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The Law of Attraction has become a gigantic buzzword in todays culture, which has also made it incredibly misunderstood. As LOA has seeped into the pop culture mainstream, it has turned into some kind of absurd novelty and esoteric ideal. The layman thinks that only new-aged whackos and washed-up hippy personalities adhere to LOA while the rest of the sane people on the planet work hard in order to earn a real living. The reason why LOA has taken on such a distrustful image is because its explained in terms of abstract thought. The bulk of those who adhere to it might as well be flashing the peace sign and saying, its all about good vibrations and being one with the Universe, dude! This turns most people off, and definitely warrants a large amount of skepticism. This book isnt about good vibrations. It isnt about healing crystals and tarot cards and being one with the universe. This book is practical and applicable. It cites multiple studies both historic and scientific that help to explain the law of attraction is without all of the magical, frou-frou overtones that only serve to ruin LOAs reputation among healthy skeptics and hardworking people grounded in reality who are seeking a way to provide themselves with some common-sense self-help techniques in order to be more successful and capable in this world. Every successful person on the planet understands the Law of Attraction on a deeper level than those who are not successful. Every quote and biography from every great pioneer from industrialists to fashion designers demonstrates their understanding of the Law of Attraction despite the fact that most of them dont know it by that name. The fact is, they all demonstrate the exercises outlined in this book. Although many of them do not have a formal education of what the Law of Attraction is nor the studies found within this book, they do intuitively understand what it takes to have the world meld with their desires in order to produce quantifiable and very tangible outcomes simply by making a decision and using their intent as a manifesting force. The ability to be great and to obtain your desires is not magical, it is practical, and that process is exactly what youre to find out in the ensuing chapters right along with why that pr ocess works. This not only provides you with the instructions to move forward, it tells you why those specific actions work by explaining the mechanics and intricacies behind it. This book is not only your key to getting what you want, its your key to understanding the mechanics under the stage and behind the curtain. [AUTHOR NAME]

Chapter One: LOA 101

Simply mentioning the Law of Attraction (LOA) invokes mixed responses. It has become one of those terms that is widely well-known due to the publication of many popular books and documentaries, but that is steeped in misunderstanding and heresy. For every person that has studied the Law of Attraction there are about five other people who have only heard about it in brief summation and who have already decided that its complete and utter nonsense. Its easy to understand why people would think of LOA as nothing but fabricated malarkey concocted by authors playing on peoples ignorance and blind hope in order to sell books devoid of substance. After all, the thought process that you can indeed get anything you want by simply asking the universe for it is about as obscure and unlikely as telekinesis, teleportation, and the famed one-eyed, one-horned flying purple people eater. For those skeptics out there, any person that would believe in such LOA nonsense would also most likely subscribe to the belief that all of that other crazy stuff is an unbridled reality. Perhaps one of the paramount misconceptions about LOA is simply that it IS the act of asking the universe to give you something and then expecting it to be handed over on a silver platter. Its as appealing as finding a lamp with a magic genie inside, and about as realistic as well. However, to the layman the large group of people out there who have only heard the bare-bones explanation of LOA in passing and have written it off as some kind of hoax for poor, wishful-thinking gullible types LOA is nothing more than a new-aged thinking process with about as much validity as witches flying around on broom sticks and an impending zombie apocalypse. Skepticism is important, however, and whether or not you as the reader believes whole-heartedly in LOA after studying it previously or youre approaching it with some curiosity and a healthy amount of skepticism, this chapter is all about clearing up some of the heresy, esoteric muck, and down-right fairytale aspects of the Law of Attraction to reveal what it is in its most common-sense format without all the hype, without all the magical promises, and without all the false hope. The first thing you must realize about the Law of Attraction is that it is simply a recently developed label for a concept and a practice that has literally been around for thousands of years. In fact, references to it go back to our most ancient texts. First, lets look at how many of the worlds religions, which have shaped entire cultural belief systems, utilize one of the fundamental beliefs of the Law of Attraction, which is what goes around comes around." I would ask the reader to bear with me here, as going through these various religious aspects will make sense in the end, and the goal is to help you understand that people already practice the law of attraction and believe in it, despite religion, despite culture, and despite language. In fact, you do as well. Indian Karma

Karma is an ancient and universally known concept that is just as misunderstood as the Law of Attraction, which makes sense considering theyre one in the same. On the surface, people will tell you that karma is a theological concept rising from Indian religions, most notably the Buddhist and Hindu religions. The most elementary definition of karma is that, if you live a life full of selfishness, pride, and evil you will be born again as a lesser being (perhaps an animal or a bug). Basically, the life you live now influences whether or not you will have a good life when youre born again. Although this definition is accurate of karma, it is most definitely not its full definition. Yes, there is a caste system in India and a deep-seeded belief in reincarnation, in which people accept the thought that if you are born into a high position in life, you must have good karma from great things you did in your past lives and that if you are born into a low caste, you must have bad karma. To most westerners, this thought process is absurd, especially considering that people can change their circumstances and their sociological level. A man that is born poor can become rich. Furthermore, the thought process that people are born over and over again in perpetuity goes against the dominant religion in America, which is Christianity, and is often discounted outright by both religious and nonreligious people. Due to that fact, in much of the developed world people dont put much stock in Karma because they dont believe in reincarnation and they dont believe in a caste system. This is completely understandable, but its missing the point of what karma really is -- it is the concept that there is a cause and effect of each action in life. This continuous wheel of cause and effect is known as Samsara. Samsara (and Karma) concepts are known in every single major religion throughout the world, as we will explore further in this chapter. Suffice it to say that, within Indian Buddhism, Hinduism, Janism, Sikhism, and various other religious sects, Karma and Samsara essentially explains that for every action, for every desire, there is a future result. Depending on the religious belief at hand, the way you live your life now could cause you to be reborn in horrible ways, or it could just mean youll have terrible fortune for the next five years. In any case, the most cut-and-dry explanation is the classic saying, What goes around, comes around. When understanding Karma/Samsara simply bear that in mind this is an ancient example of a very simple modern saying. Regardless of the particulars of the religion, the idea is not far off, which means that the concept is not new and that as long as people have been around, weve recognized cause and effect. Daoism Thai-Shang Tractate of Actions and Their Retributions

Although there are religious sects of Daoism, the practice and philosophy itself began without organization, without a figurehead deity, and without any real outside influence. In fact Buddhism as we know it today in the west, which is either Japanese Zen or Chinese Chan Buddhism and not so much Indian Buddhism, was greatly influenced by Daoism.

Daoism, in a nutshell, is living in accordance with the law of nature and it originated in China. There is less of an emphasis on right or wrong, good or evil and the repercussions thereof such as is the case with Indian Karma. Its more concerned with balance and longevity one must learn to physically change the energy within ones own body through hard work and meditation, eventually calming the mind to the point that one is able to return back to the place from which all things came the Dao (or The Way). Now, whats interesting about Daoism, is that within this culture of belief, there is a very strong Law of Attraction like philosophy. They believed that going against nature (the natural laws of the universe) would result in many problems such as misfortune, poor health, poor career, poor relationships, and so on. Daoist thought processes are where a lot of modern new age thinking comes from. Daoists were very scientific, just like Chan/Zen Buddhists (we will get into that in a moment). In fact it was the Daoists that created fireworks, acupuncture, modern exercise routines, and martial arts they were ancient alchemists, both externally and internally. Daoists were obsessed with creating calm, fluent, rich environments for people to live in, in order to put a person in the most receptive place to get what they wanted health, wealth, longevity, and good fortune. This was done through practices such as the following: o Feng Shui Ancient architecture and interior design. This was positioning a house in an ideal environment to create a sense of peace and balance, designing it in a way that coincided with nature, and creating an interior that was minimal, calm, and clean. Even directions on where to place doors, furniture, and what direction to sleep were paramount. Qigong Qigong translates into breath work (Qi = life/breath and gong = work/practice). This is where most Chinese martial arts originated. In fact, most of todays warm ups for just about any Western sport are based on ancient qigong stretches. Qigong was essentially a Chinese version of yoga and pranayama. In Pranayama and yoga were the predecessors for qigong (more on that when we start talking about Buddhism). Diet Even the Daoist diet was balanced. Hot had to be balanced with cold, grains with greens, meat with fruits, and so on. Zhang Zhuang This is a standing meditation technique very similar to Zen/Chan Buddhist mindfulness meditation.

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The Daoist version of karma did not center on death and rebirth or a caste system like in India. Much of their beliefs on cause/effect, which parallels with modern Law of Attraction belief can be found in The Thai-Shang Tractate of Actions and Their Retributions. There are no special doors for calamity and happiness; they come as men themselves call them. Their recompenses follow good and evil as the shadow follows the substance. Accordingly in heaven and earth there are spirits that take account of mens transgressions, and, according to the lightness or gravity of their offenses, take away from their term of life. When that term is curtailed, men become poor and

reduced, and meet with many sorrows and afflictions. All other men hate them; punishments and calamities attend them; good luck and occasions for felicitation shun them; evil stars send down misfortune on them. When their term of life is exhausted they die. Further, those who wrongfully kill men are putting their weapons into the hands of others who will in their turn kill them. This passage is very interesting. It once again defines a What goes around, comes around thought process. It does not put mans fate up to some kind of deity or future rebirth, it illustrates that what you do in your life now affects your life now whatever problems you are having in your life is a direct result of the way youve been living it. When the passage mentions, in heaven and earth there are spirits that take account of mens transgressions it doesnt literally mean spirits as we would define them in the west, such as intelligent otherworldly life-forms. It moreover speaks of the universe itself the energy that we put out there records, like on a tape, and plays it back to us. Chan / Zen Buddhist Karma

The concept of Karma within the Chan and Zen Buddhist ideal is very different from the Indian version. As a bit of light background, essentially Indian Buddhism traveled up to China via a trade route known as The Silk Road. Once it got there it merged heavily with native Daoist beliefs which influenced the meditative philosophies and eventually Confucianism, which influenced the social aspects. This aspect of Buddhism became known as Chan, it then traveled to Japan where it became known as Zen. In the West people are most familiar with Zen Buddhism (which is essentially the same as its Chinese predecessor Chan). It is Zen Buddhism that modern Law of Attraction beliefs are often associated with as a kind of validation, which well explore in a moment. Now, when it comes to karma in Zen / Chan Buddhism, the fundamental difference is that like Daoism it is not based on death and rebirth. A contemporary Japanese Zen teacher once wrote, Zen has no idea of an individual soul crossing a line between this life and the next, or of human life and animal life. However, it subscribes just as closely to Buddhas famous teaching from the Dhammapada: Experiences are preceded by mind, led by mind, and produced by mind. If one speaks or acts with an impure mind, suffering follows even as the cart-wheel follows the hoof of the ox. If one speaks or acts with a pure mind, happiness follows like a shadow that never departs. Karma in Christianity

Christianity the dominant religion throughout Western Europe and the Americas, is often not associated with the thought process of Karma. After all, if you look at the surface level of Karma in Indian culture its all about the endless wheel of death and rebirth. However, now that we understand

what Karma is a flexible idea of what goes around comes around that differs within a variety of intertwined disciplines (Daoism, various Buddhist sects, Indian Hinduism, Janism, and so on) yet holds the same fundamental belief that thoughts and actions create your reality, and ultimately govern your success (whether in this life or the next, depending upon which thought process you subscribe to), then Christianity starts to fall right in line with it. In Christianity, your life will be judged by God according to your deeds. Depending upon how you lived your life, you either end up spending an eternity in a place called Heaven or a place called Hell. Often within Christianity there is an inherent divide between good and evil that isnt much different than any other religion pre-dating Christianity. In fact, many deities, dates, and stories are exactly the same within both popular and obscure religions predating Christianity as there are within modern Christianity, often the names are even similar, which is interesting in and of itself. However, the greater Karma-like message within the Bible, lies in its variety of proverbs, psalms, and other stories. For example, take the following into consideration: o o o Galatians 6:7 Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever man sows, this he will also reap. Job 4:8 As I have observed, those who plow evil and those who sow trouble reap it. Galatians 6:8-9 The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Mark 11:24 What thing you desire, when you pray, believe and you have received them, and you shall have them.

Christianity is often concerned with doing good works such as feeding the poor, helping heal the sick, and generally doing things for those less fortunate. All of these garner rewards. What does all this have to do with the Law of Attraction? By now, you may be thinking that this book is sounding more like a cliff notes on world religions, but there is a reason we went over the Karma aspects of Indian religions, Daoism, Chan/Zen Buddhism, and Christianity. Its important to realize that every world religion and every single culture, regardless of age or region, has the same fundamental moral beliefs that line up with what we consider Karma to be. This fundamental rule is very, very simple. It states that your actions directly affect the outcome of your life. When you consistently do negative things, you will only bring upon you negativity in return. When you cheat, lie, steal, murder, and disregard your fellow man, there are consequences. This idea supersedes religion. As any atheist or agnostic knows, there doesnt need to be a god or a religion in place to make a human being live by a set of morals, and the idea that consistently doing things that are negative will eventually result in a negative situation is something that almost everyone believes regardless of age, location, religion or lack of religion.

Therefore, one of the primary aspects of the Law of Attraction is something you already believe in and that you already live by. You know for a fact that murdering your neighbor will most likely not provide you with the best outcome. You know that stealing will not provide you with a good outcome. You know that insulting people, complaining all the time, not taking responsibility to your mistakes and so on will incur negative responses and will inventively result in problems. You see, the Law of Attraction is not some kind of mystical thing it is something we all live by on a constant basis whether we realize it or not. The laws of the universe and society apply whether or not you believe in them or understand them and they are always there whether or not you choose to pay attention. However, karma the basic, bare-bones understanding that for every action, there is a reaction and for every cause there is an effect, and that negative begets negative is only the most base understanding of the Law of Attraction. It is only the tip of the iceberg, as they say. Now, lets take a look at the more intricate aspects of the LOA and how powerful it really is, as well as the scientific reasoning behind it. Quantum physics, string theory, your mind, and how its all the Law of Attraction Probably the biggest misconception about the Law of Attraction is that it is centered around asking the universe for something such as riches, cars, houses, relationships, and so on, then expecting to receive such a thing by just sitting around and waiting. Of course, many people at that point would illustrate the countless starving, poor, and diseased people throughout the world living in filth and squalor and argue that, if the Law of Attraction is in fact real, then shouldnt all of those individuals be able to simple ask the universe for a better situation and then receive it? If it is really so simple, then why dont the hungry wish for a plate of food and why dont the diseased and dying wish to simply get better? This is not how the Law of Attraction works, and we must remove ourselves as far as possible from any simple, magical anecdotal definitions of LOA and understand what it truly is a universal law grounded in science and provable by experimentation and observation. First and foremost, the Law of Attraction is not about asking for things you want, its about recognizing the patterns and natural laws of the way our existence operates and then using that knowledge to give yourself an advantage. Once you understand these things, it is less about asking the universe to give you something, and more about training yourself, your mind, and your habits to be in the best balance with the natural world in order to get the things you desire. It takes work, its not magic. Nothing is free, all things take effort, and in order to fully utilize the Law of Attraction, you have to develop skills in order to do so. The reason people fail to take advantage of LOA so often is simply because they are lazy. Once they hear that they must change their outlook, train their mind, shift their habits, and adhere to a certain structure in order to improve their circumstances, they often flake out.

Think of the universe as a giant ocean. Now, imagine that you and all the people in the world make up that ocean. All of the thoughts and desires and the general consciousness of mankind makes up all the drops in that ocean. Separately they may mean nothing, but together they include a huge body of water, that is constantly shifting in direction, temperature, fervency, and flow. What happens to one droplet of water affects the rest. A wave crashing on the other side of the world, sends ripples throughout the entire worlds oceans. Regardless of where you are in that ocean, you will always feel the effects of the whole, and even the smallest shift will somehow, to some extent, influence the whole. Now, imagine there are two types of people in this ocean those that know how the ocean works, those who have studied it and understand its laws, and those that have no idea how it works. The first type of person, because they have studied how this massive ocean works, is able to navigate it. Regardless of the harsh ups and downs or changes in temperature, this person is able to remain in control because they understand the natural laws governing how the ocean works. Through time, preparation, and training, they have trained themselves to deal with the ocean, and therefore emit a certain amount of control over it. If that person wants to travel to a different location, they can. If that person wants to avoid a certain situation, they can. If that person wants to be in the warm, calm, plentiful water, they can simply because they know how. Now, take the other person. They realize they live in an ocean, but because they do not understand how the ocean works they are forever at the mercy of it. Their reality consists of reserving themselves to accepting that, on some days they will be in placid waters, and on other days they will be in choppy waters. This person never knows where they will end up. They do not know how to navigate, or find the peaceful waters. At any time they could be uprooted, and all that they hold dear could be taken, and because they dont understand how the natural laws of the ocean work, they are helpless to its whims. In both situations, the ocean has not changed. The ocean is simply doing what it has always done it will change, and shift, and move, and flow according to the many droplets of water that make it up, and any number of circumstances could affect that. Therefore the laws of the ocean are always governing, regardless of whether or not the people in it know how to navigate it. This ocean is our existence. This ocean is the fabric of reality within our universe. The universe has laws, and it can be navigated, and it can be manipulated to better serve your desires and your purposes, but most people do not understand this. Therefore they chock everything in their life the good, the bad, the unfortunate up to nothing more than coincidence and they throw their hands up and say, thats life! as if they are completely powerless. Well, youre not powerless. If you understand the laws of the universe, and you train your mind to live in accordance with those laws, you can use this to your advantage to get what you want. Whereas before, you were floating aimlessly, you now have acquired a sail and a rudder. Think about it, the sail boat doesnt do anything except use the natural elements at hand the wind, the water, and the stars for navigation. By simply understanding how the ocean works, how the winds work, and how the stars work, the captain is able to easily get to where he wants to go. It takes time, it takes effort, it takes training, but in the end, the captain is in control not because he has conquered the

wind, the water, and the stars, but because he has learned to use their power to benefit his own desires. Yet, you put someone with no training at the helm, and they would surely get lost at sea. Using LOA isnt magic. You cant expect to jump into the boat and be a captain, you have to first learn the rules of the elements at hand, then train your mind and body to navigate those elements. This, essentially, is how you get the most out of LOA. When Neil deGrasse Tyson was asked in an interview what the most astounding fact he could share about the universe is, he said something amazing, and inspiring: The knowledge that the atoms that comprise life on earth, the atoms that make up the human body are traceable to the crucibles that cooked the light elements into heavy elements at their core under extreme temperatures and pressures. These stars, the high mass ones among them, went unstable in their later year; they collapsed and then exploded, scattering their enriched guts across the galaxy. Guts made of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and all the fundamental ingredients of life itself. These ingredients became part of gas clouds that condense, collapse, form the next generation of solar systems stars with orbiting planets, and those planets now have the ingredients for life itself. So, that when I look up at the night sky, I know that yes we are part of this universe, we are in this universe, but perhaps more important than both of those facts is that the universe is in us. When I reflect on that fact, I look up many people feel small because theyre small and the universe is big but I feel big because my atoms came from those stars. There is a level of connectivity. Thats really what you want in life, to feel connected, to feel relevant, to feel like youre a participant in the goings on of activities and events around you thats precisely what we are just by being alive. The most important and fundamental realization you must accept about the Law of Attraction before beginning to utilize it is the understanding that nothing in this life is separate from itself. Your mind is not separate from your body. Your body is not separate from the world around you, nor even the millions of people in it. This world is not separate from the universe or the millions and billions of solar systems that comprise it. You are all things, you are made of the same stuff. One you realize that you are an active player in this whole thing, that you are not just some person floating around and that you have full control over what happens to you, how much you get out of life, and how your reality unravels before you, then you start to step out of being helpless, and start stepping into the role of someone who has control someone who can bend the law of attraction to your command, and manifest your desires. Quantum Physics

In LOA, your mind is the sail and your actions are the rudder. We talked about Karma earlier in this chapter and the purely physical examples of how negative actions beget negative consequences. However, all things first start in the mind, and are then followed by action. In LOA, if you can change the way your mind works, and if you can understand the power that your mind has on creating your own reality, you can start to realize how powerful it really is. Essentially, your mind

controls your perception, your perception controls how you see the world, how you see the world will influence your decisions and actions, your actions will decide what you get out of the universe and this life. Most people are familiar with Newtonian physics. For every action there is an equal or greater reaction think of this as the larger, easier to understand Karma expression. However, once science and technology began advancing, something strange happened. Newtonian physics no longer held up when we began to look at very small objects such as electrons and atoms. Thus, quantum physics was born to address this problem. In a very elementary nutshell, Newtonian physics deals with things on a large level, and quantum physics deals with things on a tiny scale. One experiment in particular that seems to backup the claim that our minds literally affect the very reality around us is the double slit experiment. The Double Slit Experiment The double slit experiment is a famous lab experiment in which a panel with two slits cut into it was placed in front of a kind of gun. The gun shot out tiny particles called electrons (balls of matter). To understand this experiment, it would be easier to imagine a steal plate with two thin parallel slits made in it. Behind that plate is a wall. There is a gun in front of the plate that shoots out marbles. As the gun begins shooting out marbles at random, some will not make it through the slits. However, the ones that do make it through the slits will create a pattern on the wall behind the steel plate that is in the shape of the slits. That sounds like common sense, right? If you fire a bunch of marbles through two tiny slits, they should line up on the back wall in the same pattern; as the scientists began the experiment that is exactly what they expected. However, when they examined the pattern on the back wall, there werent two slits, there were more, as if in a wave pattern. They figured there must be an explanation for this the electrons (tiny marble-like balls of matter) must be bumping into each other once crossing through the slits, thus creating this unorthodox wave-like pattern. To test this theory, the scientists began shooting one particle at a time through the slits so that they could not possibly interact with each other or bounce off of each other. Yet, the same pattern began emerging. Even with one electron being fired at a time, they still ended up spattered all over the back wall in a wave pattern, and not in two straight lines as they should have. The scientists then postulated that what must be happening is that the electron must be leaving the gun, then becoming a wave of potentials, essentially splitting apart and interfering with itself basically doing its own thing completely and 100 percent contrary to any Newtonian physics its breaking all the rules of gravity and physics.

