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Kept to Persevere

By Lin Brown Bible Text: Preached on: Romans 8:37-39 Sunday, Octo er !", !"#3

Grace Particular Baptist Church $7!$ %mperia& La'es B&vd (u& erry, )L 338*" Website: Online Sermons: www+one,o&dones-ep-erd+or. www+sermonaudio+com/.raceparticu&ar

0-is mornin. we come to t-e &ast o, our on w-at % wou&d term, t-e ,ree-wi&& and 1rminian attac' on t-e .ospe& trut- o, t-e 2ord o, 3od+ 0-e ,ina& t-in. t-at t-e Pe&a.ians and t-e 1rminians o, t-e past and t-e ,ree-wi&&ers o, today c-ose to attac' was t-at w-ic- we 'now and understand to e t-e continuin. &i,e o, t-e c-i&d o, 3od to eternity+ 2-en % say t-at, % ta'e note o, t-e ,act t-at t-e ,ree-wi&& doctrine o, t-e 4-ristian &i,e is e5-i ited in t-is way: t-at since sa&vation is t-e resu&t o, man6s determination in -is e5ercise o, -is ,ree-wi&& in c-oosin. 4-rist, man now is a&so responsi &e to 'eep -imse&, saved y continuin. ,ait- and o edience+ S-ou&d -e, a,ter -avin. once accepted 4-rist, decide a.ainst -im and eterna& &i,e or s-ou&d -e ,ind t-e responsi i&ity o, &ivin. a -o&y &i,e too .reat a urden and turn away, -e wi&& sure&y e t-at w-ic- is spo'en o, in Scripture, ,a&&en ,rom .race+ 2-en t-e ,ree-wi&&ers attac' t-e &i,e nature o, t-e c-i&d o, 3od, t-ey ot- de,ame and dispara.e t-e wor' o, 4-rist and t-e ministry o, t-e 7o&y Spirit+ 8ou and % as t-e c-i&dren o, 3od, are spo'en o, as t-ose w-o are 'ept and t-in' o, t-at word 9'ept+: Kept y t-e power o, 3od t-rou.-out a&& o, our &i,e, t-rou.- to eternity+ 1s % said, t-e ,ree-wi&&ers stand upon t-e pi&&ar o, 3a&atians $:;, 98e -ave ,a&&en ,rom .race,: and t-at i, you ,a&& ,rom .race, you ,a&& ,rom &i,e and i, you ,a&& ,rom &i,e t-en you are eterna&&y destroyed in t-e end+ <ven t-ou.- you mi.-t -ave come and said you 'now 4-rist and you e&ieve in 4-rist and you trust in 4-rist, in t-e end, you -ave apostati=ed and so you wi&& e &ost+ But not ,ina&&y, tomorrow you may a.ain to e&ieve in 4-rist, to trust in 4-rist, to ,o&&ow 4-rist, and t-en you6&& e saved+ But t-e ne5t day, you may ,a&& away a.ain and one and on in a continuous cyc&e o, ein. saved and unsaved and ein. saved and unsaved and ein. saved and unsaved+ 2e 'now no suc- scriptura& doctrine as t-at+ 0-ere was a response to t-at t-at came in t-e ,undamenta&ist e5pression o, once saved, a&ways saved and t-ere was .reat -ee-awin. a out t-at and .reat moc'ery o, t-at, t-at i, you6re once saved, you6re a&ways saved ut t-e Scripture supports suc- an idea as t-at ecause i, we6re saved, we6re ever saved ,rom t-e ,oundation o, t-e wor&d+ 0o ta'e it even ,urt-er t-an t-ose w-o say once saved, a&ways saved ecause t-ey mean wit-in an e5perience o, receivin. 4-rist, t-ey are a&ways saved+ 1nd t-ey -ave a used t-e doctrine o, .race, turnin. it into &asciviousness and .ivin. a &icense ,or t-eir sin ut we e&ieve t-at we are saved ,rom eternity and we

