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Language Emulator

Final Year Project Report


Chapter 1: Introduction ................................................................................ 1.1 Abstract ......... 6 1.2 Advantages & Applications ... 7 Chapter 2: Design Modules .. 8 2.1 ver vie! .. . 2.2 Re"uest Acceptance 11 2.2.1 #$R%&'( . 2.2.2 )lue *ove .... 12 2.3 *+aracter Recognition .. 15 15 12

2.3.1 Image Preprocessing........

2.3.2 $egmentation ............... 2.3.3 Recognition

20 23 ,istogram Extraction 23 Feature Point Extraction . 2 2. Language -ranslation .. 28 29

2.5 Response .eliver/ ..

Chapter 3: !esults .. 30 3.1 $naps+ots .. 3.2 *onclusion .. 3.3 Furt+er Improvement .. 37 3. Re0erences . 38 31 35

*+apter 1


1.1 Abstract
-ourism pla/s an important role in modern !orld. It contributes a lot to t+e national revenue. -ourists 0ace a perpetual problem o0 understanding t+e local languages !+erever t+e/ go. And in Europe all t+e sign boards are !ritten in local languages li2e in 3erman/ t+e/ are !ritten in 3erman etc.

ur project is intended to +elp tourist understand !+at +as been !ritten on sign boards. -+e project uses t+e primar/ gadget ever/ tourist carries t+at is +is mobile p+one. A p+oto ta2en 0rom t+e mobile p+one is needed to be sent to t+e server and server does t+e c+aracter recognition4 language translation and sends t+e customer t+e translated text via $5$.

ur project mainl/ is divided into 6 modules. 1. Re"uest Acceptance (. *+aracter Recognition 7. Language -ranslation 6. Response .eliver/

In Re"uest Acceptance module t+e re"uest 0rom t+e customer is ac2no!ledged i.e. t+e image is received 0rom t+e client8s mobile p+one. In *+aracter Recognition module t+e c+aracters are extracted 0rom t+e given image. In Language -ranslation t+e extracted string is converted into Englis+ language. In Response .eliver/ t+e text is sent bac2 to t+e client8s mobile via $5$. 9e +ave success0ull/ implemented algorit+ms 0or c+aracter segmentation4 c+aracter recognition4 and 0eature extraction. 9e +ave

success0ull/ created application 0or connectivit/ bet!een P* server and 5obile *lient. :ote; 9e +ave basicall/ translated a 3erman language into Englis+.

1.2 Advantages & Applications

-+e 0ore most advantage o0 our project is t+at customer need not bu/ an/ additional gadgets to avail t+is service. It can be readil/ used using a p+one !it+ a built%in camera. -+e advantages o0 our project are as 0ollo!s; 1. *ost E00ective. (. :o additional gadget necessar/. 7. <er/ 0ast. 6. Eas/ to use.

9e 0ound various applications !+ere our project best suits in. -+e/ are as 0ollo!s; 1. At Public -ransport places li2e Rail!a/ $tation and )us stations !+ere all t+e details are provided on t+e +oardings. (. At 5useums !+ere people can 2no! more about t+e art pieces. 7. As a single user s/stem t+e !+ole project can be trans0erred to a p+one and one can +ave a mobile Language Emulator.

*+apter (

Design Modules

2.1 ver vie!

.iagrammaticall/ our project can be put as 0ollo!s;

Flo! .iagram

*+aracter Recognition using jt *R Image is converted into computer readable text.


*lient 5obile 5I.let $upporting #$R% &'(


$erver !it+ )luetoot+ =sing )lue *ove 9aiting 0or *lients Re"uest

3erma n -ext


Englis+ -ext

Language -ranslation 3erman -ext is converted to Englis+ -ext.

2.2 Re"uest Acceptance

In t+is module mobile act as a *lient and a standalone P* acts as a $erver. 9e +ave created a 5I.let 0or t+e *lient8s mobile. 9e +ave implemented bot+ programs using #$R%&'( API. -+roug+ t+is 5I.let *lient can detect t+e $erver b/ per0orming a )luetoot+ device en"uir/. A0ter t+e $erver is detected all t+e services available on t+e services are displa/ed in t+e 5obile. As t+e re"uired service is selected mobile8s camera !ill be automaticall/ s!itc+ed on. *lient can t+en ta2e an image o0 t+e +oarding. As soon as t+e image is ta2en it is passed on to t+e $erver. 9e implemented t+is module using )lue *ove4 a )luetoot+ librar/. Firstl/ I !ant to introduce !+at is #$R%&'( & )lue *ove.