On a mathematical level its even weirder. The single particle goes through both slits, then it goes through neither, then it goes through just one or the other an endless amount of possibilities in conflict with each other. This completely baffled physicists. Now, here is where it gets really crazy. The scientists decided they need to watch this as it happened in order to find out which slit these particles are actually traveling through. They put a measuring device next to the slits to record how these particles were forming a wave pattern and how they were behaving. As soon as they did this, the electrons went back to behaving exactly like they would expect it to behave like a little marble, going through the slits, and creating a commensurate pattern on the wall behind the panel. The very act of observing this with an expectation, created the expected reality. It was as if the electron acted differently, like somehow it was aware that humans were watching it. Later, the physicists found out that any time they tried to measure the electron with any type of measuring device, no matter how small or how big or how secret, it always interrupted the pattern and made the electron go back to behaving normally in the way they would expect it to; this lead to the Quantum Uncertainty Principle. What this demonstrates is that by simply observing the world, you completely change it. All life is made up of the same things atoms, electrons, energy, vibration, frequency, and so on. Your mind is so powerful that it literally changes the world around you at even the smallest energetic and vibrational level. By simply expecting something to happen, reality responds. This is a very important part of the law of attraction. You can reprogram your mind to see a different reality, and then create that different reality for yourself. If you dont like your current situation, career, or relationships, by envisioning a different reality and constructing a new life within your mind, you literally cause the fabric of existence around you to bend to that new reality. You begin drawing in opportunities, people, and situations that you can take advantage of to propel yourself where you want to go. Remember, your mind is the sail, the universe is the wind. The energy that you send out from your mind is what you get back in return. If you expect your life to be terrible, then it will be simply because you have already created that reality. If all you do is fear getting into a car wreck, you will get into a car wreck because you created that reality. If all you do is obsess about the fact that you dont have a lot of money, and you put all of your time and energy on that perspective reality, then you will never have anything better. Quantum Entanglement Earlier we explored a metaphor in which the universe is an ocean, and that all people all consciousness makes up that ocean. That may seem a little out there but essentially what that was explaining is something known as quantum entanglement, which is a very real thing.

Quantum entanglement describes the relationship between two bodies that interact with each other (entangle with each other). Once this happens, a person cannot describe one object without considering the other object they are both connected and entangled together. Even though the two objects can be separated by various distances (for example both on opposite ends of the earth or even on opposite ends of the galaxy) when one object is interacted with, the other object will react simultaneously. Therefore time and space dont matter. The two objects, regardless of position, are forever connected and are impossible to distinguish from the other. Einstein dubbed quantum entanglement as, Spooky action at a distance. Thats really the big thing about quantum physics, its still spooky, the deeper physicists delve, the more questions than answers they experience. Originally scientists thought that quantum entanglement could only happen on the micro scale (very small scales). However, it is now becoming evident that quantum entanglement happens all the time on a macroscopic scale (the physical world as we know it, which basically starts interfering with Newtonian physics in large objects). Researchers are now able to notably see the effects of quantum entanglement and measure how, for example two crystals, can be connected despite time or place. In essence, everything and everyone is entangled with everything around us. We are connected interactions between one of us will result in the same interactions between each and everyone one of us or everything throughout the universe. Within the Law of Attraction we use the reality of quantum entanglement to bring in people, places, and events that will fulfill what we want. Because we are all literally connected with each other and the universe around us, we are either drawing in negative circumstances and people who would perpetuate those negative circumstances, or we are bringing in positive circumstances and people. Ask yourself if youve ever seen a positive, uplifting, driven individual stay stuck in an unfortunate situation, a low paying position, and never succeed. Chances are you havent seen that. The reason why is that people who are positive, uplift their fellow man, and stay driven despite setbacks and failure resonate at a higher frequency, they entangle themselves with others of that same frequency, attracting people like them. This means that they begin accumulating friends who are in high places and who offer greater opportunities for advancement. Now, ask yourself if youve ever seen a sad, slouched over, depressed person who complains often about their life ever succeed for very long in any situation. Chances are, you will never see someone with that description succeeding in much of anything. The reason why is that they harbor a low frequency and entangle themselves with situations and people that operate on that frequency. Have you ever heard the expression, misery loves company? Its true that individual will attract other complainers and depressed people into their lives and they will wallow in that frequency, never accomplishing anything.

You have the power to lower or higher your vibrational frequency, and entangle yourself with others of the same frequency and vibration people who are happy and successful, who bring you into situations that make you successful. The Global Consciousness Project The Global Consciousness Project (GCP) is a fantastic world-wide experiment that has been able to quantify the oneness of all mankind. The experiment is rather simple. Essentially, computers have been setup in labs throughout the world. These computers display a randomized sequence of numbers that are then monitored in relation to giant and meaningful events within the world, often associated with catastrophic events such as 9/11, tsunamis, floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, fires, wars, and so on. Since 1998 over a hundred researches have been monitoring these random number generators, which are positioned at 70 locations around the world, and have found overwhelming statistical evidence that demonstrates how, during significant emotionally-charged world events, the computers begin churning out non-random numbers, often in tandem with all other computers on the network. In fact, as of late 2009, the computers have recorded a database of 300 registered events that have significantly supported the hypothesis that emotionally-charged events throughout the world have such an impact, that the computers generating random numbers, instead begin spitting out coherent sequences, demonstrating a connection. The best way to explain it is to imagine these tools as a consciousness seismograph, measuring shifts in global consciousness as they happen. Think of the computers as flipping a coin. If you take a coin and flip it 100 times, the likely statistical outcome is that it will land on tails half the time and heads half the time for a 50/50 comparison. These computers generate sequences of ones and zeroes randomly, its like flipping a coin hundreds of times a second. But, what if, when flipping this coin, it landed on heads, not 50 times, but 80 times or even 100 times. That would be a statistical anomaly. Thats exactly what has happened since the computer network has been set up, nearly every time there is a globally significant event such as Princess Dianas death, train derailments, 9/11, and so on, the numbers stop generating at a 50/50 random sequence, and begin spiking in one direction. This, once again, demonstrates overwhelming evidence of a global consciousness and how not only our desires, but our emotions affect our reality on a global scale (and essentially a universal scale). This brings us to another thought process in the Law of Attraction emotions. Your emotions are incredibly powerful. By harboring negative emotions such as fear, anger, discontentment, sadness, and so on, you are not only influencing your own personal reality, youre influencing everybody else around you.

If your mind is the sail for the Law of Attraction, having desires paired with negative emotions is like putting your sale up and having it riddled with holes youre not going to accomplish what you want that way. You cant focus on wanting a better career while consistently wallowing in sadness and fear that it will never come. Have you ever been in a group of people that are having a good time, and then someone walks in the room, and without even having to say anything everybody knows that they are angry, or sad? Basically, everyone, including yourself, begins to pickup on the emotion. Most people dont want to be around these emotions because its literally draining. The low frequency has a tendency to drain energy from other people. It can actually make you tired, agitated, and even make you share in the other persons emotion regardless of whether or not you were in that state to begin with. Sad people make you feel sad. Angry people make you feel angry. Fearful people make you feel fearful. These emotions have an affect outside yourself, not only on other people, but on the universe as a whole. Remember there is no such thing as separation. Within the law of attraction, its not just enough to monitor your emotions, you have to reprogram your mind, your habits, and your lifestyle to remain in a state of bliss. No one likes feeling angry, fearful, or sad. People only get used to these feelings. People would rather be in their natural state of feeling secure, confident, happy, and prepared. We will get deeper into how to manage these emotions later in the book, but suffice it to say, its not enough to wish for a better life and expect to change your emotions and mindset while you do nothing but sit in a chair all day and eat junk food, for example. You have to change everything in order to get to where you want to be. Measurable Intuition There has been a long-term study going on, and it has been reproduced with similar results by a variety of respected researches, that demonstrates peoples natural intuition and even their ability to sense the future on a measurable scale. The experiment is a rather simple one. Test subjects are placed in front of a screen and then hooked up to monitoring equipment that records their vital signs such as heart rate and blood pressure. Then, neutral images are displayed on the screen such as grassy meadows, cars on a street, tall buildings and so on. Throughout this series of pictures there are several very disturbing ones included that will show up randomly. These pictures are of dead bodies, violence, destruction, and other fearful imagery. The research has continuously shown that heart rate, pupil dilation, and brain activity change between one and ten seconds before seeing a disturbing image, despite the subject having no knowledge of when or even if the image will appear. In fact, the subjects are not told that there will be any disturbing images throughout the slide show.

This demonstrates that humans are in fact able to intuitively sense when bad things are about to happen to them. When it comes to the Law of Attraction, intuition plays a huge role if something doesnt feel right, you can be nearly 100 percent sure its not right for you. So many people go their entire lives ignoring their intuition that nagging gut feeling that tells them to do something else, turn the other direction, or take advantage of a particular opportunity. Yet, they write it off as illogical or unsafe. They let fear, uncertainty, and distrust of themselves get in the way of following their intuition. When utilizing the law of attraction your mind is the sail, and your intuition is the rudder. Your intuition tells you what direction to go, it is your compass. Many people dont trust their intuition or they have a difficult time discerning between true and right intuition. Thankfully, intuition can be cultivated. You can tune into your intuition and learn to listen to it more closely and separate it from other things such as fear, doubt, and anxiety. Everyone has intuition, but some people have naturally stronger, more developed intuition than others. Intuition allows you to take advantage of opportunities when they come your way without secondguessing your decision. For example, if you have been seeking a new and better career doing something you love, and a friend offers you a job working on their startup and the pay is less, the benefits are nonexistent, and by all means it is a gigantic risk, this can cause many people not to recognize that it is in fact the universe guiding them toward what they want. You may be faced with a difficult decision, turn the opportunity down because its not secure like your current job, and not listen to that nagging intuition that tells you to take the plunge. If you are not in tune with your intuition you may keep turning down opportunities that are actually there to help you simply because they dont look like you think they should look. Equally, intuition tells you when not to take advantage of something that looks amazing. Some opportunities may come to you dressed in all the bells and whistles it could look absolutely perfect from the surface, and you may think that it is everything you have been working toward. Sometimes this is simply not the case, which is why people get stuck in unfortunate situations. Intuition will allow you to turn down those opportunities and see them for what they really are unbeneficial to your long-term goals. String Theory Everything is Vibration Its easy to discount somebody that says were all just vibrational frequencies it sounds like an idealistic, and rather abstract statement coming from the mouth of some long-haired hippy with tinted blue glasses attempting to explain the good vibe in the room. However, the idea that humans and our brain wave patterns exist on particular vibrational frequencies is grounded in scientific fact. First of all, frequency and vibration already define our life. Every time you turn on the radio, you are tuning into a variety of wave patterns, vibrations and frequencies floating invisibly through the very air that we breathe. Depending on the radio station you want to listen to, you can either go up in frequency

or down in frequency. Hundreds and even thousands of radio stations can exist in one place, layered on top of each other by frequency, and you can access them by moving up or down within these frequencies. The wi-fi that you use to gain access to the Internet is no different. Your brain is also made up of frequencies and waves. They are as follows: Beta (15 30 Hz) This is when you re awake, normal, alert, and conscious and thinking very linearly such as moving to a particular location or getting a single task done. Alpha (9-14 Hz) Relaxed, calm, meditative, creative, visualizing. Theta (4-8 Hz) Deep relaxation and meditation, great at solving problems at this state and coming up with realizations. Delta (1-3 Hz) Deep, dreamless sleep.

You can literally put yourself in different states of frequency and wave patterns depending upon your mood, emotions, and mental state. This wave pattern pulses from your brain and sends out vibration to the world around you, which can sync up with people and things around you. The reverse of this can happen as well. Depending on what kind of music youre listening to, your brain wave pattern can be different. In fact, certain tones can even completely change your brain wave pattern. Its a back and forth. Have you ever heard the term, Sounds like were on the same wave length when discussing an idea with a colleague? Or perhaps, Great minds think alike. Thats because they do. Minds can sync up, they can get on the same pattern, and they can influence each other. Not only that, but thoughts can be sent out, and picked up by others. Youve no doubt heard someone strum a guitar. Each string on the guitar has a different tone, depending upon how tightly it is wound and how thick it is. Each tone has its own vibration, which makes the sound. When the string is struck, it resonates, but even when the sound disappears, it is still resonating. These tones are so powerful that they can not only influence the brain pattern of anyone listening, they can also tear down buildings and break glass depending on the frequency. String theory states that everything in the universe consists of tiny vibrating strings and each string is identical. The only difference between one string and another such as whether the particle is a heavy atom or a light particle with no mass is its resonant pattern. Basically, how it vibrates. Like the strings on a guitar, each of these tiny strings that make up the universe is vibrating at a different frequency and speed. According to string theory, all objects have a resonant pattern that is theirs alone. This means the chair you sit in, the shoes you wear, the tree in your front yard, the bird on the branch of that tree and so on. Of course, this includes you as well you and your brain have its own frequency.

You can change this frequency as you see fit, or you can go through life having no idea that you can change that frequency. Most people wake up in the morning and reserve themselves to the reality that they will feel multiple ways throughout the day. They may wake up feeling sad and angry, around lunch they may feel happy and hopeful, and by the time its time to go to bed they may feel anxious and fearful about the next day. All of these feelings and emotions have a frequency, some of them draw positive experiences, and others draw negative experiences from like frequencies. Yet, for those who practice the Law of Attraction and understand how the universe works, they are able to monitor themselves and put themselves in an ideal state of mind, thusly affecting their frequency and vibration to attract what they want into their lives. Tying it All Together The Law of Attraction is not some kind of magical, mythical ideal nor is it some kind of abstract thought process made up by new-agers to imagine the world as a genie in a lamp. It is not an easy anecdotal solution to your problems that can be solved by simply asking the universe for a favor, because that would be about as effective as writing a letter to Santa Clause. On the contrary, the Law of Attraction is nothing new it is in fact ancient. It is completely and utterly ingrained in every culture and religion throughout the world. Various scientific experiments and thought processes confirm its existence as a natural reality. To summarize, the Law of Attraction states the following: 1) Every thought and emotion you have has its own frequency and vibration. 2) According to the frequency and vibration of your thoughts and emotions, you will attract situations and people who are on the same level. 3) Your thoughts and emotions lead to actions and for every action you take, there are consequences. Thus, the things you say and the things you do, if they are negative, will only garner you negative consequences and vice versa. 4) If an individual wants a better life including greater wealth, greater health, better relationships, and an improved social status, that individual must work consciously to understand the Law of Attraction and use it to their advantage by changing their thoughts, emotions, habits, and actions to line up with the things they want. 5) Finally and most importantly no one and nothing is to blame for your problems except for you. You have the decision to react to every environment in either a way that will benefit you or not benefit you in the long run, and the way you live your life is not up to your current circumstances. On the contrary, your current circumstances and your circumstances to come are entirely dependent on the decisions youre making right now. For example, did you decide to get angry and curse at someone who cut in front of you on the road? Or did you handle it with calm indifference? Lets say you lost your job you could spiral into anxiety and depression, or you can see it as an opportunity for change and motivate yourself for a new

chapter of your life. Depending upon the decisions you make with each circumstance youre provided, you will either be building a positive tomorrow or one fraught with more negativity, anxiety, and discomfort. Therefore, whatever happens in your life and how you react to it is entirely up to you, and you must take full responsibility. It is not up to chance where you end up, how you feel, or whether or not you have success there is no such thing as chance. It is all manifested by you according to your thoughts, feelings, emotions, and actions right this second. Now that youve had a crash course in LOA, its time to move on and get more into how you can change your frequency to attract what you want.

Chapter Two: Whats Your Frequency?

You are a tuning fork and everyone else around you is a tuning fork. In fact, the entire planet youre living on is a tuning fork and each fork one has its own frequency, each one is influencing another, and all of them together are in fact influencing how the world vibrates. We discussed briefly in the previous chapter how most people have experienced a situation in which someone who is depressed, anxious, or angry walks into a room and immediately dampens the environment. These people are typically called downers and when a single person or a group of people are having a good time, just one individual walking in with their head held low and having a pitty party for themselves can suck the energy out of the room and change the vibration of everyone there. This is because that individual is operating on a low frequency. All throughout the day, many people are constantly changing their vibration depending on the environment theyre in, the people theyre surrounded with, as well as their own personal activities and emotions. You may wake up feeling great and ready for the day, just to encounter someone whose energy puts you in a negative mood. By lunch time your best friend could call you on the phone and raise your frequency again to where youre feeling better. The trick to understanding your frequency and the various vibrations, waves, and mathematical procedures that make up the world is to strengthen your own personal frequency to vibrate at the level you want to be at no matter what happens. So, the next time youre vibrating at a high, optimistic frequency and someone directs anger, depression, anxiety, or discontentment toward you, you want to be able to disallow that frequency from affecting your own individual tuning fork. Instead, you want your frequency to be so strong and stable, that youre able to instead either ignore that person, or be the one setting the frequency for them or a group of people you want your positive, higher frequency and vibration to get the people around you (those other tuning forks) tuned to your level not by doing anything in particular, but by simply being you, by simply existing. Additionally, by vibrating at this higher level and existing at this frequency, youre able to move yourself up and down depending on what you need do you need to be concentrated, excited and focused? Do you need to be calm, relaxed, and aware? Do you need to be resting and sleeping? When you start to understand how the various frequencies and wave patterns of the world work, you begin to be able to manipulate them by drawing what you need toward you simply by adjusting your own personal frequency. Everything on this planet has a frequency and vibration, along with every person. Every thought you have, every emotion, and every action you display carries with it a unique frequency and vibration that harmonizes with the same vibration frequency in the world including people, places, and circumstances.

This, of course, is how you get that birds of a feather flock together situation, in which people of similar interests, income, and so on end up connecting together. You could walk into a crowd all by yourself where no one was wearing any special kind of clothing or personal identifying mark and depending on the vibrations you were giving off, by the end of the day, you would end up meeting and congregating with people who were of a similar interest as you. The question is what situations, what people, and what environments do you want to find yourself in? If you want to own a yacht, play golf every day, and run a multi-billion dollar business, you need to be emulating that frequency everyday and vibration so that others with the same vibration congregate toward you, and you make the connections you need. Similarly, when groups of people begin believing fervently in a particular cause, they dont even need to speak out or start a revolution. By simply getting together in large groups, that frequency begins getting stronger and more wide spread, the vibrations resonate throughout the earth, and more and more people begin joining and changing their mindsets (shifting their vibration) within the global consciousness. As more and more people do this, the earth itself begins to respond, because as youll find later within this chapter, the earth changes its vibration incredibly often in relation to the people living on it. Remember nothing is separate from itself. First, lets get into the varying waves, frequencies, vibrations, and codes that make up our universe, and what part you play in that process. Once you understand the various ways in which the world and yourself are all made up of the same oscillating vibrations, you will understand the power you have to attract whatever you want into your life by simply shifting your personal frequency. All things in the Universe, from the large and recognizable to the smallest particle, are structured.

