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November - December 2007 I ENDTIMEMAGAZINE

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VOL 17

NO 6

Page 10 Annapolis Peace Conference
While in Israel, President Bush said he was sure a final treaty between Israel and the Palestinians would be achieved before he left office in January 2009. If this happens, it appears this would be the prophesied confirmation of the covenant. The confirmation of the covenant is the event that will signal the beginning of the final seven years to Armageddon and the Second Coming.

Page 19

Number of the Beast666 or 616?

In a few ancient manuscripts of the Bible, the mark of the beast is recorded as 616, not 666. Since we are instructed to count or calculate the number of the beast, we asked our resident Greek and Hebrew advisor Dave Novick to explain which is really correct.

Page 26

Daniels Equations
The book of Daniel gives more specific time-frames for prophetic fulfillment than any other book in the Bible. In this article, Craig Treadwell gives us two of the prophetic equations given by Daniel. These two equations give us formulae that enable us to understand the timing of endtime events.


Cover : (Nov. 27, 2008) Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, left, President George W. Bush, and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas shake hands following President Bush's address to more than 50 counties and organizations at the Annapolis Conference in the Naval Academy's Memorial Hall. Photo courtesy of U.S. Navy by Gin Kai.

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ENDTIMEMAGAZINE I November - December 2007

Irvin Baxter Jr. - Editior-in-Chief

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF & CEO Irvin Baxter, Jr. MANAGING EDITOR Craig Treadwell EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS Ginger Boerkircher Gail Simmons Dana Grohman PARTNER RELATIONS Jana Robbins CONFERENCE DIRECTOR Kara McPeak INTERNET David Novick DESIGN & LAYOUT Simeon Young Jr.



The Bible prophesies a world government will be in power just before the Second Coming of Jesus to the earth. The world is presently undergoing the greatest restructuring process of all history. It is called globalization because it is the setting up of a global government. We now have the World Trade Organization, the World Health Organization, the World Bank, the World Court, the International Monetary Fund, the World Community, and on and on.
So ye in like manner, when ye shall see these things come to pass, know that it is nigh, even at the doors. Verily I say unto you, that this generation shall not pass, till all these things be done Mark 13:29-30

STATEMENT OF FAITH We believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God, that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world, and that He will come again to establish a kingdom that shall never be destroyed (Daniel 2:44). Those who are born again (John 3:3-5). will have eternal life and rule as kings and priest with Christ forever. WHAT IS ENDTIME? In 1968, Irvin Baxter jr. discovered the United States and other modern nations in the Bible. He also found the Berlin Wall in the Bible and that one day it was to be torn down, re-uniting Germany, and that event would be the catalyst to spark an international movement called the New World Order. These things have now come to pass. Irvin Baxter Jr., a Pentecostal minister, began Endtime Ministries in 1986 when he wrote A Message For The President, a book explaining the major prophecies of the Bible which he had been teaching since 1968. After the fall of the Berlin Wall, prophetic fulfillment accelerated rapidly. The decision was made to launch Endtime magazine. The purpose of the magazine is to explain the prophecies of the Bible and to show that they are now being fulfilled in intricate detail. Articles focus on the soon return of Jesus Christ, the truth of the Bible, and the need for salvation. Endtime does not deal with doctrinal controversies, as valid as they may be. This will be left to other publications.
ENDTIME is published bi-monthly by Endtime Inc., 2701 E George Bush Turnpike, Plano, TX 75074. Subscription price is $29 for 12 issues. Copyright 2007 Endtime, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Endtime, P .O. Box 940729, Plano, TX 750940729. For subscriptions call 24 hrs/day, 7days/week 1-800Endtime. Other inquiries call 1-972-530-0100 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Central).

have been studying the prophecies of the Bible for forty years now. In that time, I have witnessed some incredible prophetic fulfillments. However, what is happening now is different. The only way I can describe what I am feeling is convergence. Im not talking about one or two, or even three, prophecies developing at the same time. I am saying that all of the prophecies that are spoken of in scripture for the endtime are converging right now! For example, the Bible prophesies a war that will begin from the Euphrates River. We are fighting along the Euphrates River in Iraq today. Scripture foretells that the international community will confirm the right of Israel to live in the Holy Land within internationally recognized borders. President Bush claims that will happen before he leaves office. Revelation 13:16-18 speaks of a time when every person will be forced to have a mark or a number without which he or she will not be able to buy or sell. Out of 192 nations on earth, 187 either have a national ID system or have passed legislation to create one by 2010. The national ID is the mechanism that will be used by the Antichrist to implement his mark of the beast program. The Bible prophesies a world government will be in power just before the Second Coming of Jesus to the earth.

November - December 2007 I ENDTIMEMAGAZINE

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Nine specific prophecies in the Bible will occur within the final seven years prior to the Battle of Armageddon. By examining these prophecies, we can get a sense of how close we are to Armageddon.
The final seven years will begin when the Antichrist and the international community give their support to Israels right to exist in the land promised to Abraham by God. This is called the confirmation of the covenant (Daniel 9:27 & Genesis 15:18). Israeli Prime Minister has openly stated that the number one goal of his administration is to obtain the support of the international community for Israels final borders. He hopes to achieve this by the end of 2008.

The world is presently undergoing the greatest restructuring process of all history. It is called globalization because it is the setting up of a global government. We now have the World Trade Organization, the World Health Organization, the World Bank, the World Court, the International Monetary Fund, the World Community, and on and on. The Bible states that as it was in the days of Lot, so shall it be in the days of the coming of the Son of man. The prominent social condition of Lots day was homosexuality. Lot lived in Sodom, which bequeathed to the world the horrible sin of sodomy (homosexuality). California recently passed a law against using the terms father and mother and husband and wife in public schools. This was done in an effort to not discriminate against those from homosexual lifestyles. The law also states that males can use female locker rooms and restrooms if they feel like they really are female. And females can use the male restrooms and locker rooms if they feel like they really are male. Is this the stance of some weirdo fringe group? No! This was passed by the California legislature and signed by Governor Arnold Swarzneggar! All the prophecies given to us about the endtime are coming to pass right now! Jesus said about convergence, So ye in like manner, when ye shall see these things come to pass, know that it is nigh, even at the doors. Verily I say unto you, that this generation shall not pass, till all these things be done (Mark 13:29-30).

The Temple Mount will be placed under the supervision of the world community and the leader of the world community, the Antichrist will stand on the Temple Mount, claiming to be God (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4). Ehud Barak, Israeli Prime Minister in the year 2000, suggested placing the Temple Mount under UN control in order to make a sharing of the Temple Mount possible. When the UN takes control of the Temple Mount, the leader of the world government will feel justified in claiming ultimate authority there. A world government will dominate the world for three and one-half years prior to Armageddon (Daniel 7:23 & Revelation 13:7). The nations of the world are increasingly recognizing the authority of international law. We now have the World Bank, the World Trade Organization, the World Health Organization and the World Courtjust to name a few. We have a World Court to adjudicate the international laws of the emerging world government. Each person on earth will be required to have a mark or a number in order to buy or sell (Revelation 13:1618). On May 11, 2005, President Bush signed the Real ID Act. The law requires that every American must have a national ID card by May 11, 2008. Without this card, a person will not be able to hold a job or open a bank account. Without a job or a bank account, how much buying and selling will an individual be able to do? Oh, by the way, you cant get your card without giving your numberyour social security number. The world community, led by Russia and Iran, will invade the nation of Israel (Zechariah 14:2-4 & Ezekiel 38 & 39) Iran (Persia) and Russia (Meshech root word for Moscovi or Moscow) are now in alliance. Iran is the leading advocate of wiping Israel off the map.

