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" #$%&'( )*++, -./01 '% 23*/4 5*6'1&,

By Claiie Biaz-0itiz


(Images fiom }ose Biaz 0itiz)
7%+,&/8$' 9:'1&;1<6 =.<4/6$/:8 >?@A


I uon't live in youi inbox, but I think I know it.
Beie's what (I think) I know about youi email inbox:
It's full.
It's always giasping towaius inbox zeio, but nevei quite ieaching it.
It iepiesents annoyance, negativity, anu oveiwhelm.
It just ain't pietty.

I know youi inbox, because I bet it's mine.

In the past yeai, as I've taken a long, haiu look at the way I woik, I've also
taken a long, haiu look at my inbox. What it means to me, what it uoesn't
mean to me, anu the potential iepeicussions of thiowing the uaineu thing out
the winuow.

In the enu, by iethinking the way I think about email, I've come to some
semblance of peace about a thoiny topic. In this shoit ebook, I'll be looking at
a few key themes that can help you (anu me) on the jouiney to email bliss -
oi, at least, email meuiociity.

C$, 23*/4 /6 C%&DE F":0 C$, /' 96:G'H

It's an age-olu question.

Anu one even oui foiefatheis puzzleu ovei.

Aie those emails you spenu houis wiiting each uay ieally !"#$, oi aie they a
hoiiific uistiaction fiom the #%&' woik you neeu to get uone.

Beie aie two peispectives.

Amazingly, I believe both.

=1&6+1B'/I1 J@K L%( 23*/4/:8 /6 L%' C%&D

This theoiy goes like this: ieal woik is cieation-baseu. Real woik leaus to
tangible iesults. Real woik launches piouucts, wiites books, iecoius songs.
Real woik is when you push away the uistiactions, buckle uown, anu get
something cieateu at the enu.

Email is nothing like this.
Insteau, email is a nightmaiish hamstei wheel in which you aie nevei uone.
As my fiienu }on Acuff likes to joke, can you evei be uone with the Inteinet.
Bo you evei log off anu say, "Yup! I finisheu the Inteinet touay!"

In a woiu. No.

Same thing goes foi email.

You will nevei be uone with email. Someone will always want to ask you to uo
something. Someone will always want you to iesponu about something.
Someone will always be theie. () +",# -)."/0 Waiting foi you to iesponu in a
timely mannei.

=1&6+1B'/I1 J>K M16( 23*/46 *&1 C%&D

This peispective uoesn't poke holes at the othei siue of things, but iathei
takes a uiffeient tack. In this theoiy, you aumit that yes - emailing sucks,
emailing is a nevei-enuing hamstei wheel of mauness, emailing uoes not leau
to cieation, anu emailing is a something you will nevei be "uone" with.

But, it aigues that the ieality is that emailing is necessaiy to oui jobs. We
neeu to email to succeeu in oui caieeis. We aie expecteu to email with clients,
paitneis, anu cowoikeis. We aie also expecteu to uo so in a timely mannei.
Bo we like it. No. But it's the ieality.

Anu thus, that means email -1 woik. That means that email is not something
that can just be "fit in" at the enu of the uay aiounu "ieal" woik. Insteau, it
means that we neeu to acknowleuge the houis we must spenu emailing each
week anu make those pait of oui expecteu woik.

So, when you say you "uiun't woik" ovei the weekenu when in ieality you
spent 4 houis emailing, you actually uiun't take a bieak. 2", 3-3 !"#$0 2",
So theie you have it. Two wiluly uiffeient peispectives on the ieality of the
time we spenu emailing.

!" $"% &'()* +,-(. (/ 0"1*2 31 4" $"% &'()* +,-(. (/ &'+ +//+)5+ "6 )")7
0"1*2 8"0 4" $"% &1+-& +,-(. () $"%1 4-(.$ .(6+2 9/ - :";2 31 -/ -)
%))+5+//-1$ -44(&(")2

N$1 O:1 23*/4 9 C%:G' P16+%:0 N%

Nanaging email is one of the most tiying, time-consuming, anu oveiwhelming
paits of eveiy piofessional's uaily life. Anu although many of us buy into the
theoiy that email isn't woik (because ieal woik shoulu be cieation-baseu),
the unfoitunate ieality we all have to face is that, sauly, email is woik.

