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Shepherd of the Pines Lutheran Church

1950 125th Street NW Rice, MN 56367 Phone: 3934295 Pastors Home/Study Phone: 320-363-1323 Email:


Church Website:

Greetings! We are entering into an exciting time of the year for Christians. We are preparing to ce ebrate the coming of our !a"ior# $esus Christ into our %or &# born as a baby in 'eth ehem. (e is referre& to as )mmanue # %hich means# *Go& %ith us.* +hat message empo%ers us to i"e ife %e . ) i,e this message from the $esus Ca ing -e"otiona . .ea& it as though $esus is spea,ing these %or&s to you.
Anxiety is a result ! en"isi nin# the !uture $ith ut Me% S the &est 'e!ense a#ainst $ rry is stayin# in c ((unicati n $ith Me% $hen y u turn y ur th u#hts t $ar' Me, y u can thin) (uch ( re * siti"ely% Re(e(&er t listen, as $ell as t s*ea), (a)in# y ur th u#hts a 'ial #ue $ith Me% +! y u (ust c nsi'er u*c (in# e"ents, ! ll $ these rules, 1- . n t lin#er in the !uture, &ecause anxieties s*r ut u* li)e (ushr (s $hen y u $an'er there% 2- Re(e(&er the *r (ise ! My c ntinual /resence0 inclu'e Me in any i(a#ery that c (es t (in'% 1his (ental 'isci*line ' es n t c (e easily, &ecause y u are accust (e' t &ein# # ' ! y ur !antasies% 2 $e"er, the reality ! My /resence $ith y u, n $ an' ! re"er( re, utshines any !antasy y u c ul' e"er i(a#ine%

Christmas te s us our Go& is tru y %ith us to empo%er us to face ife in "ictory.

' essings#

Board of Lay Ministry

Pending Approval Minutes November 12, 2013 BOLM members present: Paul Tschida, Brent Betker, Juli Popp, Keith Hackett, Brad Jasmer, Keith Peterson, Deb Erdmann and Pastor Bob !bsent: Ja" #aldana Properties: Bruce Kna$la Keith Hackett called the meetin% to order at &:'' pm Pastor Bob opened (ith pra"er Keith Peterson read the mission statement Treasurers report (as re)ie(ed and discussed Paul mo)ed to accept the report $ollo(ed b" a second $rom Brent Motion carried Secretarys report (as read b" Deb Motion (as made b" Brad to accept the minutes b" Keith Peterson Motion carried Motion (as seconded

Properties: Bruce Kna$la reported* +i,ed the li%ht on the cross outside -ideo tapin% o$ .hurch properties $or the in)entor" has been completed Purchased a ne( door $or the back o$ the church and (ill be installed soon The properties board (ill be meetin% in December to discuss duties and /obs that need to be done (hile 0on is a(a" this (inter Old Business: 1one New Business: 2orship #hepherd schedule (as re)ie(ed throu%h December '3th 2atch $or more in$ormation about the possibilities o$ a Da)e 0amse" $inance course startin% soon .ompleted $inal preparations $or 1o)ember 45th !nnual .on%re%ational Meetin% Lon% 0an%e Plannin% Team 0eport*lookin% to spark the interest o$ the "oun%er adults in our church Motion (as made b" Paul and seconded b" Brad to donate 6'77 $rom Other Ministries to the .rusade .hoir This (ill help support their .hristmas pro%ram Motion carried Discussed supportin% .08 ministr" at #t .loud #tate 8ni)ersit" +or 643 (e (ill ha)e our .hristmas (orship ser)ices published in the Morrison .ount" 0ecord Book #tud" (ill continue ne,t month 1e,t BOLM Meetin%9 December '&th at &pm Pastors comments Thin%s are %oin% %reat Praise the Lord

Leaders comments. 1one Motion to ad/ourn meetin% (as made b" Paul and seconded b" Brad Motion carried Meetin% ad/ourned at ::7&pm .losed (ith pra"er $rom Pastor Bob 0espect$ull" submitted b" Deb Erdmann, #ecretar"

sincerely appreciate your support.

