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Wor|d rotests

Isabe| Crt|z
Sara 8urke
Mohamed 8errada
nernn Corts

September 2013
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I|rst pub||shed: SepLember 2013
lnlLlaLlve for ollcy ulalogue, Columbla unlverslLy, new ?ork -
lrledrlch-LberL-SLlfLung new ?ork Cfflce -
D|sc|a|mer: 1he flndlngs, lnLerpreLaLlons and concluslons expressed ln Lhls paper are Lhose of Lhe auLhors.
ILL C|ass|f|cat|on: u74, l3, !3, !83, 16, l6
keywords: proLesLs, rloLs, soclal movemenLs, campalgns, demonsLraLlons, ausLerlLy, crlsls, democracy,
lnequallLy, soclal [usLlce.
1hanks Lo !ose AnLonlo Ccampo (rofessor of rofesslonal racLlce and Co-resldenL of Lhe lnlLlaLlve for
ollcy ulalogue, Columbla unlverslLy) and Lo Mlchele Auga (LxecuLlve ulrecLor of lrledrlch-LberL-
Stiftungs New York 8ureau) for Lhelr overall supporL and guldance.
noLes of appreclaLlon Lo Pendrlk Schuler, lnLern aL lrledrlch-LberL-SLlfLung new ?ork 8ureau, who
conLrlbuLed Lo Lhe LexL and Lo Lhe producLlon of flgures and Lables, as well as Lo aLrlck kelly, lnLern aL
Lhe lnlLlaLlve for ollcy ulalogue, Columbla unlverslLy, who conLrlbuLed Lo Lhe orlglnal daLabase enLrles.

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1ab|e of Contents

Lxecut|ve Summary

1. Introduct|on: k|s|ng Cutrage and D|scontent
2. Methodo|ogy
3. 1he Wor|d Awakes: rotests Increase 2006-2013
4. Ma|n Gr|evances]Demands
4a. Lconom|c Iust|ce]Ant|-Auster|ty
4b. Ia||ure of o||t|ca| kepresentat|on and o||t|ca| Systems
4c. G|oba| Iust|ce
4d. k|ghts
S. Demonstrators 2006-2013: Who rotests and now?
Sa. Who rotests?
Sb. Methods of rotest
Sc. Some of the Largest rotests |n n|story
6. Who Do rotesters Cppose?
7. What Do rotests Ach|eve?
8. kepress|on and Surve|||ance
9. Main Policy Demands from the Worlds Protesters
10. Conc|us|on

Ma|n keferences and Comp|ete L|st of Med|a Sources Consu|ted

Annex I. Ma|n Wor|d rotests Lp|sodes 2006-2013
Annex II. Methodo|og|ca| Issues

L|st of I|gures 1. CounLrles Covered ln Lhe SLudy, 2006-2013
2. number of World roLesLs by Maln Crlevance/uemand, 2006-2013
3. number of World roLesL LvenLs by Crlevance/uemand, ueLalled, 2006-2013
4. roLesLs for Lconomlc !usLlce/AgalnsL AusLerlLy by 8eglon, 2006-2013
3. Clobal lood rlce lndex and lood 8loLs, 2007-2012
6. roLesLlng lallures of ollLlcal 8epresenLaLlon/ollLlcal SysLems by 8eglon, 2006-2013
7. roLesLs for Clobal !usLlce by 8eglon, 2006-2013
8. roLesLs for 8lghLs by 8eglon, 2006-2013
9. MeLhods of roLesLs, 2006-2013
10. roLesLs LsLlmaLed Lo Lxceed 1 Mllllon uemonsLraLors, 2006-2013

L|st of 1ab|es 1. Maln roLesLs by 8eglon, 2006-2013
2. Maln 8loLs, 2006-2013
3. Maln roLesLs by CounLry lncome Croups, 2006-2013
4. roLesLs for Lconomlc !usLlce/AgalnsL AusLerlLy by CounLry lncome Croup, 2006-2013
3. roLesLlng lallures of ollLlcal 8epresenLaLlon/ollLlcal SysLems by CounLry lncome
Croup, 2006-2013
6. roLesL for Clobal !usLlce by CounLry lncome Croup, 2006-2013
7. roLesLs for 8lghLs by CounLry lncome Croup, 2006-2013
8. Maln 1argeLs of World roLesLs, 2006-2013
9. roLesLs wlLh Plgh numbers of 8eporLed ArresLs, ln[urles and ueaLhs, 2006-2013
10. Maln ollcy uemands by Crlevance/lssue, 2006-2013
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L|st of 8oxes 1. eople roLesL AusLerlLy Worldwlde
2. lood rlce 8loLs
3. 8eal uemocracy and Cccupy Worldwlde
4. Local Lo Clobal !usLlce
3. 8lghL Lo Assemble Ugandas Walk to Work and Walk to Pray
6. Icelands Anthill

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Wor|d rotests 2006-2013
8y Isabe| Crt|z, Sara 8urke, Mohamed 8errada and nernn Corts

Lxecut|ve Summary

1hls SepLember 2013 sLudy analyzes 843 proLesLs occurrlng beLween !anuary 2006 and !uly 2013 ln 87
counLrles coverlng over 90 of world populaLlon. 1he paper focuses on: (l) ma[or grlevances drlvlng world
proLesLs (ll) who ls demonsLraLlng, whaL proLesL meLhods Lhey use, and who are Lhey opposed Lo (lll)
achlevemenLs and represslon of soclal movemenLs ln Lhe shorL Lerm, and (lv) Lhe maln pollcy demands of
world demonsLraLors. 1he paper calls for pollcy-makers Lo llsLen, wheLher messages are arLlculaLe or
communlcaLe only Lhrough frusLraLlon and vlolence.

ln recenL years Lhe world has been shaken by proLesLs. lrom Lhe Arab Sprlng Lo Lhe Indignados
(ouLraged), from Cccupy Lo food rloLs. 1here have been perlods ln hlsLory when large numbers of people
rebelled abouL Lhe way Lhlngs were, demandlng change, such as ln 1848, 1917 or 1968, Loday we are
experlenclng anoLher perlod of rlslng ouLrage and dlsconLenL, and some of Lhe largesL proLesLs ln world

Cur analysls of 843 proLesL evenLs reflecLs a sLeady lncrease ln Lhe overall number of proLesLs every year,
from 2006 (39 proLesLs) Lo mld-2013 (112 proLesLs evenLs ln only half a year). lollowlng Lhe onseL of Lhe
global flnanclal and economlc crlsls began Lo unfold, Lhere ls a ma[or lncrease ln proLesLs beglnnlng 2010
wlLh Lhe adopLlon of ausLerlLy measures ln all world reglons. roLesLs are more prevalenL ln hlgher
lncome counLrles (304 proLesLs), followed by LaLln Amerlca and Lhe Carlbbean (141 proLesLs), LasL Asla
and Lhe aclflc (83 proLesLs) and Sub-Saharan Afrlca (78 proLesLs). An analysls of Lhe Mlddle LasL and
norLh Afrlca reglon (77 proLesLs) shows LhaL proLesLs were also prevalenL prlor Lo Lhe Arab Sprlng. 1he
ma[orlLy of vlolenL rloLs counLed ln Lhe sLudy occurred ln low-lncome counLrles (48 of all rloLs), mosLly
caused by food-prlce and energy-prlce splkes ln Lhose counLrles. lnLeresLlngly, Lhe perlod 2006-2013
reflecLs an lncreaslng number of global proLesLs (70 evenLs), organlzed across reglons.

1he maln grlevances and causes of ouLrage are:
Lconom|c Iust|ce and Ant|-Auster|ty: 488 proLesLs on lssues relaLed Lo reform of publlc servlces,
Lax/flscal [usLlce, [obs/hlgher wages/labor condlLlons, lnequallLy, poverLy/low llvlng sLandards,
agrarlan/land reform, penslon reform, hlgh fuel and energy prlces, hlgh food prlces, and houslng.
Ia||ure of o||t|ca| kepresentat|on and o||t|ca| Systems: 376 proLesLs on lack of real democracy,
corporaLe lnfluence, deregulaLlon and prlvaLlzaLlon, corrupLlon, fallure Lo recelve [usLlce from Lhe
legal sysLem, Lransparency and accounLablllLy, survelllance of clLlzens, and anLl-war/mlllLary
lndusLrlal complex.
G|oba| Iust|ce: 311 proLesLs were agalnsL Lhe lMl and oLher lnLernaLlonal llnanclal lnsLlLuLlons
(llls), for envlronmenLal [usLlce and Lhe global commons, and agalnsL lmperlallsm, free Lrade and
Lhe C20.
k|ghts of eop|e: 302 proLesLs on eLhnlc/lndlgenous/raclal rlghLs, rlghL Lo Lhe Commons (dlglLal,
land, cultural, atmospheric); labor rights; womens rights; right to freedom of
assembly/speech/press, rellglous lssues, rlghLs of lesblan/gay/blsexual/Lransgendered people

lsabel CrLlz ls ulrecLor of Lhe Clobal Soclal !usLlce rogram aL Lhe lnlLlaLlve for ollcy ulalogue, Columbla unlverslLy, Sara 8urke
ls Senlor ollcy AnalysL aL Lhe lrledrlch-LberL-SLlfLung new ?ork 8ureau, Mohamed 8errada and Pernn CorLes are 8esearch
AsslsLanLs aL Lhe lnlLlaLlve for ollcy ulalogue and lrledrlch-LberL-SLlfLung new ?ork offlce, respecLlvely.
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(LGBT); immigrants rights; and prisoners rights. A lesser number of proLesLs focus on denylng
rlghLs Lo speclflc groups (eg. lmmlgranLs, gays).

AlLhough Lhe breadLh of demand for economlc [usLlce ls of serlous consequence, Lhe mosL soberlng
flndlng of Lhe sLudy ls Lhe overwhelmlng demand (218 proLesLs), noL for economlc [usLlce per se, buL for
what prevents economic issues from being addressed: a lack of real democracy, which is a result of
peoples growing awareness that policy-maklng has noL prlorlLlzed Lhemeven when lL has clalmed Lo
and frusLraLlon wlLh pollLlcs as usual and a lack of LrusL ln Lhe exlsLlng pollLlcal acLors, lefL and rlghL. 1hls
demand and Lhe crlsls of pollLlcal represenLaLlon lL expresses ls comlng from every klnd of pollLlcal
sysLem, noL only auLhorlLarlan governmenLs buL also represenLaLlve democracles whlch are falllng Lo
llsLen Lo Lhe needs and vlews of ordlnary people.

A proflle of demonsLraLors reveals LhaL noL only LradlLlonal proLesLers (eg. acLlvlsLs, unlons) are
demonsLraLlng, on Lhe conLrary, mlddle classes, youLh, older persons and oLher soclal groups are acLlvely
proLesLlng ln mosL counLrles because of lack of LrusL and dlsllluslonmenL wlLh Lhe currenL pollLlcal and
economlc sysLem. 1hey are lncreaslngly [olnlng acLlvlsLs from all klnds of movemenLs, noL only ln marches
and rallles (Lhe mosL common meLhods of clvll proLesL, ln 437 evenLs), buL ln a new framework of proLesL
LhaL lncludes clvll dlsobedlence and dlrecL acLlons such as road blockages and occupaLlons of clLy sLreeLs
and squares Lo ralse awareness abouL Lhelr demands (a LoLal of 219 occupaLlons of publlc spaces). 1he
perlod covered by Lhls sLudy also capLures Lhe advenL of a new era of clvll dlsobedlence/dlrecL acLlon
carried out by computer hackers and whistleblowers who leak massive amounts of government and
corporaLe daLa. ConLrary Lo publlc percepLlon, vlolence and vandallsm/looLlng appear ln only 73 evenLs,
or 8.9 of world proLesLs. 1hough only used by a few, 33 evenLs record desperaLe meLhods such as
hunger sLrlkes and self-lnfllcLed vlolence (eg. self-lmmolaLlon or proLesLers sewlng Lhelr own llps).

Who do proLesLers oppose? An analysls of maln proLesLs ln Lhe perlod 2006-2013 shows LhaL
demonsLraLors mosLly address Lhelr grlevances Lo naLlonal governmenLs, as Lhey are Lhe leglLlmaLe
pollcy-maklng lnsLlLuLlons LhaL should respond Lo clLlzens. roLesLors demand LhaL pollcy-makers Lake
publlc responslblllLy for economlc, soclal and envlronmenLal pollclesLhaL should beneflL all, lnsLead of
[usL Lhe few. Powever, proLesLs agalnsL Lhe lnadequaLe pollLlcal and economlc sysLem appear second ln
lmporLance, reflecLlng slgnlflcanL dlsconLenL wlLh Lhe worklng of currenL democracles and demands for
real democracy. roLesLors furLher oppose (by order): corporaLlons/employers, Lhe lMl, ellLes, Lhe
flnanclal secLor, Lhe LC8, mlllLary and pollce forces, free Lrade, economlc/mlllLary powers (eg. Lu, uS,
Chlna), Lhe C20, Lhe World 8ank, speclflc pollLlcal parLles, some soclal groups (eg. mlgranLs, homosexuals,
gypsles) and, ln some cases, rellglous auLhorlLles.

noL only ls Lhe number of proLesLs lncreaslng, buL also Lhe number of proLesLors. Crowd esLlmaLes
suggesL LhaL 37 evenLs had one mllllon or more proLesLers, some of Lhose may well be Lhe largesL
proLesLs ln hlsLory (eg. 100 mllllon ln lndla ln 2013, 17 mllllon ln LgypL ln 2013). As of 2013, as many as
63 of Lhe proLesLs covered ln Lhe sLudy achleved nelLher Lhelr lnLended demands nor Lhelr expressed
grlevances ln Lhe shorL-Lerm. 1hls ouLcome ls noL necessarlly negaLlve, slnce many of Lhe proLesLs are
engaged wlLh long-Lerm sLrucLural lssues LhaL may yleld resulLs ln Llme. Some 37 of proLesLs resulLed ln
some klnd of achlevemenL, mosLly ln Lhe areas of pollLlcal, legal and soclal rlghLsglobal lssues and
economlc [usLlce appear Lhe mosL dlfflculL areas Lo achleve change.

8epresslon ls well documenLed ln over half of Lhe proLesL eplsodes analyzed ln Lhe sLudy. Accordlng Lo
medla reporLs, Lhe proLesLs LhaL generaLed Lhe mosL arresLs were ln lran, Lhe uk, 8ussla, Chlle, Malaysla,
uS, Canada and Cameroon, Lhe mosL deaLhs were reporLed ln kyrgyzsLan, LgypL and kenya, Lhe mosL
ln[urles, ln LgypL, 1halland and Algerla. Cur research also documenLed a rlslng concern wlLh some modes
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of represslon LhaL do noL lmply Lhe use of physlcal vlolence: clLlzen survelllance. lL musL be noLed LhaL
whlle arresLs and survelllance are dlrecLly llnked Lo governmenL-led represslon, a number of Lhe ln[urles
and deaLhs may be a resulL of vlolenL clashes beLween dlfferenL groups.

1he seL of pollcles needed aL Lhe naLlonal and global levels Lo address Lhe grlevances descrlbed ln Lhls
paper cross over vlrLually every area of publlc pollcy, from [obs, publlc servlces and soclal proLecLlon Lo
LaxaLlon, debL and Lrade. CovernmenLs need Lo llsLen Lo Lhe messages comlng from proLesLers. Powever,
pollcy reforms wlll be lnsufflclenL lf governmenLs fall Lo guaranLee democraLlc parLlclpaLlon and curLall
Lhe power of ellLesnoL only ln local and naLlonal governmenLs buL ln Lhe lnsLlLuLlons of global
governance as well. Leaders and pollcymakers wlll only lnvlLe furLher unresL lf Lhey fall Lo prlorlLlze and
act on the one demand raised in more of the worlds protests between 2006 and 2013 than any other
Lhe demand for real democracy.

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1. Introduct|on: k|s|ng Cutrage and D|scontent
ln recenL years Lhe world has been shaken by proLesLs. 1hroughouL Lhe Mlddle LasL and norLh Afrlca,
rlslng lncome and group lnequallLles, hlgh youLh unemploymenL and a lack of opporLunlLy Lo engage ln
socleLycompounded by decades of sLaLe and pollce corrupLlon and vlolenceare lssues aL Lhe hearL of
proLesLs agalnsL largely auLhorlLarlan governmenLs. Lurope has seen lLs own exploslon of proLesL, wlLh
movements of hundreds of thousands of indignant citizens occupying public squares in Greece, Spain,
orLugal, lLaly and LhroughouL Lhe reglon Lo demand real democracy, decenL [obs and an end Lo economlc
ausLerlLy and LechnocraLlc governmenLs LhaL beneflL ellLes. ln Lhe unlLed SLaLes, Lhe Cccupy movemenL
ralsed publlc awareness and ouLrage abouL rlslng lnequallLy and puL a spoLllghL on dysfuncLlon ln Lhe
worlds oldest consLlLuLlonal democracy. At the same time, Brazils much younger democracy, whlch
under Lhe leadershlp of lefL-wlng workers and social democratic partieshas lmplemenLed redlsLrlbuLlve
pollcles Lo flghL poverLy and rlslng lnequallLy, noneLheless flnds Lens of Lhousands ln Lhe sLreeLs
demandlng more: dlgnlLy and an end Lo governmenL corrupLlon. 1hese waves of proLesLs, and Lhe soclal
and pollLlcal movemenLs behlnd Lhem, are by now qulLe famlllar Lo us because of Lhe exLenslve,
lnLernaLlonal medla coverage Lhey have recelved. WhaL may be less well known ls LhaL all along, Lhese
demonsLraLlons have also been accompanled by frusLraLed, vlolenL proLesLs, wlLh a parLlcular splke ln
2007-08 due Lo Lhe food prlce rloLs ln Lhose years.

WhaL Lhese mulLlfarlous proLesLs have ln commonregardless of where Lhey Lake place geographlcally or
where Lhelr demonsLraLors are on Lhe pollLlcal specLrumare fallures of economlc and soclal
developmenL and a demand for more dlrecL democracy, fueled by a lack of falLh ln offlclal pollLlcal
processes and LradlLlonal pollLlcal acLors. Soclal and pollLlcal acLlvlsm ls lncreaslng among groups LhaL feel
lefL behlnd, from lndlgenous peoples Lo youLh, workers, farmers, women and pensloners. A deep crlsls ln
pollLlcal represenLaLlon ls felL and arLlculaLed even by average clLlzens (eg. Lhe mlddle classes) who do noL
conslder Lhemselves soclal or pollLlcal acLlvlsLs (uschra and 8urke 2013).

1he flnanclal and economlc crlsls of 2008 exacerbaLed pre-exlsLlng concerns abouL poverLy,
unemploymenL and rlslng lnequallLy. ln hlgher lncome counLrles, Lhe deploymenL of vasL publlc resources
Lo ball out private banks considered too big to fail forced taxpayers to absorb the losses, caused
soverelgn debL Lo lncrease, and, ulLlmaLely, hlndered global economlc growLh. Slnce 2010, Lhe cosL of
ad[usLmenL has been passed on Lo Lhese populaLlons, and ln reLurn, Lhere are fewer [obs, lower lncomes
and reduced access Lo publlc servlces. Pouseholds feel ausLerlLy measures Lhe mosL and are shoulderlng
the costs of a recovery that has largely excluded them.
eople llvlng ln developlng counLrles face wldespread poverLy, few decenL work opporLunlLles and
mllllons [usL llke Lhem belng denled Lhelr rlghLs. lor Lhe ma[orlLy of Lhe world populaLlon, developmenL
ouLcomes have been lnsufflclenL, and slnce 2008 Lhey have confronLed a crlsls of unprecedenLed
magnlLude. Many food- and fuel-prlce proLesLs are relaLed Lo Lhe removal of subsldles and lncreases ln
regresslve value added Laxes (vA1) as a resulL of Lhe expanslon of ausLerlLy measures worldwlde. ln 2013,
119 counLrles are conLracLlng publlc expendlLures, LhaL ls, ausLerlLy ls noL [usL belng adopLed ln Lurope
buL by mosL developlng counLrles governmenLs (CrLlz and Cummlns, 2012, 2013). 1he unlLed naLlons has
repeaLedly warned LhaL ausLerlLy ls llkely Lo brlng Lhe global economy lnLo furLher recesslon and Lo
9 | a g e

lncrease lnequallLy (unlLed naLlons, 2013a) and has also proposed alLernaLlves slnce Lhe crlsls of 2009
(eg. unlLed naLlons 2009). The International Labour Organizations index of social unrest documents
rlslng levels of worldwlde dlsconLenL: Lhe wotlJ of wotk kepott 2012 warned LhaL soclal unresL was belng
aggravaLed ln 37 of Lhe 106 counLrles surveyed. 1he maln flndlngs of Lhe presenL paper lndlcaLe LhaL
soclal unresL Lends Lo rlse ln every reglon durlng Lhe perlod covered, prlmarlly due Lo a clusLer of lssues
related to economic justice and austerity. Notably, however, a demand for real democracy occurs more
frequently than any other single issue as a causal factor in the worlds protests between 2006 and mid-
8uL worldwlde dlsconLenL ls found wlLh grlevances golng well beyond shorL-Lerm ausLerlLy measures. lL ls
instead a measure of peoples growing awareness LhaL pollcy-maklng has noL prlorlLlzed Lhemeven
when lL has clalmed Loand LhaL a wrongheaded developmenL model, focused on absLracL growLh raLes
LhaL beneflL ellLes, accompanled by only a few safeLy neLs for Lhe pooresL, excludes Lhe ma[orlLy of Lhe
populaLlon. Many of the worlds protests arise when large majorities of people feel lefL ouL, and when
nelLher Lhe mlddle classes nor Lhe poor flnd publlc servlces adequaLe for Lhelr needs. roLesLs reflecL
wldespread frusLraLlon wlLh governmenLs LhaL do noL dellverln every sorL of pollLlcal sysLemand wlLh
Lhe lncreaslng power of markeLs and corporaLlons, whlch promoLe and beneflL flnanclally from Lhe
downslzlng of publlc secLors. lurLher, Lhe demand for soclal [usLlce and peoples rlghLs resonaLes
LhroughouL many grlevances, many of Lhem longLlme sLruggles LhaL remaln aL Lhe forefronL of world
2. Methodo|ogy
1hls paper presenLs Lhe resulLs of a proLesL evenL analysls
underLaken beLween !une and SepLember
2013 by a Leam of four researchers. 1he sLudy analyzes daLa on 843 proLesL evenLs ln 84 counLrles, as
well as a greaL number LhaL cross lnLernaLlonal boundarles. 1he research complles daLa from 7x years of
news reporLs avallable onllne, publlshed beLween !anuary 2006 and !uly 2013, coverlng a varleLy of
proLesLsfrom demonsLraLlons and rallles, Lo Lhe campalgns of soclal and pollLlcal movemenLs, Lo
unorganlzed and ofLen vlolenL crowd acLlons such as rloLs.
1he sLudy lnvesLlgaLes proLesLs ln counLrles
represenLlng 91.9 of world populaLlon
, seLLlng each evenL ln Llme and place and ldenLlfylng a number
of oLher properLles, lncludlng: maln grlevances/demands, who ls proLesLlng, whaL proLesL meLhods Lhey
use, who Lhelr opponenLs/LargeLs are, and whaL resulLs from Lhe proLesLs, lncludlng achlevemenLs and
represslon. 1he ob[ecLlve of Lhe sLudy ls Lo documenL and characLerlze manlfesLaLlons of proLesL from Lhe
onseL of Lhe world crlsls/recesslon Lo daLe, Lo examlne proLesL Lrends globally, reglonally and accordlng Lo
counLry-lncome levels, and Lo presenL Lhe maln grlevances and demands of proLesLers ln order Lo beLLer
undersLand Lhe drlvers of soclal unresL.

roLesL evenL analysls (LA) ls a research meLhod developed by soclologlsLs over Lhe pasL few decades Lo map,
analyze and lnLerpreL occurrences and properLles of large numbers of proLesLs by means of conLenL analysls, vla
sources such as newspaper reporLs (koopmans and 8uchL, 2002).
Lxcluded from Lhe research sample are Lhose perlods when proLesLs escalaLe Lo armed confllcLs (eg. Llbya) or clvll
war (eg. Syrla). Also excluded are a small number of culLurally speclflc llfesLyle lssues (eg. proLesLs agalnsL bullflghLs).
lor a compleLe llsL of counLrles represenLed ln Lhls sLudy, see Annex ll
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I|gure 1. Countr|es Covered |n the Study, 2006-2013

8urklna laso
8epubllc of
lvory CoasL
Saudl Arabla
SouLh Afrlca
SouLh korea
Srl Lanka
unlLed klngdom
unlLed Arab
unlLed SLaLes
WesLern Sahara

Source: Authors analysis of world protests in media sources 2006-2013, *As of !uly 2013
[Covered counLrles are darkened]

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1he Llme perlod revlewed beglns ln 2006before Lhe full-blown crlsls emerges ln 2008and conLlnues
Lhrough Lwo dlsLlncL phases: 1) Lhe flscal expanslon of 2008-09 and 2) flscal conLracLlon/ausLerlLy slnce
2010. Also, alLhough Lhls research has been lnformed by prevlous work ln global proLesL evenL analysls, as
well as by exlsLlng daLabases and classlflcaLlon meLhods, Lhls analysls does noL screen for one Lype of
proLesL (eg. nonvlolenL campalgns) over anoLher (eg. looLlng and rloLs), such as Lhe case-sLudy based
Clobol Noovloleot Actloo uotobose (CNAu) does ln lLs mlsslon Lo cover Lhe global hlsLory of nonvlolenL
campalgns (Leakey, 2013, Sharp, 1973). nor does lL amass Lhe blg-daLa assoclaLed wlLh Lhe Clobol
uotobose of veots, looqooqe, ooJ 1ooe, whlch uses auLomaLed sofLware algorlLhms Lo daLa-mlne
lnLernaLlonal news coverage from 11 ma[or Lngllsh language news organlzaLlons and a number of local,
reglonal and naLlonal news sources ln mosL counLrles (LeeLaru and SchrodL, 2013). lnsLead, almlng Lo
produce research-drlven daLa and a meLhod senslLlve Lo Lhe poLenLlal for unexpecLed flndlngs ln a Llme of
greaL lnLernaLlonal economlc and pollLlcal volaLlllLy, Lhls sLudy does noL begln wlLh pre-deflned varlables.
8aLher, lL beglns wlLh broad searches, gaLherlng open LexLln Lhe orlglnal language on sources publlshed
ln Arablc, Lngllsh, lrench, Cerman, orLuguese, and Spanlsh, and ln LranslaLlon for oLher languagesln
Lhe wordlng of news reporLs and Lhe proLesL-movemenLs Lhemselves, LexL LhaL Lhen lnforms new
searches and evenLually Lhe caLegorlzaLlon and codlng of flndlngs.

1he unlLs of analysls used ln Lhls sLudy are 1) the protest eplsode, deflned as an evenL or sequence of
evenLs lgnlLed by ldenLlflable grlevances or seL of demands, and 2) the protest event, comprising part of
an eplsode and lasLlng no longer Lhan one year. Slnce some proLesLs on Lhe same lssue and led by Lhe
same acLors are acLlve LhroughouL mulLlple years, Lhose eplsodes have been broken down lnLo Lhelr
componenL evenLs for Lhe purposes of sLaLlsLlcal analysls. lor example, from !anuary 2006 (Lhe beglnnlng
of Lhe perlod covered by Lhe paper) Lhrough 2009, unlons ln Lhe unlLed SLaLes are organlzlng conslsLenLly
agalnsL aLLacks on collecLlve bargalnlng rlghLs. 8aLher Lhan counLlng Lhls conLlnuous and years-long
acLlvlLy as a slngle evenL, lL ls dlvlded lnLo four evenLs, one for each year ln Lhe eplsode. lor brevitys sake
Lhese evenLs have been re-aggregaLed year by year lnLo one proLesL eplsode each ln Annex l.

ln order Lo conLrol for blas ln Lhe selecLlon of news sources, a wldely recognlzed challenge wlLhln Lhe
proLesL-evenL analysls framework, Lhls sLudy lncludes aL leasL one lnLernaLlonally or reglonally recognlzed
medla source per counLry covered (eg. 88c News, Al Iozeeto, le MooJe, nloJo 1lmes, 1be New otk
1lmes, \loboo), augmenLed by aL leasL one local or lndependenL news, academlc or organlzaLlonal source
per counLry (eg. uemoctocy Now!, Clobol Noovloleot Actloo uotobose, IoJollyyo, lblllpploe uolly lopoltet,
15MleJlo, koJlobobble,). 1hls sLraLegy for overcomlng selecLlvlLy blas neverLheless does noL fully
represenL all proLesLs Laklng place, as small and moderaLe proLesLs wlll ofLen noL be covered ln Lhe medla,
whlle large and vlolenL proLesLs have a greaLer Lendency Lo be covered (klandermans and SLaggenborn,
2002), nor can Lhe sLraLegy compensaLe for Lhe facL LhaL lnLernaLlonal sources are more readlly avallable
onllne for Lhe whole perlod, whlle naLlonal and especlally local sources are less accesslble vla Lhe lnLerneL
Lhe older Lhey are. The analysis of methods was strongly influenced by Gene Sharps 198 Methods of
Nonviolent Action, which details types of nonvlolenL proLesL and persuaslon, forms of soclal, economlc
and pollLlcal non-cooperation, and means of nonviolent interventions (Sharp, 1973), although Sharps
Lypology proves ulLlmaLely Lo be Loo deLalled ln lLs enumeraLlon of meLhods and Loo consLralnedfor Lhe
12 | a g e

purposes of Lhls sLudyby lLs focus on only nonvlolenL acLlon. lease refer Lo Lhe Annex 2 for furLher
noLes on Lhe meLhodology and sLaLlsLlcal meLhods used.

3. 1he Wor|d Awakes: rotests Increase 2006-2013
1here are Llmes ln hlsLory when large numbers of people rlse up Lo complaln abouL Lhe way Lhlngs are,
demandlng change. lL happened ln Lhe LurbulenL years of 1848, ln 1968, and lL ls happenlng agaln ln our
Llmes (Schlffrln and klrcher-Allen, 2012). ln recenL years, Lhe world has been shaken by proLesLs. Cur
analysls of 843 evenLs reflecLs an lncreaslng number of proLesLs, from 2006 (39 proLesL evenLs) Lo mld-
2013 (112 proLesL evenLs ln only half a year). Whlle proLesLs occur ln all world reglons and across all
lncome levels (1ables 1 and 3), Lhe sLudy found a greaLer prevalence ln hlgh-lncome counLrles (304
evenLs), followed by LaLln Amerlca/Carlbbean (141 proLesLs), LasL Asla/aclflc (83 proLesLs) and Sub-
Saharan Afrlca (78 proLesLs). An analysls of Lhe Mlddle LasL/norLh Afrlca reglon (77 proLesLs) shows LhaL
proLesLs are also prevalenL prlor Lo Lhe Arab Sprlng. 1he perlod 2006-2013 reflecLs an lncreaslng number
of proLesLs, organlzed across reglons LhaL speclflcally LargeL global raLher Lhan naLlonal lssues (70

1he research reveals LhaL Lhe largesL ma[orlLy of proLesLs happen ln hlgher lncome counLrles, where
dlssaLlsfacLlon wlLh Lhe lmpacLs and mlsmanagemenL of Lhe economlc crlsls runs hlgh. 1hese proLesLs
LargeL governmenLs LhaL are (ln prlnclple) less raLher Lhan more represslve, ln counLrles wlLh overall
hlgher educaLlon levels and a greaLer opporLunlLy Lo flnance grassrooLs movemenLs Lhan ln lower lncome
counLrles. 1hls becomes evldenL as we see a clear correlaLlon beLween lncome levels and number of
proLesL evenLs.
ln Lhe reglonal breakdown, LaLln Amerlca/Carlbbean follows only Lhe hlgh-lncome reglon
ln number of proLesLs, beneflLLlng from a democraLlc LradlLlon coupled wlLh mlddle-lncome levels. 1hls ls
followed by LasL Asla. ApproxlmaLely equal numbers of proLesL evenLs are found ln Sub-Saharan Afrlca
(78) and Lhe Mlddle LasL/norLh Afrlca (77): Lhls appears Lo be due ln parL Lo Lhe lmpacLs of hlgh food and
fuel prlces, Lo ausLerlLy measures such as Lhe removal of food and fuel subsldles and Lo lncreases ln vA1
and wage blll reforms, ln addlLlon Lo demands Lo end poverLy and sLrucLural lnequallLles and Lo seek Lax
[usLlce and real democracy.
lL ls noLeworLhy LhaL Lhe ma[orlLy of vlolenL proLesLs and rloLs counLed ln Lhe sLudy are occurrlng ln Lhe
reglon of Sub-Saharan Afrlca (43 of all rloLs) and ln Lhe low-lncome group of counLrles (48 of all rloLs).
8esearch shows a sharp rlse ln Lhe number of rloLs ln 2008 (1able 2), many due Lo food prlce splkes
hlLLlng a number of Lhose counLrles.

CounLry lncome group and reglonal classlflcaLlons are Laken from World 8ank daLa seLs, whlch use gross naLlonal
lncome (Cnl) per caplLa Lo classlfy every economy as elLher low lncome, mlddle lncome (subdlvlded lnLo lower
mlddle and upper mlddle), or hlgh lncome. The Bank also classifies geographic regions; note that high-income is
boLh an lncome- and a reglonal-classification in the Banks system. (lor more lnformaLlon, see
Since not all protests occur in a single country, income group or region, the category Global has been added to
Lhe analysls of proLesLs by counLry-lncome and reglon Lo reflecL rlslng numbers of lnLernaLlonally-organlzed proLesLs
(70) whlch are due Lo boLh Lhe lncreased ease of organlzlng across borders and growlng awareness of Lhe llnks
beLween local/naLlonal lssues and lssues relaLed Lo globallzaLlon.
13 | a g e

1ab|e 1. Ma|n rotests by keg|on, 2006-2013
1ota| 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013*
n|gh-Income (keg|on) 304 17 23 23 33 44 37 60 41
141 14 12 13 12 21 22 23 20
Last As|a] ac|f|c 83 3 9 10 9 12 20 11 9
Sub-Saharan Afr|ca 78 7 6 8 8 3 18 13 11
M|dd|e Last]North
77 3 11 6 7 11 18 13 6
G|oba| 70 7 3 8 8 8 10 14 10
Lurope]Centra| As|a 47 3 4 4 4 7 6 11 8
South As|a 43 3 3 4 4 8 2 9 6
Wor|d 1ota| 843 39 77 80 87 116 133 160 111
Source: Authors analysis of world protests in media sources 2006-2013, *As of !uly 2013
I|gure 2. Number of Wor|d rotests by Ma|n Gr|evance]Demand, 2006-2013

Source: Authors analysis of world protests in media sources 2006-2013, daLa for 2013 are pro[ecLed based upon x year

1ab|e 2. Ma|n k|ots, 2006-2013
Wor|d keg|on 1ota| 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013*
k|ots 110 9 10 13 13 17 21 16 9
1ota| Lvents 843 39 77 80 87 116 133 139 112
k|ots as of 1ota| 13 13 13 19 13 13 14 10 8
Source: Authors analysis of world protests in media sources 2006-2013, *As of !uly 2013
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Lconomlc !usLlce and AusLerlLy lallure of pollLlcal represenLaLlon
8lghLs Clobal !usLlce
14 | a g e

roLesLs Laklng place ln counLrles experlenclng armed confllcL from exLernal forces, clvll war or boLh (eg.
AfghanlsLan, lraq, Syrla) ofLen made counLlng proLesLs Loo dlfflculL wlLh Lhe research meLhod used, ln parL
because lnLernaLlonal news reporLs do noL cover clvll proLesLs, and archlves for local sources are
parLlcularly dlfflculL Lo obLaln. lor Lhls reason Lhe sLudy has excluded from Lhe research sample Lhose
counLrles durlng perlods of armed confllcL.
4. Ma|n Gr|evances]Demands
1he 843 proLesL evenLs analyzed ln Lhls paper can be classlfled lnLo four dlfferenL maln caLegorles relaLed
Lo Lhe grlevances and demands ralsed, and Lherefore Lo Lhe lssues LhaL generaLed Lhem. MosL of Lhe
proLesLs counLed are due Lo more Lhan one grlevance and encompass more Lhan one sorL of demand, so
Lhe demands are noL muLually excluslve: researchers tag each proLesL evenL wlLh Lhe full seL of
grlevances/demands found Lo have conLrlbuLed Lo lL.
Lconom|c Iust|ce]Ant|-Auster|ty: 488 proLesLs on lssues relaLed Lo reform of publlc servlces,
Lax/flscal [usLlce, [obs/hlgher wages/labor condlLlons, lnequallLy, poverLy/low llvlng sLandards,
agrarlan/land reform, penslon reform, hlgh fuel and energy prlces, hlgh food prlces, and houslng.
Ia||ure of o||t|ca| kepresentat|on and o||t|ca| Systems: 376 proLesLs on lack of real democracy,
corporaLe lnfluence, deregulaLlon and prlvaLlzaLlon, corrupLlon, fallure Lo recelve [usLlce from Lhe
legal sysLem, Lransparency and accounLablllLy, survelllance of clLlzens, and anLl-war/mlllLary
lndusLrlal complex.
G|oba| Iust|ce: 311 proLesLs were agalnsL Lhe Lhe lnLernaLlonal MoneLary lund (lMl) and oLher
lnLernaLlonal llnanclal lnsLlLuLlons (llls), for envlronmenLal [usLlce and Lhe global commons, and
agalnsL lmperlallsm, free Lrade and Lhe C20.
k|ghts of eop|e: 302 proLesLs on eLhnlc/lndlgenous/raclal rlghLs, rlghL Lo Lhe Commons (dlglLal,
land, culLural, aLmospherlc), labor rlghLs, womens rlghLs, rlghL Lo freedom of
assembly/speech/press, rellglous lssues, rlghLs of lesblan/gay/blsexual/Lransgendered people
(LC81), lmmlgranLs rights, and prlsoners rights. A lesser number of proLesLs focus on denylng
rlghLs Lo speclflc groups (eg. lmmlgranLs, homosexuals).

