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Module Name: Course Code: Block: Credit: Maximum Marks: Module Prepared by: 1.

Dr Neha Chibber

Brand Management 1 1 30

Module plan Discussion Date: July 1st, 2013 Members Present: Ranjani Matta, Anu ama !arashar, Raj"umari Mittal, #aima Ri$%i, #hi%ani &hurana, !ragya #'na(ane, Ru)hi #hah

Comments: *he )'urse (as a re)iated as it has )aselets gi%ing an insight int' the )'n)e ts. *his time the assessment ('uld be based 'n +nd *erm +,am and Ad-mad )'m etiti'n. Final Submission Date: July .th, 2013 Module Approved by: Area Chair: 1. Ms Ranjani Matta ///////////////////////////

2. Dr !ragya #'na(ane


3. Ms. Ru)hi #hah


0. Ms.Raj"umari Mittal 1. Dr Anu ama !rashar

/////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////



!M nstitute "or #i$her %ducation

Course Manual Brand Management PGP 2012-14

Sectors Job Profiles in this sector FMCG, Consumer Durables Brand Manager (CD) and Consumer Semi- Brand Coordinator Durables (CSD) categories of Product Manager industries. Brand Custodians Marketing Managers

Course O er ie! If this company were to split up, I would give you the property, plant and equipment and I would take the brands and the trademarks and I would be far better off than you. o!n Stuart "#-C!airman of $uaker %ats & brand enca'sulates an organi(ation)s entire marketing effort on be!alf of a 'roduct or ser*ice. & strong brand is im'ortant as t!e battle for customers intensifies da+ b+ da+. Com'anies s'end enormous sums to design, launc!, recreate and manage a brand. Brand managers are t!e focal 'oint of *arious acti*ities , ad*ertising - sales 'romotions, market researc!, sales, distribution, 'urc!ase, 'ricing, . -D and strateg+ etc. /ee'ing t!e abo*e in *ie0, t!e main ob1ecti*e of t!is course is to gi*e students, a fundamental understanding and kno0ledge of building, measuring anal+sing and managing brand categories for a com'an+.

"earning Outcomes# 2!e ob1ecti*e of t!e course is to !el' +ou to understand3 4) 5!+ do Brands matter , 5e 0ill dig dee' and understand as to 0!+ are brands im'ortant, 0!at functions do t!e+ 'erform and 0!+ are t!e+ so *aluable to marketers.

6) 2ools for measuring brand , 5e 0ill e#amine t!e brand e7uit+ conce't and introduce t!e customer based brand e7uit+ conce't. &lso understand t!e financial im'lications of a brand for a firm. 8) 9o0 to build strong brands , Discuss t!e conce't of brand 'ositioning and 9o0 to integrate marketing communications to build a strong brand. :) ;m'act of brand e7uit+ on 'roduct line and firm 'erformance, e*aluating o''ortunities for e#tending brands, and re'ositioning e#isting brands <) Strategies to manage brands o*er time , 9o0 to reinforce and re*italise brands o*er time. 2!ese to'ics are e#'lored in a *ariet+ of brand conte#ts. 2!e course uses a combination of case anal+ses, 'ro1ects and lectures, allo0ing students to de*elo' t!eir re'ertoire of marketing decision skills.
2$ %ntroduction to the &utors# 2$1 'rea Chair (ame- .uc!i S!a! Phone (umber- =46: >>?<?64 )mail %*- ruc!i.s!a! Cabin "ocation- Cabin :A, 4st Floor Gurgaon Cam'us 2$2 &utor *r (eha Chibber

Pre +e,uisites ;t is essential t!at t!e student !as a t!oroug! understanding of conce'ts from Marketing Management. Boo-s and +eferences# Strategic Brand Management b+ /e*in Bane /eller David Aakar- Managing Brand Equity Free Press

Su..lementar/ &e0t# P!ili' /otler, .eadings in marketing management. Subroto Sengu'ta, Brand 'ositioning , Strategies for com'etiti*e &d*antage.