A war will begin from the vicinity of the Euphrates River (Revelation 9:13-16). Most of the Euphrates River is in Iraq. The United States has 140,000 troops stationed along the Euphrates at this time. The conflict between the U.S. and Islamic Fundamentalism is not diminishing, but increasing around the world. The West Bank (Judea) in Israel will become a place of great tribulation (Matthew 24:15-21). Ehud Olmert has openly said that he will withdraw from the West Bank (Judea) by the end of 2008. When Israel withdraws, the Hamas terrorist state will take over in Judea, precipitating a bloodbath. The Temple Mount in Jerusalem will be placed under a sharing arrangement between Jew and Gentile (Revelation 11:1-2). President Clinton suggested the sharing of the Temple Mount in July of 2000. It is generally believed this is the only possible solution to the Temple Mount dispute whenever the issue is finally resolved.

All of the prophecies that are spoken of in scripture for the endtime are converging right now!

The Jewish temple will be built on the Temple Mount (Revelation 11:1-2 & 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4). All the furniture for Israels Third Temple is now complete; Israel has her long-sought-for red heifer, which is needed before the re-establishment of temple worship; and in June of 2005, the newly re-born Sanhedrin announced they were proceeding with building the temple. They intend to pre-fabricate it off-site.

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ENDTIMEMAGAZINE I November - December 2007


6th Trumpet Watch

Taiwan referendum could lead to 'high-risk period' Beijing's top official on cross-Straits affairs is condemning a referendum being pushed by Taiwan. Chen Yunlin, minister of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, called the referendum to join the United Nations under the name of Taiwan a "scheme" aimed at de jure independence. Taiwan leader Chen Shui-bian says the referendum for Taiwan's admission to the UN will be slated for March, and that he has no rights to "veto the referendum". Yunlin warned that Beijing will stay on high alert, and if Taiwan's secession from China should occur, we shall resort to necessary measures without hesitation. Iran indicates it is building another nuclear plant Iran confirmed that it had received the first fuel shipment for its nuclear power plant, but also indicated for the first time that it was building a second plant. The 360-megawatt indigenous nuclear plant is being built in Darkhovein. Iran's Atomic Organization, Gholamreza Aghazadeh said that Iran needs to increase the centrifuges at the Natanz enrichment plant from 3,000 to 50,000, saying that with the current 3,000, it could only produce fuel for a 100-megawatt plant. U.S. moves closer to space-based combat The United States is developing a new space vehicle, which could attack targets anywhere in the world within minutes. Space warfare is deemed necessary to counter possible missile attacks from enemy nations. A spokesman for the Pentagon's Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Darpa) said that a first test flight was scheduled for sometime this year. Bush warns of World War III if Iran goes nuclear, then does about face U.S. President George W. Bush warned world leaders they must prevent Iran from getting nuclear weapons "If you're interested in avoiding World War III." We've got a leader in

Iran who has announced that he wants to destroy Israel," Bush said at a White House press conference. But Bush seemed to do an about face when an intelligence report came out saying that Iran had stopped its nuclear weapons program in 2003 just after invasion of Iraq.

EU Watch
Hungary first country to ratify new EU Treaty Hungary set an example of the swift ratification needed to implement the EUs institutional reforms by January 2009. The Commission welcomed the vote as an important first step in bringing the concrete benefits of the new EU Treaty into effect. An overwhelming majority of 325 members of parliament voted in favor of the new Treaty, with only five opposed and 14 abstentions. EU embassy mergers are step closer to a superstate Europe has taken another big step towards becoming a superstate by proposing joint EU embassies throughout the world. This suggestion came just days before the signing of the EU treaty. EU defense ministers give boost to military spending In a bid to improve the blocs military performance, EU defense ministers increased the European Defense Agency's annual budget by one third. Investing in the right technology is critical for the future of European defense and the strategy is exactly in line with the absolute requirement for us to spend more, spend better and spend more together," says EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana. EU treaty to become UK law The EU Reform Treaty will be transformed into United Kingdom law by an EU Reform Treaty Bill expected to be introduced into Parliament early in the year. At a ceremony in Lisbon, the Treaty was formally agreed upon by Gordon

Brown and other EU heads of state. Now the ratification process will begin and is expected to be completed before the end of 2008. The Treaty will come into effect on January 9, 2009, and will create the new posts of permanent President of the Council of Ministers and a new foreign policy chief with supporting diplomatic service as well as abolishing vetoes in around 60 policy areas.

Mark of the Beast Watch

Federal ID plan raises privacy concerns Americans may soon need passports to board planes or to picnic in a national park if they live in one of the states that are defying the federal Real ID Act. The Department of Homeland Security insists Real ID is an essential weapon in the war on terror. But more than half the nation's state legislatures have passed symbolic legislation denouncing the plan. The ID cards would be mandatory for all "federal purposes," which include walking into a federal building or national park, according to Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff. Millions more ID records go missing Records of more than three million British learner drivers are missing from a secure facility in the United States. Minutes after ministers admitted that they still did not know the whereabouts of two discs holding sensitive information on 25 million people, they were forced to confess they had lost the details of all candidates for the driving theory test between 2004 and 2007. The security breach came as ministers were toughening sanctions against the willful abuse of data. ACLU presses candidates to repeal Real ID card law The American Civil Liberties Union and its New Hampshire affiliate are trying to pressure presidential candidates to publicly reject the Real ID law and to pledge to repeal it. NHCLU Executive Director Claire says its important to know where the candidates stand on this issue. Although the New

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Hampshire Legislature, along with legislators in 16 other states, have rejected the de facto national ID card, and statutes or resolutions have passed one chamber in eleven more states and have been introduced in eight states and the District of Columbia, it's going to take congressional action to repeal the legislation. Privacy no longer means anonymity Donald Kerr, the principal deputy director of national intelligence, says privacy no longer can mean anonymity. Privacy should mean that government and businesses properly safeguard people's private communications and financial information. In 1978, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act was hastily changed by lawmakers to allow the government to eavesdrop inside the United States without court permission. AT&T gave feds access to all Web, phone traffic, ex-tech says Mark Klein, a former AT&T technician, says he stumbled upon documents that show the National Security Agency (NSA) gained access to massive amounts of e-mail, Web search and other Internet records of more than a dozen global and regional telecom providers. Klein says AT&T allowed the agency to hook into its network. Theres no hiding from the truth youre on camera! Mayor Bloomberg has said New Yorkers must face the fact that they're being watched. Countless private security cameras eye the city at all times. Within just eight blocks, a Post reporter walking in Times Square was captured by at least 54 outdoor surveillance cameras.

Herods quarry Israeli archaeologists have found the quarry that provided King Herod with the huge stone blocks used to renovate the Second Temple compound. Rabbi Chaim Richman of the Temple Institute sees this as a confirmation of the presence of God, saying the quarry was found at a time when Moslem authorities are trying to destroy any proof of the existence of two ancient temples on the Temple Mount. Priestly blessing on Temple Mount The Priestly Blessing (Numbers 6:24-26) has been recited on the Temple Mount for arguably the first time since the 1st-century destruction of the temple according to Rabbi Chaim Richman. A group of some 25 Jews, organized by the Temple Institute in Jerusalem, visited the Temple Mount to commemorate the 842nd anniversary of Maimonides' famous visit to the Temple Mount.

