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Relationship Advice For Women From The Experts at LoveRomanceRelationship.

Relationship Advice For Women By Experts in the fields of Love, Romance and Relationships. Even if there are areas of your life that you enjoy your job, your home, your dog, etc. do you wake up most mornings feeling like youre living a lie? If so, do you feel like a fraud? I know exactly what youre feeling. And youre not alone. Ive been talking to some extraordinary women lately who have all been saying the same thing. On some level, my life works, but it just feels so empty. Its not ME anymore. And I dont want to live this way. by Lisa Steadman Be honest. When you woke up this morning, were you excited about the day that lay ahead? Did you jump out of bed, feeling fully rested and ready to take on the world? Or did you hit the snooze button five times, then begrudgingly crawl out of bed, and hit the shower? When you looked in the mirror this morning, did you greet yourself with love and compassion? These women are DONE with living a lie, and READY to do whatever it takes to get re-aligned with their authentic self. And theyre not the only ones. Just a few years ago, I felt like I was living a LIE. I was walking around, PRETENDING everything was fine, but the minute I was alone? Waterworks! I cried on my way to work. I cried in the bathroom at work. I cried when I got home at night. Why was I crying so much? Because I no longer recognized the woman who was playing a starring role in my life - ME! I felt out of balance, and dangerously on the edge of falling off an emotional cliff. Or did you stare into the face of a stranger and wonder where everything went so horribly wrong?

Are You Living A Lie?


My life was no longer aligned with my core values. Whereas once upon a time, sleeping with my ex seemed like a good idea, it was now destroying me. (And keeping me from meeting Mr. Right!) While I had once cherished my fun and fabulous job in Corporate America, I was slowly waking up to the fact that I didnt want to do it anymore. I didnt want to punch a clock for someone else, make them a ton of money, collect my paycheck, and go home every day FEELING empty and miserable. I didnt want to live in the luxury condo I had bought that was beautiful but in a neighborhood far away from my friends and family. I didnt want to be hung up on some guy who may have been fun and funny, but couldnt meet my needs. It wasnt enough anymore. I felt like I was living a LIE. Do you feel like youre living a LIE? After months of discomfort, I woke up, looked in the mirror, and realized that I didnt want to live a LIE anymore! Tuning in to that inner voice that knew what was best for me the one Id been ignoring for six months as I kept reconnecting to my ex and staying at my job even though I was really DONE this was necessary for my survival. And it was the first step towards NOT living a LIE anymore.

Heres What Living a Lie Really Maybe its simple. You simply ask yourself whats no Means: longer working in your life and what you need to do
Youre living a Life without Integrity or Enthusiasm Its as simple as that. Sure, you may be making great money. You may have all the things you need a car, a home, friends and family, that impressive corporate job that you like but dont love, yearly vacations with the girlfriends to someplace warm and tropical but whats NOT working? How has your life stopped aligning with your core values? Heres what I discovered when I was living a LIE Community was hugely important for me, and in moving into my condo (and away from my ex), I had literally created miles of distance between myself and the people I loved. I missed being able to call up a friend, make a coffee date, and five minutes later, be sitting across from them, gabbing away! Personal freedom was essential to my well being, and working in Cor porate America just wasnt aligning with that value. It wasnt okay anymore to put in 50+ hours a week in a cubicle when what I really wanted was to work for myself and work from home. to change. And then you act accordingly.

What Is Your First Step Toward Not Living a Lie?

Maybe it takes a little more investigation and work. Thats okay. Give yourself permission to find the right support team to help you. Maybe you go to therapy. Maybe you read every self help book that speaks to you. Maybe you decide today is the day you finally work with a coach who can show you the way out of your LIE and back into your bliss. You dont have to work with me to STOP living a LIE. Im just one of many extraordinary teachers who can show you the way when youre ready to be DONE. If, on the other hand, what youve heard, seen, and read with me RESONATES for you, theres a reason. Its because youve asked the universe for a teacher, and now that youre ready, Ive shown up. Its how all my teachers have shown up. I asked. Got ready. And the teacher appeared! These teachers showed up when I needed them most. When I asked the universe for help and the teacher appeared. If youve been asking for help, are you ignoring the teacher who has appeared?

