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Amharic Familiarization Course

Table of Contents
Introduction Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson & Lesson % Lesson ' Lesson 7 Lesson * Lesson 9 Lesson 1. Lesson 11 Lesson 12 Lesson 13 Lesson 1& Lesson 1% Lesson 1' Lesson 17 Lesson 1* Lesson 19 Lesson 2. Introduction People and Geography Living and Working Days of the Week !u"#ers $ges of People Daily $ctivities (eeting the )a"ily $round +o,n -hopping /ating 0ut 1olidays 2usto"s and 2ultural +raditions $round the 1ouse Weather and -easons Personal $ppearance +ransportation +ravel $t -chool 3ecreation and Leisure 1ealth and the 1u"an 4ody Political and International /vents +he (ilitary In the 1ospital
Developed for United States Special Operations Command Special Operations Forces Language Office B ! Corps Foreign Language Training Center "AL!DAT!O# CO$% &'( )U#* +((,

1 19 37 %1 '2 *1 93 1.' 123 13& 1%1 1'1 17& 1** 2.. 219 23. 2&& 2%' 27. 2*&


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Capital- Addis Ababa Official language- Amharic Official name- Federal Democratic .epublic of *thiopia Area- /+01 2,2 s3uare miles' Distance across at 4idest points- north to south 5(( miles6 east to 4est &(27 miles *levation- highest 8 .as Dashen1 &71&75 ft' above sea level' Lo4est 8 Dena9il Depression1 25& feet belo4 sea level $opulation- ,( million Chief products- Agriculture 8 coffee1 corn1 oilseed1 sorghum1 sugar cane1 4heat' :anufactured goods- cement1 processed food1 leather goods1 te;tiles'


*thiopia is located in the horn of Africa1 bordered b Sudan on the 4est1 Somalia and D<ibouti to the east1 *ritrea on the north and =en a on the south' !t covers an area of appro;imatel ///1((( s3uare miles' The varied topograph of the countr generall features rugged mountains1 flat>topped plateaus1 river can ons1 rolling plains and lo4lands' The ?reat .ift "alle divides the *thiopian highlands1 as it spans the countr from north to south' The highlands feature alpine vegetation1 4hile 4oodlands1 savanna and semi>arid conditions characterize the lo4land' *thiopia is a landloc9ed nation'

+he /thiopian Plateau spreads out over about t4o>thirds of the countr ' !t lies bet4een 01((( and &(1((( feet @&15(( and 21((( metersA above sea level' :ost of *thiopiaBs people live on the plateau1 4hich has the countr Bs best agricultural land' :ost of the plateau receives more than /( inches @&(+ centimetersA of rain annuall ' Average temperatures on the plateau range from about ,+CF @++CCA in areas belo4 51((( feet @+1/(( metersA to less than 0(CF @&0CCA at higher elevations' The ?reat .ift "alle 1 4hich runs north and south through eastern Africa1 divides the plateau into t4o large sections' The sections are further divided b deep1 spectacular river gorges and high mountain ranges' *thiopiaBs highest mountain1 .as Dashen1 rises &71&75 feet @/10+( metersA above sea level on the plateau'

+he lo,lands The *thiopian $lateau slopes do4n4ard in all directions to4ard the lo4land regions' :ost of the lo4land areas have an average temperature of about 5(CF @+,CCA and receive less than +( inches @7& centimetersA of rain per ear' The Dena9il Depression in northeastern *thiopia1 4hich lies belo4 sea level1 is one of the hottest places in the 4orld' Temperatures in the Dena9il Depression sometimes rise above &+(CF @/DCCA' The lo4lands are thinl populated because of the hot1 dr climate and because the soil is poor for farming' $ni"al life and vegetation A 4ide variet of animals live in *thiopia' Some of these animals live no4here else' The include an antelope called the 4alia ibe; and the Simien fo;1 also 9no4n as the Simien <ac9al or *thiopian 4olf' Coffee originated in the forests of south4est *thiopia' Teff and several other t pes of crops also had their origins in the countr ' Forests cover part of the south4est' The most common tree in *thiopia is the eucal ptus1 4hich 4as imported from Australia in the &5D(Bs' (a7or 3ivers The ma<or river basins include- the Blue #ile1 Baro1 Omo1 A4ash1 Te9eze and Eabe Shebele'

+he 4L5/ !IL/ 1I-+036 /arly history

Some of the oldest fossil fragments of human beings have been found in *thiopia' The date from about + million ears ago' B 7(( B'C'1 t4o ma<or groups1 spea9ers of Semitic and Cushitic languages1 inhabited the area' The plo4 4as alread the ma<or agricultural tool b that time1 and there is evidence that *thiopians controlled 4ater and used irrigation. !n &D,21 Donald )ohanson 4as in the Afar1 part of the Fadar region of *thiopia1 4ith the !nternational Afar .esearch *;pedition' Fe made a dramatic fossil find 8 the leg bones of 2>million> ear>old hominid'

The bonesB size and shape indicated that this individual 4al9ed upright1 ma9ing it the oldest hominid on record to do so' This discover continued and in &D,/1 2'+ million> ear>old Luc 4as found in the region of Afar' +he $ksu" 8ingdo" 4as the first important state in 4hat is no4 *thiopia' !t 4as 4ell established b the A'D' +((Bs' !ts capital 4as the cit of A9sum' The A9sum =ingdom gained much 4ealth through trade 4ith Arabia1 *g pt1 ?reece1 !ndia1 $ersia and .ome' The A9sumites e;ported gold1 ivor and spices' A9sum reached its height of po4er in the 2((Bs under =ing *zana' Fe made Christianit the official religion of A9sum' !n the late 0((Bs1 A9sumBs po4er fell sharpl after :uslims gained control of Arabia1 the .ed Sea1 and the coast of northern Africa' The :uslims1 religious enemies of Christian A9sum1 put an end to the 9ingdomBs foreign trade'

$8-5( 04/LI-8 & 97 2entury $D *thiopia is one of the oldest nations' !t is also AfricaGs oldest independent countr 6 4ith the e;ception of the five> ear occupation b :ussoliniGs !tal 1 it has never been colonized' According to tradition1 the first emperor of *thiopia1 :eneli9 !1 4as the son of the biblical Hueen of Sheba and =ing Solomon of !srael' :an later *thiopian rulers claimed to be direct descendants of =ing Solomon and the Hueen of Sheba' :eneli9 !! became emperor in &55D and reunified the old *thiopian empire b gaining control of man small 9ingdoms' !n &5D01 at the battle of Ad4a1 he defeated the !talian arm that had occupied a part of *thiopia called *ritrea' The son of :eneli9Gs cousin1 .as Tafari1 became the emperor in &D2(' Fe too9 the title Faile Selassie1 continued the modernization of *thiopia1 li9e :eneli9 !!1 and drafted the first constitution in &D2&' !n &D,+ and &D,21 a severe drought led to famine in the northeast part of *thiopia' Faile Selassie 4as criticized for ignoring it' Eidespread dissatisfaction 4ith the lo4 3ualit of life and government corruption led to the ta9eover b a militar government 4hich removed Faile Selassie in &D,/' /



The militar government adopted socialist policies and had close ties 4ith the Soviet Union' The militar began large>scale land reform and started brea9ing up the estates of the former nobilit ' The government claimed o4nership of the land and 9illed man of its opponents' Severe drought led to the death of millions in the mid &D5(Gs and the government faced man rebellions from *ritrea and Tigra ' The militar dictator :engestu Faile>:ariam fled the count as the rebels approached the capital in :a of &DD&' *ritrea gained independence in &DD2' !n &DD/ a ne4 constitution 4as adopted in *thiopia' !n &DD7 the countr held its first multipart parliament election' The *thiopian $eopleGs Democratic .evolutionar Front1 4hich has dominated the government since &DD&1 4on the &DD7 election as 4ell as one held in +(((' $art leader :eles Iena4i 4as elected prime minister in both elections'

/"peror 1aile -elassie also kno,n as 3as +afari 2LI($+/

Although *thiopia lies 4ithin &7 degrees north of the e3uator1 o4ing to the moderating influence of the altitude1 the countr en<o s a temperate and pleasant climate1 4ith average temperatures rarel e;ceeding 05 degrees F' The sparsel populated lo4lands t picall have sub>tropical and tropical climates and appro;imatel 2/ inches of rainfall' The average annual rainfall for the 4hole countr is considered moderate b global standards' !n most highlands1 rainfall occurs in t4o distinct seasons- light rains during Februar and :arch and heav rains from )une to September'

Eith a population of ,( million and gro4ing1 *thiopia is the third most densel populated countr in Sub>Saharan Africa @after #igeria and *g ptA' *thiopia is one of the oldest nations in the 4orld6 its people have an ancient culture and deep>rooted values' *thiopian people comprise about sevent >eight ethnic groups' Appro;imatel 57 percent of the population lives in rural areas' The government classifies *thiopians into groups based on the main language the spea9' About 5( languages are spo9en in *thiopia' The Oromo ma9e up the largest ethnic and language group' The Oromo spea9 a Cushitic language called Oromifa or Oromo' The live in the central and southern parts of the countr ' The Amhara and Tigra an peoples of the northern plateau spea9 AmharicJthe nationBs official languageJand Tigrin a1 respectivel ' These Semitic languages belong to the Afro>Asian language famil 1 4hich also includes Arabic and Febre4' Other important ethnic and language groups in *thiopia include the Somali1 4ho live in the southeast1 and the Afar1 4ho live in the east and northeast' A number of smaller groups live in the south4est and along the border 4ith Sudan' :an *thiopians spea9 more than one language1 including *nglish and other *thiopian and *uropean languages' ?eBez @also called *thiopicA is an ancient *thiopian language' !n the past1 all *thiopian Bibles 4ere 4ritten in this language' ?eBez is still used in ceremonies of the *thiopian Orthodo; Church'

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2I+I/Addis Ababa1 the largest cit and the seat of the federal government of *thiopia1 lies in the central plateau at an altitude of +1/(( meters' !ts average temperature is &0CC' Addis Ababa 4as founded in &55, and has a population of 7 million' !t is host to the Organization of African Unit @OAUA and the United #ations *conomic Commission for Africa @*CAA' Several other international organizations have their head3uarters and branch offices in the capital' Addis Ababa is also the center of commerce and industr ' Other important centers of trade and industr are- A4asa1 Dire Da4a1 ?onder1 Adama @also called #azarethA1 )imma1 Farrar1 Bahir Dar1 :e9Gele1 Debre :ar9os1 #e9emt1 Debre Ie it1 Dese1 All these to4ns are connected to Addis Ababa b free4a s and gravel roads' :ost of them also have infrastructures and first>class hotels and airports' There are other large cities1 such as Debre Ie it and Dese1 4ith over &((1((( inhabitants1 and ! thin9 the should be included in this list6 Farrar1 Debre :ar9os and #e9emt are smaller'

$ddis $#a#a

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:ost *thiopians live in rural areas as either farmers or livestoc9 herders' :an farmers use an ancient 4ooden plo4 called a maresha and a pair of o;en to plo4 their fields' The gro4 various cereal crops1 including barle 1 corn1 4heat1 and a tin local grain called teff. Livestoc9 herders raise camels1 cattle1 goats and sheep1 and travel from place to place to find food for their animals' *thiopians in cities and to4ns 4or9 for the government1 hold <obs in various businesses and industries1 or run shops' $overt in *thiopia is 4idespread' *ach ear1 man *thiopian men and 4omen move to to4ns and cities to see9 <obs and a better life' :edical care1 electric po4er1 schools1 and clean 4ater supplies are part of 4hat attracts rural *thiopians to cities' St les of houses var 4idel in *thiopia' :an houses in rural areas are round 4ith 4alls constructed of 4ooden poles and mud plaster' These houses have roofs of thatch or corrugated iron' !n the Tigra areas1 houses often are rectangular and made of stone' Addis Ababa and other cities have tall office buildings1 multistor apartment houses1 large villas1 and mi;ed neighborhoods 4ith houses of stone1 bric91 mud and cement'

!n rural areas1 man men and 4omen 4ear a one>piece 4hite cotton cloth called a shamma. :en 4ear a shamma over a cotton shirt1 and 4omen 4ear it over a cotton dress' !n to4ns and cities1 man people 4ear clothing similar to that 4orn in *urope and #orth America' !n southern *thiopia1 some people 4ear traditional clothing made of leather or a colorful cloth used as a sha4l and a 4aist 4rap'


The national food of *thiopia is injera 4ith wot' Injera is a spong flat bread usuall prepared from teff1 4heat1 barle or millet' Teff is an *thiopian grain rich in iron and other minerals6 it can be found in health food stores in the US' Injera is eaten 4ith wot1 4hich is a spic sauce made of an onion and pepper base and various other spices' Wot can be made mild or hot1 and is made 4ith vegetables and different meats such as beef1 lamb or chic9en' The injera is used to scoop the wot into small portions to be eaten b 5

hand' Before and after a meal1 one 4ashes oneGs hands6 it is an acceptable tradition to be served b a domestic servant 4ith 4ater and soap to 4ash oneGs hands' !t ma be hard for the first time to eat using oneGs fingers1 but as9ing for utensils ma be considered impolite' !n addition1 *thiopians eat barle 1 corn or 4heat1 4hich are roasted or boiled' *thiopians in some areas eat a bread made from the root of ensete, a plant that resembles a banana tree' $opular beverages include beer1 coffee1 tea1 and thin ogurt' The meal is normall served on a large tra and shared 4ith friends or famil of up to five people'

2usto"s and +raditions

Favorite sports in *thiopia include soccer1 volle ball1 and genna, a game similar to field hoc9e ' *thiopians also en<o pla ing card games1 a local 9ind of chess and other board games' Folida s include special celebrations from both the Christian and the !slamic faiths' Also1 man people che4 khat to socialize and rela; in the afternoon to do business in the mar9et or on 4ee9ends as part of tradition and recreation' Khat has been legall harvested in *thiopia for centuries and is becoming a ma<or agricultural crop' !n ever to4n1 people 4hile a4a their spare time che4ing the stimulant leaf' !t is part of the culture' Khat is che4ed for hours on end6 users sa it Kelevates our mood and stimulates our mind'L

Coffee accounts for some 07M of *thiopiaBs foreign trade earnings1 coffee probabl emplo s close to &(M of the population' As a result1 coffee must certainl ran9 as *thiopiaBs most important e;portN *thiopia aims to e;port some +2(1((( tonnes of coffee per ear' Out of this *thiopia consumes D21250 tonnes 1 4hich sho4s that *thiopia is a strong consumer as 4ell as a producer' Coffee originated in *thiopia in a region called =effa' Coffee is central to the lives of all *thiopians' !n the countr side 4here some people live a da Bs 4al9 from a main road1 coffee is often the onl beverage of choice' !n addition it is also still roasted1 ground1 mi;ed 4ith butter1 and made into balls to be eaten for sustenance during the 4or9ing da ' !n the cities1 as 4ell as in the countr side1 coffee is drun9 4ith friends1 famil 1 on special occasions1 or simpl out of choice' Coffee is ever 4hereN +he /thiopian coffee cere"ony1 carried out b the 4oman of the famil 1 is an historic tradition 4ith much religious s mbolism' 2 cups are poured for each guest1 incense 4afts around the room1 fla; covers the floor1 and usuall peanuts or coo9ed barle are offered b 4a of accompaniment' From birth in *thiopia one gro4s up 4ith the coffee ceremon as an integral part of oneGs social and cultural life' An invitation to attend a coffee ceremon is considered a mar9 of friendship or respect and is an e;cellent e;ample of *thiopian hospitalit ' $erforming the ceremon is almost obligator in the presence of a visitor1 4hatever the time of da ' !n the 2rd centur coffee 4as transplanted from the *thiopian highlands to the %emeni mountains during the spice trade bet4een *ast Africa and the Arabian $eninsula' From %emen it spread to Southeast Asia1 South America1 and finall bac9 to Africa'

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*thiopia adopted a ne4 constitution that established the FD.*1 or Federal Democratic .epublic of *thiopia1 in &DD7' The federal government is responsible for national defense1 foreign relations and general politics1 as 4ell as common interests and benefits' The federal government of the FD.* is structured as a bicameral parliament' There are t4o chambers- an upper chamber and a lo4er chamber' The upper chamber1 4ith &(5 members1 is called the Fouse of Federation or the Federal Council' The lo4er chamber1 4ith 7/5 members1 is called the Fouse of $eopleGs .epresentatives1 or the Council of $eopleGs .epresentatives' The upper chamber1 the Fouse of Federation1 represents the common interests of the nations1 nationalities and people of the states1 and is headed b a constitutional president' All council members in both chambers are elected b universal suffrage for a five> ear term' The council members in the Fouse of Federation are elected b state assemblies1 4hile the council members in the Fouse of $eopleGs .epresentatives are elected b a popular vote' The federal government is headed b the prime minister1 4ho in turn is accountable to the Fouse of $eopleGs .epresentatives1 4hich is the highest authorit of the federal government' The FD.* comprises nine autonomous states vested 4ith policies for self>administration' *ach autonomous state is headed b a state president elected b the state council' The <udiciar is constitutionall independent'

Pri"e "inister: :eles Iena4i 3/LIGI0! Orthodo; Christianit and !slam1 the t4o main religions in *thiopia1 have coe;isted since :ohammedGs time' The first follo4ers of !slam 4ere converted 4hile the prophet :ohammed 4as alive1 and the first mos3ue 4as built in the eighth centur ' Fo4ever1 culturall the Orthodo; Church has dominated the political1 social and cultural life in the highlands1 as it 4as the official religion of the imperial court and hence also of the feudal establishment until Faile Selassie 4as deposed in &D,/' Since then1 religion and the state have been separated' :ost people in *thiopia are :uslims or Christians' About /( percent of the population belongs to the *thiopian Orthodo; Church1 4hich is a Christian sect related to the Coptic1 ?ree9 and .ussian Orthodo; churches' A small percentage of the population in the south and 4est practices some local religions and the rest of the population is :uslim'


The *thiopian Orthodo; ChurchBs head3uarters is in Addis Ababa' The boundaries of the dioceses1 each under a bishop1 follo4ed provincial boundaries6 a patriarch @abunA headed the church' The ultimate authorit in matters of faith 4as the *piscopal S nod' !n addition1 the Church Council1 a consultative bod that included both clerg and lait 1 revie4ed and drafted administrative polic ' *thiopia has long en<o ed the most intimate relations 4ith !slam' Some of the earliest disciples of the prophet :ohammed1 4hen persecuted in Arabia1 found refuge at A9sum1 4hich 4as then ruled b =ing Armah' Ehen one of the refugees1 Umm Fabibah1 4as to marr :ohammed1 Armah sent her a golden do4r ' The prophet later pra ed for the A9sumite 9ingGs soul and instructed his follo4ers to leave the Ab ssinians in peace1 thus averting a hol 4ar' :an 4ords in ?eGez1 the classical language of the *thiopians1 can be found in the Fol Huran' The first muezzin calling the faithful to pra er in the prophetGs time 4as an *thiopian named Bilal1 as his compatriots recall 4ith pride to this da ' *thiopian :uslims are adherents of the dominant Sunni1 or orthodo;1 branch of !slam' Shia :uslims are not represented in *thiopia' The beliefs and practices of *thiopian :uslims are embodied in a more or less integrated amalgam of three elements- the !slam of the Huran and the sharia1 the 4orship of saints and the rituals and organization of religious orders1 and the still>important remnant of pre>!slamic patterns' !slam in the traditional sense is dominant onl in Farrar and a fe4 other to4ns' !n general1 the most important practices of the !slamic faith1 particularl regular pra er and fasting during the month of .amadan1 are observed in urban centers rather than in the smaller to4ns and villages1 and more among settled peoples than among nomads' .ecords of the pilgrimage to :ecca b *thiopian :uslims are scarce'

0rthodo< priests


2hristian holidays and festivals

+i"kat =/piphany> is the most colorful event in the ear 4hen the churches parade their Tabots to a nearb bod of 4ater' @A Tabot is a replica of the biblical Ar9 of the Covenant containing the tablets 4ith the Ten Commandments6 ever church in *thiopia has one'A The ceremon falls on the &Dth of )anuar and commemorates ChristGs baptism' The Tabot is ta9en out in the afternoon on the eve of *piphan and sta s overnight 4ith the priests and faithful congregation' The follo4ing morning the 4ater is blessed and splashed on ever one in a ceremon 4here the faithful rene4 their vo4s to the Church' !f the bod of 4ater is large enough1 some people 4ill immerse themselves' Eomen 4ho have been unable to have children participate in the ritual for fertilit ' After the ceremon 1 the Tabot is paraded bac9 to its church1 accompanied b much singing and dancing' )asika =/aster> is a festival that follo4s a fasting period of 77 da s' During this time1 no animal product is eaten' The faithful do not eat an thing at all until the dail service is finished at around 2-(( in the afternoon on *aster Sunda ' From Thursda evening before ?ood Frida 1 nothing is eaten until the *aster service ends at 2-(( in the morning on *aster Sunda ' 8idus 6ohannes or /nkutatash1 *thiopiaGs #e4 %ears Da 1 is celebrated on the &&th of September' !t is primaril secular6 it is a time for people to put on ne4 clothes and visit friends and relatives' (askal is said to be in memor of the finding of the true Cross b the *mpress *leni' This is as colorful as Tim9at1 ho4ever1 instead of 4ater1 the focus of the celebration is a bonfire topped 4ith an image of a cross to 4hich flo4ers are tied' $riests in full regalia bless the bonfire before it is lit' This festival coincides 4ith the mass blooming of the golden ello4 :as9al daisies1 called Ade Ababa in Amharic' Lidet or Gena1 the *thiopian Christmas1 is not the primar religious and secular festival that it has become in Eestern countries' Falling on the ,th of )anuar 1 it is celebrated seriousl b a church service that goes on throughout the night1 4ith people moving from one church to another' Traditionall 1 oung men pla a game called Gena1 similar to hoc9e 1 on this da 1 and Christmas has also come to be 9no4n b this name'

(usli" festivals and pilgri"ages

*thiopiaGs earliest and most hol :uslim center1 according to tradition1 is at #agash1 north of Eu9ro in Tigra 1 4here there is a fine mos3ue of considerable anti3uit ' $erhaps the most important !slamic center since medieval times1 ho4ever1 has been the famous 4alled cit of Farrar' One of the principal hol cities of !slam1 it has long been reno4ned for its religious learning1 as 4ell as for its mos3ues1 man :uslim shrines1 and tombs of several hol :uslim leaders of the past' An important center of :uslim pilgrimage toda is the to4n of She9 Fusen in the Bale region' The faithful floc9 there t4ice a ear from all over *thiopia1 as 4ell as from neighboring countries1 as the do to :ecca in Saudi Arabia'


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The use of the )ulian calendar 4as discarded b the *uropeans /(( ears ago1 but *thiopia still uses it' This calendar divides the ear into &+ month of 2( da s each1 4ith th the remaining five @or si; in a leap earA constituting the short &2 month of O$agume'L th th !n ?ree91 pagume means additional' The *thiopian #e4 %ear falls on the && or &+ of September ever ear' /thiopian (onth 4egins in :es9erem September Ti9imit October Fidar #ovember Tahesas December Tir )anuar %e9atit Februar :egabit :arch :i azia April ?inbot :a Sene )une Famle )ul #ehase August $agume September


!n *thiopia1 the Otop of the da L begins at the top of the cloc9' The beginning of the da is ta9en to be at 0-(( a'm' Eestern timeJtherefore 0-(( a'm' Eestern time is O&+-(( in the morningL in *thiopia6 &+-(( noon Eestern time is 0-(( noon in *thiopia6 0-(( p'm' Eestern time is &+-(( in the evening *thiopia time1 and so on' The division of the da into a'm' and p'm' is not used in *thiopia' !nstead1 3uadrants of time are described according to the part of da 1 e'g'1 morning1 afternoon1 evening1 night' Eestern time and the corresponding *thiopian time can be seen on the chart belo4' This 4a of 9eeping time is normall the onl 4a used6 ho4ever1 in some circumstances1 such as 4hen boo9ing an airline flight or in certain professional settings1 a'm' and p'm' are used' :ilitar time is the same as in America1 but instead of using Ohundred1L Ozero zeroL is used' *;ample- O&0 hundred hoursL in Amharic is asra sedest zero zero1 and so forth'

+I(/ 21$3+
Eestern Time 0'(( A: ,'(( A: 5'(( A: D'(( A: &('(( A: &&'(( A: &+'(( A: &'(( $: +'(( $: 2'(( $: /'(( $: 7'(( $: 0'(( $: ,'(( $: 5'(( $: D'(( $: &('(( $: &&'(( $: &+'(( $: &'(( A: +'(( A: 2'(( A: /'(( A: 7'(( A: *thiopian Time &+ se>at @oGcloc9A & se>at @oGcloc9A + se>at @oGcloc9A 2 se>at @oGcloc9A / se>at @oGcloc9A 7 se>at @oGcloc9A 0 se>at @oGcloc9A , se>at @oGcloc9A 5 se>at @oGcloc9A D se>at @oGcloc9A &( se>at @oGcloc9A && se>at @oGcloc9A &+ se>at @oGcloc9A & se>at @oGcloc9A + se>at @oGcloc9A 2 se>at @oGcloc9A / se>at @oGcloc9A 7 se>at @oGcloc9A 0 se>at @oGcloc9A , se>at @oGcloc9A 5 se>at @oGcloc9A D se>at @oGcloc9A &( se>at @oGcloc9A && se>at @oGcloc9A :orningP9etuatu :orningP9etuatu :orningP9etuatu :orningP9etuatu :orningP9etuatu :orningP9etuatu #oonP9e9enu AfternoonP9ese>at AfternoonP9ese>at AfternoonP9ese>at AfternoonP9ese>at AfternoonP9ese>at *veningP9e mesetu *veningP9e meshestu *veningP9e meshetu At nightP9e meshetu At nightP9e meshetu At nightP9e meshetu :idnightPe9ule lelit !n morningP9e lelitu !n morningP9e lelitu !n morningP9e lelitu !n morningP9e letitu !n morningP9e teuatu


The monetar unit of *thiopian currenc is the Birr1 4ith &(( cents @also called centimesA to a Birr' The Birr is currentl valued at around 5'0( Birr to the US dollar1 sub<ect to change ever da ' Copper coins are circulated in values of &1 71 &(1 +7 and 7( cents' Currenc notes are printed in denominations of &1 71 &(1 7(1 &(( and 7(( Birr' The e;change rate of the Birr against foreign currencies has been controlled b the dail !nterban9 Foreign *;change :ar9et since October +/1 +((&' The Foreign *;change :ar9et intervention committee of the #ational Ban9 of *thiopia monitors and controls the rate on a dail basis' Onl the #ational Ban9 of *thiopia and its authorized agents1 as 4ell as commercial ban9s1 are allo4ed to e;change foreign currenc against receipts' Travel and tour agents1 hotels and ban9 branches 4ith official permission ma also deal in the e;change'


@-o"e /thiopian 2ele#ritiesAB

Liya 8e#ede

an international super"odel and the World 1ealth 0rganiCationDs Good,ill $"#assador for (aternal !e,#orn and 2hild 1ealth

D/3$3+5 +5L5

'Eti"e ,orld and 0ly"pic gold "edallist

8/!/!I-$ 4/8/L/

11 ,orld gold "edals 1 0ly"pic gold "edal 1 0ly"pic silver "edal in the 1. ...E"eter race and ,orld record holder

1$IL/ G/43/-/L$--I/
"edals in the 1. ...E"eter race

2 0ly"pic gold "edals and 11 ,orld gold


L$!G5$G/Amharic1 Orominga and Tigrin a are the ma<or languages used b t4o>thirds of the population' Amharic is the official language of the federal government' *nglish is the medium of instruction in the secondar section of <unior colleges and universities and is 4idel used in business transactions1 particularl in ban9ing and insurance' @Arabic and !talian are also 4idel spo9en'A

+he alpha#et
?eGez is to *thiopia as Latin is to the Eest' ?eGez1 li9e Latin1 4as not used as a spo9en language for a ver long time' But li9e Latin1 ?eGez is the precursor of *thiopiaGs three ma<or Semitic languages 8 the Cushitic language1 the A9sumitesG language1 and ?ree9' The Bible 4as translated into ?eGez from ?ree9' The ?ree9 influence is also seen in the organization of the ?eGez letters1 4hich is ver similar to that of the ?ree9 alphabet' ?eGez ceased to be used as a spo9en language most li9el a short time before the tenth centur C*' #onetheless1 it is still used toda as the liturgical language of the *thiopian Orthodo; Church1 and 4as the official 4ritten language during the first A;umite 9ingdom'


Lesson 1 Geography and People



This lesson 4ill introduce ou to> simple greetings and basic introductions in Amharic > ho4 to greet people in formal and informal situations in *thiopia > personal pronouns > possessive pronouns > ho4 to use the verbs Oto beL and Oto liveL in the present tense > basic geographical names of *thiopia'


P/0PL/ 1' Listen to these si"ple greetings and phrases in $"haric and repeat the" after the speakerA Fello1 Fi ?ood morning ?ood afternoon ?ood evening ?ood night Tena %estelegn @FormalA selam @casualA *ndemen Aderache4 *ndemen Ealache4 *ndemen Ameshache4 Dehena *deru AA A AA A What ,ould you say at

2A /<change greetings ,ith your teacher and your partnerA 7 aA"A at 1. aA"A at 2 pA"A at % pA"A and at 1. pA"AF

3A )a"iliariCe yourself ,ith personal pronounsA repeat after the speakerA ! *ne ou Anchi @FA Ante @:A he *su she *sua 4e *gna ou @pluralA *nante the *nesu A APA A A A A A

Listen to the audio and

&A Listen to the follo,ing dialogues and repeat after the speakerA the dialogues in pairsA In the "orning Fana- ?ood morning1 =ebede' @:aleA =ebede- Fine' ?ood morning Fana' @FemaleA During the day =ebede- ?ood afternoon1 Fana' @FA Fana- ?ood afternoon' =ebede- Fo4 are ouQ


*ndemen ander9 9ebede Dehena1 *ndemen adersh Fana


*ndemen Ealsh Fana *ndemen 4ale9 =ebede *ndemen Alesh Q +(


Fana- Fine' Than9 ou' And ouQ =ebede- "er 4ell' In the /vening =ebede- ?ood evening1 Fana' Fana- ?ood evening1 =ebede' =ebede- Fo4 are ou1 FanaQ Fana- Fine' Than9 ou' And ouQ =ebede- Fine' ?ood night' Fana- ?ood night1 =ebede' Infor"al $erson A$erson B$erson A$erson B-

Dehena negn1anttese dehna nehQ Dehena negn


*ndemen Ameshesh Fana *ndemen amesheh =ebede *ndemen alesh fanaQ Dehena negn1antes dehena nehQ Dehana 1 Dehena eder Dehena *der =ebede


Fi' FiN Fo4 are ouQ ?ood' And ouQ

$erson A- ?oodN $erson B- B eN

Selam Selam Almaz @FA Tadi asQ Alen1 Anchis@FA Antes@:AQ Alen dehna Chio


%A 5sing the dialogues a#ove as a "odel co"pose your o,n si"ilar dialoguesA Work in pairs or in s"all groupsA


! am from America' %ou are from America' Fe is from America' She is from America' !t is from America' Ee are from America' %ou are from America' @pluralA The are from America'

*ne 9eamerica negn Anet @:A Anchi @FA 9eamerica neh@:A nesh @FA *su 9eamerica noe *sua =eamerica nat =eamerica neo *gna 9eamerica nen *nante 9eamerica neche4 *nesu =eamerica nache4

*A APA A P Q *A *A A *A *A *A

'A Listen to the follo,ing sentences and repeat after the speakerA &' ! am *thiopian' ! am from *thiopi' +' Fe is *thiopian' Fe is from *thiopia' 2' She is *thiopian' She is from *thiopia' /' Ee are *thiopians' Ee are from Addis Ababa' 7' %ou are *thiopian' @pluralA %ou are from Addis Ababa' 0' %ou are *thiopian' @singularA *ne etiopia4e negn *ne =eetiopia negn *su etiopia4e neo *su =eetiopia neo *sua etiopia4eet nat *sua 9eaddis abeba nat * ! * ! *! A! *! *A

*gna etiopia4e nen A! *gna 9eaddis abeba nen AAA *nante etiopia4e nache4 *nante 9eaddis abeba nache4 A! AAA

Anchi etiopia4e A! PA nesh@FA ! Ante etiopia4e neh @:A *nesu etiopia4e nache4 *nesu 9eaddis ababa nache4 A! AAA

,' The are *thiopians' The are from Addis Ababa'

7A Pretend you and your class"ates are fro" $"ericaA Introduce yourself and your class"ates to your friend in $"haricA 5se the "odel #elo, and the "apA (odel: ! am *thiopian' ! am from #agele' Fagos is *thiopian' and Eo ni are *thiopians' The are from Sodo' Ehere are ou fromQ *ne etiopia4e negn'Q@SingularA A! *nante etopia4e nachehuQ @$lural A ! Fe is from Asosa' Ameha

*ne 9e #agele negn@SingularA A *gna 9e #egele nen@$luralA A

Ehere is he @shePitA fromQ

Ehere are 4e @the A fromQ

Fagos etiopia4e neoQ @F*A ! Lulit etiopia4e nechQ @SF*A ! *nesu etiopia4e nache4Q @The A A ! *gna etiopia4e nenQ@E*A * !

*su 9e Asosa neo @F*1 !TA AA *sua 9e Assosa nat@SF*A AA *nesu 9e Sodo nache4@The A * *gna 9e Sodo nen@pluralA *

*A Listen to the follo,ing dialogues in $"haricA )ollo, along in your ,ork#ookA &' A' ! am from Addis Ababa' Ehere are ou fromQ *ne 9e addis abeba negn

3epeat after the speakerA


*nte @:A Anchi @FA 9e et #eh@:A #esh @FA *ne 9e <imma negn Aster 9e harar nech Berhane 9e et ne4uQ *su 9e a;um ne4u *ne 9e assela negn A

B' ! am from )imma'

+' A' Aster is from Farar' Ehere is Berhane fromQ B' Fe is from A;um' 2' A' ! am from Assela'


Ehere are ou and Assefa fromQ B' Ee are from Dere Da4a' /' A' ?irma is from Baher Dare'

Ante ena Assefa 9e et nache4Q *gna 9e dere da4a nen


?irma 9e baher dare ne4u

Ehere are Tulu and Alemitu



The are from #e9emt'

Tulu ena Alemitu 9e et nache4uQ *nesu 9e ne9emt nache4u

9A 3oleEplay the dialogues a#ove using the "ap of /thiopiaA Am ! fromRQ *ne 9eRnegnQ ARQ %es1 ! am' Oe4o1negn A %es1 ou are' Oe4o1nesh@FA neh@:A A P %es1 he is' Oe4o ne4u A %es1 she is' Oe4o nech A %es1 it is' Oe4o esu ne4u AA %es1 4e are' Oe4o egna nen A* %es1 the are' Oe4o enesu nache4u A * #o1 ! am not' !1 a delehum A #o1 ou are not' ! a delehem@:A a deleshem @FA APA #o1 he is not' ! esu a delem AA A #o1 she is not' ! esua a delechem AA A #o1 it is not' ! esu a delem A* A #o1 4e are not' ! egna a delenem A* A #o1 the are not' ! enesu a delum A* A

Are ou fromRQ Ante@:A APAPRPQ anchi@FA 9e RRneh@:A nesh@FA !s he fromRQ *su 9e''Q ARQ !s she fromRQ *sua 9e''Q ARQ !s it fromRQ *su 9eRQ *RQ Are 4e fromRQ *gna 9eR'Q *RQ Are the fromRQ *nesu 9eRnache4Q * RQ

1.A &'

3ead the follo,ing dialogues and roleEplay the"A A' B' +' A' B' 2' A' B' /' A' B' Are ou from *thiopiaQ Ante @:A Anchi @FA =e etiopia #eh @:A #esh @FAQ APA ! PQ %es1 ! am Oe4o #egn'6A Are ou from Addis AbebaQ Ante @:A Anchi@FA 9e addis abeba neh @:A #esh@FAQ APAAAPQ #o ! am not' ! am from :e9ele' ! A edelehume 9e me9ele negn' AA !s Abel from *thiopiaQ Abel 9e etiopia ne4uQ A! %es1 he is' Oe4o ne4u A Are Tesfa e and *lsa from DesseQQ Tesf e ena *lsa 9e desse nache4uQ * %es1 the areQ Oe4o nache4u A

Use of 4eizero @:rs'A' *;ample- Ato Alemu1 4eizerit Felen1 Eeizero ze4di' Ehen addressing someone older or 4hen in a professional setting1 use Ato for :r' Also1 onl first names are used 4hen addressing someone' !n *thiopia1 last names are not passed on to children6 a child is given his fatherGs first name as his last name and that child 4ill give his first name to his child1 and so forth' The concept of last names does not e;ist and therefore man identical names e;ist' For e;ample1 if a man 4ith the first name of Fabtamu has a bo and names him Alula1 then the bo Gs full name is Alula Fabtamu' Therefore1 there are a lot of identical full names in *thiopia' Sometimes1 in order to avoid confusion1 people might use their grandfatherGs first name' For e;ample1 if Alula has a child and names him :atios1 he can be called :atios Alula Fabtamu' Also1 4omen donGt ta9e their husbandsG names'

Ehat is our nameQ : name is Tedrros'

Semehe maneo4Q Ehat is our nameQ Q Seme Tedrros : name is neo4 Selomon' : %our %ene %ante@:A %anch@FA Fis %esu Fer %esua !ts %esu Our %egna Their %enesu

Semehe maneoQ Q Seme Selomon neo'

! %ou Fe She !t Ee The

*ne Ante@:A Anchi@FA *su *sua *su *gna *nesu


Ehat is her nameQ %esua sem :ane4Q Q Fer name is Sara' %esua sem Sara ne4u

Ehat is his nameQ %esu sem :aneo4Q Q Fis name is Da4it' %esu sem Da4it ne4u'

11A Listen to the follo,ing dialogue and repeat after the speakerA A' ?ood morningN *ndemen aderach4u @pluralA *ndemen ader9 @:A *ndemen adersh @FA *ndemen aderu @older personA ?ood morningN Same response : name is :ulatu' Seme :ulatu ne4u Ehat is our nameQ Semehe@:A mane4uQ Semesh @FA mane4uQ Semot mane4Q @older personA : name is Abera' Seme Abera ne4u #ice to meet ou1 Selam Abera Abera' #ice to meet ou1 Selam :ulatu :ulatu' *A * A *A *A

B' A'


B' A' B'


12A Work in pairs or in s"all groupsA dialoguesA

Look at the pictures and "ake up si"ilar


Listen to the follo,ing state"ents and repeat after the speakerA Fis name is :e9onen' Seme :e9onen ne4u Fe lives in Adama' A *su adama ne4u eminore4u Fer name is Felen' L Semua Felen ne4u'

: name is Bere9et' Seme Bere9et ne4u

! live in Addis Ababa' A AA *ne Addis Abeba ne4u emenore4

She lives in A;um' A *sua A;um ne4u emetenorre4u

Ee live in Eondo ?enet' * *gna Eondo ?enet neo emenenore4u 1&A 3ead the follo,ing sentencesA ,ith the ans,er keyA