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are 'ept y t-e power o, 3od in time and space+ 2e are continuous&y 'ept y t-e power o, 3od+ % want us to &oo' at some Scripture t-at wi&& support t-at and wi&& de,end t-at trut- and wi&& e5-i it t-at trut-+ Let6s &oo' ,irst o, a&& and see w-ere we can start+ Psa&m 37:!8, w-ere we >ust were, te&&s us t-ese .reat trut-s y t-e perseverance o, t-e saints, o, t-e preservation o, 3od+ So, we turn ac' t-ere rie,&y and we6&& -ave ot-ers to .o to+ 9)or t-e LOR? &ovet- >ud.ment, and ,orsa'et- not -is saints@ t-ey are preserved ,or ever+: 7e ,orsa'et- not -is saints and t-ey are preserved ,orever+ %t ta'es me .reat pause to t-in' a out t-at: % 'now ,rom my own e5perience, i, -e didn6t preserve me, i, -e didn6t 'eep me, % wou&d ,a&& away+ % wou&d ,orsa'e -im+ % wou&d stand up and say % never 'new -im+ % wou&d divorce myse&, ,rom -im+ % do not put suc- trust in my own se&, ut % t-in' t-at a,ter -avin. preac-ed to ot-ers %, myse&,, can6t e a castaway+ % wou&d en>oin a&& o, you w-o preac- t-e .ospe&, w-oever you are, to ta'e serious&y t-at statement t-at Pau& made, to 'eep under your eart-&y desires and eat t-em &ac' and &ue wit- t-e prospect o, ecomin. a castaway+ 8et, -avin. preac-ed to ot-ers, it is an awesome responsi i&ity to preac- t-e .ospe&+ %t is an awesome responsi i&ity to come e,ore t-e peop&e o, 3od and say, 90-us sait- t-e Lord+: %t is a .rave responsi i&ity to come e,ore t-e peop&e o, 3od and point out t-eir sins on t-e aut-ority o, t-e 2ord o, 3od ecause -avin. preac-ed to ot-ers we, ourse&ves, mi.-t e a castaway+ So we are t-rown a&ways upon t-e .race o, 3od and w-atsoever we -ave committed unto -im, -e wi&& 'eep and -e wi&& de,end and -e wi&& preserve+ )rom t-ere, we run Auic'&y over to # 0-essa&onians $:#*, 9Re>oice evermore+ Pray wit-out ceasin.+ %n every t-in. .ive t-an's: ,or t-is is t-e wi&& o, 3od in 4-rist Besus concernin. you+ Cuenc- not t-e Spirit+ ?espise not prop-esyin.s+ Prove a&& t-in.s@ -o&d ,ast t-at w-ic- is .ood+ 1 stain ,rom a&& appearance o, evi&+ 1nd t-e very 3od o, peace sancti,y you w-o&&y@ and % pray 3od your w-o&e spirit and sou& and ody e preserved &ame&ess unto t-e comin. o, our Lord Besus 4-rist+ )ait-,u& is -e t-at ca&&et- you, w-o a&so wi&& do it+: 2e wi&& e preserved &ame&ess unto t-e comin. o, Besus 4-rist+ % 'now t-at retrospective&y and introspective&y, we &oo' at ourse&ves and we say 9 &ame&ess:D 4ertain&y not+ % am to &ame ,or my % am to &ame ,or my &ac' o, ,ait-+ But we are preserved &ame&ess+ 0-e Lord over&oo's and discounts and a sor ed our sin+ Eow, % don6t 'now a out you, ut t-at causes me .reat -um &eness o, mind to t-in' t-at+ 8es, t-ose sins t-at are past, we more readi&y dea& wit- t-ose in t-is way: t-ose sins t-at are past are uried at t-e cross and t-ey are done away wit-+ 0-ose sins o, t-e ,uture, we can6t even t-in' a out ecause we don6t entertain and understand w-at t-ey mi.-t e+ 1nd we can understand t-at t-ose sins too were dea&t wit- at t-e cross+ 1-, ut it is our present rea&ity o, sin t-at a&ways rin.s us away ,rom t-e cross and into ourse&ves+ %t is our present rea&ity o, our -earts6 murmurin.s, o, our minds6 wonderin., o, our desires misp&aced, o, our e5-i ited, t-at causes us to .o away ,rom t-e cross and come to our own se&,+ 8ou see, ,o&&owin. w-at t-e Pe&a.ians and 1rminians said in

