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Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, DO July 9, 2008 Vaccinatin chil!ren has "ecome sacrosanct in our culture. Doctors an! o#ernment o$$icials insist that #accines are sa$e, an! parents are pressure! into compliance. %n $act, parents ha#e "een reporte! to social ser#ices "y !octors who consi!er not #accinatin to "e a $orm o$ me!ical ne lect or chil! a"use. &e islators across the country are attemptin to pass laws in which parents will ha#e no ri hts to re$use what is in'ecte! into their chil!ren. The inconsistency o$ rules in#ol#in the care o$ chil!ren is stri(in . )others are in complete control o$ their chil!*s health while in the wom". They ma(e choices a ainst eatin tuna, ta(in me!ications, smo(in ci arettes an! a#oi!in alcohol. )others may choose to e#en terminate the pre nancy. +ut the moment the "a"y arri#es, control o#er their chil!*s "o!y is $orci"ly surren!ere! to healthcare pro#i!ers an! the o#ernment. The le is 'a""e! with shots, eyes are oope! with anti"iotic ointment an! the heel is po(e! to et a !rop o$ DN,-containin "loo!. With the passa e o$ the New"orn Screenin Sa#es &i#es ,ct o$ 200., si ne! into law ,pril 2/, 2008, the "loo! will "e collecte! an! warehouse! $or scienti$ic research.012 3arents ha#e little or no say in any o$ these e#ents. 4see my pre#ious article, 5Who Owns 6our 7hil!89: Vaccination is promote! "y an in!ustry that capitali;es on $ear an! the percei#e! necessity o$ the proce!ure has "ecome multi- enerationally entrenche!. We ha#e "een pro ramme! "y the me!ical community an! the me!ia to "elie#e that e#eryone < chil!ren an! a!ults -- will "ecome sic(, an! li(ely !ie, unless they are #accinate!. This e=plains why not #accinatin can "e un$athoma"le to new parents who are unreasona"ly terri$ie! o$ what were consi!ere! normal chil!hoo! illnesses only a $ew !eca!es a o. The ma'ority a!ults o#er >0 years o$ a e remem"er ha#in measles an! the chic(enpo=. +oth were mostly mil! !iseases, lastin se#en to $ourteen !ays, an! lea#in "ehin! li$etime immunity. ,n! e#en thou h chic(enpo= is rarely $atal, most parents opt to #accinate. )erc( ? 7o. estimate! that as o$ Decem"er @1, 200., 80 to 8> percent o$ all $our to si=-year-ol!s ha! recei#e! two !oses o$ Vari#a=A, at one year an! a "ooster "e$ore school.022 With little attention on the pro"lems with the chic(enpo= #accine cite! in the me!ia, most !on*t reali;e that it can cause harm. Besearch shows that nearly 1 in >,000 chil!ren who recei#e the chic(enpo= inoculation !e#elop shin les within ten years o$ "ein #accinate!. Shin les, an intensely pain$ul, "listerin rash, is most commonly seen in the el!erly or the chronically ill. %t was rarely, i$ e#er, seen in healthy chil!ren "e$ore the intro!uction o$ this #accine. Other serious si!e e$$ects, such as sei;ures, pneumonia, an! anaphyla=is 4a se#ere aller ic reaction:, ha#e "een

