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Google title and pass it on: The Frankfurt School: Conspiracy to corrupt By Timothy Matthews Hardcopy Issue Date:

March 2 ! "nline #u$lication Date: Mar %&' 2 !' 22:() Western civilization at the present day is passing through a crisis which is essentially different from anything that has been previously experienced. Other societies in the past have changed their social institutions or their religious beliefs under the influence of external forces or the slow development of internal growth. But none, like our own, has ever consciously faced the prospect of a fundamental alteration of the beliefs and institutions on which the whole fabric of social life rests ... Civilization is being uprooted from its foundations in nature and tradition and is being reconstituted in a new organization which is as artificial and mechanical as a modern factory. Christopher awson. !n"uiries into #eligion and Culture, p. $%&.

Most of Satan*s work in the world he takes care to keep hidden+ But two small shafts of li,ht ha-e $een thrown onto his work for me .ust recently+ The first' a short article in the /ssociation of Catholic 0 omen*s /C0 1e-iew2 the second' a remark 3which at first surprised me4 from a priest in 1ussia who claimed that we now' in the 0est' li-e in a Communist society+ These shafts of li,ht help' especially' to e5plain the onslau,ht of officialdom which in many countries worldwide has so successfully $een remo-in, the ri,hts of parents to $e the primary educators and protectors of their children+ The /C0 1e-iew e5amined the corrosi-e work of the 6Frankfurt School* 7 a ,roup of 8erman7/merican scholars who de-eloped hi,hly pro-ocati-e and ori,inal perspecti-es on contemporary society and culture' drawin, on He,el' Mar5' 9iet:sche' Freud' and 0e$er+ 9ot that their idea of a 6cultural re-olution* was particularly new+ 6;ntil now*' wrote <oseph' Comte de Maistre 3%&=(7%>2%4 who for fifteen years was a Freemason' 6nations were killed $y con?uest' that is $y in-asion: But here an important ?uestion arises2 can a nation not die on its own soil' without resettlement or in-asion' $y allowin, the flies of decomposition to corrupt to the -ery core those ori,inal and constituent principles which make it what it is+@ 0hat was the Frankfurt SchoolA 0ell' in the days followin, the Bolshe-ik 1e-olution in 1ussia' it was $elie-ed that workers* re-olution would sweep into Burope and' e-entually' into the ;nited States+ But it did not do so+ Towards the end of %!22 the Communist International 3Comintern4 $e,an to consider what the reasons were+ "n Cenin*s initiati-e a meetin, was or,ani:ed at the Mar57Bn,el*s Institute in Moscow+ The aim of the meetin, was to clarify the concept of' and ,i-e concrete effect to' a Mar5ist cultural re-olution+ /mon,st those present were 8eor, Cukacs 3a Hun,arian aristocrat' son of a $anker' who had $ecome a Communist durin, 0orld 0ar I2 a ,ood Mar5ist theoretician he de-eloped the idea of 61e-olution and Bros* 7 se5ual instinct used as an instrument of destruction4 and 0illi Mun:en$er, 3whose proposed solution was to 6or,ani:e the intellectuals and use them to make 0estern ci-ili:ation stink+ "nly then' after they ha-e corrupted all its -alues and made life impossi$le' can we impose the dictatorship of the proletariat*4 6It was*' said 1alph de Toledano 3%!%)7 2 &4 the conser-ati-e author and co7founder of the 69ational 1e-iew*' a meetin, 6perhaps more harmful to 0estern ci-ili:ation than the Bolshe-ik 1e-olution itself+@ Cenin died in %!2D+ By this time' howe-er' Stalin was $e,innin, to look on