Einstein once said that the most incomprehensible thing about the universe is that its comprehensible. You see, the universe is not random, and there is really no reason it shouldnt be. The question is, why are people able to write down a few pages of equations and have enough information to literally simulate the structure of the entire universe? Many noted theoretical physicists are beginning to gravitate toward the idea that the universe essentially behaves the same way as a computer program. Two professors James Gates Jr., a theoretical physicist and John S. Toll who is the Professor of Physics at the University of Maryland have been working on super string theory equations. Now, if youll remember in the first chapter, we talked a little bit about how string theory essentially says that the entire universe and our very fabric of existence is all a series of vibrating strings, like a musical instrument. The interesting thing is that, in attempting to understand the fundamental laws of nature, these two physicists found actual known computer codes embedded within their superstring theory equations.

These computer codes are the kind you would find in a web browser and search engine. In fact, theyre indistinguishable. Basically, computer code as we know it is written into the fabric of the cosmos strings and bits of ones and zeroes (binary code). Not only that, but it isnt just any kind of computer code they found its a special kind of code that was invented by a scientist named Claude Shannon in the 1940s, which is a doubly-even self-dual binary error-correcting block code. Essentially, an error correction code built into the framework of life as we know it that is indistinguishable from code that we already know and that governs the massive neural-like net of the Internet itself, which is arguably an ever expanding virtual universe. When it comes to the law of attraction, this means that, indeed, there are rules and laws, and that when you understand those rules and laws, you can manipulate the programming in a sense. By understanding how waves and vibrations work, the most important programming to manipulate is that of your own frequency and your own brain, because this will make you powerful beyond belief. Life becomes easy when you understand it. Rich Terrile a well-regarded scientist and director of the Center for Evolutionary Computation and Automated Design at NASAs Jet Propulsion Laboratory , said in an interview that there is nothing magical about consciousness it is the product of a very sophisticated architecture within the human brain, which at some point will be able to be simulated by a computer and replicated. Your consciousness is not magic and your frequency is not abstract it is an actual, real, solid thing that you can control. If we as people already have the building blocks available to literally create consciousness on machines, you should be able to alter your own consciousness and conscious vibration for your own needs and desires. The Microcosm and The Macrocosm

On our next step to understanding how the universe works as a single, all encompassing entity made up of vibrations, frequencies, and consciousness, we need to understand how it all fits together. Think of a Russian nesting doll. These dolls are great representations of the various microcosms and macrocosms within the universe. Essentially, with a Russian nesting doll, you have one big container with an image painted on it. You open it up, and there is another smaller identical doll inside. You open that up, and there is a smaller one. Many of these dolls contain four to eight smaller ones inside of it. Think of each bigger doll as the macrocosm and each smaller doll inside as the microcosm and youll start to understand the structure of the universe. The first thing to understand about the doll is that they are all identical, and none of them are inherently separate from each other. The only difference between all of them is sheer scale. Lets look at the macrocosm and microcosm progression in regard to life as we know it currently:

Macrocosm = Universe | Microcosm = 100 Billion galaxies Macrocosm = Individual galaxy | Microcosm = 200 known solar systems (within our galaxy, however, the amount of solar systems could be hundreds, thousands, or billions more). Macrocosm = Individual solar system | Microcosm = Planets (eight total in our solar system) Macrocosm = Planet (Earth) | Microcosm = Living beings (all living things, but in this case well say the human body). Macrocosm = Human Body | Microcosm = Trillions of cells Macrocosm = Individual cell | Microcosm = Trillions of atoms

Throughout all of these macrocosms and microcosms sort of like a gigantic stellar string of Russian nesting dolls nothing is separate from itself. Anything that happens on a large scale, happens just the same on a smaller scale within it. The trillions of atoms that make up your cells are the same atoms that make up the largest and smallest parts of the universe and the fabric of reality as we know it. This means that the health and longevity of everything is interconnected, from the smallest atom (the building block of all life) to the entire ever-expanding universe. The health, vibration, and frequency of the smallest thing affects the health of the largest thing we are all existing within each other. Think, for example, about how constant stress and lack of sleep affects you on the most cellular level. It can make you sick, and take years off of your life. It lowers your immune system and makes you more susceptible to diseases. Therefore, when you get sick and ill, its not because you caught a virus or disease, its because you stressed yourself out, lost sleep, and lowered your frequency essentially making yourself vulnerable. This is a very simple macrocosm/microcosm situation happening within your own body. Think back to chapter one when we talked about the Global Consciousness Project, in which networks of computers spitting out random binary code react to major world events, especially then they are marked by catastrophe and intense negative feelings. Imagine that all of us people, in this world, are cells and the Earth is the body we live in (just like we are the body our cells live in). When the cells of the earth are experiencing negativity, war, famine, and sickness, all of that causes a shifting vibration, frequency, and energy to affect the health of the earth itself. Now, think of the planets in our solar system as cells, and the solar system as a body. If the health of one planet (one cell declines) the health of all the planets and the solar system declines. Everything is exactly the same, from patterns to the building block of life, from the smallest to the largest. The atoms in our cells, the cells in our body, our bodies in the world, our world in the solar system, our solar system in the galaxy, and our galaxy in the universe. When something happens to the smallest part of our body, it affects who we are, and that affects the people around us, and that affects our world, and it moves on from there. The smallest, seemingly most insignificant things cause not just personal change, but global change, and also universal change.

Nothing you do is insignificant. Thats why Ghandi said, be the change you want to be in the world. You dont have to do something huge and grand and famous in order to enact change. You could live a very simple, even isolated life, and affect global change by simply holding a high, positive frequency and being kind to the people you come in contact with. All it takes is one word, one gesture, one thought, one feeling. You may never know it, you may never see it, but it matters. This is why you must be aware of yourself at all times. In order to be aware of yourself and the kind of vibration youre giving off, you must regulate yourself and understand your body and mind, and change your habits when they start to bring you down, shift your friends when they no longer serve your mindset, and so on. We will talk more about this in future chapters. Our World of Waves

Everything is vibrating, from the earth itself, to our atomsits all oscillating and corresponding. Again, its like a series of tuning forks. However, when that tuning fork is hit and the vibration begins, it then emits a wave of sound. So you get three things a vibration, which emits a wave, which is on a particular frequency. Lets look at a few various types of waves that are existent in our world. Of course, they are all invisible, but they are known. Keep in mind as we explore these types of waves that the Law of Attraction essentially states that your mind, emotions, and actions emit waves of frequency and vibration, thus putting you in harmony with what your frequency tunes to, which then attracts things into your life that are exactly in tune with your vibration. Even though this process is invisible and seems far-fetched, it is just as far-fetched as radio waves, microwaves, sound waves, and light waves. And, just like all of those waves, they are there and working no matter what. Whether you see them, believe in them, or pay attention to them or not, they are always working. The Law of Attraction is no different it is always working whether you pay attention to it or believe in it or not, simply because it is a law. Light waves can be bent, radio waves can be used to transmit data and sound, microwaves can be used to heat up your food and provide you with wireless Internet, and so on, of course this is only possible if you know about the laws of these waves and harness them. LOA is the same. If you walk around everyday never monitoring your emotions, mindset, or actions, everything that happens to you will seem like chance or coincidence, until you realize that LOA is a law, and that each emotion, state of mind, and action you exhibit emits a frequency of its own, which then attracts other incidents, people, and fortune into your life that directly coincides with the vibration you give off. Radio Waves Without radio waves, you wouldnt be able to watch television, listen to your radio, or use your cell phone. Without radio waves, we wouldnt have MRIs or wireless networking capabilities. These waves, which occur naturally, are perfect for transferring large amounts of data straight though the air. Microwaves

Its hard not to hear the term microwave without immediately thinking about the appliance that is most likely in your room right now, waiting to heat up the frozen dinner in the freezer. Microwaves agitate certain molecules found in liquid, which absorb energy and heat up. Low intensity versions of microwaves are used to provide wireless Internet. Terahertz Radiation This wave is primarily used by the military for imaging and communications. It has the ability to pierce through a wide variety of nonconducting materials. Infrared Radiation Typically, this wave is used by vision/thermal imaging technology, which allows people to see hot objects that radiate strongly within this range. It is also used within astronomy. Visible Rainbow Light Spectrum Light waves are the range I which the sun and stars project their radiation. This reacts to our world of sight. Ultraviolent Radiation If youve ever gotten sunburn, its due to UV rays, which can break down chemical bonds and make molecules reactive or ionize them. Hence what happens to your skin cells during sunburn. X-Rays Youve no doubt heard of x-rays, which pass through most substances. This is how doctors are able to find more out about broken bones or objects lodged within the human body or diseases. X-rays are highly useful within the medical industry especially in radiography and crystallography. These rays are also given off by stars and nebulae, which makes them useful in high-energy physics and astronomy. Gamma Rays These rays are characterized as high-energy photons that manifest as subatomic particle interactions. They are able to penetrate many objects, and can cause a lot of damage when absorbed by living cells. Sound Waves This actually isnt the audible portion of a radio wave band of frequencies; instead its actually a sequential number of compression waves that travel through matter. It is created by a series of back and forth vibrations of an object. If youve ever seen a loud speaker vibrating while playing music, this is the process. These waves are only perceived when your eardrum vibrates. The sounds you hear are low or high-pitched tones made of spaced waves of air or water molecules that are vibrating. So, sound isnt a noise, its a series of vibrating frequencies just like the fabric of our existence. Temperature

When an object posses heat, the temperature is determined by how fast its molecules are moving. However, even very cold objects have some heat energy, because their atoms are still moving. Out of all of these various waves and vibrations of electromagnetic energy, only a tiny part is perceptible to us through our senses namely light. Other than that, off the electromagnetic spectrum, there is sound and temperature. The Earths Shuman Resonance

The fertility of a huge variety of species on earth are timed to coincide directly with the earths seasons, tides, and light/dark cycles. All of these seasons are actually vibrations. For example, bees, homing pigeons, human beings, whales, and migrating birds all have the ability to synthesize crystals of magnetite. This mineral is like a strong magnet within brain tissue that is responsive to the Earths magnetic fields. It also acts as an internal compass. For example, crystals that are found within the human brain are almost identical to ones found in bacteria who must know up from down. The whale is another mammal that heavily relies on its magnetic sensory system, and use geomagnetic fields emanating from the ocean floors as a kind of highway map. Former computer systems designer and geologist Gregg Braden does interesting research centering on the earths geophysical cycles. These cycles have been repeated throughout history and have even been described by previous cultures. The earth has a base resonant frequency referred to as the Schumann Resonance (SR). Braden postulates that for decades it vibrated at 7.8 cycles per second; this was thought to be constant. However, recent reports have demonstrated the rate at 8.6 and escalating. Imagine this as the earths pulse rate. As it rises, the earths magnetic field strength is declining. In fact, a variety of researchers have found that the Earths magnetic field has lost up to half its intensity within the past four thousand years. This seems to signify an impending magnetic pole shift. The earths frequency changes, according to Braden, correspond to our own cellular vibration as reports of magnetic anomalies picked up by compasses ranging from fifteen to twenty degrees away from magnetic north start becoming more prominent. This can signify evolutionary DNA changes. With a weaker magnetic field paired with a faster base frequency, the old emotional patterns and mental patterns pass away as we have easier access to higher states of consciousness. Like the earth, we are speeding up toward a shift in energy and awareness, which could very well be the reason youre reading this book right now. The vibrations and alchemy within you

We have discussed the microcosm and macrocosm of life. As you know, everything is always vibrating all life is a series of frequencies and waves corresponding with each other on various planes of reality. Inside your body the microcosm of your biological state the same thing is happening. The amazing

vibrations and alchemical changes that occur in your body ever second is simply stunning. Think about how you are drawing fresh air into your body, transferring that oxygen from your lungs to your blood, and then exhaling carbon dioxide and impurities from your body. Every second youre cleaning your body with the air around you, as your heart pumps cells throughout your circulatory system like a series of interstate highways. When you learn new things such as how to play a new game or how to pitch a ball or how to speak another language, your brain develops new neural connections, expanding on a gigantic network of electronic transmitters that all connect to each other. Your brain is always changing, because it is plastic and moldable its called brain plasticity. The reason Daoists practice standing meditation and Chan/Zen Buddhists practice sitting meditation, and various Indian disciplines practice mindfulness Vipassana meditation, and Christians sit in prayer, and Hindus kneel and chant in prayer, and why practitioners of Judaism practice various chants and stances, and so on, is all due to a fundamental human desire to understand ourselves and the world around us. Regardless of the religion, belief construct, society, or region, every human culture on the planet employs similar sitting/standing/moving styles of prayer/meditation along with chanting. Through time and practice, this allows those people to have a fuller understanding of themselves. Without the Daoists and Buddhists spending so much time sitting in meditation, simply observing the inner workings of their body, we would not have acupuncture, and healing qigong. It was through observing themselves, looking inward to the microcosm of their body, and paying attention to the energy and vibrations that pulse through every aspect of their being from the physical, to the energetic, to the consciousness level, that they were able to understand the macrocosm of the world and universe around them. Sometimes the world seems like a very big, gigantic place, and when the vastness of the Universe is taken into account everything seems even more expansive, but because everything is the same as the other meaning all things are connected by the same building blocks in order to truly understand life, yourself, and the universe, you simply need to look inside your own body. This act of calming your mind and observing, is integral to the law of attraction, because without a calm understanding of yourself, your mind, and the world around you, you will let every little thing unbalance you and throw you off track, which influences your success in what you desire. Remember if dont understand the wind, the stars, and the sea, you cannot possibly sail. Try This Exercise Mindfulness Meditation

Before getting into this exercise, its important to understand the point of it. Every morning when you wake up, your head is filled with thoughts about what you have to do that day. Youre constantly thinking about whats next. Often, when people have down-time, they are still thinking about either something that happened the day before, or something that is happening the next day. Heres the thing

literally the only two days per year that you have zero control over are yesterday and tomorrow. Think about how much of your present time you waste putting yourself in a place of anxiety over things you literally have zero control over, and cannot possibly do anything about until it actually happens. Mindfulness meditation is the act of being present and observing the present. Although the instructions here are incredibly simple, the task itself proves difficult for most people. We has humans are typically so addicted and so accustomed to having a barrage of thoughts in our head at any given moment, that our mind begins to recoil when it is unable to latch onto thoughts. Not only that, the ways in which we distract ourselves from our thoughts are through entertainment and noise movies, TV, Internet, music, socializing, and so on. What mindfulness meditation does is slow your brain down, and allow it to decompress and live in the moment, in complete silence without distraction without worry, anxiety, or discontentment. This will be very difficult first, so its best to start doing it for ten minutes at a time. The best time to do it is first thing in the morning before you start rushing through your day, before all of those thoughts start popping in your head. After the first week, if you feel comfortable, increase your meditation time to 15 minutes. Ideally, over time, you want to be meditating 45 minutes a day. Step One Sit upright in a comfortable position. This can be with your legs crossed or in a chair. Other poses include half lotus, full lotus, and Japanese kneeling position. Dont lay down and dont lean back. Sit up straight with your shoulders relaxed and your chin slightly pointed down. Step Two Ensure that you are in a quiet place without distractions. This can either be inside, or outside at a quiet park or nature setting. Step Three Close your eyes, and begin to draw your attention to your breath. Feel yourself breathing in and out deeply. Concentrate on the flow of your breath, and listen to it. When you breath, fill your stomach with air first, then your lungs. As you exhale, push the air out of your stomach and your lungs second. Repeat this. It is called abdominal breathing, and it is the correct way to breath. This is how all babies and small children breathe, yet as we grow older we begin to breathe with the top part of our lungs with shallow breaths, causing hypertension and anxiety. Control your breath to control your mind. Step Four Various thoughts and images will begin flashing in front of you dont latch onto them. Simply observe the images and thoughts as if they are on a movie screen and let them pass. Dont try to make sense of them. Dont try to dwell on them. Whenever you find yourself latching onto a thought, just bring your attention back to your breath. Step Five Dont try hard to push thoughts out of your head, this will cause strain just let them happen and observe them. Step Six if you feel pain in your back, that makes you want to slump over, fight the desire to do so. Remain sitting up straight. Many people have bad posture, but over time and dedication, your back will strengthen and your posture will improve, allowing you to breathe easier.

This very simple mindfulness mediation practice will help you gain a better awareness of your body and mind. It will help you empty your thoughts, reduce your stress, and help you concentrate on the present moment. Breathing abdominally will help massage your organs. Most importantly, it changes your frequency. Remember what we talked about in chapter one your brain has various wave states, just like everything else on the planet and within the universe. When you perform mindfulness meditation, youre changing your brain wave from Beta, which cycles at 13 to 40 Hz per second to slower frequency wave patterns like Alpha (8 13 Hz) and Theta (4 8 Hz) when you are at your most calm, receptive, and creative. Furthermore, learning to exist in the present helps remind you not to let your mind go off on tangents, by thinking about the past and future, causing fear, anxiety, depression, anger, and worry, all of which lower your frequency, which attracts negative things into your life. Now that you understand how everything in the world around you is simply made up of a variety of frequencies, waves, energy, and vibration from the largest to the smallest particles, you have begun to grasp a fundamental reality of the Law of Attraction, which states that what you project, you attract. Here are some examples of things that can lower your frequency: Sedentary lifestyle Your body is made to move, not sit all day in one chair or another. By living a sedentary lifestyle, youre setting yourself up for health problems and mental problems, because the state of the body and the state of the mind are inseparable. By exercising regularly, you release endorphins, reduce stress, have more energy, sleep better, and have a higher quality of life, which raises your vibration. Anger and Resentment -- Holding onto anger and resentment gives you a kind of tunnel vision. On a physical level it raises your blood pressure, tightens your muscles, causes headaches, and lack of sleep. All of these lead to an overall unhealthy body, mind, and countenance. People who are successful, calm, and driven dont want to be around angry people who hold resentment, therefore, when youre angry you are setting yourself up for stagnation. You will only ever attract other angry people around you. After a while, you will begin looking for any excuse to get angry at people and begin putting blame on others for your lack of success and opportunity. Complaining and Discontentment Successful people and those that get what they want dont complain, because if they do, then they would never have persevered through their many failures. Successful people see failure as a learning experience, and welcome that experience so they can grow. They end up using their failures and setbacks as stepping stones and pathways. When someone is constantly complaining about their situation, their life, their job, their finances, their relationships, and so on generally demonstrating discontentment with their situation then they are only focusing on what they dont like in their lives. The Law of Attraction states that what you focus on, you get. If you keep focusing on your discontentment, youll get nothing but more discontentments. Instead of complaining about your life or things that you consider unfortunate, instead be grateful for what you do have. If you have food in

your belly, clothes on your back, and a roof over your head youre already doing better than a huge percentage of the world. If you hate your job, stop complaining about it, and be grateful you have a job, and rather than thinking about all the things you dislike about it, start trying to figure out how to change your situation, make it better, and improve your career. Complaining is easy, action is more difficult. However, gratitude and action creates change, and when you put your energy toward that, your frequency lifts and great things are attracted into your life. Bad Diet As has been stated, your brain and your body are not separate. If youre eating nothing but sugar, salty foods, heavy carbs, junk food, frozen dinners, and downing soft drinks all day, then youre setting yourself up for depression, anxiety, hypertension, bad sleeping habits, and had health all of these things make you feel bad both physically and emotionally. No one ever said, I love the fact that I cant stop eating food I know is terrible for me. Nearly everyone who recognizes their eating habits are unhealthy, have a certain amount of guilt for doing it. That guilt, in and of itself, also lowers your frequency. Improving your diet will improve everything in your life, and the happier, healthier, and better you feel, the greater things you attract into your life. Fear and Anxiety This often happens when people cannot stop thinking about the future. Thinking about the future always causes fear and anxiety because its something you have no control over. Because people have no control over the future, they often find themselves obsessing over every type of detail every little if. This not only turns into depression, it also causes inaction analysis paralysis, which is what happens when someone has stagnated themselves so much due to fear and anxiety about the future, that they dont even make an attempt to move forward with their plans. Heres the thing the present moment is something you can always deal with. If you deal with life as it comes, you will always be surprised how well you handle any situation that falls into your lap. Venturing into the unknown is scary to say the least, but youll never know whether or not you can handle it until you just do it. You will fail, you will fall, you will want to give up, but if you keep moving, youll get stronger and more able. Within the Law of Attraction, its not about what could happen, its about right now. No matter what youre doing whether youre thinking about the past or thinking about the future, youre still doing it in the present moment and every thought, every emotion that youre having in that present moment, is setting up your circumstances for the next days, weeks, months, and years. So, its always better to just be happy, content, and able in the present and understand that the person you are going to be tomorrow, is just a stronger, smarter version of who you are right now. By now you should start to get the idea of how your emotions, actions, and mindset influence the frequency you project to the universe. In the upcoming chapters, well begin exploring how you can reprogram your mind, change your actions, and stay on an elevated frequency so that you can use your understanding of the Law of Attraction to make your life easier, more fluid, and more within your control.

