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Visualizing the Will of God

O Lord God of Abraham, Isaac and of Israel, our fathers, keep

this forever in the imagination of the thoughts of the heart of
thy people, and prepare their heart unto thee (1 Chronicles
29:18, KJV, emphasis added).

The Holy Trinity, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, is three
persons yet one God. They are exalted above all things and
yet they find joy and fulfillment in their infinite love for
one another, serving one another in gentleness and
lowliness of heart. It was the Father’s joyous pleasure to
assign His Son, Creator of all things and appoint Him
Head over all that He has created. Because God is filled
with freedom in His wondrous love He left all creative
initiative in the hands of His beloved Son. Because the Son
loves the Father and Holy Spirit so much He fashioned all
things according to their liking and pleasure that He may
bring His Family infinite joy and total fulfillment.

The Word of God created all things that are in heaven and
on earth, visible and invisible, thrones, dominions,
principalities or powers were created by Him, and for Him
(Colossians 1:16-17). He called those things, which do not
exist as though they did. The Lord in the imagination of
His heart visualized beforehand the things, which He
called into existence. God in His omniscience imagined the
worlds before He framed them by His word. By faith we
understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so
that the things, which are seen, were not made of things,
which are visible (Hebrews 11:3, emphasis added).

When the Creator visualized His purposes He sensed the

immeasurable joy it would bring His Father and the Holy
Spirit and the joy and fulfillment the Godhead would
bring to creation. He also sensed the pain and destruction
that sin would bring to the earth and all of creation. Then
Christ the Creator set aside, at the beginning of creation, an
appointed time for Him to redeem His own creation. It
would only be appropriate for Him, that created and
uphold all things by the word of His power and who were
appointed Head over all things, to redeem it.

When God created man He created him in His image and

according to His likeness. God gave man His imagination
and creativity. As the heirs of salvation, joint heirs with
Christ, God gave man also the eternal vision of His own
heart. To Abraham and his Seed, who is Creator and
Christ, the promises were made. God gave it to Abraham
by promise. These promises are the vision of God for the
heirs of salvation and thus their vision. It is the
responsibility of men to find the plan of God for their lives
within this eternal vision according to the power of God or
anointing that is working in each individual. Each member
in the body of the Lord Jesus Christ must follow the
anointing in him or her, which is the calling of God on that
individual’s life. When you pursue the anointing in your
life you bring forth the kingdom of God. In doing so man
brings joy and fulfillment to God’s heart and he will find
joy and fulfillment in God, just like when Adam cultivated
his garden.

As the Holy Spirit leads and guides you into all truth He
renews the spirit of your mind. He is the faithful One that
reveals to you the calling of God on your life. When you
have a powerful intimate relationship with God your sight
grows strong because it works humility in you. Humility
brings wisdom but arrogance blinds you. You first believe
God then your believing eyes start to see the vision for
your life. As you meditate on it and visualize it over and
over then understanding follows. The more intense your
fellowship with the Lord the easier it becomes to discover
the road of truth. When you start to see the vision God has
put in your heart concerning His will for your life you start
to visualize it. Visualization is the process beyond
meditation. It is to visualize the answer from the Lord.
Without an answer, which is your vision from God, you
wonder around in the futility of your mind, for without a
vision you will perish. When you see the will of God you
start calling it into existence. You must use the force of
your spirit, and not emotion, to speak it into existence.
Because Christ is one Spirit with you, it is His life-force
that flows when you use your spirit. You must practice it.
This is also an exercise of faith. You continue to visualize
your vision and start to move in it by faith. Normally it is
an unfolding picture that you speak into existence, one
step at a time, one day at a time. Visualization and
prophetic speech is part of your creative nature.
Everything on which God blows the breath of life lives.
Whatever He turns His face from, dies. His brothers and
sisters that follow Him have His nature. As He is, so are
you and as He is doing, the same you do. If you speak your
vision long enough into existence you will start walking in
it because you will believe it.