reporte! as a result o$ Vari#a=. +e$ore it "ecame a#aila"le, a"out >0 chil!ren !ie! e#ery year $rom rare or unusual complications o$ the chic(enpo=. 3ut in perspecti#e, >@ chil!ren !ie! in !rownin acci!ents in the 0C.S.2 state o$ Deor ia in 1999. Vaccination has "een cite! as one o$ the ten reatest pu"lic health achie#ements o$ the 20th century. Eowe#er, it !oesn*t reFuire an a!#ance! !e ree in science to rasp that the pu"lic health accola!es, cele"ratin hi h #accination rates an! low in$ection rates, ha#e lea! to serious health conseFuences across the lo"e. Vaccine in re!ients seem to "e playin a su"stantial role. Problems With Vaccine Ingredients Delatin, one o$ many in re!ients in #accines, is (nown to cause aller ies an! asthma. ,ller ies are now the most $reFuently reporte! chronic con!ition in chil!ren, limitin acti#ities in $our out o$ 10 chil!ren. ,sthma, the secon! most common chronic chil!hoo! !isease, a$$ects more than one chil! in 20. The com"ine! healthcare costs o$ asthma an! aller ies ha#e soare! to more than G2> "illionHyear.0@2 Vaccines that contain elatin inclu!e chic(enpo=, ))B, +oostri= 4teen pertussis "ooster:, Tripe!ia 4DTa3: an! the a!ult shin les #accine, Iostri=. Vaccine elatin may "e contri"utin su"stantially to the s(yroc(etin inci!ence o$, an! e=pen!itures on, asthma an! aller ies. ,nother #accine a!!iti#e, $ormal!ehy!e, can interrupt the normal $unction o$ the immune system. , colorless, pun ent-smellin as, $ormal!ehy!e can cause watery eyes, "urnin sensations in the eyes an! throat, nausea, !i$$iculty in "reathin an! asthma attac(s when e=pose! to amounts as small as 0.1 parts per million. %t is liste! as a ha;ar!ous chemical on ei ht $e!eral re ulatory lists an! consi!ere! to "e one o$ the ten worst compoun!s on the ecosystem an! health. +etween 10 an! 20 percent o$ eneral population has a reaction comin in contact with $ormal!ehy!e. Topical e=posure can cause a mil! reaction, such as !ry s(in an! re!ness. The 7ali$ornia %n!oor ,ir Juality Kact Sheet states there is no (nown threshol! le#el "elow which cancer ris( !oes not e=ist.0/2 The Worl! Eealth ,ssociation 4WEO: recommen!s that an e=posure shoul! not e=cee! 0.0> ppm or 0.0> m H( . So, $or 12 poun! "a"y 4a"out >( :, the ma=imum e=posure shoul! "e "elow 0.2> m . +ut with the current sche!ule, chil!ren recei#e more than ten times that amount, more than @.> m , i$ they recei#e e#ery man!ate! #accine. Vaccines that contain $ormal!ehy!e inclu!e DTa3, polio, in$luen;a, hepatitis , an! hepatitis +. Than($ully, mercury 4in the $orm o$ thimerosal: has "een remo#e! $rom most #accines. Eowe#er, measura"le amounts are still $oun! in multi-#ial $lu shots, tetanus "oosters, Lner i=-+ 4hepatitis + #accine:, )enomune 4colle e menin itis #accine:, TriEi+it an! Tripe!ia 4"oth DTa3 #accines:, an! Twinri= 4a com"ination hepatitis , an! hepatitis + #accine:. Trace amounts remain in many more. 7ountless chil!ren ha#e !e#elope! autism an! there is stron e#i!ence that their "rains were in'ure! "y the preser#ati#e thimerosal.

