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The PROUT Companion

The PROUT Companion

The PROUT Companion

An edited, updated and illustrated version of PROUT Giita,
originally written by Ac. Raghunath Prasad

Proutist Universal

The PROUT Companion

The PROUT Companion Edited and published by Proutist Universal Global Office Platanvej 30 !"#$%$0 &rederi'sber( C !enmar' ) Proutist Universal *0$0 PROUT Giita +y ,carya Ra(hunath Prasad Published by Proutist Universal ! -$ .outh E/tension 0e1 !elhi 2ndia ) Proutist Universal $34%

The PROUT Companion

The PROUT Companion

PROUT !iita"
A short discussion on the Progressive Utilization Theory (PROUT), the socioeconomic theory ro ounded !y P"R" #ar$ar, the seer hiloso her o% our time"


The PROUT Companion

Pu!lisher's (ore)ord""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""* Pre%ace""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""+ This ,ra -eeds PROUT"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""12 PROUT. The (ive (undamental Princi les"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""1* The (our As ects"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""2/ Philoso hy""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""30 Theory o% 1istory"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""32 ,conomic As ects""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""3& 4ndustrial olicy"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""32 Agricultural Policy""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""*3 Political #ystem"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""** ,ternal #ong o% the Proutists""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""2* Postscri t. Acarya Raghunath Prasad""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""22

The PROUT Companion

Publisher's Foreword
On August 3, 1+2/, Prout's %ounder P"R" #ar$ar )as released %rom im risonment in 4ndia, the cases against him 5uashed" (or nearly seven years, in harro)ing conditions, he had !een $e t in custody on %alse charges !y the 4ndian authorities" According to the 0ation 5aster Encyclopedia. 6y the early 1+20s the government o% 7est 6engal %elt the social activism o% #ar$ar's organization had !ecome a threat to their im orted materialist ideology o% 8ar9ism as )ell as undermining the o)er !ase o% the :ommunist arty, )hich sought its su ort among the oor" As a result, Ananda 8arga )as !anned and its mem!ers came under o%ten %ierce attac$s !y 8ar9ist organized mo!s )here!y many mon$s and nuns )ere $illed" #ar$ar )as im risoned on trum ed u charges, o% having cons ired to $ill his %ormer disci les" The central government o% 4ndira ;andhi and the :64 su orted the !ans and charges and !ecame active in s reading corro!orating in%ormation a!out him and his movement internationally" Only a%ter 4ndira ;andhi and her :ongress Party had !een voted out o% o%%ice in 1+22 )as there a retrial" A%ter #ar$ar )as cleared o% the charges, he )as released %rom rison in 1+2/" At the outset o% his seven years o% im risonment #ar$ar )as allegedly oisoned !y the rison doctor !ut lived" (rom then on he too$ to %asting, and su!sisted only on hal% a cu o% !utter mil$ t)ice a day" <ue to the oisoning, long=term %asting and restricted movement, his health deteriorated" <es ite that, he remained active romoting his mission until his death, %rom a series o% heart attac$s at his residence in :alcutta, on Octo!er 20, 1++0" (#ource. )))"statemaster"com>encyclo edia>P"R"=#ar$ar) *

The PROUT Companion

P6R6 .ar'ar 7$3*$#308 in the mid to late $390s 7left8 around the time he propounded Prout and after his release from jail in $34%6

#hortly !e%ore #ar$ar's release thousands o% 4ndian Proutists had also !een released %rom years in ?ail %ollo)ing the end o% the nation=)ide emergency" A main o!?ective o% the concocted cases against #ar$ar as )ell as o% the state o% emergency had !een to crush the PROUT movement in 4ndia" 7ith rene)ed enthusiasm and %ervor this movement no) launched a %lourish o% rograms and activities in 4ndia and around the )orld" 4n the same year (1+2/) Proutist Universal 4ndia u!lished a small s5uare !oo$, 10910 cm2, 1*2 ages long, on the Progressive Utilization Theory (PROUT)" A s)asti$a, the ancient sym!ol o% s iritual victory, in )hite adorned the !right orange %ront cover !eneath the !oo$'s title PROUT Giita" The !oo$'s considera!le oc$et=%riendliness and its com act delivery o% the %undamentals o% PROUT soon accorded it status 2

The PROUT Companion

as a ready com anion and handy re%erence %or students and cadres o% PROUT" U on reading PROUT ;iita some 30 years later )e decided to revise the te9t" #ome some)hat la!yrinthine %ormulations in the original have !een modernized and sim li%ied" O!vious mis rints and sentences %ound )anting have !een re aired" 1istorical re%erences )ith little current value have !een revised, either !y !eing u dated or deleted" A %e) o% the !asic conce ts have !een e9 anded u on %or sa$e o% clarity" #tated %acts and 5uotes have !een su orted )ith sources laced in %ootnotes" A %e) illustrations )ere also ut in" Along )e %ound that %or a )ider glo!al audience a ne) title )ould !e in order, )hich !ecame The PROUT Companion" 4n this )ay )e thought it Proutistic to do our !it to advance this authentic te9t %urther along history's magni%icent ath" 6y our hum!le e%%ort )e ho e to o%%er resent generations o% routists an o ortunity to e9 erience and learn %rom the early, signi%icant contri!ution and intent o% one o% the %irst routists )ho used to receive in%ormation and teachings on PROUT directly %rom #ar$ar" 4t is )ith dee res ect and gratitude that )e dedicate this hum!le e%%ort to the %ond memory o% the late Acarya Raghunath Prasad, a ioneering PROUT thin$er and dedicated disci le o% #ar$ar" The Pu!lishers :o enhagen 8arch 13, 2010

The PROUT Companion

@i$e all human !eings, social thin$ers too are e9 onents o% their times and o% articular concerns" The environment and conditions they live in certainly in%luence their reasoning" As the una!ated march o% time continues, circumstances are altered and changes suggested !y those thin$ers are gradually made o!solete" 8oreover, an only artial realization o% human ersonality, ho)ever so histicated or em!ellished !y rhetoric, has little, i% any, o)er o% sustenance in a )orld o% ra id sychic develo ment" 4t is there%ore hardly sur rising that )hen artisans o% such rigid, )ea$ hiloso hies ventured to materialize their theoretical dogmas, it led to slavery, e9 loitation, !igotry and s iritual !an$ru tcy" 7herever such develo ments too$ root, it 5uite naturally resulted in tremendous reactions" @et us !rie%ly loo$ at some e9am les %rom recent history" 1egel1, stee ed in meta hysical e9travaganza, conceived in his deli!erations on li%e o% a uto ian A4deaB" At the same time he assumed the role o% loyal servant o% the Prussian #tate 2 and glori%ied it. AThe #tate is the earthly e9 ression o% the <ivine 4dea,B and. AThe #tate is the 4dea o% the # irit in the e9ternal mani%estation o% human )ill and its %reedom"B To 1egel the authoritarian government )as the ersoni%ication o% the

;"7"(" 1egel (1220=1/31), hiloso her and one o% the ;erman 4dealism" 1is historicist and idealist account o% the revolutionized ,uro ean hiloso hy and )as an im ortant continental hiloso hy" (#ource. 7i$i edia) At its ea$ during the 1/th and 1+th centuries Prussia )as state o% the great ;erman ,m ire"

creators o% total reality recursor to the leading

The PROUT Companion

A!solute" 1is o onents called him Athe o%%icial hiloso herB and they may not have !een un%air in saying so" 1egel's dei%ication o% the state )as emulated !y 1itler )ho attem ted to trans%orm the collective into a tem le %or the adoration o% myths o% his eo le's racial and economic su remacy" 7orld 7ar 2 history a!ounds in evidence o% the torture and su%%ering !rought on humanity !y this tragic devolution" 1egelian conce ts %ermented in 8ar9ist theory as )ell to cause the emergence o% a monstrous state dictatorshi " The era %ollo)ing the industrial revolution )as one o% emerging ca italism o%%ering ros ects o% economic a%%luence and e9 anded vistas o% material leasure" ,conomic motivation as an as iration and ins iration )as rationalized !y Adam #mith" The social mentality had gro)n economy=oriented, es ecially in 7estern ,uro e and most o% all in ,ngland )here Carl 8ar9 educated himsel% %or a ne) thin$ing" Preeminently o% an economic ersuasion, shoc$ed !y the e9 loitation and the de lora!le conditions o% la!or, and %ond o% history 8ar9 inter reted the emerging industrial civilization as the natural result o% class struggle" A lying 1egelian dialectics to his o)n analysis o% history 8ar9 roclaimed that the entire human history )as one o% Aclass struggle"B 4n his version o% totalitarian uto ia, economic %orce )as the determining %actor that steered eo le to)ards classlessness" The thin$er in 8ar9 remained im ossi!ly anti= middle=class and re%used to incor orate any %iner and higher human sentiments into the ho es %or heaven on ,arth" Perched on materialist dogmas and heavy on %antastic claims o% roletarian as iration 8ar9' insu!stantial conce t o% )or$ing 10

The PROUT Companion

class dictatorshi never !ecame a reality" -evertheless, as an anti ode to ca italist thought 8ar9ism too$ %irm root and )as a!le to create mass illusions such as. A4t is economic circumstances that create consciousness,B and A(rom everyone according to ca acity to everyone according to need"B 4n the communist countries human !eings remained economically enslaved !y a theory o% economic determinism" 7ith time a dee ening understanding o% 8ar9ism's im ossi!le amalgamation o% the roletarian and rogress !egan to trans%orm the idea o% the economic !eing into sychic !eing along )ith the latter's mani%estations o% su!tler sentiments" 1uman society today needs a ne) social hiloso hy a!le to guide its emerging sychic !eing to)ards a still higher sycho= s iritual state" 4t %urther needs to smoothly ad?ust that lo%ty state o% !eing )ith an ever=changing sycho=s iritual order com rising )ithin itsel% s iritual, economic, olitical and the other as ects o% a rogressive society"


The PROUT Companion

This Era Needs PROUT

Ours is an era o% sychic e9 ansion )ith immense otentialities and tremendous achievements" The 1+th century and the early art o% the 20th sa) an economic !earing dominated !y matter and material %orces" 8ar9 )as the visionary ro het o% this ne) religion )hile <ar)in ro agated his Ori(in of .pecies in )hich the !iology o% cells redominated" The 1+th century )as the century o% matter and !iology motivating materialistic tendencies" The 20th century )as an era o% )orld )ars and ca italist glo!alism" The materialist vie) o% li%e )as indeed a reaction against idealist thin$ing" (rom Cant to #chelling 3, hiloso hers had tried to $ee a generation AA!solute=into9icatedB" According to Cant the A!solute, noumenon )as conceiva!le !ut not $no)a!le" The su!tlest human intelligence could not go !eyond phenomenon and reality could never !e e9 erienced" -oumenon )as a myth and those hiloso hers )ere indeed a!le to $ee a generation under the s ell o% this mysterious entity" A reaction !ecame inevita!le" The naturalist and realist ideas o% <ar)in, 8ar9 and # encer& !ecame easily acce ta!le during the reaction against the Amythical a!stractB" 6ut a reaction can only !e an antithesis and a assing henomenon" #o )ere the theories o% those thin$ers" <evelo ed means o% communication had !rought ,uro ean thought into contact )ith 4ndian conce ts" 4n addition science


4mmanuel Cant and (riedrich #chelling, seminal ;erman hiloso hers, Cant a rationalist, #chelling an idealist" 1er!ert # encer, 1+th century 6ritish evolutionary hiloso her"


The PROUT Companion

had its o)n im act" ,instein conceived o% a %ourth dimension, the dimension o% time, )hich )as a mental conce tD the mental measurement o% motivity3 o% action" To him the o!?ective )orld )as a As ace=time continuumB" The old conce ts o% science thus )ent through revolutionary changes once again" #u!tle scienti%ic achievements had ena!led ,ddington to esta!lish that e9act science )as only $no)ledge o% ointer= reading on instruments" The scientists o% the time )ent on and )e soon %ind ,ddington and Eeans* declaring em hatically that Athe ultimate nature o% the universe is mental,B and that Athe direct $no)ledge )e ossess is the $no)ledge o% mental states"B They %urther esta!lished that A#een %rom the outside, as it )ere a living train, the universe is a collection o% molecules in movement" ,9 erienced %rom inside it is a collection o% mental states" The %irst vie) gives us $no)ledge o% structure" The second vie) gives us $no)ledge o% nature or su!stance"B The dee thin$ers o% science )ere advancing, inch=!y=inch, to)ards the su!tler as ects o% the :osmic henomenon" Physicists and astro hysicists )ere a roaching !oth the internal as ects o% atom and electron, and o% the mind and consciousness" AThe succession o% %eelings )hich constitutes a erson's consciousness is the reality )hich roduces in our minds the erce tion o% the motions o% that erson's !rain,B Eeans stated" To him the universe )as a thought in the mind o%
3 *