8eglnnlng ln 2006, Lhere ls a sLeady rlse ln overall proLesLs each year up Lo 2013 (llgure 2). As Lhe global
crlsls beglns Lo unfold ln 2007, and wlLh Lhe rlse of food and fuel prlces, we observe a flrsL [ump ln Lhe
number of proLesLs, especlally Lhose relaLed Lo lssues of economlc [usLlce and agalnsL ausLerlLy. A second
lncrease beglns ln 2010 and lnLenslfles ln 2011 wlLh Lhe expanslon of ausLerlLy measures worldwlde,
growlng dlsconLenL wlLh Lhe worklngs of governmenLs from auLocracles Lo democracles and a lack of
accounLablllLy of declslon-makers Lo Lhe people. roLesLs llnked Lo rlghLs also show a sharp rlse
LhroughouL Lhe covered perlod as well, malnly due Lo Lhe presence of large demonsLraLlons for
lndlgenous, raclal and immigrants rlghLs andwlLh Lhe exLenslon of Lhe economlc crlslson Lhe rlghL Lo
Lhe commons. Clobal-[usLlce relaLed proLesLs rlse from [usL 23 ln 2006 Lo 38 ln 2012: Lhere are pro[ecLed
Lo be more Lhan 60 such eplsodes ln 2013, maklng Lhls Lhe fasLesL growlng clusLer of demands, slnceas
of !uly 2013 Lhere are already more Lhan 30 eplsodes.

13 | a g e

I|gure 3. Number of rotest Lvents by Gr|evance]Demand, Deta||ed, 2006-2013*
Source: Authors analysis of world protests in media sources 2006-2013, *As of !uly 31sL 2013
0 30 100 130 200 230 300 330 400 430 300
1oLal 8lghLs
uenlal of 8lghLs
lreedom of Assembly/Speech/ress
1o Lhe Commons
LLhnlc/lndlgenous/8aclal !usLlce
1oLal Clobal !usLlce
Clobal Commons
AnLl-lree 1rade
LnvlronmenLal !usLlce
AnLl-lMl/LC8/oLher llls
1oLal of ollLlcal 8epresenLaLlon
AnLl-War/MlllLary-lndusLrlal Complex
ClLlzen Survelllance
1ransparency and AccounLablllLy
CorporaLe lnfluence/ueregulaLlon/rlvaLlzaLlon
8eal uemocracy
1oLal Lconomlc !usLlce and AusLerlLy
lood rlces
enslon 8eform
luel and Lnergy rlces
Agrarlan/Land 8eform
Low Llvlng SLandards
1ax/llscal !usLlce
!obs, Plgher Wages, Labor CondlLlons
8eform of ubllc Servlces






16 | a g e

1ab|e 3. Ma|n rotests by Country Income Groups, 2006-2013
Income Group 1ota| 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013*
n|gh-Income 329 18 26 27 36 46 66 64 46
Upper-M|dd|e-Income 230 18 23 22 26 41 46 43 29
Lower-M|dd|e-Income 131 14 13 13 9 12 23 26 19
Low-Income 63 2 8 10 8 9 8 11 7
Wor|d 1ota| 773 32 72 72 79 108 143 146 101
Source: Authors analysis of world protests in media sources 2006-2013, *As of !uly 2013

4a. Lconom|c Iust|ce]Ant|-Auster|ty
As an aggregaLe, Lhe maln reason why people around Lhe world are proLesLlng ls because of a lack of
economlc [usLlce (1able 4, llgure 4). Cverall, 488 such eplsodes are found ln Lhe perlod 2006-2013, or
38 of LoLal proLesLs counLed ln Lhe sLudy. They reflect peoples outrage at public policy failures and lack
of broad-based developmenL, as well as sLrong demands for reform of publlc servlces Lo beneflL clLlzens,
[obs and beLLer llvlng and worklng condlLlons, Lax and flscal [usLlce, land and penslon reform and sLable
and affordable food and fuel. 1he ma[orlLy of global proLesLs for economlc [usLlce and agalnsL ausLerlLy
manifest peoples indignation at the gross inequalities between ordlnary communlLles and rlch
lndlvlduals/corporaLlons (8ox 1). 1he ldea of Lhe 1 versus Lhe 99, whlch emerged durlng Lhe uS
proLesLs, qulckly spread around Lhe world, feedlng earller grlevances agalnsL ellLes manlpulaLlon of publlc
pollcles ln Lhelr favor, whlle Lhe ma[orlLy of clLlzens conLlnue Lo suffer from low llvlng sLandards. roLesLs
have acceleraLed because of Lhe conLracLlon of decenL [obs as a resulL of Lhe global crlsls and expanslon
of ausLerlLy measures worldwlde slnce 2010.

1ab|e 4. rotests for Lconom|c Iust|ce]Aga|nst Auster|ty by Country Income Group, 2006-2013*
Lconom|c Iust|ce and
keform of ub||c Serv|ces 82 28 11 7 13
Iobs, n|gher Wages
Labor Cond|t|ons
31 27 29 13 11
1ax]I|sca| Iust|ce 66 33 6 8 20
Inequa||ty 32 33 13 2 11
Low L|v|ng Standards 7 33 20 10 14
Agrar|an]Land keform 2 26 16 1 4
Iue| and Lnergy r|ces 2 8 13 7 0
ens|on keform 16 7 2 1 6
Iood r|ces 0 7 9 9 4
nous|ng 17 11 0 0 0
Source: Authors analysis of world protests in media sources 2006-2013, *As of !uly 31sL 2013

17 | a g e

I|gure 4. rotests for Lconom|c Iust|ce]Aga|nst Auster|ty by keg|on, 2006-2013*
Source: Authors analysis of world protests in media sources 2006-2013, *As of !uly 31sL 2013

8Ck 1: eop|e rotest Auster|ty Wor|dw|de
ln 2013, people ln as many as 119 world counLrles are sufferlng from sharp reducLlons ln governmenL expendlLure
due Lo lncreases ln publlc debL (ln many counLrles creaLed by balllng ouL banks) and reduced economlc growLh as a
resulL of Lhe world recesslon. Clobally, only Lwo ouL of every flve persons of worklng age has employmenL, 900
mllllon people are worklng poor and 70 mllllon workers are esLlmaLed Lo have dropped ouL of Lhe labor markeL
alLogeLher slnce Lhe sLarL of Lhe global crlsls (lLC 2012, 2013). A recenL revlew of 314 lMl counLry reporLs ln 174
counLrles from 2010 Lo 2013 ldenLlfles Lhe maln ad[usLmenL measures consldered by governmenLs: (l) LllmlnaLlng
subsldles (food, fuel and oLhers) ln 100 counLrles, desplLe record-hlgh food prlces ln many reglons, (ll) Wage blll
cuLs/caps ln 98 counLrles, reduclng Lhe salarles of publlc secLor workers who provlde essenLlal servlces Lo Lhe
populaLlon (lll) vA1 lncreases on baslc goods and servlces LhaL are consumed by Lhe poorand whlch may furLher
conLracL economlc acLlvlLyln 94 counLrles, (lv) 8aLlonallzlng and LargeLlng safeLy neLs ln 80 counLrles, aL a Llme
when governmenLs should be looklng Lo scale up beneflLs Lhrough soclal proLecLlon floors, (v) 8eformlng penslon
and healLh care sysLems ln 86 and 37 counLrles and (vl) Labor flexlblllzaLlon reforms ln 30 counLrles, erodlng
workers rights (Ortiz and Cummins, 2013). Contrary to public perception, austerity measures are not limited to
Lurope, ln facL, slnce 2010 many of Lhe prlnclpal ad[usLmenL measures feaLure mosL promlnenLly ln developlng
counLrles and Lhls ls well reflecLed ln our mapplng of global proLesLs. WhaL ls lmporLanL Lo undersLand ls LhaL
proLesLs LhaL appear random are llnked by a seL of pollcles adopLed by MlnlsLrles of llnance and generally advlsed
by lMl survelllance mlsslons. Slnce 2008, and lnLenslfylng each year afLer, clLlzens around Lhe globe from Lhe uS,
18 | a g e

Spaln and AusLralla Lo Lhe hlllpplnes, nlgerla, Chlle, LgypL and kenya, have expressed ouLrage LhaL Lhe crlsls ls used
as an opporLunlLy Lo cuL back Lhe SLaLe (even Lhough Lhe lesson of oLher crlses ls LhaL Lhe sLaLe needs Lo be sLronger
noL weaker) and Lo lmpose unpopular reforms (eg. soclal welfare cuLs) lnsLead of regulaLlng Lhe flnanclal secLor and
ending corporate welfare. Citizens organizations worldwide have called on governments to assume their
responslblllLles and promoLe a recovery for all.

1he 488 proLesL evenLs relaLlng Lo economlc [usLlce/anLl-ausLerlLy can be furLher deLalled ln Lhe 10
followlng caLegorles:

(|) keform of ub||c Serv|ces ls Lhe mosL prevalenL cause of proLesLs relaLed Lo economlc [usLlce/anLl-
ausLerlLy, appearlng as a causal facLor ln 17 of all proLesL evenLs counLed.
ClLlzens march agalnsL full
and parLlal prlvaLlzaLlon, raLlonallzaLlon of servlces, budgeL cuLs, cosL-recovery measures and oLher
reforms LhaL are percelved Lo reduce Lhe quallLy and quanLlLy of publlc servlces ln areas such as
educaLlon, healLh and waLer, among oLhers. roLesLs exlsLed pre-crlsls (eg. AusLralla, Chlle, LgypL,
Malaysla, SouLh Afrlca) buL splraled afLer 2010 wlLh Lhe adopLlon of ausLerlLy measures ln Lurope and
elsewhere (eg. LgypL, Creece, lLaly, orLugal, 8ussla, Spaln, 1urkey).

(||) Iobs, n|gher Wages and Labor Cond|t|ons: 1hls ls one of Lhe second mosL prevalenL causes of
economlc [usLlce relaLed proLesLs, appearlng ln 133 proLesL evenLs ln all reglons, or 16 of Lhe LoLal, and
reflecLlng Lhe large [obs crlsls boLh before and durlng Lhe world recesslon. MosL slgnlflcanL are Lhe May 1

demonsLraLlons LhaL moblllze workers, unlons and Lhe unemployed ln vlrLually ln all world counLrles.
Many naLlonal proLesLs also have a speclflc focus on beLLer worklng condlLlons (eg. Algerla, Angola,
ArgenLlna, AusLralla, 8razll, 8ulgarla, 8urklna laso, Chlle, Chlna, LgypL, Cermany, Creece, lndla, lreland,
lLaly, !ordan, Malaysla, Mexlco, Morocco, Myanmar, hlllpplnes, orLugal, 8ussla, SouLh Afrlca, SouLh
korea, Spaln, Sudan, 1halland, 1unlsla, uk, uS, WesLern Sahara).

(|||) 1ax]I|sca| Iust|ce clalms are also found ln 16 of evenLs worldwlde, especlally Lhose focused on
lnadequaLe naLlonal LaxaLlon and flscal sysLems as well as a lack of lnLernaLlonal Lax cooperaLlon, boLh of
whlch beneflL Lhe wealLhy lnsLead of Lhe ma[orlLy of clLlzens. roLesLs demand LhaL governmenLs flghL Lax
evaslon and avoldance and llllclL flnanclal flows (eg. Cermany, hlllpplnes, Spaln, unlLed klngdom, unlLed
SLaLes), lower Laxes/vA1 on baslc producLs LhaL people consume (eg. lran, orLugal, uganda), sLop
Lransfers Lo Lhe flnanclal and corporaLe secLors (eg. lndonesla, Malaysla, Spaln, unlLed klngdom, unlLed
SLaLes), lmprove lnLer-reglonal Lransfers (eg. Creece, lLaly) and adequaLe LaxaLlon of exLracLlve resources

noLe LhaL a slngle proLesL evenL or eplsode Lyplcally expresses more Lhan one grlevance or demand. lor example,
Lhe summer of 2013 proLesLs ln 8razll, whlch beglns wlLh a campalgn for free and reduced publlc LransporLaLlon and
becomes a much wlder proLesL demandlng LhaL Lhe governmenL enforce laws agalnsL corrupLlon. When a grlevance
or demand ls expressed ln Lerms of Lhe percenLage of proLesLs ln whlch lL appearswheLher of Lhe LoLal 843 proLesL
evenLs, or Lhe percenLage among counLrles ln LhaL reglon, or among counLrles ln LhaL lncome grouplL wlll noL
llkely be Lhe only demand puL forward ln Lhe proLesL. 1herefore, when Lhls paper asserLs, for example, LhaL reform
of publlc servlces ls a causal facLor ln 17 of all proLesL evenLs, Lhls does noL mean LhaL all oLher causes are Lo be
found ln Lhe remalnlng 83.
19 | a g e

(eg. 8ollvla, Chlle, Colombla, kyrgyzsLan, 1anzanla). 1he sLrengLh of Lhe clLlzens movemenLs Lo audlL
soverelgn debLs (eg. 8razll, lreland, hlllpplnes, Spaln) and Lo repudlaLe naLlonallzed prlvaLe secLor debLs
are also noLed.

(|v) Inequa||ty: More Lhan 13 of Lhe worlds proLesLs denounce lnequallLles ln lncome, wealLh and
lnfluence on pollcy-maklng and quesLlon democraLlc sysLems LhaL allow renL-seeklng by ellLes and
corporaLlons. 1he Cccupy movemenL powerfully moblllzed clLlzens wlLh slogans such as we are the 99%
and mlddle classes around Lhe world are acLlvely demonsLraLlng agalnsL lnadequaLe governmenL pollcy
declslons LhaL beneflL ellLes lnsLead of Lhe ma[orlLy (eg. Algerla, Angola, ArgenLlna, AusLralla, 8razll,
8ulgarla, 8urklna laso, Chlle, Chlna, LgypL, Cermany, Creece, lndla, lreland, lLaly, !ordan, Malaysla,
Mexlco, Morocco, Myanmar, hlllpplnes, orLugal, 8ussla, SouLh Afrlca, SouLh korea, Spaln, Sudan,
1halland, 1unlsla, uk, uS, WesLern Sahara).

(v) Low L|v|ng Standards ls an lssue ralsed ln almosL 10 of world proLesLs, ofLen Lo proLesL lnequallLles
(eg. hlllpplnes, unlLed SLaLes), buL also workers demand for decenL wages (eg. 8angladesh, Chlna,
lndonesla). 8esulLs also show LhaL people proLesL ausLerlLy-moLlvaLed cuLs (eg. 8ulgarla, lsrael, Spaln,
unlLed klngdom) and rlslng prlces of goods and servlces (eg. 8razll, 8urklna laso, PalLl, lndla, nlger,

(v|) Agrar|an]Land keform: 49 proLesL eplsodes (close Lo 6 of world LoLals) were found ln Lhe perlod
2006-2013 (eg. 8razll, Colombla, aklsLan, hlllpplnes). noLable examples lnclude lndla, where landless
farmers sLaged a 600 kllomeLer march for land rlghLs, and Sudan, where Lhere have been vlolenL pollce
backlashes agalnsL proLesLs LhaL denounce land-grabblngselllng publlc land Lo forelgn lnvesLors.

(v||) ens|on keform: CovernmenLs ln mosL hlgher lncome counLrles are conslderlng reforms Lo Lhelr
soclal securlLy sysLems as an ausLerlLy measure (eg. ralslng conLrlbuLlon raLes, lncreaslng ellglblllLy
perlods, prolonglng Lhe reLlremenL age and/or lowerlng beneflLs), resulLlng ln wldespread proLesLs (eg.
lrance, Creece, lreland, orLugal, Spaln, unlLed klngdom, unlLed SLaLes). CLher counLrles have also
experlenced lmporLanL proLesLs agalnsL penslon reforms (eg. Chad, Chlle, Srl Lanka, ukralne).

(v|||) Iue|]Lnergy r|ces: 1he removal of fuel subsldlesan elemenL of flscal ausLerlLy, parLlcularly for
developlng counLrlesand unaffordable energy prlces have sparked proLesLs ln many counLrles (eg.
Algerla, Cameroon, Chlle, lndla, lndonesla, Mexlco, Mozamblque, nlcaragua, nlger, eru, Sudan, uganda).
To better understand why, consider the cases of Nigeria and Kyrgyzstan. With the majority of Nigerias
populaLlon llvlng on less Lhan $2 per day, cheap peLrol ls vlewed by many as Lhe only Langlble beneflL Lhey
recelve from Lhe sLaLe, hence Lhe masslve proLesLs slnce 2012 when MlnlsLer of llnance Ckon[o lweala
removed a fuel subsldy LhaL kepL food and LransporLaLlon cosLs low. ln kyrgyzsLan ln 2010, Lhe prlce of
heaLlng rose by 400 and elecLrlclLy by 170: subsequenL demonsLraLlons ended ln vlolenL rloLs and Lhe
reslgnaLlon of resldenL 8aklyev.

(|x) Iood r|ces: Slnce 2007-08 lnLernaLlonal food prlces have splked Lo hlsLorlc hlghs, wlLh local food
prlces aL near record levels ln many counLrles, Lhe food prlces relaLed proLesLs represenL more Lhan 3 of
20 | a g e

world proLesLs, and have an lnverse relaLlon wlLh lncome levels (vlrLually absenL from Plgh lncome
counLrles, Lhey are a reason for ouLrage ln over 14 of Lhe cases ln low lncome counLrles), resulLlng ln
many rloLs and revolLs because of unaffordable food (eg. 8angladesh, 8urklna laso, Cameroon, LgypL,
LLhlopla, PalLl, lvory CoasL, !ordan, MaurlLanla, Morocco, Mozamblque, nlcaragua, nlger, eru, Senegal,
Somalla, Sudan, 1unlsla, uzbeklsLan). ln some counLrles (eg. Colombla, Mexlco) small farmers are
proLesLlng Lhe wlLhdrawal of agrlculLural subsldles and/or compeLlLlon of agrlculLural lmporLs because of
free Lrade agreemenLs or condlLlons seL for loans from llls. lood prlces are also Lhe LargeL of globally
organlzed movemenLs ln 6 of Lhe cases.

(x) nous|ng: 1he rlghL Lo an affordable decenL home has been aL Lhe cenLer of a number of proLesLs
around Lhe world, parLlcularly afLer Lhe houslng bubble and Lhe subsequenL evlcLlon of famllles unable Lo
pay morLgages (eg. lreland, Spaln, unlLed klngdom, unlLed SLaLes). Pouslng has also proflled hlgh ln
proLesLs ln Chlna, SouLh Afrlca and WesLern Sahara.

8Ck 2: Iood r|ce k|ots
1he global food prlce splkes ln 2007-08 caused many rloLs ln developlng counLrles, and Lhe food prlce splkes of
2010-11 conLrlbuLed Lo Lhe overall unresL leadlng lnLo Lhe Arab Sprlng (llgure 3). Cn average, populaLlons ln a
sample of 33 developlng counLrlesmany of Lhem wlLh a hlgh lncldence of poverLy and hungerwere paylng 80
more for baslc foodsLuffs aL Lhe sLarL of 2012 when compared Lo prlce levels prlor Lo Lhe 2007-08 crlsls (CrLlz and
Cummlns, 2012). 1he causes of soarlng global food prlces are many, lncludlng among oLhers weaLher shocks,
flnanclal speculaLlon, lack of lnvesLmenL ln agrlculLure, deregulaLlon and free Lrade agreemenLs LhaL parLlally
opened Lhe agrlculLural markeLs of SouLhern counLrles. Moreover, Lhe problem has been aggravaLed by flscal
ausLerlLy, resulLlng ln Lhe ellmlnaLlon of food subsldles and lncreaslng value added Laxes (vA1s). 1hese rloLs call for
urgenL pollcy acLlon aL naLlonal and lnLernaLlonal levels Lo address Lhe rooL causes of hunger and poverLy.

I|gure S: G|oba| Iood r|ce Index and Iood k|ots, Ian. 2007 to Ian. 2012

Sources: Authors calculations based on Food and Agriculture Organizations (FAO) Clw5 (2012)
and analysls of world proLesLs ln medla sources 2006-2013, *As of !uly 31sL 2013

Cameroon, lndla
lvory CoasL, ?emen,
PalLl, LgypL
1unlsla, LgypL, Algerla,
Syrla, Sudan,
MaurlLanla, ?ema,
Cman, Morocco,
8ahreln, Mozamblque
Clobal lood rlce lndex
21 | a g e

4b. Ia||ure of o||t|ca| kepresentat|on and o||t|ca| Systems
Whlle Lhe clusLer of lssues relaLed broadly Lo economlc [usLlce are lnvolved ln Lhe greaLesL percenLage of
proLesLs counLed, Lhose relaLed Lo a fallure of pollLlcal represenLaLlon and pollLlcal sysLems are Lhe nexL
mosL common reason people around Lhe world proLesL. More Lhan 44 of all proLesLs consldered
beLween 2006 and 2013 (a LoLal of 376 proLesL evenLs overall) lnvolve a fallure of pollLlcal represenLaLlon
and pollLlcal sysLems. 1hls ls Lhe case noL only ln counLrles wlLh auLocraLlc governmenLs, or only ln Lhe
low lncome counLrles, where 30 of proLesLs are due Lo a fallure of governmenL Lo provlde needed
servlces, [usLlce and accounLablllLy, buL also ln hlgh-lncome counLrles, where more Lhan 42 of proLesLs
relaLe Lo a fallure of pollLlcal represenLaLlon, as well as ln over 30 of Lhe proLesLs ln upper mlddle
lncome counLrles (llgure 6, 1able 3). lormal represenLaLlve democracles are faulLed around Lhe world for
servlng ellLes and upholdlng Lhe requlremenLs of prlvaLe properLy whlle uslng every means from markeLs
Lo vlolenL represslon Lo hold ln check Lhe lnherenL unrullness of Lhe Jemos, Lhe people.

I|gure 6. rotest|ng Ia||ures of o||t|ca| kepresentat|on]o||t|ca| Systems by keg|on, 2006-2013*

Source: Authors analysis of world protests in media sources 2006-2013, *As of !uly 31sL 2013

22 | a g e

1ab|e S. rotest|ng Ia||ures of o||t|ca| kepresentat|on]o||t|ca| Systems by Country Income Group,
Ia||ure of o||t|ca|
Democracy 82 61 39 23 13
88 30 8 10 13
Corrupt|on 49 42 23 12 14
Iust|ce 32 11 0 7 6
1ransparency and
9 3 1 7 22
Surve|||ance 7 4 1 0 14
Industr|a| Comp|ex
3 0 2 4 11
Sovere|gnty 4 2 2 1 2
Source: Authors analysis of world protests in media sources 2006-2013, *As of !uly 31sL 2013

An examlnaLlon of Lhe reasons why people proLesL ln Lhls lssue area reveals:

(|) kea| Democracy: An unexpecLed resulL of Lhe sLudy ls Lhe lnLenslLy of demands from around Lhe world
for real democracy, a cause of 26 of all proLesLs counLed and Lhe slngle mosL prevalenL proLesL lssue
Lo emerge from Lhe sLudy. undersLood as Lhe call for a socleLy ln whlch people parLlclpaLe dlrecLly ln Lhe
declslons affecLlng Lhelr llves and experlence Lhe beneflLs of llberLy and equallLy ln Lhelr dally llves.
roLesLs for real democracy are noL concenLraLed ln a parLlcular reglon or lncome group, buL Lhe hlghesL
percenLages by reglon occur ln Sub-Saharan Afrlca (eg. LLhlopla, kenya, Madagascar, MaurlLanla, nlger,
nlgerla, Senegal, 1anzanla) and Lhe MLnA counLrles (eg. Algerla, LgypL, lran, !ordan, Llbya, Morocco,
Sudan, Syrla, 1unlsla, WesLern Sahara, ?emen) where 48 and 43 respecLlvely of all proLesLs ln Lhose
reglons lnclude demands for real democracy.

(||) Corporate Inf|uence, Deregu|at|on and r|vat|zat|on are Lhe nexus of Lhe second mosL prevalenL
cause of rebelllon agalnsL fallures of pollLlcal represenLaLlon. 18 of proLesLs worldwlde (149 evenLs)
oppose pollcles and pracLlces LhaL puL Lhe prlvaLe lnLeresLs of corporaLlons and flnanclal and oLher ellLes
ahead of Lhe resL of Lhe populaLlon. ln some developlng counLrles, decades-long pressure from llls llke
Lhe lMl and World 8ank has resulLed ln deregulaLed and exporL-orlenLed economlc sysLems ln counLrles
LhaL are noL able Lo dellver adequaLe servlces for Lhelr own people (eg. prlvaLlzaLlon of publlc servlces
was a key grlevance ln Lhe 2011-2013 sLudenL-led proLesLs ln Chlle, proLesLs agalnsL prlvaLlzaLlon of
elecLrlclLy drew Lhousands lnLo Lhe sLreeLs ln AusLralla ln 2008, ln 2013 ln uelhl, lndla 100,000 farmers
and peoples movement activists protest land acquisition for private profit).

23 | a g e

(|||) CpposlLlon Lo Corrupt|on ls behlnd 17 of proLesLs globally, wlLh 142 evenLs counLed. roLesLs
agalnsL corrupLlon are ofLen sparked by prlor complalnLs over poorly dellvered publlc servlces ln healLh,
LransporLaLlon, educaLlon and securlLy, such as Lhe masslve 2013 anLl-corrupLlon proLesLs ln 8razll, whlch
began as proLesLs agalnsL rlslng bus fares (eg. also LgypL, 1unlsla, 1urkey, ?emen). CorrupLlon ls behlnd
13 of proLesLs ln hlgh-lncome counLrles, 18 ln mlddle lncome counLrles and 19 ln low lncome

(|v) Iust|ce, or a failure to receive justice from the legal system (not environmental justice or economic
justice), is a cause of 7 of all proLesLs, wlLh 36 eplsodes counLed overall. Cf Lhose, 10 are dlrecLed aL
falled governance ln hlgh-lncome counLrles. Notable examples involve 1) hacktivists
afflllaLed wlLh
Anonymous who challenge unwllllng sLaLe auLhorlLles Lo uphold laws agalnsL rape, chlld pornography and
pollce vlolence or face publlc exposure of Lhe perpetrators identities (eg. Canada, United States) and 2)
banklng and flnance-acLlvlsLs aglLaLlng for reparaLlons from boLh Lhe shadow-banklng (Mafla) and legal
banklng sysLems (eg. lLaly, Spaln).

(v) 1ransparency and Accountab|||ty are demands behlnd 3 of proLesL evenLs worldwlde and 33 of all
globally organlzed proLesLs, whlch emerge ln waves of response Lo Lhe flnanclal crlsls and alm Lhelr
demands aL lnLernaLlonal flnance and Lhe formal (eg. un, LC8, lMl) and lnformal (eg. C20) lnsLlLuLlons
LhaL govern and regulaLe lL (eg. Lhe global May uay proLesLs of 2010, 2011 2012 and 2013). arLlcular
LargeLs lnclude Lax havens and masslve Lax avoldance by large corporaLlons and hlgh-neL-worLh
lndlvlduals. 1he nexL greaLesL concenLraLlon of proLesLs agalnsL falled Lransparency and accounLablllLy ls
ln developlng counLrles faclng regresslve Lax and subsldy reforms (eg. 8razll, Colombla, kenya, hlllpplnes,

(v|) Surve|||ance of clLlzens by governmenLs and of workers by corporaLlons ls a cause of more Lhan 3 of
all proLesLs, wlLh 27 eplsodes counLed. MosL proLesLsespeclally slnce Lhe Mannlng/Wlklleaks 2011 leak
of unlLed SLaLes dlplomaLlc cables and lnLenslfylng wlLh Lhe 2013 case of survelllance whlsLleblower
Ldward Snowdenhave focused on Lhe acLlons of Lhe unlLed SLaLes, buL many are lnLernaLlonal ln scope.
21 of all lnLernaLlonally LargeLed proLesLs agalnsL survelllance lnvolve whlsLleblowers and neLworks of
open-lnLerneL acLlvlsLs who LargeL naLlonal governmenLs (eg. AusLralla, 8razll, Canada, neLherlands,
Spaln, 1urkey, unlLed klngdom, unlLed SLaLes) for spylng on clLlzens and resLrlcLlng/prlvaLlzlng Lhe

(v||) Ant|-War rotests and Lhose agalnsL Lhe M|||tary-Industr|a| Comp|ex are a facLor ln sllghLly more
Lhan 2 of proLesLs, wlLh 19 eplsodes counLed overall. roLesLs by global neLworks worklng agalnsL war
and war Lechnologles make up 16 of Lhe eplsodes, wlLh mosL proLesLs focuslng on Lhe unlLed SLaLes
wars ln lraq and AfghanlsLan and a lesser number LargeLlng arms shlpmenLs Lo Sub-Saharan Afrlca. 1hese
eplsodes Laper off afLer 2006 unLll an upsurge ln proLesLs agalnsL Lhe unlLed SLaLes militarys use of
drones beglns ln 2012. 1he greaLesL number of naLlonally coordlnaLed anLl-war/mlllLary proLesLs occur ln
Lhe SouLh Asla/aclflc reglon (eg. Myanmar, hlllpplnes).

ulglLal acLlvlsLs
24 | a g e

(v|||) Sovere|gnty ls an ongolng lssue for lndlgenous peoples (eg. 8razll, Canada, eru, unlLed SLaLes), for
auLonomous reglons wlLhln counLrles (eg. Mexlco, Spaln) and for former colonles sLlll under economlc or
mlllLary domlnaLlon (eg. hlllpplnes, 1lbeL, WesLern Sahara). roLesLs Lo asserL soverelgnLy comprlse
sllghLly over 1 of all proLesLs.

8ox 3: kea| Democracy and Cccupy Wor|dw|de
CounLerposed Lo formal, represenLaLlve democracy, real democracy ls a demand noL [usL for beLLer governance and
wlder represenLaLlon, buL also for unlversal dlrecL parLlclpaLlon and a socleLy ln whlch prlnclples of llberLy and
equallLy are found noL only ln Lhe laws and lnsLlLuLlons buL ln everyday llfe (8anclere, 2006). Unlike the contagion
wlLhln whlch flnanclal crlses of recenL years have spread from counLry Lo counLry, Lhe occupaLlons of uerLa del Sol
ln Madrld (whlch called for Democracia real ?A!), SynLagma Square ln ALhens (Demokratia!) and ZuccoLLl ark
ln new ?ork (Democracy now!) spread because Lhe grlevances ln one placefrusLraLlon wlLh pollLlcs as usual and
a lack of LrusL ln Lhe usual pollLlcal acLors, lefL and rlghL, coupled wlLh a wllllngness even on Lhe parL of Lhe mlddle
classes Lo embrace dlrecL acLlonsresonaLed ln Lhe oLher places as well. 1he large general assemblles ln Lhese
occupaLlons allowed Lhousands of people aL a Llme Lo experlence Democracy Now!, enacLlng a new framework of
proLesL as Lhey afflrmed prlnclples of auLonomy and solldarlLy, denounced lnequallLy and Lhe enLlre sysLem LhaL
creaLes and perpeLuaLes lL, and debaLed demands buL dld noL adopL formal plaLforms. lnsplred by Lhe ouLbreak of
Cccupy Wall SLreeL one monLh earller, on CcLober 13, 2011, Cccupy proLesLs spread from Lhe uS in a global day of
rage Lo around 930 clLles ln 82 counLrles lncludlng AmsLerdam, 8russels, 8uenos Alres, Cape 1own, lrankfurL, Pong
kong, Llma, London, Cakland, Cslo, Madrld, Manlla, new ?ork, 8ome, So aulo, Seoul, SLockholm, 1alpel, 1okyo,
1oronLo and Zurlch. Many Lles forged durlng Lhese occupaLlons conLlnue Lo resonaLe ln acLlvlsL neLworks newly
energlzed Lo engage ln furLher organlzlng.

4c. G|oba| Iust|ce
roLesLs organlzed aL a global or lnLernaLlonal level, proLesLs LargeLlng mulLlnaLlonal corporaLlons,
lnLernaLlonal flnanclal lnsLlLuLlons or lnLergovernmenLal organlzaLlons (eg. Lhe C20) LhaL seL global norms
and pollcles undemocraLlcally, are parL of a clusLer demandlng global [usLlce. More Lhan 37 of all Lhe
proLesLs consldered ln Lhe sLudy (311 evenLs) lnclude Lhe global [usLlce componenL as one of Lhelr maln
grlevances (llgure 7, 1able 6). 1hese proLesLs Lake place ln boLh developed counLrles (eg. hlgh-lncome
counLrles 40) and developlng counLrles (eg. LaLln Amerlcan/Carlbbean 41, SouLh Asla 33, Sub-
Saharan Afrlca 24), where dlfferenL acLors employ sLraLegles wlLh a global lmpacL or analysls, and ln
whlcheven Lhough Lhe proLesL may occur aL Lhe local levellL neverLheless has a clear llnk Lo global
lssues, such as cllmaLe change, naLural resource explolLaLlon or Lhe role of Lhe mulLlnaLlonals and
lnLernaLlonal organlzaLlons. 1he research ldenLlfles many such local proLesLs (eg. lncreased prlces on
malze ln Mexlco, 2006-07, and malze flour ln kenya, 2007-presenL) LhaL are also proLesLlng Lhe global
pollcy rooLs of Lhe problem (eg. prlce splkes followlng free Lrade agreemenL lmplemenLaLlon or Lax
pollcles promoLed by Lhe lMl). Some of Lhe envlronmenLal [usLlce proLesLs counLed below ote prlmarlly
focused aL Lhe local level, however, Lhelr llnks Lo Lhe global processes are esLabllshed and lncreaslngly
becomlng a key lssue for campalgns whose scope of demands ls ulLlmaLely global or necesslLaLes global
23 | a g e

I|gure 7. rotests for G|oba| Iust|ce by keg|on, 2006-2013*

Source: Authors analysis of world protests in media sources 2006-2013, *As of !uly 31sL 2013

1ab|e 6. rotest for G|oba| Iust|ce by Country Income Group, 2006-2013*
G|oba| Iust|ce
Ant|-IMI]LC8]other IIIs 84 23 19 13 23
Lnv|ronmenta| Iust|ce 43 63 10 11 13
Ant|-Imper|a||sm 6 3 6 0 26
Ant|-Iree 1rade 8 7 1 0 16
G|oba| Commons 0 0 0 0 23
Ant|-G20 3 0 0 0 6
Source: Authors analysis of world protests in media sources 2006-2013, *As of !uly 31sL 2013

(|) Ant|-IMI]LC8]other IIIs: 1he mosL prevalenL global [usLlce proLesLs are Lhose relaLed Lo pollcles wlLh
negaLlve soclal lmpacLs, whlch are agreed Lo behlnd Lhe closed doors of llls, especlally Lhe lMl and
Luropean CenLral 8ank (LC8). 1hey are Lhe LargeL of 164 proLesLs, or 20 of all proLesLs. AbouL 33 of
26 | a g e

anLl-lMl, LC8, and oLher llls proLesLs occur ln Lurope/CenLral Asla, followed closely by Lhe globally
organlzed proLesLs (34), and Lhen by Lhose occurrlng ln Lhe hlgh-lncome counLrles (26) due Lo
ausLerlLy Lrends, however Lhey are also prevalenL ln many developlng counLrles.