Chapter Three: The Master of Your Own Destiny

Up until now youve been sleeping the world was this crazy thing, and circumstances, situations, and coincidences fueled a mish-mash of experiences that were seemingly random. You had to take the good with the bad. Sometimes there were great periods within your life where everything was going your way, and other times nothing was going your way and your attitude and everything else seemed to spiral out of control. Seeing as how this is the same for every human being on the planet, it seemed normal this is the way life is, a roller coaster ride, and youll never get everything you want out of it. Youve been sleep walking this entire time, unaware that there are indisputable laws in place that govern the universe in which youre living and those laws are working every second of every day no matter who you are or what you believe. The Law of Attraction is working despite whether or not you are a positive or negative person, despite whether or not your intentions are good or bad, despite whether or not you believe in a god or dont. There are no rules about who is influenced by the law of attraction, because everybody is. Now, its time for you to wake up and realize that the power is in your hands. This law, now that you know about it, is something you can use to create your own reality the way you want it to be, rather than hoping it turns out okay according to chance. The thing is, you have always had this ability. You have been living according to LOA your entire life the reality you currently live in is exactly the one that youve been creating for yourself. The only limit you have on what you desire is your own mind. You see, we as human beings have a lot of self-limiting beliefs. Youll hear people say something like, Well, if life was fair I would be rich. That very statement is a belief that this individual will never be rich its a belief of surrender and that it is impossible for that person to be rich. Because of that limiting belief that person will literally never accomplish anything greater than what they have already simply because the belief theyve created for themselves does not allow them to. Henry Ford famous American car maker once said, Whether you think you can or you cant, youre right. There is no wealthy, successful individual who has fulfilled their lifes goals who will tell you that they had any idea of what they were doing from the start. You will never meet a highly successful person that didnt just start taking steps to get what they wanted, ignoring all the naysayers, and even living what some may call a delusional life until they actually achieved what they wanted.

Famous singers visualize themselves in front of millions of adoring fans, while theyre singing into a hair brush in front of the mirror (and many of them have the same story of doing so) no matter who tells them they cant do it, they simply choose not to believe it. Look at Warren Buffett, one of the richest people in the entire world. He said, I always knew I was going to be rich. I dont think I ever doubted it for a minute. He also said, I insist on a lot of time being spent, almost every day, to just sit and think. That is very uncommon in American business. You see, successful people dont doubt what they want, no matter what kind of fail ure or setback or situation they are in at the beginning or that they find themselves in throughout the process of getting what they want, it doesnt matter they are so dead-set on what they want that they visualize it, think about it, taste it, smell it, hear it, until they get it. Everything else is just a minor inconvenience on the way there. People who are successful arent necessarily smarter, more talented, more educated, or any more fortunate than you are. If that were the case, we wouldnt have r ich, successful people who come from literally all walks of life, from the lowest gutter to the cream of the crop. People are successful because they attract success to them, due to the fact that they dont let self limiting beliefs get in their way. They dont say cant they dont accept where they are, they keep pressing forward because they know absolutely, positively that their reality will manifest. Those people know that when you really want something, there is no other choice than to get it. Everybody has the ability to start manifesting their reality now, yet many people the ones who are stuck in one spot, who are not moving forward to better and greater things are the ones with the self-limiting beliefs that keep providing them excuses as to how they cannot get to where they want to go. Therefore they accept that they are powerless and say, it isnt meant to be. They put things off by saying when theyrerich they will have the house out on the lake or they will get that new car when they get promoted or they will wait another day to finish their novel or they will be happy when they win the lottery. They provide ultimatums for themselves, rather than just believing that they will get what they want. Perhaps one of the biggest self-limiting beliefs of people who are not successful is the belief that they dont deserve what they really want. So many of us are conditioned to believe that we need to have the right degree, put in the right amount of work, have the right kind of parents, and live in the right kind of place in order for us to deserve any kind of substantial wealth and success in life. There is even guilt that comes with the thought process that you may actually deserve it. People think theyre being prideful or arrogant or selfish.

The Law of Attraction doesnt care what you think of yourself or your reasons behind wanting what you want. It doesnt care whether or not youre selfish or prideful, or a fantastic human being all it cares about is where your mind is, all it cares about is what youre focusing on, and it will give you more of that thing. Youre no longer asleep, youre no longer in the dark. You understand now that thoughts become things. Now its time for you to reprogram your mind and get rid of your limiting beliefs the ones that are keeping you back from taking full advantage of everything life has to offer you. What kind of sunglasses do you have on?

Have you ever gone out with a pair of sunglasses and forgot you were even wearing them? Of course, when you first put them on you noticed a marked difference in how the tint of the world around you changed, but after driving around and being outside all day with them on, you began to adjust to the way the world looked. You forgot you had those sunglasses on. Now, imagine that everybody in the world has a pair of sunglasses on, yet no two sunglasses are alike. They all have different tints and shades. Each one of those people is seeing the world through a completely unique vantage point. The world to them looks nothing like the world to you. Yet, its easier for you to notice their sunglasses than it is for you to remember youre wearing a pair as well. All of these different shades and perspectives are like peoples beliefs. Most of the time people arent even aware that they have a set amount of beliefs, typically because they did not consciously adopt those beliefs, they simply happened throughout time and experience. From upbringing to education to experience beliefs were grounded inside of your subconscious and made you who you are. Youre seeing the world not as it really is, but through your own lens of belief. Yet, you actually have the power to take those glasses off. In fact, you have the power to look in the mirror, and decide you want to switch your sunglasses to a shade that makes you happier or more successful (perhaps a better looking pair). But first, in order to do that, you have to be aware of the lens youre seeing through now. Being aware of your limiting beliefs is the first step in controlling them and bypassing them so that you create a mindset and belief system of abundance that you deserve. At first it may be difficult to pinpoint your beliefs on things, so the best way to think about your belief is as your personal perspective your individual vantage point of reality. This aspect of your reality the lens youre looking through is the reason why you can react one way to a situation and someone else can react completely differently to the same situation.

Lets throw out a hypothetical. Lets say that youre walking down the street with a friend, and you both happen to witness a mugging. Depending upon what kind of belief you may have and what kind of perspective you view life, you could recall the mugging and see it as proof of human dishonesty, barbarism, and violence while your friend recalls the mugging by remembering all the caring and concerned bystanders and how they helped in that difficult situation, because to that person this unfortunate situation was proof of human resiliency. Now, it doesnt matter which reaction was right or wrong, because there is no answer for that, whats important to realize is that the same thing happened to both people you and your friend yet both saw it a different way. By keeping tabs on how you react to things and how you think, you will be able to pinpoint your limiting beliefs. For example, do you believe that you deserve a million dollars? Perhaps you didnt do anything today except sit around the house, eat cereal and watch TV even though thats all you did, do you deserve one million dollars? This is a big one, because many people will think, No, I dont deserve a million dollars, because I didnt do anything special to earn it. Now, posed with the question, Do you want a million dollars? the answer is most likely yes. The simple phrasing of the question allows you to see what kind of limiting beliefs you have on the issue. For example, most people want a million dollars, but those same individuals will say a variety of things that stagnate them and prohibit them from every receiving a million dollars, such as the following: I dont deserve it I dont have the right education My job doesnt pay that much I dont have the right skills The likelihood of that happening is really slim

The things people go through in their mind makes or break their ability. Remember, thoughts create things they quite literally shape your reality. Its not enough to look up at the universe and say, I want a million dollars because thats not how the Law of Attraction works. All the Law of Attraction notices is what you concentrate on. If, in the same breath of saying, I want this youre mind says, but I dont deserve it or you feel guilty about it or you start thinking about all the ways that million dollars wont come to you, or you begin doubting in any sense, then of course youre not going to be projecting the frequency necessary to get what you desire. Thats not anybody elses fault but yours.

You must be aware of your self-limiting beliefs at all times and that means paying attention to how you react to things. If you your beliefs are limiting your desires, then you wont be able to visualize your success, and visualization is the single most important aspect of reprogramming your mind. Your beliefs are shaped by fickle circumstance

In attempting to understand how you are truly capable of manifesting your own destiny, that you do in fact have full control over what happens in your life, you must know yourself. Your self-limiting beliefs are not entirely your fault. Just as you may not have had any idea the world is made up of corresponding vibrations, frequencies, and waves and that like attracts like, you probably have no real clue as to all the various subconscious things that have happened in your life to makeup the self-limiting beliefs that you now have. Take, for example, something as simple as a hug. If you grew up only receiving a hug when you were upset, fearful, crying, or otherwise in any kind of general emotional trauma, but never received a hug when you were happy, ecstatic, and in an elevated mood, then later on in life, chances are that whenever you do receive a hug even during a happy occasion the feeling you will experience is one of sadness. This correlation is of course not your fault, but recognizing it affords you a certain power to change the situation, and recognizing such associations can only be done through careful observation of your thoughts and reactions to daily circumstances. In order to get the most out of the LOA, you must be constantly aware of any thoughts that may be keeping you back from what you want those thoughts of insignificance, anger, apprehensiveness, disbelief, and so on. As you continue to catch yourself and correct your thinking, it will become easier and easier. Essentially you will be reprogramming your brain, getting rid of your limiting belief systems, and in turn manifesting an entirely new reality. Even the way you think about your future affects what happens. Think for example the difference between, I hope it will happen and I know it is going to happen and It is happening. Many people hope theyll be successful, but in just hoping, theyre leaving room for doubt. Essentially, theyre protecting themselves. They are saying, I hope this will happen, but if it doesnt, thats okay too. No, its not okay if you want something, youre going to get it. What about if you say, I know it is going happening? This is a little bit better, but you are still saying, that you know, at some point in the future, what you want will occur, this is still limiting yourself and giving you the safety guard of time. Basically, youre allowing yourself to put off the future, by saying it will happen eventually.

However, if you wake up every day and say It is happening then youre doing something amazing with your mind youre abolishing all self-limiting beliefs and all excuses that could possibly exist within your mind that would say it may not happen, or maybe it wont happen any time soon, and so on. Youre reprogramming your mind; youre reprogramming all of those false limiting realities that have been imposed on you since a child by a society that wants you to believe you have no conscious control over your destiny. Youre getting rid of the thought process of maybe and I wish and I hope and if and youre saying No, it IS happening, every day that I get out of bed and every word that I say and every action that I take right here, right this second is creating exactly what I want. Every step I take is a direction toward my goal. Every minute I am alive I AM currently, right now in the present moment, getting exactly what I desire. Lets look at language for a moment and how it affects our lives. In the 1930s a linguist by the name of Benjamin Lee Whorf came up with what is called the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, which states that the way we read, write, and speak influences and even controls the way we think about the world, as well as our abilities and behaviors. For example, some languages have no separate name for colors like blue or green, instead the same word is used for both colors; therefore it affects those peoples ability to tell the colors apart. To them, there is no difference. In the Zuni language, orange and yellow are the same color, so they have a more difficult time telling apart shades of orange and yellow. Take the directional skills of Australian aboriginals. In the Kuuk Thaayorre language, there are no terms for directions such as left or right. They only use north, south, east, and west. Therefore, they must remain always aware of their directional orientation, they have to know what direction they are facing at all times in a way that English speakers do not. People who speak Kuuk Thayorre know what direction they are facing even in unfamiliar buildings and terrain because their language requires them to, whereas an English speaker would need a compass, but will still be able to tell you at all times where their left and right are (without knowing whether or not that is north, south, east, or west). Economic professor at Yale University, Keith Chen has theorized that the influence of language is even more far reaching, and influences our actual behavior, especially when it comes to the difference between the present and the future. For example, what if some of us had to remember the difference between the present and the future, but others did not and there was no distinction between whats happening now and whats happening tomorrow? Well, English is what is known as a futured language. In order to talk about the future, we say things like, It will be hot tomorrow and it is hot today. We cant say, It is hot tomorrow.

However, in futureless languages such as Finnish, people use constructions like, Today be hot and Tomorrow be hot. They can say it is hot about the present or the future simultaneously because there is no major distinction. Chan predicted that, when language treats the present and the future as the same, speakers start acting like the future is no different from the present they consider it to be just as important as the current moment. This means that they are willing to make tradeoffs in the present for the benefit of the future. However, for languages such as English, which makes a marked distinction between what is happening now and in the future, we are more likely to disregard consequences because we see the present and the future as separate things. Chen began gathering data from 76 developed and developing countries on five continents. He used households with the exact same income, family structure, educational levels, and religious beliefs so that the only thing different was language. His findings were incredible speakers of future languages such as English saved money only 69 percent as often as speakers of futureless languages such as Finnish who see the future as equally as important as the present without distinction. For example, futureless languages valued saving up for the year ahead. Even when Chen controlled for variables such as GDP, growth rates, interest rates, and unemployment, language ended up being the strongest predictor of saving or spending behavior. In addition, futured speakers, such as English, had 39 percent fewer retirement assets. However, the differences arent just cultural or regional. For example, in Switzerland people speak three kinds of languages, and futured speakers still saved only 36 percent as often as their futureless neighbors. Even on a national scale, countries with futureless languages saved six percent more of their GDP yearly. Of course, these patterns arent exclusive to finances, it influenced everything. Futured language speakers are less likely to use condoms or birth control, 24 percent more likely to smoke, 29 percent less likely to be physically active, 13 percent more likely to be obese, and subsequently experience more death and health problems. For future speakers, the burden or responsibility today is not worth the benefit of a better future, and the impact of those choices is very real and very tangible. Even seemingly insignificant features of our own language influence our beliefs and how we see reality. This is one of the reasons were always saying well do it tomorrow, or that one day well travel the world when all the circumstances are correct or that well move to our dream location

when we retire. Warren Buffet once said, there comes a time when you ought to start doi ng what you want. I think that you are out of your mind if you keep taking jobs that you dont like because you think it will look good on your resume. Isnt that a little like saving up sex for your old age? How to manifest your destiny

If you want to be one of those old people sitting on the front porch still talking about what they would like to happen one day, then just keep on hoping, wishing, planning, and dreaming for the future because doing that is going to ensure you stay exactly where you are. However, if you want to actually meet your goals, then you have to consider them already accomplished; people that ride horses understand this concept very well. When jockeys need to jump a hurdle, the worst thing they can do is actually look at the hurdle itself. If they do this, they almost always fail to make the jump. The reason why is because the horse senses the riders apprehension, and essentially goes where the rider is focusing. However, if the rider wants to actually make the jump, he/she should never look at the hurdle, but only look at where the horse should land. In fact, the rider must consider the jump already made. If you drive a car you know that you cant drive straight if you look in another direction, regardless of your best efforts to keep your hands from turning the wheel, you will begin to drift in that direction. In order to go straight and reach your destination, you have to keep your eye on the road up ahead. Because you manifest your own destiny, because you create your own reality, you must change the way that you think. The only way to get what you want is to dramatically shift your mindset and stop thinking of the future as something that is somehow separate from the present its not. Lets say that you hate your job, and you dont think it fits your skills. You would like nothing better than to work as an artist on the beach in Costa Rica. Rather than hoping and planning and saying things like, In ten years, once Ive saved up some money, I will be able to go to Costa Rica and paint all day long and enjoy my life you instead must consider yourself already there, already in the house you want, already living the life you want. Why? Because where you focus your attention now is where you are going to end up plain and simple. Youre not looking at the hurdles you have to jump on the way to reaching your goal, youre looking at where youve already landed, because in doing so every action that you take now, every word that you speak now, every thought that you have now, every emotion that you have right now, is making that a reality. You are the rider, and LOA is the horse. Before you know it, there you are safe and sound on the other side, just to look back and notice all the hurdles you jumped.

Here are the things that must take place in order for this dream to become a physical reality. 1) Deserve It You must believe that you deserve what you want. One of the biggest selflimiting beliefs people have is that they feel a sense of guilt just for wanting what they want, and that guilt and the belief that they dont deserve to get what they want is the single thing that will ensure they never do. While youre sitting around feeling guilty and un-worthy for wanting the happiness and life that you deserve, theres somebody else in the world who, by all accounts, is a terrible, corrupt person getting exactly what they want because LOA doesnt discriminate, it works all the time on everyone and it is always moving. Understand that whatever you want is the right thing, because you deserve it. If it will make you happy, if it will make you fulfilled, then it is the right thing to do. You are of no use to people if you dislike where you are, you dislike your job, youre stressed out, and you dread going into work every day. How are you supposed to spread a higher frequency if youre dissatisfied? The only way you can help people is by doing what you truly want to do, and the only way to get that is to understand that you deserve it. 2) Consider it Reality This is where you begin to reprogram your mind. When you get out of bed in the morning you are thinking to yourself, Im so glad Im living my dream as a painter in Costa Rica. This can seem completely crazy, and a total detachment from reality, but that in and of itself is a limiting belief. In sports such as boxing, when someone is training for a fight, they are often told to do the extreme of each movement. For example, if they are to bob/weave, they dip all the way to one side and the next. If they are to step a certain way, they exaggerate the step. This isnt because theyll be doing that in the actual fight, its because by doing the movement at its most extreme, it drives into their brain, so that when push comes to shove their mind handles it automatically there is no thought. Likewise, boxers and other athletes are always told to envision themselves as having already won. You are doing the exact same thing when you sit there in the morning and throughout the day be saying, Im so glad Im living my dream as a painter in Costa Rica. Youre not being crazy, youre just training your mind. Remember, this sounds absurd to you as an English speaker a futured language but in other languages there really is not distinction between now and tomorrow. Reality is fickle and you crate it with your words and thoughts. So, keep telling yourself that what you want has already happened not that its going to happen, not that its almost here, not that its on the horizon no, you tell yourself it is a reality. At first you might feel a little crazy, your brain is going to recoil ignore that recoil. Eventually your mind will begin to accept it, and about that time, youll actually be living it physically. Visualize Every Aspect Visualizing is different for everybody. Some people have a very difficult time imagining things and are very analytical and thats fine. Well discuss

various ways you can visualize, but first you need to understand what it is. Visualizing means that not only have you adjusted how youre thinking of your goal and w hat you want by considering it a reality, you are now walking into that reality and living it in your mind. Continuing on with the current example, you want to see yourself in Costa Rica. You want to imagine yourself waking up in the morning, and hearing the sound of the ocean and all of the bustling on the street below you. You want to smell the salt of the ocean spray, and feel it on your face. You want to see yourself heading down the local caf and having a cup of coffee and chatting with the barista. You want to imagine yourself painting in your studio and then selling those paintings at your gallery. You want to imagine how happy, calm, and fulfilled you feel during that time. One way you can do this is through sitting quietly in meditation and walking yourself through this reality visually with your eyes closed. Another way to do it is by taking about a piece of paper and writing a journal entry on what you did today while you are in Costa Rica. You can also start looking up places in Costa Rica such as houses and pictures, print those out, and pin them up on a board in place where you can look at them every day, and then just say to yourself that you live there in that house, in that place. You can do combinations of all these things and do them every day. Carve out time each and every day to visualize your life there believe that it is a reality, know that it is something you are doing right here right now. Dont worry about how or when The last limiting belief a lot of people experience is that creeping question that comes up that makes you ask yourself how exactly are these things going to take place. Sometimes, by looking at your current situation, it seems impossible that you will ever reach that point. Again, this is because we have the natural tendency to separate the now from the future, and we are always trying to figure out how to bridge the two, when really there is no separation. It is not up to you to figure out the how, it is up to you to believe it is already accomplished, that it is an unarguable reality that this is indeed happening. How it happens is up to the Law of Attraction as well as when it happens. This is the last frontier to really manifesting your own destiny and that is consistency. All success, from losing weight, to getting a better job, to improving your skills, to training your animal how to sit and stay is all about consistency you must keep going no matter how impossible it may seem. You have to remove all thoughts of impossibility. The Law of Attraction, because it is always working, will take care of the rest. You WILL attract the circumstances that allow you to move in the direction you want. You may think that you dont have the skills or the connections of the money, but that is a matter of recognizing when those opportunities present themselves, and they will. So dont worry about how or when, simply expect that the circumstances will prevent themselves and when they do, you will be there to take advantage.