The live in Lalibela' A *nesu lalibela ne4u eminorut

+ranslate the" into /nglishA 2heck your ,ork

&' Ie4di A;um ne4u emetnore4u A +' Arba :ench ne4u emetnoree4 @FA emetnore4@:AQ Oe4o APQ A 2A Fi4et Debre Ieiet Atenorem A /' %et ne4u emetnoree4u@FA %emetnore4u@:AQ %emenore4 Dollo ne4u PQ 7' =efelu ena .achel et #e4u eminorut *nesu eminorut Debre Tabor ne4u AQ A

1%A Listen to the follo,ing dialogue and repeat after the speakerA )ollo, along in your ,ork#ookA (ake up a si"ilar dialogueA Work in pairs or in s"all groupsA A A A PQ & + 2 A A Q AA *ndemen 4ale9@:A *nemen Ealesh@FA &A *ndemen Ealachehu +A Seme Felen #e4u 2A Semeh@:A semesh@FA :ane4uQ Seme Bela ne4u Selam Bala Selam Felen *ne Lalibela ne4u emenore4u anchi et #eo emetenoree4uQ *ne =alem =etema negn

1'A I"agine that you are ne, to the classA $sk your partner a#out the rest of the students =their na"es and ,here they live>A 5se the "odel #elo,A Work in pairs or in s"all groupsA %esu seme mane4uQ Q %esu seme Be9ele ne4u' AQ *su et ne4u eminore4uQ A *su :o<o ne4u eminore4u 17A What is the GuestionF 3ead the ans,ers #elo, and reproduce the Guestions in $"haricA 2heck your ,ork ,ith the ans,er keyA &' Q ! i delehum1 ene 9e Deber berhane negn AA* +' Q Auo1 ?iggiga ne4u emenore4u A 2' Q Auo esu 9e Shashemenie ne4u A*

/' Q Oe4o1 esua *libabour ne4u emetnore4u A* 7' Q ! i delem1 esu 9e Addis abeba ne4u' *A*AA 0' Q Auo1 seme .obel ne4u A ,' Q ! 1esu Ato'Fabtamu i delem A*A A 5' Q Auo1 ene 9e Adama negn' A*A


/ndEofELesson +asks 1A 3ead the follo,ing sentences and translate the" fro" /nglish into $"haricA A' : name is Tan a' ! am from :osco4' B' Do ou live in SeattleQ %es' C' Fis name is )oe' Fe lives in Berlin' D' Ee are from "ancouver' *' : name is :aurice' ! am from Chicago' F' Fis name is Bob' Fe lives in Boston' ?' Fer name is Susan' She lives in San Diego' F' Ehat is our nameQ : name is Ton '

2A Pretend that you are at a partyA Introduce yourself to other people and ask the" their na"es ,here they are fro" and ,here they liveA Work in pairs or in s"all groupsA 5se the "odel #elo,A P Q *! APA PQ *! *AA * Selam1 seme Deme9e ne4u' Semeh@:A Semesh@FA :ane4uQ Selam1 seme *lias ne4u *ne 9e etiopia negn'Anchi@:A ante@:A =e et neh@:A nesh@FAQ *ne 9e etiopia negn *ne Addis Abeba ne4u emenore4u *ne Dere Da4a ne4u emenore4u


3A Introduce your friend to your class"atesA 5se the "odel #elo,A ! ! A Semu %oseph ne4u * *su 9e etiopia ne4u * *su etiopia4ee ne4u *A *su addis abeba neo minore4u

;oca#ulary List
Fello Fi ?ood morning ?ood afternoon ?ood evening ?ood night ?ood>b e Fo4 are ouQ FineP ver 4ell Than9 ou %ou are 4elcome : name is R ! Fe She %ou Ee The To live in #o %es To be To be from Ehere are ou fromQ Ehat is our nameQ Ehere do ou liveQ : %our Fis Fer Tena estelegn Selam *ndemen Adersh@FA ader9@:A Aderache4 @pluralA *ndemen 4ale9 @:A 4alsh@FA 4alachehu @pluralA *ndemen ameshesh@fA amesheh@:A Ameshache4@$luralA Dehna ederi @FA eder @:Aederu @pluralA Dehna 4hogn@FA 4hone@:A Ehonu@$luralA *ndemen neh@:A nesh@FA nache4@$luralAQ Betam dehna Amesegenaleu :enem a edelem Seme Felen ne4u *ne *su *sua Ante @:A Anchi@FA *gna *nesu :enore ! Auo :ehone =e mehone =e et nesh@FA #eh@:A nache4u@$A Semeh@FA semeh@:A maneo4u %et ne4u emetnore4u@:A emetnore4u@FA %emetnorut@pluralA %ene %ante @:A %anchi@FA %esu %esua * *PAPA * *APA *P*P* PP *PPQ A A * * * AA * * A A R PP P PP P

Our Their

%egna %enesu


$ns,er 8ey

&' Ie4di lives in A;um' +' Do ou live in Arba :ench'%es ! do' 2' Fi4et does not live in Debre Ieit' /' Ehere do ou liveP ! live in Dollo' 7' Ehere do =efelue and .achel liveQ The live in Debre tabor'

&' Are ou from Addis abebaQ Ante@:A anchi @FA 9e Addis abeba neh@:A nesh@FAQ &' APAAAPQ #o1 ! am not' ! am from Debre Berhan' ! i delehum1 ene 9e Deber berhane negn AA* +' Do ou live in ?iggigaQ Anch @FA Ante @:A ?iggiga neo emetnoree4 +'APAQ %es1 ! live in ?iggiga' Auo1 ?iggiga neo emenore4 A 2' !s he from ShasemeneQ *su 9e shashemenie neoQ 2'*Q %es1 he is from sashemene' Auo esu 9e Shashemenie neo A* /' Does she live in *libabourQ *sua *libabour neo emetnore4Q /'*Q %es1 she lives in *libabour' Auo1 esua *libabour neo emetnore4 A* 7' !s he from FarrarQ *su =e Farar neoQ 7'*Q #o1 he is not' Fe is from Addis Abeba' ! i delem1 esu 9e Addis abeba noe'#o1 AA*AA 27

0' !s our name .obelQ Ante semeh .obel neoQ 0'A Q %es1 m name is .oblel' Auo1 seme .obel neo A ,' !s he Ato'FabtamuQ *su Ato'Fabtamu neoQ ,'*AQ #o1 he is not Fabtamu' ! 1esu Ato'Fabtamu i delem A*AA 5' Are ou from AdamaQ Ante @:A anchi @FA 9e adama neh@:A nash@FAQ 5'APAAPQ %es1 ! am from Adama' Auo1 ene 9e Adama negn' A*A /ndEofELesson +asks 1A A'%ene sem Tan a neo'*ne 9e :osco4 negn' * B'Ante @:A Anch@FA seattel neo emetnore4 @:A emetnoree4@FA Auo' APA PA C'%esu sem )oe neo'*su Berline neo eminore4' * D'*gna 9e "ancouver nen' * *'%ne sem :aurice neo' *ne 9e Chicago negn' * F'%esu se Bob neo'*su Boston neo eminore4' * ?'%esua sem Susan neo'*sua San Diego neo emetnore4' * F'Semeh man neoQ %ene sem Ton neo' Q


Lesson 2 * #ero ena sera Living and Working


This lesson 4ill introduce ou to> T pical housing arrangements of most people living in *thiopia > Using OorL in 3uestions about living arrangements and professions > The verb Oto haveL in the present tense > #ames of professions @singular and plural formsA' There are several t pes of homes in *thiopia' There are huts made from mud in the rural areas6 there are small to medium>sized houses1 there are also large villas similar to those in the Eest1 and there are apartment buildings1 mostl in large cities' The average *thiopian in a rural area lives in a hut or a small house'

1A Look at the pictures #elo, and listen to the ,ordsA 3epeat the ,ords after the speakerA

apartment A Apartment

apartment building A Apartment hentsa

room =effel

house Bait

militar camp %etor sefer

tent Den9uan

barrac9s %e4etaderoch :enoria

hotel Fotel


2' (atch the $"haric ,ords on the left ,ith their /nglish eGuivalents on the rightA 3eplay the audio fro" the previous section if necessary or check the ans,er keyA A A Den9aun =effel Bait Apartment Fotel Apartment hentsa %e4etaderoch menoria %etor sefer Fotel Tent Barrac9s .oom :ilitar camp Fouse Apartment Apartment building

3A 3ead the follo,ing sentences and translate into /nglishA 2heck your ,ork ,ith the ans,er keyA &' Amd eminore4 den9uan 4ost ne4u etor sefer' &' A +' Ali eminore4 tenish apartment 4ost ne4u' +' AA 2' *brahim ena =ongit tele9 bait 4ost ne4u eminorut Addis Abeba' 2' !*AA /' Samson apartment 4ost ne4u eminore4 /' A 7' :usse ena Berhanu e4etaderoch menoria 4ost ne4u eminorut' 7' * 0' Biniam ena ene tele9 bait 4ost ne4u emenenoreu' 0' **

&A Listen to the follo,ing dialogues and repeat after the speakerA )ollo, along in your ,ork#ookA +hen "ake up si"ilar dialoguesA Work in pairs or in s"all groupsA &' A' ! live in a big house' Ehere do ou liveQ * APA PQ *ne tele9 bait 4ost ne4u emenore4u' Ante @:A Anchi @FA et ne4u emetenore4u @:A emetnoree4uQ * *ne emnore4 etor sefer Den9uan 4ost ne4u Q Ienebe hotel 4ost ne4u eminore4u':imi et ne4u emetnore4uQ A :imi apartment hentsa 4ost #e4u emetnore4u' * *! Q *gan %e4otaderoch menoria #eo emenenore4' %oseph ena *leni et ne4u eminorutQ * *nesu eminorut etor sefer ne4u

B' ! live in a tent in a militar camp' +' A' Ienebe lives in the hotel' Ehere does :imi liveQ B' :imi lives in an apartment building' 2' A' Ee live in the barrac9s' Ehere do %oseph and *leni liveQ

B' The live in the militar camp'

The use of OorL in Amharic has the same structure as in *nglish grammar' O. 8 4o nes' Does he live in America or *thiopiaQ *su America neo 4o nes ethipia eminore4' Do ou go b bus or b carQ Ante bu autobus neo 4o nes bu me9ina emet ade' %A 3ead the follo,ing dialoguesA (ake up si"ilar dialogues using the ,ords #elo,A Work in pairs or in s"all groupsA &' A' Do ou live in a house or in an apartmentQ Ante emetnore bait 4ost ne4u 4o nes Apartment 4ostQ A A Q *ne emenore4 bait 4ost ne4u *


! live in a house'

+' A' Do the live in a hotel or in an apartment buildingQ

B' The live in an apartment building'

*nesu eminorut hotel 4ost no4u 4o nes apartment hentsa 4ostQ * AQ *nesu eminorut apartment hentsa 4ost ne4u' * A

'A 2o"pose choice Guestions using the "odel and the ,ords #elo,A (odel: Do ou live in a tent or in the barrac9sQ ante den9uan 4ost neo 4o nes e4etaderoch menoria emtnore4 A *nte@:A Anchi@fA *nesu *su *sua *gna * * * Den9uanP e4otaderoch menoria FotelPBait Apartment hentsaP etor sefer =efelPbait ApartmentPhotel

A * * * *

7A Listen to the speaker and circle the ,ords you hearA 2heck your ,ork ,ith the ans,er keyA &' +' 2' /' house house house house apartment apartment apartment apartment barrac9s barrac9s barrac9s barrac9s hotel hotel hotel hotel apartment building apartment building apartment building apartment building militar militar militar militar camp camp camp camp room room room room tent tent tent tent

*A Listen to the follo,ing sentences and repeat after the speakerA )ollo, along in your ,ork#ookA & ! have a house in Addis Ababa' *AAA *ne addis abeba bait alegn *A A *gna apartment hentsa 4ost =efel alen AA Sera9 #azret apartment ale4u :e9ele'

+ Ee have a room in an apartment building'

2' Sera9 has an apartment in #azret'

/' Fimanot and $etros have a house in

* AA Fimanot ena petros :e9ele Bait alache4

9A (ake up sentences using the correct for" of the ver# @to haveAB (odel: ! have an apartment' ene apartment alegn * AA *ne * Ante @:A Anchi @FA APA *su * *sua * *su * *gna * *nesu * Alegn A aleh @:A alesh@FA APA Ale4u A Alat A Ale4u A Alen A Alache4u A

Apartment A

!n *thiopia there are man 9inds of <obs1 but the ma<orit of those 4ho live in the rural areas are farmers' Fo4ever1 in the cities1 especiall in the capital Addis Ababa1 there are small business o4ners1 government emplo ees1 and large business o4ners6 there are both blue>collar and 4hite> collar <obs' There is a big problem 4ith unemplo ment in the capital due to uns9illed people coming into the cit from the rural areas loo9ing for 4or9'

1.' Listen to the ne, voca#ulary related to professions and repeat after the speakerA $rofession Doctor #urse Laborer Teacher Student Soldier :echanic Farmer $olice Officer Eaitress !nterpreter Sera Doctor #urse %e9en serategna Astemari Temari Eetader :echanic ?ebere $olice Astenagage Asterguami A A A

11A 2ircle the "ore likely profession of the t,o choices under the photoA 2heck the ans,er keyA

#urse 4o nes astemari Q AAQ

$olice 4o nes geberreQ Q

Astenagage 4o nes doctorQ A Q

4etader Eo nes asterguamiQ AQ

12' (atch the $"haric ,ords on the right ,ith their /nglish eGuivalents on the leftA 2heck the ans,er keyA &' $rofession +' Doctor 2' #urse /' Laborer 7' Teacher 0' Student ,' Soldier 5' :echanic D' Farmer &(' $olice Officer &&' Eaitress A A A'Astenagag B'?ebere C'Asterguami D'Serra *'#urse F'$olice ?'Doctor F'%e9en serategna !'Temari )'Eetader =':echanic

&+' !nterpreter


!n *nglish 4e usuall add an >s at the end of a 4ord to ma9e the plural' !n Amharic1 4e add 4och'

13A Listen to the plural for" of nouns related to the na"es of professions and repeat after the speakerA Profession Sera Sera4och Doctor E doctors Doctor Doctor4och !urse E nurses #urse #urse4och La#orer E la#orers %e9en serategna +eacher Astemari Astemari4och -tudent E students Temari -oldier Eetader (echanic :achanic )ar"er ?ebere Police officer $olice4och Waitress ,aitresses A A Astenagage astenagage4och Interpreter interpreters A > professions

%e9en serategn4och E teachers

Temari4och E soldiers Eetader4och E "echanics :echanic4och E far"ers ?ebere4och E police officers $olice E E

Asterguami Asterguami4och

1&A Listen to the speaker and put a circle around each ,ord you hearA 3eplay the audio as "any ti"es as you need toA 2heck your ,ork ,ith the ans,er keyA AA A' B' B' C' C' D' D' Fe is a mechanic P farmer' * The are teachers P doctors' *A She is an interpreter P student' *A The are police officers P soldiers' *

/ndEofELesson +asks 1A Give a #rief introduction of yourself listing your na"e ,here you are fro" ,here you live and ,hat your occupation is in $"haricA 2A Listen to the recording and circle all the professions you hearA 2heck the ans,er keyA A' &' 4aitress +' police officer 2' interpreter &' nurse +' teacher 2' farmer &' doctor +' nurse 2' student



3A 3eproduce the Guestions to the follo,ing ans,ersA &' A Seme Ale; ne4u' +' *! *ne 9e etiopia negn' 2' Q A*AA Auo1ene Addis Abeba ne4u emenore4u ' Q *AA !1ene apartment alegn 7' A* Auo ene mechanic negn Q Q Q


;oca#ulary List
Apartment Apartment building Barrac9s :ilitar camp Fouse Tent .oom Big Small $rofessionPprofessions FarmerPfarmers DoctorPdoctors #ursePnurses LaborerPlaborers TeacherPteachers StudentPstudents SoldierPsoldiers :echanicPmechanics EaitressP4aitresses !nterpreterPinterpreters $olice officerP police officers To have Apartment Apartment hentsa %e4etaderoch menoria Eetadera4i menesha Bait Den9uan 9efel Tele9 Tenesh SeraP sera4och ?ebereP gebere4och DoctorPdoctor4och #urePnurse4och %e9en serategnaPserategna4och AstemariPastemari4och TemariPtemari4och EetaderP4etader4och :echanicPmechanic4och AstenagagePastenagage4och AsterguamiPasterguami4och $olicePpolice4och menor A A P P P P P A PA P P P APA APA P

$ns,er 8ey
2' A camp A F'Fouse ?'Apartment building 3A &' Amd lives in a tent at a militar camp' &' Amd eminore4 den9uan 4ost ne4u etor sefer' &'A +'Ali lives in a small apartment' +' Ali eminore4 tenish apartment 4ost ne4u' +'AA 2' *brahim ans 9on<it live inside a big house in Addis Abeba' 2' *brahim ena =ongit tele9 bait 4ost ne4u eminorut Addis Abeba' 2'!*AA /' Samson lives in an apartment' /' Samson apartment 4ost ne4u eminore4 /'A 7' :usse and Berhanu live in barrac9s' 7' :usse ena Berhanu e4etaderoch menoria 4ost ne4u eminorut' 7'* 0' Biniam and ! live in a big house' 0' Biniam ena ene tele9 bait 4ost ne4u emenenoreu' 5'%etor seferPC F'Apartment &'Den9aun PB +'=effelPD 2'BaitPF /'ApartmentP? 7'FotelPA 0'Apartment hentsaPF ,'%e4etaderoch menoriaP* A'Fotel B'Tent C'Barrac9s D'.oom *':ilitar


&' +' 2' /' 11A A %e4etaderoch menoria Bait %etor sefer Apartment barrac9s house militar camp apartment

#urse 4o nes astemari Q #urse or teacherQ AAQ

$olice 4o nes geberreQ $olice or farmerQ Q

Astenagage 4o nes doctorQ 4aitress or doctorQ A Q

4etader Eo nes asterguamiQ Soldier or interpreterQ AQ

12' &' $rofession D +' Doctor ? 2' #urse * /' Laborer F 7' Teacher L 0' Student ! ,' Soldier ) 5' :echanic = D' Farmer B &(' $olice Officer F &&' Eaitress A &+' !nterpreter C 1&A A' *su gebere neo' @farmerA * B' *nesu astemari4och nache4' @teachersA *A C' *sua asterguami nat' @interpreterA *A D' *nesu 4etader4och nache4' @soldiersA * /ndEofELesson +asks 2A A' & 4aitress B' + teacher C' 2 student 3A &' Ehat is our nameQ Q Semehe mane4Q A Seme Ale; ne4u' +' Ehere are ou fromQ APAPQ Ante@:A anchi @FA 9e et neh @:A nesh@FAQ *! *ne 9e etiopia negn' A A A A'Astenagag B'?ebere C'Asterguami D'Serra *'#urse F'$olice ?'Doctor F'%e9en serategna !'Temari )'Eetader =':echanic L'Astemari


Astenagage Astemari Temari

2' Do ou live in Addis AbabaQ APAAAPQ Ante @:A anchi@FA Addis Abeba neo emetnore4@:A emetnoree4Q A*AA Auo1ene Addis Abeba ne4u emenore4u ' /' Do ou live in a houseQ APAAPAQ Ante @:A Anch@FA bait aleh@:A alesh@FAQ *AA !1ene apartment alegn 7' Are ou a mechanicQ APA PQ Auo ene mechanic negn A* Auo ene mechanic negn

Lesson 3 6esa"ent kenoch kuteroch 6ese, ed"e,och q- * Days of the Week !u"#ers $ges of People
This lesson 4ill introduce ou to> Da s of the 4ee9 > #umbers from ( to &(( > Fo4 to understand and respond to 3uestions about 4hat da it is > Fo4 to find out somebod Gs age and tell ho4 old ou are'


1A Listen to the days of the ,eek and repeat the" after the speakerA :onda Tuesda Eednesda Thursda Frida Saturda Sunda Segno :a9segno *rob Famus Areb =edame *hud

* A *

3ead the days of the ,eek several ti"es practicing pronunciationA 3eplay the audio if necessary'

2A Listen to the follo,ing dialogues and repeat after the speakerA )ollo, along in the ,ork#ookA 3oleEplay the dialogues using the na"es of the other days of the ,eekA Work in pairs or in s"all groupsA *hud :a9segno Famus 9edame *rob Arbe

&' Ehat da is it toda Q Toda is :onda ' +' !s toda :onda Q %es1 toda is :onda ' 2' !s toda :onda Q #o1 toda is Tuesda '

=enu menden ne4u zare Iare segno ne4u Segno ne4u zariQ Auo1zare 9enu segno ne4u Segno ne4u zareQ !1 zare 9enu ma9segno ne4u'


3A Listen to the pronunciation and read the nu"#ers fro" . to 1.A


aned hulet A


arat a"est sedest se#at se"ent Cetegn aser A A A

&A 3ead the follo,ing dialogueA A' Ehat is our telephone numberQ B' : telephone number is @20(A D5/ 8 (+&,' A' Ehat is our house @apartmentA numberQ B' : house @apartmentA number is &(/70' %ante@:A anchi@FA sil9 Pq#_Q =uter cent neo %ene sil9 9uter q#_@20(AD5/>(+&, @20(AD5/>(+&, %ante@:A anchi@FA bait @apartmentA cent ne4uQ %ene bait @apartmentA 9uter &(/70 ne4u' PPA Q PAq#_&(/70

%A 5sing the nu"#ers a#ove tell in $"haric your telephone nu"#er house nu"#er and apart"ent nu"#er according to the "odel #elo,A : telephone number isR : house number isR : apartment number isR %ene sil9 9uterR'ne4u %ene bait 9uter R''ne4u %ene apartment 9uterR ne4u q#_RR q#_RRR' q#_R'

'A Pretend that you are in the hospitalA 6our class"ate is a "edical receptionist ,ho ,ants to kno, your na"e your telephone nu"#er and your house nu"#erA 3oleEplay the dialogue using /<ercise & as a "odelA

7A Listen to the sentences and ,rite do,n the "issing nu"#ers you hearA 2heck your ,ork ,ith the ans,er keyA (odel: %ene sil9 9uter amest@7A sedest @0A sebat@,A sement@5A arat@/A neo' A A

&' %ene sil9 9uter +' %ene sil9 9uter 2' %ene sil9 9uter /' %ene sil9 9uter 7' %ene sil9 9uter

0, 072' /2+ (&' 5D0/7 ' / (0D+' D,5 0/7'

All numbers from && to &D begin 4ith asra and continue 4ith the number &1 +1 21 /1 71 01 ,1 51 D' For e;ample1 number && is asra>aned1 &+ is asra>hulet1 &2 asra>sost and so forth'

*A Listen as the speaker says the nu"#ers 11 to 2.A 3epeat after the speakerA +hey are recorded at a slo,er rate and at a nor"al rate of speechA && &+ &2 &/ &7 &0 &, &5 &D +( eleven t4elve thirteen fourteen fifteen si;teen seventeen eighteen nineteen t4ent && asra>aned &+ asra>hulet &2 asra>sost &/ asra>arat &7 asra>amst &0 asra>sedest &, asra>sebat &5 asra>sement &D>asra>zetegn +( ha a AA A A AA AA A A A A

9A Practice saying the follo,ing nu"#ers in $"haric: 11 13 1% 17 19 12 1& 1' 1* 2.

The same rules that appl to the numbers && to &D also appl for the numbers from +& to +D' Fa a is +(1 and so 4e begin the number +& 4ith ha a>aned1 ++ ha a>hulet1 +2 ha a>sost and so forth' +& ++ +2 +/ +7 +0 +, +5 +D t4ent t4ent t4ent t4ent t4ent t4ent t4ent t4ent t4ent >one >t4o >three >four >five >si; >seven >eight >nine +& ha ++ ha +2 ha +/ ha +7 ha +0 ha +, ha +5 ha +D ha a>aned a>hulet a>sost a>arat a>amst a>sedest a>sebat a>sement a>zetegn A A A

1.A 3ead the te<ts and translate into /nglishA 2heck your ,ork ,ith the ans,er keyA &'Seme Be9ele neo' *ne Addis Abeba neo emenore' *ne bait alegn' %ene bait 9uter ha a> aned neo' *AA*A A +' Faile 4etader neo' Faile eminore4 apartment 4ost neo' %esu apartment 9uter ha a>amest neo' A A A 2' %esua seme Firut neo' *sua astemari nat' *sua emetnore4 bait 4ost neo' %esua bait 9uter asra>sedest neo' A* A /' :atios ena senaiet :e9ele bait alache4' %enesu bait 9uter asra>arat neo' *AAA

11A Listen to the speaker and circle the nu"#er you hear in each ro,A $A 4A 2A DA /A )A GA 1A IA 1 2 3 & % ' 7 * 9 E E E E E E E E E 1. 12 13 1& 1% 1' 17 1* 19 E E E E E E E E E 21 22 23 2& 2% 2' 27 2* 29

12A Listen to the ne<t set of nu"#ers spoken #oth slo,ly and at a nor"al rate of speechA 3epeat after the speakerA 2( /( 7( 0( ,( 5( D( &(( thirt fort fift si;t sevent eight ninet one hundred selasa arba hamsa selssa seba semania zetena meto A

13A Practice saying the follo,ing nu"#ers in $"haricA 3. 31 &. &2 %. %3 '. '& 7. 7% *. *' 9. 97 1..A

The issue of as9ing someoneGs age is the same as in America' !t all depends on ho4 4ell ou 9no4 the person1 ho4 long ou have 9no4n the person1 and ho4 close ou are to the person' !t is acceptable to as9 oung people their ages1 but 4hen itGs an older person or a 4oman1 it depends on ho4 closel ou 9no4 the person' !f it is in a professional setting and ou are in a position 4here ou have to 9no4 their age itGs not an issue'

1&A Listen to several short e<changes asking a#out agesA 3epeat after the speakerA &' A' Fo4 old are ouQ B' ! am 2+ ears old' +' A' Fo4 old is heQ B' Fe is &&' 2' A' Fo4 old is sheQ B' She is 50 ears old' Cent ameteh@:A ametesh@FA neoQ *ne selasa>hulet amete neo' Cent ametu neo esuQ *su asra>aned ametu neo Cent ametua neo esuaQ *sua semania>sement ametua neo' *sua selasa>arat ametua neoQ Q ! esua selasa>amest nat Ante ha a>aned ameteh neoQ Q Auo1 ene ha a>aned amete neo' *demhe cent neoQ Q *ne arba>sebat negn' APAQ *A AQ *AAA A*Q * A *AA A*A

/' A' !s she 2/ ears oldQ B' #o1 she is 27'

7' A' Are ou +&Q B' %es1 ! am +&'


0' A' Ehat is our ageQ B' ! am /,'

1%A 3ead the a#ove dialogues againA Work in pairs and roleEplay the dialogues ,ith a class"ateA 1'A +ell your class"ates in $"haric ho, old you are and ask the" a#out their agesA

17A Listen and "atch the age ,ith the na"eA 2heck the ans,er keyA (e#rat $#reha" )re,ot 8edi7a Ge#re 11 72 %2 29 &3

/ndEofELesson +asks

1A Listen to the follo,ing state"ents in $"haricA $ns,er the GuestionsA 2heck your ,ork ,ith the ans,er keyA A' Selam seme Alula neo' *ne ha a>sedest neo' *ne police negn' A*A* &' Q +' AQ 2' Q -e"u "anne neoF 2ent a"etu neoF -ra, "enden neoF

B' %esu sem Belache4 ne4u' *su arba ametu ne4u' *su 4etader ne4u' *AA* Q AQ Q neoF -e"u "anne neoF 2ent a"etu neoF -ra, "enden

C' %esu sem Beletech neo' *su arba>arat ametua neo' *sua astemari nat' *AA* A Q AQ Q 2A 3ecite the follo,ing in $"haric. As9 4hat da it is' Sa 4hat da it is toda ' As9 someoneGs age' Sa ho4 old ou are' 6esua se" "anne neoF 2ent a"etua neoF -ra,a "enden neoF

;oca#ulary List
Toda %ear :onda Tuesda Eednesda Thursda Frida Saturda Sunda Telephone Old Fo4 old are ouQ Ehat da is it toda Q Toda is :onda ' ! am +7 ears old' ( zero & one + t4o 2 three / four 7 five 0 si; , seven 5 eight D nine &( ten && eleven &+ t4elve &2 thirteen &/ fourteen &7 fifteen &0 si;teen &, seventeen &5 eighteen &D nineteen +( t4ent +& t4ent >one ++ t4ent >t4o +2 t4ent >three +/ t4ent >four Iare Amet Segno :a9segno *rob Famus Areb 9edame *ude Sil9@telephoneA Aroge *demeh @:A edemesh@FA cent ne4uQ Iare 9enu menden ne4uQ Iare segno ne4u *ne ha a>amest amete ne4u' zero Aned Fulet Sost Arat Amest Sedest Sebat Sement Ietegn Aser Asra>aned Asra>hulet Asra>sost Asra>arat Asra>amest Asra>sedest Asra>sebat Asra>sement Asra>zetgn Fa a Fa a>aned Fa a>hulet Fa a>sost Fa a>arat A * A

* A **Q Q *AA A A A A AA A A AA AA A A A A A A

+7 +0 +, +5 +D 2( /( 7( 0( ,( 5( D( &((

t4ent >five t4ent >si; t4ent >seven t4ent >eight t4ent >nine thirt fort fift si;t sevent eight ninet one hundred

Fa a>amest Fa a>sedest Fa a>sebat Fa a>sement Fa a>zetegn Selasa Arba Famsa Selsa Seba Semania Ietena :eto

$ns,er 8ey
7A 6ene silk kuter sedest ='>se#at=7> arat =&> -edest='> a"est=%> sost =3> neoA A 2A6ene silk kuter arat=&> sost=3> hulet=2> a"est=%>Cero=.> aned=1> neoA AA 3A6ene silk kuter se"ent=*> Cetgn=9> sedest='> arat =&> a"est=%> Hero =.> neoA AA &A6ene silk kuter arat=&> sost =3>Cero=.> sedest='> Cetegn=9> hulet=2> neoA A %A 6ene silk kuter Cetegn=9> se#at=7> se"ent=*> hulet =2>sedest='> arat=&> a"est=%> neoA AA 1.A &' : name is Be9ele' ! live in Addis Ababa' ! have a house' : house number is t4ent one' &' Seme Be9ele neo' *ne Addis Abeba neo emenore' *ne bait alegn' %ene bait 9uter ha a> aned neo' *AA*A A +' Faile is a soldier' Faile lives in an apartment' Fis apartment number is t4ent five' +' Faile 4etader neo' Faile eminore4 apartment 4ost neo' %esu apartment 9uter ha a>amest neo' A A A 2' Fer name is Firut' She is a teacher' She lives in a house' Fer house number is si;teen' 2' %esua seme Firut neo' *sua astemari nat' *sua emetnore4 bait 4ost neo' %esua bait 9uter asra>sedest neo' A* A /' :atios and Senaiet have a house in :e9ele' Their house number is fourteen' /' :atios ena senaiet :e9ele bait alache4' %enesu bait 9uter asra>arat neo' *AAA 11A A' B' C' D'

&( Aser A &+ asra>hulet A &2 asra>sost A +/ asra>arat AA

*' F' ?' F' !' 17A

7 amest A &0 asra>sedest A +, ha a>sebat &5 asra>semnt A +D ha a>zetgn

A' Fre4ot hamsa>hulet ametua neo' B' :ebrat asra>aned nat areb' C' =edi<a selasa natQ ! esua ha a>zetegn nat' D' Abreham seba>hulet ametu neo' *' ?ebre cent ametu neoQ *su Arba>sost ametu neo'

A old'

Fre4ot is fift >t4o ears

:ebrat is fort on frida AAA !s 9edi<a thirt Q She is QA* t4ent >nine AA Abraham is sevent > t4o ears old Fo4 old is ?ebreQ Fe is AQ fort >three ears old * AA

/nd of Lesson +asks 1A A' Fi1 m name is Alula' ! am +0 ears old' ! am a police officer' B' Fis name is Belache4' Fe is /(' Fe is a soldier' C' Fer name is ABeletech' She is //' She is a teacher'

Lesson & * 6ehuleken /nkesekase Daily $ctivities


This lesson 4ill introduce ou to> ho4 to as9 for and tell time > t pical dail activities in *thiopia > the verbs Oto go1L Oto stud 1L Oto pla 1L Oto 4or91L Oto 4atch1L Oto read1L Oto eat1L and Oto get upL > the past tense of the verbs'

!n *thiopia1 the Otop of the da L begins at the top of the cloc9' The beginning of the da is ta9en to be 0-(( a'm' Eestern timeJtherefore 0-(( a'm' Eestern time is O&+-(( in the morningL in *thiopia6 &+ noon Eestern time is 0-(( noon in *thiopia6 0-(( p'm' Eestern time is &+-(( in the evening *thiopia time1 etc' The division of the da into a'm' and p'm' is not used in *thiopia' !nstead1 3uadrants of time are described according to the part of da 1 e'g'1 morning1 afternoon1 evening1 night' Eestern time and corresponding *thiopian time can be seen on the follo4ing chart' Although this 4a of 9eeping time is the onl 4a 1 in some circumstances1 such as boo9ing an airline flight or in certain professional settings1 A: and $: are used' :ilitar time is the same as in America1 but instead of using Ohundred1L Ozero zeroL is used' *;ample- O&0 hundred hoursL in Amharic is asra sedest zero zero1 and so forth' :orning is ke tuatu6 afternoon is kekenu1 evening is kemeshetu1 and night is ke llitu6 this is ho4 A: and $: are distinguished' >> Huarter past @ke ruebA6 half past is @tekuleA and 3uarter until is @rueb gudieA' Ke is past' *;ample- five past ten is Aser ke amest' Amharic does not have the e3uivalent of Oten tenL or Oten t4ent 'L %ou should al4a s use ke1 4hich is past1 and gudie1 4hich is until' *;ampleOT4ent untilL is haya gudie'

Western +i"e 'A.. $( 7A.. $( *A.. $( 9A.. $( 1.A.. $( 11A.. $( 12A.. $( 1A.. P( 2A.. P( 3A.. P( &A.. P( %A.. P( 'A.. P( 7A.. P( *A.. P( 9A.. P( 1.A.. P( 11A.. P( 12A.. P( 1A.. $( 2A.. $( 3A..$( &A.. $( %A.. $(

/thiopian +i"e 12 seEat =oDclock> 1 seEat =oDclock> 2 seEat =oDclock> 3 seEat =oDclock> & seEat =oDclock> % seEat =oDclock> ' seEat =oDclock> 7 seEat =oDclock> * seEat =oDclock> 9 seEat =oDclock> 1. seEat =oDclock> 11 seEat =oDclock> 12 seEat =oDclock> 1 seEat =oDclock> 2 seEat =oDclock> 3 seEat =oDclock> & seEat =oDclock> % seEat =oDclock> ' seEat =oDclock> 7 seEat =oDclock> * seEat =oDclock> 9 seEat =oDclock> 1. seEat =oDclock> 11 seEat =oDclock>

+i"e Designation (orningIketuatu (orningIketuatu (orningIketuatu (orningIketuatu (orningIketuatu (orningIketuatu !oonIkekenu $fternoonIkeseEat $fternoonIkeseEat $fternoonIkeseEat $fternoonIkeseEat $fternoonIkeseEat /veningIke "esetu /veningIke "eshestu /veningIke "eshetu $t nightIke "eshetu $t nightIke "eshetu $t nightIke "eshetu (idnightIekule lelit In "orningIke lelitu In "orningIke lelitu In "orningIke lelitu In "orningIke letitu In "orningIke teuatu

A A A A A *

1A Listen as the speaker tells ti"e in $"haricA 3epeat after the speakerA

Ehat time is itQ !t is four oGcloc9' AQAA Cent ceit ne4uQ Arat ceit ne4u' rueb ne4u'

Ehat time is itQ !t is four fifteen' AQA Cent ceit ne4uQ Arat 9e

Ehat time is itQ !t is four thirt ' Ehat time is itQ !t is four fort >five' AQA AQA AA Cent ceit ne4uQ Arat te9ul ne4u Cent ceit ne4uQ Arat 9e araba amest

Ehat time is itQ !t is three t4ent ' AQ Cent ceit ne4uQ Sost 9e ha a Sost 9e ha a

Ehat time is itQ !t is three fort ' AQ Cent ceit ne4uQ

2A What ti"e is itF )ill in the clock faces ,ith the correct ti"es according to ho, they are listed in $"haric #elo,A 2heck the ans,er keyA A'=e 9enu sost ceit A A B'Lesetegn rueb gudi amest A C'Sedest 9e rueb ceit 9e 9enu A D'#ine zero zero A' B' *' 9e meshetu asra aned ceit' AA F' asra>sost hamsa> A ?' asra hulet A F' arat 9e rueb A C' D'





3A Listen to the follo,ing e<changes and identify the clock ti"e "entioned in eachA 2heck the ans,er keyA A' B' C' D' *' 5-&7 D-7( 7-&( /-&2 ,- 7( > > > > > D-(( D-&7 5-7( /-2( ,-&(

&A 2o"pose dialogues according to the "odel #elo,A Work in pairs or in s"all groupsA 5se the ti"es listed #elo,A (odel: A' > Ehat time is itQ Cent ceit ne4uQ AQ B' > !t is t4o oGcloc9' Fulet ceit ne4u' A 5-(( a'm'1 ,-&7 a'm'1 &(-2( a'm'1 +-&( p'm'1 /-/7 p'm'1 0-7( p'm'1 &+-(('1 &&-(7' !n Amharic1 the infinitive tense verbs start 4ith 1 4hich is the e3uivalent of Oto1L and is read together' *;amplesTo go is mhayd1 to pla is m!"hawet1 to 4or9 is mserat1 to stud is me!tenat1 to eat is me!blat1 to 4atch is me!yet1 to read is me!anbeb1 and to get up is me!nesat' !n Amharic1 the verb is con<ugated6 in other 4ords1 it changes 4ith the persons !1 ou1 she1 he1 it1 4e and the '

There is no one specific and uniform rule1 as in *nglish 4here an O>*DL is added to a verb and it becomes a past tense1 or O>!#?L is added and it becomes a continuous tense' ! go ou go hePshe goes 4e go ou go the go ! 4or9 ou 4or9 FePshe 4or9s 4e 4or9 ou 4or9 the 4or9 ! eat ou eat *ne eh dale4 Ante@:A teh daleh Anchi@FA teh egalesh *su eh dal@:A *sua teh dalech@ *nesu ehedal *nante teha dalche4 *nesu ehedalu *ne serale4 Ante@:A teseraleh Anci@FA teserialesh *su eseral *sua teseralech *gna ensealen *nante teseralache4 *nesu eserralu *ne ebelale4 Ante@:A tebelaleh Anchi @FA tebe alesh *su@:A ebelal *sua@FA tebelalech *gna enbelalen *nante tebelalache4 *nesu ebelalu *ne ech4etale4 Ante@:A techa4etaleh Anchi @FA techa4etalesh A * ! stud ou stud *ne atenaleu Ante@:A tatenalh Anchi@FAtategnale sh *su atenal *sua tatenaalech *gna enatenalen *nante tatenalache4 *nesu atenalu *en a ale4 Ante@:A ta aleh Anchi@FAtahalesh *su a al *sua ta alech *gna ena alen *nante ta alache4 *nesu a alu *A A * ** * * *A A * ** * * *A A