(||) Lnv|ronmenta| Iust|ce: noL only envlronmenLal lssues, buL envlronmenLal jostlce ls a demand ln 144
evenLs, or 17 of all proLesLs. 1he demand ls lncreaslngly presenL ln proLesLs around Lhe world, rlslng
from only 10 ln 2006 and 2007, Lo 28, 24 and 26 ln 2011, 2012 and 2013. AlLhough Lhere are many
demands for envlronmenLal [usLlce comlng from lndlgenous communlLles or counLrles ln Lhe Clobal SouLh
(eg. ArgenLlna, 8ollvla, 8razll, Chlle, Chlna, Colombla, lndla, Mexlco, Myanmar, nlgerla, SouLh Afrlca, Srl
Lanka, 1anzanla), many envlronmenLal [usLlce demands are now ralsed ln norLhern counLrles (eg. lrance.
Cermany, Creece, lLaly, !apan, oland, 8omanla, unlLed SLaLes) and aL Lhe global level (eg. C20, unlLed
naLlons [8lo+20], unlLed naLlons lramework ConvenLlon on CllmaLe Change [unlCCC], World Soclal
lorum). 1he laLLer frequenLly emphaslze llnks Lo anLl-nuclear proLesLs, naLural resource explolLaLlon
confllcLs and envlronmenLal lmpacLs of lnfrasLrucLure pro[ecLs.

(|||) Ant|-Imper|a||sm: ln Lhls caLegory we lnclude Lhe proLesLs whlch have as Lhelr maln LargeL Lhe
exerclse of power by hegemonlc sLaLes over economlcally or pollLlcally less powerful counLrles and soclal
groups. MosL common are proLesLs agalnsL uS forelgn pollcy and economlc lnLeresLs (eg. ln AusLralla,
!apan, hlllpplnes, SouLh Afrlca, unlLed SLaLes), proLesLs agalnsL Lhe norLh ALlanLlc 1reaLy CrganlzaLlon ln
LasL Lurope (eg. ukralne), proLesLs denounclng elLher Chlnese (eg. ln vleLnam), lsraell (eg. Clobally) or
!apanese (eg. ln Chlna) forelgn pollcy. AnLl-lmperlallsm appears 41 Llmes ln Lhe proLesLs analyzed,
represenLlng 3 of LoLal proLesLs, malnly aL Lhe global level buL also lmporLanL ln Lhe Lurope-CenLral Asla
and LasL Asla and Lhe aclflc reglons.

(|v) Ant|-Iree 1rade: uurlng Lhe 1990s proLesLs agalnsL Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of lree 1rade AgreemenLs
were ln Lhe headllnes frequenLly. 1oday Lhe ma[orlLy are already lmplemenLed. 1helr effecLs are aL Lhe
core of proLesLs lnvolvlng food lssues ln LaLln Amerlca and Asla (eg. Mexlco, eru, SouLh korea). Cne of
Lhe besL knowndue Lo Lhe famous corporaLlons lnvolved and lLs medla lmpacLare Lhe 2012 proLesLs
ln lndla agalnsL Lhe auLhorlzaLlon glven Lo Wal-MarL and 1esco Lo conducL buslness ln LhaL counLry. AnLl-
free Lrade proLesLs appear 32 Llmes, represenLlng 4 of Lhe LoLal proLesLs.

(v) G|oba| Commons: lmpedlmenLs Lo good governance of Lhe global commons, Lhose resources LhaL
exceed Lhe bounds of naLlonal governmenLs and Lo whlch all counLrlesand by exLenslon, Lhelr
peopleshave rlghL of access are an emerglng cause of proLesL, represenLlng 3 of all proLesLs. uemands
Lo malnLaln Lhese resources as goods held ln common are lncreaslng: Lhey make up 36 of all proLesL
evenLs aL Lhe global level. roLesLs relaLed Lo lnLerneL governance occur aL boLh Lhe naLlonal (eg.
ArgenLlna, oland) and Lhe global levels, ln whlch movemenLs such as Anonymous, Lhe varlous naLlonal
lraLe arLles and organlzed opposlLlon Lo Lhe AnLl-CounLerfelLlng 1rade AgreemenL have a plvoLal role ln
campalgnlng for an open lnLerneL as parL of a global commons. roLesLs on governance of cllmaLe and
blodlverslLy (eg. the Peoples Summit on Climate Change, 2009 kllmaforum durlng Lhe un Conference of
Lhe arLles ln Copenhagen, Cupula dos ovos ln Lhe un 8lo+20 Conference of Lhe varlous World Soclal
lorums) are also a slgnlflcanL facLor ln advocacy for Lhe global commons.
27 | a g e

(v|) Ant|-G20: AlLhough Lhe C20 was creaLed ln 1999 as a forum for flnance mlnlsLers and cenLral
bankers, lL became a SummlL for heads of sLaLe wlLh Lhe flnanclal crlsls ln 2008. lrom Lhen on lL has been
a LargeL of global proLesLs whenever lLs meeLlngs Lake place: Lhere have been nlne SummlLs slnce 2008.
AnLl-C20 proLesLs represenL 1 of Lhe LoLal proLesLs.

8ox 4: Loca| to G|oba| Iust|ce
When indigenous activists in Canadas Idle No More movement came up agalnsL a naLlonal governmenL lnLenL upon
pushlng Lhe llmlLs of hlsLorlc LreaLles wlLh naLlve Lrlbes ln order Lo faclllLaLe naLural resource exLracLlon and a more
pro-buslness and pro-growth environment, they realized Lhey needed Lo creaLe a sLraLeglc, coordlnaLed campalgn
ln solldarlLy wlLh oLher klnds of acLlvlsLsln Lhe Cuebec sLudenL and workers rlghLs movemenLs, wlLh sclenLlsLs
organlzed agalnsL Lhe "deaLh of evldence", alongslde Canadlan Lar sands proLesLers, global cllmaLe [usLlce acLlvlsLs,
and oLhersln order Lo achleve Lhelr own alms. When 1urklsh proLesLers ob[ecLlng Lo Lhe developmenL of Cezl ark
ln lsLanbul as well as 8razlllan proLesLers demandlng affordable publlc LransporLaLlon see Lhelr proLesLs evolve lnLo
naLlonal demands for sweeplng changes ln soclal proLecLlon, dlsLrlbuLlon of wealLh and governmenL corrupLlon,
their common assertion of a right to the city links mulLlple lssues ln dlfferenL clLles and counLrles lnLo a slngle
campalgn. MovemenLs seeklng Lo meanlngfully and effecLlvely llnk Lhelr campalgns are lncreaslng, such as Lhe
unga tax campaign in Kenya, in which local and reglonal organlzaLlonslncludlng Afrlcan Aslan lorum, 8unge la
Mwananchi (the Peoples Parliament), Bunge la Wamama Mashinani (the Womens Parliament), Disability Focus
Afrlca, LasL Afrlcan 1ax and Covernance neLwork, kamunkun[l ?ouLh Congress, klambu ?oung Women Alllance, 1ax
!usLlce neLwork Afrlca and unga 8evoluLlonlinked up with /The Rules international campaign to show how the
City of London (Tax Haven Capital of the World) and Lhe kenyan governmenL were colludlng Lo fashlon kenya lnLo
Africas flagship tax haven. 1he broad coallLlon Look advanLage of boLh grassrooLs neLworks and moblle phone
peLlLlonlng Lo defeaL Lhe Lax, alLhough conLesLlng Lhe broader economlc sysLem requlres flndlng a way Lo more
effecLlvely llnk Lhe lssue of Lax [usLlce Lo Lhe local nodes of oLher global lssues, lncludlng land reform, global healLh,
cllmaLe change, rlghLs of women and glrls, food securlLy and lnLernaLlonal Lrade.

4d. k|ghts
8lghLs are a cenLral lssue ln proLesL movemenLs for Lhelr role ln malnLalnlng a balanced dlsLrlbuLlon of
freedom and auLhorlLy necessary Lo malnLaln Lhe soclal conLracL. roLesLs asserLlng a loss of or LhreaL Lo
peoples rights occur in 36% of all protests counted (llgure 8, 1able 7). 1he hlghesL concenLraLlons of
rlghLs-based proLesLs are found ln Lhe globally organlzed proLesLs (38), followed by Lhe LasL Asla and
aclflc reglon (46) and Lhe Lurope and CenLral Asla reglon (43). A much smaller number (less Lhan 2
of LoLal proLesLs) seek Lo deny rlghLs: here lL ls malnly naLlonal governmenLs LhaL are refuslng Lo exLend
cerLaln rlghLs (eg. Lo Lhe commons, for freedom of speech) or Lo granL Lhem Lo a speclflc caLegory of
people (eg. women, lndlgenous peoples).

28 | a g e

I|gure 8. rotests for k|ghts by keg|on, 2006-2013*
Source: Authors analysis of world protests in media sources 2006-2013, *As of !uly 31sL 2013

1ab|e 7. rotest for k|ghts by Country Income Group, 2006-2013*
rotests for k|ghts
22 36 23 3 6
1o the Commons 40 24 0 0 3
Labor 16 12 12 0 22
Women 12 13 6 1 16
Ireedom of
13 22 0 2 6
LG81 10 0 0 0 13
ke||g|ous 7 4 8 3 0
Den|a| of k|ghts 13 2 0 1 0
Imm|grant 7 2 0 0 6
r|soner 0 6 3 2 0
Source: Authors analysis of world protests in media sources 2006-2013, *As of !uly 31sL 2013
29 | a g e

(|) Lthn|c]Ind|genous]kac|a| Iust|ce: 1he greaLesL number of rlghLs-based proLesLs (11) relaLe Lo lssues
of eLhnlc, lndlgenous or raclal [usLlce (eg. ArgenLlna, 8ollvla, 8ulgarla, Canada, Chlna, kyrgyzsLan,
MaurlLanla, nlgerla, alesLlne, Sudan, 1anzanla, ukralne, unlLed SLaLes).

(||) AsserLlon of a k|ght to the Commons (dlglLal, land, culLural, aLmospherlc) ls behlnd 8 of surveyed
proLesLs (eg. ArgenLlna, 8razll, Canada, Chlle, Creece, lceland, lLaly, Mexlco, oland, orLugal, Spaln,
1urkey, unlLed SLaLes, unlLed klngdom). reservlng and accesslng Lhe Commons ls a drlver of 23 of
global proLesLs as well.

(|||) Labor: 8eyond Lhe proLesLs regardlng economlc [usLlce, labor rlghLs are an acLlve concern of over 7
of proLesLs. 1hese rlghLs have a hlgher occurrence ln Lhe LasL Asla/aclflc reglon, where Lhey represenL a
concern for over 13 of proLesLs (eg. lndonesla, hlllpplnes, vleLnam) and where hlgh growLh ln recenL
years has noL always been synonymous wlLh Lhe exLenslon of labor rlghLs or even Lhe rlghL Lo unlonlze.
CLher counLrles have also experlenced proLesLs for labor rlghLs (eg. Chlna, Colombla, Cermany, lreland,
kazakhsLan, Mexlco, aklsLan, orLugal, Spaln, unlLed SLaLes).

(|v) Women: Womens rights represent 6% of the worlds protests. 12 of proLesLs ln Lhe Mlddle
LasL/norLh Afrlca reglon (eg. lran, Saudl Arabla, 1unlsla), are for womens rights, alLhough such proLesLs
are also occurrlng ln counLrles from oLher reglons (eg. Chlna, lndla, lsrael, lLaly, !amalca, Mall, MaurlLanla,
aklsLan, oland, 8ussla, unlLed SLaLes). Womens rights are also a key concern of internet activists,
malnly due Lo Lhe role of Lhe group Anonymous (eg. 8razll, Canada, Mexlco, unlLed klngdom, unlLed

(v) Ireedom of Assemb|y]Speech]ress. 1hese rlghLs are a concern of 8 of globally organlzed proLesLs
and are menLloned ln 16 of Lhe proLesLs ln Lhe LasL Asla/aclflc reglon (due prlmarlly Lo Lhe large
number of proLesLs counLed ln Chlna, 23, speclflcally LargeLlng Lhe exLenslon of Lhese freedoms).

(v|) Lesb|an]Gay]8|sexua|]1ransgendered: LC81 rlghLs proLesLs make up 3% of the worlds protests and
are concenLraLed ln hlgh lncome counLrles (eg. lrance, oland, 8ussla, SouLh korea, unlLed SLaLes). 1hey
represenL 18 of Lhe lnLernaLlonally coordlnaLed proLesLs surveyed.

(v||) ke||g|ous: roLesLs relaLed Lo rellglon accounL for less Lhan 3 of all proLesLs, buL Lhls lssue ls a drlver
of 10 of proLesLs ln Lhe Mlddle LasL/norLh Afrlca reglon, reflecLlng Lhe demands of Lhe Arab Sprlng.
MulLlple groups dedlcaLed Lo Lhls lssue are found ln counLrles wlLh an offlclal rellglon (eg. LgypL,
Morocco) as well as ln secular counLrles (eg. lrance, 1urkey). 8eyond Lhelr reglon of concenLraLlon,
rellglous-rlghLs lnfluenced proLesLs appear ln a varleLy of counLrles (eg. uemocraLlc 8epubllc of Congo,
LLhlopla, lrance, lndonesla, lsrael, nlgerla, aklsLan, oland, 1urkey, vleLnam).

(v|||) Den|a| of k|ghts (eg. lmmlgranLs, homosexuals): Though representing just under 2% of the worlds
proLesLs, Lhe denlal of rlghLs ls a pecullar case ln Lhls caLegory, concernlng movemenLs LhaL are agalnsL
Lhe expanslon of cerLaln rlghLs Lo some groups (eg. agalnsL LC81 ln lrance, agalnsL Afrlcan lmmlgranLs ln
lsrael, agalnsL womens rights in Mali). 1he ma[orlLy of Lhese proLesLs are ln hlgh-lncome counLrles.
30 | a g e

(|x) Imm|grant: uemonsLraLlons supporLlng lmmlgranLs rlghLs appear ln [usL under 2 of Lhe surveyed
eplsodes. 1hls classlflcaLlon does noL dlscrlmlnaLe beLween proLesLs regardlng lnLernal mlgraLlons (eg.
Chlna) or lnLernaLlonal mlgranLs (eg. Lurope and Lhe unlLed SLaLes). lL ls also worLh noLlng LhaL Lhese
rlghLs appear wlLhln Lhe agenda of lnLernaLlonally acLlve groups, a facLor ln over 8 of Lhelr proLesLs.

(x) r|soner: Protests and demonstrations regarding prisoners rights and the fair treatment of prisoners
represent just over 1% of the worlds protesLs. 8esearch reveals LhaLwhlle remalnlng a small parL of Lhe
LoLalthese protests become more frequent as a countrys income lowers. These protests are often
dlsLurblngly graphlc, as prlsoners resorL Lo exLreme means such as hunger sLrlkes (eg. alesLlnlan
1errlLorles) or sewlng Lhelr own llps (eg. kyrgyzsLan) ln order Lo aLLracL medla aLLenLlon and Lo publlclze
Lhelr cause.

8ox S: k|ght to Assemb|e Ugandas Walk to Work and Walk to Pray
uesplLe Lhe facL LhaL uganda ls formally a democracy and has elecLlons, resldenL Musevenl has been ln power for
27 years; demonstrations are not allowed in Uganda because Section 56 (2) (3) in Ugandas penal code, which allows
any comblnaLlon of Lwo or more people Lo be labeled an unlawful socleLy upon Lhe declaraLlon of Lhe aLLorney
general LhaL lL ls dangerous Lo peace and order ln uganda. 1he governmenL regularly breaks up any publlc
demonsLraLlon, closes newspapers and radlo sLaLlons, and deLalns proLesLers for long perlods wlLhouL Lrlal. ln
lebruary 2011, uganda held lLs fourLh presldenLlal and parllamenLary elecLlons. Puman rlghLs acLlvlsLs from varlous
clvll socleLy groups seeklng Lo address Lhe lack of governmenL accounLablllLy and Lo proLesL escalaLlng food and fuel
cosLs, called for people to walk to work as a form of protest to evade the severe repression on peoples right to
associate. Hundreds walked to work. Initially the government did not know how to respond (repressing people
golng Lo work?) buL soon Lhe ugandan governmenL conLended LhaL Lhese walks consLlLuLed an unlawful assembly
and responded by deploylng securlLy forces Lo dlsperse proLesLers. 8eporLs lndlcaLe LhaL pollce and mlllLary kllled
nlne people, some 100 people were ln[ured lncludlng assaulLlng over 30 [ournallsLs, conflscaLed audlo recorders and
cameras documenLlng Lhe vlolence, and abouL 700 people were arresLed. Walklng Lo work became lllegal. ?eL
ugandan clLlzens rebelled, and ln laLe 2011 Lhey started to walk to pray, which ultimately was also repressed.

S. Demonstrators 2006-2013: Who rotests and now?
ln addlLlon Lo ldenLlfylng why proLesLs are lncreaslng around Lhe worldLhe maln grlevances and
demandsone of Lhe key ob[ecLlves of Lhls research ls deLermlnlng wbo ls proLesLlng. 1he accuracy of
Lhls deLermlnaLlon varles conslderably wlLh Lhe Lype of proLesL. lor example, Lhe 93 rloLs ldenLlfled ln Lhe
sLudy (ln 8angladesh, 8ollvla, 8urklna laso, Cameroon, PalLl, lndla, lndonesla, lvory CoasL, kenya,
kyrgyzsLan, MaurlLanla, Morocco, Mozamblque, nlger, eru, Somalla and Lhe unlLed klngdom) yleld llLLle
verlflable lnformaLlon abouL parLlclpanLs
, whereas Lhe 127 sLrlkes counLed (ln ArgenLlna, 8angladesh,

A noLable excepLlon found durlng Lhls research was Lhe case of Lhe 2011 rloLs ln Lhe unlLed klngdom, for whlch a
greaL deal of lnformaLlon could be found on Lhe rloLers because of a CootJloo newspaper/London School of
Lconomlcs [olnL sLudy lnLo Lhe summer 2011 dlsorder. lL remalns Lhe only research lnvolvlng lnLervlews wlLh large
numbers of people who Look parL ln Lhe rloLs. See hLLp://
31 | a g e

8ollvla, 8razll, Canada, Chlle, Chlna, Colombla, uenmark, LgypL, lrance, Chana, Creece, lndonesla, lran,
lsrael, lLaly, !amalca, !apan, kazakhsLan, Mexlco, nepal, nlger, nlgerla, eru, oland, orLugal, 8omanla,
SouLh Afrlca, Spaln, 1anzanla, 1unlsla, unlLed Arab LmlraLes, unlLed klngdom, unlLed SLaLes, vleLnam,
and ?emen) are almosL always organlzed by coallLlons led by Lrade unlons, Lhe demographlcs of whose
memberships are more or less well documented, depending upon the unions legality in its national
conLexL. Soclal movemenLs and Lhelr campalgns and acLlvlLles Lend Lo fall somewhere ln Lhe mlddle, wlLh
acLlvlsL groups and lndlvlduals someLlmes characLerlzed or ldenLlfled ln press coverage and someLlmes

1o learn more abouL who proLesLs and how, Lhls research gaLhered lnformaLlonwlLhln Lhe consLralnLs
ouLllned aboveon groups and coallLlons, where Lhey proLesL and organlze, how many proLesL, how Lhey
proLesL (eg. rloLs, soclal movemenL acLlvlLles or organlzed campalgns), whaL meLhods Lhey use (eg.
marches, blockades, lnLerneL acLlvlsm), how Lhey communlcaLe and how Lhey flnance Lhemselves.
Powever, Lhe Llme and lnLenslLy of research necessary for a deLalled sLudy of all Lhese faceLs of agency ln
recenL proLesLs ls ouLslde Lhe bounds of Lhls sLudy. neverLheless, Lhe lnlLlal phase of Lhe pro[ecL, ln whlch
researchers conducLed broad searches, gaLherlng open LexL from documenLs of news coverage and Lhe
proLesL movemenLs Lhemselves, provldes useful lnslghLs.

Sa. Who rotests?
1rad|t|ona| Crgan|zat|ons: AgenLs advocaLlng for soclal change LhaL are already lnLegraLed lnLo Lhe
offlclal pollLlcal sysLemLrade unlons, non-governmenLal organlzaLlons, communlLy coallLlons, falLh
communlLles, soclal servlce agencles and pollLlcal parLlesremaln key organlzers and parLlclpanLs ln
many campalgns, sLrlkes, facLory occupaLlons, marches and rallles, as well as peLlLlon drlves and aLLempLs
Lo seek legal/elecLoral or rlghLs-based redress. Lxamples lnclude Lhe large coallLlons of Lrade unlons,
youth congresses, womens alllances, Lax [usLlce neLworks and communlLy groups acLlve ln kenya Lo
defeaL proposed vA1 Laxes and Lo demand lower prlces for food and fuel, the people power campaign
of Lhe Plndu 8lghLs AcLlon lorce and allled organlzaLlons demandlng eLhnlc rlghLs ln Malaysla, and Lhe
neLwork of Lrade unlons and progresslve organlzaLlons, whlch rallled and occupled Lhe sLaLe caplLol
bulldlng Lo proLesL passage of anLl-unlon leglslaLlon ln Lhe uS sLaLe of Wlsconsln. uependlng upon Lhe
naLlonal conLexL, Lhese proLesLers are boLh mlddle class and worklng poor, sLudenLs and oLher youLhs,
mlddle aged and elderly. Women, lmmlgranLs and rellglous groups are also slgnlflcanL acLors ln Lhese

New Agents for Change: A somewhaL dlfferenL plcLure emerges from many new soclal and pollLlcal
movemenLs LhaL have sprung up beLween 2006 and 2013, ln whlch waves of mlddle-class people of all
agespeople who do noL conslder Lhemselves acLlvlsLs and yeL have been broughL newly lnLo Lhe sLreeLs
by Lhe Arab Sprlng, Lhe loJlqooJos movemenLs of Lurope and Lhe Cccupy movemenL ln Lhe uS and
counLrles around Lhe worldproLesL because Lhey are dlslllusloned wlLh offlclal pollLlcal processes and
Lhe pollLlcal parLles and oLher usual pollLlcal acLors assoclaLed wlLh Lhem. Mass mlddle-class lnvolvemenL
ln proLesL lndlcaLes a new dynamlc: An exlsLlng solldarlLy of mlddle classes wlLh ellLes has been replaced
ln counLrles around Lhe world by a lack of LrusL and awareness LhaL nelLher Lhe prevalllng economlc
32 | a g e

sysLem nor Lhelr own pollLlcal sysLems are produclng poslLlve ouLcomes for Lhem. Alongslde acLlvlsLs from
labor, lmmlgraLlon and anLl-war proLesLs, people ln Lhese new movemenLs have become key organlzers
and parLlclpanLs ln many dlrecL acLlons (eg. Lhe occupaLlon of publlc squares and sLreeLs, street teach-
ins, and the blockades of roads, brldges and Lraln Lracks). 1he facL LhaL 26 of all Lhe proLesLs covered ln
Lhe sLudy lnclude Lhe demand for real democracy ls due ln no small measure Lo Lhe growlng ranks of Lhe
mlddle classes ln proLesLs.

Sb. Methods of rotest
Culded by a summarlzed and updaLed verslon of Gene Sharps 198 Methods of Nonviolent Action
(Sharp, 1973), our research flnds LhaL marches, followed by proLesL assemblles (or rallles), occupaLlon of
publlc spaces and oLher klnds of clvll dlsobedlence/dlrecL acLlon (lncludlng by compuLer acLlvlsLs of
hacktivists) are Lhe four mosL common meLhods of proLesL found ln Lhe perlod 2006-2013. ln LoLal, 27
proLesL meLhods are found ln Lhe research (llgure 9).

Marches and rotest Assemb||es: 1aken LogeLher, marches and rallles are by far Lhe mosL common
meLhods of proLesL encounLered ln Lhe sLudy. Marches are an aspecL of 437 evenLs and occur ln almosL
every counLry covered. 8y reglon, Lhe greaLesL prevalence of marches ls ln LasL Asla and Lhe aclflc (found
in over 73% of the regions protests), followed by Europe and Central Asia (68%) and ln Lhe globally-
organlzed proLesLs (67). roLesL assemblles, or rallles, are Lhe nexL mosL common proLesL meLhod,
found ln 382 evenLs. AlLhough research uncovered a relaLlvely small number of marches ln Sub-Saharan
Afrlca and SouLh Asla compared wlLh oLher reglons, Lhe lncldence of proLesL assemblles was hlghesL
Lhere, found ln 71 of proLesLs ln Sub-Saharan Afrlca and 34 ln SouLh Asla.

Cccupat|ons and C|v|| D|sobed|ence]D|rect Act|on: Clvll dlsobedlence lnvolvlng Lhe occupaLlon of a publlc
square, sLreeL, governmenL bulldlng or facLorya LacLlc made noLorlous by Lhe occupaLlons of 1ahrlr
Square ln LgypL, SynLagma Square ln Creece, uerLa del Sol ln Spaln, ZuccoLLl ark ln new ?ork and Cezl
ark ln lsLanbulls Lhe nexL mosL common meLhod of proLesL, ln 219 evenLs. CLher klnds of clvll
dlsobedlence and dlrecL acLlon appear ln 147 evenLs. 1hese Lwo meLhodsLo occupy and Lo commlL clvll
dlsobedlencewhlle agalnsL Lhe law ln mosL lnsLances, are neverLheless becomlng esLabllshed as
accepLable LacLlcs Lo Lhe mlddle classes acLlng ln new soclal movemenLs ln all reglons. 1he ongolng
proLesLs of women ln Saudl Arabla who defy laws agalnsL Lhelr rlghL Lo drlve cars, Lhe Walk to Work
proLesLs organlzed by AcLlvlsLs for Change ln uganda (8ox 3) Lo proLesL hlgh food and fuel prlces (when
Lhe governmenL declared gaLherlngs of more Lhan 2 people Lo be lllegal), or Lhe 2013 proLesLs ln 8razll
whlch escalaLed from Lhe demand for affordable publlc LransporLaLlon Lo breachlng Lhe parllamenL
bulldlng Lo demandlng an end Lo governmenL corrupLlonLhese are all examples of a new era and a new
framework of proLesL.

Wh|st|eb|ow|ng]Leaks: 1he perlod covered by Lhls sLudy also capLures Lhe advenL of a new era of clvll
dlsobedlence/dlrecL acLlon carrled ouL by compuLer hackers and whistleblowers who leak massive
amounLs of governmenL and corporaLe data, from the publishing of Wikileaks Iraq and Afghan War
Diariesa seL of 391,000 classlfled uS SLaLe ueparLmenL cables and reporLs made publlc ln CcLober
33 | a g e

2010 and llnked by AmnesLy lnLernaLlonal Lo Lhe lgnlLlng of proLesLs ln 1unlsla aL Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe
Arab SprlngLo Lhe !une 2013 leak by former uS ClA conLracLor Ldward Snowden, whlch reveals Lhe
exLenL of uS spylng on forelgn governmenLs as well as uS clLlzens.

nunger Str|kes and Se|f Inf||cted V|o|ence: 1hough more rarely employed, desperaLe meLhods such as
self-lmmolaLlon or proLesLers sewlng Lhelr own llps are also among Lhe meLhods used, parLlcularly for
Lhose ln prlson (eg. 8ollvla, kyrgyzsLan, Malaysla) and Lhose whose dlgnlLy has been desLroyed by
deprlvaLlon and Lhe bruLallLy of auLhorlLles (eg. Pungary, lndla, 1unlsla).

I|gure 9. Methods of rotests 2006-2013

Source: Authors analysis of world protests in media sources 2006-2013
[number of roLesL LvenLs ln whlch MeLhod used]

Sc. Some of the Largest rotests |n n|story
A conLroverslal deLermlnaLlon ln relaLlon Lo any proLesL ls Lhe number of demonsLraLors. uependlng on
Lhe news source, esLlmaLes frequenLly dlverge by Lens of Lhousands, someLlmes even by mllllons. Some
proLesL evenL analysls relles upon pollce reporLs when a key research varlable ls Lhe number of proLesLers
(klandermans and SLaggenborn, 2002), however lL ls far beyond Lhe scope of Lhls research Lo conducL a
fuller analysls uLlllzlng pollce records ln Lhe many counLrles covered. neverLheless, crowd esLlmaLes are
found ln 383 of Lhe 473 proLesL eplsodes noLed ln Lhls sLudy, 37 of whlch had one mllllon or more
proLesLers (see llgure 10). 1he largesL of Lhese may well be among Lhe largesL proLesLs ln hlsLory (eg. 100
mllllon ln lndla ln 2013 proLesL low llvlng sLandards, aLLacks on wages and Lhe need for beLLer labor
condlLlons and aLLenLlon Lo lnequallLy, and 17 mllllon people ln Lhe sLreeLs of LgypL ln 2013 overLurn Lhe
government led by President Morsi, although Egypts military takes control shortly afterward).

34 | a g e

I|gure 10. rotests Lst|mated to Lxceed 1 M||||on Demonstrators, 2006-2013
Source: Authors analysis of world protests in media sources 2006-2013, *As of !uly 31sL 2013, LogarlLhmlc Scale
6. Who Do rotesters Cppose?
!usL as key ob[ecLlves of Lhls research are Lo flnd ouL who ls proLesLlng (and how and why), lL ls also
lmporLanL Lo ldenLlfy Lhe maln LargeLs, or opponenLs, of Lhe proLesLs.

Governments: 1he mosL frequenL LargeL for proLesLers, by a wlde margln, ls Lhelr own naLlonal
governmenLas Lhe leglLlmaLe pollcy-maklng lnsLlLuLlon responslble Lo clLlzens. 80 of all proLesLs (674
evenLs) demand LhaL governmenLs Lake responslblllLy for economlc, soclal and envlronmenLal pollcles so
LhaL Lhey beneflL all, lnsLead of Lhe few.
33 | a g e

o||t|ca|]Lconom|c System: roLesLs agalnsL Lhe lnadequaLe pollLlcal and economlc sysLem appear second
ln lmporLance (366 evenLs or 43 of all proLesLs), reflecLlng slgnlflcanL dlsconLenL wlLh Lhe worklng of
currenL democracles. Close Lo 30 of proLesLs ln Lhe hlgh-lncome reglon, LasL Asla/aclflc, Mlddle
LasL/norLh Afrlca, and Sub-Saharan Africa regions target the system, corroborating the previously
noted demands for greater real democracy.

Corporat|ons]Lmp|oyers: 1ogeLher, Lhey are Lhe Lhlrd mosL common adversary of proLesLs, appearlng ln
243 evenLs (29 of LoLal proLesLs) relaLlng Lo: 1) opposlLlon Lo corporaLe vesLed lnLeresLs lnfluenclng
pollcy-maklng (eg. AusLralla, LgypL, Cermany, Creece, lndla, !apan, kyrgyzsLan, Malaysla, Mexlco, nlgerla,
hlllpplnes, orLugal, Spaln, unlLed klngdom, unlLed SLaLes), 2) labor dlspuLes and requesLs Lo employers
for beLLer wages and worklng condlLlons (eg. 8angladesh, Chlle, Chlna, Colombla, LgypL, Chana,
lndonesla, lreland, aklsLan, oland, orLugal, SouLh Afrlca, SouLh korea, 1anzanla, unlLed Arab LmlraLes,
vleLnam), 3) confronLlng prlvaLe lnLeresLs ln naLural resource exLracLlon (eg. 8ollvla, Canada, Colombla,
Creece, Madagascar, Myanmar, 8omanla, vleLnam), 4) consLrucLlon of lnfrasLrucLure by corporaLlons
wlLh negaLlve envlronmenLal and soclal lmpacLs (eg. ArgenLlna, 8razll, Chlna, lndla, Mexlco, Myanmar,
eru, SouLh Afrlca, unlLed SLaLes), and 3) local buslnesses lnablllLy Lo compeLe wlLh large forelgn
corporaLlons (eg. Colombla, lndla, Mexlco, Spaln, unlLed klngdom).

Internat|ona| Monetary Iund: 1he lMl ls a LargeL of 168 proLesLs overall, or 20 of LoLal proLesLs. 1he
breakdown by counLry-lncome group shows Lhe hlghesL lnsLances occurrlng ln boLh hlgh-lncome
counLrles (23 of lMl proLesLs) and low-lncome counLrles (24 of lMl proLesLs), where Lhe lMl ls
LargeLed for promoting a new WashlngLon Consensus LhaL favors Lhe lnLeresLs of corporaLlons, wealLhy
lnvesLors and Lhe flnanclal secLor. 1he World 8ank, Lo compare lMl Lo Lhe oLher 8reLLon Woods
lnsLlLuLlon, appears ln only 2 of overall proLesLs, an order of magnlLude less Lhan Lhose proLesLs
dlrecLed aL lMl.

L||tes: roLesLs agalnsL Lhe prlvllege of ellLes drlve 141 evenLs, or 17 of LoLal proLesLs (eg. Lhe global
Cccupy movemenL agalnsL Lhe rlchesL 1, proLesLs agalnsL abuslve landowners ln lndla, demonsLraLlons
agalnsL Lhe Mafla ln lLaly).

Luropean Un|on: 1he Lu ls a LargeL ln 16 of all proLesLs, 36 of globally organlzed proLesLs and 30 of
proLesLs ln Lhe Lurope/CenLral Asla and hlgh-lncome reglons, appearlng as a drlver of 133 proLesLs
overall, mosLly agalnsL Lhe lmposlLlon of ausLerlLy pollcles ln Lurope. Closely llnked are proLesLs agalnsL
Lhe flnanclal secLor (16 of all proLesLs and 31 of proLesLs ln Lhe hlgh-lncome reglon and among
globally-organlzed proLesLs) and Lhe Luropean CenLral 8ank (84 proLesLs, 10 of proLesLs overall) for Lhelr
role ln Lhe economlc crlsls of Lhe reglon. uemonsLraLlons focused upon Lhe Lu and LC8 are also ln
counLrles where governmenLs are enLerlng lnLo free-Lrade agreemenLs wlLh Lhe Lu (eg. Colombla, Mall,
Senegal, SouLh Afrlca, SouLh korea, vleLnam). lree Lrade as such ls a LargeL of 9 of Lhe worlds proLesLs.

M|||tary]o||ce: 1aken LogeLher Lhese armed forces are the target of 9% of the worlds protests. Linked to
Lhls are proLesLs agalnsL Lhe unlLed SLaLes ln parLlcular, largely because of ongolng mlllLary lnLervenLlon
36 | a g e

or Lhe presence of uS mlllLary bases (eg. AfghanlsLan, lraq, !apan, hlllpplnes, ukralne). ln Asla, anLl-
lmperlallsL proLesLs frequenLly LargeL Chlna.

o||t|ca| art|es]Groups: AbouL 7 of proLesLs LargeL speclflc pollLlcal parLles or groups (eg. Canada,
LgypL, lLaly, Llbya, hlllpplnes, 8ussla, 1unlsla, 1urkey, unlLed SLaLes). 6 of proLesLs LargeL local
governmenLs, 2 LargeL soclal groups (eg. mlgranLs, homosexuals, gypsles) and rellglous auLhorlLles.

