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INTRODUCTION A. BACKGROUND OF STUDY Bioethanol is a high-octane, water-free alcohol produced from the fermentation of sugar or converted starch.

It is a form of a renewable energy that can be produced from agricultural feed stocks. It can be made from very common crops such as sugar cane, potato, manioc, and corn. However, there has been considerable debate about how useful bioethanol will be in replacing gasoline. It is most often used as a motor fuel, mainly as a biofuel additive for gasoline. Butanol may be used as a fuel in an internal combustion engine. Because its longer hydrocarbon chain causes it to be fairly non-polar, it is more similar to gasoline than to ethanol. Butanol has been demonstrated to work in vehicles designed for use with gasoline without modification. Additionally, butanol production from biomass and agricultural byproducts could be more efficient than ethanol or methanol product. Banana has many functions. It contains vitamin B6, vitamin potassium. , manganese and

onsumption of bananas may be associated with reduce risk of colorectal

cancer, breast cancer and renal cell carcinoma. And the part of it has many uses too. !he fruits can be used for flavorings. !he heart is used as the vegetable usually in Asian country. And the leaves are used as ecologically friendly disposable food containers or as plates. !here was a study by "r. #obert Allan Buendia and "r. $esse %ance $ariel from avite &ational 'cience High 'chool. !hey have proven that the peelings of banana can

be a feedstock for bioethanol production. 'o that prompted the researchers to find another part of banana that can be an alternative source for bioethanol and biobutanol production. B.STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM !his study aims to determine if there is any possibility to produce bioethanol and biobutanol oil from the sap of 'aba (Musa paradisiaca L.) and Butuhan (Musa balbisiana) trunk. A. Is alcohol present in 'aba (Musa paradisiaca L.) and Butuhan (Musa balbisiana) sap* B. +hat are the impurities present in the 'aba (Musa paradisiaca L.) and Butuhan (Musa balbisiana) sap* . How much volume of bioethanol and biobutanol can be obtained from ,kg of 'aba (Musa paradisiaca L.) and - kg of Butuhan (Musa balbisiana) trunk* C. HYPOTHESIS &.%% H/01!H2'I' !here is no alcohol present in the sap of 'aba ( Musa paradisiaca) and Butuhan (Musa balbisiana) trunk. !he impurities present in the sap of 'aba (Musa paradisiaca) and Butuhan (Musa balbisiana) trunk do not significantly differ. !here is no difference in the volume of bioethanol and biobutanol that can be obtained from ,kg of 'aba (Musa paradisiaca L.) and - kg of Butuhan (Musa balbisiana) trunk.

A%!2#&A!I32 H/01!H2'I' !here is an alcohol present in the sap of 'aba ( Musa paradisiaca) and Butuhan (Musa balbisiana) trunk. !he impurities present in the sap of 'aba (Musa paradisiaca) and Butuhan (Musa balbisiana) trunk significantly differ. !here is a difference in the volume of bioethanol and biobutanol that can be obtained from ,kg of 'aba (Musa paradisiaca L.) and - kg of Butuhan (Musa balbisiana) trunk. D. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY In this current generation, fuel is often use. And sometimes, we e4perience the shortage in fuel due to the lack of supply from its resources. In this matter, the higher pricing of it will come up and also relate the increase of food prices. And because of that it will make a great impact to all of us. !he significance of this study is when the researchers used the sap of banana trunk for producing a bioethanol gas5 the researchers are not 6ust helping "other &ature to be clean, we are also relating the matter of reusing the unused things that we can see in our environment. Banana trees are commonly seen in our country, and sometimes, some of it are wasted and we could 6ust see that the trunk is already drying. 2thanol is much less likely to catch fire and less possibility to e4plode in case of fuel leakage. It has also low green house gases emission. +e avoided the fires that may occur while we used an ethanol gas.And we can buy the ethanol gas less e4pensive than the commonly used gas.