/a'ferer Coel ean (/C ), Strategic Brand Management Sengu'ta S., Brand Positioning

Session Plan Session 4 6 8 : < > ? D A 4= 44 46 48 4: 4< 4> &o.ic 2hat is a brand and !h/ do the/ matter$ Case discussion - 'mul 3o! to identif/ and establish brand Cha.ter1acti it/ /eller, C!s 4 Presentation of anal+sis /eller , C!s 6 - 8

.ositioning and alues Case discussion 4 "ifebuo/ 5 *ettol Presentation of anal+sis Choosing brand elements and designing /eller , C!s :,< mar-eting .rograms to build brand e,uit/ Case discussion 4 (i-e %ntegrating mar-eting communications to build brand e,uit/ Case discussion 4 Maggie 2 minute noodles Measuring Brand ),uit/ -1 Case *iscussion 4 %ndian Premier "eague Presentation of anal+sis /eller , C!s >,? Presentation of anal+sis /eller, C!s D Presentation of anal+sis

Measuring Brand ),uit/ -2 /eller, C!s A,4= Guest "ecture Presentation of anal+sis Brand e0tensions6 co-branding and brand /eller, C!s 44,46 architecture Case discussion 4 '..le Managing Brands o er time Case discussion 4 7odafone and 'irtel Presentation of anal+sis /eller, C!s 48 Presentation of anal+sis /eller C! 4: Presentation of anal+sis /eller C! 4< /eller C! 4<

4? Global Brands 4D Case discussion 4 Mc*onalds 4A Pri ate "abels and Generics 6= Closing Obser ations and re ie! 64 'd Mad 66 'd Mad continues 68 )nd &erm )0am 6: )nd &erm )0am S)SS%O( *)&'%"S Session 1 2hat is a brand and !h/ do the/ matter8

5e 0ill discuss t!e conce't of brands and 0!+ are t!e+ so im'ortant for bot! consumers and firm. 2!e class 0ill e#'lore t!e im'ortant issues in 'lanning, im'lementing and e*aluating brand strategies and discuss a''ro'riate conce'ts, t!eories, models, and ot!er tools to make better branding decisions. +eference +eading# C!a'ter 4, Strategic Brand Management /ellers &aker, Da*id Building strong brands "earning Outcome# 2!e first class 0ill gi*e t!e students an introduction to t!e conce't of branding. 2!e+ 0ould be able to ans0er t!e 7uestions like 0!at is a brand and 0!+ do brands matterE 2!e+ 0ould also learn t!e c!allenges and o''ortunities in branding. Session 2 Case discussion - Amul 20o grou's 0ill anal+se t!e gro0t! of &mul brand and 'resent ans0er to follo0ing 7uestions3 4) "*aluate t!e gro0t! of &mul brand 6) Before t!e introduction of &mul brand, most 'eo'le considered milk and butter as commodities. 9o0 did &mul brand t!ese commodities and 0!o 0ere its initial com'etitors. 8) 9o0 did &mul brand differentiate itselfE :) 9o0 !as t!e situation c!anged 0it! res'ect to recent com'etition +eference +eading# C!a'ter 4, Strategic Brand Management /ellers &aker, Da*id Building strong brands "earning Outcome# &fter t!is session students 0ill gain kno0ledge about !o0 sim'le commodities and be con*erted to brands and !o0 stronger brands can be built o*er a 'eriod time t!roug! a't marketing strategies.

