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M. Phil. / Ph.D.

Management From October 2011 batch onwards Page of 18


From October 2011 batch onwards!

Pa"e# I : Re$ea#%h Meth&'&l&g( Pa"e# II: C&ntem"&#a#( Management P#a%ti%e$ Pa"e# III: Special Papers 1. Strategic Human Resource Management 2. Applications in Marketing Research 3. Advanced Operations Management 4. E !usiness Applications and "echnologies #. Securit$ Anal$sis and %ort&olio Management '. Advanced (inancial Management ). *nternational !usiness +. Services Management ,. Management 1/. *nterpersonal Skills and Entrepreneurship 0evelopment

M. Phil. / Ph.D. Management From October 2011 batch onwards Page of 18

BHARATHIAR UNIVERSITY : COIMBATORE M.Phil / Ph.D. Management Pa#t I Pa"e# I : Re$ea#%h Meth&'&l&g( Unit: I *ntroduction to !usiness Research1 Research 2 Meaning 2 Scope and Signi&icance 2 3haracteristics o& 4ood Research "$pes o& Research 2 Research %rocess 2 Research 0esign1 (eatures o& good design 2 Scienti&ic method 2*denti&$ing Research %ro.lem 2 3oncepts5 3onstructs5 6aria.les5 %roposition5 and "heoretical &rame7ork. Unit: II H$pothesis1 Meaning 2 Sources 2 "$pes 2 Role o& H$pothesis &ormulations 8ualitative Research 2 %rocess 2 8ualitative Research Methodologies 2 8uantitative Research Measurement 2 Meaning 2 9eed Errors in Measurement 2 "est o& Sound Measurement 2Scaling "echni:ues 2 Meaning 23onstruction techni:ues. Unit: III Sampling design 2 Meaning 2 3oncepts 2 Steps in Sampling 2 3riteria &or 4ood Sample 0esign 2 "$pes o& Sample 0esigns 2 %ro.a.ilit$ and 9on %ro.a.ilit$ Samples 2 Sample Si;e 0etermination 2 0ata collection1 "$pes o& 0ata 2 Sources 2 "ools &or 0ata 3ollection 2 3onstructing 8uestionnaire 2 Relia.ilit$ and 6alidit$ 2 %ilot Stud$ 2 0ata %re %rocessing1 3oding and Editing 0ata anal$sis 1 E<plorator$5 0escriptive and *n&erential Anal$ses. Unit: IV "est o& Signi&icance1 Assumptions a.out %arametric and 9on %arametric "ests. %arametric "est t test5 ( test and = test 9on %arametric "est 2 Ho7 to select a test - "est5 >ruskal ?allis5 Sign test 3orrelation and Regression anal$ses. Unit: V Multivariate Anal$sis 2 (actor anal$sis5 3luster anal$sis5 M0S5 0iscriminate Anal$sis @9O %ro.lemsA5 S%SS and its Applications. *nterpretation Meaning "echni:ues o& *nterpretation Report ?riting1 Signi&icance Steps in Report ?riting 2 "$pes o& Reports Ba$out o& Report E<ecutive Summar$ %recautions &or ?riting Report 9orms &or using "a.les5 3harts And 0iagrams Appendi<1 9orms &or using *nde< and !i.liograph$. Re)e#en%e$: 1. 0onald R. 3ooper and %amela S. Schindler5 C!usiness Research MethodsD5 "ata Mc4ra7 Hill5 ,th Edition5 2//). 2. ?illiam 4. =igmund5 C!usiness Research MethodsD5 3engage Bearning *ndia %vt Btd5 2//'. 3. 9aresh > Malhotra5 CMarketing Research1 An Applied OrientationD5 %earson EducationD 4th Edition5 2//4 4. Rao >.6.Research CMethods &or Management and 3ommerceD5 Sterling %u.lishers5 1,,3. #. -ma Sekaran5 CResearch Methods &or !usinessD5 ?ile$ *ndia %u.lications5 4th Edition 2//,.

M. Phil. / Ph.D. Management From October 2011 batch onwards Page of 18

'. ?ilkinson !hadarkar CMethodolog$ and "echni:ues o& Social ResearchD5 Himala$a %u.lisher5 Students Edition. ). Anderson et al.5 CAssignment and "hesis 7ritingD5 ?ile$ %u.lications5 4th Edition 2//+.