!his is why the idea of using banana sap for bioethanol and biobutanol production came up on the researchers. E. SCOPE AND DELIMITATION !he main ob6ective of this study is to produce bioethanol and biobutanol from the sap of 'aba (Musa Paradisiaca L.) and Butuhan (Musa balbisiana) trunk. Having an identified the banana as an alternative source of a fuel that can be used to operate a vehicle. It is not within the scope of this study the growing problems in fuel the study ends with the researcher7s product that will address to feasibility of producing a bioethanol and biobutanol from the sap of 'aba ( Musa Paradisiaca L.) and Butuhan (Musa balbisiana) trunk. !he fermented e4tract of the 'aba (Musa Paradisiaca L.) and Butuhan (Musa balbisiana) trunk was brought to the 8epartment of 'cience and !echnology (81'!), Industrial !echnology 8evelopment Institute,'tandard and !esting 8ivision,9en. 'antos Ave.,Bicutan,!aguig ity,"etro "anila for the 9as bioethanol and biobutanol. F. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE Saba (Musa paradisiaca L.) and Bu u!an (Musa balbisiana) Banana is the common name for herbaceous plants of the genus "usa and for the fruit they produce. Bananas come in a variety of si:es and colors when ripe, including yellow, purple, and red. 'aba (Musa Paradisiaca L.) bananas have very large, robust pseudo stems that can reach heights of ,;<=; feet (6<> m). !he trunk can reach diameters of = feet. !he trunk and leaves are

hromatography , for testing its feasibility to produce a

dark blue-green in color. %ike all bananas, each pseudostem flowers and bears fruits only once before dying. 2ach mat bears about eight suckers. Butuhan (Musa balbisiana) is a species of wild banana native to 'outh Asia. It is one of the ancestors of modern cultivated bananas along with Musa acuminata. It grows lush leaves in clumps and grows with a more upright habit than most cultivated bananas. ?lowers grow in inflorescences colored red to maroon. !he fruit are between blue and green. !hey are considered inedible because of the seeds they contain. It may be assumed that wild bananas used to be cooked and eaten or agriculturalists would not have developed the cultivated banana. B"#$ !an#% Bioethanol or 2thanol, also called ethyl alcohol, pure alcohol, grain alcohol, or drinking alcohol, is a volatile, flammable, colorless li@uid. It is a psychoactive drug and one of the oldest recreational drugs. It is best known as the type of alcohol found in alcoholic beverages5 it is also used in thermometers, as a solvent, and as a fuel. In common usage, it is often referred to simply as alcohol or spirits. It is a straight-chain alcohol, and its molecular formula is Its empirical formula is
, ,


H61. An alternative notation is H=< H,<1H, which indicates that the

carbon of a methyl group ( H=<) is attached to the carbon of a methylene group (< H ,<), which is attached to the o4ygen of a hydro4yl group (-1H). It is a constitutional isomer of dimethyl ether. 2thanol is often abbreviated as 2t1H, using the common organic chemistry notation of representing the ethyl group ( ,HA) with 2t. !he fermentation of sugar into ethanol is one of the earliest organic reaction employed by humanity. !he into4icating effects of ethanol consumption have been known since ancient times. In modern times, ethanol intended for industrial use is also produced from ethylene.

2thanol has widespread use as a solvent of substances intended for human contact or consumption, including scents, flavorings, colorings, and medicines. In chemistry, it is both an essential solvent and a feedstock for the synthesis of other products. It has a long history as a fuel for heat and light, and more recently as a fuel for internal combustion engines. ("yers, ,;;B) B"#bu an#% Biobutanol, also called biogasoline, is often claimed to provide a direct replacement for gasoline, because it can be used directly in a gasoline engine. It is butanol from biomass. It may be used as a fuel in an internal combustion engines. It is more similar to gasoline than it is to ethanol. Butanol has been demonstrated to work in vehicles designed for use with gasoline without modification. F$&'$n a "#n ?ermentation is the process of e4tracting energy from the o4idation of organic compounds, such as carbohydrates, and using an endogenous electron acceptor, which is usually an organic compound. In opposite, respiration is where electrons are donated to an e4ogenous electron acceptor, such as o4ygen, via an electron transport chain. It does not necessarily have to be carried out in an anaerobic environment. (Clein,, ,;;D) /east carries out fermentation in the production of ethanol in beers, wines, and other alcoholic drinks, along with the production of large @uantities of carbon dio4ide. 'ugars are the most common substrate of fermentation, and typical e4amples of fermentation products are ethanol, lactic acid, lactose, and hydrogen. However, more e4otic compounds can be produced by fermentation, such as butyric acid and acetone. ?ermentation occurs

in mammalian muscle during periods of intense e4ercise where o4ygen supply becomes limited, resulting in the creation of lactic acid. ( 3oet, 8. E 3oet, $, ->>A) Ga( C!&#'a #)&a*!+ A gas chromatograph is a chemical analysis instrument for separating chemicals in a comple4 sample. It uses a flow-through narrow tube known as the column, through which different chemical constituents of a sample pass in a gas stream at different rates depending on their various chemical and physical properties and their interaction with a specific column filling, called the stationary phase. As the chemicals e4it the end of the column, they are detected and identified electronically. !he function of the stationary phase in the column is to separate different components, causing each one to e4it the column at a different time or retention time. 1ther parameters that can be used to alter the order or time of retention are the carrier gas flow rate, column length and the temperature. In a 9 analysis, a known volume of gaseous or li@uid analyte is in6ected into the