These are the four things you need to do in order to reprogram your mind. By seeing yourself as already having crossed the finish line, as already having landed over the hurdle, you are elevating your frequency, you are attracting all of the things that need to come into your life to make that a reality. The Roman philosopher Seneca once said that luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity. By following the steps here you are preparing yourself, the next step is taking advantage of the opportunities as they come, and they will come. Act as though you have already accomplished your goal Youve been visualizing, youve been paying attention to your limiting beliefs and subsequently abolishing them, youve been visualizing, but you also have to take action. Action and change begets more action and change. Now it is time for you to take stock in the people that are around you. Are they encouraging your goals, or are they sucking the energy from you? Continuing on with this example, you must start to make leaps of action. One of the most important things you can do is begin preparing yourself through action to live the life you want. This is where practicality comes into play. If youre going to live in Costa Rica, you definitely want to have a great beach body, right? Well, start working out. Work out and get a gym membership because youre preparing to look great when you go to Costa Rica thats your thought process. Also, you definitely need to be able to speak a little of the local dialect, so buy yourself a language program and begin studying. Because you want to be a painter there, you can start finding pictures of Costa Rica and painting images of it as if you already live there. Start saving up some money and plan a short trip, think of it as a reconnaissance youre going there to scope things out, for when you move soon. Of course, in order to visit, you definitely need to buy some beach clothes, because its warm there. These small, actionable steps begin to drive home the reality that this is happening this is a real thing. During all of this visualization, during all of this mental programming, nothing drives it home as much as taking actual physical steps to get there. You may not be able to do everything all at once, such as pack up and leave, but by just preparing, you are driving home the point to yourself and the universe that this is happening no matter what. In fact, it is such a reality, that you are just getting ready. Now, listen here and write this down and devote it to memory you cannot wait until everything is perfect, until all the money is in the bank, until all the opportunities have lined up in tandem to present to you your goal on a silver platter in order to start taking action. This will NEVER happen. You have to start walking the path, you have to start taking physical actionable steps in the direction you want to go in order to get what you want, because LOA states that when you move, it moves. If youre waiting for everything to be perfect, then youll be waiting forever. If youre scared and if you keep putting off actual action even if its small and seemingly insignificant then you are limiting yourself with beliefs and creating the wrong reality. Take the leap, take

the plunge action begets action. Change begets change. You cant stay in the same spot, do the same things, and act the same way and expect different results. This is what a lot of other books on LOA dont mention, the final step is moving forward. For example, if you sit around all day saying youre healthy, visualizing yourself healthy, even not worrying about how or when you will get healthy and knowing you are that way, none of that matters if you dont start taking short walks, then turn those short walks into runs, then join a gym, then get a personal trainer, and all the while change the way you eat. All action begins in the mind first, however you eventually have to actually do something and this doesnt mean waiting until the stars are aligned in your favor, it means getting off your butt and doing it even when its inconvenient. The rest will take care of itself through LOA.

Everyone is faking it until they make it

When talking about the final step in order to manifest your future the step where you begin taking action this can seem scary, especially if your goal is so far outside of your current situation. The thing is, nearly every successful person you can name got there without knowing what they were doing. They knew what they wanted, they went through all the same steps, but they had to take action in order to become that person and accomplish that goal. This is called faking it until you make it, but there is a better term for it playing the role until it becomes reality. Every human being on the planet can change who they are by simply waking up the next morning and deciding to change their habits. Your habits, your friends, your thoughts, and your actions make you who you are. Lets say youre a shy, timid person, but you want to be a strong, able leader because you think that you have great ideas. You have no other choice other than to look at those people who are successful and then copy them. You may not have any idea what youre doing, and it may be terrifying to start, but the thing is, by doing you learn. By taking action, you become that person through time and effort. This is why sitting in a classroom and reading books is one thing, but going out and applying it is another. No one can ever prepare you with words for what it will be like out in the field. The only true way to become who you want, live the reality you desire, and accomplish your goals is to start taking action right now it starts with reprogramming your mind, and it ends with you taking action.

Remember, there will never be the perfect opportunity for you to start, you just have to start. You have to jump on that boat, hoist those sales, put your hand on the rudder, and just go. Its going to be scary, and youre going to fail and have problems time and time again, but because you now know how to think, how to visualize, and how to stay focused, you can keep being consistent. The Law of Attraction will unfold before you, and make it a reality. In forging the path, the path doesnt need to be certain; however it will unfold right before your eyes. Action makes everything clearer. You can visualize how your perfect painting will look or your perfect novel will read all day long, but unless you sit down, break out your tools, and apply yourself, it will never get done. You dont need to know the ending, you dont even need to know the process, you just have to start.

Chapter Four Transforming Negative into Positive

Now youre starting to have a greater understanding of your power in this world. You understand that the universe is made up of vibrations, waves, and frequencies and that your body and mind are as well, you also understand that you literally have the power to manifest your own destiny, and that you have full control. However, simply telling someone to think more positive thoughts is easier said than done. There are so many situations and people we find ourselves around each and every day that influence how we feel and who we are, that it can be incredibly difficult to stay on the right track. As you now know, the way you perceive the world creates your reality. However, even when you act in accordance with the Law of Attraction that does not mean that everything in your life is going to be perfect and smooth. Remember in chapter one when we continually used the analogy that understanding these laws is like navigating the ocean on a sail boat. Simply because you know how to do so, and simply because you understand how the ocean, the stars, and the wind acts allowing you to get from point A to point B doesnt mean that you wont encounter choppy waves and storms. It is your ability to navigate these storms and use them to your advantage that makes you come out on top. You can either let them topple you, or you can remain calm, collected, and use the choppy waves and the wind, and the rain to continue furthering you to your intended destination. You dont always have a choice in what happens to you each and eve ry day of your life, nor do you always have a choice in what kind of person walks into your life and affects you. However, you do have a choice of how you react that choice is always up to you. However, many people have a disconnect. They will think that a circumstance lead them to act the way they did or make the decision that they did. They will say, Well, if you hadnt of acted this way, then I wouldnt have acted the way I did or If this had not of happened, I wouldnt be in this mood. How you react to life and everything in it is solely up to you. The first step in having control in your life is by taking responsibility for your actions, because no one else made those actions for you. Nobody and nothing in your life caused you to act the way you did, you made that decision on your own and without outside help. So, before we move on, you need to reserve yourself to take responsibility for your reactions in life because without that realization and acceptance, you will go through life allowing thigns that are unfortunate such as failures, set-backs, and other people to influence your decisions rather than you make the conscious decision to rise above it all.


Spiraling is what happens when you let one little thing create a chain reaction in your life that sends you on a downward spiral the rest of the day. Sometimes these downward spirals can last for days, weeks, months, and even years. That one thing someone said to you, that one person who cut you off in traffic, the fact that you couldnt find your keys and you were late for work, the fact that you got a parking ticket, the fact that the server at the coffee shop got your order wrong, the fact that the deal fell through, the fact that you fumbled through your words during a presentation. It can be just about anything, from the most obvious to the most subtle. The question is, what do you do with these experiences? Everything in life is a learning experience its all a test of your character. How you handle situations small and large is a testimony to your endurance as a human on this planet. Every day you are faced with fear, unknowingness, anxiety, potential failure, and screw ups. Every day you are faced with people who dislike who, that want to hurt you, that want to see you fail. Every day you are faced with hurdles and circumstances that seek to derail your momentum and set you back how do you deal with these situations? Youve no doubt heard the old saying, You woke up on the wrong side of the bed. The thing is, if youre awake, then youre alive. If youre alive then youre breathing. If youre breathing, things arent so bad. The way you handle the rest of it is purely up to you, and it is solely your responsibility. If we get into a spiraling state there are several things we have to ask ourselves in order to avoid going down in flames and starting a trend that can lower our frequency and harm our progress, and they are as follows: What is the worst thing that just happened to me or that could possibly happen? Can I accept what happen or what might happen if there is no other alternative? Can I calmly proceed to improve on my worst case scenario? When we spiral its because were fearful, or were worrying or were angry. There really is no other explanation for it. Lets say you walk into work tomorrow morning, and the boss calls you into the office and tells you that because you dont have what it takes to work that job, yo u are now fired. Gosh, that could be a huge downer for anybody, and thats understandable. However, there are two things that could happen in this situation depending on your perspective and mindset. Heres the first scenario.

1) You Spiral Understandably, youre upset. You start to think that youre not good at anything. First you get angry at your boss for firing you then you start to wonder if you even have what it takes to hold down a job. You start to question your career choices, your educational choices, and everything that has happened so far. If you got fired from this job, how are you supposed to find another one? All of these questions that start popping up are due to fear, anxiety, and anger. After that comes depression you start thinking youre worthless, you begin exhibiting a devil-may-care attitude that is selfdestructive. Because of this mindset, it doesnt matter what you do, everyone can sense your vibration and your frequency because you are no exuding confidence nor are you emulating positivity. So, every job interview you go to after that seems desperate and anxious, which means you dont get hired, which further adds to your downward spiral. You start to look at your bank account and connect to the amount of money you have with an emotional viewpoint you think the amount of money you have, which is now dwindling, is a representation of yourself and your abilities. Because youre not able to get a job and because your finances are dwindling you see this as nothing more than another reason youre not good at anything. Then you begin to resent everyone and everything around you, not only are you now blaming yourself, youre blaming the circumstances your boss, your bills, your education, your friends, your family. 2) You Adapt Without adaption, on an evolutionary scale, we would never be where we are today. The ability to adapt and evolve according to any situation we are given is what provides the edge necessary to be successful in any environment. In this particular situation, the perspective that you have provides that adaptability. Your first reaction may be to get worried, fearful, anxious, and depressed about being fired. However, remember, the way you react is completely up to you. Going back to chapter three you must understand when opportunity is knocking. If youre looking to accomplish your goals, getting fired is probably just the push you need in order to go in that direction. Therefore, in this situation you think to yourself that you didnt like that job anyway, and that your talents are best suited elsewhere. Now you do not have the obligation of that job, nor do you have to put up with the people at that job, and this is a good thing. So lets go back to the formula. What is the worst thing that can happen to you? The worst thing that can happen to you is that you run out of money and that you are not able to find another job in enough time to pay your bills. That is the absolute worst situation the bottom tier of what you could expect. Now, assuming that you have no other choice other than to go broke, and you are not able to find a job, can you accept that worse-case-scenario reality? Can you look at your situation and say, I accept this as a potential reality? The fact of the matter is that you most defi nitely can accept this potential reality. Now that you have accepted your absolute worst-case scenario as a possible reality, its time to calm down and look at what you actually can do in order to

prohibit this reality from taking place. Because you have accepted the worst, you now have a clear head devoid of worry and can think calmly and collectively about the next steps you need to take instead of spiraling down to the point of no return. No one is ever without options, its only the worry and the spiraling that m akes people think they have no options, because in the process of spiraling and in the process of worrying they are unable to think clearly. Youve been fired, which means that now you have multiple opportunities open to you. Anything that you want to do at that point you can do, and you literally have nothing to lose. Because you have accepted the worst case scenario, you now have the freedom to explore solutions that you would never have thought of before. In our worst, most desperate times, we find the most creative solutions to our problems. Think about the greatest people you know of, and research their lives. Nothing ever came easy to them, and they failed and had set backs time and time again. The one s that refused to spiral are the ones you know about, the ones who did spiral are the ones you will never hear about. Opportunity does not always come prepackaged with a bow on top, often it comes in the most seemingly disheartening of situations. What separates successful people from unsuccessful people isnt circumstance, but how they handle failure and set-backs. The perspective you have during any situation is what makes or breaks your future. In other words, the ability you have to turn the most negative of all negative situations into a stepping stone is how you proceed through life and get what you want. Murphys Law states that whatever can go wrong will go wrong. Nothing in your life will ever be perfect or easy. Even if youre a millionaire you will still have the same problems and the same setbacks as everyone else, simply because you are navigating the same ocean. What makes you continuously successful, however, is how you handle it. Therefore you must make all negative things in your life positive, and this is a matter of perspective. Without this perspective, you will fail and you will spiral, because that is a law. Those who complain and those who whine and those who allow themselves to be defeated dont see the opportunities of failures and set-backs. They dont see failure and set-backs as learning situations, they see them as defeats. Consider what adapting means for a moment. It means failing if you have to adapt, then something went wrong with your original plan. Yet, you would never have learned that higher understanding, nor would you have improved on yourself basically you would never have adapted if you didnt fail first. All human beings learn through failure, it is what makes us stronger; it is how we evolved in the first place because when something doesnt work, you have to get more creative to find a new solution.

Look at how our entire society as humans has evolved. Every great technological leap weve made over the last two hundred years was due to nothing more than trial and error. It is only through error that we improve. Its your choice to experience an error and let it make you spiral down into nothingness or to take that error as a learning experience and improve on your skill set. You must learn from everything all the time. Therefore, the number one way you turn negative into positive, is by understanding that without that negative, unfortunate situation, you would never be able to learn. If you dont burn your hand on the stove you dont know its hot. If you dont know its hot, you cant cook. The next time you fail, instead of concentrating on your failure, ask yourself what you can learn from it. Once you learn from that failure, you understand exactly what to do next, because youve adapted, youve become resilient. Those who are successful welcome failure; they want to fail, if only because they know it is inevitable. They understand that failing makes the stronger and more able, without it they have no deeper understanding of themselves and their abilities. Create a healthier inner dialogue and dont be afraid to talk to yourself

Self talk is vital when experiencing negative feelings, emotions, and situations because depending on your inner dialogue, you will either end up spiraling down, or pick yourself back up. Nearly anything can set people off into a downward spiral. Youve no doubt heard the phrase, They up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. Sometimes spiraling can happen on the short term, for example just one day where nothing seems to be going right in your life. Lets say you get up in the morning and you slept through your alarm. In your rush to get ready for work, you forget some important papers at home and only realize it when youre half way to the office when its too late to go back. Not only that, but on the way to the office youre hitting every red light on the way, the car in front of you is super slow, and traffic is so bad that everything seems to be holding you up. As you rush into the office, you dont even have enough time to eat food and your boss scolds you for your tardiness. No doubt thats a bad start to the morning, and this can cause a lot of people to start looking at everything else that happens throughout the day with a negative filter on. The individual may start telling themselves things like, What else is going to go wrong today? They may start cursing the day and asking themselves, why isnt anything going right today!

This kind of inner dialogue is what makes or breaks you. This self-talk is either going to drag you down even deeper and lower your frequency or youre going to shift your attitude, gain some perspective, and shrug off your rough start to the day with optimism. In order to do this, you need to talk to yourself you need to have a conversation. You can even go to a quiet place and give yourself a moment to talk out loud. Multiple studies demonstrate that people who exercise self-talk (especially out loud) are actually more positive and more intelligent than those who dont. Its counterintuitive that talking to yourself out loud something a lot of people would consider crazy actually boosts your IQ, makes you feel better, and dramatically improves your ability to function, but the results show that this is in fact the case. So, go ahead, chatter away. For example, you could say to yourself the following: It was a rough start this morning, the boss got on your back, you hit every red light on the way here, and youve missed breakfast, and you forgot the papers for your meeting. But, you know what? You didnt get in a wreck, at least you have a job to go to, lunch is in a couple of hours, Jon has an extra copy of those papers, and youre alive. You really have nothing to complain about youre alive right here, right now, breathing. Even though you had a rough start to the day, lets just recover right now, lets make sure we turn this whole day around and make it great. No matter what happens the rest of the day, good or bad, convenient or inconvenient, were going to get through it with a smile because were strong, capable, alive, and resilient. It may seem crazy, but talking to yourself in this way is one of the most helpful things you can do. It allows you to talk yourself through what has happened, makes sense of it, provide yourself with perspective, and encourage yourself to be strong and move forward. There is no problem in recognizing that youre having a tough day or that things are hard, but you dont want to dwell on those things or let them make you stumble. Recognize that youre having a tough time, but give yourself perspective and encourage yourself to move forward. There are four primary types of self-talk. 1) Complimentary You deserve compliments, and the best compliments you can get are the ones you give yourself, because nobody except you knows about all the tiny, small victories you have each and every day. How about deciding to have a healthy salad for lunch instead of going to the pizza place? How about getting up thirty minutes early to go on a jog? How about breathing deeply and refusing to let anger or anxiety over take you when that car cut you off this morning? These are victories for you tell yourself that you are proud, tell yourself youre doing a good job, remind yourself of how much progress youre making.

2) Motivational Sometimes you have to work through boring or difficult tasks that you just dont feel like doing. This could be anything cleaning up the house, doing paperwork, going to a meeting. Motivating yourself doesnt mean, Hey get out there and hussle! like some kind of High School baseball coach. Be gentle with yourself say, Hey big guy, you got some time this morning, so instead of sitting around make some use of it that finally get the kitchen cleaned up. Or, Okay sweetie, youve been meaning to call up your accountant and get that tax stu ff figured out, so lets go ahead and get it done right now so all that weight will be off your shoulders. 3) Outer Dialogue This is great for when youre having trouble making a decision. Instead of making impulsive decision based on habit or anxiety, its much more effective to create a dialogue such as, I want to stay because of XXX, but I want to leave because of YYY which decision is best for me at the moment? This can assist you in making you in making the best decision for yourself, by slowing down for a moment, and working the pros and cons of any situation out in your head before making a snap decision. 4) Goal setting Lets say youre trying to get better organized so that youre not in such a frenzied state of mind before you head off to work each morning. By setting a goal and making a plan, then backing it up by saying it out loud, you are able to focus your attention and reinforce your decision. This is something top athletes do a lot by saying things like, Keep your head down, keep your eye on the ball, breath. It works well in any situation.

Do something for someone

This is a tactic that so many people overlook when they have negative things happen to them, but if more people would just follow this one very simple tactic, then they would never spiral and their life would be 100 percent better in every aspect. Next time, when youre having a bad day or a series of unfortunate events are currently plaguing you in your life and its just getting really difficult to keep a positive mindset, rather than lashing out at other people or trying to distance yourself from other people, instead seek out someone else and go out of your way to do something for them. It could be a friend, a coworker, or a complete stranger. The number one easiest way to raise your vibration, put you in an amazing mood, and completely shift a negative mood to a positive mood by doing a complete 180 is doing something for someone else and making them smile, because it makes you feel amazing. And, you know what? When you do little things like this, youre making someone elses day better, and theyll go on to make someone elses day better its paying it forward with good vibrations.

One idea, for example, is to buy the persons coffee who is behind you in line. If youre at one of those drive-through coffee shops, the person behind you doesnt even need to ever know who you are, but by buying them a coffee you made their day and you elevated your vibration and put a smile on your face. The minute you begin to spiral, if you can use that opportunity to start looking for a simple way to do something for somebody else just a completely random act of kindness then its impossible for you to remain in that state. This will always halt your spiral, and will reverse your mood. Also, think about the great karma youre building. By doing kind things for other people, not only are you making yourself feel better and raising your own vibration, which helps you stay in the mindset you need to have in order to make the Law of Attraction work for you, youre also making the world a better place and even building new connections and making new friends. Heres a true story. There was a man who had lost his job lets call him Alex. All week Alex had been going to interview after interview and none of them were turning out well. Not only were the jobs not that good, he seriously doubted that any of them would call him back anyway. He was starting to spiral down into a series of negative thoughts. All he really wanted to do was go home, crack open a six pack, and try not to think about how badly everything was going. Yet, on his way out of the grocery store six pack in hand he saw someone struggling to change their tire in the back of the parking lot. Nobody was helping this person. So, Alex still in his suit from having been to an interview went to help that individual. As they got to talking, it turned out the man who was struggling to change his tire was actually head of Human Resources at a big-time marketing firm, which turned out to be the exact type of job Alex was seeking. In fact, he had applied to the marketing firm before, but had never been asked in for an interview. Because Alex helped this man change his tire, he got set up with a job interview the next week and was hired on the spot. Heres another true story that a waitress recounted. A biker couple came into her restaurant a couple of rough riders. They ate their food and, before they left, told the waitress that they wanted to pay the bill of the old lady across the restaurant eating her lunch alone. When the old lady found out, she started crying, and admitted it was her first birthday without her husband, and that it had made her day that they paid. You see, you never ever know what other people around you have going on. By making the decision to be kind to a stranger, coworker, or friend even during your most negative moments, you may also be helping someone out of their downward spiral. By elevating your frequency, youre elevating theres, and ultimately this is how you attract great things into your life.