Ex-Mexican president: 'Amero' on the way Former Mexican President Vicente Fox has confirmed the existence of a plan conceived with President Bush to create a new regional currency in the Americas. Fox admitted he and President Bush had agreed to pursue the Free Trade Agreement of the Americas a free-trade zone extending throughout the Western Hemisphere. World Religion

World Religion Watch

Catholic leader rejects 'Jewish state' During a pre-Christmas address, a top Roman Catholic clergyman in the Holy Land said that Israel's identity as a Jewish state discriminates against non-Jews. He said, This land cannot be exclusive for anyone. Christians, Muslims pledge to seek common ground A wide range of Christian theologians and leaders endorsed a document calling for increased efforts to work with Muslims. The new document, Loving God and Neighbor Together: A Christian Response to A Common Word between Us and You, was signed by almost 300 Christians. The Yale document expanded to include endorsements from Christian voices including Rick Warren, Robert Schuller, and David Neff, editor in chief of Christianity Today. Rise of Pentecostalism spurs call for Catholic 'self-examination' A top official at the Vatican called upon the Catholic Church to critically self-examine itself in response to the exponential rise of Pentecostal movements. Cardinal Walter Kasper, who serves as president of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, said, We must not ask first what is wrong with the Pentecostals but ask what our pastoral failings are and come to a spiritual renewal." Pope urges reconciliation for world religion meeting Pope Benedict XVI urged reconciliation among peoples ahead of the religious summit in Naples. It was the largest inter-faith meeting held by the Pope. Benedict spoke with leading Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist, Anglican, Orthodox and other Christian figures. The meeting followed an open letter sent to the Pope and other Christian figures by 138 Muslim leaders, which urged greater efforts to bring the two religions together.

World Government Watch

UN agency announces global standards for Internet television services The lead United Nations agency for Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has announced the first set of global standards for providing television services over the Internet, a move that is expected to fuel innovation and competition. Standards for Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) have been developed by the UN International Telecommunication Union (ITU) with input from service providers and manufacturers. U.S. agrees to Bali compromise The United States made a dramatic reversal when it accepted a compromise to set the stage for intense negotiations in the next two years aimed at reducing carbon dioxide emissions worldwide. The head of the U.S. delegation was booed when she announced that the United States was rejecting the plan, but a delegate from Papua New Guinea seemed to carry weight with the Americans when he challenged the United States to "either lead, follow, or get out of the way. Global Carbon Tax Urged at UN Climate Conference A global tax on carbon dioxide emissions was urged to help save the Earth from global warming at the United Nations climate conference. At least $10-$40 billion dollars per year could be generated by the tax, and wealthy nations like the U.S. would bear the biggest burden based on the polluters pay principle.

Middle East Watch

Bush travels to Israel, West Bank President Bush recently made his first trip to Israel as president. The visit followed up on the progress made at the Annapolis conference in helping Israelis and Palestinians advance their efforts toward peace and achievement of the President's vision of two democratic states. Blair: Palestinian state by end of 2008 'possible' According to Tony Blair, the establishment of a Palestinian state by the end 2008 is possible. He said that he knows President Bush well enough, and Bush would not have set such a goal if he didn't believe it was possible.

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ENDTIMEMAGAZINE I November - December 2007


Q: I know there are many speculations on what the seven thunders could be and why John was told not to write them. After listening to Endtime radio, reading Paul William's book, and praying for wisdom, this idea came to me. Could the seven thunders be the American Hiroshima, when terrorists have plans to hit seven US cities with nuclear bombs? Why was John not allowed to write what he saw? My opinion is that God has not yet decided the severity of these attacks. He is still listening to the prayers of his saints concerning the safety of America. Barbara A: From the outset, allow me to be explicitly clear. I dont know what the seven thunders are. Would I like to know? Absolutely! It has been reported that Al Qaeda is planning to bomb seven U.S. cities with nuclear weapons. I dont know if they have the wherewithal to carry out their threat or not. I confess that I have wondered if such an attack could be the seven thunders. But again, I dont claim to know. Why did God tell John not to write what the seven thunders said? Either He did not want anyone to know what they said, or else He wanted to heighten the mystery. I tend to think God may want someone to know. If not, why did He mention the seven thunders at all. If God does want someone to know, He will have to reveal it to whomsoever He chooses. Q: Where can I find a chronologic chart of endtime events? A: You will find this in our course, Understanding the EndtimeLevel 3, also called Sequence of Endtime Events. We recommend that you get the DVDs and the study manual in order to obtain a complete picture and well-rounded knowledge base. You may order UTE, Level 3, online at or by calling 1.800.endtime (1.800.363.8463). We strongly suggest that you go through Understanding the EndtimeLevel 1 before experiencing Level 3. sume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever. Revelation 11:15 says, And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever. Revelation 20:6 describes the 1,000-year reign this way: Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years. We read yet another description in Isaiah 2:4, And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. The 1,000-year reign of Christ will be a time of peace when mankind lives the way that God intended for him to live from the beginning of creation.

Q: Hello. First off I want to say I've appreciated reading/listening to your prophecy teachings. I am fairly new to your website. Now for my question: When Jesus comes after the battle of Armageddon and establishes His kingdom, what is the 1,000-year reign of peace that He will usher in? What is that about? A. The 1,000-year reign is the time known as the kingdom of God. It is referred to in many scriptures. Daniel 2:44 described it this way: And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and con-

Q: I thought there was a red heifer in Texas, but I have just read this article: Rabbi Yisrael Ariel, Director of the Temple Institute, explained to Arutz-7 some of the Halakhic [Jewish legal] aspects of the fashioning of the vessels for the Temple. "For one thing," he said, "they are made in impurityfor now we are impure, and will

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remain impure until we are able to have a red heifer whose ashes can be used in the Torah-prescribed purification ceremony. If no red heifer is available for purification, then the High Priest must even serve in the Holy of Holies on Yom Kippur in a state of impurity." Can you enlighten me on this? - Thanks Lola A: A few years ago, Rabbi Chaim Richman, Executive Director of the Temple Institute serving under Rabbi Yisrael Ariel, visited Mississippi to examine some red cattle as possibly qualifying as the red heifer Israel needs. At that time, he said the heifers he saw would qualify. Later a heifer was born in Israel that they thought might qualify. Israel would prefer an Israeli-born heifer. This heifer then developed white hairs in her tail and was disqualified by the rabbis. In May of 2006, Rabbi Richman told our tour group that Israel had a qualified red heifer. I have attempted to find out more about this, but the sources of information have dried up. The statement by Rabbi Ariel that the High Priest could serve in the Holy of Holies in a state of impurity is a new statement to me. The times ahead are certainly going to be interesting!

Q: Please cover what Jordan's relationship with Israel is, and why do they have a part in the Temple Mount, or are they gaining control of it? And why? How does this relate prophetically. In Daniel 11:41 Moab, Edom and Ammon seem to be protected from the Antichrist. Why? God bless you, and thanks for all your hard work. Tamie A: After the Ottoman Empire was defeated in World War I, Palestine was made a British protectorate by the League of Nations. The United Nations voted on November 29, 1947 to partition the Holy Land into a Jewish and Palestinian homeland. When Israel declared independence on May 14,

1948, the Arab nations surrounding her launched a war against her. Jordan was among those who launched the war. When the ceasefire was reached in 1949, Jordan controlled the area of Judea and half the city of Jerusalem including the Temple Mount. Jordan controlled the Temple Mount and the West Bank for the next 19 years until the 1967 War. Jerusalem and the West Bank came into Israeli possession at that time. Some Israelis wanted to remove the Muslim shrines from the Temple Mount and to rebuild Israels temple there. However, the Israeli government returned the Temple Mount to Islamic control for three reasons. 1. They feared precipitating an attack by all the worlds Arabic nations. 2. They feared the adverse reaction by the world community. 3. Israels secular leaders did not want the rebuilding of the temple. They feared the Jewish revival this might trigger, suspecting it might topple them from power. When Israel placed the daily operation of the Temple Mount under Islamic control, they requested that Jordan continue to be the overseer of it. Jordan has been the most pro-western and pro-Israeli of the Arabic states. Jordans late revered King Hussein received his education and military training in the United States. He also married an American wife. Jordan has been the most skilful of all Arabic countries at straddling the fence in volatile Middle Eastern politics. It appears that she will succeed till the end. As you mentioned, Daniel 11:41 prophesies that Edom, Moab and the children of Ammon will escape the hand of the Antichrist. Edom is Petra in southern Jordan, the Moab Mountains are in central Jordan and Amman is Jordans capital city.