Mun:en$er,' Cukacs and like7thinkers as 6re-isionists*+ In <une %!D ' MEn:en$er, fled to the south of France where' on Stalin*s orders' a 9FGD assassination s?uad cau,ht up with him and han,ed him from a tree+ In the summer of %!2D' after $ein, attacked for his writin,s $y the =th Comintern Con,ress' Cukacs mo-ed to 8ermany' where he chaired the first meetin, of a ,roup of Communist7oriented sociolo,ists' a ,atherin, that was to lead to the foundation of the Frankfurt School+ This 6School* 3desi,ned to put flesh on their re-olutionary pro,ramme4 was started at the ;ni-ersity of Frankfurt in the Institut fEr So:ialforschun,+ To $e,in with school and institute were indistin,uisha$le+ In %!2( the Institute was officially esta$lished' and funded $y Feli5 0eil 3%>!>7%!&=4+ 0eil was $orn in /r,entina and at the a,e of nine was sent to attend school in 8ermany+ He attended the uni-ersities in TE$in,en and Frankfurt' where he ,raduated with a doctoral de,ree in political science+ 0hile at these uni-ersities he $ecame increasin,ly interested in socialism and Mar5ism+ /ccordin, to the intellectual historian Martin <ay' the topic of his dissertation was 6the practical pro$lems of implementin, socialism+@ Carl 8rEn$er,' the Institute*s director from %!2(7%!2!' was an a-owed Mar5ist' althou,h the Institute did not ha-e any official party affiliations+ But in %!( Ma5 Horkheimer assumed control and he $elie-ed that Mar5*s theory should $e the $asis of the Institute*s research+ 0hen Hitler came to power' the Institut was closed and its mem$ers' $y -arious routes' fled to the ;nited States and mi,rated to ma.or ;S uni-ersitiesHColum$ia' #rinceton' Brandeis' and California at Berkeley+ The School included amon, its mem$ers the 1960s guru of the New Left Herbert Marcuse (denounced by ope aul !" for his theory of liberation which #opens the way for license cloa$ed as liberty%&' Ma( Hor$hei)er' *heodor +dorno' the popular writer ,rich -ro))' Leo Lowenthal' and .urgen Haber)as / possibly the 0chool%s )ost influential representati1e2 Basically' the Frankfurt School $elie-ed that as lon, as an indi-idual had the $elief 7 or e-en the hope of $elief 7 that his di-ine ,ift of reason could sol-e the pro$lems facin, society' then that society would ne-er reach the state of hopelessness and alienation that they considered necessary to pro-oke socialist re-olution+ Their task' therefore' was as swiftly as possi$le to undermine the <udaeo7Christian le,acy+ To do this they called for the most ne,ati-e destructi-e criticism possi$le of e-ery sphere of life which would $e desi,ned to de7sta$ili:e society and $rin, down what they saw as the 6oppressi-e* order+ Their policies' they hoped' would spread like a -irus H6continuin, the work of the 0estern Mar5ists $y other means* as one of their mem$ers noted+ To further the ad-ance of their 6?uiet* cultural re-olution 7 $ut ,i-in, us no ideas a$out their plans for the future 7 the School recommended 3amon, other thin,s4: 12 *he creation of racis) offenses2 32 4ontinual change to create confusion 52 *he teaching of se( and ho)ose(uality to children 62 *he under)ining of schools% and teachers% authority 72 Huge i))igration to destroy identity2 62 *he pro)otion of e(cessi1e drin$ing 82 ,)ptying of churches 92 +n unreliable legal syste) with bias against 1icti)s of cri)e 92 :ependency on the state or state benefits 102 4ontrol and du)bing down of )edia 112 ,ncouraging the brea$down of the fa)ily "ne of the main ideas of the Frankfurt School was to e5ploit Freud*s idea of 6panse5ualism* 7 the search for pleasure' the e5ploitation of the differences $etween