When you are born again you become one Spirit with
Christ. As you are one spirit with Him you share eternity
with Him, which is in Him. God has placed an eternal
vision in your spirit, which will never stop growing. The
eternal vision in you will change many times throughout
eternity because eternal life, that fills every member of the
body of Christ, is purposeful, explosively powerful, is
vibrant and is growing and productive all the time. This
eternal life is the power of God or the anointing of the
Holy Spirit that is unceasingly at work in you. God has
given you a vision with a command to fashion that vision
into a creation according to the anointing that is working
in you and to uphold it by the word of His power. Just as
God has commanded His firstborn Son to create the
heavens and the earth and to finish His work, so He
commanded His other offspring to do likewise.

The imagination of man is the eyes of his heart. As a man

thinks in his heart, so is he. The thought patterns and
imagination of man’s heart makes man who he is. Man
must imagine the vision of God’s will for his life by
meditating on it. If he unites that vision with faith that
word or vision will become flesh and God will blesses him
in all his ways. Do not neglect the gift that is in you, which
was given to you by prophecy with the laying on of the hands of
the eldership. Meditate on these things; give yourself
entirely to them, that your progress may be evident to all (1
Timothy 4:14-15, emphasis added).

When you visualize the word of God long enough it will

take root in your heart and become your own until it has
grown very deep into your heart. If the word is united
with faith it will benefit you. So visualization is about you
imagine yourself in a practical way to walk in the word of
God. These are dress rehearsals for a faith-walk in the
Spirit. You need to spend time with the Word to become
the Word. Those who believe the word of God do enter
into the rest of God. For God swore in His wrath that the
disobedient, the unfaithful to Christ, shall not enter into
His rest. For he who has entered His rest has himself
ceased from his own works and by faith entered into the
complete work of Christ. The rest of God is obedience to
Christ through faith, but those to whom the word first was
preached did not enter in because of their disobedience
that were rooted in an evil unbelieving heart of stone. You
cannot enter into the realm of Spirit without faith. Without
faith you cannot please God.
To stay with the word is to continuously visualize the
unfolding vision, which is the spirit of the word, in your
meditation. He that stays with the Word, who is Christ,
until the end, shall be saved. The word of God is summed
up in loving the Lord your God with everything within
you and your neighbor as yourself. You live not your life
unto yourself but you live it to the benefit of all who hear
and see you. If you love God you will keep His word. If the
word of the Lord is written in your heart, Christ within
you is revealed in your soul and members of your body. If
you live according to the Spirit you set the imagination of
your heart on the things of the Spirit and you will be
renewed in the spirit of your mind. There is no
condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, who do
not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit
where the substance of His eternal life, rest and peace

There is no difference between the hearts of unredeemed

man and carnal Christians. A man of flesh is born in sin
and shaped by the evil imaginations of his wicked heart,
which brings forth sin that leads to death. The carnal heart
is evil from birth and deceitful above all things, and
desperately wicked. Who can understand or perceive the
depth of its evil? He looks at a woman with lust in his
heart and by doing it commits adultery with her in his
imagination. He hates his neighbor and murders him in his
thoughts. By deceitful scheming he lays snares for the
righteous and robs the houses of the widow, orphan and
the poor. All these evil starts in the imagination of his
darkened heart.

There are some good non-Christians in the world that live

better moral lives then most Christians. It helps them
nothing because the blood of Jesus is not sprinkled on their
hearts to atone for their imperfect lives. The integrity of
their own hearts and their pure thoughts is still twisted
with the imperfection of their fallen natures. How can
imperfect creatures think they can please the all-perfect
God on account of their own insufficient merits? How can
the dead think they can please the Living? How can
darkness prevail in the dazzling Light of His presence? The
fleshly nature of self-righteous holiness is an abomination
to God. In fact the whole existence of carnal man is an
abomination to God because he is alienated from the life of
His Son. The blindness of his heart causes the ignorance
that is in him. The god of this world, Satan, has blinded
man’s heart with his deceptive self-righteous lies.

