ach f%utte!e& but *a!!y fo!ce& the fee%ings) an& the thoughts that they b!ought) away. (inny 5ust wasn,t inte!este& in hi$. 7he was pe!fect%y happy with thei! best<f!ien&s<an&<nothing<$o!e !e%ationship. They we!e 'u!o! pa!tne!s) f%at $ates) an& best f!ien&s. *a!!y ha& no business watching he! %i1e he &i& o! thin1ing an& &!ea$ing about he! %i1e he &i&. *e was 5ust Harry. 7he,& ne+e! !ea%%y seen hi$) e+en though he,& ha& a c!ush on he! since she was e%e+en an& he was twe%+e. *e was a%ways 5ust an o%&e! b!othe! figu!e fo! he! to 5o1e with an& p%ay :ui&&itch with in the fie%& behin& the =u!!ow. *a!!y was fo!e+e! e$ba!!assing hi$se%f in f!ont of he!: stic1ing his e%bow in foo& at the (!yffin&o! tab%e in the (!eat *a%%) t!ipping o+e! his tongue when he t!ie& to say so$ething to he!) o! si$p%y fee%ing his face heat e+e!y ti$e she %oo1e& his way. The c!ush ha& te$pe!e& &u!ing the yea!s of the wa!) but co$e bac1 with a +engeance in the $onths afte! (inny %eft *ogwa!ts an& sta!te& he! 'u!o! T!aining. *a!!y &i& &ate othe! gi!%s e+e!y so often) but he ha&n,t $et anyone yet that cou%& outshine (inny,s position in his %ife. *e ha& an unw!itten !u%e that no gi!% e+e! got $o!e than two &ates. 'n& (inny) it see$e&) was of the sa$e $in&set. 7he,& been a%% set to p%ay p!ofessiona% :ui&&itch) but a %ate se+enth<yea! in5u!y to he! shou%&e! pushe& that i&ea into a &!ea$ of the past) !athe! than the futu!e. It was *a!!y who suggeste& that she 5oin the 'u!o!s) an& (inny was a natu!a%. 7he was fie!ce an& st!ong) an& ha& a wic1e& sense of hu$o! that $a&e being he! pa!tne! a who%e %ot of fun. *e cou%&n,t >uite say when the o%& fee%ing of fancying he! $o!phe& into $uch st!onge!) $uch &eepe! fee%ings) but *a!!y was fu%% into the sensation of it !ight now. *e spent a %ong ti$e &enying he was fee%ing anything) an& then $o!e ti$e t!ying to con+ince hi$se%f it was si$p%y a si%%y %itt%e c!ush) an& then e+en $o!e ti$e $oping about an& t!ying to &eci&e if saying so$ething to he! was wo!th it. .ubbing his han& o+e! his face) *a!!y fo!ce& the thoughts away. =!oo&ing about it ha&n,t acco$p%ishe& anything yet) so he $ay as we%% stop. (inny was sti%% &igging away in he! wa!&!obe. *a!!y cou%& hea! the thu$ping of shoes being th!own a!oun& an& c%othing being scatte!e&. *e ga+e the %i+ing !oo$ one $o!e +isua% sweep an& s$i!1e& when he saw the tip of the shoe she,& been sea!ching fo! nea! the fi!ep%ace) pee1ing out f!o$ un&e! the c%oa1 (inny ha& &!oppe& the!e ea!%ie! to&ay. *e opene& his $outh to ca%% out to he! but the wo!&s wou%&n,t co$e. If she &i&n,t fin& the shoe) she,& be %ate) if she e+en went at a%%. 'n& if she was %ate) pe!haps Brian wou%& thin1 she,& 5i%te& hi$) an& the wan1e! wou%& %ea+e an& ne+e! co$e bac1. Yes. That was the best i&ea a%% a!oun&. 8"oun& it yet98 *a!!y saunte!e& &own the ha%%way an& %eane& against (inny,s open &oo!.

7he spun on he! hee% an& *a!!y ha& to catch his b!eath. .athe! than the p!esse& t!ouse!s an& nice shi!t she,& been wea!ing ea!%ie!) (inny ha& change& into a &!ess. 8I &eci&e& to change co$p%ete%y)8 she sighe&. 8?ip $e up98 7he tu!ne& he! bac1 to hi$ an& *a!!y hesitate& as he sta!e& at the +ast e3panse of pa%e s1in) &issecte& by the b!ight white b!a st!ap. *e,& ce!tain%y seen bits an& pieces of he! gi!%y things befo!e) &!ape& o+e! the showe! !o& in the bath!oo$) in the %aun&!y that they usua%%y &i& togethe!) &isca!&e& on he! $essy f%oo!) but actua%%y on he! was so$ething +e!y &iffe!ent. (inny ga+e an i$patient g%ance o+e! he! shou%&e! an& *a!!y 5e!1e& fo!wa!&) his han&s sha1ing as he !eache& fo! the tiny 6ippe!. 87o!!y) was thin1ing about so$ething e%se.8 8I,$ so %ate)8 she g!u$b%e&. *e! han&s !eache& up an& untwiste& he! hai! to %et it casca&e &own o+e! he! shou%&e!s. 7he !an he! finge!s th!ough it !ough%y) igno!ing the tang%es. *a!!y,s b%oo& thun&e!e& th!ough his +eins) an& a%% he cou%& thin1 about was how pa%e an& pe!fect he! s1in was) how soft it was against the bac1 of his finge!) an& how $uch he wante& to !each out an& taste one of the f!ec1%es on he! shou%&e!) 5ust to see if it was choco%ate f%a+o!e&) as he hope& it was. When he fina%%y !eache& the top of the 6ippe!) without tho!ough%y e$ba!!assing hi$se%f by %ic1ing he!) *a!!y %et out a sha1y b!eath. 8Then stay ho$e)8 he $anage& afte! c%ea!ing his th!oat. 8It,s not %i1e you ha+e to &!ess up to be he!e with $e. We,%% o!&e! ta1e away an& th!ow popco!n at the te%%y when we a!gue with the cha!acte!s.8 They,& &one that 5ust %ast wee1 an& it ha& been one of the best ti$es *a!!y cou%& e+e! !e$e$be!@5ust the two of the$) %aughing an& sitting a%$ost on top of each othe!. Ae!fection. 8's fun as that soun&s) I &o !ea%%y want to go out tonight.8 (inny hoppe& on one foot as she tugge& on a pai! of hee%s that $a&e he! %egs %oo1 inc!e&ib%e. *a!!y %oo1e& &own at hi$se%f) wea!ing on%y a pai! of t!ac1 pants that we!e staine& an& !athe! !atty) an& a t<shi!t that ha& seen fa! bette! &ays. 8(o out with $e.8 *e sh!ugge&) t!ying to p!eten& the suggestion was co$p%ete%y innocent. 8I can be !ea&y fast) an& we,%% go out fo! &inne!. We,%% &o whate+e! you want.8 =ut (inny on%y %aughe& at the suggestion) an& patte& his shou%&e! in that way she ha& fo! so %ong. *a!!y,s hea!t ga+e a painfu% %u!ch. 8You can,t be that %one%y) *a!!y)8 she 5o1e&. 8(o an& pic1 up so$eone at the pub.8 *e 1new he! co$$ent was $a&e fo! fun) but he scow%e& as she &a!te& into the bath!oo$ to app%y $a1eup an& b!ush he! hai! out. *e &i&n,t want 5ust anyone. 'n& he ce!tain%y wou%&n,t fin& anyone &ecent at the pub. *e wasn,t %oo1ing fo! so$eone to shag) o! 5ust spen& a night with@*a!!y wasn,t into that 1in& of thing at a%%. *e wante& so$eone he

cou%& !ea%%y ta%1 to) so$eone who un&e!stoo& his past) an& ha& he%pe& hi$ c!eate &!ea$s fo! the futu!e. Bust anyone wou%&n,t &o. It ha& been (inny in his &!ea$s fo! so %ong that *a!!y was su!e it wou%& on%y e+e! be he!. 8Why a!e you going out with =e!ny in the fi!st p%ace98 *a!!y as1e&. *e pu!pose%y got the na$e w!ong to see if it wou%& !i%e (inny. 8I $ean) what happene& to you! two &ate !u%e9 You,+e a%!ea&y been out with =enny twice %ast wee1.8 (inny,s face) co$p%ete with !ing of toothpaste foa$ a!oun& he! %ips) appea!e& once again an& she spo1e a!oun& he! toothb!ush. 8=ecause I %i1e Brian) *a!!y. 'n& the !u%e was a%ways $o!e about gui&e%ines) you 1now) !athe! than abso%uteness.8 7he &uc1e& bac1 in an& *a!!y hea!& he! spit into the sin1. The f!ust!ation an& he%p%essness bui%t insi&e hi$) an& *a!!y p!esse& his bac1 to the wa%%) b!acing his han&s behin& it so he wou%&n,t !each out an& pu%% he! to hi$ as she passe&. 8Yeah) but what $a1es this one &iffe!ent98 (inny e$e!ge& once $o!e f!o$ the bath!oo$ an& stu&ie& hi$ fo! a $o$ent befo!e s$i%ing. 8=!ian is nice. *e %i1es :ui&&itch) an& isn,t inti$i&ate& that I,$ an 'u!o!.8 *a!!y scow%e& at the &esc!iption. He was nice) wasn,t he9 'n& he %o+e& :ui&&itch. In fact) he an& (inny ha& spent hun&!e&s of hou!s going to ga$es) ta%1ing about ga$es) an& p%aying ga$es. 'n& *a!!y %o+e& that (inny was an 'u!o!. 7he was the best &a$ne& 'u!o! he,& e+e! seen. That was p!obab%y biase& since he was in %o+e with he!) but *a!!y &i& thin1 she was a$a6ing. 8*e,s funny an& easy to ta%1 to)8 (inny continue&. 7he wa%1e& &own the ha%% an& *a!!y fe%t powe!%ess as he fo%%owe&. *e ha& to 1now why this one was &iffe!ent. (inny ha& &ate& %ots in the pastC why was she su&&en%y so inte!este& in sta!ting a !e%ationship9 8I,$ funny)8 *a!!y p!oteste&) but he &oubte& (inny hea!& hi$ because she was te%%ing a sto!y now. 8This one ti$e;8 *a!!y !efuse& to %isten to the wo!&s an& focuse& on pouting. *e was a%% of those things) yet (inny &i&n,t gi+e hi$ a secon& g%ance. *e was sti%% fi!$%y ent!enche& in the f!ien&< on%y catego!y of (inny,s %ife. *e fo!ce& a s$a%% s$i%e on his face when she %aughe& at the en& of he! sto!y.

8Isn,t that 5ust so funny98 8=!i%%iant.8 *a!!y no&&e&. *e ha&n,t hea!& a wo!& of it but he &oubte& he wou%& be a$use& e+en if Brian was the funniest $an on ea!th. 8'n& he,s goo& %oo1ing) a%ways &!esse& nice%y) you 1now. 'n& he;he $a1es $e fee% %i1e a gi!%.8 (inny sh!ugge& an& *a!!y ha& to %oo1 away. *e cou%&n,t bea! to see that soft %oo1 on he! face an& 1now that he wasn,t the one that put it the!e. 8I ha+e to !un)8 (inny sai& once she ha& he! c%oa1 an& wan&. *a!!y notice& he! scow% at the $issing shoe that was unea!the&) but she see$e& to sh!ug it away. 8T!y not to sit he!e a%one a%% night) yeah98 7he %aughe& an& p!esse& he! %ips to his chee1 befo!e 'ppa!ating away. *a!!y sta!e& at the spot whe!e (inny ha& been stan&ing fo! a %ong ti$e) he! wo!&s !att%ing in his hea&. *e was e+e!ything that Brian was an& $o!e) why cou%&n,t (inny be inte!este& in hi$9 Why cou%&n,t she 5ust see e+e!ything she e+e! wante& in hi$9 Then they cou%& fa%% in %o+e togethe!) an& get $a!!ie&) an& ha+e a fa$i%y togethe!. 'n& *a!!y,s %ife wou%& be b!i%%iant. 7%ow%y) he wan&e!e& into his be&!oo$ an& sta!e& at the c%utte! %ying on the f%oo!. The &i!ty %aun&!y was pi%ing up) th!eatening to ta1e o+e! the enti!e !oo$. *e nu&ge& a pi%e with his toes) an& then pu%%e& his wan& an& banishe& it to the %aun&!y !oo$ &own the ha%%. It too1 hi$ twenty $inutes of spe%%s) but *a!!y fina%%y was ab%e to see the ca!pet again. The be& was $a&e) an& a%% the su!faces &uste&) but he sti%% fe%t out of so!ts. *e $ig!ate& into the !est of the f%at) c%eaning as he went. The on%y !oo$ that &i&n,t get a co$p%ete scou!ing was (inny,s. *a!!y cou%&n,t b!ing hi$se%f to go in the!e) an& (inny wou%& 1i%% hi$ if he e+en t!ie& to o!gani6e he! $ess anyway. 't the en& of it a%%) *a!!y fe%t $o!e &eso%ate than he ha& in a +e!y %ong ti$e. The f%at nea!%y spa!1%e&) but he cou%&n,t $a1e the >uestions stop popping up. 'n& he &i&n,t ha+e answe!s as to why (inny p!i6e& things in Tosse! =!ian that we!e e3t!e$e%y e+i&ent in *a!!y hi$se%f. *a!!y &eci&e& that sitting a!oun& the f%at tonight was &efinite%y going to be too &ep!essing. *e gathe!e& so$e c%ean c%othing) an& too1 a >uic1 showe!) a%% the whi%e g!u$b%ing about e+e!ything (inny ha& sai& tonight. The wate! !an o+e! his bo&y an& *a!!y sta!e& at (inny,s soap an& sha$poo bott%e in the co!ne! of the she%f. *is bo&y !espon&e& auto$atica%%y an& he fe%t his face heat. If (inny e+e! foun& out that he got off a%$ost e+e!y showe! afte! s$e%%ing he! sha$poo an& i$agining he! c%i$bing into the showe! sp!ay with hi$) she,& p!obab%y he3 his bits. Tonight,s !outine offe!e& +e!y %itt%e in the way of !e%ief) but *a!!y,s bo&y !efuse& to ca%$ &own unti% the !outine was ca!!ie& out.

*e stoo& in f!ont of the $i!!o! fo! a %ong ti$e) w!appe& in his towe% an& sta!ing at the $an who %oo1e& bac1. *e was goo& %oo1ing) wasn,t he9 .ugge&%y han&so$e) at %east. Maybe his hai! was a bit %ong) an& he cou%& &efinite%y use a sha+e !ight now) but su!e%y he was att!acti+e enough. *a!!y finishe& getting !ea&y an& 'ppa!ate& to The *ogs *ea&) whe!e he 1new .on an& (eo!ge we!e going. They,& in+ite& hi$ ea!%ie! in the &ay) but *a!!y ha& &ec%ine&) thin1ing that a night in with (inny soun&e& bette!. 7o $uch fo! those p%ans. The pub was fu%% an& %ou&) 5ust how 7ea$us %i1e& it on a "!i&ay night. The I!ish$an ha& b!eathe& new %ife into the o%& p%ace afte! 'be!fo!th so%& hi$ the pub) an& it was a fun p%ace to gathe! with f!ien&s to &!own in a pint. .on) (eo!ge) an& /e+i%%e we!e seate& a!oun& a tab%e %aughing an& ta%1ing %ou&%y. *a!!y no&&e& to a few peop%e as he wea+e& his way towa!& the$. 8Di) you $a&e it afte! a%%)8 .on chee!e&. *a!!y t!ie& to s$i%e) but he thought it was p!obab%y a %itt%e wea1. 8I $a&e it.8 8*a+e a pint on $e.8 (eo!ge s%i& a nea!%y fu%% &!in1 ac!oss the tab%e) an& *a!!y caught it 5ust in ti$e) p!e+enting it f!o$ sai%ing off the e&ge an& %an&ing in his %ap. 8We we!e 5ust ta%1ing about the annons)8 .on info!$e& hi$. The othe! two co$p%aine& %ou&%y an& *a!!y cou%&n,t he%p but %augh. .on a%ways wante& to ta%1 about the annons. The con+e!sation too1 off f!o$ the!e) with .on &efen&ing his tea$ whi%e the othe!s ga+e count%ess e+i&ences against the$. In the $i&st of it a%%) *a!!y fe%t bette! about getting out of the f%at. *is conce!ns about (inny an& what he fe%t fo! he! we!e ne+e! fa! f!o$ his su!face thoughts) but he a%%owe& hi$se%f to set the$ asi&e an& si$p%y en5oy being with his f!ien&s. 7ea$us 1ept thei! tab%e supp%ie& with &!in1s a%% night) an& *a!!y) not no!$a%%y a hea+y &!in1e!) &!aine& his pint ti$e an& again. The %i>ui& in his be%%y fe%t goo&. It he%pe& to wa!$ hi$. 8;an& so I to%& he!) 'nge%ina) you,%% 5ust ha+e to !un the shop without $e tonight. I,+e got so$ewhe!e i$po!tant I nee& to@8 8I,$ att!acti+e) !ight98 Why that >uestion s%ippe& out of his $outh !ight then) *a!!y cou%&n,t say. Th!ee sets of eyes wi&ene& befo!e the tab%e e!upte& in !aucous %aughte!. 80!) so!!y) *a!!y) you,!e not !ea%%y $y type.8 (eo!ge shoo1 his hea&.

*a!!y san1 fu!the! into his seat. 8I $ean) you thin1 I,$ o1ay) yeah9 I,$ not so$e p!etty boy) o! f%ashy) o! anything) but gi!%s thin1 I,$ o1ay. 't %east) I thin1 they &o.8 /ow that his $outh ha& opene&) it &i&n,t see$ he cou%& stop it f!o$ spi%%ing e+e!ything. 8I thin1 so$eone has ha& a bit too $uch tonight.8 .on pee!e& c%ose%y at hi$. 8'!e you i%%98 *e !eache& out to p%ace the bac1 of his han& a%ong *a!!y,s fo!ehea&. 8(e!off)8 *a!!y g!u$b%e& an& pushe& .on,s han& away. 8I 5ust;I 5ust can,t stop thin1ing about what she sai&. I,$ e+e!ything he is) you 1now. Dn%y bette!.8 8That,s !ight48 (eo!ge toaste& *a!!y,s !a$b%ing ob%i+ious%y) hoisting his pint abo+e the tab%e an& s%oshing a%e o+e! the e&ge. 8Maybe;$aybe I 5ust !uine& $y chance a %ong ti$e ago. What if that,s it9 What if being with $e hu!ts too $uch because it !e$in&s he! of the past98 The !ea%i6ation was painfu%) an& *a!!y,s chest c%a$pe& &own so ha!& it was &ifficu%t to b!eath. That ha& to be it. (inny cou%&n,t bea! to thin1 of hi$ in a !o$antic way because he was a constant !e$in&e! of he! %ost chi%&hoo&) of f!ien&s who wou%& ne+e! !etu!n) of "!e&) an& e+e!ything she,& %ost. Things she cou%& igno!e in a f!ien&) because $aybe they we!en,t nea!%y as c%ose as *a!!y thought they we!e) wou%& be i$possib%e to igno!e in so$eone you %o+e&. =!ian was a safe! choice because he,& ne+e! ha& a ho!!ib%y e$ba!!assing c!ush on he! in the past. *e,& ne+e! been at the cente! of a wa! whe!e he! f!ien&s an& fa$i%y ha& &ie&. *a!!y ha&. 8I hafta go)8 *a!!y $u$b%e&. *e stoo& ab!upt%y an& 1noc1e& his thighs into the tab%e. 8I nee& to;nee& to thin1.8 =oth (eo!ge an& /e+i%%e p!oteste& an& t!ie& to get *a!!y to sit &own) but the i$ages f!o$ the past 5ust 1ept washing o+e! hi$: (inny,s s$a%% bo&y %ying sti%% on the f%oo! of the ha$be!) the way she was so a$a6ing when he watche& he! shy%y f!o$ ac!oss the o$$on .oo$) he! fie!ce &ete!$ination in the face of anything that stoo& in he! way) an&) fina%%y) the b%oo&<s$ea!e&) s$o1e<s$u&ge& face of a si3teen yea!<o%& gi!% who ha& 5ust %ost he! b!othe!) an& been fo!ce& to fight fo! he! own %ife. It was a won&e! she e+e! wante& to see hi$ again. *a!!y shou%&n,t e3pect that 5ust because he %o+e& he! she shou%& !etu!n the fee%ings. 87it &own) *a!!y)8 .on &e$an&e&. *is han& !este& hea+i%y on *a!!y,s shou%&e! an& gui&e& hi$ bac1 into his chai!. *a!!y thought e+e!yone $ight be sta!ing at hi$) an& he wou%&n,t b%a$e the$. They $ust thin1 he was insane) bu!sting in he!e an& spouting on about nothing %i1e he ha&. Ae!haps he was insane.

8You,!e not %ea+ing he!e unti% we figu!e out what the he%% you,!e ta%1ing about) *a!!y)8 /e+i%%e a&&e& his suppo!t. 8Yeah) $ate)8 (eo!ge sai&. 8I,%% e+en put up a p!i+acy cha!$.8 *a!!y sighe&) 1nowing he wasn,t going to get out of this. 'n& a pa!t of hi$ &i&n,t want to %ea+e. ' pa!t of hi$ wante& to te%% his $ates e+e!ything. Maybe they cou%& he%p hi$ figu!e out what he was going to &o) an& how to $a1e the e$ptiness in his chest go away. 8We,!e not &oing this on pints a%one)8 (eo!ge shoo1 his hea& an& $a&e his way towa!& the ba!. *e ca$e bac1 a $inute %ate! with a fu%% bott%e of "i!ewhis1y an& fou! s$a%% g%asses. *a!!y watche& in si%ence as he set a p!i+acy wa!& a!oun& the tab%e) an& .on pou!e& the &!in1s) s%opping %i>ui& onto the tab%e. It hisse& an& s$o1e& on the woo&. 8/ow) a!e we going to ta%1 about what,s bothe!ing you) o! shou%& we 5ust be%ie+e that you,!e a nutte!98 (eo!ge,s eyeb!ows !ose an& he sta!e& at *a!!y ac!oss the tab%e. *a!!y g%a!e& &own at his han&s. *e g!ow%e& %ow in his th!oat an& snatche& his g%ass of whis1y. 87o98 .on p!o$pte&. *e %eane& fo!wa!&) !esting his e%bows on the tab%e) an& waite& fo! *a!!y. 8I,$ assu$ing this is about so$e bi!&) since you see$ to ha+e %ost you! $in&.8 *a!!y g!i$ace&. 8/ot a bi!&.8 *e !ubbe& his face with a han&) pushing his g%asses up onto his fo!ehea&) an& then sett%ing the$ bac1 into p%ace. 8' wo$an. ' wo$an I %o;8 8What,s the p!ob%e$ then98 /e+i%%e as1e&. *a!!y fe%t his gut !o%% unp%easant%y) an& won&e!e& if the whis1y was bu!ning ho%es in his sto$ach %i1e it see$e& to be on the tab%e. 87he;she &oesn,t see $e that way.8 8/ow I see the p!ob%e$)8 .on no&&e&. 8What &oes (inny say about a%% of this9 7he,s a%ways got an opinion on the gi!%s you &ate.8 *a!!y &i&n,t answe!. *e fe%t his chee1s heat unti% he ha& to tug at his co%%a!. *e ha&n,t e+e! co$e !ight out an& a&$itte& his c!ush on (inny to anyone besi&es .on. *e,& to%& .on e+e!ything) but his f!ien& ha& a%ways 1ept his confi&ence. 8I ha+en,t;I ha+en,t to%& he! how I fee%. 0+e!.8 8Is this about (inny98 (eo!ge &e$an&e&) %oo1ing confuse&. 8I 1new you fancie& he! when you we!e younge!) but;8 8I &on,t 5ust fancy he!.8 The a&$ission bu!ne& the who%e way up) an& *a!!y fu$b%e& fo! the bott%e. Ae!haps if he &!an1 $o!e "i!ewhis1y it wou%& &!own out his wo!&s an& he,& be

ab%e to sa+e hi$se%f the hu$i%iation of e3p%aining his state$ent. Why cou%&n,t they 5ust; un&e!stan&9 #i& he !ea%%y ha+e to hu$i%iate hi$se%f in f!ont of his $ates %i1e this9 The fe!a% %oo1 on (eo!ge,s face confi!$e& it) though. Yes) *a!!y was going to ha+e to pay fo! te%%ing the t!uth fina%%y. 8'bout ti$e you a&$it it)8 /e+i%%e g!u$b%e&. *a!!y g%a!e& at his f!ien&. 8Who to%& you98 *a!!y &e$an&e&. 8It,s not %i1e it was a sec!et) $ate)8 .on sh!ugge&. 8I thin1 the on%y pe!son who ne+e! figu!e& it out is (inny. 7he 1new about the c!ush) but not;we%%) she ne+e! 1new how &eep it went) ob+ious%y.8 87he a%ways was a bit thic1)8 (eo!ge sh!ugge& one shou%&e!. 8I to%& you not to %et he! $o+e in with you)8 .on sco%&e& soft%y. *e %oo1e& the $ost conce!ne& out of e+e!yone) an& *a!!y suppose& he ha& the !ight. .on was a%ways the!e to suppo!t *a!!y@no >uestions as1e&. 'n& *a!!y ha& been %ess than honest with his f!ien&s fo! a %ong ti$e. 8I to%& you it was nothing but t!oub%e.8 8I thought I,& be fine)8 *a!!y sighe&. 8I thought;I thought it was past $e.8 8I thought you we!e we%% o+e! this) $ate.8 *a!!y fe%t e+en sic1e!. 8I t!ie&)8 he whispe!e&. 8I thought I was) but she,s 5ust so; won&e!fu% an& beautifu%. Ei+ing togethe! is ha!& because I ha+e to see he! e+e!y &ay) but its a%so b!i%%iant because I get to see he! e+e!y &ay. 'n& she,s a goo& 'u!o!) you 1now) so I wante& he! as $y pa!tne!.8 .on stu&ie& hi$ a $inute an& sighe& befo!e !ubbing his face. 7i%ence sett%e& a!oun& the tab%e. *a!!y watche& thei! faces) waiting fo! the 5o1es to co$e. 8Why a!e you sta!ing at $e98 (eo!ge &e$an&e&. *e see$e& to be swaying s%ight%y to the si&e) but *a!!y wasn,t su!e if it was (eo!ge) o! *a!!y hi$se%f. The tab%e see$e& a bit won1y) too. Ae!haps so$eone ha& spe%%e& it to spin) %i1e the !est of the !oo$ was. 8You,!e not going to;he3 $e98 *a!!y as1e&. 8D! use $e to test p!o&ucts98 (eo!ge %aughe& %ou&%y. 8(!eat i&ea) *a!!y) but no.8 8It,s b!i%%iant) *a!!y)8 .on s$i%e& fina%%y. 8I thin1 you an& (inny cou%& be !ea%%y goo& togethe!.8 8I ag!ee)8 /e+i%%e sai&) ti%ting his g%ass in *a!!y,s &i!ection. 8(inny,s g!eat) *a!!y. I %i1e the i&ea of the two of you togethe!.8

8You &ate& he!)8 *a!!y na!!owe& his eyes) t!ying to &eci&e why that fact ha& poppe& up in his $in&. 8I wante& to as1 he! to the &ance) but you beat $e to it.8 /e+i%%e,s face f%ushe& an& he sta$$e!e& befo!e &owning the !est of his &!in1. 8(inny an& I;5ust f!ien&s. I p!o$ise) *a!!y. I so!t of guesse& how you fe%t about he!.8 *a!!y,s hea& wobb%e& on his nec1. 8#oesn,t $atte!) !ea%%y. 7he,s seeing so$eone.8 The wo!&s too1 a $o$ent to %an& on the tab%e an& soa1 in fo! e+e!yone. 8*e,%% be o%& news afte! the secon& &ate) an& then you can as1 he! out)8 .on &is$isse&. 8You ha+e that !u%e) afte! a%%.8 87he,s on the thi!& with hi$ !ight now.8 The i&ea $a&e *a!!y,s sto$ach p!otest) an& he +e!y nea!%y %ost e+e!ything a%% o+e! the tab%e. 8Dh.8 .on an& /e+i%%e e3change& a conce!ne& %oo1 that p!obab%y $eant $o!e than *a!!y cou%& $anage to w!ap his $in& a!oun& !ight now. The who%e night was beginning to weigh &own on hi$. 8Who;who is this b%o1e then98 (eo!ge &e$an&e&. *e %oo1e& ang!y now an& *a!!y b%in1e& at hi$. 8/o i&ea)8 *a!!y g!u$b%e&. *e pou!e& hi$se%f anothe! &!in1) fi%%ing the %itt%e g%ass a%% the way to the top. 8We &on,t e+e! $eet the othe! pe!son,s &ates.8 8You two a!e 5ust;&aft) you 1now)8 .on sighe&. 8I say we go hunt hi$ &own an& cast!ate hi$)8 (eo!ge chee!e&. *e he%& up his g%ass to /e+i%%e in toast) but the othe! $an 5ust sta!e&. 8"o!get this tosse!48 .on tu!ne& in his chai! an& g!abbe& *a!!y by the shou%&e!s. 8Is she wo!th it98 *a!!y sta!e& at hi$. 8I !is1 a %ot by saying anything) .on. I !is1 $y pa!tne! an& f%at $ate. I !is1 $y;$y best f!ien&.8 8I 1now)8 .on no&&e&. 8=ut is she wo!th the !is198 8' $i%%ion ti$es o+e!.8 The answe! ca$e with su!p!ising c%a!ity) an& *a!!y fe%t that fo! the fi!st ti$e tonight he 1new e3act%y what he wante&. 8Then what a!e you waiting fo!98 /e+i%%e as1e&. 8I 5ust; I &on,t 1now how to te%% he!. *ow &o I co$e out an& say) ,(inny) I thin1 you,!e g!eat. I fancy you. In fact) I $o!e than fancy you) I $ight actua%%y;,8

8You 5ust te%% he!.8 (eo!ge wobb%e& again in his chai!) an& *a!!y b%in1e& the fu66iness away f!o$ the i$age of his f!ien&. 8I want to te%% he!. I want;I want to be with he!.8 8Then get !i& of the tosse!. *e,s nothing to he!) *a!!y. *e,s 1nown he! a%% of a $inute. You,+e 1nown he! fo! $ost of he! %ife. 7he,s you! best f!ien& an& pa!tne!. 7u!e%y you can thin1 of a way to get un&e! he! s1in. 7he,s ce!tain%y gotten un&e! you!s.8 .on %oo1e& $o!e &ete!$ine& than *a!!y !e$e$be!e& in a +e!y %ong ti$e) an& *a!!y too1 a s$a%% bit of cou!age f!o$ his f!ien&,s con+iction. 87he says he,s goo& %oo1ing an& that he t!eats he! %i1e a gi!%.8 The sentence $a&e e+e!yone f!ee6e. .on sc!atche& his hea&. 80!;(inny &oesn,t %i1e it when we@8 8That,s what I thought)8 *a!!y p!oteste&. 87he hates it when I open &oo!s fo! he! an& pu%% out chai!s. 7he he3e& $e once fo! &oing it.8 *a!!y shu&&e!e& at the $e$o!y. *e,& been fo!ce& to t!y an& eat &inne! with han&s swo%%en to twice thei! si6e. 'n& he wou%& ha+e $anage& it too if they ha&n,t sta!te& f%ashing %i1e neon signs at e+e!y bite. 8We%%) $aybe she,s 5ust;8 /e+i%%e t!ai%e& off. *e %oo1e& 5ust as pu66%e& about the situation as *a!!y fe%t. 8I thin1 it,s $y fau%t)8 *a!!y fina%%y sighe&. 8I thin1 that I,+e wo!1e& so ha!& to t!eat he! %i1e one of the b%o1es fo! so %ong that she &oesn,t see how I !ega!& he!.8 87o $a1e he! see it.8 /e+i%%e sh!ugge&. 8It &oesn,t soun& that ha!&. 7ta!t t!eating he! %i1e a gi!%.8 *a!!y scow%e& an& sc!atche& his hea&. 8Ei1e;buy f%owe!s fo! he! an& that98 8"%owe!s) choco%ate)8 .on suggeste&. 8Wo$en %i1e that so!t of thing. 7he thin1s you,!e one of he! b!othe!sC sho+e it in he! face that you,!e not. Ma1e he! see that this is not so$e %itt%e c!ush) but that you;you 1now.8 *a!!y conte$p%ate& it fo! a $o$ent befo!e sighing. 8#o you !ea%%y thin1 I cou%& 5ust co$e out an& say it98 8(et o+e! you!se%f) *a!!y)8 (eo!ge sno!te&. 8You can &efeat Eo!& Mo%&ysho!ts but you can,t te%% $y ic1%e siste! that you! %oins bu!n fo! he!98

*a!!y g!i$ace& an& was 5ust about to p!otest the +i%e co$$ent) but .on inte!!upte&. 8You,!e bette! fo! he! than so$e b%o1e that none of us has e+e! $et.8 8I say we go an& fin& the$C chec1 this b%o1e out)8 (eo!ge no&&e&. It was a goo& i&ea) *a!!y &eci&e&) e+en though he thought it $ight en& with one o! $o!e of the$ at 7t. Mungo,s. 8I ag!ee)8 .on no&&e& fi!$%y an& s%oshe& his g%ass fo!wa!&. 8We nee& to p!otect (inny f!o$ un1nown $en who $ay be afte! on%y one thing.8 8'n& $a1e su!e she sees that *a!!y,s bette! fo! he!)8 (eo!ge continue&. 80+en if we know he,s on%y afte! one thing.8 8I &on,t 1now)8 /e+i%%e shifte& unco$fo!tab%y. 8I &on,t want to ha+e bats f%y out $y nose again. They hu!t.8 *a!!y +e!y nea!%y bac1e& out of the p%an then an& the!e. *e,& been he3e& once befo!e) an& he &i&n,t fancy waiting fo! it to wea! off. Dn%y (inny an& *e!$ione 1new the counte!cha!$) an& neithe! of the$ we!e %i1e%y to be +e!y acco$$o&ating if they foun& out *a!!y was sta%1ing (inny. 87he,s wo!th it)8 *a!!y !epeate& soft%y. 8Eet,s go.8 87hhhh48 *a!!y p!esse& his finge! to his %ips an& hisse& at the $en behin& hi$. They we!e gigg%ing %i1e a bunch of schoo% gi!%s an& we!e going to get the$ a%% 1i%%e&. The shushing on%y $a&e .on an& (eo!ge %augh %ou&e!) whi%e /e+i%%e p%aste!e& his han& o+e! his $outh to 1eep the soun& in. 8Ye! gonna get us a%% &ea&) $ates48 *a!!y wa!ne& the$. 87he,%% hea! us co$in, a%% tha way f!o$ 7co,%an&48 8Whe!e they suppos, ta be98 (eo!ge &e$an&e& again. They,& a%!ea&y been to th!ee pubs in sea!ch of (inny an& he! &ate@stopping a%ong the way fo! fo!tifications) as (eo!ge ca%%e& the a&&itiona% pints they &!an1@but sti%% ha&n,t foun& the$. 8*a+en,t chec1e& the Eea1y yet)8 /e+i%%e pointe& out. 8*annah wi%% te%% $e if she,s the!e. I %i1e *annah. 7he,s got huge b!easts.8 *e $a&e two !athe! %a!ge) +ague shapes in f!ont of hi$ with his han&s. *a!!y sno!te& an& s%appe& /e+i%%e on the bac1. 8#oes she put the$ in ye! face so,s ya can,t b!eathe98

87o$eti$es)8 /e+i%%e a&$itte&. *is face tu!ne& !e&) an& .on nea!%y t!ippe& t!ying to ho%& (eo!ge up f!o$ %aughing so ha!&. 8I,%% 'ppe!tate !igh, o+e! the!e an& as1 he!.8 8#on,t get &ist!acte& by the tits48 (eo!ge ca%%e& out. Two e%&e!%y wo$en wa%1ing th!ough *ogs$ea&e g%a!e& at the g!oup an& hu!!ie& thei! steps past. 8I,s o1ay)8 *a!!y !eassu!e& the$) ho%&ing up his wa%%et. 8I,$ an 'u!!ee!!!.8 They hisse& thei! &is&ain an& &uc1e& into Ma&a$ Au&&ifoots) whispe!ing &isapp!o+ing%y. 8Yep)8 (eo!ge assu!e& *a!!y with a s%ap on the bac1. 8 an,na go w!ong with *a!!y Aotte! a%ong.8 *e hiccuppe& in the $i&&%e of *a!!y,s na$e) an& .on sta!te& %aughing again. /e+i%%e too1 a step away f!o$ the g!oup an& g!ippe& his wan& tight%y) sc!ewing up his face. 8Is he 'ppa!atin, o! ta1in, a shite98 .on &e$an&e&. *a!!y was about to !e%ay the >uestion to /e+i%%e when he &isappea!e&. *e sh!ugge& instea& an& sta!e& a!oun& at the +i%%age. *ogs$ea&e was a%ways a nice p%ace. *a!!y %i1e& it best when it snowe&) though) because the >uant %itt%e cottages we!e a%% co+e!e& in white. 8Thin1 Mc(onaga%% wou%& ha+e ou! hi&es if we went fo! a f%y98 (eo!ge as1e&. They a%% sta!e& %onging%y at the cast%e in the &istance. ' f%y soun&e& pe!fect) actua%%y) but *a!!y ha& a fee%ing o%& Mc(onaga%% wou%& ha+e the$ a%% s1inne& an& tac1e& to he! wa%% by $o!ning if they t!ie& it. If the!e was a spe%% fo! &oing so$ething %i1e that) Mine!+a Mc(onaga%% wou%& be the one to 1now it. o$p%ete%y &ist!acte& by the i&ea) (eo!ge began to $a!ch in that &i!ection. *a!!y ca%%e& afte! hi$ as he s%ippe& an& s%i& th!ough the snowy st!eet. It was the c!ac1 of /e+i%%e,s !etu!n 'ppa!ition that &i& catch (eo!ge,s attention. *a!!y spun an& b%in1e& at /e+i%%e. *e was !uff%e& an& the who%e a!ea a!oun& his $outh was co+e!e& by b!ight pin1 %ipstic1. 87he,s the!e.8 *a!!y g!inne& an& %et out a %ou& whoop. (eo!ge ca$e s%i&ing bac1 o+e!) nea!%y 1noc1ing .on to the g!oun&. 8Eet,s go.8 8Wait)8 .on ca%%e& out. 8I thin1 $aybe we shou%& $a1e one of the$;Ao!t1eys) so we a%% go tha sa$e p%ace.8

*a!!y no&&e& at the wise &ecision. Then again) he,& p!obab%y ag!ee to anything that wou%& a%%ow hi$ to see (inny !ight now. The &esi!e to see he! again ha& been bui%&ing a%% e+ening) bubb%ing up insi&e hi$ unti% he wasn,t su!e if it was the a%coho% in his syste$ cha!ging hi$) o! the nee& to touch he!) s$e%% he! hai!) an& te%% he! how $uch she $eant to hi$. 8I can &o it)8 he sai& fi!$%y. *e pu%%e& his wan& an& p!epa!e& to say the spe%%. 8Wait)8 .on inte!!upte& again. 8I thin1 I bette! &o it. I,$ not as pisse& as *a!!y is.8 8'!e too)8 *a!!y g!u$b%e&) g%a!ing at his f!ien&. 8I thin1 I shou, be the one)8 (eo!ge s%u!!e&. *e pu%%e& his wan& a%so. 8Ye! not an 'u!!!ee!!)8 *a!!y pointe& out. 8Ye!s wou%& be i%%egaaa%.8 8/e+e! stoppe& $e befo!,.8 (eo!ge %aughe& %ou&%y an& wagg%e& his eyeb!ows. 8We nee& to go)8 /e+i%%e whine&. 8We $igh, $iss ,e$.8 8' contest48 (eo!ge no&&e&. 8Tha on%y way. =est spe%% wins an, they get to $a1e it.8 *a!!y sta!e& $oo&i%y at his wan& an& t!ie& to thin1 of so$ething g!an&iose he cou%& &o to i$p!ess his f!ien&s. Maybe so$ething *e!$ione taught hi$. (eo!ge shot an i$p!essi+e a!!ay of spa!1s f!o$ his wan& that fo!$e& a %ep!echaun who then &ance& a 5ig befo!e fa&ing away. .on con5u!e& a !athe! %i$p %oo1ing f%owe! that f%ashe& &iffe!ent co%o!s. *a!!y &ug in his poc1et fo! a ga%%eon. They a%% watche& as he he%& it in his han& an& sta!e& at it fo! a %ong ti$e. 8-se ye! wan&.8 .on nu&ge& hi$ in the si&e) as if *a!!y ha& fo!gotten to use it co$p%ete%y. 8Ao!tus)8 *a!!y hisse& an& the coin g%owe& b%ue. 8I win48 *e g!inne& up at the othe!s an& they a%% %aughe&. 8Eet,s go)8 /e+i%%e no&&e& p!ou&%y) an& s%appe& *a!!y on the bac1. The Ao!t1ey &eposite& the$ in a heap insi&e one of the e$pty bac1 !oo$s at the Eea1y au%&!on. *a!!y >uic1%y untang%e& his %i$bs f!o$ the othe!s an& hu!!ie& to the &oo!. *e p!esse& his who%e face to the c!ac1 when he opene& it) sea!ching fo! (inny.

