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As both the traditional and the charismatic church seek large crowds as its
source of ministerial validation, many have been deceived into believing that
overflowing pews is evidence or confirmation that the Lord is in the mix. The
truth is that sheep who follow crowds have various motives, the most significant
reason being a desire to be in "the in crowd." This is the grand deception that
keeps the elect committed to a dead work. People who judge success by numbers of
people assembled in a beautiful sanctuary is a false sign to them that "this MUST
be the Lord. Yet facts prove that man has the brain power to do many great
things. The unsaved world proves this. If an unsaved superstar can fill a
stadium with thousands, so can a mega preacher.

An egocentric generation, most church goers don't seem to realize that Satan has
had a seat in the church practically from its inception 20 centuries ago. Satan's
overall strategy over time has been to release the angels that serve him to
gradually yet perpetually tomove church doctrine and practices away from the cross
and an understanding of repentance, rebirth, righteousness, and resurrection.
Rejecting holiness, the church community in this nation and in several others are
being entertained with singers, dancers, comedians and choirs to draw and keep
the people comforted and satisfied. The crowd today reject a hard word. They'd
rather watch a Tyler Perry movie.

In our very hour, churchgoers who run around claiming that they are blessed are
in the hands of the devil even more than the un-churched heathen. Even if the
church is salvageable, some of the problems are so deeply entrenched within the
overall religious system that it would need a total renovation from inside out.
I tried to do so myself, but it didn't work. When I started a church in 1996, I
was still in the Denomination.. Yet once out on my own, I realized that the
"church" model was not working at my church either.

So I thought things would work better if I revamped things. For example, I

stopped a passive bible study where I did all the work and the people just sit
there in front of me. I used to do four bible studies a week, two in the morning
and two at night. Even those in faithful attendance came to each bible study
merely out of ritual and tradition. So I started requiring each member to do an
independent study based upon the message that they heard the previous Sunday. I
asked them to prepare what they had learned and "tell ME about it". They were
assigned to prepare questions based upon what they did not understand in the
teaching. The response of the members was lukewarm, to say the least. After trial
and much error, it finally became clear to me that no one really wanted to
actually study the word of God for themselves. There goal was simply to be
found in church. No one prepared anything. In fact, they appeared confused and
annoyed and by their utter passivity, refused to study the bible on their own.
They were used to being spoon fed and they would have bible study no other way.

The problem is that in spite of all of the various denominations, branches and
sects, the organized church is inter-connected and one church really cannot be
separated from another. When one suffers, they all suffer. As the founder and
pastor of a church , experientially I know this to be a fact. Church is church,
however you slice it. Even when it appears to be working, a close examination will
find the same endemic problems from church to church, pastor to pastor, member to
member. The foundation is basically the same and that foundation is not the true
Son of God. The foundation is actually the organization itself.

It seems as if Christian television has tried to compensate for what

is missing in the organized church. Unfortunately, in the world's system of
media communication, preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ is not feasible because
ratings are based upon program diversity. For this and other reasons, mega TV
preachers are prone to add to or take away from the pure and simple gospel. On
both radio and television, Jesus crucified, buried and raised doesn't play well.
For example, Joyce Meyer primarily teaches Christians and rarely does she preach a
salvation message. Consequently, she has untold people who watch her, love her
down to earth, practical focus on the joy of living, yet I have heard of too many
homosexual couples say that they love to sit and listen to Joyce together. Church
on TV just don't convert and convict of sin.

It bares repeating that according to the prophet Daniel, God will allow His people
to be deceived for a season in the last days so that they may be tried and
refined. (Daniel 11:35). In fact, Daniel predicted that the enemy will even
prevail. (7:21). Therefore it stands to reason that to measure whether or not a
work is from God or Satan's fallen angels based upon various criteria of success
or failure according to church standards is a major mistake. Certainly the
denomination looks down its nose at me, not realizing that my failures with the
organized church were divinely designed to refine and purify me for "such a time
as this."