ollo! the "one# 3ositione! as a loss lea!er, #accines appear to "e the economic !ri#ers o$ "oth the me!ical an! the pharmaceutical in!ustry. , loss lea!er is a "usiness techniFue in which a less-e=pensi#e pro!uct is sol! or i#en away $or the sa(e o$ o$$erin another pro!uct at a reater pro$it. This common practice is utili;e! to intro!uce new customers to a pro!uct, to "uil! a new customer "ase an!Hor to secure $uture recurrin re#enue. Csin a loss lea!er is more than 'ust a ni$ty "usiness tric( - it can "e a #ery success$ul economic strate y when e=ecute! properly. The classic e=ample o$ a loss lea!er is the sale o$ ra;or "la!es. 7ompanies li(e Dillette essentially i#e their ra;or units away $or $ree, (nowin that customers will "uy their replacement "la!es, where the company ma(es all o$ its pro$it, $or as lon as they use the ra;or. Vaccines play a similar role $or the !ru companies. The cost o$ a #accine is relati#ely ine=pensi#e compare! to the "illions o$ !ollars spent on me!ical inter#entions, me!icationsMan! e#en more #accinesM!ispense! as a result o$ a #accination si!e e$$ect. 7onsi!er this e=ampleN the potential conseFuences o$ an inoculation with one o$ the two newly appro#e! #accines to pre#ent a rota#irus !iarrheal in$ection, BotaTeFA an! Botari=A. Si!e e$$ects liste! on the pac(a e insert $or BotaTeF inclu!e !iarrhea, #omitin , irrita"ility, $e#er, whee;in an! cou hin . BotaTeF has also "een associate! with "loo!y stools, a warnin si n o$ a serious complication calle! an intussusception. Tri ere! "y the #accine, intussusception is an e#ent where a portion o$ the "owel sli!es into the ne=t, much li(e the pieces o$ a telescope, causin an o"struction. Swellin , in$lammation, an! !ecrease! "loo! $low to the $ra ile linin o$ the "owel cause the intestine to !ie. +etween Ke"ruary @, 200O, when BotaTeF was license!, an! January @1, 200., twentyei ht cases o$ intussusception were reporte! in in$ants who recei#e! BotaTeF in the C.S. Si=teen o$ the 28 in$ants reFuire! hospitali;ation an! sur ery on their intestine. %n Ke"ruary, 2008, the KD, issue! a warnin that there was a Pstatistically si n$icant increase in pneumonia-relate! !eaths an! sei;uresP associate! with the other #accine $or rota#irus in$ection.0>2 To re!uce the ris( o$ pneumonia, !octors promote the pneumococcal #accine, 3re#narA. , si!e e$$ect o$ 3re#nar, as liste! in the pac(a e insert, is ear in$ections, increasin the use o$ anti"iotics. The many roun!s o$ anti"iotics reFuire! to treat recurrin ear in$ections can cause serious "owel pro"lems, lea!in to "loo! tests an! e#aluations "y the pe!iatric astroenterolo ist. The cause o$ all these a!!itional pro"lems is rarely in!enti$ie! as a si!e e$$ect o$ a #accination. ,ll o$ this can result $rom a Botari= or a BotaTeF shot, i#en to a#oi! a common in$ection that most chil!ren contract, an! reco#er $rom une#ent$ully, "y the time they are three years o$ a e. ,nother e=ample is the hepatitis + #accine, i#en at "irth, can cause !iarrhea,

#omitin , an! !yspepsia 4a con!ition associate! with nawin or "urnin stomach pain an! persistent #omitin :. Tiny chil!ren recei#e =-rays, un!er o proce!ures such as en!oscopy, an! are i#en a!ult me!ications such as 3rilosecA or Ne=iumA to resol#e their !iscom$ort. Cn$ortunately, since the !yspepsia is not reco ni;e! as a #accine si!e e$$ect, a!!itional !osa es o$ the hepatitis + #accine are a!ministere!, o$ten compoun!in the pro"lem. Vaccines are the "e!roc( o$ e=pan!e! illnesses, s(yroc(etin me!ical costs an! e=ponential !ru sales. +ut it is more than in!i#i!ual #accines that are cause $or concern. The sheer num"er o$ #accines chil!ren now recei#e "etween "irth an! si= years o$ a e is sta erin an! inclu!eN Diphtheria 4a rare throat in$ection:, pertussis, an! tetanus 4the DTa3 shot:Q Eaemophilus in$luen;a type " 4the Ei" #accine:Q measles, mumps, an! ru"ella 4the ))B shot:Q pneumococcus 4the 3re#nar #accine:Q polio 4three strains:Q rota#irus 4$i#e strains:Q an! in!i#i!ual #accines $or hepatitis ,, hepatitis +, chic(enpo=, an! menin itis. Klu shots 4three strains: are now i#en annually, "e innin at si= months o$ a e. That a!!s up to 11@ #accine anti ens "y (in!er arten i#en in a"out @@ shots. 