Secondly, join the effort to inform every person you know. One of the best ways to do this is to purchase our DVD on this subject: 666How Close. Once you have your own master copy, you have permission to make as many copies as you wish to pass out to your friends and family. Third, contact your lawmakers urging them to pass a bill against the Real ID in your state if they have not already done so. Seventeen states already have. You can find out the current status of your state by going to and clicking on the resources link. Under the websites heading, click on the link for the Real Nightmare website. This will bring you up to speed with how your state is fairing up against Real ID. Lastly, contact U.S. senators and congressmen asking them to repeal the Real ID Act at the federal level.

Comment: I simply wanted to inform you about our activities here in Alabama. We will be lobbying for a Resolution against REAL ID, sponsored by Rep. Cam Ward this coming session. Mike -

Q: Thank you for "standing" against the Real ID Act. I am against it, and many of my friends are against it. What should we do? Galen A: The plan of action is to first of all stand with us in prayer.

Due to increased demand, Endtime is offering members of its prophecy team for local prophecy conferences. All team members work closely with Irvin Baxter and have studied his material for years. Each minister is available for conferences throughout the year, presenting the very best and latest prophecy news and commentary

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ENDTIMEMAGAZINE I November - December 2007




November - December 2007 I ENDTIMEMAGAZINE

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A timetable has been set to conclude a final treaty resolving all outstanding Palestinian-Israeli issues. The Saudi Arabian government claims the Bush administration promised that an agreement would be achieved within twelve months of the conference.

he confirmation of the covenant, as prophesied in the Bible, will mark the beginning of the final seven years to Armageddon. This confirmation will consist of two things: 1. The confirmation by the world community of Israels right to exist in the Holy Land within internationally recognized borders. 2. The establishment of a sharing arrangement on the Temple Mount between Jew and Gentile. This sharing arrangement will allow for the building of Israels Third Temple there, while not disturbing the Muslim holy sites. The goals of the international peace conference in Annapolis, Maryland on November 26-27, 2007 were: 1. To launch negotiations to determine the final internationally recognized borders between Israel and a Palestinian state. 2. To settle the final status of Jerusalem, which would include the final status of the Temple Mount. In other words, the stated goal of the peace conference in Annapolis, Maryland was the confirmation of the covenant as prophesied in scripture! It was known going into the conference that this goal would not be achieved at Annapolis. The purpose of the conference was not to conclude an agreement, but rather to restart the Israeli-Palestinian peace process that has lain dormant since the Camp David talks broke down in July of 2000. A timetable has been set to conclude a final treaty resolving all outstanding Palestinian-Israeli issues. The Saudi Arabian government claims the Bush administration promised that an agreement would be achieved within twelve months of the conference. On November 21, 2007, just days

before the conference began, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said the United States will try to close a peace deal between Israel and the Palestinians before President George W. Bush's term ends in January 2009, but she cautioned there is no guarantee of success. Rice said Israeli and Palestinian leaders have pledged to work for a deal setting up an independent Palestinian state before President George W. Bush leaves office. If this is accomplished, it appears the confirmation of the covenant will take place within the next twelve months. If the confirmation does occur, the final seven years prophesied in the Bible will begin. Once again, if the goals set at Annapolis are actually achieved, it appears that the final seven years to Armageddon and the Second Coming will begin in 2008! What is the confirmation of the covenant? Daniel 9:27 states that the leader of the international community, the Antichrist, will confirm a covenant with Israel for seven years. The covenant refers to the Abrahamic covenant spoken of repeatedly in scripture. In the same day the LORD made a covenant with Abram, saying, Unto thy seed have I given this land, from the river of Egypt unto the great river, the river Euphrates. Genesis 15:18 I also established my covenant with them to give them the land of Canaan, where they lived as aliens. Exodus 6:4 The covenant is Gods promise to Abraham and to his descendants after him that the land of Israel will be their homeland forever. We know the covenant referred to in Daniel 9:27 is the

covenant made by God in Genesis 15:18, because the other two events foretold in the Daniel 9:27 prophecy also pertain to the Abrahamic covenant. The other two things the prophecy says the Antichrist will do are: to stop the offering of sacrifices and to stand in the Jewish temple claiming supreme authority there. Both of these events will take place three and one-half years after the confirmation. Understanding these things enables us to know with certainty two major things that will happen during the first three and one-half years immediately following the confirmation of the covenant. 1. Israels Third Temple will be rebuilt on the Temple Mount. 2. Animal sacrifices will be resumed in the rebuilt temple. We know this because the Antichrist could not stand in the temple, as he is prophesied to do (2 Thessalonians 2:34 & Revelation 11:1-2), if there were no temple. He also could not stop the sacrifices like the prophecy says unless the sacrifices were in progress. So the confirmation of the covenant is simply the recognition by the world community of Israels right to exist in the Holy Land within internationally recognized borders. Furthermore, it will open the door for the building of the Jewish temple and the resumption of animal sacrifice. A little history leading up to Annapolis Since the stated goals of the Annapolis Conference match perfectly the things prophesied for the confirmation of the covenant, the conference is of incredible interest to Christians everywhere. If these goals are actually achieved, we could find ourselves entering the final seven years to Armageddon and the Second Coming. So what was Annapolis all about? For a long time, it has

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ENDTIMEMAGAZINE I November - December 2007


The Annapolis Declaration


In his first speech as the new UN Secretary General on January 1, 2007, Ban Ki-Moon said that the Israeli-Palestinian issue was at the core of solving all the problems in the Middle East. This belief echoed similar statements made about the Middle East by British Prime Minister Tony Blair. Blair had expressed the opinion that peace in the Middle East was the worlds number one priority.
been believed by many world leaders that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is the core of the international war on terrorism. Many have said that we will never have true peace on earth until we resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. On December 12, 2006, in one of his last speeches as UN Secretary General, Kofi Annan made an impassioned plea to the UN Security Council for peace in the Middle East. He pointed out the potential for the region to disintegrate into a new and unpredictable round of violence if fresh moves toward peace were not taken soon. We need a new and urgent push for peacewith principled, concerted help from the international community, he said. Annan contended that there is no serious question about the broad outline of a final settlement between Israel and the Palestinians, since the two sides have come very close to an agreement on terms in previous negotiations. The agreement will provide for two states, Israel and Palestine, within secure, recognized and negotiated boundaries based on those of June 4, 1967. The final terms will allow both Israel and Palestine to establish their internationally recognized capitals in Jerusalem, and ensure access for people of all faiths to their holy places. In his first speech as the new UN Secretary General on January 1, 2007, Ban Ki-Moon said that the Israeli-Palestinian issue was at the core of solving all the problems in the Middle East. This belief echoed similar statements made about the Middle East by British Prime Minister Tony Blair. Blair had expressed the opinion that peace in the Middle East was the worlds number one priority. In early 2007, it became apparent that a major peace offensive for the Middle East was being launched by the

he representatives of the government of the state of Israel and the Palestinian Liberation Organization, represented respective by Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, and President Mahmoud Abbas in his capacity as Chairman of the PLO Executive Committee and President of the Palestinian Authority, have convened in Annapolis, Maryland, under the auspices of President George W. Bush of the United States of America, and with the support of the participants of this international conference, having concluded the following joint understanding. We express our determination to bring an end to bloodshed, suffering and decades of conflict between our peoples; to usher in a new era of peace, based on freedom, security, justice, dignity, respect and mutual recognition; to propagate a culture of peace and nonviolence; to confront terrorism and incitement, whether committed by Palestinians or Israelis. In furtherance of the goal of two states, Israel and Palestine, living side by side in peace and security, we agree to immediately launch good-faith bilateral negotiations in order to conclude a peace treaty, resolving all outstanding issues, including all core issues without exception, as specified in previous agreements. We agree to engage in vigorous, ongoing and continuous negotiations, and shall make every effort to conclude an agreement before the end of 2008. For this purpose, a steering committee, led jointly by the head of the delegation of each party, will meet continuously, as agreed. The steering committee will develop a joint work plan and establish and oversee the work of negotiations teams to address all issues, to be headed by one lead representative from each party. The first session of the steering committee will be held on 12 December 2007. President Abbas and Prime Minister Olmert will continue to meet on a bi-weekly basis to follow up the negotiations in order to offer all necessary assistance for their advancement. The parties also commit to immediately implement their respective obligations under the performance-based road map to a permanent two-state solution to the Israel-Palestinian conflict, issued by the Quartet on 30 April 2003 - this is called the road map - and agree to form an American, Palestinian and Israeli mechanism, led by the United States, to follow up on the implementation of the road map. The parties further commit to continue the implementation of the ongoing obligations of the road map until they reach a peace treaty. The United States will monitor and judge the fulfillment of the commitment of both sides of the road map. Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, implementation of the future peace treaty will be subject to the implementation of the road map, as judged by the United States. (EDITORS NOTE: As judged by President Bush)