And if so, why? You cant stop living a LIE if you dont first tune in, pay attention, and ask yourself what you need. So what do you need right now to stop living a LIE? What do you need to do to change the way you feel about your life? Who do you need to be to shift whats showing up for you on a daily basis? Its these questions that you must ask yourself right now. No more putting it off. No more postponing dealing with disappointment, despair, or daily drama. your

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Make Him Desire You

If your life isnt working for you, DO something about it. Today! Otherwise, youre wasting all the beautiful gifts the universe wants you to have. So, if today is your day (and I hope it is!), then DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT. If that something different involves taking my hand and walking away from your LIE and into your TRUTH, then I want to support you. This is your life. Make it great! xoxo, Lisa From Sarah: Lisa Steadman is amazing. I had the pleasure of being introduced to her and having tea with her, and shes just so realand her story is so amazing. I know youll want to get her free newsletters and find out more about her coaching especially if youre suffering a broken heart right now or are dying to meet your Mr. Right. Just follow the link to find out more about finding the relationship and self appreciation so you can stop living a lie>>>


There is a really absurd, but extremely effective LOVE FORMULA This will make any man feel so in love with you, that he will get obsessive thoughts about you all the time. I am talking about the kind of love a woman only fantasizes and dreams about. The kind of love which makes a guy experience, an emotionally intense and overwhelming urge to be around you all the time. The kind of love which makes him stay up at night thinking about you, the kind of love which makes him want to hold you, touch you and be close to you as much as possible.

The type of love, which will make him forget about every other woman, and see you as his only and best possible choice. Go here (its at the end of the presentation) to discover a mans most intense and secret desire, that he never shares with any woman>>

what the limits will be. Decide if you think the parents should call before they stop by, or if you think you should limit the number of visits and calls weekly.

Bring Him Close Free Report... Get your free report, exclusive discounts, bonuses & our FREE newsletter to help you: Talk to a man in the way that works! Make him fall for you quickly Turn your love life Email: No Spam | Cancel at any time Once the two of you have come up with a plan you can both agree on, its time to tell the folks. Whether you do it together as a couple or one on one will depend on the unique dynamic of the relationship. If the parents of one partner dont particularly like the spouse, it may be best if the child talks to their parents without their spouse,otherwise there could be fireworks.

New Marriage Just The Beginning


The Other Big Problem a New Marriage Can Face:

Is not knowing how to be a couple. Youve both been independent and it might take some time to begin to think more like a couple. No one is saying that you have to lose your identity, far from it. Its really all about balance. Finding the right balance between your couplehood and your independence. And the right balance for you and your marriage may not be right for someone else. You and your spouse need to find your balance. For example, some newlyweds feel like they need to be joined at the hip but unless you are both comfortable with that arrangement, it will only cause trouble. Instead, why not keep the same basic balance you had before you were married? Is there any real reason that that has to change just because you are married? In most cases, no. You also have to both be willing to talk about things like money and feelings. I know it can be hard and you dont have to share every little thing, but you are in this together now and its important to establish trust and open lines of communication. The sooner you both learn to do it the smoother your marriage will be.

The beginning of a marriage can seem like a magical time, but it can also be a time where you can easily start building resentments and distrust if you are not careful. Here are a few points to keep in mind so you can keep your new marriage feeling for a long time to come.

To Make Your New Marriage Succeed:

Probably one of the most difficult, and potentially dangerous, situations for a newlywed couple is finding the right balance when dealing with in-laws. This can be especially difficult if one of the partners was still living at home right before the marriage. It can take time for the parent to learn to let go and they may want to be in the life of their newlywed child more than the newlywed child, and spouse, would really like. Its important that the newlyweds stay united on this front. Decide (compromise if you have to) on

For many newlywed couples the issues they face are pretty easy to deal with when compared to issues they are likely to deal with later in the marriage. If you cant find a way to work through these easy issues what are you going to do when you have kids, or are faced with health issues, or money issues later in your marriage? Think of your new marriage like the foundation of your married life. Take the time to make sure you both learn how to communicate, compromise and work through problems together. If you do you will enjoy your marriage a whole lot more.

For example in a group or organization, the well being of the people depends on how efficient and effective that group or organization works. The group or organization is also dependent on how the members work well with the management. An ineffective group or organization can really be very frustrating.