FentranceF or head of the column, usually using a microsyringe or solid phase microe4traction fibers, or a gas source switching system. As the carrier gas sweeps the analyte molecules through the column, this motion is inhibited by the adsorption of the analyte molecules either onto the column walls or onto packing materials in the column. !he rate at which the molecules progress along the column depends on the strength of adsorption, which in turn depends on the type of molecule and on the stationary phase materials. 'ince each type of molecule has a different rate of progression, the various components of the analyte mi4ture are separated as they progress along the column and reach the end of the column at different times or retention time. A detector is used to monitor the outlet stream from the column5 thus, the time at which each component reaches the outlet and the amount of that component can be determined. 9enerally, substances

are identified or @ualitatively by the order in which they emerge or elute from the column and by the retention time of the analyte in the column. G.D$,"n" "#n #, $&'( !he following terms used in study are defined for clarity and to understand better the word in the study. Banana &un- #, Saba and Bu u!an < scientific nameG 'aba (Musa paradisiacal L.) and Butuhan (Musa balbisiana)., the body of the banana tree which acts as a support for its big leaves, fruits and heart. A%.#!#% / it is the product of the fermented sap of the banana trunk. B"#$ !an#% / is mainly produced by the sugar fermentation process, although it can also be manufactured by the chemical process of reacting ethylene with steam. B"#bu an#% / +hich is also sometimes called biogasoline,is an alcohol that is produced from biomass feedstocks F$&'$n a "#n / "t is the process storing the sap of any substance in a container to gather with the yeast and sugar in able to get the impurities of it. Y$a( / is a unicellular fungus Ga( .!&#'a #)&a*!+ / analysis use to separate the chemicals in a comple4 sample.


9as hromatography

Sa* #, Banana Saba (Musa Paradisiaca L.) and Bu u!an (Musa Balbisiana) T&un-


METHODOLOGY !he following procedures and methods were done to perform the study. MATERIALS !he following materials were used by the researchers to conduct the study. 0. E1 &a. "#n 29loves, Cnife, 9raduated cylinder, clean cloth, hopping board, Blender, ontainer 3. F$&'$n a "#n 2!wo clear glass bottle (!wo for the e4tract of Butuhan (Musa Balbisiana) and two for the e4tract of 'aba (Musa Paradisiaca L.)). /east, 'ugar, !ablespoon 4. Ga( C!&#'a #)&a*!+ 2 lear glass bottle (clear glass bottle for the fermented e4tract)."aterials used in the gas hromatography Analysis and Impurity.

GENERAL PROCEDURES 0. E1 &a. "#n ?irst, the researchers7 garthered the trunk of 'aba (Musa Paradisiaca L.) at the "aragondon, avite and Butuhan (Musa Balbisiana) at !ernate, avite.!hen brought in H.


3entura.!ernate. avite for the e4taction. !he researchers washed the trunk and cut it into small pieces with the knife.After cutting, the researchers blended it using blender and then s@uee:e it using a clean cloth to get the e4tract. ?inally, the researchers drained the e4tract to remove the e4cess tiny particles from the banana trunk. 3. F$&'$n a "#n After getting the sap of Butuhan (Musa Balbisiana) and 'aba (Musa Paradisiaca L.) trunk, the researchers transferred the e4tract from basin to clear glass bottle container for the fermentation process.!he container AH was poured with B,; of 'aba then mi4ed with four(D) tbsp. of sugar and two (,) tbsp. of yeast.And AI was poured with ,A; of 'aba then mi4ed with two(,) tbsp. of sugar and two (,) tbsp. of yeast.And the container BH and BI was poured with ,A; of Butuhan then mi4ed with two(,) tbsp. of sugar and two (,) tbsp. of yeast.!his fermentation had to undergo in two weeks before sending the 9as hromatography in the 8epartment of 'cience and !echnology. 4. Ga( C!&#'a #)&a*!+ Ana%+("( and In &"n(". P&#*$& + Ana%+("( !he fermented e4tract of the Butuhan (Musa Balbisiana) and 'aba (Musa Paradisiaca L.) was brought in the 8epartment of 'cience and !echnology, Industrial !echnology 8evelopment Institute, 'tandard and !esting 8ivision, 9en. 'antos Ave., Bicutan, !aguig ity, "etro "anila for the 9as hromatography.