-+e #$R%'( is t+e o00icial #ava API 0or )luetoot+ !ireless tec+nolog/. =sing t+is API /ou can create applications t+at per0orm an/ o0 t+e 0ollo!ing 0unctions; 1. .etermine and inspect t+e properties o0 /our o!n )luetoot+ device (. .iscover )luetoot+ devices !it+in t+e communication range o0 /our device 7. $earc+ 0or services on remote )luetoot+ devices 6. *reate )luetoot+ client applications t+at can communicate !it+ remote )luetoot+ servers >. *reate )luetoot+ server applications t+at can service re"uests 0rom )luetoot+ clients

-+e #$R%'( consists o0 t!o pac2ages4 javax.bluetoot+ and javax.obex. Your o!n )luetoot+ device is represented b/ t+e javax.bluetoot+.Local.evice class and all remote )luetoot+ devices are represented b/ t+e javax.bluetoot+.Remote.evice class.


%lue Co&e

)lue *ove is a #$R%'( #($E implementation t+at currentl/ inter0aces !it+ t+e 5ac $ ?4 9I.* 554 )lue$oleil and 5icroso0t )luetoot+ stac2 0ound in 9indo!s ?P $P( and ne!er. riginall/ developed b/ Intel Researc+ and currentl/ maintained b/ volunteers. )lue *ove runs on an/ #<5 starting 0rom version 1.1 or ne!er on 9indo!s 5obile4 9indo!s ?P and 9indo!s <ista4 5ac $ ?. details.

-+e bottom la/er o0 t+e stac2 is t+e ,*I4 t+e ,ost *ontroller Inter0ace. -+is la/er is literall/ t+e inter0ace bet!een t+e +ost @/our computerA and t+e controller @t+e )luetoot+ deviceA. As /ou can see4 all ot+er la/ers go t+roug+ t+e ,*I. -+e la/er above t+e ,*I is L(*AP4 t+e Logical Lin2 *ontroller Adaptation Protocol. -+is la/er acts as t+e data multiplexer 0or all ot+er la/ers.

-+e next la/er is ):EP4 t+e )luetoot+ :et!or2 Encapsulation Protocol. =sing ):EP4 /ou can run ot+er net!or2ing protocols4 suc+ as IP4 -*P4 and =.P4 over )luetoot+. RF* 55 is 2no!n as t+e virtual serial port protocol because it allo!s a )luetoot+ device to simulate t+e 0unctions o0 a serial port. -+e )E? protocol la/er is implemented above t+e RF* 55 la/er and is use0ul !+en /ou !ant to trans0er data as an object4 suc+ as 0iles. $.P is t+e $ervice .iscover/ Protocol la/er4 !+ic+ is used !+enever /ou !ant to 0ind services on a remote )luetoot+ device. -+e 0inal t!o la/ers4 A<*-P and A<.-P are used 0or t+e control and distribution o0 audio and video over )luetoot+. A<*-P and A<.-P are relativel/ ne! additions to t+e )luetoot+ protocolB t+e/ are used !+en /ou !ant to control t+e 0unctions o0 a media pla/er or i0 /ou !ant stream audio in stereo.

$ending Files

ne can use RF* 55 or )E? to send and receive 0iles bet!een )luetoot+ devices. ,o!ever4 RF* 55 is t+e better c+oice !+en /ou !ant to send and receive stream data4 just li2e /ou !ould !it+ a traditional serial port. In t+e real !orld4 RF* 55 s+ould be used !+en /ou !ant to ta2e a traditional serial port application and ma2e it )luetoot+%enabled. I0 /ouCre sending simple text strings bet!een t!o )luetoot+ devices @as in a c+at applicationA4 t+en t+ere ma/ not be muc+ o0 an advantage to using )E?. In t+is case4 /ou s+ould probabl/ use RF* 55 or L(*AP.

n t+e ot+er +and4 )E? is great !+en /ou !ant to send object data suc+ as 0iles. =sing )E?4 /ou can send not onl/ data4 but /ou can also send context or metadata about t+e pa/load. For instance4 !+en sending a 0ile using )E?4 /ou are also able to send ot+er use0ul in0ormation about t+e 0ile suc+ as t+e 0ile name4 0ile t/pe4 0ile siDe4 or an/t+ing else t+at /ou !ant to describe t+e 0ile.

(.7 *+aracter Recognition

In t+is module t+e image is converted into computer readable text. As an image is +uman readable but cannot be interpreted b/ computer4 b/ appl/ing various algorit+ms and processing an image b/ various met+ods !e can convert it into a readable text. -+is readable text is 0or!arded to t+e next module. -+e image goes t+roug+ t+e 0ollo!ing stages; 1. Preprocess (. -ext Extraction 7. Recognition

2.3.1 'reprocess
5ain properties o0 an image are; 1. ,eig+t (. 9idt+ 7. Pixel resolution 6. .ots per inc+ (or our pro)ect *e ha&e considered i+age o, resolution in a range ,ro+ 100-100 to 300-300 *ith a 300 dpi. An image is o0 a normal mobile p+one !it+ a camera resolution o0 1.7 5 Pixels to ( 5 Pixels.

