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IELTS preparation - Punctuation The Semicolon (The Bridge) When a writer is taking pains to write for his reader

rather than to impress him, semicolons can seem like the grammarians happiest invention. - John R Trimble, Writing with Style Between the comma and the period youll find the semicolon. Pausing more strongly than the comma, yet dividing more weakly than the period, it is a mediator. Its both a period and a comma; as such, it is best thought of as a bridge between two worlds. The primary function of the semicolon is to connect two complete (and thematically similar) sentences, thereby making them one. The semicolon is never necessary; two short sentences can always coexist without being connected. Artistically, though, the semicolon opens a world of possibilities, and can lend a huge impact. In this sense, it is the punctuation mark best suited for creative writers; it can offer an excellent solution to balancing sentence length and rhythm. How and why to use it - To connect two closely related sentences, which you wont want to separate with a period, yet you feel they are also too independent for just a comma. Consider: He ran with his shirt over his head. He had forgotten his umbrella once again. He ran with his shirt over his head, he had forgotten his umbrella once again. He ran with his shirt over his head; he had forgotten his umbrella once again. The semicolon lends an appropriate feeling of connection, while allowing each clause its independence. Another example: The wind knocked over two trees on my block alone; the cleanup would be atrocious. - Stylistically, in a paragraph plagued by short sentences, a semicolon can smooth out the choppiness. Add TWO semicolons to the short text below: She wasnt going to support him anymore. It was time for him to get a job. Hed never leave the house otherwise. Hed loaf forever if he could. He was born that way. It was thanks to his father. It had taken her twenty years to get rid of him. She wouldnt go through that again. The son had two years. After that, the locks were changed.

IELTS preparation - Punctuation - The semicolon can enhance word economy, since its appearance often allows surrounding words to be cut. For example: She couldnt dance in her favorite hall because it was under construction. She couldnt dance in her favorite hall; it was under construction. As John Trimble says in Writing with Style, The semicolon is efficient: it allows to eliminate most of those conjunctions or prepositions that are obligatory with the comma words like whereas, because, for, or, but, while, and. The danger of misuse - The semicolon should never be used to link two sentences unless they are closely related. For example, this could work: The police station was close to his house; he would have to be careful. But this could not: soon. _____ For more on semicolons, and indeed on punctuation in general, refer to: Eats, Shoots or Leaves Lynne Truss Comma Sense: The Fundamental Guide to Punctuation Richard Lederer & John Shore A Dash of Style: The Art and Mastery of Punctuation Noah Lukeman The police station was close to his house; he needed to do his laundry

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