When a man turns to Christ the veil that blinds his mind is
taken away. Unless one is born again he cannot see the
kingdom of God. When you are raised with Christ you
should seek and visualizes the things of the Spirit and not
of the flesh. First seek the kingdom of God and His
righteousness and God will take care of your natural
needs. When your have developed a heart for God you will
move into the one world of Christ where spiritual and
natural things blend into the one kingdom of the Lord
Jesus Christ. For all the kingdoms of this world will
become the kingdom of our God and of His Christ. All
things must be subjected to His lordship.

Man can stumble in visualizing erroneous visions. They are

out of the way through intoxicating drink; they err in vision,
they stumble in judgment (Isaiah 28:7b). Intoxicating drink
often symbolizes in Scripture foreign influences. You err by
visualizing visions, which is not the will of God for your
life. This often happens when you do not know the
Scriptures or the leading of the Holy Spirit. Jesus answered
and said to them, “You are mistaken, not knowing the Scriptures
nor the power of God” (Matthew 22:29). All of us sooner or
later make mistakes. If you do not seek God in this way
you will never learn His voice. I made big mistakes in my
life. The only short cut that exists is to seek God with all of
your heart. The more time you spend with Him in His
presence the faster your eyes will open up. Remember
humility causes your vision to open up and it will bring
wisdom but arrogance causes blindness.

I know a prophet of God that is mightily used in the

healing and signs and wonders ministry. He has even
raised the dead. He emphasizes that every thought must
be brought into captivity to the obedience of Christ. Of
cause it is not a legalistic exercise. It is about pleasing God
with the meditation of your heart and to grow strong in
faith. He says that he and his mind are friends. When he
visualizes church services he preach sermons and heal the
sick. Occasionally, the actual services and the visualization
in the meditation of his heart turned out to be identical. It
is the same people he saw with the same sicknesses and
the same revelation he received concerning the sick. So, the
Holy Spirit does anoint sanctified visualization and the
revelation gifts and other gifts of the Holy Spirit can
function in these situations.

I know a man that is a great lover of classical music. He is

also a songwriter and musician. He told me that
sometimes he will sit down, relaxes himself and close his
eyes and start listening to unheard symphonies that is still
to be composed by master musicians. When I was young I
thought this man was weird until I started to understand
what it was all about. I could never understand why this
talented man, in music, not composing these symphonies
that he was hearing in his imagination. I think it is because
he does not see himself as a composer of this music. He is
waiting for some master musician that he believes is
qualified to write it. I know he is able to do it, but because
of unbelief he is wasting his talent.
To visualize the vision of your heart is easy. Everybody is
doing it many times during his or her life. True
visualization is just like daydreaming but it is based on the
word of God. If it is not based of the word of God for your
life it is a vain vision that accounts for nothing. The word
of the Lord includes all areas of your life. Do not think the
vision of your life applies only to spiritual areas; it applies
to all areas of your life. World-class athletes all visualize
their events many times before it actually happens. I ran a
marathon (26,2 mile/42,2 km), achieving my best ever time,
in which I was three seconds within the time of my
visualization. You need to do the same with the race of
your life and run it with endurance.

A man of God, which lives in China, went abroad by

invitation to minister to other saints. While he was absent
from his home he received a message that his son died. He
instructed the people at home not to remove his son’s body.
He went back home. At his arrival he immediately went to
his son’s dead body with the intention to raise him from
the dead. He prayed and prayed and prayed but nothing
happened. Then the Holy Spirit told him that he kept on
looking at the dead body of his son. Then the Holy Spirit
instructed him to go and stand at the window and look
outside at the lawn. The Holy Spirit told him that when he
can see his son running and playing on the lawn his son
would return to life. He walked to the window and started
to gaze at the lawn, looking to see his son running and
playing. Initially he saw nothing. The moment he saw his
son running and playing on the lawn he called him back to
life and he was resurrected from the dead.