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An effective group or organization can also ask so much on their members, that sometimes the members would be having no life outside the walls of the area where they work or sacrifice the other aspects of their life just to meet deadlines. For an organization or group with this kind of scenario, relationships can be stressed or suffer from breakdown. People or other entities who depend on these groups or organization also suffer. Society is defined as a web of relationships, which requires all parties to work and contribute their share in order to achieve a common goal. Having a relationship that is good, where cooperation and respect are manifested, can make society work better. In this way each member works for the good of the whole and towards achieving a common goal. This can only be attained with effective and efficient relationships. Understanding the others feeling and position creates an effective and efficient relationship. The easiest method to understand what is important to another party is to ask them what they want and listen to what they have to say. When the other party realizes this, they would feel the importance given to them Effective and efficient relationships require parties to openly express their feelings and positions on all matters pertinent on the relationship.

Creating An Amazingly Effective And Efficient Relationship



Relationships of all kinds are often perceived as very delicate things, that require extra effort to maintain but a relationship can also be something that can provide security and can also be long lasting despite many trials. Building an effective and lasting relationships is a necessity for several reasons.

Assuming that the other party understands our needs and give us when we need it without asking for it is not a good practice.

Parties should be aware that certain things exist naturally but should be controlled in any dealings in any relationship. Human nature is one. Some of these things found in a relationship also include a history of stereotyping or mistrust, blaming the other person or party for a strained relationship, excluding the other partys feelings when focusing on a task, no clear and defined objectives, roles and expectations of each party in a relationship is also unclear. Relationships are important to anyone, addressing issues and problems right away is a must to further improve the relationship. As they say No man (or woman) is an Island.

Respect Is Relationship




In order to create a more effective relationship, parties should treat each other with respect. We can show respect just by listening to the other party and by trying sincerely to understand how they function. You can also show respect to other parties by confirming that they are doing everything they can.

Get Aware Of Your Judgments In Relationship

Respect is the very foundation for a great relationship. This also means respecting yourself and respecting others. Another key area in forming an effective relationship is to tackle differences of the other party directly. Differences between parties or people are quite interesting. For example in a conversation where each party listens to the other party, you may observe that each is having two different perspectives.

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Relationship Creates A Win-Win Solution For Both Parties

This can be done when at least one party acknowledges that the relationship is important. That party would then exert more time, effort and energy to understand the other partys needs and deal with it to get it out of the way. Should they fail, it is comforting for that party to know that they tried. Effectively listening and no pre-judging. This is important if parties are to understand each other. Informal discussions are conducive for parties. They bring out issues and concerns comfortably. They also feel more relaxed making them think more clearly. Developing an atmosphere where the other party can express their feelings when they need to. When parties fail to express whatever is on their mind or their feelings, it can get in the way of building an effective relationship.

Its Better to Control Your Mess-Up Than Let It Control You


By Pam Reaves FESS UP YOUVE MESSED UP: Once you acknowledge your mess-up, the weight of guilt starts to let up. It is then you realize that acknowledgment and/or confession does not kill you. But rather, it clears the way for correction, healing, and the path to moving on. Confession neutralizes any leverage guilt may have had over your life prohibiting you from enjoying all that the liberated life has to offer. No one can sabotage your happiness, freedom, and livelihood when they have nothing to work with. Your confession is a power tool and when you use it wisely, you take away the other partys power by devaluing any information they may have held against you. Realize it is disclosure of the secret that has you living in fear, but rather than living in fear, use it as your salvation.

as they would have you to; the minute you refuse to pay them with your money, time, life, or freedom thereby allowing them to continue their blackmail, they will bring you back to the scene of the crime (i.e. when and where you committed the guilty act). This is the place where you are anxious, fearful, and humiliated at the mere thought of exposure. No one wants the spotlight on their anxiousness, fear, or humiliation. So those who would use your guilt against you know there is value in keeping your secret if you allow them to bind you to your guilt. They are only willing to refrain from exposing you at a cost to you. You must count up the cost and decide whether or not paying to keep your secrets is worth it it never is. Guilt has a way of rehashing the past; playing certain scenes over and over again in your mind; tormenting and holding you captive to past mistakes. Unless the courageous step of confession is taken, the acidic properties of guilt will eat away at and eventually kill the soul, as well as the body. They will manifest in forms of physical illness because the distraction of guilt will override the necessary attention to your physical well-being. When you are laden with guilt, it is hard to interact with others because it makes a person feel worthless, dirty, and undeserving of redemption. This isolation separates you from the comfort and care of those who love you.