FePshe studies 4e * stud * ou stud the * stud * A * ** * * ** A ! 4atch ou 4atch FePshe 4atches 4e 4atch ou 4atch the 4atch ! read ou read

FePshe eats 4e eat ou eat the eat ! pla ou pla

*ne anebale4 Ante@:A tanebaleh Anchi@FA tanebaleh FePshe *su anebal * reads *sua tanebalech 4e read *gna enanebalen ** *neante * ou read tanebalache4 the *nesu anebalu * read ** A ! get up ou get up *ne enesale4 Ante@:A tenesal Anchi@FA teneshalesh

* ** * * ** A

FePshe pla s Ee pla %ou pla The pla

*su echa4etal *sua techa4etalech *gna enech4etalen *nante techa4etalach4 *nesu echa4etalu

*P* ** * *

FePshe gets up

Ee get up %ou get *nante up tenesalache4 The *nesu enesalu get up

*su enesal@:A *sua tenesalech@FA *gna enenesalen

* ** * *

%A Listen to the short state"ents that descri#e each activity in the pictures #elo,A 3epeat after the speakerA Pay attention to ne, ver#s and other ne, voca#ularyA

The pla bas9etball' Bas9etball echa4etalu

She goes to the mar9et' *sua gebeia tehe dalech *

The stud at school' *nesu temehert bait atenalu *

She 4or9s in the hospital *sua hospital ne4u emetesera4 *

Fe pla s soccer' *su 3uas echa4etal *

The girl eats lunch' Le<it4a mesa tebelalech

The man reads a boo9' Se4e e4 metsehaf anebal

The 4oman 4atches television' Sa te e4a television ta alech

'A Listen to the follo,ing state"ents and repeat after the speakerA )ollo, along in the ,ork#ookA 3eplay the audio if necessaryA $repositions in Amharic- O!nL is wost1 OonL is lie1 OatL is bu1 OtoL is whede1 and O4ithL is garr' A' The bo goes to school at ,-2(' B' The man eats brea9fast at seven oGcloc9' C' The 4oman 4atches television in the evening' D' The girl studies at home in the afternoon' Le<u temehert bait bu sebat Te9ul eh dal Se4 e4 bu sebat ceit =urs ebelal Sa te e4a teuat teleision ta alech Le<itua 9eceit bu bait 4ost tatenalech A A

*' :erron goes to the mar9et in the morning' F' Ashenafi pla s soccer on Frida ' ?' ! get up at ,-(('

:erron teuat gebeia teh dalech Ashenafi areb 3uis echa4etal *ne bu sebat ceit enesale4



7A (atch the follo,ing sentences ,ith the pictures #elo,A 2heck your ans,ers ,ith the ans,er keyA &' *ne temehert bait bu zetegn te9ul ha dale4' ** +' *nesu bu sebat 9urse ebelalu' * 2' *gna teuat enatenalen' ** /' *sua mata metsehaf tanebalech' *

*A 3ead the follo,ing te<t and ans,er the GuestionsA 2heck your ,ork ,ith the ans,er keyA Andenet temari neo' Temehert bait atenal' Fule 9en bu sebat 9erube enesal' *su bu sebat te9ul 9urse ebelal' *su bu sement temehrt bait eh dal' *su temehert bait behuala bas9etball echa4etal'*su metshaf anebal ena degmo television mata a al' Andenet 9edame ena ehude A atenam' A* * ** A** A &' !s Andenet a teacherQ +' Ehere does he stud Q 2' Ehen does he get upQ /' Ehen does he have brea9fastQ 7' Ehen does he go to schoolQ 0' Ehen does he pla bas9etballQ ,' Ehat does he do in the eveningQ 5' Does he stud on Saturda and Sunda Q 9A 3earrange the follo,ing state"ents into a logical order for a daily scheduleA 2heck your ,ork ,ith the ans,er keyA &' +' 2' /' 7' 0' ,' * * A * * ** ** *A *ne messa 9e guadiagna4och garr ha dale4u *ne television a ale4u *ne temhert bait ha dale4u *ne messa 9e guadegna e garr belale4u *ne bas9etball echa4etale4u *ne 9urse ebelale4u *ne bait atenale4u

1.A +ell your partner a#out your daily scheduleA 5se the ,ords and ,ord co"#inations given #elo,A Fule9en menesat 9urse meblat ?ebei mehaid Sera mehaid :etshaf manbeb :essa meblat :ata television m et

Bas9etball mecha4et

11A Listen to the five short state"entsA 2ircle the /nglish state"ent that is the eGuivalent of each $"haric state"ent you hearA 2heck the ans,er keyA &' A' ! pla soccer after school' B' ! pla soccer after dinner' C' ! pla soccer after 4or9' +' A' She goes to the mar9et in the evening' B' She goes to the mar9et in the afternoon' C' She goes to the mar9et in the morning' 2' A' ! go to 4or9 in the morning' B' ! go to school in the morning' C' ! go to the mar9et in the morning' /' A' ! stud at home on Saturda ' B' ! pla soccer at home on Saturda ' C' ! eat brea9fast at home on Saturda ' 7' A' Fe 4atches television in the afternoon' B' Fe 4atches television in the evening' C' Fe 4atches television in the morning' -tudy the past tense of the ver#s #elo,A The rules for the past tense in Amharic- in the past tense1 the ending of the verb changes 4ith each pronoun @!1 %OU1 SF*1 F*1 !T1 E*1 TF*%A' There is no one rule such as in *nglish1 4here ever regular verb ends 4ith O>*DL in the past tense' Loo9 at the e;amples belo4' ! 4ent ou 4ent FePshe 4ent 4e 4ent ou 4ent the 4ent *ne hed9u' Ante @mA hede9 Anchi @fA hedesh *su hede *sua hedeche *ngna ha den *nante ha dachehu *nesu haidu * A * * * * * ! studied ou studied FePshe studied 4e studied ou studied the studied *ne atenahu *nte@mAatenah1 Anchi@fA atenash' *su atena @mA *su4a @fA atenach *gna atenan *nante atenacheu *nsu atenu * A AA A A * A A * * * * * *

! 4or9ed ou 4or9ed FePshe 4or9ed 4e 4or9ed ou 4or9ed the 4or9ed

*ne serahu Ante @mA serah Anchi @fA se *su sera *sua serac *gna seran *nante serachu *nesu seru

* A * * * * * A * * * * * * A

! 4atched ou 4atched FePshe 4atched 4e 4atched ou 4atched the 4atched ! read ou read

*ne a ehu1 Ante @mA a eh Anchi @fA a ec *su a eP *sua a ec *gna atenan' Ante atenah *nesu atenu

* * A A * A * A * A A A * A * A A * A * A * A A * A * A

! ate *ne belahu ou ate Ante @mA belah Anchi @fA belash he ate she ate 4e ate ou ate the ate ! pla ed ou pla ed FePshe pla ed 4e pla ed ou pla ed the pla ed *su bela *sua belac *gna belan *nante belachu *nesu belu *ne techa4et9u Ante @mA techa4te9 Anchi @fA techa4tesh *su techa4ete *sua techa4etc *gna techa4eten *nante techa4etache4 *nesu techa4etu

*ne anebeb9u Ante anebe9 @mA Anchi anebesh @fA he read *su anbebe she read *sua anbebec 4e read *gna anebebn ou Ante anbeb9 read @mA anchi anebebsh @fA the *nesu anebebu read ! got up *ne tenesahu ou got up FePshe got up 4e got up ou got up Ante tenesah @mA Anchi tenesash @fA *su @mA tenesa *sua @fA tenesac *gna tenesan

* * * * *

* * * A *

Ante tenesah @mA Anchi tenesash @fA the got *nsu tenesu up

12A 3ead the follo,ing sentences and translate the" into /nglishA 2heck your ,ork ,ith the ans,er keyA &'Tenantena ene temhert bait * ha <a neber +'%alefe4 amet ene ena A** gouadegnoch bas9etball techa4eten 2'%alefe4 sament egna gebeia * ha den /'Tenantena bu zetegn ene bait * neber9u 7'Tenantena bu sedest rat belan A 01%alefe4 amet li<u hisab ena A*A musica atntual ,'Tenantena li<tua televison a ech' A 5' %alefe4 samnet metsihaf anbeb9u' A D'%ezare amet $aris neber9u' A &('%alefe4 amet A;mu bait nebren AA esterda 8 tenantena last ear P4ee9 PSunda 8 alefe4 ametPsamentPehud APP* a ear ago8 ezare amet A 13A 2o"plete the follo,ing sentences using the ver#s located in the #o< #elo,A 2heck your ans,ers ,ith the ans,er keyA $tenahu A -erahu A +echa,etku !e#erk +enesa, 4ela, Phaydeku $yehu

&' *ne tenantena bu sebat ceit *A +' *ne 9e 4elag4oche garr 9urse * 2' *ne alefe4 ehud gebei ** /' *ne alefe4 segno bas9etball * 7' *ne tenantena television

0' *ne alefe4 amet hotel *A ,'*ne ezare sost amet * 5' *ne alefe4 sament A4assa *A

1&A Listen to the follo,ing dialogue and repeat after the speakerA (ake up si"ilar dialogues using the ,ords and ,ord co"#inations given #elo,A Work in pairs or in s"all groupsA AQ A'Tenanetena min adre9Q A B'Telantena Television a ehu' A A'Telanetena min ahil television a ehQ AA B' Aned ceit' 1%A (ake up si"ilar dialogues using the ,ords and ,ord co"#inations given #elo,A Work in pairs or in s"all groupsA Telanetna 8television ma et>aned AAA ceit' A Telantena 4ede gebe a mehed hulet ceit AA %alefe4 amet hotel mesrat arat samint' A %alefe4 amet timhert bait matenat> siment samintoch A *AAA %alefe4 ehud 8metsihaf manbeb>aned ceit' %ezare amet 8bas9etball mecha4et sidest samntoch' A! %ezare amet 8*thiopia mehon 8hulet samenet4och' /' last ear 8 stud at school 8 5 4ee9s 7' last Sunda 8 read a boo9 8 one hour 0' a ear ago 8 pla bas9etball 8 0 4ee9s ,' a ear ago 8 be in *thiopia 8 + 4ee9s

/ndEofELesson +asks 1A 3ead the follo,ing te<t in $"haricA Put + =+rue> or ) =)alse> ne<t to the state"ents that are ,ritten #elo, the te<tA 2heck your ,ork ,ith the ans,er keyA
Selam' *ne seme Fabtom neo'*ne Ada4a neo emenore'*ne astemari negn'*ne hisab ene :usi9a astemerale4'Fule 9en bu sedestt ceit 9etuate enesales'*ne 9urrse bela ena temehert Bait ha dale4'*ne bu sement ceit temehert bait negn' :a9segno ena hamus le hulet ceit Huis echa4etale4' =etemehetr be4houala gebei ha dale4'*ne bu amest ceit bait negn' :ata Television le aned ceit a ale4 ena metshehaf le hulet ceit a ale4'

**A*A* !* AA** * *A * A* *A AA A*AA

&' + +' 2' /' 7' 0' ,' 5' D'

The man lives in Ad4a' Fe lives in small house' Fe is a student' Fe studies math and music' *ver da he gets up at 0-(( a'm' Fe does not have brea9fast' Fe is at school at 5-((' Fabtom pla s soccer on Saturda and :onda for 2 hours' Fe goes shopping after 4or9' !n the evening he 4or9s for + hours'

2A Descri#e your daily schedule of activities including the ti"es in $"haric. )or e<a"ple start ,ith ,hat ti"e you get up then eat #reakfast etcA @I get up at ':.. and eat #reakfast at ':3.A I go to school atJB 3A )ind out ,hat your partner did yesterday at 7:.. aA"A 7:3. aA"A 1.:.. aA"A 1:.. pA"A &:.. pA"A and *:.. pA"A and ho, long each activity lastedA Work in pairs or in s"all groupsA

;oca#ulary List
After !n the morning !n the afternoon !n the evening *ver da Last 4ee9 A ear ago Last Sunda @:onda 1 Tuesda 1 etc'A At school :ath :usic Boo9 Brea9fast Lunch Dinner Fome At home :ar9et On Sunda @:onda 1 Tuesda RA To go @toA To pla soccerPbas9etball To 4atch television To eat brea9fast @lunch1 dinnerA To get upP4a9e up To read To stud To 4or9 Ehat time is itQ !t is three oGcloc9' Ehen :an Eoman Bo ?irl Buhula 9etuatu =e9enu 9emeshetu Ehol 9en %alefe4 sament %ezara amet %alefe4 ehud1 alefe4 segno Temehert Fisab :uzi9a metsehaf =urse :eisa .at Bait Bait ?ebia *hud 9en1segno 9en1 meh id Huas mecha4ettP bas9etball mecha4ett Television m et =urse meblat1 :eisa meblat .at meblat menesat manbeb mattnat :esrat Cent ceit ne4uQ Sost ceit ne4u :eche Se4 e Sa t o Eend le< @le<uA Sait le< @le<ituaA A * * A A P P

$ns,er 8ey
2A A' three thirt pm B' eight fort >five am C' ten after si; D' zero nine hundred 3A A' Ehat time is itQ !t is 5-&7 in the morning Cent ceit neoQ =e tuatu sement 9erubb neo' AQ B' Ehat time is itQ !tGs D-7(' Cent ceit neoQ Ietegn te9ul neo' AQ C' Ehat time is itQ !t is 7-&(' Cent ceit neoQ Amest 9e aser neo AQ AA D' Ehat time is itQ !t is /-2( in the afternoon' Cent ceit neoQ =e 9enu arat te9ul neo' AQ A *' Ehat time is itQ !t is ,-&(' Cent ceit neoQ Sebat 9e aser neo' AQ A 7A &' +' 2' /' ! go to school at D-2(' The eat brea9fast at ,-((' Ee stud in the morning' She reads a boo9 in the evening' *' eleven thirt pm F' thirteen fift >five ?' t4elve oGcloc9 F' four fifteen


*A Andenet is a student' Fe studies in school' *ver da he gets up at ,-&7' Fe eats brea9fast at ,-2(' Fe goes to school at 5-((' After school he pla s bas9etball' !n the evening he 4atches television and reads' Andenet does not stud on Saturda and Sunda '

9A 6our ans,er "ay vary #ut did you understand the state"entsF 0' ! eat brea9fast' 2' ! go to school' &' ! go to lunch 4ith m friends' 7' ! pla bas9etball' /' ! eat dinner 4ith m friend' ,' ! stud at home' +' ! 4atch television' 11A &' +' 2' /' 7' B C A B A ! pla soccer after dinner' She goes to the mar9et in the morning' ! go to 4or9 in the morning' ! pla soccer at home on Saturda ' Fe 4atches television in the afternoon'

&' ** +' * 2' * * /' * * 7' *A 12A &' %esterda ! 4ent to school' +' Last ear m friends and ! pla ed bas9etball' 2' The 4ent shopping last 4ee9' /' ! 4as at home at D-(( esterda ' 7' Ee ate dinner at 0-(( esterda ' 0' The bo studied music and math at school last ear' ,' The girl 4atched television esterda ' 5' Last Sunda ! read a boo9' D' ! 4as in $aris a ear ago' &(' Ee had a house in A;um t4o ears ago' 13A &' *ne tenantena bu sebat ceit tenesa4' *A +' *ne 9e 4elag4oche garr 9urse bela4 * ! got up at ,-(( esterda ' ! ate brea9fast 4ith m parents'

2' *ne alefe4 ehud gebei ha de9u

** /' *ne alefe4 segno bas9etball techa4ete9u' * 7' *ne tenantena television a ehu *A 0' *ne alefe4 amet hotel serahu *A ,'*ne ezare sost amet atenahu *A 5' *ne alefe4 sament A4assa neber9 *A /ndEofELesson +asks 1A

! 4ent shopping last Sunda ' ! pla ed bas9etball last :onda ' ! 4atched television esterda ' ! 4as at the hotel last ear' ! studied at school three ears ago' ! 4ent to A4assa last 4ee9'

Fello' : name is Fabtom' ! live in Ad4a' ! have a small house' ! am a teacher at this school' ! teach math and music' *ver da ! get up at 0-(( a'm' ! eat brea9fast and go to school' ! am at school at 5-(( a'm' On Tuesda and Thursda ! pla soccer for + hours' After school1 ! go shopping' ! am home at 7-((' !n the evening ! 4atch T" for an hour and read boo9s for + hours' &' T + +' 2' /' 7' 0' ,' 5' T D' T TT The man lives in Ad4a T Fe lives in small house' F Fe is a student' F Fe studies math and music' T *ver da he gets up at 0-(( a'm' F Fe does not have brea9fast' T Fe is at school at 5-((' F Fabtom pla s soccer on Saturda and :onda for 2 hours' T Fe goes shopping after 4or9' F !n the evening he 4or9s for + hours

Lesson % 6e#aitese# +e,e,ek (eeting the )a"ily

This lesson 4ill introduce ou to> The 9inship terms used for immediate and e;tended famil 6 > Fo4 to as9 and ans4er simple 3uestions about famil members6 > The pronouns O4ho1L Othis1L Othat1L Othese1L and Othose'L


The average *thiopian famil is made up of the father as the head of the famil @the bread4innerA1 the mother1 4ho is in charge of the children and domestic affairs1 and five to ten children per single famil ' Also in most families1 grandparents and sometimes aunts and uncles live together' Children live 4ith their parents until the get married1 and old people are ta9en care of b their children once the are too old to ta9e care of themselves' !t is also normal for three generations to live in the same house for economical reasons' Although the male is the primar bread4inner1 in cities it is beginning to change' :an 4omen have started becoming additional earners and sole providers for the famil ' !n the rural areas1 4omen have more children so the can help 4ith the farming and ta9ing care of the cattle6 the can also ta9e care of the parents in their old age' !n the cit 1 families are becoming smaller due to better education and contraception' ?randparents are ver influential and have a great deal of po4er in decision> ma9ing of famil matters' *lders are loo9ed upon as 4ise and therefore respected and revered in the famil more than the head male of the famil ' Children are considered children until the get married and earn a living' The do not have the same importance as in the Eest6 the obe their parents 4ith great respect'

1A Look at these photos of fa"iliesA Listen to the kinship ter"s and repeat after the speakerA

Famil $arents :other Father Children DaughterPdaughters SonPsons ?randparents ?randfather ?randmother SisterPsisters BrotherPbrothers

Baiteseb Eelagoch *nat Abat Le<oich Sait le<oich Eend le<oich A at4och Eend a at Sait a at *hetPehet4och EendemP4endem4och

* A A A A *P* P

Eho 8 mann6 This 8 ehe 6 These>enezi6 That> a6 Those>eneza6 That> echi@femaleA6 This 8ichi6 This> ehe @maleA6 This>egni@older personA6 That 8egna@older personA 2A Listen to the follo,ing dialogues and repeat the" after the speakerA 3oleEplay the dialogues using the pictures a#oveA &' A' Eho is thisQ B' This is m mother' Q * nat' Q * nat' *Q * *Q grandparents' !chi mann natQ !chi enate

+' A' Eho is thatQ B' That is m sister'

%achi mann natQ %achi ehete

2' A' Eho are theseQ B' These are m parents' /' A' Eho are thoseQ B' Those are m

*nezi mann nache4uQ *nezi 4elagoche nache4u' *neza mann nache4Q

*A *neza a atoche nache4'

3A Listen to read and translate the follo,ing sentences into /nglishA 2heck your ,ork ,ith the ans,er keyA & + 2 / 7 0 **AA* A ene enat ena abat aned 4end le< ena hulet sait leggoch al4ache4u' *A ene emenore4u 9e a atoch garr tel9 bait 4ost ne4u' * esu 4elagoch harrar ne4u eminorut' *nesu e9en serategna nache4u' *A* ene hule 4ende:och alugn'enesu 4etade.och nache4' eminorut e tor sefer ne4u' **A esua ehet aleat' %esua sem #adia ne4u' A**A ene 4endem selasa ametu ne4u' *su 4end le< ena sait le< ale4u'

&A +ell a#out your "otherI fatherI sisterI grandfatherIgrand"otherIsisterI#rother according to the sche"e #elo,: &' name +' age 2' occupation /' place of living @cit and t pe of residenceA' (odel: ehe ene abat neo' %esu sem tesfa e neo' *su arba sement ametu neo' *su astemari neo' *su Dere da4a neo eminore4' *su tenesh bait ale4' A*AA*A **A

%A 3eproduce the Guestions to the follo,ing ans,ersA 2heck your ,ork ,ith the ans,er keyA &' Q Auo1 ehe ene 4endem ne4u' A Q %esu sem =enenisa ne4u'



Q *su Addis Ababa ne4u eminore4u' *AA Q *su doctor ne4u' *


7' Segno sera eha dal' 0'

Q !1 ma9segno bas9etball echa4etal' A

'A Listen to the audioA 2ircle the ,ord you hearA 2heck your ,ork ,ith the ans,er keyA &' mother +' daughter 2' famil /' children 7' sister > > > > > father son parents grandparents brother grandfather

0' grandmother >

7A Listen and repeat after the speakerA )ollo, along in the ,ork#ookA Fusband Eife :arriage UnmarriedPsingle bal mist gabecha %alagebaPlatte

*A )ill in the #lanks using the ,ords ,ritten in the #o<es #elo,A 2heck your ans,ers ,ith the ans,er keyA 1A ,end le7 I age#etulP*A %ene 4endem nat' enesu #eo' >> *7 % a"etuI7 A 3. a"etuaI3. A yesuaI doctorP ' %esu mest alache4' *su 7 nat' neo' yesu

sem hirut neo' esua sem Tedros

2A age#etalechIA yesuI * a"etuI5 A sait le7I yesua ehehtI* 1. a"etuaI1. A ,etaderI yenesuI Teferi %esua bal ale4u' ne4u'' alache4' ne4u' Tigist sem Lidi a ne4u' *sua nech' sem Samoere ne4u' *nesu hulet enesu sem #aomi ena Tigist ne4u' #aomi ne4u' '

A >* * A

9A (ake up short stories in $"haric a#out the people listed #elo,A &' Lulit 8 agebetalech1 selasa aned ametua 1 esua bal1 e9en serategna1neo 4end le< ena sait le<' AA A +' :elese 8 agebtaul1 +5 ametu1 esu mest1 astemari1 le<och' +5 AAA 2' #egest 8 lette1 +( ametua1 esua 4ela<och garr 1 temari1 4endem' +( A

1.A Listen to several short dialogues as people ans,er Guestions a#out their fa"ily "e"#ersA 2ircle the correct ans,er for each GuestionA 2heck your ,ork ,ith the ans,er keyA &' A' Eho is sheQ B' She is m "other I sister I grand"otherA +' A' !s she marriedQ B' #o1 she is single I a doctor I 2% years oldA 2' A' Eho is heQ B' Fe is "y ,ife I "y hus#and I "y fatherA /' A' !s he marriedQ B' 6es I !o I I donDt kno,A 7' A' Eho are the Q B' The are "y parents I "y children I "y grandparentsA 0' A' Ehere do the liveQ B' The live in the #arracks I in the tent I in the apart"entA ,' A' Do ou have an brothersQ B' %es1 ! have t,o #rothers I t,o sisters I t,o sonsA 5' A' Eho is thatQ B' That is m ,ife I "other I hus#andA D' A' Does she have an childrenQ B' %es1 she has t,o #rothers I t,o sisters I t,o sonsA 11A 3ead and translate the te<tA Put + =+rue> or ) )alse> ne<t to the state"ents #elo,A 2heck your ans,ers ,ith the ans,er keyA Alula 4end a at ena sait a at alut' *nesu 9e Alula ena esu baiteseb garr neo eminorut' Alula 4endemoch elutem' *su hulet ehetoch alut' *nesu temarioch nache4' Alula agebetual' %esu mist doctor nat' Alula ena asu mist sait le< ena 4end le< alache4' AA*AA*A* A**A* AAA* * A

&' +' 2' /' 7' 0'

Alula has parents' Alula is married' Fe has t4o sisters' Alula and his 4ife are students' Alula is a doctor' Alula has t4o children'

/ndEofELesson +asks 1A Give a #rief description in $"haric of your i""ediate fa"ilyA Include the age na"e and profession of each person and tell ,hether each person is "arried or single and ,here heIshe livesA If you ,ant to use real pictures of your fa"ily "e"#ersA 2A $sk your class"ate in $"haric if heIshe has a "other a father a sister and a #rother ,hat their na"es are ho, old they are ,here they live and ,hat their professions areA 3A Work in s"all groupsA Descri#e the pictures #elo,A 5se ne, voca#ularyA

;oca#ulary List
$arents Father :other Children SonPsons DaughterPdaughters BrotherPbrothers SisterPsisters ?randparents ?randmother ?randfather Fusband Eife :arried UnmarriedPsingle Eho is thisPthatQ Eho are thesePthoseQ ThisPthat isR ThesePthose areR Eelagoch Abat *nat Le<och Eend le<P4end le<och Sait le<Psait lechoch EendemP4endemoch *heitPeheitoch A atoch %esait a at %e4nd a at Bal :est %ageba %alageba :aneuQ :anache4Q %eheP aRneo *neziPenesih A * P P P *PA A A A Q Q PR *P*R'

$ns,er 8ey
3A & + 2 / **AA*A ene enat ena abat aned 4end le< ena hulet sait leggoch al4ache4u' : mother and father have one son and t4o daughters' *A ene emenore4u 9e a atoch garr tel9 bait 4ost ne4u' ! live 4ith m grandparents in a big house' * esu 4elagoch harrar ne4u eminorut' *nesu e9en serategna nache4u' Fer parents live in Farrar'The are da laborers' *A* ene hulet 4ende:och alugn'enesu 4etade.och nache4' eminorut e tor sefer ne4u' ! have t4o brothers' The are soldiers' The live in the militar camp' **A esua ehet aleat' %esua sem #adia ne4u' She has a sister' Fer name is #adia' A** A ene 4endem selasa ametu ne4u' *su 4end le< ena sait le< ale4u' : brother is thirt ears old' Fe has a son and a doughter'

7 0

%A %eha ante 4endem neoQ Q Auo eha ene 4endem A neo Q %esu sem manne neoQ %esu sem 9enenisa neo *su et neo eminore4Q * *Q *su addis abeba neo eminore AA *su 4etader neoQ * *Q *su do9ter neo * *su meche sear eha dalQ Q Segno eha dal *Q *su ma9segno sera eha dalQ A ! ma9segno bas9etball eca4etal &' +' !s this our brotherQ %es1 this is m brother' Ehat is his nameQ Fis name is =enenisa'

2' /' 7' 0'

Ehere does he liveQ Fe lives in Addis Ababa' Ehat is his occupationQ Fe is a doctor' Ehen does he go to 4or9Q Fe goes to 4or9 on :onda ' Does he 4or9 on Tuesda Q #o1 he pla s baseball on Tuesda '

'A &' +' 2' /' 7' 0' Father abatPA Daughter sait le<P Famil baitesebP ?randparents a atochPA Sister eheitP* ?randfather 4end a atPA

*A 1A %ene 4endem agebetual ' %esu mest doctor nat' esua sem Firut neo' *sua 2( ametua neo' *nesu 4end le< alache4' *su 7 ametu neo' esui sem Tedros #eo' A*2(A * A*7 A 2A Teferi eheht ale4' %esua sem Lidi a neo' *sua agbetalech ' %esua bal 4etader neo' esu sem Samora neo' *nesu hulet siat le<och alache4' %enesu sem #aomi ena Tigist neo' #aomi aser ametua nat' Tigist sement ametu nat' *A*A *AO* OA A 1.A &' A' *sua mann natQ *Q Eho is sheQ B' *sua ehete natA ** She is m sister' +' A' *su agbetalechQ *AQ !s she marriedQ B' !1 *su alage#ache"A A*A

#o1 she is single'

2' A' Q

*su mann ne4uQ *

Eho is heQ B' *su yene #al I yene a#at ne,uA * Fe is m husband' /' A' *su agebetualQ *AQ !s he marriedQ B' Auo'1A %es' 7' A' *nesu mann nache4uQ * Q Eho are the Q B' *nesu yene le7och nache,u * The are m children' 0' A' *nesu et ne4u eminorutQ * Q Ehere do the liveQ B' *nesu apart"ent ,ost #ne4u eminorut' *A The live in the apartment' ,' A' Ante 4endemoch aluhQ A AQ Do o have brothersQ B' Auo1 ene hulet ,ende"och aluegn' A*A %es1 ! have t4o brothers' 5' A' %achi mann natQ Q Eho is thatQ B' %achi ene "ist I enat I #al #at' That is m 4ife' D' A' *sua le<och aluatQ * AQ Does she have childrenQ B' Auo1 esua hulet ,end le7och aluat' A* %es1 she has t4o sons' 11A 2o"pare your ans,ers to the translationA Alula has a grandfather and a grandmother' The live 4ith Alula and his famil ' Alula has no brothers' Fe has t4o sisters' The are students' Alula is married' Fis 4ife is a doctor' Alula and his 4ife have a daughter and a son

Lesson '
8ete"a ,ost $round +o,n
This lesson 4ill introduce ou to> Cardinal directions > #ames of urban buildings and landmar9s E Fo4 to as9 and ans4er 3uestions about locations of places and buildingsA


1A Listen to and repeat the cardinal directionsA !orth !orth,est * -e"ain(eEera# West * (iera# -e"ain !ortheast -e"ain"israk

/ast "esrak -outheast De#oo#"esrak

-outh,est * De#oo#"ie ra#

-outh de#oo#

2A Listen to the follo,ing sentences and repeat after the speakerA )ollo, along in your ,ork#ookA

A9sum is north of Addis Ababa' Dem bi Dolo is 4est of #azert' :o ale is south of Shashemene' )i<iga is east of #e9emet'

AAA a9sum 9e addis abeba bsemian neo * dembi dolo 9e nazret be meirab neo mo ale 9e Shasemene be deboob neo <i<iga 9e ne9emt be mesra9 neo

3' a> 2o"pose sentences according to the "odelA 2heck the ans,er keyA (odel: De#re (arkos ke Gonder #este de#oo# neoA :o ale > south > Asela >>A :e9ele > north > Dese >> Dagahabur > east > ?ore >> Dembi Dole > 4est > #azret >*>

#> Work ,ith a partnerA +ell each other ,here your ho"es are locatedA

&' +opographical features and ur#an #uildings and land"arks are useful reference points ,hen getting to kno, a ne, area or for getting or giving directionsA Listen to a list of co""on sites and featuresA 3epeat after the speaker ,hile follo,ing along in the ,ork#ookA Airport Ban9 Building Fouse Bus station Train station $olice station CafU .estaurant ChurchPmos3uePtemple :ovie theater Fospital :ar9et $harmac $ost office Store $ar9 Factor Bridge Farm Field Forest La9e :ountain .iver Aroplan tabia Ban9 Fentsa Bait Bus fairmata Babur tabia $olice tabia Buna bait :egeb bait Baite ChristianPmesgide Cinima bait Fa9im bait gebeia :edhanit bait $osta bait Su9 :enafesha bota Fabrica Dild *rsha :eda Cha9a Fi9e Terara Eenz A P **

%A (atch the /nglish ,ord in the left colu"n ,ith the $"haric eGuivalent in the right colu"nA 2heck the ans,er keyA &' Airport +' Ban9 2' Bus Station /' CafU 7' Church 0' :ovie Theater ,' Factor 5' Fospital D' $ar9 &(' $harmac &&' $ost Office &+' .estaurant A' B' C' D' *' F' ?' F' !' )' =' L' Fabrica P Fa9im baitP aroplan marefia P :edhanit bait P :egeb bait P :enafeshaP $osta baitP Bus fermataP Ban9P Buna baitP Cinema baitP Baite christiainP

'A 3ead and translate the follo,ing sentences fro" $"haric into /nglishA 2heck your ,ork ,it the ans,er keyA &' ?ebeia4 9e ban9e4 beste deboob neo' &' +' Eenzu 9e terarau beste mesra9 neo' +' 2' Aroplan marefie4 9e hotelu beste me>erab neo' 2'A* /' Terar4oche4 ena hi94oche4 9e cha9au beste mesra9 neo' /'* 7' Eenzu 9e ersha4 beste deboob neo' 7'* 0' cinema baitu 9e ha9im baitu beste mera9 neo' 0' ,' hi9u 9e menafeshau beste semain neo' ,'

7A 2o"pose sentences according to the "odelA 5se the ,ords #elo,A -ee the ans,ser key for so"e ideasA :odel- :enafesha botau 9e posta baitu beste mesra9 neo' &' Aroplan A +' Ban9 2' medhanit bait /' dild 7' Bus fairmata 0' Fabrica ,' ersha * 5' menafesha bota > beste mesra9 > beste deboob * > beste semain * > beste semain > hi9e > ha9im bait > posta bait > 4enz > police tabi > terara > maida > hi9e

*A Listen to the speaker and circle the ter" you hearA 2heck the ans,er keyA &' north +' ban9 2' train station /' restaurant 7' post office 0' church ,' la9e 5' building 4est par9 bus station cafU pharmac movie theater river bridge south bridge airport factor hospital factor farm mountain

9A Listen to the follo,ing ,ords and ,ord co"#inations and repeat after the speakerA )ollo, along in your ,ork#ookA !ntroduce the 3uestion OEhere is R@the ban9AQL Translate the list in a column ne;t to the *nglish 4ords' Ehere is the ban9Q Ban9u et neoQ Q

The ban9 is in front of the post office' Ban9u 9e posta baitu fitlefit neo' !n front of JJ #e;t to JJ Bet4een JJ and JJ Around the corner from JJ #ear Behind Up the street Do4n the street Around Fitlefit gonn me9a9el 9orner ategeb <erba 4edelie 4edetach zuria A

1.A Listen and repeat after the speakerA )ollo, along in your ,ork#ookA +ranslate into /nglishA &' Eenzu et neoQ Eenzu cha9u ategeb neo' Q A +' ?ebeiau et neoQ ?ebei4 police tabiau ena baite christianu me9a9el neo' Q * 2' $osta baitu et neoQ $osta baitu ha9im baitu Q A /' Babour tabiau et neoQ Babour tabiau 9e menafesha botau fitlefit neo' Q 7' Buna baitu et neoQ Buna baitu 9e hotelu fitlefit neo' Q 11A Work ,ith a partnerA 2o"pose si"ilar dialogues using the ,ords #elo,A 3oleEplay your dialoguesA (odel: A' e9erta ' menafesha botau et neoQ Q B' menafesha botau 9e ha9im baitu fitlefit neo' A' egthere estelegn'@amesegenale4A *@A B' abro estelegn @chigger elemA A@A

&' menafesha bota +' aroplan A 2' cha9a /' police tabia 7' baite christian

> fitlefit > fitlefit > gonn > 9orner > me9a9el

> ha9im bait > > > bus fairmata terara cinima bait

> fabrica ena menafesha bota *

/ndEofELesson +asks 1A +ranslate each phrase into $"haricA 2heck your ,ork ,ith the ans,er keyA A' The restaurant is ne;t to the hotel' B' The par9 is north of the la9e' C' The ban9 is bet4een the church and the bus station' D' The mar9et is south of the bridge' *' The cafU is in front of the boo9store' F' The field is in front of the farm' 2A Work ,ith a partner or in s"all groupsA In $"haric co"e up ,ith a list of the facilities on your #aseA +hen dra, a sche"atic "ap of the #aseA !o, descri#e the locations of each facilityA 5se the follo,ing voca#ulary: a store, a hospital, a police station, a movie theater, a park, a hotel, a church, an airfield, a restaurant, a forest, and your language training facilityA 5se prepositions: between, next to, across from, in front of.

