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President: Paul Rossi 410-647-6171

268 Shakespeare Drive
Severna Park, MD 21146

Vice President Stan Novack 410-255-6802
Secretary Jamie Darr 410-987-0094
Treasurer Lyn Rowell 410-672-6983
Youth Rally Coordinator Melissa Blood
Webmaster: Janice Winters

Dennis Fila Joan Gardner
Ginny Gross Stan Baker
Allyn Mellits

Irene Repka, RN, BS, CWOCN
Michelle Perkins, RN, BS.
Were on the Web!
Volume 40 Number 4 January 2014

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Note: Meetings are held at 7:30pm, the first Thursday of each month at the
Belcher Pavilion at Anne Arundel Medical Center in Annapolis. From the
floor of the parking garage take the entrance into the Belcher Pavilion and
once inside take the elevator to the 7th floor and check with the 7
floor desk
for the room number.
If AA County Schools are closed due to inclement weather, there will be no

!"# %&&# %'(&)#* +,(&-./ 01'.*1&)/ 23-,4. %33,561-6,&/ 7&58 (AAC0A) is a non-piofit, volunteei-baseu
oiganization ueuicateu to pioviuing ieassuiance anu emotional suppoit foi people who have hau oi will have some
kinu of ostomy suigeiy, such as a colostomy, ileostomy, uiostomy (uiinaiy uiveision) oi a continent pioceuuie. The
goal of the AAC0A is to pioviue moial suppoit, infoimation, anu euucation to people with ostomies anu theii families
anu fiienus. Nembeis ieceive The Rambling Rosebuu newslettei monthly. 9:;< 1'# =>? please make check out to
AAC0A anu mail to Stan Bakei, 9S8 Fall Riuge Way, uambiills NB 21uS4-14S4
0#4@#'3"6A %AA*651-6,& !"#$%# !'()*
Full Name
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Auuiess: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
,%(--% .//(-$$ .0#(%1-2%342'% 5
6'%7 ,%#%- 8'0 69/-
Phone: ( ) Bate of Biith: uenuei:
Email Auuiess _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Reason foi suigeiy: ____ Ciohn's ____0lceiative Colitis _____ Cancei _____ 0thei__________________________
Emeigency contact if we aie unable to ieach you: ______________________________________________________________________
+,$* *-.# /0 %1'2#'- ,$3# -/1 ,$45
Colostomy 0iostomy SpouseFamily Nembei
Ileostomy Paient of chilu with 0thei (please specify)
6 7/1"4 "(8# */ ,#". 7(*, *,# 0/""/7()2 9/::(**##;%< /' $9*(3(*(#%=
Finance Bospitality Nembeiship Newslettei
Piogiam Refieshments Sunshine visiting
>/7 4(4 -/1 ,#$' $?/1* 1%5
Inteinet Seaich ETW0CN Nuise 0thei
Bospital Physician

A WORD OF THANKS for their constant support of our
Chapter to: The American Cancer Society, especially the
office in Gambrills, for essential help with our newsletter; and
Anne Arundel Medical Center for providing rooms for our
regular meetings and special events. We appreciate their
support and assistance.
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REMEMBER!!! The entrance to the Belcher Pavilion is
GARAGE. Once inside the building you will be on its
second floor take the elevators inside up to the 7
When leaving, take the elevator the second floor and go
through the doors onto the 2nd floor of the parking garage.

To consult with one of the ETs below, a physicians
referral is necessary and a fee will be charged. Call for
an appointment.
Carol Canada RN, BSN, CWOCN
Michelle Perkins, RN, BS, CWON
Laura Alberico-Klug, RN, BSN, CWON
443-481-5508 / 442-481-5187
Fax: 443-481-5198
Private Consultants
Joan M. Sullivan, MAS, RN, CNA, CWOCN
Foi those seiving on the boaiu, the next
boaiu meeting is }anuaiy 2uth at 7:Supm

Live Well
Live Independent
Live Active

6729 Yoik Roau
Baltimoie, NB 21212
Phone: 41u-S77-SSuu
Fax: 41u-S77-SSu2
1u7S7 Yoik Roau
Cockeysville, NB 21uSu
Phone: 41u-77S-uSuu
Fax: 41u-77S-uSu1
Toll Fiee: 1-8SS-A0STNEB

N-F 9:uu a.m. - 6:uu p.m.
Sat 9:uu a.m. - 2:uu p.m.
!"##$$% '()*+"%
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Bappy New Yeai!

As we celebiate a new yeai aheau, why not begin with a fiesh stait.
Nany of us aie ueteimineu to tiuy up the cluttei as we cleai out the
olu anu iing in the new!

You can help otheis by uiopping off any unuseu oi unwanteu ostomy
anu wounu supplies to oui Bonate Centei at the Bunt valley location
of Austin Phaimacy & Neuical Supplies.

We help patients who uo not have insuiance coveiage anu aie in neeu
of supply, use moie piouuct than is allotteu by theii insuiance
caiiieis oi lack accessibility while unuei home caie oi while they aie
in a facility.