*is who%e hea!t ga+e a %u!ch when he foun& he! in one of the booths. The Twat was sitting ac!oss f!o$ he!) ho%&ing he! han& on the tab%e top. 7he was %aughing an& s$i%ing at hi$. 87he,s mine) you tosse!)8 *a!!y g!ow%e&. *e swung the &oo! wi&e to go out an& teach the be!1 a %esson) but .on,s %a!ge han&s yan1e& hi$ bac1 into the !oo$. 8What &o,ya thin1 ye! &oin,) *a!!y98 8*e,s touchin, he!)8 *a!!y g!ow%e& an& pointe& at the &oo!. 8*o%&in, he! han& an, stuff.8 8I thought we we!e 5us, gonna watch)8 /e+i%%e whine&) %oo1ing between the &oo! an& *a!!y. 8*annah,%% 1i%% $e if ya sta!, a fight in he!e.8 Watching &i&n,t soun& %i1e a goo& p%an any$o!e) *a!!y g!u$b%e& to hi$se%f. *e 1new he cou%&n,t sit the!e an& watch he! s$i%e an& %augh %i1e that with anothe! $an. 8 o$e on)8 (eo!ge u!ge& the$ a%% fo!wa!&. 8We,%% ha+e a pint an, then figu!e it out.8 .on gui&e& *a!!y to a booth on the opposite si&e of the pub f!o$ (inny. *a!!y wasn,t su!e his feet 1new who to obey !ight now) anyway@&i& they %isten to his hea&) which sai& they we!e 5ust he!e to watch) o! his hea!t) which to%& the$ to go o+e! the!e an& sto$p on (inny,s &ate unti% he wou%& ne+e! touch he! again. Too $any &ecisions) so *a!!y %et .on ta1e o+e!. .on stuffe& hi$ into the booth an& they a%% san1 &own %ow) so they cou%& 5ust see (inny an& The Twat o+e! the bac1 of the upho%ste!e& booth. 8I &on, %i1e hi$)8 .on g!ow%e&. *e na!!owe& his eyes an& g%a!e& at the $an. 8*e,s a%% w!ong fo! he!.8 8Yeah)8 *a!!y no&&e& $ise!ab%y. 8I,$ bette! %oo1in,.8 8#efinite%y)8 (eo!ge ag!ee& an& c%appe& hi$ on the shou%&e!. 8I,$ gonna in+ent so$ethin, 5ust fo! hi$. 7$a!$y (it .epe%%ant.8 *e no&&e& fi!$%y an& snatche& a se!+iette off the tab%e. *e pu%%e& a ba%%point pen f!o$ his !obes an& began sc!ibb%ing a%% o+e! it) $utte!ing to hi$se%f about potions ing!e&ients. *a!!y watche& fo! a $o$ent) but a%% the %ines $a&e hi$ &i66y) so he !etu!ne& to watching (inny instea&. 7he was beautifu% in the &!ess she wo!e) with he! g%o!ious hai! spi%%ing a%% a!oun& he! shou%&e!s. 87he,s too p!etty) ya 1now)8 *a!!y sighe&. 80+e!yone %i1es he!. =ut I %o+e he!.8 8You got it ba&) $ate.8 .on shoo1 his hea& at *a!!y,s !a$b%ing. 8=ut I un&e!stan,. If so$eone e%se %oo1e& at ,e!$ione %i1e tha, I,& !ip his %ungs out.8

*a!!y shifte& unco$fo!tab%y as the u!ge to $a!ch o+e! an& tea! The Twat,s %i$bs off bui%t. *e t!ie& to focus on%y on (inny) !athe! than thin1 of he! with anothe! $an. 8I &o %o+e he!.8 *e no&&e& so%e$n%y to his $ates. 8I &on,t 5ust wanna get he! in be&) ya 1now.8 /e+i%%e $a&e a cho1ing soun& an& .on c%appe& *a!!y on the bac1 so%i&%y. 8We 1now) *a!!y. =ut ye! ta%1in, !ea% %ou&. If ya 1eep it up) e+e!yone in he!e wi%% 1now ya fancy he!.8 *a!!y fe%t his face tu!n !e&) but sti%% cou%&n,t tea! his eyes away f!o$ (inny an& how %o+e%y she %oo1e&. 8Maybe I want he! to 1now)8 he sighe& an& shifte& highe! in the booth to sta!e at he!. 8Maybe I,$ ti!e& of sittin, by whi%e she &ates e+e!y git out the!e. I,$ the git she nee&s.8 87hhhhh)8 (eo!ge shushe& hi$ an& t!ie& to get *a!!y to sit bac1 &own) but he cou%&n,t >uite !each hi$ o+e! /e+i%%e,s bo&y. 87he,s gonna hea! us.8 8I,$ not wea!in, bats tonigh,)8 /e+i%%e g!u$b%e& %ou&%y. 8Yeah) &on,t get us caught) $ate)8 .on sco%&e&. *a!!y %aughe& at the i$age of a%% fou! of the$ sha1ing un&e! the fea! of (inny,s w!ath. 7he !ea%%y ha& the$ a%% un&e! he! thu$b) an& *a!!y was pe!fect%y happy to stay the!e. 8I want to touch he! hai!)8 he b%u!te& out. The %ight hit the !e& t!esses 5ust pe!fect%y) an& he sighe& %ou&%y when she tuc1e& a st!an& of it behin& he! ea!. 7he was co$p%ete%y ob%i+ious to hi$ pining fo! he! ac!oss the !oo$. 87hut up) *a!!y)8 (eo!ge &e$an&e&. 8#!in1 ye! pint.8 8This was you! b!i%%ian, i&ea)8 .on sco%&e& (eo!ge. *a!!y watche& as The Twat pai& fo! thei! $ea% an& (inny gathe!e& he! c%oa1. 8I nee& to te%% he!)8 he sai&) st!ugg%ing to 1nee% on the seat so he cou%& c%i$b o+e! the bac1. 87he,s %ea+in,. I nee& to te%% he!.8 8*a!!y) sit &own48 .on ye%%e&. (inny $ust ha+e hea!& the$ because she tu!ne& an& %oo1e& !ight at *a!!y. The othe!s &uc1e& %ow in the booth an& t!ie& to pu%% *a!!y &own with the$. Thei! han&s sc!abb%e& at his c%othing) but *a!!y s%appe& the$ away. *e fe%t as if (inny ha& cast so$e so!t of spe%% at hi$. *e was f!o6en) sta!ing at he!) an& cou%&n,t see$ to pu%% his eyes away.

8*i.8 *e wa+e& wea1%y) an& (inny fu!!owe& he! b!ow in confusion. *e! c%oa1 was ha%f< &!ape& on he! shou%&e!s. 7he,& been &ist!acte& by the sight of hi$ whi%e putting it on an& ne+e! co$p%ete%y finishe& the action. *e was 5ust about to sc!a$b%e o+e! the bac1 of the booth an& wa%1 ac!oss the !oo$ to ta%1 to he!) to te%% he! that he was in %o+e with he!) an& that he wante& to $a!!y he!) an& ha+e he! babies) an& 1iss he! a%% o+e!) when .on fina%%y $anage& to tug hi$ bac1wa!&s. *a!!y fe%% onto the tab%e) spi%%ing thei! pints a%% o+e! hi$ an& $a1ing a huge !ac1et. *e sta!e& up at the cei%ing that spun abo+e hi$. 8Tha, was c%ose)8 (eo!ge s%u!!e&. 87he a%$os, saw us.8 The swi!%ing bea$s abo+e hi$ $o+e& faste! an& faste!) an& *a!!y c%ose& his eyes against the $otion. ' %augh bu!st out of hi$ at the stupi&ity of it a%%. (inny ha& %oo1e& genuine%y su!p!ise& to see hi$. 7u!p!ise& an& not $a& at a%%. That was a goo& thing) !ight9 7he ha&n,t he3e& hi$. 7he ha&n,t to%& hi$ to %ea+e. 7he,& 5ust %oo1e& at hi$. If on%y he,& been ab%e to get away f!o$ the tab%e) *a!!y cou%& ha+e to%& he! e+e!ything. 'n& then she wou%& ha+e %eft with him) not The Twat.

*Chapter 2*: Chapter 2: I Need

Chapter 2: I Need His Sunday *e was &efinite%y going to &ie. 'bso%ute%y going to &ie. 'n& the on%y conso%ation was that pe!haps (eo!ge) .on) an& /e+i%%e wou%& &ie as we%%. They &efinite%y &ese!+e& it fo! what they,& a%%owe& hi$ to &o %ast night. *a!!y,s hea& poun&e&) an& e+en though he was fai!%y su!e it was we%% afte! noon he was sti%% in be&. (inny ha& been up fo! hou!s@the g!oaning of the showe! pipes ha& actua%%y wo1en *a!!y) but he staye& f!o6en in p%ace) p!aying &eath wou%& co$e swift%y o! unconsciousness wou%& c%ai$ hi$C anything to stop the poun&ing in his hea& an& the cotton<$outh that was nea!%y cho1ing hi$. 8Mo!ning) 7%eepyhea&. I suppose I !ea%%y shou%& say ,afte!noon, instea&.8 *a!!y g!oane& in answe! to (inny. *e c!ac1e& one eye open an& sta!e& at the b%u!!y f%oo! whe!e his hea& hung off the si&e of the be&.

8(o,way) (in.8 The be& wigg%e& as (inny c%i$be& onto it) an& *a!!y,s sto$ach p!oteste& +io%ent%y. 8I &on,t thin1 so)8 (inny %aughe&. 8I thin1 this is too goo& of an oppo!tunity to waste. 'fte! a%%) how often &o I get to fin& a co$p%ete%y sta!1e!s *a!!y Aotte! passe& out %i1e this98 *a!!y 5e!1e& up when (inny,s han& b!ushe& o+e! his ba!e bac1) an& he sc!a$b%e& fo! anything to co+e! hi$. It too1 hi$ a $inute of w!est%ing with the b%an1et to !ea%i6e that (inny ha& been %yingC he wasn,t na1e&. *e was at %east wea!ing his bo3e!s. 'n& his soc1s. 'n& one shoe. 80+i%)8 he g!oane& an& pu%%e& the b%an1et o+e! his hea&. 8Eea+e $e ,%one.8 (inny %aughe& again an& t!ie& to tug the b%an1et off his hea&. 8You %oo1e& %i1e you we!e en5oying you!se%f %ast night.8 *e fina%%y a%%owe& he! to pu%% the co+e!s bac1) an& b%in1e& b%ea!i%y up at he!. 8I was a co$p%ete p!at)8 he p!oteste&. (inny sno!te& an& shoo1 he! hea&. 8/ot to $e) you we!en,t. I can,t +ouch fo! whate+e! &ebauche!y you co$$itte& befo!e you a!!i+e& at the Eea1y) though.8 *a!!y g!oane& an& !o%%e& onto his si&e) in+o%unta!i%y cu!%ing c%ose! to (inny. 7he %ifte& a han& an& !an he! finge!s th!ough his hai!. *a!!y shi+e!e& against the touch as his bo&y !espon&e&) 5ust %i1e it a%ways &i& when she touche& hi$. 8I 1new you nee&e& a night out)8 she sai&. 8I 5ust hope it was wo!th it.8 8I thin1 it was)8 he guesse&. *is eyes s%ippe& c%ose& as he! finge!nai%s sc!atche& %ight%y a%ong his sca%p. 8I was p%anning on going into the office to finish up the pape!wo!1 on the #uncan case. 7ince you,!e in no shape to co$e in as we%%) you,%% owe $e.8 *a!!y bit his %ip an& shifte& away) t!ying to hi&e how a!ouse& he was beco$ing. That p!obab%y wasn,t the best way to te%% he! how he fe%t about he!. 8I can,t $o+e)8 he whine&. 8It hu!ts too $uch. I hate (eo!ge. *e sta!te& the "i!ewhis1y %ast night.8 (inny chuc1%e& an& too1 he! han& away. *a!!y sighe&) both in %oss an& !e%ief. 8I,$ su!e I can $anage to finish the fi%e on $y own. #on,t fo!get that we,!e suppose& to be at the =u!!ow tonight fo! &inne!.8

*a!!y g!oane& %ou&%y an& !o%%e& unti% his e!ection was p!esse& into the $att!ess. 8I fo!got.8 8Mu$ wi%% 1i%% both of us if you &on,t co$e) *a!!y)8 (inny sco%&e& soft%y. 87he see$s to thin1 that I,$ you! 1eepe! o! so$ething. =efo!e I $o+e& in you a%ways fo!got about &inne!s the!e.8 It wasn,t t!ue: *a!!y !e$e$be!e&) but the!e we!e ti$es he chose not to go because spen&ing that $uch ti$e with (inny in such a wa!$) won&e!fu% p%ace as the =u!!ow was too ha!&. A%us) M!s. Weas%ey was a%ways ba&ge!ing hi$ to te%% he! about his &ates o! if he,& foun& anyone ,specia%., The!e was ne+e! anyone he cou%& te%% he! about) an& she a%ways wo!e a st!ange %oo1 on he! face befo!e she sta!te& in on (inny with the sa$e >uestions. 8I,%% be the!e)8 *a!!y p!o$ise&. 8Bust gonna s%eep fo! a bit $o!e.8 (inny %aughe& an& %eane& &own to p!ess a 1iss to his te$p%e befo!e she bounce& the be& one fina% ti$e. 8Witch)8 *a!!y g!oane&. 8I,%% e3pect you c%eane& an& p!esse& by fi+e o,c%oc1) Aotte!)8 (inny g!ow%e& p%ayfu%%y f!o$ the &oo!way. 8D! I,%% te%% Mu$ about you! wi%& night on the town %ast night.8 #inne! at the =u!!ow was 5ust %i1e it a%ways was: a %ou&) won&e!fu% $ess with a hun&!e& &iffe!ent con+e!sations an& things going on at once. *a!!y wasn,t su!e why he e3pecte& it to be &iffe!ent. *e,& wo!!ie& a%% &ay that he $ight ha+e a ha!& ti$e being in the sa$e !oo$ with (inny) o! if the things he,& to%& (eo!ge an& .on %ast night $ight change the way they acte& towa!& hi$) o! towa!& (inny. =ut his wo!!ies we!e unfoun&e&. The =u!!ow was 5ust as we%co$ing) 5ust as chaotic as e+e!. It was pe!fect. 8Whe!e &oes that chi%& get so $uch ene!gy98 M!s. Weas%ey as1e& when si3 yea!<o%& Te&&y fina%%y boun&e& away f!o$ he! to p%ay with Fictoi!e. The Weas%eys ha&n,t seen the +ib!ant) ene!getic boy fo! a few wee1s) an& he ha& p%enty to te%% M!s. Weas%ey about. 7o$eti$es it a$a6e& *a!!y that Te&&y cou%& ta%1 fo! hou!s st!aight without see$ing to ta1e a b!eath. It was a bit e$ba!!assing to a&$it) but the!e we!e ti$es that *a!!y,s ea!s %ite!a%%y hu!t f!o$ %istening so %ong. *e %o+e& the %a&) but Te&&y ha& $o!e ene!gy than one pe!son shou%& e+e! ha+e. 8I wish I 1new)8 *a!!y s$i%e&. 8I,& bott%e it up an& se%% it to the wo!%&.8

8Dne of these &ays you,!e going to ha+e to fin& a nice gi!% to sett%e &own with an& ha+e so$e chi%&!en of you! own) *a!!y)8 M!s. Weas%ey sco%&e& teasing%y. 7he patte& his chee1 an& win1e&) causing *a!!y,s face to heat. 8*a+e you $et anyone that sets you! hea!t af%utte! %ate%y98 *a!!y was sa+e& f!o$ answe!ing by .on) *e!$ione) an& (eo!ge a!!i+ing th!ough the f%oo. The !est of the Weas%eys a!!i+e& within the ne3t few $inutes an& *a!!y en&e& up with Fictoi!e on one 1nee) Te&&y on the othe!. *e was chatting with =i%% an& .on about so$e of the cases he,& been wo!1ing on) whi%e t!ying to 1eep the two chi%&!en on his %ap occupie& an& thei! han&s out of the foo& that Mo%%y was %e+itating onto the tab%e. (inny was the %ast to a!!i+e) an& she &!ew *a!!y,s attention i$$e&iate%y. 7he %oo1e& a$a6ing with win&swept hai! an& b!ight !e& chee1s. 7he s$e%%e& %i1e f!esh winte! ai!) an& *a!!y won&e!e& if she,& been out f%ying. 7he f%utte!e& a!oun& the !oo$ g!eeting e+e!yone) 1issing chi%&!en an& %aughing in that wa!$) won&e!fu% way she ha&. 'n& a%% of it $a&e *a!!y,s hea!t twist. *e was co$p%ete%y gone o+e! he!. *a!!y &i&n,t e+en !e$e$be! what he ate fo! &inne! because the!e was too $uch going on. Te&&y an& Fictoi!e sat on eithe! si&e of hi$ an& they 1ept hi$ busy with >uestion afte! >uestion about his wo!1. It see$e& they ha& so$ehow gotten the i&ea that being an 'u!o! in+o%+e& intense ga$es of hi&e an& see1. In the $i&st of an e3p%anation) *a!!y %oo1e& up to see (inny s$i%ing at hi$. 8I thin1 thei! i&ea is bette!) *a!!y)8 she g!inne&. 8In fact) thin1 how $uch $o!e en5oyab%e ou! &ay wou%& be if we spent it hi&ing in p%aces a!oun& the Minist!y) !athe! than &oing stac1s of pape!wo!1.8 *a!!y chuc1%e& an& his $in& auto$atica%%y thought of a few p%aces he,& %i1e to hi&e with (inny. 8I assu!e you it is $uch $o!e bo!ing than p%aying ga$es)8 *a!!y finishe& off his sto!y of what an 'u!o! &oes a%% &ay an& Te&&y sc!unche& his nose. 8Maybe I &on,t wanna be an 'u!o! now)8 he sai&. *is p!oc%a$ation b!ought %aughte! f!o$ a%% a!oun& the tab%e. 8You,+e got ti$e) %a&.8 *a!!y !uff%e& Te&&y,s b%ue hai! affectionate%y) an& tu!ne& bac1 to a con+e!sation that =i%% an& '!thu! we!e ha+ing about (!ingotts. 8'!e we !ea&y fo! the 03p%o&ing 7nap Tou!na$ent98 (eo!ge as1e& g%eefu%%y when the &ishes we!e fina%%y e$pty on the tab%e. (inny nu&ge& *a!!y,s foot un&e! the tab%e. 8You up fo! it98

*a!!y shou%& ha+e e3pecte& that the!e wou%& be a ga$e: the!e was a%$ost e+e!y ti$e he ca$e to &inne! at the =u!!ow. 'n& he an& (inny we!e a%ways pa!tne!s. They ha&n,t %ost in we%% o+e! a yea! now. 8You thin1 they,%% gi+e us any cha%%enge this ti$e98 *a!!y no&&e& his hea& towa!& .on an& (eo!ge) b!inging a s>uaw1 of p!otest f!o$ both $en. (inny sighe& &!a$atica%%y. 8/ot %i1e%y) but we cou%& p%ay 5ust fo! p!actice) you 1now. Mo!e out of pity than anything.8 8I,%% show you pity)8 (eo!ge sai& as he pushe& his chai! bac1 f!o$ the tab%e an& tosse& his se!+iette onto his p%ate. 8In fact) I,%% bet .on an& I can win tonight. I,%% get the ca!&s set up.8 8*a!!y) go an& supe!+ise)8 (inny suggeste&) 8othe!wise that git is %i1e%y to he3 the ca!&s o! so$ething e>ua%%y fou%.8 (eo!ge gaspe& an& c%utche& his hea!t. 8'!e you insinuating that I cheat98 The tab%e e!upte& in sno!ts of %aughte!. 8I,$ not insinuating anything)8 (inny p!oteste&. 8I know you cheat.8 8We%%) that,s bette!)8 (eo!ge no&&e& p!i$%y. 8I &on,t %i1e insinuations. If so$ething is wo!th &oing) it,s wo!th &oing a%% the way) you 1now98 8Eoo1s %i1e we,!e on)8 *a!!y no&&e& an& scoote& his chai! bac1 f!o$ the tab%e. 8I,%% 5ust go;supe!+ise.8 Dnce (eo!ge an& *a!!y we!e a%one in the %i+ing !oo$) (eo!ge tu!ne& an& %oo1e& at *a!!y. 8'ny i&ea what you,!e &oing98 8/one)8 *a!!y sighe& an& !uff%e& his hai!. 8'bso%ute%y none.8 8#a$n)8 (eo!ge g!oane&. 8You two we!e acting so no!$a% I,& hope& that you ha& &!un1en%y confesse& a%% %ast night when you got ho$e an& that the two of you we!e 5ust t!ying to hi&e you! sec!et %o+e affai! f!o$ us a%% tonight.8 *a!!y both g!i$ace& an& %aughe&. 8I wish.8 8You,%% figu!e it out) $ate)8 (eo!ge sai&. 8/ow %oo1 the othe! way so I can cha!$ these ca!&s. It,s the on%y way .on an& I ha+e a shot at winning anything.8 The Weas%eys t!oope& into the !oo$ en $ass) &!aping o+e! e+e!y su!face an& con5u!ing chai!s a!oun& the !oo$. Dnce the ga$e heate& up) they,& a%% hu&&%e in c%ose!) 5ust %i1e they a%ways &i&.

8'%!ight) Aa!tne!) %et,s show these two why we $a1e such a goo& tea$.8 (inny nu&ge& *a!!y,s shou%&e! an& he sta!e& at he! fo! a $o$ent befo!e no&&ing. *e igno!e& .on,s conce!ne& %oo1 an& shuff%e& the &ec1. The e3cite$ent of the ga$e soon too1 o+e! an& *a!!y fe%% into his !outine of p!eten&ing (inny was nothing $o!e than his best f!ien& an& pa!tne!. 7o$eti$es it was easy to &o that) an& tonight with he! %aughing an& s$i%ing) t!ying to igno!e (eo!ge,s b%atant cheating) was one of those ti$es. *a!!y an& (inny won the fi!st !oun&) but %ost the secon& when *a!!y,s ca!&s e3p%o&e& an& singe& his finge!tip. 8You,!e not going to get us on the ne3t one)8 (inny sco%&e&. 7he shuff%e& the ca!&s >uic1%y an& &ist!ibute& the$) g!inning at *a!!y. *is hea!t th!u$$e& happi%y in that $o$ent) su!!oun&e& by peop%e who %o+e& hi$) peop%e who accepte& hi$ co$p%ete%y an& we!e genuine%y happy. 'n& othe! than the situation with (inny) *a!!y cou%&n,t as1 fo! a bette! %ife. 'n& fo! 5ust this $o$ent) when (inny was %aughing an& he! shou%&e! !ubbe& against his) *a!!y cou%& p!eten& that she %o+e& hi$ the sa$e way he %o+e& he!. *e cou%& i$agine the$ as a coup%e) $aybe e+en $a!!ie& with a chi%& of thei! own fo%%owing soon afte!. 8*a!!y4 You! ca!&s48 (inny,s e3c%a$ation sta!t%e& *a!!y) an& he b%in1e& &own at the s$o1ing ca!&s in his han&. *e g!itte& his teeth an& p%aye& the ne3t han& whi%e t!ying to ho%& the$ as ginge!%y as possib%e. The p%ay !oc1ete& a!oun& the tab%e) ca!&s s%apping &own into the &isca!& pi%e an& %aughte! pu%sing. The intense action p!o$pte& the !est of the fa$i%y to gathe! a!oun&) chee!ing on whiche+e! tea$ was thei! fa+o!ite. In the en&) *a!!y %ai& his %ast ca!& &own !ight befo!e the enti!e pi%e e3p%o&e& into a c%ou& of g!een s$o1e. The c!ow& chee!e& an& *a!!y was swa%%owe& by (inny 5u$ping into his %ap an& hugging hi$ enthusiastica%%y. 8We &i& it4 I can,t be%ie+e we $anage& it.8 7he %aughe& an& *a!!y too1 a &eep b!eath) t!ying to cente! hi$se%f. .on nu&ge& his %eg un&e! the tab%e an& ti%te& his hea& towa!& (inny. (eo!ge $outhe& ,1iss he!,) but *a!!y shoo1 his hea&. /ot with a%% these peop%e a!oun&. *e cou%&n,t &o so$ething that $ight e$ba!!ass both of the$ if (inny !e5ecte& hi$. *e s%ow%y !etu!ne& the hug. 8We $a1e a goo& tea$) &on,t we98 he as1e&. (inny pu%%e& bac1 an& %aughe&. 8We &o. Maybe that,s why we,!e goo& pa!tne!s too. I,%% ne+e! fin& anothe! pe!son who can p%ay 03p%o&ing 7nap as we%% as you &o) *a!!y.8

*e ha& to bite his %ip to stop hi$se%f f!o$ saying anything !ight then) because the co$$ent see$e& to be %ea&ing !ight into how he fe%t. 8We,!e goo& togethe!)8 he sai& fina%%y. (inny p!esse& a >uic1 1iss to his chee1) an& then boun&e& off to ce%eb!ate thei! win an& taunt (eo!ge. 8You,+e got to &o so$ething about this) $ate)8 .on wa!ne&. 8You,!e going to go ba!$y if you continue %i1e this.8 *a!!y snatche& his g%asses off his face an& !ubbe& at his eyes. 8I 1now. I 5ust;I &on,t 1now when;8 87oon)8 .on sco%&e&. *e c%appe& *a!!y on the bac1 an& wan&e!e& away. When *a!!y !etu!ne& to the f%at f!o$ ta1ing Te&&y bac1 to his g!an&$othe!,s) (inny was ta%1ing to so$eone th!ough the f%oo. *e too1 a $o$ent to sta!e at he! behin&) a$a6ing%y f!a$e& in he! wo!n 5eans) befo!e sha1ing his hea& an& ca%%ing hi$se%f a pe!+e!t. *e fo!ce& hi$se%f into the 1itchen an& ti&ie& the &ishes whi%e t!ying to &eci&e what to &o. Ae!haps it was 5ust the afte!g%ow of an a$a6ing e+ening at the =u!!ow) but *a!!y fe%t c%ose! to (inny than e+e!. Maybe tonight was the night to t!y an& ta%1 to he! about what he fe%t. 0+en the i&ea of saying so$ething to he! $a&e *a!!y,s hea!t beat wi%&%y in his chest. *e stoo& in the 1itchen an& !ehea!se& what he,& say in his hea&) +isua%i6ing how (inny wou%& !un an& %eap into his a!$s) p!oc%ai$ing he! hi&&en %o+e fo! hi$. 8#i& you get Te&&y ho$e a%!ight98 *a!!y b%in1e& at (inny an& won&e!e& what she,& as1e&. 7he %oo1e& beautifu% with he! chee1s f%ushe& an& he! casua% 5eans an& 5u$pe!. 's $uch as he,& a&$i!e& the &!ess she wo!e the othe! &ay) *a!!y %i1e& (inny best when she was 5ust %i1e this: casua% an& co$fo!tab%e. 80!;yeah. Te&&y,s;fine. 't ho$e.8 8'!e you fee%ing a%!ight98 7he pee!e& at hi$ an& *a!!y shoo1 his hea&. 8Who we!e you ta%1ing to98 he as1e&. 8=!ian)8 (inny sai& as she snatche& a butte!bee! f!o$ the icebo3. 8*e wante& to 1now $y sche&u%e this wee1 so we cou%& fin& ti$e to go out.8 8You,!e going out with hi$ again.8 It wasn,t a >uestion e+en though (inny too1 it that way an& no&&e&. 8Tues&ay)8 she s$i%e&.

8#on,t)8 *a!!y b%u!te&. *is face heate&) but he p!esse& on. /ow that he,& sta!te& ta%1ing) the wo!&s see$e& to 5a$ up in his hea&) a%% fighting fo! the chance to spi%% out his $outh. 8#on,t go out with hi$ again.8 8*a!!y48 (inny %aughe& an& nu&ge& hi$. 8What,s with you9 You ha+en,t e+en $et =!ian. Why &o you not %i1e hi$98 *e shoo1 his hea&. 8I 5ust &on,t %i1e hi$. I thin1;I thin1 you an& I shou%& go out instea&.8 (inny na!!owe& he! eyes at hi$ an& then sno!te& in %aughte!. 8You an& I go out a%% the ti$e) *a!!y.8 8I $eant;on a &ate)8 *a!!y e3p%aine&. 8What a!e you on about) *a!!y98 (inny !o%%e& he! eyes at hi$) an& *a!!y huffe& out a b!eath in annoyance. Was she not %istening to hi$) o! ha& his wo!&s a%% 5u$b%e& an& his $eaning gotten %ost in the$9 8I;I &on,t want you to &ate =!ian. I &on,t want you to &ate anyone. You an& I a!e goo& togethe!) (inny. We,!e best f!ien&s an& pa!tne!s. I 5ust thin1 that we cou%& be goo& togethe!;%i1e we a!e at 03p%o&ing 7nap. I;I fancy you.8 *e %et out a shu&&e!ing b!eath at the !e%ease an& waite& fo! he! !eaction. 'n& e+en though it too1 a%% the cou!age he ha&) *a!!y wou%&n,t %oo1 away f!o$ he!. 7hoc1 an& confusion wa!!e& on he! face befo!e she s$i%e& soft%y an& $o+e& c%ose!. *e! wa!$ han& s%i& into his an& she sta!e& up at hi$. 8I,$ not going anywhe!e) *a!!y. You &on,t ha+e to wo!!y about $e %ea+ing you a%one. I,$ a%ways going to be you! f!ien&.8 8That,s not;8 *a!!y huffe& an& pu%%e& his han& f!o$ he!s befo!e !unning it !ough%y th!ough his hai!. 8You,!e not un&e!stan&ing $e. I !ea%%y &o@8 (inny,s a!$s ca$e a!oun& hi$) t!apping hi$ in a hug that) fo! the fi!st ti$e) was not co$fo!tab%e at a%%. 8I do un&e!stan&) *a!!y. You &on,t want $e to &ate because you,!e af!ai& I,%% fa%% in %o+e with so$eone an& %ea+e you a%one. Ei1e .on an& *e!$ione &i&. =ut I p!o$ise I,$ not %ea+ing you) *a!!y. You &on,t ha+e to wo!!y about that.8 *a!!y b%in1e& &own at the top of he! hea&) won&e!ing how he cou%& ha+e $uc1e& this up so tho!ough%y. Dn%y he cou%& ta1e the wo!&s ,I %o+e you, an& tu!n the$ into so$ething that $eant nothing. *e sighe& an& !etu!ne& the hug stiff%y. (inny pu%%e& bac1 an& %ai& he! han& on his chee1. 8I $ay &ate b%o1es f!o$ ti$e to ti$e) but I,$ a%ways going to nee& $y best f!ien&. I,$ a%ways going to nee& $y pa!tne!.8 *a!!y %ic1e& his %ips an& weighe& the i&ea of si$p%y %eaning &own to 1iss he!) but (inny !e%a3e& he! g!ip an& $o+e& away.