Points to Consider: 1. As !e +ave to process t+e !+ole image pixel b/ pixel it is pre0erable to resiDe t+e picture into a lo!er resolution o0 around 7&&x7&&. -+is !ill +elp process 0aster. (. As t+e received image !ill be o0 #PE3 extension4 it !ill be +aving 7 bands Red4 )lue4 3reen. 9e +ave to convert into a 3ra/ $cale image !+ic+ is o0 a single band. 7. -o process an image it is better to +ave an image single bit per pixel instead 1E or 7( bit per pixel. $o t+e image is converted into a single band and single bit per pixel. 6. -+e c+aracters in t+e image +ave a varied t+ic2ness. $o to decrease t+e error probabilit/ !e !ill t+in t+e image using F+ang$uen Algorit+m !+ic+ !ill leave t+e c+aracter !it+ a single pixel t+ic2ness. :o! t+e image is read/ 0or text extraction. :o! !e !ill ta2e one b/ one point in detail. Processing an image in java uses #AI @#ava Advanced ImagingA API. 5oving 0urt+er4 a small introduction o0 #AI API8s 0undamentals.

JAI (Java Advanced Imaging)[6]

-+e #ava language advantages are its lo! cost4 licensing independence and inter%plat0orm portabilit/. -+e #AI API advantages are its 0lexibilit/ and variet/ o0 image processing operators. Image processing algorit+ms usuall/ re"uire t+e manipulation o0 t+e image data @pixelsA.

ne example o0 a #AI operator is t+e G0ilestoreH operator used in t+e code in t+e listings 1 and ( to store an instance o0 PlanarImage @or o0 a subclass o0 itA in a 0ile. -+e call 0or t+e #AI.create met+od used as arguments t+e name o0 t+e operator4 t+e instance o0 PlanarImage4 a 0ile name and a string containing t+e desired image 0ile name @G-IFFH4 G#PE3H4 GP:3H4 etc.A. Anot+er example o0 operator4 !+ic+ does not use t+e instance o0 Parameter)loc24 a call to #AI.create @I0ileload4 image:ameAB !ill load and return an image !+ic+ 0ile name4 is contained on t+e string image:ame. t+er operators and code snippets t+at illustrate its usage !ill be s+o!n in t+is section. A list o0 all operators can be 0ound on t+e #AI API documentation JEK4 on t+e documentation 0or t+e pac2age )and manipulation operator is t+e GbandcombineH operator4 !+ic+ uses several image bands to combine t+em into a single multiband image. -+is met+od could be used to create a R3) image 0rom t+ree separate red4 green and blue images4 0or example. $ome ot+er simple operators are GaddH4 GsubtractH4 G5ultipl/H and GdivideH4 !+ic+ per0orms basic arit+metic operations on t!o images4 giving a t+ird as result. -+e code snipped s+o!n in listing 11 s+o!s +o! t!o images @!+ic+ are presumabl/ alread/ created or read 0rom 0ilesA can be added4 subtracted4 multiplied or divided depending on !+ic+ button on an user inter0ace !as clic2ed.

.hinning /80:$ In t+inning t+ere are 7 to 6 algorit+ms available. 1. F+ang%$uen -+inning Algorit+m (. ,ilditc+8s -+inning Algorit+m 7. A. Rosen0eld & A. La2 )ut among all t+e t+ree algorit+ms4 F+ang%$uen Algorit+ms is being implemented b/ us. As ,ilditc+8s Algorit+m doesn8t prove to be appropriate 0or patterns !it+ s+arp edges and A. Rosen0eld Algorit+m is not a 0ast one to implement. 9+ereas F+ang%$uen -+inning Algorit+m is a 0ast parallel algorit+m 0or t+inning digital patterns or binar/ images.

Zhang-Suen Thinning A gorithm

-+is algorit+m !or2s on '%connected pixel !indo!.

P1 is t+e pixel under consideration. And surrounding pixels are addressed in cloc2!ise manner. )e0ore going to t+e algorit+m t+ere are some basics to be pondered on. In t+is algorit+m; 1 2p13 is no o0 non Dero neig+bors o0 p1. # 2p13 is no o0 &%1 transitions in t+e neig+bors in t+e se"uence p(%p7% p6%p>%pE%pM%p'%pN%p(.

-+e algorit+m is to continue t+e 0ollo!ing steps until t+e image is no more le0t to be t+inned. A. Flag all t+e contour points !+ic+ satis0/ conditions 1 to 6 ). .elete all t+e 0lagged points. *. Flag all t+e contour points !+ic+ satis0/ conditions > to ' .. .elete all t+e 0lagged points.