8otivity is the o)er o% initiating or roducing motion" #ir Arthur #" ,ddington and #ir Eames 1" Eeans, 6ritish astroscientists o% the early 20th century )hose methodological de!ate made theoretical astro hysics via!le" #ource. B#o #im le a Thing as a #tar. The ,ddington=Eeans <e!ate over Astro hysical PhenomenologyB, 8atthe) #tanley, The +ritish :ournal for the ;istory of .cience , Fol" &0, -o" 1 (8ar", 2002), " 33=/2"


The PROUT Companion

;od" ,ddington and #chrodinger2 thought that determinism should !e de%initely a!andoned, since in the motions o% single atoms and electrons there seems to !e an element o% %ree )ill" To these scientists, evolution o% the :osmic henomenon a eared to !e a :osmic lay and the human !eing can only lay a conscious art in the divine game !ut not really a%%ect it in a %undamental )ay" There is a tremendous ins irational a eal in this, )hich this era continues to a!sor! %or its %or)ard march" 4n this rocess the emerging sychic !eing attained tremendous intellectual o)ers )ith )hich it has con5uered still ne) %orces o% nature, reaching out into the universe, controlling !io=genetic rocesses, etc" 1o)ever, intellect e9erts o)er !ut o)er is !lind" 4t needs )isdom to rovide it )ith a ro er direction" :osmic orientation, or s iritual guidance, is that guiding )isdom indicated !y the su!tler thin$ers o% science" The Progressive Utilization Theory (PROUT) is a ha y !lending o% that s iritual )isdom )ith hysical attainments, or Asu!?ective a roach )ith o!?ective ad?ustment"B The %ive %undamental rinci les o% PROUT, detailed in the ne9t cha ter, teach us to !uild a social order devoid o% all ty es o% e9 loitation" They %ormulate the rogressive develo ment o% meta hysical, su ra=mundane and s iritual otentialities o% the individual as )ell as o% collective !odies" 4n this )ay human society may roceed touch the silver lining !et)een the meta hysical and the s iritual"

,r)in #chrGdinger, Austrian theoretical 5uantum mechanics"

hysicist, contri!utor to


The PROUT Companion

Until no) the achievements o% science and technology, agriculture and industry may have !rought a%%luence, and even great )ealth, to some" 6ut in a%%luence )e su%%er" 4nstead o% going in the direction o% a ro er human order )e are %ighting on the geo= olitical level ?ust li$e ancient humans living in rimitive clans used to %ight and har!or re?udice against other clans" 7ea ons o% )ar have changed !ut the motive remains the same" To !uild an e9 loitation=%ree economic= olitical order and motivate that order to realize its ideals, a radical social hiloso hy o% ne) s iritual humanism is re5uired" PROUT is that social ro elling trends" hiloso hy !esto)ed )ith su!lime


The PROUT Companion

PROUT: The Five Fundamental Principles

Q. Why is it called Progressive Utilization Theory? Our universe is a :osmic ro?ection" The :osmic One is the :reator" 1ence the %inal o)nershi o% every o!?ect lies )ith #u reme :onsciousness, our :osmic %ather" 7e, as the children o% the #u reme Progenitor, are all entitled to utilize the ro erties o% the entire universe as our common atrimony" As limited living !eings in an ever=changing )orld each one o% us is more or less constricted in our outloo$ and in our a!ility to deal )ith the universe and our society" At the same time )e are in need o% sustaining our individual and collective e9istence" There%ore )e have a constant motivation to rogress and develo in order to realize still more o% the universe and its )ealth" 1ence ours is the theory o% rogressive utilization" Q. Is this concept of Supreme Consciousness a sentimental ideal or an e isting entity to !hom o!nership may "e attri"uted? 1uman !eings are sycho=sentimental entities" 7e cannot conceive o% a erson )ithout sentiments" 4t is a articular sentimental com osition that causes us to e9 erience leasure or ain in articular circumstances, and also ena!les us to er%orm acts o% trivial and e9traordinary natures" #entimental o!sessions are o)er%ul motivating %orces !ehind economic attachments and hoarding" An urge to accumulate more and 1*

The PROUT Companion

more economic o)er results in economic e9 loitation" This is the e9 loiter's sychic disease" The su!tle and su!lime sentiment o% the #u reme (ather, :osmic %amily and common atrimony )ill motivate human !eings to)ards collective good and $ee them %rom develo ing %alse notions o% o)nershi and conse5uent e9 loitation" 8oreover, the attri!ution o% o)nershi to #u reme :onsciousness is a %actual statement !ased on rational deduction and s iritual realization" (indings o% science s ea$ o% a nucleus in every structure" One cannot imagine a structure )ithout a nucleus, )hether it is the atomic structure or the solar system" The cosmological structure, com rising innumera!le gala9ies must there%ore also have a nucleus, )hich s iritualists call #u reme :onsciousness" According to scienti%ic e9 lanations given !y s iritual cosmology, #u reme :onsciousness is the causal %actor o% the eternal dynamism o% the cosmological structure in the %orm o% centri%ugal and centri etal %orces" 8oreover the %ive %undamental %actors o% the hysical universe H ethereal, aerial, luminous, li5uid and solid H are the crude mani%estations o% the same #u reme :onsciousness" These %ive states o% matter are the creation o% #u reme :onsciousness out o% )hich all other materials are made !y human !eings" The resence o% the )ill o% a conscious entity, the )ill o% #u reme :onsciousness, in the :osmic henomenon is gaining acce tance !y hysicists" These hysicists strongly contend that the role o% determinism in hysical henomenon can !e ruled out most ro!a!ly as inde endent )ill o)er a arently lays a de%inite role in the :osmic henomenon"


The PROUT Companion

# iritualists o%%er to teach a sychological method )here!y every individual can erceive and e9 erience the e9istence and %unctioning o% #u reme :onsciousness" 6y devoting some time and ersonal resources to inner )or$ on a regular !asis, through Acertain e9 eriments in our inner la!oratory,B human !eings can easily realize the time=tested truth o% great masters and modern science. 7e are art o% the 7hole, )e are the 7hole" This is the #u reme Truth and the essence o% #u reme :onsciousness The conce t that the o)nershi o% all things lies )ith #u reme :onsciousness is there%ore a scienti%ic %act as )ell as a su!lime sentiment" This otent reality )ill revolutionize the )hole conce t o% social hiloso hy in a )ay hitherto not conceived o% !y any social thin$er" PROUT acce ts this as its %undamental conce t" Q. What are the fundamental principles of P#$UT? PROUT has %ive %undamental rinci les %rom )hich all olicies concerning human society are to !e derived" Policies o% utilization )ill go on changing rogressively !ut not these %undamentals. 1" -o individual should !e allo)ed to accumulate any hysical )ealth )ithout the clear ermission or a roval o% the collective !ody" 2" There should !e ma9imum utilization and rational distri!ution o% all mundane, su ra=mundane and s iritual otentialities o% human society" 3" There should !e ma9imum utilization o% hysical, meta hysical and s iritual otentialities o% unit and collective !odies o% human society" 1/

The PROUT Companion

&" There should !e ro er ad?ustment amongst those hysical, meta hysical, mundane, su ra=mundane and s iritual utilizations" 3" The method o% utilization should vary in accordance )ith the changes in time, s ace and erson and the utilization should !e o% rogressive nature" Q. %ccording to its first fundamental principle& P#$UT allo!s accumulation "ut curtails it. Why? Accumulation is a natural urge inherent in human !eings" A com lete !an on that inherent sychic urge leads to social tension and may even cause crac$s in the socio olitical setu " As a matter o% %act, it )as so e9 erienced in some communist countries" There, to counteract this natural urge under the nic$names o% su!version, revision, diversion, etc", concerned autocratic regimes resorted to dictatorial and re ressive measures in the name o% revolutions" Iet tensions (as reactions to re ression) continued to eru t until communism %inally %ell" PROUT allo)s accumulation as ermitted !y the collective !ody (see !elo) a!out the collective !ody)" Q. Why curtailment? The entire universe is every!ody's ?oint ro erty" All have the same right o% use, i"e" right to en?oy and utilize the roducts o% a ro erty that he or she does not really o)n" The actual o)nershi lies )ith the #u reme" #ince the resources o% the universe, ho)ever vast they may !e, are in %act %inite, no one has the right to a!use them" Those )ho accumulate very much )ealth and hoard it directly curtail the ha iness and conveniences o% others" Their !ehavior is %lagrantly antisocial" 6ecause all hysical )ealth is limited its accumulation cannot 1+

The PROUT Companion

!e allo)ed !eyond a certain limit )ithout commendation o% society" 8oreover, the nature o% the social, educational, economic and other olicies that )ill !e chal$ed out in a Proutistic society is such that the urge to accumulate hysical )ealth )ill )ane as a conse5uence" Q. What is the collective "ody and !hat !ill "e the difference "et!een it and the elected government? The collective !ody is the re resentation o% society at any level, such as the village, regional or glo!al level, !y individuals )ho !y dint o% their s iritual=ethical a roach, service and sacri%ice are in intimate touch )ith the eo le's as irations and their collective good" These collective !odies )ill not %unction li$e olitical arties clamoring and gam!ling %or o)er" @ust %or olitical o)er ma$es olitical leaders degenerate into demagogic o ulists, and demagoguery ma$es democracy degenerate into dictatorshi " Q. Why is there a need for collective "odies? %re the present institutions of government not capa"le of "ringing the all'round development of society? 4% the human !ody is a vehicle, then the human mind is its driver and the mental ro ensities o% most o% us are li$e untamed horses ulling the vehicle hither and tither" 7ithout mental control human !eings are slave to their ro ensities" 4n order to contain those untamed horses a conscious and determined e%%ort is needed to turn their course in)ard" Other)ise they )ill drag us into a )ild race o% e9trovert desires and am!itions that )ill eventually harm !oth us as )ell as our %ello) !eings" 20

The PROUT Companion

The develo ment o% a !alanced ersonality is ossi!le through ethical o!servation and s iritual ractices" A erson no matter ho) intellectually elevated cannot raise him= or hersel% a!ove mundane desires and sel%ish motivations i% he or she remains )ithout a moral com ass and regular s iritual ractice" <evoid o% any such guidance he or she )ill not remain a!ove corru tion, either mental or hysical" 1ence there is a need %or ersonalities H a!ove sel% aggrandizement, desire and am!ition H to guide and su ervise not only individuals !ut society's a%%airs, too" As no single erson o% even such grand stature can !e a sure guarantee against do)n%all, PROUT suggests the conce t o% collective !odies at all levels" This system )ill lay a )atchdog %unction over local and regional governments all the )ay u to the su reme collective !ody at the )orld government level" 1uman history has roven the necessity o% a )ell=integrated collective !ody" 4% there had !een such elevated collective !odies in all countries, the )orld could )ell have !een saved %rom severe torture, !rutality, horrors, e9ile and de ortation" 8illions o% innocent citizens could have !een s ared the mischie% and violations o% their rivacy !y the :4A, C;6, :64 and innumera!le other secret olice agencies" -o ar!itrary rule or state o% emergency could have !een declared any)here !y o)er=giddy usur ers to ma$e the la)%ul institutions o% a nation su!servient to the rule o% !rutality" A structure is essential, com osed o% %earless, courageous, im artial and a!ove all unsel%ish ersons )ho can $ee the a%orementioned !easts o% destructive sel%ishness in chec$ and under control" (or these reasons the resent olitical institutions in all sha es and %orms are inca a!le o% e%%ecting all=round rogress o% 21

The PROUT Companion

human society" They remain )holly unrelia!le )hen it comes to not utting their interests a!ove the common good" PROUT conceives o% the emergence o% the collective !odies throughout a net)or$ o% civil society=!ased institutions dedicated to sel%less service and the collective good" The emergence o% such !enevolent collective !odies as lat%orms o% genuine, !eloved leaders o% the eo le )ill !e the natural conse5uence o% sycho=social churning" The governing !odies on the other hand as elected institutions )ill continue to determine the mode and method o% utilizations ( ro ounded in PROUT's %irst %our %undamental rinci les) and ull them into action H under the surveillance and moral authority o% the collective !odies" 4n this )ay PROUT di%%erentiates clearly !et)een the t)o" Q. What is meant "y ma imum utilization and rational distri"ution of mundane& supra'mundane and spiritual potentialities? 7hatever )ealth and resources are inherent in the crude (mundane), su!tle (su ra=mundane) and causal (s iritual) )orlds should !e develo ed and used %or the !ene%it o% all unites" The develo ment o% the resources hidden in the %ive %undamental elements, i"e" solid, li5uid, luminous, aerial and ethereal (s ace), )ill !e accom lished through the media o% 100 J honest use and sincere e%%orts" 1uman !eings )ill have to e9 lore land, sea and s ace in all earnestness to discover and utilize the re5uisite materials" #cience and technology are to !e evolved accordingly" 4n the evolution o% the use o% thermal o)er )e are moving on in our e9 loration o% the usage o% solar, ocean and )ind energy and this utilization )ill have to gro) more and more rogressive"


