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Concept Maps

Chapter 1 Physical Quantities and Units

Physical Quantities and Units

Base Quantities and Units Physical quantities Base quantities

Dimension of Physical Quantities Homogeneity of dimension in equation

Scalar & Vector Polygon of vectors Addition and Subtraction


Systematic Random Recording data

Relative velocity

Chapter 2


Rectilinear Motion Displacement Speed Velocity

Graphical Method Graphs s-t v-t

Air Resistance Terminal velocity Skydiving

Acceleration Motion with Constant Acceleration Constant velocity

a-t Projectile Motion Uni-level Bi-level

Constant under gravity

Horizontal Downward

Concept Maps
Chapter 3 Dynamics

Newton's Laws of Motion 1st law

Conservation of Momentum

Elastic & Non-elastic Collisions Newton's law of restitution

Linear momentum 2nd law Weight 3rd law

Momentum change


Chapter 4

Work, Energy and Power

Work, Energy and Power

Work Constant force Variable force Gas expansion

Energy Potential Kinetic Conservation



Chapter 5

Circular Motion
Circular Motion

Uniform Circular Motion Angular & linear velocity

Centripetal Acceleration

Centripetal Force

Example of Circular Motion Ball in horizontal circle Car round a bend Circling

Further Examples Canical pendulum

Curved track Aircraft banking

Banked track

Body whirled by string Bucket

Roller-coaster Curved surface

Concept Maps
Chapter 6 Rotation of Rigid Body
Rotation of Rigid Body

Rotational Kinematics Constant angular acceleration Linear & angular motion

Motion of Rigid Body


Angular Momentum

Conservation of Angular Momentum

Centre of Mass

Moment of Inertia

Rotational Kinetic Energy

Energy of Sphere Rolling on Horizontal Surface

Motion of Sphere Rolling Down Inclined Plane

Chapter 7


Equilibrium of Particles Polygon of forces

Centre of Gravity

Turning Effects of Forces Torque/ moment

Equilibrium of Rigid Body

Frictional Forces Static friction

Kinetic friction

Chapter 8


Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation

Satellite Motion in Circular Orbits Satellite circulating close to Earth

Gravitational Potential Energy Change in gravitational potential energy

Weightlessness True weightlessness Sensation of weightlessness Escape Velocity

Gravitation Field Strength

Geostationary orbit Energy of satellite

Gravitational Potential

Relation between G and g

Variation of g with distance from centre of Earth

Concept Maps
Chapter 9 Simple Harmonic Motion
Simple Harmonic Motion

Characteristics of Simple Harmonic Motion (S.H.M.)

Energy in S.H.M. Variation of energy with displacement with time

Examples of S.H.M. Simple pendulum Oscillation of mass attached to spring on smooth surface vertical helic two springs Torsional pendulum

Kinematics of S.H.M Displacement Velocity Graphs Acceleration

System in S.H.M. Determining if a system is in S.H.M.

Chapter 10 Oscillations


Free Oscillations

Damped Oscillations Under damped Over damped Critically damped Practical examples car suspension moving coil meter

Forced Oscillations Natural frequency

Resonance & Damping Practical examples shattering glass Barton's pendulum Effects of damping

Concept Maps
Chapter 11 Wave Motion
Wave Motion

Waves & Energy Light Terms

Progressive Waves Progressive wave equation Transverse Waves & Longitudinal Waves Wave Intensity Variation with distance

Principle of Superposition Destructive Constructive Standing Waves Node Antinode

Standing wave equation

Chapter 12 Sound Waves

Sound Waves

Propagation of Sound Waves

Intensity of sound Intensity level

Doppler Effect Stationary and moving sources

Sources of Sound Transverse stationary waves Modes of vibration


Air colum closed pipe open pipe

Measuring speed of sound

Vibrating membranes

Concept Maps
Chapter 13 State of Mater
State of Mater

Solid, Liquid & Gas Characteristics

Intermolecular Force Curve Interpretation & application Explaining Hooke's Law Crystalline Solids

Potential Energy Curve Regions in the U r graph

Chapter 14 Deformation of Solids

Deformation of Solids

Stress, Strain & Young's Modulus

Elastic Deformation & Plastic Deformation

Tensile Strength & Stiffness

Force-Extension & Stress-Strain Graphs Important points & regions Characteristics of materials

Determining Young's Modulus Searle's method

Strain Energy from Graph

Concept Maps
Chapter 15 Kinetic Theory of Gases
Kinetic Theory of Gases

Ideal Gas Equation Boyle's law Pressure law Charles law Equation of state Molar gas constant Avogadro constant

Kinetic Theory of Gases

Molecular Kinetic Energy

Degree of Freedom Translational Rotational Vibrational

Internal Energy of Ideal Gas

Maxwell's Law of Equipartition of Energy

Pressure of a Gas

RMS of Molecules

Real Gas & Ideal Gas

Distribution of Moledular Speeds Maxwellian distribution

Chapter 16 Thermodynamics of Gases

Thermodynamics of Gases

Work Done by a Gas Fisrt Law of Thermodynamics Heat Capacity Specific Molar Constant volume pressure

Isometric Change

Isothermal Change Work done

Cyclic Process

Isobaric Change

C, W & U
during Different Process

Internal Energy Melting or boiling Internal energy

Relation between Cv,m & Cp,m Dependence on degree of freedom

Adiabatic Change Equation Work done

Concept Maps
Chapter 17 Thermal Conduction
Thermal Conduction

Mechanism of Conduction Through Solids

Thermal Conduction Along Insulated Rod

Determining Thermal Conductivity Good conductor Searle's method Poor conductor Lee's method

Thermal Conductivity

Thermal Conduction Along Non-Insulated Rod

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