The imagination can be used either to stimulate faith in

God or to make you tremble in unbelief. Consider the
incident with Israel when the twelve spies were send out to
bring report about the land that God had promised to
Abraham by oath. Moses instructed the twelve spies as
follows: “Go up this way into the South, and go up into the
mountains, and see what the land is like: whether the people who
dwell in it are strong or weak, few or many; whether the land
they dwell in is good or bad; whether the cities they inhabit are
like camps or strongholds; whether the land is rich or poor; and
whether there are forests there or not. Be of good courage. And
bring some of the fruit of the land” (Numbers 13:17b-20a).

Ten of the twelve spies did not remember the covenant that
God has made to Abraham. These ten spies used as input
into their imaginations the facts that they saw. They
imagined visions of horror that was void of the promises
God made to Abraham. They imparted their vain vision of
fear to the people of Israel. They were a cause of
stumbling. Their evil report caused the people to sin
against God. Fear stimulates unbelief, which is sin, and

Joshua and Caleb were of a different spirit and witnessed

the same things with their physical eyes that the other ten
spies saw. Their report differed from the ten other spies.
The picture that they brought back to the people of Israel
were filled with faith in God: “The land we passed through to
spy out is exceedingly good land. If the Lord delights in us, then
He will bring us into this land and give it to us, a land which
flows with milk and honey. Only do not rebel against the Lord,
nor fear the people of the land, for they are our bread; their
protection has departed from them, and the Lord is with us. Do
not fear them” (Numbers 14:7b-9).

Joshua and Caleb brought the focus every time back to the
Lord. It was not what they have seen but that which God
has spoken. They saw giants but God said they were
destroyed. They were feeling like grasshoppers in their
own sight and in the sight of the people of the land but
God said they were mighty men of valor, the army of the
Lord. They saw fortified cities in the land but they believed
God for the victory. They saw people stronger then
themselves but God said the enemy will come in one way
but they will flee in seven ways. It was not what they have
seen with the natural eye that they regard as reality but
they confessed the will of God as the only source of
authority. It was not what they have seen but that which
God has promised to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. It was not
what they have seen but that which God has spoken. They
behold the word of the Lord with the eyes of their hearts
and kept it in their memories lest they sin against God in

Because of unbelief a whole generation, except for Joshua

and Caleb, perished in the desert. The Promised Land was
given to the next generation and their descendents to
possess. When God commissioned Joshua to take the
Promised Land, He gave him the following instruction:
This book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you
shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do
according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your
way prosperous, and then you will have good success (Joshua

Let the meditation of your heart be acceptable to God. Put

on the mind of Christ. Take time when visualizing the
answer from God in your meditation. Regard it the same
as waiting on the Lord, meditating on the Scriptures or
prayer. We should give the Lord the first fruit and best of
our lives and in this manner honor and respect Him.

Sometime ago the Spirit of the Lord took me in a dream

into the future into the kingdom of Christ on earth. I
experienced much peace and tranquility of spirit and
heart. Peace will be so great that you will look at someone
and understand the person’s heart. Verbal talk will be
much less. It is the time when the Spirit of God will flow,
as this earth has never experienced. In waiting on the Lord,
meditating and visualizing His will and practicing His
presence the greatest works of art, music and inventions
will be released in future. Clothing design will take on
shapes that the world never has seen. The fashion I have
seen is similar to that which was worn in the ancient Near
East times but much more glorious. Houses will be built
from soil products, some of it different from modern day
bricks, and forest and lands will be restored. Schools of the
prophets will functioned like in the times of Samuel and
Elisha but in much more glory. In training your spirit to
live in the heavens is what it will be in the kingdom of God
on earth. So train your spirit for what is coming. I promise
you it will not happen by itself. See the end from the
beginning and start walking in it right now and start
growing into its fulfillment. Enoch and Elijah saw this day
and through faith defied time and space. They did it and
their bodies were clothed with immortality long before the
appointed time.

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