The PROUT Companion

4n the su ra=mundane s heres, too, human !eings )ill continue to e9 lore the cultural, ethical and intellectual otentialities o% the universe" 4n5uiries and advancements into su!tler realms )ill continue as human !eings get to understand more o% the role o% the mental and sycho=s iritual in all human a%%airs" The )ealth e9 lored and amassed !y human society in this )ay must !e rationally distri!uted )ith ro er ad?ustment and consideration" A art %rom meeting the indis ensa!le minimum necessities o% everyone, re5uirements o% the meritorious )ill !e $e t in mind" 4n this )ay there )ill !e harmony !et)een availa!ility and necessity, e%%ecting congruous gro)th )ithin and among the various sections o% society" Q. What is meant "y ma imum utilization of physical& metaphysical and spiritual potentialities of the unit and the collective "ody of human society? The develo ment and utilization o% the collective !ody, collective mind and collective s iritual !earing have to !e e%%ected" The collective good lies in the good o% individuals )hile the individual good lies in that o% the collectivity" 4n order to !ene%it the collective !ody, its individuals )ill !e rovided )ith hysical essentials and amenities on strength o% their urchasing o)er earned in em loyment" PROUT's )ise em loyment and earning olicies )ill secure the o timal develo ment o% the hysical otential o% the individual" A ro er sense o% collective and cor orate li%e H a sense o% service and sacri%ice !eyond education H )ill evolve and develo the meta hysical as ect o% individuality and conse5uently the collective mind"


The PROUT Companion

A)a$ening o% s irituality and ethical drive in individuals )ill instill the collective )ith s iritual and moral values )ithout )hich the !ac$!one o% the collectivity )ould !rea$" One or t)o o)er%ul, learned or )ise ersons, or one or t)o s iritualists are no guarantee %or advancement and rogress o% the )hole society" -or can they create that hysico= sycho= s iritual stance !y )hich those three=%old otentialities o% the unit and collective !odies )ill get their ma9imum develo ment and utilization" The mind and sel% o% every individual have the otential %or limitless e9 ansion and develo ment" That otentiality has got to !e harnessed and !rought to %ruition" Only then can 5ualitative change ta$e lace and )e )ill see a human society %ree %rom e9 loitation, distrust and discord" Q. What does P#$UT imply "y propounding that there should "e a proper ad(ustment amongst the physical& metaphysical& mundane& supramundane and spiritual utilizations? The social and s iritual ursuits o% an individual should !e !alanced so that harmony is maintained among his or her hysical, mental and s iritual as ects" The lac$ o% ad?ustment among these inherent %actors o% human !eings results in lo sided develo ment o% !oth ersons and societies" The numerous instances o% material gro)th leading to indisci line and %rustration in the 7est and neglect o% such at the altar o% ritualism and dogmatic religion in the ,ast s ea$ %or themselves" The dread%ul result o% the removal o% ancient ma9ims o% divine authority under communist rule H its crude inhumanity H roved )ell the im ortance o% ro er all=round ad?ustment" 4% the mentors o% those societies had realized this much, human society could have !een saved %rom !loodshed


The PROUT Companion

and horrors )rought and carried out only %or the sa$e o% the material and the hysical evolution o% society" The la) o% ad?ustment and arallelism %urther sti ulates that )hile involving a erson )ho is hysically, mentally and s iritually develo ed, society )ill %ollo) a )ell=!alanced olicy o% e5uity and %air lay" #ociety )ill utilize the su!tlest otentiality, the s iritual, to its ma9imum, and the cruder s aringly" #imilarly, in case o% a erson )ho is hysically and mentally develo ed, the latter otentiality is to !e utilized the most" #ociety )ill utilize the hysical otentiality more in a erson )ho is mostly hysically develo ed" The same goes %or entire societiesD they di%%er too, ?ust as individuals do as regards the three=%old otentialities H hysical, mental and s iritual" 7hen an individual ossesses mostly !aser otentialities, there )ill !e an endeavor to instil in him or her the su!tler otentialities through education, s iritual teaching and conducive com any" Q. Under !hose control and guidance can society achieve ma imum development of the utilizations and ad(ustment among them? #ocial control should !e in the hands o% s iritual as irants )ho are intelligent as )ell as !old" 4t should not !e in the hands o% those )ho are only !ra)ny or those )ho are only !rave, or those )ho are only smart or intelligent, or those )ho are only )orldly=)ise" Only courageous, !old and intelligent s iritualists can ma$e society !ring a!out the ma9imum develo ment o% all otentialities and ensure a ha y and !enevolent ad?ustment among those otential utilizations"


The PROUT Companion

Q. What does P#$UT mean "y stating that the utilizations should "e of progressive nature? -othing in the universe is stationary" ,very o!?ect is su!?ect to changes in time, lace and erson" Their value may change !ecause they )ay are !eing used is changing and !ecause the necessities o% li%e continue to change" 7hat )as great yesterday may !e ordinary today and o% no use tomorro)" #imilarly an idea that )as o% no signi%icance yesterday may !e thought rovo$ing today and on every!ody's mind tomorro)" Progress is the $eynote o% e9istence" #tagnation is death" As such one has to !e rogressive in the ractical use o% any o!?ect, any need, any conce t" Cee ing in vie) the idea o% rogress and advancement, )e have to ma$e gradually greater and greater use o% human otentiality" 4% a machine can do the )or$ that ten men may do )ith hammers so let it, and let those ten ersons move on to greater utilization o% their active and slum!ering otentials" To romote the use o% tools and a aratus o% an earlier era in that o% a more develo ed one is not a sign o% rogress" #nags and o!stacles o% any size may at any time cro u to o!struct society's rogressive march ro elled !y dynamic ideation and rogressive imagination" #uch o!stacles must !e %aced courageouslyD humanity has to march on and on through clash and cohesion" Those eo le )ho do not understand this !asic truth )ant to remain entom!ed in old conventions and narro) sentiments" #uch tor id ersons have no lace in a dynamic society" 4n %act, their narro) sychic com le9es $ee them a)ay %rom the realities )ith the result that they are com elled to slin$ a)ay and !e doomed to o!livion a%ter having done indescri!a!le harm to human society"


The PROUT Companion

PROUT stands %or increased utilization o% eo le's various resources and not their unem loyment" 4ts roduction olicy is consum tion=oriented and not ro%it=motivated" 7ithin Prout's overarching %rame)or$ o% ma9imum utilization and rational distri!ution it )ill ensure that eo le's individual and collective talents and otentials are continuously a lied %or the ha iness and good o% all, and not %or someone's ro%it"


The PROUT Companion

The Four


<evelo ed social thought ought to !e com rised o% the %ollo)ing %our as ects. hiloso hy, theory o% history, economic theory and olitical thought" Philoso hy is the synthetic inter retation o% cosmology H the origin and evolution o% the entire :osmic henomenon" 4t deals )ith the origin and develo ment o% the s ecies including the human" 4t e9 lains the origin and e9istential osition o% human !eings and ho) they attain :osmic status" Philoso hy teaches the )isdom that ins ires one to move ahead" 4t sho)s the ath to direct one's hysical, meta hysical and s iritual otentialities to)ards the ultimate su!limity" A social hiloso hy that )ould guide and ro el human !eings and their society to)ards su!limity should there%ore have a hiloso hy o% li%e in the true s irit o% the term" A theory o% history should de ict the dynamics o% social order and the %orces res onsi!le %or this dynamism" A gras o% such theory ena!les one to understand the su!tler social %orces o% today and set one on course to !ring a!out ne) history in the right direction %or the good o% human !eings and their society" #ocial hiloso hy must ro?ect a scienti%ic theory o% history" ,conomic develo ment o% society tended !y !enevolent rinci les leads society to achieve a%%luence and individuals to attain economic security" 6esides li!erating human !eings %rom the %ear o% socioeconomic insecurity, it ins ires and ena!les them to evolve and utilize their meta hysical and s iritual otentialities rogressively to their ma9imum" To)ards this


The PROUT Companion

end, the social hiloso hy must have a scienti%ic economic thought" Political motivation !ased on an ideological conce t and a olitical structure in the %orm o% an organization !ased on ethics and virtue are essential %or true socioeconomic develo ment" The domination o% olitical motivation devoid o% the a!ove %actors only roduces 8achiavellian tacticians and o ulists" ,ither o% these corru t the socio olitical structure" 4nstead o% involving eo le in society !uilding in a real )ay, seudo=democrats, socialists and social democrats ollute the sycho=social atmos here !y nurturing evil and narro) emotions" Their goal is to ultimately esta!lish their crony rule or ersonal dictatorshi " The victim is society, su%%ering %rom torture and e9 loitation" To save society %rom such torments and travail and to ensure its ever=gro)ing socioeconomic develo ment, ro er olitical thought is essential" Prout contains all these %our as ects, outlined in the %ollo)ing %our cha ters, o% a )ell=evolved social hiloso hy"


The PROUT Companion

Consciousness is the .upreme subjectivity and all other mundane subjectivities or objectivities are mere blendin(s of the absolute subjectivity6 P"R" #ar$ar/ 2 re(ard consciousness as fundamental6 2 re(ard matter as derivative from consciousness6 <e cannot (et behind consciousness6 Everythin( that 1e tal' about everythin( that 1e re(ard as e/istin( postulates consciousness6 8a9 Plan$+ The nucleus of this Cosmic cycle is indeed the characteristic bearin( of the Consciousness6 The material cause of the entire Cosmic cycle is the Consciousness6 #hrii #hrii Anandamurti10 The problem of a durable and satisfactory social order can only be solved by combinin( the solidity of the Roman Empire 1ith the idealism of .t6 ,u(ustine=s City of God6 To achieve this a ne1 philosophy 1ill be needed6 6ertrand Russell11

Q. What is the specific characteristic of the philosophy of Prout? According to Prout, consciousness is the %undamental material, and matter is the result o% its metamor hosis" 8atter is crudi%ied consciousness"
/ + 10 11

(rom ACosaB, 2dea and 2deolo(y (1+3+), Ananda 8arga Pu!lications" 4ntervie)ed in The Observer, Eanuary 23th, 1+31" ,nanda .utram, 1=&, Ananda 8arga Pu!lications 1+*&" ;istory of <estern Philosophy, 1+&*" ;eorge Allen and Un)in" "313"


The PROUT Companion

Q. )o! does consciousness manifest itself as matter? Pure consciousness is the su!stantiating, )itnessing entity )hile the o erative rinci le (the %orce o% creation) mani%ests the act o% creation" These t)o are inaliena!le concomitant entities ?ust li$e the t)o sides o% a iece o% a er" -one o% them can e9ist )ithout the other" :onsciousness is the )itnessing entity o% )hatever the o erative rinci le creates, ?ust li$e )e are a!le to re%lect on our )orld and its activities" The o erative rinci le creates !y a lying three !inding rinci les. sentient, mutative and static" That )hich gives a ure 4=%eeling is the sentient, )hile that )hich instills a sense o% doershi is the mutative rinci le" 4n the :osmic mind such sentient consciousness e9 resses itsel% in ure A4B=%eeling or intuitional mind. A4 e9ist in all thisKB 8utative consciousness is e9 erienced as ego, the A4B that relates to action, %eelings, ro erties, etc", such as in AmeB and AmineB" A4 did itKB, is one e9 ression o% such egoD A7ithout me it could not have ha enedKB, is another cruder" A still greater im act o% the static rinci le causes the mani%estation o% crude or com lete o!?ectivization o% consciousness" AThis is the crudest o!?ective counter art o% the su!?ective :osmos"B12 This condition o% consciousness is called mind=stu%%" 4t has a %orm, and that )hich causes it to ta$e %orm is the static rinci le o% the %orce o% creation" An e9 ression o% this state o% consciousness )ould !e. AThe stu%% 4 continue to generate gives value to my e9istence"B 1ere crude o!?ects have !ecome more im ortant than !oth the su!tler ego=%eeling or the still much su!tler ure A4B=%eeling"

,nanda .utram, 1=3"


