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University of Santo Tomas Faculty of Pharmacy Organic Chemistry Laboratory


Siy, Janelle Angela O., Sta. Ana Mary Jane S., Sy, Samantha Hope A., Turingan, Kevin G., Yap, Fraz Joseph Theo ore !. , Yuchongco, James Christian J. Group "# $!%MT

Soaps &oul 'e prepare 'y a pro&ess &alle saponi(i&ation) it involves rea&tions o( (ats 'y a ing al*ali to the mi+ at the en to (orm soap an t,o 'ypro u&ts, ,ater an gly&erol. This e+periment use (ats or oil, so ium hy ro+i e, saturate so ium &hlori e solution an ,ater to synthesize soap. -reparation o( etergent ,as also &on u&te , a so ium al*yl sul(ate &alle so ium o e&yl sul(ate ,as prepare 'y a rea&tion o( o e&anol ,ith sul(uri& a&i . The resulting o e&ylsul(ate ,as &onverte to so ium salt 'y neutralization ,ith so ium hy ro+i e. Test (or gly&erol an the &omparison o( the soap an etergent in har ,ater ,as also o'serve an teste in the e+periment.

A soap is the so ium or potassium salt o( a long &hain (atty a&i . ."/ The (atty a&i usually &ontains "$ to "0 &ar'on atoms. Soli soaps usually &onsist o( so ium salts o( (atty a&i s ,hereas li1ui soaps usually are potassium salts o( (atty a&i s. Soap &onsists o( a polar en an a non%polar en . Soaps are &alle amphipathi& mole&ule ue to this ual nature. .$/

,ater. 2n the presen&e o( oil or irt, the non% polar hea intera&t ,ith them, an gathere it to the &enter o( the mi&elle. This is ho, soap &leans te&hni&ally. 3hen rinse ,ith ,ater, the mi&elle together ,ith the irt ,ashe a,ay. Soap is theoreti&ally a&ting as an emulsi(ying agent, ,here emulsion is the ispersion o( a li1ui in a se&on immis&i'le li1ui . .4/

Figure *. A mice&&e Treatment o( (ats or oils ,ith strong 'ases su&h as lye 56aOH7 or potash 5KOH7 &auses them to un ergo hy rolysis 5saponi(i&ation7 to (orm gly&erol an the salt o( a long%&hain (atty a&i 5soap7. .8/

Figure $. Con%ense% Structura& an% S'e&eta& Formu&a o( soa) A mi&elle, a spheri&al shape is (orme resulting (rom the negatively &harge hea s o( the soap mole&ules. They then orient themselves, ,here the non%polar tails rearrange to,ar s the &enter o( the mi&elle an the hy rophili& site (a&ing the

!e&ause soaps are the salts o( strong 'ases an ,ea* a&i s they shoul 'e slightly 'asi&. 2( a soap is too 'asi& it &oul &ause amage to s*in, sur(a&es to 'e &leane , or &lothes. Sin&e the &leansing a&tion o( soaps epen s upon the (a&t that they ionize rea ily in ,ater, you &an imagine ,hat ,oul happen i( the ioni& en lost its &harge. The soap ,oul no longer 'e attra&te to ,ater mole&ules an &oul no longer emulsi(y oil an irt. This is 9ust ,hat happens in har or a&i i& ,ater. Har ,ater &ontains metal &ations, su&h as :a$; an Mg$;, that rea&t ,ith the &harge en s o( the soaps to (orm insolu'le salts. The insolu'le salts that :a$; an Mg$; (orm ,ith soap anions &ause the gray pre&ipitate &ommonly &alle 'athtu' ring.