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t-e past came t-e ,ormu&ation o, t-at w-ic- was ased upon t-e trut- o, t-e 2ord o, 3od and ,o&&owin. t-ose con,essions o, t-e ,ait- t-at started in #*;; and e5-i ited a.ain in #*;* and t-en #*89, t-e emp-asis ,e&& upon w-at you do ,rom t-e Puritans+ 0-e Puritans to &oo' and see w-at a -o&y &i,e was rea&&y a&& a out@ t-at it was a necessary t-in. ,or t-e c-i&d o, 3od+ 1nd t-en t-ey to emp-asi=e your -o&y &i,e t-at is di,,erent ,rom t-e wor&d6s &i,e@ t-at you wou&d &ive -o&i&y in t-is wor&d+ %t wasn6t unti& we .ot to t-e e5perientia& preac-ers o, 7aw'er and P-i&pot and t-e rest o, t-em t-at we so dear&y &ove, some w-o were Baptists and ot-ers were %ndependent, t-at .ave us t-e true understandin. o, w-at perseverance was a&& a out+ 0-e Puritans over-emp-asi=ed t-e wor's o, t-e perseverance o, t-e saints to t-e ne.&ect, ,or t-e most part, t-e preservation o, t-e .race o, 3od+ %n t-ose t-at % mentioned t-at came a,ter t-e Puritans and came e,ore t-is wic'ed evi& modern .eneration o, t-at w-ic- .oes in t-e name o, Re,ormed and Baptist, to t-ose w-o e5pressed t-eir dependence ein. tota&&y upon 4-rist, came t-e e5pression o, t-e trut- o, w-at perseverance was rea&&y a&& a out+ 8ou and % persevere ecause 3od preserves us@ ecause 3od 'eeps us@ ecause -e wi&& per,orm unti& t-e day o, 4-rist, a .ood wor' in us and -e wi&& not ,ai& in doin. so+ 7e wi&& 'eep -is own and -e6&& not &ose one o, t-em+ 0-at means you and %@ t-at means t-rou.- our past sins, our present sins, and yes, even our ,uture sins+ 2-at .reat sa&vation is t-atF 2-at a poverty stric'en sa&vation it is o, t-e ,ree-wi&&er w-o can &ose it at any moment+ % -ave to say, t-ey are not in touc- witt-emse&ves+ 0-ey don6t 'now wit-in t-emse&ves w-at dept-s sin &ives in t-em ut we w-o do, 'now w-at a .reat trut- it is to e preserved and 'ept y t-e power o, 3od+ 2e w-o do 'now and understand w-at it means and praise 3od ,or w-at it means, t-at we are 'ept y t-e power o, 3od+ Let6s &oo' at # Peter #:$, 9B&essed e t-e 3od and )at-er o, our Lord Besus 4-rist, w-icaccordin. to -is a undant mercy -at- e.otten us a.ain unto a &ive&y -ope y t-e resurrection o, Besus 4-rist ,rom t-e dead+: 0-at &ive&y -ope, y t-e way, is a &ivin. -ope@ a Auic'ened -ope+ 90o an in-eritance incorrupti &e, and unde,i&ed, and t-at ,adetnot away, reserved in -eaven ,or you, w-o are 'ept y t-e power o, 3od t-rou.- ,aitunto sa&vation ready to e revea&ed in t-e &ast time+: %n ot-er words, we are 'ept to t-e ,ina& day o, our &i,e+ 2e are 'ept t-rou.-out t-e w-o&e trip t-at we trave& in t-is wor&d+ Let6s turn ac' to ! 0-essa&onians 3:#, 9)ina&&y, ret-ren, pray ,or us, t-at t-e word o, t-e Lord may -ave ,ree course, and e .