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History of the Temple Mount

2000 BC (APPROX)ABRAHAM OFFERS ISAAC ON MT. MORIAH And he said, Take now thy son, thine only son Isaac, whom thou lovest, and get thee into the land of Moriah; and offer him there for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains which I will tell thee of. Genesis 22:2 1000 BC (APPROX)DAVID PURCHASES THE TEMPLE MOUNT And the king said unto Araunah, Nay; but I will surely buy it of thee at a price: neither will I offer burnt offerings unto the LORD my God of that which doth cost me nothing. So David bought the threshingfloor and the oxen for fifty shekels of silver. 2 Samuel 24:24 TEMPLE MOUNT IS MT. MORIAH Then Solomon began to build the house of the LORD at Jerusalem in Mount Moriah, where the LORD appeared unto David his father, in the place that David had prepared in the threshingfloor of Ornan the Jebusite. 2 Chronicles 3:1 JERUSALEM: I WILL PUT MY NAME THERE And he (Manasseh) set a graven image of the grove that he had made in the house, of which the LORD said to David, and to Solomon his son, In this house, and in Jerusalem, which I have chosen out of all tribes of Israel, will I put my name forever: 2 Kings 21:7 968 BCFIRST TEMPLE DEDICATED Now when Solomon had made an end of praying, the fire came down from heaven, and consumed the burnt offering and the sacrifices; and the glory of the LORD filled the house. And the priests could not enter into the house of the LORD, because the glory of the LORD had filled the LORDS house. 2 Chronicles 7:1 JEREMIAH PROPHESIES 70 YEARS OF EXILE IN BABYLON And this whole land shall be a desolation, and an astonishment; and these nations shall serve the king of Babylon seventy years. 12And it shall come to pass, when seventy years are accomplished, that I will punish the king of Babylon, and that nation, saith the LORD, for their iniquity, and the land of the Chaldeans, and will make it perpetual desolations. Jeremiah 25:11-12 586 BCNEBUCHADNEZZAR DESTROYS FIRST TEMPLE And in the fifth month, on the seventh day of the month, which is the nineteenth year of king Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, came Nebuzaradan, captain of the guard, a servant of the king of Babylon, unto Jerusalem: 9And he burnt the house of the LORD, and the kings house, and all the houses of Jerusalem, and every great mans house burnt he with fire. 2 Kings 25:8-9 CYRUS PROPHESIED TO REBUILD THE TEMPLE That saith of Cyrus, He is my shepherd, and shall perform all my pleasure: even saying to Jerusalem, Thou shalt be built; and to the temple, Thy foundation shall be laid. Isaiah 44:28 538 BCCYRUS COMMANDS BUILDING OF SECOND TEMPLE Now in the first year of Cyrus king of Persia, that the word of the LORD spoken by the mouth of Jeremiah might be accomplished, the LORD stirred up the spirit of Cyrus king of Persia, that he made a proclamation throughout all his kingdom, and put it also in writing, saying, Thus saith Cyrus king of Persia, All the kingdoms of the earth hath the LORD God of heaven given me; and he hath charged me to build him an house in Jerusalem, which is in Judah. Who is there among you of all his people? The LORD his God be with him, and let him go up. 2 Chronicles 36:22-23

516 BCZERUBBABEL FINISHES TEMPLE Then he answered and spake unto me, saying, This is the word of the LORD unto Zerubbabel, saying, Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the LORD of hosts. Who art thou, O great mountain? before Zerubbabel thou shalt become a plain: and he shall bring forth the headstone thereof with shoutings, crying, Grace, graceunto it. Moreover the word of the LORD came unto me, saying, The hands of Zerubbabel have laid the foundation of this house; his hands shall also finish it; and thou shalt know that the LORD of hosts hath sent me unto you. Zechariah 4:6-9 19 BCHEROD THE GREAT BEAUTIFIES AND ENLARGES THE TEMPLE JESUS PROPHESIED DESTRUCTION OF THE SECOND TEMPLE And Jesus went out, and departed from the temple: and his disciples came to him for to show him the buildings of the temple. And Jesus said unto them, See ye not all these things? verily I say unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down. Matthew 24:1-2 CRUCIFIXIONMESSIAH REJECTED 70 ADSECOND TEMPLE DESTROYED BY ROMANS 70 AD1948 AD1878 YEARS OF JEWISH EXILE 1948ISRAEL REBORN 1967TEMPLE MOUNT CAPTURED BY ISRAEL Israeli government places Temple Mount under Muslim control 1993OSLO ACCORDS SIGNED The Accords called for settling the status of Jerusalem by 1995. 2000CLINTON PURPOSES SHARING OF THE TEMPLE MOUNT 2002QUARTET ALLIANCE FORMED FOR THE MIDDLE EAST 2003ROADMAP FOR PEACE PRESENTED TO ISRAELIS AND PALESTINIANS 2004SHARON ANNOUNCES DISENGAGEMENT PLAN 2005SHARON WITHDRAWS FROM GAZA IN AUGUST 2005SEPTEMBER 20, 2005: QUARTET REAFFIRMS SUPPORT FOR ROADMAP JUNE 2007BLAIR APPOINTED ENVOY FOR QUARTET NOVEMBER 27, 2007ANNAPOLIS PEACE CONFERENCE GOAL FOR 2008: CONFIRMATION OF THE COVENANT The Third Temple will be rebuilt and animal sacrifices resumed within three and onehalf years after the confirmation of the covenant.


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Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Adm. Edmund Giambastiani, left, talks with European Union Secretary General and High Representative Javier Solana in the Pentagon. Photo courtesy of U.S. Navy / Department of Defense by R.D. Ward

List of Annapolis delegation leaders


world community. Condoleezza Rice let it be known that President Bush would love to see an agreement between Palestinians and Israelis before the end of his presidency. The year 2007 became the year of the Middle East. Rice traveled to Israel eight times in eleven months. EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs Javier Solana continually met with the different key players in the region. Even UN Secretary General Ban visited the state of Israel. Before stepping down as Great Britains prime minister, rumors began to fly that Tony Blair would become special envoy to the Middle East from the Quartet, thus representing the entire world community to the Middle East. Within days, the rumors were validated. Blair accepted the position. With the appointment of such a high-profile person to the envoy position, it was obvious that a decision had been taken by the world community to make peace in the Middle East its highest priority. In July, President Bush announced his plans to hold an international conference on the Middle East in the fall. Israeli Prime Minister Olmert and Palestinian Chairman Abbas began to meet bi-weekly in an attempt to arrive at a position paper that would be agreed upon at the conference. In spite of much cajoling and arm-twisting, a joint declaration of principles just could not be agreed to. The date for the peace conference was left very much up in the air while Rice, Abbas and Olmert attempted to pound out a document of agreement. Finally, a date was setagreement or no agreement. The meeting would be held in Annapolis, Maryland, on November 26-27, 2007. What happened at Annapolis? From the outset, the jury was very much out on who would respond to President Bushs invitation to Annapolis. The Palestinians said they would not attend unless there was agreement in advance on the core issues. Egypt was in. Jordan was in. Saudi Arabia seemed ready to stay home until the U.S. used all of its diplomatic capital to get the Saudis to change their minds. Finally, the Saudis said they were

not interested in a peace process that would drag on for many years, ultimately creating more problems than it solved. The Bush administration promised it wouldnt happen. We intend to conclude a final agreement on all issues within one year, President Bush promised. The Saudis were in. By the time the delegates were counted, an amazing fortysix nations sent representatives to Annapolis. Each of the G8, the worlds eight richest nations, sent delegations. All five of the permanent members of the UN Security Council were there. Interestingly, the Vaticans undersecretary of foreign affairs Pietro Parolin was in attendance. The head of the World Bank and the head of the International Monetary Fund attended. It was obvious that any deal in the Middle East was going to require big investments to implement. Thats the reason it was critical for these international financial organizations to be represented. *NOTE: For a complete list of attendees, see side bar, Delegates attending Annapolis Peace Summit. Twenty-four hours before the conference began, Condoleezza Rice still did not have a declaration of principles that both Israelis and Palestinians would sign. Finally, at the eleventh hour, the deal was struck. The Annapolis Declaration was signed.