After decades of refinement, I have come to understand over time that the worst of
all the plagues of the organized church is for faithful churchgoers to assume that
they are on the narrow path that leads to eternal life, never to discover in this
life that they were actually on the broad way that leads to damnation. It's a
shocking reality to discover that faithful church attendance may have even opened
them up to curses and not to the blessings that they either seek or assume that
they have by legal right. For to presumptuously take for granted ones salvation
is very dangerous, to say the least. It's a horrible thing to believe that you
are safe, when the reality is that you are not safe. It's beyond my imagination
to consider the ramifications of thinking you in the secret place of the Most
High when you are in the lion's den without any help. It's the worst kind of

It is ironic to note that the very conditions conducive to the pervasive emergence
of the plagues of the organized church thrive in Her ability to weaken, distort,
misapply and discard Her primary reason for existing, namely, the revelation of
both the cross and the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Lord's words to the
first church age in His letter to the church at Ephesus speaks volumes in our
time. She has lost Her first love and in this generation, she is neither sorry
nor ashamed. Just as the Apostle Paul described in his letter to Timothy, men and
women of the cloth, inspired by fallen angels who teach, speak lies as if they
were truths and they have no conscience. Subsequently, the plagues are spread by
teachers who use scriptures out of context and those who allow denominational
traditions to override scripture and make powerless the word of God.

Paul also warned the Galatians that anyone who adds to or detracts from the word
of God brings a curse or in other words, "a plague" on both the culprits and the
victims they teach. To the Galatians, Paul declared it this way, "if any man
preach any other gospel, other than what I have preached, let him be cursed."
(Galatians Ch.1:9) Two thousand years have passed since Paul's rather serious
proclamation. I am not an historian, but I would imagine that any church or
religion professing to be Christian that either subtracts or adds to the gospel of
Jesus Christ has reaped the fruit of this curse, from one generation to another.
Today, there are countless people who are being oppressed and tormented by demons
because they are preaching "another gospel."

Even though I was taught by mega preachers oppressed by seducing spirits, I am

amazed to find that I have never taught any doctrine that added to or detracted
from the bible. I may have momentarily considered or even practiced a mixed
doctrine myself. However, by the grace of God, I didn't teach it to others. For
example, I was a faithful tither but I DID not insist that my members tithed nor
did I urge them to give offerings and expect to receive a 100 fold blessing." I
believed in healing but I didn't teach that God ALWAYS heals. I spoke in tongues
for more than two decades, but I didn't teach others that they must also speak in
tongues. I fell slain in the spirit, even operated in that practice, yet I
stopped laying my hands on people's foreheads as soon as I became suspicious of
the manifestation.

If you have not yet gleaned in the preceding chapters my reason for self
disclosure, bluntly put, in the likeness of the prophet Joel, I am blowing the
trumpet and sounding the alarm in what I believe to be very close to the last of
the last days. I stand in a unique place because I could not blow the trumpet or
sound the alarm while still a part of Zion myself. I am akin to a whistleblower
or a defector from the ordained clergy, bellowing quite loudly with an urgent cry
unchurched, I simply say, "STAY OUT OF HER."

A benefit of longevity is the ability to look back at the past with new insightS
that were out of reach in days gone by. For example, when I consider my youth,
undoubtedly I escaped the plagues that lurked in both the spiritual and the
natural alleys of inner city life. Sin, destruction and death set its deadly
traps, yet without the shelter of religion or the protection of the organized
church, I survived the ghetto unscathed. Even the allure, domination and control
of new age occultism couldn't keep me bound once the cross and the resurrection
turned me into a new creation. My three years in the occult were very dangerous.
To say the least, the poltergeist occurrences alone could have plagued me with a
lifetime of mental illness. And let's not forget the manifestation of a being who
resembled the fallen angel who calls himself "St. Germain" was enough to take
anyone "over the edge." Not even seeking after God or the church, the Holy Ghost
still sought me out. Not only did I escape occultism, I became born again.

Yet the biggest shock to both myself and Satan is that I was able to escape the
organized church. By now, the perceptive reader has come to realize that fallen
angels have fought long and hard for 25 years, to obtain jjust enough ground in me
to keep me perpetually deceived. With every little bit of counterfeit guidance,
manifestations of various chills and thrills to my body, whispers in my itching
ears ever so softly, the religious demon thought that he had firmly secured his
ground. The beauty of the strategy is that without much effort on the demons
part, both my faith and my sincerity kept the deception alive.