M. Phil. / Ph.D. Management From October 2011 batch onwards Page of 18

BHARATHIAR UNIVERSITY : COIMBATORE M.Phil / Ph.D. Management Pa#t I Pa"e# II : C&ntem"&#a#( Management P#a%ti%e$ Unit I: Inn&*ati*e Management )&# T+#,+lent Time H+man A$"e%t$ &) Management -nderstand d$namics o& people .ehavior in organi;ation 2 Attitudes5 %erception5 %ersonalit$5 stress5 *nterpersonal relations5 Managing interpersonal con&lict5 Managing and developing a creative organi;ation5 Management in Small .usiness and 9onpro&it Organi;ations5 Management and 9e7 7ork place. Unit II: St#ategi% Ma#-et Management E<ternal and customer anal$sis5 3ompetitor anal$sis5 Market anal$sis5 Environmental anal$sis and dealing 7ith strategic uncertaint$5 *nternal anal$sis5 Achievement o& sustaina.le competitive advantage5 alternative strategies &or .usiness success. Unit III: Management .+n%ti&n$ an' Te%hni/+e$ Strategic %lanning and 4oal setting5 Strateg$ &ormulation and implementation5 0esign adaptive organi;ations5 Human resource management5 Beadership5 Motivation5 0ecision Making5 Management and :ualit$ control5 operations and value chain management. Unit IV: Inn&*ati&n an' Te%hn&l&g( Management 3ompetitive advantages through ne7 technologies5 "echnological (orecasting5 "echnolog$ strateg$5 "echnolog$ di&&usion and a.sorption5 Human Aspects in "echnolog$ Management5 Social *ssues in "echnolog$ Management. Unit V: Eme#ging T#en'$ in B+$ine$$ En*i#&nment ER%5 Si< Sigma5 Mind maps &or .usiness5 !usiness %rocess Re engineering @!%RA5 !usiness %rocess Outsourcing @!%OA5 3orporate Social Responsi.ilit$ @3SRA5 "otal 8ualit$ Management @"8MA5 Economic Environment o& !usiness5 %olitical and Begal Environment o& !usiness5 *nternational and "echnological Environment5 B&&-$ Re%&mmen'e':0 1. 0avid A. ?hetten5 >im S. 3ameron @2//+A5 0eveloping Management Skills5 %rintice Hall o& *ndia %rivate Bimited. 2. 0avid A. Aaker5 Stratgic Market Management5 Eohn ?ile$ and Sons5 *nc. 3. Harold >oont; @2//4A5 %rinciples O& Management5 "ata Mcgra7 Hill Education %rivate Bimited th 4. Ro..ins5 Stephen %5 and 3oulter Mar$. @2//)A Management5 , Edition5 %rentice Hall #. Schilling @2//+A5 Strategic Management o& "echnological *nnovation5 "ata Mcgra7 Hill Education %rivate Bimited. '. "udor Rickards5 3reativit$ And "he Management O& 3hange @Manchester !usiness And Management SeriesA5 ?ile$ .lack7ell ). 4uide "o Managing 3reativit$ And *nnovation5 Harvard !usiness School %ress +. Managing &or 3reativit$5 Richard (lorida @H!R reprint R/#/)BA Ho7 to >ill 3reativit$5 "eresa Ama.ile @H!R reprint ,+#/1A ,. 9ara$anan 6. > @2//1A5 Managing "echnolog$ and *nnovation &or 3ompetitive Advantage5 %earson %u.lisher. 1/. %eter S. %ande5 Ro.ert %. 9euman5 Rolan R. 3avangh @2//3A5 "he Si< Sigma ?a$ 2 "eam &ield .ook 2 An implementation guide &or process improvement teams5 "ata Mc4ra7 Hill %u.lishing 3ompan$ Bimited.

11. Richard B. 0a&t @2//,A5 %rinciples O& Management51st edition5 3engage Bearning "hompson 12. =a.air H. Shaikh @2//,A5 ER% 2 "he &uture o& .usiness Automation5 Atlantic %u.lishers and distri.utors. 13. (rancis 3herunilam5 !usiness Environment5 Himala$a %u.lishing House5 9e7 0elhi5 2//3

