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Restless Legs: An Early Warning Sign

ne of the problems with modern medicine is the tendency to focus on the treatment of symptoms. The general public has been educated (more like brainwashed) into believing that if some drug or treatment gets rid of a symptom, the problem has been resolved. You and I know nothing could be further from the truth. Symptoms are typically early warning signs. Theyre the bodys way of informing us that we need to make changes before more serious damage or disease occurs. Recognizing symptoms for the blessing they can be gives us a chance to avoid more critical health issues down the road. For decades, doctors have downplayed and even denied the existence of restless legs. Millions of individuals suffer silently each night from the itchy, crawly, pins and needles feelings characteristic of restless legs syndrome (RLS). It keeps them (and often their spouses) awake at night as they continually move their legs in an effort to relieve the unpleasant sensations. Since there are no tests to conrm the condition and the cause is unknown, conventional medicine has nothing to offer in the way of relief. In fact, many doctors still consider RLS nothing more than just a nuisance. Once again, the current drug treatments are based on relieving the symptoms of RLS. Doctors prescribe sedatives to help patients sleep, narcotics for pain, and anticonvulsants or anti-seizure drugs to stop the muscle twitching. In severe cases, Parkinsons-type drugs are even prescribed. If youre one of the estimated 510 percent of adults in this country who suffer from RLS, there are some things you can and should do. RLS isnt just some annoying sensation. It truly is a warning sign that needs to be addressed.

A Sign of Potential Heart Problems

The Nurses Health Study followed a total of 70,694 women (average age 67) who were free of coronary heart disease and stroke in 2002. A survey found that 1,484 of those women had been diagnosed with RLS. For 5.6 years, researchers followed the health of the entire group of women. During that period, there were 698 cases of either non-fatal heart attack or cardiovascular-caused death. When researchers adjusted for all the other risk factors, the women who had RLS symptoms for more than three years had about a 50 percent higher risk of suffering a heart attack or dying from a cardiovascular event. (Circulation 12;126(14):16891694) Earlier studies of 3,433 participants found that almost 7 percent of the women and 3.3 percent of the men had RLS, and those people were more than twice as likely to develop cardiovascular disease or experience a stroke. (Sleep 09;32(5):589597) (Nervenarzt 11;82(8):10061111) (Sleep 10;33(3):287) There seems to be at least two primary underlying causes of RLS:

Alternatives Mailbox: Why Cant Joggers Lose Weight? . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 News to Use from Around the World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
You will observe with concern how long a useful truth may be known, and exist, before it is generally received and practiced on. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN

a mineral/chemical imbalance and poor circulation. And, from all the latest studies, the symptoms that rst show up in your legs are telltale signs of the beginnings of cardiovascular disease. Prevacid, Dexilant, Aciphex, and Protonix) are the third highest selling drugs in the US. PPIs can reduce daily acid production by 8095 percent. Long-term use has been shown to decrease the absorption of calcium, magnesium, vitamin B12, and iron. (Last year, Nexium was the second highest selling prescription drug, with around $5.6 billion in sales. It had over $6 billion in sales in 2011 and 2010. The antidepressant Abilify just overtook Nexium as the top-selling drug earlier this year. The fact that the best-selling drug in this country is now an anti-psychotic should be a warning sign of its own.) If youre trying to restore iron levels, taking prescription or overthe-counter antacid drugs will only make it more difcult, if not impossible. As Ive mentioned on many prior occasions, as we age, most of us need more digestive enzymes and acidsnot less. You should also know that RLS seems to run in families. Researchers have identied four genes linked to RLS. But so far, it appears that even individuals with these genes have to be low on iron for the problem to develop. (Note that low levels of other minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and several of the trace minerals can also cause nighttime leg cramping. But typically, this is an acute problem, unlike RLS.)