To confess, bring the secret to light, admit to wrong-doing, or acknowledge the mistake means the mistake, secret, or wrong-doing is of no value and cannot be used against you since you are willing to call it out.

The Mess-Up and the Ideal

Holding on to a perfect image is exhausting and just not realistic. Some people may use a faade of perfection against you. So if you attempt to mask your guilt with a cloak of perfection, you are aiding and abetting your adversaries. But here is your Empowerment Tip: Cancel the adversarys leverage by being forthcoming. Just like every human-being, you are fallible and subject to a mess-up or two, or three hundred. However, your mistakes, misdeeds, and flaws do not have to be your albatross. Actually, you can announce to the world that your imperfections are your motivation for committing to excellence. Most people can identify with messing up at one time or another in their lives and they love to hear the testimonies of those who bear witness to the fact that a mess-up can be cleaned up and used to lift

What Happens When Confess Your Mess-Up


The minute you confess, you are in control and those who would use your secrets, mistakes, and wrong-doing against you will recognize your power. Suddenly blackmail (be it monetary or nonmonetary) is not an option because if it has no value, believe me, no one will use it. Conversely, refusing to acknowledge when you are wrong, when you have messed up, etc. will keep you stuck at the scene of the crime. Every time you disagree with those who use your secrets against you; every time you refuse to react

up. If you must hold on to the characteristics of the perfectionist, just look at it this way. The perfectionist is always striving for a perfect end result and so staying in the perpetual mode of a work in progress is admirable and keeps you on your toes. Just give yourself a break when needed and state the following: I am the most imperfect perfectionist I know. Ill bet they werent expecting you to disclose that. Pamela Reaves From Sarah: Pam Reaves is an amazing coach, and has a tremendous track record helping clients get healthy and happy human experiences in life and love. We truly want to recommend her coaching and her wonderful, powerful book Is It LoveOr Merely a Sick Attachment? Pam is no-nonsense, and can see through the problem and the messup into direct, straight-shooting, tell-the-hardtruth real help for you (just like her book title). Go here to check out Pams coaching and Is It Love>>

Healing Through Zen


by Dr. Brenda Shoshanna The whole world is medicine, what is the illness? When some people suffer they take medication, others seek therapy, a few become students of Zen. Although much has been made of the connections between Zen and psychology, to really understand Zen healing, it is also necessary to be aware of what healing means psychologically. From the psychological point of view, emotional pain is a message from the unconscious that conflict has arisen, defenses are weakening. A patient coming to the therapist asking, Is this all there is? could be seen as depressed, obsessional, at the very least in real trouble.

The Ideas Behind Zen Healing

In Zen practice this very same question is considered to be symptomatic of health. Students are told to dwell on this question continually. The question is called a koan and helps burst the bubble of illusion we live in.

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From the Zen point of view, all beings are ill. They are in the grip of three poisons greed, anger and delusion (ignorance). However, by seeing these afflictions for what they are, by not chasing after them or making them real, they can break the hold they have upon our lives. By asking, Is this all there is? they are breaking through the limitations they live with, finding a way out of their usual responses.

From the psychological point of view, suffering arises when desire cannot be satisfied. We then must seek healthy ways to meet our needs. The deeper question of whether these so-called needs are good for us, whether we actually need them, or whether they are poisons in disguise is not taken into account. From the Zen point of view, greed is insatiable. No matter how much we have, we want more. We truly need little, but craving develops, along with attachment and addiction. In this way most of our lives are spent accumulating goods, people, credentials, etc. Then we cling to what we have; often it becomes our identity, and we become fearful of losing it. Our precious life energy is thus used up, chasing after that which we do not need and which causes pain. Attachment causes suffering. No matter how tightly we grasp what we have, life gives and then takes away.

