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1LL: 021 88640490 - - www.

lLL1S - AlA8lnLSP lLL1S Pouse

1he tob/e be/ow qives informotion obout the underqround roi/woy systems in six cities.
5ummorise the informotion by se/ectinq ond reportinq the moin feoture,ond moke comporisons where
Wr|te at |east 1S0 words.
1hls table provldes lnlormatlon on the subway systems ln slx metropolls namely London, arls,
1okyo, Washlngton uC, kyoto and Los Angeles. ln addltlon, lt compares these lnlormatlon lrom
three aspects whlch lncludes openlng date,length ol route and volume ol passengers.
numbers lllustrate that London has the oldest and Los Angeles has the latest rallway statlon
whlch were establlshed ln 1863 and 2001 respectlvely.Cther lour cltles' subway statlons were
bullt over an elghty- one- year perlod between 1900 and 1981.
ln the column ol the route dlstances lt can be seen that London has the longest underground
rallway by 394 kllometres.1hls llgure ls dlllerent lor arls,1okyo and Washlngton uC by the
number ol 199,133 and 126 kllometres ln order. Moreover, lor kyoto thls number decllnes,
hlttlng the lowest polnt ol 11 kllometres.
Looklng more closely at the thlrd column lt can be seen that Los Angeles and kyoto have the
smallest volume ol passengers by 30 and 43 mllllons per year respectlvely.ln 1okyo the
passenger capaclty ls reachlng a peak ol 1927 mllllons annually.
Clearly,we can conclude that thls type ol transportatlon has a great role ln the tralllc system ol
the blg cltles and by passlng the years new metropolls wlll be added to our llst ol cltles whlch
have thls klnd ol conveyance system.
CI1 uA1L CLnLu klLCML18LS Cl 8Cu1L ASSLnCL8S L8 ?LA8
(ln MlLLlCnS)
London 1863 394 773
arls 1900 199 1191
1okyo 1927 133 1927
Washlngton uC 1976 126 144
kyoto 1981 11 43
Los Angeles 2001 28 30
Comment [PARANDCO1]: Comma needed
Comment [PARANDCO2]: Pyphen needed
Comment [PARANDCO3]: Comma needed
Comment [PARANDCO4]: 1hls sentence ls
more sultable lor a llne graph where trends are
shown, not a table !
Comment [PARANDCO5]: used once belore :
better optlon : load
1LL: 021 88640490 - - www.lLL1S - AlA8lnLSP lLL1S Pouse
uisruptive schoo/ students hove neqotive inf/uence on others.5tudents who ore
noisy ond disobedient shou/d be qrouped toqether ond touqht seporote/y.
uo you oqree or disoqree?
C|ve teosoos fot yout ooswets ooJ |ocluJe ooy televoot exomples ftom yout owo
kooweleJqe ot expet|eoce.
1oday one ol the most arguable thlngs ln the at schools ls dlsruptlve students so that we can
not lgnore thelr ellect on good ones.1hey are the maln problem lor teachers so what we have
to do to control them? l completely dlsagree wlth the vlew that by separatlng such students ln
dlllerent classes we can reduce thelr lnlluence.
1he exlstence ol the puplls who dlstract others wlll reduce the elllclency ol the class.1hat ls to
say that when they make too much nolse and [oke ln the class others wlll be dlstracted and they
can not learn the thlngs whlch are taught.Moreover, they can waste the tlme ol the class by
talklng to each other and botherlng good puplls.
Although some people argue that we must put these students ln separate classes,statlstlcs
lllustrate another results.1hey lndlcate,ll thls was the case,the own ablllty ol them wlll decllne
and ma[orlty ol them wlll lall ln thelr exams.
l don't belleve thls solutlon slnce lt has worse ellect than others.ln my vlew, desplte the lact
that these naughty students dlsrupt the class, teachers have to deal wlth them ln the correct
way.8y thls l don't mean that we must control them by punlshlng punlshment but l tend to
thlnk that we should traln our teachers how to behave wlth dlstractlve students.ln other words
lnsrtuctors have to learn how to deal wlth them ratlonally.
All ln all,we must conslder that whlle they have thls bad ldlocrasy,they are also students and ll
we gulde them approprlately we can change them lnto pollte ones.ln lact we must change our
behavlour to solve thls problem.
Lstlmated bandscore : 6.3
Comment [PARANDCO6]: Comma needed
Comment [PARANDCO7]: noun needed

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