Session 9 3o! to identif/ and establish brand .ositioning and alues 5e 0ill e#'lore t!e conce't of brand e7uit+ and !o0 to identif+ and establis! an effecti*e brand 'ositioning. 5e 0ill discuss t!e customer based brand e7uit+ model in detail and discus some of t!e main im'lications of t!is model. 5e 0ill also discuss t!e ad*antages of creating a strong brand. +eference +eading# /eller , C!s 6 - 8 .ies, &l - Baura (6==:)3 2!e origin of brands, 9ar'er Business "earning Outcome# &fter t!is session students 0ill gain an insig!t on !o0 Customer based brand e7uit+ is t!e differential effect t!at brand kno0ledge !as on consumer res'onse to marketing of t!at brand. &lso t!e students 0ill learn t!e 'rinci'les of identif+ing and establis!ing brand 'ositioning. Session 4 Case Lifebuoy and Dettol 4) "*aluate t!e 'ositioning of eac! brand 6) 5!o are t!eir target markets 8) 5!at are t!eir main 'oints of 'arit+ and 'oints of differenceE :) 9a*e t!e+ defined t!eir 'ositioning correctl+E 9o0 mig!t it be im'ro*edE +eference +eading# /eller, C!s 6 - 8 .ies, &l - Baura (6==:)3 2!e origin of brands, 9ar'er Business "earning Outcome# 2!is session 0ill !el' students understand !o0 brands are 'ositioned differentl+ to ta' t!e mind s'ace of consumers. Session :

Choosing brand elements and designing mar-eting .rograms to build brand e,uit/ ;n t!is session 0e 0ill discuss !o0 marketing acti*ities in general and 'roduct, 'ricing and distribution strategies in 'articular , build brand e7uit+. 9o0 can marketers integrate t!ese acti*ities to en!ance brand a0areness, im'ro*e t!e brand image, elicit 'ositi*e brand res'onse, and increase brand resonance. +eference +eading# /eller , C!s :,< "earning Outcome# 2!is session 0ill !el' students understand on !o0 brand can be effecti*el+ integrated into t!e marketing 'rogram to create brand e7uit+. ;t 0ill also !el' students understand on !o0 a marketer s!ould select t!e *arious brand elements to en!ance brand a0areness. Session ; Case 4 (i-e 4) ;dentif+ all its brand elements 6) &ssess t!e abilit+ of brand elements to contribute to brand e7uit+. 8) Do a brand elements com'arati*e anal+sis of Cike and its com'etitors. :) ;dentif+ fi*e more brands 0!ic! !a*e mi#ed and matc!ed t!eir brand elements effecti*el+ to en!ance brand a0areness +eference +eading# /eller , C!s :,<

"earning Outcome# 2!is session 0ill enable t!e students to understand t!e im'ortance of brand elements and !o0 t!e+ need to be mi#ed and matc!ed effecti*el+ to en!ance brand a0areness. Session < %ntegrating mar-eting communications to build brand e,uit/

Marketing communications are t!e means b+ 0!ic! firms attem't to inform, 'ersuade, and remind consumers directl+ or indirectl+ about t!e brand t!e+ sell. ;n t!is session 0e 0ill discuss t!e common marketing communication o'tions for t!e consumer market. +eference +eading# /eller C!->,? "earning Outcome# &t t!e end of t!e session, t!e students 0ill !a*e an understanding of t!e *arious marketing communication c!annels 0!ic! can be used to inform t!e consumers about a 'articular 'roduct. Session = Case 4 Maggie 6 minute noodles 4) 5!at are t!e mediums of marketing communication used b+ Maggi 6) "*aluate t!eir 'rint ads and 2F commercial. 8) "*aluate t!e use of internet, s'ecificall+ social media efforts in 'romoting Maggi :) 5!at 0ere t!e sale and consumer 'romotion acti*ities t!at !a*e been used effecti*el+E +eference +eading# /eller C!->,?

