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LUZ Commercial Center, Dita, Sta. Rosa City, Laguna Contact No.: 09175 5591! "anuary 19, #01

Mutya F. Capuso Cor$orate Secretary Ca$uso %ir&cages 17t' (lr. )insum Cor$orate *o+er, ,rtigas City, -asig .a&am: )e +rite in /e'al0 o0 our client, Larance *ra&ing, t'e matter o0 your non1 $ayment o0 your o/ligation. Recor&s &isclose t'at you 'a2e $urc'ase& construction materials an& issue& t'e %an3 o0 t'e -'ili$$ines 4slan& C'ec3 +it' no. #5 567!! in t'e amount o0 -'$ 1, 0000, 000.00 to our client. Des$ite re$eate& &eman&s, you 0aile& an& continuously 0ail to $ay t'e a0oresai& amount. 7ccor&ingly, FINAL DEMAND is 'ere/y ma&e u$on you to settle t'e amount o0 Php1,000,000.00 +it'in FIFTEEN (15) ays 0rom recei$t o0 t'is letter. ,t'er+ise, +e +ill /e constraine& to 0ile t'e case o0 %.-. ## against you to $rotect t'e interest o0 our client. )e trust t'at you +ill gi2e t'is matter your $rom$t an& $re0erential attention to a2oi& t'e e8$ense an& incon2enience o0 litigation. *ruly yours, ATT!. ERWIN C. LAVADOR

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