8The!e wi%% a%ways be &inne!s at the =u!!ow) *a!!y)8 she s$i%e&) 8an& 03p%o&ing 7nap Tou!na$ents whe!e we beat the pants off (eo!ge) e+en when he cheats. You an& I wi%% a%ways be f!ien&s. *a+e a goo& night) *a!!y) an& t!y not to wo!!y about things so $uch.8 *a!!y sta!e& as she wa%1e& out of the 1itchen. *e !ep%aye& the scene o+e! in his hea& once $o!e. 8I,$ going to ha+e to $a1e you un&e!stan&)8 he fina%%y sighe&. 8I,$ not you! b!othe!. I,$ not 5ust you! f!ien& an& pa!tne!.8 The!e was a p!egnant si%ence in the 1itchen as *a!!y teste& the wo!&s on his tongue. 8I,$ in %o+e with you) (inny.8 His Tuesday *a!!y pace& in his be&!oo$) fee%ing %i1e an abso%ute p!at fo! what he was about to &o. The!e was nothing fo! it) howe+e!. *e,& to%& (inny how he fe%t@we%%) a%$ost@but she ha& si$p%y b!ushe& it off. 7he saw hi$ as on%y a f!ien&) but that nee&e& to change. 'n& she was b!inging The Twat he!e tonight to $eet *a!!y) so it was ti$e to b!ing out the hea+y a!ti%%e!y@as .on to%& hi$. 87he,s ne+e! going to %oo1 at you the sa$e) $ate)8 *a!!y to%& hi$se%f in the $i!!o!) inspecting his ba!e chest. *e was p%ease& with the way he %oo1e&. *e,& ne+e! be a hu%1ing $an) but he was fit. #u!ing a $o$ent of wea1ness yeste!&ay) *a!!y ha& !un to *e!$ione who assu!e& hi$ that he was +e!y att!acti+e. 7he see$e& a$use& that his insecu!ities we!e showing) but assu!e& hi$ that p%enty of wo$en foun& hi$ han&so$e) an& that (inny si$p%y ha& he! $in& $a&e up about the type of !e%ationship she an& *a!!y sha!e&. It was up to *a!!y to sha1e that thought f!ee. *e,& spent a%% of yeste!&ay afte!noon &igging th!ough the Minist!y to fin& c%ues about who =!ian Matthews was. *e was wea%thy@so$e so!t of business $an. Matthews wou%& ha+e been in the sa$e yea! as "!e& an& (eo!ge ha& he gone to *ogwa!ts. *e was p!i+ate%y tuto!e& instea&. *e!$ione assu!e& *a!!y that it &i& happen f!o$ ti$e to ti$e with so$e of the ha%f<b%oo& fa$i%ies %i1e Matthews ca$e f!o$. *a!!y e+en spent the $o!ning t!ai%ing Matthews a!oun& Eon&on. 7a&%y) the $an &i&n,t see$ to be in+o%+e& in anything i%%ega% o! i%%icit) so *a!!y was fo!ce& to %ea+e hi$ a%one !athe! than hau% hi$ into the Minist!y. Matthews was ta%% an& thin) so$ewhat goo& %oo1ing) *a!!y suppose&. *is &a!1 hai! offset his b!ight b%ue eyes) an& he s$i%e& a %ot. Ae!haps that,s what (inny saw in hi$. 8This ha& bette! wo!1)8 *a!!y sco%&e& his !ef%ection. The &istincti+e soun& of two peop%e 'ppa!ating into the f%at !ang out an& *a!!y fe%t his hea!t gi+e a 5o%t.

8*a!!y98 *e waite& a%$ost a fu%% $inute afte! (inny ca%%e& befo!e stepping out of his be&!oo$) a huge s$i%e paste& on his face. (inny,s eyes went wi&e as *a!!y t!otte& into the %i+ing !oo$ c%a& in nothing but 5eans. 87o!!y) you caught $e 5ust out of the showe!.8 *e sh!ugge& an apo%ogy) an& stuc1 his han& in f!ont of Matthews. 8*a!!y Aotte!. /ice to $eet you.8 Matthews %oo1e& hi$ up an& &own) his eyes going wi&e at the sca!s on *a!!y,s to!so befo!e he shoo1 *a!!y,s han&. The g!ip was %i$p) an& *a!!y was te$pte& to c%asp &own unti% Matthews ye%pe& in pain. It was a chi%&ish i$pu%se that *a!!y 5ust $anage& to e+a&e. 8=!ian Matthews.8 *a!!y %oo1e& o+e! at (inny to see he! pu66%e& e3p!ession. 7he shoo1 he! hea& a $o$ent %ate! an& b%in1e& at both $en. 80!;8 87o you,!e the %uc1y b%o1e $y gi!% has been seeing)8 *a!!y g!inne&. *e s%ung his a!$ o+e! (inny,s shou%&e!s an& ga+e he! a s>uee6e. 8*ope you,!e being ca!efu%. 7he,s one of the best 'u!o!s a!oun&) you 1now. Dne w!ong $o+e an& you,%% be at 7t. Mungo,s getting it a%% so!te& bac1 out again.8 Matthews s$i%e& wea1%y at the 5o1e) an& *a!!y bit his tongue when (inny g!oun& he! hee% into his ba!e foot. 8Eea+e off) you p!at.8 (inny sh!ugge& his a!$ off an& $o+e& fu!the! into Matthews, si&e. 8What,s gotten into you to&ay98 8/othing)8 *a!!y &is$isse&. 8Whe!e a!e you two off to tonight98 80!;5ust going to &inne!) actua%%y)8 Matthews sai&. *e woun& his han& into (inny,s) an& *a!!y ha& to fo!ce hi$se%f not to pu%% his wan& an& he3 the b%o1e to *a&es an& bac1. The two $en %oc1e& ga6es an& the si%ent cha%%enge was issue&. Matthews ha& seen past the act an& cou%& !ea& *a!!y insi&e an& out. (inny $ay be thic1 about *a!!y,s fee%ings) but this b%o1e un&e!stoo& p!ecise%y what was going on. 87oun&s goo&)8 *a!!y no&&e&) t!ying to soun& casua%. 8Dh) that !e$in&s $e. .e$e$be! that case we c%ose& a few wee1s ago98 he as1e& (inny. 8*ei$ann98

(inny,s face %it an& she g!inne&. 8It was beautifu%)8 she e3p%aine& to =!ian. 8A!at of a 1i& was $i3e& up in i%%ega% potions an& was se%%ing the$ to 1i&s at *ogwa!ts. The fathe! of one of the gi!%s p!o$ise& us;8 7u&&en%y she tu!ne& to *a!!y. 8*e &i&n,t98 *a!!y g!inne& an& pu%%e& two tic1ets off the counte!) ho%&ing the$ up in his fist. 8*e &i&.8 (inny s>uea%e& %ou&%y an& 5u$pe& fo!wa!&) th!owing he! a!$s a!oun& *a!!y. *e! touch on his ba!e s1in $a&e *a!!y shi+e!) but he t!ie& to hi&e 5ust how $uch it was affecting hi$. (inny wigg%e& against hi$ an& then pu%%e& bac1) sta!ing in awe at the tic1ets. 8When98 87atu!&ay)8 *a!!y %aughe&. 8You an& $e) bo3 seats at the fi!st *a!pies ga$e of the season.8 (inny chee!e& an& 5u$pe& in p%ace befo!e hugging *a!!y again. 8I thought;I thought we we!e going out on 7atu!&ay)8 Matthews sai& wea1%y. *a!!y s$i!1e& at the $an. 87o!!y. The fathe! is one of the owne!s of the *a!pies. *e offe!e& us the tic1ets when we a!!este& *ei$ann. 'n& it,s the *a!pies) (in,s fa+o!ite tea$.8 8I,$ so!!y) =!ian. ou%& we !esche&u%e ou! &ate on 7atu!&ay9 I ha+e to go to this ga$e. I can,t 5ust gi+e up bo3 tic1ets.8 =!ian scow%e& &own at he!. 8I suppose I cou%& t!y an& get a tic1et.8 *a!!y fought the u!ge to &ance in f!ont of the $an. 80!;so%& out. 7o!!y.8 8We,%% t!y fo! "!i&ay e+ening) then)8 (inny no&&e&. 8'ctua%%y)8 *a!!y inte!!upte& once $o!e. 8You an& I we!e on the sche&u%e at wo!1 fo! 7atu!&ay afte!noon. I ha& to t!a&e us shifts to be ab%e to go a%!ea&y. We,!e wo!1ing on "!i&ay night now.8 (inny ga+e hi$ a %oo1 that p!o$ise& swift !et!ibution both fo! inte!!upting he!) an& fo! not ta%1ing to he! befo!e he $a&e p%ans) but *a!!y cou%& ca!e %ess. *e was spen&ing two who%e &ays with (inny an& the!e was nothing The Twat cou%& &o about it. 8I,$ so!!y) =!ian)8 (inny sighe&. 8=ut;it,s the *a!pies.8 87he,s not about to $iss thei! fi!st ga$e)8 *a!!y no&&e&. 8/ot afte! she a%$ost@8 8'%$ost won tic1ets in a contest)8 (inny sai& o+e! the top of the$. 8Bust ba!e%y $isse&.8

*a!!y na!!owe& his eyes at he! an& she ga+e a p%ea&ing %oo1 to hi$. 7u!e%y (inny ha& to%& Matthews that she a%$ost p%aye& :ui&&itch p!ofessiona%%y. The *a!pies ha& been scouting he! when she,& been in5u!e& &u!ing he! %ast yea! at *ogwa!ts. 8Yeah) the contest.8 *a!!y no&&e& %a$e%y. 7he ob+ious%y ha&n,t sai& a wo!& to hi$. 8We,& bette! get going) (inny)8 Matthews sai&. 8Du! !ese!+ation is fo! se+en. It,s on%y a few b%oc1s wa%1) but I &on,t want to be %ate.8 (inny to!e he! eyes away f!o$ *a!!y an& no&&e& absent%y. 8It was nice to $eet you)8 *a!!y >uippe& 5ust as they wa%1e& out) c%osing the &oo! behin& the$. *a!!y stoo& in si%ence) sta!ing at whe!e they ha& been stan&ing. 8Why hasn,t she to%& hi$98 he as1e& the !oo$ a%ou&. It see$e& st!ange to hi$ that (inny c%ai$e& to %i1e Matthews) yet she &i&n,t sha!e that pa!t of he! %ife. The i&ea $a&e hi$ fee% both happy an& sa& at the sa$e ti$e. *e was th!i%%e& that she wasn,t sha!ing e+e!ything with Matthews@su!e%y that was a goo& sign fo! *a!!y@but sa& that she &i&n,t fee% co$fo!tab%e enough with the b%o1e she was seeing to sha!e so$ething so basic about he!se%f. 'fte! getting hi$se%f !ea&y) *a!!y &!oppe& by the Mugg%e f%o!ist an& o!&e!e& a huge bou>uet of b!ight !e& tu%ips. They cost hi$ a s$a%% fo!tune) but the f%o!ist assu!e& hi$ that the f%owe! was the pe!fect &ec%a!ation of %o+e. Mo!e poun&s we!e s%ippe& into the pa%$ of the hea& waite! to ha+e hi$ p%ace the bou>uet on Matthews, !ese!+e& tab%e) an& seat *a!!y ac!oss f!o$ whe!e they wou%& soon be. Money we%% spent. If it wo!1e&. *a!!y hu&&%e& behin& a %a!ge fo%&e& $enu an& sippe& at a g%ass of wine. It he%pe& to soothe his ne!+es. What the he%% was he &oing he!e anyway9 (inny was !ea%%y going to he3 hi$) if she &i&n,t 1i%% hi$ co$p%ete%y. *e hea!& the$ app!oach) but &i&n,t %owe! his $enu. If eithe! Matthews o! (inny saw *a!!y the who%e p%an wou%& be !uine&. 8=!ian4 Whe!e &i& these co$e f!o$98 *a!!y pee1e& one eye out f!o$ behin& the pape!. (inny,s face a%$ost g%owe& with how wi&e he! s$i%e was.

8I &i&n,t@ I $ean) &o you %i1e the$98 *a!!y swo!e an& +e!y nea!%y 5e!1e& out of his seat when Matthews too1 c!e&it fo! the f%owe!s. 8I,+e a%ways %o+e& tu%ips)8 (inny sai&. 7he !an a finge! a%ong the &e%icate e&ge of one of the peta%s an& bea$e& up at Matthews. *a!!y,s hea!t 5u$pe& into his th!oat) an& he ha& to fight to swa%%ow it bac1. Wou%& that %oo1 sti%% be the!e if she t!u%y 1new who ha& gi+en he! the f%owe!s9 8What &oes the ca!& say98 (inny tugge& at the %itt%e s>ua!e en+e%ope) an& *a!!y watche& Matthew,s face tu!n !e&. 8You &on,t ha+e to;e!) 5ust; Maybe it wou%& be bette! to eat fi!st. You sai& you we!e hung!y.8 *a!!y %owe!e& the $enu fu%%y) an& watche& as (inny igno!e& the $an,s !a$b%ing an& s%i& he! finge! into the en+e%ope. 7he !ea& the $essage an& b%in1e& at it befo!e %oo1ing up at hi$. 8=e%ie+e $e9 What,s that suppose& to $ean98 *a!!y stoo& s%ow%y an& too1 a step ac!oss the ais%e towa!& thei! tab%e. 8It $eans I &i&n,t %ie to you) (inny)8 he sai& soft%y. 80+e!ything I to%& you was the t!uth.8 8Aotte!)8 Matthews snee!e& an& steppe& fo!wa!&) t!ying to b%oc1 (inny f!o$ *a!!y,s sight. *a!!y stoo& his g!oun&. The $an &i&n,t inti$i&ate hi$ in the %east. *a!!y 1new he cou%& wipe the f%oo! with hi$ at any gi+en $o$ent. 8You 1eep showing up at the $ost con+enient ti$es. I thin1 pe!haps I shou%& !epo!t you to the 'u!o!s fo! sta%1ing.8 8*a!!y98 (inny %oo1e& confuse&. 7he stoo& an& %oo1e& between both $en. 8You sent the f%owe!s98 8=e%ie+e $e)8 he !epeate& soft%y befo!e g%a!ing at Matthews one $o!e ti$e. 8Is the!e a p!ob%e$) (ent%e$en98 The waite! wa%1e& o+e!) !ubbing his han&s togethe! ne!+ous%y) an& %oo1ing between *a!!y an& =!ian. 8I was 5ust %ea+ing)8 *a!!y info!$e& hi$. 8I,+e sai& a%% I nee& to say tonight.8

*Chapter *: Chapter : I!d "o#e

Author's Note: I'm glad everyone is enjoying the story. This chapter comes with a 'no drink' warning. The author is not responsible for damage done to your computer, desk,

work, etc., when you choose to ignore the 'no drink' warning. Best to have a !esignated !rinker by your side for this chapter. "lthough, perhaps they should sit a few feet back from your screen. It's a shorter chapter this time around, but you know I'll be updating soon, so hang in there. Chapter : I!d "o#e His Thursday 8You,!e su!e this is the p%ace98 *a!!y sta!e& &own at the pa!ch$ent that (eo!ge s%ippe& into his han&. This i&ea was the $ost insane of a%%. It e+en beat out p!ancing a!oun& the f%at in a se$i< &!esse& state. (inny ha&n,t co$$ente& on that yet. -n%ess you counte& sno!ting tea an& toast a%% o+e! the tab%e yeste!&ay $o!ning when *a!!y wa%1e& out c%a& on%y in his pants. *e suppose& that was co$$enting enough. 8Aositi+e)8 (eo!ge no&&e&. 8.on b!ought it to $e this $o!ning. *e sai& *e!$ione ta%1e& to (inny to&ay at %unch) an& (inny to%& he! whe!e The Wan1e! was ta1ing he! tonight.8 8#on,t ca%% hi$ that.8 *a!!y scow%e&. 8I &on,t want that pictu!e in $y hea&.8 (eo!ge %aughe& fo! a secon& befo!e it &awne& on hi$ what *a!!y $eant. 80!gh) ne+e!$in&. The =asta!&. That,s bette!.8 *a!!y tuc1e& the pa!ch$ent away in his poc1et. 8You,!e o1ay with this98 (eo!ge b%in1e& at hi$ a $o$ent. 8With you $a1ing a foo% of you!se%f o+e! $y ic1%e siste!9 Yeah. o$p%ete%y o1ay with it. If (inny wasn,t so b%in&) the two of you cou%& ha+e been $a!!ie& with a who%e t!ibe of %itt%e ba!ba!ians !unning a!oun& !ight now.8 *a!!y,s face heate&) an& he t!ie& not to thin1 too ha!& about the fact that this was (inny,s b!othe! encou!aging *a!!y to p!oc!eate with he!. 87he,s going to he3 $e. I 5ust 1now she is.8 8A!obab%y)8 (eo!ge g!inne&. 8My on%y !eg!et is that the !est of us won,t be the!e to see it. Mu$ e+en as1e& if I ha& any Ao%y5uice potion han&y. I thin1 she wante& to snea1 o+e! the!e 5ust to watch (inny,s face.8 The pictu!e $a&e *a!!y s$i%e. *a+ing the Weas%eys suppo!t hi$ in this fe%t a$a6ing. Df cou!se) it was high%y %i1e%y to bac1fi!e at any $inute an& en& up a huge) f%a$ing $ess in his %ap) but pe!haps that was 5ust pa!t of the who%e thing. 'fte! spen&ing so $any yea!s pining fo! (inny) *a!!y was wi%%ing to %ay e+e!ything on the %ine 5ust to get he! to at %east consi&e! that he was being honest an& since!e. That,s a%% he was as1ing !ight now.

8I ha+e to !un if I,$ going to be the!e on ti$e. 'ny %ast wo!&s befo!e I $a!ch off to $y &eath98 (eo!ge he%& out his han& fo! *a!!y to sha1e) but then pu%%e& hi$ into a !ough) bac1< s%apping hug. 8You go an& sta%1 he! goo& fo! us a%%) yeah98 *a!!y sno!te&. 8I,%% gi+e it $y best.8 (eo!ge wa%1e& away to !ing up a custo$e! an& *a!!y sta!e& &own at the pape! in his han&. 8Bust &o it)8 *a!!y sco%&e& hi$se%f. 8Bust effing &o it48 *e c%ose& his eyes) igno!ing the gasp f!o$ the %itt%e o%& %a&y who ha& hea!& his %itt%e pep< ta%1 whi%e %etting he! g!an&son b!owse (eo!ge,s she%+es) an& 'ppa!ate& away. The theate! was &a!1) but *a!!y 1new whe!e (inny an& Matthews we!e sitting. *e,& watche& the$ co$e into the theate! afte! scouting the %ocation this afte!noon. 'n& e+en though he,& !econsi&e!e& b!ea1ing up (inny,s &ate a%% &ay) the cha%%enging %oo1 Matthews ha& gi+en hi$ the othe! &ay when they,& been int!o&uce& ce$ente& the i&ea in *a!!y,s $in&. (inny was his an& *a!!y wasn,t about to %et The A!ic1 win this batt%e of wi%%s. Whe!e Matthews ha& once been ca%%e& 8The Twat8 in *a!!y,s $in&) he ha& now fu%%y g!a&uate& to being 8The A!ic1.8 It see$e& $uch $o!e insu%ting to *a!!y. The !oo$ ha& 5ust gone &a!1 an& the p!e+iews of upco$ing fi%$s we!e showing when *a!!y) c%utching an eno!$ous containe! of popco!n) $a&e his way &own the ais%e an& into the !ow behin& the$. *e apo%ogi6e& in hisse& whispe!s fo! stepping a%% o+e! peop%e to get to the seat &i!ect%y behin& (inny an& Matthews. 87o!!y)8 he $u$b%e& to the %a!ge wo$an seate& !ight ne3t to the e$pty spot when he bu$pe& into he!. =oth (inny an& Matthews see$e& annoye& by the !uc1us *a!!y ha& cause&) but neithe! tu!ne& a!oun&. *a!!y g!inne& at the bac1 of thei! hea&s an& igno!e& the t!ai%e!s p%aying. 8That one %oo1s %i1e a goo& one)8 he %eane& o+e! to the wo$an on his %eft an& no&&e& towa!& the action fi%$ that was being p!e+iewe&. 7he ga+e hi$ an annoye& %oo1) but then softene& when she fu%%y tu!ne& to %oo1 at hi$. 'ny annoyance fa&e& away an& she s$i%e&. 8I thin1 so) too.8

Matthews !o%%e& his shou%&e!s in i!!itation) an& *a!!y s$i!1e&. *e cou%& see the f!ust!ation in the way the $an %oc1e& his 5aw. This was going to be ente!taining. The wo$an ne3t to hi$ was now going to be a wi%%ing pa!ticipant in *a!!y,s p%an) as she see$e& to be $o!e inte!este& in *a!!y than the featu!e that was now sta!ting. *a!!y cou%& use that to his a&+antage. 8My best f!ien& to%& $e about this fi%$)8 *a!!y whispe!e&) %ou& enough that se+e!a% peop%e shushe& hi$. 87he sai& it wou%& be inte!esting.8 8I,+e seen it twice)8 the %a&y s$i%e& an& batte& he! eye%ashes at *a!!y. *e g!inne& an& offe!e& he! so$e of his popco!n. 8I,$ not no!$a%%y inte!este& in !o$ance@8 8Wi%% you 1in&%y be >uiet98 Matthews hisse& o+e! his shou%&e!. *e &i&n,t e+en fu%%y %oo1 at *a!!y befo!e tu!ning bac1. 87o!!y.8 =oth *a!!y an& his new f!ien& snigge!e&. 8I %o+e a goo& !o$ance)8 the wo$an continue& unapo%ogetica%%y. 8You &on,t see too $any of ,e$ to&ay) &o you98 8/ot at a%%)8 *a!!y no&&e& an& $unche& %ou&%y on a han&fu% of popco!n. 8It,s a%% about the big bu&get $o+ies now. 7pen&ing $i%%ions of poun&s on so$ething that has to e3p%o&e e+e!y few $inutes 5ust to 1eep you! attention9 What,s the ente!tain$ent in that98 8I 1now)8 she ag!ee&. This ti$e it was (inny who tu!ne& a!oun& to shush the two) but she stoppe& $i&<sco%& an& sta!e& wi&e<eye& at *a!!y. 8*a!!y Aotte!)8 she hisse&. 8What a!e you &oing he!e98 8*i (inny)8 *a!!y g!inne& an& ga+e a %itt%e wa+e. 8I &i&n,t !ea%i6e you we!e he!e. I thought a fi%$ soun&e& %i1e a goo& way to pass the ti$e.8 *e tu!ne& bac1 to his new f!ien&. 8That,s $y f!ien& I was te%%ing you about48 7he %oo1e& %ess than happy) especia%%y since *a!!y stoo& an& c%a$be!e& o+e! the seats to ta1e the spot ne3t to (inny. 8Eoo1) the!e,s a seat !ight ne3t to you.8 8*a!!y) I@8

8We,!e on a date) Aotte!) in case you &i&n,t !ecogni6e it)8 Matthews hisse&. The peop%e a!oun& the$ g!oane& %ou&%y) an& so$e of the$ e+en suggeste& that the th!ee ta1e thei! &iscussion out to the %obby. 8We%%) I won,t bothe! you then)8 *a!!y sh!ugge& an& sat bac1 in his new chai!) $unching popco!n. *e tippe& the buc1et bac1 o+e! his shou%&e!) offe!ing the wo$an so$e. 7he sta!e& g!u$pi%y between hi$ an& (inny fo! a $inute befo!e ta1ing a han&fu%. *a!!y un%eashe& his best s$i%e on he! an& hea!& (inny sno!t. 8You,!e not sitting ne3t to $e)8 (inny p!oteste&) !athe! %ou&%y. *a!!y shushe& he! an& he! eyes na!!owe& &ange!ous%y. It was a%% he cou%& &o not to e!upt in %aughte! !ight the!e. 8It,s a pe!fect%y goo& seat.8 *a!!y wigg%e& his behin& into it an& !este& his hea& on the bac1 whi%e sta!ing up at the sc!een. (inny was agitate&C he cou%& te%% by the way she sta!e& st!aight ahea& an& c!osse& he! a!$s o+e! he! f!ont. 7he &i&n,t e+en %et The A!ic1 ho%& he! han& %i1e he ha& been befo!e. 0+e!yone was >uiet fo! a $inute) an& *a!!y fo!ce& hi$se%f to get %ost in the scene. *e counte& insi&e his hea&) an& 5ust as The A!ic1 !eache& fo! (inny,s han&) *a!!y ti%te& the buc1et he! way. 8Aopco!n98 The $an ne3t to hi$ ha& appa!ent%y ha& enough. 8#o you 1now how $uch $y tic1et cost $e9 I,%% be &a$ne& if I %et you ta%1 th!ough the who%e thing.8 87o!!y)8 *a!!y g!inne&) a%though he wasn,t cont!ite about it at a%%. *e,& g%a&%y !efun& the enti!e theate! the p!ice of thei! tic1ets if he cou%& see Matthews g!in& his teeth once $o!e) an& ha+e (inny g!ow% at hi$ in that %ow) &ange!ous way. The $o+ie continue& with the fa%%en he!o c!ying o+e! his %ong<%ost %o+e as he %ay b%ee&ing an& b!o1en on the f%oo!. 8That,s not +e!y !ea%istic)8 *a!!y whispe!e& as he %eane& towa!& (inny. 8In !ea% %ife) the b%o1e wou%& confess his %o+e) an& the bi!& wou%& &!op hi$ on his a!se) saying she &i&n,t be%ie+e hi$.8 *a!!y,s popco!n nea!%y went f%ying when (inny stoo& ab!upt%y an& 1noc1e& his si&e. 8Dut48 7he pointe& towa!& the ais%e. *a!!y p!eten&e& to be cont!ite whi%e he was %aughing insi&e. 8-h oh)8 his new f!ien& gigg%e& in the !ow behin& hi$. 8I,%% ho%& you! p%ace.8 8Than1s)8 *a!!y %aughe& an& han&e& he! the popco!n. 8*o%& that fo! $e too) wi%% you98

(inny stoo& in the ais%e with he! a!$s c!osse& in f!ont of he!) g%a!ing at *a!!y whi%e he t!ie& to ginge!%y $a1e his way out. 8What the he%% a!e you &oing he!e) *a!!y98 (inny e3p%o&e& once he !eache& he! an& $o!e peop%e hisse& at the$ to be >uiet. *a!!y too1 (inny,s a!$ an& gui&e& he! up the ais%e towa!& the %obby. 8If you,!e going to be %ou&) (inny) we p!obab%y ought to go out. These peop%e a!e t!ying to en5oy a fi%$.8 It was ha!& not to %augh when (inny 5e!1e& he! a!$ away f!o$ hi$ an& sto!$e& off. *a!!y g%ance& o+e! his shou%&e! to see his new f!ien& gi+e a wa+e an& Matthews scow% at hi$. (inny %oo1e& %ess than a$use& when *a!!y e3ite&. Db+ious%y) she &i&n,t thin1 $uch of *a!!y,s p%an fo! how to spen& an e+ening. 803p%ain.8 8I thought a fi%$ soun&e& nice tonight@8 8#o not %ie to $e) *a!!y Aotte!.8 (inny %eane& in c%ose! to hi$ an& po1e& +io%ent%y at his chest. 8You,!e he!e on%y to $a1e things aw1wa!& fo! $e. If this is you! p%an to t!y an& get $e to stop seeing =!ian) it,s !i&icu%ous. I 1now you,!e wo!!ie& that I,$ going to %ea+e you a%one) but@8 8#on,t be stupi&)8 *a!!y sighe&. *e !ubbe& at the b!uise that was fo!$ing whe!e she,& &ug he! finge!tip) an& g%ance& a!oun& at the peop%e who we!e beginning to watch the a!gu$ent. 8You 1now that,s why I,$ he!e. I,$ t!ying to $a1e you un&e!stan& that I fancy you) (inny.8 8=y fo%%owing $e an& $y &ate e+e!ywhe!e98 she ye%%e&. 8That,s what the !estau!ant was about9 Is that what happene& the othe! night at the pub too9 't fi!st) I thought it was 5ust coinci&ence that you en&e& up the!e at the sa$e ti$e. =ut you,+e tu!ne& into so$e so!t of;sta%1e!48 8Ae!haps if you be%ie+e& $e the fi!st ti$e I to%& you I fancie& you) then I wou%&n,t be fo!ce& to fo%%ow you a!oun& an& $a1e su!e you &on,t en& up &oing so$ething stupi&.8 *e g!abbe& he! han& when she swipe& at hi$ an& tugge& he! c%ose!. (inny st!ugg%e& fo! a $o$ent) but then stoppe& as she sta!e& into his eyes. The!e was a spa!1 of att!action between the$ that *a!!y 1new (inny fe%t. *e was 5ust about to %ean in an& 1iss he! when Matthews c%ea!e& his th!oat f!o$ behin& (inny. 8The fi%$ has a%!ea&y sta!te&) (inny. '!e we going bac1 insi&e98 (inny,s eyes went wi&e an& she pu%%e& away. *a!!y swo!e an& !an his han& th!ough his hai!.

8'!e you going bac1 insi&e) *a!!y98 (inny as1e&. 7he soun&e& $o!e co$pose& now) an& *a!!y wishe& fo! 5ust a $inute that he cou%& $a1e he! ye%% once $o!e. The way he! chee1s f%ushe&) an& the way she $o+e& in c%ose! $a&e hi$ want to &o it a%% o+e! again. 8It see$s I ha+e a &ate in the!e)8 he no&&e& towa!& the c%ose& &oo! an& s$i!1e&. (inny !o%%e& he! eyes an& tu!ne& to Matthews. 8I,$ not going bac1 in now.8 8"ine)8 Matthews no&&e& an& g%a!e& at *a!!y. 8We,%% go so$ewhe!e e%se.8 *a!!y !etu!ne& the g%a!e. 8I,%% be su!e to te%% you how it en&s.8 8You! &ate o! the fi%$98 Matthews cha%%enge&. 8=oth.8 *a!!y sh!ugge& an& stuffe& his han&s in his poc1ets. 87he see$e& into $e.8 The hu$o! in the state$ent caught (inny) an& a$use$ent wa!!e& fo! &o$inance in he! e3p!ession. *a!!y cou%& a%ways $a1e he! %augh. 80n5oy the $o+ie) *a!!y.8 8I wi%%. #on,t &o anything stupi&) (inny)8 he wa!ne&. 7he %oo1e& as if she $ight 5ust cha%%enge hi$ bac1) but Matthews s%ippe& his a!$ o+e! he! shou%&e!s an& tu!ne& he! away.

*Chapter $*: Chapter $: I% You Say

Author's Note: I'm glad you are all enjoying the story so far#even if some of you hate $inny. Try to remember that we're only seeing Harry's %&' on this story so far. It does make a difference. "s do that dates at the beginning of the sections. I don't simply put them there to take up space and up my word count. Honest. This chapter has one of my favorite scenes that I've ever written in it. Hope you enjoy it. Chapter $: I% You Say His Saturday *a!!y cou%&n,t e+en say what happene& in the fi!st ha%f of the :ui&&itch ga$e. *e 1new the *a!pies we!e winning) because the c!ow& was sc!ea$ing %ou& enough. '%% that *a!!y cou%& focus on was (inny) sitting ne3t to hi$. It ha& been si3 &ays since he confesse& his fee%ings fo! he!) an& *a!!y cou%&n,t stop !e%i+ing he! wo!&s. *e,& been !ep%aying e+e!y $inute of the wee1) won&e!ing if the!e was

so$ething $o!e he shou%& ha+e &one to con+ince he! that he was genuine) an& what he fe%t fo! he! was !ea%. 8 an I as1 you a >uestion without you getting $a& at $e98 7he hesitate&) an& *a!!y sta!e& out at the pitch) %oo1ing a%% o+e! fo! the 7nitch. *e fina%%y foun& it ho+e!ing nea! the base of one of the stan&s ac!oss the pitch. The 5e!1y $o+e$ent of the ba%% a%e!te& hi$) but neithe! 7ee1e! see$e& to be anywhe!e nea! seeing it. 8I can,t p!o$ise an answe! unti% I 1now the >uestion.8 *a!!y to!e his eyes f!o$ the f%utte!ing go%&en ba%% an& sta!e& at he!. 8'n& you,%% answe! honest%y98 8If I can.8 7he fi&gete& in he! seat) but *a!!y be%ie+e& he!. 7he,& ne+e! %ie& to hi$ in the past. 8Why &i&n,t you te%% Matthews about p%aying :ui&&itch98 8=ecause I &i&n,t p%ay :ui&&itch)8 (inny sighe&. 7he !ubbe& he! eyes an& b%in1e& out at the fie%&. 8I,$ not su!e why I &i&n,t say anything to hi$ about it.8 8It was you! &!ea$)8 *a!!y sai& soft%y. 8'n& you wou%& ha+e been b!i%%iant. I wou%& ha+e co$e to see e+e!y sing%e ga$e.8 *e wou%& ha+e. *e 1new that $uch. Wo!1 be &a$ne&C if (inny ha& been p%aying) *a!!y wou%& ha+e wo!1e& any shift he cou%& 5ust to be ab%e to see he!. 8You wou%&n,t ha+e $a&e it to e+e!y ga$e)8 she %aughe&. The!e was no hu$o! in the soun&) though) an& *a!!y thought he $ight 5ust be b!ea1ing th!ough to he!. "ina%%y. 8I wou%& ha+e t!ie&)8 *a!!y insiste&. The i&ea that (inny &i&n,t sha!e such an i$po!tant pa!t of he! %ife $a&e hi$ sa&. If you %o+e& so$eone) you shou%& be ab%e to te%% the$ e+e!ything about you@you! &!ea$s) you! fea!s) an& you! fai%u!es) a%ong with you! t!iu$phs. 8It 5ust &i&n,t see$ %i1e so$ething i$po!tant to te%% hi$. 7o$e &!ea$s shou%& !e$ain in the past) you 1now.8 *a!!y sta!e& at he! fo! a %ong $inute. 87ee$s to $e that if you we!e !ea%%y se!ious about this b%o1e you,& want hi$ to 1now e+e!ything about you.8 8/o one 1nows e+e!ything about $e)8 (inny &enie&. I do. *ow $uch he wante& to te%% he! that) show he! that he %o+e& he! enough to pay attention to the big things) as we%% as the %itt%e things.

*e 1new how c!ushe& she was when the chance to p%ay :ui&&itch fa&e& f!o$ he! futu!e. *e 1new that she sti%% %istene& to e+e!y *a!pies ga$e th!ough the s$a%% wi!e%ess they ha& hi&&en in thei! office. *e 1new that she sti%% ha& the !e5ection %ette! f!o$ the *a!pies) an& that she sti%% !ea& f!o$ it once in awhi%e. *e 1new how she too1 he! tea@piping hot with on%y a &!op of honey@an& how she ate he! toast@$a!$a%a&e on%y) no butte!. *e 1new she hate& cu!!ants) an& he! $othe!,s $ince pie) but %o+e& the taste of %e$on ta!ts. *e 1new she p!efe!!e& wea!ing %ong pants to sho!ts) because she hate& the f!ec1%es on he! 1nees) an& that if she cou%& wa%1 a!oun& ba!efoot a%% the ti$e) she wou%& be t!u%y happy. *e 1new e+e!ything. 8I 1now a %ot)8 he sai&. 8You cou%& sa+e you!se%f a %ot of ti$e with a%% these b%o1es) an& 5ust go out with $e.8 8You,!e a p!at) *a!!y)8 she %aughe&. 8I to%& you I,$ not going anywhe!e. You &on,t ha+e to wo!!y about@8 7o$ething &eep insi&e hi$ bu!st) an& *a!!y +e!y nea!%y 'ppa!ate& out. *e tu!ne& an& %oo1e& at he!) t!u%y %oo1e& at he! as if was the fi!st ti$e he was seeing he!. 8You ne+e! &i& !ea%%y see it) &i& you98 The !e+e%ation was a s%ap to the face. /o $atte! how t!anspa!ent he,& been th!ough the yea!s) no $atte! how $any ti$es he,& $a&e a foo% of hi$se%f in f!ont of he!;she ha&n,t seen it. /ot fo! what it t!u%y was) anyway. The thought she& %ight a%% th!ough his bo&y an& $a&e his s1in ting%e. (inny gape& at hi$) an& he! $outh opene& an& c%ose& se+e!a% ti$es. 8What I fe%t fo! you) what I feel fo! you)8 he continue& 8'%% this ti$e) I thought you we!e 5ust t!ying to be nice) t!ying not to !u&e%y !e5ect $e because you cou%& ne+e! %o+e $e) but you !ea%%y) t!u%y ne+e! saw it.8 With one %ast %oo1 out o+e! the pitch) *a!!y &!aine& the %ast of his butte!bee!. *e nee&e& to get away f!o$ he!e. *e nee&e& to be so$ewhe!e whe!e he cou%& thin1 this th!ough an& &eci&e 5ust what he was going to &o ne3t. *e stoo& s%ow%y an& pic1e& up his c%oa1 an& hat. 8*a!!y) wait@8 8I thin1 $aybe I,+e waite& enough)8 he sai& honest%y. *e &i&n,t $ean to say it a%ou&) but now that it was out) he cou%&n,t $a1e hi$se%f ta1e it bac1) because it was !ea%. 8You can,t be se!ious)8 she whispe!e&.