Circulation Problems
The other factor commonly associated with RLS is impaired circulation. This can be a result of a variety of factors, including diabetes, atherosclerosis (clogging of the arteries), nerve damage, or lack of exercise. Individuals who notice an improvement after leg massages or a warm bath do so, in part, because of improved circulation to the legs. One of the best remedies Ive found to improve circulation to the legs is the Tibetan formula called Padma Basic. Padma Basic contains 19 different herbs and nutrients that were derived from an ancient Tibetan monastery formula that was taken out of Mongolia in the 1850s. It is now produced in Switzerland and made available in this country through EcoNugenics (padmaformyhealth. com or 800-308-5518). Padma Basic (formerly called Padma 28) has been studied extensively and no side effects or interactions have been reported when its taken with other medications. Ive found Padma Basic very helpful not only in many RLS cases, but studies have clearly demonstrated its effects in treating angina, intermittent claudication (decreased

Check Your Iron Levels

Low levels of iron in the brain cause a reduction in the availability of the neurotransmitter dopamine. A deciency in dopamine triggers excessive muscle contractions. The connection to dopamine levels helps explain why the symptoms of RLS are worse at night. Dopamine levels follow a distinct 24-hour circadian rhythm, and the lowest levels are in the evening. (Low levels of dopamine also occur in Parkinsons disease and result in the characteristic muscle tremors.) If your symptoms are almost always at night, boosting your iron levels would be a logical step to take. Sometimes adding an iron supplement is all it takes to stop RLS. Keep in mind that, to be absorbed, iron requires adequate amounts of acid from your stomach. Its no surprise that were seeing a large percentage of the adult population experiencing RLS with the widespread use of acid or proton pump inhibitors (PPIs). These antacid drugs reduce iron absorption substantially. PPIs (which include drugs like Nexium, Prilosec, Zegerid, Vimovo,


Author: Dr. David Williams; Editor: Larissa Long

ISSN# 0893-5025. Published monthly for $69.99/yr. by Healthy Directions at 7811 Montrose Road, Potomac, MD 20854. Editorial Office: 7811 Montrose Road, Potomac, MD 20854. Periodicals postage paid at Rockville, MD and at additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to Alternatives, 95 Old Shoals Road Arden, NC 28704. Copyright Healthy Directions, LLC All rights reserved. Photocopying or reproduction is strictly prohibited without permission from the publisher. The approaches described in this newsletter are not offered as cures, prescriptions, diagnoses, or a means of diagnoses to different conditions. The author and publisher assume no responsibility in the correct or incorrect use of this information, and no attempt should be made to use any of this information as a form of treatment without the approval and guidance of your doctor. Dr. Williams works with Healthy Directions, LLC to develop his unique formulations that supply many of the hard-to-find nutrients he recommends. Dr. Williams is compensated on the sales of these nutritional supplements and health products, which allows him to continue devoting his life to worldwide research and the development of innovative, effective health solutions.

blood ow to the extremities), and blood ow to the brain. Even after all the studies that have been done with Padma Basic, no one is exactly sure how it works. It doesnt seem to increase blood supply by causing the blood vessels to dilate or open wider, but instead appears to actually alter the chemistry of the blood. It decreases platelet aggregation or clotting, and lowers cholesterol,

triglyceride levels, and other blood lipids. The recommended dosage during treatment is six tablets a day (two tablets three times a day before meals). Once the problem has resolved, you should be able to taper back to a maintenance dose of one or two tablets a day.

Take RLS Seriously

Medically, RLS is probably at the stage that sleep apnea was 20

years ago. Once considered just an annoyance, we now know sleep apnea is an important risk factor for heart disease and stroke. Doctors and researchers are just now beginning to take RLS more seriously. If it follows the same path as sleep apnea, it could easily take a decade or longer for everyone to truly recognize it as a serious warning sign. If you have RLS, I urge you to start addressing the problem now.