1ab|e 8. Ma|n 1argets of Wor|d rotests, 2006-2013*
Cpponent Count ercentages
Government 672 80
o||t|ca|]econom|c system 366 44
Corporat|ons]emp|oyers 241 29
IMI 168 20
L||tes 141 17
LU 133 16
I|nanc|a| Sector 134 16
LC8 84 10
M|||tary]po||ce 73 9
Iree 1rade 74 9
o||t|ca| art|es]Groups 62 7
US 39 7
Government (|oca|) 47 6
Ch|na 31 4
G20 23 3
Soc|a| Groups 20 2
Wor|d 8ank 19 2
ke||g|ous author|t|es 13 2
Source: Authors analysis of world protests in media sources 2006-2013, *As of !uly 2013
7. What Do rotests Ach|eve?
As of 2013, as many as 63 of Lhe proLesLs covered ln Lhe sLudy achleved nelLher Lhelr lnLended demands
(when demands are sLaLed) nor resulLs Loward allevlaLlng Lhe expressed grlevances. 1hls ouLcome ls noL
necessarlly negaLlve, slnce many of Lhe proLesLs are engaged wlLh long-Lerm sLrucLural lssues LhaL may
yleld resulLs ln Llme, whlle lncremenLal, shorL-Lerm or symbollc achlevemenLs may prove Lo be precursors
Lo a comprehenslve shlfL ln power sLrucLures (eg. Arab Sprlng) or lead Lo more effecLlve organlzlng of
subsequenL proLesLs (eg. 2013 Sovereignty Summer in Canada built a coallLlon from mulLlple proLesL
movements to draft an omnibus
sLraLegy agalnsL Lhe currenL governmenL ln response Lhe

An omnibus includes multifarious things in one. Joan Bryden in the 5/10/2012 coooJloo ltess descrlbed Lhe
2013 national Omnibus Budget Bill as a huge, complex blll ls sLuffed wlLh a hosL of non-budgeLary maLLers,
37 | a g e

governments ideologically driven omnibus budget bill). Powever, lL ls lmporLanL Lo noLe LhaL 37 of
proLesLs resulLed ln some klnd of demonsLrable achlevemenL. ln Lhe conLexL of Lhls sLudy,
achievements are taken to be the set of direct-, mlxed- and lndlrecL-responses from LargeLed
opponenLs or by socleLy Lo a proLesL eplsode, respondlng ln some measure Lo Lhe grlevances ralsed by

8esearch found LhaL achlevemenLs relaLed Lo pollLlcal, legal and soclal rlghLslncludlng Lhe rlghL Lo
lnformaLlon and governmenL Lransparencymade up almosL half of Lhe 37, Lhese lnclude for example,
a change of governmenL (eg. revoluLlon ln 1unlsla, 2010), adopLlon of a new consLlLuLlon (eg. lceland,
Morocco), changes Lo law or pollcy (eg. Lhe lrench governmenL repeals a regresslve law on new work
conLracLs for youLh, 2006), Lhe reslgnaLlon of presldenLs/mlnlsLers, new elecLlons, Lhe creaLlon of a new
pollLlcal parLy or movemenL, Lhe legal recognlLlon of pollLlcal or soclal rlghLs and Lhe exposure of
governmenL or corporaLe secreLs (eg. Mannlng/Wlklleaks, unlLed SLaLes). Lconomlc achlevemenLs are
mlxed and represenL less Lhan a Lhlrd of LoLal achlevemenLs, Lhese lnclude resulLs relaLed Lo conLracL or
oLher labor vlcLorles (eg. lmmlgranL consLrucLlon workers sLrlke ln unlLed Arab LmlraLes and wln a 20
wage lncrease, 2007) and, Lo a much lesser degree, demands relaLed Lo subsldles, Lax lncreases, penslon
reform, labor markeL reforms, beLLer soclal lnvesLmenL and Lhe posLponemenL or change of conLroverslal
economlc measures. 1here are also a small number of poslLlve resulLs (less Lhan 10 of achlevemenLs)
llnked Lo sLopplng or sLalllng proLesLed urban developmenL and lnfrasLrucLure pro[ecLs. llndlngs also
lnclude symbollc and oLher less Langlble achlevemenLs, llke changes ln publlc dlscourse (eg. Cccupy Wall
SLreeL makes lncome lnequallLy an lssue ln boLh naLlonal [uS] and lnLernaLlonal debaLes, 2011), or Lhe
opening of a dialogue or agreement of an opponent to negotiate (eg. Chiles government agrees to
negoLlaLe wlLh Lhe sLudenL movemenL on SLaLe supporL for educaLlon, 2011). 1hese klnds of
achlevemenLs are especlally dlfflculL boLh Lo ldenLlfy and Lo quanLlfy, Lhey represenL roughly 10 of
achlevemenLs noLed.

8ox 6: Icelands Anthill
ln 2011, Lwo democraLlcally-elecLed governmenLs sLepped down ln Lurope to satisfy markets and were replaced
by non-elecLed LechnocraLlc governmenLs Lasked Lo deal wlLh ausLerlLy and debL. Whlle many have quesLloned Lhe
leglLlmacy of Lhese evenLs ln Creece and lLaly, much can be learnL from Lhe experlence of Lhe small counLry of
lceland. lceland llved for many years on a flnanclal bubble LhaL bursL ln 2008. When Lhe crlsls hlL, lmages of Icelands
people banglng poLs and pans ln fronL of Lhe arllamenL and demandlng Lhe reslgnaLlon of boLh Lhe rlme MlnlsLer
and resldenL of Lhe CenLral 8ank appeared ln medla headllnes all around Lhe worldLhe so-called Kitchenware
Revolution. 1he crlsls had a deep lmpacL on lcelands people, who organlzed Lhemselves Lo creaLe an alLernaLlve Lo
Lhe currenL sysLem wlLh Lhe parLlclpaLlon of all lcelanders. 1hls ls Lhe orlgln of Lhe grassrooLs movemenL known as
The Anthill (No single ant has the same amount of wisdom as the entire anthill). ln november 2009 1he AnLhlll
organlzed Lhe naLlonal Assembly wlLh Lhe parLlclpaLlon of 1200 lcelanders chosen randomly and consldered
represenLaLlve of lcelandlc socleLy (wlLh 300 represenLaLlves of organlzaLlons and lnsLlLuLlons), who were asked Lo
name Lhe values LhaL a new consLlLuLlon should be based upon as well as Lhelr own vision for Icelands future and
posslble ways of acLlon Lo rebuild the countrys economy and society.

lncludlng conLroverslal changes Lo envlronmenLal regulaLlons, lmmlgraLlon law, flsherles managemenL and
LmploymenL lnsurance.
38 | a g e

1he ouLcomes had a huge lmpacL: a naLlonal referendum was held ln March 2010 LhaL allowed clLlzens Lo voLe on
wheLher and how lceland should repay lLs naLlonallzed prlvaLe debL, clalmed by Lhe neLherlands and Lhe unlLed
Kingdom. This was not a sovereign debt issue; private Icelandic banks held 6.7 billion in deposits from 8rlLlsh and
uuLch banks, and when Lhey collapsed, Lhe governmenL declded Lo make Lhls prlvaLe debL publlc. Accordlng Lo Lhe
lMl, Lhe debL was Lhe resulL of prlvaLlzaLlon and deregulaLlon of Lhe banklng secLor, faclllLaLed by easy access Lo
forelgn fundlng, and Lhe growing imbalances were not detected by Icelands flnanclal secLor supervlslon. ln Lhe
referendum, lcelandlc voLers dellvered a resoundlng no (more than 90%) to reimbursemenL Lhe uuLch and 8rlLlsh
banks and Lo Lhe orLhodox pollcles LhaL would have accompanled Lhe debL repaymenL plan. AfLer masslve
lnLernaLlonal pressure, a second referendum was called ln Aprll 2011, lcelanders agaln re[ecLed a proposed
repayment plan. Despite pressures and threats because of Icelands heterodox policiesdebL repudlaLlon, caplLal
conLrols, and currency depreclaLlonlceland ls recoverlng well from Lhe crlsls. lL has regalned access Lo
lnLernaLlonal caplLal markeLs whlle preservlng Lhe welfare of lLs clLlzens, wlLh supporL from Lhe lMl. ln 2012,
lceland credlL raLlng was already much hlgher Lhan LhaL of Creece. lurLhermore, ln March 2012, lceland's former
prlme mlnlsLer wenL on Lrlal for negllgence ln Lhe lcelandlc banklng collapse ln 2008, an example of a counLry
demandlng LhaL lLs pollLlclans respond Lo Lhe publlc lnLeresL and conLrlbuLe Lo a [usL socleLy.

8. kepress|on and Surve|||ance
8epresslon of some klndresulLlng ln arresLs, survelllance, ln[urles and deaLhs due Lo sLaLe-organlzed
vlolencels documenLed ln well over half of Lhe proLesL eplsodes analyzed ln Lhe sLudy, Lhough lL musL
be noLed LhaL some of Lhe reporLed ln[urles/deaLhs are a resulL of crowd vlolence and noL represslon.
8ellable daLa on represslon can be dlfflculL Lo secure from news sources alone, andas wlLh Lhe
deLermlnaLlon of proLesL slzelL ls beyond Lhe scope of Lhls research Lo conducL a speclal analysls of
represslon. Powever, an examlnaLlon of Lhe daLa gaLhered on represslon suggesLs LhaL more research
should be done on whaL appears Lo be a wlde dlsparlLy beLween Lhe Clobal norLh and SouLh ln Lerms of
Lhe represslon of proLesL by auLhorlLles and Lhe coverage of proLesLs ln Lhe news medla. 1hls dlfferenLlal
ln news coverage has mulLlple causes, lncludlng Lhe dlfferenL welghLs (and Lherefore clouL) LhaL counLrles
have within the international economy, the size of a countrys financial markets, and Lhe economlc
lnLeresLs aL sLake. lrom Lhe daLa gaLhered lL seems as Lhough Lhe anLl-ausLerlLy proLesLs ln souLhern
Lurope, whlch have a clear llnk Lo Lhe Luro zone crlsls and lnvolve some of Lhe blgger economles ln Lhe
world, are lnLenslvely covered ln Lhe news medla (ofLen wlLh llve lnformaLlon llnked Lo markeL changes).
Cn Lhe oLher slde, many proLesLs ln counLrles of Lhe Clobal SouLh have a secondary presence ln Lhe
lnLernaLlonal news medla, ofLen even when Lhe number of proLesLers kllled, ln[ured or arresLed ls very
large and are Lherefore only reflecLed ln local and alLernaLlve medla sources.

Cur research also documenLed Lhe rlslng concern wlLh some modes of represslon whlch do noL lmply Lhe
use of physlcal vlolence. 1hls ls whaL !ullan Assange Lermed ln a uecember 4, 2011 press conference Lo
announce Lhe release of WlklLeaks 5py llles, Lhe lnLernaLlonal mass survelllance lndusLry, whlch, he
sald, sells equlpmenL Lo dlcLaLors and democracles allke ln order Lo lnLercepL enLlre populaLlons.

AnnouncemenL ls on Wlklleaks slLe aL hLLp://
39 | a g e

1hese new forms of conLrol are enabled by new laws and arrangemenLs beLween governmenLs, prlvaLe
companles and naLlonal securlLy agencles, and are reporLed ln a number of counLrles (eg. ArgenLlna,
8ulgarla, Chlna, Creece, Pungary, uk, uS).

1able 9 presenLs a summary of proLesLs wlLh a large number of people arresLed, ln[ured or kllled ln 2006-
2013, as reporLed by medla sources. Whlle arresLs are llnked Lo represslon, a number of Lhe ln[urles and
deaLhs may be a resulL of wldespread, vlolenL clashes beLween dlfferenL groups. Accordlng Lo medla
reporLs, Lhe proLesLs LhaL generaLed Lhe mosL arresLs were ln lran, Lhe uk, 8ussla, Chlle, Malaysla, uS,
Canada and Lhen Cameroon, Lhe mosL deaLhs were reporLed ln kyrgyzsLan, LgypL and kenya, Lhe mosL
ln[urles, ln LgypL, 1halland, Algerla and Lhen Pungary.

1ab|e 9. rotests w|th n|gh Numbers of keported Arrests, In[ur|es and Deaths, 2006-2013*
Country ear rotest Gr|evance]Demand Lst|mated No.
keported Arrests
Iran 2009-10 lranlan elecLlon proLesLs 4,000
Uk 2011 London/Lngland 8loLs (Soclal excluslon, unemploymenL, lack of
kuss|a 2011 LlecLoral fraud, agalnsL resldenL uLln 3,000
Ch||e 2011 SLudenL movemenL, agalnsL proposed educaLlon reforms 2,000
Ma|ays|a 2011 AgalnsL Lhe prlvaLlzaLlon of waLer managemenL 1,700
US 2006 May uay labor demonsLraLlons, beLLer [obs, [usLlce for lmmlgranLs 1,200
Canada 2010 AnLl C-20 demonsLraLlons 1,118
Cameroon 2008 lood and fuel prlce rloLs, low llvlng sLandards 1,000
G|oba| 2011 Cccupy demonsLraLlons on 13 CcLober 2011 ln 930 clLles ln 82
counLrles "unlLed for #ClobalChange" demandlng soclal and economlc
[usLlce, real democracy
keported In[ured
Lgypt 2011 Lnd of Lhe 31 year old sLaLe of emergency, deparLure of presldenL
Mubarak, lack of democracy
1ha||and 2010 rlme MlnlsLer AbhlslL Lo sLand down as he dld noL come Lo power
leglLlmally, call for elecLlons
A|ger|a 2010-11 uemocracy, emergency sLaLe law, hlgh food and oll prlces 826
nungary 2006 roLesLs ln Pungary demandlng rlme MlnlsLer reslgnaLlon afLer belng
recorded admlLLlng lles relaLed wlLh Lhe economlc slLuaLlon durlng Lhe
elecLoral campalgn
keported Deaths
kyrgyztan 2010 AgalnsL resldenL 8aklyev's governmenL corrupLlon, hlgh heaLlng cosLs
and llvlng expenses, eLhnlc vlolence
Lgypt 2013 MlllLary coup of !uly 3rd 2013 2,000
kenya 2007-08 CuLrage aL elecLlon resulLs declarlng resldenL klbabl wlnner, oLher
Lgypt 2011 Lnd of Lhe 31 year old sLaLe of emergency, deparLure of resldenL
Mubarak, lack of democracy
Source: Authors analysis of world protests in media sources 2006-2013, *As of !uly 2013

40 | a g e

9. Ma|n o||cy Demands from Wor|d rotesters 2006-2013

lf Lhere ls represslon, whaL are Lhe conLroverslal demands LhaL proLesLers are puLLlng forward? Cur
research ldenLlfles Lhe followlng maln demands of clvll socleLy Lo pollcy-makers, by order of recurrence ln
Lhe number of world proLesLs. 1he llsL of demands ls by no means closed, lL ls a brlef summary of
recurrenL pollcy alLernaLlves ln Lhe 843 proLesL evenLs. 1he ma[orlLy of Lhem are ln full accordance wlLh
unlLed naLlons proposals and Lhe unlversal ueclaraLlon of Puman 8lghLs.

1ab|e 10. Ma|n o||cy Demands by Gr|evance]Issue, 2006-2013*
Gr|evance]Issue Number
Ma|n o||cy Demands
Lack of kea| Democracy 218 ollcymakers musL serve Lhe lnLeresL of all clLlzens (lnsLead of ellLes),
parLlclpaLory/dlrecL democracy
Ant|-IMI-LC8-Wor|d 8ank 164 lnLernaLlonal llnanclal lnsLlLuLlons should noL lnLerfere wlLh naLlonal
developmenL, currenL llls should be closed down and new
lnsLlLuLlons be puL ln place Lo promoLe developmenL for all
Corporate |nf|uence]
149 8enL-seeklng pracLlces should be forbldden, publlc lnsLlLuLlons musL
respond Lo prlorlLles for all clLlzens lnsLead of prlorlLlzlng Lhe prlvaLe
lnLeresLs of corporaLlons, flnanclal and oLher ellLes
Lnv|ronmenta| Iust|ce 144 ollcymakers Lo secure adequaLe LaxaLlon/publlc revenues from
naLural resource exLracLlon, ollcymakers Lo solve confllcLs relaLed Lo
lnfrasLrucLure consLrucLlon wlLh negaLlve soclal and envlronmenLal
exLernallLles, ollcymakers Lo sLop nuclear planLs and use oLher more
envlronmenLally frlendly forms of energy
keform of pub||c serv|ces 143 SLop reforms based on flscal savlngs - Lhe sLaLe Lo guaranLee Lhe
rlghL Lo food, waLer, houslng, healLh, educaLlon, soclal proLecLlon and
resL of human rlghLs
Corrupt|on 142 rosecuLe corrupL pracLlces and ensure pollLlcal and economlc
sysLems LhaL respond Lo clLlzens
1ax]I|sca| Iust|ce 133 lalr Laxes LhaL ralse greaLer revenue from upper lncome groups and
corporaLlons, flghL Lax fraud and evaslon, crack down on Lax havens,
sLop/reverse Lransfers and ball-ouLs Lo Lhe flnanclal secLor and
ausLerlLy measures, lower Laxes/vA1 on baslc producLs LhaL poor
people consume
Iobs, h|gher wages, Labor
133 naLlonal and global crlsls recovery sLraLegles should focus on
employmenL-generaLlng real-economy growLh, ralslng wages, soclal
proLecLlon and llvlng sLandards Lo promoLe naLlonal demand and
soclo-economlc developmenL
Inequa||ty 113 ollcymakers musL puL an end Lo gross economlc lnequallLles as well
as oLher lnequallLles (eg eLhnlclLy/race, gender, eLc) as esLabllshed by
human rlghLs sLandards
41 | a g e

92 MlnorlLy groups are Lo be defended and Lhelr rlghLs preserved, Lhe
exlsLence of an exLernal ma[orlLy should mean relnforclng Lhelr rlghLs,
noL lnfrlnglng on Lhem
Low ||v|ng standards 84 ollcymakers Lo end poverLy and ralse llvlng sLandards lncludlng
k|ght to the Commons 67 Commons are culLural and naLural resources avallable Lo all as a
producL of Lhe efforLs of a whole socleLy and need Lo be wldely
Labor k|ghts 62 ollcymakers Lo proLecL labor rlghLs as fundamenLal Lo soclal
democracy, labor rlghLs Lo allow workers and Lhelr famllles Lo llve ln
Lega| [ust|ce 36 ollcymakers Lo ensure LhaL naLlonal [udlclal sysLems enforce [usLlce
for all, wlLhouL dlscrlmlnaLlon
Agrar|an]|and reform 49 ollcymakers Lo redress lnequallLles ln land ownershlp and land use
Lo allow for decenL lncomes ln rural areas
Women k|ghts 30 Palf of Lhe world populaLlon (women) sLlll lacks baslc rlghLs,
ollcymakers Lo ensure gender equallLy ln pollcy-maklng
Ireedom of assemb|y
43 lreedom of Lhe assembly, press, speech and dlalogue are essenLlal
drlvlng forces of a democracy and musL be sLrongly proLecLed
1ransparency and
42 SLop Lhe formal and lnformal (eg. C20, flnanclal secLor, vesLed
lnLeresLs) lnfluence ln naLlonal pollcy-maklng and ensure LhaL
pollcymakers respond Lo people
Ant|-|mper|a||sm 41 World/reglonal powers musL sLop lnLerference ln naLlonal pollcy-
maklng of weaker naLlons, respecL for naLlonal soverelgnLy, sLop wars
and mlllLary lnLervenLlon
Iue| and energy pr|ces 32 ollcymakers Lo ensure affordable fuel and energy Lo populaLlons,
keeplng equlLable subsldles when necessary
ens|on reform 32 SLop penslon reforms drlven by cosL-savlngs and pressures from
prlvaLe lnsurance, lnsLead focus on old-age lncome securlLy
Ant|-free trade 32 ollcymakers Lo sLop Lhe drlve Lo free Lrade agreemenLs LhaL hlnders
naLlonal producLlve capaclLles and employmenL
Iood pr|ces 29 ollcymakers Lo ensure affordable food Lo populaLlons
nous|ng 28 ollcymakers Lo ensure Lhe rlghL Lo a decenL home and sLop evlcLlons
C|t|zen Surve|||ance 27 SLop survelllance/spylng on clLlzens and resLrlcLlng Lhe lnLerneL
Governance of the G|oba|
23 Lnsure good governance/sLewardshlp of Lhe global commons eg.
lnLerneL, cllmaLe, blodlverslLy
LG81 k|ghts 23 Lnsure lesblan, gay, blsexual and Lransgendered rlghLs, sexual
42 | a g e

orlenLaLlon ls a personal cholce LhaL musL be Lhe sole declslon of Lhe
person lnvolved wlLhouL exLernal coerclon
ke||g|ous Issues 22 8ellglous freedom needs Lo be guaranLeed ln lLs varlous expresslons
20 Lnforce peace, sLop wars and mlllLary lnLervenLlon, renL-seeklng
pracLlces by Lhe mlllLary-lndusLrlal complex musL be forbldden
Den|a| of k|ghts 13 1hls caLegory refers Lo conservaLlve ma[orlLles opposlng Lhe rlghLs of
mlnorlLles (eg sexually sLralghL agalnsL gay rlghLs, rellglous agalnsL
womens abortion, nationals against migrants rights)
Imm|grant k|ghts 13 romoLe lmmlgranL rlghLs and beLLer condlLlons of llvlng
r|soner k|ghts 11 Puman rlghLs are Lo be equally enforced for prlsoners
Sovere|gnty 11 ollcy-maklng Lo focus on naLlonal lnLeresL
Ant|-G20 9 1he C20 (or Lhe C8) are non-leglLlmaLe and non-democraLlc
organlzaLlons LhaL should noL seL pollcles LhaL lnLerfere wlLh naLlonal
Source: Authors analysis of world protests in media sources 2006-2013, *As of !uly 2013

10. Conc|us|on
ln summary, Lhls sLudy flnds LhaL beLween 2006 and 2013 ouLrage and dlsconLenL expressed ln proLesL ls
increasing worldwide. The grievances and demands driving the worlds protests cluster into one of four
maln caLegorles: economlc [usLlce/anLl-ausLerlLy, fallure of pollLlcal represenLaLlon and pollLlcal sysLems,
global [usLlce, and rlghLs. 1he leadlng cause of rlslng proLesLs ls a clusLer of grlevances relaLed Lo
economlc [usLlce and agalnsL ausLerlLy pollcles LhaL lnclude demands Lo reform publlc servlces and
penslons, creaLe good [obs and beLLer labor condlLlons, make Lax collecLlon and flscal spendlng
progresslve, reduce or ellmlnaLe lnequallLy, allevlaLe low-llvlng sLandards, enacL land reform, and ensure
affordable food, energy and houslng.

AlLhough Lhe breadLh of demand for economlc [usLlce ls of serlous consequence, Lhe mosL soberlng
flndlng of Lhe sLudy ls Lhe overwhelmlng demand, noL for economlc [usLlce pet se, buL for whaL prevenLs
economlc lssues from belng addressed: a lack of real democracy. undersLood as Lhe call for a socleLy and
a world ln whlch people are able Lo parLlclpaLe ln declslons affecLlng Lhelr dally llvesand ln whlch boLh
Lhe beneflLs and prlnclples of democracy (eg. freedom, equallLy/[usLlce and solldarlLy) are experlenced ln
dally llfe as wellLhls demand and Lhe crlsls of pollLlcal represenLaLlon lL expresses ls comlng from every
klnd of pollLlcal sysLem. noL only auLhorlLarlan governmenLs buL also represenLaLlve democracles boLh
old and new are falllng Lo llsLen Lo or represenL Lhe needs and vlews of ordlnary people, and people are
lncreaslngly respondlng ln proLesL.

ln llne wlLh Lhe worldwlde yearnlng for real democracy, mlddle-class proLesLers of all agesfrom
sLudenLs Lo reLlred penslonersare lncreaslngly [olnlng acLlvlsLs from all klnds of movemenLs, noL only ln
43 | a g e

marches and rallles, buL ln a new framework of proLesL LhaL lncludes clvll dlsobedlence and dlrecL acLlons
such as road blockages, occupaLlons of clLy sLreeLs and squares, and mass educaLlonal evenLs and
happenings Lo ralse awareness abouL lssues llke debL, falr LaxaLlon and lnequallLy. 1he LargeL of mosL
proLesLs ls Lhe naLlonal governmenL ln Lhe counLry where Lhe proLesL occurs, buL many proLesLs also
expllclLly denounce Lhe lnLernaLlonal pollLlcal and economlc sysLem, Lhe lnfluence of corporaLlons and Lhe
prlvllege of ellLes. A large number of proLesLs agalnsL ausLerlLy lmpllcaLe Lhe lnLernaLlonal MoneLary lund
and Lhe Luropean CenLral 8ank, whlch are wldely percelved as Lhe chlef archlLecLs and advocaLes of

1he sLudy flnds a correlaLlon beLween hlgher counLry lncome levels and a hlgher lncldence of proLesLs as
recorded ln malnsLream and lnLernaLlonal medla accounLs, alLhough Lhe ma[orlLy of vlolenL proLesLs and
rloLs are ln Lhe reglon of Sub-Saharan Afrlca and ln low-lncome counLrles. A sharp rlse ln Lhe number of
rloLs ln 2008 aLLesLs Lo Lhe anger and desperaLlon caused by food-prlce and energy-prlce splkes ln Lhose
counLrles. noL only rloLs buL more Lhan half of all proLesLs experlence some sorL of represslon ln Lerms of
arresLs, ln[urles or deaLhs aL Lhe hands of auLhorlLles, or subsequenL survelllance of suspecLed proLesLers
and groups. 8ullL upon decades of rlslng lnequallLles and decreaslng opporLunlLles for decenL work
(especlally for youLh) and full engagemenL ln socleLy, Lhe world slLuaLlon [usL descrlbed has become Lhe
sLaLus quo for ma[orlLles of people ln counLrles around Lhe world.

1he seL of pollcles needed aL Lhe naLlonal and global levels Lo begln Lo address Lhe grlevances descrlbed
ln Lhls paperwhlch are so numerous and lnLer-relaLed LhaL Lhey are exceedlng Lhe capaclLy of exlsLlng
pollLlcal arrangemenLs Lo deal wlLh Lhem ln a peaceful, [usL and orderly waycross over vlrLually every
area of publlc pollcy. Meanlngful acLlon wlll have Lo address demands relaLed Lo soclal proLecLlon,
educaLlon and healLh, labor markeL lnsLlLuLlons, land and agrarlan reform, LaxaLlon and flscal
expendlLures, cllmaLe change, lndusLrlal pollcy, moneLary and Lrade pollcy, soverelgn debL resLrucLurlng,
lnLernaLlonal Lax cooperaLlon, flnanclal and macroeconomlc regulaLlon and supervlslon, susLalnable
developmenL, food- and waLer-securlLy, houslng, envlronmenLal proLecLlon, equal proLecLlon under Lhe
law, access Lo affordable energy, publlc servlces, peace and securlLy, Lhe global Commons and surely
oLhers as well. Powever, any such pollcy reforms wlll be lnsufflclenL lf governmenLs fall Lo flrsL guaranLee
democraLlc parLlclpaLlon and curLall Lhe power of ellLesnoL only ln local and naLlonal governmenLs buL
ln Lhe lnsLlLuLlons of global governance as well.

CovernmenLs need Lo llsLen Lo Lhe messages comlng from proLesLers and proLesLs, wheLher Lhese are
arLlculaLe or communlcaLe only Lhrough frusLraLlon and vlolence. A real LransformaLlon ls requlred
beyond Lhe calls for policy shifts and transformational change, which are by now sLandard buzz-words
of the worlds governments and intergovernmental organizations. Leaders, pollcymakers and advlsors wlll
only lnvlLe furLher unresL lf Lhey fall Lo prlorlLlze and act on the one demand raised in more of the worlds
proLesLs beLween 2006 and 2013 Lhan any oLherLhe demand for real democracy.

44 | a g e

Ma|n keferences

lLC. 2013. Clobol mploymeot 1teoJs 201J: kecovetloq ftom o 5ecooJ Iobs ulp. Ceneva: lLC.
_____. 2012. wotlJ of wotk kepott 2012. 8ettet Iobs fot o 8ettet cooomy. Ceneva: lnLernaLlonal Labour
klandermans, 8. and S. SLaggenborn (eds.). 2002. MetboJs of 5oclol Movemeot keseotcb. Mlnneapolls:
unlverslLy of MlnnesoLa ress.

Leakey, C. 1be Clobol Noovloleot Actloo uotobose. hLLp:// hlladelphla:
SwarLhmore College. (accessed !uly 2013).

LeeLaru, k. and . SchrodL. (2013). Cul1. Clobol uoto oo veots, looqooqe, ooJ 1ooe, 1979-2012.
lnLernaLlonal SLudles AssoclaLlon Annual Conference, Aprll 2013. San ulego, CA.
CrLlz, l. and M. Cummlns. 2013. 1be Aqe of Aostetlty. A kevlew of lobllc xpeoJltotes ooJ AJjostmeot
Meosotes lo 181 cooottles. new ?ork and Ceneva: lnlLlaLlve for ollcy ulalogue and Lhe SouLh
_____. 2012. A kecovety fot All. ketblokloq 5oclo-cooomlc lollcles fot cbllJteo ooJ loot noosebolJs.
new ?ork: unlCLl ollcy and racLlce.
uschra, W. and S. 8urke 8urke (eds.). 2013. 1be lotote we tbe leople NeeJ. volces ftom New 5oclol
Movemeots lo Nottb Aftlco, MlJJle ost, otope & Nottb Ametlco. new ?ork: lrledrlch LberL

8anclere, !. 2006. notteJ of uemoctocy. 1ranslaLlon: Corcoran, SLeve. 2006. London: verso.

Schlffrln, A. and L. klrcher-Allen. 2012. ltom colto to woll 5tteet. volces ftom tbe Clobol 5ptloq. new
?ork: 1he new ress.

Sharp, C. 1973. 1be lolltlcs of Noovloleot Actloo, vol. 2. 1be MetboJs of Noovloleot Actloo. 8osLon:
Porter Sargent Publishers, 1973. Summary available at 198 MeLhods of nonvlolenL AcLlon.
8osLon: AlberL LlnsLeln lnsLlLuLlon.

unlLed naLlons. 2013a. wotlJ cooomlc 5ltootloo ooJ ltospects 201J. new ?ork: unlLed naLlons.
_____. 2009. kepott of tbe commlssloo of xpetts of tbe lteslJeot of tbe uolteJ Notloos Ceoetol
Assembly oo kefotms of tbe lotetootloool Mooetoty ooJ lloooclol 5ystem. new ?ork: unlLed

43 | a g e

Comp|ete L|st of Med|a Sources Consu|ted

2 oceansvlbe radlo
20 MlnuLos
99 geL smarL
A8S-C8n news
A8C news
Afrlca 8enewal
Afrlca 8evlew
Afrlcan ArgumenLs
Afrlcan luLures
Al Akhbar
Al !azeera
All Afrlca
All volces
Al MonlLor
Amazon WaLch
AmnesLy lnLernaLlonal
Anarchy Llbrary
AnLena 3
AnLl uefamaLlon League
AnLlgua Cbserver
Arablan 8uslness
ArLlculaao Semlrldo
Asahl Shlmbun
Asamblea naclonal de
AfecLados AmblenLales
Asla 1lmes
Aslan CorrespondenL
Aslan lood Worker
Asoclacln de usuarlos de
8ancos, Ca[as y Seguros
AssoclaLed ress
Assoclazlone nazlonale
Comunl lLallanl
AusLrallan 8roadcasLlng
8elfasL 1elegraph
8erazneva, !ulla , Lee, uavld
R. Explaining the African
lood 8loLs of 2007-2008: an
empirical analysis
8erne ueclaraLlon
8urma 8lvers neLwork
8uslness ually Afrlca
8uslness lnslder
8uslness Mlrror
8uslness news
Cadena SL8
Cameroon lnfo
Camp for CllmaLe AcLlon
Canadlan ress
CaplLal lM
Carlbbean 360
C8C news
CenLer for ConsLlLuLlonal
Chlna ually
Comlslones Cbreras
Comit pour lAnnulation de
la ueLLe du 1lers Monde
Common ureams
CompuLer Weekly
Conde nasL 1raveler
Confederaao Ceral dos
1rabalhadores orLugueses
Confederaao unlLarla do
Coordlnadora 23S
Copenhagen osL
CS MonlLor
CSL! !amalca
46 | a g e

Cupula dos ovos
ually kos
ually Maverlck
ually news
ually SLar
ually 1lmes of nlgerla
uebL and uevelopmenL
CoallLlon lreland
uel lrono
uemocracla 8eal ?a
uemocracy now
uemocraLlc underground
ueuLsche Welle
ularlo de noLlclas orLugal
ularlo Llbre
ulglLal !ournal
ulplomaLlc cables
uown Lo LarLh
LarLh Works AcLlon
Lconomlc 1lmes
Ll Colomblano
Ll Comerclo
Ll Confldenclal
Ll LconomlsLa
Ll Lspe[o ularlo
Ll LxpecLador
Ll Correo Callego
Ll Mlrador
Ll Mundo
Ll als
Ll opular
Ll 1lempo
Ll unlversal
LlecLronlc lronLler
Ln Lucha
LnvlronmenLal !usLlce
CrganlsaLlons, LlablllLles and
Lpoch 1lmes
Lu 8uslness
Lu 1lmes
Luropa ress
Luropean 1rade unlon
lalun Cong
llnanclal Lxpress
llnanclal 1lmes
lleLcher lorum
lolha de Sao aulo
lorelgn ollcy
lox news
lrance 2
lrance 24
lrance 3
lree Alwelwel
lree Malaysla 1oday
lree 8epubllc
lreedom Pouse
lronLllne uefenders
Calway lM
Ceneraao a rascal
Ceneral ConfederaLlon of
Creek Workers
Chana Web
Clobal Legal MonlLor
Clobal osL
Clobal 8esearch
Clobal unlons
Clobal volces
Cosnews ru
Creen Luropean loundaLlon
Creen LefL
Cuelph Mercury
PlndusLan 1lmes
Plspan 1v
47 | a g e

PufflngLon osL
Puman 8lghLs WaLch
Pungarlan Amblance
PurrlyeL ually news
lndlan 1lmes
lndusLrlal Workers of Lhe
lnfo Llbre
lnLegral Leadershlp 8evlew
lnLer ress Servlce
lnLeraslan SolldarlLy
lnLernaLlonal Cay and Lesblan
Puman 8lghLs MovemenL
lnLernaLlonal 8uslness 1lmes
lnLernaLlonal ClLlzen deb
AudlL neLwork
lnLernaLlonal ConfederaLlon
of 1rade unlons
lnLernaLlonal Perald 1rlbune
lnLernaLlonal SoclallsL
lnLernaLlonal vlewpolnL
lnLo Lhe flre
lCL news
l Medla
lrlsh Congress of 1rade
lrlsh Lxamlner
lslam Web
lsrael naLlonal news
!akarLa Clobe
!akarLa osL
!amalca Cbserver
!amhurl Medla
!apan ually ress
!apan updaLe
!erusalem osL
!eune Afrlca
!ewlsh 1elegraphlc Agency
!ournallsL for uemocracy ln
Srl Lanka
!ubllee uebL Campalgn
korea 1lmes
kylv osL
La !ornada
La Marea
La nacln
La rlmera de uebla
La 8azn
La 8epubllca
La 8eslsLencla
La 1rlbune de Madagascar
La vanguardla
Lanzhou Mornlng
Le llgaro
Le MaLln
Le Monde
Le Monde ulplomaLlque
Le arlslen
Le olnL
Le Solr
Le Soir dAlgerie
Legal MonlLor
LeheL ms a pollLlka
Llfe slLe news
Llgas Mayores
London School of Lconomlcs
Los Andes
Los Angeles 1lmes
Los 1lempos
Maan news Agency
Macau news
Mall onllne
Malaysla SLar
Mapa de ConfllcLos mlneros
March for AlLernaLlves
Marea Cludadana
Marea Croga
Marea verde
48 | a g e

Mlnes and communlLles
Mnl Allve
Modern Chana
MoLher !ones
MovlmenLo dos ALlngldos por
MovlmenLo Sem 1erra
MovlmlenLo LsLudlanLes Chlle
naLlonal Mlrror
naLlonal ubllc 8roadcasLlng
naLlonal ubllc 8adlo
new Lurope
new lnLernaLlonallsL
new Macau AssoclaLlon
new Zlmbabwe
news 24
news ually
news of lceland
nlcaraguan 8eporL
no Mlne
no 1Av
nonvlolenL acLlon daLabase
norLh SLar
noLlcla CrlsLlana
noLlclas lA
nouvel CbservaLeur
Cakland Local
Cccupy webslLes
Cnly ln !amalca
Cpen uemocracy
CLra rensa
ak 1ea Pouse
an Afrlcan
arLldo ComunlsLa do
8S newshour
Peoples Daily Online
erlodlsmo Pumano
eru 21
Pfaffe, Peter A Protest Event
Analysis of Souths Africa
Rebellion of the Poor
hlllpplne ually lnqulrer
hlllpplne SLar
lraLe arLy
laLaforma AfecLados
laLaforma AudlLorla
Cludadana de la ueuda
laLaforma Cldadanla
ollcy AlLernaLlves
ollLlcs Pu
ower and World ollLlcs
recarlos lnflexlvels
rensa Llbre
ress 1v
roLesLs ln Pungary
ubllc 8roadcasLlng Servlce
uL eople flrsL
Cue se llxe a Lrolka
8addlr llsklns
8adlo lree Asla
8adlo lree Lurope
8adlo lree LlberLy
8adlo neLherlands
8adlo Ckapl
8adlo rogramas del eru
8edlff lndla
8eslsLencla Com
8obln Pood 1ax Campalgn
8ome 1oday
49 | a g e