Dont run away from negativity shine a light on it

Its incredibly important to note that turning negative situations into positive situations doesnt mean ignoring whats happening nor does it mean attempting to overcome whats happening with some kind of iron will power. If you act in this way, you will be living in a dream state or you will simply burn yourself out. Every time you ignore situations or problems in your life simply because they make you feel negative, youre running away, and if you try to just knock them down with a powerful punch of will power, youre going to get tired and worn until, one day, youre just not going to be able to be that strong anymore and a situation will arise t hat will knock you down. Turning negative into positive doesnt mean living in some kind of perfect place where you never get upset, angry, emotional, sad, depressed, anxious, or fearful. You are human, and all of these states of being are parts of being human. However, one of the primary ways people spiral is by actually trying to avoid what theyre feeling they dont like the state theyre in, so they try as hard as they can not to feel that way. This can lead people to go out all the time and always have to be around others in a social environment so they dont have to think. It can lead to substance abuse such as alcohol, drugs, and overeating in order to numb the pain, and put off feeling negative emotions. You dont want to do any of these things you dont want to run away or tire yourself out as if youre fighting negativity. The greatest freedom you will ever feel is to look at the deepest, darkest, most absolutely terrifyingly negative aspects of who you are and what you feel, and then accept it with open arms. Most people run away from self analyzing, and they bury the worst, weakest, and most negative parts of themselves behind a veil of numbing entertainment, fake smiles, substances, and general distraction. So, when turning the negative into positive it is important to do everything that was discussed in this chapter such as self-talk, changing your perspective, and doing things for other people in order to elevate your frequency, but that doesnt mean you shouldnt acknowledge how you feel. When negative things happen to you, recognizing them doesnt make you spiral. What makes you spiral is either running from them, or latching onto them. Instead of doing either of those things, simply observe how you feel and observe the unfortunate situation you find yourself in. Then, accept that situation understand that it is happening, that it is here, and that you are currently dealing with it. It may make you feel angry, sad, anxious, or fearful simply acknowledge what you are feeling. Tell yourself what you are feeling. Observe what you are feeling. However, dont latch onto it, dont obsess over it, and dont try to run away from it.

In observing and recognizing negative emotions and thoughts, you are shining a light on them. In shining a light on them, you are standing up to them and handling them. You are choosing to accept them as a reality, once you do that, you can let them go. You see, in running away from your problems, thoughts, and emotions youre doing nothing but giving them power over you. Youre like a scared child with the bed sheets over your head while those negative entities in the dark close in on you. The more you run and the more you hide, the more power you give, and these things will catch up to you eventually and cause you to spiral down, even to the point of destroying your life. In trying to fight the negative feelings you have, you are not fully accepting your humanity. Youre choosing not to live in reality. Trying to overcome negativity with pure will -power means youre not accepting the way you feel. This is a big problem for so-called positive people. They often spend their whole lives fighting off negativity and trying to ignore its affects on them, but what happens is eventually they get so worn down that they end up destroying themselves. Because what happens is, they start wondering why they are no long able to keep feelings such as depression, despair, fear, and anxiousness down anymore when, in the past, it had worked. They start to think something is wrong with them, and then they spiral. This causes a lot of great men and women to fall into addiction, obscurity, and crippling depression people that were previously viewed as unbreakable forces of optimism. Thats not going to be you you live in reality, and youre a human. Nothing is perfect, and neither are you. You cant be positive and perfect and optimistic and happy and elevated at all times. There are going to be moments where you need to recognize that you are at a low vibration, but simultaneously as you give yourself the time to observe this, understand that you will make it through the other side. Dont latch onto negative thoughts and emotions, dont run away from, and dont try to defeat them, just know they are there, and ride it out like a sto rm. You see, because when you shine a light on negativity in your life, when you accept it and observe it and ride it out like a storm, something truly amazing happens you change its function. It becomes a tool. The minute you shine that light, it turns into a mirror and youre faced with yourself. It allows you to work on yourself, make yourself stronger, and provide you with a deeper understanding of who you are. From terrible breakups and divorce, to the death of a close friend or family member, to getting fired, to failing, to experiencing the full spectrum of feeling like a dead rat in the gutter all of this is the perfect opportunity for you to learn more about yourself, make a transition, and come out a stronger person.

Chapter Five The Power of Gratitude

Gratitude bestows reverence, allowing us to encounter everyday epiphanies, those transcendent moments of awe that change forever how we experience life and the world. John Milton For centuries and throughout multiple world religions, the act of gratitude has been stressed greatly as one of the most important and greatest of human virtues. Often coinciding direction with humility and wisdom, the act of being grateful is the act of recognizing the things that one has right here, right now in the present moment and understanding that it can disappear at any moment. It is impossible not to feel happy when one adopts a constant attitude of gratitude, and it is also impossible not to make the most of what one has when one remains grateful. Adopting this mentality will extend your health, higher your vibration, and ensure that you are never left wanting. This one little thing is that powerful. In the westernized world we take a lot for granted, and we get so busy that we forget to be grateful for the things we have. Complaining is arguably the opposite of being grateful, and boy do we complain. We complain that we dont have enough time in the day; we complain that we dont have a better house, a better car, a better television, better food, more money, a better job, and the list goes on and on. In the process of complaining we wonder why we never get the things we want, and the answer to that is quite simple its because were not using the things we have. Theres a miraculous true story about a homeless man in New York City who approached a young entrepreneur who had just launched a tech startup. The homeless man asked if he could have money. The entrepreneur offered the man a choice a hundred dollars or coding lessons for an hour a day for three months. Instead of the money, the man decided that he would take advantage of the coding lessons. The entrepreneurs name is Patrick McConlogue, and the homeless mans name is Leo Grand. Patrick provided Leo with a laptop and some programming textbooks. Leo began reading them veraciously. At first they met outside in the park for lessons, but Leo would take the books and charge the laptop on public outlets and work as hard as he could late into the night. Four months later and Leo had coded an iPhone app called Trees for Cars. In four months, Leo who had been homeless for two years after losing his job and who had no previous knowledge

of computer programming, learned Javascript within four months and then launched an environmental smart phone application that allows people to sign up as users, state whether they need a ride or can offer one, then connect with each other nearby, allowing them to share a ride. The application, which tracks the approximate amount of CO2 saved by carpooling, provides users with concrete evidence that their actions are making a difference. The thing about Leo is that he took full advantage of the limited amount that he was able to procure. First he was offered knowledge instead of money, and he chose knowledge. Second he had a dinky laptop, a couple of books, and a bunch of time he took full advantage of all three. While the rest of us are running around thinking about the lack that we have in our lives, and complaining about the amount of time we dont have, what were really doing is ignoring all of the amazing tools at our disposal because were taking those tools as granted. Lets talk about time for a moment. We as modern human beings have exponentially mo re time than we did a hundred years ago. We work less hours, we get more breaks, and we have more free time. Yet, studies show that people within the developed world dont feel like they have more time, and instead experience a lack of time and often dont get as much done throughout the day as they planned to. It turns out that the culprit isnt that they dont have time, its that because they are dividing their attention between so many things social media, smart phone, telephone calls, email, job, and so on it only just feels like they have less time. The reality is that people have more time, but they get less done in that time because theyre busy racking up hours of non-productive activity doing things that do absolutely nothing for them financially, mentally, physically, or spiritually. In other words, because people are busy getting distracted by useless time-wasting trinkets of information such as keeping up with Twitter, Facebook statuses, Instagram pictures, YouTube videos, text messages, and more, it only feels like they are doing a lot, when in reality theyre less productive than any generation prior to them. Lets think about this for a moment we have all the time in the world, more time than other generation before us, and yet we spend almost all of it on time-wasting activities and then complain that we dont have enough time. Thats pretty absurd isnt it? The thing that we are complaining about is something we already have. Think about the great people throughout history youve heard about the adventurers, the inventors, the public speakers, the businessmen and women, the writers, the painters, the industrialists, and all of the people in the world who have made gigantic contributions and have led full and interesting lives we will sit around and say that we dont have enough time to be that great, that maybe we would do something greater in our lives if only we had the time. Yet, we have just as much time as they do, we have the same amount of hours in the day, and we

have more free time than they ever had in order to do great things. Yet, we are too busy complaining about our lack that we are not able to concentrate on the reality that we already have everything we need all the time in the world. This is the sickness of complaining and the lack of perspective that comes when someone doesnt remember to be grateful. In being grateful, we are able to slow down and remind ourselves on a regular basis of all the things we already have that we can put to use in order to aid us and help us accomplish our dreams. If youre complaining about a lack of something in your life, chances are youre complaining about not having something that you indeed already have, but you cant see it because all you can concentrate on is your lack and what you want life to be like, rather than concentrate on the present moment to see what you have right now. Its like someone complaining that theyre hungry with a cupboard full of food. Being grateful means being content, and being content means being in the present, and being in the present means being without fear, anxiety, doubt, or depression. So, the miracle of gratitude isnt a feeling, its an action it puts your mind back where it belongs, which is the here and now. Robert Emmons and his colleagues over at the University of California at Davis can be considered pioneers of gratitude research. They have conducted several well-received studies on how gratitude affects people. On one study, they divided participants into three groups. Each group of people were instructed to write weekly entries in a journal. One group would write five things they were grateful for, another group would describe five things they were unsatisfied with, and a control group would list five events that had affected hem in some way. Heres the amazing thing those in the gratitude group reported feeling better about their lives overall. They were optimistic about the future, and reported far fewer health problems than the other participants. In fact, results from further studies demonstrate that writing gratitudes on a daily basis increased levels of gratitude than on a weekly basis. A third study reproduced the results among a group of people who suffer from various neuromuscular diseases such as post-polio syndrome. The people who used the daily gratitude journals reported more satisfaction with their lives and were more optimistic about the future than the control group. Not only that, but they reported getting more sleep, spending less time trying to get to sleep, and feeling more refreshed in the morning. How to be grateful

There isnt any kind of magic to being grateful, and you dont have to be in any kind of place or situation in order to be grateful. You dont have to have more or less than the next guy in order to be grateful. On the contrary, you just have to look at what you have, and understand that what you have is overwhelmingly amazing a miracle in fact. You need to understand that what you have in your life is a gift, by all logical accounts it does not have to be there. If you were born in a different place, under different circumstances, you may not have what you currently have. Not only that, what you do have now can be taken away from you at any time the tides could turn, and you could lose it all. You see, its just not enough to look around you and be gra teful for what you have, there must come with it an understanding of impermanence. The things you have in your life can disappear. Unfortunately for many people it takes reaching rock bottom at some point in their lives to really develop an attitude of gratitude. Once they lose something very dear to then, thats the only time they understand how grateful they were for it. When you understand the impermanence of what you have, then you come to appreciate it a little more. You learn to enjoy what you have while its there, knowing full well it could leave. Life is always changing constantly and nothing lasts forever, your wealth today could be your poverty tomorrow, your house could burn down, your loved ones could die, your car could crash. But, here you are right here, right now and at this moment, you are grateful that you have what you have. Think about what you have for a moment. Do you have shelter? Do you have food? Do you have clean water? If you have these things then you are already doing better than nearly half of the rest of the world. This isnt to guilt-trip you, it is to provide you with perspective. Nearly half of the worlds population more than three billion people lives on less than $2.50 a day and more than 1.3 billion live on less than $1.25 a day. More than one billion people in the world do not have access to clean drinking water 870 million people within the world dont have enough food to eat One quarter of all human beings on the planet dont have electricity Hunger is the number one cause of death in the world more than HIV/AIDS, malaria, and tuberculosis combined.

If you live in a shack with a light bulb, an outhouse, and a box full of instant noodles, youre still doing better than most of the world. However, its likely that the person reading this right now is far better off than that, which is precisely why you have so much to be grateful for and that you should never take anything for granted.

In order to exercise your gratitude and put yourself in a state of constant gratitude, the best thing to do is mimic what the people did in Robert Emmons studies every morning when you wake up spend a few minutes writing down some things that you are grateful for. Think about what youre writing down, ponder your gratitude for a moment, and move on. Do the same thing the next morning. You can practice gratitude under your breath as well for example, while youre walking to work, in the car, in the shower, or anywhere else. You can say out loud, either in a whisper or in a loud voice what you are grateful for. If youve never done this, it can be kind of difficult at first. Some people have more than others and some people are in a better state than others as well. If you dont have much and if you battle with negative emotions, finding something to be grateful about can be difficult, so just start with the basics and go down the list. Take the following, for example: I am grateful I have a roof over my head that shields me from the elements Im glad that I have heating and air conditioning to make me feel comfortable during all the seasons. Im grateful that I am not wanting for food, and that my cupboards are stocked. Im grateful that I have reliable transportation. Im grateful that I have clothes to wear. Im grateful that I have enough money to live on. Im grateful that I have a job.

From there, you can expand to talk about the people in your life, and personal victories that youve experienced, and even failures that have taught you lessons. Im grateful for my mother and father Im grateful for messing up on that project yesterday, and for learning a better way to get it done. Im grateful for my coworkers and my friends Im grateful for having the time to spend this morning writing down my gratitud e

Then you can begin being grateful for things that you want, even if they havent happened yet. In the last chapter we talked about how important it is for you to visualize and keep the future inseparable from the present. Being grateful that your goals have already been accomplished is a great way to do that. For example: Im grateful for the opportunities that come my way today and help me reach my goal. Im grateful for the people that come into my life today to help me reach my goal.

Im grateful to have reached my goal

You can even begin to be grateful as you visualize yourself already having accomplished your goal. For example, if your goal is a new job with higher pay you can be grateful for that. Im grateful Im finally in my new job Im grateful for this big paycheck Im grateful at how relaxed and happy I am now that I have enough money Im grateful for the new house Im living in Im grateful for the new coworkers I have at my new job

You get the idea. Its just a good idea to be grateful for everything the air you breath, the roof over your head, the town you live in. When you start to look for things to be grateful about, what happens is you stop complaining. As your frequency rises and your understanding improves, and your mood shifts to an attitude of gratitude, thankfulness, and calm optimism, you will start to notice just how much the rest of the world complains. At first this can be shocking. You will think to yourself, Did I used to be one of those people? Living with a mindset of gratitude is very eye-opening in this way. Once you realize just how ungrateful so many people are for the amazing things in their life, you begin to have a finer understanding of the Law of Attraction. It begins to become clear how so many people who are complaining about what they dont have, and focusing on what they perceive as lack in their lives, are all essentially setting themselves up for failure. By being grateful for all the things that you have now, you end up having a mindset that is present. And when youre not wanting, when youre not discontent, and when youre satisfied with what you have, you end up using all of the tools you have available to you no matter how meager or imperfect they may be to their fullest extent. In doing this, the universe begins to provide you with abundance. Successful people make the most of what they have. Many of historys most successful individuals started with absolutely nothing, but it was because they were grateful with what they had, that they ended up using what they did have to get ahead. If all you have is a rock and string, be grateful for it and figure out how to use it to your advantage, after all thats exactly what Gary Dahl did when he became a millionaire for creating the Pet Rock. Being grateful and getting the most out of what you have is one of Benjamin Franklins finest assets. He was the 15th child out of 17 children born to a candle maker. With only two years of formal education, Franklin supplemented his knowledge by constantly having his nose stuck in a

book. At 17, Franklin traveled to Philadelphia and rather than use slave labor like other aristocrats in order to free up their time for other pursuits, he created a successful printing business, which allowed him to retire and become a Renaissance Man. His accomplishments are too numerous to count. What about Frederick Douglass? He was an African American slave who learned to read by secretly interacting with white children and working through any written materials he could find. Eventually he was traded to the cruel mastery of Edward Covey who whipped Douglass continuously. Eventually Douglass confronted his master and got him to back down and never raise a fist to him again. However, it was in 1838 that Douglass took the greatest risk of his life and escaped from slavery to Massachusetts where he began rising to prominence. He became an outspoken abolitionist, orator, and bestselling author and newspaper publisher. After the Civil War Dougless served as President of the Freedmans Savings Bank, Marshal of the District of Columbia, Minister resident and consul-general to the Republic of Haiti, and charge daffaires for the Dominican Republic. If anybody ever had a right to complain it was Douglass he was a shackled slave, after all. Yet, by making the most out of what he had access to some white children and any shred of knowledge he could find he educated himself and used his wiles to escape into a better life. Therefore, gratitude is more than just appreciating what you have and making yourself feel good about your current fortunes, its also a constant reminder of what tools and abilities you currently have in stock and how you can get the most out of them.

Chapter Six Reprogramming Your Mind through Affirmations

Most people reading this right now will have heard of positive affirmations at some point or another in their life. To some, positive affirmations are funny. It conjures images of dorky, wishy-washy motivational speakers instructing people to look in the mirror and say things like, youre beautiful, youre amazing, and youre the greatest. To others, this can seem like a pathetic attempt to make one escape reality and not figure out more constructive, actionable ways to improve themselves and their outcomes. However, both of the above assumptions are off point. Affirmations arent magical. You arent going to repeat to yourself each and every day that you have lost a hundred pounds and expect that to actually work. No, you still have to take action. Therefore, if action is the only real thing that gets results, what is the point of this whole positive affirmation thing? What is the reasoning behind spending so much time confirming to oneself that they have the ability to do something rather than just going out and doing it? The answer is two-fold the power that words have over us on a mental and physical level as well as the need to constantly program our minds on a subconscious level. Lets center on the question of weight-loss very quickly in regard to the power of affirmations. Above we posed a question if action is the only real thing that gets results, what is the point of this whole positive affirmation thing? You arent going to repeat to yourself every day that you have lost a hundred pounds and expect that to actually work! Well, lets lo ok at that from a different perspective. Lets say that you live an incredibly active lifestyle. Your job all day is to climb up and down stairs and lift heavy objects. This is something you do upwards of eight hours a day with very few breaks in between. Now, of course the assumption is this type of person would be incredibly fit. After all, even people that go to the gym for 30 minutes to an hour every day are muscular, defined, and in shape, so why shouldnt someone who works out eight hours a day be in top condition? In fact, how could someone who works out that much every day possibly not be in the best shape of their life? The answer is, that its all a matter of perspective. Take construction workers and hotel maids for example many of these types of individuals are overweight, despite the fact that their job far exceeds the minimum standards of physical exercise needed in order to be considered healthy. Even with all the exercise, many of these individuals do not see significant impacts on their weight or even muscular structures.

Harvard psychologist Ellen Langer wanted to find out why this was the case. In one study, she decided to find out whether our perception of how much exercise we are getting has any effect on how our bodies actually look. She chose to conduct this study with hotel maids. Now, as previously noted, hotel maids spend the vast majority of their time lugging heavy equipment around multiple hallways, up and down stairs, and they do this all day long. Yet, 67 percent of these women did not see themselves as physically active. When asked if they got any exercise, one-third of them reported that they didnt get any exercise at all. This was puzzling to Langer, because obviously these women were exercising all day long. In fact, they worked longer and harder on a physical level than most people who are considered physically fit, yet the women did not consider themselves fit. Also, their bodies did not seem to benefit from the physical exercise. Langer decided to measure a group of maids body fat, waist-to-hip ratio, blood pressure, weight, and body mass index. Every single one of these indicators matched exactly the maids perceived amount of exercise, rather than their actual amount of exercise. They had the bodies of someone who does not do any physical exercise, despite the fact that they lead incredibly physically active lifestyles. The study progressed as so Langer divided 84 maids into two groups. One group was told by researchers that each physical activity they did amounted to a certain number of calories burned. They went through each and every task the maids did on a daily basis and told them how many calories it burns, they were also informed that the activities they did already met the surgeon generals definition of an active lifestyle. The other group, however, was given no information at all. One month later Langer came back and took physical measurements of all the women. The group of maids that were told how many calories they were burning and how beneficial their jobs were to their health experienced a decrease in their systolic blood pressure, weight, and waist-to-hip ratio as well as a ten percent drop in blood pressure. The other group of maids experienced no such changes. Essentially, this is what is known as a placebo effect. This well-documented effect is a worldwide phenomenon. For example, patients who are sick are often given a pill that does absolutely nothing its a sugar pill and are told that the medication will cure them while another group is told no such thing. Those who are told that the useless pill will cure them end up getting better, and those that are not told that remain in the same state, demonstrating that by reprogramming these peoples minds to think that they have a miracle cure is a ctually the cure in itself. In order words, they feel encouraged and heal themselves just like the maids who did not consider themselves as physically active until they experts informed them otherwise.