Why. Because we neeu to uo it to get oui jobs uone, it takes up time, anu it's
an expecteu pait of oui piofessional ioles. So, even though emailing may not
be helping you get that piouuct launcheu, oi that book into youi publishei, it
is pait of youi job.


I believe that email can become even moie challenging when you face a
iegulai stieam of ,)1"'-5-6%3 emails. These aie emails fiom folks you uon't
know who want things, want to tell you things, want to ask you things, oi
want to yell at you about things (see moie on that last one below).

As someone with an active online life - anu a blog with SS,uuu newslettei
subsciibeis - I get a lot of these unsoliciteu emails. Anu, foi yeais, I've tiieu
haiu to iesponu to many of the ones I get. This uoesn't mean I iesponu to
eveiy email - not by a long shot - but it uoes mean I tiy.

But theie's one type of email I won't iesponu to, anu it's the one type of email
I iecommenu you nevei iesponu to eithei.

What email is that. It's the most toxic of all bau emails out theie.

<'+ (11-&(")-..$ )+=-&(>+ +,-(.? <'+ @7'-&+7$"% +,-(.? <'+ A3B CBDE

Is theie an email sitting in youi inbox that scieams at you foi something you
likely nevei uiu. An email that bashes you foi something someone ieau about
you in an aiticle that isn't even tiue. An email that makes inaccuiate
assumptions about youi life anu beiates you foi them.

Ny auvice: }ust uon't iesponu. It's not woith youi time.

In 2uu6, when I fiist staiteu a populai blog anu ianuom people online who
uiun't know me weie able to contact me foi the fiist time in my life, I staiteu
leaining this lesson. Seven yeais latei, I'm still at it. I'm not peifect, anu I mess
up. }ust this month, I iesponueu to one because it was so appallingly
offensive. The iesult. I staiteu an iuiotic chain of toxic emails that took up my
heauspace foi a few of my shoit houis on this planet.

Was it stupiu. Bighly. Biu I iegiet it. veiy much so. Bow uiu it enu. I stoppeu
iesponuing anu put a filtei in gmail to immeuiately tiash all futuie emails
fiom the peison.

The lesson is simple. uot an insanely negative email in youi inbox fiom
someone you uon't know about something you'ie not iesponsible foi. Bon't
answei. 0nless you want to feeu a tioll. Then go aheau anu iesponu. Spenu
youi eneigy tiying to convince someone who hates you of an alteinative
position. Stait an email wai.

But I uon't iecommenu it.

!" $"% 1+/F")4 &" )+=-&(>+ +,-(./G "1 -1+ $"% -;.+ &" 0-14 "66 &'+ &"H(5(&$
-)4 1+,+,;+1 (&I/ F1";-;.$ )"& 0"1&' $"%1 &(,+2 @) 5")&1-/&G '->+ $"%
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"F()(") ()&" - F"/(&(>+ ")+2

9 Q/0:G' 23*/4 M%. R*BD R1B*.61 9 C*:'10 '% =1&6%:*44, OSS1:0 M%. F":0
O'$1& "66.3+'/%:6 C1 5*D1 *<%.' Q/8/'*4 7%33.:/B*'/%:H

This week, moie than two stiangeis sent me emails outlining theii appaiently
ueep peisonal offense at the fact that I hau not yet iesponueu to theii emails
to me asking foi things they want.

The emails weie 4,57 moie uiamatic veisions of the following:
897-1 -1 4+ 1%5")3 %4&-' -) ")% !%%$ 6" +",0 :#&)$'+; ( <,16 3")=6 ,)3%#16&)3
!7+ +", 7&>%)=6 #%1?")3%30 (=4 6#+-)@ 6" 5")>-)5% 4+1%'A 67%#% -1 1"4% %4&-'
?#".'%4 .%5&,1% ( &4 #%&''+ 17"5$%3 .+ 67-10B


8( )%%3 +", 6" !#-6% .&5$; &1 ( %/?'&-)%3 -) 4+ %&#'-%# )"6%0 C7+ &#% +",
6!%%6-)@ -A +", &#%)=6 %4&-'-)@D E>%#+")% 1&+1 +", &#% 5"44,)-5&6->%; .,6 67-1
%/?%#-%)5% 7&1 5%#6&-)'+ ?#">%3 "67%#!-1%0 C7+ &#% +", 3"-)@ 67-1 @->%) 67&6
+", $)"! 7"! -4?"#6&)6 67-1 -1 6" 4%DB

Keep in minu that both emails came fiom people I uo not know, who weie
asking me to uo things to benefit them (not me).