"earning Outcome# 2!e session 0ill !el' students understand on !o0 marketing communications can be integrated to en!ance brand e7uit+. Different communication o'tions !a*e different strengt!s and can accom'lis! different ob1ecti*es. Session > Measuring brand e,uit/ 1


5e take a detailed look at 0!at consumers kno0 and feel about and act to0ard brands and !o0 marketers can de*elo' measurement 'rocedures to assess !o0 0ell t!eir brands are doing. +eference +eading# /eller, C!s D &aker Da*id & , Managing Brand "7uit+ "earning Outcome# Students 0ill understand !o0 brand e7uit+ or *alue gets created. 9o0 marketers can trace t!e *alue creation 'rocess for t!eir brands to better understand t!e financial im'act of t!eir marketing e#'enditures and in*estments. Session 10 Case - %ndian Premier "eague ?%P"@ 4) Pick an ;PB team and identif+ sources of its brand e7uit+. 6) 5!at does a team contribute to t!e branding of a 'la+er and 0!at does a 'la+er contribute to t!e branding of a team. 8) Contrast t!e situations of a ne0 'la+er *ersus and establis!ed 'la+er and a ne0 team *ersus an establis!ed team. :) 5!at marketing ad*ice 0ould +ou gi*e a ne0 'la+er in c!oosing a team and 0!at ad*ice 0ould +ou gi*e an e#'ansion team in 'icking 'la+ers. +eference +eading# /eller, C!s D &aker Da*id & , Managing Brand "7uit+ "earning Outcome# Students 0ill learn !o0 different as'ects of brand a0areness and brand image can lead to differential customer res'onse making u' brand e7uit+. 9o0 0e can isolate 'erce'tions and assess t!em in greater detail. Session 11 Measuring Brand ),uit/ -2


2aking t!e discussion of session A for0ard, 0e 0ill discuss t!e 0a+s to measure t!e benefits or outcomes of brand e7uit+. 5e 0ill also discuss t!e general guidelines for creating and detecting .%; from branding acti*ities. +eference +eading# /eller, C!s A, 4= &aker Da*id & , Managing Brand "7uit+ Learning Outcome: $tudents %i&& understand t'e i()*rtan+e *, using (u&ti)&e (easures and resear+' (et'*ds t* +a)ture t'e ri+'ness and +*()&e-ity *, .rand equity/ A&s* '*% as (arketers t'ey +an (a-i(i0e t'e )*tentia& va&ue *, a .rand a++*rding t* t'e ty)e and nature *, t'eir (arketing a+tivities/ Session 12 Guest "ecture & brand manager 0ill be in*ited to gi*e a lecture to students on t!e 'ractical as'ects of a brand and 0!at all entails t!e 1ob of a brand manager. Session 19 Brand e0tensions6 co-branding and brand architecture 5e 0ill consider issues related to branding strategies and !o0 to ma#imi(e branding e7uit+ across all t!e different brands and 'roducts t!e firm mig!t sell. +eference +eading# /eller, C!s 44,46 "earning Outcome# & ke+ as'ect of managing brand e7uit+ is t!e 'ro'er branding strateg+. Students 0ill understand !o0 t!e+ s!ould de*elo' a branding strateg+ for a firm and 0!ic! brand elements can be a''lied across t!e *arious 'roducts t!at t!e firm sells. Session 14 Case 4 '..le


4) 2!e branding of i b+ &''le as in iMac, iP!one, iPod etc !as been !ugel+ successful. 9o0 im'ortant is Gi) to &''le)s branding effort. 6) .e'ort ot!er e#am'les from ot!er industries, 0!ere indi*idual letters !a*e been branded. 8) Does t!e iP!one come 0it! an+ in!erited brand e7uit+ or does it !a*e to build brand e7uit+ from scratc!. :) 5!+ are 'eo'le read+ to s!ell out H4== from a com'an+ 0it! no 're*ious e#'erience in t!e industr+E +eference +eading# /eller, C!s 44,46 "earning Outcome# Students 0ill understand 0!+ firms link an+ one brand element to multi'le 'roductsE 2!e+ 0ill also get an understanding of t!e 'rinci'le of commonalit+ 0!ic! states t!at t!e more common brand elements 'roducts s!are, t!e stronger t!e linkages bet0een t!e 'roducts. Session 1: Managing brands o er time Marketing en*ironment 0ill continue to e*ol*e and c!ange, often in *er+ significant 0a+s. S!ifts in consumer be!a*iour, com'etiti*e strategies, go*ernment regulations, and ot!er as'ects of t!e marketing en*ironment can 'rofoundl+ affect t!e fortunes of a brand. +eference +eading# /eller, C!s 48 "earning Outcome# Students 0ill understand 0!+ marketers must acti*el+ manage brand e7uit+ o*er time b+ reinforcing t!e brand meaning and if necessar+ b+ making ad1ustments to t!e marketing 'rogram to identif+ ne0 sources of brand e7uit+. Session 1; Case 4 'irtel and 7odafone 4) ;n*estigate t!e branding strategies of t!ese com'anies 12