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We know that the event called the confirmation of the covenant is going to take place. Its in the prophecies of the Bible. The only question is when. In light of recent events, it appears that the most likely time for the confirmation of the covenant is during this year of 2008.
President Bush The first speaker at Annapolis was the host of the meeting, President George Bush. His message was clear: We meet to lay the foundation for the establishment of a new nationa democratic Palestinian state that will live side by side with Israel in peace and security. President Bush is the first U.S. president to openly call for the establishment of a Palestinian state. The President then proceeded to read the Annapolis Declaration that had been agreed to by Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas. President Bush concluded his speech by listing three reasons why the time is ripe for the achievement of peace in the Middle East. He said, First, the time is right because Palestinians and Israelis have leaders who are determined to achieve peace. Second, the time is right because a battle is underway for the future of the Middle Eastand we must not cede victory to the extremists. Third, the time is right because the world understands the urgency of supporting these negotiations. President Abbas Palestinian Authority President Abbas was the next speaker at Annapolis. He said that the Annapolis Conference symbolized the crystallization of the entire world's will in its march towards achieving a comprehensive and lasting peace in Middle East and in bringing long-anticipated justice to Palestine where oppression, wars, occupation and violence have prevailed in the previous decades. To President Bush he said, We hope that this will be the culmination of your legacy for the worlda world more free of violence, persecution and fanaticism. Abbas went on to stress that the exceptionally broad participation of our brothers and sisters from Arab and Islamic countries, the Quartet, the G8 and the permanent members of the United Nations, in addition to many European and Asian countries, as well as members from the Non-Alliance block and the African continent, in a conference unique in the conflict's history, is a driving force that helps imbue the conference with added legitimacy. Expressing the urgency of the Annapolis Conference, Abbas said, It is no exaggeration to say, Your Excellency, that today marks a juncture in the history of our region a juncture between two eras: The Pre-Annapolis era and its aftermath. In other words, the exceptional opportunity that the Arab, Islamic and international presence brings today coupled with overwhelming Palestinian and Israeli public opinion in support of Annapolis, must be seized in order to be a launching pad for a negotiations process. The possibilities offered by today's conference must not be wasted. This window of opportunity might never open again and if it does, it might never claim the same consensus or momentum. Abbas concluded his remarks by expressing hope that a genuine peace can be achieved soon, before the end of your term, Mr. President. Prime Minister Olmert The third speaker of the Annapolis Conference was Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert. After enumerating all of the obstacles that stand between the Middle East and peace, Prime Minister Olmert went on to say, I do not ignore all the obstacles which are sure to emerge along the way. They are right in front of me. I came here, despite the concerns and doubts and hesitations, to say to you, President Mahmoud Abbas, and through you, to your people and to the entire Arab world: it is time. We no longer, and you no longer, have the privilege of clinging to dreams which are disconnected from the sufferings of our peoples, the hardships they experience daily and the burden of living under ongoing uncertainty, with no chance for change or hope. We want peace. We demand an end to terror, incitement and hatred. We are willing to make a painful compromise, rife with risks, in order to realize these aspirations. The negotiations between us will not be here in Annapolis, but rather in our home and in yours. It will be bilateral, direct, ongoing and continuous, in an effort to complete it during the course of 2008. It will address all the issues which have thus far been evaded. We will do it directly, openly and courageously. We will not avoid any subject; we will deal with all the core issues. The negotiations will be based on previous agreements between us, UN Security Council Resolutions 242 and 338, the Roadmap and the April 14, 2004 letter of President Bush to the Prime Minister of Israel. On conclusion of the negotiations, I believe that we will be able to reach an agreement which will fulfill the vision of President Bush: two states for two peoples. A peace-seeking, viable, strong, democratic and terror-free Palestinian state for the Palestinian people. A Jewish, democratic State of Israel, living in security and free from the threat of terrorthe national home of the Jewish people. I believe that there is no path other than peace. I believe that there is no just solution other than the solution of two national states for two peoples. I believe that there is no path which does not involve painful compromise for you Palestinians, and for us Israelis. I want to thank you, President George Bush, an ally in the path of peace, for your willingness to assist in the historic process of peace and reconciliation between us and our neighbors. I believe it is time. We are ready. I invite you, my friend Mahmoud Abbas, and your people, to join us in this long, tormenting and complex path, for which there is no substitute. Together we will start. Together we will arrive. With the conclusion of the Annapolis Conference, negotiations between the Palestinian and Israeli negotiating teams began immediately. During the week of December 17, 2007, an international donors conference was held in Paris to raise the funds that would be needed for building the new Palestinian state. Eighty-seven countries and international organizations pledged $7.4 billion over the next three years to the Palestinians. What does it all mean? We know that the event called the confirmation of the covenant is going to take place. Its in the prophecies of the Bible. The only question is when. In light of recent events, it appears that the most likely time for the confirmation of the covenant is during this year of 2008. Whether it does happen in 2008 or a little later, one thing is certain: The endtime clock is ticking louder than ever! If we are to reach this world with the gospel of Jesus Christ, we must do it now! If the church is ever to rise to the occasion of world evangelism, the time for it is now! What if the final seven years does begin in 2008? What will we do about it? Will we be galvanized into an escalated passion for the lost? Shouldnt we be mobilizing even now? We cant be energized too early! We are definitely going to run out of time no matter how quickly we move. Lets do it now! At this moment, I hear the lone prayer request of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ ringing in my ears: Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth laborers into his harvest. Will you respond to Jesus prayer request?

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666 or

days character known as the antichrist has caused it to be popularized, sometimes glamorized, and often feared by religious and non-religious people alike. However, some have cast doubt on the authenticity of this reading, and

The Number
of the

ENDTIMEMAGAZINE I November - December 2007


ick up almost any English version of the Bible, and turn to Revelation 13:18. It will read something like, Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a

man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. While this Biblical verse may not be the best known, the number six hundred and sixty six contained within it is recognized by most. This numbers association with the last