Test (or &omplete saponi(i&ation ,as one 'y a ing a rop o( mi+ture to " mA o( ,ater, ,hen no tra&e o( oil ,as o'serve , saponi(i&ation ,as &omplete . The mi+ture ,as stirre until it 'e&ame homogenous. This mi+ture ,as poure in hot solution ,ith vigorous stirring into =# mA o( &ol , saturate 6a:l solution. This mi+ture ,as use to test (or gly&erol an its 'ehavior in har ,ater. *. E,traction an% Test (or G&2cero& The mi+ture (rom the preparation o( soap ,as ilute ,ith H:l, it ,as evaporate to a small volume or to a syrupy &onsisten&y. 2t ,as allo,e to &ool. The resi ue ,as a e ,ith "# mA o( @=> ethanol. The al&oholi& e+tra&t ,as then evaporate in a ,ater 'ath. The resi ue &ontains the gly&erol. The test (or gly&erol ,as one 'y a ing a pin&h amount o( po, ere potassium 'isul(ate, it ,as heate strongly an the o or ,as o'serve an re&or e . +. Pre)aration o( Detergent -reparation o( etergent ,as prepare 'y rea&ting = mA o( o e&anol in a "## mA 'ea*er ,ith $ mA o( &on&entrate H$SO8. The solution ,as &ontinually stirre (or " minute a(ter the slo, a ition o( the a&i . The mi+ture ,as then le(t to stan (or "# minutes. 2n a 'ea*er, = mA o( ?M 6aOH ,as mi+e ,ith "# mA o( ,ater. 2t ,as mi+e ,ell an then a e ,ith 8 rops o( phenolphthalein. The pin* &olor o( the phenolphthalein 'egan to (a e ue to the presen&e o( strong 'asi& solution. A(ter "# minutes, the 6aOH solution ,as poure into the o e&anol%sul(uri& a&i mi+ture. 2t ,as stirre until the pin* &olor isappears. A large amount o( soli etergent ,as (orme . A $=#%mA 'ea*er ,as (ille ,ith one%thir (ull o( i&e, this ,as a e ,ith =#mA o( 6a:l an mi+e thoroughly. 3ater ,as a e to 'ring the total volume up to B= mA. The etergent mi+ture ,as poure into the i&e% salt 'ath an stirre to 'rea* the large lumps o( the etergent.

Figure +. E,)an%e% Formu&a o( Detergent Syntheti& etergents ,ere evelope to over&ome these limitations o( soaps. <etergents are similar to soaps in having an ioni& en an a nonpolar en . They have i((erent stru&tures, ho,ever, ,hi&h ma*e them less sus&epti'le to (orming insolu'le :a$; an Mg$; salts. .=/

A. Com)oun%s teste% 0or Sam)&es use%1 $#> o( 6aOH, ?M 6aOH, &on&entrate H$SO8, "> :a:l$, "> Mg:l$, saturate 6a:l solution, phenolphthalein, o e&anol 5:"$H$=OH7, i&e, oil, ,ater, @=> ethanol . Proce%ure $. Pre)aration o( Soa) Soaps are prepare 'y saponi(i&ation. 4# mA o( ?M 6aOH ,as mi+e ,ith =# mA o( ,ater. 2n a =## mA 'ea*er, the mi+ture ,as heate an stirre (re1uently. "= mA o( oil ,as a e in portions into the mi+ture. 2t ,as heate (or "=%$# minutes ,ith (re1uent stirring to repla&e the ,ater lost 'y evaporation.

This mi+ture ,as use in har ,ater. 3.

to test its 'ehavior

eha4ior in har% 5ater etergent

Organi& sul(oni& a&i an phosphori& a&i salts, &ommonly *no,n as etergents are prepare 'y the rea&tion o( o e&anol in 6aOH an H$SO8. 2n this e+periment the properties o( soaps an etergents ,ere &ompare .
Soa) Co&or an% a))earance Detergent Dpper layerC 3hite soli s Ao,er layerC :olorless ,ith ,hite suspen e parti&les Eery large amount o( ,hite pre&ipitate Aarge amount o( ,hite pre&ipitate 6o Aayer

3ith t,o test tu'es per soap an solution, ea&h ,as (ille ,ith = mA.

The (irst test tu'e ,as a e ,ith $ mA o( "> :a:l$ an pro&ess ,as repeate (or the se&on test tu'e 'ut ,as instea a e ,ith "> Mg:l$ solution. The &ontent ,as mi+e an (ormation o( pre&ipitate an ho, mu&h 5very large, large, little, none7 ,as note an re&or e . Test (or the emulsi(ying a'ility ,as one 'y a ing " rop o( &oo*ing oil in to ea&h tu'e) it ,as stoppe an mi+e vigorously. The amount o( su s (orme an ho, mu&h ,as note an re&or e . RES"/TS AND D!SC"SS!ON $. Pro)erties o( Soa) an% Detergent The preparation o( soap un er,ent this &hemi&al rea&tionC