&ori,ied, even as it is wit- you: and t-at we may e de&ivered ,rom unreasona &e and wic'ed men: ,or a&& men -ave not ,ait-+ But t-e Lord is ,ait-,u&, w-o s-a&& sta &is- you, and 'eep you ,rom evi&+: 7ow muc- evi& can you doD On&y as muc- as t-e Lord doesn6t 'eep you ,rom and we are to&d t-at t-e Lord wi&& 'eep you ,rom evi&+ % don6t 'now a out you, once a.ain, ut % ta'e .reat pause at suc- a statement+ % am capa &e o, anyt-in. ut t-e Lord 'eeps me ,rom it+ %sn6t it ama=in.D 7ow depraved we rea&&y areD 7ow wic'ed we rea&&y areD 2-at we wou&d rea&&y desire i, t-e Lord didn6t 'eep us ,rom itD 2-at we wou&d rea&&y p&an and purpose i, t-e Lord didn6t 'eep us ,rom itD %t does -um &e us+ <ven as t-e c-i&dren o, 3od, to sit -ere and entertain suc- an idea+ % pray you don6t .et a pu,,ed up spirit and say, 9%6m not capa &e o, doin. t-at+ %6m eyond t-at+ % wou&dn6t dare do t-at+: 0-ere are t-ose w-o sit in c-urc-es and

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re&i.ious&y, pious&y draw t-eir coats around t-emse&ves and say, 90-at6s t-em+ 0-at6s not me+ % wou&dn6t do suc- a t-in.+ % wou&dn6t t-in' suc- a t-in.+ % wou&dn6t p&an suc- a t-in.+ % wou&dn6t purpose suc- a t-in.+ % wou&dn6t -ave suc- a t-ou.-t+: 0-e Lord wi&& 'eep and preserve -is own+ Let6s &oo' at ! 0imot-y #:9, 92-o -at- saved us, and ca&&ed us wit- an -o&y ca&&in., not accordin. to our wor's, ut accordin. to -is own purpose and .race, w-ic- was .iven us in 4-rist Besus e,ore t-e wor&d, ut is now made mani,est y t-e appearin. o, our Saviour Besus 4-rist, w-o -at- a o&is-ed deat-, and -at- rou.-t &i,e and immorta&ity to &i.-t t-rou.- t-e .ospe&: w-ereunto % am appointed a preac-er, and an apost&e, and a teac-er o, t-e 3enti&es+ )or t-e w-ic- cause % a&so su,,er t-ese t-in.s: nevert-e&ess % am not as-amed: ,or % 'now w-om % -ave e&ieved, and am persuaded t-at -e is a &e to 'eep t-at w-ic- % -ave committed unto -im a.ainst t-at day+: % was spea'in. to one o, our mem ers t-is wee' and % said, 9?o you ever entertain any t-ou.-ts a out t-e Bud.mentD 0-e ?ay o, Bud.mentD: 1nd t-e mem er said, 98es, % -ave+ % -ave t-ou.-t a out it,: and % do t-in' a out t-at too+ O,tentimes, my sou& wou&d deceive me and wi&& say, 98ou6ve .ot a .ood de,ense at t-e Bud.ment+ 8ou can stand up and say you were a preac-er o, t-e trut- and stayed true to t-e trut- a&& t-e time+ 8ou didn6t ,orsa'e it+ 8ou were a .ood prayer warrior+: Some o, you may say, 9% did .ood deeds+ % -e&ped peop&e+ % did t-is, % did t-at+: 0-at wou&d e your de,ense on t-e ?ay o, Bud.ment+ On t-e ?ay o, Bud.ment, as we entertain it, as we t-in' a out it, w-at do we t-in' t-at we wou&d doD 1nd we need to cast a&& o, t-at aside and say, 9On t-e ?ay o, Bud.ment i, % don6t stand in t-e ri.-teousness o, 4-rist, % wi&& peris- wit- t-e rest+: 1nd 'now t-at 4-rist is your de,ense in t-at day+ 7e is your s-ie&d+ 7e is your stron. tower in t-at day a&so+ 90-at .ood t-in. w-ic- we -ave committed unto t-ee, 'eep y t-e 7o&y 3-ost w-icdwe&&et- in us+: 0-e .ood t-in. t-at is committed to us is t-at .ood sa&vation t-at is in 4-rist Besus and wi&& e 'ept y t-e 7o&y 3-ost in us@ sea&ed y t-e 7o&y 3-ost is anot-er way o, puttin. it+ Read c-apter !:##, 9%t is a ,ait-,u& sayin.: )or i, we e dead wit- -im, we s-a&& a&so &ive wit- -im: %, we su,,er, we s-a&& a&so rei.n wit- -im: i, we deny -im, -e a&so wi&& deny us: %, we e&ieve not, yet -e a idet- ,ait-,u&: -e cannot deny -imse&,+ O, t-ese t-in.s