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Test01_ Verfify changes to the time format setting Test Objective To validate change in time format of calender setting

Acceptance Criteria Step 4 Test is accepted if time format in event page is same as the time format set up in calender settings Step 5 Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

Step 6 Step 7

Test 02_Verify change in the starting day of the week setting Step 1

Step 2

Test Objective To validate change in the starting day of the week setting Acceptance Criteria

Step 3 Step 4

Step 5 Test is accepted if changes made to starting day of the week setting Step 6 reflects in create event page Step 7

Step 8

Step 9 Step 10 Step 11 Step 12

Test 03_Verify Speedy Meeting setting Test Objective To validate speedy meeting option Acceptance Criteria Test is accepted if defalut meeting duration in event page is 10 minutes less for one hour meeting and 5 minutes less for 30 minutes Step 1 Step 2

Test Objective To validate speedy meeting option Acceptance Criteria Step 3

Step 4 Test is accepted if defalut meeting duration in event page is 10 minutes less for one hour meeting and 5 minutes less for 30 minutes meeting

Step 5 Step 6 Step 7

Test 04_ Verify change in default meeting length in calender setting Step 1 Test Objective To validate change in default meeting length in calender setting Acceptance Criteria Step 2 Step 3 Step 4

Test is accepted if defalut meeting duration in event page is same as Step 5 the default meeting length set up in calender settings Pre Requisite Speedy Meeting field is unchecked in calender setting Step 6 Step 7 Step 8

Navigate to Calender setting page Change the time format Note the new/updated time format Save the changes Select "Create event" to schedule a new meeting Verify time format of the the start time and end time fields in create event page Exit the create event page

Calender setting page is displayed System accepts change to time format Default time format is set to XXXX Changes to time format is saved, and status message "Saving.. " is displayed New meeting page is displayed Time format of the 'Start time' and 'end time' in event page should be same as the time format noted in step 4 create event page is closed

Navigate to Calender setting page

Calender setting page is displayed

change in the starting day of the week setting to "Sunday to Saturday" System accepts change to starting day of the week Changes to time format is saved, and status message "starting day of the week is set to Sunday to Saturday " Save the changes is displayed Select "Create event" to schedule a new meeting New meeting page is displayed Verify user can see week view which is User should be able to view week view which is Sunday Sunday to Saturday to Saturday Exit the create event page create event page is closed Navigate to Calender setting page Calender setting page is displayed change in the starting day of the week setting to "Sunday to Monday" System accepts change to starting day of the week Changes to time format is saved, and status message "starting day of the week is set to Sunday to Monday " is Save the changes displayed Select "Create event" to schedule a new meeting New meeting page is displayed Verify user can see week view which is User should be able to view week view which is Sunday Sunday to Monday to Monday Exit the create event page create event page is closed

Navigate to Calender setting page Enable speedy meeting by checking

Calender setting page is displayed User is able to Enable speedy meeting by checking

Save the changes Select "Create event" to schedule a new meeting

changes made are accepted by system and status message " speedy message is enabled" is displayed New meeting page is displayed

Select start time and end time for scheduling meeting Verify user can send meeting request Exit the create event page

Verify that end time is reduced 10 minutes for one hour meeting by default. Veify end time shows XX.50 user is able schedule meeting with speedy meeting option create event page is closed

Navigate to Calender setting page Change the default meeting length Note the new/updated " default Save the changes Select "Create event" to schedule a new meeting Verify the duration between start and end time is defaulted to duration recorded in step 3 Verify user can change the start and end time of the meeting Exit the create event page

Calender setting page is displayed System accepts change in default meeting length Default meeting length is set to XXXX Changes to default meeting length is saved New meeting page is displayed Duration between start and end time should be defaulted to duration recorded in step 3 user is able change the start and end time of the meeting create event page is closed

Assumption: Status bar Message text

Assumption: If speedy meeting is enabled, end time will display automatically XX:50 or XX:20 format Ambiguity: Unclear on how this option works for meetings for 2 hours or more. Will it reduce 10 minutes per hour ??

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