So&u7i&it2 in $8 CaC&* So&u7i&it2 in $8 .gC&* Emu&si(2ing a7i&it2

Ta7&e $. Pro)erties o( Soa) an% Detergent The ta'le a'ove sho,s the i((erent properties o( soap an etergent. As re&or e a'ove, the &olor an appearan&e o( soap, ,as ,hite soli i(ie gelatin ,hile that o( etergent ,as ,hite amorphous pre&ipitate. 2n the test o( 'ehavior in har ,ater, the soapFs an etergentFs solu'ility in "> :a:l $ an "> Mg:l$ sho,e the (ollo,ing results. Soap is insolu'le to 'oth "> :a:l $ an "> Mg:l$. This is 'e&ause the soap (orms pre&ipitate ,ith &al&ium or magnesium ion as sho,n 'elo,C

:H45:H$7"8:OO%6a; ; H; :H45:H$7"8:OOH ; 6a;

Figure 3. Pre)aration o( Soa) Soaps prepare 'y saponi(i&ation ,hi&h is the al*aline hy rolysis o( (ats an oils. A 'y%pro u&t o( this rea&tion is gly&erol. 2n har ,ater 5,ater ,ith a high &on&entration o( mostly magnesium an &al&ium7 these ions rea&t ,ith the &ar'o+yl en (orming insolu'le salts 5&ommonly &alle G'athtu' ringH or Gs&umH7.

:H45:H$7"8:OO%6a; ; :a$; 5:H45:H$7"8:OO%7$:a 5insolu'le7

On&e those salts pre&ipitate the soap &annot &lean. On the other han , this property ,as over&ome 'y the etergent. <etergent teste ,ith its solu'ility in "> :a:l $ an "> Mg:l$ sho,e that the synthesize etergent ,as solu'le to 'oth ions.

Figure 6. Pre)aration o( Detergent

From the e+periment, etergent ,as (oun to 'e mu&h more e((e&tive &leaning agents 'e&ause they o not rea ily (orm insolu'le &omple+es ,ith the ions in har ,ater. The emulsi(ying a'ility o( 'oth soap an etergent ,as also teste . Soap pro u&e light su s ,hile that o( etergent pro u&e more an heavier su s. The &leaning a&tion o( 'oth soaps an etergents results (rom their a'ility to emulsi(y or isperse ,ater%insolu'le materials 5 irt, oil, grease, et&.7 an hol them in suspension in ,ater. *. O7ser4ation (rom the test o( G&2cero& The resi ue &ontaining the gly&erol is heate ,ith potassium 'isul(ate, an a&rolein is release . 3hen a (at is heate strongly in the presen&e o( a ehy rating agent su&h as potassium 'isul(ate 5KHSO87, the gly&erol portion o( the mole&ule is ehy rate to (orm the unsaturate al ehy e, a&rolein 5:H$I:HJ:HO7, ,hi&h has the o or pe&uliar to 'urnt &oo*ing grease.

.0/ httpCOO,,,.laney.e uO,pO&heli% (ossumO(ilesO$#"$O#"O"4%Saponi(i&ation.p ( .@/ httpCOOmy,e'.'roo*lyn.liu.e uOla,ren&e O&he8+Oe?sapon.p (

."/ !ay1uen E. A., :ruz :.T., e Guia K. M., Aampa F. F., -ena G.T., Sarile A.S., Torres -.:. 5$##@7 Aa'oratory Manual in Organi& :hemistry. L<SA, South Triangle, Muezon :ity, -hilippinesC :NL pu'lishing 2n&. .$/ httpCOO,,,.&es.&lemson.e uOe&lOla's OgeneralOla'"#.html #@O$@O"$ .4/ httpCOOs&i iv.'ellevue&ollege.e uO :hemistryP'a*O:hem"?$O:hem"?$la'sOL+p8PSo apPan P etergents.p ( #@O$@O"$ .8/ httpCOO&ourse".,inona.e uO9(ranzOAa'O soapla'.htm #@O$@O"$ .=/ httpCOO ,'8.unl.e uO&hemistryO la'sOAA!S"$.html #@O$@O"$ .?/ httpCOO,,,.&hymist.&omOSoap>$# >$# etergent.p ( .B/ httpCOO(a&ulty.ei&&.e uO*9ohnsonOla''oo* Ophysi&als&ien&eOsoap.p ( an

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