BHARATHIAR UNIVERSITY : COIMBATORE M.Phil / Ph.D. Management Pa#t I Pa"e# III 01. St#ategi% H+man Re$&+#%e Management Unit I Strategic Human Resource Management1 9ature o& strategies and strategic Management processF Environmental Scanning5 Strateg$ &ormulation5 strateg$ implementation5 strateg$ evaluation5 importance o& strategic management5 Role o& HRM in Strategic management SHR philosoph$. Unit II Human resource planning Eo. Anal$sis G design recruitment G selection 2 *" ena.led recruitment G Selection practices 2 %lacement and induction 2 3ompensation management5 Methods and recent trends in compensation management. Unit III "raining and development5 "raining s$stems vie75 9eeds assessment5 Methods o& training and techni:ues5 Management 0evelopment5 Managing Organi;ational change and 0evelopment5 Evaluating training e&&ort. Unit IV %er&ormance Management and Appraisal5 Steps in appraising per&ormance5 "$pes o& Appraisal *ntervie7s5 3'/ 0egree (eed.ack5 !alanced Score 3ard5 3areer %lanning and 0evelopment1 (actors A&&ecting 3areer 3hoices5 Responsi.ilities o& Emplo$ersHManager5 3areer 3ounseling 0esigning 3areer 0evelopment S$stem5 Emplo$ee 3ounseling. Unit V perspective o& SHRM5 Managing *nternational HR activities1 *mplementation o& HR S$stem5 Sta&&ing the Organi;ation5 *mproving productivit$ through HR*S5 MaIor issues and challenges o& SHRM1 Outsourcing HR activities5 !alancing 7ork and li&e5 Managing cross cultural diversit$5 3hanging demographics o& 7ork &orce and changed emplo$ee e<pectations loss o& Io$ and pleasure. Re)e#en%e B&&-$: 1. Srnivas G R.>andula5 CStrategic Human Resource 0evelopmentD5 %H* %u.lication. 2. >.As7athappa5 CHuman Resources G%ersonnel ManagementD5 Mc4ra7 Hill %u.lication 3. S.Seetharam G !.6enkatesh7ara %rasad5DHuman Resources ManagementD5 S3*"E3H %u.@*90*AA 4. Stone5 CHuman Resources ManagementD Eastern Econom$ Edition. #. 4ar$ 0essseler5 CHuman Resources ManagementD5 %H* %u.lication.

BHARATHIAR UNIVERSITY : COIMBATORE M.Phil / Ph.D. Management Pa#t I Pa"e# III 02. A""li%ati&n$ in Ma#-eting Re$ea#%h Unit 1 3onsumer Research 2 Anal$sing consumer .ehavior5 %ro&iling5 Measuring consumer attitudes5 Motivation Research5 Measuring the in&luence o& (amil$5 Re&erence 4roups5 Opinion leaders5 Social class and 3ulture on consumer .ehaviorF Measuring customer satis&action5 3ustomer relationship management and 3ustomer lo$alt$. Unit 2 Market Research 1 Market potential anal$sis5 Measuring marketing productivit$ 2 Sales anal$sis5 Marketing metrics5 Marketing mi< modelingF Measuring !rand e:uit$5 !rand lo$alt$1 3ompetitor anal$sis. Unit 3 %roduct research 1 0eveloping product speci&ications 2 0ata gathering techni:ues5 Sel& reporting models5 3onIoint anal$sisF %roduct testing 2 %aired comparison testF "est marketing methods5 %ricing research 2 Skimming and penetration pricing research5 Measurement o& price sensitivit$. Unit 4 0istri.ution research 2 Stud$ o& channel mem.ers activities5 attitude and per&ormance. Retail Research 2 3onsumer shopping .ehavior5 Retail Models5 "rading area anal$sis5 Store design and la$out evaluation5 Merchandise evaluation5 Suppl$ chain and logistics issues5 Retail .randing5 %ricing and 3ustomer service strategies5 Measurement o& retail image5 Store lo$alt$. Unit 5 Marketing communication research1 3op$ research 2 Adverting appeals5 !e&ore and A&ter testsF Media research5 Audience measurement5 Measuring the e&&ectiveness o& Advertising5 Sales promotion5 %u.lic relations5 %ersonal selling and 0irect marketing. Re)e#en%e$ : 1. >innear and "a$lor5 Marketing Research 2 Applied approach5 Mc. 4ra7 Hill *nternational. 2. !o$d5 ?est&all and Starch5 Marketing Research5 All *ndia "raveller !ookseller. 3. Aaker5 >umar and 0a$5 Marketing Research5 Eohn ?ile$ and Sons *nc. 4. 9aresh >. Malhotra5 Marketing Research5 %earson Education. #. 4eorge E. !elch and Michael A. !elch5 Advertising and %romotion5 "ata Mc. 4ra7 Hill.