This is the power of perception, and this is what affirmations are all about. We as human beings like to think that we make all of our own choices and that we have free will. Yet, if a dog wears a shock collar that goes off every time it reaches past the boundaries of its yard a few times, that collar can be taken off forever and the dog will stay inside of that invisible fence, never knowing that it could leave at any time. Our behaviors are made up of a series of programmed thoughts that have been embedded in our minds since birth by family, society, marketing, media, and popular opinion. The only way to ensure that you get rid of all self-limiting beliefs is to reprogram your mind on a subconscious level to think in a way that gives you power and optimism in all things that you do. At first, it can seem silly and even ineffective to repeat simple things like, I am capable, I am always successful and so on, but what youre doing isnt magic what youre doing, through time and consistency, is driving those words into your subconscious mind until they stop being affirmations, and they start being reality. Affirmations and visualization (which go hand-in-hand) are so strong and so powerful when done consistently, that it can impact your health, it can impact your finances, it can impact your confidence, and so on. Take the story of Morris E. Goodman, better known as the Miracle Man. Goodman was an extraordinarily successful individual by the time he was in his thirties a classic rags-to-riches story. He already had a huge belief in the Law of Attraction, because when he found out about LOA it was during a period in which he was a college dropout who was lacking purpose and direction. One day, as he was perusing his local book store, Goodman found Napoleon Hills Think and Grow Rich, which is an old LOA book written all the way back in 1937. It was this book, and the principals therein, that Goodman used to build his career. Within a year of entering a sales career within the insurance industry, Goodman made the Million Dollar Round Table, and within ten years he made MDRTs Top of the Table and was running his own company. Yet, things took a terrible turn when Goodman, who owned a small plane, had to take crash landing. He was knocked unconscious, and when he woke up he was in the hospital paralyzed. His C-1 and C-2 Cervical vertebrae were broke. He was unable to move from head to foot. He could not breathe on his own, talk, or swallow on his own. The only thing he could do was blink his eyes. At first the doctors thought that Goodman was in a vegetative state and that, if he survived, his life would be short and meaningless due to the fact that he had lost all brain function. However, after realizing that Goodman was conscious by noticing his limited eye movement, the doctors devised a way in which he communicates using a series of blinks. He informed the

doctors that by the time Christmas came, he would walk out of the hospital on his own two legs. They thought this was impossible considering that he couldnt even breath on his own, nonetheless move his legs. However, Goodman understood LOA, he understood the importance of his mind and he began telling himself to breath. Every minute he was awake, Goodman started to force his abdominal muscles, regardless of the fact that his diaphragm was crushed. Eventually, he took his very first breath without the help of the ventilator. Doctors were stunned and were able to take him off. Now that he was able to breathe on his own, he began working with a speech therapist to speak again. The doctors still kept telling him he would never be able to walk again and had lost use of his entire left side. With the permission of physical therapists, he started going to the rehabilitation facilities far earlier than his sessions actually began, and started improving his leg muscles and building his stamina. Within just a few weeks, Goodman was able to walk unassisted and was released on November 13th, 1981 over a month before Christmas. Take the true story of Arthur Boorman a disabled veteran of the Gulf War for 15 years. Doctors informed him that he would never walk unassisted again after too many jumps as a paratrooper took their toll on his back and knees. He accepted what the doctors told him as unequivocal fact. However, something shifted in his mindset at 47-years old. He wasnt happy with where he was. He had gained an enormous amount of weight and was at 297 pounds. He was tired of giving up and began believing in himself. Because he couldnt do high-impact exercises, he chose to enter into an at-home yoga routine, which he could barely make it through. He fell, he stumbled, and he was in pain, but because of his inner dialogue and because of the fact that he kept affirming to himself that he could do this, he followed through. Within ten months he had lost 140 pounds, shed his leg braces, shed his walking sticks, and was running cross country like nothing had ever happened. You see, everything begins in the mind first. The Wright Brothers conceived in their mind that they could fly, they did not accept it as fact that they could not, and because of that selfdetermination we can now take a trip around the world in a matter of hours on a jet plane. Just like Arthur Boorman or Morris Goodman, who decided not to be the dog kept in by the invisible fence, who decided to reprogram their way of thinking and refuse to listen to the limitations that other people had imposed on them, they were able to accomplish the impossible through determination.

So can someone lose 100 pounds by standing in front of the mirror and repeating affirmations? The answer is actually yes. The reason for this is because the mind is not separate from the body. Through affirmations come action, through action comes results. Its a combination of reprogramming the mind so that the body follows. In the act of verbalizing your inner dialogue to say out loud and audibly your affirmations, you are doing something amazing because words have tremendous power. One researcher by the name of Dr. Masaru Emoto wanted to find out if certain words could actually impact our physical environment. He decided to set up a series of experiments that observed the effect certain words, prayers, music, and environments would have on the crystalline structure of water. The results were absolutely remarkable, and have been reproduced time after time. Basically, when people said prayers near the water, they began to form incredibly beautiful crystalline structures akin to snowflakes under a microscope. Yet, without any action, they just remained amorphous blobs of seemingly formless liquid. After this initial observation, Dr. Emoto began typing different words and phrases, both positive and negative, and then taping them to containers full of water. Phrases such as, You make me sick, I will kill you produced ugly, non-symmetrical shapes that resembled boiling water. Yet, when he taped phrases such as Thank you and Love and appreciation the same gorgeous, aesthetically pleasing snowflake-like shapes came out intricate symmetrical formations. The weird thing is that these results were produced no matter the language, and despite whether or not the one speaking or typing the language knew what the phrases meant. For example, he had some of his assistants use words like Thank you and you fool in German, despite the team having no knowledge of German. Upon taking photographs of the water, the same results were produced. Dr. Emoto explained that, Slang words like you fool destroy clusters. You would not see any crystals in these cases. Negative phrases and words create large clusters or will not form clusters, and positive, beautiful words and phrases create small, tight clusters. These small, tight clusters are the reason why the water resembled frozen droplets of rain, also known as snowflakes. Its of course important to note that your body is made up of over 60 percent water. Dr. Emotos ongoing experiments have been able to reproduce this result time and time again under immense scrutiny, and although there isnt any provable reason as to why this happens, its easy to postulate that words have power and influence us in ways much deeper than our base understanding. Just because you may not get immediately offended when someone calls you stupid even as a light-hearted joke, these words can seep deep down inside your

subconscious and act as barriers basically putting a mental leash on your actions, causing you to harbor unknown self-limiting beliefs that can keep you back from obtaining your potential. The ancients knew this very well. Although the term Positive Affirmations have been around since the 1920s, they have been practiced the world over for thousands of years in the form of mantras, chants. From Hinduism to Buddhism, to Daoism to the chanting of the Catholic monks throughout the Cathedrals of Rome to the pre-war battle chants of ancient warriors, positive affirmations have always been with us. In the case of a Mantra, which literally translates into Mind Instrument, Hindus and Buddhists used series of versus with different vocal sounds and rhythms to deepen their meditation. Take the Om Namah Shivaya mantra for example, which translates into the following: I honor the divinity within myself. May the elements of this creation abide in me in perfection. May the greatest that can be in this world be created in me, in others, and in this world. This sounds similar to what modern positive affirmationists would instruct people to say to themselves today. So, you see, not only are affirmations effective, theyre also nothing new they have been used by human beings for thousands upon thousands of years. Now were going to get into a variety of aspects of your life where you can use affirmations to improve your circumstances, enact the Law of Attraction in your life, and reprogram your minds subconscious, thusly influencing your actions and raising your vibration and frequency.

Chapter Seven Affirming Your Health

The ancient Daoist Qigong masters of thousands of years ago greatly influenced modern health. In fact, most of the warm-up stretches, breathing techniques, and martial arts that we do today are based entirely off of Daoist Qigong. However, one aspect of this ancient health process hasnt seemed to carry over into the mainstream westernized world. Weve taken the breathing, weve taken the physical aspects of warm-up stretches, but weve left behind something very important the visualization. Daoists were often referred to as inner alchemists. In their constant search for health and longevity through acupuncture, herbology, exercise, and meditation, they were always experimenting with ways to health themselves from the inside out using visualization exercises. For example, if there was a pain in ones lower back, proper posture paired with visualizing the area of the lower back heating up, the muscles relaxing, and the pain subsiding along with verbal chanting was used. The World Health Organization back in 1948 characterized health as a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. This is something the Daoists understood very well, and that is why they used verbal and mental visualization to keep themselves healthy. As discussed in the introduction of this chapter, there are multiple studies detailing the effectiveness of mental thought and verbal affirmation on health. From visualizing weight-loss during every-day activities to keeping a gratitude journal for a better mental state, it all coincides. How many times have you heard someone during the height of cold and flu season say things like, I hope I dont get sick or I think I feel a cold coming on? These are examples of negative affirmations. Essentially, the person saying these things are surrendering themselves verbally to the possibility of getting sick, which puts them in the mental state to get sick, which in turn lowers their immune system making it more likely that they will, indeed, get sick. You see, youre not using positive affirmations for your health because they are magical and protect you from disease, youre using them because they put you in a better mental state, and because your mental state is never separate from your physical state, this raises your immune system and keeps your body in a good state of balance and homeostasis, which makes you less likely to contract a sickness. There is nothing neither magical nor new about the revelation that an improved, less-stressed, and generally positive mental state results in less sickness and

longer life. Anybody from the most well-trained doctor to the most base layman will say the same thing, because it is a basic truth and law. Now, for this and all continuing affirmations we will explore, its i mportant to note that there is no set script or way of doing things. When it comes to verbalizing and visualizing your health, there are multiple ways you can do it, and the way you choose can be completely personal to you. As you begin exploring yourself through meditation, visualization, and affirmation you will start to hear and sense your body responding, gaining greater awareness of yourself, which will allow you to explore deeper and take care of things in your own way. That being stated, here are a few examples of how to use positive affirmation and visualization to stay in a good state of health. Gratitude For Your Health You dont need to do anything special in this case, nor do you need to sit in any particular position. As you go about your day such as doing dishes, driving, and so on. Just say to yourself, I am so grateful for my health. I am grateful that my body is strong, my immune system is strong, and my mind is strong. This is very simple, but very powerful. As you do this, give yourself a smile, and remain in a state of appreciation of your health. Colored Lights Meditation This is a technique that was often used by Qigong practitioners. It involves sitting in a cross-legged, Japanese kneeling, or chair sitting position. Slow your breathing down and pay attention to your breath. For a few minutes, allow your mind to settle. Then, start to visualize your organs one at a time. For each organ, see it light up with a color. The kind of color is not important, as your mind will make up one. For example, bring your attention to your liver. As you inhale, your liver glows a deep, emerald green and as you exhale, the light dims as if blowing on a fire. With each exhale, imagine that you are exhaling any disease or toxins from your liver. Each time you exhale, imagine your liver glowing even brighter as it is repaired. You can concentrate on just one organ for a sitting period, or go through your entire body with awareness. Remember just envision the organ you bring your awareness to as a colored light. As you breathe out, you are releasing toxins and disease, as you breath in you are filling it with life and energy, as it glows brighter and brighter. Verbal Guiding Meditation This is a great exercise to do if youre experiencing a particular problem. For example, if you have a cold, flu, or a particular ache or injury such as a sprained wrist, an aching neck, or even something like a broken leg, this particular exercise is a way to faster healing. You dont need to be sitting for this exercise, but you do need to be in a comfortable place you can lay down, stand up, and even take a quiet, slow walk in the park as you speak out. Now, lets say you twisted your knee and its giving you a lot of pain, bring your awareness to your knee and where the pain is and just breathe deeply. Imagine that you are breathing in and out of the

spot directly where your knee is and do this for about a minute to calm your mind. Then, create a narrative such as the following: I feel a comforting warmth engulfing the pain in my knee as my body begins to send healing cells in its direction. These cells are like riders on horseback, charging down the paths of my body to where they are needed most. Now they are there my healing cells have reached their destination with all of their tools and have begun repairing the area. All that is broken is being mended. As they work, my knee becomes stronger and my pain subsides. This visualization paired with breathing and verbal is very powerful. You can even place your hands on the affected area as you do this. Be creative in your visualization; create a narrative that is impactful to you. You can also write down a story if you would like create a story of how your knee is being healed inside of you from the inside out. After youve finished writing, read it out loud in a relaxed state and continue reading this story each and every day until your pain has gone. Thankfulness Healing Affirmations This is the perfect exercise for people who have already been diagnosed with a disease. It can be anything from something simple to something critical such as advanced cancer. This affirmation is easy to do and can be done anywhere. Its similar to the gratitude process. Simply say to yourself out loud with a calm smile (doing things like smiling affect your mental state, you cant feel sad if youre smiling), I am so thankful for my healing. Im thankful that my body is recovering, fighting, and strong. Im thankful that every cell, and every organ, and every being of my physical and mental body is working together in tandem to beat this sickness and drive it out. I am thankful that I am healed. Im thankful that I am healthy. Im thankful that Im happy. As you do this, you want to see yourself as healed see yourself outside enjoying the sunshine, eating your favorite foods, wearing your favorite clothes. Remember; keep a smile on your face. This is a great exercise to do several times a day. You can do it too and from treatment, while laying down right before bed, upon waking and going about your morning routine. This helps you stay in a constant state of bliss and thankfulness, which really boosts your endorphins and helps your body fight off disease. These examples primarily dealt with aspects of disease or physical discomfort, but remember there are a huge number of variables that affect your health including the food you eat, the lifestyle you lead, the level of stress you allow yourself to experience, your sleeping habits, and the way you perceive the world. Therefore, the best way to deal with health problems is to prevent them from happening. We will discuss throughout the rest of this chapter other various affirmations for aspects of your life, all of which help reduce stress and encourage positive thinking if youre doing either one

of those things, then youre sleeping better, youre less stressed, and youre taking care of your health. Its all connected.

Chapter Eight Affirming Your Wealth and Abundance

Franklin Roosevelt once said that happiness is not in the mere possession of money; it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort. American industrialist Henry Ford said, if money is your hope for independence you will never have it. The aspects of both of these quotes that is important to understand is that money is not the goal success is the goal. When speaking about peoples desire to use the Law of Attraction for wealth, it can get a little tricky. The reason is that, first of all, anyone with money will tell you that it is not money itself that makes them happy (if they are indeed happy) or fulfilled. Every great successful person will tell you that money was a byproduct of hard work, wise investment, and doing what they love. Because of that, rich and successful people think about money in a very, very different way than poor and middle class people. You see, rich people think about money as numbers. They look at money as a series of numbers that was the inevitable amount they would make after a series of actionable equations played out. When they make a mistake, and those numbers dwindle, they dont get upset, instead they reevaluate the equation. The difference here is that they dont connect emotionally to their money. Thei r money is a cold hard product of a series of actions. They will lose some, and they will make some, but they dont connect to it emotionally. If there was a fundamental difference between the poor and rich, that would be it. To poor/middle class people, for example, money is like an extra emotion. They have money problems that they whine about. When they pay bills it gives them physical pain because they hate to see the money flying out the window. They start to wonder why everything is an endless circle of paycheck-to-paycheck living. Yet, these same people do not see the problem of going out on the town with their friends. If their electric bill costs $105 that month, they will put off paying it, yet after a night of socializing theyve racked up a $10 5 bill all the same, but they feel less bad about it because they felt a different emotion when spending the money that way. Steve Siebold, author of How rich People Think is a man who spent almost thirty years interviewing millionaires around the world. He wanted to find out what separates them from everyone else. On the subject of emotion and money, he writes, An ordinarily smart, well educated, and otherwise successful person can be instantly transformed into a fear-based, scarcity driven thinker whose greatest financial aspiration is to retire comfortably. The world

class sees money for what it is and what its not, through the eys of logic. The great ones know money is a critical tool that presents options and opportunities. Basically, poor and middle-class people see money through the lens of feeling, while rich people see it as a strategic game, like chess, this cold, calculating process in which theyve disconnected themselves from the emotional aspect, allows them to take bigger risks, focus on earning rather than hoarding, and do things they truly love rather than things they think are just necessary in order to get by. Now, lets very quickly look at a few other very different ideas poor/middle class people have from rich people from Steve Siebolds book: The average person earns money from doing things they dont love, while rich people follow their passion despite the risks. Steve writes, To the average person, it looks like the rich are working all the time, but one of the smartest strategies of the world class is doing what they love and finding a way to get paid for it. Other people, Steve writes, take jobs they dont enjoy, because they need the money and theyve been trained in school and conditioned by society to live in a linear thinking world that equates earning money with physical or mental effort. The average person sets low expectations so theyre never disappointed, but rich people are always up for a challenge. Steve writes, Psychologists and other mental health experts often advise people to set low expectations for their life to ensure they are not disappointed. No one would ever strike it rich and live their dreams without huge expectations. The average person believes that you have to do something in order to get rich, while rich people know that you have to be something to get rich. Steve writes, Thats why people like Donald Trump go from millionaire to nine billion dollars in debt and come back richer than ever. While the masses are fixated on the doing and the immediate results of their actions, the great ones are learning and growing from every experience, whether its a success or a failure, knowing their true reward is becoming a human success machine that eventually produces outstanding results. The average person gets stressed out about money while rich people find peace of mind in wealth. Steve writes that the middle class sees money as a never-ending necessary evil that must be endured as part of life. The

world class sees money as the great liberator, and with enough of it, they are able to purchase financial peace of mind. Finally, average people think rich people are snobs, but rich people know to surround themselves with like-minded people. Steve writes that the negative money mentality poisons the middle class and is what keeps them down, Rich people cant afford the messages of doom and gloom, this is often misinterpreted by the masses as snobbery. Labeling the world class as snobs is another way the middle class finds to feel better about themselves and their chosen path of mediocrity.

The reason these observations have been stated is to provide you with two very important mindsets that you will need in order for your affirmations to really hold water the first is to never see money through the lens of emotion. Dont ever think about how happy youre going to be once you get X amount of money, or how finally youll be the person you want to be once you receive X amount of money. Instead, see money as a tool. Think of money as nothing more than a tool that you use to live the fulfilled life you want to live. If you connect emotionally to money, then youre going to spend it emotionally, and youre going to feel emotional loss if it doesnt come on time or if you lose it. Money is not an emotion, money is a tool like a hammer and nail, you use it to build a foundation for the rest of your life. The more stable and plentiful your foundation, the more you can fit into your life. Secondly dont concentrate on your lack of money, concentrate on being a wealthy person. Remember rich people dont do things to make them rich, they become a rich individual and that starts way before money even enters the picture. By concentrating on how much money you have now, youre constantly reminding yourself of your lack by saying things like, If I only had this much money, if I didnt have all these bills to pay and so on. By doing that youre spiraling down into a hole of negative thinking, youre connecting emotions to your money, and youre telling the universe to give you more of the same. Remember, the Law of Attraction states that what you focus on you get (remember the horse and rider analogy? Where you look is where the horse goes). Rather than concentrate on your lack, instead cultivate a wealthy mindset. This means realizing that you are worth as much money as you want YOU are worth it, that has nothing to do with your skills or education. If rich people got paid according to their skill set and education level then scientists and professors would be the celebrities and the boy bands would be playing pots and pans in their parents garage. That isnt the case, because people who believe theyre worth money and that they deserve it, usually end up getting what they want. Now that you have an understanding of the correct mentality to have when utilizing the following affirmations and visualization exercises, youll have much more success with them.

Write a Check There is a high likelihood youre familiar with comedian and actor Jim Carrey. Its easy to look at someone like Jim Carrey and think that they didnt have a lot of life struggles, but back in 1990 Carrey was as broke as broke can be. Each night he used to drive his beat-up old Toyota to the top of a hill in LA and look at the city, dreaming about his future. One night he wrote a check for $10 million for acting services rendered. He dated it for Thanksgiving 1995. Jim later said, I didnt have anything yet, but I would drive around and think but its out there. He put the check in his wallet and it stayed there for five years. He would take it out often and look at it, and visualize himself with that much money. The amazing thing is, right before Thanksgiving 1995 Jim Carrey found out that his earnings from the movie Dumb and Dumber was going to make him exactly $10 million. When doing this exercise, follow in Jim Carreys footsteps. Be incredibly specific about the amount you want and when. Is it a year from now? Five months from now? You want to be somewhat realistic, but set your expectations higher than you think you should. Next, you want to put the check in a place you can see it every single day in your wallet like Jim Carrey did, or tape it to your ceiling so you wake up to it every morning, for example. If you dont want to write a check, you can take a $1 and add six zeroes to it using a sharpie. Then, forget how you think this money is going to come t you. If you cant conceive of how its going to come to you, dont worry about it, thats not your job. Your job is to expect it. After that, l ook at it often, see it as a reality, and continue working hard the universe will work to provide you with the opportunities you need in order to accomplish what you are continually focusing on. Create a Vision Board What kind of house do you want to live in? What kind of car do you want to drive? What is the perfect city you want to live in? Go online or look through magazines, begin printing and cutting out pictures the life you want to live the abundant lifestyle you want to have and post it up on a cork board, a white board, or a poster board. Then, centralize that board in a place that you cross often such as the living room, the kitchen, your work desk, or the end of your bed where you wake up every morning. Dwell on it, visualize it. Write Articles About Yourself Using pen/paper or by jumping on your computers word processor, write news articles about yourself from the third person. Write articles, imaging what people will say about your accomplishments. For example, if your desire is to be a wealthy businessman with a particular product or service, write about yourself as if you were just featured on a Fortune 500 industry cover. If your desire is to startup a charity that helps lots of people, write about that. Once youre finished, post t hese mock-articles up somewhere you can see them every day and read them over and over again each morning when you wake up or each night before you go to bed.

