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Psyc 3102: Behavioral Genetics (Carey) Questions for the final (2000) Instructions: Below are a series of questions

so!e of which will a""ear ver#ati! on the final e$a!% &ou !ay "re"are for the final in any way you wish (e%'% stu(y with frien(s see )enise an(*or !e co!"ose your answers #eforehan() #ut the actual final will #e close( #oo+ an( close( notes% )efine: 1) set "oint !o(el of "ersonality sta#ility an( chan'e 2) !eritocracy 3) heritocracy ,) s!or'as#or( !o(el of "ersonality (evelo"!ent -ssay Questions: 1) .a!e an( (efine the five forces of hu!an evolution% 2) Consi(er the followin' state!ent: /0he 1nite( 2tates of 3!erica is a vast !eltin' "ot% 3!on' its "eo"le are !any 'rou"s of .ative 3!ericans the ori'inal inha#itants of the .ew 4orl( as well as i!!i'rants55so!e willin' an( so!e not so willin'55fro! every area of the worl(% Peo"le of (ifferent ethnic #ac+'roun(s have #een !arryin' one another even #efore the 123 even #eca!e its own nation an( this "rocess has #een acceleratin' in recent years% In evolutionary ter!s the 123 is #e'innin' to (evelo" its own race55the 3!erican race%/ Critically evaluate this state!ent in ter!s of the social (efinition of race an( the 'enetic (efinition of race that we learne( in class% 3) 6ere is a co!"licate( state!ent: /-!"irical evi(ence su''ests that #ein' raise( in the sa!e fa!ily (oes not !a+e si#lin's si!ilar to one another in "ersonality% 6owever these sa!e (ata cannot #e use( to say that "arents have no influence on their chil(ren7s #ehavior%/ Give a luci( an( co!!on sense e$"lanation of this state!ent to a lay"erson who is e(ucate( #ut (oes not have !uch trainin' in "sycholo'y% 8a+e certain to inclu(e the ty"es of e!"irical (ata on which the a#ove state!ent rests% ,) 0he followin' is a quote fro! a #ehavioral 'eneticist: 9If a stron' !eritocracy evolves in this country :i%e% 123; it is !ore li+ely to #e an e(ucationally5(riven !eritocracy than an IQ5(riven !eritocracy%< Give a 2 to 3 sentence C=G-.0 e$"lanation of this state!ent%

Psyc 3102, Final Page 2 >) )escri#e the relationshi" a!on' 'enes intelli'ence (as !easure( #y intelli'ence tests) an( social stratification in !o(ern in(ustriali?e( society% @) 0he "heno!enon of "ersonal orna!entation (i%e% fashion in clothes hair Aewelry tattoos etc%) is foun( in every hu!an culture% 3s is rea(ily a""arent to anyone who watches .ational Geo'ra"hic an( ol( !ovies orna!entation varies tre!en(ously fro! one culture to another an( also chan'es over ti!e within a sin'le culture% 0here are also !ar+e( in(ivi(ual (ifferences in orna!entation within a culture% 0o !y +nowle('e no one has ever (one a twin or a(o"tion stu(y of orna!entation #ut the results woul( "ro#a#ly show a !o(erate (e'ree of herita#ility% 1sin' your +nowle('e of #oth evolutionary "sycholo'y an( the 'enetics of in(ivi(ual (ifferences in #ehavior write a luci( an( coherent theoretical account of how 'enes !i'ht relate to "ersonal orna!entation% B) 3n asteroi( stri+es earth an( results in the e$tinction of all hu!an "o"ulations e$ce"t for two55a 'rou" of native 2outh 3!erican In(ians livin' in the 3n(es an( a "o"ulation inha#itin' the !ountains of -thio"ia% 0he two "o"ulations 'row in si?e an( e$"an( their areas until after several thousan(s of years they eventually !eet% 3nswer the followin' questions a#out this fictitious scenario% a%) Genetically how si!ilar an( how (ifferent woul( these two "o"ulations #eC #%) =n what "henoty"ic traits are they li+ely to (iffer the !ostC c%) =n what "henoty"ic traits are they li+ely to #e !ost si!ilarC (%) Give reasons for your answers to the a#ove three questions% D) )escri#e the role that culture has "laye( in hu!an evolution an( 'ive two s"ecific e$a!"les of how culture has ("ro#a#ly) influence( the evolution of our s"ecies% E) 0he followin' is an actual state!ent !a(e to your "rofessor #y a very hi'h ran+in' "erson in the )e"art!ent of FusticeG9If cri!e is 'enetic then the i!"lications for the "enal syste! an( the conce"t of reha#ilitation are enor!ous%< 1sin' your +nowle('e of the !aAor conclusions to this course an( of the conce"ts of herita#ility an( environ!enta#ility co!"ose a luci( res"onse to this state!ent% 10) 3ssortative !atin': a) )efine assortative !atin'% #) Give three traits on which we hu!ans assort !ost stron'ly% c) Give two traits on which we hu!ans (o not assort #ut !ost "eo"le sus"ect we woul( assort on% () Give the two !echanis!s thou'ht to #e !ost i!"ortant for assortative !atin' an( what is +nown a#out the relative i!"ortance of these two !echanis!s for assort!ent%

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