BHARATHIAR UNIVERSITY COIMBATORE M.Phil / Ph.D. Management Pa#t I Pa"e# III 0 3. A'*an%e' O"e#ati&n$ Management UNIT 01 o& Operations Management 3haracteristics o& Manu&acturing sector and service 3oncept sector Evolution o& Operations Management 0iscipline 3oncepts and 3alculations o& %roductivit$ %roductivit$ "echni:ues %roductivit$ improvement measures. UNIT 0 2 "$pes o& production s$stems Eo. shop 5 %rocess 5 %roIect 5 Mass production. "$pes o& la$out product la$out5 process la$out and cellular Manu&acturing s$stem %roduct design and %rocess selection 2 (actors a&&ecting location decision Make or .u$ decision using the !reak even anal$sis. UNIT 0 3 Suppl$ chain Management and strateg$ Measures o& suppl$ chain per&ormance (orecasting "echni:ues Aggregate planning *nventor$ Management and techni:ues MR% * and MR% **. ER% and use o& Simulation techni:ue &or decision making in inventor$ management. UNIT 0 4 3oncept o& "otal 8ualit$ Management 8ualit$ %hilosophies o& 0eming5 3ross.$ and Miller Statistical 8ualit$ 3ontrol techni:ue 3ontinuous *mprovement Strategies5 0eming ?heel "aguichi "echni:ues )S5 83 tools "8M culture 8ualit$ 3ircle Si< Sigma *SO 3erti&ication %rocess. UNIT 0 5 %rinciples o& organi;ational trans&ormation and re engineering &undamentals o& process re engineering5 preparing the 7ork &orce &or trans&ormation and re engineering process Anal$tical techni:ues and process tools *n&ormation and communication technolog$ 5 Role o& *" in re engineering. Re)e#en%e$ :0 1. Ed7ard S. !u&&a and Rakesh Sarin5 JModem %roduction and Operations Management5 Eohn ?ile$ G sons.5 1,+). 2. Bee E. >raIe7ski and Barr$ %. Rit;man5 JOperations Management1 Strateg$ and Anal$sisJ5 Addison ?esle$5 2///. 3. 3hase5 A:uilano G Eaco.s CD%roduction and Operations ManagementJ5 "ata Mc4ra7 Hill5 +th Edition5 1,,,. 4. Everett E Adam Er. and Ronald E. Ed.ert5 K%roduction and Operations Management5 %rentice Hall o& *ndia5 1,,2. #. Edsom7an5 EA.5 Organisational trans&ormation and process re engineering5 !ritish Bi.rar$ 3ataloging in 1,,'. '. Samuel >.Ho5 "8M5 An *ntegrated approach5 >ogan %age *ndia %vt Btd5 2//2.

BHARATHIAR UNIVERSITY COIMBATORE M.Phil / Ph.D. Management Pa#t I Pa"e# III 0 4. E0B+$ine$$ A""li%ati&n$ an' Te%hn&l&gie$ Unit: I !usiness (unction and !usiness %rocess *ntegrated Management *n&ormation !usiness Modeling *ntegrated 0ata Model5 A !rie& histor$ o& ER% Role o& 3*O Eusti&$ing ER% investments *ntangi.le .ene&its o& ER% Risk (actors o& ER% implementation Operation and Maintenance *ssues !ene&its o& ER%. Unit: II !usiness %rocess Re Engineering 0ata ?arehousing 0ata Mining Online Anal$tical %rocessing @OBA%A 3ustomer Relationship Management@3RMA !ene&its and 3hallenges Suppl$ 3hain Management @S3MA "he !usiness 9et7ork !ene&its and 3hallenges Enterprise Application *nter&ace 4eographical *n&ormation S$stem @4*SA. Unit: III 3ompeting 7ith *n&ormation "echnolog$ 3ompetitive Strateg$ concepts Strategic uses o& *" >no7ledge Management S$stems5 (unctional !usiness s$stems 2 Marketing s$stems *nteractive marketing "argeted marketing 2 Sales (orce Automation. Manu&acturing S$stems 3omputer *ntegrated Manu&acturing Human Resource s$stems HRM and the *nternet5 HRM and 3orporate *ntranet5 Online Accounting S$stem and (inancial Management S$stem. Unit: IV E 3ommerce1 Histor$ o& Electronic 3ommerce !ene&its and Bimitations o& E 3ommerce 2 "he driving &orces o& E 3ommerce Advertisement in E 3ommerce 2 ?e. Advertisements Advertisement Strategies Electronic %a$ment S$stems Electronic (unds "rans&er E cash. Unit: V Securit$ and 3ontrol S$stem 6ulnera.ilit$ and issues 6iruses 3$.er 3rime 3$.er 6andalism So&t7are 6ulnera.ilit$ Esta.lishing a Management (rame7ork &or Securit$ and control "echnological and tools &or securit$ and 3ontrol (ire7alls %rivac$ issues and Ethical 3hallenges. Re)e#en%e$: 1. Ale<is Beon5 JEnterprise Resource %lanningJ5 2nd Edition5 %rentice Hall *ndia5 2//#. 2. 6inod >umar 4arg5 9.>. 6enkitakrishnan5 JEnterprise Resource %lanning5 3oncept and %racticeFJ5 2nd Edition5 %rentice Hall *ndia. 3. Eames A. OK!rien5 C*ntroduction to *n&ormation S$stemsJ5 12th Edition5 "ata Mc4ra7 Hill. 4. S.Sadagopan5 CER% 2 A Managerial %erspectiveD5 "ata Mc4ra7 Hill. #. >enneth 3.Baudon5 Eane %. Baudon5 CManagement *n&ormation S$stems5 Managing the digital &irmD5 ,th Edition5 %rentice Hall *ndia. '. E;;$ O;5 CManagement *n&ormation S$stemsD5 3rd Edition5 "homson5 2//2. ). E&raim "ur.an5 Eae Bee et.al5 CElectronic 3ommerce5 A Management %erspectiveD %earson Education Asia. +. Ee&&ere$ (.Ra$port5 !ernard E.Ea7orski5 CE 3ommerceD "ata Mc4ra7 Hill.