F%#5 C!a& !he diagram below shows the e4perimental procedure.

9athering of materials

'terili:ing the materials

hopping or cutting into small pieces the banana trunk

+ashed the banana trunk


?ermentation for = weeks

9as chromatography

Bring to 81'!

#ecording of data

Analysis of result

Interpretation of data



#2'.%!' A&8 8I' .''I1& !AB%2 #esults of the Identified Impurity using 9as hromatography Analysis #eport of Banana ('aba and Butuhan) 'ap 0ercent 3olume 1ver 3olume ( JKvLv) !ype of Alcohol 'aba Butuhan







Tab%$ N#. 0 shows the result of the identified impurity present thru gas chromatography analysis report of the Banana trunk. 1nly =.6J of ethanol and ;.;;-J of butanol was present on the three weeks 0aradisiaca %. fermented wine. It was of noted that a Banana , kilogram of "usa Banana "usa

0aradisiaca %. can yield one liter of the e4tract. Having the identified impurity present thru gas chromatography analysis report of the Banana trunk. 1nly =.;MJ of ethanol and ;.;;-J of butanol was present on the three weeks fermented Banana "usa Balbisiana wine. It was noted that a , kilogram of Banana "usa Balbisiana can yield one liter of the e4tract.

9#A0H &1.13

02# 2&!A92 (J) 1? 2!HA&1% A&8 B.!A&1% 0#18. 28 B/ BA&A&A ('ABA) 'A0 A?!2# !2'! I"0.#I!/

G&a*! n#.0 shows the result of the gas chromatography analysis of report of the ethanol and butanol produced from Banana "usa 0aradisiaca %. wine. 1nly =.6;J of ethanol was present on the three-week fermented of Banana "usa 0aradisiaca %. wine.And ;.;;-J of butanol was present to the e4tract.

9#A0H &1.,

02# 2&!A92 (J) 1? 2!HA&1% A&8 B.!A&1% 0#18. 28 B/ BA&A&A (B.!.HA&) 'A0 A?!2# !2'! I"0.#I!/

G&a*! n#.3 shows the result of the gas chromatography analysis of report of the ethanol and butanol produced from Banana "usa Balbisiana wine. 1nly =.;MJ of ethanol was present on the three-week fermented of Banana "usa Balbisiana wine. And ;.;;-J of butanol was present to the e4tract.



Based on the result that given to the researchers thru gas chromatography analysis of impurities, the sap of 'aba (Musa Paradisiaca L.) produced =.6; JvLv of the ethanol while the butyl produced ;.;;-JKvLv and the sap of Butuhan ( Musa Balbisiana) produced =.;M JvLv of the ethanol while the butanol produced ;.;;-JKvLv. !his result was 6ust noted for three weeks of fermentation. If the researchers would be give ample time about one month or more to fully remove the water content of 'aba (Musa Paradisiaca L.) and Butuhan (Musa Balbisiana) sap ,the greater amount of ethanol and butanol content will be produced thru gas chromatography. !hus, the researchers continued to have the observation until the impurities will be identified which could be potential in the field of medicine as well as source of bio-ethanol gas.



After the researchers identified the production of ethanol in 'aba and Butuhan sap the following are hereby recommendedG a) fermented sap from two different kinds of banana to produce more volume of ethanol and butanol and to further eliminate the water content so as to recover a pure ethanol and butanol content thru gas chromatography. b) !o use other impurities like bioethanol and biobutanol as potential source for commerciali:ation in the field of medicine and produced energy source of alcogas. c) 'ince the researchers have proved that the - kg of butuhan can produced almost as e4actly volume of ethanol produced by two kilogram of 'aba, the researchers can recommend to use butuhan for more ethanol and butanol production.



T!$ P$&.$n V#%u'$ #7$& V#%u'$ #, Saba C#'*a&$d # !$ P$&.$n V#%u'$ #7$& V#%u'$ #, Bu u!an "n $&'( #, E !an#% ETHANOL TOTAL SABA 4.89 4.89 BUTUHAN 4.9: 4.9:

-. Ho. !here is no significant difference between the percent volume over volume in ethanol of saba and butuhan. ,. Ha. !here is a significant difference between the percent volume over volume in ethanol of saba and butuhan =. aN ;.;A D. !est 'tatisticG !-test, !est of Indipendent .3.N A. omputationG


SABA 4.89 4.89

6= 4.89 T=

63 03.;8 03.;8
Y= 4.9:

BUTUHAN 4.9: 4.9:

Y3 ;.<:8< ;.<:8<

dfN n4 O ny < , N -O--,N ;

'4 N ;

'y N ;



!N ;
A. 8ecisionG Accept Ho. !herefore, !here is no significant difference between the percent volume over volume in ethanol of saba and butuhan.