;oca#ulary List
Ehere #orth South *ast Eest :ountain La9e .iver Forest Bridge Store :ar9et ChurchPmos3uePtemple .estaurant CafU $ar9 Ban9 Airport Train station Bus station $harmac Fospital :ovie Theater Factor Farm $ost office Field $olice station !n front of #e;t to Bet4een Around the corner from Across from %et Semain Deboob :esra9 :e>erab Terara Fi9e Eenz Cha9a Dild Su9 ?ebbia Baite ChristianPmesgide :egeb bait Buna bait :enafesha bota Ban9 Aroplan marefia Babur tabia Bus fairmata :edhanit bait Fa9im bait Cinema bait Fabrica bait *rsha $osta bait :aida $olice tabia Fitlefit ?onn :e9a9el =e corner a9ababi teshagerh * A * A

$ns,er 8ey
3A a> &' :o ale 9e Asela beste bebood neo' A +':e9ele 9e Dese beste semain neo' 2'Dagahbur 9e ?ore beste mesra9 neo' L /'Dembi dole 9e #azret beste me>erab neo' * %A &' C +' ! 2' F /' ) 7' L 0' = ,' A 5' B D' F &(' D &&' ? &+' * 'A &' The mar9et is south of the ban9 +' The river is east of the mountains' 2' The airport is 4est of the hotel' /' The mountains and la9es are east of the forest' 7' The river is south of the farm' 0' The movie theater is east of the hospital' ,' The la9e is north of the par9' 7A &' Airport > east of > la9e A Aroplan marefiau 9e 4enzu beste mesra9 neo' A

+' Ban9 > south of > hospital Ban9u 9e ha9im baitu beste deboob neo' 2' $harmac > 4est of > post office * :edahnit baitu 9e posta baitu beste me>erab neo' * /' Bridge > north of > river Dildeu 9e 4enzu beste semain neo' 7' Bus station > east of > police station A autobus fairmatau 9e police tabiau beste mesra9 neo'A 0' Factor > south of > mountain Fabricau 9e terarau beste deboob neo' ,' Farm > 4est of > field * * *rshau 9e maidu beste me>erab neo' ** 5' $ar9 > north of > la9e :enafesha botau 9e 4enzu beste semain neo' *A &' north +' bridge 2' bus station /' cafU 7' post office 0' church ,' farm 5' mountain * Semain Delde Bus fairmata Buna bait $osta bait Baite Christian *rsha terara

1.A &' Eenzu et neoQ Eenzu cha9u ategeb neo' Ehere is the riverQ The river is near the forest' Q A +' ?ebeiau et neoQ ?ebei4 police tabiau ena baite christianu me9a9el neo' Ehere is the mar9ertQ The mar9et is bet4een the police station and the church' Q * 2' $osta baitu et neoQ $osta baitu ha9im baitu ategb neo Ehere is the post officeQ The post office is near the hospital Q A /' Babour tabiau et neoQ Babour tabiau 9e menafesha botau fitlefit neo' Ehere is the train stationQ The train station is in front of the par9' Q 7' Buna baitu et neoQ Buna baitu 9e hotelu fitlefit neo' Ehere is the barQ The bar is across from the hotel' Q /nd of Lesson +asks 1A A' The restaurant is ne;t to the hotel' megeb baitu 9e hotel ategb neo' A B' The par9 is north of the la9e' menafesha4 9e hi9e buste semain neo C' The ban9 is bet4een the church and the bus station' ban9u 9e baite chrestian ena 9e auto boos fermata me9a9el neo *A D' The mar9et is south of the bridge' gebe a4 9e dildeu beste debbob neo *' The cafU is in front of the boo9store'

buna baitu 9e metshehaft baitu fiflefit neo

F' The field is in front of the farm' maida4 9e erhsa4 fitlefit neo *

Lesson 7 -uk -hopping

This lesson 4ill introduce ou to> Customs and practices accepted in the *thiopian mar9etplaces > #ames of foods and stores > Fo4 to ma9e purchases in *thiopian shops > The verbs Oto 4ant1L Oto bu 1L Oto pa 1L and Oto ta9eL > The modal verb Ocan'L


The monetar unit of *thiopian currenc is the OBirr1L currentl 4ith a value of around 5'0( to the US dollar1 sub<ect to change ever da ' Copper coins are circulated in the value of &1 71 &(1 +7 and 7( cents6 these are called "antimes' Currenc notes are printed in denominations of &1 71 &(1 7(1 &(( and 7(( Birr' The e;change rate of Birr against foreign currencies has been controlled b the dail inter>ban9 foreign e;change mar9et since October +/1 +((&' The foreign e;change mar9et intervention committee of the #ational Ban9 of *thiopia monitors and controls the rate on dail basis' Onl the #ational Ban9 of *thiopia1 its authorized agents and commercial ban9s can e;change foreign currenc ' Travel and tour agents1 hotels and ban9s branches 4ith permission ma deal in the e;change'

1A Listen to the follo,ing voca#ulary and repeat after the speakerA

Banana mooz

Tomato timatim

$otato denech

:il9 4etet

Butter 9ebe

*ggs en9ulal *

Bread dabbo

Sugar se9uar

!ce cream ice cream A

Fish assa A

Chi9en dorro

2A Work in pairs or in s"all groupsA $sk your partner ,hat foods heIshe has at ho"eA 5se the "odel #elo,A :odel- A' bait menn belah @:A belash @FA belachehu @pluralAQ B' ene mooz timatim ena denech belau PPQ **

3A )a"iliariCe yourself ,ith the ne, voca#ularyA Listen to the speaker and follo, along in the ,ork#ookA Look at the pictures and try to guess the "eaning of unkno,n ,ordsA If you need help check the ans,er keyA

%eha grocer ne4u'

Selam grocer 4ost ne4u emtsera4'*sua genzeb te9eba nat' *

Firut grocer 4ost ne4u emtser4u'*sua shach nat' *

:arta elebs su9 4ost ne4u emtsera4u'*sua shach nat' *

Failem elebs su9 ne4u emisera4u'*su cashier ne4u' * #ote- !n Amharic1 to e;press Otoo1L 4e add >m at the end of the name or thing'

!n *thiopia there are several different t pes of shops and mar9ets' !n the capital cit 1 Addis Ababa1 there are small shops @storesA 4hich are similar to mini marts6 also there are modern grocer stores 4hich are called Ogro"eryL and clothing stores called yelebse suk or bouti#ue scattered all over the cit ' There are man small open mar9ets1 but there is a ver large one in Addis Ababa called erkato' erkato is one of the biggest open mar9ets in Africa' %ou can find ever thing at a reasonable price1 including bul9 food1 clothing1 construction material1 te;tiles1 car parts1 spices1 grain1 etc' Also ou can find large department stores set up in large 4arehouses in erkato1 selling clothing and <e4elr 6 these 4arehouses are called adarash' There is yelebse adarash @a clothing department storeA' !n erkato ou 4ill find hundreds of vendors in the open air selling mostl fresh vegetables1 grain and spices' The other shopping district in Addis is $iassa6 this is located in the heart of the cit and is much smaller1 on one avenue' %ou can find <e4elr 1 clothing and high>end household items' The main difference bet4een stores in *thiopia and America is the fact that in *thiopia1 ou can bargain1 especiall in open mar9ets and in adarash' &A Work in pairs or in s"all groupsA (ake up dialogues using the "odel #elo,A (odel- A' alemu et ne4u emisera4uQ AQ B' Alemu grocer 4ost ne4u emisera4u' A There are t4o 4a s of constructing the verb and the infinitive' ! 4ant to bu cloth' O*ne lebse megzat felgale4uL or a short 4a 1 or common 4a - Olebse megzat felgale4u'L !t is not necessar to use Oene'L +ranslate the follo,ing sentences in $"haricA 2heck your ,ork ,ith the ans,er keyA ! 4ant to bu one liter of mil9' %ou 4ant to bu t4o 9ilos of beef' Fe 4ants to bu three 9ilos of coffee' She 4ants to bu a dozen eggs' Ee 4ant to bu ten rolls of bread' The 4ant to bu fish' %ou 4ant to bu four 9ilos of potatoes' @pluralA

%A )a"iliariCe yourself ,ith the ne, voca#ularyA Listen to the speaker and follo, along in the ,ork#ookA Look at the pictures and try to guess the "eaning of unkno,n ,ordsA

Eo ni metsehaf megzat tefelgalech'esua metseahft bait nat' *

%ohannes etrebeza seit megzat efelgal'*su Su9 ne4u' A * #ote'gift stores are <ust called stores'

'A (atch each $"haric sentence in the left colu"n ,ith the /nglish eGuivalent in the right colu"nA 2heck the ans,er keyA &' *ne dabbo ena 9ebbe megzat felgale4u ** +' #eggash metsehaf efelegal' 2' Sira9 assa megzat efelegal' A /' Solomon eterebeza seit megzat efelegal' A 7' *gna sitota megzat enfelgalen' ** 0' *nesu a eb megzat efelegalu *A ,' %ene ehit lebse megzat tefelegalech * A' Sira9 4ants to bu fish' B' The 4ant to bu cheese'

C' ! 4ant to bu bread and butter'

D' : sister 4ants to bu the clothes'

*' Solomon 4ants to bu a cloc9'

F' #eggash 4ants to bu a boo9'

?' Ee 4ant to bu a gift'

The 4a of bu ing groceries in *thiopia is mainl b the 9ilo1 the liter and the dozen' Ehen bu ing bread1 itGs b the 3uantit of rolls' $rices are mostl fi;ed in modern grocer stores1 but one can bargain prices 4hen bu ing in an open mar9et' A poundP9ilo of apples A bo; of cereal A bag of potatoes A roll of bread A bottle of 4ater A liter of mil9 A dozen eggs =ilo pomme Carton cereal <one a dench Aned dabbo Termus 4eha Liter 4etet Derzen en9ulal

A * A bag of potatoes > in Amharic a bag is usuall ver large and contains about 7( to &(( 9ilos' !t is called joneya and used for bul9' Ehen bu ing potatoes1 9ilos are used' $ears are not 9no4n in *thiopia' An apple is called pomme' The use of OtooL- ! 4ant a banana too' *ne bananam felegale4' 7A Work ,ith a partner or in s"all groupsA Pretend that you are planning to have a surprise #irthday party for one of your class"atesA 6ou need to #uy so"e food and giftsA (ake a shopping list and tell your partner in $"haric ,hat you ,ant to #uyA Fo4 much is itQ OCent neoQL Fo4 much is t4o 9ilos of sugarQ Ohulet 9ilo se9uar cent neoQL %ou can <ust sa Oho4 muchQL Ocent neoQL To bargain and sa itGs too much one can sa O4edde neo'L As9ing for a discount1 one can sa O9ensh'L The salesperson 4ill usuall sa O9enash elem1L no discount' Ehen bu ing something itGs good to compare prices at different stores and get the best price' Also itGs al4a s good to as9 or go 4ith an *thiopian for information on prices and stores to go' !n *thiopia people are ver polite and helpful to foreigners1 but itGs al4a s advisable to shop around for bargains1 since there is an assumption that foreigners have a lot of mone '

*A Listen to the follo,ing dialogue and repeat after the speakerA A' *;cuse me' ! 4ant to bu cheese' Fo4 much is itQ %e9erta 1a eb megzat felegale4' A A 9ilo of cheese is 7'/(' =ilo a eb amest birr 9e arba cantim ne4u' AAA



Than9 ou' *gzer estelegn * %ou are 4elcome' Abro estelegn A


9A Pretend you ,ant to #uy the ite"s listed #elo,A 0ne of your class"ates is a salespersonA 3oleEplay an @In the -hopB dialogue using the dialogue a#ove as a "odelA Work in pairs or in s"all groupsA &' 9illo pomme > 2'/7 +' 9ilo assa 8 5'&7 A 2' 9ilo denech > &'7D /' termuse 4eha > &'&D 7' carton 4etet > /'7( 0' &+ dabbo > +'07 &+ ,' derzon en9ulal > +'/5 -* 1.A 2o"plete the sentences using the ,ords in the #o<A 2heck your ans,ers ,ith the ans,er keyA %elebs su9 &' Eelagoche setota grocer metsehaf bait ne4u emigezut'' su9 adarash A

+' *nesu timatim ena denech ** 2' %ene 4endem metshaf /' %ene ehet ena ene lebse *** 7' *gna lebse 1 metshaf ena setota1 **

ne4u emigezut' ne4u emigeza4' ne4u emengeza4 megzat enchelalen' *

11A Listen to and translate the follo,ing sentencesA 2heck your ,ork ,ith the ans,er keyA &' ene metsehaf metsehafe bait ne4u emegeza4 * +' ene ehit setota su9 ne4u emetgeza4 * 2' ene enat se9uar 9e grocer 9e ban9 fitlefit ne4u emetgeza4 * /' ene a atoch 4etet ena 9ebe 9e grocer ne4u emigezut A* 7' engna lebse1metsehaf ena setota adarash ne4u emengeza4 **A -tudy the "odal ver# @canB The verb can > echalal ! can read' *ne manbeb chilale4u' ** Fe can read' Ante manbeb techilaleh A She can read' *sua manbeb techilalech * Ee can read' *ngna manbeb enchilalen' * * %ou can read' *nante manbeb techilalach4e' * The can read' *nesu manbeb echilalu' *

! can %ou can

*ne Rechilale4u Ante@:A R'techilaleh Panchi @FARRtechi alesh Fe can *suR' echilal She can *suaR'techilalech Ee can *ngnaRenchilalen *''* %ou can *nanteR'techilalache4u The can *nesuR' echilalu The verb to ta9e > meused

*R* AR *R *R *R *R

! can ta9e a ta;i' *ne ta;i meused echilale4u' O. ta;i meused echilale4u' %ou can ta9e a ta;i' Ante@:A ta;i meused techilaleh' O. ta;i meused techilaleh' Anchi @FA ta;i meused techilalech' O. ta;i meused techilallech Fe can ta9e a ta;i' *su ta;i meused echilal' O. ta;i meused echilal She can ta9e a ta;i' *sua ta;i meused techilalech' O. ta;i meused techilalech Ee can ta9e a ta;i' *ngna ta;i meused enchilalen' O. ta;i meused enchilalen %ou can ta9e a ta;i' *nante ta;i meused techilalache4u' O. ta;i meused techilalache4u The can ta9e a ta;i' *nesu ta;i meused echilalu' O. ta;i meused echilalu'

12A a> Listen to the follo,ing dialogue and repeat after the speakerA )ollo, along in the ,ork#ookA A' Fello' ! 4ant to bu a loaf of bread' Fo4 much is itQ Selam1 dabbo megzat efelegale41 cent ne4uQ Q B' !t is +'07' Fulet birr 9e selsa amest cantim ne4u' A A' Can ! pa 4ith a credit cardQ Be credit card me9fel echilale4uQ *Q

B' !Gm sorr 1 but 4e ta9e cash' %e9erta1 genzeb en4esdalen * #> 3oleEplay the dialogueA (ake up si"ilar dialogues using the ,ords #elo,A &' hulet termus 4eha +' metshehaf 2' carton 4etet /' 9ilo a eba A 7' derzon en9ulal * 13A 3ead the dialogue and ans,er the follo,Eup GuestionsA 2heck your ,ork ,ith the ans,er keyA samuel- selam1 :isra9 misra9- selam1 samuelN Samuel- et teha galeshQ Q :isra9- ene grocer eha dale4 * samuel- menn megzat tefelegalehQ Q :isra9- ene baddo 1 hulet termus 4eha1 9ilo pomme megzat felegale4' %et teheadalehQ *Q

samuel- ene adarash eheadale4u *A* misra9- menn megzt neo emetfelege4uQ Q samuel- ene le 4end a at setota megzat felegale4' *ne eterbeza seit 4e nem metshehaf megzat felegale4u' *A*A :isra9- ene setota su9 ne4u emgeza' * samuel- metsehaft bait bu credit card me9fel alechilem'' enesu genzeb e4sdalu'' A* ?uestions: &' +' 2' /' 7' Ehere is Samuel goingQ Ehat does hePshe 4ant to bu Q Ehere is :isra9 goingQ Ehat does hePshe 4ant to bu Q Can hePshe pa 4ith a credit card at the boo9storeQ

/ndEofELesson +asks 1A +ranslate the follo,ing into $"haric. 2heck your ,ork ,ith the ans,er keyA A' B' C' D' Ehere do ou bu tomatoes and potatoesQ Do ou ta9e credit cardsQ #o1 4e ta9e cash' ! bu the gift for m sister in the clothing store' Fo4 much is a loaf of breadQ > +'27

2A In $"haric tell ,here you #uy groceriesI giftsI #ooksI clothesA 3A What ,ould you tell a salesperson in $"haric if you ,ant to #uy a carton of "ilkI a ,atchI a doCen eggsF 1o, ,ould you ask the price of itF 3oleEplay the dialogueA

;oca#ulary List
Fo4 much RQ !tGs RR'' ' ! 4ant to bu R Banana Butter Chic9en Fish !ce cream :il9 Tomato $otato Sugar Cereal Cheese *ggs A poundP9ilo of cheese A bag of potatoes A loaf of bread A bottle of 4ater A dozen eggs A bo; of cereal A carton of mil9 Department store Clothing store ?rocer store Boo9store Bread Credit card Cash Cashier Salesperson To bu To ta9e To pa Ppa for Too Can ! pa 4ith a credit cardQ !Gm sorr 1 but 4e ta9e cash' Cent ne4uRQ R''ne4u *ne R'megzat felgale4u :ooze =ebe Doro Asa !ce cream Eetet Timatim Dinech Se9uar cereal A eb *n9ulal =ilo a eb )one a denich dabbo Termus 4eha Derzon en9ulal =arton cereal =arton 4etet Su9 adarash %elebse su9 ?rocer @super mar9etA :etshaft bait Dabbo Credit card ?enzeb @cashA ?enzeb te9eb shach :egzat :e4sed :e9fel >m Be credit card me9fel echalal %e9erta1 genzeb en4esdalen R' *R' A A A * A * A *

$ns,er 8ey

This is a grocer store'

Selam 4or9s at the grocer store' She is a cashier'

Firut 4or9s at the grocer store' Fe is a salesperson'

:arta 4or9s at the clothing store' She is a salesperson' &A

Failem 4or9s at the clothing store' Fe is a cashier'

(odel- A' Ehere does Alemu 4or9Q B' Alemu 4or9s at the grocer store (odel- A' Alemu et ne4u emisera4uQ AQ B' Alemu grocer 4ost ne4u emisera4u' A ! 4ant to bu one liter of mil9' *ne aned liter 4etet megzat felgale4u' O. aned liter 4etet megzat felgale4u *AA

%ou 4ant to bu t4o 9ilos of beef' Ante @:A anchi @FA hulet 9ilo cigga megzat tefelgaleh @:A tefeligalesh @FAQ O. APAPQ hulet 9ilo cigga tefelgaleh@:A tefeligalsh@FA T Fe 4ants to bu three 9ilos of coffee' *su sost 9ilo buna megzat efelegal O. Sost 9ilo buna efelgal *P She 4ants to bu a dozen eggs' *sua derzon en9ulal megzat tefelgalech O. Derzon en9ula9 megzat tefelgalech **P* Ee 4ant to bu ten rolls of bread' *ngna aser dabbo megzat enfelgalen O. Aser dabbo megzat enfelgalen' *A*PA* The 4ant to bu fish' *nesu assa megzat efelgalu O. Assa megzat efelgalu A %ou 4ant to bu four 9ilos of potatoes' @pluralA *nante arat 9ilo denech megzat tefelgalachehu O. Arat 9ilo denech megzat tefelgalache4u *APA 'A &' ene dabbo ena 9ebbe megzat felgale4u ** +' #eggash metsehaf efelegal' 2' Sira9 assa megzat efelegal' A /' Solomon eterebeza seit megzat efelegal' A 7' egna sitota megzat enfelgalen' ** 0' enesu a eb megzat efelegalu *A ,' ene ehit lebse megzat tefelegalech * A' Sira9 4ants to bu fish' 2 B' The 4ant to bu cheese' 0 C' ! 4ant to bu bread and butter' & D' : sister 4ants to bu the clothes', *' Solomon 4ants to bu a cloc9'/ F' #eggash 4ants to bu a boo9'+ ?' Ee 4ant to bu a gift'7

1.A &' 4elagoche setota su9 ne4u emigezut'' +' enesu timatim ena denech grocer ne4u emigezut' ** 2' ene 4endem metshaf metsehaf bait ne4u emigeza4' /' ene ehet ena ene lebse elebse su9 ne4u emengeza4 *** 7' egna lebse 1 metshaf ena setota1 adarash megzat enchelalen' **A * &' : parents bu gifts at the gift store' +' The bu tomatoes and potatoes at the grocer store' 2' : brother bu s boo9s at the boo9store' /' : sister and ! bu clothes at the clothing store' 7' Ee can bu clothes1 boo9s and gifts at the department store' 11A &' ! bu boo9s in the boo9store' +' : sister bu s gifts at the gift store ' 2' : mother bu s sugar at the grocer store across from the ban9' /' : grandparents bu mil9 and butter at the grocer store' 7' Ee bu clothes1 boo9s1 and gifts at the department store' 13A 2o"pare your ans,ers to the translationA Samuel :isra9Samuel:isra9Samuel:isra9Fello1 :isra9N Fello1 SamuelN Ehere are ou goingQ ! am going to the grocer store' Ehat do ou 4ant to bu Q ! 4ant to bu bread1 t4o bottles of 4ater1 and a pound of pears' Ehere are ou goingQ

Samuel- ! am going to the department store'


Ehat do ou 4ant to bu Q ! 4ant to bu a gift for m grandfather' ! 4ant to bu a boo9 or a cloc9' ! bu gifts at the gift store' At a boo9store ! canGt pa 4ith a credit card' The ta9e cash'

/nd of Lesson +asks 1A *' Timatim ena denech et neo emegezaeQ *Q F' Credit card te4esdalache4Q ! genzed en4esdalen Q A* ?' *ne stoat le ehet elebse su9 gezale4' ** F' Aned dabbo cent neoQ hulet birr 9e selasa amest cantim neo' A A

Lesson * (ege# 4ait /ating 0ut

This lesson 4ill introduce ou to> *ating out in a restaurant in *thiopia > "arious menu items > Fo4 to order menu items > Different table service items'


The national food of *thiopia is Injera 4ith wot' !n<era is spong flat bread usuall prepared from teff1 4heat1 barle or millet' Teff is an *thiopian grain rich in iron and other minerals6 it can be found in health food stores in the US' Injera is eaten 4ith wot1 4hich is a spic sauce made from an onion and pepper base and other various spices' Wot can be made mild or hot1 using different meats such as beef1 lamb or chic9en1 and vegetables' The injera is used to scoop wot in small portions to be eaten b hand' Before a meal one 4ashes oneGs hands1 and also after a meal1 it is a tradition for a domestic servant to offer the guests 4ater and soap to 4ash their hands' !t could be hard for the first time to eat 4ith our fingers1 but as9ing for utensils ma be considered impolite' Also1 one should avoid lic9ing oneGs fingers6 there are 4ashcloths and nap9ins available'

1A Look at the restaurant "enu #elo,A 3epeat the ,ords after the speaker and follo, along in the ,ork#ookA Small World Restaurant Soup Salad Hamburger Fried potatoes Pasta Beef hic!en Fish #ce ream a!e %a piece& (range )uice %a glass& *pple )uice %a glass& offee %a cup& +il! %a glass& -ea Beer %a glass& 0ine %a bottle& shorba Selata humberger denech tibs pasta cigga doro assa ice cream ca!e bertu!an )uice pomme )uice buna ,etet sh. berchi!o bira termuse 1ino A A 3.00 birr 4.00 birr 5.00 birr 3.50 birr 6.00 birr 8.00 birr ".00 birr 6.50 birr $.50 birr 3.'' birr $.33 birr $.30 birr $.50 birr $.05 birr /.$5 birr 4.50 birr /5./0 birr

2A I"agine that you have 3% #irrA What ,ould you order at the @-"all World 3estaurantBF 3A 3ead the follo,ing dialogue #et,een a ,aiter and a patronA (ake up si"ilar dialogues using the ,ords and ,ord co"#inations that are in the #o<A A' e9erta ene ehit@FA 4endem@:A *P B' abet min letazez A A' cini buan efelegale4 * B' e9erta gashe1 buna elenem genn sh alen A A' *;cuse me1 4aiter' B' %es1 please' A' ! 4ant a cup of coffee' B' Sorr 1 sir' Ee do not have coffee1 but 4e have tea'

&' cini buna 8 sh >> +' berche9o 4etet 8sh Pbuna >>P 2' berche9o burtu9an <uice 8 pomme <uice >>> /' assa ena pasta 8 doro ena denech tibs A>>>>*

&A Listen to the follo,ing dialogue that takes place at a restaurantA )ollo, along in your ,ork#ookA Pay attention to the ne, ,ordsA 3oleEplay the dialogueA 6ou can su#stitute the highlighted ,ords ,ith any food fro" the @-"all World 3estaurantB "enuA A' Fello1 sir' Ehat do ou 4ant to eatQ Selam gashe' :enne emtaQ Q B' Ehat do ou recommendQ True menn aleQ AQ A' Ee have 4onderful fried chic9en and pasta' The are delicious' Betam true doro tibs ena pasta alen' Betam etafital' A B' "er 4ell' Fried chic9en and pasta1 please' Betam true'dorro tibs ena pasta ba9ehn' * A' Ehat do ou 4ant to drin9Q :enn metetat tefelegalehQ Q B' A cup of tea 4ith sugar and lemon' Cini sh bu se9uar ena lommi' * A' An dessertQ Tafach neggerQ Q B' %es1 ! 4ant a piece of cheeseca9e' Oe4o1 ene cheeseca9e efelegale4u' A*

A' Fere is our bill1 sir' Fisab eha e41 gashe' B' Can ! pa 4ith a credit cardQ Be credit card me9fel echalal' Q A' %es1 ou can' Oe4o echalal A -tudy the present and past tenses of the ver# @drinkBA ! drin9 %ou drin9 Fe drin9s Ee drin9 %ou drin9 The drin9 Present tense * Tetaleu Tetetaleh %etetal *ntetalen Tetetalache4 etetalu ! dran9 %ou dran9 Fe dran9 Ee dran9 %ou dran9 The dran9 Past +ense Tetau Tetetual tetetual Tetan Tetache4 tetu

%A 5sing the restaurant "enu a#ove tell your class"ates in $"haric ,hat you ate and drank at a restaurant the last ti"e you ,ere thereA (odel: alefe4u ehude megeb bait belah' ! ate fried potatoes1 chic9en1 and a salad' ! dran9 tea' * 'A +ranslate the follo,ing dialogueA 2heck your ,ork ,ith the ans,er keyA *Q alefe4 ehud et neber9Q * *ne alefe4u ehud megeb bait neber9u A Q ante 9e 4endem garr neber9Q A* * Oe4o ene ena ene 4endem eza neberen' *Q

esu menne belaQ

*A* *su pasta ena assa beltual *Q esu menne tetaQ * *su sh teta' AQ ante menne belahQ ** *ne dorro ena denech tibs bela4u A Q ante menne tetahQ * *ne buna tetau

7A 4elo, are so"e ta#le service ite"sA Listen and repeat after the speakerA

$late sehan

Bo4l Godguada sehan

Cup cini

?lass #erchiko

=nife #illa

For9 shuka

Spoon "ankia

#ap9in napkin

*A (atch the /nglish ,ords in the left colu"n ,ith the $"haric eGuivalents in the right colu"nA 2heck the ans,er keyA &' +' 2' /' 7' 0' ,' 5' $late Bo4l Cup ?lass =nife For9 Spoon #ap9in A' man9iaP B' berche9oP C' billaP D' shu9aP *' godguada dehanP F' sehanP ?' #ap9inP F' CiniP

9A Listen to the follo,ing "odelA 3epeat after the speakerA 2o"pose si"ilar sentences using the ,ords #elo,A (odel: AA man9ia elegnem' :an9ia magnet echilale4uQ *Q B' Oe4o 1 ehe4u A &' nap9in +' cini 2' shu9ia /' billa 7' berchi9o 1.A Listen to the speaker and circle the ,ords you hearA 2heck your ans,ers ,ith the ans,er keyA &' ! 4ant a glass of "ilk I 7uiceA +' Ee dran9 orange 7uice I apple 7uice at a restaurant' 2' Did ou eat salad I pastaQ /' The ate fried potatoes and chicken I fish' 7' She had soup1 salad and fish I "eatA 0' Can ! have a knife I forkQ ,' Fe does not have a glass I plate'

/ndEofELesson +asks 1A +ell in $"haric ,hat you usually eat and drink for #reakfast I lunch I dinnerA 2A +ell in $"haric ,hat you ate and drank at a restaurant the last ti"e you ,ere thereA 3A Pretend that you are at a restaurant no,A What ,ould you say in $"haric if you ,ant to eat salad and fried potatoesF 6ou also ,ant a cup of coffee and you need a fork and a napkinA What ,ould you say in $"haric if you do not kno, ,hat to chooseF 6our class"ate is a ,aiterA 3oleEplay the dialogueA Work in pairs or in s"all groupsA &A 3ead and translate the follo,ing te<t then ans,er the follo,ing GuestionsA 2heck your ,ork ,ith the ans,er keyA A** A *A *A ** ** * *L A * * * A A alefe4 areb 9e sera behula 1 ene ena ene 4endem 9e 4elagoche garr small 4orld megeb bait ha eden'tenish megeb bait 9e ban9 fitlefit neo' astenaga<u dorro tibs1selata1 ena pasta ametalen' ene 4endem cigga ena denech bela6 esu sh bu se9uar ena bu lommi teta' ene enat shorba ena humberger belach' *sua pomme <uice tetach'tafach negger e en<ori ca9e belach' ene abat cigga1denech tibs ena timatim bela tafach negger cheeseca9e bela buna teta'ene dorro ena selata belau' etafet neber' Bu credit card le9efel nebber genn abate bu genzeb 9efele' ?rume meshet asalefen' &' Ehen did the famil go to the restaurantQ +' Ehere is the restaurantQ 2' Ehat did the 4aiter recommendQ /' Ehat did m brother eatQ 7' Ehat did he drin9Q 0' Did m mother eat soup and hamburgersQ ,' Did she drin9 orange or apple <uiceQ

5' Did she eat a piece of cheeseca9e for dessertQ D' Ehat did m father eatQ &(' Did he drin9 4ineQ &&' Did m father pa 4ith a credit cardQ &+' Eas it a 4onderful eveningQ

&2( &2(

;oca#ulary List
Apple <uice Bo4l Cheeseca9e Coffee Cup For9 Fried ?lass =nife #ap9in Orange <uice $iece $late $lease Salad Soup Spoon Tea Beef Famburger Fere ou are To drin9 P dran9 To eat Pate .ecommend Eonderful Delicious "er 4ell Lemon Dessert Bill Eine Beer $omme <uice ?odguada sehane Cheeseca9e Buna Cini Shu9a Tibs Birche9o Billa #ap9in Burtu9an <uice V sehan *ba9ot Selata Shoreba :an9i a Sh Cigga Fumberger %ehe4 :etetatP teta :ebatPbella V Betam teru %etafetal Betam teru Lommi Tafach Fisab "ino birra *

&2& &2&

$ns,er 8ey
'A Ehere did ou eat last Sunda Q ! ate at a restaurant' Did ou eat aloneQ #o1 m brother 4as 4ith me' Ehat did he eatQ Fe ate pasta and fish' Ehat did he drin9Q Fe dran9 tea' Ehat did ou eatQ ! ate chic9en and fried potatoes' Ehat did ou drin9Q ! dran9 coffee' *A &' +' 2' /' 7' 0' ,' 5' 1.A &' ene berche9o 4etet felegale4u ! 4ant a glass of mil9' * * +' engna megeb bait bertu9an <uice tetan Ee dran9 orange <uice in a resturant * 2' ante pasta belahQ Did ou eat pastaQ AQ /' enesu denech tibs ena doro beluQ The ate fried potatoes and chic9en' **Q &2+ &2+ F * F B C D A ?

7' esua shorba ena selata ena ciga belach' She ate soup1 salad and meat' *** 0' billa magnet echilale4uQ Can ! have a 9nifeQ * ,' esu berche9o ele4em Fe does not have a glass' *

/nd of Lesson +asks &A 2o"pare your ans,ers ,ith the translationA Last Frida after 4or91 m brother1 our parents and ! 4ent to the restaurant OSmall Eorld'L !tGs a small restaurant across from the ban9' A 4aiter recommended us to have fried chic9en1 salad1 and pasta' : brother ate beef and potatoes6 he dran9 tea 4ith sugar and lemon' : mother ate soup and a hamburger' She dran9 apple <uice' For dessert she had a piece of stra4berr ca9e' : father ate beef1 fried potatoes1 and tomatoes' Fe ate a piece of cheeseca9e for dessert and dran9 coffee' ! ate chic9en and salad' !t 4as deliciousN ! 4anted to pa 4ith a credit card1 but m father paid cash' Ee had a 4onderful evening'

&22 &22

Lesson 9 VALIDATION COPY 1.0 JUNE 2007 4iell ena #ahill A 1olidays 2usto"s and 2ultural +raditions
This lesson 4ill introduce ou to> Fo4 to read dates > Fo4 to use ordinal numbers > #ames of the months > Folida s1 customs1 and cultural traditions of *thiopia' The )ulian calendar 4as discarded b the *uropeans /(( ears ago1 but *thiopia still uses it' The )ulian calendar divides the ear into &+ month of 2( da s each1 4ith the th remaining five @or si; in a leap earA constituting the short &2 month of O$agume'L !n th th ?ree91 pagume means Oadditional'L The *thiopian #e4 %ear starts on the && or &+ of September ever ear' Other than #e4 %ear1 most *thiopian celebrations are Christian or :uslim religious events' =iddus %ohannes1 #e4 %earBs Da 1 comes on September &&1 4hich coincides 4ith the end of the season of heav rains and the beginning of spring' On #e4 %earBs *ve1 people gather around neighborhood bonfires before visiting friends and relatives to offer them #e4 %earBs greetings' On #e4 %earBs Da people dress in ne4 clothes and celebrate 4ith feasts1 visits and games such as gugs' !mportant Christian holida s include eskal1 Christmas1 Timket and *aster' Timket1 4hich mar9s ChristBs baptism1 is the most colorful event of the ear' On Timket eve1 priests dressed in elaborate robes parade each churchBs tabot to a bod of 4ater' There people hold a nighttime vigil6 the priests then bless the 4ater and anoint the faithful' Singing and dancing1 cro4ds parade the tabots bac9 to their churches' Tabot is a hol 4riting or s mbol of religion @shrineA 4ich people use to 4orship during an important Christian holida ' !n September1 the t4o>da feast of eskal mar9s the finding of the True Cross' *ach to4n builds an enormous bonfire and a cross decorated 4ith flo4ers' After dar91 the to4nspeople encircle the fire three times1 singing eskal h mns' During the da 1 horsemen parade through the streets 4earing lionBs>mane or baboon>s9in headdresses and carr ing shields and spears' :uslim holida s are based on the lunar calendar and thus fall at different times each ear' The ninth month of the :uslim calendar is devoted to .amadan1 4hich is mar9ed b fasting' The greatest :uslim feast of the ear is B!d Al Fatr1 4hich celebrates the end of .amadan' The B!d al Adha is the feast mar9ing AbrahamBs sacrifice' On these da s1 after pra ing and listening to the imam @religious leaderA preach1 :uslim *thiopians sacrifice animals and distribute part of the meat to the poor' Eearing ne4 clothes1 the visit &2/ &2/

friends and relatives as 4ell as famil graves' Forse races are also traditional on these da s' :uslims also celebrate the $rophet :ohammedBs birthda on September +( and mar9 the anniversaries of numerous mart rs' Since the *thiopian calendar and *uropean or American calendar are not the same1 it is al4a s good to mention 4hich calendar one is using in order to avoid confusion' !n professional settings1 most *thiopians 4ho deal 4ith foreigners do not use the local calendar1 but it is used in schools and man government institutions'

&27 &27

1A Listen and repeat after the speakerA )ollo, along in the ,ork#ook' & one the first + t4o the second 2 three the third / four the fourth 7 five the fifth 0 si; the si;th , seven the seventh 5 eight the eighth D nine the ninth &( ten the tenth Aned Bu aned Fulet Bu hulet Sost Bu Sost Arat bu Arat Amest bu Amest Sedest bu Sedest Sebat Bu Sebat Sement Bu Semen Ieten Bu zeten Aser Bu aser A A A A A A A A

2A )ill in the #lanks to co"plete the sentencesA 5se the ,ords located in the #o<A 2heck your ,ork ,ith the ans,er keyA A amestn a sostene a &' segno esamentu &' +' ma9segno esamentu +' 2' erob esamentu 2'* /' hamus esamentu /' huletena A anedne a sedesten a sebatene a A aratena 9en ne4u' 9en ne4u' 9en ne4u' 9en ne4u'

&20 &20

7' arb esamentu 7'A 0' 9edame eamnetu 0' ,' ehud esamentu *

9en ne4u' 9en ne4u' 9en ne4u'

3A Listen and repeat after the speaker the ordinal nu"#ers 11 through 2.A )ollo, along in the ,ork#ookA && eleven the eleventh &+ t4elve the t4elfth &2 thirteen the thirteenth &/ fourteen the fourteenth &7 fifteen the fifteenth &0 si;teen the si;teenth &, seventeen the seventeenth &5 eighteen the eighteenth &D nineteen the nineteenth +( t4ent the t4entieth Asra aned Bu Asra aned Asra hulet Be Asra hulet Asra sost Be Asra sost Asra arat Be Asra arat Asra amest Be Asra amest Asra sedest Be Asra sedest Asra sebat Be asra sebat Asra sement Be asra sement Asra zetegn Be asra zetegn Fa a Be ha AA AA A A A A AA AA AA AA A A A A A A A A

&A Practice saying the follo,ing ordinal nu"#ers in $"haricA && 1 &2 1 &7th1 &, 1 &D 1 &+ 1 &/ 1 &0 1 &5 1 +( '
th th th th th th th th th

&2, &2,

%A Listen and repeat after the speaker the ordinal nu"#ers 21E3.A +& t4ent >one the t4ent >first ++ t4ent >t4o the t4ent >second +2 t4ent >three the t4ent >third +/ t4ent >four the t4ent >fourth +7 t4ent >five the t4ent >fifth +0 t4ent >si; the t4ent >si;th +, t4ent >seven the t4ent >seventh +5 t4ent >eight the t4ent >eighth +D t4ent >nine the t4ent >ninth 2( thirt the thirtieth Fa a aned Be ha a aned Fa a hulet Be ha a hulet Fa a sost Be ha a sost Fa a arat Be ha a arat Fa a amest Be ha a amest Fa a sedest Be ha a sedest Fa a sebat Bu ha a sebat Fa a sement Bu ha a sement Fa a zeten Bu ha a zeten Selasa Bu selasa A A A A A A

'A Listen to the na"es of the "onths and repeat after the speakerA *thiopian :onths Begin inR' mes9erem ti9imit September hidar October tahesas #ovember tir December e9atit )anuar megabit Februar mi azia :arch ginbot April :a sene )une hamle )ul nehase August pagume September @the additional month &25 &25

7A Look at the picture and say the dates and days of the ,eek in $"haricA :odel- Toda is the +2 of :a 1 +((&' !t is Tuesda ' A Iare 9enu ha a sost tir hulet shi aned ne4u' segno ne4u'

*A !ote the follo,ing na"es and dates of $"haric holidaysA &' Christmas 8 the , of )anuar in the *uropean calendar th +' Tim9it 8 the &D of )anuar in the *uropean calendar th 2' #e4 %ear 8 the && of September in the *uropean calendar The 4ord thousand is shih1 pronounced as Oshe'L The construction is the same as in *nglish' One thousand > aned she A T4o thousand > hulet she Three thousand>sost she Four thousand>arat she A Five thousand 8amest she A Si; thousand>sedest she Seven thousand>sebat she *ight thousand>sement she #ine thousand>zetegn she Ten thousand>aser she A

9A Listen as the speaker reads the follo,ing yearsA 3epeat after the speakerA Ehen sa ing the ear @&D((A nineteen hundredP asra zetegn metoP A &D+7>nineteen t4ent >five &D((>nineteen hundred +((/>t4o thousand four AA Asra zetegn meto ha a amest A Asra zetgn meto A Fulet she arat

1.A 3ead the follo,ing years in $"haric +((&1 &D5,1 &D0(1 &D/71 +(((1 &,((1 &7&0 A

!n Amharic the date is first1 then the month1 then the ear' @ddP mmP

11A Listen as the speakers tell a#out their dates of #irthA )ollo, along in the ,ork#ookA &' Ehen 4ere ou bornQ ! 4as born on the && of )une1 &D20' Q *AA A :eche ne4u et4eled9e4uQ *ne et4eled9ut be asra Aned e9atit asra zetegn :eto selasa sedest ne4u' +' Ehen 4ere ou bornQ ! 4as born on the 2& of )ul 1 &D0(' Q * AA :eche ne4 et4eled9e4uQ ene et4eled9ut bu selasa aned megabit asra zetegn meto selsa ne4u'
st th

2' Ehen 4ere ou bornQ ! 4as born on the +2 of )anuar 1 &D5,' Q * A :eche ne4u et4eledsh4uQ ene et4eled9ut be ha a sost mes9erem asra zetegn meto Semania sebat ne4u' 12A Work in pairs or in s"all groupsA $sk your partner ,hen he ,as #ornA 5se the "odel #elo,A :odelth A' ! 4as born on the &7 of Februar 1 &D5+' Ehen 4ere ou bornQ *AAA AP AP *ne et4eled9ut be asra amest ti9imt asra zetegn meto semania hulet ne4u' anchi@FA ante @:A meche ne4u ete4eled9e4u@:A ete4eldshe4u@FAQ B' ! 4as born on the / of September1 &D,D' * AA *ne et4eled9ut be arat mes9erem asra zetgn meto seba zetegn ne4u 13A Look at the picture #elo, and i"agine that this is your fa"ilyA Descri#e each "e"#erA 5se the "odel #elo,A 6ou can use real pictures of your fa"ilyA (odel- This is m brother' Fis name isR Fe is R ears old' Fe 4as born on the RofR1 &DR %eha ene 4endem ne4u' esu sem Rne4u' esuR'ametu ne4u' esu ete4lede4 beR'' &DRRne4u' R'*RRA*R &DR


1&A 3ead and translate the follo,ing te<t into /nglishA $ns,er the Guestions #elo,A 2heck your ,ork ,ith the $ns,er 8eyA Seme :esfin neo' *ne 9e etiopia negn'ene emenore4 Addis Abeba ne4u' Tele9 baiteseb alegn' :ist1 hulet legoch ena ene 4elagoch' Tele9 bait 4ost ne4u emenenore4u' %ene mist selasa ametua ne4u' %ete4eledeche4 be &&P2(P,( ne4u' *sua doctor nat ha9im bait ne4u emtsera4u' Legoch temari4och nache4u temhert bait eha dalu' %ene sait le< be +0 ma azia &DD+ ne4u ete4eledeche4u '%ene 4ende le< sement ametu ne4u' Be & ti9imt &DD0 ne4u ete4elede4u ene enat argetalech seba sement ametua ne4u' *sua ete4eledeche4 be ++ hamle &D+0 ne4u' %ene abta seba zetegn ametu ne4u' %ene abat ete4elede4u be ha a amest nehase &D+7 ne4o' *nsu a serum1 metshaf anebalu television %a alu 4o nem 9e le<och garr echa4etalu' *ne grum baitseb alegn' *!*AA A* A &&P2(P,( * +0 &DD+ A & &DD+ A* & &DD0 AA A *++ &D+0 A A A +7 &D+7 * A *A