Conditions 1. (OP:@p1AOPE (. $@p1A P 1 7. p( Q p6 Q pE P & 6. p6 Q pE Q p' P & >. (OP:@p1AOPE E. $@p1A P 1 M. P( Q p6 Q p' P & '. P( Q pE Q p' P &

aA First Pass bA $econd Pass cA Final Image

2.3.2 #eg+entation

From t+e gra/ scale image !e +ave to extract individual c+aracters. For doing t+e same !e +ave to 0irst divide t+e image into regions using Region 3ro!ing Algorit+m. And t+en !e +ave to move individual regions into separate images so +as to obtain images o0 individual c+aracters seriall/. -+is is done in 0ollo!ing !a/; 1. First appl/ Region 3ro!ing Algorit+m to t+e image so t+at !e get pixels grouped into separate regions. (. -+en separate out individual regions and save t+em in ne! 0iles.

!egion "ro#ing A gorithm

-+e goal o0 segmentation is to partition a digital image or curve into segments suc+ t+at t+e points in eac+ segment s+are a common propert/. For example4 !e can partition a curve into connected subsets suc+ t+at t+e points o0 eac+ subset lie on a common straig+t line4 or !e can partition an image suc+ t+at intensit/ 0unction is linearl/ var/ing !+en restricted to one part. A region gro!ing algorit+m starts 0rom a small seed segment4 and t+en repeatedl/ tries to add ne! points to t+is segment. Eac+ time a point is added4 t+e algorit+m veri0ies !+et+er t+e segmentation criterion is still satis0ied 0or t+e enlarged segment4 ot+er!ise a ne! segment is started. In general4 t+e veri0ication o0 t+e segmentation criterion becomes increasingl/ more di00icult !+en t+e segment gets larger. 9e propose ne! linear%time algorit+ms 0or region gro!ing. -+ese algorit+ms are related to t+e economical design o0 mec+anical 0rame!or2s4 !+ere t+e goal is to ma2e a rigid construction !it+ as 0e! bars as possible. According to t+is analog/4 t+e region gro!ing algorit+m tries to attac+ eac+ ne! point as 0irml/ as possible to t+e existing region !it+ a minimal amount o0 computation.

-+e Algorit+m goes t+is !a/; 1. $elect an/ pixel 0rom t+e image called t+e seed pixel. Assign a region number to it. (. 5ove to ot+er pixel. I0 t+e pixel properties matc+ !it+ t+e seed pixel t+en assign t+e same Region :umber. 7. I0 t+e pixel properties don8t matc+ !it+ t+e seed pixel t+en set t+e ne! pixel as seed pixel and assign it a ne! Region :umber. 6. *ontinue t+e procedure until eac+ and ever/ pixel is assigned a Region :umber.

Se$arating !egions
:o! !e +ave image grouped out into regions. 9e !ill no! separate eac+ region b/ doing 0ollo!ing steps; R For eac+ region R For eac+ pixel R *ompute t+e 5inimum ?8 coordinate. *ompute t+e 5inimum Y8 coordinate. *ompute t+e 5aximum ?8 coordinate. *ompute t+e 5aximum Y8 coordinate. S S For :umber o0 Regions R *reate $ub%image 0rom t+e 5ain%image 0rom 5in ?4 5in Y4 5ax ?4 5ax Y. $ave t+is sub%image into :e! File using #AI. S

2.3.3 !ecognition

-+ere are 0e! !a/s to per0orm c+aracter recognition. :eural :et!or2 is an e00icient and 0ast !a/. )ut !e +ave implemented recognition in t!o p+ases; 1. Histogram extraction (. Feature point extraction Histogram extraction

)e0ore doing t+e Feature extraction !e narro! t+e total comparisons b/ comparing ,istograms o0 t+e image received. 9e ta2e +istogram o0 t+e received image 0rom 7 angles. ,oriDontal4 vertical and diagonal. *ompare it !it+ t+e +istograms o0 c+aracter set alread/ stored. -+is !ill leave us !it+ a less number o0 c+aracters to be compared in Feature Extraction P+ase. Feature Point Extraction