Our Bodies Are Primitive

Our bodies are primitive and still operate as they have for thousands of years. During aerobic exercise, the primary fuel used by the body is carbohydrates. We dont store many carbohydrates since we were designed to participate in short bursts of intense activity. It goes back to the ght-or-ight response. In a threatening situation, our bodies are set up to either stand and ght or run away quickly. Think of the caveman being chased by a wild animal and having to run for his life. The other fuel we utilize is fat. It breaks down more slowly and it keeps us going during periods of continuous or intermittent low levels of aerobic activity. Think of the times our ancestors would simply walk short or long distances gathering food. Sustained periods of aerobic activity trigger several events in your body. One that I mentioned earlier is that your body adapts and becomes more efficient. You start to burn fewer calories doing the same activity. In your case, youve been jogging and doing aerobics classes for three years, so your body is getting more efficient at it and youre likely burning fewer calories.

Why Cant Joggers LoseWeight?

Question: I am a female in my late 40s and
have been working out steadily, especially for the last three years. I primarily jog but Ive been taking various aerobics classes, too. I also eat right. But for some reason, my weight and body shape do not seem to change. At times, Ill even diet a little but regardless of what I seem to do, I continue to have extra fat in my hips and butt. What do you suggest? Ive read over and over that you cant lose fat in just one area of the body and Ive come to the conclusion that genetically this is probably the way my body will always be. Cynthia K., Austin, TX

Answer: The problem you describe is very common in women who participate in a lot of steadypaced aerobic exercise. One characteristic of the human body is its ability to adapt. The more you perform a certain activity, the more efficient your body becomes. Therefore, the more aerobic activity you engage in, the more efficient your body becomes at burning calories. If your goal is to burn more calories, lose fat, and reshape your body, excessive aerobic exercise wont get the job done. In fact, if your primary focus is on aerobics, it can make the problem worse.

Cortisol Connection
In addition, both short and prolonged intense aerobic exercise triggers a stress reaction in the body, causing an increase in levels of the stress hormone cortisol. Cortisol is produced by the adrenal glands, and one of its jobs is to boost blood sugar levels so that the muscles have a quick supply of energy. This

can be a lifesaver under the right circumstances, but with excess aerobic activity, you begin to see the same problems that you often associate with chronic stress. One of the functions of cortisol is opposite that of insulin. Cortisol raises blood sugar levels in an effort to provide the necessary energy during prolonged aerobic activity. Research has shown that excess aerobics results in chronically elevated cortisol levels. This can trigger the release of insulin in an effort to balance blood sugar levels, and then lead to insulin resistance resulting in fat storage. This typically manifests as a beer gut in men and in the waist and bottoms of women. (This explains why some women joggers who are skinny from the waist up still have fat accumulation from the waist down, or male joggers who have thin legs but still have extra fat in the stomach area.) Chronically elevated cortisol levels also lead to a weakened immune system, systemic inammation, loss of bone density, a breakdown of lean muscle tissue, blood sugar handling problems, plus all the symptoms associated with hypoadrenia (weakened adrenals). Hypoadrenia is one of the more common problems in individuals who engage in too much aerobic activity. The adrenals also produce catecholamines (adrenaline and noradrenaline) that act as messengers, triggering fat cells to release fatty acids to be burned for energy. For example, walk, jog, or bike at a steady relaxed pace for 56 minutes, then increase your pace to full speed for 23 minutes, then return to normal pace. The high-intensity burst should be about half the time as the slower pace. Limit these episodes to about 30 minutes three to four times a week. Vary your activities and, most importantly, vary your pace. Occasional jogging is ne. Swimming, tennis, rollerblading, canoeing, dancing, paddleboard, basketball, surng, biking, hiking, and walking with your dog are also great. (Remember, if your dog is fat, youre not getting enough exercise.) I would also highly recommend that you add weight-bearing exercises to your workout program two to three times a week. Weightlifting, as Ive mentioned dozens of times in the past, helps build muscle, and muscle tissue constantly burns calories. The more muscle you have, the more calories you burneven when sitting still. In addition to building lean muscle, weightbearing exercises also increase bone mass and help prevent osteoporosis. If youre solely using aerobics to lose weight and you look at the actual number of calories burned, it can be depressing. For example, a 130-pound person jogging for an hour at 5 mph (a 12-minute mile) only burns 472 calories. More importantly, once this aerobic exercise stops, so does the calorie burn. In contrast, after weightlifting, the metabolism can stay elevated for up to 48 hours after a single workoutleading to an additional calorie burn that you would never get with just aerobics. Most women are afraid that weightlifting might make them look too muscular or bulky. That is very, very rarely an issue, unless youre taking steroids. For variety, you might also want to check into kettlebells. They combine the advantages of both weightlifting and bursts of aerobic exercise. Once you learn how to use them correctly, you can easily work out with them at home or elsewhere.