&'Q &' %e:esfin baitseb et ne4u eminorutQ +'AQ + 'mistu cent ametua ne4uQ 2'Q 2 :ech ne4u ete4eledeche4uQ /'Q /' Sera4a menden ne4uQ 7'Q 7' et ne4u emetsera4uQ 0'AQ 0' :esfin cent le<och alutQ ,'AQ ,' 4end le<u cent ametu ne4uQmeche ne4u ete4elede4Q 5'AQ 5' Sait le<u cent ametua ne4uQ D'Q D' meche ne4u ete4eledche4uQ &('AAQ &(' esait a at cent ametache4 ne4uQ &&'Q &&' mech ne4u ete4eldutQ &+'AAQ &+' e4end a at cent ametache4 ne4uQ &2'Q &2' meche ne4u ete4eledutQ &/'AQ &/' a atoch menn eseraluQ

2ultural note: *thiopians usuall do not celebrate their birthda s' Dates of birth are registered onl in some urban areas1 and man *thiopians donBt as9 4hat da of the ear the 4ere born' Fo4ever1 in the capital1 more and more people are celebrating their birthda s in Eestern st le and receiving gifts' Eeddings and funerals are ver big and attended b several hundreds of people' !t is not considered impolite to drop b someoneGs house 4ithout notice1 but in the capital1 more and more people call and ma9e arrangements before visiting someone' Ehen visiting someone as a guest1 itGs usuall polite to bring something1 but never to as9 our guest to pic9 up something'

1%A Listen to the follo,ing conversation #et,een t,o peopleA 3epeat after the speakersA )ollo, along in the ,ork#ookA A' &+ AA A' Selam Debebe' Be mes9erem &+ hulet she amest ene serge ne4u Ante ena baitseb tegabzachehal' B' AAQ B' amesegnaleu Debede' Cent seaitQ A' AA A' amest 4o nem amest te9ul' B' AQ B' adrash et ne4uQ A' A' 9e mer9ato hotel fitlefit ne4u' B' Q B' be menn lemtaQ A' A' be me9ina 4o nem be ta;i B' Q B' menn lamta Q A' * A' menem egzair estelegn''

B' *- B' egzair estelegn sele gebza4 1'A Work ,ith a partnerA Invite hi"Iher to your house to cele#rate a holidayA Give hi"Iher directions on ho, to get to your houseA 5se the dialogue a#ove as a "odelA

/ndEofELesson +asks 1A +ell in $"haric the date ,hen: > > E > > you ,ere #ornK you graduated fro" high schoolK you got "arriedK your child ,as #ornK you enrolled in the serviceA

2A Give the na"es of /thiopian holidays and tell ,hen they are cele#rated =in $"haric>A 3A Invite your roo""ate to a 2hrist"as party and give hi"Iher directions on ho, to get thereA

;oca#ulary List
The first The second The third The fourth The fifth The si;th The seventh The eighth The ninth The tenth The eleventh The t4elfth The thirteenth The fourteenth The fifteenth The si;teenth The seventeenth The eighteenth The nineteenth The t4entieth The t4ent >first The t4ent >second The t4ent >third The t4ent >fourth The t4ent >fifth The t4ent >si;th The t4ent >seventh The t4ent >eighth The t4ent >ninth )anuar Februar :arch April :a )une )ul August September October #ovember Anedna Fuletna Sostna Aratena Amestna Sedetna Sebatna Sementna Ietenena Aserna Asra anedna Asra huletna Asra sostna Asra aratna Asra amestna Asra sedestna Asra sebatna Asra sementna Asra zetenenaa Fa ana Fa a anedna Fa a huletna Fa a sostena Fa a aratn a Fa a amestna Fa a sedestna Fa a sebatena Fa a sementena Fa a zetenena mes9erem Ti9imit Fidar Tahesas Tir %e9atit :egabit :a azia ?nbot Sene Famele A A A A AA A A AA AA A A A A A A A

December Eas born To invite !nvitation Address Drive Turn rightPleft Come over To visit Birthda Birthda part Eedding Funeral To bring ! 4ant to invite ou R

#ehase %ete4elede4u :egabez ?ebez a Adrasha :endat Eede 9ene Pgerra #u :egobengnt Ledit Ledit beal Serge =eber :amtat *ne legabz

A P * A *

$ns,er 8ey
2A &' segno esamentu aneden a 9en neo' &'A +' ma9segno esamentu huleten a 9en neo' +' 2' erob esamentu Tsostena 9en neo' 2'* /' hamus esamentu aratena 9en neo' /'A 7' arb esamentu amesten a 9en neo' 7'AA 0' 9edame eamnetu sedesten a 9en neo' 0' ,' ehud esamentu sebaten a 9en neo' *

&' :onda is the first da of the 4ee9' +' Tuesda is the second da of the 4ee9' 2' Eednesda is the third da of the 4ee9' /' Thursda is the fourth da of the 4ee9' 7' Frida is the fifth da of the 4ee9' 0' Saturda is the si;th da of the 4ee9' ,' Sunda is the seventh da of the 4ee9' 1&A 2o"pare your ans,ers ,ith the translationA Did your understand the GuestionsF &' Ehere does the famil liveQ +' Fo4 old is the 4ifeQ 2' Ehen 4as she bornQ /' Ehat is her occupationQ 7' Ehere does she 4or9Q 0' Fo4 man children do the haveQ ,' Fo4 old is the sonQ Ehen 4as he bornQ 5' Fo4 old is the daughterQ D' Ehen 4as she bornQ &(' Fo4 old is the grandmotherQ &&' Ehen 4as she bornQ &+' Fo4 old is the grandfatherQ &2' Ehen 4as he bornQ &/' Ehat do the grandparents doQ : name is :esfin' ! am from *thiopia' ! live in Addis Ababa' ! have a big famil ' ! live 4ith m 4ife1 t4o children and m parents' Ee live in a big house' : 4ife is 2( ears

old' She 4as born on &&P2(P,(' She is a doctor and 4or9s in a hospital' : children are students the go to school' : daughter 4as born on +0 April &DD+' : son is eight ears old' Fe 4as born on Februar & &DD0' : mother is old she is sevent eight ears old' She 4as born on ++ )une &D+0' : father is sevent nine ears old he 4as born on +7 )ul &D+7' The do not 4or96 the read boo9s1 4atch television and pla 4ith the children' ! have a 4onderful famil ' &' Addis Ababa1 *thiopia +' 2( 2' #ovember +21 &D,( /' Doctor 7' Fospital 0' + ,' 5 ears old1 Februar &1 &DD0 5' &+ ears old D' April +01 &DD+ &(' ,5 &&' )une ++1 &D+0 &+' ,D &2' )ul +71 &D+7 &/' .ead boo9s1 4atch television1 and pla 4ith the grandchildren

Lesson 1. 4ait ,ost $round the 1ouse

This lesson 4ill introduce ou to> Basic vocabular related to the home @t pes of rooms1 furniture1 etc'A


:ost modern homes in *thiopia have furniture and room settings similar to those in the Eest' Fo4ever1 in rural homes and even in cities1 one can find authentic articles for the home @4ood carved chairs and tables1 hand>4oven bas9ets for storage1 animal hides for carpets and potter for 4ater1 pots and pansA'

The picture above sho4s a mesob1 4hich is a 4oven bas9et table used for traditional lunch and dinner' The food is served on a large round tra ' The top is removed 4hen the tra arrives and it is 9ept on the side' The chairs and side tables are hand>carved 4ood and the chair cover is made of co4hide' The painting is also made on co4hide'

1A Listen to the voca#ulary #elo, and repeat after the speakerA Bathroom Bedroom Dining room Door Floor Eindo4 ?arage .oof Antenna Office Basement %ard =itchen Living room One>stor T4o>stor First floor Second floor :etatebia bait :egneta bait :egeb bait Berr :erate :es9ot ?arage Tarra Antennae Office @biroA :eder bait ?ebi Cuchina @4et baitA Salon Aned fo9 Fulet fo9 Anedegna fo9 Fuletegna fo9 A P P A A

2A (atch the $"haric ,ords in the left colu"n ,ith their /nglish eGuivalents in the right colu"nA 2heck the ans,er keyA &' metaebia bait +' megneta bait 2' megeb bait /' berr 7' merate 0' mes9ot ,' ?arage 5' salon D' Office O &(' meder bait &&' gebiP &+' 4et bait@cuchinaA P A' Basement B' %ard C' ?arage D' Living room *' Bathroom F' =itchen ?' Bedroom F' Door !' Dining room )' Floor =' Office L' Eindo4

3A 2o"plete the follo,ing sentences #y filling in the #lanks fro" the list of ,ords ,ritten in the #o< #elo,A 2heck your ,ork ,ith the ans,er keyA garage &' &' tarra lie megneta bait antennae A A' A gebi 4et bait salon ena megeb bait *


+' O* +' office ena metatebia bait me9a9el 2' 2' bait fitlefit /' /' 4et bait A ale


me9a9el neo'

&A Dra, a plan of your house and tell your partner in $"haric the types of roo"s you have and ,here they are locatedA Work in pairs or in s"all groupsA %A (atch the follo,ing Guestions ,ith the correct ans,ersA 2heck your ,ork ,ith the ans,er keyA A B' C' D' *' F' ?' :etatebia bait et ne4uQ Q Eet bait et ne4uQ Q :egnta bait et ne4uQ Q *nante megeb bait alache4uQ *AQ *nanta garage alache4uQ *AQ *nante cent megnta bait alache4Q *AQ *nante meder bait alache4uQ * AQ &' Oe4o tenish garage alen AA +' :egnta bait salon ategeb ne4u A 2' Auo tele9 meder bait alen AA /' Auo egna sost megnta bait alen A*A 7' Eet bait anedegna fo9 ne4u' A 0' :etatebia bait megnta bait ategeb ne4u' A ,' ! egna megeb bait elenem A*

'A Pretend that you ,ant to #uy a houseA 6our class"ate is a real estate agentA (ake up a dialogue using the "odel #elo,A Work in pairs or in s"all groupsA !n Amharic1 OcentL means ho4 man and ho4 much' Fo4 man beds do ou haveQ 8cent alga alehQ Fo4 much sugar do ou 4antQ 8cent se9uarQ Or- cent man9ia se9uarQ Fo4 man teaspoons of sugarQ :odelA' * ene ground plus one megzat efelegale4u' B' AA gebe a4 ategeb teru tenish bait ale' A' AQ cent megnta bait ale4uQ B' AA aned megnta bait ale4u' A' AQ cent metatebia bait ale4uQ B' A gerume tele9 metatebia bait ale4u' A' AQ 4et bait ale4uQ B' AA Oe4o ale4u'

7A )a"iliariCe yourself ,ith these ter"s for furniture and furnishingsA Listen and repeat after the speakerA

genda or bagno P

alga A

metsehaf mederderia


9um saten




eterbaiza mebrat




e9a matebia


electric medega




shint bait

*A 4elo, is a chart ,ith roo"s you ,ould find in a typical ho"eA 5nder each roo" list the furniture and furnishings =fro" the list a#ove> that you ,ould e<pect to find thereA -o"e ite"s ,ill #e used "ore than onceA Wet #ait (ege# #ait salon (egneta #ait (etate#ia #ait

9A 5sing the chart a#ove ask each other Guestions a#out the furniture in your roo"sA &'anet @:A anchi@FA 4et bait menne aleh@:A alesh@FAQ > ene 4et bait 4ost electric medega ale' APAAPAQ *A +' ante @: A anchi @FA megeb bait menne aleh@:A alesh@FAQ 8 ene megeb bait 4ost terebaiza ale APAAPAQ *A

1.A Listen and read along as a speaker talks a#out his ho"e and then ans,er Guestions a#out the passageA ** AA AA**A *A*A *AA * A** *A A* *A *** %ene sem Fagos Faile mariam ne4u' *ne 9e mist ena 9e hulet legoch garr :e9ele ne4u eminore4u' %egna bait hulet fo9 ale4u' %ene abat 9e egna garr ne4u eminore4' %egna bait sost megneta bait ale4u- aned le ene ena le mist 1 aned le hulet 4end le<och1 ena aned le ene abat' Fulet megnta bait huletegna fo9 lie ne4u1 ena aned megnta bait anedgna fo9 lie ne4u' engan hulet metatebia bait alen' *ngna sefi 4et bait 9e electric medega 1 e9a matebia ena frige alen' Eet bait 4ost tele9 terebaiza megeb emenbelabet ale' *ngna :egeb bait elenem ' salon 4ost sofa 1terebaiza 1hulet 4enber ena tenish television ale' :ata 9e rat behula ene baiteseb ena ene television ena alen' A' Ehere does the famil liveQ B' Fo4 man people live in the houseQ C' !s the house one>stor or t4o>stor Q D' Fo4 man bedrooms are there1 and 4ho sleeps in 4hich bedroomQ *' Fo4 man bedrooms are on the first floorQ F' Fo4 man bathrooms are there in the houseQ

?' Ehere do the eat their mealsQ F' Ehat does the famil do in the evening after dinnerQ

/ndEofELesson +asks

1A Listen to the speaker and circle the ter"s that you hearA 2heck your ,ork ,ith the ans,er keyA &' +' 2' /' 7' 0' ,' 5' bedroom lamp toilet sofa carpet chair first floor garage bathroom oven bathtub chair floor dresser second floor basement living room stove sin9 bed 4indo4 radio one>stor roof

2A 6ou have a guest in your ho"eA Give hi"Iher ans,ers in $"haric, to the follo,ing GuestionsA Q :etatebia bait et ne4uQ Q Eet bait et ne4uQ AQ Cent megnta bait alache4uQ Q Sil9 et ne4uQ Q Television miet echelale4uQ Q .at meche tebelalhQ Q :eche tenesaleh teuatQ AQ Cent siat ne4u sera emeteha de4uQ

;oca#ulary List
Basement Bathroom Bathtub Bed Bedroom Boo9case Chair Closet Table Dining room Door Dresser Floor ?arage =itchen Lamp Living room :icro4ave oven One>stor Oven .adio Carpet Second floor Sin9 SofaPcouch Stove Television Toaster Toilet T4o>stor Eindo4 :eder bait :etatebi a bait Bagno Alega :egneta bait :etsehaf mederderia Eenber =ume saten Terbaiza :egeb bait Berr :esabia :erate ?arage Cuchina @4et baitA %eterbaiza mebrat Salon :iro4ave Aned fo9@ground plus oneA *lectric medega@ egas medegaA .adio :entaf Fuletegna fo9 %e9a matebia Sofa *lectiric megeg Television Toaster Shint bait Fuletegna fo9 :es9ot A AP P

$ns,er 8ey
2A &' * +' ? 2' ! /' F 7' ) 0' L ,' C 5' D D' = &(' A &&' B &+' F 3A &' &' tarra lie A antenna ale' A' T A megnta bait ale' A ale me9a9el neo'

+' O* +' office ena metatebia bait me9a9el 2' 2' bait fitlefit Tgarage

/' * /' 4et bait salon ena Tmegeb bait

&' There is aPan antennaTon the roof' +' There is a Tbedroom bet4een the office and the bathroom' 2' There is a garage in front of the house' /' There is a 9itchen bet4een Tthe living room and dining room %A $L' 4L% 2L2 DL7 /L1 )L& GL3 A Ehere is the bathroomQ :etatebia bait et neoQ Q B' Ehere is the 9itchenQ Eet bait et neoQ Q C' Ehere is the bedroomQ


&' %es1 4e have a small garage' Auo tenish garage alen AA +' The bedroom is ne;t to the living room' :egnta bait salon ategeb neo A 2' %es1 4e have a big basement'

:egnta bait et neoQ Q A D' Do ou have a dining roomQ bedrooms' *nante megeb bait alache4Q *AQ *' Do ou have a garageQ *nanta garage alache4Q *AQ F' Fo4 man bedrooms do ou haveQ *nante cent megnta bait alache4Q *AQ ?' Do ou have a basementQ /nante "eder #ait alache,F * AQ 1.A

Auo tele9 meder bait alen A /' Ee have three Auo egna sost megnta bait alen A*A 7' The 9itchen is on the first floor' Eet bait anedegna fo9 neo' A 0' The bathroom is ne;t to the bedroom' :etatebia bait megnta bait ategeb neo' A ,' #o1 4e donGt have a dining room' ! egna megeb bait elenem A*

: name is Fagos Faile :ariam' ! live 4ith m 4ife and t4o children in :e9ele' Ee have a small t4o>stor house' : father lives 4ith us' The house has 2 bedrooms- one for m 4ife and !1 one for our t4o sons1 and one for m father' T4o bedrooms are on the second floor1 and one bedroom is on the first floor' Ee have t4o bathrooms' Ee have a large 9itchen 4ith a stove1 oven1 sin9 and refrigerator' !n the 9itchen there is a large table 4here 4e eat' Ee do not have a dining room' Our living room has a sofa1 a table1 t4o chairs1 and a small television' !n the evening after dinner1 m famil and ! 4atch T"' A'Ehere does the famil liveQ (ekeleA B' Fo4 man people live in the houseQ)iveA C' !s the house one stor or t4o stor Q +,oEstoryA D' Fo4 man bedrooms are thereQ +hreeA *' Fo4 man bedrooms are on the first floorQ Eho sleeps thereQ 0ne hus#and and ,ifeA F' Fo4 man bathrooms are there in the houseQ +,oA ?' Ehere do the eat their mealsQ In the kitchenA F' Ehat does the famil do in the evening after dinnerQ Watch televisionA /ndEofELesson +asks 1A &' bathroom :etatebia biat +' lamp %eterebaiza mebrat 2' sin9 %e9a matebia /' bed Alga 7' 4indo4 :es9ot 0' radio .adio ,' first floor *negegna fo9 5' roof tarra


Lesson 11 A* ye ayer huneta ena ,eket Weather and -easons

This lesson 4ill introduce ou to> "ocabular related to 4eather1 seasons1 and climate > Fo4 to as9 for and give temperatures > Fo4 to understand the 4eather report > Fo4 to discuss the 4eather and climate in Amharic'


1' Listen to the ,eather ter"s as they are read aloudA 3epeat the ,eather ter"s after the speakerA







2A (atch the pictures ,ith the correct ,eather ter"A 3evie, the ter"s if you need helpA

#efas Sehigh Ienab Buredo

3A What do you hearF 2ircle the ter"s you hear spoken #y the native speakerA 2heck the ans,er keyA &' rain sun fog sno4 clouds 4ind +' rain sun fog sno4 clouds 4ind 2' rain sun fog sno4 clouds 4ind

&A )a"iliariCe yourself ,ith the follo,ing ter"s related to the ,eatherA Pause the recording as "any ti"es as you need toA 3epeat after the speakerA Temperature FahrenheitPCelsius Eeather Eeather forecast Eeather report Clear Overcast Eind Cold Lo4 temperature Freezing Earm Figh temperature Fot Dr Sunn .ain temperature FahrenheitPCelsius a ear e a ear tembia e a ear zegeba nesuhe semi demena nefas 9ez9aza @berdAV ze9etegna tempreture 4erch mu9et 9efetegna temperature 9atelo dere9 sehigh zenab P A A A

V*thiopia has onl t4o seasons- rain @9iremtA and 4arm @beggaA' The four season terms do not e;ist'

The difference bet4een kezkaza and berd- kezkaza 8 mostl freezing6 berd 8 mostl cold or cool' !t is a sa ing that *thiopia has &2 months of sunshine' !t is ver pleasant all ear round1 4ith temperatures in Addis Ababa averaging around +( degrees Celsius or 05 degrees Fahrenheit no matter 4hat season it is' The rain season @kiremtA is from mid>)une to mid>September' There is also a bit of light rain in :arch and April' The 4arm season is called begga 4ith an average temperature of 0( degrees F' Although *thiopia is relativel close to the e3uator1 the central plateau has a temperate climate and onl in the east to4ards .ed Sea1 and in the 4est1 near Sudan1 does it get ver hot' There are three 4a s of distinguishing the climate in *thiopia- dega1 the cold areas li9e the highlands 4hich can be freezing1 wayen adega is 4arm and cool areas1 and kola is the ver hot areas' The seasons are all the same in all the three areas of the countr ' Also1 because the 4eather is al4a s pleasant and predictable 4ith onl t4o seasons1 most people do not discuss the 4eather unless it is unusuall hot or cold1 or the rain season is late or earl ' The rain season is ver important since that is the time of harvest in *thiopia'

%A Listen to the Guestions and responses a#out the ,eatherA 3epeat the" after the speakerA > Fo4 is the 4eather in DecemberQ > !tGs cold and sno4 ' > Fo4 is the 4eather in AprilQ > !tGs 4arm and clear' > Fo4 is the 4eather in )ul Q > !tGs sunn and hot' > Fo4 is the 4eather in OctoberQ > !tGs 4ind and rain ' A earu indate ne4u be tahsasQ Q =ez9aza ena buredo ne4u A earu indate ne4u be miaziaQ :u9et ena nesuhe sem ne4u' A earu indate ne4u be hamleQ Sehigh ena mu9et ne4u' A* * A* Q * A*Q *

A earu indate ne4u be te9imtQ A* Q #efas ena zenab ne4u *

'A 3ead the follo,ing short dialogues on ,eather and "atch each one to a picture #elo,A &> zare a earu indate ne4uQ > damena ena zenab ne4u' A*Q * +> temperature cent ne4uQ ++ degrees Celsius neuN betam mu9et ena nesuhe semi ne4u' Q ++ N*

2> eza a earu indate ne4uQ > buredo ena 4erch ne4u' *A*Q *

/> sehigh ne4uQ > i1 chegag ena 9ez9aza ne4u' Q A *





7A +ranslate the dialogues #elo, into $"haricA 2heck your ,ork ,ith the ans,er keyA &' Fo4 is the 4eather in :a Q !tGs sunn ' +' Fo4 is the 4eather in )uneQ !tGs rain ' 2' Fo4 is the 4eatherQ !tGs ver hot' /' Fo4 is the 4eatherQ !tGs cold' 7' Fo4 is the 4eatherQ !tGs clear'

*A Work ,ith a partnerA Put the given ,ords into correct order so that you can ask a Guestion and give an ans,er a#out the ,eather in different placesA 2heck your ,ork ,ith the ans,er keyA (odel: buP BostonPaleP tahsaseP zenabPburedo PPAPPP $tudent %- Boston be tahsase zenab aleQ AQ $tudent &- ! 1 boston be tahsase buredo elem A &A SeattleP mu9etP buP aleP sehighP hamlePauoPale PPPAPPPAPA +A Addis AbebaPalePbuPnefasPenaPhidarPberdsP ! P ale PsehighPale A APAPPP*PPPAPAPPA 2A megbitP buP mu9etP aleP auoP P aleP $ortland PPPAPAPAP

9A Listen to the speakerA (ark the state"ent that you hearA &' A' A a earu bu mes9erm sehigh ne4u ' B' A* a eauru bu mes9erm zenab ena mu9et ne4u C' A* a earu bu mes9erm chegage ena berd ne4u' A' Q zare emperature menden ne4uQ B' Q zare emperature meneden ne4uQ C' Q zare temperaturu menden ne4uQ ++ ++ degrees Celsius ne4u' ++ ++ degrees Fahrenheit ne4u' ++ ++ degrees ne4u'



A' QA* begga 9ez9aza ne4uQ ! mu9et ena sehigh ne4u' B' AQA* begga zenab aleQ ! mu9et ena sehigh ne4u' C' AQA* begga nefas aleQ ! mu9et ena sehigh ne4u'


A' AQ * e negge a ear tembia menden ne4uQ Demean ena berd ne4u' B' AQ * e nege a ear tembia menden ne4uQ Demean ena berd ne4u' C' AQ * e negge a ear huneta menden ne4uQ Sehigh ena berd ne4u' A' *Q * begga mu9et ena zenab ne4u' =iremt 9ez9aza ena buredo ne4u' B' *Q * begga mu9et ena dere9 ne4u' =iremt 9ez9aza ena buredo ne4u' C' *Q * begga mu9et ena sehigh ne4u' =iremt 9ez9aza ena beredo ne4u'


1.A )a"iliariCe yourself ,ith the follo,ing ter"s related to ,eather and natural disastersA

Lightning mebre9

Thunderstorm negodguad

Tornado aulo nefas A

Furricane maebel A

Flood gorf

11A What do you hearF 2ircle the ter" you hear spoken #y the native speakerA 2heck the ans,er keyA &' flood lightning tornado hurricane thunderstorm +' flood lightning tornado hurricane thunderstorm 2' flood lightning tornado hurricane thunderstorm negodguad meabel A aulo nefas A gorf mebre9

12A $ns,er the GuestionsA 2heck your ,ork ,ith the ans,er keyA

> negodguad ne4uQ Q ! mebre9 ne4u A

?orf ne4uQ Q ! aulo nefas ne4u A A

:aebel ne4uQ AQ ! negodguad ne4u A

Aulo nefas ne4uQ AQ ! gorf ne4u' A

:ebre9 ne4uQ Q ! maebel ne4u' AA

/ndEofELesson +asks

1A Listen to the follo,ing ,eather report for different cities in $"haricA In /nglish fill in the chart #elo, ,ith the ,eather and te"perature for each cityA Pause or replay the audio if neededA 2heck your ,ork ,ith the ans,er keyA Play Weather 3eport

Cit &' +' 2' /'



2A Listen to another ,eather report and ans,er the Guestions #elo,A 2heck your ,ork ,ith the ans,er keyA Tena estelegn endemen ameshache41 eha e a ear zegeba 9e a;um le sene asra hulet she arat neo' zare sehigh bu 9efetegna +0 degrees Celsius bu 9en ena zenab Bu mata ze9etagna &5 degrees Celsius neo' *AAA A A+0 * &5

For 4hat cit is this 4eather reportQ For 4hat date is this 4eather reportQ Ehat 4ill be the high and lo4 temperatures for the da Q !s rain e;pectedQ !s 4ind mentionedQ 3A Working in pairs or s"all groups descri#e the picturesA 5sing the voca#ulary youDve learned in this lesson co"pose a story to "atch the picturesA Include the season of the year the na"e of the "onth the type of ,eather it see"s to #e etcA

;oca#ulary List
Eeather Eeather forecast Eeather report .ain Sun Eind Sno4 Fog Lightning Thunderstorm Tornado Furricane clouds .ain Sunn Cloud Freezing Clear TemperatureFahrenheitPCelsius Fot Cold Earm Dr Overcast Eind Figh Lo4 ear e a ear tembia %e a ear zegeba Ienab Sehigh #efas Buredo Chegage mebre9 #egodguad Aulo nefas %e meabel demena Ienabama Sehighama Demean 4erch #esuhe semi Temperature- FahrenheitPCelsius :u9et @9ateloA =ez9aza :u9et Dere9 Demean #efas =efetegna Ie9etegan A A A AU A P P

$ns,er 8ey
3A &' rain zenabP +' 4ind nefas P 2' clouds gummeP 'A &' B Fo4 is the 4eather toda Q !t is overcast and raining' 2' D Fo4 is the 4eather thereQ !tGs sno4ing and belo4 freezing' 7A &>A*Q >A +A*Q >A 2>A*Q />A*Q >A 7A*Q >A *A Seattle mu9et behamle aleQ &'AQ Auo sehigh ale AA +'AA*AQ Addis abeba nefas ena berd behdar aleQ ! sehigh ale AA $ortland mu9et bemegabit aleQ 2'AQ Auo ale AA A earu bu genbot endate ne4uQ * earu sehigh ne4u A earu be senie endate ne4uQ A earu zenab ne4uQ A earu endate ne4uQ Betam mu9et ne4u A earu endate ne4uQ A earu berd ne4u A earu endate ne4uQ A earu nesuhe ne4u +' C Ehat is the temperatureQ !t is ++ degrees CelsiusN !t is ver 4arm and clear' /' A !s it sunn Q #o1 itGs fogg and cold'

9A &' +' B' Q ++ zare temperaturu meneden ne4uQ ++ degrees Fahrenheit ne4u' 2' C' AQA* begga nefas aleQ i mu9et ena sehigh ne4u' /' 7' 11A &' thunderstorm negodguad +' lightning mebre9 2' hurricane meabel A 12AA > !s it a thunderstormQ > negodguad neoQ Q > #o1 itGs lightning1 ! mebre9 neo A > !s it a tornadoQ Aul o nefas neoQ AQ > #o1 itGs a flood ! gorf neo' A > !s it a floodQ ?orf neoQ Q #o1 itGs a tornado' ! aulo nefas neo AA > !s it a hurricaneQ :aebel neoQ AQ > #o1 itGs a thunderstorm ! negodguad neo A A' AQ * e negge a ear tembia menden ne4uQ demean ena berd ne4u' B' *Q * begga mu9et ena dere9 ne4u' 9iremt 9ez9aza ena buredo ne4u' A' A a earu bu mes9erm sehigh ne4u '

> !s it lightningQ :ebre9 neoQ Q > #o1 itGs a hurricane' ! maebel neo' AA

/nd of Lesson +asks 1A Toda in Addis Ababa it 4ill be cold and 4ind 4ith a temperature of &/ degrees Celsius in the da time and a lo4 of &( degrees Celsius at night' !n #egele to the south it 4ill be hot and dr 4ith temperature of 2( degrees Celsius in the da time and lo4 of +( degrees Celsius at night' !n )igiga to the east it 4ill be ver hot 4ith the temperature of 25 degrees Celsius in the da and +7 degrees at night' !n the 4est in ?orre it 4ill be rain and 4arm 4ith a temperature of +, degrees Celsius in the da and a of lo4 +( degrees Celsius at night' 2A Fello1 good evening' This is the 4eather report from A;um for )ul &(th +((/' Toda it is a sunn da 4ith a high of +0 degrees Celsius and a rain lo4 of &5 degrees Celsius at night' *AAA A A+0 * &5 Tena estelegn endemen ameshache41 eha e a ear zegeba 9e a;um le sene asra hulet she arat neo' zare sehigh bu 9efetegna +0 degrees Celsius bu 9en ena zenab Bu mata ze9etagna &5 degrees Celsius neo'

Lesson 12 6ese, ku"ena Personal $ppearance

This lesson 4ill introduce ou to> oneGs ph sical features @hair color1 4eight1 height1 etc'A > articles of clothing > colors > description of a personGs ph sical appearance1 including the clothing > appropriate 4a s to as9 about someoneGs appearance'


1' Look at the pictures #elo, and fa"iliariCe yourself ,ith the ne, voca#ularyA Listen to the descriptions of peopleDs appearancesA

+all regy"

-hort acher A

1eavy 8e#ed yale @A

+hin kechin

6oung ,etat

0ld she"agele

-hort $chir A

Long regy"

4lond #lond

3ed kaye

Gray she#et

2A Look at the pictures #elo, and listen to the descriptions of peopleDs appearancesA

This 4oman is oung' She is tall and thin' * * echi sait 4etat nat' esua reg m ena 9echin nat'

This man is also oung' Fe has an average height and medium frame' *A eha se4 em 4etat ne4u' me9a9elegna 9umet ena se4net ale4u'

Ehen describing personal appearance in Amharic1 most ad<ectives are the same as in *nglish' The main difference is the use of old and fat' !n *nglish those terms can be negative1 4hereas in Amharic the are not' For e;ample1 if someone is ver fat or obese1 4e use Over L fat @betam weframA' Also in *nglish there is one 4ord to describe an old thing and a person1 4hereas in Amharic an old person is telek sewyea @:A or telek saityo @FA1 and for a thing1 use OarogayLarogay "hama, arogay t' , arogay radio etc'

3A Look at the pictures #elo, and fa"iliariCe yourself ,ith the ne, voca#ularyA Listen to the speaker and repeat as you follo, along in the ,ork#ookA Fair- Blond Bro4n .ed ?ra Curl Straight Blond Buna =e e Shebut Te9lel @curl A =et ale

This oung 4oman has short bro4n hair' This oung man also has short bro4n hair' AA A A echi 4etat sait acher buna segur alat' %eha 4etat 4end acher buna segur ale4

The oung girl has long blond hair' The old man has gra hair' A A echi 4etat sait le< regem blond segur alat' %eha tele9 se4 ea shebut ale4u' &A Look at the pictures and ,rite descriptions of the peopleA 5se the appropriate gra""ar and voca#ularyA 2heck the ans,er key for a translation of the "odelA The model- A**A A Alemu regem ne4u1 esu sem a4e shemis ena arenguade suri argual *A** A Da4it blond ena achir ne4u1 esu bertu9an shemis ena gra suri argual *** A :embere 4efram ena blond nat1 esua sem a4e suri ena burtu9an A*** A shemiz argalech'?enet 9echin ena regem nat1 esua rose lebs ena chama argalech'

$le"u ena Da,it

(e"#ere ena Genet


%A Look at the pictures #elo, and fa"iliariCe yourself ,ith the ne, voca#ularyA Listen to the speaker and repeat as you follo, along in the ,ork#ookA

*ar <oro

#ose afencha A

* e a en A

:outh af A

?lasses meneser

Beard sim

Light S9in 9e e

:edium S9in te em

Dar9 S9in te9ur

'A )ro" the list a#ove choose the characteristics and ad7ectives used to descri#e each featureA /yes 1air -kin 1eight )ra"e )acial )eatures

7A In each line of te<t #elo, cross out the ter" that does not logically #elongA 2heck your ,ork ,ith the ans,er keyA bicha achir A afencha A blond arenguade A meneser sim gracha 9echin reg m 4efram 9umet buna a net A me9a9elegna a en A te em @te9urA P

*A Listen to the descriptions of different peopleDs appearances ,hile reading the follo,ing dialoguesA $ns,er the GuestionsA 2heck your ,ork ,ith the ans,er keyA 1A AQ 8 e li a segur 9elem men a ent ne4uQ A > esua segure buna a ent ne4u' AQ > e li a segure reg m ne4ue 4o nes achirQ A > achir ne4u' Q > e li a segur te9lel ne4u 4o nes 9et aleQ > 9et ale ne4u' 2A Q 8 petros meneser aregalQ A*A > ! esu meneser a aregem AAQ > e petros a en 9elem men a ente ne4uQ A > esu a en seme a4e ne4u' 3A Q > 9idane reg m ne4uQ * > esu me9a9elegna ne4u' * > esu 4efram ne4uQ * > ! esu 9echin ne4u ' ' uestions! &' Fo4 man people 4ere describedQ +' Ehat 4ere their namesQ 2' Ehat 9ind of hair does Li a haveQ /' Does $etros 4ear glassesQ 7' Does $etros have bro4n e esQ 0' !s =idane short and heav Q

9' )a"iliariCe yourself ,ith the ne, voca#ulary for clothing and colorsA Listen and repeat after the speakerA Blac9 ?ra ?reen .ed Blue %ello4 Ehite Te9ur ?racha Arenguade =e e Seme a4e Bicha #ech A

.ed Coat =e e coat

?ra Suit ?racha sufe

Tan $ants =a9i suri

Blue )eans Blue <eans

?reen )ac9et Arenguade <ac9et A

Bro4n S4eater Buna a net shoerab A

Orange Shirt Bertu9an a net shemese A

Blue T>Shirt Seme a4e 9anatera@t>shirtA P

?reen S9irt Arenguade gurd A

$urple Dress Ehensege 9emis

Ehite S4eat Suit #ech tuta

%ello4 Shorts Becha 9umta

Bro4n Boots Buna a net boots A

Blue Shoes Seme a4e chama

Blac9 Fat Te9ure 9ofe a

?ra Uniform ?racha uniform

Blac9 Soc9s Te9ur 9alsi

Ehite Soc9s #ech 9alsi

1.A (atch each description ,ith the corresponding pictureA )ill in the #lank ,ith the correct letterA !ote that there could #e "ore than one "atchA 2heck your ,ork ,ith the ans,er keyA

& ' R' Tele9 sait o nache4u' RR'' +' RR' blond ne4u' RR'' 2' RR' .egem buna a enet segur alat' RR''A A /' RR' ?racha suf lebsual RRR 7' RR' Seme a4e suri lebsul' RR'' 0' RR' Eetat sait nat'

RR'' ,' RR' .egim 9echin nat' RRR 5' RR' Bicha 9emis lebsalech' RR' D' RR' Seme a4e 9anatera lebsalech' RR'' &(RR'' 4efram ne4u' RR''

11A +ranslate the follo,ing descriptions into /nglishA 2heck your ,ork ,ith the ans,er keyA A' *2(A* AA * Fanna reg m 9echin nat' esua 2( ametua ne4u' esua blond te9lel segur1 arenguade a en1 ena 9e a nat' B' **/7A*A A* Samuel reg m ena 4efram ne4u ' esu /7 ametu ne4u' esu achir shebut segure 1 seme a4e a en1 ena 9e e ne4u' C' AA*A 4etaderu te9ur achir segur ale4 ' esu achir ena 9echin ne4u' D' &(A*** A* echi tenish le< &( ametua ne4u' esua reg m ena 9echin nat' esua reg m bunama segure 1 bunama a en 1 ena te em nat '

/ndEofELesson +asks 1A Descri#e the people you see in the picturesA )or each person include the appro<i"ate age skin tone color and length of hair and ,hat heIshe is ,earingA 5se the "odel:



echi 4ettat sait te em ena 9on<o nat'esua 9e e 9anatera lebsalech +'AA echi saite o seme a4i shemis lebsalech'meneser argalech shebet segur alat 2'*A eha se4 ea sema a4i suf be 9e e 9aravat ena meneser argual /'* eha 4end 4etat ana mel9e mel9am neo' 7'A** eha se4 ea africa4e neo'melata ena te em neo'9e e shemis ena te9ur suf lebsu4al' 0'* eha se4 ea gracha 9anatera lebs4al'esu melata neo'

2A 2o"e up ,ith a si"ple description for each of the people listed #elo,A =6ou "ay su#stitute any individual you ,ish for those listedA> 4e sure to include hair color and length appro<i"ate height and age eye color and skin toneA /<a"ple: : mother is 02 ears old' She is tall and has a medium frame' She has short1 gra hair and bro4n e es' She has light s9in' She 4ears glasses' A' :other B' Father C' Co>4or9er D' $resident of the United States *' %our ne;t>door neighbor 3. Work in pairs. Pretend that you and your partner are roo""atesA When you ,ent to the store so"eone ca"e to visit youA !o, you are #ackA $sk your roo""ate Guestions a#out that personDs appearanceA 6our partner ,ill descri#e the visitorA In $"haric say ,hat heIshe looks likeA =Is heIshe tall or shortF 1eavy or thinF What kind of hair does heIshe haveF What ,as he ,earingF What colors ,ere the clothesF> "xample! *sua reg m 9echin ena achir blond segur alat' **A A *sua te9ur suri ena rose shemise lebsalech' **