%$tica character recognition (%C!) +as been a topic o0 interest since possibl/ t+e late 1N6&Cs !+en #acob Rabino! started +is !or2 in t+e 0ield1. -+e earliest *R mac+ines !ere primitive mec+anical devices !it+ 0airl/ +ig+ 0ailure rates. As t+e amount o0 ne! !ritten material increased4 so did t+e need to process it all in a 0ast and reliable manner4 and t+ese mac+ines !ere clearl/ not up to t+e tas2. -+e/ "uic2l/ gave !a/ to computer%based *R devices t+at could outper0orm t+em bot+ in terms o0 speed and reliabilit/. -oda/ t+ere are man/ *R devices in use based on a plet+ora o0 di00erent algorit+ms. All o0 t+e popular algorit+ms sport +ig+ accurac/ and most +ig+ speed4 but still man/ su00er 0rom a 0airl/ simple 0la!; !+en t+e/ do ma2e mista2es @and t+e/ all doA4 t+e mista2es are o0ten ver/ unnatural to t+e +uman point o0 vie!. -+at is4 mista2ing a I>I 0or an I$I is not too surprising because most people are !illing to agree t+at t+ese t!o c+aracters are similar4 but mista2ing a I>I 0or an I5I is counter%intuitive and unexpected. Algorit+ms ma2e suc+ mista2es because t+e/ generall/ operate on a di00erent set o0 0eatures t+an +umans 0or computational reasons. ,umans observe stro2es and t+e relations bet!een t+em4 !+ile algorit+ms measure an/t+ing 0rom -rans0ormation Ring Projections( o0 a c+aracter to t+e Fourier -rans0orm o0 t+e ,oriDontal%<ertical Projections7 o0 a c+aracter. -+ese met+ods do !or2 and are o0ten computationall/ e00icient4 but t+e/ ma2e t+e computer see letters t+roug+ a decidedl/ non%+uman set o0 e/es. -+e importance o0 ma2ing t+e same sorts o0 mista2es as a +uman ma/ not be immediatel/ obvious4 but it is important to realiDe t+at t+e main purpose o0 *R is to 0acilitate communication bet!een +umans. 5ista2es t/pical o0 +umans can be more readil/ corrected b/ +umans @i.e. I>aveI is easier to connect !it+ I$aveI t+an I5aveIA. -+is project describes an algorit+m t+at attempts to !or2 !it+ a subset o0 t+e 0eatures in a c+aracter t+at a +uman !ould t/picall/ see 0or t+e identi0ication o0 mac+ine%printed Englis+ c+aracters. Its recognition rate is currentl/ not as +ig+ as t+e recognition rates o0 t+e older4 more developed c+aracter recognition algorit+ms4 but it is expected t+at i0 it

!ere expanded to !or2 !it+ a larger set o0 0eatures t+is problem !ould be removed. I0 it !ere expanded to use more 0eatures4 it !ould be made correspondingl/ slo!erB !it+ t+e advent o0 0aster microprocessors t+is 0act is not vie!ed as a crippling problem. -+e c+aracters in most 9estern c+aracter sets can com0ortabl/ be described using onl/ an eig+t b/ eig+t grid. $ince t+e 0ocus o0 t+is algorit+m is currentl/ just mac+ine printed Englis+ c+aracters t+e algorit+m !as designed to +andle eig+t b/ eig+t data. It s+ould not be impossible to use t+is algorit+m on c+aracters !it+ +ig+er resolution4 but some met+od o0 data reduction !ould +ave to be applied to t+e ra! data 0irst. A bloc2 reduction met+od s+ould produce acceptable results 0or most mac+ine printed data4 but t+ere is no reason t+at a good t+inning algorit+m6 could not do just as !ell provided t+at t+e input needs o0 t+is algorit+m are properl/ understood. -+e algorit+m presentl/ avoids t+inning @and ot+er preprocessingA b/ assuming t+at t+e input eig+t b/ eig+t data is not particularl/ aberrant %% lines in an eig+t b/ eig+t grid s+ould not normall/ be t+ic2er t+an t!o pixels. 9it+ t+is assumption4 it t+en proceeds to loo2 0or 0eature points. Definition: A 0eature point is a point o0 +uman interest in an image4 a place !+ere somet+ing +appens. It could be an intersection bet!een t!o lines4 or it could be a corner4 or it could be just a dot surrounded b/ space. $uc+ points serve to +elp de0ine t+e relations+ip bet!een di00erent stro2es. -!o stro2es could 0ull/ cross eac+ ot+er4 come toget+er in a IYI or a I-I intersection4 0orm a corner4 or avoid eac+ ot+er altoget+er. People tend to be sensitive to t+ese relations+ipsB t+e 0act t+at t+e lines in a IFI connect in a certain !a/ is more important t+an t+e individual lengt+s o0 t+ose lines. -+ese relations+ips are !+at s+ould be used 0or c+aracter identi0ication4 and t+e 0eature points can be exploited 0or t+e tas2. -+e procedure 0or extracting t+ese 0eature points utiliDed b/ t+is algorit+m is 0airl/ straig+t0or!ard. $ince an eig+t b/ eig+t c+aracter consists o0 onl/ sixt/%0our pixels4 it is viable to simpl/ loop t+roug+ t+e entire c+aracter and examine eac+ pixel in turn. I0 a pixel is on4 its eig+t neig+bors are c+ec2ed. $ince eac+ neig+bor can also onl/ be on