The PROUT Companion

The continued im act o% the static rinci le on :osmic mind= stu%% causes it to undergo %urther crudi%ication" As a result ethereal (s atial), aerial, luminous, li5uid and solid %actors H the %ive states o% matter H are created as a result o% the gradual crudi%ication o% the :osmic mind" To conclude, matter is a crudi%ied %orm o% consciousness under the im act o% the !inding rinci les o% the o erative rinci le (the %orce o% creation)" Q. )o! do unit minds *microcosms+ emerge? As the im act o% the !inding rinci les gro)s stronger and still stronger on the solid %actor (such as in the case o% a iece o% stone) the internal %riction )ithin that crude structure a roaches its ma9imum" The clash or lay o% these %orces is $no)n as o)er or energy" ,very solid o!?ect contains otential vital %orce in the %orm o% their rimal energies" These energies may !e latent or mani%est to various degrees" They are there, in er etual creative e9istence, as a result o% the inter lay !et)een the sentient, mutative and static rinci les" AFital %orce is the eternal game !et)een the cosmic cause and its crudest e%%ect"B13 4n rimal energy t)o determinate %orces are active H one centri etal and one centri%ugal" 6et)een them there is a constant clash )here either o% those t)o active %orces may )in" 4% the in)ard=oriented, interial %orce )ins, i"e" i% the resultant %orce ha ens to !e introvert in character, a nucleus is %ormed )ithin the solid %actor" There!y a solid structure is created" This interial resultant is $no)n as vital energy or vital %orce" 4% the centri etal %orce succeeds ho)ever the structure )ill

(rom 2dea and 2deolo(y (1+3+), A#aincara and PratisaincaraB, Ananda 8arga Pu!lications"


The PROUT Companion

disintegrate or e9 lode, as in the case o% numerous celestial !odies" The mani%estation o% vital %orce de ends on t)o essential conditions" (irstly, the resultant o% vital energy must !e an interial %orce" #econdly, there must !e a congenial environment %or the living structure to emerge" 4n its environment the %ive %undamental %actors o% s ace, air, light, li5uid and solid matter must !e %ound in re5uisite ro ortions and conditions in order %or the structure to come alive" Fital energy is the resultant interial %orce" 7herever and )henever ortions o% a hysical !ody, such as a iece o% stone, gets o)dered do)n as a result o% clash into su!tler %actors, su!tler than all the %ive %undamental %actors, the result is a unit mind, or microcosm" 7ithin a unit structure, its Amind is a chemical reaction o% hysical clash !ut that hysical o!?ect is a creation o% :osmic mind"B1& Under the im act o% hysical clash, sychic clash and attraction o% the ;reat, microcosms evolve and gradually !ecome su!tler and su!tler" 4n evolutionary terms hysical !odies H unicellular and multicellular structures H evolve !ecause the minds in them re5uire a !ody %or their e9 ression and such unit minds al)ays re5uire ne) and more evolved !odies %or their continuous evolution" The state o% evolution o% microcosms reaches a stage )hen the intuitional state H the ure A4B=%eeling H o% microcosms sur asses the ego )hich has already sur assed the cruder o!?ective ortion, i"e" crude matter" Thus intuition gets %ully develo ed and !ecomes at this stage the human mind"

4!id, APratisaincara and 8anahB"


The PROUT Companion

6oth hiloso hically and linguistically13 human !eing im lies a !eing that e9 resses a clearly re%lected consciousness" As such human !eings %orm a s ecies 5ualitatively di%%erent %rom any receding s ecies on the ladder o% evolution" The re=human s ecies are guided !y nature or instinctive im ulses )hereas human !eings have the ca acity to guide their instinctive im ulses" Thus )e see that the e9istence o% hysical o!?ects are the result o% evolutionary rocesses in the :osmic mind, %rom the su!tlest o% the su!tle to)ards the crudest o% the crude" (urthermore, living organisms come into !eing as a result o% internalization o% rimal energy in crude o!?ects so that unit mind=stu%% emerges )ithin elementary organisms" 4n the great :osmic chain created matter comes %rom :osmic consciousness and living !eings come %rom matter as their minds H the essence o% their !eing H emerges out o% solid o!?ects as a result o% the lay o% creative energies there" Things that are alive are there%ore not %irst and %oremost hysical !eings !ut mind !eings" They are in e9istence !ecause they have a mind, ho)ever crude or su!tle that mind may !e" 4n %act, the there is mind in everything" 4n the case o% living !eings this %act is re%lected in he res ective crudeness or su!tlety o% their hysical structure" <ead matter, such as a stone or a iece o% metal, are mani%estations o% :osmic mind, too" 1o)ever, their lac$ o% nervous system ma$es them una!le to e9 ress themselves directly as living things do" #till they are mani%estations o% the same #u reme 6eing, as are all other things in creation !e they dead or living"


5anas (#ans$rit) L mind, manus L man or human !eingD %or instance mensch (;erman)


The PROUT Companion

Q. )o! a"out the "iological evolution of species from amoe"a to human "eing? As already discussed, microcosms evolve under certain conditions" 8ind, according to its stage o% develo ment, needs a hysical medium %or its ro er e9 ression o% the sychic momenta inherent in it" The more the mind is evolved, the more evolved and com le9 a medium it needs" There%ore the cellular com osition o% hysical !odies including the nervous system evolves in tandem )ith the evolution o% mind" The Astruggle %or e9istenceB !ecomes one o% the essential %actors causing hysical and sychic clash %or the very develo ment and evolution o% the microcosm" Through such clash and cohesion, or stress and strain the microcosm evolves %rom the state o% an amoe!a to the com le9 state o% a human !eing" The su!tler the sychic momentum o% microcosm, the more com le9 the cellular com osition o% its hysical !ody" Q. Why can,t it "e said that the cell or the physical "ody is predominant in evolution and not the mind? :ommon e9 erience is the !est ?udge" The develo ment o% medical science has !rought us to conclude that many diseases are sychosomatic" The disease emerges in the mind %irst" 7e also %ind that su!tler thoughts evolve !rain cells, cause secretions %rom higher glands, and change the luster o% %acial e9 ressions, so evident in saintly ersonalities" #u ose a discussion ta$es lace" 7hich is redominant H mental or hysical %acultiesM 7ho )ill ?udgeM Then, )ho is the authorityM 4t is the mind that dominates and the mind )hich is the authority"


The PROUT Companion

The dominant %actor, mind, a%%ects evolution redominantly" The secondary %actor, the hysical, lays a minor role, irres ective o% ho) much that hysical !ody may seem to !e a rime reality to living !eings in moments o% hunger, eating, tension, rela9ation, etc" Q. What are the other -ualitative differences "et!een a human microcosm and other microcosms? As already indicated human mind can guide its o)n instinctive im ulses )hich are sychic momenta carried %or)ard %rom the ast" The lo)er s ecies on the other hand are guided !y their instincts and not !y a %urther develo ed and su!tler mind" 4n human !eings the %uller e9 ression o% intuitional mind roduces su!tler consciousness" They ossess a %ree )ill that li!erate them to either ursue higher and su!lime ursuits o% li%e li$e s iritual ractices, $ee ing themselves engaged in the thought o% the #u reme, or to degenerate into vice, the satis%action o% !aser ro ensities, and the thin$ing o% mean ideas" 1uman mind can realize the reality that all e9ternal o!?ectivities mani%ested in the As ace=time=continuumB are only the mani%estation o% #u reme :onsciousness" This a!solute reality is a su!?ect o% realization only %or human !eings" 4t remains no ?ust an intellectual myth or e9travaganza %or the true see$er" 1aving attained the highest evolutionary state in the :osmic henomenon, human !eings do have a s iritual duty and res onsi!ility to rogressively utilize the mundane, su ramundane, hysical and meta hysical otentialities o% the unit and collective !odies and also to !ring a!out the rational distri!ution o% all otentialities %or the )el%are o% all" 3*

The PROUT Companion

Theor! of "istor!
Q. What is history? 1istory is an e9 ression o% collective sychology" ,very event in the historical henomenon is an e9 ression o% this collective sychology" 6y dint o% a o)er%ul sychic momentum and e9 anded vi!rational )aves a great ersonality or a o)er%ul movement may e9ert a mighty im act on social movements or the collective sychology" The social syche )ould then undergo a change" As a result the collective sychology )ould e9 ress a ne) historical henomenon, o ularly $no)n as historical events" Q. Is collective psychology a psychic myth? If not& !hat factors contri"ute to forming collective psychology? 8ind is not a myth" 4t is a sychic momentum, a real entity, mani%esting itsel% through nervous systems and hysical structures" #imilarly, collective sychology is the collective sychic momenta e9 ressing itsel% in social henomena" #i9 %actors contri!ute to the %ormation o% a collective sychology. 1" # iritual hiloso hy 2" # iritual ractice 3" #ocioeconomic theory &" #ocial outloo$ 3" #cri ture *" Prece tor 32

The PROUT Companion

The strength or )ea$ness o% a social order de ends u on the resence or a!sence o% these %actors in a society" At one time Pro=4slamic Ara!s had a great vital %orce created !y a strong social outloo$, )hich the Persian culture lac$ed" The Persians ho)ever ossessed a higher hiloso hy emanating a su!tler culture" The Ara!s attac$ed Persia and con5uered it !ut )ere themselves ersianized in contact )ith the su!tler Persian culture" 4n their %urther march into 4ndia it )as these ersianized Ara!s )ho came in contact )ith the highly evolved 4ndian culture" This %act is %ound evidently e9 ressed in architectural monuments constructed during the 8uslim rule in 4ndia )here one o!serves a com!ination o% 4ndian and Persian cultures mani%ested in these monuments" 8any such e9am les may !e %ound in the ages o% )orld history de icting the signi%icance o% the si9 %actors or s o$es o% social develo ment" Q. )o! does collective psychology cause social dynamics? 4n our relative )orld nothing is static, everything is dynamic" Figor is the inherent characteristic o% every entity, including the social order, )hich undergoes change ?ust as the dominant sychic momentum or the collective sychology changes" #ocio olitical systems evolve or are trans%ormed to ta$e ne) and ne)er %orms" 4n the same )ay collective sychologies or %undamental social values change" Ta$e %or instance the eriod in history )hen the collective sychology revered the !rave and )arrior=minded" The olitical system o% those days evolved %rom tri!al li%e to %eudalism" :ourt oets sang the raise o% the muscle o% courageous tri!al chie%s and %eudal $ings" The strong )arriors )ere the undis uted masters o% the land under )hose regime the economy %lourished according to rules %ramed !y those )arrior heroes" O% course, the )arrior had the roud rivilege o% evolving a slave society %rom its crudely leasure= 3/

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see$ing, %ear=soa$ed collective sychology to)ards )arrior= minded values o% li%e" A slave's mentality is dominated !y matter" 4t gets easily over o)ered !y the static rinci le" This means that the slaves' collective mind is easily overcome !y instinctual im ulses" 1ence it is una!le to organize a society to any a recia!le degree" :onversely, a )arrior as ires to dominate matter under the ins iration o% higher sentiments" 1e or she can there%ore move %or)ard and achieve goals" Thus the collective sychology under )arrior rule under)ent a signi%icant change %rom enslavement !y matter to)ards its con5uest" The age o% the )arrior arrived trium hantly to the slaves' total adoration"1* 4n the course o% time, collective sychology changed againD intellect and not muscle came to esta!lish its domination" 8ighty )arriors as )ell as the era's scri tures recognized the mental o)ers o% intellectuals" A mythical aura o% o!scure mysticism )as )oven around them" The socio= olitical system again under)ent a corres onding change" The 8iddle Ages o%%er many e9am les to sustain this %act"


1ere the meaning o% slave is not Aslave o% someoneB !ut slave to matter, someone )ho is not a!le to rise a!ove matter" #omeone )ho is enslaved !y another may or may not !e slave to matter" All the %our terms H slave, )arrior, intellectual and ac5uisitor (ca italist) H here ertain, amongst other %actors, to their res ective orientation to)ards matter" 7arriors rise a!ove matter !y their hysical %orce and there!y rule the slaves" 4ntellectuals control matter directly !y their intellect and>or indirectly through the )arriors and slaves" The ac5uisitors control matter !y securing o)nershi to it and there!y su!mit the other three H slaves, )arriors and intellectuals H as )ell" 4n his seminal )or$ ;uman .ociety Part * P"R" #ar$ar deals e9haustively )ith the dynamics o% these %our varnas (see !elo)) and the theory o% the social cycle"


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:ollective sychology undergoes a %urther change" The !ourgeoisie !y dint o% their economic )ealth elevate themselves to great and im ortant ositions in society" The value o% money dominates the collective sychology" The oet no) sings. AAll virtues are )ith the )ealthy, money ma$es the mare go"B The valor o% )arriors and even the shar minds o% intellectuals lic$ the Asilver=shoesB o% the unscru ulous ac5uisitors o% economic o)er" The socio olitical system once again sha es itsel% to suit the interest o% a ne) grou sychology, that o% the ca italists" Our o)n recent history de icts this very henomenon" ,9 loitation !y ra acious ca italists degrades most o% the intellectual and )arrior=minded to a state o% slavery" They sell their la!or H intellectual and hysical res ectively H to serve the interests over the ca italists )ho ay them so that they may earn a livelihood" 6ut the economically e9 loited intellectuals and )arriors, )ho are !y no) incor orated into the vast mass o% slaves under ca italist rule, are di%%erent %rom the archety ical slave )ho are o% a most su!missive mentality and there%ore are the genuine mem!ers o% the economic slave class" The intellectuals and )arriors )ho %eel the !runt o% e9 loitation !ut still someho) maintain their original values, !ecome disgruntled slaves and vanguards o% the antithesis that eventually leads to slave revolution" Once u on a time eo le o% their $ind )ere not at all any!ody's slave" And their inherent values still deserve !etter" Those )ho cause the slave revolution are not assive=minded ersons" They are incessant %ighters )ho !elieve in non= com romising struggle against the ruthless e9 loitation o% the ever=ac5uisitive ca italists )ho $ee maneuvering to suc$ out &0