;oca#ulary List
Average Beard Blac9 Blond Blue Blue <eans Boots Bro4n Color Curl Dar9 Dress *ars * es Face Frame ?lasses ?ra ?reen Fair Fat )ac9et Large Light :an :edium :outh #ose Old $ants .ed Shirt Shoes Short S9in S9irt Small Straight Suit S4eater S4eats me9a9elegna Sim Te9ur blond Sime a4e Blue <eans Bote chama @bootsA Buna =elem Ti9let Te9or ale =emis )orro A en Feet Frame :eneser 9a9i Arenguade Segure =ofe a )ac9et Tele9 debezaza Se4 e :e9a9elegan Afe Afencha Aroge@used onl for thingsA suri 9e e shemese chama 9umta 9oda gurred Tenish =at ale Suff Shurab Tuta @ esporte lebeseA P A A A A A @ A

Tall Thin To 4ear T>shirt Ehite Eoman %ello4 %oung

.eg m =echin :elbess =anatera @T>shirtA #ech Sait o Bicha 4etat

$ns,er 8ey
&A Alemu is tall 1 he is 4earing blue shirt and green pants' Da4it is blond and short1 he is 4earing orange shirt and gra pants' :embere is heav and blond1 she is 4earig blue pants and orange' ?enet is thin and tall1 she is 4earing pin9 dress and shoes' 7A blue bicha short achir A nose afencha A blond blond *A &' > Ehat color is Li aGs hairQ > Fer hair is bro4n' > !s Li aGshair long or shortQ > !tGs short' > !s Li aGshair curl or straightQ > !tGs straight' +' > Does $etros 4ear glassesQ > #o1 he doesnGt 4ear glasses' > Ehat color are $etrosGs e esQ > Fis e es are blue' 2' > !s =idane tallQ > Fe is of average height' > !s he heav Q >#o1 he is thin' &' +' 2' /' Fo4 man people 4ere describedQ +hreeA Ehat 4ere their namesQ Liya Petros 8idaneA Ehat 9ind of hair does Li a haveQ -hort straight #ro,nA Does $etros 4ear glassesQ !oA green arenguade A glasses meneser beard sim gra gracha thin 9echin tall reg m heav 4efram height 9umet bro4n buna a net A average me9a9elegna e es a en A dar9 te em @te9urA P

7' Does $etros have bro4n e esQ !o he has #lue eyesA 0' !s =idane short and heav Q !o average height and thinA 1.A

& ' RD' Tele9 sait o nache4u' RR'' +' R*R' blond ne4u' RR'' 2' RCR' .egem buna a enet segur alat' RR''AA /' RAR' ?racha suf lebsual RRR 7' R*R' Seme a4e suri lebsul' RR'' 0' RBR' Eetat sait nat' RR'' ,' RCR' .egim 9echin nat' RRR 5' RCR' Bicha 9emis lebsalech' RR' D' RBR' Seme a4e 9anatera lebsalech' RR'' &(RRA'' 4efram ne4u' RR'' 11A A' Fanna is tall and thin' She is 2( ears old' She has blond curl hair1 green e es1 and fair s9in' B' Samuel is tall and heav ' Fe is /7 ears old' Fe has short gra hair1 blue e es1 and light s9in' C' The soldier has dar9 short hair' Fe is short and thin' D' A oung girl is &( ears old' She is tall and thin' She has long bro4n hair1 bro4n e es1 and dar9 s9in'

Lesson 13 "egenga +ransportation


This lesson 4ill introduce ou to> The verbs of motion > The 4a s of as9ing 3uestions regarding the different modes of transportation > The different t pes of transportation available in *thiopia

*thiopian Airlines is one of AfricaGs largest and best airlines1 4ith an e;tensive net4or9 of flights throughout Africa1 *urope1 Asia and #orth America' !t also has a strong internal net4or9 and its prices are reasonable' There is also a good net4or9 of cheap1 slo4 buses along all ma<or roads' The onl train line runs bet4een Addis Ababa and Dire Da4a1 and itGs long and slo4' !n the capital there are lu;ur ta;is for hire at an of the ma<or hotels1 and ta;is on the street that ou can flag do4n and negotiate the price1 either b the hour or to our destination' The average *thiopian ta9es the mini bus @weyeyetA1 4hich can carr about &( passengers and is ver reasonable' There is also the cit bus1 4hich is the cheapest 4a of getting around1 but it is mostl used b the poor6 it is ver cro4ded and does not run on time' Although there are man privatel o4ned cars1 the ma<orit of *thiopians use public transportation1 and a fe4 use bic cles and motorc cles' !n rural areas1 horses1 mules1 camels and horse carriages are used'

1A Listen and repeat the follo,ing ,ords as you read alongA

aroplan A Airplane

beesclate Bic cle

mer9eb Ship

autobos A Bus

me9ina Car

gelba Ferr Boat

helicopter Felicopter

motorc cle :otorc cle

ta;i Ta;i

babour Train

echinet ma9ina Truc9

-tudy the ver#s of "otionA To 4al9 8 bu egir mehaad to or in *nglish1 to go on foot' This is ho4 the verb Oto 4al9L is used*;ample 8 ! 4al9 to 4or9' *ne sera bu egir neo emehade4' To drive 8 mendat *;ample 8 ene sera bu me9ina neo emehade4' To ride 8 to ride a bic cle and to ride a motorc cle use the same verb as to drive- Omendat'L 2A Listen to the Guestions and ans,ers a#out using different for"s of transportationA 3epeat after the speaker as you read alongA Fo4 do ou go to 4or9Q Sera bu mennden neo emetha de4Q

:odel4ho W destination Wmode of transportation W the verb of motion ene sera bu me9ina ne4u emeha de4 ! go to 4or9 b car' * b carP be me9ina ne4u emeha de4u b busP be autobos ne4u emeha de4u A b trainP be babour ne4u emeha de4 b bic cleP be beesclate ne4u emeha de4u b boatP be mer9eb ne4u emeha de4u b motorc cleP be motorc cle ne4u emeha de4u b truc9P be chinet me9ina ne4u emeha de4u

*ne *

3A Listen to and read each state"ent #elo, and "atch it ,ith the correct pictureA 2heck your ,ork ,ith the ans,er keyA


A' *A ene 4holle teuat temhertbait bu autobos ne4u emha de4u' B' 4etaderoch be meder tor me9ina eha dalu' C' * zenab sizenb egna be ta;i ne4u emenha d4e' D' * ene be me9ina ne4u sera emeha de4u' *' ene guadegna be beesclate ne4u sera emiha de4u' F' ene 4endem motorc cle ne4u emeneda4u' &A (ake co"plete sentences out of the ,ords #elo,A (odel: ene te"ehrt#ait #u auto#os haydale, ,ho M destination M"ode of transportation M the ver# of "otion I ride the #us to schoolA *A ene1 motorc cle1 ene 4endem1 mendate1 4ede1 temehrtbait1 beesclate1 egna 4elagoch1 me9ina1 aroplan marefia1 babour1 ezefen zegegit1 metshaf bait1 ene guadegna1 mendate1 ta;i1 autobos1 meha d * A A

The different modes of transportation and ho4 to as9 for directions' Q %e9erta1 ban9 et noeQ Ehere is the ban9Q AA adebaba ategeb noe1bu ta;i meha d echalal !tGs near the s3uare6 ou can ta9e a ta;i' * egzair estelgn Than9 ou'

%A !o, read the follo,ing e<changesA Listen to the" and repeat after the speakerA > *;cuse me' ! 4ant to go to the librar ' Fo4 do ! get thereQ ** E yekertaK "etsehaft #ait "ehayd efelgale,u endate ne,u ye"hayde,uF > Ta9e bus number &/' &/ > &/ 9utter me4sed techilaleh > Than9s' * > egzair estelegn' > %ou are 4elcome' A >abro estlegn > Fo4 do ! get to the hospitalQ *Q > ha9im bait endate ne4u emeha de4uQ > Ta9e a ta;i' > ta;i me4sed techilaleh > Than9 ou ver much' * > butam egzair estelegn'

> %ou are 4elcome' * > butam egzair estelegn' > $lease tell me ho4 to get to the hotel from the airportQ A** > ba9oten 9e hotel aroplan marefia endate meha d echilale4u Q > Ta9e the train' > be babour' > Ehat numberQ Q > cent 9uterQ > Train number ++' ++ > babour 9uter++

'' Working ,ith a partner1 "ake up si"ilar e<changesA 5se the ,ords fro" /<ercise % and the pictures #elo, to choose the destinationA

theatre P

ba9er P

train stationP

7A !o, listen to the dialogues and "ark the state"ent that you hearA 2heck your ans,ers ,ith the ans,er keyA &' +' 2' A' Do ou ta9e a ta;i to the concertQ #o1 ! ta9e m car' B' Do ou ta9e a bus to the concertQ #o1 ! ta9e m car' C' Do ou ta9e a train to the concertQ #o1 ! ta9e m car' A' Ehat bus should ! ta9e to the post officeQ Bus number &5' th B' Ehat street should ! ta9e to the post officeQ &5 Street' C' Ehat e;it should ! ta9e to the post officeQ *;it &5' A' : parents drive their cars to 4or91 but 4e ride our bic cles' B' : parents drive their cars to 4or91 but 4e 4al9' C' : parents drive their cars to 4or91 but 4e ta9e the train'

$t a service station

*' )a"iliariCe yourself ,ith the follo,ing voca#ularyA Listen to the speaker and follo, along in your #ookA ?as ?as station Service station Diesel Car 4ash Oil TirePtires Air Eater Flat tire Bainzeen @petrolA Bainzeen @petrolA made a ?arage #afta :e9ina matebia %eme9ina zeit ?ommaP gomma4och A ear Eeha ?omma feneda P P P A

!n *thiopia the metric s stem is used for measuring1 liters1 9ilos1 meters1 9ilometers1 and grams' ?as and all li3uid substances are sold in liters' & gallon X 2',57 liters & 3uart X 'D/0 liters & liter X +'& pints &( liters X +'02 gallons

9A Listen to the people at a service station and find out ,hat each needsA 2ircle the /nglish eGuivalents of the ter"s you hearA 2heck your ,ork ,ith the ans,er keyA A' B' C' D' Air Air Air Air ?as ?as ?as ?as Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Tires Tires Tires Tires Oil Oil Oil Oil Car Eash Car Eash Car Eash Car Eash

1.A )a"iliariCe yourself ,ith these ter"s identifying infrastructureA .oad Figh4a Free4a Local road .ailroad .ing road menged %eme9ina menged %eme9ina menged %emender menged %ebabour menged %e9elebet menged

/ndEofELesson +asks 1A +ell ho, you ,ould get to the follo,ing places using various "odes of transportationA +ry to "ake your story interesting and include as "any details as you canA

2A Listen and ,rite do,n the responses to the Guestions #elo, in $"haric and /nglishA 2heck your ,ork ,ith the ans,er keyA A' 8ene bainzeen elegnem' Bainzeen made a et ne4uQ *Q B' 8 ene gomma e fendtula' A ear alehQ *AAQ C' 8 cent ne4u bainzeen be literPgallonQ PQ D' 8 e cent bainzeen tefelgalhQ Q

;oca#ulary List
Air Airplane Bic cle Boat Bus Car Car 4ash Concert Diesel Ferr boat Free4a A ear Aroplan Beesclate :er9eb Autobus @busA :e9ina :e9ina matebi a %e musi9a zegegit #afta ?elba %eme9ina menged @ e9efle Fager mengedA ?allon ?allon Benzine Felicopter Felicopter Figh4a %eme9ina menged Librar :etsehaft bait Liter Liter Local road %emender menged :otorc cle :otorc cle Oil Ie it .ailroad Babur menged Service station Benzin made a School Temhert bait Ship :er9eb Ta;i Ta;i TirePtires ?ommaPgomma4och Train Babur Truc9 Chinet me9ina Eater Eeha Eor9 Sera Fo4 do ou go to 4or9Q Sera bumen teha dalehQ ! drive m car' Bu me9ina ! ta9e a bus to go to school' *ne bu autobus neo temhertbait emeha de4 Fo4 do ! get to the hospitalQ A A A @ A ?as

P Q *A Fa9im bait bu menn meha d echelale4Q *Q

$ns,er 8ey
3A 0'A' ! ta9e the bus to school ever morning' /'B' Soldiers ride in an arm truc9' 7'C' Ehen itGs raining1 4e ta9e a ta;i' +'D' ! drive m car to go to 4or9' 2'*' : friend rides his bi9e to 4or9' &'F' : brother rides a motorc cle' 7A &' A' Do ou ta9e a ta;i to the concertQ #o1 ! ta9e m car' ezefen zegegit be ta;i ne4u emet ade4uQ i1 be me9ina ne4u emeha de4u' Q A th +' B' Ehat street should ! ta9e to the post officeQ &5 Street' etgna4 menged ne4u em4esde4 posta bait lemeha Q Autobos asra sement QAA 2' C' : parents drive their cars to 4or91 but 4e ta9e the train' ene 4elagoch sera be me9ina ne4u emiha dut1 egna genn be babour ne4u eminha de4u' * 9A A' B' C' D' > ene a ear le gomma felgale4u *A > ene aser gallon bainzeen ena aned liter zeit felgale4u *A*A > ene me9ina matebia felgale4u * 8 ene nafta le me9ina felgale4u *

A' B' C' D'

! need some air for m tires' ! need &( gallons of gas and & 3uart of oil' ! need a car 4ash and gas' ! need diesel for m car and oil'

/ndEofELesson +asks 2A A' > ! have no gas' Ehere is the gas stationQ > T4o miles this 4a '

B' > ! have a flat tire' Do ou have airQ >%es1 4e do' C' > Fo4 much is the gas per literPgallonQ > Y+'27 a gallon' D' 8 Fo4 much gas do ou 4antQ > 7 litersPgallons please' A' 8ene bainzeen elegnem' Bainzeen made a et neoQ > hulet mile ere9al * Q B' 8 ene gomma e fendtula' A ear alehQ >auo alen' * AAQ A A C' 8 cent neo bainzeen bu literPgallonQ > hulet dollar 9e selasa amest santim PQ A D' 8 e cent bainzeen tefelgalhQ E a"est literIgallon e#akot Q AQ PL*

Lesson 1& GooCo +ravel

This lesson 4ill introduce ou to> "ocabular related to travel > Fo4 to bu a train1 bus1 or airplane tic9et > Fo4 to understand schedules > Border crossing and roadbloc9 procedures'


There are several local *thiopian airlines tic9et offices 4here one can purchase a tic9et for local and international flights' A bus tic9et is purchased 4hen boarding1 and a train tic9et is purchased at the train station' There is a significant difference bet4een first class and second class for trains and air travel1 but buses usuall have onl a standard rate and class'

1A Listen to the follo,ing dialogue a#out #uying a ticket at a train station and read along in the ,ork#ookA Soldier*;cuse me1 maGam' e9erta 4eizerit Can ! help ouQ menn lerda4otQ Q ! need to bu a tic9et to the cit of Dire Da4a' tic9et le Dire da4a felgale4 Departing on 4hat da Q me ahga be men 9enQ Q Toda ' zare One>4a or roundtripQ meha ga 4e nes derso melseQ .oundtrip' derso melse First class or second classQ andegna meareg 4e nes huletegna me>aregQ AAAQ Second class1 please' huletegna me>areg eba9ot A* .eturning on 4hat da Q memelesha 9enQ Q Frida areb A :orning1 afternoon1 or eveningQ teuat19eseat1 4e nes mataQ AQ Afternoon 9eseat A

Tic9et SellerSoldier-

Tic9et SellerSoldier-

Tic9et Seller-


Tic9et SellerSoldierTic9et SellerSoldierTic9et SellerSoldier-

Tic9et Seller- T4ent >t4o dollars1 please' The ne;t train leaves in one hour from platform number 7' ha a hulet dollar eba9ot1 emi9etele4 babour 9e aned se>at be4houala be platform 9uter amest ne4u' * AA A SoldierThan9 ou' Ehat is the train numberQ egzair estelegn1 baour 9uter menden ne4uQ Q Tic9et Seller- ,0 seba sedest Soldier!s this an e;press trainQ fetan babour ne4uQ Q Tic9et Seller- %es1 it is an e;press train' Oe4o featn babour ne4u' A -tudy the ver#s #elo,A To board 8OmesaferL $assengers must board the plane no4' :engedegnoch a4hon aroplan mesafer alebache4' A AA depart 8OmehaygaL Ehen does the plane to Addis Ababa departQ Cent se>at neo e addis abeba meha ga auroplanQ AAAQ arrive>mederesha The e;press train from Farrar arrives in & hour' Fetanu babour 9e harrar 9e aned se>at behual edersal AA -tudy the use of the ter"s @"ustB or @have toBA ! must 8 ene alebegn *A ! must go to the train station' *ne babour tabia meha alebegn' *A She must 8 esua alebat *A She must board the plane' *sua auroplan mesafer alebat' *AA Fe must 8 esu alebet *A

Fe must bu the tic9et' *su tic9et megzat alebet' *A %ou must 8 ante alebeh@:A AA %ou must leave on Frida ' Ante areb meha d alebehe AAA %ou must 8 anchi alebesh@FA AA %ou must come bac9 on Sunda ' Anchi ehude memeles alebesh' A*A Ee must 8 egna aleben *A Ee must return at nine oGcloc9' *gna bu zetegn se>at memeles aleben *AA The must 8 enesu alebache4 *A The must go to the 4aiting area' *nesu metebe9ia bota meha d alebache4 *A %ou must @pluralA 8 enante alebach>4ho *A %ou must return to Addis Ababa' *nante Addis abeba memeless alebach4ho *AAA 2A 3ead the dialogue ,ith a partnerA +ake turns #eing the +icket -eller and -oldierA 3A 3oleEplay the dialogueA 6ou can su#stitute the na"e of a city ,here you need to #uy a ticket to the ti"e and day of arrival and departure and the price of the ticketA The formation of the future tense in Amharic is as follo4s' The is not a verb for O4illL or Ogoing toL as in *nglish to indicate the future1 but simpl use the present tense and add a time frame to indicate that it is going to be a future activit ' *ZA:$L*' ! 4ill ta9e the bus tomorro4' ene nege autobus 4esdal4e' *A She is pla ing at a concert ne;t 4ee9' esua emimeta4 samnet musi9a zege<et techa4etalech *' The verb sta s in the present1 but a time in the future is indicated'

&A Listen to the follo,ing state"ents and read along in the ,ork#ookA Attention1 passengersN The ne;t e;press train to Farra 4ill depart from platform &( in &7 minutes' *N AA A =ebran ena 9ebrat mengedegnoch N emi9etele4u fetan babour be platform aser 9e Asra amest de9i9a behuala eha dal' Attention1 passengersN The ne;t local train 4ill arrive at platform &( in 7 minutes' *N A =ebran ena 9eburat mengedegnochN %emi9etele4 ager babour 9e amest 8 aser de9i9a behuala $latform edersal' Attention1 passengersN Flight number D+ from S dne 4ill be one hour late' $lease chec9 the schedule for updates' *N AA *A =ebran ena 9ebrat mengedegnochN %eberera 9uter zetena hulet 9e S dne aned seiet %arefdal' *ba9achehun le addis plan gezai4en temel9etu Attention1 passengersN The bus from :e9ele 4ill arrive at terminal 2 in &( minutes *N AA =ebran ena 9ebrat mengedegnochN %e me9ele autobos 9e aser de9i9a behuala terminal Sost edersal %A (atch each picture ,ith the correct $"haric ter" #y ,riting the ter" #elo, the correct pictureA

mengedegnoch shanta platform %eguzo plan

tic9et Tic9et me9otateria :arefia bota :egbia

'A Listen to the follo,ing state"ents and read along in the ,ork#ookA %ou must have a tic9et to board the train' Baour le mesafer tic9et asfelgal %ou must have a tic9et to board the airplane' Auroplan le mesafer tic9et asfelgal A $assengers for flight number +7 must go to gate &/' %e berera 9uter ha a amest mengedegnoch 4ede megbia asra arat hidu' AAA %ou must pa for our tic9et' Le tic9et me9fel alebeh A $assengers have to 4ait in the 4aiting area' :engedgnoch marefia bota metebe9 alebache4u A %ou have to 4ait for our luggage at the baggage claim area' Shanta lemeused 4ede shanta bota meha d alebach4hu *

7. )ill in the #lanks ,ith the correct ter" fro" the list #elo,A 2heck your ,ork ,ith the ans,er keyA Attention Baggage claim area *;press First class $latform Schedule Second class Tic9et 4indo4 ?ate 9ebran ena 9ebrat shanta bota fetan anedegna meareg platform eguzo plan huletegna meareg tic9et meshecha megebia hidu' hidu * AA A

A' Tic9et lemegzat 4ede B' Shanta lemagnet 4ede C' N D' *'

NAA Tic9et alache4u mengedegnoch autobos mesafer alebach4ho * e ou e meha ga berera meche endemiha d A babour fetan ne4u me9ne atum buhager 4ost a 9omem' edersal

F' * e andandu babour etle a e

?' *N ,+7 &, 9ebran ena 9ebrat mengedegnoch N berari 9uter ,+7 emihade4 9e A&, ne4u

*A )or each Guestion #elo, there is a corresponding ans,erA (atch the" #y ,riting the letter of each Guestion on the #lank line in front of the appropriate ans,erA 2heck your ans,ers ,ith the ans,er keyA A'*Q le hager 4ost babour tic9et et megzat echilale4uQ &'A* Oe4o eba9ot

B'A Q emi9etel4e4 autobos 4ede Dire da4a meche ne4u emiha de4uQ C'AA anedegna meareg tic9et cent ne4u 4ede Dire Da4aQ D'Q e mes9ot 4enber efelgaluQ *' Q et platform ne4u fetan babour 9e Dire da4a emiderse4uQ

+'A emi9etle4 autobos 4ede Dire da4a 9e ha a de9i9a behula eha dal 2'A A tic9et mechecha 9e platform aned ategeb' /'A A babour 9e aser de9i9a behula platform asra sedest edersal' 7'A selsa arat dollar ne4u

9A 3oleEplay the short dialogues fro" /<ercise *A 2hange the cities and nu"#ersA

1.A What do you hearF Listen to the speaker and deter"ine ,hich state"ent is spokenA 2heck your ,ork ,ith the ans,er keyA &' A %ou must have a tic9et to board the bus' B %ou must have a tic9et to board the ferr ' +' A ! need a first>class roundtrip tic9et to Fran9furt' B ! need a first>class one>4a tic9et to Fran9furt' 2' A' The ne;t e;press train 4ill depart from platform &7 in &( minutes' B The ne;t local train 4ill depart from platform &7 in &( minutes'

$t #order crossings and road#locks

11A Listen to these ne, ,ords and phrasesA Border Customs Chec9point .oadbloc9 $assport DriversG license Documents $apers !D card Sho4 me ?ive me Search !nspectPinspection Trun9 @of a carA $roceed .ental @carA Citizen Denber ?umru9 :efetesha bota Ieg menged $assport :enga fe9ad Sened Eere9et :eta4he9ia 4ere9et Asa egn Setegn :efeleg :efeteshPfetesha =ofen *lef @9etelA =ira me9ina Iega A P *

12A $t road#locks and #order crossings officials usually ask Guestions a#out driver identification and vehicle docu"entsA +ry to "atch up the $"haric #order crossing reGuests and Guestions ,ith their /nglish eGuivalentsA 2heck the ans,er keyA &' +' 2' /' 7' 0' A %emene<ia fe9ade asa egn @AA $assport setegn @asa egnA PQ =e et neh @:A nesh@FAQ *Q *za lemin meha d asfelghalQ PAQ :enga fe9ad setegn @asa egnAQ AQ :eta4e9ia 4ere9et alehQ A ?ive me our driverGs license' B Do ou have an !D cardQ C Eh do ou need to go thereQ D Sho4 me our car papers' * ?ive me our passport' F Ehere are ou fromQ

13A Listen to and read the follo,ing dialogue at a #order crossing and then ans,er the Guestions #elo,A +ry to guess the "eaning of unkno,n ,ords fro" the conte<tA 2heck your ,ork ,ith the ans,er keyA Denber te9otatari :e9ina negi COCDCOCDCOCDCOCDCOCDCOA CDCOpassport ena menga fe9ad eba9ot setugnQ *Q eshe * e America zega notQPAQ Oe4o'PA e me9ina 4ere9et alotQPAQ Oe4o eha e 9ira me9ina ne4uPA 4edat ne4u emetha dutQPQ Ad4a1 Tigra 'PA cent gezai te9o alache4QPQ aser 9enPA eza menn taregalachehuQP*Q baitseb le megobgnetP eba9ot 9ofen 9efetu' :efetesh alebenP* esheP* eshe 1 egzair estelegn' :e9etel echalal'P**

A' B' C' D' *' F' ?'

Ehere is the driver fromQ Does the driver o4n the vehicle he is drivingQ Ehere is the driver goingQ Eh is he going thereQ Fo4 long 4ill he be thereQ Ehat does the guard as9 the driver to do at the endQ Eh Q

1&A Work ,ith a partnerA +ake turns roleEplaying the 2usto"s 0fficial and the 2ar DriverA

/ndEofELesson +asks 1A +ranslate the follo,ing sentences into /nglish. 2heck your ,ork ,ith the ans,er keyA A' derso melse 4ede Bahir darr efelgale4u eba9otQ %emeha de4 hidar asra hulet ena ememeta4 be tahsas sost mes9ot ategeb 4enber efelgale4u' * *Q A* A B' fetan babour aleQ AQ C' e a4asa autobos 9e et platform ne4u emiha de4uQ AQ D' babour selasa arat platform sost 9e amest de9i9a behuala eha dal' AA 2A 2o"plete the dialoguesA 2heck your ,ork ,ith the ans,er keyA A' > tic9et meshecha 4ede eza ne4uQ > RRRRRRRRRRRRR' *Q B' > shanta bota eha ne4uQ > RRRRRRRRRRRRR' Q C' > metebe9ia bota et ne4uQ > RRRRRRRRRRRRR' Q D' 8megbai 9uter asra amest et ne4uQ > RRRRRRRRRRRRR' AAQ

3A Work ,ith a partner or in a s"all groupA Look at the pictures and co"e up ,ith the storyA Do you think these people are arriving or departingF Do you think they are on ti"eF Is their flight lateF (ention their na"es ages professions ,hat they are ,earing and ,here and ,hy they need to fly or ,here they are arriving fro"A $lso tell ho, they got to the airport =#y car #y #us #y train>A

;oca#ulary List
ArrivingPArrivals Attention Baggage Border Bus station Chec9ed Chec9point Citizen Customs Dela Ped DepartingPDepartures Documents DriverGs license *;press First class Flight Fl ?ive me R !D card !nspect !nspection !nspector Late One>4a On time $apers $assenger $assport $latform $roceed .ental car .oadbloc9 .oundtrip Schedule Second class Sho4 me R Terminal Tic9et :edresP derash megedegnoch Asteule Shanta Denber Autobos fermata :efetesh %efetaesha bota I ga ?umru9 :arfed Fe age sened menga fe9ad Fetan Andegna me>areg Berera :ebrer Setun :eta4e9ia @meta4e9ia 4ere9etA :emermer @mefeteshA :emera @feteshaA Te9otatari @mermariA police mezeg et :eha gaPmemcha becha Bu se>at Eere9et :engedegna $assport platform 9ettle %eme9ina 9era =el9el menged Derso melse %eguzo plan programm Fuletegna me>areg Asa egn terminal Tic9et P A A AA P P P P A A A

Tic9et 4indo4 To board To leave To returnPcome bac9 Train station Trun9 @of a carA Update Eaiting area Eindo4 seat

Tic9et 9orach :esafer meha d memeless Babour tabia =ofen massaddes :etebe9ai bota :es9ot ategeb

$ns,er 8ey
7A ?' F' !' )' =' L' ? ?o to the tic9et 4indo4 to bu the tic9ets' %ou can get our baggage at baggage claim' AttentionN All passengers must have a tic9et to board the bus' Chec9 the schedule to find out 4hen our flight departs' The e;press train is fast because it does not ma9e local stops' *ach train arrives at a different platform' Attention1 passengersN Flight S,+7 is departing from gate A&,'

A' Tic9et lemegzat 4ede tic9et meshecha hidu' B ' Shanta lemagnet 4ede shanta bota hidu C' =ebran ena 9ebratN Tic9et alache4 mengedegnoch autobos mesafer alebach4ho *NA A D' %eguzo plan e ou e meha ga berera meche endemiha d * *' Fetan babour fetan neo me9ne atum bu ehar 4ost a 9omem' A F '* andandu babour etle a e platform edersal * ?' =ebran ena 9ebrat mengedegnoch N berari 9uter ,+7 emihade4 9e megbia A&, neo *N ,+7 &, *A A' Ehere can ! bu a local train tic9etQ B' Ehen is the ne;t bus to Dere Da4aQ C' Fo4 much is a first class tic9et to Dere Da4aQ D' Do ou 4ant a 4indo4 seatQ *' From 4hich platform is the e;press train from Dere Da4a arrivingQ &' D +' B 2' A /' * 7' C %es1 please The ne;t bus to Dere Da4a departs in +( minutes' At the tic9et 4indo4 ne;t to platform one' That train 4ill arrive at platform &0 in ten minutes' !t is 0/ dollars

1.A &' A' A autobos lemesafer tic9et asfelgal' %ou must have a tic9et to board the bus' +' A' AA* anedgna meareg derso melse tic9et le Fran9furt efelgale4 ! need a first>class roundtrip tic9et to Fran9furt' 2' B' AA A %emi9etle4 ager4ost babour platform asra amest 9e aser de9i9a behuala %eha dal' B The ne;t local train 4ill depart from platform &7 in &( minutes' 12A &' +' 2' /' 7' 0' 13A Customs OfficialCar DriverCOCDCOCDCOCDCOCDCOCDCOCDCO?ive me our passport and driverGs license' O=' Are ou a U'S' citizenQ %es' Do ou have papers for this carQ %es' !t is a rental car' Ehere are ou goingQ Ad4a1 Tigra ' Fo4 long 4ill ou be thereQ Ten da s' Ehat 4ill ou do thereQ ! 4ill visit m famil ' $lease open the trun9' Ee need to do an inspection' O=' O=1 than9 ou' %ou ma proceed' D * F C A B

A' B' C' D' *' F' ?'

Ehere is the driver fromQ U'S' Does the driver o4n the vehicle he is drivingQ #o1 it is a rental car' Ehere is the driver goingQ Ad4a1 Tigra ' Eh is he going thereQ To visit famil Fo4 long 4ill he be thereQ Ten da s Ehat does the guard as9 the driver to do at the endQ Open the trun9 Eh Q To do an inspection

/ndEofELesson +asks 1A A' ! need to bu a roundtrip tic9et to Baher darr1 please' ! leave on #ovember &+ and return on December 2' ! 4ant a 4indo4 seat' B' !s this an e;press trainQ C' Ehat platform does the bus to A4asa leave fromQ D' Train 2/ is departing from platform three in five minutes' 2A A' > !s the tic9et 4indo4 that 4a Q > RR es it is RRRRRRRRRRR' B' > !s this the baggage claim areaQ > RRno it is notRRRRRRRRRRR' C' > Do ou 9no4 4here the 4aiting area isQ > RRit is ne;t the barRRRRRRRRRRR' D' > Ehere is gate number &7Q > RRitGs ne;t to the tic9et counter' A> tic9et meshecha 4ede eza neoQ > auo neo *Q A B' > shanta bota eha neoQ > ! a edelem Q AA C' > metebe9ia bota et neoQ > e buan baitu ategeb neo

Q A D' 8megbai 9uter asra amest et neoQ >9e tic9et meshecha ategeb neoR AA Q A

Lesson 1% +e"ehert 4ait $t -chool

This lesson 4ill introduce ou to> the vocabular related to classroom activities > the vocabular related to being a student > the education s stem in *thiopia'


The education s stem in *thiopia is the same as the education s stem in America' !t goes th from first grade to &+ grade1 taught in *nglish' *ducation is not compulsor 6 those 4ho attend do so b the choice of the famil ' !t depends on their socioeconomic status and 4hether the live near a school' :ost people 4ho live in rural areas in *thiopia1 4hich is the ma<orit of the population1 have no education' !n Addis Ababa1 there are t4o state>o4ned universities and several private small colleges and universities' The students in *thiopia stud the same sub<ects re3uired to pass a high school e;am1 such as math1 *nglish1 biolog etc' The academic standards are high and students are e;pected to 4or9 hard'

1' )a"iliariCe yourself ,ith the ne, voca#ularyA Listen to the speaker and read the follo,ing te<t under each of the picturesA

A student 4rites on the blac9board 4ith chal9' Temari4a ti9ur selieda lie tesefalech

A student raises her hand to as9 a 3uestion' Temari4a eguan ansetalech te a9e lemete e9 *A

A teacher teaches students math' Astemari4u le temari4och hisab astemera A

Students stud chemistr in middle school' Temari4och me9a9elgna derega lie chemistr emaralu

First>grade students read a te;tboo9' %e anedgna 9efel temari4och metsehaf anebalu A

Students 4ill stud art in this class' Temari4och senetibeb emaralu

There is a boo91 a noteboo91 and a calculator' :esehaf debter ena calculator ale * A

There is a des9 and a chair in the classroom' Des9 ena 4enber 9efel 4ost ale * A

Students 4rite 4ith pens and pencils' Temari4och bu es9iribtp ena ersas esefalu ** *

2A Work ,ith a partnerA Look around the classroo"A !a"e the ite"s you seeA Class Des9 Chair Blac9 board Chal9 $en $encil #oteboo9 Computer $rinter =e board :onitor Teacher student =ifel Des9 Eenber Ti9ur selieda Chal9 *s9irbito *rsas Debter Computer $rinter =e board :oniter Astemari Temari * * A

3A Working ,ith a partner na"e the ite"s you #ring ,ith you to class and the ite"s found in your classroo"A


+ikur selieda

6eale" karta A




&A Listen to the dialogue ,hile you read along in the ,ork#ookA 5nderline the ne, voca#ularyA Ehat is our nameQ Semeh mann ne4uQ Q Fo4 old are ouQ Cent ameth ne4u AQ Ehat grade are ou inQ Centgna 9efel nehQ Q : name is %emmane' seme %emmane ne4u ! am &0 ears old' ene asra sedest amete ne4u *AA ! am in &( grade' *ne asergna 9efil negn *A

Ehat sub<ects do ou stud Q :ath1 biolog 1 music1 literature1 and histor ' :enn a net sub<ect ne4u emetatena4u hisab1biolog 1muzi9a1ena tari9 A * Ehat is our favorite sub<ectQ :enn sub<ect ne4u emet4ede4uQ Q : favorite sub<ect is biolog ' %em4ede4 sub<ect biolog ne4u'

&aA +ranslate the follo,ing dialogue into /nglishA 2heck your ,ork ,ith the $ns,er 8eyA Teru temari nehQ Auo teru temari negn Q A =etemehert behuala menn taregalhQ Q *ne college ha dale4 doctor mehon felgale4 *

=etemehrtbait beheual menn taregalhQ =etemhertbait beheuala muzi9a mesmat 4edal4u Q

%A 3ead the list of ne, ,ords you should have underlined in /<ercise &A ?rade Favorite Sub<ect :ath 9efel eme4ede4 sub<ect hisab

Biolog :usic

biolog musi9a

Literature Fistor College Li9e Listen to

sene tibeb tari9 college me4ded mesmat

-tudy the use of the ter" @to likeAB Format in Amharic' 4hoWnounWinfinitiveWthe form to li9e Abebe hisab matnat e4edal' Abebe li9es to stud math' A Fi4ot mus9ia mesmat te4edalech Fi4ot li9es listening to music' 'A Work ,ith a partnerA 2o"e up ,ith a dialogue si"ilar to the one in /<ercise &A List your favorite su#7ects say ho, good you think you are at each of the" tell ,hat profession you are going to choose and say ,hat you like to do after schoolA

7' )a"iliariCe yourself ,ith the ne, voca#ularyA Listen to the speaker as you go over the dialogueA A' Listen to the recording and ta9e notes' %ete9eda4en semu ean maseta4esha safu A* B' $ut our pencils do4n' *rsas as9emtu *A C' Erite our ans4er on the blac9board' :els >achehun ti9ur selieda lie safu D' Open our te;tboo9s' Debter>achehun geletu *' .aise our hand if ou have a 3uestion' Te a9e 9alachehu *<e>achehun ansu *A

F' Erite do4n our home4or91 please' %e bait sera>chehun safu ba9achehu

*A 3oleEplay a teacherA 1ave the students follo, your directionsA 5se the e<pressions fro" /<ercise 7A

9A Listen to the follo,ing Guestions and "ark the ans,ers that you hearA 2heck your ans,ers ,ith the ans,er keyA &' Ehat do ou do at schoolQ A' ! read the te;tboo9s at school' B' ! 4rite letters and numbers in Amharic' C' ! stud man sub<ects' +' Ehat grade are ou inQ th A' ! am in 7 grade' th B' ! am in 0 grade' th C' ! am in 5 grade' 2' Ehat sub<ects are ou stud ingQ A' :ath1 Amharic1 science1 geograph 1 and *nglish' B' :ath1 histor 1 science1 geograph 1 and *nglish' C' :ath1 chemistr 1 science1 geograph 1 and *nglish' /' Ehat is our favorite sub<ectQ A' *nglish B' ?eograph C' Science 7' Are ou a good studentQ A' !Gm ver good at *nglish1 but !Gm bad at math' B' !Gm ver good at geograph 1 but !Gm bad at math' C' !Gm ver good at chemistr 1 but !Gm bad at math' 1.A Working ,ith a partner co"e up ,ith si"ilar dialogues using e<pressions fro" /<ercise 9A 11A Working in s"all groups descri#e the follo,ing pictures' 2o"e up ,ith ages for the students and the teacher their na"es the su#7ects they studyIteach ,hat theyDre doing right no, ,hat they are ,earing if they see" to like their class and their teacher etcA

12A Listen to and read the follo,ing te<t a#out the studentDs schedule and then ans,er the Guestions #elo,A +here ,ill #e the ne, ,ord @#usyB in the te<tA +ry to guess the "eaning fro" the conte<t: @I have a #usy scheduleA I ,ork si< hours every day and I have si< classes at school every dayAB Did you guess ,hat @#usy scheduleN "eansF Good 7o#O A*AA** A *A*A** A **A* A A*A AA *AA * *A A*** A' B' C' D' *' F' ?' F' Ehat is the studentGs nameQ Ehere does hePshe go to schoolQ Ehat does hePshe stud Q Ehat is hisPher schedule on :onda 1 Eednesda and Frida Q Ehat is hisPher schedule on Tuesda and Thursda Q Does the student have a <obQ Ehen does the student do home4or9Q Ehat does the student 4ant to do after finishing schoolQ

/ndEofELesson +asks 1A Go over the te<t fro" /<ercise 12 againA +ell the class a#out your scheduleA 5se the Guestions after the te<t as an outline for your storyA 2A Look at the pictures and say ,hat you seeA Include the grade the students are in the su#7ects they are studying ,hat the teacher is doing ,hat the students and teachers are ,earing etcA