or o004 t+ere are merel/ (>E possible combinations o0 neig+bor+oods. 0 t+ese (>E4 0i0t/%eig+t !ere 0ound to represent signi0icant 0eature points in a 0airl/ unambiguous !a/. Extracting 0eature points t+us reduced to calculating a number bet!een Dero and (>E to describe a pixelCs neig+bor+ood and t+en comparing t+at number against a table o0 2no!n 0eature points @see -able 14 IEnumeration o0 Possible Pixel :eig+bor+oods4IA. 9+ile it is true t+at t+is met+od does not al!a/s catc+ ever/ 0eature point @some can onl/ be seen in a larger contextA it catc+es t+e majorit/. 5issing 0eature points is certainl/ not a limiting 0actor in t+e algorit+mCs accurac/. It also does not su00er 0rom labeling too man/ uninteresting points as being 0eature points. It +as virtuall/ no 0alse positives. -+e 0eature point extractor is t+us 0ast and reliable.

+ 0 * + 1 + 2 ** + 3 +* 4 * +* 5 * +* 6 ** +* *

+ * 16 * + * 17 + * *

+ * 32 * + * 33 + * 34 ** + * 35 +* * 36 * +* * 37 * +* * 38 ** +* * *

+ ** 48 * + ** 49 + ** *

*+ 64 * *+ 65 *+ *

*+ * 80 * *+ * 81 *+ * *

*+ * 96 * *+ * 97 *+ * *

*+ ** 112 * *+ ** 113 *+ ** *

+ *

* *

+ ** 176 ** + ** 177 * * + ** 178 *** + ** 179 * +* ** 180 ** +* ** 181 * * +* ** 182 *** +* **

* *+ 192 ** *+ 193 * * *+ 194 *** *+ 195 * *+* 196 ** *+* 197 * * *+* 198 *** *+*

* *+ * 208 ** *+ * 209 * * *+ * 210 *** *+ * 211 * *+* * 212 ** *+* * 213 * * *+* * 214 *** *+* *

* *+ * 224 ** *+ * 225 * * *+ * 226 *** *+ * 227 * *+* * 228 ** *+* * 229 * * *+* * 230 *** *+* *

* *+ ** 240 ** *+ ** 241 * * *+ ** 242 *** *+ ** 243 * *+* ** 244 ** *+* ** 245 * * *+* ** 246 *** *+* **

128 ** + 129 * * + 130 *** + 131 * +*

144 ** + * 145 * * + * 146 *** + * 147 * +* *

160 ** + * 161 * * + * 162 *** + * 163 * * 164 ** +* * 165 * * +* * 166 *** +* * +*

18 ** + * 19 +* * 20 * +* * 21 * +* * 22 ** +* *

50 ** + ** 51 +* ** 52 * +* ** 53 * +* ** 54 ** +* **

66 ** *+ 67 *+* 68 * *+* 69 * *+* 70 ** *+*

82 ** *+ * 83 *+* * 84 * *+* * 85 * *+* * 86 ** *+* *

98 ** *+ * 99 *+* * 100 * *+* * 101 * *+* * 102 ** *+* *

114 ** *+ ** 115 *+* ** 116 * *+* ** 117 * *+* ** 118 ** *+* **

132 ** +* 133 * * +* 134 *** +*

148 ** +* * 149 * * +* * 150 *** +* *

7 + * 8 * + * 9 + * * 10 ** + * 11 +* * 12 * +* * 13 * +* * 14 ** +* * 15

23 + ** 24 * + ** 25 * + ** 26 ** + ** 27 +* ** 28 * +* ** 29 * +* ** 30 ** +* ** 31

39 + * * 40 * + * * 41 + *

55 + *** 56 * + *** 57 * + *** 58 ** + *** 59 +* *** 60 * +* *** 61 * +* *** 62 ** +* *** 63

71 *+ * 72 * *+ * 73 *+ * * 74 ** *+ * 75 *+* * 76 * *+* * 77 * *+* * 78 ** *+* * 79

87 *+ ** 88 * *+ ** 89 * *+ ** 90 ** *+ ** 91 *+* ** 92 * *+* ** 93 * *+* ** 94 ** *+* ** 95

103 *+ * * 104 * *+ * * 105 * *+ * * 106 ** *+ * * 107 *+* * * 108 * *+* * * 109 * *+* * * 110 ** *+* * * 111

119 *+ *** 120 * *+ *** 121 * *+ *** 122 ** *+ *** 123 *+* *** 124 * *+* *** 125 * *+* *** 126 ** *+* *** 127

135 * + * 136 ** + * 137 * * + * 138 *** + * 139 * +* *

151 * + **

167 * +

183 * + *** 184 ** + *** 185 * * + *** 186 *** + *** 187 * +* *** 188 ** +* *** 189 * * +* *** 190 *** +* *** 191