put t-em in remem rance, t-em e,ore t-e Lord t-at t-ey strive not a out words to no pro,it, ut to t-e su vertin. o, t-e -earers+: % was readin. t-is wee' a out t-at very statement, t-at words can su vert t-e -earers+ 0o &isten to ,a&se and anti-.ospe& wi&& su vert t-e -earers+ Pau& writin. to 0imot-y said, 9?on6t .ive -eed+ ?on6t .ive -eed to t-ose words t-at su vert t-e -earers+: 9But s-un pro,ane and vain a &in.s: ,or t-ey wi&& increase unto more un.od&iness+ 1nd t-eir word wi&& eat as dot- a can'er: o, w-om is 7ymenaeus and P-i&etus@ w-o concernin. t-e trut- -ave erred, sayin. t-at t-e resurrection is past a&ready@ and overt-row t-e ,ait- o, some+: Bust t-at very simp&e statement, 9t-e resurrection is past,: su verts and corrupts t-e -earers+ 9Eevert-e&ess t-e ,oundation o, 3od standet- sure,

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-avin. t-is sea&, 0-e Lord 'nowet- t-em t-at are -is+ 1nd, Let every one t-at namet- t-e name o, 4-rist depart ,rom iniAuity+: Bude, verse !", 9But ye, e&oved, ui&din. up yourse&ves on your most -o&y ,ait-, prayin. in t-e 7o&y 3-ost, 'eep yourse&ves in t-e &ove o, 3od, &oo'in. ,or t-e mercy o, our Lord Besus 4-rist unto eterna& &i,e+ 1nd o, some -ave compassion, ma'in. a di,,erence: and ot-ers save wit- ,ear, pu&&in. Gt-emH out o, t-e ,ire@ -atin. even t-e .arment spotted y t-e ,&es-+ Eow unto -im t-at is a &e to 'eep you ,rom ,a&&in.,: 'eep you ,rom t-e day o, evi&, to 'eep you ,rom ,a&&in.+ 0-is is w-ere our eyes ou.-t to e ,i5ed, is it notD Eot on w-at we can do to 'eep ourse&ves, ut w-at -e does to 'eep us 'eepin. ourse&ves+ 2e must a&ways understand t-at anyt-in. t-at we do, anyt-in. t-at we do ri.-teousness, anyt-in. t-at we do positive&y toward 3od, -e must e 'eepin. us in order to 'eep to it or we wou&dn6t+ 2e &oo' at t-ose w-o -ave departed t-e ,ait- and t-ere is a &on. &ine o, t-em+ Pau& spea's o, two t-at -ave made s-ipwrec' o, t-eir sou&s, P-i&etus and 7ymenaeus, t-ere are ot-ers in t-e Scripture, t-ere are ot-ers in -istory, w-o -ave started o,, and ended up on t-e wron. side@ w-o started o,, on t-e ri.-t side and ended up on t-e wron. side@ w-o -ave started in t-e ,ait- and departed ,rom t-e ,ait-+ Let6s &oo' at t-e e5tent o, t-at in 7e rews *, a&ways a ,ear,u& c-apter to ever entertain any ideas on+ 1s we &oo' at t-is, we re,&ect once a.ain t-e ends t-at peop&e can .o and sti&& e unsaved+ 0-e ends t-at peop&e can .o and sti&& e unsaved+ %, you can read t-is and trust in yourse&,, we&&, more power to you+ 8ou6&& need it+ Startin. in verse #, 90-ere,ore &eavin. t-e princip&es o, t-e doctrine o, 4-rist, &et us .o on unto per,ection@ not &ayin. a.ain t-e ,oundation o, repentance ,rom dead wor's, and o, ,ait- toward 3od, o, t-e doctrine o, aptisms, and o, &ayin. on o, -ands, and o, resurrection o, t-e dead, and o, eterna& >ud.ment+ 1nd t-is wi&& we do, i, 3od permit+: Eow we .et to t-e serious part o, it+ 9)or it is impossi &e,: impossi &e+ 0-e writer o, 7e rews used a word t-at put it past t-e pa&e o, man6s a i&ity+ %t is impossi &e+ 0-ere are many t-in.s t-at are impossi &e to man ut possi &e wit- 3od+ But t-is is one o, t-ose carte &anc-e statements@ it6s not on&y impossi &e wit- men, it6s impossi &e t-at 3od wou&d provide anot-er way+ 0-at is serious usiness+ 9)or it is impossi &e ,or t-ose w-o were once en&i.