The chief avenue of attack was directed toward building a solid, impregnable
bridge between my natural propensity toward signs and wonders and a busy,
intersecting freeway of clever counterfeits of the divine presence and operations
of God. Seemed foolproof. By means of subtle suggestions, frequent and constant
dreams, a few key visions, and outstanding prophecies of a future ministry lodged
in my mind, I personally validated the overall deception by my own assumption that
"it all was from God."

So how did I escape? The road to freedom was as Jesus said. My love for the
truth consistently and continually shut down each and every road that led to the
deception. First and most important, I faced truth about myself. I did as James
advised. I resisted the devil by humbling myself and defeating personal pride.
Moving toward freedom began by searching through my memory for every
supernatural experience that I have had in 32 years. As each experience proved to
have been sent to me by the deception of a fallen angel, I denounced it. When I
saw that my ministerial name had been inspired by a prophecy sent to me by a
fallen angel, I not only renounced the name I used for 25 years, I no longer
even repeat its name from my lips. When I discovered that sermonizing is both
human and demonic and not divine, I stopped delivering sermons. When I discovered
that a fallen angel called me into deliverance ministry, I set casting out demons
aside until I could find some more answers

As it stands, once I realized that I had been duped, I rejected all things
supernatural including my own soul power. For example, when I sleep at night,
I've learned to place a stop sign that acts as a roadblock to the supernatural
activities of my own soul. Very few dreams get through my "roadblock." On rare
occasions, when a communication gets through, I will my mind to forget it and when
I wake up, its gone. The demons then find someone they can use to speak through
to get their message across. These human channels unknowingly come to me, sending
me demonic messages. I've been known to silently respond with a "get thee behind
me Satan."

Where my ministry was concerned, on July 8, 2007, I was shown that those who
assembled in the church I founded had been living two lives: a Christian face
before me when we assembled and a worldly face at home, on the job and in the
local community. I shut the church down on July 8th, 2007. However, members
continued to assemble in the house of my assistant pastor. I attended, but I did
not preach or teach. It took two years, but my assistant pastor finally came to
realize that I was right. There was no fruit for Christ among us.

There are many who practice a professing Christian religion who live under a
curse because they have either added to or taken away from the gospel of Jesus
Christ. I have found from our studies that demons are having a field day with
professing Catholics, Mormons,(Latter Day Saints) Jehovah Witnesses, Coptics,
Christian Scientists and others. When you profess to be a Christian yet Jesus is
not Lord and the Holy Spirit is not God in your so called Christian faith, demons
will use this fact against you as an occasion to rule in your life. The demons
will be successful because you are practicing a religion that has "added to the
gospel." Others who claim to believe in Jesus Christ associate themselves with
cultish groups such as freemasonry or participate in occult practices that are
directly or even indirectly linked to the religious rights of non-Christian
religions, ie. yoga, transcendental meditation, chanting, reincarnation and the
like. In fact, some mainline denominational churches are rapidly embracing what is
now called "Christian Yoga."

Demons will bow at the name of Jesus Christ of Nazereth even among the heathen,---
those who have never believed on Him. Why? Because David declared it this way in
Psalm 2. When Jesus Christ was raised from the dead, the Father turned to Him and
said "Ask of me anything. and I will give to You, My Son, the heathen for your
inheritance." I believe that Jesus asked the Father to give Him the heathen. So
if you are lost and do not have the Lord in your life, Jesus Christ is still your
God, whether you believe in Him or not. The problem for you, though, is that even
though He has you, you cannot receive Him until the Holy Ghost draws you to the
cross and you repent as an unclean sinner. And since "you do not have Jesus",
demons will wipe up the dirty streets of the world with you and those assigned to
you will destroy you, despite of the fact that Jesus owns you.