Instead of developing a fancy personality, he develops awareness and patience. But Im hurting, a student might protest. If you hurt, you hurt. If you dont, you dont, the Zen Master might reply. But I want to know why, the student might insist. None of that will do you any good, the Zen Master would explain. Just pay attention to each moment, pay attention. your breath. But how will this help my misery? Who said somethings supposed to help your misery? the Zen Master would reply. From the Zen point of view a great cause of suffering is that we live our lives playing with toys, never reaching for the real thing. It is rare to find someone who outgrows the need for distractions of all kinds, including comfort, advice, guidance, a restless search for answers and truth. As we let go of all this, we discover another source of wisdom and authority that never lets us down. As this is discovered, suffering naturally ends. From Sarah: I discovered Dr. Shoshanna just a few weeks ago and quickly got her permission to reprint her articlesshes amazing, and youll love her book Save Your Relationship. Just go here to read more about Dr. Shoshanna and her amazing wisdom on both relationships and Zen healing>>

How Zen Healing Works

As we embark upon Zen practice, we learn how to let go, receive anew, and become grateful for whatever life brings. We also learn to become aware of our true needs and unnecessary wants. We do not spend as much time chasing, seeking and yearning for that which will never satisfy. Instead we learn how to become fully planted in the present moment and be able to fully taste, digest and appreciate whatever life brings our way. Zen healing is not much interested in personality. Its sights are set on a different realm. Instead, when a person comes to the Zen Center theyre told to take off their shoes and place them carefully on the wooden shoe rack carefully. They are to Pay attention to what theyre doing. Sloppy shoes, sloppy mind. For Zen the quality of even the smallest act is of enormous importance. Rather than spin out daydreams and analyze them, rather than grab for personal attention, individuals are instructed to pay close attention, moment by moment, to whatever they are doing right now. Feelings and thoughts which come and go are like the wind. They arent taken seriously. The student is asked to stop reacting mindlessly and automatically to everything that comes along.

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Conscious Eating: Are You Stuffing Feelings?


On the level of the child. On the level of wherever you were when those feelings were unacceptable or overwhelmingly upsetting and you shoved them down. Youve since spent a good deal of energy trying to keep them down. Every day, every year it gets more difficult, you have to be more vigilant, because at the same time, you and your body, the essence of who you are as a person, wants to expand, not stay chained.


Last post, we talked about the fact that conscious eating requires body consciousness. And we discussed spending time getting in touch with your body through conscious relaxation.

If You Cant Practice Conscious As you become more in tune with your body, it will Eating, and Youre Still Binging, yield up its secrets to you. Youre Stuffing Away Feelings
When you allow the part of you your attention has come to to relax, chances are you might loosen up some feelings too. This can be frightening. After all, its what youve been eating to prevent, this uprush of feeling. Protecting yourself from your past feelings is nowhere near as interesting as adventuring out in the world. It makes no sense to hold yourself back from fully experiencing life just because feelings are a little scary. They are only feelings. Think of Sybil, the famous case of multiple personality disorder. When she could remembernot just remember, but fully feel everything her various personalities, she began to come together. The energy that had been always draining out of her now came back to her to use. Few of us will feel past wounds so dramatic and painfulbut as a grown up, she could survive bringing them to consciousness-and so can you. That is the key word in conscious eating. Conscious. As often as you can, just for seconds at a time is just fine, allow your attention to rest in your body, one area at a time, flowing from one area to another, relaxing, melting, releasing. A bonus to this is that as the feeling surfaces, the anxiety diminishes. Not a bad tradeoff. The anxiety is, more than anything else, fear of feeling. You and your body have been protecting you from a great many of these feelings for a great long while, and naturally releasing them into the air is not something you or your body looks forward to. On one level, anyway. And speak to yourself. This is a lifelong process, getting in tune with yourself. Pretty soon your sensitivity will astound you. Your enjoyment of simple things will amaze you. Have fun. -From the Editors Our contributor, Andrea Albright, is an amazing coach with her own amazing story of how she transformed her body into the one she has now

Conscious Eating Requires That You Accept These Feelings

Do not panic. You can learn to not only tolerate the feelings but enjoy them. They do not impel you to do anything but allow them to be. You can ride out the feelingstill functioning, I might add, at whatever you may be doing at the momenteven eating.

