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Norways Jiffy wrought disaster on people sans environmental certificate : Minister Susil asleep

Lanka-e-News-31.Dec.2013, 11.00PM) May we recall that Lanka e news in an earlier report expose with copio!s an co"ent e#i ence the "ri$ %acts an "ra#e an"ers pose to the h!$an race &y 'i%%y pro !ct Pri#ate (o. locate at )o&ay"ane *!r!"o awatte , )!r!ne"ala that is r!n &y two crooke cronies , +!ha a *a$lath an +an eepna *a$lath o% the traitoro!s ,a-apakse re"i$e , an &elon"in" %!lly to the Norway "o#ern$ent which hypocritically proclai$s to the worl that en#iron$ental protection is its #ery so!l .

. co$prehensi#e report was p!&lishe in LeN /n"lish e ition on 10 th 1cto&er 2013 re#ealin" the "ra#e an ea ly an"ers %ace &y the +ri Lankans &eca!se o% this 'i%%y %actory, , an how the innocent people at *!r!"o awatte were &ein" $!r ere o#er an a&o#e the catastrophe they were pl!n"e into &eca!se o% the 'i%%y %actory.( 23he *!r!"o awatte Norwe"ian 'i%%y %actory is poisonin" innocent people - e#en worse than ,ath!paswala isaster4$6/n"lish6news.php7i 813900)) :n a ition , it was reporte &y Lanka e news a&o!t how the Norway 'i%%y terrorists a%ter $!r erin" innocent people o% )o&ayi"ane on 1cto&er 20 th , went alon" with the +L police an threatene those alrea y #icti$i;e people in the ni"ht. (2 Norwe"ian poison %actory <'i%%y= terrori;e )o&ey"ane #illa"ers5 local traitors s!pportin" %orei"n terrorists re#eale here!n er4$6/n"lish6news.php7

i 813902) +o$e other $e ia :nstit!tions also stoo &y !s an reporte on these traitoro!s acti#ities. >!t , the traitoro!s %oes a&!sin" the co!rts took action to censor the $e ia news. ?owe#er, tho!"h this &an was li%te s!&se@!ently, &y an appeal #ia the co!rts thro!"h an in-!nction or er the tr!e pict!re that was &ein" $a e p!&lic to the people was %or&i en. 3he $ain weapon wiel e &y the 'i%%y pro !ct %actory to ecei#e the co!rt, e%y its or er an contin!e playin" with h!$an li#es was the so calle per$ission "i#en to it &y the en#iron$ental a!thority . 3o ay , what Lanka e news is seekin" to expose is how the 'i%%y %actory %o!n re%!"e in a&sol!te %alsehoo s an eceptions, an how the co!rt was $isle in keepin" with the present lawless +ri Lanka !n er the ,a-apakse re"i$e, where $!r erers , racketeers an r!" pe lers are <license = to co$$it cri$es with co$plete i$p!nity. ?ere!n er is what was re#eale in the report iss!e &y the central en#iron$ental a!thority ate 2 n +epte$&er si"ne &y D M ) Dissanayake, the .ssist. irector o% the a!thority , alon" with the Aaya$&e pro#ince o%%icers hi"hli"htin" the %actory=s estr!cti#e an ea ly operations 5 3his %actory has no en#iron$ental protection license. 3he i$p!re water !se &y this %actory are &ein" release to the o!tsi e witho!t any recti%yin" syste$ in place to test its stan ar , an a lar"e @!antity o% extre$ely irty water witho!t p!ri%ication is &ein" release to the o!tsi e en#iron$ent , which is en an"erin" the so!rces o% s!pply o% p!re water. 3he a&o#e isclos!res ha#e clearly con%ir$e that as there is no reco$$en ation &ase on its @!ality to sen this irty water into the reser#oir , it is &ein" release into the De !r! oya. :n the circ!$stances , i o!r en#iron$ental Minister +!sil Pre$a-ayantha %all asleep at the wheel eli&erately or was he s!%%erin" %ro$ ri"or $ortis e#en &e%ore he has t!rne into a corpse, when he sho!l &e a ressin" these $ost serio!s iss!es which were placin" the li#es o% innocent people in "ra#e -eopar y 7 :% he is still awake an ali#e espite ri"or $ortis he $!st answer the %ollowin" !r"ent @!estions raise &y the people 5 (entral en#iron$ent a!thority .ssist. Director=s report ate 2n +epte$&er was

%orwar e the #ery %ollowin" ay (3 r +epte$&er) thro!"h the chair$an o% the .!thority , Ai$al ,!&asin"he to the chair$an o% the (ocon!t e#elop$ent &oar who ha &y the letter appen e herein ha a $itte an con%ir$e that a "ra#e isaster ha in ee occ!rre here &eca!se o% the %actory. Despite this clear a $ission o% "!ilt , who conceale this tr!th 7 :% it was not s!ppresse &y the ri"or $ortis a%%licte Minister Pre$a -ayantha, then who else i it , an who is that $ore power%!l so!rce 7 Ahile Lanka e news an so$e other $e ia ha reporte this on 1cto&er 10 th , why was no action taken a"ainst the %actory &ase on the report ate 2 n +epte$&er7 +ho!l 'i%%y that wro!"ht ha#oc an isaster on the h!$an race seek co!rt re ress an o&tain an in-!nction or er ,or the (entral en#iron$ent a!thority on &ehal% the h!$an li#es %acin" i$$inent an"er &eca!se o% the 'i%%y %actory 7 Ahy was the tr!e si e %lippe o#er an not allowe to &e hi"hli"hte 7 Bor these traitoro!s acti#ities a"ainst his own co!ntry an people , how $!ch i the Norway (o. pay as kick&acks to en#iron$ental Minister +!sil Pre$a-ayantha an his stoo"es 7 :n what c!rrency were these kick&acks pai 7 :n ollars or Norwe"ian kroners or +ri Lanka r!pees or any other #ali c!rrency 7 Ahere are all these $onies now7 . copy o% the certi%ie report in +inhala iss!e &y the central en#iron$ental a!thority assist . irector is appen e .

Sri Lanka: One sland !wo Nations The Gu ugodawatte !o wegian "i##$ #acto $ is poisoning innocent people % e&en wo se than 'athupaswala disaste

Sri Lanka: One sland !wo Nations

!o wegian poison #acto $ *"i##$* te o i+e ,o-e$gane &illage s: local t aito s suppo ting #o eign te o ists e&ealed he eunde

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