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WRT 437: Schedule of Events (subject to change) WRT 437: Schedule of Events (subject to change) WRT 437: Schedule

of Events (subject to change)

Week 1
(1/13 - 1/19)
HL 201
What aie we up to in
heie. What is IB. Why
shoulu I caie.
O' 1%-++C Intiouuctions, syllabus, scheuule
@'%4')C Reau, post, anu comment about 0'uiauy, 6-S1,
Baei 8-Su. Post one infoimational giaphic that
uemonstiates an aspect of these ieauings anu tell us the
ways you envision using IB in youi futuie plans, eithei in
this class oi in youi caieei.
Week 2
(1/20 - 1/26)
HL 201
Analyzing Auuiences
M" O' H%-++ J"*=C Naitin Luthei King Bay
@'%4')C Reau 0'uiauy, S2-77. Locate a sample
infoimation giaphic anu post it to Flicki in oiuei to embeu
it on the blog. Tell us why it uoesuoesn't appeal to you,
what ihetoiical appeals it uemonstiates, anu what uesign
piinciples it illustiates oi fails.
Week 3
(1/27 - 2/2)
HBC 227
Basic Besign Piinciples O' 1%-++C Reau 0'uiauy 97-1S1, Reynolus 6S-91. Peiuse
Baei 9u-121.
@'%4')C Reau Reynolus 147-17S. Examine Nicholas
Felton's vaiious iepoits available at
Cieate a simple visualization of uata that might appeai on
youi peisonal annual iepoit using one of the tools we've
uiscusseu. Post to the blog anu explain why it uoes oi uoes
not uemonstiate the piinciples we've coveieu so fai. Both
uesign anu content will count.
Week 4
(2/3 - 2/9)
HBC 227
Besigning Infogiaphics O' 1%-++C Reau Kium, 1-SS.
@'%4')C Reau Kium, 271-Su4. Claim a census element
fiom the list anu fully uiaft an infogiaphic baseu on this
uata. Post it along with a naiiative explanation of youi
choices baseu on the ieauings.
Week 5
(2/10 - 2/16)
HBC 227
0nline Infogiaphics O' 1%-++C Reau Kium S7-112. Biing census infogiaphic to
class foi peei-ieview anu ievision.
@'%4')C Cieate a seconu infogiaphic that piesents the
same infoimation as the fiist in a uiffeient foimat that is
appiopiiate foi uigital enviionments. Post it along with an
explanation of how changing the foimat alteis the
ieception of the infoimation.
L#I64, *)24+)( 4'5"9*-7.41+ 5"* 9*-() -'( 7",)',4-%
4'1%#+4"' "' L3*F#4() I3 64('49., "' PQRS:
Week 6
(2/17 - 2/23)
HBC 227
Week 7
2/24 - 3/2)
HBC 227
visual Resumes O' 1%-++C Reau Kium 17S-228. Biing a uiaft of youi
iesume to class.
@'%4')C Review Anueison, "Resumes." (PBF) Begin
uiafting youi visual iesume anu post a full uesign biief
anu naiiative explanation of youi uesign uecisions.
Week 8
(3/3 - 3/9)
HL 201
Beginning the
Infoimation Package
O' 1%-++C Biing a uiaft of youi visual iesume foi peei
ieview. Reau the following case stuuies: 0'uiauy 1SS-1S7,
164-16S, 172-187; Baei 1S2-1SS, 148-16u, 17u
@'%4')C Post pioject anu client biiefs.
T4'-% (*-5, "5 24+#-% *)+#6) (#) -, 64('49., UQV:
Week 9
(3/10 - 3/16)
Week 10
(3/17 - 3/23)
HBC 227
Biscoveiy &
O' 1%-++C Baei, S2-62
@'%4')C Post "elevatoi talk" veision of youi pioject anu
pieliminaiy auuience analysis.
Week 11
3/24 - 3/30)
HL 201
0sability Testing O' 1%-++C Kiug, exceipt fiom +$"Q( R'0, R, H5)"0S (PBF)
@'%4')C Besign anu post usability testing pioceuuies foi
youi final package. (PBF foimat, posteu to blog via Sciibu.)
Week 12
(3/31 - 4/6)
HBC 227
Besigning Piesentations:
Images anu Space
O' 1%-++C Reynolus, 9S-12S
@'%4')C Reau Reynolus, 181-2u2. 0sing SliueShaie, post
8-1u well-uesigneu sliues that will foim the beginning of
youi final piesentation. In youi post, incluue uiscussion of
what's woiking, what isn't, anu how youi woik is oi isn't
aligning with the iecommenuations in the ieauing.
Week 13
(4/7 - 4/13)
HBC 227
Besigning Piesentations:
O' 1%-++C Reynolus, 2uS-27u.
@'%4')C Finish uiafting youi final piesentation anu post it
foi peei ieview.
Week 14
(4/14 - 4/20)
HL 201
Piesentations O' 1%-++C Piesentations. Submit youi evals online as
@'%4')C Post a full uiaft of youi Infoimation Packet foi
peei ieview.
Week 15
(4/21 - 4/28)
HL 201
Piesentations, Final
O' 1%-++C Piesentations. Submit youi evals online as
@'%4')C T4'-% 7*"W)1,+ (#) 4' 63 4'I"8 I3 X-3 P> Y 7:6:

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