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The margin of the New Revised Standard Version reads, Other ancient authorities read six hundred sixteen. The notes in the New American Standard Bible say, One early manuscript reads 616. Furthermore, news articles have appeared with such ominous titles as, Beasts Real Mark Devalued to 616 and 666 Wrong Number of Prophetic Beast? All of these things raise the question, What is the real number of the beast as recorded in Revelation 13:18?
asked the question, Is 666 really the number of the beast? For example, the margin of the New Revised Standard Version reads, Other ancient authorities read six hundred sixteen. The notes in the New American Standard Bible say, One early manuscript reads 616. Furthermore, news articles have appeared with such ominous titles as, Beasts Real Mark Devalued to 616 and 666 Wrong Number of Prophetic Beast? All of these things raise the question, What is the real number of the beast as recorded in Revelation 13:18? Answering this question accurately is of great importance for two reasons. First, this verse was not penned in a casual work of literature. Its origin is the Bible, Gods Word. How important is the Bible? Deuteronomy 8:3 states clearly that, Man doth not live by bread only, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the LORD. The Book of Revelation gives clear warning that its words are precious, and are not to be tampered with. In Revelations closing verses, we find Jesus saying, For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book. - Revelation 22:18-19. Knowing the number of the beast as given to John by God and not changing it is essential, if we are to please the Lord. The second reason for seeking an answer to this question is found in Revelation 13:18, the verse under discussion. It begins, Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast. It is Gods will that mankind gain wisdom and understanding from His Word with respect to end time Bible prophecy and the signs given therein including the number of the beast. Only by having an accurate understanding of the number of the beast can mankind successfully interpret Bible prophecy as it relates to the person of the antichrist. Given that we live in the last days, where many of these prophecies are now being fulfilled, this understanding is essential. Because Revelation 13:18 is found in Gods unchanging Word, and because we know that God wants us to understand Bible prophecy, lets look at the evidence and answer the question, The number of the beast 666 or 616? icism is a branch of philology that studies manuscripts or printings to determine the original form of a text. New Testament textual criticism seeks to study the large body of manuscripts, early quotations, lectionaries (readings used for church services), and translations in an effort to ascertain the accurate reading of the New Testament. Some would ask, Why is this necessary? Dont we have the original manuscripts, as penned by their authors? The answer unfortunately is no. No original New Testament writings exist today. However, we do have an abundance of New Testament manuscripts written in the original Greek language. In addition we have many citations of the New Testament contained in quotations from early church writers and lectionaries, as well as numerous ancient translations into other languages such as Latin, Coptic, and Syriac. With such a large number of documents spanning such a long period of time, it is no surprise that some differences have emerged between manuscripts, including those of the book of Revelation. New Testament textual criticism seeks to understand and resolve these differences. Textual criticism is an area of study that is very deep and very wide. In fact, some scholars are dedicated to nothing but the study of New Testament textual criticism. In light of that, it is impossible to present a complete treatment of the textual factors that go into determining the number of the beast in this article. In addition, research in this field contin-

New Testament Manuscripts

Understanding why some question the reading 666 in Revelation 13:18 as well as determining the correct reading of this verse requires an investigation into the area of New Testament studies known as textual criticism. Textual crit-

Understanding why some question the reading 666 in Revelation 13:18 as well as determining the correct reading of this verse requires an investigation into the area of New Testament studies known as textual criticism. Textual criticism is a branch of philology that studies manuscripts or printings to determine the original form of a text.
(FIGURE 1) P115 (also called P. Oxy. 4499), dates from around 300 AD and contains some or all of 12 chapters from the book of Revelation, including Revelation 13:18. It records 616 as the number of the beast using Greek letters.


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ues and new discoveries are continually made. However, what follows is an overview of key factors that help to explain the questions and seek to provide reasonable answers.

Textual Witnesses
According to Alands The Text of the New Testament, a well known text on New Testament textual criticism, over 2300 Greek manuscripts of the New Testament exist today [Aland, Text of NT 83]. Of these manuscripts, more than 280 contain some or all of the Book of Revelation. Examining Revelation 13:18 in these manuscripts reveals that there are differences between them. Some manuscripts spell out the number using Greek words, some use letters to represent numbers (similar to Roman numerals). Although the vast majority of manuscripts give the number of the beast as six hundred sixty six, four (two pre-sixth century and two no longer existent post-eighth century) are known to state 616 as the number and one 11th century manuscript gives 665. This explains why the question about 666 vs. 616 has been raised. Although one could argue that the fact that the majority of manuscripts contain 666 closes the question, textual criticism acknowledges that not all manuscripts are created equal. Some are more reliable than others, based on numerous factors, including age, condition, and history. So, lets look at some of the oldest and most respected Greek manuscripts that contain this passage. Much of the recent stir about 616 has arisen due to renewed studies of a group of very old manuscripts originally discovered in 1895 by archaeologists at the site of an ancient garbage dump in Oxyrhynchus in Egypt. Many of the Oxyrhynchus manuscripts consist of New Testament papyri, and are very old when compared to other manuscripts. One of them named P115 (also called P. Oxy. 4499), dates from around 300 AD and contains some or all of 12 chapters from the Book of Revelation, including Revelation 13:18. It records 616 as the number of the beast using Greek letters (see figure 1). Because of this manuscripts age, some have jumped to the conclusion that this must be the original reading. However, this conclusion cannot be made. Other evidence must be considered. For example, three manuscripts from the Chester Beatty Papyri include portions of the New Testament. One of these named P47, dates from the 3rd century and contains chapters 9-17 of Revelation. In its reading of Revelation 13:18, it states that the number of the beast is 666, using Greek letters (see figure 2). So, two equally old papyri have both readings 666 and 616. Other ancient manuscripts contain similar differences. The uncial manuscripts consist of those written with Greek capital letters. Around 100 of these date from before the 7th century. Six uncials are known to contain Revelation 13 [Aland, Text of NT Chart 6K] and are noteworthy in this discussion. Codex a (Aleph the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet), also known as Sinaiticus, was discovered by Constantin von Tischendorf in St. Catherines Monastery

Although the vast majority of manuscripts give the number of the beast as six hundred sixty six, four (two pre-sixth century and two no longer existent post-eighth century) are known to state 616 as the number.

(FIGURE 2) P47, dates from the 3rd century and contains chapters 9-17 of Revelation. In its reading of Revelation
13:18, it states that the number of the beast is 666, using Greek letters.

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Whereas 666 has always been the dominant reading of Revelation 13:18, it seems clear through faith in Gods promises that this is the original reading of the verse as penned by John on Patmos.
on Mt. Sinai in 1859. It dates from the fourth century and is one of the most revered NT manuscripts, due to its age as well as the fact that it contains all of the New Testament. Its reading of Revelation 13:18 denotes 666 as the number of the beast, spelled out with Greek words. Codex Alexandrinus (A/02), a fifth century uncial as well as Codex P/025 of the ninth century, and codices 046 and Codex 051 of the 10th century all agree with Codex a in their reading of 666 (with slight spelling differences). However, Codex C/04 of the fifth century has 616 spelled out with Greek letters as the number of the beast. So, it agrees with P115 as the only other ancient witness of this alternate text. In summary, of the almost 300 Greek manuscripts containing Revelation, almost all of them state 666 as the number of the beast. The two oldest papyri are evenly divided in their reading, and over 80% of uncial manuscripts hold the reading of 666. pressed by letters; so that the Greek letter which expresses the number sixty was easily expanded into the letter Iota of the Greeks.] Others then received this reading without examination; some in their simplicity, and upon their own responsibility, making use of this number expressing one decad; while some, in their inexperience, have ventured to seek out a name which should contain the erroneous and spurious number. [Roberts 558] In this illuminating passage, Irenaeus states that 666 is the reading found in the most reliable copies of Revelation, including those copied by men who saw John. In addition, he acknowledges the existence of the 616 reading, but considers it erroneous, attributing it to copying errors and the failure of some to properly examine the authenticity of the alternate reading. As the knowledge of Greek decreased in the ancient world, many translations of the Greek New Testament into the common languages of the people were created. These early translations agree in their readings of Revelation 13:18. The 5th century Armenian, the Syriac of the 6th century, the Old Latin of the 13th century, the Coptic, and the Latin Vulgate all agree that the number of the beast is 666. all stand together as a great witness to the authenticity of 666 against a rather small set of four manuscripts and one early writer that make their claim for 616.

Citations and References

666 wrong number of prophetic beast? World Net Daily. 8 May 2005. 10 Jan 2008. < 69>.