the se5es' the o-erthrowin, of traditional relationships $etween men and women+ To further their aims they would: I attack the authority of the father' deny the specific roles of father and mother' and wrest away from families their ri,hts as primary educators of their children+ I a$olish differences in the education of $oys and ,irls I a$olish all forms of male dominance 7 hence the presence of women in the armed forces I declare women to $e an 6oppressed class* and men as 6oppressors* Mun:en$er, summed up the Frankfurt School*s lon,7term operation thus: 60e will make the 0est so corrupt that it stinks+@ The School $elie-ed there were two types of re-olution: 3a4 political and 3$4 cultural+ Cultural re-olution demolishes from within+ 6Modern forms of su$.ection are marked $y mildness*+ They saw it as a lon,7term pro.ect and kept their si,hts clearly focused on the family' education' media' se5 and popular culture+ The Family The School*s 6Critical Theory* preached that the 6authoritarian personality* is a product of the patriarchal family 7 an idea directly linked to Bn,el*s* "ri,ins of the Family' #ri-ate #roperty and the State' which promoted matriarchy+ /lready Farl Mar5 had written' in the JCommunist ManifestoK' a$out the radical notion of a 6community of women* and in The 8erman Ideolo,y of %>D=' written dispara,in,ly a$out the idea of the family as the $asic unit of society+ This was one of the $asic tenets of the 6Critical Theory*: the necessity of $reakin, down the contemporary family+ The Institute scholars preached that 6B-en a partial $reakdown of parental authority in the family mi,ht tend to increase the readiness of a comin, ,eneration to accept social chan,e+* Followin, Farl Mar5' the School stressed how the 6authoritarian personality* is a product of the patriarchal familyHit was Mar5 who wrote so dispara,in,ly a$out the idea of the family $ein, the $asic unit of society+ /ll this prepared the way for the warfare a,ainst the masculine ,ender promoted $y Marcuse under the ,uise of 6women*s li$eration* and $y the 9ew Ceft mo-ement in the %!) s+ They proposed transformin, our culture into a female7dominated one+ In %!((' 0ilhelm 1eich' one of their mem$ers' wrote in The Mass #sycholo,y of Fascism that matriarchy was the only ,enuine family type of 6natural society+* Bric Fromm was also an acti-e ad-ocate of matriarchal theory+ Masculinity and femininity' he claimed' were not reflections of 6essential* se5ual differences' as the 1omantics had thou,ht $ut were deri-ed instead from differences in life functions' which were in part socially determined+* His do,ma was the precedent for the radical feminist pronouncements that' today' appear in nearly e-ery ma.or newspaper and tele-ision pro,ramme+ The re-olutionaries knew e5actly what they wanted to do and how to do it+ They ha-e succeeded+ ,ducation Cord Bertrand 1ussell .oined with the Frankfurt School in their effort at mass social en,ineerin, and spilled the $eans in his %!=% $ook' The Impact of Science on Society+ He wrote: 6#hysiolo,y and psycholo,y afford fields for scientific techni?ue which still await de-elopment+@ The importance of mass psycholo,y 6has $een enormously increased $y the ,rowth of modern methods of propa,anda+ "f these the most influential is what is called 6education+ The social psycholo,ists of the future will ha-e a num$er of classes of school children on whom they will try different methods of producin, an unshaka$le con-iction that snow is $lack+ Garious results will soon $e arri-ed at+ First' that the influence of home is o$structi-e+ Second that not much can

$e done unless indoctrination $e,ins $efore the a,e of ten+ Third' that -erses set to music and repeatedly intoned are -ery effecti-e+ Fourth' that the opinion that snow is white must $e held to show a mor$id taste for eccentricity+ But I anticipate+ It is for future scientists to make these ma5ims precise and disco-er e5actly how much it costs per head to make children $elie-e that snow is $lack' and how much less it would cost to make them $elie-e it is dark ,ray+ 0hen the techni?ue has $een perfected' e-ery ,o-ernment that has $een in char,e of education for a ,eneration will $e a$le to control its su$.ects securely without the need of armies or policemen+K 0ritin, in %!!2 in 'idelio (agazine' LThe Frankfurt School and #olitical CorrectnessM Michael Minnicino o$ser-ed how the heirs of Marcuse and /dorno now completely dominate