81L news
8Lv 8omanla
SA8C news
Sanahl Cnllne
Schneider, Mindi We are
SeaLLle 1lmes
Servlces, lndusLrlal,
rofesslonal and 1echnlcal
SlndlcaLo unlLarlo de
1raba[adores en la Lducacln
del eru
Sky news
SlaLe Afrlque
SlaLe Magazlne
Soclal Sclence 8esearch
SoclallsL Worker
Sofla Clobe
Somos Sur
SCS Palkldlkl
SouLh Afrlcan 8roadcasLlng
SouLh Afrlcan Clvll SocleLy
lnformaLlon Servlce
SouLh Asla Mornlng SLar
SouLh Chlna Mornlng osL
Spero news
SLandard ulglLal news kenya
SLars and SLrlpes
SLralL 1lmes
Sudan 1rlbune
SuddeuLsche ZelLung
Sydney Mornlng Perald
1alpel 1lmes
1ake Lhe square
1e lnLeresa
1he Age
1he ALlanLlc
1he ArgenLlnlan lndependenL
1he AusLrallan
1he ChrlsLlan Sclence
1he Chronlcle
1he ually 1elegraph
1he lree Speech 8log
1he Cleaner
1he Clobe and Mall
1he Cuardlan
1he lndependenL
1he lraLe Creed
1he naLlon
1he new ?ork 1lmes
1he news aklsLan
1he CLher 8ussla
1he orLugal news
1he rogresslve
1he 8eal news
1he 8ey[klavlk Crapevlnes
1he 8lo 1lmes
1he SalnL eLersburg 1lmes
1he SLandard
1he SLar
1he Wall SLreeL !ournal
1he WashlngLon osL
1hlnk Afrlca
1lempo ArgenLlna
1lmes of lndla
1lme World
Todays Zaman
1oronLo Clobal and Mall
1ransnaLlonal lnsLlLuLe
u8un1u lorum
uhuru news
30 | a g e

uk uncuL
ulLlmas noLlclas
unln Ceneral de
unlLed ress
unlversal Cargo
unlverslLy World news
uS ueparLmenL of SLaLe
uS news
uSA 1oday
vla Campeslna
vlslL Creece
volce of Amerlca Lngllsh
volce of Congo
Warsaw 8uslness !ournal
Workers World
World Soclal lorum
World SoclallsL Web SlLe
?emen osL
?emen 1lmes
?url LeveraLLo
Zacks lnvesLmenL

31 | a g e

Annex 1: Ma|n Wor|d rotest Lp|sodes 2006-2013

Start Lnd Country Ma|n Gr|evance]Demand Methods of rotest Ma|n Cpponent
01/06 01/06 SouLh Afrlca
SLop Lhe consLrucLlon of a mulLl fuel burner ln SouLh
uurban by Lhe paper company Mondl
roLesL assemblles, formal
declaraLlons, legal / elecLoral
redress, clvll dlsobedlence /
dlrecL acLlon, proLesL sLunLs
CovernmenL, World 8ank,
corporaLlons / employers

01/06 01/06
roLesLs agalnsL Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of a pollcy Lo
reduce penslons and healLhcare proLecLlon for publlc
employees ln n?
SLrlkes, formal sLaLemenLs CovernmenL (local)
01/06 02/06 Clobal
Clobal proLesL agalnsL WesLern and uS lmperlallsm, Lhe
wars ln lraq and AfghanlsLan and Lhe publlcaLlon of
ropheL Allah's carLoons
roLesL assemblles, proLesL
sLunLs, desLrucLlon of properLy
Lu, uSA, mlllLary / pollce 200 kllled
01/06 12/06 aklsLan
8eform naLlonal rape and sex laws whlch undermlne
women's rlghLs
lormal sLaLemenLs, educaLlonal
acLlons, proLesL assemblles
CovernmenL, soclal group
01/06 01/07 SouLh Afrlca
AgalnsL admlnlsLraLlve reallocaLlon of Lhe provlnce of
CauLeng Lo a norLh-WesL provlnce
8lockades CovernmenL
13 arresLs,
01/06 01/07
SLop Lhe war ln lraq and AfghanlsLan
CccupaLlons, proLesL assemblles,
educaLlonal acLlons
MlllLary / pollce ArresLs
01/06 03/07 SouLh korea
SLop land grabblng for uS mlllLary purposes and Lhe
mlllLary relaLlon beLween Lhe Lwo counLrles
Punger sLrlkes, proLesL
assemblles, marches
uSA, mlllLary / pollce,
ollce vlolence
01/06 12/07
CreaLe publlc houslng ln new Crleans whose rebulldlng
afLer Purrlcane kaLrlna was prlvaLlzed
CccupaLlons, clvll dlsobedlence /
dlrecL acLlon, proLesL assemblles,
CorrupL pollLlcal / economlc
sysLem, corporaLlons /
ArresLs, pollce
01/06 01/08
uemands clalmlng Lhe lndependence from Morocco roLesL assemblles, vlolence
CovernmenL, corrupL pollLlcal
/ economlc sysLem
ArresLs, LorLure,
pollce vlolence
01/06 12/08
CreaLe an lndependenL lnvesLlgaLlon ln kaLrlna's crlsls
managemenL by Lhe governmenL (economlc and raclal
ln[usLlce) and clalms ln favor of [obs, houslng and publlc
servlces ln new Crleans
CccupaLlons, proLesL assemblles
CovernmenL, governmenL
01/06 08/10 ArgenLlna
SLop paper mlll consLrucLlon on Lhe border of ArgenLlna
and uruguay and creaLlon of an envlronmenLal
CccupaLlons, blockades,
marches, proLesL assemblles
CorporaLlons / employers,
ollce vlolence
01/06 09/10
SLop Lhe survelllance of clLlzens-proLesLors, enforcemenL
of Lhe Pandschu agreemenL, leglslaLe ln order Lo proLecL
whlsLleblowers and agalnsL Lhe legal lmmunlLy for
corporaLlons on daLa gaLherlng
WhlsLleblowlng/leaks, lnLerneL
acLlvlsm, clvll dlsobedlence /
dlrecL acLlon, hacklng
MlllLary / pollce, corrupL
pollLlcal / economlc sysLem
new laws
32 | a g e

Start Lnd Country Ma|n Gr|evance]Demand Methods of rotest Ma|n Cpponent
01/06 12/10
AgalnsL Lhe aLLacks Lo weaken or desLroy unlon's and
workers' rlghLs ln dlfferenL secLors
SLrlkes, occupaLlons, proLesL
assemblles, clvll dlsobedlence /
dlrecL acLlon
ollLlcal parLy / group, ellLes
new laws,
01/06 01/11 ArgenLlna
SLop Lhe gold mlne ln veladero owned by Lhe 8arrlck
Cold Corp. and creaLe an envlronmenLal assessmenL
Marches, proLesL assemblles,
CorporaLlons / employers
01/06 08/12 Mexlco
SLop Lhe consLrucLlon of Lhe dam "La aroLa" and Lhe
land grabblngs llnked Lo lL
Marches CovernmenL 3 kllled
01/06 07/13 lndla SLop Lhe osco sLeel pro[ecL ln Lhe sLaLe of Cdlsha CccupaLlons, proLesL assemblles
CovernmenL, corporaLlons /
4 kllled, 1000
01/06 Cngolng 8razll
SLop Lhe 8elo MonLe dam consLrucLlon ln ar and
defense and respecL of lndlgenous rlghLs
CccupaLlon, blockades, celebrlLy
CovernmenL, corporaLlons /
01/06 Cngolng 8razll
Campalgn and soclal movemenL Lo defend Lhe rlghLs of
Lhe people dlsplaced due Lo a dam consLrucLlon and
proLecLlon of Lhe common goods (waLer and energy)
roLesL assemblles
CovernmenL, corporaLlons /

01/06 Cngolng 8razll
Land reform and land rlghL Lo beneflL Lhose local workers
who have been worklng on lL lnsLead of Lhe defence of
landowners as a condlLlon Lo creaLe a more solldar
socleLy (MovlmenLo dos 1rabalhadores rurals sem 1erra)
Marches, hunger sLrlkes,
LllLes 1 kllled
01/06 Cngolng 8razll
Campalgn and pro[ecL (ArLlculaao Semlarldo 8rasllelro)
for Lhe provlslon of publlc waLer ln remoLe/dry areas
Lhrough cheap Lechnology and break Lhe monopoly of
access Lo naLural resources
MuLual ald
CovernmenL, corrupL pollLlcal
/ economlc sysLem

01/06 Cngolng Chlna
larmers demandlng Lhe governmenL Lo sLop land
conflscaLlon and beLLer compensaLlon for grabbed lands
8lockades, vlolence, marches,
ollce vlolence,
lawsulL, ln[ured
01/06 Cngolng Clobal
AgalnsL Lhe Lconomlc arLnershlp AgreemenLs wlLh Lhe
Luropean unlon and Afrlcan counLrles and Lhe pro-Lrade
Marches, proLesL assemblles lree Lrade, Lu new laws
01/06 Cngolng Clobal
ollLlcal parLy (lraLe arLy) wlLh presence ln more Lhan
60 counLrles ln defense of rlghLs and freedom of
lndlvlduals, parLlclpaLlve democracy, free and neuLral
neLwork and updaLe of paLenLs and copyrlghLs laws
lorm new pollLlcal
parLy/movemenL, clvll
dlsobedlence / dlrecL acLlon,
hacklng, whlsLleblowlng/leaks,
lnLerneL acLlvlsm
CovernmenL, governmenL
(local), corporaLlons /
employers, corrupL pollLlcal /
economlc sysLem, ellLes

01/06 Cngolng lreland
uebL and uevelopmenL CoallLlon ln lreland, wlLh more
Lhan 80 nCCs ln lL, campalnlng and demandlng Lhe
cancellaLlon of llleglLlmaLe debLs and denounclng Lhe
role of flnanclal secLor and llls
Marches, proLesL assemblles,
educaLlonal acLlons
lMl, LC8, Lu, governmenL,
flnance, corrupL pollLlcal /
economlc sysLem

33 | a g e

Start Lnd Country Ma|n Gr|evance]Demand Methods of rotest Ma|n Cpponent
01/06 Cngolng lLaly
Campalgn (no 1Av 1orlno) agalnsL Lhe consLrucLlon of a
hlgh-speed Lraln beLween Lyon and 1urln whlch would
cross Lhe Susa valley
SLrlkes, formal sLaLemenLs,
blockades, occupaLlons
CovernmenL, Lu, corporaLlons
/ employers
ArresLs, ln[ured
01/06 Cngolng lLaly
Campalgn and soclal movemenL agalnsL Lhe corrupLlon
and Lhe Mafla role whlle educaLlng ln favor of legallLy
LducaLlonal acLlons, marches
CovernmenL, corrupL pollLlcal
/ economlc sysLem, ellLes

01/06 Cngolng Mexlco
"unln vendedores 28 de CcLubre" ln defense of vendor
rlghLs and demandlng decenL places Lo sell and dlgnlLy
CovernmenL, corporaLlons /
ArresLs, new
01/06 Cngolng Morocco ?oung [obless graduaLes rlghL Lo work and organlze roLesL assemblles CovernmenL, lMl
1 kllled, arresLs,
LorLure, pollce
01/06 Cngolng vleLnam
Workers rlghL Lo unlonlze lndependenLly from Lhe
reglme and demandlng beLLer worklng condlLlons
SLrlkes, formal sLaLemenLs
CovernmenL, corporaLlons /
ArresLs, LorLure
02/06 Cngolng Canada
uphold hlsLorlcal LreaLles for lndlgenous land rlghL and
use ln naLlve reserves all over Lhe counLry
CccupaLlons, blockades, general
assemblles, proLesL assemblles
CovernmenL, corporaLlons /

02/06 04/06 lrance
AgalnsL Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of a new labor conLracL law
deregulaLlng, speclflcally, youLh conLracLs
CccupaLlons, marches CovernmenL ollce vlolence
03/06 03/06
Campalgn and demonsLraLlon across Lhe uS demandlng
[usLlce for lmmlgranLs culmlnaLlng ln masslve naLlonal
marches on May 1sL
Marches, proLesL assemblles, clvll
dlsobedlence / dlrecL acLlon,
formal sLaLemenLs, nolsemaklng,
pollLlcal sLunLs
ollLlcal parLy / group,
1200 arresLs
04/06 04/06 nepal
CoalllLlon of pollLlcal parLles demandlng Lhe end of Lhe
rule of klng Cyanendra, a new consLlLuLlon and Lhe
"reLurn" of Lhe arllamenL
SLrlkes, formal sLaLemenLs
ollLlcal parLy / group, mlllLary
/ pollce
130 ln[ured
04/06 03/06 lndla
roLesLs of youLh and professlonals agalnsL Lhe
reservaLlon blll, whlch would mean more quoLas Lo
lower casLes ln hlgher educaLlon
SLrlkes, formal sLaLemenLs, self-
lnfllcLed vlolence, proLesL
CovernmenL, ellLes, corrupL
pollLlcal / economlc sysLem
ollce vlolence
04/06 04/06 LgypL
!udges ln favour of Lhe lndependence of [usLlce from Lhe
CccupaLlons CovernmenL
LorLure, 13
03/06 03/06 Clobal
May 1sL, lnLernaLlonal Workers' uay, wlLh workers
demandlng more and beLLer [obs, lmprovemenL of
worklng condlLlons, soclal proLecLlon, agalnsL labor
flexlblllzaLlon (Lurope) and mlgranLs rlghLs (uS)
Marches, proLesL assemblles
CovernmenL, corporaLlons /
employers, corrupL pollLlcal /
economlc sysLem, ellLes, free

03/06 08/06 lndonesla
roLesLs due Lo soclal excluslon of locals ln favor of
Chlnese populaLlon, whlch resulLed ln rloLs
vlolence LllLes, soclal groups
34 | a g e

Start Lnd Country Ma|n Gr|evance]Demand Methods of rotest Ma|n Cpponent
03/06 03/06 Mexlco
vlolenL deploymenL ln fronL of Salvador de ALenco's
MarkeL of flowers vendors and deLenLlon of many of
8lockades, muLual ald CovernmenL (local)
2 kllled, 290
03/06 11/06 Mexlco LducaLlon confllcL ln Caxaca
SLrlkes, formal sLaLemenLs,
blockades, occupaLlons
CovernmenL (local)
7 kllled, 100
arresLs, pollce
vlolence, new
03/06 06/06 ukralne
ro 8usslan proLesLs agalnsL nA1C maneuvers ln Crlmea
and demandlng Lhe deploymenL of nA1C Lroops
Marches, proLesL assemblles,
MlllLary / pollce, uSA, Lu vlolence
06/06 12/10 8usla
CoallLlon proLesLlng agalnsL uLln ln face of uecember
elecLlons, demandlng Lhe end of corrupLlons and free
CorrupL pollLlcal / economlc
sysLem, pollLlcal parLy / group,
06/06 06/06 Chana
unreallzed promlse of employmenL by newmonL mlnlng
company (produclng gold ln Lhe Ahafo mlne), whlch had
promlsed LhaL 30 of lLs employer would be youLh locals
roLesL assemblles CorporaLlons / employers
76 ln[ured,
pollce vlolence
07/06 08/06 Clobal Lnd of Lhe aggresslon of lsrael ln Lebanon and alesLlne Marches, proLesL assemblles
MlllLary / pollce, uSA,

07/06 12/11 SouLh korea AgalnsL Lhe free-Lrade agreemenL wlLh Lhe uS
roLesL assemblles, marches, clvll
dlsobedlence / dlrecL acLlon
lree Lrade, uSA, governmenL
ArresLs, pollce
07/06 07/13 Chlna
roLesLs ln Pong kong on Lhe 1sL of !uly (Lhe day LhaL lLs
soverelgnLy was Lransfered from Lhe uk Lo Chlna)
demandlng democracy and economlc and soclal [usLlce
roLesL assemblles, occupaLlons,
Chlna, governmenL, corrupL
pollLlcal / economlc sysLem
228 arresLs
08/06 09/08 lran
uemands by varlous women's acLlvlsLs groups for Lhe
ellmlnaLlon of lnequallLy beLween men and women ln
fronL of Lhe law
eLlLlon drlve
CovernmenL, rellglous
ArresLs, pollce
08/06 Cngolng uk
Campalgn (Camp for CllmaLe AcLlon) demandlng Lhe
governmenL Lo Lake responslble acLlon agalnsL cllmaLe
roLesL assemblles, clvll
dlsobedlence / dlrecL acLlon,
general assemblles, pollLlcal
CorporaLlons / employers,
corrupL pollLlcal / economlc
sysLem, governmenL

09/06 09/06 Llbya AgalnsL Lhe rule of Muammar Caddafl uesLrucLlon of properLy, vlolence
CorrupL pollLlcal / economlc

09/06 10/06 Chana
Campalgn by Lhe Leacher's Lrade unlons demandlng
hlgher wages for publlc Leachers
SLrlkes, formal sLaLemenLs CovernmenL new laws
09/06 09/07 Clobal
Clobal campalgn denounclng and demandlng Lhe end of
Lhe humanlLarlan slLuaLlon and massacre ln uarfur
Marches, proLesL assemblles
MlllLary / pollce, corrupL
pollLlcal / economlc sysLem

33 | a g e

Start Lnd Country Ma|n Gr|evance]Demand Methods of rotest Ma|n Cpponent
09/06 10/06 Pungary
roLesLs and demands of rlme MlnlsLer's reslgnaLlon ln
llghL of hls recognlLlon of havlng lled ln order Lo wln Lhe
CccupaLlon,s marches, vlolence
CovernmenL, pollLlcal parLy /
100 arresLs, 800
10/06 10/06 8ollvla
roLesLs of prlsloners demandlng beLLer llvlng condlLlons
ln 8ollvlan [alls
Punger sLrlkes, self-lnfllcLed
vlolence, clvll dlsobedlence /
dlrecL acLlon
10/06 10/06 Clobal
roLesLs durlng Lhe World 8ank Croup and lMl Annual
Marches, educaLlonal acLlons,
proLesL assemblles
World 8ank, lMl, uSA, Lu Lxpulslon
10/06 03/07 nlgerla
AgalnsL Lhe envlronmenLal degradaLlon of Lhe nlger
uelLa (whlch holds Lhe mosL lmporLanL nlgerlan oll
reserves) due Lo oll exLracLlon and demandlng a share of
oll revenues Lo serve local people lnsLead of [usL
governmenL and prlvaLe companles
CccupaLlons, blockades, vlolence
CovernmenL, corporaLlons /
employers, ellLes, corrupL
pollLlcal / economlc sysLem

10/06 06/07 8ollvla
Mlnlng proLesLs demandlng Lhe naLlonallzaLlon of mlnes
lnsLead of lncreaslng Laxes and Lhe lmprovemenL of
worklng condlLlons
SLrlkes, formal sLaLemenLs,
proLesL assemblles, vlolence,
blockades, desLrucLlon of
CovernmenL, corporaLlons /
13 kllled, ln[ured
11/06 11/06 1urkey uemonsLraLlons agalnsL ope's 8enedlcL xvl vlslL Marches, proLesL assemblles
CovernmenL, rellglous

11/06 12/06 lndla LquallLy and dlgnlLy for all regardless of casLes
vlolence, desLrucLlon of
properLy, proLesL assemblles
CovernmenL, ellLes, corrupL
pollLlcal / economlc sysLem
ArresLs, pollce
12/06 02/07 Mexlco
lncrease of food prlces (malze, eggs and mllk), whlch
drove Lo demans of economy democraLlzaLlon, sLop Lhe
nAl1A, real parLlclpaLlon of populaLlon ln pollLlcs and
Lhe soclal and democraLlc reform of Lhe SLaLe
lree Lrade, uSA, governmenL,
corrupL pollLlcal / economlc
sysLem, corporaLlons /
employers, ellLes, lMl

01/07 01/07 Clobal
World Soclal lorum ls an on-golng process where soclal
movemenL, acLlvlsLs, campalgners, eLc. [oln LogeLher
every 2 years agalnsL Lhe neollberal sysLem under Lhe
slogan "AnoLher world ls posslble." 1hls edlLlon was
celebraLed ln nalrobl (kenya)
Marches, educaLlonal acLlons,
proLesL assemblles
CovernmenL, corrupL pollLlcal
/ economlc sysLem, ellLes,
flnance, lMl, uSA, free Lrade,
mlllLary / pollce

01/07 01/07 Chlna
Lnd of corrupLlon and nepoLlsm by provlnclal offlclals ln
uan Zhou and beLLer worklng condlLlons
Marches, desLrucLlon of properLy
CorporaLlons / employers,
governmenL (local)

02/07 01/11 lsrael Campalgn Lo end Lhe gender segregaLlon ln buses eLlLlon drlves CovernmenL
02/07 Cngolng kenya
naLlonal campalgn and soclal movemenL demandlng
changes on Lhe "unCA 8lll" whlch lncreased food vA1 Lo
16 lncludlng lLs removal and more economlc [usLlce
roLesL assemblles, vlolence,
desLrucLlon of properLy
CovernmenL, lMl, corrupL
pollLlcal / economlc sysLem

36 | a g e

Start Lnd Country Ma|n Gr|evance]Demand Methods of rotest Ma|n Cpponent
03/07 03/07 orLugal
uemonsLraLlons organlzed by one of Lhe mosL lmporLanL
Lrade unlons agalnsL Lhe pollLlcal economy of Lhe
CovernmenL, ellLes, corrupL
pollLlcal / economlc sysLem

03/07 03/09 aklsLan
Campalgn and movemenL Lo repeal Lhe sLaLe of
emergency and relnsLaLe Lhe rule of law afLer Lhe lllegal
dlsmlssal of [udges
Marches, proLesL assemblles
CovernmenL, pollLlcal group,
ellLes, corrupL pollLlcal /
economlc sysLem
100 ln[ured
03/07 03/07 oland March of CaLhollc groups Lo ban aborLlon Marches, proLesL assemblles Lu
04/07 04/07 ukralne
Marches ln favour of Lhe ukralne rlme MlnlsLer (vlkLor
?anukovych) and vlceversa
Marches, proLesL assemblles,
04/07 06/11 orLugal
roLesLs agalnsL Lhe closlng of an emergency healLh
cenLer ln valena
8lockades CovernmenL (local)
04/07 03/07 1urkey
SLronger guaranLees on secularlsm and more separaLlon
among sLaLe and rellglon as Lrdogan's candldacy Lo
presldency ls seen as a LhreaL Lo secularlsm
Marches, proLesL assemblles
CovernmenL, pollLlcal parLy /

03/07 03/07 Chlna
roLesLs ln Macao agalnsL corrupLlon, lllegal labour and
Lhe lack of local [obs due Lo an lnflux of cheap forelgn
labour Lo Lhe lucraLlve caslno's buslness. uemandos of
reslgnaLlon of Macao 8el[ng appolnLed leader
Marches, proLesL assemblles
CovernmenL, corporaLlons /
1 ln[ured, 10
03/07 03/07 Clobal
May 1sL, lnLernaLlonal Workers' uay, wlLh workers
demandlng Lhe rlghL Lo decenL work and soclal and
economlc [usLlce
Marches, proLesL assemblles
CovernmenL, corporaLlons /
employers, corrupL pollLlcal /
economlc sysLem, ellLes, free

03/07 Cngolng orLugal
"recrlos lnflexlvels", soclal movemenL agalnsL Lhe
lnsecurlLy of unemploymenL and wlLh Lhe alm of
reverslng Lhe growLh of precarlous worklng condlLlons
CccupaLlons, educaLlonal acLlons
CovernmenL, flnance, Lu, LC8,
lMl, corrupL pollLlcal /
economlc sysLem

03/07 08/07 Chad
1rade unlons organlzlng a general sLrlke of publlc
workers and leadlng a campalgn Lo lncrease mlnlmum
wage and penslons
SLrlkes, formal sLaLemenLs CovernmenL
pollce vlolence
03/07 03/07 lLaly
uemonsLraLlon ln 8ome ln favour of Lhe LradlLlonal
famlly and agalnsL homosexual marrlage law
Marches CovernmenL, soclal group
03/07 03/07 oland
Cay demonsLraLlon and campalgn Lo proLesL agalnsL
represslve anLl gay measures of Lhe ollsh governmenL
8ellglous auLhorlLles, pollLlcal
parLy / group, governmenL

03/07 09/11 Myanmar
SLop Lhe MylLsone Pydropower pro[ecL ln Lhe 8urma
8lver (kachln SLaLe)
CccupaLlons, peLlLlon drlves
CovernmenL, Chlna,
corporaLlons / employers
ArresLs, new
37 | a g e

Start Lnd Country Ma|n Gr|evance]Demand Methods of rotest Ma|n Cpponent
03/07 03/07 orLugal
Ceneral sLrlke organlzed by Lhe maln Lrade unlons
agalnsL cuLs ln publlc servlces and labour reform
lmplemenLed by Lhe SoclallsL arLy
SLrlkes, formal sLaLemenLs
CovernmenL, corporaLlons /

06/07 01/08 LgypL
roLesLs ln small vlllages demandlng clean drlnklng waLer
due Lo Lhe lack of drlnklng waLer ln rural areas
Marches, proLesL assemblles
CovernmenL (local),
corporaLlons / employers

08/07 08/07 ArgenLlna
Workers ln Lhe provlnce of SanLa Cruz demandlng hlgher
wages and Lhe demlllLarlzaLlon of Lhe reglon and more
Marches, proLesL assemblles,
sLrlkes, formal sLaLemenLs
CovernmenL, mlllLary / pollce 17 ln[ured
08/07 08/07 8angladesh
SLudenL's proLesLs ln uhaka due Lo unlverslLy corrupLlon
spreadlng Lo Lhe whole counLry leadlng Lo a sLaLe of
Marches, proLesL assemblles, clvll
dlsobedlence / dlrecL acLlon
CovernmenL ollce vlolence
08/07 09/07 8ollvla
SLrlkes and proLesLs agalnsL resldenL Morales refusal of
consLlLuLlonal courL rullng ln relaLlon wlLh Lhe change of
Lhe admlnlsLraLlve caplLal from La az Lo SanLa Cruz
SLrlkes, formal sLaLemenLs,
proLesL assemblles
CovernmenL, corrupL pollLlcal
/ economlc sysLem
ollce vlolence,
new laws
08/07 08/11
Campalgns and soclal movemenLs agalnsL Lhe role of
corporaLlons, Lhelr lnfluence over Lhe governmenL and
agalnsL foreclosures
roLesL assemblles, legal /
elecLoral redress, occupaLlons,
educaLlonal acLlons
CorporaLlons / employers,
08/07 09/08 Myanmar
Soclal movemenL lead by monks and sLudenLs calllng for
clvlllan rule, economlc reforms and democracy
roLesL assemblles, marches
CorrupL pollLlcal / economlc
sysLem, mlllLary, governmenL,
kllled, arresLed,
pollce vlolence
09/07 02/08 Morocco
roLesLs and rloLs agalnsL subsldy removal on food,
whlch lncreased prlces 30
vlolence CovernmenL
34 arresLs,
09/07 03/08 Saudl Arabla 8lghL Lo drlve for Saudl women Clvll dlsobedlence / dlrecL acLlon
8ellglous auLhorlLles, mlllLary /
pollce, governmenL
09/07 08/13 nlcaragua
roLesLs of elderly people known as "Los vle[lLos" asklng
for penslon paymenL
CccupaLlons, blockades,
marches, proLesL assemblles
CovernmenL, lMl ollce vlolence
09/07 Cngolng Creece
CreaLlon of clLlzen [ournallsm ("8adlobubble") Lo
counLer Lhe LradlLlonal medla lnformaLlon coverage of
Creece reallLy
LducaLlonal acLlons
CovernmenL, corporaLlons /
employers, lMl, Lu, LC8,
corrupL pollLlcal / economlc

09/07 09/07 uzbeklsLan larmers' proLesLs due Lo Lhe hlgh food prlces Marches, proLesL assemblles CovernmenL new laws
09/07 10/07 AusLralla
Campalgn and proLesLs agalnsL free-Lrade agreemenLs
(Asla-aclflc Lconomlc CooperaLlon) and lmperlallsm
Marches, proLesL assemblles,
desLrucLlon of properLy
lree Lrade, governmenL,
corrupL pollLlcal / economlc
sysLem, uSA
ArresLs, pollce
09/07 09/07 Algerla
uemonsLraLlon demandlng Lhe end of Al-Caeda and
lslamlsL vlolence
Marches ollLlcal parLy / group
38 | a g e

Start Lnd Country Ma|n Gr|evance]Demand Methods of rotest Ma|n Cpponent
09/07 02/08 SouLh Afrlca
ulsconLenL of !oe Slovo resldenLs due Lo governmenL's
promlses on houslng creaLlon LhaL have never been
CccupaLlons, blockages CovernmenL ollce vlolence
09/07 10/07 8angladesh
uemonsLraLlons and proLesLs of LexLlle workers ln uhaka
demandlng an lncrease of Lhe mlnlmum wage
roLesL assemblles
CovernmenL, corporaLlons /

09/07 09/07 LgypL
Workers of Lhe Mlsr Splnnlng Weavlng Co. (publlc
LexLlle company) demandlng beLLer worklng condlLlons,
an equal dlsLrlbuLlon of beneflLs ln publlc secLor
companles and Lhe resslgnaLlon of Lhe CLC
CovernmenL, W8, corrupL
pollLlcal / economlc sysLem
10/07 10/07 Clobal
roLesLs durlng Lhe World 8ank Croup and lMl Annual
MeeLlngs ln WashlngLon uC
Marches, educaLlonal acLlons,
proLesL assemblles
World 8ank, lMl, uSA, Lu 2 arresLs
10/07 10/07 lndla
lmplemenLaLlon of a land reform leadlng Lo land rlghLs
for Lhe uallLs (lowesL casLe)
CovernmenL, ellLes, corrupL
pollLlcal / economlc sysLem

10/07 11/07
unlLed Arab
8ur[ uubal consLrucLlon workers (malnly lmmlgranLs)
demandlng hlgher wages and beLLer worklng condlLlons
SLrlkes, formal sLaLemenLs
CorporaLlons / employers,
400 arresLs
10/07 11/07 Malaysla
8aclal, culLural and rellglous dlsclmlnaLlon of Plndus
owlng Lo ConsLlLuLlon's ArLlcle 133, whlch asserLs eLhnlc
Malay supremacy
roLesL assemblles, legal /
elecLoral redress, pollLlcal sLunLs,
120 arresLs,
lawsulL, pollce
11/07 11/07 MaurlLanla
roLesLs all over Lhe counLry and some rloLs due Lo an
lncrease ln food prlces
vlolence CovernmenL
1 kllled, pollce
11/07 11/07 Malaysla
CoalllLlon of nCCs and pollLlcal parLles demandln
reforms of Lhe elecLoral sysLem Lo end voLe
CorrupL pollLlcal / economlc
243 arresLs,
pollce vlolence
11/07 11/10 SouLh korea
uemonsLraLlons agalnsL Lhe C20 durlng Lhe celebraLlon
of lLs summlL
roLesL assemblles
C20, corporaLlons /
employers, flnance, corrupL
pollLlcal / economlc sysLem,
free Lrade, uSA, lMl, ellLes

11/07 12/07 !apan
1rade unlons demandlng full salary and advanLages for
!apanese workers ln uS bases
SLrlkes, formal sLaLemenLs,
proLesL assemblles
MlllLary / pollce
11/07 04/08 Senegal
roLesLs and rloLs ln uakar denounclng Lhe low llvlng
sLandards and Lhe rlslng cosL of food
CccupaLlons, blockades,
desLrucLlon of properLy, vlolence
24 arresLs,
12/07 01/12 ?emen
SouLh ?emen MovemenL agalnsL cenLral governance and
ln favor of federallsm or Lhe secesslon of Lhe SouLh
SLrlkes, formal sLaLemenLs
CovernmenL, corrupL pollLlcal
/ economlc sysLem

39 | a g e

Start Lnd Country Ma|n Gr|evance]Demand Methods of rotest Ma|n Cpponent
12/07 02/08 kenya
ollLlcal parLles and movemenLs denounclng elecLoral
fraud afLer Lhe elecLlon of presldenL klbabl
Marches, vlolence, desLrucLlon of
CovernmenL, corrupL pollLlcal
/ economlc sysLem
1300 kllled,
01/08 12/08 Creece
naLlonal proLesLs agalnsL ausLerlLy measures durlng
2008, malnly lead by Lhe maln Lrade unlons, opposlng
governmenL and economlc pollcy
SLrlkes, formal sLaLemenLs CovernmenL ollce vlolence
01/08 12/08 lLaly
Ceneral sLrlke organlzed by Lhe CClL unlon agalnsL Lhe
governmenL economlc pollcy, lLs managemenL of Lhe
crlsls and Lhe desLrucLlon of Lhe publlc secLor
SLrlkes, formal sLaLemenLs
CovernmenL, corrupL pollLlcal
/ economlc sysLem

01/08 01/10 Spaln
lmplemenLaLlon of Lhe 8olonla rocess (Luropean Plgher
LducaLlon Area), whlch lead Lo many proLesLs ln all Spaln
by sLudenLs who denounced Lhe prlvaLlzaLlon of publlc
Marches, occupaLlons, sLrlkes,
formal sLaLemenLs
CovernmenL ArresLs
01/08 Cngolng Clobal
Women's proLesL Lhrough clvll dlsobedlence and dlrecL
acLlon by Lhe group lLMLn almlng aL undermlne Lhe
foundaLlons of Lhe paLrlarchal world
Clvll dlsobedlence / dlrecL acLlon,
proLesL assemblles, lnLerneL
Soclal group ArresLs
01/08 Cngolng Clobal
Clobal movemenL of "hackLlvlsLs" "Anonymous"
advocaLlng for an open lnLerneL and agalnsL clLlzen
survelllence Lhrough hackLlvlsm, dlrecL acLlon or whlsLle-
Packlng, lnLerneL acLlvlsm,
whlsLleblowlng/leaks, clvll
dlsobedlence / dlrecL acLlon
CorrupL pollLlcal / economlc
sysLem, mlllLary / pollce,
governmenL, uSA
01/08 07/08 1unlsla
?ouLh demonsLraLlons denounclng unemploymenL and
nepoLlsm ln [ob allocaLlon processes keeplng locals away
from flndlng decenL [obs
SLrlkes, formal sLaLemenLs,
desLrucLlon of properLy
CovernmenL 1 kllled, arresLs
02/08 02/08
uemonsLraLlons and food and fuel rloLs ln MapuLo due
Lo Lhe 14 lncrease ln Lhe prlce of fuel and consequenL
hlkes ln bus fares and food prlces
roLesL assemblles, vlolence,
desLrucLlon of properLy
CovernmenL, corrupL pollLlcal
/ economlc sysLem
4 kllled, 100
02/08 07/10 1urkey
naLlonal campalgn demandlng Lhe end of lnLerneL
Marches, proLesL assemblles,
02/08 02/08 hlllpplnes
uemands for Lhe reslgnaLlon of resldenL Clorla
Macapagal-Arroyo, end of corrupLlon and proper use of
publlc money
CorrupL pollLlcal / economlc
sysLem, pollLlcal parLy / group,
Pundreds kllled
02/08 02/08 8urklna laso
8loLs due Lo Lhe lncrease of food and fuel prlces and Lhe
hlgh cosL of llvlng
roLesL assemblles, vlolence,
desLrucLlon of properLy
CovernmenL 100 arresLs
02/08 02/08 Cameroon
uemands for lower food and fuel prlces and real
democracy whlch erupLed ln rloLs and vlolence
roLesL assemblles, vlolence,
desLrucLlon of properLy
CovernmenL, corrupL pollLlcal
/ economlc sysLem
100 kllled, 1000
60 | a g e

Start Lnd Country Ma|n Gr|evance]Demand Methods of rotest Ma|n Cpponent
02/08 02/08 AusLralla
Marches ln Sldney, lead by workers and some arllamenL
members, demandlng Lo sLop Lhe prlvaLlzaLlon of
Marches CovernmenL
03/08 04/08 LLhlopla
8loLs and peaceful gaLherlng of farmers due Lo Lhe
droughL and splke ln food prlces
roLesL assemblles CovernmenL
03/08 06/08 Chlle
Chllean SLuden MovemenL demonsLraLlng agalnsL Lhe
new general law on educaLlon and for lmprovemenLs ln
Lhe unlverslLy sysLem and free publlc LransporLaLlon for
SLrlkes, formal sLaLemenLs CovernmenL ArresLs
03/08 07/08 ArgenLlna
larmers and workers campalgnlng Lo puL an end Lo soy
exporL Laxes
SLrlkes, formal sLaLemenLs,
18 arresLs,
03/08 03/08 Chlna
roLesLs whlch grew lnLo rloLs ln Lhe 1lbeLan
AuLonomous 8eglon asklng for beLLer LreaLmenL for
1lbeLans and Lhe lndependence from Chlna
Marches, proLesL assemblles,
desLrucLlon of properLy
Chlna, governmenL, corrupL
pollLlcal / economlc sysLem
kllled, arresLs,
ln[ured, new
laws, vlolence
03/08 12/08 Clobal
Clobal demonsLraLlons Lo end Lhe wars ln AfghanlsLan
and lraq
Marches, proLesL assemblles
MlllLary / pollce, uSA,