Aland, Kurt and Barbara Aland. The Text of The New Testament . Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1989. Aland, Barbara, Kurt Aland, Matthew Black, Carlo M. Martini, Bruce M. Metzger and Allen Wikgren. The Greek New Testament. 4th ed. Federal Republic of Germany: United Bible Societies, 1993, c1979. Beasts Real Mark Devalued to 616. ReligionNewsBlog. 4 May 2005. 10 Jan 2008. <>. Biblical Studies Press. The NET Bible First Edition; Bible. English. NET Bible.; The NET Bible. Biblical Studies Press, 2006; 2006. Burgon, Dean John William. The Revision Revised. Paradise: Conservative Classics, 1883. Charles, R.H. A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on The Revelation of St. John. Edinburgh: T & T Clark, 1985. "Chester Beatty Papyri." Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia. 1 Jan 2008. 10 Jan 2008. <>. "Codex Sinaiticus." Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia. 9 Nov 2007. 10 Jan 2008. <>. Comfort, Philip Wesley and David P. Barrett. The Text of the Earliest New Testament Greek Manuscripts. A corrected, enlarged ed. of The complete text of the earliest New Testament manuscripts. Wheaton, Ill.: Tyndale House, 2001. Irenaeus. Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia. 5 Jan 2008. 10 Jan 2008. <>. Metzger, Bruce Manning and United Bible Societies. A Textual Commentary on the Greek New Testament, Second Edition a Companion Volume to the United Bible Societies' Greek New Testament (4th Rev. Ed.). London; New York: United Bible Societies, 1994. Nestle, Eberhard, Erwin Nestle, Kurt Aland, Barbara Aland and Universitat Munster. Institut fur Neutestamentliche Textforschung. Novum Testamentum Graece. 27. Aufl., rev. Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelstiftung, 1993, c1979. New American Standard Bible : 1995 Update (LaHabra, CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995). Novum Testamentum Graece. Ed. Constantin von Tischendorf, Caspar Rene_ Gregory and Ezra Abbot. Lipsiae: Giesecke & Devrient, 186994. "Oxyrhynchus." Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia. 20 Dec 2007. 10 Jan 2008 <>. Roberts, Alexander, James Donaldson and A. Cleveland Coxe. The Ante-Nicene Fathers Vol.I : Translations of the Writings of the Fathers Down to A.D. 325. Oak Harbor: Logos Research Systems, 1997. "Textual Criticism." Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia. 3 Jan 2008. 10 Jan 2008 <>. The Holy Bible : King James Version., electronic ed. of the 1769 edition of the 1611 Authorized Version. (Bellingham WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc., 1995). The Holy Bible : New Revised Standard Version (Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1989).

Early Church Writings and Translations

In addition to the evidence of Greek manuscripts, we can also look to Biblical quotations found in early church writings, as well as ancient translations of the New Testament. One early church writer by the name of Tyconius recognized 616 as the number of the beast in his 4th century Latin version. In contrast, the writings of Origen and Hippolytus (both of the 3rd century) attest strongly to the value of 666 as the correct reading [Burgon 136]. Most noteworthy however are the statements of Irenaeus, the 2nd century bishop of Lyon, known to be a disciple of Polycarp. Polycarp is believed to have been a disciple of John, the author of Revelation. In his treatise, Against Heresies, Irenaeus deals with the subject of Revelation 13 and the number of the beast. In Book 5, Chapter 28 of this work, he states that the number of the beast is 666. In addition, Chapter 30 of the same work makes the following statement regarding the number 666: Such, then, being the state of the case, and this number being found in all the most approved and ancient copies [of the Apocalypse], and those men who saw John face to face bearing their testimony [to it]; while reason also leads us to conclude that the number of the name of the beast, [if reckoned] according to the Greek mode of calculation by the [value of] the letters contained in it, will amount to six hundred and sixty and six(portion elided)I do not know how it is that some have erred following the ordinary mode of speech, and have vitiated the middle number in the name, deducting the amount of fifty from it, so that instead of six decads (authors note: a decad is 10) they will have it that there is but one. [I am inclined to think that this occurred through the fault of the copyists, as is wont to happen, since numbers also are ex-

Providence of God
While New Testament textual criticism seeks to understand and resolve differences among versions of the Greek New Testament, our confidence in the text of the Bible is not reliant upon the intellect of men or the tools of science. Most importantly, we have a promise from God that He will always preserve the integrity of His Word. Psalm 100:5 states that, His truth endureth to all generations. With this promise, we can rest, knowing that God has carefully watched over the transmission of the New Testament from its original writing to the present day. Whereas 666 has always been the dominant reading of Revelation 13:18, it seems clear through faith in Gods promises that this is the original reading of the verse as penned by John on Patmos.

And his number is Six hundred threescore and six. This statement from the last days prophecy of Revelation 13 gives a clue to the identity of the antichrist. Gods stated purpose in this verse is that we understand it correctly. This is especially true for those of us who live in the days immediately preceding the coming of Jesus Christ. Unfortunately, some have questioned the accuracy of 666 as the number of the beast. Some have suggested that 616 is the real number. However, the majority of almost 300 Greek manuscripts, including the oldest and most valued, along with the evidence of early church writings and translations,

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Daniels Equations


Daniel 9:27 gives us a simple mathematical calculation: and in the midst (middle) of the week (7 years) he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, thus 7 2 = 3.5. In other words, the final 7 years will be divided into two equal periods of 3.5 years!
he prophecies of the Bible are certain and are in progress at this very moment. They cannot be changed or stopped. Ultimately events will climax into the second coming of Jesus Christ to the earth. The old saying, Sometimes things must get worse before they get better, certainly applies today. If you think our world is in chaos right now, just hold on! Just ahead is the great tribulation. It is described by Jesus in Mathew 24:15-21: When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:) Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains: Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take any thing out of his house: Neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes. And woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days! But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day: For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. The Bible speaks clearly that this time called the great tribulation is coming. So what really is the great tribulation? It is a 3.5 year period of time, just prior to the battle of Armageddon, during which horrible slaughter will begin in biblical Judea and then extend around the world. Judea is the area in Israel known as the West Bank. At the same time, an influential global leader will arise in Europe and implement a numbering system to control the human race. The Bible says he will ultimately rule over the entire world.

Daniel did not understand his own equations An Old Testament prophet named Daniel foresaw a period of time, which he did not quite comprehend. It was eventually named after himDaniels 70th Week. We find this bit of information in Daniel 9:27: And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate. Daniel did not understand that this week referred to a week of years, or a 7-year period of time. (The Good News Translation renders this passage: That ruler will have a firm agreement with many people for seven years, and when half this time is past, he will put an end to sacrifices and offerings.) So what do we know? The confirmation of the covenant begins the final seven years. Three and one-half years after the confirmation, the great tribulation begins. Many prophecy teachers have taught that The great tribulation period lasts for the entire 7 years. However, this is not what the Bible says. Only the second half of this 7-year period is actually the great tribulation. Jesus Himself said this in Matthew 24:15-21. He said when we see the abomination of desolation (which will occur halfway through the final 7 years according to Daniel 9:27), then will be great tribulation. Revelation 13:5-7 teaches the same thing. And there was given unto him (the Antichrist) a mouth speaking great

things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two monthsAnd it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. This scripture goes right along with what Daniel said because forty-two months equals 3.5 years. So we know from these scriptures and from others that the great tribulation will last for three and one-half years. Daniels Equations Daniel 9:27 gives us a simple mathematical calculation: and in the midst (middle) of the week (7 years) he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, thus 7 2 = 3.5. In other words, the final 7 years will be divided into two equal periods of 3.5 years! From this simple mathematical truth, we are able to understand Daniels two equations. The first 3.5 -year time period will begin at the confirmation of the covenant. The second 3.5-year time period will mark the beginning of the great tribulation and will be ended by the battle of Armageddon and the second coming of Jesus. So the secrets of Daniels 70th week can be summarized in two equations: Confirmation of the covenant + 3.5 years = the great tribulation. Confirmation of the covenant + 7 years = Armageddon & 2nd coming. Now you know!

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