the uni-ersities' 6teachin, their own students to replace reason with 6#olitically Correct* ritual e5ercises+ There are -ery few theoretical $ooks on arts' letters' or lan,ua,e pu$lished today in the ;nited States or Burope which do not openly acknowled,e their de$t to the Frankfurt School+ The witch7hunt on today*s campuses is merely the implementation of Marcuse*s concept of 6repressi-e toleration*76tolerance for mo-ements from the left' $ut intolerance for mo-ements from the ri,ht*7enforced $y the students of the Frankfurt School*+ :rugs Dr+ Timothy Ceary ,a-e us another ,limpse into the mind of the Frankfurt School in his account of the work of the Har-ard ;ni-ersity #sychedelic Dru, #ro.ect' 6Flash$ack+@ He ?uoted a con-ersation that he had with /ldous Hu5ley: JThese $rain dru,s' mass produced in the la$oratories' will $rin, a$out -ast chan,es in society+ This will happen with or without you or me+ /ll we can do is spread the word+ The o$stacle to this e-olution' Timothy' is the Bi$le*+ Ceary then went on: J0e had run up a,ainst the <udeo7Christian commitment to one 8od' one reli,ion' one reality' that has cursed Burope for centuries and /merica since our foundin, days+ Dru,s that open the mind to multiple realities ine-ita$ly lead to a polytheistic -iew of the uni-erse+ 0e sensed that the time for a new humanist reli,ion $ased on intelli,ence' ,ood7natured pluralism and scientific pa,anism had arri-ed+K "ne of the directors of the /uthoritarian #ersonality pro.ect' 1+ 9e-itt Sanford' played a pi-otal role in the usa,e of psychedelic dru,s+ In %!)=' he wrote in a $ook issued $y the pu$lishin, arm of the ;F*s Ta-istock Institute:* The nation' seems to $e fascinated $y our D ' or so dru, addicts who are seen as alarmin,ly wayward people who must $e cur$ed at all costs $y e5pensi-e police acti-ity+ "nly an uneasy #uritanism could support the practice of focusin, on the dru, addicts 3rather than our = million alcoholics4 and treatin, them as a police pro$lem instead of a medical one' while suppressin, harmless dru,s such as mari.uana and peyote alon, with the dan,erous ones+K The leadin, propa,andists of today*s dru, lo$$y $ase their ar,ument for le,ali:ation on the same scientific ?uackery spelled out all those years a,o $y Dr+ Sanford+ Such propa,andists include the multi7$illionaire atheist 8eor,e Soros who chose' as one of his first domestic pro,rams' to fund efforts to challen,e the efficacy of /merica*s N(&7$illion7a7year war on dru,s+ The Soros7$acked Cindesmith Center ser-es as a leadin, -oice for /mericans who want to decriminali:e dru, use+ 6Soros is the 6Daddy 0ar$ucks of dru, le,ali:ation'* claimed <oseph Califano <r+ of Colum$ia ;ni-ersity*s 9ational Center on /ddiction and Su$stance /$use* 3The 9ation' Sep 2' %!!!4+ Music' *ele1ision and opular 4ulture /dorno was to $ecome head of a 6music studies* unit' where in his Theory of Modern Music he promoted the prospect of unleashin, atonal and other popular music as a weapon to destroy society' de,enerate forms of music to promote mental illness+ He said the ;S could $e $rou,ht to its knees $y the use of radio and tele-ision to promote a culture of pessimism and despair 7 $y the late %!( s he 3to,ether with Horkheimer4 had mi,rated to Hollywood+

The e5pansion of -iolent -ideo7,ames also well supported the School*s aims+ Se5 In his $ook )he Closing of the *merican (ind' /lan Bloom o$ser-ed how Marcuse appealed to uni-ersity students in the si5ties with a com$ination of Mar5 and Freud+ In Bros and Ci-ili:ation and "ne Dimensional Man Marcuse promised that the o-ercomin, of capitalism and its false consciousness will result in a society where the ,reatest satisfactions are se5ual+ 1ock music touches the same chord in the youn,+ Free se5ual e5pression' anarchism' minin, of the irrational unconscious and ,i-in, it free rein are what they ha-e in common+@ *he Media The modern media 7 not least /rthur 6#unch* Sul:$er,er <nr+' who took char,e of the +ew ,ork )imes in %!!2 7 drew ,reatly on the Frankfurt School*s study The /uthoritarian #ersonality+ 39ew Oork: Harper' %!