6) 9o0 is eac! 'ositioned 8) ;n*estigate t!e re branding strategies of bot! t!e brands :) 2o 0!at e#tent are t!ese t0o mobile ser*ice brands differentiatedE 9o0 is differentiation ac!ie*ed in t!is businessE +eference +eading# /eller, C!s 48 "earning Outcome# Students 0ill understand 0!+ brands go t!roug! rebranding and different 'ossible brand re*itali(ation strategies t!at can be ado'ted to maintain and gro0 t!e brand e7uit+. Session 1< Global Brands 5e 0ill look into t!e brand management issues o*er regional, demogra'!ic and cultural market segments. 5e 0ill also consider t!e broader issues in de*elo'ing a global brand strateg+ and look at t!e some of t!e 'ros and cons of de*elo'ing a standard global marketing 'rogram. +eference +eading# /eller, C!s 4: "earning Outcome# Students 0ill understand t!e s'ecific and strategic and tactical issues in building global consumer based brand e7uit+. 2!e+ 0ill also get an insig!t into t!e international issues of global branding strategies Session 1= Case 4 Mc*onalds 4) &ssess t!e e#tent to 0!ic! t!e brand is marketed on a standardi(ed *ersus customi(ed basis. 6) ;n ;ndian conte#t !o0 !as Mc Donald ado'ted t!e I2!ink global act localJ 'olic+. 8) Contrast Coca-Cola)s and McDonald)s global branding strategies. 9o0 are t!e+ similar and !o0 are t!e+ differentE 5!+ t!e+ are so 0ell res'ectedE 13

+eference +eading# /eller, C!s 4: "earning Outcome# Students 0ill understand t!e ad*antages and disad*antages of a global marketing strateg+. 9o0 com'anies !a*e successfull+ blended standardisation and customisation. Session 1> 5 20 Closing Obser ations 5e 0ill re*ie0 t!e CBB" frame0ork, !ig!lig!t and summari(e success factors for branding . 5e also discuss t!e t!reat t!at a firm faces from 'ri*ate label brands and generics. +eference +eading# /eller, C!s 4< "earning Outcome# Students 0ill be able to re*ise t!e *arious branding conce'ts t!at 0ere co*ered in t!e 're*ious sessions. "ac! branding situation is uni7ue and re7uires careful scrutin+ and anal+sis of !o0 best to a''l+ to *arious recommendations and guidelines t!at 0e co*ered in t!e 're*ious sessions.

Session 21 5 22 'd Mad Com.etition Session 29 5 24 )nd &erm )0am 'ssessments# S$( o 4 6 Parameter &d Mad (team based) "nd 2erm 2eightage <=K <=K


'd mad# Students are re7uired to form a grou' of <. "ac! grou' 0ill be allotted a 'roduct. 2!e grou' !as to brand t!e 'roduct and 0ork out on an ad*ertisement around t!at.

'd Mad 'SS)SSM)(& +AB+%CS S (o Criteria Mar-s 4 Brand name decided b+ t!e < 6 8 grou' (grou' marks) Content of ad (grou' marks) < 2!e 7ualit+ of deli*er+ of student < (indi*idual marks)


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