We woik hanu in hanu with local wounu anu ostomy nuises anu caie
teams to match patients with much neeueu supplies. We can even
pioviue samples of items to tiy.

If you have items foi the Bonation Centei oi aie in neeus of supplies.
Please give us a call. Cheeis to happy anu healthy 2u14!

Best iegaius,
Colleen Simpson, BSN RN CW0N
Wounu 0stomy anu Continence Nuise Consultant

January 2014 The Rambling Rosebud

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January is the time for New Year Resolutions. A time of year when we resolve to start exercising, or
dieting or doing something else that we ought to be doing anyway but somehow dont get around to.
Unfortunately, while many of us are good at making resolutions, less than half of the people who make
them will keep them for more than six months. But here is an easy resolution to make come to the
meetings and resolve to be a positive influence on someone else. At the end of a long day it is very
tempting to stay home, but if you are able to come you may make a difference to someone else.
Thanks for all you do it wouldnt be a support group without the participation of our members.
How to Help Prevent Medical Errors
The Courier Ostomy Support Group of Tuscon AZ, Stoma-
Life Newsletter Hemet-San Jacinto, CA
Get involved with your medical care and you
will get better results.
Be certain your doctor knows all about the
medications you are taking, including over the
counter medicines, supplements and herbs.
Inform your doctor of all allergies and adverse
reactions to medications.
Make sure you can read a prescription.
Ask for an explanation of your medications in
terms you can understand.
Make sure the pharmacy gives you the medicine
that was prescribed.
Ask questions about directions, e.g. does Four
doses mean just in daytime or around the clock?
Ask the pharmacist for the best device to
measure liquid medication.
Make sure you get written information about
potential side effects.
Do not hesitate to ask hospital workers to wash
their hands.
If you have a choice, choose a hospital and a
surgeon that does a lot of the surgery you need.
On discharge from hospital, be sure you
understand the home treatment plan.
Be sure that you know and agree about what
exactly will be done in your surgery.
Speak up if you have a concern.
Make sure that someone, such as your family
doctor, is in charge of your care if you have
multiple concerns.
Dont assume health care professionals know
everything you do about your care.
Ask a family member to speak for you when you
Find out if you would be better off without
certain treatments or tests.
Dont assume that no news about a test is good
Via Evansville In.
Ephraim Lazrus did a survey during which he
asked if people knew what an ostomy was. Here
are some of the answers he got to this question.
I think it has to do with people who have trouble
with their feet.
I dont know what it is but I understand those
people dont have to go the bathroom they do it
in a bag and throw it away.
I think the Pope was one for a while when he got
My aunt is one but we dont talk about it.
They are members of some political party.
These are people who have had some kind of
operation and they wear a bag under their
clothes. They take it off when they have to go to
a party.
I saw one of them on television recently and they
were all happy about something.
I wouldnt want to be one, for its bad.
My neighbor is one I think. She goes to a party
as Sinai Hospital every month. She meets a lot of
people there and they drink cranberry juice.
I think it has something to do with farming. I
heard two of them talking about irrigation.
We have a dedicated group of Ostomy Specialists that are committed to
keeping you in your active lifestyle. Northern Pharmacy and Medical Equip-
ment has an attentive staff that cares about your quality of life. Make us
your first step in getting back to life as it was meant to be. After all

Weve been here for over 75 years, there must be a reason!
Northern Pharmacy and Medical Equipment
6701 Harford Rd, Baltimore, MD 21234
Harford Rd & Northern Parkway
Phone: (410) 254 2055 x249 Fax: (443) 740 9297
Our Ostomy Department provides a full range of comprehensive
services and quality products from trusted brands you can rely on.
Delivery anywhere in the US
Free Delivery Available
Next day delivery is available.
Large inventory of ostomy & wound care supplies
in stock (we stock an inventory of over 5,000
boxes of supplies)
Customized hospital and clinic service plans avail-
In-house Medicare and insurance company billing
Personalize pharmacy/medical supply specialist
Easy ordering by fax, phone, online, or in-person.
Toll-free 24 hour hotline
Acceptance of all major credit cards
January 2014 The Rambling Rosebud