= 4+ In his $ook /rro,ance' 30arner Books' %!!(4 former CBS 9ews reporter Bernard 8old$er, noted of Sul:$er,er that he 6still $elie-es in all those old si5ties notions a$out 6li$eration* and 6chan,in, the world man* + + + In fact' the #unch years ha-e $een a steady march down #C Boule-ard' with a newsroom fiercely dedicated to e-ery $rand of di-ersity e5cept the intellectual kind+@ In %!=( the Institute mo-ed $ack to the ;ni-ersity of Frankfurt+ /dorno died in %!== and Horkheimer in %!&(+ The Institute of Social 1esearch continued' $ut what was known as the Frankfurt School did not+ The 6cultural Mar5ism* that has since taken hold of our schools and uni-ersities 7 that 6political correctness*' which has $een destroyin, our family $onds' our reli,ious tradition and our entire culture 7spran, from the Frankfurt School+ It was these intellectual Mar5ists who' later' durin, the anti7Gietnam demonstrations' coined the phrase' 6make lo-e' not war*2 it was these intellectuals who promoted the dialectic of 6ne,ati-e* criticism2 it was these theoreticians who dreamed of a utopia where their rules ,o-erned+ It was their concept that led to the current fad for the rewritin, of history' and to the -o,ue for 6deconstruction*+ Their mantras: 6se5ual differences are a contract2 if it feels ,ood' do it2 do your own thin,+@ In an address at the ;S 9a-al /cademy in /u,ust %!!!' Dr 8erald C+ /tkinson' CD1 ;S9 31et4' ,a-e a $ack,round $riefin, on the Frankfurt School' remindin, his audience that it was the 6foot soldiers* of the Frankfurt School who introduced the 6sensiti-ity trainin,* techni?ues used in pu$lic schools o-er the past ( years 3and now employed $y the ;S military to educate the troops a$out 6se5ual harassment*4+ Durin, 6sensiti-ity* trainin, teachers were told not to teach $ut to 6facilitate+* Classrooms $ecame centres of self7e5amination where children talked a$out their own su$.ecti-e feelin,s+ This techni?ue was desi,ned to con-ince children they were the sole authority in their own li-es+ /tkinson continued: 6The /uthoritarian personality'* studied $y the Frankfurt School in the %!D s and %!= s in /merica' prepared the way for the su$se?uent warfare a,ainst the masculine ,ender promoted $y Her$ert Marcuse and his $and of social re-olutionaries under the ,uise of 6women*s li$eration* and the 9ew Ceft mo-ement in the %!) s+ The e-idence that psycholo,ical techni?ues for chan,in, personality is intended to mean emasculation of the /merican male is pro-ided $y /$raham Maslow' founder of Third Force Humanist #sycholo,y and a promoter of the psychotherapeutic classroom' who wrote that' 6+++ the ne5t step in personal e-olution is a transcendence of $oth masculinity and femininity to ,eneral humanness+* "n /pril %&th' %!)2' Maslow ,a-e a lecture to a ,roup of nuns at Sacred Heart' a Catholic women*s colle,e in Massachusetts+ He noted in a diary entry how the talk

had $een -ery 6successful'* $ut he found that -ery fact trou$lin,+ 6They shouldn*t applaud me'* he wrote' 6they should attack+ If they were fully aware of what I was doin,' they would LattackM* 3<ournals' p+ %=&4+ *he Networ$ In her $ooklet Se5 P Social Bn,ineerin, 3Family Bducation Trust %!!D4 Galerie 1iches o$ser-ed how in the late %!) s and early %!