;oca#ulary List
Art Bas9etball Biolog Blac9board Chair Chal9 Chemistr Class CollegePUniversit Computer Des9 *lementar School *nglish ?rade Figh School Fistor Fome4or9 Literature :ath :iddle School :usic #oteboo9 $en $encil $hotograph .eading Student Sub<ect@sA Tape recorder Teacher To li9e To read To stud To 4rite Listen to the recording and ta9e notes' $ut our pencils do4n' Erite our ans4er on the blac9board' Open our te;tboo9s' .aise our handN Erite do4n our home4or91 please' Sene tibeb Bas9etball Biolog Ti9ur selieda Eenber Chal9 chemistr 9efell CollegePuniversit computer des9 Andegna derega *nglish@ engelizegnaA Eetait Fuletegna derega Fistor @tari9A %ebait sera Sine tibeb Fisab :e9a9elegna derega :usi9a Debter S9irbito *rsas $hotograph #ebab Temari %e temherit a net Tape emi9eda Astemari :euded :anbeb :atnat metsaf %ete9eda4en semu ena :aseta4esha safu *rsas>achehun as9emtu :else blac9board lie safu Debter geletu *ge ansu %ebait sera safu P A * @A * A A * *A *A

$ns,er 8ey
&aA Are ou a good studentQ Teru temari nehQ Q Ehat 4ill ou do after schoolQ =etemehert behuala menn taregalhQ Q %es1 !Gm a good student' Auo teru temari negn A ! 4ill go to college6 ! 4ant to be a doctor' *ne college ha dale4 doctor mehon felgale4 *

Ehat do ou li9e to do after schoolQ After school ! li9e to listen to music =etemehrtbait beheual menn taregalhQ =etemhertbait beheuala muzi9a mesmat 4edal4u Q 9A &' Ehat do ou do at schoolQ Q temhert bait menn teseralehQ C' ! stud man sub<ects' *A ene bezu sub<ect atenale4u +' Ehat grade are ou inQ Q centegna 9efel nehQ th B' ! am in 0 grade' ene sedestegna 9efel negn * 2' Ehat sub<ects are ou stud ingQ menn sub<ect e atenah ne4uQ Q A' :ath1 Amharic1 science1 geograph 1 and *nglish' hisab1 Amaregna1 science1 geograph 1 ena *ngelizegna' A** /' Ehat is our favorite sub<ectQ emet4ede4 sub<ect menden neoQ Q B' ?eograph ?eograph

7' Are ou a good studentQ ante teru temari nehQ AQ C' !Gm ver good at chemistr 1 but !Gm bad at math' ene be chemistr betam teru negn genn be hisab metfo negn * 12A : name is Berhane Assefa' ! am a student at Addis Abeba Universit ' ! stud *nglish' ! 4ant to be an interpreter' ! have a bus schedule' On :onda 1 Eednesda 1 and Frida 1 ! go to school at 5-((' After school1 at /-(( p'm'1 ! go to 4or9' ! 4or9 at a restaurant as a 4aiterP4aitress' After 4or91 at &( p'm'1 ! go home' On Tuesda and Thursda 1 ! go to class at &( a'm' After school1 at &+-((1 ! go to the librar ' ! 4or9 at the librar three hours in the afternoon' ! do m home4or9 on the 4ee9ends and in the mornings' Seme Berhane Assefa ne4u' ene Addis Abeba Universit temari negn' *ne engelizegna atenale4u' *ne asterguami mehon felegale4' *ne bezu sera alegn' segno1 erob1 ena areb tmehert bait ha dale4u'ene be sement se>at temhert bait ha dale4' =e temehrt bit behaula be arat se>at sear ha dale4u' *ne megeb bait 4ost astenagage negn '9e sera behuala bu aser se>at bait ha dadle4 ma9segno ena hamus bu aser se>at 9efel ha dale4u'9e tehert bait behaula librar ha dale4u' *ne librar 4ost sost se>at 9es>at serale4u ' e bait sera 9edame ena ehud ena teuat serale4u' A' Ehat is the studentGs nameQ Fer name is Berhane Assefa' B' Ehere does she go to schoolQ She goes to Addis Abeba Universit ' C' Ehat does she stud Q She studies *nglish' D' Ehat is her school schedule on :onda 1 Eednesda and Frida Q She goes to school from 5-((am until /-((pm' *' Ehat is her schedule on Tuesda and Thursda Q She goes to class at &(am then at &+-(( she goes to the librar to stud for three hours' F' Ehat <ob does she have and 4hen does she 4or9Q She 4or9s as a 4aitress in restaurant from /-(( to &(-((pm on :onda 1 Eednesda and Frida ' ?' Ehen does the student do home4or9Q She does home4or9 on 4ee9ends and in the mornings' F' Ehat does the student 4ant to do after finishing schoolQ She 4ants to be an interpreter'

Lesson 1' * (eCnagna ena ye "eCnagna geCai 3ecreation and Leisure

This lesson 4ill introduce ou to> vocabular related to recreational and leisure activities > 4a s to discuss hobbies in Amharic'


1A 3ead the sentences ,ith the ne, voca#ulary and try to guess the "eaning of unkno,n ,ordsA

* Se4 e4 ena sait e4a edensalu' %enesu hobb ne4u

* *sua muzi9a techa4ach nat' piano techa4ach muzi9a zegeget lie techa4etalech

* * A *su photo anesal'esu photo anshi ne4u

A %eha andre4 ne4u' esu hobb 3uas mecha4et no4u

Se4 e4 terara lie s9i aregal' %esu hobb s9i mareg ne4u

A %ene guadegna sand 9e 9efel behual 9ese> at terotalech

Eendeme bo4ling e4edal' %eha ne4u esu hobb

A A earu teru behon le<och hulegize e4agnalu

%eha 4etat le< court lie tennis echa4etal

** %ene ehit se>el mesal te4edalech

* Eetaderoch den9uan 4ost carta echa4etalu'*nesu carta mecha4et e4edalu

* * Balle ena mist hule :ata bu egir eha dalu

Fulet 4etderoch chess echa4etalu ' enesu hobb ne4u

* %eha se4 ae guitar echa4etal ena ezefnal

2' !o, listen to the speakerA 2heck to see if your guesses ,ere correctA 3epeat the ne, ,ords as "any ti"es as you need to in order to feel co"forta#le ,ith pronunciationA $la Cards To s9i Fobb To dance Tennis Tennis court $la piano :usician To ta9e pictures $hotographer To pla guitar To sing Songs Chess To 4al9 To s4im S4imming pool To run To bo4l Soccer To paint :echa4et Carta S9i amdreg Fobb :edense Tennis Tennis medat $iano mecah4et :uz9i9egna $hoto meused $hoto anshi ?uitar mecah4et :ezfen Iefenoch Chess :eramed :e4agnet Eana botta :erot Bo4ling Huas @footballA :esal A

3A Listen to the dialogues as you read the"A &' Ehat 4ill the do after schoolQ 9etemhert bait behual menn teseralheQ Q A' The 4ill s4im after school' 9etemhert bait behual 4ana ehadalu B' The 4ill dance after school' 9etemhert bait behuala edensalu C' The 4ill sing after school' 9etemhert bait behuala ezefnalu A' Fe pla s soccer and bas9etball' esu 3uas ena bas9etball echa4etal

+' Ehat sports does he pla Q esu menn a enet sport echa4etalQ


2' Ehat does she do toda Q esua menn taregalech zaraiQ *Q

/' Do ou pla chessQ ante chess techa4etalhQ AQ Do ou pla guitarQ anchi guitar techa4etaleshQ AQ * Do ou pla pianoQ the piano' ante piano techa4etalhQ echa4etal4u AQ * 7' Ehat are our hobbiesQ ante hobb menden ne4uQ Q

** B' Fe pla s soccer and volle ball' esu 3uas ena volle ball echa4etal ** C' Fe pla s soccer and tennis' esu 3uas ena tennis echa4etal ** A' She sings songs' esua zefen tezefnalch' * B' She paints pictures' esua se>el teselalech ** C' She ta9es pictures' esua photo tanesalech' * A' %es1 ! pla chess' auo1 ene chess echa4etal4u A** B' #o1 ! pla the piano' ! 1 ene piano echa4etal4u A* C' %es1 ! pla auo ene piano A A' ! li9e to run and ta9e pictures' ene merot ena photo mansat 4edale4u ** B' ! li9e to read and s4im' ene manbeb ena me4agnet 4edale4u ** C' ! li9e to 4al9 and pla soccer ne bu egir meha d ena 3uas mecah4et 4edale4u ***

&A Work ,ith a partnerA +ake turns reading the dialogues in /<ercise 3A %A Work ,ith a partner or in a s"all groupA (ake up e<changes using the "odels and phrases fro" /<ercise 3A

'A 3econstruct the GuestionsA 2heck your ,ork ,ith the ans,er keyA A' > RRRRRRRR'Q > A** oe4u ene chess echa4etale4u' B' > RRRRRRRR'Q > A** oe4u ene piano echa4etale4u' C' >RRRRRRRRQ > * ene hobb merot ena photo mansat ne4u D' > RRRRRRRRQ > ** esu 3uas ena bas9etball echa4etal *' > RRRRRRRRQ > * ene hobb manbeb ena me4agnet ne4u F' > RRRRRRRR'Q > *** esua bu egir mehaid ena guitar mecha4et te4edalech 7A 3ead the follo,ing te<t noting the ne, voca#ularyA 2heck the gra""ar note for so"e e<planationsA From > 9e *s9e > to OAlsoL and OtooL are the same in Amharic' Too > simpl add the sound O:L at the end of a 4ord' *;ample! 4or9 from :onda to Frida ' !n Amharic the form is- sub<ect W from W time W to W time W infinitive verb ene 9e segno es9e areb seral4e **A The form OtooL is used as follo4s- 4ho W too W infinitivePperson *nem merot 4edale4'P! li9e running too' @#otice the letter >m added at the end of *ne'A *

A**AA * A**A * **5'2( *2'(( A A* /'(( *0'(( A*** ** **** * ***** *** * Seme Berhane Alula neo'ene 9e Dire Da4a' *ne Unit college eha dale4 Addis abeba 1 she4a 4ost' *ne bezu sera alegn 9efill ena hobb ' ene computer science atenale4 ena le universit 3uas budin echa4etale4 ' ene 9efel 9e 5'2( es9e 9e 2'(( se>at alegn' ene 9e temhirt behuala 3uas lememed hule 9e /'(( es9e 0'(( alegn ' ene 3uas mecha4et 4edale4u ' ene guadegnoch ena ene 9edame ena ehud chemer enecha4etalen' ene 4ana 8m me4agnet ena guitar mecha4et e4edale4 'ene guitar teru echa4etal4e ' eha 9edame ena ehud ene ena guadegoche ezefen zegegit stadium Debre berhane eneha dalen ' egna emen4edat zefagn eza tenoralech'9e zefen zegegit behuala megeb bait ha den rat enbelalen' *A 3ead the a#ove te<t as "any ti"es as you ,ant to and "ark the follo,ing state"ents as either +rue or )alseA 2heck your ans,ersA A' B' C' D' *' F' F' Berhane Alula is from Addis Ababa' Fe is a student at Unit College in :e9ele1 Tigra ' Berhane studies chemistr ' Berhane pla s on the universit soccer team' Fe has class ever da from 5-2( to 2-((' Berhane li9es to s4im and pla the piano' After the concert Berhane 4ill go home to do his home4or9'

9' Working ,ith a partner or in a s"all group co"e up ,ith the description of a #usy scheduleA 5se the state"ents fro" /<ercise * as an outline for your storyA +he pictures given #elo, can help you to choose the activities to descri#eA

:ost *thiopians1 even the poor1 ta9e time to do some 9ind of recreational activit ' !n addition to pla ing soccer1 s4imming1 dancing and running1 families andPor friends gather for the traditional coffee ceremon ' This is not onl a tradition and recreation1 but also a time 4hen people share 4hat is going on in their lives' Also1 in the afternoon after 4or91 men and 4omen gather to che4 O9hat1L an herb that gro4s in *thiopia1 for rela;ation' =hat is li9e coffee6 it originated in *thiopia and is harvested along 4ith coffee'

1.A aA Listen to the voca#ulary as you look at the picturesA +ry to "atch the $"haric ,ords ,ith the picturesA 2heck the ans,er keyA


' 4ana bottaP 3uase maidaP tennis court P bo4lingP g mnasiumP stadiumP

1.A Listen to the state"ents and "ark the ones that you hearA 2heck your ,ork ,ith the ans,er keyA &' A' She 4ill s4im after school' B' She 4ill dance after school' C' She 4ill sing after school' A' Fe li9es to pla soccer and bas9etball' B' Fe li9es to pla soccer and volle ball' C' Fe li9es to pla soccer and tennis' A' She doesnGt sing1 but she pla s piano' B' She doesnGt paint pictures1 but she ta9es photographs' C' She doesnGt dance1 but she sings' A' Do ou pla chessQ B' Do ou pla guitarQ C' Do ou pla pianoQ A' Ehat are our hobbiesQ B' Ehat are our hobbiesQ C' Ehat are our hobbiesQ #o1 ! pla chec9ers' #o1 ! pla piano' %es1 ! pla piano' ! li9e to run and sing' ! li9e to read and dance' ! li9e to 4al9 and pla cards'





11A Work ,ith a partnerA Look at the pictures and "ake up dialogues a#out so"eoneDs ho##iesA 5se the "odels and phrases fro" /<ercise 1.A

/ndEofELesson +asksA 1A $ns,er the follo,ing Guestions in $"haric. A' B' C' D' *' Ehat is our favorite sport or recreational activit Q Fo4 often do ou participate in our activit Q Ehat is our favorite hobb Q Ehat did ou do last 4ee9endQ Ehat 4ill ou do ne;t 4ee9endQ

2A Work ,ith a partner or in a s"all groupA In $"haric descri#e the pictures #elo, using the voca#ulary you have learned in this lessonA

;oca#ulary List
Bo4ling alle Bo4ling Cards Chess Computer science ? mnasium Fobb $aint pictures $la ing field To bo4l To dance To pla chess1 cards6 pla soccer1 volle ball6 pla a piano1 a guitar To run To sing To s9i To s4im To ta9e pictures Soccer field Songs Stadium S4imming pool Tennis Tennis court Bo4ling bota Bo4ling Carta Chess Computer science ? mnasium hobb Se>el mesal * :echa4cha maida Bo4ling :edenese ChessPcartaP3uasePvoll ballP PPP pianoPguitar mecha4et P :erot :ezfen S9i amreg :e4agnet $hoto mansat Huase maida Iefen Stadium 4ana bota Tennis Tennis meda

+/( +/(

$ns,er 8ey
'A A' > Do ou pla chess'Q Pchess techa4etalhQ Q > %es1 ! pla chess' Pauo chesss echa4etale4 A* B' 8 Do ou pla the piano QPpiano techa4etalhQ Q > %es1 ! pla the piano' P auo piano echa4etale4 A* C' >Ehat are our hobbies QP enete hobb menden neoQ Q > : hobbies are running and ta9ing pictures'P ene hobbie merot ena photo amnsat neo' * D' > Ehat does he doQPesu menn eseralQ *Q > Fe pla s soccer and bas9etball'Pesu 3uais ena bas9etball echa4etal ** *' > Ehat are our hobbiesQP ante hobb menden noeQ Q > : hobbies are reading and s4imming'P ene hobie manbeeb ena me4agnet neo * F' > Ehat is her hobb QP sua hobb menden neo Q > She li9es to 4al9 and pla guitar'Pesu be>egir mehaid ena guitar mecha4et te4edalech *** *A A**AA * A**A * **5'2( *2'(( AA *

/'(( *0'(( A* ** ***** * ****** ** * * : name is Berhane Alula' ! stud at the Universit in Addis Ababa' ! am ver bus 4ith m classes and m hobbies' ! stud computer science1 and ! pla on the universit soccer tea"' ! have class ever da fro" 5-2( to 2-(( in the afternoon' After school ! have soccer practice ever da fro" /-(( to 0-((' ! li9e to pla soccer' : friends and ! pla on the 4ee9ends too' ! also li9e to s4im and to pla the guitar' !Gm not ver good at the guitar' This 4ee9end m friends and ! 4ill go to a concert at the stadium in Debre Ieit' Our favorite singer 4ill sing' After the concert 4e 4ill go home and eat dinner' A' B' C' D' *' F' F' 1.A aA S4imming pool 4ana botta Soccer Field 3uas maida Tennis court tennis court Bo4ling Alle bo4ling ? mnasium g mnasium Stadium stadium 1.A &' &' +' +' 2' A' She 4ill s4im after school' A' * esua 9e temhert bait behuala te4agnalech B' Fe li9es to pla soccer and volle ball' B' ** esu 3uas ena volle ball mecha4et e4edal C' She doesnGt dance1 but she sings' TT F F T T F F Berhane Alula is from Addis Ababa' Fe is a student at the universit in :e9ele1 Tigra ' Berhane studies chemistr ' Berhane pla s on the universit soccer team' Fe had class ever da from 5-2( to 2-((' Berhane li9es to s4im and pla the piano' After the concert Berhane 4ill go home to do his home4or9'


C' *A esua atdensem genn tezefnalech

/' /' 7' 7'

A' Do ou pla chessQ A' Q chess techa4etalhQ

#o1 ! pla chec9ers' A* i1 chec9ers echa4etale4'

B' Ehat are our hobbiesQ ! li9e to read and dance' B' Q ** ante hobbioch menden nache4Q *ne manbeb ena medenese 4edale4

Lesson 17 * +aina ena yese, se,net 1ealth and the 1u"an 4ody
This lesson 4ill introduce ou to> vocabular related to the human bod > as9ing 3uestions about a personGs state of health > ans4ering 3uestions about health conditions > t pical e;changes at the doctorGs office'


1' Listen as the speaker recites the voca#ularyA Abdomen Arm Bac9 Chest Chin *ar *lbo4 * e Face Fingers FootPFeet ?enitals Fair Fand Fod *ge ?erba Deret Agech ?orro =ern A en Feet Tat *girPegroch Belit Segur *ge * A A * * Fead Fip =nee Leg :outh #ec9 #ose $elvisPgroin Shoulder Stomach Toes ToothPTeeth Eaist .as Dale ?ulbet *gir Af Anget Afnecha :ahesen Te9esha Fod %egir tat TersPtersoch Eegeb * A A A * P

2A In $"haric na"e the #ody parts that co"e in pairsA 2heck your ans,erA 3A )ill in the #lanks ,ith the appropriate #ody part in $"haricA 2heck your ,ork ,ith the ans,er keyA

eyen A


egir *

egir *



anget A

af A

A' *ne be mesehaf anebale4u' * A B' *ne muzi9a be esemale4u' * * C' Be egir meha d lene teru ne4u ** D' *ne 9alsi ena chama lie aregale4u ** A *' Bu zenab1 ene 9ofe a lie guanti lie ena sharp aregale4u * * A F' *ne megeb ena emiteta 4esdale4u ** The verb Oto feelL and Oto be sic9'L To feelP mesemat ! feelP ene esemagnal * She feelsP esua esematal * Sub<ect W feel W good or R' Fo4 do ou feelQ *ndate esemahalQ @:A *Q *ndate esemashalQ @FA *Q *ndate esema4otalQ @older person or more formalA *Q Ehat s mptoms do ou haveQ *ndate aregehalQ @:A *Q *ndate aregeshalQ @FA *Q


To be sic9 Pmetamem ! am sic9 Pene amognal *A She is sic9P esua amuata *A Sub<ect W is W sic9 ! feel sic9' *ne hemem esemagnal * ! feel 4ea9P4ea9ness' *ne de9am esemagnal' * ! feel bad' *ne metfo esemagnal * ! have a sore throat' *ne gorroro amonal * A ! have a fever' *ne te9usalt alegn ! have a headache' *ne ras metat alegn *A

Ehere does it hurtQ %et botta ne4u emi amehQ @:A Q %et botta ne4u emiameshQ @FA Q %et botta ne4u emi amotQ @older person or more formalA Q

: left an9le hurts' %ene gerra 9urchemchemit amegnal : bac9 hurts' ene gerba en amegnal * : stomach hurts' *ne hodain amegnal *

&A Listen to the follo,ing Guestions and ans,ers and read along in the ,ork#ookA A' Fo4 do ou feelQ ! feel sic9' endate esemahalQ *ne amognal *Q * A B' Ehat is the matter 4ith herQ Fer leg hurts' *sua menne honalechQ %esua egirone amuatal *Q *A C' Fo4 do ou feelQ : head hurts' *ndate esemahalQ .asain amegnal *Q D' Are ou in painQ %es1 m arm is bro9en' amehalQ Oe4o egai tesebrual Q A* *' Ehere does it hurtQ : stomach hurts' %etu garr ne4u emi amehQ Fodain amognal Q A F' Are ou sic9Q #o1 !Gm pregnant' Femme esemashalQ ! erguz negn Q A* ?' Are ou O=Q ! donGt feel good' ! feel nauseous and have a stomachache' Ante dehena nehQ *ne amognal' *ne 4ede lie elegnal@ a3leshelesnalA ena hodain amognal' AQ *A@A*A F' Are ou ta9ing an medicationQ %es1 over>the>counter ones' :edhanit e 4eesdi9 ne4u Q Oe4o 9e medhanit bait *Q A

%A Working ,ith a partner roleEplay the dialogues fro" /<ercise &A 'A (atch each picture ,ith the corresponding state"entA 2heck the ans,er keyA

&' 4etatua sait alamematm' *sua erguz nat A** +' teneshu le< te9usat alat1 guroro meabet1 ena esa4ent 9urtmat1 esu tasnetesalech ena salle alet' *sua goonfan alat A* * *A*A 2' teneshi le< 4ede lie ele4al ena hoduin amotal *A 7A Work ,ith a partnerA 3oleEplay the doctor and patientA 5se the Guestions fro" /<ercise % as a "odelA 5se the phrases fro" /<ercise ' to descri#e your sy"pto"sA

*A Listen to and read the list of the typical sy"pto"s for each ail"entA Flu Fever Sore throat Bod aches Sneezing Coughing ?unfan Te9usat ?uroro mabet Se4net 9urtemat :asnetes :asalle

Fead cold Congestion Sore Throat Sneezing Coughing Severe $ain Bro9en Bone S4elling $ain Bleeding Sprain Bruise S4elling

?unfan :etafen ?uroro mabet :asnetes :asalle Betam se9a e @hememA *gir sebrat :abet Femem@se9a eA :edmatt Eelemta Senber :abet

P * @A

9A Look at the chart of sy"pto"s in /<ercise 9A Work ,ith a partner or in a s"all groupA Develop the Guestions the doctor can ask a#out oneDs sy"pto"s to #e a#le to diagnose the pro#le"A 1 ft L 3. c" 1 inch L 2A% c" 1.. c" L 1 "eter 1 l# L .A&%& kgA > Fo4 tall is he1 and ho4 much does he 4eighQ **Q %esu 9umet ena 9ebdet cent no4uQ > Fe is ,(L tall and 4eighs &57 pounds' *,(L *&57 %esu 9umet ,(L ena 9ebdetu &57 pound ne4u > Fo4 tall are ouQ Fo4 much do ou 4eighQ AQ Q Ante 9umet cent nehQ Ante cent te9ebdalhQ > ! am 00 inches tall and 4eigh &+( pounds' *00 !*&+( *ne 9umetaie 00 inches 9ebdetaie &+( pound negn 1.A Work ,ith a partnerA +ake turns asking each other a#out your height and ,eightA Do not forget to use the units of "easure appropriate for /thiopiaA

11A Listen to the speaker and read the state"ents #elo,A +ranslate the" into /nglishA 2heck your ,ork ,ith the ans,er keyA A' *ndate esemahal@:A esemashal@FAQ *PQ Dehna a esemagnem' Eede lie elegnal A B' *ndate esemahal@:A esemashal@FAQ *PQ *ne dehena negn genn tenesh 4ede lie elegnal * C' *ndate esemahal@:AQ esemashal@FAQ *PQ *ne dehena a edlehum genn 4ede lie a elegnem *AA D' *gera tesebrual meselegn' Ba9hen ambulance tera *A *' %esu egir tesebrual meselegn' Ba9hen ambulance tera *A F' *su egirun tesebrulQ :eselegn' Ba9hen ambulance tera **Q A

12. What do you hearF Listen to the speaker and "ark the state"ent that you hearA 2heck your ,ork ,ith the ans,er keyA &' +' 2' /' A' B' C' A' B' C' A' B' C' A' B' C' Ehere does it hurtQ : stomach hurts' Ehere does it hurtQ : bac9 hurts' Ehere does it hurtQ : nec9 hurts' Ehat are our s mptomsQ ! have a fever and a headache' Ehat are our s mptomsQ ! have a fever and a stomachache' Ehat are our s mptomsQ ! have a fever and m bod aches' Fo4 do ou feelQ ! donGt feel 4ell' !Gm nauseous' Fo4 do ou feelQ ! feel fine1 but !Gm a little nauseous' Fo4 do ou feelQ ! donGt feel 4ell1 but !Gm not nauseous' ! thin9 ! bro9e m leg' $lease call an ambulanceN ! thin9 he bro9e his leg' $lease call an ambulanceN Did he brea9 his legQ ! thin9 so1 please call an ambulanceN

/ndEofELesson +asks 1A $sk and ans,er the follo,ing Guestions in $"haricA 2heck the ans,er keyA AA Ehen ou have the flu1 4hat are our s mptomsQ B' Are ou ta9ing an medicationsQ C' Fave ou ever bro9en a boneQ !f es1 4hich one@sAQ D' Ehat is our height and 4eightQ *' Fo4 often do ou see a doctorQ *ver monthQ *ver

earQ *ver 2 earsQ

2. +ell the class ,hat you do in order to keep a healthy ,eightF Do you e<erciseF What types of e<ercise do you doF 1o, often and for ho, long do you e<erciseF Do you have a special dietF What kindF What do you eat and ,hat donDt you eatF Give an e<a"ple of your "enuA What do you order ,hen you eat out and ho, does it affect your diet the ne<t dayF 3A Work ,ith a partner or in a s"all groupA Descri#e the picture #elo,A

;oca#ulary List
Abnormal Allergies Ambulance Arm Chest Chin Are ou in painQ Are ou ta9ing an medicationQ Bod aches Bro9en bone Bruise Call an ambulanceN Congestion Coughing *ar *lbo4 * e Fingers Foot Feel Fever FluP!nfluenza Fand Fead Fip =nee FelpN Fo4 do ou feelQ Furt Leg :outh #ose #ec9 :edicine #ausea $ain $regnant Shoulder Toes %altelemede semait Allerg Ambulance =ende Deret Agech %amehalQ :edhanit lie notQ %ese4nit 9urtemat %etesebere atent Sember Ambulance teru :etafen Salle Afencha =ern A en Tat *gir :esemat Te9usat ?oonfan *ge .as Dale ?ulbet *rdugn :enn esemahalQ :egodat *gir Afe Afencha Anget :edhant :a9leshlesh Fimem *rguz Te9esha %eegir tat A A A Q Q A A A A * * * Q * A A A * *

Eaist Sic9 Sneezing Sore throat Stomach Stomach cramps Strain S4elling S mptoms Ehat is the matterQ Ehere does it hurtQ

Eegib :etamem :assnetis ?uroro mabet Fod %ehod 9urtet Eegat :abet :adreg :enn honehalQ@:A :enn honeshalQ@FA %etu garr ne4u emi amehQ@:A %etu garr ne4u emiameshQ@FA


$ns,er 8ey
2A ears1 elbo4s1 e es1 feet1 hands1 9nees1 shoulders1 arms1 legs1 hips <oro19ern1a en1egir1e<e1gulbet1te9esha1ege1egir1dalle 11A1*1*111*1*1 3A e es a en A ?' F' !' )' =' ears <oro legs egir * feet egir * head ras hand e<e * nec9 anget A mouth afe A

! use m e es to read a boo9' ! listen to music 4ith m ears' Eal9ing is good for m legs' ! 4ear shoes and soc9s on m feet' !n the 4inter1 ! 4ear a hat on m head1 gloves on m hands' and a scarf around m nec9'

A' ene be a en mesef anebale4' *AA B' ene muzi9a bu <oro esemale4' ** C' be egir mehaid lene egir teru neo' *** D' ene 9alsi ena chama eger lie aregale4'**A *' be zenab1ene 9ofe a ras lie guanti e<e lie ena sharp anget lie aregale4' ***A A 'A 4 The oung 4oman is not sic9' She is pregnant' $ The little girl has a fever1 a sore throat1 and bod aches1 and she is sneezing and coughing' She has the flu' 2 The little bo is nauseous and has a stomachache' 11A A' 8 Fo4 do ou feelQ *ndate esemahal@:A esemashal@FAQ *PQ

> ! donGt feel 4ell' !Gm nauseous' Dehna a esemagnem' Eede lie elegnal A B' > Fo4 do ou feelQ *ndate esemahal@:A esemashal@FAQ *PQ > ! feel fine1 but !Gm a little nauseous' *ne dehena negn genn tenesh 4ede lie elegnal * C' 8 Fo4 do ou feelQ *ndate esemahal@:AQ esemashal@FAQ *PQ >! donGt feel 4ell1 but !Gm not nauseous' *ne dehena a edlehum genn 4ede lie a elegnem *AA D' ! thin9 ! bro9e m leg' $lease call an ambulanceN *gera tesebrual meselegn' Ba9hen ambulance tera *A *' ! thin9 he bro9e his leg' $lease call an ambulanceN %esu egir tesebrual meselegn' Ba9hen ambulance tera *A F' Did he brea9 his legQ ! thin9 so' $lease call an ambulanceN *su egirun tesebrulQ :eselegn' Ba9hen ambulance tera **Q A 12. &' A' Ehere does it hurtQ : stomach hurts' etu garr ne4u emi amehQ@:A hodain amognal QA +' B' Ehat are our s mptomsQ ! have a fever and a stomachache' endate ne4u emi aregshQ@FA ene te9usat ena ras metat alegn *Q **A 2' C' Fo4 do ou feelQ ! donGt feel 4ell1 but !Gm not nauseous' endate esemaotalQ@older person1formalA ene dehana a edelehum genn 4ede lie a legnem *Q *AA /' A' ! thin9 ! bro9e m leg' $lease call an ambulanceN egra teseber meselegn' *ba9ot ambulance teruN * *A

/ndEofELesson +asks 1A A' gunfan senorh endate esemahalQ * Q Te9usat ena sale alegn *A B' medhanit e 4esed9 neoQ auo asprin 4esgale4 *QAA C' atentehn tesebreh ta9alehQ Auo 9ehone etegn4ochQ AQ A D' cent neo 9umeteh ena 9ebdetehQ Aned meter 9e seba ena seba 9ilo Q A* *' bu cent gezai neo doctor emta e4Q Bu e4eruQ Bu ametuQ Bu esost AmetuQ *ne doctor bu ametu a ale4 Q Q Q AQ * A

Lesson 1* *AA Politica,e ena ye ale" akef Political and International /vents


This lesson 4ill introduce ou to> The vocabular associated 4ith politics and international issues > Fo4 the are reported in the *thiopian ne4s > Fo4 to read and understand political events 4ritten in Amharic ne4spapers'

*thiopia adopted a ne4 constitution that established the Federal Democratic .epublic of *thiopia in &DD7' The federal government is responsible for national defense1 foreign relations1 general politics and common interests and benefits' The Federal States comprise nine autonomous states vested 4ith authorit for self>administration' The FD.* is structured along the lines of a bicameral parliament1 4ith the upper chamber representatives being the highest authorit of the federal government1 4hile the lo4er chamber represents the Prime Minister Meles Zanawi common interests of the nations1 nationalities and people of the states' Council members are elected b universal suffrage for a five> ear term' The Federal State is headed b a constitutional president and the Federal government b the $rime :inister 4ho is accountable to the council of the peopleGs representative' *ach autonomous state is headed b a state president elected b the state council' The <udiciar is constitutionall independent' The current leader is $rime :inister :eles Iena4i1 and the president is $resident ?irma Eelede ?orges' The main problem facing *thiopia is famine and the conflict 4ith *ritrea' Also a big social problem is the rapid spread of F!" 9illing millions in *thiopia' *thiopia is one of the poorest nations in the 4orld6 ho4ever1 in recent ears1 it has sho4n much progress in implementing a democratic government for the first time in *thiopian histor ' There is some racial and religious tension in some regions1 but there are no ma<or radical parties'

1A )a"iliariCe yourself ,ith the political ter"sA ?overnment $rime minister $resident Leader @rulerA Dictator $arliament :inistr *lection OfficialPOfficials $olitical part "ote .epublic State Democrac Pdemocratic Term of office $olic Fuman rights .eligious .acial .adical Eorld Conflict Ear !nvadePinvasion #uclear bombsP4eapons :engest Te9lie minister :eri @presidentA :eri Amba genen meri $arliament :inister mercha Balle>seltanPballe>seltanoch %epoletica maheber mercha %emengest astedader agger democrac Pdemocratic %emengest gezai a9u4am@e9edA Seba4e mebet Fimanotegna %ezer A9rari Alem ?egit Tornet Eerera #uclear bombPmesaria P A P A A A* A A A P

2A Listen to and read the follo,ing state"entsA While reading note the use of the ne, voca#ularyA The !ra3i leader The .ussian officials The South African government .eligious differences :iddle *ast conflict The 4ar in !ra3 The radical political part !slamic fundamentalism %e ira3 meri %e .ussia %e deboob Africa mengest %e himanot le oune %e me9a9elegn mesra9 gegit %e ira3 tornet Te9a4ami poletical part A9rari eslemena ! A ! A*

The $resident of the United States is ?eorge Bush' %e America president ?eorge Bush ne4u A )apan and ?reat Britain have prime ministers' )apan ena engeliz te9lie minister alache4u **A This 4as the first political election in that countr ' Bu ezi ager eha emegemeria e poletica mercha ne4u A Fuman rights are a ver important issue in the 4orld toda ' Seb>a4e mebt be zarai 4e9et asfelagi gudie ne4u APA* +1/ (/DI$ Although the state controls radio and television1 the print and broadcast media have seen dramatic changes since the communist dictator :engistu Faile :ariam 4as deposed' Deregulation has been on the rise for some ears' Eould>be private radio broadcasters 4ere given license application forms in +((/' Some opposition groups beam radio broadcasts to *thiopia using hired short>4ave transmitters from overseas' The number of privatel o4ned ne4spapers has gro4n6 some are available on line' The relationship bet4een the press and the government has some4hat been uneas 1 and media rights organizations have e;pressed concern about the possible <ailing of <ournalists' +1/ P3/-Iemen > state>o4ned dail ne4spaper *thiopian Ferald > state>o4ned *nglish>language dail :eneli9 > private1 4ee9l Addis Admas > private1 4ee9l Seifenebelbal > private1 4ee9l Tob a > private1 4ee9l Eonchif > private1 4ee9l Tomar > private1 4ee9l The .eporter > private1 *nglish>language 4eb pages The Sun > private1 *nglish>language 4ee9l Addis Tribune > private1 *nglish>language 4ee9l Capital > *nglish>language1 business 4ee9l +/L/;I-I0! *thiopian Television @*T"A > state>o4ned

3$DI0 .adio *thiopia > state>o4ned1 operates #ational Service and *;ternal Service "oice of Tigra .evolution > Tigra .egional State government radio .adio Fana > founded in &DD/ b the ruling part !/W- $G/!2I/Ealta !nformation Centre @E!CA > privatel o4ned1 pro>government *thiopian #e4s Agenc @*#AA > state>o4ned

3' Listen to and read the follo,ing ne,s report fro" /thiopiaA +hen ans,er the Guestions that follo, in $"haric and /nglishA 2heck your ,ork ,ith the ans,er keyA A&7 !AA A AA* 0 AAOA! +((AA* AA &7 * A A &' Ehen is the *thiopian electionQ +' Fo4 man international observers 4ill be presentQ 2' Fo4 much mone have donor counties pledgedQ /' Fo4 man others 4ill be deplo ed to monitor the electionQ 7' Ehat other organization is monitoring the election on a long>term missionQ &A Work in s"all groupsA Pretend that you are a cre, ,orking for a ne,s progra"A 2o"e up ,ith a short description of a political eventA 5se the Guestions fro" /<ercise 3 as an outline for your reportA %A Work in a s"all group or ,ith a partnerA Go over the infor"ation on the political syste" in /thiopia one "ore ti"eA 3ecall the infor"ation in the $"haric 3eport to your teacher and to the classA

International Geography

/thiopian flag !

*thiopia is located in the horn of Africa1 bordered b the Sudan on the 4est1 Somalia and D<ibouti to the east1 *ritrea on the north and =en a on the south' !t covers an area of appro;imatel ///1((( s3uare miles' The varied topograph of the countr generall features rugged mountains1 flat>topped plateaus river can ons1 rolling plains and lo4lands' The ma<or river basins include- the Blue #ile1 Baro1 Omo1 Te9eze and Eabe shebele' The great valle divides the *thiopian high lands1 as it traverses the countr from north to south' Alpine vegetation features the highland1 4hile 4oodlands1 savanna and semi>arid terrain characterize the lo4land'

'A 3ead the infor"ation a#out /thiopiaA $ns,er the GuestionsA A' B' C' D' Ehere in Africa is *thiopia locatedQ Ehat are the bordering countries of *thiopiaQ !s *thiopia a landloc9ed countr Q Ehat is the longest river in *thiopiaQ

7A Listen to the speaker and follo, along in your #ookA AfghanistanPAfghani CanadaPCanadian ChinaPChinese Denmar9PDanes *g ptP*g ptian *nglandP*nglish FinlandPFinns FrancePFrench ?erman P?erman ?reat BritainPBritish !ndiaP!ndian !ndonesiaP!ndonesian AfghanistanPAfghanistan>a4e CanadaPCanada>4e ChinaPchina>4e Denmar9Pdenmar9>a4e ?ebtsPgebts>a4e *ngelizPengeliz>a4e FinlandPfinland>a4e FurensiPfurensi>a4e ?ermanPgerman>a4e *ngelizPengeliz>a4e FindPhind>a4e !ndonesiaP!ndonesia>4e APA P P P P *P* P P P *P* P !P!

