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Definition: SIMILE: A figure of speech in which two fundamentally unlike things are explicitly compared, usually in a phrase introduced

y like or as! Examples: "! #$ood coffee is like friendship: rich and warm and strong!# %slogan of &an'American (offee )ureau* +! ,ou know life, life is rather like opening a tin of sardines! all of us looking for the key!# %Alan )ennett, )eyond the /ringe, "012* 3! #-hen Lee Mellon finished the apple he smacked his lips together like a pair of cym als!# %4ichard )rautigan, A (onfederate $eneral /rom )ig Sur, "015* 5! Some dance critic, who worked ehind the ar in a honky'tonk, said that when )oomer danced he looked like a monkey on roller skates 6uggling ra7or lades in a hurricane! 8! E9en on (entral A9enue, not the :uietest dressed street in the world, he looked a out as inconspicuous as a tarantula on a slice of angel food! 1! ;he top <of the car= was down and I listened to the hiss of the wheels against the street, the flow of wind o9er the car, the sound of Stan $et7 lowing faintly from the speakers and trailing out into the air ehind us like a pearly strand of u les from a pipe! >! ?ccasionally Ichiro speaks to one @apanese writer''the pool reporter, Aei7o Aonishi of the Ayodo Bews'' ut only if that writer adheres to strict protocol! ;he gaggle of @apanese reporters su mits their :uestions to Aonishi and then gather together in the corner of the clu house and watch reathlessly as, 32 feet away, Aonishi timidly loiters near Ichiro, who faces into his locker! ! ! ! C! After three or four minutes Aonishi rises, ows slightly and trudges ack to the huddled mass, earing no fruit! #Ichiro says, .;his is not the time to think of that,.# he reports, and 51 faces fall like soufflDs at a ass drum recital! 0! ;he uni9erse is like a safe to which there is a com ination! )ut the com ination is locked up in the safe! "2 !;he harpsichord sounds like two skeletons copulating on a corrugated tin roof!

ME;A&E?4 Definition: A figure of speech in which an implied comparison is made etween two unlike things that actually ha9e something in common! Ad6ecti9e: metaphorical! "! Lo9e Lo9e is a full'length mirror! +! Ira: ;rail mix! I see this as a metaphor for Ira: itself! -ell, you.9e got the nuts and the raisins, which could e the Sunnis and the Shiites''not the same, ut they can mingle together'' and in etween, adding sweetness and peace, are the troops, which are the MFMs! 3! Lo9e Lo9e is many splendor thing! 5! @esse @ackson @esse @ackson is here! ;he 4e9erend''a 9ery challenging inter9iew! ,ou can ask him anything, ut he.s going to say what he wants at the pace that he wants! It.s like oxing a glacier! En6oy that metaphor, ecause your grandchildren will ha9e no idea what a glacier is! 8! -omen -omen has an essence that only her knows! 1! (hange E9ery ody asks for personnel changes! So the -hite Eouse has personnel changes! ;hen you write, #?ooh, 6ust rearranging the deck chairs on the ;itanic!# /irst of all, that is a terri le metaphor! ;his administration is not sinking! ;his administration is soaring! If anything, they are rearranging the deck chairs on the Einden urg! >! Accountants An accountant is a manila en9elope yellowed with age that fell etween the filing ca inet and the wall! ;rapped, alone, parched! C! ,ou ;oday is a out you''you who ha9e worked so hard to pack your heads with learning until your skulls are all plump like''sausages of knowledge! It.s an apt metaphor, don.t :uestion it!

0! #A man may reak a word with you, sir, and words are ut wind!# "2! #;he rain came down in long knitting needles!#

&E4S?BI/I(A;I?B Definition: A trope or figure of speech %generally considered a type of metaphor* in which an inanimate o 6ect or a straction is gi9en human :ualities or a ilities! "! #?reo: MilkGs fa9orite cookie!# %slogan on a package of ?reo cookies* +! ;he wind stood up and ga9e a shout! Ee whistled on his fingers and 3! Aicked the withered lea9es a out And thumped the ranches with his hand 5! And said he.d kill and kill and kill, And so he willH And so he willH 8! #;he road isn.t uilt that can make it reathe hardH# 1!#Inseen, in the ackground, /ate was :uietly slipping the lead into the oxing glo9es!# >!#/ear knocked on the door! /aith answered! ;here was no one there!# C!#&imento eyes ulged in their oli9e sockets! Lying on a ring of onion, a tomato slice exposed its seedy smile ! ! !!# 0!#;he only monster here is the gam ling monster that has ensla9ed your motherH I call him $am lor, and it.s time to snatch your mother from his neon clawsH# "2!#;he operation is o9er! ?n the ta le, the knife lies spent, on its side, the loody meal smear'dried upon its flanks! ;he knife rests!

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