Since Jesus is the one with the keys to hell and death, He will be the one who
will incarcerate you in hell for eternity in spite of the fact that He died for
you. In fact, I can cast demons from you today and they WILL come out in fear of
His name. Even so, Jesus said that they will come back with a fury seven fold
stronger than your original state if you do not receive Him as your Lord. (Matthew
12:45) The good news of the gospel is that we can set you free in the Name of
Jesus Christ of Nazareth also. In fact, it is easier to set the heathen free from
a non-religious demon than those who are worshipping a false "so called
Christian" god. Those who have experienced His power in setting them free will
most often bow to His Lordship and become truly saved.

A word of warning. Just because you have not yet felt the ramifications of a
plague, does NOT mean that you have escaped it. It may manifest at the end of
your life or even in the lives of your children and grandchildren. For example,
freemasonry in the church is a major example of how the Fake Jesus has established
a seat in countless organized churches. In fact, many of the mainline
denominations were even founded by practicing freemasons, with freemasons in the
pulpits yet today. I suggest that you read a rather understandable and concise
teaching from an internet article found at Here is an excerpt. "The
Masonic temple is a temple of witchcraft! There is no doubt about that. Veiled
within its symbols are the deities and even the working tools of witchcraft! The
blazing star at the center of the lodge is the witch's pentagram, symbol of the
god of Satanism, Set. The letter "G" stands for generativity, sexual potency."

Religious and witchcraft demons are not easy to cast out because they require the
captive to disavow the actions of not only their church families but also their
own personal family. Most captives refuse to do so and as a consequence, they
shall remain bound. Even so, what is impossible with man is possible with God.
What you need to know is that God will give you grace, but as James points out,
God resists the proud. As you draw near to God through the humility of repentance,
you can cleanse your own hands if you will disavow both your Christian church
and those family members who have transgressed through the practice of freemasonry
and other forms of witchcraft that have either added to or taken away from the
gospel of Jesus Christ. Such an admonition is made to those who enter every
church who has added to or taken away from the gospel. For example, those in the
word of faith movement have been adding to and taking away from the gospel for the
last 3 decades with the prosperity gospel, name it and claim it, and countless
other doctrines and teachings. Denominational churches are known for accepting
freemasonry, yoga, and forms of worship that counterfeit the Holy Ghost. If you
have "been there and done that," I warn you that the curse is near you. So draw
near to God by humbling yourself and admitting your error, and God will give you
grace and lift you up out of your bondage. ( James Chapter 4)

At the present time, I need power to remove the veil of confusion and blindness
that is causing churchgoers to be deceived into worshiping the Fake Jesus.. I
need God's power to draw people who are in bondage to religious angels---people
trained in false doctrine and idolatry. The enemy's mission is certainly moving
toward its culmination. Yet even though I believe that fallen angels have
empowered thousands of churches and ministries that preach prosperity to the
exclusion of the gospel of Jesus Christ, my biblical understanding tells me that
those who are a part of the remnant in the last days shall be totally immersed
in God's power and therefore it is imperative that the elect be able to discern
what is truly of Him from the supernatural manifestations of fallen angels. Since
a remnant is a piece of an old garment, I suspect that implicit in the word's
meaning is a symbolic message that the last generation of believers shall be as
empowered as the first one was, for they are cut from the same cloth.

If you have gleaned anything from my testimony thus far, you should now realize
that no one can really demonstrate God's power with his own goodness, human wisdom
or intelligence. The truth is that there is no therapy, no method, no 12 steps, no
approach or technique that can contend with the might and strength of the devil
and his fallen angels. The Bible records in Acts 10:38 "how God anointed Jesus of
Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power, who went about doing good and healing
ALL that were oppressed of the devil, because God the Father was with Him." If God
was with Jesus and the remnant are with Jesus and Jesus IS God the Son, then
wherever the remnant go, God is going with them.

That is why I had to examine myself, seek the Lord's face, cry out in prayer for
Him to "expose the darkness that surrounds me." And He did so. I backed up and
fell prostrate before Him. I backed up with my intelligence, my personality my
charm, my human wisdom and human know how, with my opinions, interpretations
and perceptions because all these things are human power and human power is NO
POWER against the devil. In fact, all the devil was doing was mocking me when my
healings failed, when the demons I thought were cast out were still there. When
the word I preached of righteousness and holiness fell on wayside, thorny and
stony ground. It was a sheer mockery.