We have been praying for our church family each week as we go through our church directory from A to Z. As you go about your daily tasks lift a prayer for the family of the week as the Lord brings them to mind. In December we will be praying for: December December December December December 1e!in " #anet $ales%a

& - Scott " Pe' $anea 1( - #.P. $artin )) - *rmon " Du+eine $at,eny )- - .dward " /at,y $ay

Christmas Readers and Ushers Needed!! +here

is a sign up sheet on the counter in the church obby for the Christmas /"e 3:00pm, :00pm and !0:00pm ser"ices. )f you are %i ing to rea& a scripture &uring one of the Christmas ser"ices p ease ta,e a copy of the rea&ing for you to practice an& rea& through prior to the ser"ice.

/lease n te, $e $ill &e cele&ratin# A'"ent n Sun'ay ( rnin# 'urin# the $ rshi* ser"ice% 1here $ill &e n We'nes'ay e"enin# ser"ices%

There will be a Bake Sale between services in the fellowship hall on Sunday, December 8th. The 8th graders and SOT !outh "roup are working to fund a youth ministry rally in #arch called $c%uire the &ire. They will be attending this ' day event that will have inspirational speakers and (hristian music. )t promises to be a faith building opportunity. *e

"#he Nati$ity Story" #he S%#P Saints in$ite you to &oin them in $ie'in( this mo$ie, )ednesday *e+ !!th ,:30-.:30pm--a 'onder/ul 'ay to (et in the ri(ht spirit /or the Christmas season! Christmas E$e Candleli(ht Ser$i+es 3:00pm, 0amily Ser$i+e :00pm, 0amily Ser$i+e

!0:00pm, Ser$i+e o/ Readin(s, Carols 1 Holy Communion

3/lease N te, We $ill N41 ha"e a 5hrist(as .ay ser"ice6-

%ith your name tag on y. )f you ha"e any 1uestions ca $oanny at 3435 3362.

Crusade Choir

Halleluiah! 2i(ht Has Come

The Crusade Choir under the direction of Mike Karl is pleased to present Halleluiah! Light Has Come 0riday, *e+em3er ,th, 4:30pm 5t 0irst Pres3yterian Chur+h, St6 Cloud Saturday, *e+em3er 4th, 4:30pm 5t 0irst Pres3yterian Chur+h, St6 Cloud Sunday, *e+em3er .th, 7:00pm 5t 0irst Pres3yterian Chur+h, St6 Cloud Please join us for a time of uplifting music during this holiday season. We %i be p acing our or&er for poinsettias to &ecorate the sanctuary for Christmas. )f you are intereste& in purchasing one p ease fi out a form. +hey are ocate& on the counter in the church obby. Chec,s shou & be ma&e out to: SHEPHER* %0 #HE P8NES. 0ayment is re1uire& %ith your or&er. #he deadline /or orderin( is *ECE9:ER .th6 +han, you!! We as, that you ea"e your p ant2s3 at church for a the Christmas ser"ices an& ta,e the p ant

#he S%#P Saints 'ill 3e 'at+hin( the mo$ie: #he Nati$ity Story on )ednesday ni(ht, th *e+em3er !! /rom , in the +hur+h san+tuary6 ;ou are 'el+ome to &oin us6 #his is a (reat mo$ie to prepare our hearts /or the true meanin( o/ Christmas6 <uestions= Conta+t Pastor :o3

%ur +hur+h o//ers th (raders and those older 'ho ha$en>t ta?en Communion +lasses, the opportunity to parti+ipate in Holy Communion a/ter ta?in( Early Communion +lasses6 +he next /ar y Communion c asses %i be offere& in t%o sessions from 7:00pm to :00pm on !un&ay afternoons# @anuary !7th and @anuary 7,th. +hen %e %i ha"e a specia recognition of our 7irst Communicants in our !un&ay ser"ice on 7ebruary 4th. 8ne parent is as,e& to atten& the c asses %ith the stu&ent. 'oth parents are %e come to atten& if they %ish. 8/ your +hild is plannin( to attend the +lass please +all Pastor :o3 2343562493 so that %e can ha"e enough materia s a"ai ab e. 0 ease bring your !un&ay schoo 'ib e an& a high ighter to the c asses. : etter %i go out to our fifth gra&ers an& parents that %e ha"e on recor&.