*a!!y stoppe& $o+ing towa!& the &oo! to the bo3. *is fists c%enche& by his si&e unti% his han&s hu!t. Ae!haps no $atte! how ha!& he t!ie& she wou%& ne+e! see. 8What if I a$98 he as1e&. 8What if I,+e been se!ious about this f!o$ the fi!st ti$e I tu!ne& !e& in f!ont of you9 What if I ne+e! !ea%%y ga+e up on you9 What if a%% this ti$e you,+e %oo1e& at $e %i1e a b!othe!) but I,+e !ea%%y been so$eone who was stupi& enough to fa%% in %o+e with so$eone who cou%& ne+e! %o+e the$ bac198 8You;you,!e %i1e a b!othe! to $e) *a!!y.8 The wo!&s we!e a b%ow) 1noc1ing the win& out of hi$ an& fi%%ing his who%e bo&y with fu!y. *e g!ow%e& %ow in his th!oat an& &o+e fo! he!) !ough%y tugging he! against hi$) an& p!essing his %ips onto he!s. The 1iss was fi!e an& ice at the sa$e ti$e. It sent a cha!ge that wo1e his who%e bo&y to e+e!ything he,& been fee%ing fo! yea!s) an& fee%ing on%y fo! secon&s. *e was sho!t of b!eath when he pu%%e& bac1) yet wante& nothing $o!e than to c!ush he! %ips with his again) an& 1eep 1issing he! unti% she un&e!stoo&@!ea%%y un&e!stoo&@5ust what he cou%& fee% fo! he!. 8I ha+e never wante& to be you! b!othe!) (inny.8 The wo!&s to!e f!o$ his th!oat) an& *a!!y 1new he nee&e& to %ea+e. *e ha& to get away f!o$ this p%ace an& away f!o$ (inny. 0+e!ything was 5ust too poignant) too cha!ge& to &ea% with it !ight now. 0+e!y touch of he! s1in on his) e+e!y %oo1 she ga+e) bu!ne& to his co!e) an& *a!!y thought he $ight 5ust e3p%o&e if he staye& anothe! $inute. 7o he %eft. *e gathe!e& his c%oa1) pu%%e& his 1nit hat &own o+e! his hea&) an& 'ppa!ate& out. The f%at see$e& e$pty an& &eso%ate when he a!!i+e&. The !e& tu%ips that *a!!y ha& gi+en (inny we!e sitting on the tab%e) an& he wa%1e& fo!wa!& unti% he cou%& !each out an& touch the e&ge of one of the$. 8/o won&e! you &i&n,t un&e!stan&)8 he sai& soft%y. The u!ge to ta%1 to so$eone g!ew as the $inutes c%ic1e& away on the c%oc1 an& (inny &i&n,t fo%%ow hi$. ' pa!t of hi$ wishe& she wou%& si$p%y show up so they cou%& ta%1 this out) o! a!gue) o! e+en 1iss so$e $o!e. 'nything wou%& be bette! than stan&ing in the f%at a%one. 8I can,t be he!e !ight now)8 he to%& the f%owe!s. 8I can,t;8 *e t!ai%e& off) not !ea%%y un&e!stan&ing why he nee&e& to e3p%ain anything.

*e 'ppa!ate& to the %an&ing outsi&e .on,s f%at. *e 1new *e!$ione was p!obab%y he!eC .on was wo!1ing) co+e!ing *a!!y,s shift at the Minist!y) actua%%y) but *e!$ione ha& 7atu!&ays off. In t!uth) he &i&n,t 1now what he was &oing he!e) othe! than he a%ways ca$e to .on an& *e!$ione when he nee&e& so$eone to ta%1 to. 8*a!!y48 *e!$ione see$e& p%ease& to see hi$) unti% she !e$e$be!e& whe!e he was suppose& to be. 8What happene&98 8 an I co$e in9 D! shou%& I 5ust spi%% $y t!oub%es he!e on you! &oo!step98 *a!!y as1e& as he g%ance& behin& hi$. *e!$ione tugge& hi$ in by the w!ist) an& shut the &oo! afte! hi$. 8Te%% $e e+e!ything that happene&)8 she sai& whi%e she pu%%e& at his c%oa1 an& sto%e his hat. 7he cha!$e& a stain off the c%oa1 an& hung it up nea! the &oo!. *a!!y sta!e& a!oun& at the ti&y f%at an& won&e!e& how on ea!th .on an& *e!$ione actua%%y thought no one be%ie+e& they %i+e& togethe!. .on wou%& ne+e! 1eep his f%at this c%ean. 8/othing happene&.8 8#on,t %ie to $e) *a!!y)8 *e!$ione sco%&e&. 87it &own) an& I,%% $a1e us so$e tea.8 8/o) I !ea%%y $ean it. /othing happene&.8 *e sh!ugge& an& san1 into the sofa) %aying his hea& a%ong the bac1. 8I,+e to%& he! e+e!ything) *e!$ione) an& it &oesn,t $atte!. 7he !ea%%y) honest%y &oesn,t see $e !o$antica%%y at a%%.8 *e!$ione %oo1e& thoughtfu% fo! a $o$ent befo!e she %e+itate& a t!ay fu%% of biscuits an& tea o+e! to sett%e in f!ont of hi$ on the %ow tab%e. 8Te%% $e what she sai& e3act%y.8 *a!!y huffe& out a ti!e& b!eath an& c%ose& his eyes. 8I !ea%i6e& so$ething to&ay. I a%ways thought;I a%ways thought that she 5ust &i&n,t want to e$ba!!ass $e. 7he ne+e! sai& anything about $e fancying he! whi%e we we!e g!owing up. I thought she was e$ba!!asse& to ha+e $e sniffing a!oun&. =ut it,s $o!e than 5ust that. 7he !ea%%y ne+e! saw $e as so$eone she cou%& be inte!este& in. I was a%ways 5ust he! b!othe!,s f!ien&. 7he; she to%& $e that I,$ %i1e he! b!othe!) *e!$ione.8 8I,$ so!!y) *a!!y. I !ea%%y thought;8 *e!$ione stoppe& spea1ing an& scow%e& &own at the biscuit she,& been nibb%ing on. 8What &i& you say when she to%& you she saw you %i1e a b!othe!98 *a!!y fe%t his chee1s tu!n !e&) an& sta!e& up at the cei%ing. The $e$o!y of the 1iss was a%$ost as goo& as the actua% e+ent. *a!!y ha& ne+e! 1isse& anyone with so $uch e$otion behin& it. *e,& 1isse& gi!%s 5ust fo! fun. *e,& 1isse& the$ to fo!get about (inny. *e,&

1isse& the$ to t!y an& he%p hi$se%f get o+e! (inny. 'n& none of it ha& wo!1e&) because the $o$ent his %ips $et (inny,s he 1new it was the %ast 1iss he e+e! wante& to ha+e. 8I 1isse& he!.8 *e!$ione gaspe& an& cho1e& on the bit of sho!tb!ea& she,& 5ust put in he! $outh. 80!; wow.8 8'n& I to%& he! that I ha+e ne+e! wante& to be he! b!othe!.8 *e cou%&n,t he%p but s$i%e. It was funny) actua%%y. (inny,s e3p!ession when he,& 1isse& he! was $o!e shoc1e& than he cou%& e+e! !e$e$be! seeing he!. The s$i%e tu!ne& into a chuc1%e that !o%%e& up f!o$ his be%%y an& bu!st out of hi$. *e!$ione see$e& su!p!ise&) but the $o!e he %aughe&) the $o!e she s$i%e&. 0+entua%%y) they we!e both tippe& towa!& each othe! on the sofa) sha1ing with %aughte!. 8Dh) *a!!y) I,$ so so!!y)8 she sai&) fina%%y &!ying he! tea!s. 8I &on,t $ean to %augh.8 8I sta!te& it)8 he &is$isse& he! conce!n an& snatche& a biscuit f!o$ the t!ay. *e conte$p%ate& it fo! a $inute befo!e stuffing it in his $outh. 8'n& it is so!t of funny. It,s ta1en se+en &ays) *e!$ione) fo! $e to get this fa!. If you to%& $e when I was thi!teen that I,& sti%% be in the sa$e p%ace ten yea!s f!o$ then) sti%% in %o+e with the sa$e witch) sti%% no c%ose! to anything) sti%% thin1ing about he! when I;8 *e t!ai%e& off an& sho+e& anothe! sho!tb!ea& in his $outh. *e!$ione c%ea!e& he! th!oat. 8I,$ so!!y we %et you f%oun&e! fo! so %ong) *a!!y. Dne of us shou%& ha+e &one so$ething.8 8Ei1e what98 *a!!y scoffe&. 8It was a%ways up to $e. (inny &i&n,t;she &i&n,t see) *e!$ione.8 8I thin1 she saw $o!e than you thin1) but; We%%) I,$ not su!e what went th!ough he! $in& in those yea!s)8 *e!$ione sighe&. 87he an& I we!en,t a%ways as c%ose as we a!e now.8 8I,$ not as1ing you to b!ea1 a confi&ence.8 *a!!y shoo1 his hea& an& !an his finge!s th!ough his hai!. Was it on%y &ays ago that (inny was $a1ing the sa$e $otions a%ong his sca%p9 'n& now he,& p!obab%y !uine& that fo!e+e!. 7he was going to $o+e out of the f%at an& !e>uest a new pa!tne! at wo!1. 'fte! a%% he! p!o$ises not to %ea+e hi$ a%one) *a!!y was af!ai& that was t!u%y going to happen now. *e,& 5ust !uine& e+e!ything. 'n& yet) he cou%&n,t i$agine not te%%ing he! now that it was out. The!e was a weight off his shou%&e!s that ha& been the!e a +e!y %ong ti$e. If (inny ne+e! spo1e to hi$ again) if she was ne+e! ab%e to consi&e! hi$ as anything $o!e than *a!!y Aotte!) *a!!y wou%& 1now that he,& &one e+e!ything he cou%& &o. *e,& he%& nothing bac1.

8I &on,t e+en 1now why I,$ he!e) honest%y)8 *a!!y sai&. 8I,$ g%a& you ca$e)8 *e!$ione sai& as she !eache& fo!wa!& an& too1 his han& in he!s. 8/o $atte! what) *a!!y) .on an& I wi%% a%ways be he!e fo! you.8 8I 1now.8 8=ecause I %o+e you %i1e a b!othe!)8 *e!$ione continue& with a $ischie+ous s$i%e. When she &i&n,t continue) *a!!y na!!owe& his eyes. 8I,$ not 1issing you) *e!$ione.8 7he %aughe&. 8(oo&. I was testing you. I thought pe!haps it was so$e so!t of cu!se o! so$ething.8 *a!!y san1 %owe! in the sofa an& !e%a3e& fu%%y into it. 8'f!ai& not. That was a%% $y own p!athoo&.8 8You,!e not a p!at) *a!!y.8 8's1 (inny if I a$)8 *a!!y >uippe&. 87he ca%%e& $e a p!at to&ay.8 87he &i&n,t $ean it. /ot in a ba& way)8 *e!$ione e3p%aine&. 8I thin1 you ga+e he! a %ot to thin1 about to&ay. I 1now you,+e been te%%ing he! that you fancy he! fo! &ays an& &ays) but this !ea%%y put things in pe!specti+e fo! he!. /ow she can,t $isun&e!stan& you! $eaning.8 *a!!y sighe& an& too1 his g%asses off. *e p!esse& his finge!s into his eyes. 8I fee% bette!) you 1now) but wo!se at the sa$e ti$e.8 8That $a1es sense) actua%%y. You,+e ca!!ie& that sec!et a!oun& fo! a +e!y %ong ti$e. 'n& you,+e %i+e& with the conse>uences of ca!!ying it@those can be ha!&e! than 1eeping the sec!et) I thin1.8 *a!!y no&&e&. *e !ea%%y &i&n,t want to s%ip into a $e%ancho%y $oo& about this who%e thing. *e,& spent too %ong %i+ing in that space) an& he &i&n,t want to go bac1. /o $atte! what) *a!!y,s %ife ha& change& fo!e+e!. /ow it was 5ust ti$e to wait an& see whe!e the pieces fe%%. 8#o you want to stay fo! &inne!98 *e!$ione as1e& fina%%y. 8.on shou%& be ho$e soon.8 *e thought about it fo! a %ong $inute befo!e no&&ing. 8That soun&s g!eat) actua%%y. I ha+en,t been goo& co$pany fo! a %ong ti$e ha+e I98

8We un&e!stoo&)8 *e!$ione pu%%e& hi$ to his feet) an& they c%ea!e& the tea away befo!e $o+ing into the 1itchen. 8You we!e &oing e+e!ything you cou%& at the ti$e 5ust to stay;8 8'%i+e)8 *a!!y supp%ie& the $issing wo!&) an& it $a&e *e!$ione c!inge. 8You we!e a%ways a%i+e) *a!!y)8 she sco%&e& soft%y. 8=ut I 1now what you $ean. The thought of .on not un&e!stan&ing what I fee% fo! hi$ $a1es $e;8 8It $a1es you sic1 in you! sto$ach)8 *a!!y e3p%aine&) an& pu%%e& the +egetab%es *e!$ione ha& ta1en f!o$ the icebo3 towa!& hi$. 8'n& yet you sti%% %o+e the$ enough that you can,t i$agine gi+ing up on the$.8 They we!e both >uiet fo! a ti$e) chopping +egetab%es an& coo1ing $eat. 't ti$es one of the$ wou%& nu&ge the othe!) o! b%oc1 thei! way when they $o+e& a!oun& the 1itchen) b!inging teasing an& so$e %aughte!) but they $ost%y wo!1e& in co$panionab%e si%ence. 8*e%%o) %o+e)8 .on chee!e& f!o$ the %i+ing !oo$ when he got ho$e. 8Than1s)8 *a!!y ca%%e& bac1) 8goo& to see you too) but ne3t ti$e I cou%& &o without the te!$ of en&ea!$ent. 'n& if you g!ab $y a!se when you co$e in he!e I,%% he3 you.8 .on sno!te& an& 5oine& the$ in the 1itchen. 8You,!e too ug%y to g!ope) you git.8 *a!!y %aughe& an& $o+e& out of the way to %et *e!$ione th!ough. *e tu!ne& bac1 to the pan on the sto+e whi%e they g!eete& each othe!. 8#o I want to 1now why you,!e he!e !ight now instea& of at the ga$e98 .on as1e& as he sto%e a bit of &inne!. 8/ope)8 *a!!y answe!e& p!o$pt%y. .on stu&ie& hi$ a $inute befo!e c%apping hi$ on the shou%&e!. 8(oo& enough fo! $e) $ate.8 8=oys)8 *e!$ione huffe& an& !o%%e& he! eyes. .on hoppe& up on the counte!) an& they ta%1e& about his &ay) e+e!yone ca!efu%%y a+oi&ing $entioning (inny o! the :ui&&itch $atch. *a!!y was g!atefu% fo! his f!ien&s. They !ea%%y we!e the best. They see$e& to 1now that he &i&n,t nee& to ta%1 about it any$o!e) but si$p%y nee&e& a &ist!action) so$ething to %augh about an& so$eone to be the!e. 'n& they p!o+i&e& a%% of that an& $o!e. The soun& of the f%oo acti+ating too1 *e!$ione away) but *a!!y an& .on &ishe& up &inne! si&e by si&e an& %aughe& about e+e!ything an& nothing. When *e!$ione !etu!ne&) she wo!e a conce!ne& e3p!ession on he! face.

8What,s w!ong98 .on &e$an&e&. 8#i& so$ething happen9 Is it the fa$i%y98 *e!$ione %oo1e& at hi$ an& then at *a!!y. 8Its o1ay) *e!$ione)8 *a!!y no&&e& as he un&e!stoo& what was going on: (inny ha& 5ust f%ooe&. 8If she nee&s you;8 8I &on,t want to %ea+e if@8 8I,%% be fine.8 *a!!y shoo1 his hea& an& $otione& towa!& .on. 8(inny is you! f!ien&) too) an& if she nee&s you; =esi&es) this git wi%% 1eep $e co$pany. .ight98 .on %oo1e& between the$ an& opene& his $outh) p!esu$ab%y to a!gue) but then c%ose& it with a snap. 8Yep. We,%% be fine. Bust a coup%e of b%o1es ha+ing &inne!. We,%% p!obab%y fo!get the se!+iettes an& not use the si%+e!wa!e) but we,%% $anage.8 *e!$ione scow%e& at hi$ an& then th!ew he!se%f at *a!!y. 8I &on,t want you to thin1 I,$ choosing si&es) o! aban&oning you.8 8I un&e!stan&) *e!$ione)8 he assu!e& he! with a s>uee6e. 8I,$ !ea%%y not ang!y. I,$ not upset. I,$ not;we%%) I,$ not !ea%%y anything.8 8If you,!e su!e;8 8*e!$ione) 5ust go)8 .on g!oane&. 8We,+e $anage& without you befo!e.8 8You ha+e no tact) .ona%& Weas%ey.8 0+en though she sco%&e&) *e!$ione sti%% 1isse& hi$ goo&bye. 8I,$ not su!e when I,%% be bac1.8 8I 1now whe!e the be& is)8 .on %aughe&. *e g%ance& up at *a!!y who s$i!1e& an& too1 a bite of his &inne!. *e!$ione ga+e .on a significant %oo1 that *a!!y 1new a%% too we%%. *e,& ne+e! hea!& he! +oca%i6e it) but he 1new it $eant ,ta1e ca!e of *a!!y because he &oesn,t ta1e ca!e of hi$se%f) $a1e su!e he,s eating enough) an& wea!ing c%ean un&e!wea!) an& &on,t %et hi$ b!oo& too $uch., That %oo1 ha& happene& a %ot o+e! the yea!s. 'n& *a!!y app!eciate& it. 8I thought she,& ne+e! %ea+e)8 .on sighe& an& fe%% bac1 onto the sofa. 8/ow we can eat an& watch the te%%y at the sa$e ti$e.8 *a!!y sno!te& an& 1ic1e& his shoes off) p!opping his feet on the coffee tab%e. 87oun&s pe!fect.8 8You 1now if you want to ta%1;8 8I &on,t)8 *a!!y shoo1 his hea&. 8I,+e ta%1e& too &a$n $uch the past se+en &ays.8

.on ga+e a fi!$ no& an& $ashe& his thu$b on the !e$ote to tu!n the te%%y on. *e!$ione wasn,t ho$e when *a!!y %eft. *e an& .on watche& se+e!a% p!og!a$s befo!e *a!!y fina%%y hea+e& hi$se%f f!o$ the sofa. 8You 1now you can stay he!e)8 .on pointe& towa!& the sofa. 8It,s not the $ost co$fo!tab%e thing) but it,%% &o in a pinch.8 8Than1s) but I thin1 I,%% be fine at ho$e.8 *a!!y chuc1%e& at .on,s &oubtfu% %oo1. 8'!e you !ea%%y going to be a%!ight98 *a!!y hesitate& in answe!ing. The past few hou!s he,& been ab%e to put (inny asi&e in his $in&. *e ha&n,t fo!gotten about anything) but he,& been ab%e to %augh an& spen& ti$e with .on without wo!!ying that thoughts of (inny $ight ta1e o+e! co$p%ete%y. The !ea% test wou%& be when (inny &eci&e& what she wante& to &o. The :uaff%e was on he! si&e of the pitch now) an& *a!!y was the one waiting. If she &eci&e& that she wante& nothing to &o with hi$) *a!!y was going to ha+e so$e tough &ecisions to $a1e. I&ea%%y) he wante& to show up at the f%at an& ha+e (inny the!e waiting to confess he! hi&&en fee%ings fo! hi$) but he 1new that wasn,t going to happen. 8I wi%% be)8 he no&&e&) 8one &ay.8 .on ga+e a paine& %oo1. 8I wa!ne& you bac1 when you we!e thi!teen that she was t!oub%e) $ate.8 *a!!y sno!te&. *e +ague%y !e$e$be!e& the con+e!sation. ' pa!t of hi$ wishe& he,& been ab%e to be%ie+e .on enough to put the fee%ings behin& hi$. It fe%t %i1e a bet!aya% the $o$ent the thought ente!e&. *e cou%&n,t &iscount what he fe%t because it was !ea%C it was a pa!t of what $a&e hi$ *a!!y Aotte!. Ei1e it o! not) *a!!y Aotte! was in %o+e with (inny Weas%ey. 8I sti%% wou%&n,t change it)8 *a!!y shoo1 his hea&. 80+en with a%% that I,+e gone th!ough.8 .on was >uiet befo!e no&&ing. 8I un&e!stan&. We %o+e who we %o+e.8 8=eing in %o+e with you! best f!ien& is not fo! the feint of hea!t.8 .on shoo1 his hea& at *a!!y,s co$$ent. 8 an you i$agine you!se%f in %o+e with so$eone othe! than *e!$ione98 *a!!y as1e&. 8/o)8 .on answe!e& auto$atica%%y. 8It,s pa!t of what $a1es $e who I a$.8 *a!!y no&&e& fi!$%y. 8I can,t stop $yse%f f!o$ %o+ing he!) e+en if she ne+e! %o+es $e bac1. ' pa!t of $e wi%% a%ways be that pe!son. 'n& if she &oesn,t want to ta1e a chance on what we cou%& ha+e togethe!) it,s going to hu!t. It,s going to hu!t %i1e he%%. =ut one

$o!ning I,%% wa1e up an& it won,t hu!t as $uch. I $ight e+en be ab%e to fin& so$eone to $a1e it hu!t a %itt%e %ess) but I,$ not e+e! going to be ab%e to fo!get he!. The!e wi%% a%ways be the ,what if, of us. I ha& to %et he! 1now.8 8I 1now.8 .on no&&e& so%e$n%y. 8'n& fo! what it,s wo!th) I thin1 she,s a b%oo&y git if she &oesn,t ta1e a chance.8 *a!!y s$i%e&. 8Than1s.8 8What,!e you going to &o98 .on as1e&. 8#on,t 1now)8 *a!!y answe!e& honest%y. 8Wait) I guess.8 .on was >uiet. *e %oo1e& %i1e he wante& to say $o!e) but fina%%y no&&e&. 8*a+e a goo& night.8 8You too.8 The f%at &isappea!e& a!oun& hi$ an& his &a!1 %i+ing !oo$ $ate!ia%i6e&. 0ithe! (inny wasn,t ho$e o! she was a%!ea&y in be&. *a!!y sta!e& at the tu%ips as he wa%1e& by) an& notice& that they nee&e& wate!. 8I,$ sti%% he!e waiting too)8 he co$$ise!ate&. *e use& "guamenti to fi%% the +ase) an& then wan&e!e& s%ow%y &own the ha%%. (inny,s &oo! was c%ose& an& the!e was no %ight on at the botto$. *e pause& by the si&e of it an& pon&e!e& 1noc1ing) but what wou%& he say if she answe!e&9 ,*i. 7o!!y I 1isse& you ea!%ie! an& sho+e& how I fee% about you in you! face) but it,s !ea%%y you! own fau%t fo! not noticing when I $a1e a co$p%ete p!at of $yse%f fo! ten who%e yea!s) o! $o!e) an& fo! not !ea%i6ing that I,$ te%%ing you the t!uth. I !ea%%y &o %o+e you) by the way. /ight., Yep. o$p%ete p!at again. *is han& ho+e!e& in ai! befo!e fa%%ing to his si&e. (inny p!obab%y nee&e& ti$e to p!ocess what a%% of this $eant to he!. *a!!y 1new if the situation we!e !e+e!se&) he,& &efinite%y nee& so$e space to &ea% with the changes to his %ife that the conf!ontation wou%& b!ing. *a!!y &i&n,t e+en bothe! tu!ning on a %ight when he ente!e& his be&!oo$. *e st!ippe& to his bo3e!s an& c%i$be& in between the co%& sheets. *is g%asses we!e set on the tab%e ne3t to the be&) an& *a!!y !ubbe& his eyes unti% b!ight spots shine& in the$. 8I,$ not going to s%eep at a%%)8 he $u$b%e& up to the cei%ing. Too $any thoughts !an th!ough his hea& to be ab%e to !est peacefu%%y) anyway. *e cu!%e& a!oun& the e3t!a pi%%ow) pu%%ing it tight to hi$ an& t!ie& to thin1 of anything that wou%& he%p hi$ &!ift away.

*Chapter &*: Chapter &: You To Want Me

Chapter &: You To Want Me Her Saturday 8That,s the %ast of it) Mu$)8 (inny ca%%e& out as she set the bas1et of %aun&!y on the tab%e in the 1itchen. It s$e%%e& of c%ean) c!isp ai! an& sunshine. 'n& e+en though it was th!eatening to snow any &ay now) (inny cou%& un&e!stan& he! $othe!,s &esi!e to get that one %ast batch of %aun&!y &!ie& by the ai! to&ay) !athe! than $agica%%y &!ie&. The 5u$pe!s an& t<shi!ts ne+e! s$e%%e& the sa$e when they we!e &!ie& with a wan&. 8Than1 you) (inny &ea!.8 *e! $othe!,s chee1s we!e !e& f!o$ the co%&) an& she %owe!e& the hoo& on he! c%oa1 an& !an he! finge!s th!ough he! hai!. It wasn,t the b!i%%iant !e& it ha& once been) but (inny thought he! $othe! %oo1e& won&e!fu%. 't %east she cou%& s$i%e again. The!e we!e ti$es !ight afte! the wa! that (inny wasn,t su!e she,& e+e! see anothe! wa!$) Mo%%y Weas%ey s$i%e. 8'!e you off) o! &o you ha+e ti$e fo! tea98 8I ha+e ti$e)8 (inny no&&e&. 7he !ea%%y shou%& be getting ho$e to get !ea&y fo! he! &ate. =!ian ha& sai& si3. =ut that was sti%% hou!s away) an& (inny 1new she,& be fine to si$p%y pu%% on a 5u$pe! an& !un a b!ush th!ough he! hai!. 7he $ight e+en twist it upC =!ian ha& co$p%i$ente& he! nec1 the othe! &ay) $aybe he,& %i1e to see a bit $o!e of it. *e! face heate& as the ne3t thought ca$e into he! hea&. 7he wou%&n,t e+en be oppose& to hi$ getting a $uch c%ose! +iew of it) actua%%y. =ut it was fa! too soon fo! that. They,& on%y sha!e& a few 1isses) afte! a%%) an& thin1ing of $uch $o!e was a bit;fo!wa!&. It e3cite& he!) though. The!e ha&n,t been $any $en she,& sha!e& e+en he! 1isses with. ' few. 87ince you! fathe! is off with =i%% to&ay) it,%% 5ust be us gi!%s fo! tea.8 *e! $othe! gigg%e& %i1e a young gi!%) an& (inny %aughe&. 8 an we ha+e biscuits !ight f!o$ the bo398 (inny as1e& gui%ti%y. That ha& been one of thei! gui%ty %itt%e p%easu!es on (inny,s %ast yea! ho$e befo!e %ea+ing fo! *ogwa!ts. The!e we!e $any of these %itt%e $othe!/&aughte! $o$ents that they sha!e& befo!e (inny set off into the wo!%& to $a1e he! way. 8I,$ su!e no one wi%% $in&.8 Dnce they we!e sett%e& in the &eep win&ow seat that was tuc1e& away in the fa! co!ne! of the %i+ing !oo$) (inny &o+e into the bo3 of biscuits an& c!unche& happi%y on the %itt%e %e$on f%a+o!e& ones.

8Things a!e going we%% at wo!198 (inny no&&e& an& chewe& faste! to e$pty he! $outh befo!e she spo1e. 8Things a!e g!eat. *a!!y an& I c%ose& a case 5ust the othe! &ay.8 8#ea! *a!!y)8 he! $othe! sighe& an& nibb%e& on a !aspbe!!y biscuit. 8I &o wo!!y so about hi$. The poo! boy &oesn,t ta1e nea!%y goo& enough ca!e of hi$se%f.8 (inny s$i!1e& at the %oo1 on he! $othe!,s face. 7he,& seen it the!e count%ess ti$es o+e! the yea!s. *a!!y !an1%e& un&e! that %oo1 at ti$es) because it usua%%y $eant that the fo!$i&ab%e Mo%%y Weas%ey was going to chec1 to $a1e su!e behin& his ea!s we!e c%ean) o! pinch his si&e to see if he,& been eating enough an& if she cou%& fee% his !ibs. 7o$eti$es it $eant she was going to get hi$ to ta1e out the (!oce!,s &aughte! o! so$eone e>ua%%y ho!!ifying. It was a%% a$using to (inny to watch) but she 1new how *a!!y fe%t. If *a!!y wasn,t the ta!get of the nitpic1ing then (inny was) an& she $uch $o!e p!efe!!e& to see *a!!y s>ui!$ t!ying to get out of Mo%%y,s sights than &o it he!se%f. 8*a!!y,s &oing fine) Mu$)8 (inny co!!ecte&. 8*e,s a %itt%e;8 7he t!ai%e& off) t!ying to fin& the !ight wo!& fo! what she thought *a!!y was being %ate%y. 8Ti!e&)8 she inse!te&) 1nowing it &i&n,t fit !ight) but the accu!ate te!$ e+a&e& he!. ' pictu!e of hi$ %ying on the sofa an& sta!ing unseeing%y at the te%%y ca$e into he! $in&. It wasn,t &ep!ession) she thought) o! e+en $e%ancho%y. Ae!haps $o!e of the secon& than the fi!st) a%though (inny wasn,t su!e >uite what was going on with he! f!ien&. *e was 5ust as ene!getic as e+e! whi%e they we!e wo!1ing) an& was a%ways enthusiastic about &oing so$ething togethe!) but he,& been;&own %ate%y too. 8We%% you $a1e su!e he,s not o+e!wo!1ing hi$se%f) an& that he,s getting enough s%eep.8 8I,$ not his wife)8 (inny sno!te&. 8We 5ust sha!e a f%at.8 *e! $othe!,s %ips pinche& togethe! tight%y an& (inny 1new she,& sai& the w!ong thing. The who%e f%at sha!ing thing was a touchy sub5ect) an& (inny 1new the wo!&s that we!e co$ing ne3t. They a%ways ca$e ne3t. 8Yes) I 1now) e+en if I &on,t app!o+e. =ut you,!e his best f!ien&) (inny) an& he %istens to you. *e occasiona%%y %istens to *e!$ione an& .on sti%%) but $ost%y he %istens to you.8 7he got a st!ange %oo1 on he! face this ti$e when she sai& it) one that (inny &i&n,t 1now the $eaning behin&. 8I,%% &o $y best.8 (inny sh!ugge& he! acceptance of the 5ob. 8'n& $a1e su!e he !e$e$be!s that we,!e ha+ing &inne! he!e to$o!!ow e+ening.8 8I,%% !e$in& hi$)8 (inny no&&e&.

8/ow) a!e the two of you seeing anyone new98 (inny fought the u!ge to !o%% he! eyes. This was anothe! >uestion that she e3pecte&. 't %east this ti$e she ha& an answe!. 8*a!!y hasn,t &ate& anyone in $onths)8 she &is$isse&. 8=ut I $et so$eone. We,!e going out again tonight) actua%%y.8 The st!ange e3p!ession sp!ea& ac!oss he! $othe!,s face again: tight %ips) w!in1%ing at the co!ne!s of he! eyes. It fa&e& into a p%ease& s$i%e as he! $othe! patte& he! han&. 8Te%% $e about this young $an.8 8We%%) his na$e is =!ian) an& we,+e gone out twice a%!ea&y.8 8'n& tonight is you! third( What happene& to the two &ate !u%e98 (inny scoffe&. 8It was a 5o1e between *a!!y an& I that went a bit fa!) actua%%y. I thin1 it,s $o!e *a!!y,s way of 1eeping hi$se%f away f!o$ witches that a!e afte! his na$e an& a hea&%ine in the pape! than anything.8 8I can,t b%a$e the poo! boy)8 he! $othe! shoo1 he! hea& sa&%y. 8 an you i$agine how ha!& it $ust be fo! hi$ to fin& so$eone he,s co$fo!tab%e enough to sha!e his %ife with9 7o$eone he can si$p%y be hi$se%f a!oun& an& sha!e a %augh with98 (inny b!ist%e& at the i&ea of *a!!y being co$fo!tab%e with anyone. 7he cou%&n,t say why it bothe!e& he!. Maybe because she was so co$fo!tab%e with hi$. They we!e best f!ien&s an& sha!e& e+e!ything. 8I,$ not su!e if he,%% e+e! fin& anyone) Mu$. *a!!y &oesn,t %i1e to open hi$se%f up at a%%. 0+en .on an& *e!$ione p!obab%y &on,t 1now e+e!ything about hi$.8 8You see$ to 1now $o!e.8 The state$ent $a&e (inny scow% as she t!ie& to &eci&e the intent behin& it. 8Df cou!se I &o. We,!e best f!ien&s an& we %i+e togethe!. *e,%% fin& so$eone)8 she sai& fina%%y. 8I thin1 he,s 5ust ti!e& of &ating fo! a bit. *e goes th!ough these phases whe!e he,%% &ate e+e!ything that wa%1s by) an& then not at a%% fo! a whi%e. *e,%% fin& so$eone to tu!n his hea&.8 8'n& what about =!ian98 he! $othe! as1e& with a s$i%e. 8#oes he tu!n you! hea&98 8*e &oes)8 (inny g!inne&. =y the ti$e (inny $a&e it to the f%at) she was a%!ea&y !unning %ate. 7he too1 a >uic1 showe!) an& b!ushe& off *a!!y,s offe! to watch a p!og!a$ with hi$.