& s' there were intensi-e parliamentary campai,ns takin, place emanatin, from a num$er of or,ani:ations in the field of $irth control 3i+e+' contraception' a$ortion' sterili:ation4+ 6From an analysis of their annual reports' it $ecame apparent that a comparati-ely small num$er of people were in-ol-ed to a surprisin, de,ree in an array of pressure ,roups+ This network was not only linked $y personnel' $ut $y funds' ideolo,y and sometimes addresses: it was also $acked $y -ested interests and supported $y ,rants in some cases $y ,o-ernment departments+ /t the heart of the network was the Family #lannin, /ssociation 3F#/4 with its own collection of offshoots+ 0hat we unearthed was a power structure with enormous influence+ 6Deeper in-esti,ation re-ealed that the network' in fact e5tended further afield' into eu,enics' population control' $irth control' se5ual and family law reforms' se5 and health education+ Its tentacles reached out to pu$lishin, houses' medical' educational and research esta$lishments' women*s or,ani:ations and marria,e ,uidanceHanywhere where influence could $e e5erted+ It appeared to ha-e ,reat influence o-er the media and o-er permanent officials in rele-ant ,o-ernment departments' out of all proportion to the num$ers in-ol-ed+ 6Durin, our in-esti,ations' a speaker at a Se5 Bducation Symposium in Ci-erpool outlined tactics of se5 education sayin,: 6if we do not ,et into se5 education' children will simply follow the mores of their parents*+ The fact that se5 education was to $e the -ehicle for peddlers of secular humanism soon $ecame apparent+ 6Howe-er' at that time the power of the network and the full implications of its acti-ities were not fully understood+ It was thou,ht that the situation was confined to Britain+ The international implications had not $een ,rasped+ 6Soon after' a little $ook was pu$lished with the intri,uin, title The Men Behind Hitler H/ 8erman 0arnin, to the 0orld+ Its thesis was that the eu,enics mo-ement' which had ,ained popularity early in the twentieth century' had ,one under,round followin, the holocaust in 9a:i 8ermany' $ut was still acti-e and functionin, throu,h or,ani:ations promotin, a$ortion' euthanasia' sterili:ation' mental health' etc+ The author ur,ed the reader to look at his home country and nei,h$ourin, countries' for he would surely find that mem$ers and committees of these or,ani:ations would cross7check to a remarka$le e5tent+ 6"ther $ooks and papers from independent sources later confirmed this situation+ + + + / remarka$le $ook was also pu$lished in /merica which documented the acti-ities of the Se5 Information and Bducation Council of the ;nited States 3SIBC;S4+ It was entitled The SIBC;S Circle / Humanist 1e-olution+ SIBC;S was set up in %!)D and lost no time in en,a,in, in a pro,ramme of social en,ineerin, $y means of se5 education in the schools+ Its first e5ecuti-e director was Mary Calderone' who was also closely linked to #lanned #arenthood' the /merican e?ui-alent of the British F#/+ /ccordin, to The SIBC;S Circle' Calderone supported sentiments and theories put forward $y 1udolph Dreikus' a humanist' such as: Q mer,in, or re-ersin, the se5es or se5 roles2 Q li$eratin, children from their families2 Q a$olishin, the family as we know it*

In their $ook (ind -iege' 3Thomas 9elson' 2 4 Tim CaHaye and Da-id /+ 9oe$el confirmed 1iches*s findin,s of an international network+ 6The leadin, authorities of Secular Humanism may $e pictured as the startin, lineup of a $ase$all team: pitchin, is <ohn Dewey2 catchin, is Isaac /simo-2 first $ase is #aul Furt:2 second $ase is Corliss Camont2 third $ase is Bertrand 1ussell2 shortstop is <ulian Hu5ley2 left fielder is 1ichard Dawkins2 center fielder is Mar,aret San,er2 ri,ht fielder is Carl 1o,ers2 mana,er is 6Christianity is for losers* Ted Turner2 desi,nated hitter is Mary Calderone2 utility players include the hundreds listed in the $ack of Humanist Manifesto I and II' includin, Bu,enia C+ Scott' /lfred Finsey' /$raham Maslow' Brich Fromm' 1ollo May' and Betty Friedan+ 6In the ,randstands sit the sponsorin, or sustainin, or,ani:ations' such as the + + + the Frankfurt School2 the left win, of the Democratic #arty2 the Democratic Socialists of /merica2 Har-ard ;ni-ersity2 Oale ;ni-ersity2 ;ni-ersity of Minnesota2 ;ni-ersity of California 3Berkeley42 and two thousand other