The bottom line is that any faith that does not preach the gospel of Jesus Christ
as presented in the bible is participating in the worship of Satan in a different
form. You may not be drawing a pentagram and having a black mass, but you might
as well. You are not worshipping the Father. The devil has tricked you into
worshipping him with false doctrine. People in religious bondage cannot be drawn
by human wisdom. We can't even draw them by arguing the scriptures. I look at the
advice that was written to Titus Ch 3:9. "Avoid foolish disputes, genealogies,
contentions and strivings about the law. They are unprofitable and they are
useless." It is useless to come against people about their faith with arguments
and disputes--- trying to persuade them that Jesus is the only way. What we have
to do is demonstrate who Jesus is and that Jesus is in us and that Jesus is

My testimony has evolved as I have picked up my cross and followed Jesus. If I

have learned anything at all, I have learned that in order to demonstrate power,
I must die daily---in other words, be crucified with Christ, and thereby allow Him
to live out His life through me. Crucifixion comes before resurrection.
Resurrection is the demonstration of power. Crucifixion is realizing that as a
human being, I have nothing that I can use to serve God with that is going to be
useful against the devil. Not by human power. Not by human might or strength
but by My Spirit, saith the Lord.! My personality cannot do it. My charisma
cannot do it. My human ability cannot do it. Paul was one of the most educated
men of his day. But when we look at the text, Paul wrote to the Corinthians, he
exclaimed, "I didn't come to you in my human wisdom. I didn't come with my human
abilities. But I came to you demonstrating the power of God."

Beside preaching the gospel so that the Holy Spirit can convict and convert, the
most important responsibility of the church of Jesus Christ is to tend the sheep.
Jesus was very particular about the mandate of safety and protection when He
revealed to the Apostle Peter that the best way a minister can demonstrate love
for Him is not only to feed but to tend them. To feed is to teach, nurture and
guide but to tend is to protect from all harm and danger, particularly from the
wolves. Consequently, when the organize church can not protect its own people,
both the babes , then this clear and convincing evidence that a plague is in
My own case is a glaring example of the plague in operation. A babe in Christ
with serious background in new age occultism, what do I find operative in my first
church with my first pastor? Charismatic witchcraft. Church should be a place
where a babe in Christ can learn to walk in the spirit and to not fulfill the lust
of his or her flesh. What did I find? Preachers operating as sexual predators.
One non-denominational preacher opened my eyes to the fact that my occult
practices of necromancy, channeling, astrology and reincarnation were of the
devil, yet that same man introduced me to the charismatic teachings of the non-
denominational churches, which are also simply another form of witchcraft. A root
in dry ground, I thank God that when I walked into church doors for the first
time, I was already saved.

My case aside, I observed the plagues operate within the Denomination from the
very beginning. In fact, I have forgotten more instances of tragedy that befell
Sojourner Truth members and even pastors than I can remember today. In most cases,
the suffering seemed almost an embarrassment for people who are supposed to have
a covenant with God. I couldn't understand it. Most of the people simply
repeated the same ole platitudes of " who can know God? We'll all understand bye
and bye."

The first one who stood out for me was Brother Tommy. Tommy belonged to a
prominent family who were among the founding members of Sojourner Truth. A
married man, Tommy tried to be discrete but it was well known in the church that
he constantly "played around." However, his sins didn't keep him out of the
pulpit for his ability in congregate prayer made room for him not only in the
Denomination but in several churches in the region. Even the ministers could not
compete with Tommy. The man worked himself up--- supposedly "in the Holy Ghost,"
to such an extent that the entire congregation went into a frenzy. By the
time Tommy finished the prayer, he was soaking wet with sweat. By then,
practically the entire congregation had already leaped up off of the pews,
shouting, dancing and falling out in the aisles. Even the ministers respected
Tommy's praying ability. Everyone automatically assumed that Tommy was simply
anointed and called by God to preach. However, when frequently asked by others if
he was going to enter the ministry, Tommy vehemently responded in the negative.