M. Phil. / Ph.D. Management From October 2011 batch onwards

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BHARATHIAR UNIVERSITY : COIMBATORE M.Phil / Ph.D. Management Pa#t I Pa"e# III 5. Se%+#it( Anal($i$ an' P&#t)&li& Management Unit 1 *nvestment %rocess *nvestment Alternatives Risk and Return "$pes o& *nvestment risks 3omputation o& Returns 3haracteristics o& Securities1 (i<ed *ncome Securities5 %re&erence Shares5 !onds5 0erivative Securities5 Mutual (und units. Securities Market in *ndia1 3apital Market5 Mone$ Market5 0e.t market5 (utures and Options Market Salient &eatures o& SE!* guidelines on Regulation o& *%O market and Secondar$ Market Structural changes and gro7th o& the *ndian capital market over the $ears Stock Market *ndices in developed markets and the *ndian capital market *nvestor protection measures and investor education initiatives in the *ndian capital market. Unit 2 Marko7it; port&olio theor$1 %ort&olio Anal$sis1 Estimating the port&olio return and port&olio risk5 &ormation o& E&&icient (rontier o& %ort&olios5 and %ort&olio Selection Modern port&olio theor$ 3apital Asset %ricing Model @3A%MA Evaluation o& 3A%M 3onstruction o& 3MB5 SMB and 3haracteristics Bine Ar.itrage %ricing "heor$ @A%"A. Unit 3 Option .asics Option "$pes Option Strategies Option %ricing1 !lack Scholes Option %ricing Model Structure and gro7th o& &utures and options market in *ndia (undamental Anal$sis and "echnical Anal$sis (actors to .e considered in Economic Anal$sis5 *ndustr$ Anal$sis and 3ompan$ Anal$sis. Unit 4 !ehavioural (inance %rospect "heor$ Mental Short cuts and *mpact on *nvestment decisions 4am.lerKs &allac$ Social and Emotional in&luence on investment .ehavior. E&&icient Market H$pothesis @EMHA (orms o& EMH "esting the EMH Market Anomalies Event Studies Unit 5 6aluation o& E:uit$ Shares1 6arious Approaches 6aluation o& !onds !ond port&olio Strategies. %ort&olio management &rame7ork investment o.Iectives and constraints measuring the risk tolerance o& investors selection o& asset mi< selection o& securities port&olio revision Assessment o& port&olio per&ormance risk adIusted measures o& per&ormance RE.ERENCES 1. Reill$5 (rank.> and >ieth 3 !ro7n5 *nvestment Anal$sis and %ort&olio Management5 +th edition 53engage Bearning5 9e70elhi@2//'A. 2. (ischer5 0onald E5Ronald E Eordan5 Securit$ Anal$sis and %ort&olio Management5 ' th Edition 5 %rentice Hall *ndia @%.A Bimited5 9e7 0elhi @1,,'A. 3. Ma$o5 Her.ert !.5 *nvestments An *ntroduction5 )th edition 5"homsonHSouth 7estern.5 @2//'A 4. Eones5 3harles. %5 *nvestments 1 Anal$sis and Management5 ,th Edition5 Eohn ?ile$ G Sons @%.A Btd5 9e7 0elhi @2//+A. #. !odie5 =vi5 Ale< >ane5 Alan E Marcus5 Mohant$5 *nvestments5 'th edition.5 "ata Mc 4ra7 Hill5 9e7 0elhi @2//'A

'. Hirsche$5Mark and Eohn 9o&singer5 *nvestments 1 Anal$sis and !ehavior5 "ata Mc4ra7 Hill %u.lishing 3ompan$ Bimited 9e7 0elhi @2//+A. ). (a.o;;i5 (rank E5 *nvestment Management5 2nd edition5 %rentice Hall *nternational *nc@1,,,A. +. 3handra5 %rasanna5 *nvestment Anal$sis and %ort&olio Management53rd edition5 "ata Mc4ra7 Hill %u.lishing 3ompan$ Bimited5 9e7 0elhi @2//+A.

