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Po*erPoi!t+ Le$t#re ,'i"e Pre e!tatio! &y -erry L. Coo.% ,a) Ho# to! /!i0er ity

The ,.e'eta' ,y te)



Copyright 2006 Pear o! E"#$atio!% I!$.% p#&'i hi!g a Be!(a)i! C#))i!g

The Skeletal System

Parts of the skeletal system Bones (skeleton) Joints Cartilages Ligaments Divided into two divisions Axial skeleton Appendic lar skeleton
Copyright 2006 Pear o! E"#$atio!% I!$.% p#&'i hi!g a Be!(a)i! C#))i!g

Functions of Bones
! pport of the "ody Protection of soft organs #ovement d e to attached skeletal m scles !torage of minerals and fats Blood cell formation

Copyright 2006 Pear o! E"#$atio!% I!$.% p#&'i hi!g a Be!(a)i! C#))i!g

Bones of the Human Body

$he ad lt skeleton has %&' "ones $wo "asic types of "one tiss e Compact "one
(omogeneo s

!pongy "one
!mall needle)like pieces of "one #any open spaces
1ig#re 4.2&
Copyright 2006 Pear o! E"#$atio!% I!$.% p#&'i hi!g a Be!(a)i! C#))i!g

Classification of Bones on the Basis of Shape

1ig#re 4.5
Copyright 2006 Pear o! E"#$atio!% I!$.% p#&'i hi!g a Be!(a)i! C#))i!g

Classification of Bones
Long "ones $ypically longer than wide (ave a shaft with heads at "oth ends Contain mostly compact "one
*xamples+ ,em r- h mer s

Copyright 2006 Pear o! E"#$atio!% I!$.% p#&'i hi!g a Be!(a)i! C#))i!g

Classification of Bones
!hort "ones .enerally c "e)shape Contain mostly spongy "one
*xamples+ Carpals- tarsals

Copyright 2006 Pear o! E"#$atio!% I!$.% p#&'i hi!g a Be!(a)i! C#))i!g

Classification of Bones
,lat "ones $hin and flattened /s ally c rved $hin layers of compact "one aro nd a layer of spongy "one
*xamples+ !k ll- ri"s- stern m

Copyright 2006 Pear o! E"#$atio!% I!$.% p#&'i hi!g a Be!(a)i! C#))i!g

Classification of Bones
0rreg lar "ones 0rreg lar shape Do not fit into other "one classification categories
*xample+ 1erte"rae and hip

Copyright 2006 Pear o! E"#$atio!% I!$.% p#&'i hi!g a Be!(a)i! C#))i!g

Classification of Bones on the Basis of Shape

1ig#re 4.5
Copyright 2006 Pear o! E"#$atio!% I!$.% p#&'i hi!g a Be!(a)i! C#))i!g

Gross Anatomy of a Long Bone

Diaphysis !haft Composed of compact "one *piphysis *nds of the "one Composed mostly of spongy "one
1ig#re 4.2a
Copyright 2006 Pear o! E"#$atio!% I!$.% p#&'i hi!g a Be!(a)i! C#))i!g

Structures of a Long Bone

Perioste m 2 tside covering of the diaphysis ,i"ro s connective tiss e mem"rane !harpey3s fi"ers !ec re perioste m to nderlying "one Arteries ! pply "one cells with n trients
1ig#re 4.2$
Copyright 2006 Pear o! E"#$atio!% I!$.% p#&'i hi!g a Be!(a)i! C#))i!g

Structures of a Long Bone

Artic lar cartilage Covers the external s rface of the epiphyses #ade of hyaline cartilage Decreases friction at 4oint s rfaces
1ig#re 4.2a
Copyright 2006 Pear o! E"#$atio!% I!$.% p#&'i hi!g a Be!(a)i! C#))i!g

Structures of a Long Bone

#ed llary cavity Cavity of the shaft Contains yellow marrow (mostly fat) in ad lts Contains red marrow (for "lood cell formation) in infants
1ig#re 4.2a
Copyright 2006 Pear o! E"#$atio!% I!$.% p#&'i hi!g a Be!(a)i! C#))i!g

Bone Markings
! rface feat res of "ones !ites of attachments for m scles- tendonsand ligaments Passages for nerves and "lood vessels Categories of "one markings Pro4ections and processes 5 grow o t from the "one s rface Depressions or cavities 5 indentations
Copyright 2006 Pear o! E"#$atio!% I!$.% p#&'i hi!g a Be!(a)i! C#))i!g

Microscopic Anatomy of Bone

2steon ((aversian !ystem) A nit of "one Central ((aversian) canal 2pening in the center of an osteon Carries "lood vessels and nerves Perforating (1olkman3s) canal Canal perpendic lar to the central canal Carries "lood vessels and nerves
Copyright 2006 Pear o! E"#$atio!% I!$.% p#&'i hi!g a Be!(a)i! C#))i!g

Microscopic Anatomy of Bone

1ig#re 4.6
Copyright 2006 Pear o! E"#$atio!% I!$.% p#&'i hi!g a Be!(a)i! C#))i!g

Microscopic Anatomy of Bone

Lac nae Cavities containing "one cells (osteocytes) Arranged in concentric rings Lamellae 6ings aro nd the central canal !ites of lac nae
Detai' o7 1ig#re 4.6
Copyright 2006 Pear o! E"#$atio!% I!$.% p#&'i hi!g a Be!(a)i! C#))i!g

Microscopic Anatomy of Bone

Canalic li $iny canals 6adiate from the central canal to lac nae ,orm a transport system

Detai' o7 1ig#re 4.6

Copyright 2006 Pear o! E"#$atio!% I!$.% p#&'i hi!g a Be!(a)i! C#))i!g

Changes in the Human Skeleton

0n em"ryos- the skeleton is primarily hyaline cartilage D ring development- m ch of this cartilage is replaced "y "one Cartilage remains in isolated areas Bridge of the nose Parts of ri"s Joints
Copyright 2006 Pear o! E"#$atio!% I!$.% p#&'i hi!g a Be!(a)i! C#))i!g

Bone Gro th
*piphyseal plates allow for growth of long "one d ring childhood 7ew cartilage is contin o sly formed 2lder cartilage "ecomes ossified
Cartilage is "roken down Bone replaces cartilage

Copyright 2006 Pear o! E"#$atio!% I!$.% p#&'i hi!g a Be!(a)i! C#))i!g

Bone Gro th
Bones are remodeled and lengthened ntil growth stops Bones change shape somewhat Bones grow in width

Copyright 2006 Pear o! E"#$atio!% I!$.% p#&'i hi!g a Be!(a)i! C#))i!g

Long Bone Formation and Gro th

1ig#re 4.8a
Copyright 2006 Pear o! E"#$atio!% I!$.% p#&'i hi!g a Be!(a)i! C#))i!g

Long Bone Formation and Gro th

1ig#re 4.8&
Copyright 2006 Pear o! E"#$atio!% I!$.% p#&'i hi!g a Be!(a)i! C#))i!g

Types of Bone Cells

2steocytes #at re "one cells 2steo"lasts Bone)forming cells 2steoclasts Bone)destroying cells Break down "one matrix for remodeling and release of calci m Bone remodeling is a process "y "oth osteo"lasts and osteoclasts
Copyright 2006 Pear o! E"#$atio!% I!$.% p#&'i hi!g a Be!(a)i! C#))i!g

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