Such emails (which come in vaiying uegiees a few times a month) cieate in
me two conflicting uesiies.

F%1-#% GHI J%>%# #%1?")3 6" 67% ?%#1")=1 "#-@-)&' K,%#+ .%5&,1% 67%+ 7&>%
&))"+%3 4% 1" 67"#",@7'+0

F%1-#% GLI MAA%# 4+1%'A &1 &) %4&-' 5")1,'6&)6 6" 67% ?%#1") 6" %/?'&-) 67&6 67-1
-1 )"6 7"! %4&-' !"#$10

This kinu of behavioi can best be uesciibeu by a bizaiie teim I once heaiu
that is both immatuie anu hoiiiu sounuing anu unbelievably accuiate. The
teim is "butt-huit", anu my theoiy is that it comes fiom the emotions that
aiise uuiing chiluien's playgiounu kickball games wheiein you kick balls at
othei people's backsiues anu make them ciy when you make contact.

Essentially, this playgiounu potty-talk uenotes the feeling of "Shucks! Ah
man! Shehe uoesn't like me!" peisonal offense wheiein one hangs theii heau
low anu cioons louuly.

The main thing about being "butt-huit" is that the huit is uispiopoitionate to
the offense.

Anu getting peisonally offenueu by a stiangei who isn't iesponuing to youi
email (oi iesponuing timely enough foi youi liking) about something that you
aie asking them to uo foi you (because we all know if it weie the othei way
aiounu you woulun't neeu to heai fiom them so uigently!), is the essence of

It is also the essence of uumb.

(Anu the essence of annoying.)

Insteau of assuming the stiangei is tiying to peisonally offenu you, why not
consiuei a few of these (Plausible! I peisonally piomise!) conclusions:

! The stiangei gets 2Su emails eveiy uay anu cannot iesponu to all hei

! 0f those 2Su emails, 1uu of them aie people asking foi stuff
(favoisinsighthelpsuppoit) that uoes not uiiectly benefit the stiangei
heiself. Since the stiangei cannot live hei entiie life uoling out favois, she
cannot be expecteu to iesponu favoiably to all such iequests.

! Youi email was just not that impoitant to the stiangei.

! Youi email was actually #%&''+ impoitant foi the stiangei but she lost the
emailueleteu itaichiveu itfoigot about it mistakenly because of the
typical oiganizational mishaps that occui when you get 2Su emails a uay.

! The stiangei has been sick, offline, having a baby, oi otheiwise engageu
foi the 72 houis in which youi iesponse uiu not come. Foigive hei.

Email is an ait.

Knowing how to email people you want to uo things foi you (especially when
they have little to no incentive to uo what you want them to) is an even highei
ait foim. It's a balancing act of gentle pitching anu kinuness anu uefeience
anu always assuming the best about the othei peison's intentions, anu the
woist about the othei peison's fiee time to iesponu to emails. If you'ie
uncleai of the iules of email, uon't come to the table weaiing youi heait on
youi sleeve ieauy foi peisonal offense to slight you when iesponses aie not
immeuiate. You'ie just setting youiself up foi uisastei.

!" $"% +>+1 6()4 $"%1/+.6 "66+)4+4 0'+) /",+")+ 4"+/)I& 1+/F")4 &" $"%1
+,-(.2 8"0 4" $"% '-)4.+ (&2 !" F+"F.+ 5",+ &" $"% %F () -1,/ 0'+) $"%
4")I& 1+/F")4 &" &'+,2

N$1 R16' C*, '% P16+%:0 '% 23*/4

Beie's the thing.

In 67%"#+, I believe that email isn't woik. In my view, email isn't a cieation-
baseu piocess that iesults in shipping youi next piouuct out the uooi, oi
wiiting youi next book, oi iecoiuing youi next album. Email isn't as
cieatively taxing as getting a pioject uone, anu email uoesn't auu up houi
aftei houi, uay aftei uay, to a completeu pioject.

