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REKAYASA LINGKUNGAN--------------------------------------------> Bu Yeni


An Industrial and Systems Engineer is one who is concerned with the design, installation, and improvement of integrated systems of people, material, information, equipment, and energy by drawing upon specialized knowledge and skills in the mathematical, physical, and social sciences, together with the principles and methods of engineering analysis and design to specify, predict, and evaluate the results to be obtained from such systems (Womack and Jones 1996). Source: Womack, J.T., and Jones, D.T. (1996), Lean Thinking: Banish Waste and Create Wealth in Your Corporation, Simon & Schuster, New York

Agar mahasiswa mampu merancang, memperbaiki & menginstalasi sistem dengan tetap memperhatikan faktor lingkungan


Introduction Industrialization, Urbanization and Intensity of Energy Use The steady advance of industrialization, urbanization and intensication (the amount of energy or materials use per unit of product delivered) has had signicant eects on the environment. Figure 1 shows the remarkable increase in energy use over the previous100 years and how this has been tracked by the rise in emissions.

REKAYASA LINGKUNGAN--------------------------------------------> Bu Yeni

Spectrume of Air Pollutants The major air pollutants in industrialized or high-income countries arise mainly from combustion processes but also from industrial processes (chemical, metallurgical and construction), agricultural practices and abrasion and wear from vehicles. They include: carbon monoxide sulfur dioxide nitrogen oxides ammonia Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) including organic pollutants such as benzene and buta1,3-diene heavy metals

1. Impacts of Air Polution

REKAYASA LINGKUNGAN--------------------------------------------> Bu Yeni

Local Air Pollution Local air pollution is pollution in close proximity to urban centres and industrial installations, usually at a distance of less than fty kilometres. Close to air pollution sources, in and around urban locations and close to industrial installations, there are impacts on human health, crop yield and quality, forest health, man-made materials and monuments, and also on visibility. Regional Air Pollution Gaseous emissions such as sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides are rapidly oxidized to sulfate and nitrate, and ammonia is transformed to ammoniumin the atmosphere. These pollutants can travel over very long distances, transported by the winds over hundreds of kilometres and then deposited by wet deposition in rain, occult (in cloud) deposition and dry deposition to surfaces and may causeimpacts far from the source of pollution. Sulfur and nitrogen deposition may acidify ecosystems and nitrogen may be responsible for eutrophication(over-fertilization) of terrestrial ecosystems. 2. The Regional Status of Air Pollution Driving Forces

REKAYASA LINGKUNGAN--------------------------------------------> Bu Yeni

Many developing countries have experienced progressive degradation in air quality over the past decades. Rapid urbanization, increased industrialization and rising energy use, mostly derived from fossil fuel combustion, have been the major contributors. For example, energy demand in Asia and the Pacic, which has30 per cent of theWorlds land area supporting 60% of the World population, is growing faster than in any other part of the World.

The Status of Air Pollution Policy in Different Regions of the Globe In South-East Asia the issue of transboundary pollution was rst highlighted in the 1990 Kuala Lumpur Accord on Environment and Development. The 1992 Singapore Summit identied it as among the major environmental concerns of the Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN). In 1995 the ASEAN Co-operation Plan onTransboundary Pollution was adopted. The ASEAN Co-operative Plan on Transboundary Pollution consists of three programme areas, namely: transboundary atmospheric pollution; transboundary movement of hazardous waste; and transboundary shipborne pollution. The programme area on transboundary atmospheric pollution has been set up: to assess the origin and cause, nature and extent of local and regional haze incidents; to prevent and control the sources of haze at both national and regional levels by applying environmentally sound technologies and by strengthening both national and regional capabilities in the assessment, mitigation and management of haze; to develop and implement national and regional emergency response plans. Conclusion As urban centres continue their rapid growth in developing countries, air pollution problems are likely to increase in their frequency and severity. The initiatives being taken in megacities in certain of these countries to begin to deal with air quality problems, by regulation, structural change and the search for a more sustainable system, will act as lessons and, where successful, models for more widespread action. Progress is slow but the wealth of experience that exists worldwide is an invaluable resource for concerted and dedicated action.

REKAYASA LINGKUNGAN--------------------------------------------> Bu Yeni

1. Introduction: The Global Oceans Response to Climate Variability and Change

2. Climate Variability and Change: Coupling Athmospheric and Biological Processes in the Ocean

Conclusion Human will be the ultimate receivers of changes in marine ecosystem structure. An obvious direct concern would be the need to re-evaluate the use of our marine resources should climate change and our own activities threaten the supply food.

REKAYASA LINGKUNGAN--------------------------------------------> Bu Yeni

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