colle,es and uni-ersities+* / practical e5ample of how the tidal wa-e of Maslow7think is en,ulfin, Bn,lish schools was re-ealed in an article in the British 9at assoc+ of Catholic Families* 39/CF4 Catholic Family newspaper 3/u,ust 2 4' where <ames Caffrey warned a$out the Citi:enship 3#SHB4 pro,ramme which was shortly to $e drafted into the 9ational Curriculum+ 60e need to look carefully at the -oca$ulary used in this new su$.ect*' he wrote' 6and' more importantly' disco-er the philosophical $asis on which it is founded+ The clues to this can $e found in the word 6choice* which occurs fre?uently in the Citi:enship documentation and the ,reat emphasis placed on pupils* discussin, and 6clarifyin,* their own -iews' -alues and choices a$out any ,i-en issue+ This is nothin, other than the concept known as 6Galues Clarification* 7 a concept anathema to Catholicism' or indeed' to <udaism and Islam+ 6This concept was pioneered in California in the %!) *s $y psycholo,ists 0illiam Coulson' Carl 1o,ers and /$raham Maslow+ It was $ased on 6humanistic* psycholo,y' in which patients were re,arded as the sole .ud,e of their actions and moral $eha-iour+ Ha-in, pioneered the techni?ue of Galues Clarification the psycholo,ists introduced it into schools and other institutions such as con-ents and seminaries 7 with disastrous results+ Con-ents emptied' reli,ious lost their -ocations and there was wholesale loss of $elief in 8od+ 0hyA Because Catholic institutions are founded on a$solute $eliefs in' for e5ample' the Creed and the Ten Commandments+ Galues Clarification supposes a moral relati-ism in which there is no a$solute ri,ht or wron, and no dependence on 8od+ 6This same system is to $e introduced to the -ulnera$le minds of infants' .uniors and adolescents in the years 2 R+ The underlyin, philosophy of Galues Clarification holds that for teachers to promote -irtues such as honesty' .ustice or chastity constitutes indoctrination of children and 6-iolates* their moral freedom+ It is ur,ed that children should $e free to choose their own -alues2 the teacher must merely 6facilitate* and must a-oid all morali:in, or critici:in,+ /s a $arrister commented recently on worryin, trends in /ustralian education' 6The core theme of -alues clarification is that there is no ri,ht or wron, -alues+ Galues education does not seek to identify and transmit 6ri,ht* -alues' teachin, of the Church' especially the papal encyclical B-an,elium Gitae+ 6In the a$sence of clear moral ,uidance' children naturally make choices $ased on feelin,s+ #owerful peer pressures' freed from the -alues which stem from a di-ine source' ensure that 6shared -alues* sink to the lowest common denominator+ 1eferences to en-ironmental sustaina$ility lead to a mindset where anti7life ar,uments for population control are present ed as $ein, $oth responsi$le and

desira$le+ Similarly' 6informed choices* a$out health and lifestyles are euphemisms for attitudes antithetical to Christian -iews on motherhood' fatherhood' the sacrament of marria,e and family life+ Galues Clarification is co-ert and dan,erous+ It underpins the entire rationale of Citi:enship 3#SHB4 and is to $e introduced $y statute into the ;F soon+ It will ,i-e youn, people secular -alues and im$ue them with the attitude that they alone hold ultimate authority and .ud,ment a$out their li-es+ 9o Catholic school can include this new su$.ect as formulated in the Curriculum 2 document within its current curriculum pro-ision+ Dr+ 0illiam Coulson reco,ni:ed the psycholo,ical dama,e 1o,ers* techni?ue inflicted on youn,sters and re.ected it' de-otin, his life to e5posin, its dan,ers+ Should those in authority in Catholic education not do likewise' as 6Citi:enship* makes its deadly approach*A If we allow their su$-ersion of -alues and interests to continue' we will' in future ,enerations' lose all that our ancestors suffered and died for+ 0e