(and her site and great ebook is called Amazing Body Now a strong body that keeps her healthy and happy. Shes focused her life on helping others achieve the same goal. Check her out if youre struggling with belly fat or want to quickly succeed at conscious eating->

Celebrating yourself is key to staying on track and moving forward. Here are oodles of ideas to help you create fun and stay motivated. Find some you like and then make specific plans, design rituals and share with your friends. Bring Him Close Free Report... Get your free report, exclusive discounts, bonuses & our FREE newsletter to help you: Talk to a man in the way that works! Make him fall for you quickly Turn your love life Email: No Spam | Cancel at any time

Things to Wonderful




1. Read a magazine or book anything that interests you; even just for 10 minutes. 2. Get a manicure or pedicure. 3. Get your hair done; maybe change the color. 4. Call a friend and plan to go out for dinner. 5. Buy a feminine, flirty dress (avoid blackmen love color.) 6. Sign up for an activity group on (kayaking, hiking, book clubs, women having fun, swing dancing, yogathey have everything.) 7. Garden. 8. Go to the movies. 9. Plan a picnic. 10. Have a potluck dinner. Assign a food category to each of your friends and set a date. 11. Start a collection (charm bracelet, travel photo book, movies, music). 12. Create a notebook with a list of positive things about yourself. E.g., I am a fantastic woman, my friends love my sense of humor, I am understanding, I am intelligent

53 Ways To Be Happy These Holidays

by Bobbi Palmer


Well..the holidays are here. I wanted you to know that I am thinking about you and working through the New Year creating all kinds of ways to help you feel wonderful and find the right man. For now, Im sending my love and support and 53 ways to bring more happiness and joy into your life. I believe that 2014 is going to be your best year ever! Are you ready to join me? You know what they say: When You Believe ItYou Will See It! Enjoy.


13. Create a movie weekend by yourself or with friends. Be sure to eat some popcorn while you watch! 14. Sign up for a cooking or pottery workshop in your local community. 15. Organize a bake sale or car wash in your neighborhood and donate the proceeds to a school or community project. 16. Volunteer for a church event, school event, blood-drive, hospital, animal shelter, etc. 17. Play card games, dominoes, or do a puzzle. 18. Ride your bike. Try to find new trails. 19. Write short stories or poems. 20. Go on a photography hunt and find interesting themes to shoot. 21. Write a list of what you love about yourself and your life. 22. Go to a concert. 23. Exercise. Try new exercise routines like yoga or Pilates. 24. Go star-gazing. 25. Go to a museum. 26. Have dinner outside while watching the sunset. You can make dinner or pick up some fast food. 27. Learn to play a musical instrument. 28. Wear lipstick and shave your legs. (yes, both!) 29. Do something nice for a man you just met. Tell him you like his shoes or that he looks like an old boyfriend that you adored. Or, simply listen to him intently or give a sincere laugh at something he says. He will show his delight and stay puffed up for a week. And youll feel so good.

30. Go buy a new bra that shows off your fabulous girls. While youre at it, feel free to peruse the lingerie section and fantasize a little. Again. . .smile. 31. Ask another stylish woman for a referral to her salon and make an appointment for a pedicure or new hairstyle. 32. Ask your friends and family what they like about you. Reward yourself when you hit a milestone, reach a goal (none is too small) or create a new positive habit. There are so many reasons, big and small, to feel wonderful!

And Here Are Great Ways to Celebrate the Fact that You Feel Wonderful
1. Create a reward routine. Jump up and down, take a walk, allow yourself chocolatesomething that represents self congratulations. 2. Drink a glass of wine. 3. Treat yourself to something. 4. Eat chocolate. 5. Treat yourself to dinner. 6. Finish the day with a long, soak in the tub. (Be sure to light a candle). 7. Enjoy a leisurely Sunday morning spend the morning in your pajamas reading the newspaper, a book or poring over a few magazines. 8. Schedule a massage. 9. Devote the entire day to a shopping spree for a new dress. 10. Buy a bottle of champagne. 11. Hire a maid for the day to cook and clean while you lounge around. 12. Sleep in. 13. Take a day off from any goal activities.

14. Take a nap. 15. Plan a short getaway. (And then take it!) 16. Walk along the beach. 17. Blend a smoothie. 18. Write in your gratitude journal. 19. Look in the mirror and tell yourself You did it youre fabulous! 20. Call a friend and tell her what youve done. 21. Put up a gold star on your refrigerator or mirror. Remember to always be good to yourself. It is truly ALL about YOU girlfriend! Love and hugs, Bobbi From Sarah: Bobbi is absolutely adorable! You will SO identify with her and her story personally, and her FREE Man-O-Meter test is really helpful. Just go here to take the test and get Bobbis great free stuff and advice about how to Date Like A Grownup to get the man, relationship and feel wonderful->>

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