T!ouse!s an& a nice shi!t that e3pose& 5ust enough of he! nec1 wou%& be pe!fect tonight) an& (inny hu!!ie&%y pu%%e& the$ on whi%e she sea!che& fo! he! shoes. Dne was foun& nea! the &oo! an& she s%i& it on. 7he hobb%e& &own the ha%%way) %oo1ing un&e! &isca!&e& c%othing an& #ai%y A!ophets fo! the waywa!& shoe. This p%ace was a &isaste! an& if she e+e! got $o!e than a $inute o! two she shou%& c%ean it. *a!!y ob+ious%y showe& no inte!est in &oing so. 8'nything I can he%p you with98 *e soun&e& a$use& as he s%ouche& on the sofa in his wo!n t!ac1 pants an& t<shi!t) thu$bing th!ough a :ui&&itch $aga6ine that he,& !ea& at %east a &o6en ti$es) an& watche& he! c!aw% a%ong the f%oo! sea!ching fo! the shoe. 8My shoe)8 she g!u$b%e&. 8I can,t fin& it an& I,$ going to be %ate.8 7he %oo1e& away f!o$ hi$ an& stuc1 he! hea& un&e! the e&ge of the sofa. #efinite%y nee& to c%ean) she to%& he!se%f when a%% she foun& was a &i!ty soc1 of *a!!y,s) an& $o!e :ui&&itch $aga6ines. 8I can,t i$agine whe!e that got off to.8 It wasn,t in the %i+ing !oo$C that was fo! su!e. (inny g!u$b%e& as she wa%1e& bac1 &own the ha%%way an& &o+e into he! wa!&!obe) pu%%ing out shoe afte! shoe) sea!ching fo! the $atch. 7he &i&n,t want to be %ate. 7he %i1e& =!ian) an& &i&n,t want to gi+e hi$ the i$p!ession that she wasn,t inte!este&. 7he was &efinite%y inte!este&. *e was the fi!st b%o1e in >uite so$e ti$e that &i&n,t f%inch o! get that st!ange pinche& %oo1 on his face when she to%& hi$ she was an 'u!o!. *e actua%%y %oo1e& i$p!esse&) an& was inte!este& in what she &i& e+e!y &ay. That was a change f!o$ the $en whose eyes bu%ge& an& they hu!!ie& th!ough the &ate si$p%y to be !i& of he!. The shoe was $issing an& (inny g%a!e& at the e$pty f%oo! of the wa!&!obe) 1nowing she was going to ha+e to change now. 7he pu%%e& the shi!t off o+e! he! hea& an& tosse& it in the &i!ection of the be& befo!e !eaching into the c%oset. *e! han& sett%e& on the soft fab!ic of the on%y &!ess she owne&. It was not too fo!$a%) an& ha& no f!i%%s at a%%) actua%%y. 7he he%& it up fo! 5ust a $o$ent befo!e s%i&ing the 6ip &own an& pu%%ing it on. The anticipation of seeing =!ian,s face when he saw he! tonight ga+e a th!i%%) an& (inny hu!!ie&%y tugge& he! t!ouse!s off. 8"oun& it yet98 *a!!y %eane& against he! &oo! an& (inny sighe& in !e%ief. 7he wou%&n,t ha+e to $agic the bac1 6ippe! up afte! a%%. 8I &eci&e& to change co$p%ete%y. ?ip $e up98 7he tu!ne& an& p!esente& the open 6ippe! to hi$. *e &i&n,t $o+e at a%% fo! a $o$ent) an& (inny %oo1e& at hi$ o+e! he! shou%&e!) won&e!ing what his p!ob%e$ was. *e 1new how to wo!1 a 6ippe!) &i&n,t he9

87o!!y) was thin1ing about so$ething e%se.8 *e 5e!1e& into action an& s%i& the 6ip up he! bac1) causing a shi+e! to go th!ough he! who%e bo&y when his finge! b!ushe& he! s1in. 8I,$ so %ate)8 she g!u$b%e&. 7he untwiste& he! hai!@the $essy upsweep 5ust wou%&n,t wo!1 with this &!ess@an& !an he! finge!s th!ough it. 8Then stay ho$e)8 he suggeste&. 8It,s not %i1e you ha+e to &!ess up to be he!e with $e. We,%% o!&e! ta1e away an& th!ow popco!n at the te%%y when we a!gue with the cha!acte!s.8 (inny s$i%e&. 8's fun as that soun&s) I &o !ea%%y want to go out tonight.8 7he snatche& he! hee%s f!o$ the f%oo! an& pu%%e& the$ on. 8(o out with $e. I can be !ea&y fast an& we,%% go out fo! &inne!. We,%% &o whate+e! you want.8 The suggestion too1 he! by su!p!ise an& (inny %aughe&. *a!!y was a%ways t!ying to get he! to &o things with hi$. *e !ea%%y nee&e& to fin& hi$se%f a gi!%f!ien&. /ot 5ust a &ate now an& again) but a !ea%) honest gi!%f!ien& that he cou%& &o things with. 7he patte& his shou%&e! as she wa%1e& by. *e,& hate it if she suggeste& fin&ing so$eone. *e a%ways scoffe& at the i&ea. 8You can,t be that %one%y) *a!!y)8 she 5o1e&. 8(o an& pic1 up so$eone at the pub.8 8Why a!e you going out with =e!ny in the fi!st p%ace98 *a!!y as1e&. 8I $ean) what happene& to you! two &ate !u%e9 You,+e a%!ea&y been out with =enny twice %ast wee1.8 (inny nea!%y cho1e& on he! toothb!ush when *a!!y got =!ian,s na$e w!ong twice. 7he ha& the fee%ing that he,& &one it on pu!pose) but cou%&n,t i$agine why. *e $ust 5ust be in one of his $oo&s again. 8=ecause I %i1e Brian) *a!!y)8 she e3p%aine&. 8'n& the !u%e was a%ways $o!e about gui&e%ines) you 1now) !athe! than abso%uteness.8 8Yeah) but what $a1es this one &iffe!ent98 *a!!y,s +oice (inny %eft the bath!oo$ an& stu&ie& hi$ fo! a $o$ent. *e was %eaning against the wa%%) scow%ing at the f%oo!. #efinite%y one of his $oo&s. 8=!ian is nice)8 she sh!ugge&. 8*e %i1es :ui&&itch) an& isn,t inti$i&ate& that I,$ an 'u!o!. *e,s funny an& easy to ta%1 to.8 *a!!y $u$b%e& an& (inny to%& a sto!y about =!ian on thei! fi!st &ate. *e,& been so funny) pointing out things as they wa%1e& th!ough #iagon '%%ey that $a&e he! %augh. *a!!y see$e& to be igno!ing he!.

8'n& he,s goo& %oo1ing) a%ways &!esse& nice%y) you 1now. 'n& he;he $a1es $e fee% %i1e a gi!%.8 (inny sh!ugge&. 7he wasn,t e3act%y su!e what the %ast pa!t $eant) but now that it was out) she fe%t it was t!ue. =!ian was nice) an& when she was with hi$) the!e was no &oubt that he 1new she was a wo$an. *e a%ways to%& he! how att!acti+e she was) an& &i&n,t t!eat he! %i1e anothe! one of the boys. 7he got p%enty of that at wo!1 an& whi%e g!owing up. 8I ha+e to !un.8 (inny g!abbe& c%oa1 an& wan&. -n&e!neath he! c%oa1 was he! shoe f!o$ ea!%ie!. (inny g%a!e& but &is$isse& it. "a! too %ate to wo!!y about things %i1e that now. 8T!y not to sit he!e a%one a%% night) yeah98 7he %aughe& an& p!esse& he! %ips to *a!!y,s chee1 befo!e 'ppa!ating away. 8 an I at %east ta1e you ho$e tonight98 =!ian as1e&. *is s$i%e $a&e (inny wa!$ insi&e) an& she %oo1e& &own to whe!e his finge!s p%aye& with he!s on the tab%e. 8I &on,t 1now)8 she answe!e& &oubtfu%%y. 8I to%& you that *a!!y an& I ha+e that ag!ee$ent...8 8I 1now)8 he sighe&. 8I sti%% &on,t fu%%y un&e!stan&. It,s you! f%at 5ust as $uch as it is his.8 (inny scow%e&. 7he wasn,t >uite su!e why the i&ea of %etting =!ian ta1e he! ho$e &i&n,t sit we%% with he!. It wasn,t as if he was going to sta!t showing up unannounce& an& bothe! *a!!y. *e wasn,t %i1e so$e of the gi!%s that *a!!y &ate&. That,s one !eason they,& estab%ishe& the !u%e of no &ates at the f%at@so that the fangi!%s that *a!!y &ate& wou%&n,t show up at a%% ti$es of the &ay. A%us) (inny &i&n,t fancy wa%1ing in on anything) an& *a!!y fe%t the sa$e. It was 5ust a goo& !u%e a%% the way a!oun&. 8It is) but *a!!y,s $y f!ien&) =!ian. 'n& he &ese!+es a %itt%e p!i+acy.8 =!ian no&&e&) but (inny wasn,t su!e he &i& un&e!stan&. When she,& fi!st to%& hi$ he! f%at $ate was *a!!y Aotte!) =!ian ha& scoffe&. Aeop%e 5ust &i&n,t hang a!oun& with *a!!y Aotte!. They &i&n,t watch the te%%y with hi$) o! sco%& hi$ to c%ean up his $ess. *a!!y Aotte! was;he was a %egen&. =!ian,s wo!&s !att%e& th!ough he! hea&) soun&ing %i1e e+e!yone e%se,s !eaction when they hea!& she was f!ien&s with *a!!y Aotte!. That,s what e+e!yone thought) but (inny 1new that *a!!y was so $uch $o!e than what e+e!yone pictu!e&. 'n& %ess) at the sa$e ti$e. *a!!y was hu$an. *e was $oo&y an& stubbo!n. *e ha& the abi%ity to $a1e he! %augh at the $ost inoppo!tune ti$es) an& he was the best f!ien& she cou%& i$agine e+e! ha+ing) but he was fa! f!o$ pe!fect. 8It,s getting %ate an& I ha+e to wo!1 to$o!!ow.8 =!ian see$e& !e%uctant to en& the &ate) an& (inny cou%& un&e!stan&. They,& ha& a won&e!fu% ti$e ta%1ing about a%% so!ts of things.

8What about a wa%1 th!ough pa!t of Eon&on98 =!ian as1e&. *e &i&n,t %oo1 at he!) but p%aye& with he! finge!s. (inny,s face f%ushe& when she guesse& what he was as1ing) an& he! hea!t poun&e& in he! th!oat. If she cou%&n,t ha+e a goo&night 1iss on the &oo!step) then a !o$antic wa%1 th!ough Eon&on soun&e& won&e!fu%. 'n& the!e wou%& be p%enty of ti$e fo! 1issing befo!e she 'ppa!ate& ho$e. 87oun&s pe!fect)8 she ag!ee&. The Eea1y was boiste!ous tonight) an& (inny s$i%e& at the ene!gy that pu%se& a!oun& the$. 7he ha&n,t notice& befo!e now how $any peop%e we!e he!e) &!in1ing) %aughing) an& si$p%y en5oying a 7atu!&ay e+ening. 8.ea&y to go98 =!ian as1e& afte! paying fo! the $ea%. (inny no&&e& an& gathe!e& he! c%oa1. 7he was %ifting it to s%i&e he! a!$s insi&e when she hea!& .on,s +oice. 8*a!!y) sit &own48 7he %oo1e& up an& saw *a!!y 1nee%ing on the bac1 of one of the booths) sta!ing !ight at he!. Two !e&hea&s an& a thatch of b!own &uc1e& %ow in the booth) an& (inny b%in1e& at the$. .on) (eo!ge an& /e+i%%e t!ie& to pu%% *a!!y &own off the seat) but he 1ept batting thei! han&s away. 8*i)8 he sai& an& wa+e&. *e wobb%e& p!eca!ious%y) an& (inny a%$ost bu!st out in %aughte!. *e was pisse&. o$p%ete%y an& tho!ough%y pisse&. 'n& f!o$ the hissing an& cu!ses e$anating f!o$ the booth) he! b!othe!s an& /e+i%%e we!e too. .on fina%%y got a ho%& on *a!!y,s shi!t) an& he tu$b%e& o+e! bac1wa!&s) f%ying onto the tab%e. (inny sno!te& an& %aughe&. =!ian scow%e& at the scene an& he%pe& he! s%i&e the c%oa1 fu!the! up his a!$s. 8Is that@8 8That,s *a!!y)8 (inny no&&e&. 8*e see$s to be en5oying hi$se%f tonight.8 The soun& of *a!!y,s %aughte! !ang out) an& (inny %et it wash o+e! he!. 7he ha&n,t hea!& hi$ %i1e this in a %ong ti$e@f!ee an& unfette!e&. Ae!haps it was 5ust the a%coho%) o! being with f!ien&s) but *a!!y see$e& t!u%y happy tonight. 8Eet,s go)8 =!ian s%i& his a!$ a!oun& he! waist) an& (inny ga+e one %ast %oo1 o+e! he! shou%&e! to *a!!y befo!e %etting =!ian gui&e he! out into the chi%%y Eon&on night. Her Sunday *a!!y was &efinite%y a%i+e. (inny watche& as he shifte& in be&) g!oaning against the b!ight afte!noon %ight that was st!ea$ing in the win&ow. 7he won&e!e& if he wou%& be

with how $uch a%coho% she assu$e& he,& ha& the night befo!e. It ha& to ha+e been a %ot fo! hi$ to be that soppy. Than1 Me!%in he,& on%y $a&e it so fa! in getting un&!esse& %ast night) o! (inny wou%& be getting >uite the show !ight now. 's it was) he was %ying face &own &iagona%%y on his be&) wea!ing on%y his bo3e!s. *is !ight foot was bu!ie& un&e! the $essy wa& of b%an1ets nea! the foot of the be&) but his %eft) co$p%ete with soc1 an& shoe) we!e hanging off the si&e. (inny gigg%e& as she ca$e fu!the! into the !oo$. The who%e p%ace s$e%%e& %i1e a pub) an& (inny shoo1 he! hea&. 't %east *a!!y see$e& to be ha+ing a goo& ti$e %ast night. 8Mo!ning) 7%eepyhea&. I suppose I !ea%%y shou%& say ,afte!noon, instea&.8 *a!!y g!oane& when (inny spo1e. 8(o,way) (in.8 (inny %aughe& an& c%i$be& on the be&) $a1ing it $o+e as $uch as possib%e. *e g!oane& again) an& she !este& he! han& on his bac1) t!acing patte!ns on the s1in the!e. 8I &on,t thin1 so. I thin1 this is too goo& of an oppo!tunity to waste. 'fte! a%%) how often &o I get to fin& a co$p%ete%y sta!1e!s *a!!y Aotte! passe& out %i1e this98 *a!!y 5e!1e& away f!o$ he!) an& sc!a$b%e& to co+e! hi$se%f with anything he cou%& fin&) tugging at the b%an1et an& sheet. 80+i%)8 he g!oane& an& pu%%e& the b%an1et o+e! his hea&. 8Eea+e $e ,%one.8 (inny %aughe& again an& t!ie& to ta1e the b%an1et off his hea&. 8You %oo1e& %i1e you we!e en5oying you!se%f %ast night.8 *e fina%%y a%%owe& he! to pu%% the co+e!s bac1) an& b%in1e& b%ea!i%y up at he!. 8I was a co$p%ete p!at)8 he p!oteste&. (inny won&e!e& 5ust what he,& $anage& to get up to. With he! b!othe!s an& /e+i%%e as co$panions) no &oubt a%% so!ts of things ha& gone on. The co$bination of those fou! ne+e! $eant goo& things. 8/ot to $e) you we!en,t)8 she sai& an& sh!ugge&. 8I can,t +ouch fo! whate+e! &ebauche!y you co$$itte& befo!e you a!!i+e& at the Eea1y.8 *a!!y g!oane& an& !o%%e& onto his si&e) p!essing his face into he! thigh. 7he %ifte& a han& an& !an he! finge!s th!ough his hai!. *e sighe&) an& she won&e!e& if he wante& he! to $a1e hi$ a hango+e! potion) o! if he si$p%y wante& to s%eep it off. 8I 1new you nee&e& a night out)8 she s$i%e&. 8I 5ust hope it was wo!th it.8 8I thin1 it was.8 *e scow%e& s%ight%y) as if he cou%&n,t >uite !e$e$be! a%% that happene&.

8I was p%anning on going into the office to finish up the pape!wo!1 on the #uncan case)8 she sai&. 87ince you,!e in no shape to co$e in as we%%) you,%% owe $e.8 8I can,t $o+e)8 he p!oteste&. 8It hu!ts too $uch. I hate (eo!ge. *e sta!te& the "i!ewhis1y %ast night.8 (inny %aughe& an& too1 he! han& away. 8I,$ su!e I can $anage to finish the fi%e on $y own. #on,t fo!get that we,!e suppose& to be at the =u!!ow tonight fo! &inne!.8 *a!!y g!u$b%e& an& !o%%e& away f!o$ he!. 8I fo!got.8 8Mu$ wi%% 1i%% both of us if you &on,t co$e) *a!!y)8 (inny sco%&e& soft%y. 87he see$s to thin1 that I,$ you! 1eepe! o! so$ething. =efo!e I $o+e& in) you a%ways fo!got about &inne!s the!e.8 8I,%% be the!e)8 *a!!y p!o$ise&. 8Bust gonna s%eep fo! a bit $o!e.8 (inny %aughe& an& %eane& &own to p!ess a 1iss to his te$p%e befo!e she bounce& the be& one fina% ti$e. 8Witch)8 *a!!y g!oane&. 8I,%% e3pect you c%eane& an& p!esse& by fi+e o,c%oc1) Aotte!)8 (inny g!ow%e& p%ayfu%%y f!o$ the &oo!way. 8D! I,%% te%% Mu$ about you! wi%& night on the town %ast night.8 The who%e &ay ha& been won&e!fu%. (inny !ose f!o$ ta%1ing to =!ian th!ough the f%oo) an& &uste& the 1nees of he! 5eans off. 7he s$i%e& contente&%y an& g%ance& a!oun& the sti%%<c%ean f%at. 7he wasn,t su!e what ha& gotten into *a!!y %ate%y about c%eaning) but the p%ace %oo1e& g!eat. *a!!y was in the 1itchenC she cou%& hea! the c%in1 of &ishes in the sin1. *e $ust ha+e !etu!ne& whi%e she was ta%1ing to =!ian. 8#i& you get Te&&y ho$e a%!ight98 *a!!y was sta!ing off into the 1itchen when she wa%1e& in. *e sta!t%e& when she spo1e. 80!;yeah. Te&&y,s;fine. 't ho$e.8 *e see$e& so &iffe!ent now than he was at the =u!!ow@$uch $o!e su%%en now. Ae!haps so$ething ha& happene& in the few $inutes they we!e pa!te&. 8'!e you fee%ing a%!ight98 8Who we!e you ta%1ing to98 he as1e&. *is b!ight eyes tu!ne& on he!) an& she cou%&n,t !ea& the e3p!ession in the$.

8=!ian. *e wante& to 1now $y sche&u%e this wee1 so we cou%& fin& ti$e to go out.8 7he got he!se%f a butte!bee!) an& %eane& on the counte! ne3t to *a!!y. 8You,!e going out with hi$ again.8 8Tues&ay)8 she s$i%e&. 8#on,t)8 *a!!y b%u!te&. 8#on,t go out with hi$ again.8 (inny sta!e& at hi$ inc!e&u%ous%y. 8*a!!y48 she %aughe& an& %eane& into his shou%&e!. 8What,s with you9 You ha+en,t e+en $et =!ian. Why &o you not %i1e hi$98 *e shoo1 his hea&. 8I 5ust &on,t %i1e hi$. I thin1;I thin1 you an& I shou%& go out instea&.8 (inny na!!owe& he! eyes at hi$) t!ying to see what he $eant e3act%y. *e honest%y cou%&n,t be as1ing he! out) cou%& he9 8You an& I go out a%% the ti$e) *a!!y.8 8I $eant;on a &ate)8 *a!!y e3p%aine&. 8What a!e you on about) *a!!y98 8I;I &on,t want you to &ate =!ian. I &on,t want you to &ate anyone) (inny. You an& I a!e goo& togethe!) (inny. We,!e best f!ien&s an& pa!tne!s. I 5ust thin1 that we cou%& be goo& togethe!;%i1e we a!e at 03p%o&ing 7nap. I;I fancy you.8 *is eyes bo!e into he!s an& (inny sta!e& at hi$) t!ying to figu!e it out in he! hea&. It a%$ost soun&e& %i1e he was 5ea%ous when he &e$an&e& that she not see =!ian again. That &i&n,t $a1e sense at a%%) because *a!!y &i&n,t fee% anything %i1e that towa!& (inny@ e+en that %itt%e c!ush he,& ha& on he! when he was younge! went away as they got o%&e!. They we!e 5ust f!ien&s now. 7o$ething c%ic1e& insi&e he!@friends. *a!!y &i&n,t want to %ose he! as a f!ien&. *e was af!ai& if she saw =!ian she,& e+entua%%y be ta1en away f!o$ hi$. .on an& *e!$ione ha& pu%%e& away as the !o$antic si&e of thei! !e%ationship bui%t. *a!!y was af!ai& that his f!ien&ship with (inny wou%& be %ost if she &ate& =!ian. 'n& *a!!y ha& %ost so $uch in his %ife that he cou%&n,t bea! to %ose anyone e%se. (inny $o+e& c%ose! an& too1 his han&. 8I,$ not going anywhe!e) *a!!y)8 she assu!e& hi$. 8You &on,t ha+e to wo!!y about $e %ea+ing you a%one. I,$ a%ways going to be you! f!ien&.8 That ha& to be it. *a!!y wou%& &o anything to ho%& onto his %ife. *e ne+e! %i1e& change) an& a%ways g!u$b%e& about it unti% it happene&.

8That,s not;8 *a!!y huffe& an& !uff%e& his hai! in annoyance. 8You,!e not un&e!stan&ing $e. I !ea%%y &o@8 7he w!appe& he! a!$s a!oun& hi$) ho%&ing hi$ tight%y. (inny &i&n,t 1now what $o!e she cou%& &o to con+ince hi$ that she was a%ways going to be his f!ien&. 7he was ne+e! going to %ea+e hi$ behin& because she %o+e& hi$. They were goo& togethe!;%i1e 03p%o&ing 7nap. The co$pa!ison $a&e he! s$i%e. They $a&e a goo& tea$) an& (inny wasn,t about to b!ea1 that up o+e! *a!!y,s wo!!ies. 8I do un&e!stan&) *a!!y. You &on,t want $e to &ate because you,!e af!ai& I,%% fa%% in %o+e with so$eone an& %ea+e you a%one. Ei1e .on an& *e!$ione &i&. =ut I p!o$ise I,$ not %ea+ing you) *a!!y. You &on,t ha+e to wo!!y about that.8 *is a!$s ca$e hesitant%y a!oun& he!) an& (inny sighe& into the hug. "ina%%y) he was sta!ting to see. 7he %ifte& he! han& an& %ai& it on his chee1. 8I $ay &ate b%o1es f!o$ ti$e to ti$e) but I,$ a%ways going to nee& $y best f!ien&. I,$ a%ways going to nee& $y pa!tne!.8 The panic she,& fe%t in hi$ ea!%ie! began to !ece&e) an& (inny %et he! a!$s s%ip away. 7he was g%a& that he was seeing now that he &i&n,t nee& to p!eten& to fancy he! so that she wou%& stay with hi$. 8The!e wi%% a%ways be &inne!s at the =u!!ow) *a!!y)8 she s$i%e&) 8an& 03p%o&ing 7nap Tou!na$ents whe!e we beat the pants off (eo!ge) e+en when he cheats. You an& I wi%% a%ways be f!ien&s. *a+e a goo& night) *a!!y) an& t!y not to wo!!y about things so $uch.8 7he %eft *a!!y stan&ing in the 1itchen) hopefu%%y fee%ing $uch bette! about thei! f!ien&ship. It was $o!e than a %itt%e ba!$y the %engths *a!!y went to ho%& on to what was co$fo!tab%e an& no!$a% in his %ife) but (inny cou%& &efinite%y un&e!stan& it. 7he wasn,t going anywhe!e. #ating =!ian was;we%% she &i&n,t see it as anything $o!e than spen&ing ti$e with so$eone who app!eciate& he! fo! he!. 7he &i&n,t thin1 it was going to tu!n into so$e g!an& !o$ance that wou%& sweep he! off he! feet an& they,& &isappea! into the sunset togethe!. Those so!ts of things we!e on%y fo! sto!ies. (inny be%ie+e& in !ea%ity.

*Chapter '*: Chapter ': You To Need Me

Chapter ': You To Need Me Her Tuesday

8I,$ not su!e about this) (inny.8 =!ian fi&gete& in p%ace an& a&5uste& the co%%a! of his 5ac1et. 8Maybe we shou%& 5ust;8 8It,s on%y *a!!y) =!ian)8 (inny sighe&. 8It,s not %i1e I,$ ta1ing you to $eet $y who%e fa$i%y. That wou%& be %i1e being &u$pe& into the $i&&%e of the wo%f pac1. This is 5ust;8 8*a!!y Aotte!)8 =!ian >uippe&. 8/ot inti$i&ating at a%%.8 (inny %aughe& an& w!appe& he! a!$ th!ough his. 8*a!!y is ha!&%y inti$i&ating. *e,s 5ust;*a!!y. *e,s $y best f!ien&) =!ian. What he thin1s $atte!s to $e) an& I want you to $eet hi$.8 7he nee&e& to p!o+e to *a!!y that =!ian was a &ecent b%o1e. *e nee&e& to un&e!stan& that the!e was nothing to fea! f!o$ seeing (inny &ate now an& again. Maybe if *a!!y an& =!ian $et) *a!!y cou%& t!u%y see that he &i&n,t nee& to !un a!oun& in+enting si%%y sto!ies to con+ince he! to stay. =!ian chewe& on his %ip fo! a $o$ent befo!e %eaning &own to 1iss he!. (inny s$i%e& into the sweet %itt%e pec1) 1nowing she,& won this s$a%% batt%e. 8I sti%% say he,s inti$i&ating.8 =!ian,s s$i%e was %opsi&e&) an& (inny use& he! thu$b to wipe away the s$a%% bit of %ipstic1 that t!ansfe!!e& to hi$ with the 1iss. 8=ut I,%% &o anything fo! you) (innyC anything to $a1e you happy.8 8You,%% be fine)8 (inny %aughe&. 7he s%i& he! han& &own his a!$) st!aightening his 5ac1et with he! touch) an& then p%ace& he! finge!s into his. 8I p!o$ise to p!otect you if he pu%%s his wan&. I,$ faste! on the &!aw than he is) anyway.8 7he %aughe& when =!ian swa%%owe& au&ib%y. 8"o!gi+e $y $o$ent of insecu!ity) but &efine you! !e%ationship with *a!!y Aotte! again fo! $e98 (inny %aughe& at his ne!+ousness) an& swung thei! han&s 5ust a %itt%e. 8*e,s $y best f!ien&. *e,s;$o!e %i1e $y b!othe! than anything) !ea%%y. We g!ew up togethe!) an& su!+i+e& the wa! togethe!.8 7he,& to%& hi$ a%% of this befo!e) but pe!haps actua%%y facing the $an that peop%e thought was $o!e %egen& than not was co$p%ete%y ne!+e<!ac1ing to so$eone who &i&n,t un&e!stan& that *a!!y was nothing $o!e than a $an. 8Mo!e i$po!tant%y) he an& I a!e 'u!o! pa!tne!s. *e,s the pe!son I count on $ost to p!otect $y bac1 when we,!e in a tight situation) an& I,$ the pe!son he t!usts the $ost. That $a1es it a +e!y c%ose !e%ationship@you ha+e to un&e!stan& the pe!son you,!e p!otecting) an& +a%ue thei! %ife as $uch as you +a%ue you! own. The things that *a!!y an& I ha+e gone th!ough si$p%y $a1e that bon& a%% the st!onge!. We $a1e a &a$n goo& tea$.8

7he s$i%e& 5ust thin1ing of how we%% she an& *a!!y wo!1e& togethe!. It $a&e he! fee% wa!$ an& happy to 1now that *a!!y was the!e fo! he!) no $atte! what) 5ust %i1e she was the!e fo! hi$. 8 o$e on) %et,s not put this off any %onge!.8 =!ian scow%e& an& then sighe&. 8I suppose.8 8You,%% see)8 (inny chuc1%e& as she woun& he! a!$ th!ough his to #ua%<'ppa!ate hi$ into the f%at. 8*a!!y,s the >uietest) $ost !e%a3e& pe!son e+e!. *e,s p!obab%y %ounging on the sofa in his ho!!i& t!ac1 pants) watching the te%%y. *e,s ha!$%ess.8 7he p%ace& a >uic1 1iss to his chee1 befo!e c%osing he! eyes an& 'ppa!ating the$. The te%%y wasn,t on) an& *a!!y wasn,t f%oppe& in f!ont of it when they a!!i+e& at the f%at. (inny won&e!e& whe!e he,& gotten off to) an& ca%%e& out fo! hi$. *e &i&n,t answe!) but she thought he $ight be in his be&!oo$ because the %ight was on &own the ha%%. When he ca$e out) hu!!ying towa!& the$ in 5ust his 5eans) (inny sta!e&. 7he opene& he! $outh to as1 what the he%% he was &oing p!ancing a!oun& with no shi!t on) but *a!!y e3p%aine&. 87o!!y) you caught $e 5ust out of the showe!.8 *e sh!ugge& an apo%ogy) an& he%& his han& out fo! =!ian. 8*a!!y Aotte!. /ice to $eet you.8 We%%) at %east he,& thought to put so$ething on !athe! than $eet the$ with on%y a towe% w!appe& a!oun& hi$. *is hai! was sti%% wet) &!ipping &own his chest) an& !unning &own the pa%e s1in the!e. (inny watche& one pa!ticu%a! &!op as it !an &own his shou%&e! an& into the sca! o+e! his hea!t) shape& %i1e the *o!c!u3 %oc1et. /e3t to it was a %ightning bo%t sca! that $a&e he! shu&&e!. 7he to!e he! thoughts away f!o$ the $e$o!y of seeing hi$ %i$p in *ag!i&,s a!$s) an& bac1 to see both $en %oo1ing at he!. 80!;8 87o you,!e the %uc1y b%o1e $y gi!% has been seeing)8 *a!!y g!inne&. *e s%ung his a!$ o+e! (inny,s shou%&e!s an& ga+e he! a s>uee6e. 8*ope you,!e being ca!efu%. 7he,s one of the best 'u!o!s a!oun&) you 1now. Dne w!ong $o+e an& you,%% be at 7t. Mungo,s getting it a%% so!te& bac1 out again.8 (inny hisse& an& $ashe& he! shoe into *a!!y,s foot. Was he t!ying to sca!e =!ian away9 =!ian ha&n,t see$e& inti$i&ate& by (inny the 'u!o! yet) but if *a!!y 1ept up =!ian was %i1e%y to tu!n an& wa%1 !ight out the &oo!. 8Eea+e off) you p!at)8 (inny g!ow%e&. 7he pushe& his a!$ off he! shou%&e!) an& $o+e& c%ose! to =!ian. 8What,s gotten into you to&ay98 she &e$an&e&.

8/othing.8 *a!!y &enie&) but his eyes wou%&n,t >uite $eet he!s. 8Whe!e a!e you two off to tonight98 80!;5ust going to &inne!) actua%%y)8 =!ian sai&. *is finge!s foun& (inny,s) an& she s$i%e& up at hi$. *is pa%$ was sweaty) an& she won&e!e& if he was !e%ie+e& to see that *a!!y was 5ust a no!$a%) e+e!y &ay git) +e!sus the unapp!oachab%e he!o that e+e!yone thought he was. 87oun&s goo&)8 *a!!y no&&e&. *e ga+e a %itt%e 5u$p an& tu!ne& to (inny. 8Dh) that !e$in&s $e. .e$e$be! that case we c%ose& a few wee1s ago9 *ei$ann98 (inny a%$ost %aughe& at the s$i%e on *a!!y,s face. *e %oo1e& %i1e an e3cite& chi%& on h!ist$as $o!ning. 8It was beautifu%.8 7he tu!ne& to =!ian to e3p%ain. 8A!at of a 1i& was $i3e& up in i%%ega% potions) an& was se%%ing the$ to 1i&s at *ogwa!ts. The fathe! of one of the gi!%s p!o$ise& us;8 7he gaspe& as she !ea%i6e& what *a!!y $ight be e3cite& about. 8*e &i&n,t98 *a!!y g!inne& an& pu%%e& two tic1ets off the counte!) ho%&ing the$ up in his fist. 8*e &i&.8 (inny s>uea%e& %ou&%y an& 5u$pe& fo!wa!&) th!owing he! a!$s a!oun& *a!!y in &e%ight. 8When98 87atu!&ay)8 *a!!y %aughe&. 8You an& $e) bo3 seats at the fi!st *a!pies ga$e of the season.8 (inny chee!e& an& 5u$pe& in p%ace befo!e hugging *a!!y again. They we!e going to see the *a!pies, fi!st ga$e of the season. The *a!pies. ' s$a%% bit of %onging $i3e& with he! e3cite$ent) but (inny ta$pe& it &own >uic1%y. /othing cou%& change the past) an& e+en if she sti%% &!ea$e& of p%aying :ui&&itch in the p!ofessiona% %eagues) (inny 1new it was nothing $o!e than wishfu% &ay&!ea$ing. =!ian $a&e an i$patient soun& in the bac1 of his th!oat. 8I thought;I thought we we!e going out on 7atu!&ay.8 (inny pu%%e& bac1 f!o$ *a!!y an& b%in1e& at hi$. Dh. They ha& $a&e p%ans fo! 7atu!&ay afte!noon. 87o!!y)8 *a!!y apo%ogi6e&. 8The fathe! is one of the owne!s of the *a!pies. *e offe!e& us the tic1ets when we a!!este& *ei$ann. 'n& it,s the *a!pies) (in,s fa+o!ite tea$.8

(inny bit he! %ip an& weighe& the options. .ea%%y) it was no contest. The *a!pies with *a!!y won out o+e! whate+e! it was she an& =!ian we!e thin1ing of &oing. =esi&es) they cou%& 5ust go out %ate!. 8I,$ so!!y) =!ian. ou%& we !esche&u%e ou! &ate on 7atu!&ay9 I ha+e to go to this ga$e. I can,t 5ust gi+e up bo3 tic1ets.8 =!ian f!owne& thoughtfu%%y. 8I suppose I cou%& t!y an& get a tic1et)8 he offe!e&. 80!;so%& out. 7o!!y.8 8We,%% t!y fo! "!i&ay e+ening) then)8 (inny fo%%owe& !ight afte! *a!!y,s apo%ogy. It &i&n,t $atte! when they went out) !ea%%y. "!i&ay was the sa$e as 7atu!&ay. 8'ctua%%y)8 *a!!y inte!!upte&. 8You an& I we!e on the sche&u%e at wo!1 fo! 7atu!&ay afte!noon. I ha& to t!a&e us shifts to be ab%e to go a%!ea&y. We,!e wo!1ing on "!i&ay night now.8 (inny g%a!e& at hi$. *ow cou%& he ha+e 5ust switche& he! sche&u%e without as1ing9 They we!e going to ha+e to ha+e a %itt%e ta%1 about hi$ ta1ing %ibe!ties with things befo!e ta%1ing to he!. =ut she !ea%%y cou%&n,t be too ang!y with hi$. In the past) it wou%&n,t ha+e $atte!e& what he &i& to get the$ to the ga$e. /ow it was 5ust an incon+enience because =!ian e3pecte& he! to be with hi$. 8I,$ so!!y) =!ian)8 (inny sighe&. 8=ut;it,s the *a!pies.8 87he,s not about to $iss thei! fi!st ga$e)8 *a!!y no&&e&. The s$i%e on his face was huge) an& it $a&e (inny happy to see it. *a!!y was %oo1ing fo!wa!& to the ga$e 5ust as $uch as she was. 8/ot afte! she a%$ost@8 Aanic !ose up insi&e he! an& she sc!a$b%e& to thin1 of anything she cou%& say to stop *a!!y. 8'%$ost won tic1ets in a contest)8 (inny b%u!te&. 8Bust ba!e%y $isse&.8 *a!!y ga+e he! a st!ange %oo1) an& she begge& hi$ with he! eyes not to say anything. 7he cou%&n,t say why she ha&n,t to%& =!ian about being scoute& to p%ay fo! the *a!pies. It 5ust &i&n,t see$ i$po!tant) !ea%%y. It was in the past. Who wante& to hea! about &!ea$s that &i&n,t co$e t!ue9 8Yeah) the contest.8 *a!!y no&&e& %a$e%y. (inny fe%t he! hea!t swe%% with g!atitu&e fo! *a!!y. *e,& sa+e& he! again. 7he 1new she was going to ha+e to e3p%ain this to hi$@he wou%& ne+e! %et so$ething %i1e this si$p%y s%i&e@but at %east he wasn,t p!essu!ing he! !ight now. 8We,& bette! get going) (inny)8 =!ian sai&. 8Du! !ese!+ation is fo! se+en. It,s on%y a few b%oc1s wa%1) but I &on,t want to be %ate.8 *e he%& out his han& fo! (inny an& she %oo1e& away f!o$ *a!!y to no&.