3arents are "ecomin wary o$ the many nee!les "ein 'a""e! into their precious "a"ies at the ten!er a e o$ two, $our an! si= months. %n response, the !ru companies are com"inin se#eral #accines into a sin le in'ection. 7om#a= 4hepatitis + an! Ei+:, 3roJua! 4))B an! chic(enpo=:, 3e!iari= 4DTa3, polio an! hepatitis +: an! two newly appro#e! #accines, Rinri= 4DTa3 an! polio: an! 3entacel 4DTa3, polio an! Ei+: ha#e "een !e#elope!. 3arents are !ecei#e! into "elie#in that the com"ination shots are $ewer #accinesQ they are notN The num"er o$ 'a"s is re!uce!, "ut the num"er o$ anti en !oses remains the same. , si ni$icant pro"lem with the com"o shots is that, in the e#ent o$ an a!#erse reaction, there is no way to !etermine which component cause! the pro"lem. This eliminates the a"ility to re$use a!!itional !oses o$ a particular #accine. The a"ility to ma(e a claim with the Vaccine %n'ury 7ompensation pro ram is li(ewise ne ate!. Kor a!ults who "elie#e the !ays o$ !eci!in a"out #accines are o#er "ecause their chil!ren are now teena ers, thin( a ainN Teena ers are the new tar et mar(et $or the #accine in!ustry. +oosters are "ein recommen!e! $or #accines i#en "e$ore $i#e years o$ a e an! the new teen #accines, Dar!asil 4$or cer#ical cancer: an! )enactra 4$or colle e-type menin itis:, are "ein hea#ily mar(ete! "y !octors an! the me!ia. The a!!itional #accines a!! su"stantially to the total num"er o$ #accine anti en. %$ little irls recei#e all !oses o$ all recommen!e! #accines, they will ha#e recei#e! 1>O #accine anti ens an! a"out /> shots "y mi!!le school. +oys, not yet appro#e! $or Dar!asil, recei#e sli htly $ewerN only 1// #accine anti ens an! a"out /2 shots. )any more #accines in the pipeline will put teens an! a!ults in the in!ustry crosshairs. %n 200., a!ult-teen #accine sales o#ertoo( pe!iatric sales, the $irst time e#er, accountin $or >0.OS o$ all re#enues. This !e#elopment has "een attri"ute! to ro"ust sales o$ in$luen;a #accines an! the success o$ )erc(*s

a!#ertisin to promote Dar!asil $or the E3V #irus. Dar!asil alone poste! G1.> "illion in sales in 200..0O2 ,n! yes, it*s a"out the money. %n a!!ition to !ri#in re#enues as a loss lea!er, the newer #accines are !ri#in re#enues throu h !irect sales o$ e=pensi#e #accines. ,ccor!in to Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News,0.2 %n 200., the worl! mar(et $or pre#enti#e #accines totale! G1O.@ "illion, up more than @8S, $rom G11.. "illion, in 200O. The mar(et is pre!icte! to increase at a compoun! annual rate o$ 1@.1S !urin 2008. This rowth rate is unhear! o$ in other !ru cate ories, especially since this is e=pecte! to "e a challen in year $or the pharmaceutical in!ustry. Kew other !ru cate ories will see as many new pro!uct intro!uctions an! such pu"lic-policy attention. %n 200., lo"al sales o$ pe!iatric #accines e=cee!e! G8.0 "illion, an increase o$ 2>.2S o#er 200O sales o$ GO.