-tened,: once en&i.-tened+ 0-ere are t-ose w-o start out on t-e pat- and t-ey are en&i.-tened+ 2e 'now t-ose@ we ,ind t-em in t-e para &e o, t-e sower, don6t weD 0-ey -ear t-e word, t-ey receive t-e word, and wit>oy .o out and soon t-eir >oy turns to sorrow in t-e tria&s and tri u&ations o, t-is &i,e+ 0-ere are t-ose w-o -ear t-e 2ord and it ta'es a &itt&e root and soon t-e sun parc-es t-em in t-e persecutions o, t-is &i,e and t-ey depart+ 90-ey were once en&i.-tened and -ave tasted o, t-e -eaven&y .i,t, and were made,: and t-is is t-e one t-at6s rea&&y -ard, 9and were made parta'ers o, t-e 7o&y 3-ost+: 0-ese t-at wi&& depart and it wi&& not e possi &e to ever .et t-em ac' a.ain, are t-ose w-o wi&& .o to t-ese ends in t-eir own understandin. o, w-o t-ey are w-i&e we are t-e en&i.-tened ones+ 2e are t-e ones w-o understand everyt-in.+ 2e are t-ose w-o -ave tasted o,

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-eaven+ 7ave you ever -eard any ody ta&' a out t-atD 9%6ve tasted o, -eaven, it6s sweet ,ruit+: 0-ose were statements t-at peop&e wou&d ma'e in t-e past and present day peop&e a&so+ 9% -ave tasted t-e -eaven&y .i,t+: 91nd were made parta'ers o, t-e 7o&y 3-ost+: % do e&ieve t-ere are many w-o are in t-e c-arismatic ,ait- w-o wi&& say t-at t-ey are parta'ers o, t-e 7o&y 3-ost, w-o eventua&&y depart+ 91nd are made parta'ers o, t-e 7o&y 3-ost and -ave tasted t-e .ood word o, 3od+: 9O-, % &ove t-e Bi &e+ %t6s so wonder,u&+ O-, t-e promises o, 3od are so sweet to me+: 91nd t-e powers o, t-e wor&d to come,: t-at6s come in a resurrection o, t-e dead+ 9%, t-ey s-a&& ,a&& away, to renew t-em a.ain unto repentance+: Eow, it6s not t-ose doctrines, y t-e way, t-at you ,a&& away ,rom+ %t is t-e spiritua& understandin. t-at is tru&y .iven to t-e c-i&dren o, 3od t-at you ,a&& away ,rom ecause you don6t own it+ %t doesn6t e&on. to you+ Remem er in t-e oo' o, 1ctsD 0-e one w-o saw w-at was .oin. on wit- t-e discip&es and said, 9Let me uy t-at .i,t+ % want t-at .i,t+: 0-ey said, 98ou don6t -ave any part or &ot in t-is .i,t+ 8ou don6t -ave any part or &ot in t-is a i&ity+ 8ou don6t -ave any part or &ot in t-is 'eepin. power, in mani,estin. power+: 2-y is a&& o, t-isD Because a&& o, t-ose w-o do t-at and depart don6t -ave any ot-er remedy ,or sin w-atsoever+ 0-ey can6t save t-emse&ves and t-ey can6t save ot-ers+ 90-ey cruci,y to t-emse&ves t-e Son o, 3od,: and never resurrect -im in t-eir &i,e+ 91nd put -im to an open s-ame+: % do t-in' t-at t-ese verses and a&& o, t-e verses t-at spea' o, peop&e w-o depart ,rom t-e ,ait-, t-ey don6t do it secret&y+ 0-ey do it open&y@ t-ey come ri.