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the vital ?uice o% the social tree" These disgruntled slaves have the shar intellect o% the intellectuals and the %earless mentality o% the )arriors" 6y their s iritual ins iration they are destined to con5uer and to achieve victory" They have no desire to succum! to cleverly mani ulated strategies o% com romise )ith the ca italist mentality o% e9 loitation" Their com!ined o)er%ul motivation H the resurrection o% no!le )arrior and astute intellectual values H causes a change in the collective sychology and a ne) era emerges %ollo)ing the slave revolution" Thus the social dynamic continues" Physical clash, sychic clash and attraction %or the ;reat H individually and collectively H cause a change in either one or more o% the si9 %actors o% collective sychology mentioned at the !eginning o% this cha ter" A )orld )ar causes a terri!le hysical clash and there!y a change in the conce t o% socioeconomic ideas and social mentality" The collective sychology changes a lot" (or instance, a%ter 7orld 7ar 1 olitical im erialist countries $e t on ro agating im erialism !ut 7orld 7ar 2 gave that idea a rude shoc$" As a result countries so %ar $e t under olitical su!?ugation attained olitical %reedom" A ne) age o% rising democracy s read around the )orld" 6ut the era o% economic im erialism still continued )ithin this very %orm o% humanly decorated neocolonialism" This e9 loitation )ill )ither a)ay only )hen the mentality o% economic e9 loitation gives )ay to the su!lime conce t o% a ne) s iritual humanism" Psychic clash is caused !y the emergence o% ne) ideas and ideals o% s iritual hiloso hy, socioeconomic theory or social outloo$" #uch sychic clashes are e%%ective only i% the ideals !eing reached are su orted !y o)er%ul movements" &1

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Attraction %or the ;reat is ra idly accelerated !y those great rece tors and masters )ho !oth reach s iritual hiloso hy and teach a ractical )ay as )ell as have it racticed as )ell" Thus the rece tor, )ho !y his versatile :osmic genius can !ring a revolutionary change in all the si9 %actors )ould undou!tedly cause a tremendous s iritual= sychic u surge in the collective sychology o% the entire human society and !ring %orth a su!lime revolution" A ne) human society )ould emerge" The cimmerian dar$ness o% the inter=lunar night )ill disa ear and the ne) day o% the ne) sunrise )ill )a$e u the ne) )orld" Q. What is the difference "et!een varna and class? >arna is a #ans$rit )ord %or the sycho=social classi%ication o% human society, )hereas class is an economic conce t" The %our varnas o% Prout's theory o% the social cycle are slave ( shudra in #ans$rit), )arrior ('s=attriya), intellectual (vipra) and ca italist (vaeshya)" Prout's conce t o% varnas de%ines human !eings as sycho=social !eings, )hereas the conce t o% class categorizes humans as economic !eings" The sycho=social !eing can con5uer e9ternal circumstances and cause the emergence o% a congenial environment %or social rogress, )hereas the economic !eing is slave to the %orce o% economic determinism H a !eggar and a !east" 4n Prout's theory o% the social cycle, )hich is a theory o% sycho=social evolutions and revolutions, varna !ecomes a ractical conce t that leads human !eings to the su!limity o% s iritual humanism" 4n contrast, the conce t o% economic class is a myo ic dogma that has caused economic slavery, sychic regimentation and s iritual !an$ru tcy"


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Q. Is the change from an era of domination of a particular varna to another evolutionary or revolutionary? As discussed earlier the change in the collective sychology is a natural henomenon in )hich rulers or administrators should change accordingly" 1armony !et)een the sychology o% rulers and the eo le is characteristic o% the state o% synthesis" 7hereas )hen the sychology o% rulers is %ound to !e su%%ering %rom sel%=centered o!sessions, it lags !ehind and denies the eo le social rogress" A %ormer synthesis degenerates into thesis and an anti=thesis is generated in the %orm o% the emerging e9 loited grou that truly re resents the as irations o% the collective sychology" Thesis must succum! to the %orces o% antithesis, !ringing %orth a ne) synthesis and a ne) era" This may occur as a natural course" At times ho)ever the movement o% the social cycle %rom one era to the ne9t is the result o% the a lication o% %orce" #uch change is $no)n as evolution" 4n evolution the change does not come as a matter o% natural course !ut is caused !y the a lication o% some %orce" 4% %or instance the )arrior era gives )ay to intellectual rule as a natural course o% events it )ould !e a natural change and not evolution" 6ut i% the emerging intellectuals have had to a ly %orce, it )ould !e evolution" #uch a change is evolutionary" At times rulers o% a articular %iendish e9 loitative dis osition rolong their maneuvering to maintain their domination at any cost" They may do so even )hen the collective sychology has undergone a tremendous change under the im act o% o)er%ul sychic momenta created !y the %orces o% antithesis" 4n such circumstances a stouter a lication o% might or %orce !ecomes &3

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a must" 4% not, the time %or change to occur may !ecome so long that the %lesh and !lood o% the great ma?ority o% society gets suc$ed u and devoured !y the e9 loiters" The a lication o% a stronger %orce shortens the duration o% change and society is li!erated %rom ra acious e9 loitation" #uch a tremendous change is termed revolution" Ta$e the case o% the ca italist varna dee into its hase o% e9 loiting the other varnas" 4n order to carry on e9 loitation this grou o% ra acious ca italists may orchestrate a lu9ury= oriented segment o% intellectuals and )arriors to serve their ne%arious ends and maneuver the entire economic= olitical system to serve their interests" :ircumstances may then arise )here the disgruntled slaves H do)ntrodden intellectuals and )arriors H )ill have to a ly stronger might in order to e%%ect real change" #uch a dramatic and articular %orce%ul rocess o% change is revolution" Q. What are the characteristics of counter'evolution and counter'revolution? According to the la)s o% social dynamics human society rogresses %rom the )arrior to the intellectual era, %rom the intellectual to the ca italist era, and %rom the ca italist through a slave revolution into the ne9t cycle o% social !uilding commencing )ith the )arrior era" The change %rom one era to another is not an a!ru t occurrence !ut goes through a rocess o% gradual change" At the oint o% entering their res ective rogressive eras )arriors, intellectuals and ca italists are not that e9 loitative" At that early stage they themselves are har!ingers o% constructive change and humanist ideals, moving )ith the rogressing collective sychology o% their times" 4t is in the later hase o% an era that a ruling varna degenerates to &&

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!ecome e9 loitative" Therea%ter the intensity o% e9 loitation continues to gro) to suit their intensity o% their meanness" There are circumstances )hen the a lication o% reactionary %orce ma$es an era revert to the receding one" #uch change is called counter=evolution, %or e9am le )ith the esta!lishment o% )arrior rule a%ter a eriod o% intellectual rule" #imilarly, i% )ithin a short eriod o% time or !y the a lication o% tremendous %orce an era is %orced !ac$, it is called counter= revolution" There are circumstances )hen certain %orces cause counter= evolution or counter=revolution !ut the era does not change 5ualitatively" Rather it remains the same even a%ter it gets reverted" (or instance, i% under ca italist rule a articular grou o% ca italists dominates to $ee its caucus su reme then another grou o% ca italists may under terri!le circumstances cause a change o% rule" The masses may %eel tem orarily relieved due to such e9ternal change !ut )ith such a change o% rule the system o% e9 loitation does not change" #uch a arent change may !e termed counter=evolution" 4% such change )ere !rought on 5uic$ly or !y the a lication o% tremendous %orce it may termed counter=revolution" <uring eriods o% counter=evolution and counter=revolution e9 loitation gro)s more since authorities !ecome more an9ious and overzealous to remain in o)er" As a result the %orces o% antithesis gro) stronger, too" :onse5uently the duration o% the era a%ter a counter=evolution is short=lived, and the duration o% an era a%ter a counter=revolution is still less short=lived" &3

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Q. Why do the forces of change operating after counter' evolution and counter'revolution "ecome more aggressive and dynamic? -aturally, as mentioned a!ove, due to the lust %or o)er o% the masters o% reactive change, )ho are more or less devoid o% ethics, virtue and !enevolence, e9 loitation in the )a$e o% counter=evolutions and counter=revolutions continues to gro)" 1ence the masses 5uic$ly !ecome disillusioned since they %ind the ne) economic= olitical circumstances more o ressive and torturous than the old" Q. What is revolution in its true sense and !hen does it "ecome a must? :ircumstances %or real revolution ri en )hen the social environment, under the ressure o% vested interests, !ecomes highly e9 loitative" 7hen traditional %aiths, ritualistic dogmas, current economic, olitical, cultural and other institutions all tend, or are used, to !ind rather than li!erate human !eings, the enslaved !ring a!out their revolution" This ha ens )hen the %iendish motivations inherent in the e9 loiters' vested motives have reigned su reme %or too long" At that critical oint there is no other )ay out %or the e9 loited than either to continue )ith their ever=deteriorating slavery until death or do something radical in order to live" 4t is the disgruntled, value=oriented ()arrior and intellectual) slaves )ho %eel a revolutionary urge" The general masses ho)ever have !een continuously conditioned to remain %aith%ul to the e9 loiters" 4n this grave situation an ordinary erson have ty ically lost his or her dynamism and genuine interest in li%e" (rustration, assivity, hysical and mental degeneration


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and all sorts o% negative trends )ith their accom anying diseases over)helm the social syche" Under such circumstances a total !rea$a)ay %rom the su%%ocating environment ( hysical, economic, social, olitical, cultural, sychic, s iritual) !ecomes a must" 7hen such a change is due, the collective sychology needs to develo a ne) u surge and set a su!lime goal to )hich it is destined to go" This )e call a revolution in the true sense" All other changes are atch)or$ e%%orts, alatial revolutions, changing the to eo le, i"e" a tem orary henomenon" Only the )arrior= minded and intellectually=oriented amongst the enslaved are a!le to ta$e such ste s and shoulder the res onsi!ility o% such tremendous change" Q. Who e actly can "ring a"out a true revolution? There )ill !e individuals or grou s )hose vi!rational %luctuations or sychic momenta are longer and stronger than that o% the collective sychology (including that o% the e9 loitative ruler)" #uch ersons and grou s and none other can !ring revolution !y dint o% their more o)er%ul sychic momentum" 7hen seudo=)arriors rule (in the later, degenerated hase o% the )arrior era) intellectuals )ith a stronger sychic %orce may come %or)ard to dominate the social arena" @i$e)ise, in the later hase o% the intellectual era, )hen its rule degenerates into seudo=intellectual maneuvering, a ca italist resence )ill esta!lish itsel% over the seudo=intellectual system !y dint o% material motivation augmented )ith money= o)er" The ra acious ca italists are more o)er%ul than the intellectuals or the )arriors and even stronger than the com!ined %orce o% them &2

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!oth" :a italists !uy the intellect o% intellectuals, the valor o% )arriors and the hysical o)er o% the slaves to serve their o)n ends" 4ntellectuals $ee u the a earances o% a valid socio= economic= olitical system )ith )hich the ca italists can e9 loit even more" The unholy alliance o% religious dogmatic ritualism and economic rule serves the ca italists )ith )arriors guarding their treasury" A tremendous control over the collective sychology is maintained !y the ca italists" 4ts aggressive ro%it=orientation and shre)d e9ercise o% money= o)er $ee the masses su!merged in an ocean o% dece tion created !y religious= olitical and seudo=cultural slogan= ma$ing" 7ho can e9 ress a more o)er%ul and su!tler sychic momentum than ca italismM Only those )ho ossess a stronger sychic o)er made su!tle and su!lime !y s iritual intuitional ins iration instilled )ith the ideation o% the #u reme" :om rehensive e9 erimentation and scienti%ic research H such as e9tra=sensory erce tion (,#P), sycho$inesis, astral= and energy !ody)or$, and mystic consciousness H all s ea$ o% the amazing o)ers o% the sycho=s iritual henomenon" Techni5ues and ractices leading to higher states o% consciousness ena!le human !eings to mani%est tremendous s iritual momentum" #uch an occurrence is not a myth !ut actually a ractical achievement" # iritual as irants mani%esting their o)er%ul s iritual momentum %or the good and )el%are o% all can con5uer the e9 loitative sychic momentum o% the unscru ulous ca italist rule" They can the