*a!!y %oo1e& %i1e he $ight say so$ething) but swa%%owe& it bac1. (inny sighe& g!atefu%%y. *e %oo1e&;a%$ost sa&) an& (inny won&e!e& what he was thin1ing about. 8It was nice to $eet you)8 *a!!y sai& 5ust as they we!e %ea+ing. The who%e wa%1 to the !estau!ant) (inny st!ugg%e& to fin& so$ething to say. Why &i&n,t she 5ust te%% =!ian about the *a!pies9 The >uestion !att%e& in he! b!ain) an& she a!gue& with he!se%f about the answe!. 7i$p%y put) it was in the past@it &i&n,t !ea%%y $atte! any$o!e. (inny ha& been th!i%%e& when the :ui&&itch scouts ha& co$e to *ogwa!ts to watch he! p%ay. When she,& been in5u!e& &u!ing the %ast ga$e of he! fina% yea!) the &!ea$ fe%% by the waysi&e. It was *a!!y who ga+e he! so$ething to hope fo! again) by suggesting she app%y to the 'u!o! 'ca&e$y. 'n& things wo!1e& out@possib%y fo! the bette!. Who 1new what wou%& ha+e co$e of a ca!ee! in p!ofessiona% :ui&&itch. (inny was a goo& 'u!o!. 8*a!!y Aotte! is not 5ust you! f!ien& an& f%at $ate)8 =!ian huffe&. *is han& was ho%&ing he!s tight%y) an& she ha& to hu!!y to 1eep up with his %ong st!i&es. 8I to%& you)8 (inny sighe&) 8we,+e been th!ough a %ot togethe!. *ow can you be just friends with so$eone who you,+e fought shou%&e! to shou%&e! with in a wa!9 The!e,s; the!e,s no way fo! $e to e3p%ain it to you) !ea%%y) because you &i&n,t %i+e it. 'n& I 1now that soun&s ho!!i&)8 she e3cuse& when he scow%e& at he!) 8but it,s honest) =!ian. When you,+e %i+e& th!ough so$ething %i1e we &i& the!e,s a bon& that is fo!$e&. *a!!y sa+e& $y %ife) %ite!a%%y) on count%ess occasions. *e an& I;we sha!e so$ething that I can,t sha!e with anyone e%se) e+e!.8 =!ian,s face fe%% an& he no&&e& stiff%y. 8'n& it,s nothing $o!e than that98 (inny na!!owe& he! eyes at his tone. 8What &o you $ean98 =!ian stoppe& the$ on the si&ewa%1 5ust &own f!o$ the !estau!ant they we!e p%anning on eating at. *e %oo1e& a!oun& an& (inny was pu66%e& by the f!ust!ation on his face. 7u!e%y he cou%&n,t thin1@ 8You,!e not in %o+e with hi$98 *is >uestion $a&e he! sno!t in %aughte!. 8I %o+e *a!!y) I !ea%%y &o) but I,$ not in %o+e with hi$.8 =!ian sta!e& into he! eyes fo! a %ong $inute befo!e he %oo1e& so$ewhat $o%%ifie&. *e s%i& his han& a%ong he! chee1 an& %eane& &own) captu!ing he! %ips. (inny was su!p!ise& at how $uch e$otion was in+o%+e&. 2issing =!ian was a%ways +e!y p%easant. *e was a

goo& 1isse!) an& 1new ways to $a1e he! bo&y hu$ with his touch. =ut tonight the!e was a &espe!ation in his touch that sto%e he! b!eath away. 8That,s goo&)8 he sai& when they fina%%y b!o1e apa!t. *e %oo1e& at he! a $inute $o!e an& p!esse& his %ips to he! fo!ehea& befo!e pu%%ing he! a%ong to the !estau!ant. (inny t!ie& to co$pose he!se%f) st!aightening he! shi!t an& b%owing out a b!eath. =!ian,s >uestion) an& then the st!ange 1iss) ha& sha1en he!. 7u!e%y he un&e!stoo& the !e%ationship she sha!e& with *a!!y. Maybe not) though. 's she,& to%& hi$) it was i$possib%e to e3p%ain the type of bon& an& t!ust that she an& *a!!y sha!e&@that anyone who ha& gone th!ough the wa! %i1e they ha& sha!e&. The waite! showe& the$ to thei! tab%e whi%e (inny %oo1e& a!oun&. It was a nice !estau!ant) an& (inny ha& ne+e! been he!e. It was fancie! than she e3pecte&) an& Mugg%e. =!ian see$e& e3t!e$e%y co$fo!tab%e in the Mugg%e wo!%&) an& (inny !e$e$be!e& that his fathe! was a Mugg%e) whi%e his $othe! was a witch. 7he,& ha+e to $a1e su!e to pay e3t!a c%ose attention tonight so she cou%& te%% he! &a& about it. *e,& %o+e to %ea!n about so$e obscu!e Mugg%e foo& t!a&ition he &i&n,t a%!ea&y 1now. 8*e!e is you! tab%e.8 The waite! bowe& %ow an& (inny b%in1e& at the fine china) c!ysta% an& the %a!ge bou>uet of go!geous !e& tu%ips sitting in the $i&&%e of the tab%e. (inny g!inne&. 8=!ian4 Whe!e &i& these co$e f!o$98 *e $ust ha+e $a&e a!!ange$ents to ha+e the$ sitting at thei! tab%e. 8I &i&n,t@ I $ean) &o you %i1e the$98 =!ian g!inne& an& pu%%e& the bac1 of he! seat out fo! he!. 8I,+e a%ways %o+e& tu%ips)8 (inny sai&. (inny !an he! finge! a%ong the &e%icate e&ge of one of the f%owe!s. Tu%ips we!e one of he! fa+o!ite f%owe!s. They we!en,t o+e!%y f!i%%y %i1e !oses o! so$e othe! f%owe!s. They we!e st!ong) an& fo!ce& thei! way up th!ough the g!oun&) batt%ing against the sp!ing weathe! to be one of the fi!st to b%oo$. 7he !e$e$be!e& a &o6en fa%% &ays p%anting the bu%bs with he! $othe! an& waiting fo! the$ to push thei! ste$s f!o$ the $u&&y g!oun& in the sp!ing. 'n& then the &e%icate) b!ight f%owe!s wou%& a!!i+e) b!inging chee!iness an& hope fo! the co$ing wa!$th. 7he s%i& into the seat an& g!inne& up at hi$. *ow ha& he 1nown about he! %o+e of the f%owe!9 D! was it si$p%y coinci&ence9 'n& tu%ips at this ti$e of yea! ha& to be ho!!ib%y e3pensi+e. 8What &oes the ca!& say98 (inny !eache& fo! the %itt%e s>ua!e en+e%ope that was nest%e& a$ong the b!ight g!een %ea+es. 8You &on,t ha+e to;e!) 5ust; Maybe it wou%& be bette! to eat fi!st. You sai& you we!e hung!y.8 =!ian,s face tu!ne& !e&) an& (inny s$i%e&. *e was p!obab%y e$ba!!asse& to ha+e he! !ea& the ca!&. Ae!haps he,& w!itten so$ething ho!!i&%y sappy on it.

(inny igno!e& his ne!+ousness an& s%i& he! finge! into the en+e%ope. 7he !ea& the $essage) an& b%in1e& at it befo!e %oo1ing up at hi$. 8=e%ie+e $e9 What,s that suppose& to $ean98 It &i&n,t $a1e sense. What was she suppose& to be%ie+e hi$ about9 8It $eans I &i&n,t %ie to you) (inny.8 (inny 5e!1e& in he! seat when *a!!y steppe& fo!wa!&. *e %oo1e& so out of p%ace stan&ing he!e in the $i&&%e of the !estau!ant whe!e she,& co$e with =!ian. *ow ha& he en&e& up he!e) an& why was he ta%1ing to he! about the f%owe!s =!ian ha& bought fo! he!9 80+e!ything I to%& you was the t!uth.8 The ea!nestness on his face shoo1 he!) an& she t!ie& to !e$e$be! a ti$e when she,& seen hi$ this powe!fu%. Dn%y a few ti$es ca$e to he! $in&) an& they te!!ifie& he! in thei! intensity. 8Aotte!.8 =!ian steppe& in f!ont of he! an& sta!e& at *a!!y. 8You 1eep showing up at the $ost con+enient ti$es. I thin1 pe!haps I shou%& !epo!t you to the 'u!o!s fo! sta%1ing.8 8*a!!y98 (inny was confuse&. 7he stoo& an& %oo1e& between both $en) hoping that one of the$ wou%&n,t &o so$ething stupi&. 8You sent the f%owe!s98 Why wou%& he sen& he! f%owe!s an& w!ite that on the ca!&9 What was she suppose& to be%ie@ /o. *e cou%&n,t sti%% thin1 that she was going to stop being his f!ien& because =!ian was he!e. *e wou%&n,t 1eep on with this !use afte! she,& assu!e& hi$ that nothing between the$ was going to change. Wou%& he9 8=e%ie+e $e.8 *is wo!&s we!e whispe!e&) but (inny fe%t the$ &own to he! co!e. *e honest%y thought she was going to change what they ha& between the$ an& possib%y %ea+e hi$ a%one. (inny opene& he! $outh to !espon&) but the waite! inte!!upte&. 8Is the!e a p!ob%e$) (ent%e$en98 *e %oo1e& ne!+ous%y between *a!!y an& =!ian who we!e s>ua!ing off. /eithe! ha& pu%%e& thei! wan&) but (inny thought it $ight happen at any $inute. 7hou%& she wa!n =!ian) o! shou%& she si$p%y get out of *a!!y,s %ine of fi!e9 *e &i&n,t %i1e to be cha%%enge&) an& she ha& no &oubt she,& be hau%ing =!ian to 7t. Mungo,s if *a!!y got wo!1e& up enough. *a!!y shoo1 the $o$ent away. an& to!e his fo!cefu% sta!e f!o$ =!ian. 8I was 5ust %ea+ing)8 he sai& soft%y. 8I,+e sai& a%% I nee& to say tonight.8 (inny san1 bac1 &own into he! seat an& watche& *a!!y go. *is shou%&e!s we!e stiff an& he &i&n,t %oo1 bac1. The way he,& %oo1e& at he! an& sai& the wo!&s $a&e he! thin1 that pe!haps she,& gotten it a%% w!ong befo!e. ou%& *a!!y !ea%%y thin1 that he fancie& he!9

The!e was no way. 'bso%ute%y not. 7he cou%&n,t ha+e gotten it w!ong) because *a!!y wou%& ha+e to%& he!. *e wou%& ha+e $a&e he! see that he &i& fee% so$ething $o!e than f!ien&ship fo! he!. 8(inny48 7he 5e!1e& when =!ian wa+e& his han& in f!ont of he! face an& sta!e& up at hi$. *e %oo1e& fu!ious) an& she ha& the thought that he,& been ta%1ing to he! but she ha&n,t !espon&e&. 8=!ian) I;8 8I 1new this was going to happen)8 he sighe& an& g%a!e& th!ough the !estau!ant whe!e *a!!y ha& &isappea!e&. 8I thin1;I thin1 I want to go ho$e now)8 (inny sai&. 7he wasn,t e3act%y su!e what she wante&) to be honest) but he! hea& was spinning) an& a%% the soun&s f!o$ the !oo$ a!oun& he! soun&e& ha!sh an& %ou& in he! ea!s. 8I &on,t thin1 I can eat !ight now.8 8Df cou!se not.8 *e no&&e& 5e!1i%y an& g!oun& his teeth togethe!. (inny g%a!e& at hi$ an& stoo&. 7he gathe!e& the f%owe!s into he! a!$s) an& sta!te& out of the !estau!ant without hi$. If he was going to be a p!at; 8(inny;(inny wait48 (inny spun on he! hee% an& g%a!e& at =!ian. 8I,$ a%!ea&y &ea%ing with one git) &on,t fo!ce $e to &ea% with anothe!)8 she hisse&. a%%ing *a!!y a git p!obab%y wasn,t fai!) but he was confusing the he%% out of he!. Dne $inute he was fine) p%aying 03p%o&ing 7nap with he! %i1e nothing was w!ong) an& then the ne3t he was showing off his na1e& bo&y in f!ont of he!) an& $a1ing o&& gestu!es %i1e showing up in the $i&&%e of he! &ate an& sen&ing he! f%owe!s. *e! hea& hu!t t!ying to figu!e it a%% out. 8I,$ so!!y)8 =!ian answe!e& cont!ite%y. 8You shou%&n,t ha+e to &ea% with hi$.8 The tightness in his tone at the en& of the state$ent $a&e he! na!!ow he! eyes. but she &i&n,t pu!sue it. =!ian ob+ious%y fe%t th!eatene& by *a!!y) an& *a!!y was; 7he ha& no i&ea what the he%% *a!!y was &oing. 8I 5ust want to go ho$e.8 =!ian no&&e& an& wa%1e& behin& he!. *e &i&n,t open the &oo! o! ta1e he! han& whi%e they wa%1e& in si%ence to the f%at. The who%e ti$e) (inny was t!ying to figu!e out what she shou%& say. 7he wou%&n,t apo%ogi6e to =!ian fo! !uining the &ate because it wasn,t he!

fau%t. 'n& she a%so cou%&n,t co$p%ete%y b%a$e *a!!y fo! it. /ot unti% she figu!e& a%% of this out in he! hea&. 8I,%% f%oo you to$o!!ow)8 =!ian sai& when they stoo& outsi&e the f%at &oo!. *e %oo1e& to!n between 1issing he! an& si$p%y 'ppa!ating away) howe+e!) an& g%a!e& at the f%owe!s she he%& in he! a!$. (inny sighe& an& set the +ase ne3t to the &oo! befo!e p%anting he! han&s on eithe! si&e of his face an& 1issing hi$. *e see$e& shoc1e& at fi!st) but then pou!e& hi$se%f into the 1iss) w!apping his a!$s a!oun& he!. 8*a+e a goo& night) (inny)8 he sai& fina%%y when he,& pu%%e& bac1. *e %oo1e& as if he wante& to say $o!e) but si$p%y no&&e& an& 'ppa!ate& away. (inny s%u$pe& against the &oo! an& watche& the spot whe!e he,& %eft f!o$. 0+en though she,& initiate& the 1iss) $ost%y to a+oi& an a!gu$ent with =!ian) an& to set he! $in& st!aight) it confuse& he! fu!the!. 7he shou%& ha+e fe%t $o!e than she &i&. The 1iss shou%& ha+e %eft he! wanting $o!e. It shou%& ha+e swept thoughts of *a!!y f!o$ he! $in&. Instea&) it on%y $a&e he! fee% as if he! %ife was spinning out of cont!o% a!oun& he!. (inny sta!e& &own at the go!geous f%owe!s. 8What the he%% is going on98 she as1e& the$.

*Chapter (*: Chapter (: You To "o#e Me

Chapter (: You To "o#e Me Her Thursday 8You %oo1 %i1e you,!e too busy to get away fo! %unch.8 (inny %oo1e& up f!o$ the fi%e she was $a1ing notes in to see *e!$ione %eaning against the &oo!way. 8We we!e suppose& to go to&ay)8 she g!oane& an& !ubbe& he! face. 8I co$p%ete%y fo!got.8 *e!$ione s$i%e&. 8It,s o1ay. I,+e ha& &ays %i1e that.8 (inny %et he! hea& fa%% to the &es1) an& thu$pe& it the!e se+e!a% ti$es. 8I,$ ha+ing a wee1 %i1e that.8 8'nything I can &o to he%p98 (inny sighe& an& %oo1e& up) won&e!ing if she shou%& say anything. *e!$ione $ight 1now what was going on in *a!!y,s hea&. Then again) she $ight not. *a!!y wasn,t a%ways

fo!thco$ing with .on an& *e!$ione) she 1new. What if he ha&n,t sai& anything to the$ about whate+e! was going on) an& (inny $uc1e& it a%% up e+en wo!se by spouting off about so$ething she wasn,t e+en su!e was happening9 8/o)8 she sett%e& on saying. 8I 5ust nee& to get so$e things st!aight in $y hea&.8 *e!$ione no&&e& thoughtfu%%y. 8'n& get th!ough a%% you! pape!wo!1.8 8'%% the pape!wo!1 that *a!!y %eft when he con+enient%y ha& a $eeting with the Ministe!)8 (inny no&&e&. *e!$ione %aughe&. 8I p!o$ise it,s a !ea% $eeting. *a!!y went in 5ust as I was co$ing out. I ha+e a fee%ing he,%% be in the!e awhi%e.8 8Ae!fect)8 (inny g!ow%e&. #espite the f!ont she was putting on fo! *e!$ione) (inny &i& thin1 it was bette! if *a!!y staye& away. The!e was too $uch going on in he! hea& to &ea% with hi$ !ight now. 'n& e+e!y ti$e she saw hi$ she was !e$in&e& of ,the inci&ent, f!o$ %ast night. *e! chee1s heate& 5ust thin1ing about it. 7he wasn,t suppose& to fantasi6e about he! best f!ien& %i1e that) %et a%one act on those fantasies. 8You,%% get th!ough it 5ust fine)8 *e!$ione &is$isse&. 8Dn%y if I wo!1 st!aight th!ough)8 (inny sai&. 8I,$ so!!y. .oba!&s wants this on his &es1 befo!e I %ea+e to&ay. 'n& I was hoping to go ho$e ea!%y.8 8You ha+e a &ate98 *e!$ione,s >uestion was innocent enough) but (inny watche& he! befo!e answe!ing. *a& *a!!y !ea%%y not sai& anything to he!9 .on ha& &efinite%y seen he! with =!ian at the pub %ast wee1en&. 8Yeah)8 (inny no&&e&. 8=!ian 5ust sent an ow%. *e as1e& $e to go to a fi%$ tonight.8 8You &on,t soun& e3cite& about it)8 *e!$ione sai& pe!cepti+e%y. (inny g!i$ace& s%ight%y. 8I,$ not su!e what to fee%) honest%y. My %ife is;it,s a $ess !ight now) *e!$ione) an& I &on,t 1now what to &o about it.8 *e!$ione ga+e a thoughtfu% %oo1. 8You &o 1now I,$ he!e if you want to ta%1 about things98 8I &o)8 (inny s$i%e& ha%f<hea!te&%y. 8'n& I app!eciate it. I nee& to get it a%% st!aight in $y hea& fi!st though.8 *ow wou%& she te%% *e!$ione) one of *a!!y,s o%&est f!ien&s) that she was ha+ing fantasies about *a!!y9 *ow wou%& she te%% *e!$ione that e+e!ything (inny fe%t was su!e an& so%i& in he! %ife ha& !ecent%y tippe& unti% nothing was fi!$ any $o!e9 8I,$ he!e if you nee& $e)8 *e!$ione no&&e&. 8In the $eanti$e) t!y an& en5oy tonight. What pictu!e a!e you seeing98

(inny to%& he! the na$e) an& *e!$ione s$i%e&. 8My pa!ents went to see it an& to%& $e that it was en5oyab%e.8 8I cou%& use a goo& &ist!action !ight about now)8 (inny sighe&. 7he !o%%e& he! shou%&e!s an& %oo1e& &own at the fi%e. Aape!wo!1 was a%ways te&ious) but e+en wo!se when he! $in& 1ept wan&e!ing to so$eone she wasn,t suppose& to be thin1ing about. 8I,$ going to b!ing you so$e %unch so you can eat whi%e you wo!1.8 *e!$ione no&&e& fi!$%y. 8'nything in pa!ticu%a! you want98 8'nything is fine)8 (inny sai& g!atefu%%y. 8Than1s.8 8/o p!ob%e$. You,& &o the sa$e fo! $e.8 8#on,t count on it.8 (inny win1e& an& *e!$ione %aughe&. (inny tu!ne& bac1 to he! pape!wo!1) an& sta!e& at the nu$be!s an& %ette!s. They $eant nothing to he! !ight now. 7he ha& to figu!e this $ess out befo!e it &!o+e he! a!oun& the twist. What &i& %ast night,s %itt%e fantasy $ean9 #i& she fancy *a!!y) o! was it si$p%y he! $in& &ea%ing with his beha+io! o+e! the past few &ays9 'n& if she &i& fancy hi$) what &i& she fee% fo! =!ian9 *a!!y ha& ba!e%y spo1en to he! to&ay@a few c%ippe& ph!ases he!e an& the!e as he !ea&ie& his !epo!ts fo! his $eeting) an& then he was off) &ashing a!oun& the Minist!y. /o!$a%%y) (inny wou%&n,t thin1 anything of his beha+io!. *e ha& a %ot on his $in& !ight now with the $eeting. =ut %ast night ha& cause& a ti%t in thei! !e%ationship that (inny wasn,t su!e how to &ea% with. /ow it wasn,t 5ust *a!!y !oc1ing the boat) it was (inny !eacting to his actions. 'n& it sca!e& he!) because she &i&n,t un&e!stan& what the conse>uences to a%% of this we!e. 8You,!e $o!e than a bit &ist!acte& tonight.8 =!ian,s wo!&s we!en,t $eant to be annoying) (inny 1new) but she cou%&n,t he%p but fin& the$ so. Eitt%e things she thought she en5oye& befo!e@his han& on the s$a%% of he! bac1) as1ing he! pe!$ission befo!e he &i& anything) opening e+e!y sing%e &oo! fo! he!@we!e now things that $a&e he! s1in c!aw% with i!!itation. 87o!!y. It was a busy &ay at wo!1. My hea& $ust sti%% be the!e.8 *e stu&ie& he! fo! a $inute) an& she 1new he caught the %ie in he! state$ent. Df cou!se she was thin1ing about *a!!yC that,s a%% she &i& %ate%y. 7he ha&n,t seen hi$ at a%% this afte!noon afte! he &isappea!e& into 2ings%ey,s office. (inny ha&n,t gone this %ong without ta%1ing to *a!!y in so$e ti$e) an& it unne!+e& he! because she &i&n,t 1now what he was thin1ing. The si%ence was &!i+ing he! $a&.

=!ian %et the %ie go !athe! than p!essu!ing he! to e3p%ain) than1fu%%y. 8Ae!haps the fi%$ wi%% he%p you !e%a3.8 8Ae!haps)8 she ag!ee&. The theate! was b!ight an& e3citing. *a!!y ha& b!ought he! he!e se+e!a% ti$es o+e! the yea!s) but it was a%ways fun to co$e again. Aa!t of he! wishe& he we!e he!e now) sha!ing his popco!n an& sitting c%ose enough that thei! shou%&e!s !ubbe&. *e a%ways ta%1e& th!ough the p!e+iews an& peop%e shushe& hi$. Then) he wou%& ta%1 &u!ing the fi%$) %ow enough that his +oice was $e!e%y a whispe! in he! ea!) te%%ing he! his fa+o!ite pa!ts) o! what he &i&n,t thin1 was be%ie+ab%e. =!ian wou%& p!obab%y not spea1 th!ough the who%e pictu!e. 8'!e you !ea&y to go in) o! &i& you want to get so$ething98 =!ian,s han& on he! bac1 $a& he! 5u$p) an& she b%in1e& at the counte! in f!ont of he!. It was fi%%e& with b!ight bo3es of t!eats an& popco!n. 8/othing) than1 you.8 7he shoo1 he! hea& an& =!ian,s han& s%i& &own to the s$a%% of he! bac1. It fe%t w!ong the!e) 5ust ba!e%y b!ushing the s1in) %i1e he was gui&ing a young chi%& who $ight wan&e! away at any $o$ent. The!e was no fi!$ness) no con+iction in the touch. 8I thin1 $aybe afte! the fi%$ we nee& to ta%1)8 (inny sighe& as they ente!e& the &a!1 theate!. =!ian,s han& s%i& away co$p%ete%y an& he no&&e& stiff%y. *e %oo1e& &own at his tic1et an& in&icate& the !ow she shou%& ente!. (inny too1 the seat an& sta!e& st!aight ahea&. 8That,s p!obab%y a goo& i&ea)8 he ag!ee& once they we!e fina%%y seate&. They sat in si%ence unti% the few %ow %ights in the !oo$ went &a!1) an& the sc!een %it with t!ai%e!s f!o$ new fi%$s co$ing out. 7o$e obno3ious git was $a1ing noise behin& the$) stu$b%ing o+e! peop%e,s toes an& getting shushe& by e+e!yone the who%e way. =!ian b!ist%e& ne3t to he! but (inny fought to 1eep a s$i%e off he! face. It was so$ething *a!!y wou%& &o. Whoe+e! it was 1ept ta%1ing a%% th!ough the t!ai%e!s) e3p%aining his inte!est in the upco$ing fi%$ to the wo$an ne3t to hi$. =!ian g!ew $o!e an& $o!e agitate&) an& (inny p%ace& he! han& on his a!$ si$p%y to ca%$ hi$ &own. They e3change& a %oo1 an& (inny sh!ugge& one shou%&e!. What cou%& they &o) !ea%%y9 "ina%%y) =!ian ha& enough an& tu!ne&. 8Wi%% you 1in&%y be >uiet98 The two peop%e apo%ogi6e&) but it &i&n,t soun& since!e. 'n& (inny 1new it wasn,t when they continue& ta%1ing. (inny !o%%e& he! eyes when =!ian huffe& $ighti%y an& g%ance& at he! out of the co!ne! of his eye.

7he sighe& an& tu!ne&) p%acing he! a!$ o+e! the bac1 of the seat. 87hh4 The!e a!e peop%e @8 *e! wo!&s &ie& out when *a!!y,s face bea$e& bac1 at he!. 8*a!!y Aotte!48 she hisse&) g%a!ing at hi$. 0+en though she,& wante& to see hi$ a%% &ay) she was shoc1e& to see hi$ he!e. 8What a!e you &oing he!e98 8*i (inny.8 *a!!y wa+e& at he! an& g!inne& stupi&%y. 8I &i&n,t !ea%i6e you we!e he!e. I thought a fi%$ soun&e& %i1e a goo& way to pass the ti$e.8 *e tu!ne& to the wo$an ne3t to hi$. 8That,s $y f!ien& I was te%%ing you about48 'b!upt%y) *a!!y stoo& an& c%i$be& o+e! the seat in f!ont of hi$ to ta1e the e$pty spot ne3t to (inny. 7he sta!e& with wi&e eyes) unab%e to &o anything $o!e than gape at hi$. 8Eoo1) the!e,s a seat !ight ne3t to you.8 8*a!!y) I@8 8We,!e on a date) Aotte!) in case you &i&n,t !ecogni6e it)8 =!ian hisse&. 8We%%) I won,t bothe! you then)8 *a!!y sh!ugge& an& sat bac1 in his new chai!) $unching popco!n. *e tippe& the buc1et bac1 o+e! his shou%&e!) offe!ing the wo$an behin& hi$ so$e. (inny won&e!e& if he was being po%ite) o! if he was si$p%y &oing anything he cou%& to $a1e =!ian s%ouch %owe! in his seat. *e g!inne& at the wo$an when she too1 so$e popco!n) an& (inny !o%%e& he! eyes. #efinite%y the secon&. *e,& spent a%% &ay igno!ing he!. Two fu%% &ays without !ea%%y spea1ing to he! at a%%) an& now he showe& up) in the $i&&%e of he! date) an& acte& %i1e nothing was w!ong9 (inny was fu!ious with hi$. *ow &a!e he t!eat he! this way4 8You,!e not sitting ne3t to $e)8 (inny p!oteste&. 8It,s a pe!fect%y goo& seat.8 *a!!y !e%a3e& bac1 into the seat) an& (inny g%a!e& at hi$. It was >uite ob+ious that he wasn,t p%anning on going anywhe!e. *e sta!e& up at the sc!een an& &ug a!oun& in his popco!n containe!. =!ian t!ie& to !each fo! he! han& an& (inny pu%%e& it away. *e was on%y t!ying to ho%& it so that *a!!y wou%& get wo!1e& up again. (inny was ti!e& of this ga$e between the two $en@t!eating he! %i1e so$e p!i6e that it was pe!fect%y acceptab%e to fight o+e!. Ae!haps she &i&n,t want to be with eithe! of the p!ats. 8#on,t be %i1e this) (inny)8 =!ian whispe!e& an& !eache& fo! he! han& again. 8Aopco!n98 *a!!y nu&ge& he! with the containe!. (inny g!ow%e& an& =!ian b!ist%e&.

The $an on the othe! si&e of *a!!y hisse& so$ething to which *a!!y !ep%ie&) 87o!!y.8 *e wasn,t so!!y at a%%) e+i&ence& by the s$i%e on his face. The p!at was tho!ough%y en5oying wo!1ing e+e!yone up. It was his on%y pu!pose in being he!e@to &is!upt (inny,s &ate) an& $a1e a gene!a% nuisance of hi$se%f unti% (inny fina%%y e3p%o&e& an& conf!onte& hi$. 7he was !ight on the e&ge of &oing so when he sti%%e& again) watching the fi%$. (inny &i&n,t see anything up on the sc!eenC she watche&) but insi&e she was fu$ing. What cou%& she &o about this9 *a!!y wasn,t going to go away easi%y) an& now that he was co$p%ete%y &is!upting he! %ife an& e+e!ything she,& thought she a%ways wante&) (inny &i&n,t want hi$ to go away. The thought !an1%e&) an& she shifte& unco$fo!tab%y in he! chai!. 7he wante&; T!uthfu%%y) she wante& what she,& ha& in he! fantasy the othe! &ay. The thought $a&e he! chee1s heat) an& she sta!e& &own at he! %ap) !athe! than at the sc!een. *ow cou%& she be fee%ing this way about *a!!y9 *e was;he was p!actica%%y he! b!othe! fo! Me!%in,s sa1e. 7he shou%&n,t be att!acte& to hi$. *e shou%&n,t be ab%e to get un&e! he! s1in %i1e he ha& the past few &ays. *a!!y,s antics we!e !uining e+e!ything. 7he cou%&n,t thin1 st!aight) she cou%&n,t eat o! s%eep. 7he cou%& ba!e%y wo!1 !ight now without &!ifting away in thought. This cou%&n,t happen. (inny cou%&n,t a%%ow it. *a!!y %eane& into he! si&e an& whispe!e&) as if they,& co$e togethe! on a no!$a% outing. 8That,s not +e!y !ea%istic.8 (inny b%in1e& up at the sc!een) t!ying to un&e!stan& what he was ta%1ing about. 8In !ea% %ife) the b%o1e wou%& confess his %o+e an& the bi!& wou%& &!op hi$ on his a!se) saying she &i&n,t be%ie+e hi$.8 The bui%&ing i!!itation 5ust un&e! he! s1in fina%%y b!o1e f!ee at his wo!&s) an& (inny stoo&) 1noc1ing into hi$. 8Dut48 7he pointe& towa!& the ais%e. *a!!y b%in1e& up at he! innocent%y) an& she fo!ce& he! way past hi$ an& stoo& in the ais%e waiting. 8-h oh)8 the wo$an in the !ow behin& hi$ gigg%e&. 8I,%% ho%& you! p%ace.8 8Than1s)8 *a!!y %aughe& an& han&e& he! the popco!n. 8*o%& that fo! $e too) wi%% you98 (inny stoo& in the ais%e with he! a!$s c!osse& in f!ont of he!) g%a!ing at *a!!y whi%e he steppe& on peop%e an& apo%ogi6e& the who%e way th!ough the !ow. 8What the he%% a!e you &oing he!e) *a!!y98 (inny e3p%o&e& once he !eache& he! an& $o!e peop%e hisse& at the$ to be >uiet.

*a!!y !ough%y too1 (inny,s a!$ an& fo!ce& he! up the ais%e towa!& the %obby. 8If you,!e going to be %ou&) (inny) we p!obab%y ought to go out. These peop%e a!e t!ying to en5oy a fi%$.8 (inny snatche& he! a!$ away f!o$ hi$ an& sto$pe& out. 8What a basta!&)8 she hisse& un&e! he! b!eath. )ow he was conce!ne& about being >uiet fo! the peop%e in the theate!9 7he scow%e& at hi$ when he ca$e out. 803p%ain.8 *e sh!ugge& un!epentant%y. 8I thought a fi%$ soun&e& nice tonight@8 8#o not %ie to $e) *a!!y Aotte!.8 (inny 5abbe& he! finge! into his chest. 8You,!e he!e on%y to $a1e things aw1wa!& fo! $e. If this is you! p%an to t!y an& get $e to stop seeing =!ian) it,s !i&icu%ous. I 1now you,!e wo!!ie& that I,$ going to %ea+e you a%one) but@8 8#on,t be stupi&.8 *a!!y $o+e& away f!o$ he! po1ing an& !ubbe& absent%y at whe!e she,& touche& hi$. 8You 1now that,s why I,$ he!e. I,$ t!ying to $a1e you un&e!stan& that I fancy you) (inny.8 7he cou%&n,t be%ie+e he,& actua%%y a&$itte& it. 'n& e+en though she 1new that,s why he ha& co$e) it was o+e!whe%$ing to thin1 about. *a& he been fo%%owing the$ e+e!ywhe!e9 e!tain%y the !estau!ant. What about the pub9 8=y fo%%owing $e an& $y &ate e+e!ywhe!e98 she &e$an&e&. 8That,s what the !estau!ant was about9 Is that what happene& the othe! night at the pub) too9 't fi!st I thought it was 5ust coinci&ence that you en&e& up the!e at the sa$e ti$e. =ut you,+e tu!ne& into so$e so!t of;sta%1e!48 7he swipe& at his chest. *a!!y,s eyes went &a!1 behin& his g%asses) an& he snatche& he! han& f!o$ the ai! an& tugge& he! c%ose!. 8Ae!haps if you be%ie+e& $e the fi!st ti$e I to%& you I fancie& you then I wou%&n,t be fo!ce& to fo%%ow you a!oun& an& $a1e su!e you &on,t en& up &oing so$ething stupi&.8 (inny,s hea!t beat wi%&%y in he! chest) an& she suc1e& in a b!eath that was fu%% of his heat) his s$e%%@pu!e *a!!y) fu%% of ene!gy that ting%e& an& pu%sate&. Ti$e s%owe&) an& (inny watche& as *a!!y %ic1e& his %ips. *e %eane& in s%ight%y an& (inny c%enche& his a!$s tight%y) waiting fo! his %ips to b!ush he!s) 5ust as they ha& in he! fantasy. 8The fi%$ has a%!ea&y sta!te&) (inny. '!e we going bac1 insi&e98 (inny nea!%y cho1e& when =!ian c%ea!e& his th!oat. *e %oo1e& fu!ious stan&ing the!e sta!ing at the two of the$. *e,& p!obab%y seen e+e!ything: how they ha& a!gue&) an& how easi%y (inny ga+e he!se%f o+e! to *a!!y,s e$b!ace. *e $ust thin1 she was so$e so!t of ta!t) using hi$ to $a1e *a!!y 5ea%ous.

*a!!y swo!e an& $o+e& away. The ene!gy b%e& off hi$) though) an& $a&e (inny shi+e! with the intensity. 7he too1 se+e!a% &eep b!eaths) an& wi%%e& he!se%f to be in cont!o% again. 8'!e you going bac1 insi&e) *a!!y98 *e pause& fo! a $inute an& then s$i!1e&. 8It see$s I ha+e a &ate in the!e.8 (inny huffe& in annoyance an& tu!ne& to =!ian. 8I,$ not going bac1 in now.8 The!e was no way she cou%& wa%1 bac1 in the!e an& sit ne3t to *a!!y) o! e+en in f!ont of hi$) with what ha& 5ust passe& between the$. It ha& to ha+e been 5ust the $o$ent@5ust the out of cont!o% $o$ent spu!!e& on by he! te$pe! an& *a!!y,s stubbo!nness. 8"ine.8 =!ian,s ga6e nea!%y bo!e a ho%e th!ough *a!!y with its $enace. 8We,%% go so$ewhe!e e%se.8 *a!!y g%a!e& at =!ian) an& (inny nea!%y wa%1e& away f!o$ both gits. 8I,%% be su!e to te%% you how it en&s.8 8You! &ate o! the fi%$98 =!ian >uippe&. 8=oth.8 *a!!y sh!ugge& an& stuffe& his han&s in his poc1ets. 87he see$e& into $e.8 (inny sta!e& at hi$) awe& that he cou%& !eco+e! so >uic1%y f!o$ so$ething that ha& sha1en he! so &eep%y. 7he s$i%e& at his hu$o!) app!eciating that he cou%& fin& so$ething to %ighten the $o$ent. 80n5oy the $o+ie) *a!!y)8 she sai& soft%y. 8I wi%%)8 he answe!e& bac1 auto$atica%%y. 8#on,t &o anything stupi&) (inny.8 *is wo!&s we!e a cha%%engeC (inny cou%& fee% it. 7he opene& he! $outh to as1 hi$ what the he%% he $eant) but =!ian s%ippe& his a!$ o+e! he! shou%&e!s an& tu!ne& he! away. 8Eet,s 5ust go) (inny)8 he whispe!e&. 8This who%e thing has been a co%ossa% fai%u!e.8 "o! a $o$ent (inny wasn,t su!e whethe! he $eant the e+ening o! the who%e !e%ationship. =oth cou%& >ua%ify) t!uthfu%%y. (inny wante& to tu!n an& %oo1 at *a!!y) but =!ian,s a!$ p!e+ente& it. *e ab!upt%y pu%%e& away f!o$ he! the $o$ent they we!e outsi&e the theate!) an& he tuc1e& his fists into his t!ouse! poc1ets. 8I saw this co$ing)8 he sighe& an& g%ance& at he! befo!e %oo1ing ahea&. 8I saw it f!o$ the fi!st $o$ent I $et hi$.8 87aw what98 (inny &e$an&e& e+en though she ha& an i&ea what he was hinting towa!&.

