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Why Business Should Make AIDS Is Business 1.

Which ethics principles from the chapter have Anglo-American and eneral Motors applied! Suggest additional ethics principles that might apply to this situation.

Both Anglo American and General Motors applied the ethics in human and/or employees rights wherein employees are given the right of free consent, right of privacy, right of freedom of speech and conscience and right to due process. Both companies give value to the opinions of their employees. For me, I can also suggest to add ethics in cultural relativism, virtue ethics, duty ethics and the sta eholder approach.

!ultural relativism " if a #usiness operates glo#ally, they should adapt company rules to local circumstances.

$irtue %thics " does not concern in identifying the &ualities of good acts or principles #ut of good people.

'uty ethics " esta#lishing a set of a#solute moral rules. 'eveloped through the application of reason.

(ta eholder approach " sees morality as evolving within a community of e&uals, where rights and needs are recogni)ed as residing within all individuals and groups that parta e in #usiness life.

". Which human resource management specialties and skills could help a company make decisions a#out offering AIDS-related #enefits!

In my opinion all s ills are re&uire to ma e decisions in offering AI'(*related #enefits.

a. +uman relations s ills. Being a#le to understand and wor well with people as their source of genuine information that will help them adhere with the companys policies, programs and practices for their welfare. #. 'ecision*ma ing s ills. Managers must have a wide variety of decisions that will #enefit the employees to improve their efficiency in their wor as well as for the company to thrive. c. ,eadership s ills. +M managers must serve as a role model for all the employees. -hey must deal with changes, conflicts, confusion and resistance when the situation calls it. d. -echnical s ills. Managers must #e updated in management techni&ues terms of training programs, performance appraisal methods, developments, and other state*of*the*art practices in human resource.

$. %he case emphasi&es AIDS-related #enefits in Africa and Asia' (here a large percentage of the population is infected and may not have access to health care. )o( (ould decisions a#out AIDS-related #enefits #e similar or different in the *nited States! Which +if any, )-M issues in the *nited States are as sensitive as the AIDS issue is in Africa and Asia!

-he .nited (tates invests very much on health care. As cited in /i ipedia, 0+ealth care in the .nited (tates is provided #y many distinct organi)ations. +ealth care facilities are largely owned and operated #y private sector #usinesses. +ealth insurance for pu#lic sector employees is primarily provided #y the government. 12*134 of healthcare provision and spending comes from programs such as Medicare, Medicaid, -5I!A5%, the !hildren6s +ealth Insurance 7rogram, and the $eterans +ealth Administration. Most of the population under 13 is insured #y their or a family mem#er6s employer, some #uy health insurance on their own, and the remainder are uninsured.8

I thin , racial and ethnic discrimination in the wor place is considered as a sensitive +5M issue in the .nited (tates.

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