BHARATHIAR UNIVERSITY : COIMBATORE M.Phil / Ph.D. Management Pa#t I Pa"e# III 06. A'*an%e' .inan%ial Management Unit01 (inancial management Shareholder value Anal$sis (unctions o& (inancial Management 3apital Structure decisions &actors in&luencing 3apital Structure *mportance o& 3apital Structure "heories o& 3apital Structure 3apital Structure %lanning1 Role o& E!*" E%S Anal$sis 3ost o& 3apital 3omputation o& 3ost o& 3apital &or each source o& (inance ?eighted Average cost o& capital *ndustr$ %ractices Unit 0 2 6aluation o& !onds and Shares1 6aluation o& !onds 6aluation o& E:uit$ Shares1 %arameters in the 0ividend 0iscount Model 0ividend 4ro7th Model and the 9%64O Model %HE Ratio Approach !ook 6alue Approach 0ividend %olicies 0ividend "heories (actors a&&ecting dividend polic$. Unit0 3 3omponents o& ?orking 3apital (actors determining ?orking 3apital Sources o& ?orking 3apital (inance *nventor$ Management Receiva.les Management ?orking 3apital (inancing ?orking 3apital %olicies Ratios used in ?orking 3apital 3ontrol. Unit04 3orporate Restructurings Merger and Ac:uisitions Motives &or Mergers !asic &orms o& Ac:uisitions 9%6 o& a merger 0e&ensive strategies to prevent takeover attempts !ene&its o& Merger o& shareholders Beveraged !u$outs Spin O&&s (inancial 0istress Re Organisation o& &irms Share !u$ !acks and Stock Splits. Unit0 5 (inancial %lanning Model %ercent o& sales Method and other methodologies 0eterminants o& 4ro7th Sustaina.le 4ro7th Modeling Measures o& 3orporate %er&ormance1 RO*5 ROE5 E6A5 M6A5 !alanced Scorecard %ractices o& *ndian 3ompanies. Risk Management "ools Hedging Options5 (utures and S7aps. Re)e#en%e$ : 1. !odie5 =vi5 Ro.ert 3 Merton. 0avid B 3leeton5 (inancial Economics5 2nd edition5 %earson Education5 @2//,A 2. (oster. 4eorge5 L(inancial Statement Anal$sis5 2nd edition5 %rentice Hall *nternational5 @1,+'A. 3. !righam5 Ehrhardt5 (inancial Management "e<t and 3ases5 South ?estern 3engage Bearning @2//#A. 4. %rasanna 3handra5 (inancial Management 2 "ata Mc4ra7 Hill #. !real$ and M$ers5 %rinciples o& 3orporate &inance 5 "ata Mc 4ra7 Hill. '. Ross5 ?ester&ield and Ea&ee5 3orporate (inance5 "ata Mc 4ra7 Hill.

BHARATHIAR UNIVERSITY : COIMBATORE M.Phil / Ph.D. Management Pa#t I Pa"e# III 07. Inte#nati&nal B+$ine$$ UNIT I: ?"O and *nternational trade and *nvestment %olitical *nstitutions and 3onstitution in *ndia State *ntervention in *ndian !usiness. UNIT II: Economic Environment in *ndia *ndustrial %olic$ (oreign E<change Management Act 3ompanies Act Small Scale Enterprises !anks and Stock E<changes Monetar$ and (iscal %olic$ in *ndia Agriculture %rice and distri.ution control 0eregulation and Re&orms in *ndia. UNIT III: Socio 3ultural Environment in *ndia 3orporate 4overnance and Ethics *ndian Econom$ since *ndependence Evolution o& Economic %olicies in *ndia. UNIT IV: 0i&&erence in 3ulture .et7een 3ountries and *mpact on *nternational !usiness Regional Economic *ntegration (oreign E<change Market and *nternational Monetar$ S$stem. UNIT V: E<ports and *mports %roduction5 Outsourcing and Bogistics Marketing and Research and 0evelopment Human Resource Management (inancial Management in *nternational !usiness. RE.ERENCES: 1. >.As7athappa5 Essentials o& !usiness Environment5 Himala$a %u.lishing House %vt.Btd 2. 3harles ?.B.Hill and Arun >umar Eain5 *nternational !usiness 3ompeting in the Market place5 "ata Mc4ra7 Hill Education %rivate limited5 9e7 0elhi. 3. Amarth$a Sen5 Eean 0rea;e *ndian Economic 0evelopment and Social Opportunit$5 O<&ord -niversit$ %ress5 9e7 0elhi. 4. Rudder 0utt and >.%.M Sundaram *ndian econom$5S. 3hand5 9e7 0elhi. #. !u$ers5 ".E @edA *ndian Econom$1 MaIor de.ates since *ndependence O<&ord -niversit$ %ress 9e7 0elhi. '. *sher Eudge Ahlu7alia and *.M.0.Bittle @edsA *ndiaKs Economic Re&orms and 0evelopment O<&ord universit$ %ress. 9e7 0elhi.