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emergence o% an e9 loitation=%ree social order that )ill last %or a long time" Q. %re revolutions al!ays "loody? A revolution is not necessarily al)ays !lood=soa$ed, yet at times !loodshed is a must" As reviously discussed, disgruntled slaves, consisting o% intellectuals and )arriors, are the vanguards o% the slave revolution" They engage themselves relentlessly in causing the slave revolution" 7here such a revolution is dominated !y intellectual %orce it tends to !e non= sanguinary !ut i% under ressure o% circumstances )arrior %orce comes to the %ore then the revolution )ill involve !loodshed" Q. Who are sadvipras?./ #advi ras are those s iritual moralist ersonalities )ho )ant to ut an end to sin and vice !y the a lication o% their o)er" They are not %ound on the eri hery o% the social cycle, )hich continues to move %rom one era to the ne9t" 4nstead they remain as the cycle's controllers at its hu! or nucleus" They continue to %ight evil and e9 loitative olicies" Q. When do sadvipras emerge and !hat is their role? As seen earlier the slave revolution re5uires the im act o% a o)er%ul s iritual %orce" Only sadvi ras can sustain such a tremendous initiative" As such their emergence is needed" 7hen some o% the disgruntled slaves ardently engage themselves in cosmic ideation they undergo a articular rocess o% sycho=s iritual churning" As they are ut through the tortures o% economic e9 loitation and olitical hardshi s

A sadvipra is one )hose intellect remains em!edded in cosmic truth, a Adeclassi%iedB erson in )hom none o% the %our varnas dominates" (rom the #ans$rit sad (satyaD cosmic truth) and vipra (intellect)D


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that )onder%ul con%luence o% cosmic ideation and sycho= s iritual churning causes the emergence o% sadvi ran leadershi out o% this grou o% disgruntled slaves" #advi ras never emerge amongst lu9urious and leasure=see$ing uto ians !ut %rom do)ntrodden, disgruntled slaves" As long as a slave revolution is not materialized sadvi ras )ill continue to strengthen the %orces o% antithesis and guide" They )ill continue to e9hort the disgruntled slaves to !ring a!out the revolution and li!erate society %rom the clutches o% e9 loitation" A%ter)ard they remain at the hu! o% the social cycle" (rom there they continue to ins ire the develo ment o% a sadvi ran society !ased on PROUT's invinci!le rinci les instilled )ith the lo%ty ideals o% s iritual humanism"


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The social cycle is an ever=revolving henomenon )here a certain collective sychology or varna redominates in a articular age" 4% a )arrior in the )arrior age, an intellectual in the intellectual age, or a ca italist in the ca italist age goes on to !ecome a ra acious e9 loiter instead o% a %air administrator, the !ounden duty o% sadvi ras )ill !e to rotect the honest and the e9 loited and !ring the dishonest and ra acious e9 loiter under control" #ocial rogress is ossi!le only in the stage o% synthesis" <uring the eriod o% thesis or antithesis the social energy remains engrossed in struggle" #advi ras there%ore )ill endeavor hard to $ee society in the stage o% synthesis and let the social cycle revolve %rom one era to another" 4t means, )ith the change in collective sychology they )ill get the administrators changed" The moment they %ind seeds o% e9 loitation s routing in the mind o% rulers they )ill see to it that the decadent leadershi is re laced !y a rogressive one" 4n this )ay the social cycle )ill continue to revolve %rom )arrior to intellectual, %rom intellectual to ca italist, and so on" (or the sadvi ras the goal is to let the state o% the social order remain in synthesis and not !e allo)ed to degenerate into thesis or antithesis" Thus sadvi ras )ill never %ind a day o% rest in an easy chair" 4n the state o% synthesis their endeavor )ill !e to lead human society in such a manner so that it advances to touch the silver lining !et)een the meta hysical and s iritual" Therea%ter the meta hysical as ect o% society )ill continue to gro) even su!tler )ith social rogress" The silver lining )ill al)ays remain a olestar to !e a roached and realized !y the ever= evolving and rogressive social order" 31

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Q. Will the characteristics of the era after the slave revolution "e the same as they !ere in previous cycles? One com lete round o% the social cycle (through slave, )arrior, intellectual and ca italist dominance %ollo)ed !y slave revolution) is termed eri heric, or com lete, evolution" (ollo)ing the com letion o% the )hole cycle a %resh cycle commences )ith the onset o% the )arrior era on the ath o% evolution or revolution" 7ill things !e the same as they )ere the last time this articular varna )as in o)erM 4t is true that the %undamentally redominating sycho=s iritual %actor o% one era )ill !e congruent )ith the same era o% the revious cycle" As the )arrior collective sychology has a redominantly chivalrous attitude, the intellectuals their ty ical cere!ral orientation, and the ca italists economic motivation as their !asic redominating sycho=social %actor, these )ill continue to mani%est themselves in their res ective eras o% any round o% the social cycle" O% course, the intensity o% the sycho=social assertion may di%%er" Ies, di%%er it must since variety is the characteristic o% the o erative rinci le, o% the %orce o% creation" 7hile moving )ith the social cycle every single erson undergoes a rocess o% change, consciously or unconsciously, and so is the case )ith grou s and institutions H social, economic and olitical" All these e9 eriences ersist !oth in the collective minds o% the varnas and in society as a )hole" The ne9t corres onding era com rising o% all those stresses and strains, im ulses and im ressions, achievements and realizations must get a variegated %orm" -o matter ho) strong the redominating !asic sycho=social %actor may !e it )ill de%initely !e characterized !y humanity's accumulated cognition at that articular oint in time" 32

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(or instance, as at resent, i% our society, su%%ering as it is under ca italist e9 loitation, undergoes a slave revolution and a )arrior rule emerges at the onset o% the ne9t round o% the social cycle, )ill all the characteristics o% that coming era remain the same as they )ere in the )arrior era o% the revious cycleM -o" 1o) could theyM The im act o% thought in the realm o% hiloso hy, science, technology, the conse5uence o% realizations in the social s here, in s irituality, the e%%ects o% achievements in the realm o% economy and culture, the ro%ound im ressions o% institutional e9 eriences such as glo!al governing !odies, and a!ove all the emergence o% sadvi ras )ill cause a ro%ound and %ar=reaching variegation in the coming )arrior era" O% course, )hile overcoming the ra acious and unscru ulous e9 loitation, the %orces o% antithesis mani%esting through the disgruntled slaves, under the guidance o% sadvi ras, are li$ely to develo a chivalrous attitude" This !asic trait o% the )arrior=minded )ould continue to redominate the collective sychology o% the merging )arrior era instilled )ith several o)er%ul im ressions caused !y the a!ove=mentioned %actors" This )ill also !e the case )ith later eras"


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Q. What are the "asic principles of the P#$UT economy? 1" The minimum essentials o% li%e must !e rovided to each individual according to the standards o% the time, !y roviding a minimum o% urchasing o)er through em loyment" 2" The sur lus a%ter meeting the minimum necessities )ill have to !e distri!uted among those o% s ecial merit according to the degree o% merit" 3" ,%%orts %or raising the minimum standard should go on una!ated and the all=round )orldly ros erity and develo ment o% human !eings )ill de end on this endeavor" Q. What does P#$UT mean "y the minimum essentials of life and ho! !ill it vary !ith the age? The minimum essentials im ly the rovision o% %ood, clothing, housing, medical treatment and education to the e9tent that they are essential" <enial o% any o% these )ill not only adversely a%%ect the hysical e9istence o% human !eings" 4t )ill also ham er their rogress in the sychic and s iritual s heres, )hich is an inherent right o% every individual" PROUT romotes the aradigm that #u reme :onsciousness is our %ather, the o erative rinci le (the %orce o% creation) is our mother, and the three )orlds H the hysical, the mental and the s iritual H constitute our home" As such every o!?ect o% the universe is our common atrimony" The denial o% essential commodities to any individual means that society is acting 3&

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against !asic human rights and the %undamental rinci le o% human society" #cienti%ic, technological and similar other achievements tend to cause a signi%icant change in the distri!ution o% )ealth in human society" Nualitative and signi%icant change in the economic s here )ill !ring a corres onding change in the 5uantity o% minimum essentials" The emergence o% the ne) age can !e gradual as )ell as a!ru t" #u ose scienti%ic achievements ena!le the discovery o% a!undant minerals and metals or other natural )ealth that human !eings can ma$e use o%" #uch a sudden )ind%all )ould !ring a!out a!ru t change in economic advancement, )hich )ould !e re%lected in the 5uantum o% minimum essentials" As %or trans ortation, the minimum necessity may !e a !icycle in one age and in the ne9t it may !e a %aster vehicle" Q. Why should individuals of special merit "e provided !ith additional re!ards? A(rom each according to their a!ility to each according to their needsB1/ may sound nice !ut )ill rea no harvest in the hard soil o% the ractical )orld" This socialist dogma )as ractically shattered on the hard roc$ o% reality" 8oreover the rovision o% s ecial amenities in a reciation o% one's s ecial merits has roved its e%%iciency even in socialist countries roviding a natural im etus to )or$ and !e e%%icient"


A slogan o ularized !y Carl 8ar9 in his 1/23 Criti?ue of the Gotha Pro(ram" The hrase summarizes the rinci les that, under a communist system, every erson should contri!ute to society to the !est o% his or her a!ility and consume %rom society in ro ortion to his or her needs, regardless o% ho) much he or she has contri!uted" (#ource. 7i$i edia)


The PROUT Companion

8oreover, certain services re5uire articular %acilities and e5ui ment in order to %unction at an o timum" Ta$e the case o% a social )or$er )ho !y dint o% his or her a!ility, re utation and sense o% service has greater reach and is %re5uently called u on to attend clients at their houses" A car )ill de%initely rovide such an a roved o% asset to society )ith !etter o ortunity o% service" Q. Will the provision of special re!ards not lead to capitalistic accumulation and there"y to economic e ploitation? This )ill not ha en i% all the three rinci les mentioned a!ove are strictly and concurrently a lied" These three rinci les should !e so rationally integrated in the carrying out o% economic olicy that the di%%erence !et)een the average re)ards meted out to ersons o% s ecial merit and the re)ards aid to ac5uire minimum essentials )ill go on decreasing !ut it )ill never !e zero" (or instance, )ith a change in the economic era or )ith the advancement in the rice inde9 lanners are to decide on an increase in the 5uantum o% s ecial amenities and that o% the minimum essentials" This articular develo ment )ill !e determined in a manner so that the ro ortional increase in s ecial re)ards is al)ays less than that made in the minimum necessities" Thus the di%%erence )ill go on rogressively decreasing and )ill not lead to ca italistic accumulation or e9 loitation" Q. )o! !ill minimum essentials and special re!ards "e provided? The economic structure, i"e" the system o% roduction and distri!ution, )age olicy, ercentage o% ro%it, and rice setting )ill !e arranged in a manner so that the ersons concerned earn 3*

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re5uisite urchasing ca acity %or their minimum essentials or s ecial emolument as the case may !e" Actually, in a Proutistic setu medical aid and education )ill !e %ree and every individual )ill have access to a house according to their %unctional status or re5uirement" (ood and clothing )ill there%ore !e the main as ects to)ards )hich re5uisite urchasing ca acity )ill !e rovided against )or$ and contri!ution to the socioeconomic system"

#ndustrial polic!
Q. What !ill "e the Proutistic industrial policy? PROUT ro ounds a system o% decentralization o% economic o)er" The centralization o% economic o)er, )hether it is in the hands o% individuals or the state, such as under ca italism and communism res ectively, leads to economic= olitical e9 loitation" Private ca italists venture to suc$ the vital ?uice %rom the social tree" (or decades the glo!al trend has !een to)ards the concentration o% economic o)er into %e)er and %e)er hands" One estimate is that the current level o% )orld ine5uality is e5uivalent to a situation )here **J o% eo le have zero income, and 3&J divide the entire income o% the )orld among themselves e5uallyK1+ One high level study oints out that )hile most o% the )orld's attention is currently %ocused on the ;<P gro)th rates o% :hina and 4ndia, the )orld's )ealth is heavily concentrated in -orth America, ,uro e and a hand%ul

The Economist 2*" A r," 2001"