Change Up Your Program

I suggest that you change your exercise program and cut back on your high-level aerobic exercise. (Even the father of aerobic exercise, Dr. Kenneth Cooper, has reportedly changed his original ideas on the benets of aerobic exercise and feels anything in excess of 20 minutes results in diminishing returns.) It would be best to meet with someone who could help assess your total situation, but I can give you some general guidelines that should help. One of the best fat-loss and exercise programs incorporates low-level aerobic forms of exercise combined with short bursts of intense activity.


N E W S T O US E from around the world

Two Sim ple Nu t r ien t s for Hear t Healt h

LINKOPING, SWEDEN---Researchers at Linkoping University just completed a four-year study involving 443 participants aged 7088. They were testing the effects of taking coenzyme Q10 (200 mg) and selenium (200 mcg) on cardiovascular health. At the end of four years, they found that taking these two supplements reduced the risk of dying from cardiovascular problems by almost 50 percent. (Int J Cardiol 2012 May 22. [Epub ahead of print]) In the group of individuals who took a placebo, 12.6 percent died of cardiovascular disease, compared to only 5.9 percent of those taking the supplements. This is a very signicant difference. Oftentimes, with the constant quest to nd the newest breakthrough in nutritional supplements, we tend to overlook nutrients that have already been proven effective at preventing or treating a disease. Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) and selenium are two good examples. Its ridiculous to see that doctors are still prescribing cholesterollowering statins without considering the fact that they interfere with the protective effects of CoQ10, selenium, zinc, and copper. Statins have repeatedly been shown to deplete the very same substances that protect against heart disease. Its little wonder studies show that statins dont prolong life or even lower the risk of dying from cardiovascular disease. (J Trace Elem Med Biol 05;19(1):6167) (Toxicol Lett 2012 Oct 20. Epub 2012 Oct 20.) If you want to prevent the numberone cause of premature deathcardiovascular diseasemake certain

your daily vitamin program includes both CoQ10 and trace minerals such as selenium. If, for some reason, youve chosen to take statins and youre not taking additional CoQ10 and trace minerals, all the available research indicates youre greatly raising your risk of dying prematurely of the very thing youre trying to treat.

number of regulations being placed on the profession.

Foods for Or al Healt h

ATHLONE, IRELAND---Researchers at Athlone Institute of Technology (AIT), have been studying the effects of various foods modied by enzymes. For example, in one study they found that digested milk proteins kept harmful bacteria from adhering to intestinal walls and entering intestinal cells. AIT researchers also discovered that coconut oil, especially oil treated with enzymes, exhibits strong antibacterial action against both Streptococcus mutans and Candida albicans. Coconut oil was so effective at eliminating Streptococcus mutans, the bacteria associated with tooth decay, they recommended adding it to toothpaste. Coconut oil is turning out to be one of the best and most useful bargains around. As you may recall, last month I discussed using coconut oil for another benecial oral hygiene technique called oil pulling, where you swish the oil around in your mouth to help remove oilbased toxins. As for the digested milk proteins, I wouldnt be surprised if we learn they are useful in the oral cavity as well as the intestines. Fermented milk proteins, such as those found in real buttermilk, yogurt, and ker, come to mind. I particularly like ker and, fortunately, it is becoming more readily available in larger grocery stores. Letting ker sit in your mouth for a few seconds before swallowing is another way of helping the benecial bacteria in your mouth and sinuses. Ive seen several cases of chronic sinus and nasal congestion resolved through the regular use of oral probiotics and ker.