199 * *+ * 200 ** *+ * 201 * * *+ * 202 *** *+ * 203 * *+* * 204 ** *+* * 205 * * *+* * 206 *** *+* * 207

215 * *+ ** 216 ** *+ ** 217 * * *+ ** 218 *** *+ ** 219 * *+* ** 220 ** *+* ** 221 * * *+* ** 222 *** *+* ** 223

231 * *+ * * 232 ** *+ * * 233 * * *+ * * 234 *** *+ * * 235 * *+* * * 236 ** *+* * * 237 * * *+* * * 238 *** *+* * * 239

247 * *+ *** 248 ** *+ *** 249 * * *+ *** 250 *** *+ *** 251 * *+* *** 252 ** *+* *** 253 * * *+* *** 254 *** *+* *** 255

* * 168 ** + * * 169 * * + * * 170 *** + * * 171 * +* * * 172 ** +* * * 173 * * +* * * 174 *** +* * * 175

152 ** + ** 153 * * + ** 154 *** + ** 155 * +* **

* * 42 ** + * * 43 +* * * 44 * +* * * 45 * +* * * 46 ** +* * * 47

140 ** +* * 141 * * +* * 142 *** +* * 143

156 ** +* ** 157 * * +* ** 158 *** +* ** 159

-able 14 Enumeration o0 Possible Pixel :eig+bor+oods

9it+ bot+ a met+od 0or extracting 0eature points and a dictionar/ o0 c+aracters and associated 0eature point data 0or re0erence4 identi0/ing c+aracters becomes a problem o0 measuring t+e degree o0 similarit/ bet!een t!o sets o0 0eatures. -+e met+od emplo/ed b/ t+is algorit+m is just a slig+t modi0ication o0 Euclidean distance. All t+e distances bet!een eac+ o0 t+e 0eature points in t+e un2no!n c+aracter and t+eir closest corresponding 0eature points in t+e re0erence c+aracter are summed and missing or extra 0eature points are penaliDed.

Identi0ication is t+en a matter o0 0inding t+e c+aracter in t+e dictionar/ t+at is !it+in a certain t+res+old distance o0 t+e un2no!n c+aracter. In practice4 t+e algorit+m currentl/ c+ec2s ever/ c+aracter in t+e re0erence set to 0irst locate t+e minimum distance4 and t+en veri0ies t+at t+e minimum distance is less t+an t+e t+res+old.

(.6 Language -ranslation

-+is module !or2s on a ver/ simple logic. Its main aim is to get t+e 3erman -ext 0rom t+e Recognition module and translate it into Englis+. )ut as c+aracter recognition cannot be considered 1&&T accurate so little care must be ta2en in t+is module to ma2e t+e project more reliable. ,ere in t+is module !e +ave devised a dictionar/ using simple #($E. -+e recogniDed text string is searc+ed 0or in t+e dictionar/ to +ave its translated version. -+is translated version is t+e re"uired emulated text.

Points to be noted; I +ave considered situations as jotted later to improve t+e e00icienc/ o0 t+e result. Li2e !+en I !as testing m/ application sometimes m/ c+aracter recognition module made some minor mista2es !+ic+ are ver/ muc+ possible !it+ our na2ed e/e also li2e !+ile recogniDing a !or2 li2e G$A<EH it !ill recogniDe G>A<EH. -+is error is negligible. )ut to normaliDe t+is error I +ave ta2en little care in translation. 9+en I searc+ a !ord 0irst I searc+ seriall/ in a 0ile same as !e do to 0ind a !ord in t+e dictionar/. I0 I don8t get particular !ords I searc+ 0or t+e group o0 !ords omitting eac+ letter one b/ one. I searc+ 0or >U<E4 UA<E4 >A UE and >A<U. And t+en I !ould 0ind most suitable !ord among t+ese.

(.> Response .eliver/

-+is module o0 ours deals !it+ sending t+e recogniDed text in t+e translated 0orm to t+e re"uest sender mobile. -+e user !+o +as sent t+e image containing 3erman text !ill no! get t+e emulated version o0 t+at text into Englis+ via a sms. ,ere !e +ave implemented t+is tec+ni"ue using a java librar/ 2no!n as $5$%Lib. It allo!s to sendVreceive $5$ messages via a compatible 3$5 modem or 3$5 p+one. $5$LibJ11K also supports some bul2 sms operators. -+ere are mainl/ t!o !a/s 0or sending t+is sms to t+e mobile p+one. -+e/ are;% $/nc+ronous $ending As/nc+ronous $ending

$/nc+ronous $ending; 9+en a call to $5$%Lib is made to send a message4 its t+read bloc2s until t+e message gets sent or 0ails. As/nc+ronous $ending; 9+en a call to $5$%Lib is made to send a message4 its t+read does not bloc2 and $5$%Lib returns immediatel/. $5$%Lib "ueues our messages and sends t+em in t+e bac2ground. You ma/ c+oose to get noti0ied about t+e 0ate o0 /our messages.