The PROUT Companion

o% develo ed Paci%ic rim countries" 7ith 2J o% adults o)ning more than 30J o% the )orld's )ealth" 20 A study !y the 7orld 4nstitute %or <evelo ment ,conomics Research at the United -ations University re orts that the richest 1J o% adults alone o)ned &0J o% glo!al assets in the year 2000, and that the richest 10J o% adults accounted %or /3J o% the )orld total" The !ottom hal% o% the )orld adult o ulation o)ned 1J o% glo!al )ealth" Another study %ound that the richest 2J o)n more than hal% o% glo!al household assets" The distri!ution has !een changing ra idly in the direction o% greater concentration o% )ealth" 4t means that in the )orld's democracies there has long !een a strong tendency to)ard a concentration o% economic o)er in %e)er hands irres ective o% their social concerns" PROUT advocates a decentralization o% economic through a )ell=de%ined system o%. a) Cey industries !) @arge=scale industries c) #mall enter rises The motivation !ehind economic enter rises )ill not !e ro%it= earning !ut utilization" All economic activity is to !e harnessed )ith utilization as their o!?ective, not ro%it motivation" Pro%it is needed !ut not as a motive leading to the e9 loitation o% consumers and undue ca ital %ormation" a) 0ey industries are those industries )hose roducts are used as ra) materials %or other industries or )hich act as the


As re orted !y a study u!lished !y the 1elsin$i=!ased 7orld 4nstitute %or <evelo ment ,conomics Research ( art o% the United -ations University)" .ource@ 1116mar'etoracle6co6u', 3" <ec, 200*"


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nervous system o% the economic structure, i"e" steel, yarn, energy, means o% communication, de%ense, etc" These are to !e managed !y the immediate state government and )ill )or$ on a no= ro%it, no=loss !asis" The state )ill never !ehave as a commercial institution )ith ro%it motives" !) 1arge'scale industries are those )hich need considera!le ca ital, em loy a signi%icant num!er o% )or$ers, run !y com le9 technical $no)=ho), and are not small enough to !e le%t to individual s$ill and endeavor" They )ill !e controlled !y coo eratives" #uch industries )ill have to %ollo) !road rules o% olicy, i"e" ercentage o% ro%it, !onus olicy, 5uantities o% shares and dividend to !e aid to each shareholder as sti ulated !y the Policy Planning 6ody" -ormally the ro ortion o% ro%it shared !y la!or and shareholders )ill !e &0J and *0J res ectively" A success%ul coo erative systems necessitates. i) #trong ethical governance ii) ,thical administration o% the industry iii) Pro er sycho=social environment The lac$ o% these essential %actors has !een the reason %or the %ailure o% the coo erative system in many countries" Under PROUT there )ill !e no lac$ o% any o% these" c) Small enterprises are those )hich de end on individual s$ills and are so small that they cannot !e administered ro%ita!ly in coo eration or are those )hich do not re5uire a 3+

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total ca ital !eyond a certain limit to !e sti ulated !y the Policy Planning 6ody, such as small convenience sho s, stalls, grocery sho s, restaurants, tailor sho s, !ar!er sho s, service )or$sho s and a )ide range o% similar small esta!lishments and cottage industries li$e hand )eaving, handicra%ts, engineering goods manu%acturing, etc" #te s )ill !e ta$en to modernize and rationalize such ventures in order to ensure the ma9imum roduction o% each unit" Q. What is the structural setup of this industrial system? Cey industries )ill act as the nucleus around )hich large=scale industries )ill !e encouraged to !e esta!lished as satellites" #mall enter rises )ill naturally cro u around large=scale industries !eside to)ns and villages out o% necessity or according to s eci%ic local conditions" -o overla ing )ill !e allo)ed among the industries, i"e" commodities classi%ied %or $ey industries )ill not !e roduced !y large=scale industries nor vice versa" There is no sco e %or rivate o)nershi or management in the s here o% $ey or large= scale industriesD the %ormer )ill act as a chec$ on the large= scale industries !y virtue o% !eing the su lier o% ra) materials on a no= ro%it, no=loss !asis" Q. What !ill the structure and responsi"ility of the Policy Planning 2ody "e? The Policy Planning 6ody )ill consist o% such ersons o% moral integrity )ho are e9 erts in the technical $no)=ho) o% the industrial and economic setu " The central Policy Planning 6ody may %orm its lo)er !odies %or articular economic= administrative units" They )ill decide on and enact the %ollo)ing oints. *0

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i" The s here o% di%%erent industries ($ey, large=scale and small scale enter rises)" ii" Percentage o% gross ro%it %or large=scale and small enter rises, )hich may vary according to industry, time and lace" iii" The 5uantity o% urchasing ca acity necessary %or minimum essentials" iv" Nuantity o% re)ards to !e aid as s ecial amenities to ersons o% merit and also %or raising the standard o% minimum necessities" v" Arrange %or the esta!lishment o% $ey industries necessary %or an area and encourage the esta!lishment o% large=scale industries" vi" ,ndeavor to create such a sycho=social atmos here in )hich the motivation !ehind economic gro)th )ill !e utilization and not ro%it" vii" (ind )ays and means !y )hich a Proutistic economic setu may !e esta!lished ro erly and evolve rogressively and materialize them" Q. What is the system of incentives according to P#$UT? PROUT rovides incentives in all the %ollo)ing three s heres. s iritual, sychic and economic" a) # iritual. The entire :osmic henomenon including this social setu is the mani%estation o% my #u reme (ather" 4n us lies a divine ur ose to e9 ress and utilize the hysical, meta hysical and s iritual otentialities in order to serve the <ivine cause in the !est rogressive manner" This acts as the s iritual incentive"


The PROUT Companion

!) Psychic. #ince the #u reme (ather o% the entire humanity is a singular ,ntity, in serving the society and evolving )ith it in a su!lime social order )e are serving our o)n %amily, our common atrimony is one and %or all" This )ill !e the ins iring sycho=social incentive" c) Physical. Progressively increasing the standard o% minimum essentials %or all, and also that o% the s ecial amenities %or the %e) merited, )ill !e the economic incentive" All the three incentives )ill !e a lica!le to all !ut the more the individual evolves sycho=s iritually, the su!tler )ill !e his or her incentive" A s iritually evolved erson )ill !e more ins ired !y a s iritual incentive than !y sychic or economic, and the sychically evolved erson more !y sychic sentiment and less !y economic, and so on" Q. Will the rationalization of industry "e affected under a P#$UT economy? PROUT as rogressive social thin$ing )ould never advocate the retracing o% the ath o% technological rogress and its a lication in an economic=industrial endeavor" 4nstead it advocates more and more technological advancement and greater rationalization in all sections o% the economy so that human and hysical resources are utilized to their ma9imum" Q. Will it not lead to unemployment? Rationalization !ased on ro%it=motivation leads to unem loyment and e9 loitation" 6ut rationalization !ased on the rinci le o% utilization has a di%%erent role to lay" Progressive utilization o% human otential means this human otential's e9 ression in su!tler s heres such as in meta hysical and s iritual s heres" The accom lishment o% this *2

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rationalization )ill cause the reduction o% )or$ing hours (!ut no reduction in em loyment otential) so that the sur lus time saved !y )or$ers is utilized in su!tler ursuits (intellectual and s iritual)"

$ricultural Polic!
Q. What should "e the percentage of population supporting themselves on agriculture? 4n a develo ed economy only 30 to &3J o% the o ulation should su ort themselves on agriculture" 4n countries )here a greater o ulation live on agriculture there should !e an endeavor to shi%t the sur lus o ulation to agro=!ased and agrico=( ost=harvest) industries" Q. What !ill the mode of development of these industries "e? Ta$ing the agricultural roduce as the nucleus (as a $ey industry) agro=!ased and agrico=industries should !e esta!lished in a articular area in harmony )ith its s eci%ic characteristics" (or instance in an area roducing sugarcane H sugar industry, in an area roducing !am!oo H a !am!oo or stra) a er industry" 4n this )ay suita!le industries should !e esta!lished considering the restrictions as discussed a!ove a!out large=scale and small enter rises" Q. What !ill "e the policy of ceiling on land o!nership? A ceiling )ill !e %i9ed on ma9imum as )ell as minimum land holdings" 4% the agricultural holding is so small that modern develo ed means o% tools, seeds, irrigation, etc" cannot !e used, *3

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such a holding )ill !ecome uneconomic and ham er economic gro)th" The determination o% the ceiling on area must ta$e into account soil %ertility" Peo le o)ning land less than the minimum ceiling )ill !e encouraged to %orm coo eratives %or %arming" 4n a coo erative %arm &0J o% the ro%it )ill go to the )or$ers and *0J to the shareholders" ,ndeavors )ill !e made to ma$e every shareholder a )or$er in the %ields as )ell" Q. What !ill the status of agriculture and the steps to ensure its development "e? i" Agriculture )ill !e given the status o% an industry" 4t means that the selling rice )ill !e %i9ed a%ter adding the rational ercentage o% ro%it, in the same )ay as in industry, to the cost o% roduction )hich )ill include ca ital investment li$e land, machinery, tools, etc" ii" There )ill !e roducers' coo eratives )hich )ill. a) #ell the cro s roduced !y the mem!ers !) Provide develo ed seeds, manure, tools, irrigation and other services necessary %or agricultural roduction" c) Provide loans in times o% emergency" iii" Agriculture )ill !e !rought under a com ulsory cro insurance scheme to counter!alance the loss !y un%oreseen and natural calamities to )hich it is so o%ten e9 osed"


The PROUT Companion

Q. What !ill "e the scope and function of trade unions in agriculture and industry in a Proutistic economy? #ince agriculture has !een e5uated )ith industry under PROUT, norms a lica!le %or industry )ill !e e5ually a lica!le to agriculture" PROUT stands %or the %ullest utilization o% human resources and also human )el%are" This can only !e ossi!le !y active involvement o% la!or in the )el%are activities as )ell as in the management o% the organizations they )or$ in" Thus, trade unions in their res ective %ields )ould !oth !e desira!le and im erative" 6esides sa%eguarding the interests o% la!or, unions )ould !e re5uired to !e vigilant so that the )hole system runs smoothly and e%%iciently and that ro er disci line in roduction is maintained"


The PROUT Companion

Political %!stem
Q. What is the fundamental difference "et!een the Proutistic political system and other political systems !ith reference to motivation and structure? The motivation and ur ose !ehind the Proutistic olitical system is !asically to administer in a manner so that economic institutions are a!le to materialize the rinci les and olicies o% a rogressive economy, and that the society rogresses ahead )ith the su!lime motto. A(or the good and ha iness o% all"B Political institutions are not an end in themselves !ut a means to achieve economic )ell=!eing and social rogress" ,9isting olitical institutions have a tendency to idealize themselves" Ad?ectives o% raise in the name o% A eo le's democracyB, Asocial democracyB or Aindividual li!ertyB %lourish in olitical s eeches" This !ad ha!it, a sure sign o% ro%essional, shre)d oliticians, has signi%icantly contri!uted to an era o% demagogical slogans and instigated o ulist oliticians to lay a cunning game in order to ca ture o)er and hold on to it" The Proutistic olitical system is selecto=electional" 4t means those )ho may have the right to vote or are to !e eligi!le to !e elected should ossess the %ollo)ing 5ualities. 1" ,ducated in a sense that the erson has attained a !asic $no)ledge o% social circumstances" 2" #ocioeconomic consciousness" 3" 8ani%est moral integrity


The PROUT Companion

O% course there )ill !e an incessant endeavor in the Proutistic system to let every mem!er o% society develo these 5ualities in order to !ring each one into the ,lectoral :ollege" As long as a erson does not ossess these 5ualities, he or she )ill not !e allo)ed to ollute %air and im artial elections, as is e9 erienced today !y circums ect voters all over the )orld" The test o% democracy is not in the num!er o% o)er%ul eo le !ut in their method o% selection and in their accounta!ility to the larger grou o% citizens" 7ithout a ro er system o% selection, democracy degenerates into Amo!ocracyB, there!y creating a situation o% e9 loitation" 4t has !een o%ten )itnessed that regionalism, arochialism, casteism, grou ism, religionism and other narro) sentimental or even sychic a eals lay a vital role in the selection and election o% candidates in most modern democracies" The huge role o% 6ig 6usiness and de%initely the in%luence o% money in elections even in the most thriving o% democracies undermines the s irit and content o% democracy" The Proutists' conce t o% a selecto=electional system leaves no room %or any such diseased com etition or element to contaminate the social %a!ric" Q. )o! !ill the 3selection4 "e made in this selecto' electional system? #election )ill !e made according to the Arule o% la)"B 4t )ill not !e le%t to )hims o% the olitical administration" The rules )ill !e made $ee ing in mind the %ollo)ing necessary 5ualities.