M. Phil. / Ph.D. Management From October 2011 batch onwards

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14 BHARATHIAR UNIVERSITY:COIMBATORE M.Phil / Ph.D. Management Pa#t I Pa"e# III 08. SERVICES MANA9EMENT Unit I : Int#&'+%ti&n *ntroduction to services 3haracteristics o& services marketing di&&erence .et7een goods and services marketing concept o& service marketing triangle. Unit II : Se#*i%e$ Ma#-eting Marketing mi< in services marketing *mportance o& additional %Ks people ph$sical evidence and process service design and positioning ne7 service development t$pes5 stages market segmentation in services. Unit III : C&n$+me# Beha*i&+# 3onsumer .ehaviour in services Bevels o& e<pectations customer perception o& services &actors in&luencing customer perception strategies &or *n&luencing perception Service 0emand G 3apacit$ management. 0emand &orecasting method Unit IV : Dimen$i&n$ &) Se#*i%e /+alit( 0eliver$ o& :ualit$ services 4A% models o& Services :ualit$ &or closing the gap Ser:ual Servlol Servper&


ke$ &actors and strategies

Unit V : Se#*i%e$ Ma#-eting in In'ia Marketing o& services 7ith special re&erence to &inancial services5 health services5 educational services5 pro&essional services and hospitalit$ services including travel hotel and tourism. RE.ERENCES : 1. RaIendra 9argunkar5 Services Marketing "he Mc4ra7 Hill 3ompan$. 2. =eithaml 6 and !itner M.E. 1,,'. Services Marketing5 Mc4ra7 Hill 3. S.M. Eha5 Service Marketing5 Himala$a %u.lishing House Revised edition 2/// 4. ?oodru&&e H. 1,,)5 Services Marketing5 MacMillan *ndia Btd.5 9e7 0elhi. #. 3hristopher Bovelock 5 Services Marketing5 %earson5 2/1/

M. Phil. / Ph.D. Management From October 2011 batch onwards

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1# BHARATHIAR UNIVERSITY:COIMBATORE M.Phil / Ph.D. Management Pa#t I Pa"e# III :. U#,an Management


Unit 0 I: 4overnance1 Begal and *nstitutional )4th 3onstitutional Amendment Act -r.anisation in *ndia 9ational 3ommission on -r.anisation Historical perspective o& governance in *ndia emerging issues in governance principles o& good governance "7el&th Schedule to the 3onstitution %o7ers and responsi.ilities o& Municipal 3ouncil and E<ecutive authorities Bocal !odies M-B!sN. Unit 0 II: *n&rastructure Management1 *n&rastructure planning &or ph$sical and social developments. (inancing o& in&rastructure (inancial *nstitutions5 3ommercial !anks5 3entral and State 4overnments5 pu.lic5 municipal .onds etc.5 %roIect Management proIect appraisal methods planning techni:ues 3ritical %ath method O3%MO %roIect Evaluation and Revie7 "echni:ue @%ER"N. 3it$ 0evelopment %lan M30%N Economic and social aspects o& 30%. Unit III: (inance1 &inance issues strategies raising additional revenue e<penditure planning. Sources o& revenue ta< revenues and non ta< ta< revenues assigned revenues. Sources o& &unds &or capital 7orks government capital grants scheme &unds M.%KsHM.B.AKs constituenc$ development &und loans &rom &inancial institutions5 commercial .anks and development institutions. Unit IV: Services1 ?ater suppl$ present situation in *ndia and "amil 9adu standard norms &or 7ater suppl$F se7erage sanitation pu.lic health education roads streets and street lights pu.lic convenience planning maintenance o& vitaP cit$ statistics. Municipal Solid ?astes MManagement and HandlingN Rules 2/// methods o& composting solid 7astes. Unit V: %ersonnel Management organi;ation structure o& local .od$ classi&ications categories o& personnel in -B!s o&&icials and sta&& training and development t$pes o& training comprehensive training re&resher training 1 orientation training motivation *nstitutional arrangements &or training role o& "amil 9adu *nstitute o& Studies 3ommunication skill development importance o& communication t$pes 2process5 .arriers to communication principles o& e&&ective communication.