On the day Tommy died, his girlfriend dreamt that he knocked at her door but when
she went to open it, no one was there. Others had similar dreams. It was rather
eerie, to say the least. The last time I saw Tommy was in church that Sunday
morning. I was sitting in the pulpit along with the pastor of the church, and I
watched Tommy nervously looking for his eyeglasses which apparently he had lost.
After midnight, Tommy was found crushed between two huge machines at his job
while working the midnight shift. No one found him and he died a slow and
painful death. I remember thinking, "to lose one's glasses is symbolic of
spiritual blindness." Tommy's mother was one of the old mothers, a pillar of the
church, and she too died an unseemly death. Old and mentally challenged, Sistah
Clarkson went out blaspheming and cussing from her nursing home bed.

Yet there were so many others who suffered weird and unusual circumstances that I
noted in my mind seemed strange to be happening to God's people. It didn't dawn
on me then that perhaps these were not really God's people but that they were
either worshiping the Fake Jesus by ignorance or that they were reprobate
imposters, un- concerned about sin. I can remember a time when I was drawn into
the case of a dying member with a brain tumor. I had a dream that she would be
healed and live to see the birth of a grandchild. To encourage Sister Perry I
told her the dream. She smiled and looked puzzled because all of her children,
except one daughter, were homosexual. Yet a few days later, Siste Perry was
astonished to learn that one of her gay sons had very recently impregnated a
young woman. Now confident that my dream was frp, God, I went forth and laid
hands on Sister Perry. She died a few weeks later.

In retrospect, clearly Satan mocked both of us by sending me a supernatural sign

to instill false hope. Shortly after her death, I was informed that Sister Perry
had gone to a root worker to seek a healing. Not sure whether she had done so
before or after my dream, I rationalized that God intended to heal her but that
Sister Perry shortened her own life by seeking the services of the idolater.
Perhaps. Yet I can't help but remember how mocked I felt. It was like the demons
were actually laughing in my face. No excuse could hold water. Without a doubt,
that dream came from the enemy bent on mocking us both, and to make me look and
feel like a fool. Shortly after her death, Sister Perry's husband slept with her
best friend and there was much scandal about it. Sister Perry's husband remained
an alcoholic up until his own recent death. Their sons have remained
homosexuals. Even the one who married and had several more children has
maintained an effeminate appearance over the years.

I could actually write a book not only about the Denomination's members, but I
also witnessed similar cases among the Pentecostals, including but not limited to
mental health breakdowns, criminal convictions, strange diseases and other
unusual plagues. Close to home, in spite of my faithfulness as a pastor, I also
observed signs of the plague among members of my own congregation. For example, as
much as I tried to stop it, some of my members were predators. For example, if a
drug addict were to visit my church for the first time, he would not be safe from
those in the congregation who tried to cover up their own problem.

Certainly all babes in Christ need someone to feed them the word of God.
They need to be able to ask personalized questions and receive answers relevant
and specific to their needs. Even a Christian talk show can be deceiving because
people who are untrained and unskilled in the word of God will take the advice
they hear sent to a particular caller, and improperly apply it to their own
particular situation. After I was saved and still a babe in Christ, I fed myself
off of the tapes of Kenneth Copeland, Kenneth Hagin, Fred Price and several
others. I pumped one tape after another into my head. I misapplied the
scriptures on faith to some real life situations where if I had had a personal
teacher, I could have learned a lot quicker and avoided the pitfalls. Instead, I
took what these preachers taught out of context, and wrongfully applied their
teachings to my own life.

Along these lines, TV preachers cannot answer personal questions. As clear as I

myself tried to keep it simple when I preached in my own church, invariably,
someone misread or misinterpreted my teachings. To counteract this problem,
anyone who wanted to contact me by email or by phone to ask me a question about
something that I taught could do so. However, with an emphasis on a continual
increase in church membership, the average pastor does not devote his time to the
needs of the individual.

I truly hope that I am wrong but historical evidence that I laid out in "The Fake
Jesus" suggests to me that the damage done over centuries by previous
generations is beyond repair. Sin is now so intrinsic that it is almost
impossible for the organized church on a whole to repent.

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