The PROUT Companion

1" ,ducation 2" 8oral integrity 3" #ocioeconomic consciousness Pro er education im lies that a erson is a)are o% his or her status in the cosmological henomenon" The ethical %actor is an ins iration %rom the #u reme consciousness H s iritual and su!lime" #ocioeconomic consciousness im lies that the erson is a)are o% the socioeconomic situation o% society, its needs and %uture as irations" The 5uali%ying rules and the method )ill !e such that it may success%ully test the resence o% the a!ove= mentioned %actors in a erson" 4n order to im!ue the a!ove=mentioned values in a citizen, institutions )ill !e esta!lished )hich )ill re are the eo le accordingly and issue an certi%icate a%ter an e9amination ()ritten or un)ritten)" These institutions )ill !e %ree %rom any olitical or government in%luence" They )ill !e managed and controlled !y an inde endent and autonomous !ody li$e the ,lection :ommission or the Pu!lic #ervice :ommission" Their curriculum )ill !e dra)n u !y e9 ert educationists, sociologists, hilanthro ists and s iritualists )ho )ill !e %ree %rom any olitical as iration" #uch 5uali%ied ersons )ill %orm the ,lectoral :ollege, )hich )ill !e divided into regions or administrative units to elect the mem!ers o% the olitical institutions" A%ter the %ormation o% the ,lectoral :ollege, the elections )ill !e direct"


The PROUT Companion

Q. What !ill prevent this system from leading to autocratic dictatorship? Administrators or leaders elected through the selecto=electional system )ill !e %undamentally res onsi!le to the electorate" ,m o)ered !y PROUT's rinci les o% ma9imum utilization and rational distri!ution the electorate )ill !e conscious and vigilant to ma$e sure that their elected re resentatives neither go astray, deviate, nor gro) am!itious to usur o)er !eyond the limits im osed !y the constitution or the guiding rules o% administration" Autocratic dictatorshi emerges only )hen the dictator or his>her grou is a!le to %ool the eo le or the electorate and the latter is not res onsive 5uic$ly enough to the ressure e9ercised over themselves" Q. )o! !ill the ma(ority of people "e involved in selecto' electional system under P#$UT? 4n %act involvement in the economic= olitical structure does not sto at the act o% voting" 4t im lies that the great num!er o% eo le and electorate are conscious enough to $ee a constant vigil over the eo le they have elected to o)er" This is only ossi!le i% the educated electorate is socio=economically conscious enough to really gras the dynamics in this area" 4t means that PROUT stands %or active democratic artici ation and not assive voting" 4n this as ect, the conscious electorate )ill also maintain a closeness and constant communication )ith the as iration o% those )ho are yet to !ecome the electors" A Proutistic system )ill constantly endeavor to get all adults 5uali%ied as electors" Under the resent systems o% universal adult voting %ranchise there is no real involvement o% eo le in the olitical administration" Peo le are misled )ith chea slogans and *+

The PROUT Companion

narro) sentiments o% caste, religion, rovincialism, etc" or even !y their li$es, disli$es or %etishes" A demagogue or o ulist olitician )ins the game o% election )ith chea slogans and %inancial muscle )hereas an honest and sincere as irant loses" Actually democracy !ased on this %ranchise devoid o% its three essential 5uali%ications (education, moral integrity, socioeconomic consciousness) goes through only the ritual o% voting under the s ell o% chea slogans and e9 loitative %inancial muscle" Q. )o! is P#$UT,s system "etter than other systems including the present'day democracies? (or a Proutistic olitical system to %unction )ell, the selected electorate ()hich may !e in the millions) )ill com letely identi%y themselves )ith the eo le" They )ill elect re resentatives to the olitical administrative institutions o% the #tate using their ca acity, 5uality, o ularity and in5uisitiveness" They )ill remain ever vigilant and involved in the )or$ing o% the administration, and $ee a close )atch over their !ehavior and activities, in their individual as )ell as collective li%e, )hich, although so much advocated and desired, is rarely o!served !y today's assive electorate" 6esides, since PROUT's economic system has envisaged the im ortance o% individual enter rise in the rivate small industrial sector and the coo erative system in the large industrial sector, it )ould not negate the natural urges o% o)nershi and enter rise or )ill it lead to individually= or #tate=oriented e9 loitation " On the contrary, it )ill involve all sections o% eo le in society and develo the harmonious gro)th o% all the %our sychic classes"


The PROUT Companion

Q. 5oes P#$UT propose the concentration of political po!er to "e vested in one institution or in one person? PROUT !elieves in the centralization o% olitical o)er !ut not in its concentration in one institution or one erson" To tal$ o% the devolution o% olitical o)er o% the #tate under the resent circumstances is as theoretical as the uto ian 8ar9ist conce t o% the A)ithering a)ayB o% the #tate H )hich is eye)ash or hy ocrisy" ,ven in those countries in the )orld )here the )riters o% the constitution )ished and dra%ted a system to avoid centralization o% olitical o)er, circumstances ultimately led to its concentration" O% course, arti%icial circumstances had to !e created in order to cover u such an event" The method may !e di%%erent !ut the !asic sychology, necessity or the story is the same" 6ecause the reins o% o)er )ere not in the hands o% ethically strong ersons as contem lated !y PROUT, under one rete9t or the other this centralization has lead to indiscriminate su%%ering or e9 loitation o% the same eo le %or )hose !ene%it the institution o% the #tate )as originally created" PROUT ro oses the centralization o% olitical o)er only as %ar as olicy lanning and general su ervision are concerned" 4t devolves the legislative, e9ecutive, ?udicial and %inancial o)ers in such a manner that the o)er o% actual e9ecution is )ielded !y di%%erent institutions under the a e9 leadershi o% the #advi ra 6oard, the highest :ollective 6ody" 8em!ers or #advi ras constituting the a e9 nucleus emerge through a selecto=electional rocess %rom the lo)er collective !odies" They )ill !e guided !y the rules and regulations %ramed !y the a%orementioned o)ers" The involvement o% the eo le in general in the PROUT olitical system )ill !e an automatic henomenon accom lished !y the hilanthro ic and elevated #advi ras" 21

The PROUT Companion

PROUT denounces the conce t o% concentrating any o)er in one erson and advocates the conce t o% Acollective leadershi B at every stage" Q. )o! is the Proutistic system "etter than other systems in administration? Under communism, %ascism or dictatorshi all the o)ers o% administration tend to get concentrated in one erson or a grou " The administrative machinery !ecomes com letely committed to a %ear= sychosis generated !y the rich erson or a grou " 4n resent=day democracies, there is also an acute de endence o% legislative and e9ecutive %unctionaries u on a erson or a grou o% ersons, )hether it is a arliamentary system or a residential one" As a result, the entire administration gets olitically involved and decisions get olitically tainted" 4n the %inal analysis the ma?ority su%%er" Under the Proutistic system, the administration and !ureaucracy are to !e guided !y the Arules o% la)B )ithout any %ear or %avor" The only commitment o% the administration )ill !e to)ards the ideal o% PROUT" The scienti%ic system o% Ase aration o% o)ersB )ill ena!le the administration to act, undauntedly and unassailed" Q. )o! !ill P#$UT lead to the formation of a !orld government and materialize the concept of Universalism? As mentioned earlier PROUT !elieves in the inherent ins iration o% the :osmic sentiment (#u reme :onsciousness is my %ather, the O erative Princi le is my mother, and the entire Universe is my home)D )hich also de ends u on certain 22

The PROUT Companion

o!?ective circumstances to !e created !y accom lishing the %ollo)ing %actors. 7i8 Common philosophy of life@ # irituality rovides human !eings and humanity )ith a su!tle and tremendous sycho=s iritual ins iration )hich ena!les the individual to move to)ards an e9 loitation=%ree social order and realize sychic e9 ansion and s iritual %reedom" 7ith s irituality as a !ase, a rational hiloso hy should !e evolved to deal )ith the hysical, sychological and socio= hiloso hical ro!lems o% the day" An integrated rational theory dealing )ith all the three hases H s iritual, mental and hysical H o% human develo ment )ill !e the hiloso hy common to man$ind in general" This )ill !e evolutionary and ever= rogressive, in )hich small details may vary according to relative environment o% the age" #uch a hiloso hy o% li%e )ill discourage thin$ing in arochial, caste= or class=oriented or conservative terms revalent in regional societies" On the contrary it )ill ins ire and encourage uni%ying and :osmic sentiments" 7ii8 .ame constitutional structure@ <es ite several o!stacles o% narro) regionalism, nationalism, casteism and other AismsB ham ering human rogress, an inherently o)er%ul trend o% social !lending o% humanity is in rogress and needs a common constitutional structure to esta!lish the )orld solidarity" A )orld government is also most essential %or e9ercising %ull control in certain s heres, such as a )orld militia" Re resentatives in the )orld government head5uarters should rogressively e9 and the sco e o% these s heres and also %orm certain autonomous units (not 23

The PROUT Companion

necessarily national) to solve ro!lems o% education, %ood su lies, %lood control, and u!lic sentiments as )ell as loo$ a%ter the mundane and su ramundane ro!lems" A lingua %ranca %or the )orld should !e evolved" @ocal languages )ith indigenous literature must also !e develo ed to contri!ute to)ards )orld rogress and there!y contri!ute to the common %amily o% human !eings" 7iii8 Common penal code@ :rimes are acts %or!idden !y national la)s )hile virtue and vice are the outcome o% s iritual sanction and traditional customs" The conce ts o% la)ma$ers are very much in%luenced !y these %actors" The sense o% crime has, there%ore, a arallelism )ith the conce t o% virtue and vice, )hich di%%ers %rom eo le to eo le and country to country" PROUT realizes that as long as di%%erences remain in the conce ts o% crime and immorality, society )ill remain s lit" 1ence, PROUT advocates that di%%erences !et)een various la)s !e reduced and the ga !et)een cardinal moral and human la)s should !e !ridged in order to rogressively achieve a similarity in the conce ts o% sin, immorality and crime" AAll those actions )hich hel in the gro)th o% s iritual, mental and hysical as ects o% human !eings in general should come under the category o% virtuous deeds, and those actions )hich go against humanity in its s iritual, mental and hysical develo ment must come under viceB"21


AThe :osmic 6rotherhoodB, 2dea and 2deolo(y, P"R" #ar$ar, 1+3+" A8 Pu!lications"


The PROUT Companion

7iv8 ,vailability 7production supply purchasin( capacity8 of the minimum essentials of life6 The availa!ility o% minimum essentials (including %ood, clothing, housing, medical aid and education) is a must %or the develo ment o% human ersonality and %or achieving the goal o% a )orld community" The re5uisite urchasing ca acity should !e rovided to all individuals so that they !ecome a!le to satis%y their minimum needs in the minimum time and utilize their sur lus time in su ramundane, meta hysical and s iritual s heres" This never=ending e%%ort %or a ro er economic ad?ustment must continue at all times )ith a vie) to assisting the s iritual, mental and hysical evolution o% human !eings and also to let humanity develo a :osmic sentiment %or a :osmic ideal and )orld %raternity" Universalism is !ound to surge %orth as a s ontaneous sentiment and natural realization"


The PROUT Companion

Eternal %on$ of the Proutists

8orality is the demand o% the day PROUT the cry o% su%%ering humanity's 7ise you !e may not or may 4% sincere, success a certainty (ee (y (o (um ,9 el the demons %rom hysical stratum (ee (y (o (um ,9 el the e9 loiters %rom economic stratum (ee (y (o (um ,9 el the !rutes %rom sychic stratum (ee (y (o (um ,9 el the arasites %rom s iritual stratum 1uman !ody is to serve one and all 1uman mind to attend :osmic call 1uman s irit at the altar #u reme #urrender and !e #u reme


The PROUT Companion

Postscript: car!a Ra$hunath Prasad

Acarya Raghunath Prasad, the author o% PROUT Giita, )as a historian, learned inter reter o% PROUT, social activist, and s iritual teacher o% Ananda 8arga" 1e )as !orn on Euly 1, 1+22 in the village o% <hunva Tii$ar in the resent Cushinagar <istrict (at the time Ram$ola <istrict), 4ndia" 6e%ore com leting his academic training he ?oined the R"#"#" 22 and remained in ?ail )hen all R"#"#" senior )or$ers )ere involved in the 8ahatma ;andhi murder case" 1e o!tained masters degrees in !oth Political #cience and 1istory %rom #t" Andre)s :ollege, ;ora$h ur )here he )as elected President o% the college student union" 1e later )or$ed as a lecturer in 8ahatma ;andhi :ollege )here he taught history" 1e ?oined Ananda 8arga in 1+32, )as ordained ,carya early the %ollo)ing year, and !egan )or$ing %ull time %or the organization in 1+*0" 1e resigned %rom his college ost in 1+*3" 1e )as arrested at the start o% the state o% emergency in 1+23 and remained in ?ail until the emergency )as li%ted" <uring his last years he served as the President o% Ananda 8arga Pracara$a #amgha until his death A ril 13, 2002" 4n addition to PROUT Giita, Ac" Raghunath u!lished , 0e1 2nterpretation of ;istory and a num!er o% am hlets and articles on PROUT"

R## is an 4ndian volunteers organization %ounded in 1+23" 4ts mem!ers artici ated in various olitical and social movements including the %reedom movement during the time o% 6ritish 4ndia"


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