M. Phil. / Ph.D. Management From October 2011 batch onwards

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RE.ERENCES: 1. "amil 0istrict Municipalities Act 1,2/ 2. 3hennai 3it$ 3orporation Acts 3. Madurai 3it$ 3orporation Act 4. 3oim.atore 3it$ 3orporation Act #. Municipal Manual '. )4th 3onstitutional Amendment Act ). (inancial Management +. Singh.*.!5 1,,)5 Administrative S$stem in *ndia. *%H5 9e7 0elhi ,. !arth7al.3.%5 2//25 -nderstanding Bocal 4overnment5 !harat !ook5 Buckno7. 1/. Arora.R.>5 1,,,5 0istrict Administration5 Aalekh %u..5 Eaipur. 11. Hoshiar Singh5 1,,)5 Bocal 4overnment5 >ita. Mahal5 12. 9orms and Standards o& Municipal !asic Services in *ndia. 13. Municipal Solid ?astes MManagement and HandlingN Rules 2///

M. Phil. / Ph.D. Management From October 2011 batch onwards

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BHARATHIAR UNIVERSITY : COIMBATORE M.Phil / Ph.D. Management Pa#t I Pa"e# III0 1;. INTERPERSONA< S=I<<S AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVE<OPMENT Unit 1: COMPETENCY DEVE<OPMENT 3ompetenc$ 2 3oncept 2 "heoretical .ackground 2 3omponents1 Skill5 >no7ledge5 %ersonal attri.utes5 !ehaviour 2 "$pes1 Emplo$ee core competenc$5 Managerial competenc$5 "echnical competenc$ Mclellends occupational competenc$ 2 competenc$ identi&ication 2 3ompetenc$ development. Unit 2 : ASSERTIVENESS TRAININ9 an' TRANSACTION ANA<YSIS Ho7 to develop assertiveness 2 Ensuring success&ul change 2 Emotional aspect o& assertiveness 2 E<panding assertiveness 2 Assertive communication 2 Assertive con&rontation. 0e&inition and philosoph$ o& "A 2 Application o& "A 2 3ontracts 2 "he 0evelopment o& "A 2 Structural Anal$sis 2 "A %roper1 Strokes5 0iscounting5 "ime structuring 2 4ame anal$sis 2 Racket anal$sis 2 Script Anal$sis. Unit : 3 COUNSE<IN9 an' EMOTIONA< INTE<<I9ENCE Historical perspectives 2 the role o& counselors 2 *ndividual counseling 2 Steps and Elements in 3ounseling 3ounseling as Helping Strategies An<iet$ and Stress 4roup techni:ue &or counselors 3ounseling to develop Organi;ations "raining &or 3ounseling 2 Ethical and legal guidelines &or counseling. 4enesis o& the term Emotional intelligence 2 Emotional !rain and emotional hiIacking 2 Models o& emotional intelligence 0imensions o& Emotional intelligence 2 Application o& Emotional intelligence in organisations 2 0eveloping emotional intelligence. Unit 4 : INNOVATION "$pes o& innovation1 *ncremental and Radical innovation5 Service innovations5 *nnovations in processF "he S 2 curve 2 *dea generation1 *dea generation techni:uesF Recogni;ing opportunities 2 Moving innovation to market1 "he idea &unnel5 Stage gate s$stemsF >e$s to innovation1 3reativit$5 3reative 4roupsF "he role o& innovation in 7ork place. Unit 5 : SMA<< BUSINESS> ENTREPRENEURSHIP an' SE<. HE<P 9ROUPS Entrepreneurship 2 3oncept 2 Entrepreneur Entrepreneurship development Enterprise creation 2 !usiness plan 2 %ro.lems in small .usiness 2 *nternational entrepreneurial opportunities. Micro &inance and Sel& help groups in *ndia. Re)e#en%e : 1. !erene.E5 4ames people pla$5 %enguin !ook1 Bondon5 2/1/ Edition. 2. Harris " A5 am Ok Qou are Ok5 Arro7 !ooks1Bondon51,,# 3. 0aniel 4oleman5 Emotional *ntelligence and ?h$ it matters than *85 !looms.ur$ %u.lishing1 Bondon51,,# 4. !hattachar$a S M and Sengupta 95 Emotional *ntelligence M$th or Realit$5 E<el !ooks1 9e7 0elhi52//) #. Ro.ertB 4i.son and Mariamme H Mitchell5 *ntroduction to 3ounseling and 4uidance5 %rentice Hall o& *ndia5 Si<th Edition5 2//#.

M. Phil. / Ph.D. Management From October 2011 batch onwards

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Sam R.Blo$d5 0eveloping positive assertiveness5 3risp %u.lications1 -SA5 3rd edition5 2//2. ). Harvard .usiness school press5 Managing creativit$ and innovation5 Harvard .usiness school pu.lishing corporation1 -SA5 2//3. +. B$le M. Spencer and Signe M. Spencer5 3ompetence at 7ork5 Eohn7ile$ and Sons1 9e7$ork5 1,,3. ,. S.Anilkumar5 Small .usiness and entrepreneurship5 * > *nternational pu.lishing house pvt.ltd1 9e7 0elhi5 2//+. 1/. (rances Sinha5 AIa$ "ankha5 >. RaIa Redd$5 Micro&inance and Sel& Help 4roups *n *ndia1 Biving -p "o "heir %romise5 %ractical Action5 2/1/ '.

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