*+apter 7


7.1 $naps+ots

Fig; $tarting screen o0 t+e 5I.let application.

Fig; $naps+ot o0 t+e mobile p+one searc+ing 0or devices.

Fig; $naps+ot o0 a mobile be0ore starting service.

Fig; $erver module. $+o!ing connectivit/ 0unctions.

7.( *onclusion
At t+e time o0 t+e beginning o0 t+e development o0 t+is project !e +ave 2ept certain goals in mind and it gives us great pleasure t+at t+e application is meeting most o0 its re"uirement. In t+is project report !e +ave mention all t+e details regarding t+e project4 !+ic+ includes all t+e stages o0 t+e application. Finall/ t+e 0ollo!ing pictorial representations !ill indicate t+e !+ole application step b/ step along !it+ t+e results obtained during eac+ p+ase. An Image Is *aptured -+roug+ A 5obile 9+ic+ *ontains a -ext In 3erman Language. $a/ 0or demonstration purpose its Gbuc+H as s+o!n belo!. -+e image is ta2en b/ a 5otorola LEi 5obile p+one.

Image $ent $5$ btained

As s+o!n above t+e translated version o0 3erman !ord Gbuc+H is received b/ t+e mobile !+ic+ is Gboo2H.

9e did t+is !it+ images o0 di00erent resolutions ta2en 0rom variable distances at di00erent luminar/ conditions @i.e. brig+t lig+t4 medium lig+t4 dim lig+t etc. etc.A. -+e accurac/ obtained in 0avourable conditions !as good as compared to t+at in odd conditions @i.e. less lig+t more distance etc. etcA. $o a0ter mulling over t+e considerations !e did some o0 t+e experiments b/ ta2ing di00erent +andsets +aving cameras o0 di00erent resolutions at 0avourable conditions. All suc+ statistical log is as belo!;

Accurac/ Results
5obile P+one Resolution :o o0 times accurate results obtained @max tries >A Accurac/ J:eglecting trails !it+out 1&&T accurate resultsK '&T E&T '&T

:o2ia 7(7& 5otorola LEi :o2ia E7&&

1.75 E6& x 6'& (5

6 7 6

7.7 Furt+er Improvements

-+ere can be some en+ancements !+ic+ can be implemented in our project. -+ese en+ancements !ill surel/ ma2e it 0easible to be included as one o0 t+e services !+ic+ !ill be provided b/ t+e mobile companies and net!or2 providers. $ome o0 t+em are as belo!; i. In image sending module4 )luetoot+ connectivit/ is implemented to send image to t+e server. -o broaden its range instead o0 )luetoot+4 !ireless trans0er can be implemented !+ic+ !ill deal !it+ 55$8s to send t+e image. It is not implemented b/ us presentl/ because o0 t+e +ig+ cost involved in sending 55$8s. In recognition part !e +ave considered straig+t text !it+in t+e image. Furt+er it ma/ be implemented 0or inclined4 inverted strings o0 c+aracters. -+e image in our project s+ould +ave onl/ t!o colors. All t+e c+aracters o0 a text are comprised o0 one color and t+e bac2ground8s color comprising t+e second one. -+is can be extended to more t+an t!o color sc+eme as pragmaticall/ it is not possible to +ave uni0orm bac2ground color. -+e text !it+in our project s+ould be a single !ord i.e. name o0 t+e cit/. It s+ould not be a sentence 0ormed o0 grammaticall/ connected !ords. $o 0urt+er improvement can be implemented to recogniDe sentence and interpret it !it+ proper grammatical sentence in t+e target language. -+is language emulator can be implemented as a stand alone so0t!are 0or t+e mobile p+ones. i.e. t+is so0t!are s+ould be installed in t+e p+one to directl/ get t+e translated text !it+out sending it to t+e server and getting bac2 t+e message.





7.7 Re0erences

1. !!! (. !!!.no2ia0orums.comVbluetoot+ 7. !!!

6. ,op2ins4 bruce & Anton/4 Ranjit W Intoduction to & uetooth in 'ava

>. !!!

E. Introduction to #ava Advanced Imaging @#AIA% Scharsco()* M. Algorit+m 0or image processing and computer vision W #. R. Par2er '. -. Y. Fang & *. Y. $uen W +ast $ara e a gorithm ,or thinning N. 5. Ant+on/ and :. )iggs computational Learning -+eor/. 1&. L. *+an4 a simplest /et robust structural approac+ 0or c+aracter recognition% -../ Internationa con,erence ,or 0and#ritten Character !ecognition1
11. !!! W TS./62

1(. !!! W A 'ava i3rar* ,or sending and receiving sms

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