Anu so, foi those ieasons, I agiee with folks who say that you shoulu nevei
email fiist thing in the moining. Insteau, with those fiist few houis of peak
eneigy that most of us have upon waking, we shoulu focus on oui most
uifficult task of the uay, anu get that uone. This is not a new iuea.

It's a theoiy pioposeu in Eat that Fiog: 21 Ways to Stop Piociastinating anu
uet Noie Bone in Less Time anu in many othei books on piouuctivity. I even
touch on it in my own ebook about cieating a moining ioutine, The Piesent
Piinciple: Seven Steps to Life in the Now. (I'll go fuithei into uepth in my
upcoming book, uieatei Expectations: Succeeu (anu Stay Sane) in an 0n-
Bemanu, All-Access, Always-0n Age.)

But telling you when )"6 to email isn't suggesting you when
you 17",'3 iesponu to emails. So when shoulu you iesponu to emails, if not in
the fiist few houis of the moining when you fiist tuin on youi computei.

I believe theie aie a few key times when it's best to uo #%&' emailing. Anu by
"ieal" emailing" I mean when you spenu a chunk of time uevoteu to woiking
thiough a bunch of emails, anu not when you senu a one-off uigent iesponse
to something fiom youi iphone oi fiom youi computei while you'ie typing
fuiiously in a Woiu uocument to meet a ueauline in anothei scieen.

Beie aie the best times, accoiuing to me:

! As much as possible, email shoulu be uone in bulk. Theie aie always one-
off exceptions to this iule, but in oiuei to attain tiue piouuctivity you
neeu to slot the bulk of youi emailing into specific times of the uay - anu
piefeiably not too many times! The alteinative, which most of us fall into
the tiap of, is uoing oui "ieal" woik all uay with email peipetually in the
backgiounu, ieauy to inteiiupt oui concentiation anu ueiail us foi the
most minoi of emails.

! Email shoulu be uone when you have '%11 eneigy, iathei than 4"#%. So
figuie out when that is, !7%)%>%# it is, anu cieate a block of time in youi
scheuule to fit in youi emailing in that peiiou. In my expeiience, the lull in
the afteinoon is a gieat time to go thiough a bunch of non-uigent emails.

! If you believe in multi-tasking (which I uo, within ceitain limits), email
can even be a gieat canuiuate foi a multitasking activity. Tiy emailing
while listening to a confeience call (on mute), while wiangling a kiuuo oi
two, while watching the news, oi while monitoiing the spaghetti sauce.

C" 0'+) 4" $"% =+& &'+ ;%.* "6 $"%1 +,-(.()= 4")+2 !" $"% -=1++ &'-&
+,-(. /'"%.4 ;+ 4")+ 0'+) $"% '->+ .+// +)+1=$ J )"& ,"1+2 K'-& '->+
$"% 6"%)4 0"1* 6"1 $"% () &-,()= &'+ +,-(. ;+-/&2

23*/4 2'/T.1''1K #/U N/+6 '% Q%3/:*'1 M%.& 9:<%U

Theie weie quite a few iesponses to my iecent post, I Biun't Email You Back
Because I Wanteu to Peisonally 0ffenu You.

Fittingly, many of them came to me via email. Anu 4&)+ weie quite goou.
I've pulleu togethei some of the best ones, with hopes that they might help
you (oi eniage you!) in youi quest foi tiue email etiquette uomination.

Without fuithei auo.

#/U N/+6 S%& 23*/4 2'/T.1''1 FS&%3 ,%. &1*01&6HK

@E O: #*4.'*'/%:6K
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A"# 1"4%67-)@PQ0 (6=1 %&1+; -6=1 )-5% &)3 -6 !&##&)61 & #%1?")1% "67%# 67&) NC7+
17",'3 PDP=

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R&$% +",# 1,.<%56 7%&3-)@ ,1%A,' 6" 67% #%5-?-%)60

