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Becembei Su, 2u1S

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}ill Buffy
In 2u1S, technologies piomoting fitness
anu health founu theii footing among a
mass consumei auuience like nevei
befoie. The quantifieu-self movement,
in conjunction with goou-olu-fashioneu
self impiovement, meigeu to cieate a
maiket of people hungiy foi uata that
coulu help them make actionable
changes in theii activity levels, uiet, anu
oveiall wellness.
Bozens of activity tiackeis anu
hunuieus of apps anu websites
piomoting a bettei you took off, maue
money (to put it bluntly), anu aie now
in a position to expeiiment with
people's comfoit zones. Anu wheie bettei to see how these companies will push the
envelope than at the Inteinational CES, which kicks off in Las vegas next week.
The upcoming 2u14 CES will expanu its uigital fitness show flooi space by Su
peicent compaieu to the yeai piioi, accoiuing to the Consumei Electionics
Association. Beie's a sneak peek at some of the innovations I expect to see.
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In 2u14, quantifieu selfeis will have moie uata to tiack than evei befoie. We'll see a
seiious uptick in the kinus of measuiements uiffeient uevices collect.
The most iuuimentaiy fitness tiackeis woik like smait peuometeis, collecting
infoimation about how many steps you take, anu how those steps tally up to miles.
Alieauy, seveial tiackeis captuie moie auvanceu measuiements than uistance
alone: staiis climbeu, sleep, intense movement, heait iate, peispiiation, anu skin
Noving foiwaiu, howevei, moie sensois will incoipoiate heait iate monitoiing
without a chest stiap, following in the footsteps of the NI0 Alpha BLE$181.89 at
Amazon, Basis B1 Banu$199.uu at NyBasis, anu Withings Pulse$79.uu at Amazon,
which all contain a heait iate sensoi that uoes not have to sit on youi steinum.
Anu new metiics, such as muscle quality anu the amount of oxygen in the bloou
stieam, will stait to be implementeu in eveiyuay consumei electionics.
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Netwoiks will play an even moie impoitant iole in the fitness-technology
ievolution, too. In the home, we coulu stait to see wellness tiackeis take on all-new
ioles, monitoiing wellness behaviois iathei than just activity. Bas youi chilu
biusheu hei teeth. Biu you uiink eight glasses of watei touay. Tiackeis will stait to
be useu in new ways, anu when they'ie connecteu by a netwoik, we'll iely less anu
less on self-iepoiteu uata anu moie on infoimation actually captuieu by these
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The majoiity of weaiable uevices foi fitness come in two foims: clip-ons anu
wiistbanus. uet ieauy foi weaiable fitness uevices to take on all-new meaning this
yeai (be piepaieu foi "weaiables" to become pait of the consumei lexicon).
Biacelets anu watches aie all well anu goou, but auvances in technology aie making
it possible foi "smait" bias, socks, anu othei clothing to finally ieach the masses. It
won't just be specialty piouucts foi niche spoits maikets (like the Reebok
Checklight impact-uetecting skull cap), although they may still steei towaiu spoits
anu fitness enthusiasts foi anothei yeai oi two.
PCNag will be in Las vegas foi CES next week, so check back foi all the big news.

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