8ur chi &ren;s Christmas program %i be presente& to the congregation on Sunday, *e+em3er ! th, at the !0:30am ser$i+e6 +he program %i in"o "e a chi &ren 0reschoo 5 9th gra&e %ith our <th5=th gra&ers ser"ing as narrators. 0 ease mar, your ca en&ars no% an& p an to in"ite a&&itiona fami y members to see your *star* on stage!!! :gain# a specia than, you to a our teachers for ser"ing in our chi &ren>s ministry! )f you ha"e any 1uestions# p ease contact ?aren / efson at 34356249. +han, you a # an& Go& b ess you!

3lessin(s in your /inan+es6 #his +lass 'ill 3e tau(ht 3y *a'n 2e(att6 #he +ost /or materials is: EB36006 #he +hur+h 'ill o//er some assistan+e /or those needin( help 'ith the materials6 #here is a si(nup sheet on the +ounter in the nartheD or +all the +hur+h o//i+e at 3B3-C7B 6

Worship Shepherds
December December December December December 1 Deb Erdmann 8 Brad Jasmer 15 Paul Tschida 22 Keith Hackett 24 3: !m Brent Betker 5: !m Brad Jasmer 1 : !m Ketih Peters"n 25 1 : am Paul Tschida 2# Deb Erdmann

December December

December 1 December 8 December 1" December %& December %+

8:00am Randy & Donna Klaphake 10:30am Pat & Carol Rolph 8:00am Kevin & Janet Male ka 10:30am Keith & Kathy Cra!t 8:00am Ron & #arb McKeever 10:30am Rich & Robin $emple 8:00am Keith & Ro'anne Peter on 10:30am (eor)e & Cara *ree e 8:00am ,teve & Ro'ann Ree 10:30am John & (loria $endrick on

)e ha$e a (reat opportunity to learn ho' to apply Aod>s prin+iples in our /inan+es6 He 3lesses and pro$ides 'hen e$erythin( around us may seem to 3e /allin( apart6 Startin( @anuary ! th on #uesday e$enin(s, /or B 'ee?s ,:30-4:C pm, 'e 'ill 3e o//erin( the 0inan+ial Pea+e Uni$ersity +lasses 'ritten 3y *a$e Ramsey6 *a$e>s most popular +lass is B lessons6 ;ou>ll learn to ta?e +ontrol o/ your money, in$est /or the /uture, and eDperien+e Aod>s

December 1 December 8 December 15 December 22

8: am $"is Perleber% 1 :3 am &ar"l Trinklein 8: am Janet 'aleska 1 :3 am (ebecca Elli"tt 8: am Jeanie )chr"eder 1 :3 am )andie (esch 8: am Paul Tschida

1 :3 am *e"r%e +reese December 2# December 1 December 8 December 1" December %% December %+ 8: am (",ann (ee 1 :3 am )andie (esch -im & .inda /e0t1 December 1 ,teve & Carol 2lt1 -ony & .inda 2mann ,helley Pintok Keith & Ro'anne Peter on December 15 December 22 December 2# December 8

Mary Bulthuis, Dannette Brannen, Roxanne eterson, !uli opp

8: am 'ike $attimer 1 :3 am <"ah Elle5s"n 8: am T"n/ 4mann 1 :3 am Tristen 3schenbrenner 8: am Bill Paradeis 1 :3 am K/le Hem!le 8: am <"ah Elle5s"n 1 :3 am Tra2is J"hns"n 8: am Dennis 3rnts"n 1 :3 am J"e/ Klebs

Dennis Arntson, Laurie Madoll, Keith Kirchner 3! it i yo0r t0rn to erve !ello4 hip5 plea e brin) ome treat to hare and arrive early to help et 0p6 3! yo0r name i !ir t on the li t5 plea e arrive 30 min0te prior to the 8:00am ervice to make co!!ee6 -he direction !or makin) co!!ee are po ted on the b0lletin board in the kitchen6 7hen yo0 erve !ello4 hip5 plea e plan on ervin) co!!ee and treat and cleanin) 0p the kitchen a!ter the !ir t ervice6 -he other ervin) 4ith yo0 4o0ld appreciate it8