AE O: L%' #*,/:8 '$1 C&%:8 N$/:8
J%>%# %4&-' &)+67-)@ +", !",'3)=6 4-)3 7&>-)@ ") 67% A#")6 ?&@% "A 67%
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$)"!1 !7&6Q0
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K,%16-")1Q 7&1 & T&#3-)&' U,'%I (A +", 3")=6 #%5%->% & #%?'+; 67% &)1!%# -1
8J"0B V%"?'% 3")=6 5&'' .&5$ 6" 1&+;BJ"0B

YE O: Z6/:8 '$1 =$%:1 F[H
(A -6=1 1'-@76'+ 6#-5$+ "# & >%#+ ),&)5%3 4%11&@% !7%#% +", !&)6 6" 4&$% 1,#%
)"6 6" "AA%)3; ?-5$ ,? 67% ?7")%P
(A !7&6 +", )%%3 6" 1&+ -1 6"" '")@ &)3 5"4?'-5&6%3; ?-5$ ,? 67% ?7")%P () "67%#
!"#31; $%%? %4&-'1 17"#6 &)3 6" 67% ?"-)6

\E O: ]11+/:8 '$1 =1*B1
97-57 J7&6 W&)7 &3>-1%1 6" 8!#-6% -) 1,57 & !&+ 67&6 67% "67%# ?%#1") -1
#%5%?6->% 6"!&#3 #%&3-)@BX
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9" !#-6% -) 1,57 & !&+ -1 6" ?#&56-5% 4%3-6&6-")0

These aie gieat tips, anu asiue fiom the tips about picking up the phone, I
pietty much agiee with all of those. (I'm an intioveit, what can I say.)

K'-& &(F/ '->+ @ L-)4 ,$ 1+-4+1/ ,(//+4M &'-& '+.F $"% 4",()-&+ $"%1

C$, 9 P1*0 5, #+*3

I am a big auvocate of scanning thiough youi spam foluei in umail (oi
whatevei email piogiam you use) eveiy month (if you use umail, it is
piobably automatically eiasing youi spam eveiy Su uays).

I iecently uiu my spam scan, anu founu the following useful things incoiiectly
buiieu in my Spam foluei:

! A notice that my husbanu was now following me on Twittei.
! A nice, long note fiom a ieauei about Twittei foi uoou.
! Nultiple people wanting to auveitise on websites I own.
! A couple iesponses to a hiiing queiy I put up on a website.
! A numbei of offeis fiom page iank u sites to help me inciease my page
iank of 6.
! The wiiing infoimation about the $2.8 million that the countiy of Nigeiia
owes me.

In sum, it's woith it to scan youi spam eveiy month.

It takes S minutes, anu theie might be something in theie of use. If not, you
will still be enteitaineu, anu will possibly come away with some excellent
financial auvice oi meuical iecommenuations.

C$, '$1 Q13/61 %S )%'3*/4 /6 '$1 2:0 %S *: 2&*

This week, a tiny little news item appeaieu on the iight siue of my scieen as I
scanneu something vastly moie impoitant. In no unceitain teims, it aleiteu
me to 67% %)3 "A &) %#&.

Botmail is uying.

Yes, folks, it's tiue.

The SSu million of us who at one point signeu up foi accounts with hotmail
will now be foicibly "encouiageu" to migiate ovei fiom memoiable olu
monikeis like oi to new, 0utlook-fiienuly

Touay, 9G3 6*0E

Sau foi my 18-yeai olu self. (Anu, auuitionally, foi
my self, an account cieateu out of necessity when I
lost the passwoiu foi the oiiginal account anu pioveu mentally unable to
figuie out how to go about iesetting it.)

Foi the self that uiun't have an email auuiess until hei fiist uay of college
iight neai the tuin of the millennium. Anu then piomptly signeu up foi a
Foi that same self that, within thiee months of nevei having hau an email
auuiesseu, manageu to "spam" (theii woius, not mine) hei 8u-peison
fieshman uoim mailing list so thoioughly that she was blockeu fiom saiu
uoim list. (Who 3-3)=6 want to heai what I was thinking, uoing, A%%'-)@ at all
moments of my wiluly tiansfoimative fiist yeai of college, I wonueieu.)