Dw in dlin g Doct or Pat ien t In t er act ion

BALTIMORE, MARYLAND--We all know that these days, kids spend more and more time on their computers and phones. But the same thing seems to be happening with physicians, too. Researchers recently evaluated the work activity of rst-year medical interns at two large academic medical centers in Baltimore. The interns only spent 12 percent of their time examining and talking with patients, 64 percent on indirect patient care (of which 40 percent was behind a computer lling out electronic paperwork, placing orders, etc.), and 15 percent on educational activities. They spent almost as much of their time walking (7 percent) as they did with patients. The average time spent with each patient per day was only eight minutes. (J Gen Intern Med 13;28(8):10421047) In the late 1980s and early 1990s, studies found interns spent at least 20 percent of their time bedside with patients. Its difcult to believe there could be any meaningful doctor/patient interaction now with just eight minutes per day. We cant blame the doctors. Most enter the profession because they place a high value on the time theyre able to spend with patients. With each passing year, however, practicing medicine becomes less about the patient and more about complying with the ever-increasing


N E W S T O US E continued

Solu t ion s for Au t ism

PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA---Researchers from Stanford University have found that N-acetylcysteine (NAC) can be effective in decreasing irritability and repetitive behavior in children with autism. (Biol Psychiatry 12;71(11):956961) The children were given either a placebo or a treatment course of 900 mg of NAC one time per day for four weeks, increasing to 900 mg twice per day for four weeks, and nally 900 mg three times per day for four weeks. Testing at four-week intervals showed a signicant improvement in irritability among those given the NAC. Also, repetitive behaviors, like lining up toys in the same pattern over and over, improved. The researchers commented, Managing irritability, which can be manifested by aggression, tantrums, self-injurious behaviors, and anger, with an effective and safer agent (NAC) can improve overall functioning in individuals with autism and alleviate burdens on the individual and family. For years Ive been talking about skyrocketing autism rates. In 2007, 1 in 86 children had autism. Now, according to a recent 2012 survey, 1 out of every 50 children between the ages of 6 and 17 in the US has autism. These rates are consistent among all racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic groups. Autism is ve times more common among boys than girls. Only about 10 percent of those children with autism also have Down syndrome or some other genetic or chromosomal condition. Autism is a very difcult and complex problem. And, unfortunately, conventional medicine has no explanation for the rise in cases. This seems to be more and more common

when it comes to many diseases that have become so widespread in the last couple of decades. When we see rising rates like these, its important to take a look at what has changed in our diets, habits, and activities.

Take Pr obiot ics

Antibiotic use has increased dramatically. This is obvious based on the high number of infections linked to antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria. This, along with higher usage of drugs in general, sterilized foods, chlorinated water supplies, etc., has thrown the majority of the populations intestinal bacterial ora into disarray. Animal studies have shown probiotics can help reduce the signs of autism. Young animals infected with fragments of the u virus exhibited the same signs of autism: limited interaction with others, difculty communicating, and repetitive and compulsive disorder. And in every case, they were found to have a permeable gut wall also called a leaky gut. This occurs when theres a lack of benecial, protective bacteria in the intestinal tract. Researchers found that, by administering probiotics and changing the ecology of the intestine, they could return the normal bacterial ora and negate the signs of autism. When you couple these ndings with other research showing that autistic children have a distinctive and different bacterial ngerprint from children without the condition, it becomes even more relevant. It would be interesting to determine antibiotic use, diet, and other factors that inuence bacterial ora in mothers both prior to and during pregnancy and see if theres a connection to autism. I suspect there would be. Weve known for years that a