are forewarned' says /tkinson+ / readin, of history 3it is all in mainstream historical accounts4 tells us that we are a$out to lose the most precious thin, we ha-eHour indi-idual freedoms+ 60hat we are at present e5periencin,'@ writes #hilip Trower in a letter to the author' 6is a $lend of two schools of thou,ht2 the Frankfurt School and the li$eral tradition ,oin, $ack to the %>th century Bnli,htenment+ The Frankfurt School has of course its remote ori,ins in the %>th century Bnli,htenment+ But like Cenin*s Mar5ism it is a $reakaway mo-ement+ The immediate aims of $oth classical li$eralism and the Frankfurt School ha-e $een in the main the same 3-ide your ele-en points a$o-e4 $ut the final end is different+ For li$erals they lead to 6impro-in,* and 6perfectin,* western culture' for the Frankfurt School they $rin, a$out its destruction+ 6;nlike hard7line Mar5ists' the Frankfurt School do not make any plans for the future+ 3But4 the Frankfurt School seems to $e more far7si,hted that our classical li$erals and secularists+ /t least they see the moral de-iations they promote will in the end make social life impossi$le or intolera$le+ But this lea-es a $i, ?uestion mark o-er what a future conducted $y them would $e like+@ Meanwhile' the Suiet 1e-olution rolls forward+ Hegelian :ialectic and :iapra( Diapra5 is ha-in, someone who has an opinion contrary to the one you want them to ha-e and leadin, them in small ideolo,ical steps in the direction of the opinion you want them to ha-e until they ha-e arri-ed at that opinion' ideolo,y or way of thou,ht+ Basically it is intentionally manipulatin, someone to chan,e their opinion+ Oou know the intended outcome $ut they do not+ /nd if they did' they wouldn*t $e willin, to participate+ The only way to $rin, such unwillin, participants to the desired outcome is to con-ince them to step outside of their pre-ious opinions in such small steps that they do not reali:e how they are $ein, led away from their former opinions+ B-en the intelli,ent can $e fooled $y such a procedure if the steps that they take seem to $e Jlo,icalK or Jreasona$le+K It takes a sharp and discernin, mind to reali:e what others are tryin, to attempt and an e-en stron,er one to resist+ I am most certainly for chan,in, my -alues and ideas if they are not $ased on truth' .ustice and consciousness+ But a facilitator' the one usin, diapra5 to con-ince another' may $e tryin, to e-entually con-ince me to $elie-e or do somethin, that is ultimately a,ainst my -alues+ Someone may $e tryin, to do that to you+ BB /0/1B and BB DISCB19I98+ :iapra( decei1es not only the innocent but also the ;wise< and establishes the) all on its godless structure+ Ma.or Christian ministries are $ein, seduced as they incorporate new mana,ement techni?ues $ased on diaprax to help them market their ministry+ /nyone who complains when they see this happenin, is identified as a

Jresistor to chan,e+K The Jwatchman at the ,ateK must $e neutrali:ed if diaprax is to remain undetected+ There are many discernin, Christians who are trou$led and ,rie-ed when they come under ministries that facilitate and dialo,ue 8od*s 0ord instead of preach it+ They hear the 0ord of 8od 3content4 $ut sense somethin, drastically wron, with how it is $ein, presented or applied in ministry 3structure4+ Because content always $uilds upon structure' when the content of 8od*s 0ord is $uilt upon the structure of diaprax' e-entually only those scriptures that promote and sustain human relationship $uildin, will $e accentuated' and those -erses that might get in the way of ministry J,rowthK will $e either o-erlooked' tri-iali:ed' or reinterpreted+K -or we wrestle not against flesh and blood' but against principalities' against powers' against the rulers of the dar$ness of this world' against spiritual wic$edness in high places2 ,phesians 6:13

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