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Ingineria tisular[modificare]

Ingineria tisular este o component major a Biotehnologiei. Unul dintre rolurile ingineriei tisulare este de a crea organe artificiale (folosind materiale biocompatibile) pentru pacienii care au nevoie de transplant de organe. Bioinginerii cerceteaz noi metode de a crea astfel de organe. Cercettorii au reuit s creasc mandibule i trahei cu structuri asemntoare cu cele biologice naturale din celule stem umane. De asemenea vezici urinare artificiale au fost crescute n laboratoare i transplantate cu succes pacienilor. Organele bioartificiale care folosesc att componente sintetice ct i biologice reprezint un subiect de cercetare, cum ar fi dispozitivele care faciliteaz funcia hepatic prin folosirea celule lor [2] hepatice ntr-un bioreactor artificial .

Tissue Regeneration
Intrinsic tissue regeneration in the body Intrinsic tissue regeneration is the bodys regular maintenance cycle in which millions of tissue cells constantly undergo re modeling and restoration. It begins with circulating mesenchymal stem cells originating from bone marrow. Biochemical signals draw the stem cells to sites where growth factors have created an environment for regeneration.

Scar tissue vs regenerated tissue Scar tissue is different from regenerated tissue. When an injury occurs, the bodys first reaction is hemostasis when fibrin and inflammatory cytokines form a blood clot or provisional scaffold. More inflammatory cells arrive, remodeling the clot into scar tissue. Collagen in scar tissue is abnormally aligned and has little elastin. Unlike regenerated tissue, scar tissue is differentand less perfect than the surrounding tissue it replaces. Rather than triggering a scarring response, AlloDerm Regenerative Tissue Matrix allows nature to follow its own regenerative processrestoring tissue to its original structural, functional, and physiological condition. Tissue regeneration and AlloDerm Tissue Matrix AlloDerm Tissue Matrix is an ideal biological framework to harness natures own regenerative healing process. During the regeneration process, AlloDerm Tissue Matrix transitions into tissue in four stages: 1. The circulating stem cells target damaged tissue 2. In the target area, these cells deposit and adhere to the matrix 3. Next, the cells differentiate into tissue-specific cell types 4. Finally, the differentiated cells elaborate the new matrix to regenerate tissue

Supports rapid revascularization and repopulation: The vascular architecture is endothelialized, and host stem cells migrate and bind specifically to protein components of the matrix.

Supports remodeling to the patients own tissue: The matrix is now fully revascularized, repopulated and integrated into the host tissue. Proteins undergo normal breakdown and regeneration.

Supports transition to specific host tissue: Host cells continue to respond to the local environment, and the matrix transitions into the tissue it is replacing at the site of the transplant.

AlloDerm Tissue Matrix transitioned into host tissue: This histology of a clinical biopsy taken eight months post-operatively illistrates that, when placed in the abdominal wall next to native fascia, AlloDerm Tissue Matrix rapidly revascularized and repopulated with patient fibroblast cells, then transitioned into fascia-like tissue.

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