babys initial bacterial ora comes from the mothers birth canal, except in the case of a cesarean section, which presents its own set of problems. (Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 12;109(31):1277612781) (J Proteome Res 10;9(6):29963004) Although I dont believe a disruption in intestinal ora is the sole cause of autism, I denitely believe it is probably a strong contributing factor in many cases. Everyone, but mothers especially, should be on a good probiotic and avoid antibiotics and other drugs prior to and during pregnancy, if possible. Babies with compromised gut ora are often subjected to a long list of vaccinations that can then turn out to be the straw that broke the camels back. I covered some of this about a year ago when researchers at Columbia University found distinctive differences in the microorganisms in the guts of autistic children compared to non-autistic children. (MBio 2012 Feb 14;3(1)). If I had a child with autistic symptoms, probiotics are one of the rst things I would implement. Depending on the results, a fecal implant (which Ive talked about several times in recent issues) would probably be next on the list. For babies, breastfeeding is one of the best methods of helping to establish benecial bacteria in the gut (assuming the mother is in good health). And if the mother isnt breastfeeding, some of the best homemade formulas have been developed and are available from the Weston A. Price Foundation ( Finally, Natren ( carries a complete line of probiotics specically balanced for babies and very young children.

N E W S T O US E continued
Go W h eat an d Dair y Fr ee
Another issue that often goes unaddressed in autism is the use of wheat and dairy products. The protein gliadin in wheat is inammatory and increases small intestinal permeability (leaky gut syndrome). And many individuals have an intolerance to casein, a protein found in dairy. Oftentimes this can be partially or totally overcome with the use of probiotics and digestive enzymes, but for children with autism, its best to avoid wheat and dairy altogether and monitor for improvement. Recent studies have shown that autism can be signicantly improved with a no-wheat, no-dairy diet. (Front Hum Neurosci 12;6:344) (Nutr Neurosci 12;15(2):8591) (Complement Ther Med 12;20(6):43740) cartilage degeneration in the hip or knee are able to drive immediately following the procedure and start to experience signicant improvement in pain reduction and other areas within the rst six weeks. Initially, the area will be sore for a few days and the patient obviously has to take it easy on the joint. But over time, doctors arent just seeing a reduction in pain, but actual regeneration of joint cartilage. Out of the 50 patients treated thus far, only one required surgery. Since the therapy is so new, its unknown how long the effects will last, but its possible another round of injections may be necessary after three or four years. From the looks of things, stem cell injections can denitely delay the need for arthritis-related hip, knee, and possibly even shoulder replacement surgery. I wouldnt be surprised if eventually stem cell therapy made most of these surgeries a thing of the past. Unfortunately, at this point, since the therapy may only delay eventual surgery, most insurance plans dont cover the injections. how many of the procedures he/ she has performed, what the success rate has been, and the ultimate outcomes of any failed procedures. If options arent available, then do a little research and nd out who in your area operates on professional athletes. For example, in my area, I would search for a surgeon who performs joint surgeries on the San Antonio Spurs. You may recall a couple of years ago when NFL quarterback Peyton Manning went to Europe to receive stem cell injections for his neck. At the time, the treatment wasnt available in the US and Mannings choice was called an act of desperation. He was accused of ignoring scientic evidence. However, he now credits the therapy for saving his career. Keep in mind, Im the last person to recommend a procedure solely because some sports gure or celebrity endorsed or utilized it. However, highly paid athletes will generally only use the most conservative surgeons with the best track records. They do a lot of research and background checks since their entire careers depend on a successful outcome and they must return to their activities as quickly as possible. I should also say that stem cell therapy has become fertile ground for a lot of charlatans, not unlike many medical procedures, so its best to stick with reputable providers.