@ "illion. This hi h rowth was !ue in part to continue! hea#y ains o$ Wyeth*s pneumococcal #accine, 3re#nar, as well as the intro!uction o$ )erc(*s, BotaTeFT.This will result in an o#erall mar(et e=pansion o$ 1/.2S per year $rom 2008 to 201@, with total sales reachin G18.8 "illion at the en! o$ the $orecast perio!. Vaccines are promote! as a way to "oost the immune system. %t only stan!s to reason that in'ectin multiple !oses o$ patho ens an! measurea"le amounts o$ chemicals ta=es the immune system instea! o$ enhancin it. %*#e o"ser#e! in $amilies who ha#e more than one chil! an! ha#e chosen to #accinate the $irst, "ut not su"seFuent chil!ren, the youn er si"lin s seem to come !own with $ewer in$ections an! are much healthier o#erall. % !on*t "elie#e that*s a coinci!ence. 3re#enti#e measures aime! at enhancin health can "e incorporate! into simple, li$estyle chan es. Eere are a $ew help$ul su estionsN $ Stayin away $rom white 4re$ine!: su ar an! optin $or healthy $oo!s an! su ar-$ree snac(s is the $irst step. $ , hi h-Fuality, su ar-$ree, multi-#itaminHmulti-mineral supplement is recommen!e! $or all a es, too, not 'ust $or pic(y eaters. $ The "ene$it a!eFuate sleep has on health cannot "e o#erstate!. Without a!eFuate sleep, the "o!y is much more suscepti"le to illness. To!!lers nee! up to 1/ hours a !ay o$ sleep, "ut they typically et only a"out 10U. 7hil!ren "etween the a es o$ three an! si= nee! at least 10 to 12 hours per ni htQ "etween se#en an! twel#e years o$ a e, 10 hoursQ an! teens an! a!ults nee! at least 8 hours. )ost chil!ren et $ar lessQ an! parents nee! to en$orce "e! times $or their chil!ren, an! $or themsel#es. $ 3ro#i!e your $amily with clean, $iltere! water. $ Lncoura e re ularM"ut not o"sessi#eMhan! washin . $ )a(e sure to et away $rom the TV an! the computer se#eral hours a !ay to run an! play outsi!e. L=ercise stimulates the immune system an! has a whole casca!e o$ positi#e e$$ects.

3ersons who in#esti ate "oth si!es o$ this issue rarely continue #accinatin . That spea(s #olumes. %$ you !o !eci!e to 5Say No to Vaccines,9 you*re not alone. Thousan!s o$ parents who ha#e e=perience! $irst-han! the conseFuences o$ #accination, inclu!in autism, are not loo(in $or 5somethin to "lame.9 They are "e in other parents to learn a"out the ris(s "e$ore they procee!. &earn to trust your intuiti#e sense an! in#esti ate the $ull spectrum o$ the #accination issue. 6ou*ll "e la! you !i!. ootnotes% &' +ush Si ns +ill To Ta(e ,ll New"ornsV DN,. 7ritical ,nalysis. (' 7on$erence 7all /J 200.. )erc( ? 7o )' ,sthma an! ,ller y Koun!ation o$ ,merica *' Kormal!ehy!e in the home. %n!oor ,ir Juality Dui!eline +' KD, L=ecuti#e summary pharmaco#i ilance re#iew. )arch 1/, 2008 ,' 5,!ults Now Dri#e Drowth o$ Vaccine )ar(et,9 +ruce 7arlson. June 1, 2008 -' %"i!. +ruce 7arlson 2008 - Sherri Tenpenny - All Rights Reserve Sherri J. Tenpenny, D.O., is regarded as one of the country s !ost "nowledgea#le and outspo"en physicians on the negati$e i!pact $accines can ha$e on health. This article includes e%cerpts fro! her new #oo", Saying No to &accines' ( )esource Guide for (ll (ges. *n addition to concerns a#out childhood $accinations, the #oo" addresses $accination issues facing adults, international tra$elers, healthcare wor"ers, nursing ho!e residents, adoptions, college students, and those in the !ilitary. ( +,-!inute D&D is included that discusses the history of !andatory $accination, concerns a#out the ./& cer$ical cancer $accine Gardasil and other infor!ation not included in the #oo". 0or !ore infor!ation on her !any other #oo"s, D&Ds, audio 1Ds, articles, and other !aterials, $isit! and SayingNoTo&! 2earn !ore a#out her !edical clinic at osteo!!. Dr. Tenpenny is a regular colu!nist for News4ith&!. .er new #oo" and D&D 5Saying No to &accines5 and 0O426 are a$aila#le through this site. Other tapes and !aterials are a$aila#le! 4e#site'! We"siteN www.SayingNoTo&! E-7ail' n!ase!!

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