Via New London County Ostomy Assoc.
The salt output from an ileostomy is very high, around
1 tsp per day, as opposed to almost noe in the feces
of a person with an intact colon. Therefore, the proper
intake of salt by the person who has an ileostomy is
very important. The body, however, seems to
compensate for the salt and water loss by discharging
less salt than normal through the urinaly tract and
through perspiration. The intake of too much salt is
avoided, in that it increases ilea output. Urine output
is generally less with an ileostomy. Therefore, it would
be advisable for the person with an ileostomy to
increase their water intake above normal so as to
increase urine output. In this way, the possibility of
kidney stone development can be kept to a minimum.
By Lee E Smith, MD, FACS, Director Colon/Rectal Surgery,
Washington Hospital Center, Clinical Professor of Surgery,
George Washington Medical Center & Uniformed Services
University, Bethesda MD
Obstruction is the most common complication after a
colectomy. Adhesions, scars that form on the raw
surfaces at surgery, may adhere to the small bowel
and some of them get kinked (obstructed) at some
time during the patients life. About 1/3 occur in the first
year after surgery, 1/3 within the first five years and !
during the remainder of life. The treatment of an
obstruction is surgical less than half of the time.
Usually putting the bowel at rest by taking nothing by
mouth and support with intravenous fluids allows the
bowel to open up spontaneously. Some require
surgery to undo the offending adhesions. In some
others the primary disease may be causing the
obstruction and must be dealt with surgically also.
Hemorrage in quantity is seldom due to an ostomy
Often a few drops of blood are seen at the margin of
the junction where the bowl mucosa meets the skin.
This site is fragile, and the appliance may scrape it
causing it to bleed. Generally it will stop
sponataneously. If a site is recurrently bleeding, it can
be chemically cauterized with a silver nitrate stick.
Inflamatory polyps sometimes appear on the surface
of the ostomy mucosa. These may be treated with
chemical cauterization using silver nitrate.
Trauma may occur with any direct blow to the surface.
Fortunately this seldom happens, because people with
ostomies protect them. In the event of injury, the
ostomy may need to be reformed.
Prolapse (protrusion) occurs when the stoma does not
adhere to the surrounding abdominal wall tissues To
correct this, the abdominal wall tissues must be
freshened, the offending prolapse excised, and the
stoma recreated by sutures both at the fascia and at
the skin.
Recession is the term when the stoma seems to be
flattening as it draws down in the abdominal wall. To
correct this, the stoma is freed up from adjacent
tissues and is pulled up above the skin level so that an
everted mucosa can be created.

"Good Morning...At present we are not at home, but
please leave your message after you hear the beep
lf you are one of our children, dial 1 and the
select the option from 1 to 5 in order of arrival
so we know who it is.
lf you need us to stay with your children, press 2
lf you want to borrow the car, press 3
lf you want us to wash your clothes and do the
ironing, press 4
If you want the grandchildren to sleep here
tonight press 5
lf you want us to pick up the kids at school, press
If you want us to prepare a meal for Sunday or to
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January 2014 The Rambling Rosebud


have it delivered to your home, press 7
If you want to come to eat here, press 8
lf you need money, press 9
lf you are going to invite us to dinner or are taking
us to the theatre, start talking, we are listening.
UOAA UPDATE 9/09 VIA Evansville, IN Re-Route & Cedar Falls
Short Circuit
The bladder is a hollow muscle, which performs two
important functions.
It acts as a storage device for the accumulating urine,
relaxing as the volume increases. But it also acts as a
pump as it contracts, squeezing out the urine through
the urethra to the outside of the body.
Accident or illness may dictate the removal of the
bladder, thus necessitating the introduction of
alternate methods or devices to dispose of the urine.
Such devices (or substitute bladders) should provide
the following:
A low pressure system to assure continence and
prevent damage to the kidneys.
Be continent, preventing leakage and associated
physical and social problems.
Be non-flexing, thus preventing recirculation of
urine to the kidneys.
Be easily emptied.
Should avoid certain metabolic/electrolyte salt
chemistry problems that configuration of the
intestines can impart.
Prior to 1950, the removal of a damaged or diseased
bladder allowed few alternatives. One procedure
brought the ureters out to the skin individually.
Since the ureters are very small in diameter, often no
larger that the thickness of the lead of a pencil,
problems with narrowing of the ducts, even occlusion,
as well as infections were frequent occurrences.
Furthermore, the employment of appliances to collect
the urine was difficult and generally inefficient.
In 1950, the ileal conduit was devised by Dr Bricker in
a procedure which attached the two ureters to a
section of the small intestine and then brought the
intestine out through the abdominal wall to form a
The procedure had the advantage of assuring
unimpeded flow of urine through the stoma as well as
the more effective and practical use of an appliance to
collect the urine.
Brickers ileal conduit has remained a favorite
procedure throughout the years, even though it is still
subject to infection and reflux to the kidneys and
requires that a prosthesis be worn at all times.
Safe Travel Tips
By Joseph Runule, Auioia (IL) Ostomy uioup; via Netio
Naiylanu, & Noith Cential 0klahoma 0stomy 0utlook

With the teiioiist aleit on high anu many
conceineu about safe tiavel at this uifficult
time, I thought I woulu offei you some useful
Bo not iiue in an automobile. Autos cause
20% of acciuents.
Bo not stay at home. That is wheie 17% of all
acciuents occui.
Bo not walk acioss the stieet. Peuestiians aie
victims of ovei 14% of all acciuents.
Bo not tiavel by aii, iail oi watei. People have
16% of all acciuental ueaths because of these
Bowevei, only u.uuu1% of all fatal acciuents
occui at oui local ostomy suppoit
association's meetings' Noieovei' viitually
none of these happen uuiing the business
meetings. 0bviously the safest place to be is
at youi local ostomy association meeting.

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