Foi the self that, with teais, was tolu by the uppei-class Resiuent Computei
Counseloi in the fieshman uoim that theie was no way, at the tuin of the
millennium, to check a school email account while at home on Chiistmas
bieak (ieau: fiom a non-school computei) anu accepteu this email-less 2
week holiuay as a fiist, giim expeiience with what woulu one uay be iefeiieu
wistfully to as "unplugging".

Foi that self, I ieach back thiough the ages anu shout: FAREWELL, oi, moie
appiopiiately, C0L8R.

If I coulu only iemembei my passwoius, I woulu log into you fine accounts
now anu staie at the thousanus upon thousanus of suiely ielevant emails that
have pileu up in the yeais of my absence.

uooubye, ueai fiienu. Saying gooubye to you is almost as haiu as it was to say
gooubye to Santa.


8->+ - =1+-& '"&,-(. +,-(. ,+,"1$2 @I.. 0++FG %)5")&1"..-;.$G -.")=/(4+
$"% () &'(/ 4(66(5%.& &(,+?

Recommended Resources and Reading

I love ieauing about woiking smait to woik bettei - especially when it comes
to uigital communication. Beie aie some of my favoiite books in the genie:
What the Nost Successful People Bo at Woik
What the Nost Successful People Bo Befoie Bieakfast
What the Nost Successful People Bo on the Weekenus
Eat that Fiog!
The Clockwoik Nuse
"<%.' '$1 ".'$%&

Claiie Biaz-0itiz is an authoi, speakei, anu technology innovatoi who has
been nameu one of the 1uu Nost Cieative People in Business by Fast
Company. Claiie was an eaily employee at Twittei, wheie she was hiieu to
leau social innovation, anu wheie she still woiks touay.

In Claiie's woik, she has been calleu eveiything fiom "The Woman Who uot
the Pope on Twittei" (C-#%3) anu "Twittei's Pontiff Reciuitment Chief" (97%
C&17-)@6") V"16) to a "Foice foi uoou" (:"#.%1) anu "0ne of the Nost
ueneious in Social Neuia" (:&16 T"4?&)+).

Claiie is the authoi of seveial books, incluuing Twittei foi uoou: Change the
Woilu, 0ne Tweet at a Time, which exploies the TWEET mouel fiamewoik
she is known foi ueveloping to help oiganizations anu inuiviuuals best excel
on Twittei. She has also wiitten uieatei Expectations: Succeeu (anu Stay
Sane) in an 0n-Bemanu, All-Access, Always-0n Age, a hanuful of ebooks, anu
Bope Runs: An Ameiican Touiist, A Kenyan Boy, a }ouiney of Reuemption.

She is a fiequent inteinational speakei on business, innovation, anu social
meuia at such uiveise confeiences as South by Southwest, The Nashable
Social uoou Summit, BlogWoilu, Peisonal Bemociacy Foium, anu 0niteu
Nations events. (uo heie foi a list of hei past anu upcoming speaking

Bei populai business blog at boasts moie than
1uu,uuu monthly ieaueis. She is also a LinkeuIn Influencei, one of Suu
hunuieu global leaueis chosen to pioviue oiiginal content foi the LinkeuIn

Claiie holus an NBA fiom 0xfoiu 0niveisity, wheie she was a Skoll
Founuation Scholai foi Social Entiepieneuiship, anu has a BA anu an NA in
Anthiopology fiom Stanfoiu 0niveisity.

She is the co-founuei of Bope Runs, a non-piofit oiganization opeiating in
AIBS oiphanages in Kenya. Claiie also owns Saving Noney Neuia, a six-yeai
olu netwoik of websites that help families live bettei on less.

She has appeaieu wiuely in majoi television anu piint news souices like CNN,
BBC, Time, Newsweek, the New Yoik Times, the Washington Post, Foitune,
Foibes, Wiieu anu many otheis.

Claiie has liveu on foui continents anu tiaveleu to moie than fifty countiies.
She useu to iun maiathons, but now it makes hei tiieu just to think about it.
She is a fostei mom to a Kenyan teen, an extieme intioveit, anu a ciazy
ieauei (she ieaus 2uu books a yeai). She also boasts an unnatuial passion
foi tiny houses anu iooibos tea.

Finu hei via claiie on Twittei, on LinkeuIn, oi join moie than 4u,uuu
newslettei subsciibeis to hei blog at

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