December December December December December December December

1 - T. Billme/er0 K. 1a%ner0 D. Brannen0 T. H"2land0 3. 4stend"r5 8 - D. 3rnts"n0 B. 6a!7alka0 B. Hinders0 &. E5raims"n0 (. Hem!le 15 - J. (ame/0 J. &lasen0 ). Pressnall0 *. Plumski0 *. Dubbin 22 - '. &am!i"n0B. Paradeis0$.*rain%er0 &. Din%mann 0 B"ll"mer8*ertken 2# - T. 4mann0 D. )ka9e:ski0 '. Hunter0 1. 3nders"n0 B. )tat7 1 9 3 aiah %:19" Matthe4 %1:1911 and %&:3:9&& 8 9 3 aiah 11:1910 Matthe4 3:191%

December 1" 9 3 aiah 3":1910 Matthe4 11:%91" December %% 9 3 aiah ;:1091: Matthe4 1:189%" December %+ 9 (alatian &:&9; Matthe4 1%:139%3

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0ET801 #E0-;.E# 0E<8E#TED

esus Lo!es...

Bob Trinklein, Pastor Church Phone: 393-4295 Pastors Home Study: 320-363-1323 Email: Church Website: SOTP BO*+D O0 L*6 $1N1ST+67.LD.+S Brent Betker 3=59='&7, Deb Erdmann, #ec >:>954&:, Keith Hackett, President >:>953>', Keith Peterson, -ice President >:>953:=, Brad Jasmer, 3=593&=3, Juli Popp, Treas >:>9>>3>, Ja" #aldana >:>94&:4, Paul Tschida 5?=94>3: 0on Bulthuis, .hurch Properties 43>95?4> .8./3T19. $1N1ST+6 T.*$ Brenda Hackett 9 #mall @roup Team Leader, Michelle Motschke 9 2orship Team Leader, Maria Traut 9 #er)ice Team Leader
In case of church cancellation due to bad weather listen to !" #$%&'() !".* +,I(I' !-.! .#LD */0.1 W2$& *-0/ or call the church office and listen to the message.

S,ep,erd o: t,e Pines $ission Statement: /onnectin' People to 2od;To Ot,ers;and To Ser!ice The purpose o$ this con%re%ation is mandated $or us b" our Lord and #a)ior, Jesus .hrist, as $ound in the (ords o$ the @reat .ommission AMatthe( 4=B, namel" $irst o$ all to @o To lea)e our (alls o$ re$u%e, %oin% into all the (orld, comprisin% o$ our $amilies and nei%hbors 2e plan to achie)e our purpose b" identi$"in% persons (ith (hom (e are particularl" (ell9eCuipped to ser)e and reach (ith the challen%e o$ becomin% Disciples o$ .hrist #econd, to Make Disciples or in the (ords o$ #t Paul, DTo eCuip the saintsE AEphesians 5:'4B This is to be understood as helpin% people to li)e the .hristian li$e here on earth Preparin% and encoura%in% "oun% and old alike to $ind and to use their @od %i)en %i$ts and abilities $or the e,tension o$ His Kin%dom, and to %ro( in $er)ent lo)e $or @od and $or others Thirdl", to BaptiFe as commanded b" Jesus Himsel$ !s @od reaches do(n to mankind (ith His means o$ %race, He (ould ha)e us baptiFe His people, brin%in% them into His $amil" and Kin%dom, %rantin% to them li$e, $or%i)eness o$ sins, and eternal sal)ation !nd lastl", to continue stead$ast in His 2ord, Teachin% them to obser)e all thin%s (hatsoe)er ; ha)e commanded "ou ! continued Feal $or the stud" o$ His 2ord, the Bible, is necessar" $or the %ro(th o$ an" .hristian con%re%ation Thus, the 2ord o$ @od (ill be tau%ht and studied in $ull measure and His 2ord shall be the rule and norm o$ this con%re%ationGs $aith and li$e To that end, our e)er" e$$ort and ener%" (ill be used in moti)atin%, trainin%, and puttin% to use our time, and talents and treasures to Make Disciples

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