04/08 04/08 ukralne
uemonsLraLlons agalnsL Lhe adheslon of ukralne Lo
nA1C when uS resldenL 8ush vlslLed Lhe counLry
Marches, proLesL assemblles,
uSA, mlllLary / pollce, Lu
04/08 03/08 lndonesla Marches demandlng lower fuel prlces Marches CovernmenL 100 arresLs
04/08 01/09 eru
uemonsLraLlons and some rloLs ln Llma demandlng lower
food prlces and an lncrease ln flnanclal ald Lo Lhe poor
vlolence, desLrucLlon of properLy CovernmenL 216 arresLs
04/08 04/08 lvory CoasL
8loLs agalnsL Lhe lncrease of food and fuel prlces and low
llvlng sLandards
vlolence, desLrucLlon of properLy CovernmenL
1 kllled, 10
04/08 04/08 PalLl 8loLs due Lo Lhe lncrease ln food prlces vlolence, desLrucLlon of properLy CovernmenL, lMl, W8
4 kllled, 20
04/08 04/08 LgypL
Ceneral SLrlke Lo proLesL agalnsL hlgh food prlces and
low llvlng sLandards
SLrlkes, formal sLaLemenLs CovernmenL
04/08 04/08 8angladesh
8loLs lead by LexLlle workers demandlng an lncrease of
wages and lower food prlces
roLesL assembly, desLrucLlon of
properLy, vlolence
CovernmenL, corporaLlons /
20 ln[ured,
pollce vlolence
04/08 03/08 Clobal
8eglonal proLesL ln SouLhern Afrlca agalnsL Lhe shlpmenL
of arms Lo Zlmbabwe from a Chlnese conLalner vessel
Clvll dlsobedlence / dlrecL acLlon,
MlllLary / pollce, corporaLlons
/ employers

04/08 08/10 lndla
uemonsLraLlons ln uLLarakhand Lo sLop Lhe 6
hydroelecLrlc dam pro[ecLs on Lhe Canges 8lver
Punger sLrlke
CovernmenL, corporaLlons /

61 | a g e

Start Lnd Country Ma|n Gr|evance]Demand Methods of rotest Ma|n Cpponent
03/08 03/08 Clobal
May 1sL, lnLernaLlonal Workers' uay, wlLh workers
demandlng Lhe rlghL Lo decenL work and soclal and
economlc [usLlce
Marches, proLesL assemblles
CovernmenL, corporaLlons /
employers, corrupL pollLlcal /
economlc sysLem, ellLes,
flnance, lMl, World 8ank, free
330 arresLs
03/08 03/08 Somalla naLlonal food rloLs due Lo Lhe lncrease of food prlces
roLesL assemblles, vlolence,
desLrucLlon of properLy
CovernmenL, corporaLlons /
2 kllled, ln[ured
03/08 07/08 SouLh korea naLlonal campalgn Lo keep Lhe ban on uS beef lmporLs roLesL assemblles, marches lree Lrade, uSA, governmenL 200 ln[ured
06/08 06/08 Clobal
Shlpplng sLrlke ln Lurope demandlng Lhe lncrease of Lhe
help Lo cope wlLh fuel prlze lncrease
SLrlkes, formal sLaLemenLs Lu, governmenL 2 kllled
06/08 12/08 1halland
uemands of governmenL reslgnaLlon and
decenLrallzaLlon of power by movemenLs and pollLlcal
parLles ln favour of a large 8oyal conLrol of Lhe
CccupaLlons, blockades
CovernmenL, pollLlcal parLy /
ollce vlolence,
several ln[ured
06/08 07/08 nlcaragua
uemonsLraLlons demandlng lower food and energy
Marches, proLesL assemblles CovernmenL
07/08 07/08
uemands for proLecLlon of Lhe naLlve lands, naLural
envlronmenL and sacred slLes for lndlgenous people
ollLlcal sLunL, clvll dlsobedlence
/ dlrecL acLlon
CovernmenL, corporaLlons /

07/08 07/08 nlger
uemonsLraLlon agalnsL food prlces lncrease and
elecLrlclLy blackouLs demandlng a naLlonal nuclear
powerplanL as nlger's maln exporL ls uranlum
Marches, proLesL assemblles CovernmenL
09/08 10/08 Colombla
naLlonal campalgn and demonsLraLlons by unlons,
Lruckers, Leachers and publlc servanLs demandlng beLLer
worklng condlLlons and hlgher wages
Marches, vlolence, desLrucLlon of
CovernmenL, corporaLlons /
41 kllled
10/08 12/09 lceland
SponLaneous soclal movemenL reflecLlng Lhe popular
dlsenchanLmenL wlLh pollLlcal sysLem and flnanclal
secLor (demands for Lhe reslgnaLlon of rlme MlnlsLer
and Chlef of CenLral 8ank)
lormal sLaLemenLs, proLesL
CovernmenL, flnance, corrupL
pollLlcal / economlc sysLem

10/08 Cngolng lceland
Campalgn "lnuefence" almlng Lo gaLher lnformaLlon,
provlde analysls and conLrlbuLe Lo a balanced dlscusslon
of lssues such as Lhe use of Lhe AnLl-1errorlsm AcL
agalnsL lceland and Lhe resoluLlon of Lhe lcesave dlspuLe
LducaLlonal acLlons, lnLerneL
llnance, Lu, corrupL pollLlcal /
economlc sysLem

10/08 10/08 lran
"MerchanL sLrlkes" all over Lhe counLry's 8azaars
demandlng Lhe ellmlnaLlon of Lhe vA1 Lax ralse
SLrlkes, "merchanLs" sLrlkes CovernmenL
62 | a g e

Start Lnd Country Ma|n Gr|evance]Demand Methods of rotest Ma|n Cpponent
11/08 Cngolng Pungary
nCC, whlch declded Lo become a pollLlcal parLy ln 2009
"LeheL ms a pollLlka" (ollLlcs can be dlfferenL), and
obLalned 16 seaLs ln Lhe 2009 arllamenL elecLlons
lorm new pollLlcal
CorrupL pollLlcal / economlc
sysLem, flnance, mlllLary /
pollce, free Lrade, Lu, lMl,

12/08 Cngolng 8razll
SLop and posLpone blds of 8razlllan oll by forelgn
companles and dlrecL Lhe funds Lowards Lhe Lralnlng of
local workers
Marches, occupaLlons, sLrlkes,
formal sLaLemenLs
CovernmenL, corporaLlons /

12/08 12/08 Creece
kllllng of Leenager by pollce offlcer LhaL generaLed rloLs,
spread proLesLs all over Lhe counLry and evolved Lowards
a proLesL for economlc and soclal [usLlce
CccupaLlons, marches CovernmenL, mlllLary / pollce
200 arresLs,
01/09 12/09 Creece
naLlonal proLesLs, malnly lead by Lrade unlons, agalnsL
ausLerlLy measures durlng 2009 and for an alLernaLlve
plan Lo allevlaLe Lhe crlsls lmpacL on people
SLrlkes, formal sLaLemenLs,
01/09 01/10
Local and naLlonal envlronmenLal campalgn and
demonsLraLlons agalnsL fossll fuels and mounLaln Lop
Clvll dlsobedlence / dlrecL acLlon,
marches, proLesL assemblles,
educaLlonal acLlons, pollLlcal
CovernmenL, corporaLlons /
01/09 Cngolng lrance
8evoke Lhe consLrucLlon of a new alrporL ln Lhe 8eglon
of nanLes (AeroporL noLre uame des Landes) and
lnsLead renew Lhe old one (AeroporL nanLes ALlanLlque)
Marches, occupaLlons CovernmenL (local)
01/09 03/09 Madagascar
uemonsLraLlons by pollLlcal movemenLs ("?oung
Malagasles ueLermlned") demandlng freedom of
expresslon, Lhe reslgnaLlon of mlnlsLers and Lhe
deparLure of resldenL Marc 8avalomanana
Marches, proLesL assemblles, clvll
dlsobedlence / dlrecL acLlon,
desLrucLlon of properLy, vlolence
CovernmenL,pollLlcal parLy /
133 kllled, pollce
vlolence, new
01/09 01/09 lceland
uemonsLraLlons ln fronL of Lhe arllamenL and
occupaLlons of Lhe CenLral 8ank Lo reflecL popular
dlsenchanLmenL wlLh pollLlcal sysLem and Lhe flnanclal
CovernmenL, flnance, corrupL
pollLlcal / economlc sysLem
20 arresLs
01/09 03/09 lrance
Ceneral SLrlke ln MarLlnlque and Cuadaloupe
denounclng Lhe hlgh cosL of llvlng and low mlnlmum
SLrlkes, formal sLaLemenLs
CovernmenL, corporaLlons /

01/09 02/09 Clobal
World Soclal lorum ls an on-golng process where soclal
movemenL, acLlvlsLs, campalgners, eLc. [oln LogeLher
every 2 years agalnsL Lhe neollberal sysLem under Lhe
slogan "AnoLher world ls posslble." 1hls edlLlon was
celebraLed ln 8elem (8razll) and focused on Lhe
CollecLlve 8lghLs of SLaLeless eoples
Marches, educaLlonal acLlons,
proLesL assemblles
CovernmenL, corrupL pollLlcal
/ economlc sysLem, ellLes,
flnance, lMl, Lu, uSA, free
Lrade, mlllLary / pollce, C20

63 | a g e

Start Lnd Country Ma|n Gr|evance]Demand Methods of rotest Ma|n Cpponent
01/09 06/09 uk
SLrlke ln Lhe energy secLor Lo demand employmenL for
8rlLlsh clLlzens ln 8rlLlsh reflnerles
SLrlkes, formal sLaLemenLs CorporaLlons / employers, Lu
01/09 03/09 lrance
Ceneral SLrlke agalnsL ausLerlLy measures and for
proLecLlon of wages from downward pressures
SLrlkes, marches
CovernmenL, corrupL pollLlcal
/ economlc sysLem, flnance,
Lu, lMl

02/09 Cngolng Spaln
naLlonal campalgn and soclal movemenL "laLaforma de
AfecLados por las PlpoLecas" demandlng Lhe sLop of
evlcLlons, a debL audlL and Lhe cancellaLlon of famllles'
Marches, occupaLlons, sLrlkes,
formal sLaLemenLs, nolsemaklng
CovernmenL, flnance, corrupL
pollLlcal / economlc sysLem
02/09 02/09 lreland
March organlzed by Lhe lrlsh CoallLlon of 1rade unlons
for a falrer way ln deallng wlLh Lhe economlc crlsls and
ensurlng Lhe people's lnLeresLs come flrsL
Marches, proLesL assemblles CovernmenL, lMl, LC8, Lu
02/09 02/10 nlger
uemonsLraLlons by a coallLlon of nCCs, pollLlcal parLles
and Lrade unlons ("lronL for Lhe uefence of uemocracy")
clalmlng for real democracy and agalnsL
arllamenLarlans hlgh salarles and resldenL Mamadou
Marches, proLesL assemblles,
sLrlkes, formal sLaLemenLs
ln[ured, new
laws, pollce
03/09 Cngolng !amalca
Campalgn ("Campalgn for Soclal and Lconomlc !usLlce")
Lo repudlaLe publlc debL and conducL an audlL Lo ldenLlfy
people who have enrlched Lhemselves aL Lhe publlc
Marches, educaLlonal acLlons, lMl, governmenL
03/09 Cngolng kenya
Clalms agalnsL lncreaslng arllamenLarlans salarles and
vA1, demands for beLLer llvlng condlLlons and end of
CccupaLlons, pollLlcal sLunLs,
proLesL assemblles, clvll
dlsobedlence / dlrecL
acLlondesLrucLlon of properLy,
CovernmenL, lMl, corrupL
pollLlcal / economlc sysLem
4 kllled, arresLs,
pollce vlolence
03/09 Cngolng Spaln
uenounce fraudulenL commerclal behavlor of Spanlsh
banks and savlng banks relaLed wlLh Lhe
commerclallzaLlon of a flnanclal producL known as
referred shares
CccupaLlons, clvll dlsobedlence /
dlrecL acLlon, nolsemaklng
CovernmenL, flnance, corrupL
pollLlcal / economlc sysLem,
corporaLlons / employers
03/09 03/09 Madagascar
uemonsLraLlons of pollLlcal movemenLs asklng for Lhe
reLurn Lo a clvlllan rule and elecLlons afLer Andry
8a[oellna's coops J'tot
Marches, proLesL assemblles, clvll
dlsobedlence / dlrecL acLlon,
desLrucLlon of properLy, vlolence
CorrupL pollLlcal / economlc
sysLem, mlllLary / pollce
1 kllled, 34
ln[ured, pollce
03/09 07/09 aklsLan
vlllagers clalmlng Lo sLop land grabblngs by varyaam
laqlr, a feudal lord
Punger sLrlkes
CovernmenL, ellLes, corrupL
pollLlcal / economlc sysLem
03/09 04/09 1halland
1hal's people revoluLlon agalnsL Lhe non-leglLlmaLe
governmenL of Mr. AbhlslL and a call for real democracy
CccupaLlons, marches,
desLrucLlon of properLy
CovernmenL, ellLes, corrupL
pollLlcal / economlc sysLem
2 kllled, 70
64 | a g e

Start Lnd Country Ma|n Gr|evance]Demand Methods of rotest Ma|n Cpponent
03/09 04/09 Clobal
uemonsLraLlons and marches ln London durlng Lhe C20
SummlL demandlng a democraLlc governance of Lhe
economy for [obs and cllmaLe [usLlce
Marches, educaLlonal acLlons
CorrupL pollLlcal / economlc
sysLem, C20
1 kllled, 100
04/09 03/09 1anzanla
Campalgn lead by a nCC neLwork ("ngorogoro") Lo sLop
plans Lo grab Masal lands
Marches, proLesL assemblles CovernmenL 3 arresLs
04/09 Cngolng
naLlonal conservaLlve movemenL ("1he 1ea arLy") ln
favor of Lax cuLs and governmenL downslzlng and agalnsL
Cbamacare, gun reglsLry and oLher measures
Marches, proLesL assemblles, clvll
dlsobedlence / dlrecL acLlon
CovernmenL, pollLlcal parLy /

04/09 Cngolng
Campalgn and demonsLraLlon ln favor of LC81 rlghLs and
marrlage equallLy for same-sex couples
Legal / elecLoral redress,
educaLlonal acLlons, celebrlLy
endorsemenLs, marches
(local), corrupL pollLlcal /
economlc sysLem
03/09 03/09 Clobal
May 1sL, lnLernaLlonal Workers' uay, demandlng Lhe end
of Lhe crlsls, Lhe LransformaLlon of global economy and
[ob creaLlon
Marches, proLesL assemblles
CovernmenL, corporaLlons /
employers, corrupL pollLlcal /
economlc sysLem, ellLes,
flnance, lMl, World 8ank, free
Lrade, C20
130 arresLs
03/09 06/09 Chlna
Annlversary of 1lananmen Square proLesLs of 1989
demandlng real democracy
Marches, proLesL assemblles
CorrupL pollLlcal / economlc
sysLem, governmenL
ArresLs, pollce
06/09 01/10 Chlna
CoalllLlon of dlfferenL movemenLs and acLlvlsLs agalnsL
Lhe consLrucLlon of Lhe Cuangzhou-Pong kong hlgh-
speed Lraln
CccupaLlons, proLesL assemblles
CorporaLlons / employers,
governmenL (local)
ollce vlolence
06/09 07/10
naLlonal campalgn and proLesLs Lo sLop ausLerlLy-based
cuLs on educaLlon and ln defence of publlc educaLlon
SLrlkes, formal sLaLemenLs,
proLesL assemblles, marches, clvll
dlsobedlence / dlrecL acLlon
CovernmenL, governmenL
(local), corporaLlons /
employers, flnance
06/09 02/10 lran
lran presldenLlal elecLlon lead Lo masslve proLesLs
("Creen revoluLlon") ln Lhe enLlre counLry and by lranlan
communlLles abroad demandlng free elecLlons
roLesL assemblles, vlolence
CovernmenL, corrupL pollLlcal
/ economlc sysLem
36 kllled, 4000
07/09 07/09 Chlna
LLhnlc proLesLs ln urumql (nW Chlna) by Lhe uyghur
group, malnly workers, agalnsL Lhe Pan communlLy
whlch lead Lo deep vlolence
Marches, proLesL assemblles,
desLrucLlon of properLy
Chlna, governmenL, corrupL
pollLlcal / economlc sysLem
184 kllled
07/09 02/10 SouLh Afrlca
roLesLs ln 8alfour demandlng Lo provlde Lownshlps wlLh
publlc servlces and beLLer economlc opporLunlLles whlch
developed lnLo rloLs
vlolence CovernmenL (local) ollce vlolence
08/09 08/09 Mall
Campalgn lead by lslamlc groups agalnsL Lhe exLenslon of
women's rlghLs of Lhe new lamlly Law
Marches, proLesL assemblles
CovernmenL, pollLlcal parLy /

09/09 09/09 Morocco Lnd of rellglously lnsplred freedom llmlLaLlons Clvll dlsobedlence / dlrecL acLlon
8ellglous auLhorlLles,
63 | a g e

Start Lnd Country Ma|n Gr|evance]Demand Methods of rotest Ma|n Cpponent
10/09 10/09 Clobal
8allles durlng Lhe World 8ank Croup and lMl Annual
MeeLlngs ln lsLambul (1urkey)
Marches, educaLlonal acLlons,
proLesL assemblles, clvll
dlsobedlence / dlrecL acLlon,
desLrucLlon of properLy, vlolence
World 8ank, lMl, uSA, Lu
2 arresLs, pollce
10/09 10/09 lLaly
March organlzed by [ournallsLs and unlons ln favor of
press freedom
CovernmenL, corrupL pollLlcal
/ economlc sysLem

10/09 10/09 8omanla
Ceneral SLrlke organlzed by Lrade unlons and "Alllance
8udgeL" agalnsL Lhe wage law presenLed by Lhe
Marches, sLrlkes, formal
CovernmenL, lMl
10/09 Cngolng Mexlco
LxLlnLlon of Lhe elecLrlclLy naLlonal company "Luz y
luerza CenLro", whlch lead Lo sLrlkes by unlons
demandlngd Lhe paymenL of salarles and penslons and
rellocaLlon of workers
Punger sLrlkes, sLrlkes, formal
CovernmenL 11 arresLs
11/09 11/09 SouLh korea
naLlonal rallles organlzed by unlons agalnsL Lhe new
labor laws, whlch llmlLed Lhe role of currenL Lrade unlons
roLesL assemblles
CovernmenL,corporaLlons /

11/09 10/12 lceland
Soclal movemenL and campalgn ("1he AnLhlll") almlng Lo
creaLe a publlc debaLe Lo deflne whaL socleLy lcelanders
roLesL assemblles, meeLlngs
CorrupL pollLlcal / economlc

12/09 02/10 orLugal
CoallLlon campalgnlng and demonsLraLlng agalnsL
marrlage equallLy for homosexual couples afLer Lhe
approval of Lhe new law
Marches, peLlLlons CovernmenL, soclal group
12/09 03/11
LllmlnaLlon of Lhe sale of lsraell seLLlemenL goods ln
8oycoLLs, educaLlonal acLlons
CovernmenL, corrupL pollLlcal
/ economlc sysLem

12/09 Cngolng Mexlco
Campalgn Lo boycoLL Lhe fuel prlces lncrease by uslng
publlc LransporL lnsLead of cars and denounce Lhe role of
forelgn oll companles ("Casollnazo")
CovernmenL, free Lrade, uSA,
corrupL pollLlcal / economlc
sysLem, corporaLlons /
employers, ellLes, lMl, flnance

12/09 10/10 lndonesla
naLlonal marches Lo proLesL for CenLury 8ank ballouL,
corrupLlon and nepoLlsm, demandlng Lhe bulldlng of a
real democracy
Marches, blockades, desLrucLlon
of properLy
CovernmenL, corrupL pollLlcal
/ economlc sysLem, ellLes,
gunshoLs, pollce
vlolence, arresLs
12/09 12/09 Clobal
AlLernaLlve SummlL ("kllmaforum") ln Copenhagen
organlzed by clvll socleLy organlzaLlons durlng Lhe
celebraLlon of Lhe Conference of Lhe arLles number 13
of Lhe un lramework ConvenLlon on CllmaLe Change
Marches, educaLlonal acLlons,
general assemblles, pollLlcal
CovernmenLs, corporaLlons /

12/09 Cngolng lLaly
CoallLlon of clvll socleLy, lead by "Ll opolo vlola",
campalgnlng and organlzlng marches demandlng
8erlusconl's reslgnaLlon and change of Lhe pollLlcal
Marches, assemblles
CorrupL pollLlcal / economlc
sysLem, pollLlcal parLy / group,

66 | a g e

Start Lnd Country Ma|n Gr|evance]Demand Methods of rotest Ma|n Cpponent
01/10 08/10 Chlna
lacLory workers of forelgn flrms (loxconn, Ponda,
1oyoLa and more) sLrlke demandlng beLLer worklng
SLrlkes, formal sLaLemenLs,
proLesL assemblles
CorporaLlons / employers
01/10 12/10 8angladesh
1exLlle workers' unlons demandlng an lncrease of Lhe
mlnlmum wage
CovernmenL, corporaLlons /

01/10 12/10 Creece
naLlonal proLesLs agalnsL ausLerlLy measures durlng 2010
demandlng (among oLhers) Lo sLop Lax evaslon and Lhe
prlvaLlzaLlon of companles, and flnd a common soluLlon
wlLh an open dlalogue among all Lhe acLors
SLrlkes, formal sLaLemenLs,
CovernmenL, Lu, LC8, lMl,
corrupL pollLlcal / economlc
3 kllled, 23
01/10 Cngolng Cermany
AnLlnuclear groups and Lhe Creen arLy demandlng Lhe
no-reLurn Lo nuclear energy
CccupaLlons, proLesL assemblles,
01/10 Cngolng Cermany
Cerman ConfederaLlon of 1rade unlons ln solldarlLy wlLh
workers ln ausLerlLy-hlL Lurope and demandlng hlgher
wages and Lhe lnLroducLlon of a mandaLory mlnlmum
Marches, proLesL assemblles Lu, governmenL, lMl
01/10 Cngolng Creece
Campalgn and soclal movemenL ("uen llorno") Lo
expand soclal beneflLs Lo lnclude Lhe whole socleLy
regardless of Lhelr lncome and denounce corrupLlon ln
publlc goods managemenL
CoccupaLlons, proLesL
assemblles, marches
CorrupL pollLlcal / economlc
sysLem, governmenL, flnance,
ellLes, corporaLlons /
employers, Lu, LC8, lMl

01/10 Cngolng Mexlco
CoallLlon of pollLlcal parLles and soclal movemenLs
("MC8LnA"), campalgnlng for a new economlc model
and pollLlcal reglme ln Mexlco
lorm new pollLlcal
CovernmenL, corrupL pollLlcal
/ economlc sysLem, lMl, free
Lrade, uSA, corporaLlons /
employers, flnance, ellLes

01/10 Cngolng
naLlonal campalgn by "naLlonal AcLlon neLwork"
demandlng [usLlce for 1rayvon MarLln and lnvesLlgaLe
stand your ground and stop and frisk laws
Marches, proLesL assemblles, clvll
dlsobedlence / dlrecL acLlon
CovernmenL, governmenL
01/10 04/10 !apan
AgalnsL Lhe presence of Lhe uS mlllLary bases ln !apan,
especlally ln Cklnawa
roLesL assemblles, marches MlllLary / pollce, uSA
02/10 02/10 !amalca
SLrlke and proLesLs by Lrade unlons agalnsL Lhe sell of
!amalca Alrllnes and demandlng Lhe governmenL Lo
conslder workers' demands
SLrlkes, formal sLaLemenLs,
marches, proLesL assemblles
02/10 Cngolng uk
Campalng of clvll socleLy organlzaLlons ("8obln Pood 1ax
Campalgn") demandlng Lhe LaxaLlon of flnanclal
LransacLlons Lo flnance publlc and soclal needs aL home
and abroad
Marches, educaLlonal acLlons,
sLreeL LheaLer and muslc
02/10 03/10 aklsLan
SLrlke of earl ConLlnenLal unlon PoLel workers Lo
relnsLaLe unlon leaders and force Lhe managemenL Lo
negoLlaLe Lhe labor dlspuLes
CccupaLlons, hunger sLrlkes CorporaLlons / employers
67 | a g e

Start Lnd Country Ma|n Gr|evance]Demand Methods of rotest Ma|n Cpponent
03/10 Cngolng
Soclal movemenL and campalgn ("unlLed We uream
neLwork") Lo glve undocumenLed chlldren of
undocumenLed lmmlgranLs a paLhway Lo clLlzenshlp
Marches, proLesL assemblles,
sLrlkes, formal sLaLemenLs,
hunger sLrlkes
CorrupL pollLlcal / economlc
sysLem, governmenL
600 arresLs
03/10 03/10 orLugal
SLrlke of publlc servlce workers due Lo freeze of wages
and cuLs on penslons
SLrlkes/walkouLs, blockages
CovernmenL, corporaLlons /
employers, Lu, LC8, lMl,
corrupL pollLlcal / economlc

03/10 Cngolng 8ussla
Campalgn ("uLln musL go") Lo demand Lhe resslgnaLlon
of vladlmlr uLln as Lhe only way Lo reesLabllsh
democracy ln 8ussla
CelebrlLy endorsemenLs,
CorrupL pollLlcal / economlc
sysLem, ellLes, pollLlcal parLy /
03/10 03/10 1halland
Soclal movemenL agalnsL Lhe coops J'etoL and Lo ensure
an egallLarlan socleLy whlle demandlnd Lhe reslgnaLlon
of rlmer MlnlsLer AbhlslL
CccupaLlons, marches, vlolence
CovernmenL, corrupL pollLlcal
/ economlc sysLem, pollLlcal
parLy / group
86 kllled, 2000
04/10 03/10 kyrgyzLan
uemonsLraLlons agalnsL corrupLlon and rlslng cosL of
llvlng (especlally energy) whlch erupLed lnLo vlolenL
proLesLs demandlng resldenL 8aklyev's reslgnaLlon
vlolence, desLrucLlon of properLy
CovernmenL, corporaLlons /
employers, corrupL pollLlcal /
economlc sysLem, lMl, W8
2600 kllled,
arresLs, LorLure,
dlsplaced, pollce
04/10 04/10 lndonesla
Marches ln !akarLa agalnsL governmenL declslon Lo
remove Lhe Lomb of an lslamlc scholar from Lhe
Marches, vlolence CovernmenL
3 kllled, 100
03/10 03/10 Clobal
May 1sL, lnLernaLlonal Workers' uay, malnly demandlng
Lhe abandon of free-markeL pollcles LhaL have caused
world recesslon and poverLy
Marches, proLesL assemblles
CovernmenL, corporaLlons /
employers, corrupL pollLlcal /
economlc sysLem, ellLes,
flnance, lMl, World 8ank,
C20, free Lrade,

03/10 06/10 lndla
naLlonal marches organlzed by opposlLlon parLles due Lo
Lhe lncrease ln fuel prlces
Marches, proLesL assemblles
CovernmenL, corporaLlons /

03/10 06/10 Clobal
C20 SummlL ln 1oronLo wlLh several demonsLraLlons
agalnsL lL organlzed by clvll socleLy organlzaLlons
Marches, educaLlonal acLlons,
proLesL assemblles, clvll
dlsobedlence / dlrecL acLlon,
desLrucLlon of properLy, vlolence
C20, lree Lrade, lMl, W8,
flnance, corporaLlons /
employers, uSA, Lu, corrupL
pollLlcal / economlc sysLem,
1118 arresLs
03/10 03/10 8omanla
March ln 8ucharesL organlzed by Lhe Lrade unlons
agalnsL Lhe ausLerlLy measures lmplemenLed by Lhe
Marches CovernmenL, lMl, Lu
03/10 11/10 8angladesh
Crlsls relaLed wlLh waLer, gas and elecLrlclLy
managemenL, whlch lead Lo demonsLraLlons by Lhe
8angladesh naLlonallsL arLy calllng for new elecLlons
8lockades CovernmenL, lMl, W8
ArresLs, pollce
68 | a g e

Start Lnd Country Ma|n Gr|evance]Demand Methods of rotest Ma|n Cpponent
03/10 Cngolng Colombla
larmers and workers agalnsL Lhe free Lrade agreemenLs
wlLh Lhe uS, Luropean unlon and SouLh korea
ollLlcal sLunLs, proLesL
lree Lrade, uSA, Lu,

03/10 06/10 8omanla
ubllc secLor sLrlke agalnsL Lhe lMl-lmposed ausLerlLy
program of Lhe governmenL and demands Lo clamp
down Lax evaders and corrupLlon
Marches, sLrlkes, formal
CovernmenL, lMl, Lu
06/10 08/10 eru
roLesLs agalnsL naLural resources explolLaLlon ln Lhe
Camlsea reglon
SLrlkes, formal sLaLemenLs,
blockades, occupaLlons
CovernmenL, corporaLlons /
employers, corrupL pollLlcal /
economlc sysLem
23 arresLs, 18
ln[ured, pollce
06/10 11/10 lrance
Ceneral SLrlke and naLlonal marches agalnsL Lhe reform
of Lhe penslons
SLrlkes, formal sLaLemenLs,
CovernmenL, Lu, LC8, lMl,
corrupL pollLlcal / economlc

06/10 06/10 lLaly
Ceneral SLrlke agalnsL ausLerlLy measures and for an
alLernaLlve plan Lo allevlaLe Lhe lmpacL of Lhe crlsls on
SLrlkes, formal sLaLemenLs,
CovernmenL, Lu, LC8, lMl,
corrupL pollLlcal / economlc
sysLem, flnance, ellLes

07/10 07/10 Chlna
Marches of Cuangxl clLlzens agalnsL Lhe xlnfa allumlnlum
Marches, blockades, occupaLlons
CorporaLlons / employers,
ollce vlolence,
07/10 Cngolng ArgenLlna
roLesL by Lhe Com lndlgenous communlLles ln Lhe
reglon of lormosa agalnsL land grabblng and for respecL
and dlgnlLy of lLs culLure
CccupaLlons, blockades, hunger
CovernmenL, mlllLary / pollce
4 kllled, arresLs,
07/10 07/10 lran
8alse of Lhe vA1 by Lhe governmenL leadlng Lo proLesLs
by merchanLs all over Lhe counLry
SLrlkes, "merchanLs" sLrlkes CovernmenL
07/10 06/11 lndla
larmers and peasanL agalnsL Lhe consLrucLlon of coal-
based powerplanL by Lhe nagar[una ConsLrucLlons
larmers and peasanL proLesLlng ln Andhr radesh
agalnsL Lhe consLrucLlon of a coal based power planL by
nagar[una ConsLrucLlons Company
Clvll dlsobedlance/dlrecL acLlon
CovernmenL, corporaLlons /
2 kllled
09/10 09/10
naLlonal food and fuel rloLs
roLesL assemblles, vlolence,
desLrucLlon of properLy
CovernmenL, lMl
12 kllled, 280
ln[ured, 148
09/10 Cngolng Spaln
laLform ("Marea Cludadana") merglng all Lhe "Lldes"
(whlLe for healLh, yellow for educaLlon, eLc.)agalnsL
cuLbacks and ln favour of democracy
Marches, sLrlkes, occupaLlons
CovernmenL, corrupL pollLlcal
/ economlc sysLem, lMl, Lu,
LC8, flnance, ellLes
09/10 09/10 1urkey
kurdlsh LducaLlon and Language MovemenL demandlng
Lo provlde kurdlsh language ln publlc school lnsLead of
only 1urklsh ln Lhe kurdlsh reglon
CovernmenL, pollLlcal parLy /

09/10 10/10 lran Cold merchanLs agalnsL Lhe vA1 ralse on gold SLrlke CovernmenL
69 | a g e

Start Lnd Country Ma|n Gr|evance]Demand Methods of rotest Ma|n Cpponent
09/10 03/12 Spaln
1wo Ceneral SLrlkes agalnsL Lhe economlc pollcy of Lhe
soclallsL (2010, ausLerlLy measures) and conservaLlve
(2012, Labour reform) governmenL
Marches, sLrlkes, formal
CovernmenL, corporaLlons /
employers, Lu
233 arresLs, 161
10/10 01/11 Srl Lanka
Campalgn by flshermen Lo sLop Lhe consLrucLlon of a
seaplane plaLform on negombo Lagoon
CccupaLlons, proLesL assemblles CovernmenL
10/10 06/11 ArgenLlna
PackLlvlsLs from "Anonymous" proLesLlng dlglLally
(hacklng slLes, collapslng 1wlLLer accounLs, eLc.) Lo sLop
Lhe ulglLal Lax
Packlng, lnLerneL acLlvlsm, clvll
dlsobedlence / dlrecL acLlon
10/10 12/11
naLlonal campalgn ln favour of open lnLerneL, freedom
of speech for [ournallsL and whlsLleblowers, !usLlce for
8radley Mannlng and !ullan Assange and sLop corporaLe
WhlsLleblowlng/leaks, lnLerneL
acLlvlsm, clvll dlsobedlence /
dlrecL acLlon, hacklng
MlllLary / pollce, corrupL
pollLlcal / economlc sysLem
ArresLs, new
laws, lawsulL
10/10 11/10
AgalnsL Lhe Moroccan represslon and ln favor of beLLer
publlc lnfrasLrucLure and servlces
CovernmenL, corrupL pollLlcal
/ economlc sysLem
19 kllled, 723
ln[ured, 139
mlssed, pollce
10/10 Cngolng AusLralla
Cccupy Sydney and Melbourne ln favour of economlc
and soclal [usLlce, agalnsL Lhe corrupLlon of flnanclal
secLor and corporaLe greed
CccupaLlons, marches, general
assemblles, proLesL assemblles,
pollLlcal sLunLs, clvll dlsobedlence
/ dlrecL acLlon
CorrupL pollLlcal / economlc
sysLem, ellLes, governmenL,
corporaLlons / employers, free
Lrade, flnance, lMl, C20, uSA
LawsulLs, 91
10/10 10/10 Chlna
SLudenL's assembly ln Lhe Clngquan reglon ln defense of
Lhe use of 1lbeL langauge ln educaLlon and demandlng
culLure equallLy
Marches, proLesL assemblles Chlna, governmenL ollce vlolence,
10/10 10/10 SouLh korea
Cne-person proLesL asklng Lhe governmenL more
Lransparency ln relaLlon Lo Lhe publlcalLon of [ob
Marches, proLesL assemblles CovernmenL
10/10 Cngolng uk
Campalgn and soclal movemenL ("uk uncuL") demandlng
Lo puL and end Lo Lax loopholes beneflLlng corporaLlon
and Lhlnklng Lo creaLe alLernaLlves Lo ausLerlLy measures
Clvll dlsobedlence / dlrecL acLlon,
marches, proLesL assemblles
CovernmenL, flnance, corrupL
pollLlcal / economlc sysLem
10/10 12/10 uk
Marches and proLesLs organlzed by several sLudenL's
unlons agalnsL LulLlon fees lncreases ln unlverslLles
Marches, occupaLlons
CovernmenL, corrupL pollLlcal
/ economlc sysLem
300 arresLs
11/10 11/10 1anzanla
naLlonal demonsLraLlons demandlng Lransparency on
elecLlon counLlng process due Lo Lhe delay ln Lhe
presenLaLlon of elecLlon resulLs
Marches, proLesL assemblles,
blockades, desLrucLlon of
ollLlcal parLy / group ollce vlolence
11/10 11/10 lreland
March of sLudenL's, organlzed by unlons, ln opposlLlon Lo
a proposed lncrease ln unlverslLy reglsLraLlon fees
Marches, proLesL assemblles CovernmenL, lMl, LC8, Lu
2 arresLs,
70 | a g e

Start Lnd Country Ma|n Gr|evance]Demand Methods of rotest Ma|n Cpponent
11/10 11/10 orLugal Ceneral SLrlke agalnsL ausLerlLy measures SLrlkes, formal sLaLemenLs
CovernmenL, Lu, LC8, lMl,
corrupL pollLlcal / economlc
sysLem, ellLes, flnance

