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(Closing Case) DMG Shanghai Page:117 1. Why do you think that it is so important to ulti!

ate guanxi and guanxiwangin China" #ns: $here are so many la%s that %ithout guanxi and guanxiwang nothing %ould get done and a &usiness %ould go out o' &usiness. $he onne tions that a &usinessman makes an either make or &reak a deal. # deal gone %ell %ill gi!e that &usinessman prestige and allo% 'or him easy a ess to other resour es in the 'uture. (. What does the e)perien e o' DMG tell us a&out the %ay things %ork in China" What %ould likely happen to a &usiness that o&eyed all the rules and regulations* rather than trying to 'ind a %ay around them as Dan Mint+ apparently does"

#ns: China is a ountry 'illed %ith people %ho %ill not do anything 'or 'ree. $here is al%ays a ost. $his is alled &ri&ery in the ,nited States and is a rime under &ri&ery la% as %ell as %hite- ollar la%. $he &usiness that tried to 'ollo% all o' the rules %ould ne!er get any &usiness. .. What are the ethi al issues that might arise %hen dra%ing upon guanxiwang to get things done in China" What does this suggest a&out the limits o' using guanxiwang 'or a Western &usiness ommitted to high ethi al standards"

#ns: $he ethi al issue is also a la% in the ,nited States* &ri&ery. $he /uestion is should %e do &usiness %ith people %ho e)pe t 'a!ors in turn 'or a 'a!or" What i' that is the only %ay to do &usiness" $hese are hard /uestions. # Western &usiness ould ne!er 'ollo% through %ith guanxiwang i' they %ere ommitted to high ethi al standards. $hey %ould ha!e to go against their &elie's to %ork in China. 0. What is happening today" 1s Shanghai di''erent or the same" Ans: Guanxi and guanxiwang is still the %ay &usinesses go a&out their &usiness. 1t is the %ay it %orks and e!eryone is e)pe ted to gi!e &a k %hen gi!en to. 1t is not &ri&ery in China as it is in the ,nited States. $his is a /uote on guanxi: 2eep in mind that 3Guan)i4 an take on many 'orms. 1t does not ha!e to &e &ased on money. 1t is ompletely legal in their ulture and not regarded as &ri&ery in any %ay. So* there is no need to 'eel un om'orta&le a&out it. $rust%orthiness o' &oth the ompany and indi!idual is an important omponent. 5ollo%ing through on promises is a good indi ation o' this. $reating someone %ith ourtesy %hile others treat him or her un'airly is another aspe t. 5re/uent onta t 'osters 'riendship as %ell. Chinese 'eel o&ligated to do &usiness %ith their 'riends 'irst. $here are risks %ith this system* as %ell. When something goes %rong* the relationships are hallenged* and 'riendships /ui kly disappear. 3Guan)i4 an also &e !ery one-sided. When 3Guan)i4 is in!ol!ed* there is a risk o' o&taining an in!oi e o' t%i e the amount that you &argained 'or.

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