=!ian stoppe& wa%1ing an& sta!e& at he! with wi&e eyes. 8#o you !ea%%y not see it9 The postu!ing an& f%owe!s) the &ec%a!ations; *e,s in %o+e with you) (inny.8 (inny sno!te& an& !ubbe& he! fo!ehea&. 8I;I &on,t;8 8Maybe it,s best if we ha+e a few &ays apa!t. You nee& to figu!e out what you want) an& what you,!e going to &o about that.8 *e no&&e& bac1 towa!& the theate! an& (inny %oo1e& away. 7he ha& a fee%ing that this was his way of saying goo&bye. /o conf!ontations) 5ust a g!a&ua% &!ift away f!o$ an unp%easant situation. 8I ne+e! $eant@8 8I 1now)8 he b!ist%e&. 8I;I,$ so!!y that things wo!1e& out this way. I !ea%%y %i1e you (inny) an& I thin1 we cou%& ha+e so$ething goo& between us.8 *e %eane& in an& ho+e!e& fo! a $inute) si%ent%y as1ing pe!$ission to 1iss he!. (inny &i&n,t $o+e. 7he waite& fo! hi$ to initiate so$ething) an& &i&n,t pa!ticipate in the &!y) fast 1iss when he fina%%y $o+e& fo!wa!&. 8I,%% ta%1 to you in a few &ays.8 =efo!e (inny cou%& !espon&) =!ian 'ppa!ate& away. Her Saturday The !oa! of the c!ow& was th!i%%ing) an& (inny fe%t it in he! +eins) th!u$$ing a%ong with he! pu%se. The hase!s whi66e& by) batt%e& o+e! the :uaff%e in $i&<ai! befo!e one of the$ !ace& off towa!& the goa% at the fa! en&. 8This bo3 is pe!fect)8 she $u$b%e&. The awe of ha+ing a p!i+ate bo3) co$p%ete with co$p%i$enta!y o$niocu%a!s an& a%% the butte!bee! they cou%& &!in1) was a &ecent &ist!action) if on%y fo! a few $inutes befo!e he! $in& !etu!ne& to the $an ne3t to he!. What was she going to &o about a%% of this9 '%% of yeste!&ay spent apa!t@othe! than wo!1ing in si%ence ac!oss the office f!o$ each othe!@an& sti%% (inny fe%t she was no c%ose! to &eci&ing what nee&e& to be &one. 8It,s p!etty spectacu%a!)8 *a!!y ag!ee&. The *a!pies sco!e&) an& they both chee!e& %ou&%y. (inny cou%& fee% the weight of *a!!y,s ga6e) but t!ie& he! best to igno!e it. *e,& been watching he! $ost of the &ay@we%%) !ea%%y) a%% wee1 if she was honest with he!se%f. The!e was an aw1wa!&ness between the$ that (inny cou%&n,t see$ to &efine co$p%ete%y. Dne $inute *a!!y,s f!ust!ation was pou!ing off hi$ in +isib%e wa+es) an& the ne3t he see$e& to ha+e &is$isse& it co$p%ete%y. It was

b%oo&y i!!itating that he cou%& tu!n it off an& on so easi%y when (inny cou%&n,t stop thin1ing about it e+e!. 7he,& co$e to se+e!a% conc%usions &u!ing the hou!s of si%ence) but sti%% ha& no i&ea as to the cou!se of action she nee&e& to ta1e. *a!!y be%ie+e& he fancie& he! !ight now. *e,& state& so now on se+e!a% occasions with a su!e con+iction. It ha& to be a !ecent thing) though) o+e! the past few wee1s. The!e was no way that *a!!y Aotte! cou%& be ha!bo!ing !ea% fee%ings fo! he! afte! a%% these yea!s. *e,& gotten o+e! that %itt%e c!ush of his %ong ago. =y his si3th yea! he wasn,t e+en b%ushing o! sta$$e!ing about any$o!e. 'n& .on &i& say@ 8 an I as1 you a >uestion without you getting $a& at $e98 7he f%inche& at his !e>uest. *a!!y wasn,t %oo1ing at he!) but stu&ying the pitch. *is eyes scanne& the who%e fie%& befo!e they wi&ene& 5ust a tiny bit. *e,& foun& the 7nitch@he was such a natu!a% 7ee1e!. (inny swa%%owe& se+e!a% ti$es an& consi&e!e& his >uestion. 8I can,t p!o$ise an answe! unti% I 1now what you,!e going to as1.8 *a!!y to!e his eyes f!o$ the f%utte!ing go%&en ba%%) an& ga+e he! a %oo1 si$i%a! in intensity. 8'n& you,%% answe! honest%y98 8If I can)8 she no&&e&. 7he cou%&n,t %ie to hi$. .espect an& t!ust was e+e!ything between the$. 8Why &i&n,t you te%% Matthews about p%aying :ui&&itch98 8=ecause I &i&n,t p%ay :ui&&itch)8 (inny sighe&. 7he !ubbe& he! eyes in i!!itation) an& watche& the *a!pies hase!s setup anothe! sco!ing !un. 8I,$ not su!e why I &i&n,t say anything to hi$ about it.8 8It was you! &!ea$)8 *a!!y sai& soft%y. 8'n& you wou%& ha+e been b!i%%iant. I wou%& ha+e co$e to see e+e!y sing%e ga$e.8 (inny sno!te& an& shoo1 he! hea&. 7he &!an1 the %ast of he! butte!bee!) but it $a&e he! be%%y ache s%ight%y. D! $aybe that was 5ust the in&ecision an& unease of the situation. 8You wou%&n,t ha+e $a&e it to e+e!y ga$e)8 she sai&) e+en though she be%ie+e& he $ight t!y. 8I wou%& ha+e t!ie&)8 *a!!y co!!ecte&. The ea!nestness in his state$ent $a&e (inny shi+e!. Bust as she cou%&n,t %ie to hi$) he wasn,t %ying to he!.

7he %oo1e& at hi$ fo! a %ong ti$e befo!e answe!ing. *e! eyes &!oppe& to he! han&s as they twiste& in he! %ap. 8It 5ust &i&n,t see$ %i1e so$ething i$po!tant to te%% hi$. 7o$e &!ea$s shou%& !e$ain in the past) you 1now.8 Eoo1ing up !ight then was a $ista1e) because *a!!y was sta!ing again. *is pie!cing g!een ga6e sto%e the b!eath !ight out of he! unti% he %oo1e& away. 87ee$s to $e that if you we!e !ea%%y se!ious about this b%o1e you,& want hi$ to 1now e+e!ything about you.8 (inny c%a$pe& &own on the t!uth@she wasn,t se!ious about =!ian) an& ha&n,t e+e! !ea%%y been. =!ian was so$eone who $a&e he! fee% specia% fo! a few $inutes) but the no+e%ty of being with hi$ wo!e off >uic1%y. Maybe if *a!!y ha&n,t chosen !ight now to say so$ething about his fee%ings) (inny wou%& ha+e staye& with =!ian %onge!) but that was i$possib%e !ight now. 8/o one 1nows e+e!ything about $e)8 (inny scoffe&. It wasn,t t!ue) but she p!aye& he wou%& %ea+e it a%one. *a!!y was p!obab%y the on%y pe!son who &i& 1now e+e!ything about he!. We%%) a%$ost e+e!ything. The things that he &i&n,t 1now he cou%& p!obab%y guess) o! he &i&n,t want to 1now anyway. The who%e *a!pies fan section 5u$pe& to thei! feet as I$ogene 7hi!es) the *a!pies 7ee1e!) went into a steep &i+e) chasing afte! a g%inting bit if go%&. 7he na!!ow%y $isse& the 7nitch) an& it &a!te& off) &isappea!ing into the &istance an& %ea+ing both 7ee1e!s sea!ching once $o!e. 8I 1now a %ot)8 he cha%%enge& soft%y. 8You cou%& sa+e you!se%f a %ot of ti$e with a%% these b%o1es an& 5ust go out with $e.8 7he a%$ost cou%&n,t be%ie+e he,& sai& it again. 8You,!e a p!at) *a!!y.8 7he fo!ce& he!se%f to %augh at how b!a6en he was. 8I to%& you I,$ not going anywhe!e. You &on,t ha+e to wo!!y about@8 8You ne+e! &i& !ea%%y see it) &i& you98 he as1e&. (inny b%in1e& at hi$) an& t!ie& to figu!e out what he was saying. The fight &!aine& out of hi$ an& his shou%&e!s s%u$pe&. 8What I fe%t fo! you) what I feel fo! you)8 he continue& when she f%oun&e!e&. ' sa& %oo1 sp!ea& o+e! his face. 8'%% this ti$e I thought you we!e 5ust t!ying to be nice) t!ying not to !u&e%y !e5ect $e because you cou%& ne+e! %o+e $e) but you !ea%%y) t!u%y ne+e! saw it.8 *e stoo& an& finishe& the %ast of his &!in1 befo!e he gathe!e& his c%oa1 an& hat. *e! hea!t 5o%te& in he! chest an& (inny swa%%owe& past the %u$p in he! th!oat. /ow was the ti$e to ta%1 to hi$) to get whate+e! this was out in the open between the$ so that they cou%& both get on with thei! %i+es. 8*a!!y) wait@8

8I thin1 $aybe I,+e waite& enough.8 *is wo!&s we!e soft) but they he%& the weight of a fist 1noc1ing (inny in the chest. 8You can,t be se!ious)8 she b!eathe& out. *e cou%&n,t %ea+e !ight now. 7he cou%&n,t %et hi$. The haunte& %oo1 that *a!!y wo!e a%% th!ough his %ast yea!s at schoo%) an& fo! a %ong ti$e afte! the wa!) was bac1. It $a&e his g!een eyes %oo1 ho%%ow) an& he %oo1e& so $uch o%&e! than he shou%&. 8What if I a$98 he as1e&. 8What if I,+e been se!ious about this f!o$ the fi!st ti$e I tu!ne& !e& in f!ont of you9 What if I ne+e! !ea%%y ga+e up on you9 What if a%% this ti$e you,+e %oo1e& at $e %i1e a b!othe!) but I,+e !ea%%y been so$eone who was stupi& enough to fa%% in %o+e with so$eone who cou%& ne+e! %o+e the$ bac198 8You;you,!e %i1e a b!othe! to $e) *a!!y.8 The !esponse was auto$atic) e+en if it $a&e (inny fee% sic1 to he! sto$ach. "o! so $any yea!s she,& seen hi$ as 5ust that@a su!!ogate b!othe!@that the wo!&s 5ust ca$e natu!a%%y. In the ne3t secon&) his %ips we!e on he!s) p!essing &e$an&ing%y. The passion in his 1iss was %i1e fi!ewo!1s@f%ash an& b!ightness that sto%e he! b!eath away. 7he ba!e%y ha& ti$e to un&e!stan& what was going on befo!e he pu%%e& bac1. 8I ha+e never wante& to be you! b!othe!) (inny.8 (inny cou%& &o nothing but sta!e at his bac1 as he wa%1e& out the &oo!. *is wo!&s hung hea+y in the stif%ing ai! of the bo3) an& (inny fe%t as if she cou%&n,t b!eathe. *e! s1in was on fi!e an& he! who%e bo&y shu&&e!e& f!o$ his absence. 7he cou%& fee% the p%aces on he! a!$s whe!e his han&s ha& been) bu!ning hotte! than anywhe!e e%se. *ow ha& she not seen hi$9 '%% the ti$e she,& thought his c!ush on he! was so$e cute %itt%e thing f!o$ the pastC she ne+e! saw it fo! what it t!u%y was. *a!!y loved he!. *e,& ne+e! gi+en up on he!) an& he sti%% %o+e& he!) e+en afte! she,& igno!e& hi$ fo! so %ong. The c!ow& chee!e& a!oun& he!) but (inny staye& in he! seat) up in the top of the highest bo3) an& !ep%aye& e+e!y $o$ent she cou%& !e$e$be! with *a!!y) t!ying to piece togethe! how she cou%& ha+e not seen this. 7he was sti%% sitting in the bo3 %ong afte! the ga$e was o+e! an& the c!ow& ha& %eft the sta&iu$. (inny was su!e the *a!pies ha& won the ga$e) but she &i&n,t see any of it afte! *a!!y %eft. *e! $in& was fa! too occupie& to be wo!!ie& about :ui&&itch !ight now.

I!onic that she,& been %oo1ing fo!wa!& to the ga$e with such e3cite$ent e+e! since *a!!y showe& he! the tic1ets) yet she ha&n,t seen $o!e than a few p%ays befo!e *a!!y ha& 1isse& he!. 'n& she ha&n,t seen any afte!wa!&s. *e 1isse& he!. *e to%& he! that he &i&n,t want to be he! b!othe!. *e %o+e& he!. (inny,s $in& swi!%e&) an& she 1new she was going to ha+e to ta%1 to so$eone) get it a%% st!aight in he! hea& befo!e she $a&e so$e ho!!i& $ista1e@%i1e igno!ing *a!!y fo! anothe! ten yea!s. This shou%& be si$p%e. 7he shou%& 1now e3act%y what to &o) but she 5ust &i&n,t. *a!!y cou%&n,t be the one she ta%1e& to) because (inny cou%&n,t b!ing he!se%f to face hi$ !ight now. 7he owe& it to both of the$ to get this a%% figu!e& out befo!e seeing hi$ again. *e!$ione was the on%y pe!son (inny cou%& thin1 of that cou%& he%p he!. =ut wou%& *e!$ione ta%1 to he!) consi&e!ing this was a%% about *a!!y9 D! wou%& *e!$ione be unco$fo!tab%e ta%1ing about hi$9 (inny 1new she ha& to t!y. #ays of t!ying to figu!e this out by he!se%f ha&n,t wo!1e&. 7he nee&e& so$eone that $ight ha+e a bit $o!e insight into the bigge! pictu!e. The f%at was &a!1 an& si%ent when (inny got the!e. 7he wasn,t su!e if she,& e3pecte& *a!!y to be sitting on the sofa) waiting fo! he! o! not. Aa!t of he! was !e%ie+e& that he wasn,t he!e) &e$an&ing answe!s that she 5ust &i&n,t ha+e yet) but anothe! pa!t of he! wante& to see hi$) wante& to touch his han&s an& face) an& $a1e su!e she ha&n,t i$agine& a%% of this) that it was t!u%y !ea%. *e!$ione ca$e to the f%oo when (inny ca%%e&) an& ga+e he! a tight s$i%e. 8*e,s the!e) isn,t he98 (inny as1e&. 8*a!!y is he!e)8 *e!$ione confi!$e&. 8*e,s with .on in the 1itchen.8 8 an I;8 (inny t!ai%e& off an& a%$ost en&e& the connection. This wasn,t fai! of he! to &o. *ow cou%& she as1 *e!$ione to step into the $i&&%e of this $ess9 8#o you !e$e$be! what I offe!e& when I saw you on Thu!s&ay98 (inny bit he! %ip an& no&&e&. 8The offe! sti%% stan&s) (inny.8 8I nee& so$eone to ta%1 to)8 she answe!e& *e!$ione in a whispe!e& +oice. 8I nee&;I nee& so$eone.8

*e!$ione s$i%e&) an& (inny ha& the i$p!ession that if she cou%&) *e!$ione wou%& ha+e !eache& th!ough the fi!e an& w!appe& he! a!$s a!oun& (inny,s shou%&e!s. 8Eet,s $eet at $y f%at in a few $inutes. I,%% $a1e su!e .on an& *a!!y wi%% stay he!eC we &on,t want to be inte!!upte&.8 (inny sta!e& fo! a %ong $inute at the g!een f%a$es. 8Is he;is he o1ay98 8*e,s;he,s a%!ight)8 *e!$ione sai&. The!e was 5ust enough hesitancy in he! +oice that (inny 1new *a!!y wasn,t happi%y sha!ing a butte!bee! with his f!ien&s. 7he,& !ea%%y hu!t hi$) fi!st with he! inaction) an& then he! &isbe%ief. 8(o to $y f%at) (inny) an& I,%% be the!e in a few $inutes.8 (inny %et the connection c%ose) an& watche& the b%ac1 fi!ep%ace unti% she ha& to physica%%y sha1e he!se%f. If she ha&n,t been the!e hun&!e&s of ti$es o+e! the past few yea!s) (inny won&e!e& if she wou%& ha+e $a&e it to *e!$ione,s f%at. =ut it $ate!ia%i6e& a!oun& he! an& she san1 into the sofa) %etting he! finge!s t!ace the patte!ns a%ong the f%o!a% p!int. *e!$ione a!!i+e& a few $inutes %ate!) s$e%%ing %i1e onions an& so$ething won&e!fu%. (inny,s sto$ach g!ow%e&) but she p!esse& he! han& against it. 8#o you want so$ething to eat) (inny98 7he shoo1 he! hea& auto$atica%%y. 8I can,t eat !ight now.8 8'!e you su!e@8 (inny 5u$pe& off the sofa) an& wince& as he! s1in c!aw%e& with;so$ething: f!ust!ation o! ange!;$aybe gui%t. 8What a!e you fee%ing) (inny98 *e!$ione sat on the sofa an& watche& as (inny pace& bac1 an& fo!th. 8 onfuse&)8 (inny bit out fi!st. 8'n& ang!y.8 8That $a1es sense)8 *e!$ione no&&e&. 8' %ot has happene& o+e! the past wee1.8 8'n& gui%ty)8 (inny a&$itte&. *e!$ione %oo1e& %i1e she was going to !espon&) but change& he! $in& with a sha1e of he! hea&. 8Why &on,t we ta%1 about the$ in o!&e!98 (inny pace& fo! a few steps befo!e sh!ugging. It !ea%%y &i&n,t $atte! how they ta%1e& it th!ough) she 5ust nee&e& to ta%1.

8What,s the $ost confusing thing98 *e!$ione p!o$pte&. (inny %oo1e& at he!) e3pecting he! to pu%% out a fi%e to ta1e notes in. 7he shoo1 the thought away an& !ubbe& he! te$p%es. 8*a!!y can,t ha+e;he can,t ha+e fe%t this way@8 8Eo+e& you)8 *e!$ione co!!ecte&) an& then $otione& he! onwa!&. (inny f%inche& at the wo!&s) an& t!ie& to igno!e they way they $a&e he! sto$ach !o%% an& he! s1in p!ic1%e. 8*e 5ust can,t.8 8What if he has98 *e!$ione as1e&. (inny,s pacing stoppe& an& he! shou%&e!s s%u$pe&. 8*ow &i& I not 1now9 *ow &i& I not see98 *e!$ione bit he! %ip an& weighe& he! wo!&s. 8*a!!y has gotten +e!y goo& o+e! the yea!s at hi&ing things f!o$ a%% of us. .on an& I both 1new about his c!ush when you we!e younge!) but we honest%y thought he,& wo!1e& th!ough it.8 8.on to%& $e *a!!y &i&n,t thin1 of $e %i1e that.8 (inny th!ew he! a!$s up in the ai!. 8*e!$ione) I wou%& ha+e; I wou%& ha+e;8 7he shoo1 he! hea& as nothing ca$e to he!. 7he &i&n,t 1now what she wou%& ha+e &one if she,& 1nown. 8You we!en,t !ea&y)8 *e!$ione sai& soft%y. 8'n& to be honest) neithe! was he.8 8/ot when we we!e younge!)8 (inny conce&e&. 8=ut a%% these yea!s; 'n& he was the one who suggeste& that I $o+e in with hi$48 *e!$ione sno!te& out a %augh. 8I 1now. *e an& .on ha& >uite the !ow about it.8 8.on &i&n,t want $e the!e98 8*e was wo!!ie& about *a!!y) actua%%y: wo!!ie& that *a!!y was &oing it fo! the w!ong !easons) wo!!ie& that he wou%&n,t be ab%e to han&%e seeing you e+e!y &ay. I,$ so!!y to say) but I thin1 you we!e the %east of .on,s conce!ns. You,+e a%ways ta1en ca!e of you!se%f) (inny.8 8That,s the pa!t I,$ ang!y about)8 (inny sighe&. 7he !o%%e& he! shou%&e!s to !e%ease the tension. 8/o one thought to ta%1 to $e about any of this. *a!!y 1ept it bott%e& up insi&e a%% these yea!s. You an& .on 1new.8 8You! who%e fa$i%y 1nows) (inny.8 *e!$ione shoo1 he! hea&. 8What wou%& you ha+e &one if one of us ha& ta1en you asi&e an& to%& you that *a!!y was in %o+e with you98

(inny g%a!e& at he! f!ien&. *ow cou%& he! fa$i%y t!eat he! this way9 8I wou%& ha+e to%& you that you we!e off you! nut.8 803act%y. I can,t spea1 fo! e+e!yone) (inny) but I 1now that what I 1new was to%& to $e in confi&ence. I honest%y &i&n,t fee% co$fo!tab%e saying so$ething to you about *a!!y,s fee%ings.8 8I can un&e!stan& that)8 (inny &is$isse&. 8=ut *a!!y;he &i&n,t %et $e ha+e a choice in it) &i& he98 8*e is now)8 *e!$ione pointe& out. 8(inny) &o you un&e!stan& how ha!& it ha& to ha+e been fo! *a!!y to e+en un&e!stan& what %o+e is) %et a%one how to p!ope!%y show so$eone that he %o+es the$9 Who &i& he ha+e to teach hi$ that9 I thin1 it,s a $i!ac%e that he can fee% it at a%%) !ea%%y.8 (inny $o+e& to the win&ow an& sta!e& out o+e! the neighbo!hoo&. 7he p!esse& he! fo!ehea& to the win&ow. 8Why &i& he ha+e to choose !ight now9 Why &i& he wait unti% I ha& fina%%y $et so$eone &ecent98 *e!$ione answe!e& f!o$ !ight ne3t to he! an& (inny 5u$pe&. 87o$eone &ecent98 8=!ian is a nice b%o1e) *e!$ione. *e,s han&so$e an&;an&;nice.8 8#ecent) han&so$e) an& nice)8 *e!$ione !epeate& the wo!&s !athe! &u%%y. 8*ow &oes he $a1e you fee%98 *e! whispe!e& >uestion !an1%e&) an& (inny pushe& away f!o$ the win&ow) pacing in the s$a%% %i+ing !oo$. 8Ei1e;%i1e;8 8Eet,s t!y a &iffe!ent >uestion)8 *e!$ione suggeste&. 8*ow &oes *a!!y $a1e you fee%98 8"u!ious)8 (inny bu!st out. 8I want to he3 hi$ unti% he can,t wa%1 any$o!e.8 *e!$ione no&&e& afte! %aughing soft%y. 8'%!ight. *ow e%se98 8I &on,t 1now what,s going to co$e out of his $outh at any gi+en $o$ent any$o!e)8 (inny sighe&. 8*e,s a%% o+e! the p%ace@sta%1ing $e) buying $e f%owe!s) wa%1ing a!oun& the f%at sta!1e!s. *ow can I &ea% with this98 8*a!!y wa%1e& a!oun& the f%at na1e&98 *e!$ione gaspe&) an& $a&e a soun& %i1e a cho1ing %augh. (inny g%a!e&) e+en though she fe%t he! face heat. 8I ne+e! 1now what he,s going to &o ne3t.8

87o he $a1es you fee% on e&ge because he,s unp!e&ictab%e.8 *e!$ione no&&e& he! un&e!stan&ing. 8 %ose you! eyes an& thin1 about *a!!y befo!e a%% of this@befo!e he to%& you how he fe%t about you) befo!e =!ian.8 (inny sighe& stubbo!n%y an& then c%ose& he! eyes. *e! finge!s !este& on the bac1 of the sofa in f!ont of he!. This fe%t a bit si%%y) but she t!uste& *e!$ione to be he%pfu%. 8What &i& that *a!!y $a1e you fee%98 87afe)8 (inny a&$itte&. The wa!$th of the fee%ing $a&e he! s1in p!ic1%e an& she g!ippe& the cushion unti% he! finge!s ache&. 87afe an& st!ong.8 8*a!!y $a&e you fee% st!ong about you!se%f because he suppo!te& you being an 'u!o!.8 8Yes)8 (inny a&$itte&. 8*e be%ie+es in $e.8 *e! +oice c!ac1e& when she !e$e$be!e& *a!!y,s state$ent to&ay that he wou%& ha+e been at a%% of he! ga$es if she ha& p%aye& :ui&&itch. 8What e%se &o you fee%98 8T!ust an&;an& f!ien&ship.8 8Those a!e goo& things) (inny.8 (inny %et he! eyes open. 8I 5ust; I %o+e hi$) I !ea%%y &o. =ut he,s %i1e $y b!othe!) *e!$ione.8 8I &on,t thin1 he is) (inny.8 *e!$ione,s %oo1 was intense. 8I thin1 you,+e stuc1 hi$ in that catego!y fo! so %ong that you can,t pictu!e hi$ as anything but.8 (inny sno!te&) but any hu$o! &ie& when the thought !ea%%y san1 into he! $in&. #i& she !ea%%y see *a!!y that way9 *e!$ione was >uiet fo! so %ong that (inny shifte& unco$fo!tab%y. 8 an I as1 you so$ething without you getting ang!y at $e98 8What is it with that >uestion98 (inny $use& $oo&i%y up to the cei%ing. 8Why &oes e+e!yone 5ust assu$e that I,%%@8 7he cut off at *e!$ione,s 1nowing %oo1. Dh. (oo& point. 8*a+e you e+e! gotten a!ouse& when you,!e with *a!!y98 8/o)8 (inny &enie& fa! too fast) an& he! chee1s heate&. 87o that,s a &efinite ,yes.,8 *e!$ione,s %ips twiste& into a s$i!1 an& (inny g!ow%e&.

8That,s;I can,t cont!o% that) *e!$ione. I,$ a hea%thy young wo$an) of cou!se I get a!ouse& when he wa%1s th!ough without his shi!t) o! when he,s;you 1now) ta1ing cha!ge of an in+estigation o! so$ething.8 The %ast bit s%ippe& out) an& she c!inge&. #i& she !ea%%y thin1 *a!!y was se3y when he was in cha!ge9 ' pictu!e of his &a!1) f%ashing eyes ca$e into he! $in&) an& (inny fe%t he! pu%se >uic1en an& he! 1nees wea1en. #a$nit. 87o you %o+e *a!!y because he $a1es you fee% safe an& st!ong)8 *e!$ione began to %ist what (inny ha& sai&) an& (inny c%i$be& o+e! the bac1 of the sofa) pu%%ing a pi%%ow into he! a!$s an& hugging it tight%y as she %istene&. 8*e !espects you an& t!usts you. *e,s so$eone you can confi&e in with anything) an& he p!otects you. You,!e goo& f!ien&s with a %ot in co$$on. You 1now he %o+es you. 'n& you,!e physica%%y att!acte& to hi$.8 The >uietness of the !oo$ was &eafening an& (inny fe%t a sing%e tea! s%ip &own he! chee1. 8That,s not a b!othe!) (inny) an& I thin1 you 1now it.8 'nothe! tea! fo%%owe& the fi!st) an& (inny b!eathe& ha!sh%y against the pi%%ow. 8*ow; how cou%& I not 1now98 8You,!e too c%ose to the situation) $aybe.8 *e!$ione sh!ugge& he%p%ess%y. 8I thin1 you,+e %o+e& *a!!y fo! so$e ti$e now) but you ne+e! %et you!se%f see it fo! what it was. You thought he was suppose& to be a b!othe!) a pa!tne!) so the %itt%e things &i&n,t a&& up to you.8 8I &on,t 1now what to &o ne3t)8 (inny sai&. 7he fe%t %i1e she,& fa%%en f!o$ too fa!@she,& shatte!e& on the &i!t an& $ight ne+e! be who%e again. 8I fee%;I fee% so +e!y ti!e&.8 8What &o you want) (inny98 *e!$ione p!o$pte&. 8What &o you !ea%%y want98 8I &on,t 1now)8 (inny sai&. 7he !este& he! hea& on the sofa an& cu!%e& tighte! a!oun& the pi%%ow. 8I thin1 you &o.8 (inny %oo1e& up sha!p%y at *e!$ione,s fi!$ tone. 8I thin1 you 1now what you want. It,s o1ay not to te%% $e) it !ea%%y is.8 (inny b%in1e& away the $oistu!e in he! eyes an& sat up. 7he put the pi%%ow asi&e an& !ubbe& he! face. 8=ut you &o nee& to ta%1 to *a!!y about it.8 8I &o)8 (inny no&&e&. 8'n& I want to) I 5ust; I nee&e& to un&e!stan& what I,$ fee%ing.8 8Ta%1ing he%ps.8

8I sti%% &on,t 1now if it,s !ight)8 (inny p!oteste&. 8=ut it &oesn,t f!ighten $e as $uch as it &i&. I;&on,t 1now what *a!!y wants.8 8*e,s not as1ing fo! a co$$it$ent) (inny)8 *e!$ione sai& with a s$i%e. 8*e hasn,t p!opose&) an& he,s not e+en as1ing you fo! se3@a%though I,$ su!e he wou%&n,t be oppose&.8 (inny sno!te& an& %oo1e& away. Bust the thought $a&e he! hea& fu66 beyon& co$p!ehension !ight now. 8'%% he,s as1ing is fo! you to be%ie+e hi$ when he te%%s you he %o+es you)8 *e!$ione continue&. 8What the two of you &eci&e f!o$ the!e is between the two of you. We a%% want to see you togethe! because we thin1 you can both be happy. We,+e seen you togethe! fo! yea!s) (inny. *a!!y s$i%es an& %aughs when you,!e a!oun&. *e !e%a3es an& en5oys %ife. 'n& you t!ust hi$ $o!e than you t!ust anyone e%se. You !ea%%y %et go of the inne! (inny when *a!!y is a!oun&.8 8The inne! (inny98 (inny sno!te& at the ph!ase. 8'$ I so ho!!ib%e when *a!!y,s not a!oun&98 8We%%)8 *e!$ione hesitate&) 8we &i&n,t %i1e to say anything;8 (inny tosse& the pi%%ow at he! f!ien& who b%oc1e& it f!o$ hitting he! hea&. 8I thin1 I 1now what you,!e saying. We,!e both bette! peop%e when the othe! is a!oun&.8 8I wou%&n,t say bette!)8 *e!$ione p!oteste&) 8but &efinite%y happie!. '%% we want fo! both of you is to be happy.8 8'n& you thin1 it,%% !ea%%y wo!1 out98 8I ha+e no i&ea)8 *e!$ione a&$itte& with a sh!ug of he! shou%&e!s. 8That,s up to the two of you.8 (inny $o+e& an& %oo1e& out the win&ow once $o!e) %etting he! eyes s%i&e out of focus unti% the st!eet %ights we!e b%u!!y. 8I want to be happy)8 she sai& >uiet%y. 8*a!!y;*a!!y $a1es $e happy.8 7he wasn,t su!e if it was a >uestion o! not) but the answe! ca$e as a ca%$ing fee%ing in he! chest. *a!!y $a&e he! happy. 8I nee&;I nee& to ta%1 to hi$.8 7he %oo1e& bac1 o+e! he! shou%&e! to see *e!$ione wiping he! eyes with a tissue. 8I nee& to te%% hi$ that I;that I be%ie+e hi$.8 8That,s a goo& sta!t)8 *e!$ione no&&e& an& gathe!e& he! into a hug. 8=e honest with hi$) (inny) an& honest with you!se%f. You both &ese!+e e+e!ything this wo!%& can gi+e you.8

8I wi%%)8 (inny p!o$ise&) both *e!$ione an& he!se%f. 8I 5ust;8 8What is it98 *e!$ione pu%%e& bac1 f!o$ the hug an& pee!e& c%ose%y at he!. 8Mo!e &oubts98 8Yes. /o. I &on,t 1now98 (inny %aughe& at he! in&ecision. 8*e,s fe%t this way fo! a %ong ti$e) *e!$ione. I can,t;I can,t co$pa!e with that. I 5ust now !ea%i6e&;8 8*e won,t co$pa!e)8 *e!$ione assu!e& he!. 8It,s not a contest with hi$. I thin1 you,%% fin& he un&e!stan&s $o!e than you thin1. You both nee&e& to be in the sa$e p%ace fo! this to wo!1.8 (inny chewe& the si&e of he! %ip. 8I want to;to %o+e hi$ %i1e he %o+es $e) *e!$ione. *e &ese!+es that.8 *e!$ione s$i%e& an& b!ushe& a %oc1 of (inny,s hai! behin& he! ea!. 8I thin1 you,%% be su!p!ise& at how $uch you !ea%%y &o %o+e hi$) (inny.8 (inny sighe&. 7he wasn,t su!e if she be%ie+e& *e!$ione) but she was too ti!e& to a!gue@ too ti!e& to fight anything any$o!e. /ow that she,& b!o1en th!ough what she was fee%ing) an& un&e!stoo& it 5ust a %itt%e bette!) (inny fe%t &!aine&. 8 an you $a1e it ho$e a%!ight98 (inny !ubbe& he! face an& no&&e&. 8I,%% be fine. Than1 you fo!@8 8"o! 5ust he%ping you so!t you! thoughts.8 *e!$ione bobbe& he! hea& fi!$%y. 8That,s a%% you !ea%%y nee&e&) you 1now. I &i&n,t gi+e you anything that wasn,t a%!ea&y the!e.8 803cept a %istening ea!)8 (inny sai& an& hugge& he! f!ien& once $o!e. 8That,s what I nee&e& $ost.8

*Chapter )*: Chapter ): That You "o#e Me

Chapter ): That You "o#e Me Their Saturday The f%at was >uiet again) an& (inny a%$ost g!ow%e& at it. This f%at wasn,t suppose& to be >uiet an& &a!1. It was suppose& to oo6e %ife) as it once ha&. This thing between he! an& *a!!y ha& suc1e& the +e!y %ife out of e+e!ything. It s$othe!e& thei! f!ien&ship unti% it wasn,t co$fo!tab%e an& we%co$e %i1e it ha& once been.