T!$ P$&.$n V#%u'$ #7$& V#%u'$ #, Saba C#'*a&$d # !$ P$&.$n V#%u'$ #7$& V#%u'$ #, Bu u!an "n $&'( #, Bu an#% BUTANOL TOTAL SABA 9.990 9.990 BUTUHAN 9.990 9.990

-. Ho. !here is no significant difference between the percent volume over volume in butanol of saba and butuhan. ,. Ha. !here is a significant difference between the percent volume over volume in butanol of saba and butuhan =. aN ;.;A D. !est 'tatisticG !-test, !est of Indipendent .3.N A. omputationG


SABA 9.990 9.990

6= 9.990 T=

63 9.99990 9.99990
Y= 9.990

BUTUHAN 9.990 9.990

Y3 9.99990 9.99990

dfN n4 O ny < , N -O--,N ;

'4 N ;

'y N ;



!N ;
A. 8ecisionG Accept Ho. !herefore, !here is no significant difference between the percent volume over volume in butanol of saba and butuhan.


"yers, #ichard %.5 "yers, #usty %. (,;;B). The 100 Most Important Chemical Compounds: a #eference 9uide. +estport, onn.G 9reen +ood 0ress. p. -,, Harris, 8aniel . (->>>), P !. "as Chromato#raph$%, &uantitati'e Chemical (nal$sis (?ifth ed.) +.H. ?reeman and ompany, pp. 6BA-B-, 8an Coeppel, Banana: The )ate o* the )ruit that Chan#ed the +orld (&ew /orkG Hudson 'treet 0ress, ,;;M), pp. A-- A=. "ontpellier, 2mile ?rison (,;;=). P,escuin# the banana.Q -e. /cientist. #etrieved ,;;6. #obinson, $. (ed) 0The 12*ord Companion to +ine% !hird 2dition pg. ,6B-,6>. 14ford .niverrsity 0ress ,;;6. $ohnson, H. 3inta#e: The /tor$ o* +ine. pg. -6 'imon and 'chuster ->M>.


$unio, (,;--) PPreliminar$ Production o* 4thanol *rom Pun#apon# ((morphophallus Campanulatus Blume.) /tal5 42tract usin "as Chromato#raph$ and its Intrinsic Propert$ (nal$sis. Bucal &ational High 'chool, Bucal ,, "aragondon, avite.



8ianne ?rances A. 8e ?iesta is the third child of "r. 8emocrito '. 8e ?iesta and "rs. %uisa A. 8e ?iesta. 'he was born in avite ity, avite on ?ebruary ,M, ->>6. 'he wants to be an engineer. 9ie Ann #. %o:ano is the third child of "r. Ale4ander ?. %o:ano and "rs. "arieta #. %o:ano. 'he was born in &aic, avite on 'eptember ,;, ->>A. 'he likes to play computer games and eat foods. Bianca B. 1rti: is the first child of "r. ali4to B. 1rti: and "rs. "arivic B. 1rti:. 'he was born in Bacolod ity, &egros 1ccidental on $uly -6, ->>6. 'he likes to read books, surf the net and everything.


P%ann$d Da $
-. ,. hoosing !opic ollecting Background Information $une ,-, ,;-$une ,6, ,;-$uly B, ,;-$uly -D, ,;-$uly -M, ,;-$uly ->, ,;-$uly ,,, ,;-August -,, ,;-August ,,, ,;-'eptember 6, ,;-$anuary >, ,;-, $anuary -=, ,;-$anuary -A, ,;-, $anuary ,D ,,;-,

Da $ C#'*%$ $d
$une ,-, ,;-$uly A, ,;-$uly -,, ,;-$uly -B, ,;-$uly ->, ,;-$uly ,-, ,;-August M, ,;-August ,;, ,;-August ,>, ,;-'eptember M, ,;-$anuary -,, ,;-, $anuary -D, ,;-$anuary -B, ,;-, $anuary ,> ,,;-,

=. ?ormulating 0roblem and Hypothesis D. 8esigning for 24periment A. 9etting "aterials ready for 24periment 6. Approval at '#B-I#B B. !est onducted M. "aking the 8ata !able >. #ecording the 8ata -;. 'tating the #esults of !est onducted --. 8rawing the onclusion -,. ompiling Biography -=. ?inishing All the "anuscript -D. "aking the 8isplay Board


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