12/10 12/10 8usla
8lghL-wlng movemenLs (some fooLball hoollgans)
proLesLlng vlolenLly agalnsL lmmlgraLlon
Marches, desLrucLlon of properLy Soclal group
20 kllled, 20
ln[ured, 120
12/10 12/10 Malaysla
8ally ln kuala Lumpur agalnsL Lhe prlvaLlzaLlon of waLer
managemenL and Lhe ballouL of S?A8AS shareholders
(prlvaLlzed waLer company)
roLesL assemblles
CovernmenL, corporaLlons /
employers, flnance
60 arresLed,
pollce vlolence
12/10 12/10 1unlsla
MerchanLs and sLreeL vendors ln Sldl 8ouzld demandlng
more [obs, hlgher wages and Lhe need for re-dlsLrlbuLlve
soclal [usLlce
Self-lnfllcLed vlolence, proLesL
assemblles, marches, clvll
dlsobedlence / dlrecL acLlon,
desLrucLlon of properLy, vlolence
CovernmenL (local), corrupL
pollLlcal / economlc sysLem
ollce vlolence
12/10 12/10 Chlna
roLesLs, lead by a pollLlcal parLy ("new Macau
AssoclaLlon") ln Macau durlng Lhe 11Lh annlversary of
soverelgnLy Lransfer due Lo governmenL's corrupLlon,
lack of voLlng rlghLs and prlce of houslng
Marches, proLesL assemblles
CorrupL pollLlcal / economlc

12/10 01/11 1unlsla
"1unlslan 8evoluLlon" (aka "!asmlne 8evoluLlon")
demandlng Lhe end of Lhe currenL governmenL
(resldenL 8en All) unable Lo address Lhe need for re-
dlsLrlbuLlve soclal [usLlce
CccupaLlons, proLesL assemblles,
marches, clvll dlsobedlence /
dlrecL acLlon, desLrucLlon of
CovernmenL, corrupL pollLlcal
/ economlc sysLem
300 kllled, 700
ln[ured, arresLs
12/10 02/11 1anzanla
CpposlLlon pollLlcal parLles demandlng Lhe end of
governmenL corrupLlon and pollLlcal rlghLs
Marches, proLesL assemblles, clvll
dlsobedlence / dlrecL acLlon,
CovernmenL, mlllLary / pollce 2 kllled
12/10 02/11 Algerla
naLlonal proLesLs denounclng low llvlng sLandards and
lnequallLy, demandlng resldenL's reslgnaLlon and Lhe
end of Lhe sLaLe of emergency law
CovernmenL, pollLlcal parLy /
3 kllled, 826
ln[ured, arresLs,
pollce vlolence
12/10 12/10 8ollvla
8ose of fuel prlces ("Casollnazo") leadlng Lo several
proLesLs (some of Lhem vlolenL) by Lrade unlons and
clLlzens demandlng a prlce decrease
SLrlkes, formal sLaLemenLs,
proLesL assemblles, desLrucLlon
of properLy
CovernmenL ollce vlolence
12/10 01/11 Chlle
ConfllcL ln Lhe reglon of Magallanes because of Lhe
lncrease ln gas prlces
Marches, sLrlkes, formal
sLaLemenLs, blockades
CovernmenL 2 kllled
12/10 12/12 Chlna
Marches ln Pong kong on new ?ear's Lve demandlng
more democracy
Marches, proLesL assemblles,
CorrupL pollLlcal / economlc
sysLem, governmenL

01/11 06/11
Wlsconsln Covernor ScoLL Walker-led ausLerlLy-based
aLLacks on collecLlve bargalnlng, wages and beneflLs of
publlc-secLor unlons
roLesL assemblles, occupaLlons,
clvll dlsobedlence / dlrecL acLlon,
legal / elecLoral redress, general
CovernmenL (local), pollLlcal
group, ellLes
71 | a g e

Start Lnd Country Ma|n Gr|evance]Demand Methods of rotest Ma|n Cpponent
01/11 12/11 Colombla
Mlners and lndlgenous peoples proLesLlng agalnsL
naLural resources explolLaLlon (coal, gold and oll) and
demandlng beLLer worklng condlLlons and lndlgenous
rlghLs' respecL
SLrlkes, formal sLaLemenLs,
blockades, hunger sLrlkes,
CorporaLlons / employers,

01/11 12/11 Creece naLlonal proLesLs agalnsL ausLerlLy measures ln 2011
SLrlkes, formal sLaLemenLs,
blockades, clvll dlsobedlence /
dlrecL acLlon, pollLlcal sLunLs,
general assemblles, proLesL
CovernmenL, Lu, LC8, lMl,
corrupL pollLlcal / economlc
43 arresLs
01/11 12/11 lLaly
Ceneral SLrlke agalnsL ausLerlLy measures and Lax
SLrlkes, formal sLaLemenLs,
CovernmenL, Lu, LC8, lMl,
corrupL pollLlcal / economlc
sysLem, flnance, ellLes

01/11 Cngolng
naLlonal campalgn and demonsLraLlons organlzed by
CllmaLe organlzaLlons agalnsL Lhe keysLone xL 1ar Sands
Clvll dlsobedlence / dlrecL acLlon,
proLesL assemblles, occupaLlons,
educaLlonal acLlons
CovernmenL, corporaLlons /
01/11 02/12 Senegal
resldenL Abdoulaye Wade alm Lo be reelecLed for a
Lhlrd Lerm lnlLlaLed proLesLs led by youLh demandlng a
real democracy, soclal and economlc [usLlce and sLop
resldenL's lnLenLlons of reelecLlon
lnLerneL acLlvlsm, proLesL
CovernmenL, corrupL pollLlcal
/ economlc sysLem
3 arresLs
01/11 12/11 !ordan
CovernmenL corrupLlon and Lhe lncrease of food prlces
lead Lo demands of reslgnaLlon of Lhe cablneL and
economlc [usLlce
roLesL assemblles, occupaLlons
CovernmenL, corrupL pollLlcal
/ economlc sysLem

01/11 02/12 ?emen
"?emenl 8evoluLlon" demandlng resldenL's deparLure,
end of corrupLlon and real democracy
Marches, proLesL assemblles,
CorrupL pollLlcal / economlc
sysLem, ellLes
kllled, Lhousands
01/11 04/11 Cman
uemonsLraLlons demandlng Lhe end of corrupLlon and
hlgher wages
roLesL assemblles, occupaLlons
CovernmenL, corrupL pollLlcal
/ economlc sysLem
2 kllled, pollce
01/11 04/11 MaurlLanla
Marches led by youLh demandlng democracy, economlc
and soclal [usLlce, reslgnaLlon of Lhe prlme mlnlsLer and
women's rlghLs
Marches, proLesL assemblles
CorrupL pollLlcal / economlc
sysLem, governmenL, pollLlcal
parLy / group

01/11 04/11 Saudl Arabla Shla prlsonners condemned Lo [all wlLhouL Lrlal Clvll dlsobedlence / dlrecL acLlon CovernmenL ArresLs
01/11 02/11 LgypL
"LgypL 8evoluLlon" ln Lhe sLreeLs all over Lhe counLry
demandlng Lhe end of Lhe 31 years of sLaLe of
emergency law and deparLure of resldenL Mubarak,
real democracy and soclal and economlc [usLlce
CccupaLlons, marches, proLesL
CorrupL pollLlcal / economlc
sysLem, governmenL, mlllLary /
840 kllled, 6467
ln[ured, pollce
01/11 06/11 Syrla
opular uprlslng agalnsL resldenL Assad demandlng hlm
Lo sLep down whlch afLerwards became a clvll war
CorrupL pollLlcal / economlc
sysLem, governmenL, ellLes
72 | a g e

Start Lnd Country Ma|n Gr|evance]Demand Methods of rotest Ma|n Cpponent
01/11 03/11 Sudan
Low lncome people and youLh marchlng agalnsL hlgh
prlces and corrupLlon and demandlng economlc and
pollLlcal reforms
Marches, proLesL assemblles CovernmenL ollce vlolence
02/11 09/11 SouLh Afrlca
uemonsLaLlons agalnsL Lhe lack of [obs, Lhe absence of
publlc servlces (especlally healLh) and demands for Lhe
economlc empowermenL of black people
roLesL assemblles, clvll
dlsobedlence / dlrecL acLlon,
desLrucLlon of properLy, vlolence
2 kllled, pollce
02/11 Cngolng lreland
Marches every weekend ln 8allyhea agalnsL bank
bondholders' ballouLs
Marches, proLesL assemblles,clvll
dlsobedlence / dlrecL acLlon
CovernmenL, flnance, corrupL
pollLlcal / economlc sysLem,

02/11 02/11 Clobal
World Soclal lorum ls an on-golng process where soclal
movemenL, acLlvlsLs, campalgners, eLc. [oln LogeLher
every 2 years agalnsL Lhe neollberal sysLem under Lhe
slogan "AnoLher world ls posslble." 1hls edlLlon was
celebraLed ln uakar (Senegal) under Lhe Arab
8evoluLlons conLexL
Marches, educaLlonal acLlons,
proLesL assemblles
CovernmenL, corrupL pollLlcal
/ economlc sysLem, ellLes,
flnance, lMl, LC8, Lu, uSA,
C20, free Lrade, mlllLary /

02/11 02/11 lLaly
Women's marches ln more Lhan 200 clLles asklng for
8erlusconl's reslgnaLlon, and foundlng of a new
democracy wlLhouL sexlsm
CovernmenL, pollLlcal parLy /

02/11 02/12 lran
"Creen MovemenL" denounclng 2009 deLenLlon durlng
Lhe proLesLs for elecLoral fraud and governmenL
CovernmenL, corrupL pollLlcal
/ economlc sysLem
97 ln[ured
02/11 02/11 Llbya
Marches denounclng Lhe unfalr arresL of Lhe opposlLlon
Lawyer laLhl 1erbll who defended pollLlcal prlsonners
Marches CovernmenL, pollLlcal group
40 ln[ured,
pollce vlolence,
02/11 03/11 Llbya
Armed rebelllon flrsLly ln LasLern reglon Lo end Caddafl's
ollLlcal parLy / group, ellLes,
corrupL pollLlcal / economlc
30000 kllled,
02/11 03/11 Chlna
Chlnese pro-democracy proLesLs ln several clLles lnsplred
ln Lhe 1unlslan revoluLlon aka. "!asmlne 8evoluLlon"
Ceneral assemblles, proLesL
assemblles, clvll dlsobedlence /
dlrecL acLlon
CorrupL pollLlcal / economlc
60 arresLed, new
02/11 09/11 Morocco
ConsLlLuLlonal reforms Lowards real democracy,
economlc reforms, and eLhnlc recognlLlon
Marches, clvll dlsobedlence /
dlrecL acLlon, lnLerneL acLlvlsm
CovernmenL, corrupL pollLlcal
/ economlc sysLem
6 kllled, 128
ln[ured, 120
03/11 09/11 Saudl Arabla uemands for voLlng rlghLs for Saudl women Clvll dlsobedlence / dlrecL acLlon
CovernmenL, corrupL pollLlcal
/ economlc sysLem

03/11 03/11 Angola
Lnd Lo Lhe 32-year rule of resldenL !ose Lduardo dos
roLesL assemblles, educaLlonal
CovernmenL, corrupL pollLlcal
/ economlc sysLem
17 arresLs
73 | a g e

Start Lnd Country Ma|n Gr|evance]Demand Methods of rotest Ma|n Cpponent
03/11 Cngolng orLugal
Soclal movemenL ("Ceneraao 8asca") born ln
preparaLlon of Lhe 12Lh March 2011 proLesL ln orLugal
demandlng Lhe Lransparency of pollLlcs, debL audlLs and
quesLlonlng Lhe leglLlmacy of lnLernaLlonal and Luropean
Ceneral assemblles, educaLlonal
CovernmenL, Lu, LC8, lMl,
corrupL pollLlcal / economlc

03/11 03/11 Chlna
larmers dlsplaced from Lhelr lands because of Lhe
consLrucLlon of Lhe xlang[laba hydraullc power sLaLlon
demandlng a cash seLLlemenL for Lhe losL land
roLesL assemblles, blockades,
desLrucLlon of properLy, vlolence
30 ln[ured,
pollce vlolence
03/11 03/11 uk
"March for Lhe AlLernaLlve" organlzed by Lhe 1rade
unlons ConfederaLlon agalnsL uk governmenL cuLs and
demandlng [obs, growLh, [usLlce and an alLernaLlve Lo
ausLerlLy Lhrough LaxaLlon and falr redlsLrlbuLlon
CovernmenL, corrupL pollLlcal
/ economlc sysLem,
corporaLlons / employers,
ellLes, flnance
214 arresLs
04/11 04/11 nlgerla
roLesLs ln 12 norLhern Musllm SLaLes demandlng
democracy and agalnsL corrupLlon and ChrlsLlans from
Lhe SouLh, whlch became rloLs
vlolence, desLrucLlon of
properLy, proLesL assemblles
CorrupL pollLlcal / economlc
sysLem, ellLes
830 kllled, 63000
04/11 07/13 Myanmar
vlllagers marchlng and occupylng Lo sLop currenL
acLlvlLles and expanslon pro[ecL of Lhe LeLpadaung
Copper Mlne
Marches, proLesL assemblles,
CovernmenL, corporaLlons /
employers, Chlna
ArresLs, pollce
04/11 Cngolng !apan uL an end Lo nuclear power use ln !apan roLesL assemblles, marches
CovernmenL, corporaLlons /
employers, corrupL pollLlcal /
economlc sysLem

04/11 03/11 Chlna Campalgn Lo free Al Welwel from prlson
SLreeL LheaLer and muslc,
peLlLlon drlves
CovernmenL ArresLs
04/11 Cngolng lndla
Campalgn ("lndla agalnsL CorrupLlon") agalnsL corrupLlon
demandlng an anLl-corrupLlon leglslaLlon and lLs
Punger sLrlkes
CovernmenL, corrupL pollLlcal
/ economlc sysLem
04/11 11/11 Colombla
roLesLs led by sLudenL's unlons and worker's unlons
agalnsL Lhe educaLlon reforms and demandlng beLLer
wages and penslons
Marches, occupaLlons, vlolence CovernmenL
04/11 04/12 uganda
Campalgn ("Walk Lo work") demandlng lower fuel and
food prlces
Clvll dlsobedlence / dlrecL acLlon,
pollLlcal sLunLs
CovernmenL, corrupL pollLlcal
/ economlc sysLem
3 kllled, 100
ln[ured, 700
arresLs, Leargas,
new laws
04/11 04/11 Chlna
1ruck drlvers demonsLraLlng and demandlng lower fuel
prlces and hlgher wages Lo keep up wlLh lnflaLlon
roLesL assemblles CovernmenL
3 kllled, pollce
74 | a g e

Start Lnd Country Ma|n Gr|evance]Demand Methods of rotest Ma|n Cpponent
04/11 Cngolng Chlle
Chllean SLudenL MovemenL ln favor of publlc educaLlon,
hlgher parLlclpaLlon of Lhe SLaLe ln educaLlon, change of
Lhe naLlonal ConsLlLuLlon and copper revenues Lo
naLlonal developmenL
Marches, sLrlkes, formal
CovernmenL, corrupL pollLlcal
/ economlc sysLem
2000 arresLs
03/11 03/11 8razll
lmprovemenLs of Lhe Sao aulo publlc LransporLaLlon Lo
Lake lnLo accounL all frlnges of Lhe populaLlon
CccupaLlon, sLunL CovernmenL
03/11 03/11 Chlna
roLesLs ln lnner Mongolla for defense of human rlghLs,
dlgnlLy and mongollan culLure and agalnsL polluLlon
Marches, proLesL assemblles
Chlna, governmenL,
corporaLlons / employers
1 kllled, 30
03/11 03/11 Clobal
May 1sL, lnLernaLlonal Workers' uay, wlLh demands for
democracy and soclal [usLlce, worlwlde supporL of Lhe
Arab Sprlng and employmenL
Marches, proLesL assemblles
CovernmenL, corporaLlons /
employers, corrupL pollLlcal /
economlc sysLem, ellLes,
flnance, lMl, World 8ank,
C20, free Lrade

03/11 06/11 SouLh korea
1ulLlon rlses ln unlverslLles sparks sLudenL's proLesLs
agalnsL unlverslLy reform
Marches, proLesL assemblles,
sLreeL LheaLer and muslc
CovernmenL LawsulL
03/11 06/11 Saudl Arabla 8lghL Lo drlve for Saudl women
Clvll dlsobedlence / dlrecL acLlon,
lnLerneL acLlvlsm
8ellglous auLhorlLles, mlllLary /
pollce, governmenL
03/11 03/13 lndonesla
SLrlkes demandlng hlgher wages, beLLer worklng
condlLlons and Lhe exLenslon of soclal securlLy
Marches, sLrlkes
CovernmenL, corporaLlons /
03/11 Cngolng Spaln
"13M MovemenL", "lndlgnados" denounclng Lhe lack of
real democracy and Lhe need of a deep soclal, economlc
and pollLlcal change
Marches, occupaLlons
CorrupL pollLlcal / economlc
sysLem, governmenL, flnance,
ellLes, corporaLlons /
employers, mlllLary / pollce,
rellglous auLhorlLles, lMl, LC8,
03/11 06/11 Srl Lanka
Workers marchlng Lo force Lhe governmenL Lo abandon
Lhe prlvaLe penslon sysLem
Marches, proLesL assemblles CovernmenL, lMl, W8
1 kllled, 130
06/11 06/11 Chlna
MlgranL workers caused rloLs ln Chaozhou proLesLlng for
beLLer [ob condlLlons and Lhe paymenL of salarles
Marches, desLrucLlon of properLy CorporaLlons / employers ln[ured, vlolence
06/11 12/11 kazakhsLan
SLrlke of oll workers due Lo mlllLary represslon on a wage
dlspuLe, workers demand beLLer worklng condlLlons
SLrlkes, blockades CovernmenL, mlllLary / pollce
14 kllled, 80
06/11 06/13 vleLnam
March ln Panol agalnsL Chlnese lmperlallsm (dlgs,
exploraLlons, eLc.) ln Lhe SouLh-LasL Aslan sea
CorporaLlons / employers,
governmenL, corrupL pollLlcal /
economlc sysLem, free Lrade,
ArresLs, LorLure
06/11 06/11 Chlna
8loLs ln Zengcheng due Lo poor LreaLmenL of mlgranL
Marches, desLrucLlon of
properLy, vlolence
MlllLray / pollce, governmenL ollce vlolence
73 | a g e

Start Lnd Country Ma|n Gr|evance]Demand Methods of rotest Ma|n Cpponent
06/11 09/11 AusLralla
unlons and workers asklng Lo sLop [ob cuLs and wages
caps from publlc secLor workers
Marches CovernmenL
07/11 Cngolng Malaysla
Campalng and marches led by pollLlcal parLles Lo reform
Lhe elecLoral sysLem, free elecLlons, share of oll revenues
Lo naLlonal developmenL and beLLer sLandards of llvlng
Marches, proLesL assemblles
CorrupL pollLlcal / economlc
sysLem, governmenL
1700 arresLs
07/11 09/11 lsrael ?ouLh groups ln favor of economlc and soclal [usLlce
CccupaLlons, general assemblles,
proLesL assemblles, marches, clvll
dlsobedlence / dlrecL acLlon,
educaLlonal acLlons, lnLerneL
CovernmenL, corrupL pollLlcal
/ economlc sysLem

08/11 07/12 8ollvla
roLesLs agalnsL Lhe consLrucLlon of a road crosslng Lhe
1errlLorlo lndlgena y arque naclonal lslboro-Secure and
demands for respecL of lndlgenous rlghLs
Marches, occupaLlons CovernmenL ollce vlolence
08/11 12/11 nlger 8loLs due Lo hlgh energy prlces and low llvlng sLandards uesLrucLlon of properLy
CovernmenL, corporaLlons /
1 kllled, arresLs,
pollce vlolence
08/11 08/11 uk
"London rloLs" Lhen spreadlng all over Lhe counLry wlLh
people resenLful abouL unemploymenL, lack of
opporLunlLles and raclsm
uesLrucLlon of properLy
MlllLary / pollce, corrupL
pollLlcal / ecomomlc sysLem
3100 arresLs
08/11 08/11 Chlna uemonsLraLlons agalnsL a chemlcal planL ln uallan Marches, proLesL assemblles CorporaLlons / employers ollce vlolence
08/11 08/11 Chlle
Ceneral SLrlke (wlLh Lhe supporL of sLudenL's unlons and
copper workers) demandlng reform of Lhe penslon
sysLem, new Workers' Code, copper revenues Lo flnance
publlc servlces and reducLlon of fuel Laxes
SLrlkes, formal sLaLemenLs,
CovernmenL, corrupL pollLlcal
/ economlc sysLem

09/11 10/11 8razll
Marches ln more Lhan 20 clLles agalnsL corrupLlon and ln
supporL of resldenL ullma 8ousseff's governmenLal
clean-up operation
CorrupL pollLlcal / economlc

09/11 Cngolng
"Cccupy Wall SLreeL," Lhe soclal movemenL LhaL spread
all over Lhe counLry denounclng lnequallLy and
corrupLlon ln Lhe pollLlcal and economlc sysLem
CccupaLlons, general assemblles,
clvll dlsobedlence / dlrecL acLlon,
lnLerneL acLlvlsm, hacklng,
marches, proLesL assemblles,
muLual ald, sLreeL LheaLer and
muslc, sLrlkes/walkouLs, hacklng
llnance, corrupL pollLlcal /
economlc sysLem, ellLes,
corporaLlons / employers, free
Lrade, lMl, C20, mlllLary
new laws, 700
arresLs, pollce
09/11 12/11 Angola
roLesLs agalnsL Lhe 32 years rule of resldenL !ose
Lduardo uos SanLos. uemands Lo end corrupLlon and
beLLer economlc opporLunlLles
Marches, proLesL assemblles
CovernmenL, corrupL pollLlcal
/ economlc sysLem
09/11 01/12 SouLh korea
LnacLmenL peLlLlon of an ordlnance guaranLeelng Lhe
freedom of LC81 sLudenLs' rlghLs
eLlLlon drlves CovernmenL (local)
76 | a g e

Start Lnd Country Ma|n Gr|evance]Demand Methods of rotest Ma|n Cpponent
09/11 01/12 Chlna
uemonsLraLlons ln Wukan agalnsL corrupLlon and land
CccupaLlons, proLesL assemblles CovernmenL (local) 1 kllled
09/11 10/11 8ulgarla
Marches and rloLs agalnsL Lhe 8oma communlLy leaded
by far-rlghL pollLlcal parLles
Marches, desLrucLlon of properLy Soclal group
200 arresLs,
09/11 11/11 MaurlLanla Lqual LreaLmenL for 8lack Afrlcans as wlLh Arabs Marches, proLesL assemblles
CovernmenL, corrupL pollLlcal
/ economlc sysLem, ellLes
2 kllled, arresLs,
pollce vlolence
10/11 11/11 lLaly
Marches demandlng Lhe reslgnaLlon of 8erlusconl and
Lhe end of ausLerlLy measures and banker's governmenL
CovernmenL, Lu, LC8, lMl,
corrupL pollLlcal / economlc
sysLem, flnance, pollLlcal parLy
/ group
70 ln[ured,
pollce vlolence
10/11 01/12 Cermany
"Cccupy" movemenLs asklng Lo curb Lhe power of
flnanclal markeLs, denounclng lnequallLy and Lhe
corrupLlon ln Lhe pollLlcal and economlc sysLem
CccupaLlons, proLesL assemblles,
educaLlonal acLlons, marches,
legal / elecLoral redress, lnLerneL
acLlvlsm, clvll dlsobedlence /
dlrecL acLlon
llnance, corrupL pollLlcal /
economlc sysLem, ellLes,
corporaLlons / employers, LC8
10/11 Cngolng 8usla
Muslc group ("ussy 8loL") agalnsL vladlmlr uLln and ln
favor of real democracy and women empowermenL
SLreeL LheaLer and muslc
CorrupL pollLlcal / economlc
sysLem, pollLlcal parLy / group,
10/11 10/11 Clobal
Clobal proLesL flrsL called by "uemocracla 8eal ?a!" from
Spaln and followed by "Cccupy" movemenLs from
dlfferenL clLles. Marches ln more Lhan 930 clLles ln 82
CccupaLlons, marches,
desLrucLlon of properLy, clvll
dlsobedlence / dlrecL acLlon,
lnLerneL acLlvlsm, hacklng
CorrupL pollLlcal / economlc
sysLem, ellLes, flnance, lMl,
C20, free Lrade
930 arresLs, 130
10/11 10/11 SouLh Afrlca
"Cccupy SouLh Afrlca" denounclng economlc ln[usLlce
and demandlng pollLlcal and economlc reforms
CccupaLlons, proLesL assemblles,
clvll dlsobedlence / dlrecL acLlon
llnance, free Lrade,
10/11 Cngolng uk
"Cccupy London" denounclng economlc ln[usLlce and Lhe
role of corporaLlons
CccupaLlons, educaLlonal acLlons,
marches, proLesL assemblles,
general assemblles, clvll
dlsobedlence / dlrecL acLlon,
pollLlcal sLunLs
CorrupL pollLlcal / economlc
sysLem, flnance, governmenL,
ellLes, corporaLlons /
employers, lMl, lree Lrade,
C20, LC8, Lu
20 arresLs
10/11 Cngolng Spaln
CrganlzaLlon of grandparenLs ( "?ayoflauLas") defendlng
Lhelr grandchlldren's rlghLs agalnsL Lhe flnanclal secLor
and speculaLors
Marches, occupaLlons
llnance, ellLes, corrupL
pollLlcal / economlc sysLem,
11/11 06/10 Clobal roLesLs durlng Lhe C20 SummlL ln Cannes (lrance)
Marches, educaLlonal acLlons,
proLesL assemblles, clvll
dlsobedlence / dlrecL acLlon,
desLrucLlon of properLy, vlolence
C20, lree Lrade, lMl, W8,
flnance, corporaLlons /
employers, uSA, Lu, corrupL
pollLlcal / economlc sysLem,

77 | a g e

Start Lnd Country Ma|n Gr|evance]Demand Methods of rotest Ma|n Cpponent
11/11 11/11 Sudan
Marches all over Lhe counLry agalnsL hlgh food prlces
and pollce vlolence
Marches, proLesL assemblles CovernmenL ollce vlolence
11/11 12/11 ukralne
roLesLs of Chernobyl clean-up workers, Afghan's war
veLerans and chlldren ln Lhe World War ll ln order Lo
recelve Lhelr enLlre penslon paymenL
Marches, occupaLlons, hunger
CovernmenL 1 kllled
11/11 04/12 Cermany
AnLl-war and anLlnuclear proLesLs calllng for Lhe end of
AfghanlsLan war and Lhe end of nuclear prollferaLlon
Marches, proLesL assemblles CovernmenL, mlllLary / pollce
11/11 03/12 Canada
"Cuebec SLudenL roLesL" ln response Lo Lhe lncrease ln
unlverslLy LulLlon
SLrlkes, marches, blockades,
formal sLaLemenLs
CovernmenL (local)
arresLs, pollce
vlolence, new
laws (8lll 78)
11/11 Cngolng Spaln
"uemocracla 8eal ?a!" denounclng Lhe lack of real
democracy and demandlng Lhe ellmlnaLlon of pollLlcal
class prlvlleges and changes ln Lhe pollLlcal and economlc
CorrupL pollLlcal / economlc
sysLem, governmenL, flnance,
ellLes, corporaLlons /
employers, mlllLary / pollce,
lMl, LC8, Lu

11/11 11/11 vleLnam
Chlnese "lalun Cong" pracLlLloners demandlng rellglous
freedom from abroad (ln Chlna lL ls lllegal)
roLesL assembly CovernmenL, Chlna 30 arresLs
11/11 11/12 oland
uemonsLraLlons durlng oland lndependence uay from
rlghL-wlng movemenLs and Lhe CaLhollc Church on one
slde, and from lefL-wlng and anarchlsL movemenLs on
Lhe oLher slde
Marches Lu, pollLlcal group / parLy
342 arresL,
11/11 11/11 orLugal Ceneral SLrlke agalnsL ausLerlLy measures SLrlkes, formal sLaLemenLs
CovernmenL, Lu, LC8, lMl,
corrupL pollLlcal / economlc
sysLem, flnance, ellLes
2 arresLs
11/11 11/11 uk ubllc secLor sLrlke agalnsL uk governmenL cuLs
SLrlkes, formal sLaLemenLs,
occupaLlons, general assemblles,
proLesL assemblles, clvll
dlsobedlence / dlrecL acLlon,
lnLerneL acLlvlsm
CovernmenL 73 arresLs
12/11 12/11
8epubllc of
Marches organlzed by pollLlcal parLles clalmlng elecLlon
fraud and agalnsL Lhe reelecLlon of kablla as resldenL
Marches, proLesL assemblles
CorrupL pollLlcal / economlc
sysLem, mlllLary / pollce
24 kllled
12/11 12/11 hlllpplnes
"Cccupy Mendlola" agalnsL Lhe lnequallLy broughL by Lhe
currenL sysLem dlsregardlng 99 of Lhe populaLlon
CccupaLlons, clvll dlsobedlence /
dlrecL acLlon, general assemblles,
proLesL assemblles, marches,
pollLlcal sLunLs
LllLes, corrupL pollLlcal /
economlc sysLem, flnance,
lMl, free Lrade, uSA,
corporaLlons / employers,
3 arresLs, 3
ln[ured, pollce
78 | a g e

Start Lnd Country Ma|n Gr|evance]Demand Methods of rotest Ma|n Cpponent
12/11 01/12 Llbya
?ouLh clalmlng LhaL Lhe democraLlc demands of Lhe
revoluLlon have noL been meL. uemands of federallsm
and a fasLer LranslLlon Lo democracy
roLesL assemblles, vlolence
CorrupL pollLlcal / economlc
sysLem, governmenL

12/11 Cngolng LLhlopla
Musllms proLesLlng agalnsL governmenL lnLerference ln
rellglous affalrs
Marches, proLesL assemblles,
desLrucLlon of properLy, vlolence
CovernmenL, rellglous
4 kllled
12/11 Cngolng Creece
Campalgn and soclal movemenL agalnsL Lhe mlnlng
exploraLlon ln norLh-LasL Creece (especlally ln Palkadlkl)
by Lldorado, a Canadlan mlnlng company
Marches, occupaLlons, blocks,
desLrucLlon of properLy, vlolence
CovernmenL, corporaLlons /
employers, corrupL pollLlcal /
economlc sysLem
ArresLs, ln[ured
12/11 Cngolng 8ussla
Soclal movemenL denounclng Lhe elecLoral fraud and
corrupLlon. uemands Lo lnvalldaLe Lhe elecLlon's resulLs
and real democracy
CorrupL pollLlcal / economlc
3000 arresLs,
new laws
12/11 02/12 Clobal
roLesLs by Lhe Congolese dlaspora ln more Lhan 12
clLles all over Lhe world denounclng Lhe elecLoral fraud
and Lhe represslon of proLesLs and of opposlLlon groups
Marches, proLesL assemblles,
desLrucLlon of properLy, vlolence
MlllLary / pollce, governmenL,
corrup pollLlcal / economlc

12/11 01/12 kyrgyzLan
Punger sLrlkes and rloLs ln prlsons due Lo Lhelr lnhuman
Punger sLrlkes, self-lnfllcLed
vlolence, desLrucLlon of properLy
CovernmenL 33 ln[ured
12/11 01/12 MaurlLanla 8eslgnaLlon of Lhe governmenL and real democracy CccupaLlons
CovernmenL, corrupL pollLlcal
/ economlc sysLem
ollce vlolence
12/11 12/11 lLaly 8allles agalnsL raclsm roLesL assemblles Soclal group
12/11 03/12 lreland
eaceful slL-ln afLer workers from Lhe vlLa CorLex planL
were lald off wlLhouL havlng recelved Lhelr pays
CccupaLlons, blockades CorporaLlons / employers
12/11 12/11 Sudan
SLudenLs groups demandlng respecL for uarfur sLudenLs
and cessaLlon of pollce represslon
CccupaLlons, proLesL assemblles MlllLary / pollce, governmenL
4 kllled, arresLs,
pollce vlolence
01/12 01/12 Clobal
roLesLs durlng Lhe World Lconomlc lorum ln uavos
Marches, educaLlonal acLlons,
proLesL assemblles, clvll
dlsobedlence / dlrecL acLlon
C20, uSA, Lu, lMl, LC8, lree
Lrade, corporaLlons /
100 arresLs,
pollce vlolence
01/12 02/12 8omanla
uemonsLraLlons all over 8omanla agalnsL ausLerlLy
measures. uemands for governmenL reslgnaLlon and
new elecLlons
Marches, vlolence CovernmenL, lMl, Lu, LC8 280 arresLs
01/12 02/12 Clobal
roLesLs ln Lurope agalnsL Lhe approval of Lhe AnLl-
CounLerfelLlng 1rade AgreemenL
Packlng, marches, proLesL
assemblles, clvll dlsobedlence
Lu, governmenL, corporaLlons
/ employers

01/12 08/12 1anzanla uocLors and Leachers demandlng hlgher salarles SLrlkes, formal sLaLemenLs CovernmenL 1orLure
79 | a g e

Start Lnd Country Ma|n Gr|evance]Demand Methods of rotest Ma|n Cpponent
01/12 12/12 Creece
naLlonal proLesLs agalnsL ausLerlLy measures ln 2012
(lncludlng more Lhan 3 Ceneral SLrlkes)
SLrlkes, formal sLaLemenLs,
CovernmenL, Lu, LC8, lMl,
corrupL pollLlcal / economlc
2 kllled, 270
01/12 12/12 orLugal
naLlonal proLesLs agalnsL ausLerlLy ln 2012 (lncludlng Lwo
Ceneral SLrlkes)
Marches, sLrlkes, formal
CovernmenL, Lu, LC8, lMl,
corrupL pollLlcal / economlc
sysLem, flnance, ellLes

01/12 Cngolng Cermany
Soclal movemenL ("8lockupy") agalnsL Lhe rule of Lhe
1rolka and Lhe corrupLlon ln Lhe pollLlcal and economlc
CccupaLlons, proLesL assemblles,
educaLlonal acLlons, marches,
legal / elecLoral redress, lnLerneL
acLlvlsm, clvll dlsobedlence /
dlrecL acLlon
CovernmenL, LC8, Lu, lMl 400 arresLs
01/12 Cngolng orLugal
"Cue se llxe a 1rolka," meeLlng place/movemenL for all
Lhose flghLlng agalnsL 1rolka
CccupaLlons, blockades
CovernmenL, Lu, LC8, lMl,
corrupL pollLlcal / economlc
sysLem, flnance, ellLes

01/12 Cngolng Spaln
eople's movemenL ("uesbanka") who flghLs agalnsL
bank's abuses and Lhe flnanclal sysLem
Marches, educaLlonal acLlons
CorrupL pollLlcal / economlc
sysLem, flnance, governmenL,
ellLes, corporaLlons /
employers, lMl, LC8, Lu

01/12 Cngolng
!usLlce for Ldward Snowden, uefeaL SCA and ClSA,
sLop survelllance of Musllms and sclenLlsLs, sLop
ouLsourclng uS lnLelllgence
WhlsLleblowlng/leaks, lnLerneL
acLlvlsm, hacklng, clvll
dlsobedlence / dlrecL acLlon
MlllLary / pollce, governmenL,
corrupL pollLlcal / economlc
ArresLs, new
law, lawsulL
01/12 01/12 Pungary March agalnsL Lhe new Pungarlan consLlLuLlon Marches, proLesL assemblles CovernmenL
01/12 Cngolng nlgerla
roLesLs agalnsL fuel prlce hlkes and denounclng Lhe
fraudulenL subsldy sysLem
SLrlkes, formal sLaLemenLs,
blockades, marches, proLesL
assemblles, clvll dlsobedlence /
dlrecL acLlon, desLrucLlon of
properLy, vlolence
CovernmenL, lMl, corrupL
pollLlcal / economlc sysLem,
16 kllled, pollce
01/12 01/12 oland
lnLerneL acLlvlsLs agalnsL Lhe AnLl-CounLerfeLlng 1rade
AgreemenL and Lhe lnLerneL censorshlp
Packlng, lnLerneL acLlvlsm,
proLesL assemblles, marches, clvll
dlsobedlence / dlrecL acLlon
Lu, free Lrade, corporaLlons /
employers, governmenL