!ranP!ranian !ra3P!ra3i !relandP!rish !sraelP!sraeli !tal P!talian )apanP)apanese =oreaP=orean =u4aitP=u4aiti :e;icoP:e;ican #etherlandsPDutch #or4a P#or4egian $a9istanP$a9istani $hilippinesPFilipino .ussiaP.ussian Saudi ArabiaPSaudi ScotlandPScot South AfricaP South African SpainPSpanish S4edenPS4ede S riaPS rian ThailandPThai "ietnamP"ietnamese EalesPEelsh #orth America Central America South America Eestern *urope Central *urope *astern *urope :iddle *ast South4est Asia Southeast Asia Africa Australia *astern Asia Arctic Antarctic $acific .im

!ranPiran>a4e !ra3Pira3>a4e !relandP!reland>a4e !sraelP!srael>a4e Tali anPtali an>a4e )apanP<apan>4e =oreaP 9orea>4e =u4aitP=u4ait>a4e :e;icoP:e;ican>a4e holandPholand>a4e #or4a P#or4egian>a4e $a9istanP$a9istan>a4e $hilippinePphilippin>a4e .ussiaP.ussia>4e Saudi ArabiaPSaudi Arabia>4e ScotlandPScotland>4e Deboob AfricaP deboob Africa>4e SpainPspain>a4e S4edenPS4eden>a4e SoriaPsoria>4e ThailandPThailand>a4e "ietnamP"ietnam>a4e EalesP4ales>a4e Semain America :e9a9elegna America Deboob America :e>erab auropa :e9a9elegna auropa :esra9 auropa :e9a9elegna mesra9 Deboob me>erab asia Deboob mesra9 asia AfricaPAfrica>4e AustraliaPaustalia>4e :esra9 asia Arctic Antarctica .u9 mesra9


*ne amereica>4e negn' ! am an American' *A *ne 9e America negn' ! am from America' *A *su <apan>a4e neo' Fe is )apanese' * *su 9e <apan neo' Fe is from )apan' * *nante gebs>a4e neche4Q Are ou @pluralA *g ptianQ *Q Auo egna gebs>a4e nen' %es1 4e are *g ptian' A* *nesu furenc>a4e nache4' The are French' *

*A Listen to and read the dialogues a#out nationalityA !ote the ,ays to deter"ine oneDs nationalityA Are ou from S riaQ APAPQ AntePanchi 9e soria neh PneshQ #o1 !Gm from *g pt' !Gm an *g ptian' A* ! ene 9e gebs neg' ene gebs>a4e negn'

Are ou AmericanQ #o1 !Gm Canadian' APAAPP A* AnteP anchi 9e America nehPneshQ ! ene Canada>4e negn Ehat are ouQ APAPQ AntePanchi mennden nehPneshQ negn Ehere are ou fromQ APAPQ AntePanchi 9e et nehPnesh negn !Gm "ietnamese' * *ne "ietnam>a4e !Gm from !ndia' !Gm !ndian' ** *ne 9e hinde negn'ene hind>a4e

Are ou !ndonesianQ %es1 !Gm !ndonesian' ! live in )a9arta' APA!PQ A*!! * AntePanchi !ndonesia>4e nehPneshQ Auo ene !ndonesia>4e negn'!ndonesia norale4u Are ou from AfghanistanQ ! live in Afghanistan1 but ! am $a9istani' APA AQ *A AntePanchi 9e Afghanistan nehPneshQ *ne Afghanistan ne4u emenore4u genn ene $a9istan>

a4e negn

9A Working ,ith a partner co"plete the dialoguesA 2heck your ,ork ,ith the ans,er keyA &' > Rante "ietnam>a4e nehRRRRRRRR''Q AQ > auo ene "ietnam>a4e negn A* +' > RRanchi America>4e neshRRRRRRRRRQ AAQ > ! ene America>4e a edelehum ene Canada>4e negn A*AA* 2' > ante afghanistan neo 4o nes $a9istan emetnore4''Q AA > ene $a9istan neo emenore4u genn Afghanitan>a4e negn *A /' > Renante ira3>a4e nache4u''Q A!Q > oe4u egna ira3>4e nen A*!

1.A What do you hearF +he speaker ,ill read one ,ord fro" each line of te<tA (ark the ,ord that you hearA 2heck your ans,ers ,ith the ans,er keyA &' +' 2' /' 7' A A A ! ! ! * *

/ndEofELesson +asks 1A +ranslate the follo,ing headlines into /nglishA 2heck the ans,er keyA &' AA e4och guda e minister addis ambassador le gebse se eme' +' !&,( A %e *uropean mehaber &,( emihonu geleseboch mercha lemetazeb emetalu' 2' !A etiopia e Ugandan abeba gebe a lete4esd techelalech /' A* U#*SCO e a9sum ha4elt 9e tali an endimeles eredal 7' !A e etiopia cargo a er menged be Uganda lie 4ede9e'

2' Listen to and read the follo,ing ne,s report fro" /thiopia, then ans,er the Guestions that follo,A

/& *
@A AA +21 +((7

AA *P*/&15D7155/ * & +((7 ** A+((, * * A+(155D1/7+ A+&1((01/2+ A* *A * **O *!*** *!A*

AA** * A 2&1((( *+((( 25 A A2120&1D00'+( ** 25 A** * A*

&' Fo4 much mone 4ill be allocated the first earQ cent genzeb eserachal emegemeria ametQ AQ +' Ehich is the group most vulnerable to F!" infection in *thiopiaQ betam etegodu se4och manne nache4Q Q 2' Fo4 man facilities 4ill there be in the treatment centerQ cent dere<etPbota le he9emena aleQ PAQ /' Ehen 4ill the funding begin and endQ erdata4 meche e<emeral ena ale9alQ *Q 7' Ehere 4as the global meeting heldQ e alem sebseba et neo eneberee4Q A Q 3A Work ,ith a partner or in a s"all groupA )ro" the list of the countries a#ove choose one and give a #riefing on its location and political syste"A Pretend that you are giving a press conferenceA 6our class"ates ,ill roleEplay the ne,s reporters #y asking you GuestionsA +he follo,ing Guestions "ay help you in your ,ork: &' Does this countr have a presidentQ Eho is the current presidentQ +' Fo4 man political parties are there in this countr Q 2' !s there a 4ar in this countr no4Q /' Does this countr have a parliamentQ 7' !s there a democrac in this countr Q 0' Does this countr have a prime ministerQ ,' !s the leader of this countr a dictatorQ 5' !s this countr a republicQ D' Ehat is a specific geographical feature of this countr Q

;oca#ulary List Conflict Democrac Pdemocratic Dictator Dispute *lection ?overnment Fuman rights !nvadePinvasion LeaderPruler :inistr #uclear bombsP4eapons Official $arliament $olic $olitical part $resident $rime minister .acial .adical .eligious .epublic State Term of office To 9ill To vote To invade Ear Eorld ?echit Democrac Pdemocratic Amba genenn Til :ercha mengest Seba4e mebt Eerera :eri minister #uclear bombPmesaria Te4e9i e parliament Fegg $olitical deregit :eri@presidentA Te9la minister %ezer A9rari himanotgna Te4e9a e =ilil @9efele>hagerA ?ezai gedeb :egdel :ercha :e4rer Tornet alem P A A P P P A P A

$ns,er 8ey
3' 2o"pare your ans,ers to the translationA +housands of 0#servers to #e Deployed in (ay Polls Some 21((( observers are to be deplo ed throughout *thiopia on &7 :a to monitor elections1 the Christian .elief and Development Association @C.DAA1 an umbrella bod of civil>societ organization1 said' Ten donor countries have so far pledged around USY0 million to support the elections> onl the third democratic ballot in *thiopiaGs histor ' Another +(( international observers are also e;pected on polling Da 4hile the *uropean Union is fielding a Olong termL1 election>observer mission1 4hich is e;pected to arrive in the countr on &7 :arch' Bushe emhonu abaloch mercha4en lemetazabi4och genbot esatefalu Sost she ager abalat bu genbot &7 e etiopian merach lemegenzeb be addis abea 9etama eserachalu sil e Christian relief development association tenagrual' %eredat ager abalatochu es9e zare 0 million dollar bumesebseb mercha4en lemedegef aste4aseo aderge4al' %eh e democratic merch bu *thiopia tar9 4ost siderg sostegna gize ne4u' =ezihem butchemari +(( alem a9ef tazabi4och ena e auropa andenta4e mehaber te4e9a och be &7 genbot egebalu' *nesum lereg m geza mercha4en lemegenzeb be addis abeba e9o alu' &' Ehen is the *thiopian electionQ +' Fo4 man international observers 4ill be presentQ 2' Fo4 much mone has have donor counties pledgedQ /' Fo4 man others 4ill be deplo ed to monitor the electionQ 7' Ehat other organization is monitoring the election on a long term missionQ 1A!Q &7 @AA +'AAQ AA 2'*AAAQ /'AA 7'Q AA 9A &' > Rante "ietnam>a4e nehRRRRRRRR''Q AQ > auo ene "ietnam>a4e negn A* +' > RRanchi America>4e neshRRRRRRRRRQ AAQ > ! ene America>4e a edelehum ene Canada>4e negn

A*AA* 2' > ante afghanistan neo 4o nes $a9istan emetnore4''Q AA > ene $a9istan neo emenore4 genn Afghanitan>a4e negn *A /' > Renante ira3>a4e nache4''Q A!Q > auo egna ira3>4e nen A*! 1.A &' Afghanistan A +' *ngeliz * 2' )apan /' Sore a 7' ?ebs Afghanistan *ngland )apan Sr ia *g pt

/ndEofELesson +asks 1A & 'Foreign ministr names ne4 ambassador to *g pt +' *uropen Union is deplo ing about &,( election observers' 2' *thiopia threatens the Ugandan flo4er mar9et' /' U#*SCO is helping the obelis9 A;um to be returned form !tal ' 7' An *thiopian cargo plane crashed in Uganda' 2' &' Fo4 much mone 4ill be allocated the first earQ Y+(155D1/7+' +' Eho are the most vulnerable group of F!" in *thiopiaQ Eomen and children' 2' Fo4 man facilities 4ill there be for treatment centerQ There 4ill be 25 facilities' /' Ehen 4ill the funding begin and endQ !t begins on :arch & +((7 and ends Februar +((,' 7' Ehere 4as the global meeting heldQ !n Addis Ababa at the ?ihon Fotel'

Lesson 19 ,etadera,e +he (ilitary

This lesson 4ill introduce ou to> Basic militar vocabular > The ran9 structure of the U'S' Arm and *thiopian militar forces6 > #ames of 4eapons and arm vehicles'


1A What do soldiers doF What do soldiers useF What do soldiers ,earF +he pictures ,ill help you to guess the "eaning of unkno,n ter"sA -ee the ans,er key if you need helpA

enezi 4etaderoch uniform @mele oA lebse4al'egrache4 lie bote chama ena rasache4 lie ebret 9ofe a arge4al' ebert 9ofe a rasache4n 9e medf1te et ena fegi e9ela9elal'4etaderochu e<ache4 lie mesaria eze4al' *@A ** A* *

%eha 4etader temenga ete9usal

A %eha 4etader 9e azagz garr bu radio enageral

A %eha 4etader te4er4ari mesaria ale4u

2A !o, listen to the ne, ,ords and repeat the" after the speakerA Soldier Uniform Boots Felmet To protect Artiller Ammunition *;plosives Eeapons .adio Commander To fire .ifle .oc9et launcher 4etader uniform @mele o A bot chama @bootsA e beret 9ofe a me9ela9el medfegna Te et fengi mesaria radio azazg mete9os temenga tesfentari mesaria P P A

3A 3ead the state"ents and "atch each one ,ith the correct pictureA 2heck the ans,er keyA




A' *su selama4i se4 ne4u'esu mesaria ele4em' *su le<och alut ***A B *su 4etader ne4u'esu mesaria ale4u **A C' Eetaderu selama4e se4 mesaria endale4u efeteshal *

&A Listen to the ne, ,ords and repeat the" after the speakerA

1A 2A %e4etader radio maegenagna Fetno derash' :e9ina !

3 %e>a er me9a4emia A

&A Tan9

%A Tan9

'A Beret>lebesse

%A !o, cover the na"es of the vehicles ,ith a sheet of paper and na"e the"A 3epeat /<ercise & as "any ti"es as you need to in order to feel co"forta#le ,ith the ne, ter"sA &' RRRRRRRR'' +' RRRRRRRR'' 2' RRRRRRRR'' /' RRRRRRRR'' 7' RRRRRRRR'' 0' RRRRRRRR''

'A Listen to the ne, ,ords and repeat the" after the speakerA

&' :ortar @adafneA mortar

+' temenga rifle

2' :etreiuse @BrainA machine gun

/' * %e>egge bomb grenade

7' %ete9ebere fengi mine

0' Shegute gun

,' Te4er4ari mesaria @missleA missile

5' Debe9 mesaria 4eapons cache

7A Look at the pictures in /<ercise 'A 2over the $"haric translations and the /nglish ,ords in /<ercise 'A (atch each ter" ,ith the correct pictureA 3eplay the sound as "any ti"es as you need toA 2heck your ,ork ,ith the ans,er keyA $A * 4A 2A DA AP /A )A G' 1A

*A In the follo,ing lists of ite"s three #elong to the group #ut the fourth does not logically #elongA 2ross it outA 2heck your ,ork ,ith the ans,er keyA tan9 temenga mele o radio e beret 9ofe a etore me9onen e egge bomb * adafne A 4etader carta temenga 4etader truc9 e beret 9ofe a selam4e se4 minefield mele ao 9efel e4etader me9ina metreuise azagz A mesaria bott chama azagz A

9A Listen to and translate the follo,ing state"entsA 2heck your ,ork ,ith the ans,er keyA &' 4etaderoch e beret 9ofe a le te et me9ela9e a aregalu' +' 4etaderoch e beret 9ofe a le fengi ena medef me9ela9e a aregalu' * 2' egna selam4e se4en hulu lie mesaria endale enfeteshalen *** /' egna etelat 4etader lie mesari endale enfeteshalen ***

1.A What do you hearF Listen to the speaker and "ark the state"ent that you hearA 2heck your ,ork ,ith the ans,er keyA &' A' Soldiers 4ear helmets for protection from e;plosives' B' Soldiers 4ear helmets for protection from ammunition and artiller ' +' A' Ee are searching all civilians for 4eapons' B' Ee are searching all enem soldiers for 4eapons'

11A Listen and repeat the ne, ,ords after the speakerA Arm base e torsefer :inefield ete9ebere fengi $atrol ezuria 9utetere Be carefulN teten9e9 .oadbloc9 etagede menged Base menesha@BaseA P Curfe4 e se>at elafi A* Chec9point efetesha botaP@9ellaA Barrac9s e4otader4och menori !n charge of eRhalafi R !dentification meta4e9ia 12A )ill in the #lanks ,ith the correct ,ord fro" the voca#ulary list a#oveA 2heck your ,ork ,ith the ans,er keyA A' 8 eha ezuria 9uteter ne4uQ > oe4u A > mann ne4u Q > e zuria 9uteter meri ne4u' B' > aleQ

AQ > 9e1 5-(( 9emeshetu es9e 0-(( 9ete4atu 5'(( *0'(( C' > N %ete9ebere fengi aleN N A D' hulum 4etader4och ena officers meta4e9ia 4ere9et ena lie masa et alebache4u *O * A *' e 4etaderoch menoria mann ne4uQ Q *zazu Da4it alemu1 ne4u esu halafi ne4u AA*

13A Working ,ith a partner take turns reading and roleEplaying the dialogues fro" /<ercise 12A 1&A Working in a s"all group co"e up ,ith si"ilar dialogues and then roleEplay the"A 1%A -tudy the list of 5A-A $r"y ranksA 2o"pare the" ,ith the /thiopian "ilitary eGuivalentsA /nlisted $rivate Corporal Sergeant Sergeant :a<or 0fficer Lieutenant Captain :a<or Lt' Colonel Colonel ?eneral

4etader aser ale9a me9etel amesa ale9a amesa ale9a meto ale9a shamble shale9a Lt'cololen colonel general


/ndEofELesson +asks 1A Work ,ith a partner or in a s"all groupA In $"haric co"e up ,ith a caption for each picture #elo,A

&' RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR ' +' RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR'' 2' R RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR RR 2A a> +ranslate the follo,ing sentences into /nglishA 2heck your ,ork ,ith the ans,er keyA A' Debe9 mesari a4u et ne4uQ Q B' ezih ezuria 9uteter halafi mane4uQ Q C' fetesha bota setalf meta4e9ia 4ere9et masa et alebeh A D' hulum selam4e se4 mesari mefetesh alebet A *' se>at elafi bu D'(( 9emeshetu egemral' Ahune D-/7 ne4u' bait temelesu' A*D'(( AD'/7 F' 4etaderoch becha nache4u 4etadera4e menoria megabat emichelut

#> Work ,ith a partner or in a s"all groupA 2o"e up ,ith a situation ,here you can use sentences 2 D / and ) as a replyA 2reate the first part of the conversation so that you have short dialoguesA 3oleEplay the"A 3A a> +ranslate the follo,ing into $"haric. 2o"pare your translation against the ans,er keyA A' $lease step out of the car' Ee must search the vehicle for 4eapons' B' !t is after curfe4' %ou must come 4ith me for 3uestioning' C' The 4eapons cache is on the other side of Chec9point Delta' D' Be careful' There is a minefield east of the railroad' *' *ver soldier needs to have a radio and a map' F' %ou must 9no4 all the chec9points and roadbloc9s in this area' #> Work ,ith a partner or in a s"all groupA 2o"e up ,ith a situation ,here you can use these sentences as a replyA 2reate the first part of the conversation so that you have short dialoguesA 3oleEplay the"A

;oca#ulary List
Ammunition Arm base Artiller Barrac9s Base Be carefulN Boots Chec9point Civilian Commander Curfe4 *nem *;plosive ?renade ?un Felmet !n charge @of a patrol1 baseA :achine gun :ap :ilitar :ine :inefield :issile :ortar Officer $rotection .adio .an9 .ifle .oadbloc9 .oc9et .oc9et launcher Search Soldier Tan9 Uniform Eeapons Eeapons cache $rivate Corporal Te et %etore sera4it sefer :udfegna %e4etader seferPmenoria Sefer @meneshaA Teten9e9 Botte chama@bootsA :e9otateria botta Eetader alhone @selama4e se4A Azagz Se>at elafi Telat Fengi %e ege bomb Shegut %e beret 9ofe a %eR'halafi :etre es Carta Eetadera4e %ete9ebere fengi %ete9nere fengi maida Te4er4ari mesaria Adafne %etor me9onen :e9la9e a .adio :u>ereg Tumenga %etagede menged Te4er4ari Te4er4ari mesaria :u>fetesh Eetader Tan9 Uniform@mele oA :usaria Debe9 mesaria Eetader %aser ale9a P P P P A A* *A R' A A P A

Sergeant Sergeant :a<or Officer Lieutenant Captain :a<or Lt' Colonel Colonel ?eneral

:e9etel amesa ale9a %amesa ale9a :e9onen %emeto ale9a Shambel Shale9a Lt'colonel Colonel ?eneral


$ns,er 8ey

These soldiers 4ear uniforms' The 4ear boots on their feet and helmets on their heads' The helmets protect their heads from artiller 1 ammunition1 and e;plosives' The soldiers have 4eapons in their hands'

This soldier fires his rifle' 3A

This soldier tal9s on the radio 4ith his commander'

This soldier has a roc9et launcher'

A' 2 Fe is a civilian' Fe does not have 4eapons' Fe has children' *su selama4i se4 neo'esu mesaria ele4em' *su le<och alut B' + Fe is a soldier' Fe has a 4eapon' *su 4etader neo'esu mesaria ale4 C' & The soldier searches the civilian for 4eapons' Eetaderu selama4e se4 mesaria endale4 efeteshal 7A A' grenade > e>egge bombP* B' machine gun > metreiuse @brainA C' rifle > temengaP

D' mortar > adafne @mortarAPAP *' mine > ete9ebere fengiP F' 4eapons cache > debe9 mesariaP ?' gun > sheguteP F' missile > te4er4ari mesariaP *A 1A 2A 3A &A %A 'A 9A &' Soldiers 4ear helmets for protection from ammunition' +' Soldiers 4ear helmets for protection from e;plosives and artiller ' 2' Ee are searching all civilians for 4eapons' /' Ee are searching all enem soldiers for 4eapons' 1.A &' A' Soldiers 4ear helmets for protection from e;plosives' &' A' 4etaderoch e beret 9ofe a le nefas me9ela9e a aregalu'' +' B' Ee are searching all enem soldiers for 4eapons' B' egna etelat 4etader lie mesari endale enfeteshalen ** * 12A A' > !s this a patrolQ 8 eha ezuria 9uteter neoQ > %es' 8 auo A > Eho is in chargeQ > mann neo halafi Q Q > The patrol leader' > e zuria 9uteter meri neo' B' > !s there a curfe4Q B' > curfe4T aleQ AQ > %es1 from 5-(( $':' to 0-(( A':' > 9e1 5-(( 9emeshetu es9e 0-(( 9ete4atu Tan9 .ifle Uniform .adio Felmet Officer ?renade :ortar Soldier :ap Artiller Soldier Truc9 Felmet Civilian :inefield Uniform Civilian Fumvee :achine ?un Commander Eeapon Boots Commander

5'(( *0'(( C' > Be carefulN There are minesN N A teten9e9 N %ete9ebere fengi aleN

D' All soldiers and officers must sho4 their !DGs at roadbloc9s and at chec9points' ' hulum 4etader4och ena officers meta4e9ia 4ere9et etagede menged ena efetaesha bota lie masa et alebache4 *O * A *' > Eho is in charge of the barrac9sQ e 4etaderoch menoria halafi mann neoQ Q > The unit commander1 Da4it Alemu1 is in charge' *zazu Da4it alemu1 noe esu halafi noe' AA* /ndEofELesson +asks 2A a> A' Ehere is the 4eapons cacheQ B' Eho is in charge of this patrolQ C' %ou must sho4 our !D 4hen ou pass the chec9point' D' All civilians must be searched for 4eapons' *' Curfe4 starts at D-(( p'm' !tGs D-/7 no4' ?o bac9 to our home' F' Onl soldiers ma enter the militar base' 3A a> A' eba9ot 9e me9ina 4eredu' egna me9ina4en mesaria endale4 mefetesh aleben ** A B' 9e se>at elafi behula neo' le te a9e 9e engna garr memtat alebot A** A C' debbe9 mesaria bu la la mefetesha bota lie noe D' teten9e9' Bu babour hadid mesra9 be9ul ete9eber fengi *' hulum 4etader radio ena carta endinore4 asfelge4al ** F' ante hulun etaged menged ena efetesha bota a9ababi ma4e9 alebh A*AA

Lesson 2. 1aki" #ait ,ost In the 1ospital


This lesson 4ill introduce ou to> The vocabular related to the medical emergenc and life>saving measures > The terminolog related to internal organs > The 4a s to as9 3uestions about the vital signs'

Fealth care in *thiopia is ver poor6 there is a great shortage of doctors1 nurses and medical professionals' Also1 there are ver fe4 hospitals 4ith modern technolog to perform comple; surger or to diagnose illness' There are state>run hospitals in ma<or cities1 and several private hospitals and clinics' :ost people cannot afford private health care since there is no medical insurance6 therefore1 the go to state>run hospitals that are free but are not the best' The private hospitals are modern1 but onl the rich can afford them' $eople in rural areas have to travel for da s to get health care at state hospitals' There is an *.1 but the ambulance service is not nearl as efficient as it is in the Eest1 so people do not use it as much' !t is ver important to 9no4 ho4 to communicate in case of a crisis 4here medical attention is needed' Students should e;pect a chaotic situation 4here it is difficult to do their duties because of mass cro4ds gathering at the scenes of disasters or at a place 4here someone is hurt' *ver one 4ill tr to intervene1 either to help1 or to ta9e advantage of the victims' One must al4a s ta9e along a native 4ho spea9s the language' !n Lesson &,1 ou alread learned the names of human bod parts1 ho4 to as9 3uestions about a personGs state of health1 and ho4 to describe health conditions and s mptoms of sic9ness' %ou also 9no4 ho4 to handle the visit to the doctorGs office' !n this lesson1 ou 4ill familiarize ourself 4ith the vocabular used for life>threatening health conditions1 such as heart attac9s1 gunshot 4ounds1 severe bleeding1 and head in<uries'

1A Go over the te<t ,ith the picturesA +ry to understand the "eaning of unkno,n ,ords fro" the conte<tA

1 yehay se,yea eggu tegudtul *

2 yechi setyo eggu lie kusel ale *A

3 yehay se,yea ye kosele eggir ale,A *A A

& 6ehay se,yea ye angeta gudat ale, A

Did ou understand the 4ords 4oundP4ounded and in<ur Pin<uredQ %ouGre rightN The are 9uselPme9usel and gudatPmegodat' 2A Look at the pictures in /<ercise 1 and "atch the nu"#er of the picture ,ith the correct definitionA 2heck the ans,er keyA A' e 9osele egirP* ' B' e anget gudatPA ' C' e 9osele eggeP* number picture number ' ' D' picture number picture number picture e ras gudatP

3A +ell your class"ates in $"haric if you ever had an in7ury orIand ,oundsA

&A Listen to and read the dialogue #et,een the doctor and the nurse in the e"ergency roo" of a "ilitary hospitalA !ote the use of ne, voca#ularyA Doctor- Fo4 does Sergeant Samuel feelQ Doctor- me9etel amesal9e endate nache4Q >>>* Q #urse- Fe feels bad1 Doctor Fasssan' #urse- esache4 betam tame4al doctor hassan >>>* Doctor- Ehat is the matter 4ith himQ Doctor - esache4 menn honeualQ >>>*Q #urse- Fis leg hurts' #urse- esache4 egirache4n amuache4al >>>**A Doctor- !s it in<uredQ Doctor- tegoudtulQ >>> Q #urse- %es' Fe has a gunshot 4ound' Fe is bleeding' #urse- auo esache4 e bu te et 9usle4l ' dem efedache4al >>>A* Doctor- Does he have feverQ Doctor esache4 te9usalt alache4 >>>*A #urse- %es1 he does' #urse- auo alache4 >>>AA Doctor- !s he ta9ing an medicationsQ Doctor- esache4 medhanit e e4esedu neoQ >>>** Q #urse- %es1 antibiotics and pain9illers' #urseauo antibiotic ena e se9ie medhanit >>> AA*

%A Work ,ith a partnerA 3oleEplay the dialogue fro" /<ercise 2A 'A (atch each of the pictures ,ith the corresponding state"entA +ry to guess the "eanings of unkno,n ,ords fro" the conte<tA 2heck your ans,ers ,ith the ans,er keyA

A &' eha 4etader eggir tegodtual *

+' eha se4 ea 9ofe a alaregem zare' Betam emo9 neber' Ahun esehi mech metotal AA 2' eha se4 ea fasha egu 9usel lie zuria temtemual *

7A Listen to the speaker and read along in your te<t#ookA 2heck the ans,er key for an /nglish translationA

enezi fasha ena plaster nache4' Ante@:A anchi @FA 9usel 4o nen me9oret lie bu fash mete9lel alebeh@:A alebesh@FA nesuh mehon alebet' **APA APAA

*A In order to "ake so"eone look like the "an in the picture #elo, ,hat ,ill you needF

9A )a"iliariCe yourself ,ith so"e ne, "edical ter"inologyA Listen as the speaker recites the na"es of internal organsA 3epeat after the speakerA

1 &' heart +' brain 2' lung /' 9idne 7' liver

2 Lebb Angol Samba =ulaleet ?ubet

& A

1.A )ill in the #lanks ,ith the appropriate na"e of the organ in $"haricA 2heck your ans,ers ,ith the ans,er keyA le## gu#et san#a kulaleet angol PPPPA A' %e se4 B' atefal' A le hulum e se4nte en9ese9ase halfinet ale4' *A betam asfelagi ese4net 9efil neo me9ne atum e se4neten choma

C' Sport mesrat lene A D' Cigara maches e *' bezu 4eha metetat le

betam asfelagi neo

ne9ersa ametal betam ete9mal

11' Listen to and read the dialogue #et,een the doctor and a patient in a "ilitary hospital e"ergency roo"A In the (ilitary 1ospital /"ergency 3oo" Doctor- Fello1 :a<or Belache4' >> Doctor-Selam shale9a Belache4 :a<or- ?ood morning1 Doctor Se um' >>*A Shale9a- endemen aderu doctor se um Doctor- Ehat happened to ouQ >>Q Doctor-menn honuQ :a<or- ! donGt no4' ! didnGt feel 4ellR ! had chest pain1 headache1 and dizziness' >>**A* Shale9a-ene enga 'dehana a esemagnemRderet lie amegnal1ras>metat1ena mazor Doctor- For ho4 long did ou have our s mptomsQ >>A Doctor-cent giza neo endezi 9etesemotQ :a<or- For about + da s' >>>A Shale9a-Fulet 9en a9ababi Doctor- Did ou ta9e an medicationsQ >>

Doctor- medhanit 4esde4alQ

:a<or- %es1 ! too9 pain9illers' >>A Shale9a- auo e se9ie Doctor- For ho4 longQ >>Q Doctor- le cent gezaiQ :a<or- For about + da sR Ehat happened to me1 doctorQ >>R' Shale9a- Le hulet 9enRmenden neo ehon9ut doctorQ Doctor- Eell1 4hen ou got in the *.1 ou couldnGt breathe' Ee had to do C$.' %ou had abnormal blood pressure' !t 4as +2( over &5(' %ou had a heart attac9' Ehat s mptoms do ou have no4Q **A *A A+2( &5( A*Q Doctor-engedih ezi dengetena simetu metenfes a9etot neo' eme<emeri a erdate aderegnelot' edem presure4ot dehena alneberem +2( bu &5( neber lebb de9am neberot ahun endate nootQ :a<or- ! feel 4ea9ness' >> Shale9a-de9am esemagnal Doctor- Are ou allergic to an medicationsQ >>A AQ Doctor- e medhanit alleg alotQ :a<or- %es1 !Gm allergic to penicillin' >> AA Shale9a-auo le penicillin allerg negn Doctor- Do ou have an 9idne 1 liver1 lung1 or brain diseasesQ DiabetesQ CancerQ >>AAQ Q Q Doctor- e 9ulaleet1gubet1sanba14o nem e angol besheta a lotQ Se9uar beshtaQ #e9ersaQ :a<or- #o1 ! donGt' >>A

Shale9a-! elegnem

Doctor- Do ou smo9eQ >>Q Doctor- achesaluQ :a<or- #o1 ! donGt' >>AA ! alegsem Doctor- Do an members of our famil have heart diseases or have the had a heart attac9Q >>AQ Doctor-9e baitese 4ost e lebb besheta 4o nem e lebb da9am aleQ :a<or- %es1 m father died three ears ago from heart disease' >>AAA Shale9a-auo abate bu lebb besheta e zare sost amet mote Doctor- Eell1 ! thin9 ou must sta in the hospital and rest for a fe4 da s' >>*A Doctor- engedi le tenesh 9en ha9im bait me9o ut alebot emeslegnal :a<or- But ! need to get bac9 to m unitN >>A Shale9a-?en 9e tor 9efel gar memeless alebegn Doctor- #o1 ou have to sta in the hospital1 rest1 and ta9e aspirin' >>A*AA Doctor-! ha9im bait me9o et 1 maref ena aspirin me4sed alebot

12A Listen to and read the dialogue #et,een Doctor !egist and his colleague Doctor (ulatuA $ns,er the follo,Eup GuestionsA 2heck your ans,ers ,ith the ans,er keyA Doctor :ulatu- shale9a Belache4 menn hone4alQ Q Doctor #egist- esu lebb de9am ezotal * Doctor :ulatu- menn esemache4al ahunQ AQ

Doctor #egist- esu ederet 4egat1 rasmetat1 4o nem mazor ale4' *su de9am esema4al * A* Doctor :ulatu- edem pressure 9uterQ Q Doctor #egist- dehana neo- &/( bu 5( belie neo &/( 5( Doctor :ulatu- le medhanit allergic neoQ AQ Doctor #egist- auo 1 esu e penicillin allergic neo' esu aspirin ahun 4esdual' A*A*AA Doctor :ulatu- esu se9uar besheta 4o nem ne9ersa alebetQ Ciggara achesalQ *AQ Doctor #igest- ! ele4em AA Doctor :ulatu- baite seb 4ost e lebb besheta 4o nes de9am aleQ AQ Doctor #egest- auo1 esu abat e zare sost amet bu lebb besheta moteual' AAA Doctor :ulatu- engedi1esu letenish 9en ha9im bait me9o et alebet emeslegnal' **A ?uestions: &A' Ehat happened to :a<or Belache4Q +A' Ehat s mptoms did :a<or Belache4 have and for ho4 longQ 2A' Fo4 does he feel no4Q Ehat is his blood pressureQ !s that normal or abnormalQ /A' !s he allergic to an medicationsQ !s he ta9ing an medications no4Q 7A' Does he have liver1 9idne 1 brain1 or lung diseasesQ Diabetes or cancerQ 0A' Does he smo9eQ ,A' Do his famil members have heart diseasesQ 5A' Did an famil members die from heart diseasesQ DA' Eill :a<or Belache4 sta in the hospitalQ

13A Work ,ith a partnerA Pretend to #e Doctor !egist and Doctor (ulatu fro" /<ercise 12A Discuss (a7or 4elache,Ds health conditionsA 3oleEplay the dialogue fro" /<ercise 12A 1&A (atch the Guestions and ans,ersA 2heck your ,ork ,ith the ans,er keyA A' *ndat neh@:A nesh@FA noot@olderPformalA &' Auo ene e te et gudat ega lie alegn *PPQ A**A B' :enn hon9Q Q C' :enn esemahal@:A esemashal@FA esema4otal@OPFAQ PPQ D' hemem aleh@:A alesh@FA alot @OPFAQ APAPAQ *' %etu ga amehal@:A ameshal@FA amotal@FQOAQ PPQ F' =osle4alQ Q ?' :edahanitoch lie neh@:A nesh@FAnot@OPFAQ PPQ +' *ne de9am ena azoregnal ** 2' %ene 9usel e edema neo * /' Fodain amegnal 7' Auo deretain amegnal' :etenfes alchlem AA 0' Auo hemem medhanit A ,' *ne betam amognal *A

1%. What do you hearF Listen to the speaker and "ark the state"ent that you hearA 2heck your ,ork ,ith the ans,er keyA &' A' Ehat are our s mptomsQ ! have a fever and a pain in m arm' B' Ehat are our s mptomsQ ! have a fever and a pain in m leg' C' Ehat are our s mptomsQ ! have a fever and a pain in m nec9' +' A' Fo4 do ou feelQ ! donGt feel 4ell' ! have a chest pain' B' Fo4 do ou feelQ ! donGt feel 4ell' ! feel dizziness' C' Fo4 do ou feelQ ! donGt feel 4ell' ! canGt breathe' 2' A' !s there a doctor hereQ This man <ust had a heart attac9' B' Are ou a doctorQ This man <ust had a heart attac9' C' ! am a doctor' This man <ust had a heart attac9'

/ndEofELesson +asks 1A Please ans,er the follo,ing Guestions in $"haric: A' B' C' D' *' Ehat is our normal pulseQ Ehat is our normal blood pressureQ Are ou allergic to an medicationsQ Fave ou ever had a head in<ur Q Fave ou ever had a heat stro9eQ

2A Work ,ith a partner or in a s"all groupA Look at the picture and tell in $"haric ,hat you think happened to the patientA 6ou "ight ,ant to "ention the follo,ing things: Is the patient a "an or a ,o"anF What is hisIher ageF Is heIshe a soldierF Is heIshe ,oundedF Is heIshe in7uredF Is heIshe in painF Does heIshe have #leedingF Does heIshe have a feverF Will heIshe need to stay in the hospitalF Does heIshe have high #lood pressureF Does heIshe have chest painF Is heIshe having a heart attackF 2an heIshe #reatheF Will heIshe need 2P3F Is heIshe allergic to any "edicationsF Is heIshe taking any "edicationsF

;oca#ulary list
Abnormal Aspirin Bandage Band>aid Bleeding Brain Breathing Cancer C$. Cut Diabetes Dressing *. ?unshot 4ound Fead in<ur Feart Feart attac9 Feart disease Feat stro9e Figh blood pressure ! am allergic toR Are ou allergic toR !n<ured !n<ur =idne Liver Lungs Organs $ain9illers $enicillin $ulse Sterile To die To sta EoundP Eounded Te9e9elegna alehaone Aspirin %eplaster fasha $laster :edmatt Angol :etenfes #e9ersa %emegemeria erdata :e9oret Se9uar besheta %echer9 fasha Dengetegna hi9emena %ete et 9usel %eras gudat Lebb %elebb de9am %elebb besheta %esehi mechPbezat Demm bezat *ne leR''allergic negn Ante@:A le R''allergic nehQ :egodat ?udat =ulaleet ?ubet Sanba %ese4net 9efil %ese9a e medhnit $enicillin Tereta Bumedhanit eseda :emot :e9o et =uselPme9usel A A * P *''A ARA P

$ns,er 8ey
2A A' Eounded leg B' !n<ured nec9 C' Eounded arm D' Fead in<ur 'A > > > > picture number picture number picture number picture number 2 ' / ' & ' & '

&' A This soldier has an in<ured leg' +' B This man didnGt 4ear his hat' !t 4as ver hot toda ' #o4 he has a heat stro9e' 2' C This man has a dressing on his 4ounded arm' 7A These are bandages and band>aids' %ou need them to ma9e a dressing for a cut or 4ound' The have to be sterile' 1.A A' The human Tbrain is in charge of all bod s stem functions' A' %e se4 angol le hulum e se4nte en9ese9ase halfinet ale4' A*A B' The Tliver is a ver important organ because it helps our bod to get rid of fat' B' gubet betam asfelagi ese4net 9efil neo me9ne atum e se4neten choma atefal' A C' *;ercising is ver important for m Theart ' C' Sport mesrat lene lebb betam asfelagi neo A

D' Smo9ing can cause lung cancer' D' Cigara maches e samba ne9ersa ametal *' Drin9ing a lot of 4ater is necessar for the T9idne s ' *' Bezu 4eha metetat le 9ulaleet betam ete9mal 12A 2o"pare your ans,ers ,ith the translationA Doctor :ulatuDoctor #egist Doctor :alatuDoctor #egistDoctor :ulatuDoctor #egistDoctor :ulatuDoctor #egistDoctor :ulatuDoctor #egistDoctor :ulatuDoctor #egistDoctor :ulatu1&A A' Fo4 do ou feelQ *ndat neh@:A nesh@FA noot@olderPformalA * PPQ B' Ehat is the matter 4ith ouQ :enn hon9Q Q C' Ehat do ou feelQ :enn esemahal@:A esemashal@FA esema4otal@OPFAQ PPQ D' Are ou in painQ hemem aleh@:A alesh@FA alot @OPFAQ APAPAQ *' Ehere does it hurtQ %etu ga amehal@:A ameshal@FA amotal@FQOAQ PPQ &' %es1 ! have a gunshot in<ur in m arm' Auo ene e te et gudat ega lie alegn A**A +' ! feel 4ea9ness and dizziness' *ne de9am ena azoregnal ** 2' : 4ound is bleeding' %ene 9usel e edema neo * /' : stomach hurts' Fodain amegnal 7' %es1 ! have chest pain' ! canGt breathe' Auo deretain amegnal' :etenfes alchlem AA Ehat a matter 4ith :a<or Belache4Q Fe had a heart attac9' Ehat s mptoms does he have no4Q Fe doesnGt have chest pain1 headache1 or dizziness' Fe feels 4ea9ness' Blood pressureQ !tGs normal no4- &/( over 5(' !s he allergic to an medicationsQ %es1 he is allergic to penicillin' Fe is ta9en aspirin no4' Does he have diabetes or cancerQ Does he smo9eQ #o1 he doesnGt' Feart diseases or heart attac9 in his famil Q %es1 his father died three ears ago from heart disease' Eell1 ! thin9 he has to sta in the hospital for a fe4 da s'

F' Are ou in<uredQ =osle4alQ Q ?' Are ou ta9ing an medicationQ :edahanitoch lie neh@:A nesh@FAnot@OPFAQ PPQ A8, B> 2 C8+ D87 *8/ F8& ?>0 1%.

0' %es1 pain9illers' Auo hemem medhanit A ,' ! feel reall bad' *ne betam amognal *A

&' A' endate neo emiaregehQ *ne te9usat ena e egge se9ie alegn *Q *** A Ehat are our s mptomsQ ! have a fever and a pain in m arm' +' B'endate esemahal@:AQene dehena a esemagnem'ene azoregnal *Q *A Fo4 do ou feelQ ! donGt feel 4ell' ! feel dizziness' 2' C' ene doctor negn' %eha se4 ahun e lebb de9am aze4 *A ! am a doctor' This man <ust had a heart attac9

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