(inny hesitate& at *a!!y,s &oo!. 7he cou%& te%% he was ho$e. *is shoes we!e &isca!&e& nea! the sofa an& his c%oa1 was hung by the &oo!. 7hou%& she !ea%%y wa1e hi$ to ta%1 !ight now9 Ae!haps she shou%& wait unti% the $o!ning) when they,& both ha& a few hou!s of s%eep. The u!ge to ta%1 to hi$ !ight now 5ust wou%&n,t go away) though. The!e we!e so $any ti$es when she,& wo1en *a!!y f!o$ a goo& night,s s%eep to ta%1 to hi$ about so$ething that ha& been bothe!ing he!) o! so$ething e3citing that happene&. Those we!e sweet) won&e!fu% $e$o!ies) an& *a!!y ha& ne+e! $in&e&. *e ne+e! co$p%aine& about the %ac1 of s%eep) o! the t!i+ia% things that (inny to%& hi$. *e! hea!t twinge& when she thought about it. Was that !ea%%y what %o+e was9 Wa1ing so$eone up 5ust to te%% the$ about so$ething you,& acco$p%ishe&) no $atte! how s$a%%9 Wanting to see thei! eyes %ight with p!i&e an& !espect9 Without thin1ing any fu!the!) (inny s%ow%y opene& his &oo!. 7he &i&n,t 1noc1) but si$p%y wa%1e& insi&e. *a!!y was st!etche& out on the be&) but the co+e!s we!e a $ess) tang%e& a!oun& his %egs. *e %oo1e& so young %ying the!e with his $outh pa!tia%%y open an& soft sno!es co$ing f!o$ hi$. (inny a%$ost tu!ne& a!oun& an& wa%1e& out the &oo! to %et hi$ !est. The nee& to te%% hi$ that she be%ie+e& hi$ was sti%% the!e) though) an& (inny 1new she wou%&n,t be ab%e to s%eep unti% she &i&. 7%ow%y) she san1 onto the si&e of the be&. *a!!y !o%%e& towa!& he! an& she thought about 5ust %ast 7un&ay $o!ning when she,& been !ight he!e) st!o1ing his hai!. The!e was a $uch &iffe!ent fee% about the action when she !eache& out an& touche& his hea& now. 7he ca!esse& it gent%y) an& watche& the way his eye%i&s f%utte!e& in &!ea$. 7he %o+e& hi$. 7he cou%&n,t &eny it now. 7he $ay ha+e on%y !ea%i6e& it an hou! ago) but the fee%ing wasn,t new. 's (inny su!!en&e!e& to it she fe%t he! chee1s wet with tea!s again. 8I,$ so!!y) *a!!y. I,$ so!!y I &i&n,t be%ie+e you.8 (inny nu&ge& he! shoes off) an& c%i$be& fu%%y onto the be&. *a!!y,s hea& %ifte& g!oggi%y f!o$ the pi%%ow) an& he b%in1e& unfocuse& eyes at he! as she $o+e& c%ose! an& c%ose!. 8I,$ so so!!y)8 she whispe!e& again an& again. *a!!y gathe!e& he! in) an& c!a&%e& he! against his chest. 8#on,t c!y) (in)8 he whispe!e&. 7he cou%& fee% hi$ !each fo! his g%asses an& he pu%%e& the$ on befo!e %ifting he! face. 8I &i&n,t un&e!stan&)8 she continue&. 8I thought; 'n& I was w!ong. 7o +e!y w!ong.8

*e %oo1e& at he! fo! a %ong $inute befo!e shushing he! an& 1issing he! fo!ehea&. 8It,s o1ay.8 8It,s not)8 (inny sai& an& swipe& ang!i%y at he! tea!s. 8It,s not a%!ight the way I t!eate& you. It,s not o1ay that I !ea%%y &i&n,t be%ie+e you when you to%& $e how you fe%t. 'n& it,s not o1ay that you,+e spent so %ong 1eeping this a sec!et.8 *is s$i%e at he! g!owing te$pe! was e+en $o!e infu!iating) an& she po1e& at his chest. 8#a$n) that,s the sa$e p%ace. I ha+e a b!uise now.8 8#on,t change the sub5ect)8 (inny sco%&e&. 7he wante& to %ean fo!wa!& an& p%ace a 1iss to whe!e she,& hu!t hi$) but she &i&n,t nee& the &ist!action !ight now. *is finge!s fu$b%e& fo! he!s an& woun& the$ togethe!. 8I,$ going to assu$e) in $y e3t!e$e%y ti!e& state) that you c%i$bing into $y be& $eans you fina%%y be%ie+e $e.8 (inny sno!te& an& %ai& he! hea& on his chest. 8I be%ie+e you.8 *e was >uiet fo! a $inute) an& (inny %ifte& he! hea& to see hi$ g!inning a s$i%e that st!etche& ea! to ea!. 8#on,t act s$ug) *a!!y)8 she wa!ne&. 8I,$ $a& as he%% that you &i&n,t 5ust ta%1 to $e yea!s ago about this.8 *is a$use$ent fa&e& an& he b!ought he! finge!s up to his %ips to p!ess a 1iss the!e. 8I shou%& ha+e an& I,$ so!!y.8 They %oo1e& at each othe! fo! a secon& befo!e *a!!y %eane& c%ose!. 8 an I 1iss you now98 8#on,t as1 $e fo! pe!$ission)8 (inny snappe&. 8If you want so$ething@8 *a!!y 1isse& he! without %etting he! finish. *e %aughe& into the 1iss an& !o%%e& he! unti% his weight p!esse& he! into the $att!ess. (inny sighe& in happiness. This was %o+ing so$eone) she &eci&e& !ight then an& the!e. 8I hope you 1now I &on,t 5ust fancy you)8 *a!!y sai& b!eath%ess%y when he pu%%e& bac1 f!o$ the 1iss. 8I %o+e you)8 (inny bu!st out. *e! chee1s heate& but the!e was no way she was going to ta1e it bac1 now. *a!!y,s face %it with so$ething she &i&n,t thin1 she,& e+e! seen befo!e) but &i&n,t 1now how to &esc!ibe. 8=ut not %i1e a b!othe!)8 he c%a!ifie& an& wigg%e& his bo&y against he!s.

(inny suc1e& in a b!eath at the sensation) an& no&&e& 5e!1i%y. 8/ot %i1e a b!othe!.8 *e 1isse& he! again) ang%ing he! hea& so that his tongue cou%& s%i&e into he! $outh. *e was &e$an&ing an& passionate) whi%e ho%&ing he! so gent%y that (inny fe%t he!se%f shatte! fo! the secon& ti$e tonight. They 1isse& fo! se+e!a% $inutes) an& (inny,s $in& !ace& ahea&) won&e!ing if she was !ea%%y !ea&y fo! whe!e they see$e& to be hea&e&. *a!!y,s touches began to s%ow) an& he e+entua%%y pu%%e& bac1 an& c!a&%e& he! into his a!$s. 8I,$ in %o+e with you) (inny)8 he sai& an& 1isse& he! fo!ehea&. (inny %et the fee%ing of that ph!ase@one she,& ne+e! hea!& befo!e@b!ea1 o+e! he!) fi%%ing he! sou% co$p%ete%y. 8I wish;I wish I,& seen it soone!) un&e!stoo& soone!.8 8We ha+e now)8 *a!!y p!oteste&. 8=ut@8 *a!!y p!esse& his finge!s to he! %ips. 8You can,t b%a$e you!se%f fo! so$ething that wasn,t co$p%ete%y you! fau%t. I $ean) you we!e !athe! thic1 about the who%e thing) but@Doof.8 *e stoppe& spea1ing when she hit his sto$ach. 8I,$ to b%a$e 5ust as $uch)8 he finishe& afte! captu!ing he! han&) an& ho%&ing it against his chest. 8A!obab%y $o!e.8 (inny 1isse& his chest %ight%y an& sta!e& at the sca!s the!e. 8I want to;to %o+e you as $uch as you %o+e $e) but I,$ af!ai& I won,t.8 8What &o you $ean98 *a!!y as1e& an& pu%%e& bac1 to %oo1 at he!. 8You,+e 1nown fo! yea!s. I,+e 1nown fo!;fo! hou!s;$inutes) !ea%%y.8 8I &on,t thin1 that has anything to &o with how $uch you %o+e so$eone) (inny.8 7he no&&e& e+en though she wasn,t co$p%ete%y con+ince&. 8When &i& you 1now98 *a!!y bit his %ip an& pu%%e& bac1. *is finge!s t!ace& the featu!es on he! face. 8I was ho!!ib%y ta1en with you !ight f!o$ the beginning.8 8I !e$e$be! the spi%%e& pu$p1in 5uice at the b!ea1fast tab%e in the (!eat *a%%) an& the way you t!ippe& up the stai!s)8 (inny sai&. *a!!y sc!unche& up his face an& g!ow%e& whi%e &igging his finge!s into he! si&e.

8Eet,s not ta%1 about $y p!attish ten&encies) p%ease.8 (inny %aughe&. It hit he! in that $o$ent that she &i&n,t fee% ti!e& an& &!aine&. 7he &i&n,t fee% that the f%at was co%& an& %ife%ess) any$o!e. *a!!y was he!e) he was teasing an& %aughing an&;happy. 7he was teasing an& %aughing an& un&eniab%y happy. 8I thin1 it was in the ha$be! that it !ea%%y hit $e)8 he e3p%aine&. *e s$oothe& a piece of hai! away f!o$ the si&e of he! face. 8You we!e so pa%e) so >uiet) that I thought you,& &ie&. 'n& a pa!t of $e went with you. That,s why I &i&n,t hesitate to 1i%% the =asi%is1 o! fight .i&&%e. I 1new it &i&n,t $atte! if I &ie&) because you we!en,t the!e to %i+e fo!.8 8You we!e on%y twe%+e)8 (inny p!oteste& as she t!ie& to un&e!stan&. 8Twe%+e yea! o%& boys &on,t thin1 about things %i1e that.8 *a!!y shifte& an& %oo1e& thoughtfu% fo! a $inute. 8#u$b%e&o!e a%ways sai& the $ost powe!fu% fo!ce in the wo!%& is %o+e. It,s te!!ib%e an& won&e!fu% at the sa$e ti$e. I &on,t 1now why I fe%t it then) in that $o$ent) but it change& e+e!ything fo! $e.8 (inny,s eyes fi%%e& with tea!s an& she b%in1e& the$ away. 7he,& &one fa! too $uch c!ying to&ay. 8I wish it ha& wo!1e& fo! $e that way.8 8I &on,t 1now why)8 *a!!y &enie& again. 8=ut the ne3t few yea!s we!e;they we!e he%%.8 (inny wince& an& pu%%e& away unti% she cou%& %oo1 at hi$ fu%%y. 8I,$ so!!y@8 8/ot you! fau%t)8 he shoo1 his hea&. 8What I fe%t fo! you got $e th!ough it) (inny. A%ease &on,t apo%ogi6e fo! that.8 8=ut if I,& on%y fe%t the sa$e) $aybe it wou%&n,t ha+e been so ba&.8 8Fo%&e$o!t sti%% wou%& ha+e co$e afte! $e)8 *a!!y &enie&. 8/o one but hi$ cou%& ha+e change& that. I sti%% wou%& ha+e ha& to fight. I sti%% wou%& ha+e ha& to;8 *e t!ai%e& off swa%%owe& thic1%y. 8You sti%% wou%& ha+e ha& to &ie)8 she sai&. *e! finge!s foun& the %ightning shape& sca! on his chest an& b!ushe& o+e! it. *a!!y shi+e!e& beneath he! touch. 8Yes) I sti%% wou%& ha+e ha& to)8 he ag!ee&. 8When I &i&) though;I &i& it because of you. .on an& *e!$ione too) but;$ost%y you.8 (inny fe%t a%% of he! b!eath %ea+e he!) an& she st!ugg%e& to thin1 of what to say. 8I,$ not su!e I can %o+e you %i1e that)8 she whispe!e&. 8You a%!ea&y &o)8 he sh!ugge& fa! too innocent%y fo! what he,& 5ust confesse&. *e,& &ie& for her.

8*ow $any ti$es ha+e you sa+e& $e f!o$ so$e suspect pointing his wan& at $e98 he as1e&. 8*ow $any ti$es ha+e you $a&e su!e that I was ta1ing ca!e of $yse%f) an& that I &i&n,t stay he!e a%one in the f%at98 8It,s not the sa$e)8 (inny p!oteste&. 8It is to $e)8 *a!!y insiste&. *e pu%%e& he! c%ose!) an& his b!eath was hot against he! chee1s. 8You sa+e $e e+e!y &ay) (inny Weas%ey. You sa+e $y when you s$i%e at $e) when you $a1e $e %augh. You sa+e $e when you &on,t %et $e get away with being a git.8 8That one is e3t!a ha!&)8 (inny ag!ee&. 7he s$i%e& th!ough he! tea!s an& b%in1e& the$ away. 8It,s not so$e so!t of co$petition) you 1now)8 *a!!y sai&. (inny sno!te&. *e!$ione ha& sai& that sa$e thing. 8It &oesn,t $atte! to $e that you,+e %o+e& $e fo! a secon& o! two.8 8It,s been %onge! than that.8 (inny scow%e& an& 1isse& his co%%a! bone. 8't %east a few hou!s.8 *a!!y %aughe& an& %ifte& he! face to 1iss he!. 8I %o+e you)8 he whispe!e& against he! %ips. 8'n& you %o+e $e.8 8M$$h$$$)8 (inny ag!ee&. *e! $in& was beginning to shut &own again as *a!!y,s finge!s foun& bits of s1in. *e t!ace& the p%ace whe!e he! shi!t !o&e up) an& !an his finge!tips up he! a!$s unti% she shi+e!e&. *e 1isse& he! nec1 an& co%%a!bone) tugging asi&e he! shi!t unti% it was pu%%ing at he! nec1. 7he wante& to te%% hi$ it was a%!ight to ta1e it off) but was that being too fo!wa!&9 Wou%& he thin1 she was a ta!t fo! saying so$ething %i1e that when they,& on%y been in this p%ace in thei! !e%ationship fo! an hou!9 *a!!y fina%%y sett%e& against he!) !esting his chee1 on he! shou%&e!. 7he cou%& fee% how wo!1e& up he was) an& was f%atte!e&) but unsu!e how to p!ocee&. 8It gets ha!&e! an& ha!&e! to stop)8 *a!!y sighe&. *e !ubbe& his face an& then %ifte&. 8=ut you &o 1now that I wi%% stop if you te%% $e to) yeah98 (inny no&&e&. 7he ha& no &oubt that he wou%& ho%& bac1 hea+en an& ea!th fo! he! if he cou%&. 8I &o.8 8I t!ust that you,& he3 $y bits if I got too ca!!ie& away.8 The con+iction in his state$ent $a&e he! %augh an& (inny %eane& up to p!ess a 1iss to his chee1. 8Than1 you fo! t!usting $e to ta1e ca!e of $yse%f. It,s one of the !easons that I %o+e you) you 1now.8

*a!!y,s face %it again. 8Yeah98 8Yeah.8 (inny b!ushe& he! han& a%ong his 5aw an& shi+e!e& when his whis1e!s caught the s1in the!e. 8You %et $e be who I a$) an& you &on,t 5u&ge $e fo! it.8 8I %o+e who you a!e)8 *a!!y sai&) 8e+en when you,!e stubbo!n an& I ha+e to 1noc1 you upsi&e the hea& with a =eate!,s bat to get you to notice how $uch I %o+e you.8 (inny sno!te&. 8Was that to$o!!ow,s p%an98 8D! Mon&ay)8 *a!!y sh!ugge&. 8I wasn,t being too pa!ticu%a!. My p%ans so!t of e+o%+e& with the situation) you 1now.8 (inny !o%%e& he! eyes. 8I can,t be%ie+e you &i& a%% of that.8 8I,& &o it again in a hea!tbeat)8 *a!!y %aughe&. 8It wo!1e&.8 8It &i&)8 (inny conce&e&. 8=ut I &oubt eithe! of us wi%% be a%%owe& bac1 in the theate! anyti$e soon.8 *a!!y %aughe& an& 1isse& the en& of he! nose. 8You ne+e! &i& te%% $e how you! &ate went.8 8(!eat)8 *a!!y g!inne&. 8In fact) it went so we%% that I,$ ta1ing he! to see the sa$e fi%$ again to$o!!ow night. *ope you &on,t $in&.8 (inny pinche& his si&e) an& *a!!y s>ui!$e& away f!o$ he! finge!s. 8I do $in&) actua%%y. It,s ta1en $e a %ot of %ong) ha!& thin1ing to un&e!stan& what I fee% fo! you) *a!!y. I,$ not about to %et so$e popco!n<eating) fi%$<watching ta!t stea% you away f!o$ $e.8 7he %eane& up an& 1isse& hi$ then) sta1ing he! c%ai$ on hi$. *a!!y &i&n,t see$ to $in&) howe+e!) because he pu%%e& he! on top of hi$ an& his han& s%i& &own to ca!ess he! botto$. (inny chuc1%e& into the 1iss an& en5oye& the way he was touching he!. 8Maybe we can gi+e he! =!ian,s f%oo a&&!ess)8 *a!!y suggeste&. (inny sno!te&) but then sobe!e&. 8I shou%& !ea%%y go an& ta%1 to hi$.8 8"o!get hi$)8 *a!!y sai&. *is tongue on he! nec1) an& the way he suc1%e& the soft spot 5ust be%ow he! ea!) $a&e =!ian Matthews f%y !ight out of he! hea&. 8The A!ic1 is histo!y.8 8=e nice)8 (inny sco%&e& gent%y. 8I fee% ba& about how I t!eate& hi$.8 8*e,s a big boy) (inny)8 *a!!y p!oteste&. 8*e,%% %i+e.8

(inny scow%e&) but %et *a!!y,s han&s &ist!act he! one $o!e ti$e. 8This;this is going to change e+e!ything) isn,t it98 *a!!y %ai& his hea& bac1 on the pi%%ow an& %oo1e& up at he!. 8Yes an& no)8 he sai&. *e wigg%e& the$ unti% they we!e cu&&%e& si&e by si&e. 8I &on,t thin1 it wi%% change $uch because we,!e sti%% best f!ien&s. =ut it wi%% change e+e!ything because I hope to one &ay ha+e se3 with you.8 (inny sno!te& an& 1isse& his chest one $o!e ti$e. 87ti%% best f!ien&s)8 she !epeate& his wo!&s. The wa!$th of *a!!y,s e$b!ace) an& the peace of the p%ace they we!e now) $a&e (inny fee% happie! than she e+e! !e$e$be!e& being. *ne Week "ater: Their Sunday The c!oo1e& =u!!ow ha& ne+e! %oo1e& $o!e in+iting) an& then again) $o!e i$posing) as they wa%1e& towa!& it. Thei! feet c!unche& on the snow as they wa%1e&) an& s$a%% c%u$ps of it &uste& thei! shou%&e!s an& woo%en hats. 8 o$e on.8 (inny tugge& at his han&) pu%%ing hi$ a%ong an& g%ance& o+e! he! shou%&e! at hi$. 8You,!e being s%ow to&ay.8 87o!!y)8 *a!!y answe!e& auto$atica%%y. *is eyes %ifte& to ta1e in the %oo$ing st!uctu!e) co$ing c%ose! an& c%ose!. (inny s%owe& he! step an& $o+e& c%ose!. 8'!e you; You,!e ne!+ous98 8I shou%&n,t be)8 *a!!y chuc1%e& soft%y an& sh!ugge&. 8I,+e been he!e a thousan& ti$es) but;it fee%s &iffe!ent tonight.8 8*ow so98 (inny as1e&. 7he w!appe& he! a!$s a!oun& hi$) an& !oc1e& the$ si&e to si&e s%ight%y. 8I 5ust;I,+e been he!e as *a!!y) .on,s f!ien&. I,+e been he!e as *a!!y) f!ien& of the Weas%eys. 'n& I,+e been he!e as 5ust p%ain *a!!y@8 8Who was in %o+e with $e)8 (inny pointe& out. 8T!ue)8 he ag!ee&. 8=ut it sti%% fee%s &iffe!ent.8 8Maybe because I %o+e you bac1 now98 (inny,s eyeb!ows cont!acte& togethe! s%ight%y. 8D! because we,!e s%eeping togethe!98 *a!!y sno!te&) an& %oo1e& &own at he! !osy chee1s an& the en& of he! nose that was pin1 with the co%& ai!. 8That,s p!obab%y it.8

(inny %aughe& an& %et out a sigh. 8We,+e been togethe! a wee1) *a!!y. .on an& *e!$ione 1now) that $eans e+e!yone 1nows.8 8I 1now)8 he no&&e& an& %oo1e& bac1 up at the =u!!ow again. It was 5ust the sa$e as a%ways) an& yet it fe%t %i1e so $uch $o!e was entai%e& with stepping th!ough that bac1 &oo!. .on ha& to%& hi$ how happy the Weas%eys we!e about *a!!y an& (inny,s !e%ationship. (eo!ge ha& e+en sent an ow% with a ho!!ib%y obno3ious singing note. (inny ha& +anishe& it the $o$ent the fi!st %ew& suggestion poppe& out. 7o why &i& it fee% so st!ange to be he!e now9 8It,s been two wee1s since we we!e he!e)8 he $use&. 8Two wee1s) an& e+e!ything has change&.8 8It has.8 (inny no&&e& against his chest) an& tu!ne& to %oo1 at the house as we%%. 8'n& yet it hasn,t. You %o+e $e) I %o+e you. 0+e!yone in that house %o+es the both of us. Me!%in) we,!e ne+e! going to get o+e! the teasing.8 *a!!y g!inne& an& s>uee6e& he! in his e$b!ace. 8'n& we,!e sti%% going to 1ic1 e+e!yone,s a!ses at 03p%o&ing 7nap.8 8The!e is that)8 *a!!y ag!ee&. *e %eane& &own an& p!esse& his %ips to the en& of he! nose) wa!$ing the !e& spot with a 1iss. 8Eet,s get this o+e! with)8 (inny sighe&. 8I swea! to you if (eo!ge sings that ho!!i& %itt%e song) I,$ going to spi%% e+e!y &etai% of ou! se3 %ife a%% o+e! the &inne! tab%e 5ust to see his eyes pop out an& !o%% a!oun& on the f%oo!.8 *a!!y sno!te& an& g!i$ace& at the sa$e ti$e. 8I,& !athe! not;8 (inny pu%%e& away an& yan1e& on his han&. 8I,$ not going to te%% the$ the t!uth) *a!!y. I,$ su!e I ha+e a c!eati+e enough i$agination to at %east get hi$ to %ea+e us a%one.8 *a!!y b!ace& his foot an& pu%%e& he! bac1 to hi$. *e! eyes wi&ene& an& he fe%t his pu%se beat 5ust a bit faste!. 8I 5ust;(inny) you 1now I %o+e you. Me!%in) I,+e to%& you enough o+e! the past few &ays. D! $aybe I ha+en,t@8 *e! finge! p!esse& to his %ips. 8I 1now.8 8'n& no $atte! what happens in the!e)8 he no&&e& towa!& the house) 8I want you to 1now that what you an& I ha+e between us) what we,+e sha!e&; (inny) it,s the $ost i$po!tant thing e+e! to $e.8 8I 1now)8 she sai& once $o!e. *e! e3p!ession softene&) an& *a!!y shu&&e!e& at the fi!e bu!ning &eep insi&e he! ga6e. It !e$in&e& hi$ of e+e!y inti$ate $o$ent they,& spent o+e! the past few &ays) an& he instant%y wante& to #isappa!ate !ight now) ta1e he! ho$e an& &o ho!!ib%y un<fa$i%y<f!ien&%y things to he!. 8'n& nothing anyone says wi%% change how I fee% about it.8

(inny,s s$i%e wi&ene& an& she 1isse& his chin. 8(oo&) because I ha+e a fee%ing you an& I a!e in fo! it.8 8/o &oubt)8 *a!!y sno!te&. 8.on,s he!e. That,s enough without a&&ing (eo!ge to the potion as we%%. (eo!ge. .on. 03p%osion.8 *is eyes went wi&e as he pictu!e& the who%e =u!!ow bu!sting with the ene!gy of a nuc%ea! &etonation. (inny %aughe&. 8They can be a bit $uch at ti$es) yeah98 *a!!y ga+e one %ast %oo1 to the house an& no&&e& fi!$%y. 8Eet,s go.8 The wa!$th that washe& out when (inny opene& the &oo! sto%e *a!!y,s b!eath fo! a $o$ent. *e cou%&n,t he%p but g!in) though. This was ho$e. haos an& c%utte!) wa!$th an& noise. *o$e. ' %ou& chee! went up when they we!e fu%%y in the !oo$) an& *a!!y b%in1e& a!oun& at a%% the faces sta!ing at the coup%e. 8I thin1 they figu!e& it out)8 (inny whispe!e&) %ou& enough that e+e!yone hea!&. 8What,s with the) e!;8 *a!!y pointe& at the b!ight co%o!e& ba%%oons f%oating nea! the cei%ing) an& the banne! that hung. *e cou%&n,t >uite $a1e out the who%e wo!& as it was hanging !athe! c!oo1e&%y. 8 ong!atu%ations98 (inny $use&. 80!; Than1s) I suppose.8 0+e!yone pi%e& towa!& the$) an& *a!!y st!ugg%e& to !e$o+e his c%oa1 an& hat th!ough a%% of the han&sha1es an& bac1 s%apping that went on. (inny %oo1e& as confuse& as he fe%t) a%though she was sti%% s$i%ing. 8I 1new you ha& it in you) $ate.8 =i%% c%appe& *a!!y fi!$%y on the bac1) an& *a!!y ha& to ta1e a step fo!wa!& to 1eep f!o$ tipping f%at on his face. '%% this fo! si$p%y getting togethe! with (inny9 Wasn,t it a bit;$uch9 'fte! e3t!acting he!se%f f!o$ a +e!y e3ube!ant "%eu! Weas%ey hug) (inny cu!%e& into *a!!y,s si&e. 8They,+e a%% gone ba!$y)8 she $utte!e& th!ough a teeth<c%enching s$i%e. 8I a&$it I,$ happy) but;8 *a!!y sh!ugge&. Ae!haps e+e!yone was si$p%y so th!i%%e& that he an& (inny we!e now togethe! that they fe%t a nee& to ce%eb!ate. 8We%% &one) *a!!y48 .on g!abbe& both of the$ into a b!eath<stea%ing e$b!ace) an& *a!!y,s hea& 1noc1e& against (inny,s.

8Dw) .on48 The ta%% !e&hea& &i&n,t see$ phase& at a%% when (inny $ashe& he! foot &own on his to get hi$ to !e%ease the$. *a!!y si$p%y patte& .on wea1%y on the bac1) an& t!ie& to %et his b!ain catch up to what was happening. 8Eet $e th!ough48 *is eyes wi&ene&) an& he an& (inny e3change& a $o$enta!y wo!!ie& g%ance befo!e .on,s a!$s we!e !ep%ace& with Mo%%y Weas%ey,s. 8Dh) $y babies. I,$ so happy fo! the both of you. It,s been so %ong since we ha& such won&e!fu% news to ce%eb!ate48 *a!!y cou%& te%% (inny was getting agitate&@o! pe!haps she si$p%y cou%&n,t b!eathe@ because she st!ugg%e& against his si&e. 8Yeah) it,s;it,s g!eat) isn,t it98 *a!!y as1e& %a$e%y. *is b!ain sti%% ha&n,t >uite figu!e& out why e+e!yone was so e3cite&. Mo%%y pu%%e& bac1 an& swipe& at the tea!s in he! eyes. 8It,s pe!fect)8 she p!oc%ai$e&. 8' toast to the happy coup%e48 '!thu! c!ie& as he he%& up a g%ass of so$ething pa%e an& spa!1%y. *a!!y opene& his $outh to p!otest) but Ae!cy sho+e& a g%ass in his han& an& one in (inny,s. They sha!e& one %ast confuse& %oo1 befo!e *a!!y %ifte& his g%ass an& then too1 a huge swa%%ow. Why not ce%eb!ate9 *e was happie! than he,& e+e! been in his %ife. *e was in %o+e) an& su!!oun&e& by a fa$i%y that was 5ust as happy about it as he was. 8It,s not e+e!y &ay you! &aughte! gets engage& to *a!!y Aotte!) afte! a%%.8 *a!!y cho1e& on the %i>ui& in his $outh) an& t!ie& to fo!ce it &own whi%e '!thu!,s wo!&s ha$$e!e& insi&e his hea&. =ut the cha$pagne si$p%y wou%&n,t coope!ate) an& 1ept sp%utte!ing out his $outh an& nose. (inny swo!e %ou&%y besi&e hi$) an& c%appe& hi$ ha!& on the bac1. 80ngage&98 she &e$an&e&. *e! e3p!ession was caught between ho!!ifie&) an& thin1ing he! fa$i%y was a%% being possesse&. If *a!!y ha&n,t been in the p!ocess of cho1ing to &eath on the fu66y %itt%e bubb%es that 1ept e3p%o&ing insi&e hi$) he $ight ha+e &e$an&e& to 1now who ha& he3e& the who%e housefu% of Weas%eys) as we%%. 8Dh %oo1) *a!!y,s a%% e$ba!!asse&)8 (eo!ge pipe& up. *is s$i%e was 5ust a bit too e+i% to be !ea%) an& *a!!y opene& his $outh) ba!1ing out a hoa!se >uestion that no one hea!& o! un&e!stoo&.

8/ow)8 Mo%%y c%appe& he! han&s in f!ont of he! face an& bea$e& at the$. 8We ha+e so $uch p%anning to &o. I thin1 we can $anage a %ate sp!ing we&&ing if we sta!t getting the &etai%s now.8 (inny $a&e a whi$pe!ing soun&) an& *a!!y fe%t he! finge!nai%s &ig into the f%esh of his a!$. 8I thin1;the!e,s been so$e so!t of;$isun&e!stan&ing)8 *a!!y fina%%y cho1e& out. What he wou%&n,t gi+e fo! so$ething ho!!ib%y a%coho%ic to swa%%ow !ight now. /ot that bubb%y !ubbish that they,& toaste& with) but so$ething that $ight $a1e his th!oat c%ea! enough that he cou%& spea1. 8The!e a!e in+itation %ists to be $a&e) an& announce$ents in the #ai%y A!ophet)8 Mo%%y continue& on !ight o+e! hi$) an& *a!!y,s eyes bu%ge&. Me!%in) if the #ai%y A!ophet got ho%& of this sto!y; *e fo!ce& a &eep b!eath into his %ungs) an& g%ance& o+e! at (inny. *e! face was getting !e&&e! by the $inute) an& *a!!y wasn,t su!e if she was e$ba!!asse& o! ang!y. *e! who%e bo&y shoo1 ne3t to his an& he 1new) eithe! way) he was going to ha+e to 5u$p in befo!e this got e+en fu!the! out of han&. 8We,!e not engage&)8 he ye%%e&. 7i%ence answe!e& hi$ bac1 an& eyes wi&ene&. *a!!y,s pu%se !ace&) an& he panic1e&) t!ying to thin1 of a way out of this. 8(inny an& I;we,!e 5ust &ating. We,+e 5ust sta!te& &ating) actua%%y. I thin1 that $a!!iage is;we%%) I,$ su!e it,s won&e!fu% an& a%%) but;8 =i%% stoo& an& scow%e&. *a!!y ha&n,t e+e! !ea%%y thought of hi$ as an o+e!p!otecti+e $an befo!e) but the %oo1 he wo!e $a&e *a!!y,s %egs sha1e. 8'!e you saying that (inny,s not goo& enough@8 8Me!%in) no48 *a!!y bu!st out. *e g!ope& fo! (inny,s han&) an& c%utche& it tight%y. 8(inny,s;she,s a$a6ing. I,& be %uc1y to ha+e he!. 'ny b%o1e wou%&. What I,$ saying is that we;it,s a bit soon to be thin1ing of;8 8Yeah) but you %i+e togethe!)8 *e!$ione pointe& out. *a!!y,s eyes bu%ge& 8'n& now that you,!e seeing each othe!)8 .on a&&e& in) 8you $ight as we%% get $a!!ie&) you 1now. It,s not %i1e you,& ha+e to change $uch) an& then poo! Mu$ wou%&n,t ha+e to thin1 about he! &aughte! as a sca!%et@8 80nough48 *a!!y e3p%o&e&. The!e was no way he was going to %et .on finish that sentence. *is who%e bo&y shoo1 with ene!gy) an& he too1 a shu&&e!ing b!eath. 8I,$ in %o+e with (inny) an& I ha+e been fo! a +e!y %ong ti$e. We,!e seeing each othe!) but we,+e 5ust sta!te&. We,!e not going to !ush into anything to p%ease anyone e%se. We,!e going to &o things fo! us) when we want to &o the$.8

8*a!!y@8 8'n& one &ay) I wi%% $ost %i1e%y as1 (inny to $a!!y $e) but it,%% be when we fee% it,s !ight an& not@8 8*a!!y.8 (inny,s +oice fina%%y b!o1e th!ough) an& he gape& at he! g!inning face. 8They,!e ta1ing the piss.8 8What98 *e b%in1e& an& his $in& 5u$pe& ahea&) t!ying to p!ocess what she,& sai& with what he,& 5ust ina&+e!tent%y a&$itte&) an& the wi&e g!ins on e+e!yone e%se,s face. 8The fa$i%y)8 (inny no&&e& towa!& the !oo$ as a who%e. 8They,!e co$p%ete%y win&ing us up) *a!!y.8 *e b%in1e& &own at he!) an& then %oo1e& o+e! at *e!$ione an& .on who we!e unsuccessfu%%y t!ying to ho%& bac1 !o%%ing %aughte!. It b!o1e f!ee an& *a!!y,s 5aw &!oppe& as e+e!ything c%ic1e& in his $in&. 8You;you th!ew $e un&e! the bus)8 he accuse&. 8You;you to%& the$ about us an& they;8 *e gestu!e& a!oun& to the ba%%oons an& banne!. The who%e !oo$ bu!st into wi%&) !oa!ing %aughte!. 87o!!y) $ate)8 .on sh!ugge&. 8=ut the both of you &ese!+e& it afte! a%% that you,+e put us th!ough o+e! the yea!s. oup%e of thic1 gits.8 *a!!y opene& his $outh to p!otest) but then snappe& it shut. (inny was %aughing now) too) an& he g%a!e& at he!. 8This is not funny.8 8'www) co$e on) *a!!y1ins)8 (eo!ge sai&. 8You ha+e to a&$it it was a %itt%e funny.8 8Yeah)8 =i%% ag!ee&. 8You tu!n so$e +e!y inte!esting sha&es of !e&.8 8I can,t be%ie+e you)8 (inny sai& as she w!appe& he! a!$ a!oun& *a!!y,s waist) an& g%a!e& at he! fa$i%y. 7he was ha+ing a ha!& ti$e 1eeping he! a$use$ent insi&e) though. 8T!ic1ing us both %i1e that.8 8It was wo!th it.8 Mo%%y an& '!thu! !aise& g%asses of cha$pagne) c%in1e& the$ togethe! an& &!an1. *a!!y an& (inny e3change& %oo1s an& shoo1 thei! hea&s. They,& been ha&. o$p%ete%y an& tho!ough%y ha&. *a!!y sno!te& an& it g!ew into a chuc1%e. (inny,s gigg%es ga+e way to fu%% %aughte!. *a!!y %eane& &own an& 1isse& he! then) igno!ing the whist%es an& cat ca%%s f!o$ he! fa$i%y. 8#i& you $ean what you sai&) *a!!y98 she as1e& >uiet%y when they pu%%e& bac1.

*a!!y fe%t his face heat. *e 1new he,& $eant it) but a&$itting it !ight now) afte! being togethe! on%y a few &ays) fe%t too soon. 8We,%% see. I $ight &eci&e that you! fa$i%y is too ba!$y to be a!oun&) afte! a%%.8 8You,& chuc1 $e o+e! the$98 she as1e&) ti%ting he! hea& to the si&e with an inc!e&u%ous %oo1. 8Maybe you can con+ince $e you,!e wo!th it)8 he $u!$u!e& as he %owe!e& his hea& once $o!e. (inny %aughe& into the 1iss) an& so$ething e3p%o&e& o+e! the top of the$. 7howe!s of spa!1s !aine& &own an& tic1%e& *a!!y,s s1in whe!e they %an&e&. 8'he$48 They b!o1e apa!t when Ae!cy &i!ecte& two new g%asses of cha$pagne to nu&ge thei! hea&s. 8To happiness48 *e he%& his g%ass a%oft) an& e+e!yone !epeate& the ph!ase %ou&%y. *a!!y %oo1e& &own at (inny) he! eyes spa!1%ing 5ust as $uch as the g%ass he he%&. 8To happiness.8 *e sai& it out of sync with the othe!s. 8'n& $any $o!e yea!s of $a1ing *a!!y panic)8 (eo!ge a&&e&. (inny g!inne& up at hi$. 8To *a!!y,s panic)8 she toaste& an& 1isse& hi$ once $o!e. *a!!y 1new this was how %ife was suppose& to be. haos an& noise) fun an& wa!$th. *o$e. Eo+e. 'n& now it was his. The 0n&

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