-t out and say, 9% once e&ieved and % don6t e&ieve anymore+ % once &oved 4-rist ut now % -ate -im+ % once served 3od ut now % turn my ac' on -im+ % once e&ieved t-ere was a 3od and now % don6t e&ieve t-ere is one+: 8up, t-ere are t-ose 'ind o, peop&e and it6s impossi &e t-at t-ey e saved ,rom any ot-er way ecause t-ere6s on&y one way o, sa&vation and t-at6s in 4-rist Besus and -im a&one and t-at sa&vation ein. 4-rist Besus must e app&ied y t-e 7o&y 3-ost+ So, we come ,u&& circ&e in 7e rews * to t-e understandin. o, t-at w-ic- is spo'en in anot-er p&ace as &asp-emy o, t-e 7o&y 3-ost@ t-at t-ose peop&e wi&& turn t-eir ac' on t-e ministry o, t-e 7o&y 3-ost and say to -im, 9%6m .oin. to ,ind out on my own+ %6m .oin. to &earn and study on my own and %6&& .et saved on my own+: 1s we &oo' at t-is, we 'now and understand -ow ,ruit,u&&y and .racious&y it is t-at we come to Romans 8:37 to t-e end+ 9Eay, in a&& t-ese t-in.s we are more t-an conAuerors t-rou.- -im t-at &oved us+ )or % am persuaded, t-at neit-er deat-,: and we t-in' a out t-at+ 0-in' a out w-at a ,ear,u& specter deat- is and we say, 9%6m .&ad %6ve een de&ivered ,rom deat-,: and we t-in' w-at a desira &e t-in. it is to e de&ivered ,rom deat-+ )or % am persuaded t-at deat- cannot separate me ,rom t-e &ove o, 3od w-ic- is in 4-rist Besus+ 1nd so, in a rea& sense, % don6t ,ear deat-+ %n a rea& sense, we &oo' at t-is and

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we say, 92e&&, deat- is not to e ,eared,: ut t-en t-e very ne5t statement is a very stran.e statement+ 9Eor &i,e+: Li,eD 0-e very deportment o, &i,eD 0-e very &ivin. o, &i,eD 4annot separate me ,rom t-e &ove o, 4-ristD 0-ere are t-in.s t-at we do as we &ive in t-is wor&d t-at are >ust a course o, &i,e, >ust an everyday routine, i, you wi&&+ Bust a very natura& and &o.ica& conc&usion t-at won6t separate us ,rom t-e &ove o, 4-rist+ Eow, t-e understandin. o, t-is is: it cou&d+ %t cou&d i, 3od didn6t 'eep us+ %t cou&d ecause we remem er, do we not, t-at 3od is -o&yD 1nd 3od6s ways are not our ways and -is t-ou.-ts are not our t-ou.-tsD 1nd so, &i,e itse&, can separate us ut it doesn6t+ 9Eor an.e&s+: 2-atever t-ey e: c-eru im, serap-im, demonic an.e&s+ 2-atever 'ind o, an.e&s, w-atever t-ey are, t-ey are more power,u& t-an we are and .iven t-e wi&& o, Satan, w-o is t-e c-ie, wic'ed an.e&, w-o is t-e -ead o, minions o, wic'ed an.e&s, .iven -is desire to ruin t-e c-i&d o, 3od, -e wou&d do it ut it is not possi &e ecause Pau& en>oins, 92-o can do soD 2-o can do soD: 9Eor principa&ities, nor powers: o, wic'edness+ 2-at i, t-e -o&y an.e&s decided t-at we s-ou&dn6t eD 92e&&, t-ere are peop&e down t-ere on eart- t-at are not as -o&y as we are+: 0-ey wi&& not e a &e to separate us ,rom t-e &ove o, 3od eit-er, t-ose w-o are t-e c-i&dren o, 3od+ 9Eor t-in.s present+: %6m .&ad t-at Pau& &oo'ed introspective&y and &oo'ed around at -is surroundin.s and -e said, 98ou 'now, %6m in -ere o, ein. separated ,rom t-e &ove o, 3od+ 0-ere are t-in.s a&& around me t-at are drawin. me to t-em t-at wou&d separate t-e distance etween t-e &ove o, 3od in 4-rist Besus ut t-ey can6t do it+ 0-ey can6t do it+: 9Eor t-in.s to come+: 8ou and % don6t 'now w-at t-e ,uture -o&ds ut we 'now it can6t separate us ,rom t-e &ove o, 3od in 4-rist Besus as t-e c-i&dren o, 3od+ 9Eor -ei.