Gratefulness Affirmations This is a great exercise to do on the go like when youre showering and getting ready for the day, walking to work, or driving in your car. First, start off by being grateful for what you currently have. Im grateful for my job. Im grateful for my car. Im grateful that I have enough money to live on. Then begin talking about how grateful you are that youve met your goals Im grateful that Im making X amount of money. Im grateful that the right people and the right circumstances are coming my way in order to make X amount of money and reach X goal. Im grateful tha t receiving X amount of money and reaching X goal has allowed me to finally reach the place I want to be. You get the idea. The great thing about gratitude is that you can just keep going; the more grateful you are for what you have and what is coming your way, the more you think to be grateful for. I deserve this Affirmations Remember that one of the main things that separates rich from poor is that the average person thinks of money in a negative way, and that often makes them feel as though they dont deserve a lot of it. By telling yourself things such as, I deserve X amount of money, I deserve constant abundance in my life, and I deserve wealth to come as a constant stream, flowing effortlessly into my life because of the things it allows me to accomplish, the people it allows me to affect, and the life it allows me to lead. When you say these affirmations its important to do so with a sense of accomplishment. After a while, you will no longer think that you dont deserve the great things that are coming to you. You know why? Youre an amazing person, you deserve wealth. Keep that mentality throughout the day, and you will also become more confident in the way you speak, walk, and act, which in and of itself can lead you to new opportunities.

Chapter Nine Affirming Your Confidence, Strength, and Determination

One of the biggest problems people have in life is a lack of determination to accomplish their goals, a lack of strength to make it through the rocky patches, and a lack of confidence when seeking out new and uncertain opportunities. However, life including the Law of Attraction is going to test all three of those qualities. Opportunities may look like failures (such as being fired from your job) or uncertain (such as making an investment) for example, and without the high levels of confidence, strength, and determination some people dont make it through these rocky patches, and end up not taking advantage of LOA. Here are some affirmations and visualizations you can utilize in order reprogram your mind, and influence your behavior so that, when times are tough or uncertain, you can continue forward with strength and poise. o Elemental Affirmation -- This is a great visualization/verbal affirmation exercise in one. You can do it in a meditative state, or you can do it in front of the mirror. Whether you choose to do this in a quiet, sitting place or even jump around and pump yourself up in front of the mirror either approach is fine. Its important to feel this as well as see it and hear it. Basically, here you want to visualize something in nature that signifies strength to you such as a mountain, a raging fire, a powerful winding river, booming thunder and flashing lightning, a powerful hurricane or tornado, an overbearing and all-engulfing tidal wave, or a huge redwood that stands tall and strong. Think about the imagery of your chosen natural elemental act. For example, think about a wild fire how it burns out of control, engulfing everything in its wake, and although it leaves ash behind, the ash fertilizes the land and the soil, making it more abundant than every before. A raging volcano sends lava and ash spewing high into the sky with molten rock flowing down its sides, and although terrifying and powerful, it serves a purpose like the fire to create entire new landmasses, promote change, and fertilize the land. A tsunami is equally as terrifying and overbearing, yet it washes away the old and brings in the new. Now, as you visualize the element and what it does, begin naming off those characteristics as inseparable from yourself. I am a strong raging fire, spreading over everything everything I touch is engulfed by me, I consume everything, leaving only fertile land in my wake. Or, I am a raging volcano, strong, tall, and fearsome I cover the land with fertile ash, I create entire new lands and opportunities with my burning molten lava. What youre doing here is making yourself feel powerful,

intimidating, strong, and confident while at the same time listing the benefits of those strong personality traits. o Animal Affirmation This is very similar to elemental affirmation, but in this case you are assigning yourself to an animal. It can be the fierce and majestic alpha wolf leading its pack and executing the kill with perfect leadership and organizational skill, it can be the solitary hawk soaring high above the clouds with perfect vision able to see all available opportunities as it swoop down from above to just take what it wants, you could be the hidden mythical tiger stalking its pray from behind the bamboo and pouncing expertly on every perfect opportunity and the pivotal moment where it matters most, you could be the cunning fox using your whiles and the cover of night to expertly execute your plan to obtain your prize. No matter what animal you choose, make sure to visualize it and repeat its characteristics out loud become those characteristics, imagine yourself powerful like the animal you have chosen and imagine yourself always accomplishing your goals. o Adjust your body language Your body language literally defines you, not just through other peoples eyes, but on a subconscious level. For example, while youre reading this, furrow your eyebrows, hunch your back, clench your jaw, and ball your fists up tight you will begin to feel anger even though you werent previously angry. If you really want to be powerful, confident, and determined you have to exhibit the body language that says you are. The great thing is that, because your mind is never separate from your body, simply adopting a strong, confident body posture will actually make you start acting like that too. One study shows that people who stand in what is called a power posture for just a few minutes before they give a presentation or go into a job interview performed better in front of a panel of judges than those who didnt. Not only that, they were their testosterone and cortisol levels (the chemical that causes stress) were tested before and after they adopted these power poses. In every instance, testosterone levels were higher and cortisol levels were lower after the power pose was struck than before. The thing is, effective leaders have a classic hormone profile, which is always marked by high levels of testosterone and low levels of cortisol, but they also exhibit powerful postures. Have you ever seen someone larger than life walk into a room? They dont have to be tall, they dont have to be muscular, but on a subconscious level you always recognize it its because they come in with a wide stance, their back straight, and their jaw up. When they walk, they take long, confident strides with their arms swinging. When they sit, they sit up straight or lean back without a care in the world. When they stand still, they do so by taking up space and appearing bigger (think

about the classic Superhero pose, with the legs apart and the hands on the hip). One of the best possible ways for you to increase your confidence and overall strength and determination is to adjust your posture. If your mind starts to lose determination, if your mental confidence begins to spiral down, dont worry about trying to mentally pick yourself back up, instead physically pick yourself up. The more you do this type of exercise, the more you will literally morph into that person the postures, the way you walk, talk, gesture, stand, and sit will become second nature to where you dont even think about it anymore and people will recognize you instantly as a powerful and confident individual.

Chapter Ten Affirming Your Relationships and Romance

Whether you want to strengthen your relationships or find new, better relationships with friends or whether you want to date more often or find a long-term steady relationship, you can manifest them. The thing about people and the fact that we are essentially all tuning forks walking around is that we tend to subconsciously gravitate toward people just like us. In fact, Law of Attraction is the strongest and most certain when it comes to relationships. For example, if you are attempting to manifest endless wealth and riches, that isnt just going to fall into your lap out of the sky (although that is most certainly a possibility). Typically, the situations that bring you to those riches and that abundance are due to meeting the right people who provide you with the right opportunities to get what you want. Therefore, one of the most important things to center your affirmations and one of the most important ways youre going to really accomplish your goals via the Law of Attraction is learning to attract the right kind of people into your life. However, this is incredibly easy as people always, one hundred percent of the time gravitate toward people who share similar interests. So, to really get involved with the connections and friends in high places, you want to make sure that you exhibit that frequency and in order to do that you have to put yourself in the correct mindset and of course one of the best ways to do that is via affirmation and visualization. It is important to note, when it comes to friendships and casual acquaintances that run the spectrum of friendship and business, the best mirror is always in the eyes of your friends. If you really want to change your life and get out of the level that youre currently at, this always means considering who you hang around the most. If your current friends no matter how long they have been your friends do nothing but complain about their lives, whine about their financial situation, talk about how lonely they are, or lament about their lack of confidence and so forth, then you need to cut the tether and distance yourself from those people. If your current friends are a bad influence, for example lets every time you go out with them they want to drink all night or play video games or make fun of you, then you will want to also distance yourself from them. Ask yourself the following questions:

Do my current friends make me feel like I can accomplish great things by encouraging me? After I hang out with my friends, do I feel like I benefited emotionally and mentally? Do the activities me and my friends engage in constitute as time well spent? Or do we just waste time?

If the answer to all of these questions is negative, then good job youre growing out of your mold and youre ready for something better. You need to ditch your current friends, but you do need to distance yourself. At that point, its time to bring new people into your life that either want similar things as you or that already have what you want, so you can learn from them. For finding new friends and meeting new connections, you also want to make sure you go out of your comfort zone. Affirmations and visualization are important, but frequenting the same locations and holding the same social routine will not allow you to find the kind of people youre looking for, so make sure to try new things. For example, become a member of the chamber of commerce. Switch bars, restaurants, and coffee shops to places youve never been before the next time you go out on the weekend. Take some certificate courses. Take some workshops and classes. Go to some seminars and lectures. Sit at a different location during lunch at work. Approach different people at work. Generally make changes that are different from your current routine by putting yourself in locations where new and interesting people are this is a great way to attract new connections and friendships as you continue with your affirmations. Here are some affirmations you can use to elevate your frequency and attract new people into your life. o Gratitude Affirmation This is of course similar to the other gratitude affirmations in this book, and it is something you can do at any point during the day, just about anywhere. Say to yourself, I am grateful for the new people that are going to walk into my life today. Im excited to improve and expand my social circle, and Im grateful for the new relationships that will be cultivated, the new experiences Im going to have, and the new things Im going to learn. I am grateful for being open to new acquaintances, experiences and friends. o Openness Affirmation In order for people to feel comfortable approaching you and in order for new connections to be able to walk into your life, you definitely need to have the door open. This affirmation is verbal and is best delivered in front of the mirror imagine the person in the mirror as someone new youre meeting. Im open to meet you. Im excited to meet you. We have a lot in

common. Your success is my success. I dont know when or how were going to cross paths, but when we do its going to help me as much as it helps you. o Visualize your friendships Make a kind of imaginary friend a friend who has the qualities that you really desire such as connections, attentiveness, and similar interests. Imagine you guys hanging, sharing conversation, and walking away from that conversations feeling really great about yourself. Imagine your friend calling you up and inviting you to hang out with him and his group of friends. Imagine your friend offering you to work on a project, and so on. Now, when it comes to romantic relationships, everybody is looking for a kind of love potion number nine, unfortunately such a thing does not exist (yet!). Affirmations are not going to make the girl youve been staring at the last four weeks fall in love with you nor is it going to make the man youve been fantasizing about fall into your lap. However, what it will do is reprogram your mind and make you more confident. It will elevate your frequency and attract people with similar interests into your life. However, you have to know exactly what you want, and you need to be open and willing to let that person step into your life. In a lot of ways, these affirmations are just like the ones for friendships, and all the same rules apply, such as ensuring you change your environment. For example, if youre a man, and you havent had a lot of luck with your relationships in the past, perhaps its because youre always meeting women late at night at the bar on weekends or at parties. Instead of frequenting this environment, try to take some dance classes, take some cooking classes, go out and volunteer at a dog shelter or a community project in order to meet new people and open yourself up to new experiences. If youre a woman who hasnt had successful relationships in the past, consider the type of men youve been meeting and where youre meeting them at. For example, if the men youve been dating in the past are unsuccessful and not driven or financially secure, its time to change environments. Go to the company get together, go to a coffee shop in the financial district, get together with your girlfriends and go to a cultural fundraising event, and so on places where more affluent single men would find themselves. These of course are just examples. Once you change up your environment, you can try the following affirmation and visualization exercises. o Write a letter to him/her This is a great exercise. Visualize and write a love letter to your significant other the perfect man/woman. Talk about where you met, and how it felt when you met that person. Recount your first kiss and how it felt. Tell that person about all the qualities that make you love them. Tell that

person about all the things that turn you on. Be specific and allow yourself to feel and see what youre writing. Then, keep that letter in a place that is easily accessible and read it often. Or, you can write a few letters a week. This helps you understand what you want to feel and who you want to meet. It raises your vibration and puts you in a mood of love, caring, and excitement, which people can sense. o Grateful Affirmation Say to yourself, Im so grateful to be with X. I love the way he/she makes me feel. Im so grateful that he/she does X and makes me feel X you get the idea. Start describing how this person makes you feel and what they look like, and put yourself into an attitude of gratitude for having been able to meet them, even if you havent yet.

Chapter Eleven The Affirmation Structure for All Things

You can use affirmations for anything including lifestyle, career, stress, and more. There is not set way to complete an affirmation or visualization. It is up to you to be creative. However, there are a few best practices to keep in mind, and they are as follows: o Write it Writing down what you want to be and what you want to attract in your life is a great way to visualize. Rather than just using your mind, youre backing it up on paper, which makes it more solid and tangible; it also allows you to read it over again. o Display it For long term goals, having something that reminds you of it displayed in a place that you look at each and every day, multiple times a day, is the best way to keep it on the forefront of your mind and have it seep deep into your subconscious, making it more of a reality and dictating your actions and vibration in order to indeed make it come to pass in a physical way. o See it When youre visualizing (whether that be mentally, on paper, in pictures, or verbally) you want to make sure you see as much detail as possible. o Feel it When you visualize, let yourself feel every emotion and the environment. If you want to live by the beach, then feel the sun on your skin, taste the salt of the waves, feel the warm water, feel the sand between your toes and so on. o Be grateful for it Along with being grateful what you already have, you also always want to be grateful for the circumstances and laws that are in place that will help you reach your goal, so be grateful for what you are about to have in your life as well as what you already have. o Be consistent Remember, consistency is the key to all success. If you start practicing your affirmations and visualizations and you dont see what youre looking for in the first month and just give up, then you arent going to get what you want. Why? Because youre a quitter and quitters are never successful. If you cant do something as simple as see yourself where you want to be, then you certainly wouldnt be able to handle the tasks and opportunities the Law of Attraction would provide you in order to attain your goals. Many people quit right before they reach the finish line, unaware that if they had just taken a few more steps, if they had just gone a tiny bit further, they would have succeeded in their endeavor. Instead, they turn around and go home, essentially wasting time

and backtracking on their progress. So, no matter what keep going. You WILL get what you want.

Chapter Twelve Making it All Work

Before recapping and concluding this book by putting together a formula, its important to talk for a moment about why youre doing this. Many people throughout their lives have a series of desires, whether those desires are material, spiritual, or status oriented. Very few people, however, know why they want the things they do outside of initial impulse, because of this they frequently change their desires depending on how they feel and under emotional whims. They act as if a child wanting to be an acrobat after going to the circus and a racecar driver after watching NASCAR on TV and a fireman after watching cartoons the next with no understanding of why. Before you begin any Law of Attraction sequence, you must clearly have your reasons defined, and in order to know your reasons you need to know yourself. Its not enough for you to say you want to be rich, the question is why do you want to be rich? Is it because you get to buy a lot of nice cars, have your pick of the opposite sex, have a huge house, travel all around the world, or perhaps finally be happy and comfortable? If so, how rich do you want to be? The reasons you want something are entirely up to you, and whether or not they are purely selfish and indulgent doesnt necessarily matter to the Law of Attraction seeing as how it works regardless. However, when people do not know why they want the things they want, which is to say they have no real rhyme or reasons for their desires, they almost always end up failing because desire without reason is nothing more than energy without direction. Its like a bull in a china shop the energy is there, the power is there, but it has no place being in the china shop. Its like an ox with a plow, that is running rampant in the wilderness, without the oxe being trained to plow the fields in a straight line, the plow has no use being on its back because it benefits no one, yields no crop, and sows no seeds. I would urge the person reading this book right now to first of all understand the sheer power of the Law of Attraction. Throughout the reading of this book, if you were skeptical before, it is my sincere home that you have started to see that there is nothing neither magical nor even necessarily spiritual about the Law of Attraction, it is as real and easy to use to your advantage as the laws of gravity are. However, because of that, it should be respected and used within reason. Before embarking on your journey, take a few weeks and spend it in self consideration. When you are fleshing out the life you want for yourself the life you are going to manifest in every way, shape, and form by using the Law of Attraction to your advantage, make sure you have a clear direction and understanding of why.

Just because people are rich and have many positions doesnt mean they are happy. Just because someone is able to land super model girlfriends or rich, dapper boyfriends on a constant basis doesnt mean they are fulfilled. Getting what you want is one thing. Getting what you want because it helps you lead a more fulfilled and meaningful life both for you and humankind around you, is another, much better and more admirable thing. Because then, youre using the secrets of wealth, abundance, and endless success not solely for personal gain, but as a tool with a means to an end the time and ability to spend time knowing yourself, and the means to help the people around you and even change entire communities for the better. The greatest thing we can attain in life is positive influence the kind of influence where everyone who comes in contact with us is better off than they were before. That being stated, here is the very real, and very simple formula to using the Law of Attraction in your life. 1) Cultivate an attitude of gratitude for first being appreciative and thankful for all you currently have, no matter how little it is. Spend a few minutes every day reminding yourself of this gratitude, and even keep a nightly gratitude journal. 2) Clearly create a visual image of what you want and make absolutely certain it is displayed (a vision board, a list of goals, a letter to yourself, newspaper article you wroteetc). It needs to be viewed at least once a day. 3) Spend 30 minutes at least once a day (at maximum twice day) visualizing your goals and desires. This means sitting quietly and walking yourself through the environment you want to see yourself in, seeing the people who will be around you. You need to feel it, taste it, touch it, and feel strong emotions for it. Anything that you can do to help yourself make this reality more tangible such as speaking out loud in affirmations, verbally guiding yourself through your goal, and writing it down go ahead and do it. 4) NEVER try to figure out how your goals will come to pass, never try to postulate as to how your dreams and desires will come into your life. Do nothing other than see the outcome; see yourself having already accomplished it. 5) When you are finished with your visualization, feel it go out of your body like a radio signal and seep out into the universe. 6) After youre session is finished forget about it. Stop thinking about it, get along with your day. Remain grateful for what you have, but dont dwell on your visualizations anymore, simply know that things are coming your way and let it be. This is called detachment. 7) Do this for at least thirty days, but ideally 60 days so that your subconscious is reprogrammed. 8) Finally be prepared to take action. As the Law of Attraction begins setting forth the circumstances and opportunities necessary for you to get what you want, they will often

present themselves through new connections and even unfortunate events such as being fired. Use your intuition use your gut instinct and be ready to act on it, sometimes with a massive, complete upheaval of a decision. Observe carefully the people that come into your life, and the circumstances you find yourself in, because that is typically how youre going to receive what you want. So, you must be open and you must be willing to take a big step. This step could include complete relocation, it could include a complete career change, it could include a complete change in daily routine. Be prepared for this and welcome it. Finally, its worth noting the importance of lifestyle changes when entering into a LOA routine. For example, if you live a sedentary lifestyle and eat unhealthy food, but are trying to dramatically improve your situation in every way, you are more likely to succeed when you begin exercising regularly and changing your diet. The reason is simply because a sedentary lifestyle and bad eating habits lead to depression and depression can stifle your progress and lead you to quit. When you want a major shift to happen in your life that means you need to take stock of EVERYTHING that youre currently doing as well as all the people in your life and fi gure out what needs to change right along with your mentality. If your friends are holding you back, get rid of them. Secondly, if youre depressed, stressed out, undetermined, sleepless, and anxious yet you dont exercise or eat right, I can almost guarantee that if you just started changing up your food habits and routines, you would be calm, happier, feel capable, and sleep like a baby. Successful people have successful habits. The Law of Attraction states that what you focus on you get, and when you move and take action, the rest of the universe takes action with you. The rest of the exercises in this book are nothing more than reprogramming your brain to understand that your potential is literally limitless. The rest is up to you. Its not magic, it DO ES take work, time, dedication, and immense change. So, as we conclude and you get ready to start on this journey do two things first: Know why you want what you want Reevaluate everything in your life and commit to kicking out anything that does not serve your goal or that keeps you back in the slightest.

Do this, and the Law of Attraction will do the rest. You are abundant. You are successful. You are ready. [END]

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