St em Cells Can Heal Ar t h r it is

ATLANTA, GEORGIA---Ive always believed that stem cells hold some of the greatest rejuvenation potential of any therapy to date. Learning the intricate details of how to best harvest and utilize stem cells is a time-consuming effort, but one that continues to uncover amazing new treatments. In fact, researchers at Emory Sports Medicine Center (emoryhealthcare. org) are starting to use stem cell injections to successfully heal arthritic joints and tendinitis. Stem cells from a patients bone marrow and fat cells are harvested and then injected, along with platelet-rich plasma (PRP), back into arthritic joints. With most patients, only one stem cell injection is required, but typically a second injection of PRP is necessary about six weeks later. The results so far have been pretty remarkable. For example, patients with severe

Ch oosin g t h e Right Doct or

Emory is just one of many locations around the country offering stem cell injections, but its a good place to start if youre looking for a viable alternative to joint replacement surgery. Without any doubt, it would be a therapy at the top of my list. When it comes to stem cell therapy for joints or especially joint replacement surgery, choosing the right doctor is imperative. A personal referral from friends, family, or others who have successfully undergone such procedures is worth its weight in gold. Even then I would highly recommend asking the doctor in your initial consultation

Alzh eim er s Updat es

Four years ago (in July 2009), I reported on an animal study involving the use of niacinamide for treating Alzheimers disease. I promised to update the information as it became available. Unfortunately, no new data has been released. Currently there is a study underway with humans to determine the


This Month Online

N E W S T O US E continued
safety of niacinamide (B3) in human Alzheimers patients. This new study apparently involves 50 patients aged 5095 with mild to moderate Alzheimers disease. They will be given 1,500 mg of niacinamide twice daily or a placebo. The study is to continue for 24 weeks with evaluations at four-week intervals. Hopefully, the study will be completed and the ndings released. These things take forever, and studies involving natural compounds often get delayed or lose the necessary funding to continue. After all, niacinamide is an inexpensive natural product that can be purchased practically anywhere by anyone. No one would stand to make any money, or even recoup the costs of the study, if it was shown to be helpful or cure the disease. If someone you love has Alzheimers disease, I suggest trying niacinamide. It is totally safe, and in addition to being helpful in Alzheimers, other work has indicated it can help prevent nerve cell degeneration in Huntingtons disease, Parkinsons disease, and even Lou Gehrigs disease (ALS). Based on earlier work and ndings by Dr. William Kaufman, I continue to recommend higher dosages than those above. For a maintenance dosage, Dr. Kaufman recommended 250 mg every three waking hours (a total of six doses) for a total of 1,500 mg a day. But for something serious like Alzheimers, it appears the best results might be achieved by taking 250 mg every 1 hours (a total of 12 doses, or 3,000 mg a day).

Cu r cu m in an d Hon okiol
Ive also discussed how curry (the active component being curcumin in the turmeric) can help lower the risk of dementia and Alzheimers disease. Studies on curcumin keep coming out of India since they have such a low rate of dementia in their elderly population. (PloS ONE 7(2):e31424) Honokiol, a compound from the magnolia tree, also can be helpful with Alzheimers and many neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinsons and multiple sclerosis. These types of diseases are triggered by nerve cell damage caused by inammation. A recent study has found that honokiol passes through the blood-brain barrier and helps negate inammation in the brain. The ability to actually get to the brain tissue in itself is unique. Signicantly reducing the production of inammatory components in the brain and central nervous system makes honokiol a very powerful natural therapy. (J Neuroinammation 12;9:57) Honokiol is an expensive supplement but it has been proven to help treat numerous kinds of cancer by stopping the formation of new blood vessels that feed the cancer. Its also a very strong antioxidant, an antiviral compound, and a natural antidepressant. HonoPure is a very highquality honokiol product. It is available from EcoNugenics at or by calling 800-308-5518. Until next month,

Visit Dr. Williams website at, where youll nd information andrecommendations for many of your top health concerns, including: n Bone and joint health n Digestive concerns n Heart health n Boosting immunity Stay in touch with Dr.Williams between newsletter issues! Sign up for his Health Dispatch E-News alerts by visiting drdavidwilliams. com and submitting your email address. You can also follow his blog, which you can find under the Connect with Dr.Williams tab on his website. Here are just some of the posts you can read there: n A little-known cause of bad breath n How to make your own fermented vegetables n Treat poison ivy with this oil blend n How to prevent and treat travelers diarrhea

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