-t, nor dept-, nor any ot-er creature,: w-atever it is+ 9S-a&& e a &e to separate us ,rom t-e &ove o, 3od, w-ic- is in 4-rist Besus our Lord+: %sn6t it wonder,u& to understand t-at to e soD %sn6t it wonder,u&+ Let6s &oo' at Bo-n #" as we rin. t-is to a c&ose+ Bo-n #":!7, 9(y s-eep -ear my voice, and % 'now t-em, and t-ey ,o&&ow me: and % .ive unto t-em eterna& &i,e,: Eow, we -ave a pro &em wit- t-at word 9eterna&: and so now -e6s .oin. to te&& us w-at t-at means+ 7e .ives unto us 9eterna& &i,e+: 2e o,ten t-in' t-at means ever&astin.+ %, it meant ever&astin., -e wou&d say ever&astin. ut eterna& &i,e means 9no e.innin. and no end+: 7e .ives us t-at Aua&ity o, &i,e+ 91nd % .ive unto t-em eterna& &i,e and t-ey s-a&& never,: -ear me: never, 9peris-+: Eow, once saved, a&ways savedD % don6t ,ind t-at & in t-e Bi &e ut never peris-in. % ,ind it in t-e Bi &e+ 0-ey wi&& never peris-+ 0-e c-i&d o, 3od wi&& never peris-+ Remem er w-en we read t-at i, we e&ieve not, -e cannot deny -imse&,D 2e ta&'ed a out

Pa.e 7 o, 8

t-e departin. as ein. a pu &ic apostasy ut e&ievin. not is somet-in. t-at comes to our door every day+ 2-at i, -e did not 'eep us and &ove us t-rou.- t-atD 2e6d peris-+ 2e wou&d e &i'e t-e wor&d+ 2e wou&d e destroyed wit- t-e wor&d ecause we wi&& constant&y e&ieve not i, -e 'eeps us not e&ievin.+ 7e remains ,ait-,u& even t-rou.- it+ % t-in' o, -uman re&ations-ips and % t-in' o, t-e t-in.s t-at try -uman re&ations-ips+ % t-in' wit-in t-e marria.e onds, certain&y in,ide&ity is t-at w-ic- tries a marria.e re&ations-ip+ % t-in' o, t-at w-ic- is wit-in a ,ami&y .roup, re e&&ion in c-i&dren tries t-at re&ations-ip+ %n>ustice in parents tries a re&ations-ip+ But % 'now t-at wit-in t-is re&ations-ip t-at is esta &is-ed in 4-rist, t-ere is not-in. t-at s-a&& cause us to peris-+ Eot-in.+ Eot even our un e&ie,+ 9Eeit-er s-a&& any man p&uc' t-em out o, my -and+: Eo se&,-ri.-teous person can come a&on. and pronounce you unsaved, pronounce you not a c-i&d o, 3od, pronounce you not &oved o, 3od+ 90-ere is no man t-at can p&uc' you out o, my )at-er6s -and+ % and my )at-er are one+: 9(y )at-er, w-ic- .ave t-em me, is .reater t-an a&&@ and no man is a &e to p&uc' t-em out o, my )at-erIs -and+: 8ou6re in t-e -and o, 4-rist and you6re in t-e -and o, 3od+ 7ow muc- more can you e 'eptD 2i&& you persevereD 8es, you wi&&+ 2i&& it e up and downD 8es, it wi&&+ 8ou6&& .row in t-e .race and 'now&ed.e o, our Lord and Savior Besus 4-rist and sure&y you want to -ave a day t-at you won6t e5perience t-at o&d man and -is desires and -is temptations and -is t-ou.-ts+ 8ou wi&& not e ,orsa'en+ 0-ere wi&& not e one sin t-at you can commit t-at can ever separate you ,rom t-e &ove o, 3od in 4-rist Besus+ Eow t-at, my ,riends, is i &ica& sa&vation+ 0-at, my ,riends, is w-at t-e Bi &e means w-en it ta&'s a out so .reat sa&vation and a&& we can say to suc- t-in.s is: to 3od e t-e .&ory+ 3reat t-in.s -e -as done and wi&& do and a&ways does+ Gracious Lord and heavenly Father, we thank you for the time that weve had today to worship thee in spirit and in truth. May you preserve that always. In Jesus name. Amen.

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