01/12 Cngolng kazakhsLan
uemonsLraLlons ln favor of real democracy and clalmlng
Lo puL an end Lo corrupLlon
roLesL assemblles
corrupL pollLlcal / economlc
sysLem, ellLes
ArresLs, LorLure
02/12 07/13
Campalgn and marches across Lhe uS Lo sLop Lhe aLLacks
on mlnorlLy voLlng rlghLs and demandlng [usLlce for
1rayvon MarLln
Marches, proLesL assemblles, clvll
dlsobedlence / dlrecL acLlon
CovernmenL, governmenL

02/12 Cngolng 8omanla SLop Chevron shale gas acLlvlLles ln 8rlad Marches, occupaLlons, blockades CorporaLlons / employers
80 | a g e

Start Lnd Country Ma|n Gr|evance]Demand Methods of rotest Ma|n Cpponent
02/12 02/12 lsrael
Ceneral SLrlke ln favor of equal rlghLs for conLracLed and
ln-house workers
SLrlkes, formal sLaLemenLs
CovernmenL, corporaLlons /

02/12 02/12
8epubllc of
March ln proLesL of Lhe elecLlon resulLs and Lhe
harassmenL of ChrlsLlans
CorrupL pollLlcal / economlc
sysLem, mlllLary / pollce,
pollLlcal parLy / group,
36 kllled, pollce
02/12 02/12 lndla
Ceneral SLrlke agalnsL low llvlng sLandards and Lhe
prlvaLlzaLlon of sLaLe companles
SLrlkes, formal sLaLemenLs CovernmenL
02/12 03/12
rlsoners proLesLlng agalnsL Lhe lndeflnlLe admlnlsLraLlve
deLenLlon from lsraell auLhorlLles
Punger sLrlkes, proLesL
assemblles, educaLlonal acLlons
CovernmenL, mlllLary / pollce
03/12 08/12 Angola
Marches demandlng resldenL uos SanLos' reslgnaLlon,
Lhe end of corrupLlon and beLLer economlc opporLunlLles
Marches, proLesL assemblles
CovernmenL, corrupL pollLlcal
/ economlc sysLem
ArresLs, pollce
03/12 Cngolng Spaln
Campalgn and soclal movemenL ("laLaforma AudlLorla
Cludadana de la ueuda") analyzlng several lssues llnked
wlLh debL, ausLerlLy measures and flnanclal secLor
LducaLlonal acLlons
llnance, governmenL, Lu, LC8,
lMl, corrupL pollLlcal /
economlc sysLem, ellLes

03/12 03/12 uenmark March ln favor Lo resLrlcL lmmlgraLlon
Marches, proLesL assemblles, clvll
dlsobedlence / dlrecL acLlon
Soclal group 82 arresLs
04/12 Cngolng lndonesla 8loLs agalnsL Lhe removal of fuel subsldles
Marches, blockades, desLrucLlon
of properLy, vlolence
CovernmenL, lMl
229 arresLs,
pollce vlolence
04/12 Cngolng Clobal
Campalgn and soclal movemenL ("lnLernaLlonal ClLlzen
uebL AudlL neLwork") Lo flghL ausLerlLy measures
Lhrough Lhe lmplemenLaLlons of clLlzen debL audlLs
LducaLlon acLlons, marches,
proLesL assemblles
CovernmenL, corrupL pollLlcal
/ economlc sysLem, ellLes,
flnance, lMl, LC8, Lu

04/12 04/12 lreland
March ln Calway durlng Lhe Labor arLy Conference Lo
proLesL Lhe ausLerlLy pollcles lmplemenLed
Marches, occupaLlons ollLlcal parLy / group 1 arresLs
04/12 12/12 hlllpplnes AgalnsL Lhe uS mlllLary presence ln hlllpplnes
ollLlcal sLunLs, proLesL
CovernmenL, corporaLlons /
employers, mlllLary / pollce,

04/12 04/10 Clobal
eople's SummlL on CllmaLe Change ln Cochabamba
Marches, educaLlonal acLlons,
general assemblles, pollLlcal
LllLes, corporaLlons /
employers, flnanclal secLor,
corrupL pollLlcal / economlc

04/12 Cngolng MaurlLanla
Soclal movemenL, leaded by youLh, ln favor of women's
rlghLs and real democracy
CccupaLlons, marches
CorrupL pollLlcal / economlc
sysLem, governmenL
ollce vlolence
03/12 03/12 Canada
8evoke 8lll 78 regardlng Lhe llmlLaLlon of freedom of
assembly ln response Lo sLudenL's sLrlkes
Marches, nolsemaklng
CovernmenL (local),
arresLs, pollce
81 | a g e

Start Lnd Country Ma|n Gr|evance]Demand Methods of rotest Ma|n Cpponent
03/12 03/12 Clobal
May 1sL, lnLernaLlonal Workers' uay, calllng on
governmenLs Lo assume Lhelr responslblllLles Lo end Lhe
Marches, proLesL assemblles
CovernmenL, corporaLlons /
employers, corrupL pollLlcal /
economlc sysLem, ellLes,
flnance, lMl, World 8ank, free
Lrade, C20

03/12 03/12 lndla
ollLlcal parLles marchlng Lo proLesL Lhe lncrease ln fuel
Marches, proLesL assemblles
CovernmenL, corporaLlons /

03/12 06/12 ArgenLlna
"Cacerolazos" and marches ln hlgh-lncome boroughs
agalnsL corrupLlon, lnsecurlLy and some economlc
Marches, proLesL assemblles,
03/12 01/13
Campalgn agalnsL Congress refusal Lo ralse uS debL
celllng and Lhe consequenL ausLerlLy measures
Marches, proLesL assemblles,
pollLlcal sLunLs
CovernmenL, flnance, corrupL
pollLlcal / economlc sysLem

03/12 03/12 Madagascar
8eLurn Lo clvlllan rule and speedlng up Lhe LranslLlon
Marches, proLesL assemblles, clvll
dlsobedlence / dlrecL acLlon
ArresLs, pollce
03/12 Cngolng Mexlco
Soclal movemenL ("?o soy 132") asklng for a
comprehenslve change of Lhe pollLlcal and economlc
Mexlcan sysLem and Lhe lnsLauraLlon of a real
arches, educaLlonal acLlons,
muLual ald
CovernmenL, pollLlcal parLy /
group, ellLes, corporaLlons /

03/12 03/12 lsrael 8esLrlcL Lhe lmmlgraLlon of forelgn labor
roLesL assemblles, vlolence,
desLrucLlon of properLy
CovernmenL, soclal group 17 arresLs
03/12 Cngolng Morocco AgalnsL ausLerlLy measures and for soclal equlLy Marches
CovernmenL, lMl, corrupL
pollLlcal / economlc sysLem

06/12 06/12 8angladesh
1exLlle workers demandlng an lncrease of Lhe mlnlmum
CovernmenL, corporaLlons /
ArresLs, ln[ured
06/12 06/12 Clobal
"Cupula dos ovos," parallel summlL Lo Lhe un
Conference on SusLalnable uevelopmenL ("8lo+20"),
celebraLed ln 8lo de !anelro (8razll)
Marches, educaLlonal acLlons,
proLesL assemblles, pollLlcal
CovernmenLs, corporaLlons /

06/12 06/12 Clobal roLesLs durlng Lhe C20 SummlL ln Los Cabos (Mexlco)
Marches, educaLlonal acLlons,
proLesL assemblles, clvll
dlsobedlence / dlrecL acLlon,
desLrucLlon of properLy, vlolence
C20, lree Lrade, lMl, W8,
flnance, corporaLlons, uSA,
Lu, corrupL pollLlcal /
economlc sysLem, ellLes

06/12 07/12 Sudan
roLesLs, malnly leaded by sLudenLs, demandlng Lhe end
of ausLerlLy measures and Lhe relnsLauraLlon of subsldles
roLesL assemblles CovernmenL, lMl new laws
06/12 07/12 Spaln
March of mlners ("Marcha negra") from all over Lhe
counLry Lowards Madrld demandlng a concreLe reLalnlng
plan for mlners
Marches, proLesL assemblles CovernmenL 8 arresLs
82 | a g e

Start Lnd Country Ma|n Gr|evance]Demand Methods of rotest Ma|n Cpponent
07/12 08/12 ukralne
CpposlLlon pollLlcal parLles proLesLlng Lhe law allowlng
offlclal use of oLher languages (8usslan)
Marches, proLesL assemblles CovernmenL, soclal group ollce vlolence
07/12 08/12 Mexlco SLop Lhe consLrucLlon of wlnd farms ln Cozumel Marches
CovernmenL, corporaLlons /

07/12 11/12 eru
1eachers and sLudenLs sLrlke agalnsL law Lo reform
SLrlkes, blockades, occupaLlons CovernmenL ollce vlolence
07/12 07/12 Spaln
uemonsLraLlons all over Lhe counLry agalnsL ausLerlLy
CovernmenL, Lu, LC8, lMl,
corrupL pollLlcal / economlc
13 arresLs, 39
08/12 09/12 Chlna ulspuLe wlLh !apan over Lhe ulaoyu lslands Marches, formal declaraLlons CovernmenL ollce vlolence
08/12 01/13 Colombla
Long hunger sLrlke by Ceneral MoLors' workers ln 8ogoLa
demandlng beLLer worklng condlLlons
Punger sLrlkes CorporaLlons / employers 18 kllled
08/12 Cngolng
Campalgn (wlLh Lhe parLlclpaLlon of "Anonymous")
demandlng [usLlce for rape vlcLlms
WhlsLleblowlng/leaks, lnLerneL
acLlvlsm, hacklng, proLesL
assemblles, clvll dlsobedlence /
dlrecL acLlon
ollce, governmenL (local),
soclal group
08/12 Cngolng
8epubllc of
kablla's lnablllLy Lo solve Lhe crlsls ln Coma. uemands of
Marches, proLesL assemblles
CorrupL pollLlcal / economlc
sysLem, mlllLary / pollce,
pollLlcal parLy / group,
3 kllled, pollce
08/12 09/12 SouLh Afrlca
roLesLs demandlng Lhe lncrease of mlners' mlnlmum
wage ln Marlkana
SLrlkes, formal sLaLemenLs,
formal sLaLemenLs, proLesL
assemblles, clvll dlsobedlence /
dlrecL acLlon
CorporaLlons / employers,
mlllLary / pollce
34 kllled
08/12 08/12 1unlsla
Women marches asklng for full equallLy for Women and
Men and clvll rlghLs proLecLlon under Lhe lslamlsL
CovernmenL, pollLlcal parLy /

08/12 03/13 lrance AgalnsL marrlage equallLy for same-sex couples
Marches, proLesL assemblles,
desLrucLlon of properLy
CovernmenL ArresLs, lawsulL
09/12 09/12 Clobal
Marches (malnly ln Musllm counLrles) agalnsL uS
culLural, mlllLary and economlc lmperlallsm
Marches, proLesL assemblles,
desLrucLlon of properLy
MlllLary / pollce, uSA,
ollce vlolence
09/12 10/12 !ordan
roLesLs agalnsL food prlces' lncrease. uemands for
economlc [usLlce
roLesL assemblles, occupaLlons
CovernmenL, corrupL pollLlcal
/ economlc sysLem
ArresLs, ln[ured,
09/12 11/12 1urkey
8elease of Lhe reslsLanL Ccalan and Lhe exLenslon of
kurdlsh language ln schools
Punger sLrlkes
CovernmenL, pollLlcal parLy /
ArresLs, pollce
83 | a g e

Start Lnd Country Ma|n Gr|evance]Demand Methods of rotest Ma|n Cpponent
09/12 10/12
8ecognlLlon of Lhe arls proLocol and Lhe reslgnaLlon of
Lhe prlme mlnlsLer
vlolence CovernmenL, lMl
ArresLs, pollce
09/12 09/12 Spaln lndependence of CaLalonla from Spaln Marches CovernmenL
09/12 09/12 ?emen
LlfLlng former presldenL Saleh's lmmunlLy so he can face
Marches, proLesL assemblles
CorrupL pollLlcal / economlc
sysLem, governmenL

09/12 11/12 ArgenLlna AgalnsL presldenL klchner and governmenL corrupLlon
Marches, proLesL assemblles,
CorrupL pollLlcal / economlc
sysLem, pollLlcal parLy / group,

09/12 09/12 lndla
March organlzed by pollLlcal parLles and unlons
demandlng lower fuel prlces and repeal a cap on
subsldlzed fuel
Marches, proLesL assemblles
CovernmenL, corporaLlons /

09/12 09/12 lndla
MerchanL sLrlke agalnsL governmenL auLhorlzaLlon Lo
1esco and WalmarL Lo conducL buslness ln lndla
CovernmenL, corporaLlons /

09/12 10/12 Spaln
March Lo surround Lhe Spanlsh arllamenL Lhe day Lhe
naLlonal budgeL was voLed
CccupaLlons, marches, proLesL
CovernmenL, Lu, LC8, lMl,
corrupL pollLlcal / economlc
64 arresLs, 37
09/12 09/12 !amalca March agalnsL gender vlolence Marches Soclal group
09/12 09/12 oland
March ln Warsaw agalnsL sLrucLural reforms by Lhe
governmenL and ln favor of Lhe ollsh CaLhollc church
Marches CovernmenL, Lu
10/12 12/12 Colombla
Marches and "cacerolazos" agalnsL Lhe governmenL.
uemands Lo change lLs focus on more economlc lssues
LhaL affecL people's dally llfe lnsLead of [usL Lhe lA8C
Marches, nolsemaklng
CovernmenL, pollLlcal parLy /

10/12 02/13 Canada
Campalgn ("ldle no more") ln defense of lndlgenous
soverelgnLy and envlronmenLal proLecLlon
8lockades, proLesL assemblles,
lndlgenous dances, occupaLlons
CovernmenL arresLs
10/12 03/13 kyrgyzLan
uemands Lo naLlonallze a gold mlne because Lhe
Canadlan flrm "kumLor" was noL adequaLely Laxed
Marches, blockades, desLrucLlon
of properLy, vlolence
CovernmenL, corrupL pollLlcal
/ economlc sysLem
100 arresLs, 10
ln[ured, new
10/12 10/12 lndla
AgalnsL land acqulslLlons by Lhe governmenL and
demands for a "naLlonal Land 8eform"
CovernmenL, corrupL pollLlcal
/ economlc sysLem, ellLes

10/12 Cngolng ?emen
SouLh ?emen MovemenL agalnsL cenLral governance and
ln favor of federallsm or Lhe secesslon of Lhe SouLh
SLrlkes, formal sLaLemenLs
CorrupL pollLlcal / economlc

10/12 11/12 lLaly
SLudenLs proLesLs agalnsL ausLerlLy and educaLlon
Marches, sLrlkes, formal
sLaLemenLs, occupaLlons
CovernmenL, Lu, LC8, lMl,
corrupL pollLlcal / economlc
sysLem, flnance, ellLes

84 | a g e

Start Lnd Country Ma|n Gr|evance]Demand Methods of rotest Ma|n Cpponent
10/12 10/12 Pungary
March ln Mlskolc agalnsL gypsles organlzed by a pollLlcal
parLy ("!obblk")
Marches, proLesL assemblles Soclal group
10/12 10/12 lLaly
March ln 8ome agalnsL Lhe ausLerlLy measures
lmplemenLed by Lhe rlme MlnlsLer, Marlo MonLl
CovernmenL, Lu, LC8, lMl,
corrupL pollLlcal / economlc
sysLem, flnance, ellLes

10/12 01/13 SouLh Afrlca
larmers from WesLern Cape on sLrlke demandlng hlgher
SLrlkes, formal sLaLemenLs,
proLesL assemblles, clvll
dlsobedlence / dlrecL acLlon
CorporaLlons / employers
6 arresLs, pollce
11/12 11/12 1anzanla
Workers from 8ukwa proLesLlng agalnsL Lhe unequal pay
beLween Lhem and forelgn workers
SLrlkes, formal sLaLemenLs CorporaLlons / employers
11/12 11/12 !ordan
vlolenL proLesLs due Lo Lhe lncrease ln fuel prlces and
demands for klng Abdullah ll's abdlcaLlons and
reslgnaLlon of Lhe rlme MlnlsLer
roLesL assemblles, vlolence,
desLrucLlon of properLy
CovernmenL, lMl ArresLs
11/12 11/12 Clobal
!oln Luropean sLrlke agalnsL ausLerlLy ln Cyprus, lLaly,
MalLa, orLugal and Spaln
SLrlkes, formal sLaLemenLs,
marches, proLesL assemblles, clvll
Lu, lMl, LC8, governmenL
74 arresLs, 118
11/12 03/13 AusLralla
1eacher's unlons proLesLlng agalnsL cuLs and layoffs ln
publlc educaLlon
Marches CovernmenL ArresLs
11/12 11/12 ArgenLlna
Ceneral sLrlke Lo lncrease mlnlmum wage and soclal
SLrlkes CovernmenL
11/12 11/12 lLaly
Mayors from lLaly marchlng ln 8ome agalnsL ausLerlLy
CovernmenL, Lu, LC8, lMl,
corrupL pollLlcal / economlc
sysLem, flnance, ellLes

11/12 07/13 LgypL
uemonsLraLlons agalnsL resldenL Mohamed Morsl's
decree glvlng hlmself legal lmmunlLy
8lockades, marches, desLrucLlon
of properLy, vlolence
CovernmenL, pollLlcal parLy /
16 kllled, 700
12/12 12/12 Pungary
SLudenLs' marches agalnsL LulLlon fees lncrease ln
unlverslLy and educaLlon cuLbacks. uemands for publlc
Marches, blockades CovernmenL, lMl 3 arresLs
12/12 Cngolng Mexlco
roLesLs agalnsL corrupLlon and Lhe lncrease of Laxes on
"vehlcle" ownershlp
roLesL assemblles, pollLlcal
CovernmenL, corporaLlons /

12/12 02/13 lndla
8apes of women ln publlc spaces LhaL generaLed proLesLs
demandlng Lhe lnsLauraLlon of caplLal punlshmenL for
sexual offenders
Marches, proLesL assemblles,
formal sLaLemenLs
CovernmenL ollce vlolence
12/12 01/13 aklsLan
Campalgn ("aklsLan Awaml 1ahreek") Lo end
governmenL corrupLlon
CovernmenL, corrupL pollLlcal
/ economlc sysLem, pollLlcal
parLy / group

83 | a g e

Start Lnd Country Ma|n Gr|evance]Demand Methods of rotest Ma|n Cpponent
01/13 Cngolng Cermany uS nSA spylng on Cerman clLlzens nolsemaklng, proLesL assemblles
CovernmenL, uSA, mlllLary /

01/13 Cngolng Creece
naLlonal proLesLs agalnsL ausLerlLy ln 2013 (lncludlng
four Ceneral SLrlkes)
SLrlkes, formal sLaLemenLs,
blockades, occupaLlons
CovernmenL, Lu, LC8, lMl,
corrupL pollLlcal / economlc
31 arresLs
01/13 Cngolng 8omanla
Several proLesLs from dlfferenL secLors due Lo ausLerlLy
measures and masslve layoffs
Marches, blockades, sLrlkes,
formal sLaLemenLs
CovernmenL, lMl, Lu, LC8
01/13 Cngolng 1anzanla Local proLesLs ln MLwara Lo sLop a plpellne pro[ecL
Marches, proLesL assemblles, clvll
dlsobedlence / dlrecL acLlon,
desLrucLlon of properLy, vlolence
CovernmenL, corporaLlons /
ArresLs, ln[ured
01/13 01/13 Madagascar
vlolenL proLesLs ln Anosy due Lo land grabblng by Lhe
mlnlng company "8lo 1lnLo"
marches, proLesL assemblles, clvll
dlsobedlence / dlrecL acLlon,
desLrucLlon of properLy, vlolence
CorporaLlons / employers,
ollce vlolence
01/13 03/13 8ulgarla roLesLs agalnsL Lhe lncrease ln waLer and energy prlces Marches
CovernmenL, corporaLlons /
employers, lMl, Lu, LC8,
corrupL pollLlcal / economlc
23 arresLs
02/13 Cngolng Canada
naLlonal campalgn and moblllzaLlon ln defense of
culLural and envlronmenLal commons
8lockades, educaLlonal acLlons,
CovernmenL, corrupL pollLlcal
/ economlc sysLem
arresLs, lawsulL
(Pudson 8ay
Mlnlng and
02/13 Cngolng 1unlsla
ulvlslon beLween opposlLlon (secularlsLs) and pro-
governmenL (lslamlsLs) supporLers
Marches, proLesL assemblles,
marches, clvll dlsobedlence /
dlrecL acLlon, desLrucLlon of
CovernmenL, pollLlcal parLy /
ollce vlolence
02/13 02/13 lreland March to protest countrys continued bank debt burden Marches, proLesL assemblles
lMl, LC8, Lu, governmenL,
flnance, corrupL pollLlcal /
economlc sysLem

02/13 02/13 Slngapore ClLlzens ln favor of lmmlgraLlon resLrlcLlons roLesL assembly CovernmenL, soclal group
02/13 02/13 lndla
Ceneral SLrlke ln defense of workers' rlghLs and agalnsL
economlc ln[usLlce
SLrlkes, formal sLaLemenLs CovernmenL, lMl
02/13 Cngolng Colombla
roLesLs by small coffee producers demandlng more
governmenL supporL
Marches, blockades CovernmenL
ArresLs, pollce
03/13 06/13 hlllpplnes SLudenLs' proLesL hlgh-educaLlon cosLs and lnequallLy roLesL assemblles CovernmenL
86 | a g e

Start Lnd Country Ma|n Gr|evance]Demand Methods of rotest Ma|n Cpponent
03/13 03/13 lndla
larmers and peasanLs organlzaLlons marchlng agalnsL
land grabblng by prlvaLe acLors
Marches, proLesL assemblles
CovernmenL, ellLes, corrupL
pollLlcal / economlc sysLem

03/13 03/13 oland Ceneral SLrlke agalnsL Lhe labor reform SLrlkes, formal sLaLemenLs
CovernmenL, corporaLlons /

03/13 03/13 Clobal
World Soclal lorum ls an on-golng process where soclal
movemenL, acLlvlsLs, campalgners, eLc. [oln LogeLher
every 2 years agalnsL Lhe neollberal sysLem under Lhe
slogan "AnoLher world ls posslble." 1hls edlLlon was
celebraLed ln 1unls (1unlsla)
Marches, educaLlonal acLlons,
proLesL assemblles
CovernmenL, corrupL pollLlcal
/ economlc sysLem, ellLes,
flnance, lMl, LC8, Lu, uSA,
C20, free Lrade, mlllLary /

03/13 03/13 Angola
Campalgn Lo free Lhe proLesLers dlsappeared and sLop
Lhe 32 year of rule presldency
Marches, proLesL assemblles
CovernmenL, corrupL pollLlcal
/ economlc sysLem, mlllLary /
ArresLs, pollce
04/13 04/13 uenmark 1eachers proLesL cuLbacks ln publlc educaLlon
Marches, sLrlkes, formal
sLaLemenLs, pollLlcal sLunLs
04/13 Cngolng Canada uphold laws agalnsL rape and Lhe proLecLlon of chlldren
Packlng, whlsLleblowlng/leaks,
muLual ald, clvll dlsobedlence /
dlrecL acLlon, lnLerneL acLlvlsm
CovernmenL, pollLlcal parLy /

04/13 04/13 orLugal
roLesL ausLerlLy walklng all over orLugal from dlfferenL
clLles Lo converge ln Llsbon "March agalnsL
CovernmenL, Lu, LC8, lMl,
corrupL pollLlcal / economlc
sysLem, flnance, ellLes

04/13 04/13 Chlle
SLrlke by mlners from copper mlnes demandlng beLLer
worklng condlLlons, Lhe naLlonallzaLlon of copper mlnes
and a beLLer penslon sysLem
SLrlkes, formal sLaLemenLs,
CorporaLlons / employers,
corrupL pollLlcal / economlc

04/13 04/13 ArgenLlna
March "cacerolazo" agalnsL resldenL CrlsLlna lernndez
de klrchner and Lhe lack of power separaLlon and
governmenL corrupLlon
Marches, proLesL assemblles,
CovernmenL, corrupL pollLlcal
/ economlc sysLem

04/13 04/13 lndla
Women's demonsLraLlon demandlng beLLer pollce
sLandards ln deallng wlLh sexual-assaulL cases
Marches, proLesL assemblles CovernmenL, mlllLary / pollce 30 arresLs
04/13 04/13 Sudan
larmers from um uum denounclng Lhe sale of land Lo
Culf lnvesLors
Marches, proLesL assemblles
CovernmenL, corporaLlons /
ollce vlolence
03/13 03/13 Clobal
May 1sL, lnLernaLlonal Workers' uay. Call on
governmenLs Lo assume Lhelr responslblllLles Lo end Lhe
Marches, proLesL assemblles
CovernmenL, corporaLlons /
employers, corrupL pollLlcal /
economlc sysLem, ellLes,
flnance, lMl, World 8ank,
C20, free Lrade

87 | a g e

Start Lnd Country Ma|n Gr|evance]Demand Methods of rotest Ma|n Cpponent
03/13 Cngolng 8angladesh
1exLlle workers demandlng an lncrease of Lhe mlnlmum
wage and securlLy on Lhe [ob afLer Lhe Savar bulldlng
SLrlkes, formal sLaLemenLs,
proLesL assemblles, desLrucLlon
of properLy
CorporaLlons / employers,
ollce vlolence
03/13 03/13 8ollvla
unlons on sLrlke and marchlng agalnsL Lhe penslon
SLrlkes, formal sLaLemenLs,
marches, blockades
CovernmenL ollce vlolence
03/13 03/13 Clobal Clobal marches agalnsL "MonsanLo" and CMC Marches CorporaLlons / employers
03/13 03/13 uk
roLesLs anLl-lmmlgraLlon due Lo Lhe murder of a 8rlLlsh
soldler ln London
Marches Soclal group
03/13 03/13 1urkey uemands Lo cancel Lhe Cezl ark consLrucLlon pro[ecL CccupaLlons, proLesL assemblles CovernmenL Lxpulslon
03/13 Cngolng 1urkey
roLesLs all over Lhe counLry demandlng lmprovemenL of
clvll rlghLs and freedoms and ln favor of secularlsm
CccupaLlons, sLreeL LheaLer and
muslc, clvll dlsobedlence / dlrecL
acLlon, nolsemaklng
CovernmenL, corrupL pollLlcal
/ economlc sysLem
3 kllled, 620
ln[ured, 133
mlssed, pollce
06/13 06/13 Clobal
8lg coordlnaLed Luropean demonsLraLlon agalnsL
ausLerlLy measures and Lhe 1rolka ln Spaln, orLugal,
Creece, lLaly, lrance, Cyprus, Slovenla and uk
Marches, proLesL assemblles
CovernmenL, corrupL pollLlcal
/ economlc sysLem, ellLes,
flnance, lMl, LC8, Lu
06/13 06/13 lndla roLesLs by opposlLlon parLles agalnsL Lhe fuel-prlce hlke Marches, proLesL assemblles CovernmenL, lMl, W8
06/13 07/13 SouLh korea
March and peLlLlon defendlng freedom of speech
because Lhe naLlonal lnLelllgence agency dld an onllne
aLLack agalnsL opposlLlon parLles
Marches, peLlLlon drlves CovernmenL
06/13 06/13 LLhlopla
March agalnsL corrupLlon and ln favor of pollLlcal
freedom and [ob creaLlon
CovernmenL, corrupL pollLlcal
/ economlc sysLem

06/13 Cngolng oland roLesL Chevron and lLs shale gas pro[ecL ln Zurawlow
CccupaLlons, blockades, clvll
dlsobedlence / dlrecL acLlon,
proLesL assemblles
CorporaLlons / employers 1 ln[ured
06/13 Cngolng 8razll
opular naLlonal uprlslng agalnsL lnequallLles, corrupLlon
and low llvlng sLandards
8lockades, occupaLlons, marches,
proLesL assemblles
CovernmenL, ellLes, rellglous
auLhorlLles, corrupL pollLlcal /
economlc sysLem
06/13 Cngolng Colombla
Campalgn Lo defend peasanLs and end Lhe prosecuLlon
of llllclL crops
8lockades, occupaLlons
CovernmenL, corporaLlons /
employers, uSA
4 kllled, 19
ln[ured, pollce
06/13 Cngolng 8ulgarla
Soclal movemenL and demonsLraLlons demandlng more
Lransparency, sLronger efforLs Lowards flghLlng crlme
and corrupLlon and soclal and economlc [usLlce
Marches, blockades
LllLes, mlllLary / pollce,
ArresLs, ln[ured
88 | a g e

Source: Authors analysis of media sources published from January 2006 to July 2013

Start Lnd Country Ma|n Gr|evance]Demand Methods of rotest Ma|n Cpponent
06/13 06/2013 orLugal Ceneral SLrlke agalnsL ausLerlLy measures SLrlkes, formal sLaLemenLs
CovernmenL, Lu, LC8, lMl,
corrupL pollLlcal / economlc
sysLem, flnance, ellLes

06/13 06/13 SouLh Afrlca March agalnsL Lhe vlslL of uS resldenL 8arack Cbama
roLesL assemblles, clvll
dlsobedlence / dlrecL acLlon
uSA, mlllLary / pollce, free
ollce vlolence
06/13 06/13 Sudan
roLesLs Lo overLhrow Lhe resldenL Cmar Passan al-
Marches, proLesL assemblles CovernmenL,mlllLary / pollce ollce vlolence
07/13 08/13 Colombla lndependence of CaLalonla from Spaln
SLrlkes, formal sLaLemenLs,
blockades, marches
CovernmenL, pollLlcal parLy /
ln[ured, 61
07/13 Cngolng ArgenLlna
roLesLs of Lhe Mapuche lndlgenous agalnsL Lhe
explolLaLlon of Lhe oll flelds ln vaca MuerLa
Marches, proLesL assemblles,
CovernmenL, corporaLlons /

07/13 Cngolng LgypL
Marches agalnsL Lhe mlllLary coup and demandlng Lhe
relnsLlLuLlon of democracy
Marches, occupaLlons
CorrupL pollLlcal / economlc
2000 kllled
07/13 07/13 8razll Ceneral SLrlke (flrsL one ln 20 years) SLrlkes, blockades CovernmenL
07/13 07/13 Chlle Ceneral SLrlke SLrlkes, formal sLaLemenLs
CorrupL pollLlcal / economlc
sysLem, governmenL,
corporaLlons / employers,
26 arresLs
07/13 07/13 Chlna
roLesLs agalnsL Lhe planLs Lo bulld a nuclear and a
chemlcal planL ln Cuangdong
Marches CovernmenL
07/13 07/13 Creece Muslc fesLlval of Lhe llCS counLrles lesLlval CovernmenL, Lu, LC8, lMl
07/13 07/13 Clobal AnLl-lmperlallsL SummlL ln Cochabamba
Marches, educaLlonal acLlons,
general assemblles, pollLlcal
uSA, mlllLary / pollce, flnance,
free Lrade, C20, lMl, corrupL
pollLlcal / economlc sysLem

89 | a g e

Annex II: Methodo|ogy and stat|st|ca| methods

ln flgure 2, ln order Lo show Lhe Lrend of proLesLs durlng Lhe perlod, daLa complled from !anuary Lo !uly
2013 has been mulLlplled by (12/7) Lo creaLe an approxlmaLlon for Lhe whole year of 2013.
ln Lable 2, proLesL evenLs wlLh reporLed crowd vlolence, vandallsm or looLlng and generally descrlbed as
such by Lhe mosL LrusLed of our sources, are caLegorlzed as rloLs.
SecLlon 4, Maln Crlevances/uemands reflecL Lhe caLegorlzaLlon of lssues subsequenL Lo Lhe daLa
gaLherlng process, as explalned ln Lhe maln meLhodologlcal secLlon. 1he followlng caLegorles have been
used for sLaLlsLlcal and analyLlcal purposes, as represenLed ln llgures 3, 4, 6, 7 and 8 and 1ables 3, 4 ,3 6
and 7.
Lconom|c Iust|ce and Auster|ty
WlLh Lhe subcaLegorles:
! 8eform of publlc servlces (educaLlon/healLh/waLer)
! !obs, hlgher wages, labor condlLlons
! 1ax/llscal [usLlce
! lnequallLy
! Low llvlng sLandards
! Agrarlan/land reform
! luel and energy prlces
! enslon reform
! lood prlces
! Pouslng

Ia||ure of o||t|ca| kepresentat|on
WlLh Lhe subcaLegorles:
! 8eal uemocracy
! CorporaLe lnfluence/ueregulaLlon/rlvaLlzaLlon
! CorrupLlon
! !usLlce
! 1ransparency and accounLablllLy
! ClLlzen Survelllance
! AnLl-war/MlllLary-lndusLrlal Complex
! SoverelgnLy

G|oba| Iust|ce
WlLh Lhe subcaLegorles:
! AnLl-lMl/LC8/CLher llls
! LnvlronmenLal !usLlce
90 | a g e

! AnLl-lmperlallsm
! AnLl-lree 1rade
! Clobal Commons
! AnLl C20

WlLh Lhe subcaLegorles:
! LLhnlc/lndlgenous/raclal [usLlce
! 1o Lhe Commons (dlglLal, land, culLural, aLmospherlc)
! Labor
! Women
! lreedom of assembly/speech/press
! LC81
! 8ellglous
! uenlal of 8lghLs (lmmlgranLs, gays, eLc.)
! lmmlgranL
! rlsoner

SecLlon 3 on demonsLraLors, meLhods of proLesL and number of proLesLors caLegorlzes dlfferenL acLlvlsLs
regardlng Lhelr hlsLory and meLhodology of acLlon, and gaLhers daLa from mulLlple sources Lo creaLe a
reallsLlc accounL of Lhe largesL proLesLs seen ln 2006-2013.
Whlle caLegorlzlng meLhods, we have kepL ln mlnd Lhe MetboJs of Noo vloleot Actloo as classlfled by
Cene Sharp (Sharp, 1973), buL Lhe 198 meLhods have proved Loo granular for Lhe scope of Lhls research,
and lnconslsLenL wlLh some of Lhe lnLerneL acLlvlsm LhaL has been on Lhe rlse wlLhln soclal movemenLs.
1he sLudy Lherefore deflnes Lhe followlng caLegorles:
" Marches
" roLesL assemblles
" CccupaLlons (lncludlng
facLory Lakeovers)
" Clvll dlsobedlence/dlrecL
" SLrlkes/walkouLs
" 8lockades
" lormal sLaLemenLs
" LducaLlonal acLlons
" vlolence
" vandallsm/looLlng
" lnLerneL acLlvlsm
" Ceneral assemblles
" ollLlcal sLunLs
" Punger sLrlkes
" Packlng
" WhlsLleblowlng/leaks
" nolsemaklng
" CelebrlLy endorsemenLs
" lorm new pollLlcal
" Legal/elecLoral redress
" eLlLlon drlves
" MuLual ald
" SLreeL LheaLer and muslc
" 8oycoLLs
" Merchants sLrlke
" Self-lnfllcLed vlolence
" 8ellglous

CpponenLs are Lhe groups or organlzaLlons LhaL Lhe proLesL or movemenL ls LargeLlng. MovemenLs
descrlbe Lhelr LargeLs ln varlous ways, from very speclflc such as governmenLs wlLh respecL Lo laws,
91 | a g e

corporaLlons ln cases of locallzed sLrlkes and oLhers. Some cases have arlsen when Lhe whole sysLem ls
Lhe LargeL of a movemenL, as ls Lhe case of Lhe Arab Sprlng-relaLed proLesL movemenLs, and a few
where Lhe LargeL ls of a concepLual naLure such as free Lrade.

- CovernmenL
- ollLlcal/economlc
- CorporaLlons/employers
- lMl
- LllLes
- Lu
- llnanclal SecLor
- LC8
- MlllLary/pollce
- lree 1rade
- ollLlcal arLles/Croups
- uSA
- CovernmenL (local)
- Chlna
- C20
- World 8ank
- Soclal Croups
- 8ellglous auLhorlLles

SecLlon 8 covers a selecLlon of Lhe mosL represslve proLesLs ln each maln meLhod of represslon (eg.
arresLs, ln[urles and deaLhs). 1he full llsL of reporLed represslon can be found ln Annex1 wlLh Lhe
followlng caLegorles, numbers are only reporLed when avallable from hlghly LrusLed sources:

" kllled (preceded by Lhe
number reporLed)
" ln[ured (preceded by Lhe
number reporLed)
" ArresLs (preceded by Lhe
number reporLed)
" Mlsslng (preceded by Lhe
number reporLed)
" ulsplaced (preceded by
Lhe number reporLed)
" Lxpulslon
" ollce vlolence
" vlolence
" ParassmenL
" LawsulL
" new Laws

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